Charcfe! Mirretsry U. P. CuunuH.irMbuigTery Sabbath, at 11 a. m. , ami 7 ML by Kv. R. Q. Ir vinv, D. D. Sabbath huhool at 2:30 V. M Prayer meeting every Wot no ss day ev ening. Cuuhch. Preaching on Sab Wh at 10,30 a. m. , and 7 m. Sabbath School 11:45. lrayer meeting every Wed nesday evening 7t30. tt. E. Davis, pastor. All are invited. Cohokro k HON al CiiiTRiH. Servicesevory Sabbath at 11a. m. and 7 P. M. Sabbath School at 14:1& Prayer meeting on Thursday eveuiug of each week. T W. Harris, pastor. M. K. Ckukcu, South. Preaching every Sabbath niorutug at 1 1 o'clock a. M. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock A. . Prayer meeting every ihursday eveuiug et 7:30 o'olook. P. M. l ulu, Pastor. M. K. Church Socru, Tangent. Preaoh log every Saoouu at 3:30 o'clock, r. M. Sab Imth School at 2:30 o'clock, r. M P. M. Cuip, Pastor. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath 11 a. m. and 7 r. a. Souu orviee in e evening bef ore mm num. Sabbath School 2. 30 p. m. 1'rayer meeting every i uur ay evening. Rev. H. P. Webb, pastor. riUMBYi-KttiAN Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbiu and Filth Sta Suuday School at i 30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wwdueaday eveuiug Hev. laaao H. I'ondit paetor. First Ban-isr Church. Preaching every Saboath al 11 o'clock a. m., at Church on 6lb Street. Saobath School immediately alter moruiuM services. Praver meeting a er ''fiuradsy eveaiun at 7:30 o'clock. T L drwwusou, pastor. J.LUJ fJ JlLlrJIt IA -VlA- Ore5ou & J -tlifbriilu K. R, AND CONNECTIONS i iiii . . i ii.i i.a v .1, MIIV II. i fU. , . . uwuiu. SR ctuMiouuitootiuita at Ashlauil W th t.i(t ul ill Ctalutma, Orvguu and ItUhu blagc Cownr. (DAILY aUCCRIT SUNDAYS.) fcaal Mf fSltlslea. EKIWEKH rKIL.l AM SHllMI. Mall train. las. aaans. Portland . 7:0 a M I Albany 11:44 A U r M AottlaiMl 18 a a 7.4 re i Albany ll:4t a h Uiuer a rVrwand 4:&ra Albany t.xpreaa I rata, lsavb. Aaaiva. Purtiaud . . Lataui m ... . .4.00 r a I Albany s.H r u 34 r a I UbaiMMi P r a A 44 a M Ainanv 6: a a 4.9V a a r..rtiaud 10:06 A M I'u i.uan I'-iUce Sieiitg Car. dally between Al b.u. uu Atltuaitd. TiwUm.i . K K Firry union to. medians with all In i . a-uiar iraius uu tlu Kl sule Oivlaiou fruui (m1 1 r' a re. v. nnl :.! tttviilaa tit. I it ai CiBiUta Aa t OKI alLlft. Mall Train. LSaVB AlftlV f rtiau l . .11:00 A M I l.'orral i i .i i .ill. a.JU a a I lurtlaul Axpreaa Train LAAVa. 4 so r M .Jt:U9 a ASaivB. PruiMl 5:00 r M 1 McMinnrlUa a. 00 T a McMii.i..iiI.......:4 A M Kurilawl 1.30 a a Local Uckvla fr aalv and baggatr checked at na.ii ii-t.. 11 ..m. e. r Urk t lnu . .. ,-.i t in UalnVirnia .-an onl) EE .lit ur..i i.i i..-i:c vbecasd al l uaifuin'a i,:t1 .-, OEEEEf r i Fr n Sta . , rVrUaml r. PreWtlt will nut be raomad ( i biutrnt alter fl?e "clock p. in. uu citnr ia lU-t or 'cif -'4 UkWmk. B. KOKHLKR, B. P. KOGERS, Manager. O. F. PaaeAewnt. WILL BUY A BOITLEOK TUR BEST 00UGH CURB hu world baa vrr itrvduced. Dr. Men ley a Cough nra ba nut an equal on in: I the (lobe. 1 htllenga the world lor 1,000 to produce any iiUf-h pr. pa ration, now mi i&c w.iket to btat it .Hiya or Cwld. Malaera take the ad we uf ao old pioneer of rrara .n t Canal: "Don't run the riakof a .r own Ilia or ur . dmu'a on uani and i.r it baa aeot t iiiwataihfir i V.U mil Aim m ia ana f tbaae mall .ul.. tana in a ptat c-l 'Uimon cangb mi xt urea, fne (... tbing; very ree, ir-.u don't hill I be u.b th- ooob la nre -i . y -a," Kenrr .ribelradr nark Tbcanle ta be bottle. VHOLcaaLa Aaona, iHiLL, McirnML at WeaEWttt, P BTLAND, OKEUON. SAM MAY. J. O. SENDERS M Y & SENDERS. D3L8I-8 in General merchandise. HAR ISBURC - - - N Will bay drain, Wool and all kinds country produ e Fa Pe NUTTINGa Cn'on1 Ieawmnee Co . , capital 40,000,000. I u.uri, in an abaolately ompany A. 0. U. W. Members wishing employment or desiriog uelp, trill please uail at Reed A BroeraeU'e store end register their names. By Ok deb op Lodoe. THB . DR. LIEBIG Q rrlrnte mapcaaarp. 1. 1 400 Oeary 81., ban FranciaouJ ,Cal. C (Jofiducted byOna iAad PbyaicUna O and KurKfcon.-jeguUr jrradualea. Um fist The Oideat peeiaiiitte In the ! mi.iJ htt. , life loii(f cxiM-rience, perittt Hiethod ai.o pure medicine, iiihure speedy and pernianvnt cures i all Private. Cbronic and Nerrioos Diaeaeea All actions ol the Blood, Skin, Kidneys, Bladder. Eruptious, Ulcera, Old Korea, Hwel'lnir ol the ; lands, Bora Mouth, Ihroat Bone i-'aiiu.lieruiaiMiil'y curcil ami eradi cated Iroin the system lor lite. ft KM V 141 Debility, Impoteucy, 8eminal Losses, bexual Decay, Men Ul and Physical Weakness, Failing Memory, Weak Eyea, Stunted Da vtlol.mciit.lmiMrtliiiients toMarriaife ct ;., from excess or youthful Mlies. mm i- r any saute, speedily, safely and privately cured. Z IsuDK, MlddleAECtf and Old f men, and all who aeed medical skill 2 and experience, consult the old ntj, European Physician at once. His opinion costs nothing, and may tare future misery and shame. When inconvenient to visit the city lor treatment, medicines can be sent everywhere by axnraas free Irom observs"on. It is self-evident that phy.ioian who gives his ..note attention to a class of diseases atUins great skill, and pLyslcians through out the eon -y, knowing this, frequently recommend difficult cases to the oldest specialist, by whom every known good remedy is used. ' The Doctor's age ami experience make his opinion ol supreme importance. EOT Those who call see no one but the Doctor. Coti aultations free and sacredly confidential. Cases which hsve failed in obtaining relief elsewhere es pec ally solicited. Femle diseases successfully treated, rhe Doctor will arree to forfeit 91,000 for a east uu ttrtaken, not cured, Call or write. Hours, daily.from Sa. m. to 4 p. in., 0 to evenings ; Sundays, 10 to t only. Bend for the Hariitarlst Guide to Health, .en 1 1 ree. Address as abo v UK. UEBIC'BX Wonderful i.crnmn InvlffaratAr Permaneiitly prevents all Unnatural Losses frem the syttera, tones the nerves, strengthens the muscles, checks the waste, invigorates the whole system, and retoree the afflicted to Health and Happiness. Tlid reason sa many cannot get cured of Seminal fVeaknees, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owing- to a com plication, called Prostatorrhea with Hyperaetbesia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Liebig's In vUrorator s the only positive cure lor Prostatorrhea, with peeuiiar spscial treatment, used at the Liebijr Dispensary. Price t f laarntor, $9. Case of six bottles ' Bent to any address, covered securely from ob trvation. Most ix rerful eiectrtc belts free to patients To provii the wonderful power ol the Inrigorator. A Battle (ilrem or Sent Free. Consul tati on free and priv el s. CeJi or address UKBIG DI8PRNSARY, 40o Geary Street, Sen Francisco, Gal. Private Obtrsnee, 406 Maton Street, four blooksup aarySWet from Kotrwy, Main entranoe throtiga ttpsosarf I nnag to "a . WORTH ITS Jg6HTlN00lgJ Kidney Tea Naluro's own remedy a Will sneftiilly reltavo shd pwniansntly K K K K KK K K K K cure all ths vaiinn ilinicMltios arising (ruin ndUnnli'icil c.millU'i:i of tin- LI 1 AND KIDNEYS. It Is prrfectly harmlas an I can be irbeu to the inwt delicate woitutn or ehil 1. Foi sale In all drugntsta, iturll. Ilfllann A Unodnril. VYholeeela Agvuts. PTTTTt T T T T City Market A. A. ROBERTS, PROP'R. (oppoallo Petprs A Stewart's.) k taps a flrst-oUsii sup ly of good meats f a 1 kinds, at bottom T1c n, amkiucan mm To all our Subscribers I All our E4BtowsMAtMm who will pav their tubaorlptlon acoounts to thle paper lu full to dato, and one year lit ad vanoa, will be prene tiled with ona year's, subscrip tion to THE "AMERICAN FARMER P A alvtnnn-naffn Aerloultnral Nfasrar.lne miliiiaiwxl hv K A. K. Haokett. at Fori Wayne, Indiana, and which Is rapidly tnltliiff rank BSLsMs ol the loatlltiir Aitrt. ul lunl rtnhllnallolta nf the COtllltrV. II IS devotd fsrlualvely to the Interests of be farmer, slock hrnodwr, dairyman, Rnrti n r, and beir household, and every spocios of Industry counected with that great por tion ot the people of the world, the farm Thn nil. MTU. t ion nrlce in ono dollar per year. Farm re can not well got along without it. It outN new idee into tnir mlniis It lic4 ihani how to fsrill with nrollt tothemaolves. It tnakea the bRtne happy, the ynunit folks cheerful, the urowler conhnted, (he downcast happy, n . a. n . I M a ana in uemnmuo aUNiTY frw ANNOYcHCE aalraf mm sltannt sssast fteniaiaatl it j f Ulavas ttr wfitlaasauaatlntn; tseatt. Every good thing Is Oountsr feited, and oonBumors are CAU TIONED against IMITATIONS of these Onlnaneye made of VERY POOR GLASSC 8eo that the exact ktbel is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Glass. aststftsetared OXIY by GEO. A. MACBETH A CO. nttear1a !evd CIIsvm Works. WOU B AT, PI BY DEALERS. Or ge i Railroad. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO SAN FRAN CISCO VIA. YAQUIKA Trtatns Leave C'orvatlila. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at V a. m . Train Leave Yaqnino, Monday, Wadaesday, Friday, at 8 a. m. The fine A I SteaiH3r ,,Yaqaina"sail8 rsoa ranrtaco, Wtdbesday, Mat oib, WcdnoMtay, May 1Mb. Tuenday, June 1st, Thursday, June 17. h. Kui,da, April Tuesday, May 1Mb, Monday, May Z4lh, Tuesday, June Stb, The Company r.sari'ci the right to change sailing dsjs. Fares sod Ireiht at reduced and moderate rates. Rirer boaU nr. the Wiiktmett-i cwnneet at Corvalll Low lares and r.tten. l .r lurthar ln(ortnaU-in ap ply to C .1101.1 f, A. O. W. .'ii.-l I. Ajent, i-orvaliis. DR. HENLEY'S WOXDERFL'L LIGHTNING LINIMENT, IS THE BOSH OF THE WORLD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT ON RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA Nerviias headache ett'ed In turao minutes at.d Tiiotfuwh In three seem .s. For atl pains .ud aches it has no eqoal in the world Kinall birAtle. oci. wff bottle, tl . JjOR SALK. One ba If block In eastern part of tbe ettT wilb fsir bouse and Imrn will besoid cfiear ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressihg Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, JO Spruce St., New York. Send lOcts, for lOO-Pago Pamphlet. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You arc a1tVrl a f. fi ,'rrt? of thtrty flayn at ih u of Dr. tff c'n ( ! i-ii Voitt,c BSkt wltb Clctrle 8ttaK-nMry . .; fi-r the speed rolW 'aiid ;lli,iiMi" t . " - )..,..,' i.'iiiily, loss or iitatttu and A. (.-' '.-tl troubles. Also for many other rtl . " "Uilrfd IXjStOtS Won to Jlmlili. Vi ;..r i! fl-n.lj-mj k tin ran teed. No rink ialiKiirri3l. Ill lu teuled mtvciujw Btattad frar, n ; V0UA1C HELL Csj., H&vikaM, Mioa. OO 0 O 0 o o o OO sr A Pretty Woman's Secret. 1'Vnr of discovery, wltcu slw rcorti fitlo Imlr hiuI ilyi, l.i ii louri'fl f pi aiiint siuiety lo Iiit. Tli vary y?m from v litiiii uiii tlflrrs l ' ! l tvnnimr of lii-r churmi tirn I lie t . Hki'ty lo make tin drscoven'. Bui (In Is no rt'ftwin why sho sliouM ii"' r Mini retain nil the beauty r haw ttitl t her prhU! in youth, LH h r i' ' fi 1 1 a i u V iooh, amt no! nl) w 1 I (H'tiae to 'nil out. Iii' n is v' ' ! wlh upisr wIkit t'l'r' sculp ha bi 11 tf ittt' iukI lucks tlint are tuniin (rnn . I netunlly Knm n ulilio. wilt W tin i t it' nriatlne fraahnass atvl brtiluiutot' I am:u'.h IIaim VitKin irts Hcrodltrry etldrcsc. (H;outr M-wtiti. ' ' 3 i luilil lit S3 yi ai i of hi . i. i i had Im'ii for several 1 1 ts r -. bottle f it mii Vitunt started v t ! con, downy huh1 nil mi r hii -U -.wh. i u 111 Id t'M ill (tl soon Dccasaa uiu k. roay,aou vioioui. Ayer's Hair Vigor U not a fbr but, by hmllliful sttmohttrOtl of ilio rtndi iiml color jrlnuil-. 'Illy ivjtorcs to IN orls'liml coltu- luiii ttiut U - Turning Cray. Mits. CATiicntNt: I Mi ft, r iut ttrck$, Mil., lu'il btr lintr Ktiddcnlv I!.hiiIkI hv friul't. luriu llio In'-' ilH win. AYKH'a IlAlU VU.OU iv ditnl l lo its miliMttl rior. end nam 11 Mifirr. :!( It, innl itioro nbuiuliillt 1' 1:1 before. Scalp Dlteasco WMai MiNw drtnciw, hrtttlaaaw; r.iui fnii liiir of tho Imlr, (luiiiliutt', Itrhtny, und ntiniiN In - Mr. sre nil mili klv euml Ly Ayi k'sH tut Vitiou. lU'tirvdllKttni ut BOYt MhtitfiholiH, Minn., of tntdll i bto In !ln or tb hcil; it. N. t tlt TKK, .tit., ih-ri tjnu i, of fcii nUl llrmt: Mn . 1). V. s. J ,i ri i.i v, I i.. lacerlUe, h.. of Tettrr 8orca; 'i-h ti iK. II. Ill DU)K. Ji'irtivjlfiH. IV. . i.r Hntlp Dhi-nao iiii'l Dandruff. Tor pldlly of tho ntot4 of th" Imlr. wliltli. If o J.Vn-d, nint rcul In lu unil.!- ImUU IH, i ivndlly etirvd by'n Uaih VKKMb A A Toilet Luxury Ayku's IIaiii Vir.on baa no ronsl. It la rolorli-"", cU-nnly, li lulilfiillx -r finiWHl. nttd lias tlto fTct't of : llio Lair soft, iilliuit, nud glosay. Aycr's Hair Vior, riu-.PAnrp dy Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowall, Mnsa. Fold by all DrujaflaU. lavstaasai hi kit. mkSii: v. m. run a si will l ansS rKKE a. alt t ... Ml .HIkiI - I j w 1 1 i uiim Sw tU.Uu alt ' t ts Mai Set UT OO., Detroit, S ih .'. . - Lin. ' svtcti . : m kmtm is not to h e. 9 TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE, The Qreatsst Medical Triumph of the Af' SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.oaaofliavpeillC, I'etsi tt Ike krnd, with a stall eeaaaile In tk hark asrl. Pain undrr Ike akoaldrr kls4e. rnllneaa after Mttns, wit k n 41a Inrllnatlea le rarrtlon of kejdr er snlnd. 1 1 rlinbllll of irmprr, IW aplrlia, Wtlh n frt ling of bAvlna- nrlrrtr4 aosne detr, Weartaeee, Vlxxlaraa. FlaiirrlaslaU Iba llrnrt. Dots kvforetk ere. Ileaatsieka sreer tke sickt err. lteatlraanee. wltk fltfnl drrnnia. Highly colored I rlur, steal CON8TIPATION. TTTT'S PlLIs; are especially adapted tr such eases, ono dose effects sac It a tliariKioffollntrajiioaatonUliUifisuffrrer. CllallH' ' - l "K " ta-'si is? it m They IssoTfavaa the Appetite. ami . I ! .. Tnke ou Kleah.liui Hi" tioeirtalaed. and hy thHr Tonle Ac tke syaaesa i b Acilam am Orsans. tleemlar eeli are Uftr. tIMarrsy t,.n.- 8 Hi near it wit or tVm.Kr.KS ebanac ebanaeu to n Gtoesr Ulsck by a sinifle application of this ITKi It Itupann (i aiuurni coior. nt-ii lna?antaniusly. Jold by Lrnlsta, or sent by exprre on isuajpl of at. OfTIco, 44 Murray St., Now York. ARAotoALOuaa Crradfi Wa ' SE0J lnVAAK TcrrtD rou ScvsN ffArrSBVUSf INSU THOtiaaMOOAjta, HARRISRtMEDYOlD Ol ke BUYERS' GUIDE le issued Mares, suad Sept., each year. f-XHQ pages, inches, wltls over 3,SOO Illustrations m Whole Picture tiallery. GIVES Wholesale Prices direct to eontumrra on all fpwda tor personal or family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every tiling yon use, eat, drink, wear, or have run with. These IRVALlJABLB If MK8 contain Information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mail a copy FREE to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray expense of mailing. Let us hear from yon. Resnectrnll'. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 887 dc 280 Wabash Aeeaae, Chicago. III. OCHfcSON'S wih, to any address. Illustrates and lists every thing for Ladles', Gents', Childrena and Infants' wear end Housekeeping Goods, at niices lower than those of anv boose in the United States. Complete ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber,laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. !!rMuJlT YrZ nViaaaai I K I T llll OaayjlOjek sei Trial lS IT7aU umVZtteSVti nar.MJUontalajaWotesiise Ssfy !Wr yoecle on allaOas&'sfiK'ks eav lesU'aMraasarasaS 1 ciuacrat. FRIDAY MAY 14, 1886 Task r LATHI EM. The Democratic party of the State of Oregon, in convention auembled, adopts the fellowlag reeotiltoai i Firat Resolved that we reaffirm the limn honored maxim "Equal and exact Juatloe to ait men ; special prtvl fge to none." Kt'Oond That we heartily endorse i'resideat (.'lavuland ami Ills arirninls tratlon ia their efforts to purify the public service, to restore the adminis tration of the Federal Government to the practice of honesty, which existed before the Government was prostituted by the Itepubltcait party to partisan uses, personal ends and class leatsla tlon. Third That wo endorse the sent aieuts and suagesilons of President lev eland in his special mess aire to i (ingress favoring a system of ar ultra tlan ot dltlVronoes between capital and lauor, employer aim employe. - . . w rouri n w e ravor a tarirr lor revenue. limited to the necessities ot the Gov ertimeut, economically administered ; nut as any term for revenue roust af necessity afford some protection lucl dentally, we, thereiore, favor such aa adjustment a to prevent unequal bur dens and encourage the production of iiiuusiries at home, aud to afford Just compensation im iaoor, nut not to era ate or foster mouopelles. a matter of justice, tho wool growing It te rest of the country should receive tbe same benefit from a tariff as the manaf actarurs of woolen goods t and we condemn the aetlan of a Republican Congtene In reducing tli tariff oo wool snd in increasing the tariff on wo.. ion goods Finn Tiiat we heartily endorse the present administration in Its efforts to build up a nave efntieut and able to protect our sea coat and our commerce, and to malotaia and defend our rights wherever our flag floats against any or every assault ; and we believe that a ri-a .toiiabl. portion of surplus revenues should be appiopriated for the construc tion and armament or such naval ves eels, and that all material needed there fer aud for the building up of our mer chant marine sbouh4 be free from all taxation, aud such vessels should ba constructed, equipped and armed at ur own shipyards and shops aud by our workmen. Math In harmony with the record of tbe Democratic party lo tho State and Nation, we hereby pledge the party and lu candidates to us all lawful means looking owards the speedy ler initiation of existing treaty relations between tbe Uoltod States and China, and the lawful removal ef all Clnuese coal les who may now be in the United Htatee. Seventh We are In favor of liberal appropriations commensurate Witt. Ufteif Imparlance for the bays, harbors and rivers of Oregon, including the mouth ot tbe Columbia, tho opening of the I pper Columbia, tbe Willamette. Coquiile, L'mpqua. Kiuelaw river ; oo. Yasjulna, Tillamook and Port Oxford bay a. Klglilh That we urge upon our Na tnuai ( iovrrnni' nt the propriety of set ting apart Crater Lake and auffictent lands aurroonding aald take for a Na ttonal park Ninth -That tbe prodigality af the Kepubltoait party while In power In granting bouad!eas tracts of the public Is mis to corporations ctm posed of po litical mauagers aud office holders un der pretense of providing the country with ratlruaie aud wagon road a, and ia upholding tbea grants In vielalloo of law lu casee wiitre the grantee did net pretend to comply with the coudnioue of the grant, baa Justly merited the outspoken rebuke ol avery Aourieen Cltiseu. While demanding for crpr ailoua Hie obaervanco of every rmim i right, we bold that every auuh grant itecarue told and was absolutely for.vil ed lu every eaaa where the roeo uot oumpletetf lu the manner and in tbe time prescribed by law, aud that -licit forfeiture suoold be declareti wittiout further delay, saving in all caea the rigbte of aet tiers, and th laudaof the people hereby reacued fmm i be grasp of speculators should be be stowed lu small tracts te actual settle r under the lawa now In force, ar such as may be her after enacted ; and tba tbe effort of President Cleveland and tbe officers under mm to restore to tli people an amount of the publla don in ion equal in area to that of the com bined Mustee of Maw York, New Jetaey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryianu and Virginia haa won tho gratitude ami conffdeuceof the laboring and produc ing portion af our country uu u, aud especially of the- people of tiie tf tte of Oregon. Tenth That we earnestly sympati lz with (iladstone, tbe Kngiiab Premier, and Parnell.and with their oompatnois In their efforts to ameliorate the con dltloos of tbe Irish people, and wish them God speed In securing Heme Rule for Ireland. Eleventh That we are lu favor af the enactment of State laws providing lor the appointment of a Btata Board of Arbitration to the end that ait differ ences between labor and capital may be equitably adjusted with due regard to both laborers and employers. Twelfth That we are oppaaed to aoy unjust discrimination by transportation companies within this State In favor of, or against, any plaos ar class at persona and are in favor of such legislation as will prevent such discrimination and will establish just and reasonable freight rata within tba 8 late. Thirteenth That we are opposed to tbe employment of convict labor lo competition with free labor. Fourteenth That we favor the sub mission to the voters of the State of Oregon of the pending amendment to the constitution of our State, regulating the 11 uor traffic. Fifteen th That we demand such free sctiooi facilities in our midst, as that the children af the rich aud poor alike may hsve the opportunities of obtain ing an education commensurate with our advaneing civilisation. Sixteenth That we arraign the He publican majority of the recent sessions of ihe State Legislature, regular and spesial for their manifold blunders in legislation, wherein a regard for the interests of tbe people was lost in the factional contests ef the Republican party ; and we denounce the Republi can party in this State for its extrava gance, and for collecting large sums of money frem the people by exhorbltant taxation, and expending the same for unwise and unnecessary purposes. Seventeenth That we favor a rJgid investigation as to the manner in which the swamp lands el this State have been disposed of, and demand -uch action as will restore to the people for actual settlement such of these lands as are unlawfully and fraudulent ly held. Elgiiteertb That we favor a non partisan and Independent commission, whose duty it shall be to count tke money in the State Treasury tut often hb may be necessary to insure that it "ball remain in its lawful place of de pository instead of being used fur pur poses or private speculation. Nineteenth That we recommend that Congress make the necessary ap propriation to open and build a road cennecting the Oregon and California railroad in Southern Oregon with the southwestern border of ihe State. Twentieth Inasmuch a the duty imperatively imposed by the constitu tion upon the Legislature to make a new re-apportionment after each oe- sus has been neglected by successive Legislature?, to the great injustice and 1 nlnvitr t9 lha vuriitiia nminHas nf tho State. We demand and insist that every Democratic nominee for the if be Legislature shall be pledged to a new and Just apportionment at the next aaasion or ma Legislature to ha based upon present population. W. D. FkKTojt, J. P. Waorh, Chairman. Secretary. S ' t'aaoa rarrar's Mew Uoek A few weeks ago, when Canon Farrur was In this country, tens of thousands of people paid as much as one dollar each to hear a single lecture delivered by him, and were well pleased with what they got for their money, Several of the most Impor tant of those lectures and addresses with other papers are now published by John IJ. Alden, of New York, and can now be had In a very handsome cloth-bound volume, for the price of 40 cents. Some of the lec tures are also published separately In his Elxcvlr Library, In which form the lecture on Dante sells for 3 cents ; on Temperance a cents ; on Ideals of Nations, j cents ; Thoughts on America, 3 cents. The mil lions of intelligent people who admire Can on Parrar and who were not albe to hear him lecture, will be delighted to find hi brilliant, scholarly and eloquent thought placed in Oil Itandsome form within their reach. The publlaher's Illustrated catalogue, 1 33 pages, Is sent to any address on receipt of 4 cents ; or condenaed catalogue free John II. Alden, publisher, 393 Pcgri St., New York, Tbs contribution that will attract first the attaatioain the May Magazine of American HiMlory ia the scholarly papnr of ltv Isaao H Hartley, D. D., on "Hoiatie Seymour." This is accompanied by aa admirable steel portrait of tbe distinguished subject, and with several tiae engravings of hut interest ing nullify noma, including hi library, ami the view from the oread poreb, which em braces tbe city of Uties among the lulls and trees ia tbe dutaooe. The second article is "Historical Colorado." Following this Charles Dimitry writes plaaaautly of an "Old Uuuse 10 New Orleans," of nsttonal interest from haying beta the scene f a dramatic incident with General Jackson as tbe piineipel character. A wall-written article of speoisl imonrtance to all historical studsete is "The March of the Spaniards across Illinois," by hdward tl. Maou, of the Chicago Historical Society. In tbe Civil War Studies General William Ksrrsr Smith concludes his critical papers ou "Shi lob." General Alfred K Lee write charm ingle of 'The Battle of Cross Keys ;' aud Mr W O Waller describes bis "Trip to Canada with Jefferson Davis" in 1807 A feature of great interest in th's another, un der the general title nf "itanrnits," is a se ries ef extracts from the private correspon dence of Gibbon, the ntstonan. rrlatioa to American affairs, 1774-173 The i.ote end other departments overflow with choice reading. This May ioe ta aaanmtly ona rt tbe beat numbers ol thie popular periodical ever punted. Publication olli ?-, 30 l.sfay- site Piace, New York City. & Bar stir Stork. The following from the Rttral Spirit will be of interest to ail stockmen. It show that while Oregon U doing fairly it needs to make more strides in order to be even an average state in matter of blooded stock : During the past year or two the Depart ment of Agriculture has been gathering fact regarding the value of the improve ment In domestic stock throughout the United State. The average value of good blood, or Improvement by the use of good blood, on common stock. Is 35 per cent Oregon, 35 ; Washington territory, 34 ; Idaho, aa This lean average of 23 per cent ., or 1 2 below the general average. The value of domestic stock In Orcgn ia, $16, 4 ..;- ; in ldaho.$$.H68,33$ . in Washing ton Territory. $7.388, 108 ; tota!,$2.6$6,08$. If the stock in Oregon. Washington and Idaho was Improved so that it would equal the stock throughout the whole country it would have an increased value of $4,521,036 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Hi to powder nerer varies. A marvel ct purity. U-erifth and wholesMasmeaa. More aoonomioai than tbeordi nary klnds.andoanaot beeoU ta com psiiUon wish ths multitude ot low test, abort wssght, atuns orpbosphats powdsrt. Sci.posi.vis cU Royal Basis Foveas Co., 109 Wall-st, 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT, Of all kindsof merchandise. All orders from the country filled on short notice for every olsss or kind of gaedt from flrst-elaaa stock. Absolutely 00 ehsrgea or commission will be charged or Ailing ordeis, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentice's, Portland, Or PATENTS Obtained, sad all other business in th U. S. Paten Office attundsded to for moderate tee. Our office is opposlt ths U. 8. Patent Offlcs, and can obtain Patents less Urns than those reroute trom Washington. Send in. idle or drawing. We ad" to patent ability free of charge ; snu we make o charg-e utiluss we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the SupU of Money Order Olv. and to officials of the U. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and efereuces o actual clients in your own State or county, address C. A. SNOW Si CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, J . :klv n-fj mo Americas I r ciiuals that of alt od. Prioe. 3 ao a ruch oiher yrsr v All nPTeilea'i-i !t:UNN it CO.: Publishers, No. SSlBroadw, N. Y. ATEHTS.Hfi j ho Potent Office sua have prepared ln;oro than One Hundred Thow- nnd application for patents in tbe . 1 .nil fiirniiTn nAlltll n. 1 practice etore jits, Tradfi-Mark. Copt-rights, u- nt. and all other psfaers fop. 0 inventors their rlahy in the ites, tJanads, Knelsndl France, ,nd other foreign counties, pre nt notice snd on reasonable terms, ion 9 to oH itrhlng patents clieer-v-tttiout charge. Hand-books of . r llflfnnU iilii H ill. il Infoi I fullv iz "loioi;iitinn Bcuv iron, ....-- . through Munn Is fVi. are noticed in the Scisaasa A mertosn tree. The advantage of sue 1 notice is well understood by all person who wish todis-TddreasUNN11- CO.. Office Bctaxtcrw auuca. SCI Croadway, York. inform - a devoted cries, in itj niiTi . This eloped a m saw ii WORTHY Of OoiiMence. ayer's !v 4!?;"!;;i"h!,Si 1'ii uof lin world, lias proved jtrttl cscy as tho l is h!o(-d iilici'irtlvc known to incdicul srietieoi SARSAPARiLLA tlw root of r'ie Rcnulnn il'iitdiiru BursaparUla) I lu use, mid it j)nv r- tuc t tiliaiu'cd jiy the extract of Vi llmv nock rind gill liiixla, tho Iodides f I'otttssltim and Iron, nttd other imicnt Insfi'i dh iit. W your blood vlthttetl by trcraugcnwnts of the dtgestlvs iiml ssliuibdory fiuic tlonsr Is It diluted by Hcrofnlu? cr does It contain I ho xion of Jb.i t ui y or Cunl an loti JiiscuMcr TUP lrtt,hng fihyslclun of (lie I'liUcd I fib Htatcs, who know the romnositloti of Aykh's M.tHSAPAHiUiA, sny Hint nothing clo so trood for I he utifk'a tlon of tho blood it within lite range of pharmacy. flail V wff ' l"U t'tivdv I It UHLI possltilo for a wrou who hu corrupted blood to attafnsottti 1 licit It ti and prevent trmiiiinlion of !. , d- structlve taint to imstcrhv. THOROUGHLY a , ;: ; ? Include not only th removal f eor ruptlon from the blood. but lit enrich ment mid I ho strfitsftlifculnr vt tho vital orximx. BCI IADI C wiMicsscs, nil ov r no ntLLIADLIl world, testify that tliU work Ishctter sceomt )ll-li tl hy A YKM'a HAitMAFAUff.LA thuu hy iuy eMur remedy. ' Dl nfin t,,!tl u ' "rroult-d through dl--DLUUU case f made pure, end hfood wcakcniHl through dtinSmiilon of the red corirtiwli-s 1 niudc stroag, by AVER'S HAltSAPAltll.t.t. niimrviaJC blood mid bnthlfm; rUnlrTllllI up iha system rwwlre thno In serious eases, lad bencif adfl lie derived from tho u of AY Kit's H.tnsApAiiii.t.t mow petdi:y tbsa fromanythlii ; i ' medicine 'Xu;'y ..Si . ea a 1 J.i ut In the untrue but ihe onlv prep lie" teat of thin-. II twier rnanT mm ion I hut fats Ii proved wort!;. the world's conflb ncc, ts Ayers Sarsaparilla nriritrtr nv Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Msis. Kohl by all drurlts: Price 1 six hottlej, for $. QRAT WESTERN PITTSiURG. PA.. U.S.A. ' f lv n, Hi.llar1.rUUard. i.-trr, aniltt. Wia..i. ttln.a. Whliarr. II-W . W . 1 1 .... .11 ,,U, 'iJ,llWir.niiiim,.'i'i .,, .v. .... ..- - . - . ir mm mm a ea w - - - " V t oil, rr -r. W,y, HI-barOa. ai.l crthof rjna llamm"rlesa Onus. fr.iw.frM,, aWi, Ann a fine lot .f Murrla toadlnr ltlSi-n and Klmt Ouna, 3 Mlna. Xr. riablna Tackle ant Oun mak.-r.' . d.alrlaia. all at -ry low (,ria. Hmuti alamj. for 9 lr llluaUated Catalogue . M (Ul-n this paper- H AKDWAKKOF ALL KINflH. Aaaa, mattocks, brush ho k, nleks shovals,tala, forka. Krlnratona, waaal lair roa-a, wringnrs, rorJaa. and almost srerythinj? you want, can be bad coasp for c?ih f't-tcrs A Htawart. Master's Sals. INTIIKCIKCUIT CtilJltr OP the Uuitod Htatea for tba District of Oregon. Tbe Dundee Mortgage and Trust Invest ment Company, limited vs. U M t . nr, ttebnera foper. J II Wilaott, Mary Wilnen. Nathan Wbealdou, W E Kdwarda.J t Wil-on. Matilda Wllaou aud Ueo K Cbamosrlaiu, '". 1120. NOTICE hi hereby tflvon that lo pur nam- oi the deoreo of aald ( Vurt in tho abova i-ntit e I rsn. inadi ami ni.rod on th Tib dav of April, tttsb I. Ueo H Dur ham. Master in Cbaory of aatd 5urt. will protteed tt - 1 si pttblki auiiin to th' btgbl biditr. f r i-fi 11 hol. aub Jat to r li'in i 1 in. aa u, on x -til ion at law, at thn door of tii Ouon y C-njrl Bssstea '! Unnc-umy. at IttsMt, in the said County of IJnn, iu-khi io tho 9th day of May, lao. at the i. ur of 1. u o'. l..-k 111 th for-o ton. ad llio riah , inl and intrai ii !i 1 n aaul ii. f. xlanie le l t'txitirr, an I ii i ; C niMr liS'l. at tbe dai" of tho moMgaxo ir KMiol iu I -u --r tiie piomiai.a ilas-'ritx d ir aud iu the hli ami l rm Iowa : Tb eaa half f th lion land culm :iuai 1 tewnship fturtoou outh west of tb WalUiu-i whloh la known Bad da ho bhl of com j f. in or u 1 aaM uiortatfn ii'-rato. n !! ai onrtslti totm n s?--titiit ni. of ranga four mriiiian. and iuaicd in tba covernmrut aurvtiya aa ib do... ..baa taod uiaim of Jona U. ubb and Sarh hi- wifo. notiflcration numuoro) mm ptlutc amt roaorviua tlmrofr'-m thf lo n aiKl b ueki of aai'l pntiii"i oouvrj, and below sltua aa Coitr' Addtthm aey aa a toarn and d leooriod na . aud n aud alo oxooptiHa: at ptmr 1,1 fri 1 1, iu What is kit wn tl.e:..ii of H il iwhI 011 ttit, lu y f -ii isrJJtii mi ; tS. U'l -f" Trfsrn tne oiiowmu ti-acritwii pratHtaaat: Comiuwnciug at tit- auslaw si ourtier f aald oaat hall, aud riinulutj thwiu-o south twenty six ittda ; tbeaca oatl hiatoon r -de and tiftoou Unas; ibono north twcniy H'X rods ; theuM woat atxteou rodx ami lifieon links to the place of l Kimiing. containing two and one half acre uioro or (. Also tho north wo' quaiior ot pec tlon nine, township foe mote south of range throe et of tho Waltaiuet meridian, containing one bund rod snd sixty acres. Also, theeat one fourth of Ihn nortluasat quarter of -ecthui oHht, towuahlp four ten outb. rangi tbroo wrat of me VNal lainet meridian, uouiaiutug forty acres. Also the south half of tin. HouihHat quar tor ofaectlon two, township I'ourieou south of range four west of tho VNaltainft meridian, containing eighty acres. Also lieKlnning at tbe nurthiaot eoruet of that certain donation land citatu snuato in ac tlon thlrty-fonr, township thirteen aouth of ramro four wet of th Wallainet meri dian known and designated in thw govern ment aurveyw as the donatiou land olsim of D W Allingham aud running thence south to the anuihoasi corner of aald land claim ; thence east to the center of Muditv Creek ; tbeuoe northerly atonK add funk to tbe south lino of F M Morris donation land claim ; tnance aloiiy; sain Creok, downstream, aoven rods ; ttteuoo east sixty -eight rods; thence north to tbe ceuter of said Muddy Creek ; Ihouc alnux said Creek dowustrertu to the buuudary liueot a tract of land owned bv a. T. Maxwell In tbe year 1877; and thtmoe west to the pla-e of beginning, uontaiuing eighty acres morer !c- A;so, begin ning at tho southwest corner of that cer tain donation land claim situato in Koclioua twenty Ave, twenty six, thirty Ave and thirty six, township thii teen south range four west of ilm Val a.n .. : lun and known and deignatd lu tho government aurveys as the donation laud claim of George M. Hill, and thuo- running north twenty chains ; thenoe wet nine obama ; thence south tony-eevon degrees w-st, three chains ; tbeuoe xouih, slxttwo de grees west, five chains ; thence south, twenty decrees west, thro) chains ; thence north, ihltty-four degrfos wot,twouhalas ; thence south (waive ebaloa aud seventy links ; thence wet tlttoot) chain aud teu links ; theiiCi south, twenty -eight degrees east, eleven ihainsand sixty .inks; thenoe south, forty degrees west, seventeen ohainatothe middle of Muddy Creek, at the bridge ; thence south, soventy six de grees east, six obtin ; thence south, fifty four and one bslf degrees esst.threoohaius: tbence south, seveuty-niue and one half degrees oast, teelvechalus ; thetice south, thirty-three degrees east, fifteen chains ami forty-five links ; theuue uorth f rty lour tdiains and eigbt links to the, place of hegi ititutr. containing one hundred twenty -four acres, more or less. Also lot one in block tea of tbe town of Halaey, according to the duly recorded maps and plats of said town all being lu tbe county of Linn, and sum of Oregon, in payment of tbe expenses of this sale aud in sails faction or said decrte. Said decree is for II65I6.1&. with interest upou $15715.15 thereof at the rate of ten per cent per an num from April 7th, 1K8S, until paid, and with interest upon 800 thereof, at the rate of eight per cent per annum from April 7th, iSSti, until paid, together with tbe costs and disbursements ot tbis suit taxed at $143.65. April 20th, 1888. Georqb H, Durham, Master In Chancery, U. 8, Circuit Court District of Oregon. JULIUS GRADWOHL Haa tho only oxelaalvc Ktoek of CROCKERY. CLA8898ILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Issortment of Babj Carriages, And a Cliolc Selecton of Coffee, Tea and 8uar ONE DOZEN GUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME rilE HIGHEST MARKET PKH E PAID FOR EUfJ S Remember! What I 8ay I Mean. Bive Me a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- THE Oregon Short lane, 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 4 hours the quickest- route to the East, and rates, $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas Oivy and other points. All classes of tickets, good via Ogaen and Denver to Omaha or Kansa3 City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going East write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, L l.fil I5ijLLa General Agent. No, 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Corner Thin! and E Street PORTLAND, OREGON. Tbre Blocks from ail Railroad Depots, Our fa l lines are aucb that are defj competition. Tula la tbe lergeet and moat respectably kept Hotel in tbe North west. Board and Losing 11,00 per Day, IEALS, !ft CE1T8. LO0GI16. ii AM iO CIXTS. FREE SUSS TOANO FROM THE HOTEL No Chinese Employed. B, LBWISIOH, - - PHOP&ISTOR, (Late of Minnesota Huaae.) ED. CORBY AGENT. F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Ccunsior it Uw. LEBANON, OREGON. "Vlllpractios iu ad tn Cuin-. in the Mate it UN I) miH II ANOINGS, A as. ss I asarsa ai i aVi ana a tt i iin a a s 1 aaaaas - riaVat u..- kuj.l - iM by Pnra A Stearart. cf lastly. I her are made ot wrought ir-a cantj'rt. Juiiip trie -rack and will last a I a tiiiio I) nt hn a'loiber rrn d xr ojb tll you bavo ween 'hem. DR. MINTIE, Taw-: arrs'ituaT. a II Keernry umi, Saa im c, cat. T&zats au. Cuaustc, tnni.i Parrars Disxasaa ami Wosaasn-L Sicca. (HE GREAT ENGLhH HIMEDY I la a savga raiuaaccas t it Nror U-h lity, Hem . ittal a. aknesa, Kxhsusted it'.s it, ht:mujf rh,c Last Waahand, Inio- . i , ,) anh i !"n c'sttTT- hi-s, stM all Irrriblc Bids l srll-sl jc x utb- lu' follir and excess in mat urrr .rears, such as Law an n, Lsaa iMaJMe- ii Ai Kmiuion, ..version to ciety. I miisa o( Ytaian ffrf ta drlakiat lataxl ratiag llajanrs, the 4m fluid aaia unouaerrvd n th urine, and man other diseases that lead to in anil; atd aeaih. Dr. Mlette. who is a Rrealar lk jlelaa. firsiiaair uf Hie l'Bttrratl af Praalvaata will mrrea v mrfeit Flr Haadred laollara for a case l thia kind ths Vital eaarallve (under hi special advice aud t- raiment) will nut cure, or for an; thiii); impure or injurious found in f: 0r, Mia lie treats all private dtaeaae uo rsafuHy without mercury. I'oaaattattoa free Thorouaii examia at'on and advice, lucludina analysis of mine, .'. Price oi Vital Krlorallve. Sl.W a bottle, or four times the qui nUiy, $5 ; sent to aay add re. s upou re ivipt of price, or COD secured from oheen allot) and in private name if dedred by ttr Wlnlle.ll Kearny Street. Saa I'ram i o, Cat. bend or liat of questions and pamphlet. HAH FEU BATTLE FKKC. Will be sent to any one applying byte Her, itatintt symptom, sex and tof. Mrict secrecy in reyardto all buslutM transactions. Ir Mlntir'a Kiditrv Kemesty. Keph retlean, cure ail kind of Kidney and Bladder Cauplaint, Uoaoirhnea, Gleet, Laucorrhoea, etc. For sal by all drUtftisU ; $1 a hotfe or aix bottles for 5. Ur Wtntte' Daadellan Mils are tl beat and beapftt aynpepaia and Rllluu cure in the mark c. For sale by all drmrnists. &KE B 0NS L1ER REGULATOR For all Diseases of the Lirer, Kidney:, Stomc?nd Spleen. This purely vegetable pre- paration, now so celebrated as a Family Medicine, originated ia the South in It acts gently on the liowela and Kldneya mid-corrects the action of the Liver, and is, there fore, the best preparatory medicine, whatever the sick ness may prove to be. In all common diseases it will, tin assisted by any other medi cine, eflteot a speedy tiure, The Itegulator Is safe tu administer in aay rendition of the system, and under no c.rcutu stancea can it do harm, it will invigorate iike a glass of wine, but is no imoxicatinj bever age to lead to intemperance : wilt prom -ite dl geNtioti, cLssipate headaclio, and geaer ally tone up the system. The dose is small, not unpleasant, and its virtues undoubted. No loas of time, no inter ruption or stoppage of business white taking ths Regulator. Chil.lrcn complaining of Colic, Hoadiiclie, or Sick Htoniacli, a teu-pjonful ' or more Wttl give relief. If taken occisioiially bv pa tients exposed to MALARIA, will expel the poison and prutsct them from attack. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. I have b?en practicing medicine tor twen y years, , uid hve ueyer been uble to put up a cgtrtr.ble 'compound that would, like Kijnmortjj J-ivtr Rcju lator, promptly and effectively move the Liver lo action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak, ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of ihe system. L. M. Hihtton, M. D., Washing! on. Ark. J3 THAT TOU tlET TBE 6 EXT LK. PSBPAKEO BY J. H. ZeUin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. av ttaaa ' "vJEI3assssBi- .'.i ia i he head. First National Bank OP A LB AMY, K !;; N. President JOHN CO.VNF. . it. F. MfcKKIL TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking basiaan. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check. -SfOHT EXCHANGE and telegraphic traaafar, sold ooKrw York, San Francisco, Chicafu and Portiaa COLLECTIONS HADE on Urorabl t arras. m. K. Yocxo, Jobs Cosxsa, L. K Klaj, L. Fuaa, H. r. Maaanx. t. L. COWAN. J. W.i Linn County Bank, COWAN & GU8ICK. -ALBANY - - - OREGON TBA N8 ACTS a general banking briefness. DRAW SIGHT OR A KT8 on Xw York. Eax, Fiaa dsoosed Portiaad, Ongwu. UA MONbV af appnwca security. RECEIVE depoaiu subjec to COLLLCTION3 entrusted to as will receive prompt tkotiuD. jAUSAQK MILLM, We be a meat cotter that i a nrnh an Itnprovaaient over tbe old fslroned Maug mill aa J. I Case AgiUtor ia over a flail. It don't clog an I leaves do airings tu lb eat Come and ea it. AlllPT Send 10 cent peatge, aao are aril Mia I atail you tree a royal, laiuab'e mmple box of goods that will put you in tba aay of making n,we mooav at once, than anything le ia Amei lea. Both ants of all age eaa live at home and work in spare time, or all tbe liuse. I'apiuJ ant re quired. We will start you. Immense fmy sure for he abo start at once. Stucmx aart Co., Portia aa. Maine. g ts B Wm CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Blotclt, or Ernptlon. to the worst Scrofula. 8altrjbenaal Feyef aorea. Scaly or Bongh Skin! to abort, all diseases caused by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and invigorating medicine. Great Eating Vim cere racial y neai unaer its benign InOuecce. wynouy eas k nutniifssea hb curing Tetter, K bunclea, Sore E; hh sweijinga, mp-joini f sense. wnlte Swellings, eioltre, or Tbleli Neck, and Enlarged CS lands. Send ten cents in stamps for a largo treatise, wrlth col ored plates, on Skin Dweaees, or the same smotmt for atrratteeoo Scrofulous Affections. "THE BLOOD IS THE EIFE. Thoroughly cJeanee mittar using Dr. Pierce's Ciolden MedLlcal BlacoTery, and good dlgeatiou, a fair skin, buoyant aptr. ' it, vital strength, anel eoundneaa of constitution, wlU be established. CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofulous Diaease of the Eung, te promptly and certainly arrested and cured by this God-given remedy, if taken before the last stages of the disease arc reached, from ft wonderful power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now cel ebrated remedy to tho public. Dr. Pikrck thought scriouidy of calling It his "Cou enaaptlou Cure," but abandoned that name ss too limited for a medicine which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or strengt hon ing, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilioas, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequaled, not only as a remedy for consumption of the lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES or THE Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, hare sallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dlzxi ncss, bad taste in mouth, internal beat or cbtt, alternating with hot flashes. low spirits and gloomy borebodinga, Irregular appetite, and coated tongue, you are suffering from IndU restloiijlsyBpepaia, and Torpid Elver, or "BUlouaueaa." In many oases only part of these symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all such cases, Dr. Werec's Golden Medical Discovery has no equal. For Weak Ennga, Spitting of Blood, Shortneaa of Breath, Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, Consumption, and kindred affections. It is a sovereign remedy. . Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierces book on Consumption. Sold by PruggiSfl PRICE $I.Wfa?.SK World's Dispensary Hidical Issodtiiia, Propriotors, 883 Main St., Bctfaxo, N. Y. KttTCtfs LITTLES fetvyx v e - V PILLS. ANTI-BIEIOCS and CATXSAI1XIC Sold by Druggists. 35 cents a vial. $500 REWARD is offered by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you have a discharge from, the nose, offensive or others wise, partial loss of smell, taste, or hearimr. weak eves, dull oaln or pressure ia head, you have Catarrh. Thou- sands of oases terminate in consumption. ur. aages catarrh kemedv cures toe worn oaseeof CatarIif "Cold in ihe Head, potency ia sao Hash. Boll. Car rea, tScrofuloae No res sisi aa( mr 8 TmWBmir