( FRIDAY MAY 21, 1886 0f DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Stale. O0VKRNOn8 renoyer. of Multnomah. CUNORKSS-N L BuUec, f Polk. MUPKRMK jriUK - R H Suthan. of Linn SBOBSTA RY OF 8TATK R P Qlaoon, ot Wasco. TRBA3URER 8 W Webb, ul Umatilla. 8TATK PSIHTBR-Charles Nickel, ef Jackson. HURT Pt nLIC INSTRUCTION- Napoleon Devls, of WaehlngUm Co, District DimucT attomkyu w Boit.of independent couni.r BTATK SENATORS R A Irvine, of Lebanon. I T J Block, OI llAISey. I BIPRKSKNTativks.-b.R !nry, ptiurrUbur jw swank , of Browiuvins. 1 A I H l n of ran iron l. I I D Miller, of Minora. LH Monlonyo. of Albany . CLKRK-J P Oalbrnith, of Brownsville. 8HKRIFP. V 8 HmlUi, of Albany. COMMISSIONBRS.-Bnneh Miller, of lUtory. L W Pooaeroy, of Soto. SCHOOL SUPRRINTRNDRNr.-n V 8 Ril l, Albnjr TRBASUBBR W B Curt, of Sclo. ASSESSOR. - PkllllB Smith, of SontUm. BUBVEYOB-J. E. McAdoo, of Albany. CORONER.-B F Thompson, of llarrisburg, Preetael. Jl'STICESOFTHF. PEACK. 0i Humphrey, Et Albany. R L Dorrla, Wot Albany. CONSTABLES, C O Burkbar. Bast Albany. J B Jenks, Wool Albany. - LucAdoo is lolly compeient ior tn orace of Uetinty Surveyor, ne wm -. - m it i a poll a large ot. i nan ii Mini ii Now, boys.gather up the Democratic voters of tha oounty and let us elect nnr hntii tickat 1t old faahioned ma-1 , J" . . t . I T' si , li: -T" . . , . a..waa, ... - learn from various part, ne wm reca.v- wry iorg uijii. Mi'ler and Pomeroy are said to be trery careful, watchful men in their buei-1 iffoira. This is the kind of man i . f.. n.n.. rum;.. it . ui..!. . rnn Pommii. I i" -"-"V atoners. Ben. Thompson has a neck aa big as Cornelius, the Republican candidate for Governor, and would snake a bettei Govemor,but be ia rnnning for Coroner Tbe boys say they will give hint a big vote. If any Democrat vuiee tor Dawaoi or Johnson, he eays by that vote thai he waata to vote for Williams, Dolpl or some each man for United State Senator. Do you want to be thus un derstood ? Mr. Wm. E. Cm l is a worthy man and will fall the offie ef Coonty Treas urer well. He is unfortunate in bein iocs picketed to do manual labor, and for this reason the people will give Lit a large rote. D. V. a Ksl 1 boa utaue the best Couuty School Superintendent tb oounty has ever had, aad tha peopU know it, aod,for thia reaaoo,be will not e)a e niy receive nts party vote but man Republican votes heeides. P. M. Smith bae always turned over bis books as Assessor in good, neat, eLan ebape. He is prebsbly tbe best posted man in the county in regard t the vsloe of property, and for this son people want htm electeu Assessor "Pnil," vote. tbe boya will give yen a larg Deuiocr.ie, you a.i reu.eo.ber what a disgraceful legislature we had two yeaxa ago. it neglected in tbe most shame iot manner to no its doty, it was a Republican legialature. Ic caused itself to lie called together in extra session at an expanse of $25,000. Let us not have another such. There is no other wv to view it than that if anv Democrat vote, for Johnson - or Dawson, be means to contribute te the election of W.lli.m-D,loh or -om. I other such Bepublican to the United ft- h--- a tw n i:l. r I may not persona iv like tha UamncretiA I candidate?, hut ,-r.nnol lilr- Ji.ltl,. of them is not the rule bv which to be I "P l ' l I r., ;,..,! ...: tt . B"' iu tuiiuk, ai iv wfre a oon- i oolitieal office, that kind of r..l. mi.ht do, but not so in votine for State Sen- a tors who will hold over and help elect a United States Senator. rex snaaurr. A vote for D. S. Smith for Sheriff is a vete for a competent man for tie position, one who understands all tbe dnties of tbe office, tie will make a live, active, reliable official. A pioneer of Lion county, Vanny" knows its people and what ie wanted. These facts are being appieciated all through the county. Mr. Smith will and should poll a big vote. Reports from every precinct show his popularity as a can- didate. wans will Yew vote fob? We Ga l that in 1872 there waa a bill before the legislature to regulate and tax foreign insurauce, banking, exnreaa and exchange corporations or associa- a tions doing business in this state. Mr. Oorneuu, as seems to have been his universal habit dui ing hie entire legis- lative Cireer, voted against tbe bill. We have taken the pains co look up his votes cast ia tbe legislature, and are I justified in saying that no employe or agent of corporations could have been more faithful to tbeir interests than Mr. Cornelius was while in the legiela- tore. Nothing is truer than the state- ment of the Orejonian that he has al- ways been closely allied with railroads and corporations, and we are sure voters will remember thiefant when lhv rmna . J to vote ior uoveraor. iaM 1 aw s rtn.m; .11 ih.i: A lawyer who lives in the dead past, fuoublintf over the mum, dustr leavei antiquated voluoiee in seaich cf (.re cedente that havo long ainoe served their purpose, is an anomaly ia Court io this etilUhtaocd The most that can he said of such a un is, that he Is a fail ure in every souse of the word. It ie unfortunate for advancing civilisation that such lawyers are sometimes ele vated to the bonch. There should be progress in all things -in the judicial aa well ae in the other dVpartmoots of government. Tle grow- ing tendency of the Cvrte,as h rule ie, . kk. mlA ,..,,,, low MOM wj iiuih iiiu wm vwj m0orinCr. sacrifioioK technical rules an phrases to the justico and merits of the causes before them In Judge Waldo, the present Chie Justice of our own Supreme Canrt, we h.omot illuatriona eEaaiide of the it: i u. ir- iir. kt..Nk omolr. lumuaru law. .. . v, v . .. . I j : ..r ' . Nothing will elicit nts eueotion so . a ... ... . I promptly aud hold ii so securely as a citation from toe xar uooks. no m ' mr 1,1 VT I . matter how drowsy he may be.the mere .nsntion of Littleton's name in,.ar'.s km ki rma krintfO fn,r to kio I ' isxwa w ""'"'I w,.-. i jobeeK and a luehke sparaie to nis eyss. . Aoooa - nls fooduess tor tue legal learning of the ancitttt ia a notioeable f attire of ,hB fevr opinio,,, be boa dalivurfd dur- . . T , , f . . . , ... ... j . .v. I iooks loe buojudvo JU.ou.o. r lebadow oi luaticv, in Otnor worua u I II I Issees siiki of OMkerael Mid Wloweike cliaff as it is wsfted by every bresze that teob. ... i ... I reader to the case of Mioard vs. Douglas oounty, 9 Oregon 206. By bis decision I ha at one case, be applied tbe ax to Li. ... i ;...,u t.i- .U- .... ... I . . ulmmlm I.Iaw I woe yrry rouv, - i killed every county road in me sian. And to-day tbeir validity rests upon tbt questionable curative power ot si i.;.i.,i. Mieetment. "e- iy mis uacw.en, '"u-cu uj I in 10 Oregon 512,e pfactice which bad al moat become tbe common law of tbe state.and was so simple that any farmer could be his own af.orney m an rosa , was so radically changed that it I is dthVuit now f ir tbe most ssmte awyer to successfully establish a coun-1 ty road. The bench is n- place for such a law- j r. He abooirt anv bimaeu wua som ev e m m m . .. S ft I o m m 00 a ' r Vairk uammon & snap, anu spenu nis . . . . ..af a I time 10 looking up au'.tiietiea ior nts partners to work oaV m. rv . ta . 0 X I ins Lfamocra'.u canuiuate ior uuoge, R S. Strahau, is a man of ripe azpe- nence as one of tbe beat lawyers to the I state, of enlarged and liberal i iews,ex I tensive reading ai d broad acquaintance with od lbiot He is icnlierlj Sited by taste and temperament to wear the et mine, and if elected, as be surely will be, will be an ornament to the bench. Jiuui J 4 nsat Tbe D lo ciitiif uoitvention placed Ju Jge J. J. Sbaw, o' Stlem.in nomina tion for Judge of the Third Judicial District. Judge Sliaw ia too well known aa a scholarly gentetnn,an up right, useful citizen and an aUe jurist, to need inv eneomium at our bands. H tj to the br in the atate rf N-w yrk h 185L Drft0. ticing his profession there a few years became imbued with tb.t spirit of ad venture which impelled young men in those days to follow tbe star of empire in its westward aoeiBe, and started for the west. J ndge Shaw is an old pion Mr io thi ntT "tiled ia Salem . . . . . m0re lM twenty 'ear8 K0' wl,ert hM liTed C0nUm,OU8,y wlth hii fmi,T ,T,r "DW htiMy respected and highly honored in ibe comm"y- Judge Sbaw, notwithstanding tbe 'act that be has always been a staunch J I TV - ... "I "rauRr"l wa" "5Ciea "aage r mr . . . . .. 01 Mgrl0tt eouatr 10 185' when tbal I t i i r ..li: uunj n'i a iv-j puoucan ma pruy oi ovt cw' What endoraaaeei 000,(1 tha PPIb ek lb"n tbat ? Uf hii O0BpetUor we hm oothin to that aoina- Da 1,1 cu positions mere should be a change once io a while.and no better man con Id have been named than Judge Sbaw to wear the judicial ermine for the next term. A LOW PLAI.V. The IleraUl-Disseminator is very much exercised and worried because the Democrat -has bad to get down on so low a plane in this campaign. Well, we regret it from a very much more eandid motive than does our neighbor, but all our readera will bear us testi mony that we have been down on that plane but once,and then we had to get down on it to auaarora very unjust and malicious charge brought by that paper against ua to tho effect that we were "& favor of tbe election of the Demo cratic ticket without regard to the meam used to accomplish it." No when we got down to that plane en which that paper was being conducted to tell its editor that tbia charge was false, he complains about and regrets it. When a witness in court had testified ln uch a way as to show to all present that he had sworn falsely, and was told uy the lawyer tbst one or the other cf tw statements must be talse,ae aesum u air of injured ionocenco and com plained that trials in courts of justice should be conducted on so low a plain. Our neighbor occupies the same unon viable attitude of this witness in court. The finest line of window cornice monad" ut Woodiu's I UK Wtl, Immediately after the DjmoeraUo state convention adjeurned, the Herald- through our town Tuesultty. Disseminator of this citv chared that Mr. Pennover was a Know NothtDtf w I . formefly. Mr. Pennoyer in his speech Uif lest Thursday donounoed the statement as untrue and without a shadow of A , . . . t ft foundation. The oba.ee was tnat air. Pennoyer had made speeches in favor i of the Know Nothings io the early days in Oraaon. Mr. Paunovnr clinched the holo matter hy stating that he bad never m.do public speeches in Oregon or snywneio eise, ai inav or any or time eu that or any ether subject. But said he had wutten on the euhjaot of Know Notbiogisro, but his writing was ou the other side. The Hemid-Di$$9m- Mor man was present aad beard the , , . , , . . aentai, ana in tne issue oi ioa paper on J? rtuay rays : "It, However, upon ioo o . i a . . a a lurtner invosugeuon we uuu,hs n siaa i in hie speech yesterday, that be only wroto uon ths Subiwot istd ot roak- - 1 In., ..u atA nl, ' MIMTU I -Pvu, ene win sho at once ma mora is a uwi, ucnwaw vUjr.v ...... ... I ... I .!.!......... ..I om .la Iiapji I to leave the impression upon the mind of the UeraU readers that Mi. fan- UOVAr. while dentine that be mada r r w w - ... .v .as t i iscu m lami w aunw .iuhhuiuj, i auomteu vua. uo wrw m i.vvr i i o a. a w . s . i aa This is unworthy of any one that at- tsmpts to bo lair, and wo must oonieaa tmt we weit muei, surprised to think tn,t oor Mi-hbor would be guilty of onrk narvariontu. Th.ra was not a r- ...... a I. .nil .nil. SKA KMIll Mr. I BMMfttJSi opea eaaJM dsaOal of tke charge, except tbe Herald editor, wbr wasnotfully convinced oftbe fact of the f.uit of tbe ch.rge. Mr. Pennoyer . ... . miw,k n.hH-j.o should be giyen te bis deeial as I given to tbe ebatge. He bad a right to demand this, but tbe Herald editor by 17th or April, 18U.J. Ho was a plon- ;,iui; u.r.iM i. innnondn ibolwr f dy of '2. He had been inltAAllnn rotorolM bv i m nrnilo tbt I ' same cnaqje. in """' ieg we bad been looking for from our neighbor. " ' ' 1 w E t l Bt.TBIRUTTaUIBEB. I ,., f oMl!ali0. Tho ,mlrtlor goes out of its w to east re n roach on Mr. W. E. Dtmocra!lc canelldate for Conn- ... Treasurer. No man occupies a higher placo In tha esteem of bis fal noW cltittns than Mr. Curb The charge that he Is or has bean a saloon keeper Is false. He has been io this couuty too loog to be Injured by the Ditteminator in lis mud slinging. Mr. . cjuri iH po r man. If that Is a 1 - J' crime, than ho Is ullty. He Is a cripple and unable te do manual la . - jjo- Tnat Js t mhforlune, not a fdQt ntt js getting on In years and the fosata f many winters have sprinkled bis hair with gray. Ia that the rf as m the Disseminator vlllflea him ? ? With Christian charity the Darmiiar rpcomraonds that he be made a county charge. This Is an insult that the good people of Sclo,lr reepective ef party, will avenge at the polls. M-. Curl ia tee proud to beg, and too honest to steal. Can the Dis eeminatov say as much for Itself? Nobody knows Mr. Hughes. Tbe vote that Mr. Curl win get ia the Forks where be is beet known will be a complete refutation id the groundless charges ef the Viueminaior. We desire to call tba attention of our readers in Lane county to tbe fact tbat there is a paper pobliahed at Eugene called Tfa Oregon Slate Journal. OORRB8PONDBNOB. ljebanon. There was a meeting of citizens Monday evening to see almut cele brating the 4th of July. They da a a a o emeu 10 canvass me city ana see what money they could raise. After working yesterday Iheir results were so satisfactory that (he committee are now ready to announce positively that we will eothuso on that glorious iay, and wilt soon have out some flaring and tearing posters to tha c-tTect. All other places are expected to keep quiet and come over and see us. Mr. J. Bilycu has returned from his trip to Eastern Oregon. Alvln Williams, uno of our popular young men, is putting up .a new house. ' Going to bach, I guess. Merrill Fish and Mr. Freoch,of Al bany, are in town to day. Strawberry pie is in order tiow. as berries are quite plentiful. 1 mr TTi-i ,1. m .. jwcv. 01. mcKfUBn win aeiiver a memorial sermon on May 30th at the Cumberland Church for our dead. On Thursday, May 27m,there wiil he a union Baobath School picnic by the three schools of this place. It will be held on the old camp ground near town. Everybody is invited to come and bring wi'h them a well filled basket. Tnere will be good speaklne gooa music ana a good program gen . e w ' rally. Everybody coma without further invitation. Mrs. Herschberg, of Iowa.and Mrs Zeys?, of Albany, are up visiting their mother, Mrs. Wirth.and broth er, J. Meyer. Mr. Clark spent last Stbhath in Lebanon with Mr. Cendif, the guests of Dr. Powell. Prof. Campbell will iecturo In the Chapel Saturday evening and Sunday morning next. All should improve the opportunity of hearing the gen tleman, as they may count on some thing good. a. Yellew fever Prevented. Tha engineers of the Central If ail mad nt Georgia aays : "Though we ware exposed to the worst miaamatra influence. .Inrin. the preyalence of the yellow fever epidemic of 1874, with hot the single exception of one of us (wko was taken sick, bat eoeedilv m. covered) we continued io oar usual good health a circumstance we can account for la no other way bat by the effect, under Providence, ot the habitual uae of Simmons Liver Regulator while we were exnoaed fcn the malaria." Brownsville, Justice Gto. Humphrey passed J P. U-lbratth BnJ J. M. WBttri - ni 10 Airmny lutsasy a a ae m p"lJR0W,,nd' f Atat,M hert . , m m. M.m v.t.4 u V"IJ A. J MV Kill himself as well Messed with hi new home. - Rev. C. M. Hill end mother.of Eu r- ' Thursday In at n,.vbour .., prushjW of your cty ftnd R repieeentetlve of the firm of D. W. prentise & Co., were here Bundey. Wm. Cechran Intends to return to Ban Jose the lest of thh week. W. R. Ktrk, Geo. A. Dyson end M- B- C represented the lodge Here at the session of the Orand Lodg.j . 0. O. F. , held at The Dalles Last Heturdtiy our creuinurv did Its first onurnlilST, ami the town WBS w - treated to a free dilnk of flna butter III. m. I. ... rram i ujo vicn.ny tnke ho i w th a wl .end we oradln the enterprlso will prove u grand . ucces-. m -o . a o a o o x. jj. riusoury movea into bis new heuse Tuesday. Mr. P. Is still kep nu)ore .y rueuraaiisra. One of the head tailors for the u W ai - ...t-t.li.i. . iv - re i . i ji. ihiiui niar 111 iiaii iiisbii i tJi..jymj wj(h M famjy Tuetdey - vtUlng. v Tnt work on thJ nw photograph g.ji - ry has been completed, end Mr. Winter Is now ready to photograph ny a lD y Our next Aateeeor. Phil Smith, as Demitv. la now ejesaaalnw this nart of th Mntintv Phil iinrlAraianrfa tha w ' ,,u.lllP,, ;,, willMl many a BmaV oan vete on June 7th. Last Wedneedty, tbe 12th lost, ClaylNiurne Bill, a much reepected be'oveU cltlaen, peeeed over the Orandn4" Uili.as he was familiarly called, was born In Teoneeeee the ' S . . .. nm ain,A u. amn. Umber but bore hie BflHction With Christian fortitude never complain. Ing. He was buried at iho rieasant uuo ceHiewry on me usy louowing Kio l.mh hi. a.. .Hn f at the boriaU He leaves many to mourn hie loee, but all are consoled JjJ th rtmembraoca of his wall span t Ufa and the knowledge that, though dark was the passage, be bsa gone to the land where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest." Goobe. Tangent. Taoftnt school will close Friday week, Mr. O C. Merartand enr pree . . e a m m eni teacbrr baa received en appoint ment at tbe Klamath Reservation aa taacl.er, will proceed tbero immediate ly on elese of our school Mr. Ambreae Beard starts this week Friday, to Kaitern Oreaon with bis wife aad (ene hundred and fifty jearl logs.) Tangent S. 8. is making preparations fer a ptenic in tbe near future. Tangent Brass Rand waa oat last evening serenading tbe citizens ef Ten gent. Brick Duet eiient a few days io our midst last weak lookiog as happy as a beak at of ehine. eerineinv that httle r UU .M..M4 Bj" we e w eeevoeMVa Mts. J. P. Beard is in is tn very W AM I ft W m. ill. f"" W,,""S. Mr. George Siaaitton of your city paid Tangent a call tbe first part ef tb IB Week. nuisnea plowing tbeir a mooter laitow. ...... . . The prospect fer a good crop of wheat TT ' ia very proaauiog. Squire Maine's pleasant countenance I . fwi ... . rw looraea up in langent last veeK. n e sjf miormed eome of tbe ettizens of Taa Ent that, he areuld have married while 1st, but could find no women there that had money enough to bring them bath back, bo he bad to come without one. H. W. Settlemire. the nuraery man, ia putting up a large fruit or peckisg DOU, Mrs. fi. A. WiUel haa keen quite poorly for the last week. Mis Maole af vour citv ia vtaitina- mis. mspie, SI your City, IS nuiing in Tangent. M- I4.li a ,i 1..- k . f n iMWiw mm pooriy 101 (tie last rnontn. Mr. .Tftk A.t.iK.1,1 t... t,.,n.,i from east of tba mountains. Little Sumplow.cb. JEine. Thaoorn doctor is abroad ia land ; be traveleth pedestri anally. Strawberries have made their pearance in this locality. th ap- Several new road carte have been seen spinning around in this neighbor hood lately: they are both neat and handy. J. U. has a new fife, guess "Harry" won't haye to chatter a band during the summer. Mrs. Knight and daughter, Or, are visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Bryan. Miss Hester Bradley, of Lebanon is sojourning at Mr. 1. Taylor's at pres. ent. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were vraitine friendn at Lsbanon last week. Quite a hail storm passed ovor this section of country on tba afternoon of the 7th, in some places tbe hail fell to a depth of two inches, cracked window pains, beat plums and cherries from the trees, and sotro farmers cot oplain of injury to growing grain. H. 0. Allingham, of Gerlew, niiaois is visiting hit brother, W. W. Ailing- nam whom betal not seen fer thirty- six years. Three or four hundred hsad of oattle passed along 00 their way to 1 Siller's Station last Wednesday ahernoc n. Messrs. Jones and Ha v worth have sold their oattle, (yearlings) wa aader- stood the price received was fo urteen dollars a head J. R. Rector, of Portland oa ised bv last Tuesday on his way to S mthera Ortjgon oa a mining and hunt! oa ex pedition. Fer yonraewing machine, sewing . Bteehine aesdles and extras go to Will Bros. Another Cut 1 beg leave to announce to tbe fartnsrs of tbt old stead and hava Just recwlved from tlio Knit a this last big out In freight rates, and I am willing tk f .inner and people here general- yean havo the benefit or itio aamu. Anyone notice my flees j Filling all kinds or wiieeis, i t par set or t IkilnterN, M.iinlixtarils and Tongues, $1 each. Hickory axi, si eacdi, Ningle spokes and fellnoa, 20 cents each. And eviiryllilnjr 'ln in prniioriinn. All worit wariiinlnd. door south of Arthur's Maeksmllh shop, Kortb Brownsville, Oregon. A. FRANK BROTHERS E'OS'nxA.isrxj, DEALERS IN FARM AND At ILL MACHINERY Welter A. Wood'a Mowers, Keepers and Twine Hinder. Ifndgca Double Prsper llsadera, fisar Mwitt A f -'o'a Tbreabers, Kogb.es and Morse Powers, Ilul' rd's Walking; Plows, fJultlvatore, (Jang and Hulky Plows, Moit eoinolete llneof.niunrlea. (JarrlsKes and Nprhig WsgotM on tho I'a'oiW: C i .' Having received our good during the low to give our customers the benefit, and sell fore. ,vv ruo ior niaiogu i, AH'iroM, FKANK ItttOTIIKKH I ! Vi. KH K T .. Portland. Or. Om3 rJ, OKI it IV Oil li. Agcut. Albttuy, Or. G ONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Deyoe 4k Robson's. ALBANY, OREGON, Keep a fresh stock of all kinds of GROCERIES. FARM PRODUCE. CANNED QOOD8 ETC., ETC. BESIDES TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, SHADES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE ETC. ETC. FEQDUOE TAKE IN EX0HAH8E Wilt sell as cheap as any store In Albany Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR OF- ST A It BAKERY, Cnrn8r Broadalbln and First 8ts.f -DKALKR IN (Bae4 rrils. ( ari 11 e t a. CtsMwwstee, Dried I'm tie. Tobarro, ittgar. Coffee, Set leteen.s)wre, Vegetablea, Cigars, Naaleea, Teaa Kle. In fact everything tha. is kept In a ftCtt era! variety aad grocery store. Highest1 market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. M BILL NYE." Will make tbe aeaaon of 16 at tbe fol- lowing place. Iietsanon on ToeiaTa of earn weea. Hrownaellle, WcKlneesy ntabt and Thursday. llaloer. Tburadav nlabl and rriiav. Bill Nve waa aired by Edward Everett Uad bladam waa by a einof Emigrant. I Tboa I; will l BSSMB that he rnmunt-m in looa or vermook vouics, reumn ior im ICmirant. Hits te not only a wi.il trel I.orn... Iftlrwwl nn not do better. Tho fee 1 required for hie eervloe ie u. I The half hlrtAd Pr htron ataliinn form ly owned by Nf mrod Payne, Kq , will 1. .i. ....... .11 with Rill N va I ftftftmma . . v. w v - " J t ,.rlof) M rj,,,, tormt tbeir ap- Pin t menU and don't fall to see Bill Rye, I the handeetneet boree on tbe reed. "A VMIUK M MBHWJ H.jvr .v.u.w.. it. n, at oKmiort. Prop. Tbe above cut Illustrates a fence na- I obine tbat makee the beet,obeapest, ltand 1 eomest, atrongeat and most durable fence by combination of galvanized steel wire d wooden nickel woven aoHdlv toaeth- w, old fence lumber, splitor sawed pick I eta of verieus aiitse mar be used. Turna all kinds of atoek without danaer. A man ttIld bov caa woro about M reds of bbbob perdav. Price of machine within tbe reach of every farmer. For further par- tioulars appiy to Gray A Bryan, Agents. Albany, Oregon. D ON'T FORGET IT. If you try to build now while wheat i only worth 64 cents you abould bv alt means go to Peters fc Stewart's, at Albany for your hardware. You oan get what you want at tneir ate re and at reasonable ng urm. DAWS, AXES, BTC. Wa twill 3a11 vaii t ft a fiimntia Tiluaf n w wee, j woe o v oaMwarv ' o Champion oross-out saw at a low figure, ad oan give you gooa prioee on axes, sledges and wedges. ranrsnie v i i w akt. A MMUNIT10N. ae MeoBBe A lull supoly of tha usual sizes of 01 trldges, br'js and papar shells, prim wads and br leal. Ais tbi but pj der. Pktbrs it H t BWAB rpHE BKSTJSkiOT I?I TOWN Can be found at our store. The shot usually sold in Albany drops 75 feet, while the St. Louis shot sold by ua drops 20u feet, making tt equal to chilled shot Sportsmen should not forget this. Peters & Strw art. CtTUDEBAKKR WAGON. This is the only wagon having a slope shouldered spoke and tbe steel truss on each axle, and Is tbe best wagon ou wheels. For sale by Peters fc Stewart. PROMPT REUEFFJfl ALL iieTOawlLTF 0 IND E IrS m Impurities in the blood should be ex pelled, and the system given tone and strength, before the prostrating effects of warm weather are felt. The Oregon Blood Purifier is a purely vegetable; compound, manufactured by a competent chemist. Persons having suffered from Liver and Kidney complaint, debility, scrofulous eruptions, or any other disease caused by impure blood, and been cured by using this wonderful remedy, invari ably recommend it to their friends. Try it now. Delays are dangerous ! Price SI a beetle, or 9 for 8 5, Sold everywhere; in Eates ! am RilH in business at tbe of wlcrort Uoibor during wishing wagon tt pairing none will please and ft per wncci . nber the plnee.o-ie . HAUSMAiV. IMPLEMENT GO. oxima-oisr. rate of frwlgbt from the Kent we sre going them goods in our Hue lower than ever be HOFFMAN k PFEIPFBE PROPUIKTOrtS OK Albany Soda Works, And Mancfaeturere of- OHOIOE OOHPEOTIOHEEY, OF Pore stick, assorted flavors, mixed drops, tar UrntM, borebounl drop, cut lutnpo, extra Kreoeh mixed, ohooolate erearna, ebecolate aquaree, chocolate mice, decorat ed pears, decorated facos, almond bara, fruit Muares, apple li:oa. cream date, awMirtfI.earomela, tnacaroniiooonnt balls, coconut brill Uut , b m mlce.cream nearts. flue asaortment of large HEARTS AND TOYS In endless variety. THE ABOVE CHOICE CANDIES We are ow prepared to sell at whole sal, alwaya frlt and pure at Portland prlcee to dewier, Wo also keep a full fine of Hats and Tropical Fruits, ITV aBOCEBIES, We keep a full line, atways fresh and at very low prices. OUR - CIGAR AND TOBACCO department la complete. We keep tbe vory Atteet stock of arnoklng and chewing tobacco, oieareebautn and brier pip tuai la a delight to smokers. WE STILL KEK? OUR STAR 1W real. 10 cent URKXADIS . BOIM PI7SCU BVceaii CIU AR- Aad a fine assorttnent uf IMPORTED CldARS. BOOTS, SHOES AND SUPPERS. 1 am now reci iving my Spring and Sumner stock of boots and shoes, 1 hate as nicely a fitted op Boot sod Shoe Stor , and as complete a stock as ant thia aide of Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy aU my boots aad shoes direct from uiaiuifeoturets and am authorised to warrant every pair 110 mat ter bow cheap. Nj firm in Oregon have any advantage of ins in buying as 1 bay in quantities and pay the caab. Io ladies', misses and children's shoes, I keep much tbe largest, beit and great est variety in tbe city. My aim will always be te give as good value for the money as possibly can l do;:c. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. Scott's New Gun Store, HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSMEN. o THE LEADING GUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITION, CARTRIDGES, SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT ING MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At tbe most reasonable prioes. always in stock. Repairing done on short notice. Willamette valley nimroda should never buy without calling on W. B. SCOTT, jaWOpposite Revere House, Ailany, Or, Examine Woodin a Extension tables. They are well go and see them for youraclf. BWCV.T-1' They Have Arrived, THE NEW GOODS For men and boys at L. E. MAIN'S. We now have a magnificent stock of new and nobby suits for Men and Youths 4 es n 0 L.I for Spring trade, Jine patterns are neat and attractive. We feel justly proud of this stopk, selected with care from all markets, ana taxe pleasure in in 9 s fl i 4 THE HAT STOCK is choice, direct from Philadelphia. comprising All the Spring Novelties. THE SHOE DEPARTMENT M is now complete, the stock in market. We can't enumerate FlltiSlii WOODS. Have many novelties and all the staples. Look at our 75-cent Unlaundried Shirt, 0 the best ever offered in this market. CELLULOID COLLARS AND CUFFS in the different styles. These goods are bought at lowest prices, ana will be sold the same way. w - o ga w novo a ioigrj, jg goods in our 0 TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Nobby suitings, fancy pants, etc,, which will be made up in as good style and as cheap as can be had in the market, Agricultural Depot! DEYOE & ROBSON, PROP'S. Successors to W. E Goltra. ALBANY. - OREGON, ' KEEP ON HAND THRESHERS ENGINES, WAGONS, HACKS, PLOWS HARDWARE, DOORS, SASHES, BJILD1N3 MATERIALS, ETC., ETC. ' " ' ' JjS ataflBaPla TraeEeiC."1--' w -A aie BBsfck JtBaaBaBBBSPShiHQf' krR v'-SBWff5jOMBBH ' cUf v o"o 3BkfiSaft a3saV ' mm ---"'sWnntWsiBMBnBSBT S4(Ht;HjyySSSaSJjgJ tfSXiHBC STEEL ANDSPRING TOOTH HARROWS, FANNING MILLS, STE EL GOODS, FENCE WiR E And all Agricultural Implements used. The largest and best variety of FARM WAGONS, HACK SAND BUGGIES, In the ontral Willamette Vallev. Orders from a distauce solicited and promptly filled at lowest rates Best's Hand lUTLEKi OF ALL Ki N lib, We keep the best stock of cutlery in the valey Pocket knives and razors a 8j. daily. Dpu't buy anythiug in th s lia wittiout calling on us first. Petkrs A Ktkwakt, T1AINTS AND OILS, Of all descriptions sold by Peters k Stcv-art, aBBaB9BBBBKS2S38BMKBXBklBV9HManBaBnBBiiSo better than ever. showing them. ei largest and nicest uo w xxiiv 01 pjtcv;c7 L. E. BLAIN. Separator. MY lM!-Rv)YKl Hab SurARiTAR a double combined machine, post two ihofts, (ineteoi of one oa l machines of other mana'O' tuiera, nine riddle and a large independent wxeen. Bach shoe ia equal in pow er and capability to the one in any other mill, ami by the operation of the two double efficiency la leeured. My 2S inch mill will clean from 400 to 600 buahelf of aeed grain per day, according to the condition ot the grain, and we guarantee that all barely, oat or other t oul aeeda will bo thuroughly removed with com plete aAtUfacUon. I challenge any mill to a contest. I know that I con beat them, aa my mill haa beaten every mill it haa come in contest with, both in Cali fornia and Oregon, and is the boat made, bolts being used where screws are used in others. Address DANIEL BEST, Albany, Orfgcsr. jg L ACKSMITH'S OUTFITS, Anvils, viso8,bellows,hammers, sledges, stocks and dies and almost every tool used by blacksmiths we keep constancy on hand. Also a full stock of iron. of all sizes, horse shoes and horse shoe nails. Special prices made on small outfits for farmers use, Pbtxbb A Stewabh.