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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1886)
Ik Jemfltrat. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. raaty ITATR SEXATOaS. - A Inrtaa, t Lebanon. T J Black, of Ualaay. EPRKSENTATIVKH. B R !Ionry, ot lUrrU burg- All Blevlna, of Tan -n, J W Swank, of Brownsville K C Hansard, ol Lebanen. I D Miller, of Millars. . L H MonUnja, ol Albany. CLCRK.-J P Oil .ralth, ol Brownavtlle. SHERIFF. 1 8 Smith, of Albany. COMMISSIONER. -Bach Miliar, ol Haleey. L W PoaMroy, ol Salo. 8 3HOOL SUPRRIN PRNDIN r. -D V S Raid, Albany, TREASURER. W K Curt, olSolo. ASSEStOR,-Pkllllp Smith, of SantUm. SURVEYOR J. K. McAdoo, ol Albany. ORONRR.- B F Thompson, ol Harrisburf. PtSSMst JUSTICES OK Till; PEACE. -Oa Humphrey, Kail Albany. K L Dorria, Waal Albany. OOM8TABLES, C O Burkhar. Kaet Albany. J E J auks, Waal Albany. THE 4. 0K0XEB. tt looked during the convention ss though Harrisburg precinct waa to be left entirely out in the cold. The pre cinct came down solid for Mr. Douglas, (one of the very best men in the coun ty,) for Sheriff, but ho wea dt sated. Then all aeemed I oat uotil it came to the nomination far Coroner, whan tba other precincts in a rpirit of harmony, held on tba olive branch end Undated the nomination to that precinct, where upon the very intelligent, but iron-abod delegatee of that precinct, wuh great xeel end earneetneee preaaed upon tba convention the claims of that eateemed citizen, Benjamin Franklin Thomaon, and be wea nominated with greet unan imity and amid the wildest enthusiasm and bhuutinar amoBa his friend. It was one of thoea rare esses wheie vic tory, by extraordinary skill, is wrenobeal from the very jaws of defeat. Long may Benjamin wave, and maj the very hens learn to csokle. when they so his 223 pound avordupois approaching. Ben. will make the beat Coroner the county has evar had.exoept, maybe, the present incumbent. . stm. Our neighbor of the HtraU ae : "One of the results of the Democratic county o nvention in this city Friday was the ratiiing of Hon. Eaoeb Hoult from the position of State Senator in our State Legislature. Hie nemo was before tba convention but ha did not receive the nomination. Doea this mean that the people of this county are repudiating tbe legislation of the last legislature, that takes tbe icitiafery steps in controlling railroads and other corporations in the state i. ., the bill knewa as tbe Hoult railroad bill ? There should certainly ba no beckwar steps in legislative matter ef tbte kind." This is a very weak effort to make a little party capital out of Mr. Heult's defeet in tbe convention. Bath Mr Irvine and Mr. Black are known to be earnest, out-epoken advocates of the pslicy of regulating fares and freights by legislative enactment. Mr. Black Supported tbe "legislation of tbe last legislature" on that subject, and M Irvine' a view on that subject areknown to all. A RJCKKSU Tbe Talk, of Salem, it kicking en. trgetically, and on the brwd gaugo style, about the dHreputtblo manner in wMch tht Republican "bosses" of tho "iy set up the Republican pri marie about a wek ago. The Talk man surge about like a wild Texas steer, but it Hevidtot ii chirges are well founded. The Republicans who, patronizlog ly, go fooling around Messrs. H iUlt, Myers, Dily, Ptyne and other de feated candidatee with their false sympathy will find their condolence bestowed in vain. These gentlemen are Democrats of honorable instincts aod will support the ticket nominat ed last week with both zeal snd earn, estness. Morrison's putting wool on the free list in bis late tariff bill will very like ly insure its defeat. There is just as much reason for placicg other articles ou the free li-tt as wo:)', though they are left untouched by tbe bill. Tbe iron and coal men say tbey must have a tariff to protect them against foreign productions, snd so ssy the wool men. We say let tbe duty remain on wool until we get ready to reduce it all along tbe line. frm integrity of the organic ition of the Democrstio party is of far greater consequence then tbe nomination of soy man, hence, as a Democrat, we feel that we are on solid ground when we appeal to every Democrat in the county to re member the long years which the party fought for the victoiy,aod now, that we have the national admiatetratioo, let us baok it up by a victory in tha atate and county. A Strang ettoi i is being made with many Republicans to induce their Coun ty Convention, which meets to-day, to endorse a part or all of the prohibition ticket. They declare it is their only hope, while others say it would be their! death knell. By goo, taithfol work, our whole county ticket will be elected by large majorities. Let every Democrat re member that the chances for carrying the State are good,hencs all should join in solid phalanx and march forward to victory. Ol R TH W- J.u itnrm rtnm MuL'-a in I 111 I t C alia I i, at TW. ocratts convention last weak. t I 0111 Ior sompistiog (as sntranos to i -Senators th osuv.otum nominated R. , ,5 . " , . t ... A. Irvins and Hon. T. J. Black. a Irvins is wall and favorably known as one of tho moat successful snd sntsr prising farmers in ths county. He was alaetad us 8ueritTio 1868 on the Democratic ticket, ami, on entering up on tba dutiee of bis oifioe, U found arga amount of delinquent taxes un collected. Tiaaa tax ereri nroaiMiy collected and the taxes dining tiisown term were ao faithfully oolleoted, and the delinquent list wee no email that the people sent up the demand that be should he lanominated, although it bed not keen the polio j of the paity to give e Sheriff or Clerk a second nomination. He waa renominated and elected by a . I large majority, runuing largely ahead of his ticket. ' mw Ifa. aavtta.1 Altl f K SS EtaSAnti I term with greet honor to himself and muoh satisfastion to the people, since whioh time be baa bean engaged in farming. He hss taken much interest in agricultural matters, having been connected for many years with the State Agricultural Aeration. But space forbids farther remarks, except that Mr. Irvine's opinions are in linr with the views of the people on the sub jects ef railrosd cootro', taxation, etc. Mr Black is a msrenant at Halsey, represented tbe oounty in the lest leg- islature, is a keen, energetio man end will make en excellent Senator. These gsntlsman will, we predict, be elected U a tl. - VI l,n. v Mr Mr Rl.... Mr. H.neard .nd M- M;iU, f. .n.l Mr Montane. e auilivi I aawa aae va - - , lawyer, are the candidatee for the legis lavure. Those are alt gentlemen of good ability and strict integrity, and will look wall and carefully to the inte testa of the omnia of Linn countv and the legislature. We predict their election t ( m by large majorities. Mr. Enoch Miller, ef Haiaav. and L. W. Pomeroy, of Franklin Butte, are the candidates foi County Commisaionere. Thoy ere both farmer and old reaidents ct the county They are careful, prudent wen in busi neas, and will be sAfo men to place in ebarge of tbe affaire of tbe county. J. P. Galbraith, of Brownsville, Set rotary Of the B. W. M Ce., was nomtoatad for Count, Clerk. He is emiaent!y and neculiariv oualified for the wosiiion He annannced himself before band as a candidate, but dec. rel bis purpose not to do anvthioe to secure his nomination. I but would abide by the eolioo of tbe at t... k:-..j f .i I vara- .ireumatanca,. which defeated Mr. - ' . - i I lata, and meny of tbe men who opposed kirn then, now dsclare tbir oo'piie to labor ear neat It to secure his election We have no doubt of bis election. 1). 8. Smith, known to every one in the countv as VeM" i. the c.odidate far Sbsriff. It is concsded oo ali haodg that there is no u..r. 6t man in all tbe countvYor Sheriff than Vanay. He fills tbe Jsff9raoni test of honesty and eaDabititv. A ch.?f executive officer of the county, be will do credit to the nam. of his illustrious f.thtr t,i u:.u r. wa. the eerv idol of the D rnocnev of Linn countv. -Venn," will have a biir m.ioritv. F,r tha eon. vention nomin.U,! W,o. E. Curl. of a ra ed with Mr. Crl. but those wh. oread hie nominat on a-.-red the convention of for the office. Mr. u i . e n . u u i xveid was renominat d for County Scbeol Superinteade t, a truly fit recognition of his eminent success in that office during bis present term. It is e com mon remark among Republicans as well as Democrat, that no man in tbe coun ty combine, ali the necessary qualities to make a good Superintendent aa Mr. Heidi Hi will receive a large vote out side of his part jr. P. M. Bkafttl was nominated fer Assessor. H has serv ed io tha-. office for a number of years, both aa principal and deputv, aud has experience that fits him particularly for the duties of that office. For C ironsr, the oonventiou ibowed rare wisdom io selecting Bo. F. Thompson, of H.rris burg. Ben. is a Democrat, and there fore will make a good Coronor fjr "he was made that way." Upon tbe whole the ticket is a gooi oaetud we bsspeak for it the earneer, nnaelriih support ef every Democrat in i tie county. APfOI f TMKSTS Cyrui W. JijhnHOii hi.s bf-en mint ed register of tbe Cuitmi S h!hi laad offioa at Roaeburg, and W. T. Buraey at Oregon City. We had free talks with nearly every defeated candidate last wlc, and all expressed tbe dtertninati m to go home and work Tor the wn 4e ticket. This shows that the convention would not have natde a mistake by nomin ating any of them. Tbe Herald says that Mr. I!lckhiirn of ni. cii.v, vn 'i i- been nominated by the Prohlbitionfst-i f r Supreme Judge, does not want the nomination from any piirty but the Republicans. A gentleman from Lebanon Io forms us that the ticket nominated last week is quite satisfactory, and with some few exception the party vote will be cist f r the ti ;kof. 1JL L..' JI J. I ...I Say, now, isn't it a little tunny that cbe man who is beaten in a political convention is alwaye urr- praised by the organ of the other pat 1 1 ? HllSilllll I Al t .'! LIKSa f Ifit " Mportblal ths sp , , . larv, the result will bs a serious disap pointment to the people at tho Willam ette Valley. Tho appropriation for tbte ibject began, wa believe, in the year 1880. The original estimate for the entire work was $105,060. Four or five spprop nations have bean made aggregating $160,009, leaving the tount required to complete the project $305,000. The present estimate is for $160,000. All these weary years the people of this valley have bean looking forward to this outlet for their trade and suffering for tba want of it. The appeal was made to Congress to com piste this harbor, so that when the railroad onnnaotino tbe sea with the F u mm i h a mv i i i i i . aaanaaaH of tbe Willamette Valley shsuld be tin isbad. there should then be wster enough for large sea going vessels to bear our products to tba msrkets of tbe world. All tbie involved to the Gov ernment ooly e moderate expenditure, but to tbe farmers aud business men of tkia valley it meant relief from the ehaina of a grinding monopoly, a short out to the ojen see, wealth.oomfort. d vanoement to every farmer's home and the rapid development in population and national reaouroes.whioh would lay the bans far new end more varied in dustries. These reasonable botes have net been met. The railroad connection indeed was completed long ago. Pri rte CP,ul na Mr8 ,,0De " P" 01 in "0, sparing i"ng .n oost or persona) endeavor, and yet the full consummation ef tba great plan ta postponed for how long we cannot say Tba Government work at Yaquina i still unfinished. Of tba money requir ed for the purpose only about one dob lor in three baa been far appiopriated At the scale now pntpoaed it wil! Uks fon yeare anu mi to ojaipiete tbe harbor work, even if Cangtees should ptia a liner and Harbor Bdl every vaar. ol winoO tv llie Way r n no 0 w . - oertaintr ahitaver. If Congress were molr ed on a gn erst niggardly policy towaids the Bute Oregon, .o. inw.era wu, m. J0 001 h ,Dibt dowo PP1 lh f lh Con liooal representative of Oregon in 10 wRt" l 're lh l,rorr oommitiee. Cngree-, however, baa net beeo ll osral to the at aa a waoie. W be f two hundred thouaaad dol lars allotted te tbe Cascade Lock, one handr1 "nd fifl ,bou"nd du,Ur far tbe mouth of the Cjlumbia,'me hundred thousand dollars for the lower Co' urn WU nd ,0r Willamette.and very lib "ownacee far other place. The qootiin naturally arises io the miod of a WbT 0M fifl7 tbo'd ioiJ tb Kogineers estimate-net secured far the Paient at x.qutna? M ? Did bt wmUw h " of I ooneoqosnce and value to tbe state than tbe improvements on the Columbia W w T DoM be ibUk l' wUt or j0,i to fir or " to tbt Cm' bi R,"r "i ika du, U,,t OI,? Uollar for Y.q.ina Bay ? Is he proper I ed to sav that the forver outlet is five tioae beoeficul to tbe people of Ore- n M lbe ,tterTfor tb U w'"1 th Piropriatione d" in substsnce. Such an' injustic a this might be ex- I . eusable in a Rvpreaootathe of a distant state, but it arould be unpardonable in Mr, Hermann and he will not dare to say that tha Yeqoiaa Bay outlet U even of secondary importance to any other in t ie atate. But Mr. Hermann will have some t ing to say by way of excuse. The average politician now-a-d-iy ia gener ally euppoied to te elaatic and to be ready so fall and rebound lik a piece ef rubber. Mr. Hermann will that tbie discrimination against Ytquiua Bay wa all the fault f th; Committee. He was innocent of litis eio. Hi was a "widow" and knew what he wanted for tbe Cascades, for the mou'h of tbe Columbia, tbe ioer Columbia, Coos Bay and Coquilte aad be got it. Here bis genias came to the from aud the committee yielded to in persuasive tongue. But when it ctme to Yquiea Bay his resources had all given out. He was like Samson with hii lock shorn or ratbsr like a locomHtvu which after running awhile very rapidly da boarded and "killed" by tbe striker. Tim line of ftXOUSS may Iu very i igmioui, M . Hsrmann, but it will not do. It will not mislead or deceive U : peoole of tbi valley either you could not or yon would not do better by this greet and suffering agricultural interest. If you could do better and would not, then the case does not admit of debate. If you would do better and could not, tbea it will be necessary to send some ene to Washington City who can aid at d will exert a better snd moie potent influence. In cither hsrn of the dilemma you are "not tbe man for Gal way." The mosi ingenious and subtle excuses you make for your short comioge will wi, add one-tenth of a cent to the price of the Oregon farmer's wbst. 'S ft words butter no parsnips" says the old proverb and were never truer words spoken. We want immediate and practical re sults. Words are nothing and your excuses however ingenious wi!l only serve to irritate and deepen the general sense of wrong and invidious discrim ination. aoRRaaoN-Dii no JEIroWtiwville. Miss Julia Kirk Is I uproving. S. P. Barger went to Portland on business Wednesday. J. P. GalbraKh, Democratic caudU date far County Clerk, paid Alhtny a visit Wednesday. Miss Anna Winy returned last Saturday night from an extended visit to Portland. O. P. Coshow moved to his farm bur miles east of here WedoeitUy, to remain during the summer. P. Hums is preparing to erect a building on bU lots, which were made 1 vacant by the fire of last Juno. k .T -. W - - Lest Sundsy Hev. C. Speery'"sT to the city, never had boon, miniatured tho ordinance of bantlsm to five candidates of tbh tdaoa and I six from Halsey I tvu. n-u ur it m.i.nn w naaaa)ncr.r nit th. avanlrtcr train If J H ' I delivered an interesting sermon from - w w w . ........ a a 1 the Bsptlst pulpit on Hunday even log. P Hume and L. White attended the prohibition convention lsst Frldsy, H. W. Goddsrd and family return ed from a visit to Portland last Satur day evening. Tho mills hsve been annoyed thin week on account of a scarcity of water, tho Injury done the dam by the hlch water of last winter not I bavin boan fullv ranaired. " ST " I Tho delegates from this place to tUm I delegates that were attending the "ouvvnwuu, reiurnofi r nuay I well plo wed with the day's work. The ticket a ves ffenerai sat sfactioo in this vicinity. I.aat WnlnmmUv .nnrnlnr Tlftlf A Rrnah -Ol -lanl nllw Marah.l. uk hTaaatrniaa t thai kiM ha had -' " " I vwswu ase esa rw jrr3 1 e se wwee- tig in uiii i it anu uonuiu in u- matavhad taken Its flight. The city .... .1..- -.a u.iw.i.l it.. I ... has lost both the prisoner end fine. QootK. Halsaey. Miss Gertie Hsyee.Sfr. Alex. Bran don and Mr. W. I Vawter, student a of the Mate t nlverslty, sre sjiending their vacatlou at home. Mr. vawier wilt graduate this year. On lsst Bun day SIX persona from this ulare and six from Brownsvlhe were bsptla d Into tbe Baptist church by Rev. U. Hperry, who is pastur ef the church at eecn place. Tbe Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. O. W Warmouth died hers on last Sunday. Observer" wa noticed io this vi cinity last week. At tne last regular meeting of the I. O. O. T , of this place, the foJIowlog persons were elected as delegates to attend tbe County Lodge, to be held !n your city on the Hth lint : J. Bond, T. M. Witten, Harvey Bond and Mlts Ida Jack. Miss Minnie Starr has taught one week nt her school here, giving ex- celient satisfaction. tr I nm X'.rtUrinblA ti. .nlaliM ' " ,'.w ' , , V T the first week of bis school In Lake Creek Diet, lie naa 39 pupils en rolled. Mr. tlirvey Bnd will couirnence his school next Mondsy. Prof. J. Q. teacher, was Campbell, ur ii . 1 1. a on our streets last Siturd.y. The Prof. Informed us that he Is at present engaged to leaclijng a aelecl ecbotd l Jucdon. fellersson. Mr. aod Mrs. Thompson, of Salem, who have been viatttng tbeir son, sir, Q. L. Thomoaon. returned bom last Saturday. Miss Minnie Vaughn commenced teaching school at the Hunker' school house near Scio last Monde;, April 5th Mr. E. J. iiesro, of Shedd, is in town visiting hia toarents. We under- stand beia soon te move hie harness a v sbop t Jeuereen. The .TaftWann achoui ia nrnnrani-a !f.r,L".PJ:T!5 ""j ' " "" hi:h la a area - a rroi. rrtvett. toe present term end tbe rrofetrr second year in this school. A base ball club was organized bsre last Saturday. The boys will he ready to play with any club tbat may come to ths Granger's picnic, to be bold here in June. Died near Jffro,on Friday, April 9tb, 1886, Mi. Mary Wst, aged 85 years and 9 uimths. Deceased was born in Kirbymoorside, England, July, 1800, came to America and to this ooast in 1869. Doe 1 leaves two sens and many friends to mourn her less. The funeral ceremonies took place at JsuVeoo,priI 10ib,oooduoted by Rev. B. N. Longswottb. KXCEBPTA. Spring- Branch. V. B. Peterson, nephew of Mrs. F. M. Smith, who has been visiting rel atives here, hss returned to his E.O. home. While here he became so much attached to Wabfoot that he has decided to return aud make this his home. Old Lion will be tbe gainer, as he is a bed-rock Democrat. Wonder what has become ofPud Lilly" and "Island Poppy ?" F. M. Smith is sowing flax med this season. Our school opened last Monday with a full attendance. Q. B. Cyrus, teuener. Canada Tbistlk. Crawford, PHotegrabert Albany, Or. I have all the negat ves taken by A B. Pazton aod any one can have dupli cates from tbeir negatives by addressing us, at the following prices : Card size, f 2 per dossen, cabinet size, S3 per dozen, bou dour, S6 per dozen. I keep the finest line of Oregon vlewa in the west, Cata logue furnished on application. Copying and enlarging old pictures a specialty. J. G. C'StAWOTOBP. Money te Lean. We have money to loan in turns of from $500 to $5000, on good personal or leal estate security. Cline, Momteith & Co, a - Go to Read k Brownell'a to selseti fmm complete stock. sot resTKw. to Wodiiesdsy's issue of the Hulk tin we noticed an article which we read throngh twice from beginning, then read it backward, then every other way, before we could catch Its meaning. It proceeds for a limited space io s strain eofttsweet and poet ical, and would in nuny respects have been a remxrk thlo literary produc tion that would have been an honor te the paper ami reflected credit on Its editor, had It not been for the lo evltabk prevarication that accom panied that correspondenls writing. Every intelligent citizen knows that tho Cits Council at a special session called for the purpose decided that the "fine band Instruments" did not ' " .... . lana as isr as tun uw vouncu coum ascertain, never would be donated to the city. Now the correspondent of line nuutun, in Keeping up nie wan s u a a ii . it UM la mi.I .nlit mm L I it 1. i d1 aal f a a irttB tP rTl ridiculous In tho eyes of me citizens of Albsny, but is making himself tie object of contempt of everybody. Musician. There were 180 delegates In the prohibition convention at Koeburg late week. Albany Mark-!. 0tJy Wheat--8 per bu Bntter-26 oU per lb. saa at a aal S ill- r:mt" n I " Pot(lk)((-lft bu,h9,. Ba aboubtere, 0i. i.hw. Lavrd-lOo per iu. FlOOfr-sJW per bbl. Chlckettl ISO per do. 8ogar-an Krandao C, 0o.. U 1 I II , """""i middlings, 1? Cbopa, IS. Kgga 10 oenta per tloz Met jraeetesaa, ei Ike sViaeaae, It would seem to be a truth appreciable by all, and especially by professors of the healing art, that to remove the dlaeaae.not te alleviate Its symptoms, should be the tnvUQ0M 4o w lhl, lrulj, imiiua u theory. Ignore! In practice. The raon that HeatoUer'a Htomaeh Bitter Is u- easeful In so many eases, with which remedies previously tried were Inadequate to oope, u attributable to the feH that it le 1 " and reinovee the rauaee of tbe various mated lee to wbieb it is adapted. 1 iniiKeotien. faver ani ague, liver complaint, gout, rheuiua ilam. dlMirder of tho howela, urinary af. ferHlonsaed other maladieaare not patlU aim! merely, but rooted out by It. It gea to the fountain head. It la really, not nominally, a radical remedy, and It en dowe the svetem with an amount of v Igor wblch la iU beat protection attain! d N. H Allea k Co., are now reeeivieg a iae Uae of boots ead shoes, they propose la the future to make a specialty of this branch of tbeir buameaa, iu addition to a full liaeof Bocbiagbam k llecht's make of boots ard shoes which tor durability cannot be ex eeiled, they have a line of Kastera goods of all grades including a hoe of 8. D. aotlare k Co., of Philadelphia, chddr?g and hoM' vhtcb are aa good aa any manebwtar . L. . ' , ed. They guarantee every shoe jott as r - Give them a trial i an Kver? Caae. D. A. Bradford, wboleaate paper dealer Ijjgjjgs aatiiAH on hu i,inn- ha trtH m.nv on hia lungs; bed tried many re mod lea without benefit. Being indooed to try Dr. King's New Inacovery for on aumptinn, did ao end waa entirely cured ny tue uae nfa ifw b.Hlla. ninoe which time be baa uaed tt In hi family for all fVrueb and Colds with beat result. Thl is the experience of thousands who lives hsve boan aavol by tbia Wonderfu Pteeevery. Trial bouie re at F hav Maaan's Drug Htore, -iae a ! A. B. Mcllwain haa a targe and wall ealeot f of r:T,g0H!"," I AIL,.. aT.ll L. . .awl ..L. to Albany. Call oo httn aad make your selee- tioaa from hia tlrat claea atock. aeaiea a Arelra Salve. The beet salve in tbe world for Cute, ,'T;.iJJ!s 88. aSSlSff a saeaj. s vvsanre t ia'7LS ueuue, vunme'lia, Corn and ali rtkln tSruptlon. and h. lively cure Pile, or no pay required. It tosWotaad.togtve rbrfaotlon. or monev rerunaeo. rnc iw oenta per I a a a I oox. mraaieo roeoajra ataaon. Ask year dratst for a package of Orege Kidney Tsa. ei ie a Sara. On account of the low price of wheat flour will bs sold at ths Magnolia Mills at gL 10 a seek, or f 4.40 a barrel, and will be delivered free to all part ef ths city. EW ADVERTISEMENTS. IMPORTED CLENALD. Winner at the Centennial In 1870. Im irtaaf Into the United Stares by Jame He waa sired by tbe great Scotch prise winner Johnny Capp. Hia dam was by tbe justly renowned Ulenatd Import ed Oleaald atand 17 hand high and weigh 2100 Doanda. For atvle no horae of hia else can excel him. Glenald Is chief of tbe Clyde. Bone and feet not excel led ov any other draft olaas. Farmers sboald bear in mind that fine large horses are in irood demand and are always saleable. stasesr Albany, Friday and Saturdays. Msj. Bruce's farm, Mondays and Tues days. txirval lis, Wednesdays and rnurx.Uya. Terma, f 10, $lf, $2f). Car taken to prevent aoidenU but no responsibility assumes!. (Jood pasture will be furnished at Coryallla for inars at a distanee. Owned by E,Sabieffjlin, Ingles, Oregon. J. W. uuwir, Agent. To All Sufferers Of EYE, EAR, NERVOUS, OR RECTAL MSEASE8, DEL J. B. PILKINCT0N, Surgeon Oculist, Amist & Specialist, Offers free consultation. Will be at REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On the Tuesday after noon and Wednesday forenoon, following tht si Monday of each month. Wilt make these visits monthly for ons year to come. Am curing soors of tbe worst forma of above diseases, Refers in Albany to J as. 8. Cherry cured of blind ness. R. A, Ranopy, Druggist, and Fred Deffen backer, farmer at Harrisbure. con cerning Rectal diseases. A score ot other names given on application. "1 r 'ViaA AiiMiit mtns3 wf III 111 .iMBfSajr BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now recti ing my Spring sod Hummr atouk nf boots and ebocs, I hsve as nicely a fitted up Boot and Sbo Store, and as conplete a s'-ock ss any this side of Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy a'l my bocts and shoes direct from msiiufacturirs snd am authorised to warrant every pair no mat w ter how cheap. No firm io Oregon have any advanfv;" f ms in buying as I bey in qnsntiues and pay tbe casb In ladies', misses and children's shoes I keep much tbe largeat, beat and great est vsriety in tbe eity. My aim a a! wave be U aive as good value f.r W SW ssr the money ss posni'nly can be done. SAMUEL E. Y0UbC. HOFFMAN & JOSEPH, -pxopnieroRS or Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- CHOICE 00IF8CTI0HERY. -CONSISITHO OF- Pure etlck, assorted Havers, mixed drops, tar drop, borebouud drone, cut lamps, extra French mixed, ahooolate cream a, rbecolate a4uare, (,'bocolate mice, deeorat ed pear, decorated faoea, almond bars, fruit aquaree, apple slice, creem dalee, aaortoil,aammela, macroni,'oconui balls, coconut brilliant, ore in m icecream 0 carta. fine assortment of targe HEARTS ARD TOYS la endless variety. THE ABOVE CHOICE CANDIES We ere now preptred to sell at whole sale, always fresh and pure at Pottland f tries to dealer. Wo alao keep a full tne of Huts and Tropical Fruits, I TV GROCERIES, We keep a full line, always freed and si very low price. -OUR CIGAR AND TOBACCO department is complete. We keep lbe very finest stock of amoking nd cbwwiug tobavrco, woaraubauin -OO brmr pijuia mai is a delight to amokera, -WC STILL KEE? OUR STAR 19 cent. 10 eeeit ogE tuivt, BOSS Pt .C 115 cent ICi K Aad a fine assortment of IMPORTED C1QAR3. Scott's New Gun Store, HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSMEN. 0 - THE LEADING GUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITION,CARTRIDCES, SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT ING MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At the most reasonable price, always in stock. Repairing done on abort notice. Willamette Valley nluirods should never buy without calling on W. B. SCOTT, "Opposite Revere House, Allany, Or, ttBBETftooTIJ! TOWN Can be found at our etoe. Th shot usually sold in Albany -ir n 75 feet, while tbe Sc. Louis shot auld by u drops 20a feet, making it equal to chilled shot Sportsmen should not forget lhl. Faraan .t srw.r. AWd, AXKS, ETC 3 We will aell you tbe famous Dlsstun Champton croas-out aaw at a low figure, a ed can give you gooa pri jas on axes, sledges and wedges. Paraaa A wtkwart. gTUDEBAKKR WAQUN, This is the only wagon having a slope shoulderod spoke and tbe steel truss on eaob axle, and fs th best wagon on wheels. For sale by Peters A Stewart, X H' . BEST THING OUT, a the Acme Harrow and no farmer oar. well afford to be without it. It is the verv best clod ci u,her and pulverizer, leaving tht ground aa level as a barn tloor. Sold only by Patera SMwarfc. R OPE AND CHAIN, Of all sizes, as well as halter chains. cow helaH, dog chains, rope halters, etc, for sale by f'fis A Stewart. D ON'TFOKQET IT. If you try to build now while wheat I. only wor;b 54 oents you should by ah means go to Peter fc Stewart's, at Albany for your bard wars. You can get what you want at tbeir store ana at reasonable fig- Ultti They Have Arrived, THE NEW GOODS For men and boys at L. E, BLAIlf'S. We now have amagnificent stock of new and nobby suits for Men and Youths 4 B 4 for Spring trade, better than ever. The patterns are neat and attractive. We feel justly proud of this stock, selected with care from all markets, and take pleasure in showing them. THE HAT STOCK is choice, direct from Philadelphia, comprising All the Spring Novelties. THE SIIOi; DEPARTMENT is now complete, the largest and nicest stock in market. a We can't enumerate Have many novelties and all the staples. Look at our 75-cpnt Ufllaundried Shirt, the best ever offered in this market. CELLULOID COLLARS AND CUFFS in the different styles. These goods are bought at lowest prices, and will be sold the same way. We have a large, new line of piece goods in our TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Nobby suitings, fancy pants, etc., which will be made up in as good style and as cheap as can be had in the market. r 1 0 D L. Agricultural Depot! DEYOE & ROBSON, PROP'S. Successors to W. H. Goltra. ALBANY, - m - " 0REC0K. KEEP ON HAND THRESHERS, ENGINES, WAGONS, HACKS, PLOWS, HARDWARE, DOORS, SASHES, BUILDING MATERIALS, ETC., ETC. C ' ifc" 1 1- 4aSatailEal ae STEEL AND8PRING TOOTH HARROWS FANNING MILLS, STE EL GOODS, FENCE WIRE And all Agricultural Implements used. The largest nnd best variety of f ARM WAGONS, HACK SAND BUCCIES, In tbe otntral Wlllametts Valte. Or !fr filled at Best's Hand Separator. -ZmmakBBtEF. Ti.UK ot' ALU lvLR e keep the bet stovk of outlorv hi the vabey. Pocket knives and rai-or a si cially. iou't buy anything in th.i Un without calling on us fir t. Pbteks A, Strwakt. pAlNTS AND OILS, Of all deacriptions sold by Pet era k Stew art. A mm H GOODS. E. SLAIN. torn a distaaoi solloUad ao J promptly lowest rates My Imfroyxd Hand Ski akmar a Uoubio combined mchiu,potea ea twn aboos. (instead of one aa i manKlncH of othar tnaunarlurera, ulna riddles and a Uryc indapeudeut screen. Kach shoe ia eiai in pow er and capabilit v t tha oua in any other tail) , and by the operation of tbe tr d' utile ehicieiK'v ia secured. My as-inch mill will clean tram 400 to 600 bushels of aeed irrain per dy, according to tha condition of tha irrain, and v guarantee that all barelv, oata or other foul aaeda UI be thnroinfhly rtaiovad aith com i '. u satUfiction. I ohUensre anr nil! to a contest. I know that I can beat them, aa my mill haa beaten every mill it haa come in contest with, both in Cali fornia and Oregon, and is the beat made, bolts heinp uaed where craws are used in others. Address DANIEL BEST, Albany, Oregon. JgLACKSMITH'S OUTFITS, Anvils, vises.beliows.haminers, sledge, stocks and di-jaand almost every tool used by blacksmiths we keep comstamiy on hand. Also full sio;;k of iron.ef all sizes, horse shoe and horse shoe nails. Special prices madt on small outfits for farmsrs use, FsmsBs Stewart,