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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1886)
8 1 ATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY enwr STITES ft NUTTING. BCSl.i KVtOl H Kln Dent err at Batldlnawu Brutartalfclai street. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ngU- oopr, iMrjnr, In ail van ro. ........ Bs 60 iitfio cony, par jeer, at md of year S 00 I itfU cjv , tlx ewnthe 1 60 turf ropy, three saonUia TS nte number 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHaN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of this State. Will gho i peolal Attention to collections and probata matter. Office in Foater'e new brick. 9tf L. H. MONTANYB. TTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public Albany, Oregon. Office upstairti, over John Brlgg More, st at root. vnnzstr J. K. WE ATHERF0RD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) xTTORNEY AT LAW, UHIM. OKSCOW. TT(LL PRACTICE IS ALL THE COURTS OP THE Stale. Special attention given to collections and rebate mat tor. UrOfloa In Odd reJlaVa Temple. (14:1 f. o. rowiLL r. n. kiltec rowEUi & biIjYeu, vTTORVRYS T T.AW, And Solicitors in fhanrepv II.H4EY. - OKF.OJ(. Collections promptly matte on all point. Loans negotiated on reanon aide terms. rteT-Offlce In Foater'a Rriok."fBs Tl4nl9tf. jljTwhitkey, Attorney And Counsellor it La? AND Notary Public ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Court of ibis State. All business Intrusted to him ar ill be promptly attended to. E. W. LAN C DON & CQM lKUOIllT. dookJi. Stationery and Toilet Article, A LArfcv Stock and Low Prices. OITT I3HXJO- STORE, ALBUM. OKCCOV F08HAY & MASON, -tiouuli xmo asrarv- Druggists and Booksellers, A pent a for John B. Alden's publication, which we sell at publisher's prices with poetagt added. OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED. Albany, Or. TURNITURE. ( have the beet stock of nrniture in the city aod will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE m the citv end the lowest price in the Valley. Come aod see. Undertaking, A BOBBD lete stock and can gire 8ATLS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN. Eevere House, Ikeewea lrtaaul Ellawwrtb Albany. Orr ueller & Garrett, Prop'rs rht, new Kotw' ia fitted up in flrat eiaea nyle. Tabh supplied with the te,l the market alTc-rde. Spring H -ia in every lb on. A good Sample Boom lor Com tt waaJ Travelere. VSTVrr . t. and Owiet tnr Hotel. -J ALBANY CJLLEGIAIE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. Al.iitSV, OK. Vhe First Teim will coojinence on Taosday, Sept., 15th. 1885. for particulare concerning t-fc of study and he price of tuition, apply w BKV. J- C. WICKOrF, PreaiUent Aioany Bath House. aw If.; -i DEK51UNBD WOULD RESPECT 1 fal'ty . iform the eltiiant of Albany and ri ,tiHlBst I havetakan charge of this KaUblifh ti'., keeping elaaa rooms and pajin ttr!t ittao'.lon to bntisMa, expeets to fait si I tga who may faror us erith thalr patronage ' -,riE fc.3t,ofer earriad on nothing bat yirtt-OUss Hair Urssstus Saloon nau to give satire atisfertion to al (' l.iien ani Ladlee' Hair neatly on ha -pooe'l JOB WEBBER. drTj.l. hill, Physician and Surgeon, ' OflJce-'r. First and Ferry Street, A HiVIY - " Q WEttON. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, (Successors to C. C. Cherry,) f&tmtti, lillwTights, and Iror Founders. a ET E HAVBOUB NEW SHOPS AT,L (vmipleted. and are now preparedj to handle all klDd of beavy work. We will manufacture Hteam Enijinea. Orist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Bra Casting. . rATTEBMB N4RK OX BHOBT NOTICE. Teclal attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac tttre the Improved Cherry A White Grain Moirator ft. J, HENTON, Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR Ronrflaanta aevural of tke best Fire In nHnM Oomnani'sson the Coast. Call tn VOL. XXI. GERrRErY Caret Rhi MM, HI Mr. KlrTV Ik'kTt llra hid lililim . .... . iwiiu tw.,iuaTiawes.aB. H'xnhitrlu FVe from Opiate, L'mW:c. md ft Ilea. SAFE. 25& SURE. PROMPT. Ar Dereeam ai di: At Deteeam a.h Duliii tut a. voauujra cu.. tut.TiBOSK,aa. Skin TORTURES -AND blood inou Juiiiiliatin Eruption, luhlnir and SB I' ........ . I .i . nmir, toawiaonic js.rr. mad rt.rv "aaaar, SSSn, neply. Inherits, and w"'. TV " ,h nUxti- kl" ami Bel, ltb 1e of hair from infancy t ..Id a, an, .w-iw. ly cured oura and CuUcura tcrnally tOVKREO WITH SOBBS. I have beta afflicted since laat Mama, -i.h . ate dkaraae the doctors caled Eeaaaaa My face waa coereU with ecabe and aorea. and tin, and burnlna- vara almoat unbearable Bealnv ruur Cut! cure R medic, au highly riniaaiaaediil. i nil I to giro them a trial, oat nr. the Ctuicura ainl CuUcura S.,.exieroalT,and KeaoUent internally, lor for in.mlha call myeelf cuied. In sratitude lor which mu wmm pbbiic auueuieni. . Maa. l uk i A. raasaaiCK. Broad bruok. (n. NC'ALP.FACE, E li AMD KECK. I waa afflicted with Eeaaaaa oa the Kcatp, Kaee. Mr ana .,, which the drujal.t, where I y..ur i emedie,, pronounced ote . bC the I had conie under hie notice. Ma adeau ma to an your CuUcura Bemed lea. and alter five daya' uae my dp and part . f my face were entirely cured, and I hope in another week to have my ears, neck, and the other part of my f ice cured. 120 E th Strett, New Tors. . ITC HING DIEAE CURED. CHiUcuraatandaat the head of it. elaaa, eepecUlly SI IMS the mm with the futicura Moan. Have Saw an unuaualiy food aale thie tummer, ewln, to the preealeaee of an g rarted form of lu h through aome l.-alifee in the country, in which the CuUcura Baaiediee proved aatiaf.ctury. .. , W. L. IlABeuaa, Druawiat. ! t.iontewn. By. CVflCftA REMEDIES aold by all drugfiau. Prioe : CuUcura SO cenu. KeaolyeDt, i ; Soap, a ewnU. PoUen Drua and Chemical Co., BoeU.n. bend for "How to Cure bkln Dleaaeea' DC AIITIKY the eompiexioo and akin by ostaff DCHU the ctftwva or. THE SEW I St; MACHiXE le the eauae of Ctorto Me aod weakneea i or acbtna aidea and back, kidner pales. Sciatica, cheat peine, weakneea and in flammation, the CuUcura AnU-Pain FUa tcr ia intalliable. 25 centa, MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. A PERKINS Wlndtulll Csa he relied upon for a Qrat-elaaa mill. In jtaJc or calm, a et or enow, it la the beat in uae. For a1, die addreea la I at la sicn the Tel. dealer, cor. front and Morriaon M. 1'rrUaqt tr. Bole agent for I'erkina' Windmill Co., of Miabwauka, lud., inOrageaand Waahingtoo. UOmZ To AH Sufferers Of EYE, EAR, HERVOUS, OR RECTAL PISEASER. DR. J. B. PILKINCT0N, Surgeon Oculist, Anxist & Specialist, Offer free consultation. Will be at REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On the Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday forenoon, folloiving the ist Monday of each month. Will make these viit monthly for one veartocome. Am curing scores of the inrt fni ma of above diseases, iterers i IP Albany to Jas. 8. Cherry cui nee. R A. Raropy, Drugs Deffenbacker, farmer at Hai cured of blind gist, and Fred arrisburo;. con cerning Rectal diseaats. A scoie of other name given on application. -erAGO WOOD AND HARDWARE. Peter A Stewart have neck-yoke and sintrle tree, ironed or unlroned, neck voke Irons, single-tree irons, ntblrqns. felloes, spokea, a trees, etc, all for aar hea p. J1 CASE PLOsv This famous nlow Is well known in Linn County. Tho chilled and steel plows are well made from tho very best material aud are warranted to do as good work and cour full y a well as any other plows Peters A Htewart are the sole agents FRED GRAF, Manufacturer and Doaler in all k!ndso AND UNDERTAKER. 8 First Street Albany, Or T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -ASJD- Notary Public. THE CHINESE MUST GO. Three vounir men will do work of all kinds, sawing wood, gardening, etc & BrownelVs. Leave orders at Read a a a rui arM .!. in Fit Red Star THAP t VteZ MARK. (oufcflfURE II r Skin l.yfutUurm. the creel akin on. aaS i a. an exuul.lts .kin hMutia.r -. ...r.ii.. BBSSiTci.t, th new Ul.ud 'I' ii.' MS a.-1"" St w a Prow our regular eorreapvnaeitt ) Wasbixoton, May Gtb,1886. The proipeot for the eiUblUhmenl of a permanent KxpoaitSon here In 1889 Is gradually taking shape. The promoters of the scheme are very impatient for Congress to do what it has been asked to do towards advanc ing the enterprise, and ere disposed to criticise the dUatortnea of our law makers In regard to this matter. The Kxpoaltlon board ia composed of one hundred end fifty energet ic business men, and if they were assisted by the coveted appropriation, the great work would begin wlihout delay. One ef the first thlogs they did waa to go to tbe railroads and got them to agree to low fares, without which no great crowd will assemble anywhere. Not only can the Qov eminent contribute many collections of Interest to this Exposition which would cot be allowed to go out of Washington, but If a permanent ex position building bo erected, many things would be turned ovoi to It that now tske up room In the De partment buildings, rue in which is needed for the actual transition of public business. The Government has completely outgrown ait the provisions mads for it thirty or forty years ago and sup posed to he adequate for tt least a century. Toe Capitol is jammed the library has overflowed ; even the Senate and the House are pushed for committee rooms ; the White Houe Is too small ; the Executive Depart moots have had to use additional buildings outside. Nothing has ever proved large enough fur the growing exigencies of our Government. Wedneedsy wee l field day In the House of Representatives and Mr. Hewitt, a sturdry Democrat from New York, deeervee tbe thanks of every American tax -payer for bis assertion of the rights of the people et large against tbe demagogues In Congress aod the claim agents in tbe lobby. His protest In the House against a further waste of public money In reckless pension legislation waa as timely ae It waa vigorous. The embarrassment of southern mem bers In trying to stem this current has been the subject .f much com. moot. They are llablo to have their motives miseconstrued, and all tbe disclaimers they can utter will not relieve them of the wrongful odium. Amoog tbe northern members tbe Republicans are committed to the pclicy of heavy pension appropria tions, u,t only in pursuance of tbe standard the party has set up for lit self in Its treatment of everything connected with the war ert but be. cause the pension system affords the readiest outlet for the surplus which accumulates in the Treasury. The bill upon which Reprteitis tive Hewitt md his asvMge asult waa one to allow bounty money i.. lay paid to commissioned officers in the late war who had enlisted as private and had failed on account of promo tion to get a bounty. He declared tn?t bg limit of enduracpe on the part of i ho tax-payer had been reach. edf and that the discontent on ac count of excessive taxation waa break ing out In riots, dynamite and death. These who wanted to dive their hands down into the Treasury took advantage of the delicate position tbe southern members are placed in, being aubiect tc the charge of dlsloy. ally if they resist the steal. But no one could bring this charge agsinst hira and he would make the fight. "The question to-day," he said, Is social order. "At all costs aud at all bazords it moat kf rnalntained. It is better to have bad laws than no laws : It Is better to have tyrsnnv than anarchy, and It Is measures like this that are forciog this issue upon tbe people. The House should address itself to measures of relief to tbe reduction of txilln." "If the relu"' n of taxation the prime neccaai y ,f tho hour, why does not your uifjority reduce It ?" asked Mr. Hepburn of Iowa. "That is exsctly the burden of my remarks," replied Mr. Hewitt. "The Democrats of this House have a ma jority. There is a bill pending which will reduce taxes about $26,000,000. I know th,at efforts. hve been made to prevent the oonsid era tion and passage of that bill aud I will go with the gentleman from Iowa in a,ek-cloth and ashes, if necessary, in order to make atonement for the failure of this House and my party and administration to fulfil the pledg es they made to the people when they asked for their votes and recelv ed the verdict whjch placed them In power. Yen Yes 1 we shall be trai tors to every obligation which we assumed, te every duty which we are sent here to fulfil, unless we wake up to the sentiment of. the people on ALBANY, OREGON, this great uueatlon. and instead of waw at w Imposing taxes and making new ap propriatlona, reduce the taxes and liahten the load on the enerxiee of the people. This wss the pith of the attack upon the bill, and although there are many In sympathy with Mr. Hewitt politically, who do not agree with hi in on Tariff, question, there sre none who do not commend him for his abuse of the present system of walitlpg tho peoples' money for un deserved uonslons. The flebt was - - - - war stubborn on! sides of tho Hail, and lasted from an early hour in the afternoon until after midnight. Roclc Hill Iter. U. tiperry preached Mr. Oak let's funeral sermon the 17ib, at Rock Hill sobool bJuss,toa very large erswd. Ha seems to be ons of lbs tsading min isters for the people here. Farmers sre all dons sowing spring grain, as far as we know. Same ate plowing summer fallow. Bering grain loeka fine,atif fa'l wheat lbs same. W tidatrae bet ries sre ripe now. The did not seem to get ripe as soon ibis year as Usf. We had the first mess on tbs 15ib of this orooth. A few nf Mr. and Mrs. Jwhn Reed's fiionds took them by surprise a ahori time ago, and all had a kood time dur ing tbs day and a spiritual meeting, a meeting that will never We forgotten by tbe f i iends thai were present. MA Rock Hillsr" bad the pleasure of attending it, and it waa carried ou; aplendid. Tbe musie tbat waa furnished by Miss Eftls Risd wss charming Also tbe same cswd surprised Mr. J. 8. Caldwell, tiring nesr Fern Ridge, and all bad a nico time and a gt.od meeting tassides. Mr. E. Mills left us Isst Friday en rott.e for Portland. He has I sen viait iug with bis ftiends and relatives, and bis Isrge host of friends here wish bun success wherever be may go. Mr. K awerth Milla started across the mountains one day las; week, and will be gone all summer. Every person seems. in have bad a very had cough or cold during the wet weather. Tbe benign countenance of Miss Maud Mu.ler, of Waterloo, wee saen bers in our sanctum tbe middle of laat week. In vain wa search lbs columns of the Democrat to find tbe interesting items from tbe neighboring pens of "Maud Mullet" end "Wave." The late grain around Sodavitls louks fine so far. Tbe Seveu Day Ad.en'iste have teen holding meetings t tire tch l house at Saiaville tbe last wek,tu tbeeveniegs. Tby hsvtt gut a good school at Soda. ville ibis epitof. Ths rehqiars seem to rn very fst,wiib Prof. A. D. Leeds 4 teacher. The fienpie of Hwdaville ltd wll in euiploftnK trim. M . J drn Boa is able to be SffUUl d a't ,.fter a lultg hick pU. M. i -. of Wa.teiio- ith.rtoa us that hw ia goiug to Us up tbe aprir.g in a . . t a 1 1 . asii'ii. time, so me opie win come t W.turloo. Tbe fort brtdre U going 1 1 be put in aome time this week. If good ureatbcr rmits ihe peopla. will so m make a starf. M. Uross is going to keep a Oral -class hotel this summer, and dsserves a patronage. Ws can hi ir fly say theie is a gate mado near here that is euiwriu' to any gats tbat is mads ia ibis slave. You can rtde m horse hack and never atop to open It, tbs same way in tbe wsgon. Fsrmsrs ah need auch a gate, as tbey are worth money te farmers. There is one that stanns on the man's ptaoe,tbat bss been there now 3 year and it is ist as good as when it was pu. there. Tbey are the koss gt, maJe b Datid Peterson, Mrs. 8. Peterson, tl L very siok, but ws are in hps shs will soon get better. Mr. Gilbert Csrna srd wife intends moving to near Mabel ibis wetk,wbere be intends working in a saw tniU near tbat place. Mr. Frank I lea ley, of Sxla ville, waa no better when Isst beard from. His many fiitmds wishes him a speedy re . T I T GOVS' y. ia. IAOCK. Ill I, I, Ml. new t bbohtkn live. Tire receipt is eiialje. You have only to tske a vislent cold, and neglect it. Ahernethy, the great Eogliab sur geon, asked a lady who told him she only bad a c ugb : "What would you have The plag'ie V Beware of only coughs. Tbe worst casss en,howevsr,be cured by Dr. Wm. HsU's Balsam for tbs lungs. In Wbeopiog Cjagh and Croup it immediately allats irrit ration, and ia aura to nrevont a fatal termination ot w -t tbe disease. So'.d by diuggiatf. Tbe proprietor ot one of the finest groceries stores of North field, Vt., hss returned his stock of cigars and tobacco to the dealers of whom be purohassd, and henceforth will keep nothing of the kind in bis store. Nsture 's own remedy, Qegoa Kidney Toa Ask your druggist for a package of Orego Kidney Tea. FRIDAY, MAY M, Aft 1.4 U I T SJAXtllXft. A atemanttr alary era Harder and Xaera lien leers Age. In Somerset, Pa., there Is an un roarkeil mound in tbe old graveyard on the hill, It waa the last part of the place to Oil up with graves, as if tho people who laid their deed down there shunned leaving them close to tne murderer's Mat resting place. It wns pointed out tostrangeraand chll- dren with the worda : The French man lies burled (here ; the first man ever hung In Somerset county." One day In December, 1815, whan the snow lay several feet deep upon the ground and the pines beat under heir heavy white load, at a Ioog,low wooden tavern on the summit of (he Alleghenle, there stopped a sleigh containing two gentlemen, whf alighted, went in and asked'fnr r? freshment for themselves and (heir horse. They spoke very broken English, said they bsd not long been In this country, and were travelling for pleasure. The countrymen louag. leg about starsd st them, because they did not ofteo sen such guests at Stailor's tavern. They wer hand somely dressed In Ihe fashion of the dsy. Tbs older at tail, large, il.-.u looking, with Jet blark hair aud eyes. Tbe youoger wss pale, alight, Intel leclual in eppesrance, with large, off, brown eyes and chestnut hslr. Among Ihe rrowd of Idlers and drinkers at the tavern wss a drover who took a drop too much and brag, fed of ihe floe sales he had made of his cattle in Cumberland, from where he was Just now returning home with his money la his pocket. The drover rode away on bis white horse a little while before dusk for bis home, some miles off. The Frenchmen soon afu r inquired where Ihe next god crop ping place was to be found, ordered their horses and sleigh and drove In the track of tho drover, saving they were la haste to reach e certain place by the next day. That night the drover's wsltlng wife saw bis horse come home without his master, with his w.lte coat with blood steins. Tho drovr imI whs found next morning stitT and stark, with a bullet through hU heato, shut from behind. The m-ighborh-l was rooted. Tbe Freiiuomen were st nor suspected and pursued Tbey we- found at a public bouse some distance on, sitting quietly in a room In the second atory. Wttavt t"y suddenly bacaine aware tbat titers wss au ex. cited mob of counlrymoo n'ler them they were too much excited ami fright ed to use the litis iglhh tbey knew and could only geiticulsle and chatter to their native tongue, which was ail loot on the bmw of 8 .merest county. At length, being tco hard pressed, one of them Jumped from ihe back window of the room. It was the big one. The little one tried to follow. but was caught by (he clothe by a burly Dutchman and held for a ino. ment suspended outside. H one one wss JHug to shoot hi in fr un below, but the Dutchman aid tltst he would attend tothe little one,and (hat those below should look after the big nasi, He was answered by a r'fle stent and the big one, who hud been trying to run tbreugh tbe deep enow, fell dead. rite little one. was taken to Somerset, tried and found guily nf the drover's murder. Tno money which the drover had carried pwi his person was never found. t was supposed by rp,any that the Frenchmen bad hrowr it In,to thb Are whe they found 'they were g ting to be mobbed The pale young gentleman protested his innocence, said he had influential riends and f-imily in his own e mtio m ..a .a a a B a. a. . try, to wnom tne aumoruias ikjob would have to answer for their treat ment of him. He persisted to the aat in tbe declaration that he and his dead cotnpaynon uV voyatj hud passed the drover on the road and parted with him in a quiet and friend- y manner. He remonal rated vio ently when the officials came to put him into a cart with a rude pine coffin and take him out to be banged and tried to break the coffin to pieces. He wore about him a miniature, Kot with perrls, of a lovely girl. He gave hla name a Noel Huguel. Many wondered if tbat girl did not wait and w ttch and ilne tn France for has beautiful lover, who was hahged by tbe neck until he was dead In the f r-orT mountains oi Pennsylvania. Many thought hlro a victim of circumstantial evidence, that the drover's murder escaped scot free with the money, and that Noel xj it mi e, i vDai in tnnnosnt man. his Ve B e4 W B ww ww ay w mysterious disappearance never ac counted for to his friends In Frauce He was refusvd the prjvUefje of writing to themfter he w ia arrested. Philadelphia Timet "A most extraordinary and absoluto cure "or rheumatism and- other bodily .. . C1 T...U. O aat-a TTiin ailments is m. . imii htarian.ex- v iwuauwuwiiuvMi. . :ii TTw. 1886. SPRING H Great care has been taken in our seWHrma iwi, a ces and,while we do not. tOmSomkvJ11 and P petitors , we know that they are i w h LTLbettrths'? woom Put the Knife to Prices ?S! & 8" "1U ' " 60 " im. w. I, to Mk Dry GOODS, Gent's Furnishing GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS. CAPS. ACS. Orders from a distance plication rVjl n taken N. H. ALLEN & Co., ALBANY, OREGON, MARCH 6, 1886, 5? Fil8t 8tmt A,bay, Toward ' i rifiriin. . I Ms sou at Tbe Dalles J p. m. Day liatht found us at Pendleton. Tbe town has grown seme since I saw it. A bnck sch h1 house - n a bill south of town shows to fine advantage. Vegeta tion somewhst in edeanee of tbe valley. A run up tbe Umatilla te Meacbam Creek, which is traced to its tosres Breakfasted on top of the Blue moun tains. lUe-h LaGrasds about 9 a. re. Tbs depot is located about one mile from town. A new town ia growtog up here. Ho usee from tbe old town are being moved te the new. A ran of ten miles brings us to Union depot two miles sad a ball from town. Tbe grade p Piles Canon is very steep to a too nel ih tooh which ws ss into Powder It v.r Vailey. Tbs lon of North P.t.ier is growing. Baker City is s Siva roam in tbe teidat. of a seemingly restless desert. Where is its hacking, liaiely it is not in sight. Burnt tiver canon revtmls a ma,oifioent land sespe. Tbe hills well down the river show fins grass, Tbe ,1ret seen, however. Huntington ia near Bnaks river, about eight miles sway. Crossing Snsks riv er oa a splendid iron bridge awey we Ay around curves, tbrou.b euts,hut few habitations in sight. From tbe train, tbs oountry aeems one intsrmtnable dwsolstioo. Tbe braksraan criea Wtiser. Ia tVs dtataeee a town ia in aigbt. There t erms to be considerable of it. Tbeas towns arss tntatery to this Us (Ktnent. Piat is sorethiaa! of a town, which ia trae.! just at night. Desert wastes on every side. Tbe trains on the Hhert line It U. run more than twice aa fast as trains on tbe Oreg-tn R. It. an I Navigation Co'a lice. Accommo dations on the csis, fair. Into the darkness of a desert night e plunge. That esnreeeat the apred are mak ing. Whew, Jehu aevsHr dreamed of such furtottsness in driving, D. C tfcVaattaJm vest (oiiriniEvinn. Ths Wasco Sun, Hepiitdiosn, says: The citizens oi Dsllea City can but feel proud tbat one of their moat prom inent luibineaN men, U. F. Oibocs, and one who has lor many years been Clerk of the county, and ia now Mayor of the oiiy, should without any personal seek ing le selected y the Democratic cott vrntion as a Secretary of State. We do not agree in politic l olicy with Mr. G , but we do beHavu him an hon est able man. every way rhted for auch a place and should hs be successful in obtaining the election by ilto people ws heve full faith in bis Hlliog the poi ion with great dignity and signal aulit .' Of Mr. Pennoyer it says: "8. Pen- . . i . t i - - - - - - - noji-r, ol aiaiiiHHUHii.wno wr muiuhhi- ed for Governor, we are leu to believe is a msii f sterling good qualities aa a husiuess man s'.d oitiin, tnd although man of wealth ud aooi! position in the large eiy of bis rwttrt,ef, yet pos sesses a heart touched wi-.h sympathy f6 lis view me t.rugyirw n ""s i i - . 1 . I .. C -a msintitin its Hue posiuon, Hnd command hi legitimate advantages us n of the lasding elementa of Reuttblmsa institu tions. Mr. Pennnyrr is pledged to stand by tbe pople, and if eleoted, we do not doubt will do all tbat he can to right some of the most gryt wtongs which h,v ljtn f;,,oH nPon the citi asos of any atatf ,and which now burthen the state of Oregon and the people thereof. We believe that the Democrat- could not have selpcted a safer, more abla man within their'ranki for thi important position -a- Jf T6 Roin Bl8k be .na and go vie - , utJ. rw.n Nhori Line. it it uue oca, on I a,dlo aaoiuer gowiuu. SO 44 Now being received by . lllen & Co,. will be nrnmntw aii . Promptly filled and samples uponap- NOTICE. hartug conclndod to dote onthia iraaiBtM, now offert Me entin stoek STOVES, RANGES, HEATIND AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND 8NEET IRON WARE AT COST. i thli Is a gamin claim? oil, now is tin t'.mi for han f o replenish their kitchens ani dairies with wan. ALBANY, FEB. tti rsleats t.raatrS. Patcnta granted to citixena of the Pacific States during the past week and reported ex prcaaly forthc Democrat by C. A- Snow & Co., Patent lawyers oppoite T.S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C : J A McKerron, San Franctseo,Cal.. horae ankle protector. S A Perry, San Francisco, Cal., making mouldings. L 1 1 Picraon, San Kranciaco, Cal., Drill prea. J A R ( hb. San Jose. Cal., saw guide. 8 S Rogers. Asotin City.W. T., Penhold er. D Samuel, San Franciaco, Cal.. copying J pre. KJ Hall, San Fntncitico, Pen. M I. Hergman; Buena Vista, Or.. Road cart. A W 'an Dorston, Portland. Or.. Car coupling. D Young, Stockton. Cal., Grain separa tor. F R White, San Franciwco.Cal.. ertvelope. I1KVSHKMSIKS. The inebriate's craving for liquor is caused by a diseased stomach, and tho application ef an appropriate medical remedy prevents this craving and ihuti promotes tbe caure of tsmperance in an effective and rational msnuer. Sim mons Li vcr Regulator arouses the torpid digestive organs t hlthy action and counteracts the desire for more drink. Frank Leslie 'a Sttndeti Magazine for June, 18$!, ia eatxjcially noticeable for it numer ous fult-page illustrations, aome of which art exceptionally beautiful. The - Lurary Cave, in raae.Coanty, v , it ths subject of sev eral fine cat. A beautiful picture is repro dueexl of a jmintiag by Aguatin Lhardy, en titled "Preparations for a Day m the Coun try aud a number of contrasted acsnes on the two rivers, the Khme and the liauson, give aom idea of the beau tv of these two famous streams. An antiquarian interest at taches to ths article on the first edition of the "Pikrim'a Progress, ''.with reproductions ef its quaint engrsvings and a fae simile of ths text A beautitui reproduction et one 01 Glad cornel li bird pictures shows the helmet crested humming bird and its neat. Many other beautiful pictures nil the number, while the literary portion i3 up to tbe high level of this favorite family tuasrasine. Pub lished by Mrs Frsnk Leslie, 53, S5 and ,"7 Park Place, Nsw York. The ssries of tie Great American Indus tries in Harper' Mayazine is continued in the coming number by an artici ou Sugar. The subject is moat thoroughly handled and copiously illustrated. The author, It. JR. Bowket. hss gathered material from the most eminent and recent authorities. Begin ning with a brief history of sugar, he showt Its enormous production at present, de scribes the Louisiana plantations and their work, and the mysteriouA paocessss el th great refineries. Besides the sugar-cane sorghum, beet, maple, and glucose sugar art ftarafullv treated. The wouderful chetnistrj of sweets is unfolded as well a ths secret-t of candy-n.aking. The paper is a compendi urn of valuable information. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM Ii TEE WILLAMETTE TALLIT, Special business notices in Local CcJ- !!,",i.n !A oent lr ,,1M- Piga ar Lec4 notices 10 cents per line. a r Rn" 'raosJentatlvertisstnepte Jo niJf "''"r" for tb tr asertton.arisl Insertion ''nro fo cb subeefjlwrrt k,t!rfor Ofihat advertisements maow known on application. STOCK I Tlie . r. The following is a prs dispatch from San Franciaco to the Astorinm : It was announced here to-dav that the Oregon Pacific will he extended 500 miles or more eastvard.and that the bridge across the Willamette river will be suitable for engines twice tire siae of those in use. Tl e terminus of the road will be Hoi-.- Citv.wl ere connection will be made w ith the Chkagii & Northwestern. It i also stated tliat material and labor will b? sent to Ontario, where work will be ptsshed westward. The road Will be finished to the Cascade moun tains this season from Albanv. Everv steamer from this port to Yaqutna take rails. Several engines and passenger car and 400 box cars are on the- way west. Elevator will be built. Tatum & rkiwen, of this city, are now making the machinery and appliance far .1 big foundry and ma chine shops at Yuquina. It is openly atated here that the Oregon Pacific is re.Vllr the Chicago A: Northwestern. . Dr. M irae, physician at Manns Hospital, Biluinora, Md , found Red Star Oough Cure a harmless and moat effective remptly in the cure of coughs. He recommends it especially for child ren who are irritable an I obstinate, aa pleasant to take and prompt in its effect. Price, twenty-five cents. Oregon Kidney Has, gist. r or aale ny all drag TO M B tl-KIBKBM. a Statements of amounts of subscribers with the Dkmocoat have been place 1 ia the bands of agents through the county, so that subscribers desiring to see either how they ntand, or to settle for the same, can do so by calling on them. This is for the convenience of both subscribers and the Democrat. Those desiring to pay m year in advance and get the "American Farmer" one of the best agricultural pa pers in the TT. S , oan do so with oar agents. Call on ihe following gentlemen at the places named : O PCushow ...Brownsville. R Hhelion ...SMj. F M Mdler... Sam May ... F. A. Watts . ..Lebanon. ...... Harriahurer. Sbedd A. 0. U. W. Members wiahisisr ensulovimnk or deairiaa nelp, will please ctll at Jted BrawneU'st store and register their names. By Order ov LcfMB. Dissolution Foiioa, Notice is hereby given that the oe arl . nersbip horetofore existing between K, F, Ash by and W. K. Prloa, Jr,. both of 8cto,. Linn county, State of 'Oregon is this day' dissolved by mutual F, Ash by retiring. AH liabilities of tbe tinn ot Price A Ash by are assumed by W. E. Price, rr and all debts due and owing to" the said firm are payable te W. K. Pile, Jr, H. F. Ashby, W, E, Paicw, J'a. Seio, May 6th, WO, iitn for reliable iasurance.