SASA t aan i f uirettoty U. 1'. ('ih'huH. 1'reaching every Hahbath, a t 1 1 a. m . , aud 7 p. m. by lUv. F U. lr via, i. Ml .Sahoatli school at 2:9U r. M Prayer uioittiug every Wodueaaday evening. i;vanuki.u:al Cuuncu. Preaching on Sab 1M2) at 10.30 4. i. , and 7 r. m. Sabbath dohuoj 1 1 :4A i'rayer meeting wrj Weil DUy evuumg 7:30. B. Ivw, pastor, All .r.- invited. 0uwtATi0NAL('uumM. Srriotarry Sabuath t 11a. m. nd 7 IV M. Sabbath School t 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. I lrn, paator. 4. tfi. C ho huh,. South. Preaching every Sabbath nioruiug At 11 o'clock A. m. Sab bAth School a( 10 o'clock A. at. Prayer meeting every Thursday tiveuiug at 7:30 o'clock. F M. Culp, Pester. M. K Church South, TAStusirT. Preach iugevur, Samiuii u 3:30 o clock, r. at. ab. batu rscliuol At '2:30 o'clock, r. M. F. M. Culp, Pastor. 3d. ri. Church. PrwAchiug every Skblwth 11 a. m. mm 7 r. at. Song service in e eveuinu botorc sermuu. Sabbath School 2.-30 r. at. I' ray or meeting every Thura y eveuing. Hv. 11. P. VYebb.paator. PkKMHYTkKtA.N C H c HCH. Service even Sabbath utoruiug And evening in Church or Brnadaituu and Kuili Su Sunday School t :30 m i . . i uueoting every W-ducadav eveaiaa, Hev. Isaac 11. (. oudit pastor. Final Bait i hi- CiH'ucu. Preechiua avers SAooAkti Ai. 1 1 o duck a tu. ,at Cnurca on 6th Strovb. Sabbath ocaool iin.iiediAtely Attot momm bvtvio's. Praer tuuetitiu e er Thursday evmug At 7:30 o'clock. T BrvMiiaou, pastor. di.l.UJ i"J ivur'lll IA -vVlA- Oregon & C tii lorn hi H. It, AM t'O.MNHCilOliSJ Far from lrt.!i.l U San rr.uciaM. S33 : to nisuto, . . it..-- oiniucuuu made a Ashland w ih aUva U lh . tuioru.a, Orvfcou ami ideaa Sla-a voaily aMcarr suhdayso Ud MMI ttivialea. BKIHI.1.1 atati k ;.t .. AaBL e.Sl, Mail train. UWL AASIVa. Portland ".SO a a I Albany 11:15 a a Aioenv i- . ix I A-htauc M i 5 M I I M i Aioo lt:tf- AM Albany lUS r m I rVruanU t.iS r a Albauy kxprMA Train. LAAYa. AAA! VI. p..n.iU, . .: m Albany 8JM re AiiHtny .a r a UUutuu tpr m kavMitt u 4.AA a M i A. un a M A(M,.y .. &.3U a a T ..maud )0HN a M Puiliuan Palace iiimz Cant dallv batwaen Al baiu a i Ki Adtland. Tn i n.i . K U Korrv mkr comm-liona wllh all the r yuir iratua u tli tUal bulo Olvtaiou (ruin foot of r a nut. Hfil Side Itiu.loa. iltiVll.n r A ma COKVALLIA. Mall Train. laavb aaAira Poriland... ....... ..0)0 a I CorTAlila 4J0 r m C a a I PofUaod r axttrrm Tratav LKAVV ARAIVg I' : r M ! McMiniitllM t M Med.... m ... :5 a It IWUand fc a M L-nmi itckato tf aaic nd baggaire t-backed at cues pA.ty' ut-iuautfinuw-. MaM AAd Moood tuvu. T.oae.f r ptim HmI h u in CalK.rnU can oui ba tMAtnoi iiU4rae ckaad at 0opany'a uMne. Curuar V a . . K .. tit... P irMsud or, fYaicBit U1 uov b rvc .i l -i inkiiii ut 0e o'clock p. an. e. aoaaixa, K. p. kooers, Hauler. O. P. a PaaeAraaU vTlLL BUY A BOTl US Or TUK BEST OOUQH CUKE ihi I ho word hat r dutt.d. Or tfra.'ry'a O U(b Jre ha u Aaaaqaal oa . . e I iha fioba. 1 1 i Han the world for p .-jOu Ut .r.ln e any . ..ii i . . ration, m h Lav to bant It n protnptnaaa in cunny a Jouh or Luld. Hstaa-ra lake the ad 'tee .d an olv p.untxr of 17 yara jo Ui Coaa : r Ooat ran the rik of Lour own life or yonr rtiidren u .ai anu aiar. It h aatit ihou ABdaU their long bomca. )Tow ardl nnd uro ir ue In one -l lhe tmall otUea than in a pint of ttimon couh miatdrea. rheie ia o"e tainv v0 rat, 'if yon don't kill the ajwogb tbe ooogn ta Mire Io kill yoo.'" Beaare ml the l mate i.ark Tke a aa he boll I r. wuouuiaut aoaxra, M'.LL, arlTHOt at WflWIKI, P jRTLASiO, OREOOX. RAM MAY. J. G. SENDERS MAY & SENDERS. Dealers in General Merchandise. HAR ISBURC - - - - N Will buy drain, Wool and all kinds conntry prodrc fa la IIU I I llltla t'mon Inaurani Co., coital Kv,O,000 Inaura in an abaolutely nf MPM0 A. 0. U. W. I rs wiahing employment or desiring ii :;, ni p!eAae ctll at Read A Brownell'a ktoea awl register their -namet. By Ordes or Lodoe. THE . OR, LIEBIC Q Private UiiMNary, j 400 cier hi., 8an FrAuvtaco gCaL CC joiiduct4 byQua ificd Phyikiana O ami rui;;con -ruguJa (rraduatam. A-. Tii'. u.iift aoeeiatUU in the ja l.'tiiied htataa, life long experience, ,, tiarlael n.ttbod and pura medicine, AA ii..iir .ruei'ilw uni tM.rliia.rii.iit inm of all Pi ivate. Chronic aud Nervioua Otiteaaea Atfectiona of the Blood, Mkin, Kidney, Bladder. Eruptioux, Uleara, Uld norea, Kwel'lny of the ilaitda, Bora Mouth, Throat Bona faina.pernianent'y cured and aradi uatcd from theavatecu for life. ItiKtlOtM Uillity, lmfKtency, Heniinai lataca, Kexual Decay, Men t.,1 mi. l I'liv.irul VliMknoaa K.lltno '-J JZT M u.ory, Weak Eyea, Htontad De fe W cli. i iiiti.l.MiiKUiUiciiU U, Marriage W CS U'.'.,!roBieceaaoronthfal folliea. I 3 ' t any caue, apeedily, aafely and ft privately cured. Z louuK, Mtddlc-Aceal and Old ' mi ii ami wliu niil rnMilii.1 skill r aiuI exeriiice, uonauit the old a Europoan Phyician At once. Hit npitiiori conta nothing, And may save futuie misery and abame. When inconvenient to viait the city f ,t tro.i', . ).;liclnea can be aent everywhere by axoreae free from oborra,'n. It ia aelf-evlilent that nhy.ician who givta hU nole attention ton claaa of disease a'.ina great skill, and pbyelcians through .nit the eon. . y, knowing this, frequently recommend diffi cult caaea to tbe oldest specialist, by whomever known good remedy la used. The Doctor's age anu eanerience make his opinion of supreme Importance. Jorrhoaj who call sec no one but the Doctor. Con sultation, free and sacreoly confidential. Case, which have failed In obtaining relief elsewhere espec ully h ilicilc I. Female diseaaas successfully treated Phn Doctor will airree to forfeit $1,000 for a case un I or taken, not cured, Call or write. Hours, daily.from a. m. to 4 p. m., to a evenbiga ; Hundays, 10 to '.2 only. Band for the HaniUriat Quida to Health, ant free. Address aa abov DR. UEBIC'fffl Weaderful Ueriuau Invlgerater Permanently prevents all Unnatural Losses tram th sy tetii, l ones the nervun, strengthens the muscles cheeks the waste, invigorate the whole eyatein, an B, HiVl; ictud t marry restores tbe afflicted l.u Health and Happiness. pnir ed o wing iyp Th.: rean so marry cannot get cored of Heroins Waakneaa, Loas of Manhoou, etc., ia owin? to a con plioatiuti, called Prostatorrhea with Hyparaethesii. which roquiraa peculiar treatment. Dr. Llebiga In viirorator it the only positive cure for FroftAtorrhea with peculiar special treatment, used it th Liobi Disensary. Price of In vlg orator, fff. Cam of six bottle Sent to any- address, covered securely from ob ervation, Must no w erf u I electric belts tree to patients To trove the wonderful power of the Invigorator. A W'J Batlle Ciivnn or Hent Free. Consultation free and private. Cah or ad iree 1IEBIG DISPENSARY. 40- Q m rv Street, Ban Frarxaeco, Cai. I rivata antraaiA, 09 Mason Street, .oaj blookjuj. svry Btret jrom Kea-ney, Main eatraaee through 1 ... n... ct.nM.7 " t '.linfiHiri loVVUKTn ITS 1 1 Aveawaa p aai mI MMMMk. jBf t 1 ' ifantd and ii i hlUreethat I 1 -I'lion I t ti I r4, ' I recomnicml It oa aupcrlor to i to mo." II. A. Aac t 111 Bo. Oxford St, UrwvUi a, K, V. Wttkuut lajurtoui medication. Tun CWTAtn Couiasv, lfti Fultou Otrwet, N. T. oo o o o o o o oo re gou Kidney Tea Nature' own rcmut) K K K K KK K X K K Will aprrriily nliova i lily cure alt lha varlnua H Own a duumlertd vtiiutiu LIVER AND KIDNEYS. Itta pariactly harmltwa anil oa i ba Ktn to the m . i ttulieata woiuau or child. Koi al by all tlrViua-Uta, Hurll, Urllnhn .1 M immIrhI. W holeaale A(nta. TTlTrT T T T T PORTLAND, OH-BC3-03ST. City Market A. A. ROBERTS, PROP'R. (Opuoi;e Peteis A Stewart'.) K eis a flnit-clAKi kui ly of good meat fa I kind, hi bottom irlw. MKKICA I AMIEK El ri-':' To all our Subscribers I All our KtihAcrlber who will pay their ubecrlptlon account (o thta ptr In fHII to date, and one yrar In d vanoe. ulli bo ure.teiiu il with on year'n MiLacrlp tion to THE "AMERICAN FARMER f A atxteen-page Agrifultttral Maraxlne, pubitAhetl by K A. K, lU. kett, at Krt WAyne, Indiana, and which la rap dly Uklng rank a aneorth leadinK Agri.-ul tural publication of lb country. It I devotad caclualvely to tba Intertata of ihe f i in. r. atrtck breod-r, dlrynin. gartUn er. and 'heir houm-ild, ar.d every apeoie of Intlunlrv contitH tnl with that ureal t r ton ol thaMole of th warld. th farn xr. I lie fclHiM Tli'lMMl T!ro m oim iimiir lr year Farmer can i ol well gut aithoutit. It tMt new tdeaa into their mind. It t.'cb h tin u bow to farm with lrtfit to thetiiwftvea. It makea t!i horn hnppv. tbr yoitiitt folk ehorfol, tbe uroaiar c nt- iu-d, thn .lon aat happy, ii I lie demagogue mui . Mi . i 33 awto onlv of t Bnnt ntA -Pt rjnal Ity ofiilaaa for wlsnatavuUtoK oeat. Every good thing1 is Counter feited, and container; xtro CAU TIONBD against IMITATIONS of thc;se Chimnoya made of VERY POOR GLASS. Sco that tho exact label is on each chimney ass above. The Pearl Top ia alwaye clear and Dright Gloss. Kanafjselurvd OXLY GEO. A. MACBETH 9k CO. PtttAbnrgb Ixad Cilaa Work. FOB. BAL3 E7 DEALERS. Oregon acific liailro WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO SAN FRAN CISCO VIA. YAQUiMA. Train Leave C'ervalliM. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 0 A. M. Train Leave Vaqnlna, Monday, Wedneaday, Friday, at 8a.ii- The fine A I Unas ,,Yaiaina"sail8 ll! ') OX k FKAStlSCO, Sunday, April 'Atb. Huiiday, May Mi, Thursday. May 2-;th, Wodnesday, June ind, ".i iciai lay.i iday HatUiday May l 'th Thuraday. May Wednesday, June 'Jib, The Company rsasryei tbe right f3 change tailing days. Fares and freight at reduced and niwlcrate rates. Kiver boats oa tbe tYlitametti connect at Corvallla Low fares and rates. For I irtber information ap ply to . . HOCVE, A. CI. V. and V. Agent, Corvaliii. DR. HENLEY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT, IS Till, BOS . M V THE WORLD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT ON RHEUMATISM anu NEURALGIA Nervoua headache cured in three minute and Toothache in three seconds. For all pains and ache it baa no equal in the world (small bottle. bOcts. Largo bottle, 91 . FOB AU, One half block in eaatcrn part of the city with fair houae and barn will heaold choap Pinal Settlement. NOTICE U hereby given that the un dersigned Executor of the Jaet will and estament of A F Cherry, deceaaed, haa filed hia final account in said estate in the County Court in and for Linn county, Oregon and the Judge thereof Baa made an order fixing Saturday tbe 8th of May, 188G at I o'clock, p. rn at the Court House In Albany,Oregon,as the day aud timeor hearing objection to bad final account. Jab. G. Chubby, Executor. Nature 'a own remedy, Oregon Ktdoy Tta i t Wm. fff aw K ii 'rf Children. CattoriA cores rUe, CJonatipaiio-., e.?!Jp Mom '. I'lirrtwna, fr-w. aula Wonna, fclvw aloep, aud iivuct3a vll- l'1-nlli.U ft 1896. Will b.nllr,i rUKV. o sit sptiUgSBl. sail in of "tjw "hvt wAvrlat H. U tuis. stH-oi ISO ,,!. to all. .Lu u Msrk4 UscWKr. an4 for u, D. M. FIRRY a CO., Detroit, Miohigan. 25 YEARS IN U8E, The Oraataat'ffadical Trtawph of th Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lmmiinniriiir. Iluwrla caatl ve, latnti the hrtial, wlib a stall aennaitan ta tkt hiifk p ii. I'ii i Busier the ahoHldrr bin dr. I'Mlteraa after ealtag, vrllb ndlw lui'ltnntlon fa rxerltaa af bady or ml ml, Irritability af temper, aplrtta, wlib n rrrlluHorbnvlna iwulot'trd aume duly, Wrnrlueaa. Iltyvtueaa, flatlrrtug at lha Heart. Data befure tbv ayca, llcadarha aver tbe rlxbt eye, Iteatlraaaraa, sslib fitful drrnms, lllubty ralared I rtne, aud CONSTIPATION iMsi irtaiini..iiM.iiiii TT'TT'N I'M. i s to ta-ii rows, tu thnnR" "frilling n adnntrd in crtVrla aarlt a i nUh tiin an fferer. K-tltr.nnd t UM lha , I i. ilm is Ttiitle Arllon n ins i IU" llt larntaalaaru iklll' m I af linill Wlkll (.it V lllllt or lil'Kri.i rhniigol to :i r Hi. ick hv u tuuio npidioMiUm tf U.t )na arr C. iTtt. tt ini!Tfa n nnturaf color. act" ntaiKHHrsly. Bol l hv Uruaglata. or -, -i l.-lpl of ft. oo, 44 iViurray St., Wow York. Aansai wia OmvjI O tlx. Bt VKRS' avmv: t taasl Manrh anal Hi j.t., i each year. Cj lino wagaa, (ll luiliM.ii.ihunr 3,000 llluatralttnta a as kola Paatara Callrry. aJIViH Holcaale lrlra tltrrrt to etmmumrra aa all goosta Car prraoaal ar fkatlljr aae. Telia bow ta orUr, and ;lvca e a t coat af every thloK yon ur, aat, sfrtafa waar, ar have r.ia srlia. Thran I N V A l.t A lihl. HOOK ronlain Inforatallon Rhanetl front the marks af the world. We avlll mall a capr fr'HKK to aajr ad dress upon receipt of lO eta. to defray evpeuaa of malllaa. Let aa hear from yon, RaapeclfaHy, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Jk lfOVtttUaab Avrooe, t'bleaaei;!. OCH$cSON5 !-ah. toartv julurri ltlu.trat and osis every t tug f or i u . anu infante w r Uoods. al urtrea Uiu-rr than Umbu of .m v bouitr m ti t?iii:i"d ateu'-a. CSaaaaiet altaracflau nr ji,,t j r ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. 11 kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber.laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. I OBINSON a WEST. Yon nwftiJi.w f Or. In.-' I oof the i iit wim 0 !.losa I iroiibles. n x-storA' iiiuerd. olatln iraaai tall, Mick, ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., Now York, feend lOota. for lOO-Paga Pamphlet. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that Ihe under signed has ben duly appointed Administra tor of the estate of Jane Gil more, deoeasad, by the County Court o? Linn county, State of Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present them to the Administrator at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof, properly verified aa by law required. Dated this 26th day of March. 188G. E. J. Lansing, Administrator. If you are going East be euro and go via e Oregon Short Line. It ia the n. t. See he in another column. TUTT'S Pills i.ttrati I: yi'ra.?S .7a,Y. It llaf II Vfta . - m an m rr - O MEN. Mfa nmtnt PIUDAY MAY 7,tH6 nAwniLi. t annua freaks ef I'aeeaaeiea Reelaraal teep Walker. Th vagart of otnoawbulists art pruTarhtaity ootoriotm, and within tb paat d? or two a village Aear Gain- hrotif(b ba ben tho seen of on areua. iog frtak of en of tb sloop walking biotherhnod. An eld roaldont thoro war ditcovieel at 1 o'clock ta Ibo morning in a neighbor' garden engag ed in piayer, evidently undor tb iaa- reaaion that be waa in cburoh, but otberwiae in a dop sleep. He was, .ittiuatalf, icrnduotd to bis bed by aoiM friend, none the worae for hia itt'e eaaapad and consequent exposure ta the ei Id. 0mrated, however, with tha amotion nd iflxp'io bl biuga re- ourded of i her aoiunatnhtiiiata, tb frak f the QaiulMrough villager ia quit commonplao. Dr. Haycock, tbe eminent Oxfoid id viae, would oft en rise tram bia bed at night, give out hia text, aud, whie aouud aaleep, duvr u exee lent ser mon litKin K. 1I. waa frequently watthaU, but no aui'Miot f tugging, pnlliag or pinchtag ever encoea l i in retietng hm. Di. Macuiab, of E lin- buigb, givta) an m-c t an Irtah eitiieuiao who awatu moi thn l lie down a rtvar, got aahor and we su'tsequantiv dlaOvrtH sleeping by tbe ialda, altogether UOCoUacioUa d tho extiaot dinar v f t he bad aeoom. pliahed. Dr. Prttcksrd bad a patient wb i wa part.culariy fund of bra ex eti tM-H aiai it, rise e ntabt, nod hia way to tb atabl, aaddlo hi horse, joy yaihip and finaliy ooob back knocking t bi own Irout door in a a aa a oa a as iOinaabuJatto condition. He Wf (nil d to mnnr uffieieotly funnj to be worth recatding bta servant tiekled tbe soles of bta f '. Tb memory of ken is no. Ciltn.lh preOg'on under tbe Influ Oute . t the i. or nattnx tut-ule ibt moves them. M littgivvl an loatnce ol a poot end illiterate basket -maker, who ess unable to led or writ ; yet in a mate of al p-y igil be wwitld prcb lioent sarmoua, which wet afterward racognitva a having formed tauttioos of Oiceuurae be waa accus tented to b r in the pariitk church ai a ebibt more tban forty fears bafuie. Q utw a range a ca ol "unconectatia mwmery" it fafrtred to by the euiiuont Dr. A i oro-iubi . A ung gtrl given to sleep. t king ws to b h .u of tmitaitng CUa kiniii, w it li Lr ll,i', gi'log icepr. Itmiuaty inning ai.d acraping and f .r tailing Wttb tbe otuttait fidaHt). I- puzxied the pbicte a goad deal ui.ti. be aacariina i that when an in fant tb girl lived in a room j " m, a fiddler, who ofln peflotoied upnn bl intifument in li- h mo U k other haul, i. attot ha admitted lba aomnambulun oecaeianally do ear fttedtab thing and make . I I aiiatakae. A am a era i yeui g man Md b m reft ua iie i used bi get tp in hie el,ep, etim tO bla Oaetie batUUfei , Aat blMaelf a- tide ibem. 0d then eptir and whip tb wall, nder lb impteaaion that b waa taaontrd it) on bi d I o i tp waikera have wade tame iiua frflOfi than i t t 1 CHUtsa C Uili.M ted al.iie .. toe a- Ul ait.- kutNtin c 'iidiilou are tat f m uv rale. N t ut' re tban ml ea agf "l tii. happy ojecbauiO tealdlog In tfjiu burg wa tiled befoie tbe ktgb c iit tner for tbe murdei of bi own ebiu. It wa proved rbt ba roe from bi td it nigkt and, fast asleep, took tke in fant from beaida its moiosr and dashed It furiously sgaiual t h -nb. Tb i dnc showed that th wricbu tatbt was addicted to omombuliMir, and hia own explanation ol tbr mat-or wa that 0 dreamd bo ws attacked and bad struggio'i with bia assailant. Ol Com, tb man wa acquitted. IStrauger than tfcte, by reason at the complicated circumstances Attending 11, wa tb trial of the notorious L .id ColiittppiVs brother, in 1686. f tke murdei of oof the g'.iards, woiie m a swte of sleep vigil. Ue got Uf,addlM bia favorite charger, and wiu foi a ride in the paife, kei 'g it tb time aouud asleep. Oan ot tba e .trie on duty, Iteing unaware of ahee mditian la which tbe utticcr was, ifuad to allow bim to pass, rhareuptiu tho Hon. Mt (Jul pepper diew- bia pkftoi . t i deli t r tie y shot tke poor man dead on the I ot. When tried at th O.d Batle) for murder he pleaded aomnanituliam, ud aa it proved lbt h wan addictd (0 tb baiu , and that be was found t he Hhicrp wh' fi a i reeled immediately after the tragedy, ho wax acquitted. Loivlon Pot. THE HtitiHKaT JOKK. Of all tha political demagtstu which we bat ever uiet, that which H,ritoxn di8asin bia roaolntian tntrvxlucad in CutiuresR h few dat sgo appropriat ing $1,373,000 to construct a ship ril- wtv from Dallas to Oelilo taken th . . .a . , . . . cak. And the moat astonishinR thinai is that ha captivated t he Republican r ' convention by tbia ridicnloiia at.rake o " policy. Hepub'ican smile ir around but say notbinf. Many are aotnaliy ashamed uf it. i"ai Mr. Cabell Breckinridge, recently appointed Surveyor General of Wash ington Territory, is a son of Gen. John C. Breekin ridge, and a gentle man of line character and capacity. TEIPERIHOS DEPARTMF, KtdTce mr Tsa Wimen't Cbriiiiin TemperKBee Cniti At tho iniithiff nf thn W. 0. T. U., oa TueatNy, April 27th, (hi u-uhI routine of business was gooo through. Avery interesting devotional meeting wa conducted by Mrs. Overman. The President, Mr. Townrtentl, en uklng the chair for the new to'ru of office, mide brief Inaugural addree. Sbo hoped that nil the members would try to be more regular in their attendance, end that officers would keep fuller account of work dona, Correspondence has been going on for some time with regard to a lec ture to be delivered by Miss To peer, one of the teacher In Ihe Portland public school. Mis Tupuer Is poken of by those who have heard her as a lecturer of high ability. Arrange ment! will probably be m id to have her deliver lecture in Albany the latter pirt of May. Dues end other moneys were re ceived to the iinount of $13. Ah interesting psper on t'e effects of "Alcohol on the digestion" was read ny ur Supt of H-rdiy sod liyglene. Mi Narcismi Will cloved her Work in U'g oi vtith a lectura at P rtlaiid, April 1 1th, nd I imw to Oallforill. Urrgun p. pore give UO- ! bounded prate to her Work there as wed s la Washington. But a title working so successfully for other, a S re tri tl tu tnrfillao hr, tie born- a - . saw l log ul livr nniui t Urovn m, f t., tha home Where, aa sue writes, "My father and ojtn r n v! till d-ini the liUitlt' .if m' fllll'lO'i l r- U 'I which a thouaiit'l r vi u- meitiartee cluster, aim to it we-e oanit ui.ati oi . . a . a . mi ir borne treasure, .ue.oent.aa. f , our loved father and mother. It is a vory great io.ocUl I a to i-tor end too, as tbere was dtt e Iniunuce; but the saddnat of ail ta tho th Ug t thai ih- ....iu hsi. nhui. t .ei aasae a SN i ar a J 9 9 - M SM a WW llTl J 4 a 'As home aojeochtlofi is g no She lias ur syiupaib.v, for wo rlize the grettoea of lit lose Aid- fi m tbedea'b ol It iom iit, Kw thing eflWt ua m rttbo the l e ol a h iti, With alt ila trea-urei tnd tea it'Utl ma. rateats tiraated. Palenff granted to citiaens of the Pacific State during the past week and reported ex pressly for the DxatocaAT by C. A. Snow A Co., Patent lawyers, oppcatte U.S. Patent Office, Wasldngton, D. C. : I A Davis, EngUfwood, Cat., Riving ma chine. V. IM Varxo.Bcnkb, Self regulating lamp. L J Gllmsn. tsanta Rosa, Harvester. J M Perry. Oakland, Fly trap. F Smoke, San Francisco, Trap. A S llalladk, San Francisco, Wire rope or cable. The ft ,.Mhiiean Hr r f tsinlna pandit) b iii s w - a tjelel.e-. tha Ul V gti E til iia in hi fit-' on -he adanniaf rati, n mat re it.-. i ., he haoefit of K nimr.da. A a t-a half the OSUCU bae P-aiihn ,, i, .m i f 1.,-ir awn thft Nt are. b- V m B-nators mat. t. I SI . wn ta. ti to d on tbeti A Safeguard ... .il rapidity with tvhkb sllifh mm t ouglsa rrrtunitlv dt'Velo$i '' gravest tnaladies of the tbroa' i I luu -.I arouMrntlon which aboutd l ii-ry rutknt M-mon to keen a: lund, aa a lioum-lHild n inedv, a bottle ot AYI K8 CUfuRRY I'M TfiltAU Nolhinx i-lxo irtvea anrh iniuaHliate relief and works so tort; n run in nil afleriloiii of thU rlaaa. That eminent pbyatrlan, I'rof. F. HwfelJ5 r, of tbe Muino Mcdlvs.1 tk Iiool Rrunswkk, He., says : "Mr.IUal aclcnro has produced iw other arm dvue i tpvcWrnM so pno.1 as Area's Cassnr PCCTOHAI.. Ills tnviiluable for dleasera of ll.e I I. : ...... aao luiis;.." Tli same opinion Is expressed by tho SOW Dr.L. J. Addison, of Chk-aj,v, III. , who sajs: "I liavo never foenn. In ihhlv-flva yearn i.f eoaOaaaaa study aad unu'tlc of mvd'u im-, air ntrii! ii . f .i trrriitvului A vku'is C MSMCV I'K'Tttttat , fur IrnilSK'Hl tf dietaava uf itiu il i .i! mat hoars. It not only breaks ap roku in! i-ura aevere rourha, but la nairc effVeOvn than iiiiviblnit rise In rellevlu even lbs met M-rtou. hroocbtal aud pulmonary afiuctlons. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral li not n new rlaimnnt for popular ronfl ii ace. Iut u imnllcino wlik-lt is ndu ivlaa Uic live of the thiol Krueratlois .lio bar conic Into being slnco it trn li.? often d to till! !llhik'. Tlu ro Is not a household in which thU fiivHliiiihle rcmetiy has once been In iroouccd wber Its umj has ever Ikhjii iibumbined, mid there Is not a paraon -.'I' i has ever given It a proiwr trial for uny throat or lung disease suscen IIMs of cure, who has not been made well hv II. AYIOR'S CHERRY' TECTORAL hasr in utimbirlesa histauccs, cured obstinate ' . , of chronk' Bronehltla, Larnycltbv nnd even rtcuto Pnettinonia, nnd has 1 mniiy iiatlcnta hi tho curlier stage of I'lilnionary Consumption. It la a im-dlcine. that only requires to bo taken in small doses, is pleasaut to tho taste, mid ia needed in -every bouse where tbere arc tiiidren, as there is nothing so good ua AYER'S ( 1IEURY PECTORAL fortreat iiicnt of Croup and Whooping Cough. These nro nil nlaln facts, which ean bo verified hv nnybodv, nnd should be re membered by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral PREPARED nV Dr. J. 0. Ayor St Co., Lowell, Mas. Sold by all druggist. tfinal Settlement. NOTICE la berebv givo that the atutef'- signed Administrator at the onnsrtnrrahip atata ot A, P. Cherry dr Son.,' A . V, Cherry, deceased, baa filed hia final ao-1 : c unt in Maid etate in the Cousty Court i . I and for Linn oounty. Oregon, and the! judge thereof baa md an order fixing j I 8a urdy the nth dav or May. 1888 at 10 , 1 o'clock a m,, at the Court Houae in AI- l ban v. i reon, as th dav an time for 1 1 t A At a . 1 . Mt I a. , j G ?lBKKRym Ad miu 1st rat r N. J. KENTON. Notary Public ana insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR Represents several of tke best Fire In su ranee Companies on the Coast. Call c a bim for reliable insurance , POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ttilsifiwder never rarias. A ntArvtl of purity strsnsflt and wbolnanrneneai. More eoonotnlil Oiao the ordinary kinds, aifl tannot be wM in 'jni peUttoft with lbs multitude of low test, siiort aeiatt. alum or niiisohaie inelrr,. Sotaoatv is casa. nor at. aaaiee rowvaa ft., vjo wait-at To All Sufferers Of EYE, EAR, NERVOUS, OR REOTAL DISEASES, DR. J. B. PILKINCTON, Surgeon Oculist, Araist & Specialist Offer free oonaultation. Will be at REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On tho Tmttday afternoon and Wedntday jorenoon. JiMimvniff in M ,itttnuny iy nun mvnm. Will make thae visits mon bly for one year to com Am fort ug snore ir trie worst f i in" of ati'ive i!'HiuiM H, Kafera In Aihanv to Jan. s 4'herry 'urnd of blind wo, k K. Rampv. nmgalst. and Fred ififffi irai aiM, si?i sav isaiii"ma, twi- . . I .... I . t ,. a 1 I aa aelel .n a.e e. eernnt( Kji,! dlseaew. A aewne ol other kdveo osj appllettioo. fl J "PASAa ataJ aaa aa as W. A. awUsUiUaeUiXk), aaa nnklUICCIflU lUll DMQPUaClalC wmmmiUH miu i unynrtt, a nriiT AbCrvl, Qf a klliclsof lltx FCliaildise. A nrAmTn from ,h. eimnlrr fl,ud on abort notion forvery eta or klod of aWOds iwai mm, eta at ssoea. Abaolutely no c-harstaa or oomtniaalon will be charged or ftlltog ordea. OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. PregticA Portlana, Or fREAT WESTERN PITTSBURG, w.. U.S.A. ler.Colt .Itemt ngton . Sie veaj. Ho I lari .nattard ,rhter. Hoillh A W.n, ilii-a. Wbiito-r U -rf f'.nall.t "lhPl'iiir- Hlfl . nrn1 lU-rol vrfs. A . . T" . "1 .. . a. m. -1 . - . iMi.. ' tt. t: . i.i ai a :-- a ti.. . I.u1..t ttiSva and HhtA liuiM. :aataea. aa, n.iiu.i; Ta.rsi ana una masr--f material., all at rr l.n prints, nend s'art.pfor ft Ursa Uluatratad Catalogue. MenUoa Uth paper. 1 1 Mtli'.V a UK OF KhU KSJlOaV Axaa, mattooka, hrth ho tba, pleats h'.v'-.-j't . forkt. strinr'aionoa. whoal harrowa. wrinaora, ropea. and almost erarythina von want, aao ba bavl cneep for mah Petara A Stvrt. A Clear Skin b only ai mi of beauty; bu: it is i part Every lady may have it; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. Sheriff's Sale. In the CircnH Court of tkt State of Oregon for Unn County. J Crawford. i'lilti'Itf. va l4ur Mt'CiuoR od a M- citn-tf, bta wife, i d ' H Hwiti, si Aaalgua of lease sCot'iunK an luol vent debtor, De fendants, NoTM'K U hereby given that by vir tue of an eaee-ition and an order of sale issued out ot the sbove named Court tu th aoove iitltt1 set ion and to me dt raotod aud delivered, 1 will on Saturday , tba 1st dav of May. 1W4S, at 1 c'cloek, p. m., at tbo Court Hour doo in n any. , Linn oouuty. ttregon, t nubllo' auction . for oacb lu bnd tn tbi blghaat btddar, mmll tb real preperty deacritel in tnid nxiMiiiilnii aaad unlnr rf aalo aa fulhiWA. to aateClWfih. Wit: The south half ef th aoiilbwset ; caaaof this kind lha Vital aeearatlve (under bia quarter of Naci too .0 In Tp 11,8 R 3 weal special advice and treatment) will nut tare, or for Of tbe Willamette mtridian known aud anything hams or iojorioas found livrf ar. Bla-j-i ...i .... ...i kI.. f'tle treataal! urivats dkssan svcoaaftlly wttheut .r-iKoaieo upon vue ..m.- a.,., , ... the U uliod Miai-a at Oreyon City. Oregon, aa the donation land claim of Iaaao Mo Cluna A iao ihe north we-t quarter of I Heeihsn 32, Tp. 11 S K 3 west of the Wil lamette meridian. Al! th- above tiescriO ed prmiaa lying and belnK in Linn eouaty, Uiotou, aud containing 240 acre. Tbe proceeds of aale to bo appiiert Pirat to the -ay ment of tbs costs and disburse ment of ibis suit and tbe coats of ale, Seoond to ihe pay BMot of PialntiiTa Julg ment, t wit, $6145 75 and Interest thereon at 12 per cant i-r annum from March 9th, A D. IM. Third, the overplus if any to be disbursed aa tbe Court may hereafter direct. Date J this lat day of April, 1886. J, K. 1! A 1.1 ON. NherllTof Lb u county, Oretton. J A. J. CHAMi.T -n : , IVputy PATENTS Obtaimd, aad all mh-r buaines in thu C. S. Paten omue attuireaUetl to tr niotierato toes, i Our offlee la npiHNiit the U.S. Patent office, and i "to can obtain Patent U-sa time than thoae mmote iroiu Wjshihirtun. ! Sand iii-mU ur draa inir. We hi' to patent ability free if nluurHe . aud wentako o charge uniuaa we obulu )atent. We refer bare, Ui the Pattmuater, the Sunt, of ! W..noy Order biv. aiutto officials of tho U. B. Patent ansa. rorcirlular, advn-e, terms, and efereuoes o ctUAl ulinute Iii your own State or county, addreaa C 4. SNOW fJtCOsa o,poaiut Patent (Hike, Washington, 0 . 1 :.. loatlon turaf auaaaMtSM vaiiu.:e pneyciepe i v f information which no person ehonld bo wnnuui. mch that its circulation nearly iiuatthat of all other nap-ra of its e'nfa combined. 'Prlca. 3S)a year. Discount to Club. Hold n.v an new.ocn'ori MUXN A CO., PaUiihcrs. Ko. 361hroadway, N. Y. jnnnn uo. nsre slso had Thirty- Eiatit years' a""! viTSTwaaaassK practice before he Talent Office and have pwpared :i;re than Ono Hundred Thou- Ai:nuitnts. oud " pturr pirs irr .ppurinsr to invonwr8 tniir rism. . United ShitoA, Ur.uada, Lnglaml. .Urancp. Germeny and otnor foreisn oountr "' Pre pared at short not ico nnd on reason a ni tt "r!'is- Iiniorroation an vo oihili...h - r , fully given without charge. HiinU-bojiSs J informal inn Bent free. 1 atcnto ootaimi. through Sdunn A Co. are noticed in the bciontlnc Amorican fTee. The advantage of uoiirtiee is well undsmtood by all person who wtsa to aia- JTdSresait8-A OO... OaScunmru, JULIUS GRADWOHL II aa the only exclusive fttock ol CROCKERY, CLA88.8ILVER AND CHIHA WARE A Large Assortment of Baly Carriages, And a Clitic Selecton of Coffee, Tea m ft ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. 8HELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIMB THE HfOHKMT JWAHfaET Remember! What 1 Bay I Mean. Bive le a call. 600DS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. THE Oregon Short Line, 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours thequickest route to the East, and rates, $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest, to Council Bluffs. Omaha, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets, good via Ogaen and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri Eiver without charge. If you are going East write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, Is. CAMPBELL, General Agent. No. 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Corner Thiid and E Streeti PORTLAND - OREGON. Three Block from all Railroad Depots, Onr fai iliilea are such that wa defy competition. Tnia I tbe largest aud mot reapeetably kept Hotel in tb North wsat. Board and Lodging ILOO per Day, lEiis, !i cms. LODbHC. f A NO .0 CEVfS. FREE BUSS TO AND FROM THE HOTEL No Chinese Employed. E, LEWISTOH, - - PROPMETOR, (Lat of Mlnneaota House.) ED, CORBY ACEHT. P. M. MILLER, Attorney and Ccunslor it Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Wiilpractiea tu 1 tbo Cuit in lb Mai B ARN DOOR II NiINOS. Ar alwava break m v. unless yon hav tbe kind aold by Patera A Stew art. of Ala. tiany. Thev ar made ot wrought Iran cannot jump th sraek and will last t il time. Uni t bsn; another barn door un til you have seen them. DR. MINTIE, naa arrt i auat. Ma II Jteeraey a trees, aaa treat are. Cel. Taaars iu caaoste, rriaL axd Parr am Dnuuasa with Woxacan t Srocaas. IHE GREAT ENSlhH RIMEDY ! Is a vavaa raiusaceaa far h"erw O. inal Weakuesa, . Viulity. Speruator last BMaaaea, imyo- in .i ,1 t.!u rusiau rr beta, aao all I be terrible fiii f m if sl ur. i utb- lollies ani esossa in outer rears, sack sa Las Memory, La aitude.Koc- ; suafaaon seantes to tv, D mine ef Vlsi-n Xoiaes in tbs bead, caresses ta drinking lataxl ratlag llajaars, the vital fluid passtwa; lUanbaaivsd n tba orina, suit many other diacaiaa that lead to In anil? artf death. Dr. Mlatle. who is a Becalar r kvslelaa. Cra4aaear the l alveralty r fea A.jlvaala will Arrae tt forfeit Five Haaret fSattara for a i-a-i-llaliea f ree. Thoroiah sxamin. aton and advice, including ABslrsts ot mine, S3. Pries ot Vital aeatarattve. Si W abotUs, or tour times the qui ntity, Sft ; aent to say address upon re ceipt of price, or 0 O D secured from observation and In private name If desired by Ifr.Mlatle. II steeray street. Has Fraaelsee, Cal. Bend for Ik of questions and pamphlet, SASfPLK BATTLE FBKB. Will be tent to anyone applying byte tter, sUtinr svrr ptonis, sex and age. Strict secrecy ui regard to all business transactions. W . a a a afcB) Ir Mlatle's Kldaey Besaedv. Tepbrrtlrass. cures all kinds id Kidney and Madder ComplainU, tionoirboea. Gleet, Lcuoorrhoea, etc. Fo: sale by all drag vista ; SI s botte er six bottles for SS. Br. Mlntfe'a Dandelion Pills are the beat and cheapen Byapepala and Bllleaa euro In tha mark e,. For sale by all druggists. THE GREAT wauling Specie FOR LIVER DISEASE ftVMPTAMQ fitter or bad taste in mouth; aesswss win ae s tongue coated white or covered with a brown fur j pain in the buck, sides, or joints often mistaken lor Kneumatum; sttiQinch : loaaofaitnetites sometimes nausea and watcrbnuh, or indigestion; flatulency and acid eructations; bowels alternately costive and lax ; headache ; loss of memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do someth ng which ought to have been done ; deblUty; lew spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of tha skin and eyes ; a dry cough ; fever ; restlessness ; the urins is scanty aaJ high colored, and, if allowed to stand, deposits a sediment.- SIMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) I grn.r.ily used in the South to aiouse tha Torpid Liver to a heslthy action. It ucts wit h extraordinary efficacy on tbe r IVER, KIDNEYS, and BOWELS. AN EfTEGTUAL SPECIFIC FOR KTal.-irla, Dyspepsia. Constipation, BiUouaness, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Nnusoa, CoUe, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaints, Kit;., Etc., Etc. Endorsed by the use of f Xillions of Hot ties, as TIIS BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. SAFE TO TAKE IN ANY CONDITION OF TH! 8Y8TEM I vl. H.ZEILIN& C0.y olx raorln utobs, PHILADELP1 UA, PA. PRICE, ai.oo. tW Jar am lOi : "jr av llaTiAiaa Ceaswia is 'at TJVrtllf i SSI :a PRICE PAID FOR EG First .National Bank OP ALB 43 Y, OBEUU.Y. President,..... JOHN ro.N'NE Casaier . . ..11- F. ilKRKIL TRANSACTS A 0 KNERAL ba&kinc beat ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check. SKS HI KXCHANOE tt,4 tetetphic aa Kaw Tars, nan Prauclaea, Cakasa traaafar, sold a&d PorUaa COLLECTIOS8 MADE on fasoraUa tanas .. K. Tevsa, Joes Cur , L. K Buais, L. Puss, H. P. Maaam.. J. U COW AH. J. W.CUilCK Linn Coaoty Bank, cowan & 00SIC1L ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking Vostoea. DRAW SIGHT DR AKT8 oo Kew York, can Fraa aseesad Portland, Oregon. LOAK MONfcY oa approved security. RECEIVE depoalu sabjee ta check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt OAUSAQK MIL IX, Wa have a meat cotter that ia a tGOh an Improvement over tbe old fashioned an sag mill aa J. I Case Agitator is over a flail. It don't do an ' leave no string la th eat Comn and mn it, A GIFT Send 10 cento postage, ads as ail seal! ran free a ryal. isIoas's Mtnpie miking box of goods that will pat you in lbs amy at rat oice, than an) thing .tea ta S of all arse caa lire at bme and work la .parr time, or alt the time, capital am re quired. We will atari yon. Immense pay ears for h a ho start at once. Smtsox aaa Co., Parti. ai . Invalirfs'HateUSurgica! fnstftote B U Jb'irATO, 3ST. 'TT. Onraalxeal wlta a fall StasT ar eigkteesa IZxperieared aad Satillfal PUxslrlaa aad iargeaaa fir the treatnaeai ef all Careaie Dtaeaaes. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. , Chronic Nasal Catarrh Throat anal; Dlseaaca. Liver and Kidney Diseases, Bladder Diseases, lalseaaes of Women, Blood Blseaaes and Plerr saa At feet Ions, cured hero or at homo, with or without seeing tbe patient. Come and see ua, or send ten cents in etamps for our "Inwallda Oatde Bookj" vslnch gives a particulars. wervous oenuity.impo teneyjNoctornal Loaaea. and all storbld Condition caused by onthful Fai lle and Pernicious Soil tary Practice are speedily and permanent ly cured by our met, post-paid, 10 eta in stamps. Rupture, or Breach, radi cally cured without the knifa, without trusses, without pain, and without danger. Cures Guaranteed. Book sent for Sneotansts. Rupture. ten cents In stamps. PILE TUMORS and STRICTURES treated under anarantee to cure. iluok sent for txsri cents in stamte. Address w sent for ten stami Addrces Worlds DtsrSK8ART Medical. Association, 063 Main Street. Buffalo. N. Y. xno oeaunent or many thousands of cases of those disease peculiar to WOSSSK1 at the Invalids' Hotel and Sursrica Institute, has af Diseases of Woier. forded large experience in adapting remcdie for their cure, and DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is tbe result of this vast experience. It la & nowerful Restorative Tonle and Nervine, imparts vitror and strength it i on. heart 11 a. down sensations, ehronle conges tion, lull animation and n lee ration at tho womb, Inflammation, pain and tondernes in ovaries, internal heat, and " female weakness.' It promptly relievos and cures Nausea and weakness of Stomach, Indiges tion, Bloating, Nervous Prostration, and Sleeplessness, lu either sex. PRICE $1,00, ?Sh6 1ca! Send ten cents in etnmpe for Pr. Pierce's larjfe Treatise on Diseases of Women, Illus trated. Wcrid's Dispensary etadicsJ Association, 663 Main Street, BUTFAIiO. W.T. SICK-HEADACHEf Billon Headache, kstaslness, Constipa tion, Indigestion, and Bilious Attack, promptly cur'Su. by Br. Pierce's Pleasant Purwative Pellet. 25 cents a vial, by Bruggi-5 BaiQATE DlSEISES. to tue Bjssuia, utiu cures, as ir oy mturic, aea eorrhea. or witltes." execsaive flowing, pnlnfnl menslrnatlon, un natural uppresions, prolapsus or falliua ol the uterus, weak: back, ante version- retroversion, beartusr.