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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1886)
I t'Ssrrh Directs! y TJ. P. Cbbsch. Proaohingevery Hhbth, at 1 1 a. m., and 7 m. by Her. R. Q. lr vine, I). 1). Sabbath .school at 2t30 P. M Prayer meeting every Wedusssday evening. Bvakubucal Citcm it. Preaching on 8ab at 10,30 a. m., and 7 r. m. Sabbath School 11; !. Prayer meeting very Wed nee Jay evening 7:30. b. K. Davit, pastor. AU are invited. CoMORBQATioifALCHtTBua. Servioeaevery Sabbath at 11a.m. and 7 r. It. SabUth School at 12:15, Prayer meeting on Thuraday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. R. CauRCH.SooTn. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 1 1 o'clock a. m. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock A. B. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening st 7:30 o'clock. P. M. Colp, Pastor. M. B. CuuRouSoirru.TANUBMT. Preaok ing every Sabbath at 3:30 o clock , v. m. Oak. bath School at 2:30 o'clock. r. st. P. M. Culp, Pastor. M. E. Cbcbcu. Preaching every Sabbath 11a.m. and 7 i m. Song service in evening before sermon. Sabbath School 8.30 r. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs Ay evening, lie v. 11. P. Webb, pastor. Piuhbytuuaii Church. Samoa every Sabbath morning and evening in Charon cor. Broadalbin And Fifth Sts. SundAy School At 2 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting every W cdneeday evening, llev. Isaac H. Coudit pastor. FxRirr Baptist CuuRcu.rPreAching every Sabbath At 11 o'clock a, m. , at Church on fith Street. Sabbath Sohool immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting ery Thursday evening At 7:30 o'clock. T U Brvwusou, pastor. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA Oregon & California R. R, AND CONNECTIONS aiv .."in .vm ui .i.ii rililVi. W . " t.- m.nto, S30. i 'low connections al A.hlaiui w th stiges of Ihs OUiloniia, Oregon and Idaho 8 tag i ouinattr . (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS,) Bast lldt DltltUi. BCi nciA roTt'.U AN ASBLASD. all Tram. LSAva. aaaiva. IVrtlsad 7:30 s a I Albany 11:44 a U Albany UM r a Ashland 4:46 A a Asbleial 7:46 ra I Albany 11:4 a h Albany 1U6 r a Ponlaiwl 4-5 r a Albany Express Train. LSAVa. ASAIVS. Portland . .4:00 r a I Albaay t:34 r a Albany s 3i r a Lebsnvn V.iU r a L-ssaasn 4.45 a a Albaay !: a a Albany 5.30 a a Portland I0 .M Pullman Peiscs 81ei"tng Cars daily between Al bany and Ashland. Toe Oaod C R U Kerry makes connection with all the regular trains on the Eaat aide Division from feet ..I r' S.reH. Wnl aide Dlvlslea. Bl.TTfEKX ruRILOM AXB (OlVlllh. Mali Train, LSAva asstra Portland 9 00 a m I Corral I is 4 JO r a Corrallia . . S JO a a Pvrtland .. j:.0 r a Express Train. LSAVB. ARB! VI. Portland .5 r a McMInn Hie k 00 r a McMinntille 5:45 a a Portland 30 A a Local tickets for aalc nd baggage checked at com pa iy'auvtovtiorac,Cor. Stark and hecoud htrwU. f.. r priii I pal in California can on! b procured SMaShBsBI checked at Company's ot Corner K and Pr n.aU . Portland Or. freight aill not be received (or ahipmciit alter Se o'clock p. m. on cither th. Kt or y UW Mvieions. X. EOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, O. F. A Pass Arwnt. WILL BUY A BOTTLE OK THE BEST 00UGH CURE that the world has ver produced. Or Hra lev's txush Cure baa not an equal on tbe lac of the giftbs. I tKallenge the wecid for 1,000 to prod bos say ouh preperalioti, now n tbe market to beat it a prompt neat la curing; a psssjk or Cold. lolbrrs Uke l be ad- ice ol an old pioneer of 17 year on tie OsasS: iK.n t run the risk of .our own life or your bildren'a on xigar and eater, it baa sent thou fun will And mors tr ue in one ef tbeae email wttl. . than in a pint .1 fPhwe ia ooe thing eery 'na, 'if you don't kUl tbe j.-h the lanak ur; o kill yon,' Be ante r the Irasle siark Tbh stales be botllr. waotssAU Aaavrs, MIBLL, alEITKall) A WeOiWAIt, Portland, okluun. 30 000 CASES OF RECTAL DISEASES, -A&- n riles, Beelat liters, Flaaarea, rtarll s. Aal, I mains In Ana, Polyp, Beetl, IK. 11- . Cured la six years by the Brlnnerhaff Aystesa. Dr. J. B. Pilklngton, Proprietor of the PcrUand Bye and Bar laMrswary and haaiuirlam for ervwna asssaaara itaebosu a poiniu agent ana phvaiclan for thhteyetm in Orexon and W. t. No severe aarglral ope re Ilea, mo pala, lea I blexHi in two oKiutn have cured ssvsrai In e-hieb opvtaOons with the knife bars only injury. Aaiaersnitie'i to refer to str. Jas. W W erf .d. dragg&V formerly of aalero, Mr. Prank Card aei, machine!, Mr. K. A. Kampy, liarriaburg sad others. Wi'l tasst patlsnU at the lta,er HoUS Al bauy, from Tuesday noon,Mnr. 2,toHdnr- day noon.Har. S, 1 . Address for pamphlet, etc. J. B. PILKINCTON. M. D POBTLAND. ORKOOS THE . DR, LIEBIC Cl sVlvfite Itlasteasary, El 100 Osary HU, ban PranctacoJ .CaL Conducted by Caa ified Pbysic-iana and hurgeon regular graduates. tm The Oldest speciaJUt in the United Btalea, life-long experience, Mrfect method and pure medicine. loan re tedy and permanent cures of all Private, Chronic and Nt.-viou Diseases. Affections of the Blood, 8kin, Kidneys, Bladder, Bruptioua, Uloere.Old bores, Hwel'ing of the .Glands, bore Mouth, Throat Hone r Pains.peraianeru'y cured and eradi cated from the nyatern for life. NESVieiM Debility, Impotency, fBeniinal Lmhs. fcexual Decay. Men Q taland Ptitkiual Weakness, railing ZHZ Memory, Weak Eyes, Stunted De w velopment,lnptdin:erits to Marriage CV Sis., from excess or youthful follies. jT tr any oaue. apsedlly, safely and " prirately cured. Z leaag. MItldle-Aged and Old mXt nien, and ail who seed medical skill a and experience, consult tbe old j European Physieiao at once. His opinion costs nothing, and may are iuhii, uiisciy miu euaine. When inconvenient to visit the city f r treatment, medicines can be sent everywhere by exnrws free from observation. It is self-evident that phy.ldan who gives his wools attention to a class af dieeesea ataxias great skill, and phyticians through out the com y.kuowinK this, frequently recommend difficult to the oldest specialist, by whom every known good remedy is used. Tbe Doctor's sge anu experience make his opinion of supreme importance. AWTboso who call see no one but tbs Doctor. Con sultations free and sacredly confidential. Canes which have Idled in obtaining relief elsewhere e pec ally astlsHs i. Female diseases successfully treated. (Tie Doctor will avree to forfeit 1,000 for a case un (ertaken, not cored, Call or write. Hours, daily, from 9 s. in. to 4 p. m., 6 to 8 evenings ; Sundays, 10 to II eery. Send for tha Banltarist Quids to Health, cnt free. Address aa abov DB. LIEBtCBT Wonderful Uercaaa lavlaerator Perm xnentlyjprevents sll Unnatural Losses from tbs sys m, tones the nsrves, strengthens tbe muscles, c ec u the wast, invigorates the whole system, and rkjiss tbs afflicted to Health sod Hsppinsss. The reason so many cannot get cured of Seminal Aeakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owing to a com plication, called ProsUtorrbea with Hyperesthesia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Llebig's in vliorator is tbs only positive curs for ProsUtorrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used at tbs Liebig Dispensary. Frlre ef lavisjnracor, $. Cass of six bottles Sent to suy address, covered securely from ob ervation. Mott powerful electric belts free to patients To prove the wondsrful power of the lnvigorator. A S Bottle ftilven ar Seat Pre. Consultation free and private. CaM or address LIRBIO DlbPEMSABY. 400 Oeary Street, San Francisco, Cal. Private sntrsnos, 40S Mason Street, four blook op aery Stret frrm Kearney, Main entrance throu ga lapeossryDrug Store. il iiJwni5T?MTcl I tAsnacirr iai not rtl 1 1 rvbSV I I 11 BUUM i AMERICAN FARMER To all our Subscribers ! All our subscribers who will pay thalr tubecrlption acoounta to thta paper In lull to dato, and one yanr to ad vance, will be presented with ona year' subscrlp tion to THE "AMERICAN FARMER !" A sixteen-page Agricultural Magaalne, ubllahed by K. A. K, Haokett, at Fort I'syns, Indiana, and which ia rapidly taking rank an ene of the leading Aurlcul tttral publlcatioua of tba country. It la devoted t-actual vely to the intereata of the fanner, stock brwHler, dairyman, garden er. and their household, and every apooioa of Industry connooiiui with that great nor tiou ot the people of the world, the farm era. The aubaorlptiou price la one dollar per year. Pit r mora can not well get along without It. It put now Ideaa Into thdr minds. It Uotohoa I hem how to fajm with Kroflt to tbemaolvea. It makea tiia home appv, the yeung folks cheerful, the growler oonUn ted, the downcast happy, and tne demagogue noroat IMMUNITY from ANK3V.4 "vtfonlrof Ihe flnwl nft bmtqnd. Aty of Ulnan for w 1 U tsunUt u Ban t Every grood thingr is Oountr fotted, and ooaftumera are CAU TIONED BATBinat IMITATIONS of these Ohlmneya made of VERY POOR OL.A83. Soe that the exact label is on each chimney as above The Pearl Top is always clear and aright Glass. Haaafoetarvd OXLT by GEO. km MACBETH & CO. Pit tabarS Lcevd Olaan Works. FOB BALE BY D3ALER3. Summons. In the Circuit Cmurt (he Male J Oregotjor Limm County. The Dundee Mortgage ami Trust Invest ment Company (Limned., Plaintiff, va. PHKw' dall and Itliam F HamillOD, Defendant. To WilUtirt F. Hamilton one o At Dejrnd antt abort named. IN tbe name of tbe Stale of Oregon : You are hereby eummontHi and re quired to le aud appear In (be above named Court and anawer tbe complaint of tbe Plaintiff hi Ibe above entitled suit on file againat you wl.b the Cork ( said Court by tbe Aral day of tbe next rrgular term ol said Court aliet Ibe publication of tbla Hummona for ein weeks, to-wit : The regular June term of said Court to be be gun and bold on tbe fourth Monday In June, J&S6. In Linn county, Orrgou, or Judgment for want of an answer will be taken againat you foi iLe relief demanded In tbe complaint of tbe PlalatIO Lorain, to-wit : 1 hat the mortgage meolioned and described In tha complaint berolo ex ecuted by the Defendant F 8 Kendall on tba Idtb day of October, 1850 on tbe fol lowing deacrt bed real property, lo-wit; Tbe nortbweat quarter of tbe eoutueat quarter and the west half of the northeaat quarter of Section 30 In Township IS south langeSweatof tbe Wiltlainstte inoridlan in Unn county, Oregon, be foroc ..-! and that said real property be sold and the pro ceeds of aaid eale be applied : First to tbe payment of tbe eoats and diauureeiuenui of tbla auit including an Attorney 'a fee of twenty per cent on tbe whole amount that may be found uue tbe Plaintiff on aaid mortgage. Second, to tbe pay ment of tbe full amount of tbe Plaintifin aaid uotea and mortgage to-wit : tbe sum ol $90 with interest thereon at twelve per cent per annum Irom December 1st, 1HH3, (lese $45 pai.1 thereon December 7'b, 180) and tbe further auiu of 190 with iuureai thereon at twelve per cent per annum from December 1st, J MM, aud the further aum of 1990 with interact thereon at twelve per cent per annum from December lt, IseS, all in U 8. gold coin and that tbe Defandanta htraiu and every peraon claiming bv, through or under them or either or tbem aubeoquent to the dale of Flaintiffa mortgage may be fotever fore cloaod and barred of and from all right and equity of redemption in aaid real property. That abould aaid real property be insufficient to pay tbe indebt ed nesa secured tbereby that than the piainuna nave Judgment against Hie De feodanu for aucb deficiency. Tbia Summons is pubiiahed by order of Hon, K. P. Boise Judge of aaid Court in tbe Stats Right Democrat foi six sue oeaaive weeks, which order beats dale January 27tn, 1886. f I. INN A 'H A M I'.t.KI.A I V, Attorney 'a for Plaintiff. Oregon Pacific Railroad. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO SAN FRAN CISCO VIA. YAQUINA Trains LeVT Corvtallis. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 9 A al. Trslns Leutre Vaqalna, Monday, WedaeMiay, Friday, at S a. m. The fine A I Slaianr ,'Iapma"8ails raoa rauuiSA. raoa sas rsasc-isco, Woiiussday, March 10th. Kmiav, March ilRh. l uesofy, March 30th. Friday, April 1Mb. l uesdsy, April 20th. Sunday, March Uth. wednesssy. March Wth. Sunday, Apiil 4tb. jrsdnssdsy, Apiil UUi, Sunday, April -6tb. The Cempauf reserves the riuht to chsnice aallitiar days. Fasss Cabin,! 4: Stssrsae. S9.88; freiirhtst reduc es and moderate rates. River boats on the Wiilamttta connect at Corvallis Low fares and rates. For further information ap ply to C. V. lKM.t K, A. O. V. and P. Agent, Corvallis. DR. HENLEY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT, IS THE BOB OF THE WORLD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT ON RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Nervous headache cured in three minutes and Too hac he in three fcscon is. For all pains and Lchos it has no equal in the world Smell bottle, bOcta. Larjre bottle, SI. pOB SALE, One half block In easts rn part ef tbe city with fair bouse and barn will be sold cheap fit Oct 30U, 1883. Ml KING'S EVIL Was tho nnrao formerly given te Scrofula because of a superstition that it could be cured by a king's touch. Tbe world ia wlicr now, and knows that SCROFULA can only he cured by a thorough purifica tion of the blood. If thla Is neglected, thr dlniwo prriwtuatcs Us taint throuuli Keni'mllon after generation. Among its earlier syniplomatlo developments are KeaentB, iitnnenua lOiupt Ions, T mora, I tolls, Carbuncles, Kryal peine, I'tiruleiit I'lcera, Nervous and I'hy alcnl CollApse, etc. If allowed to con tinue. Hlteiiniatlsin, Brrufulous Ca titrrh, liltliioy mid Liver Diseases, Tuboi'ctilai' t'onsumiitlom and varl ana other daaierous or fatul umludlcs, are produced by It. Ayers Sarsaparilla i fht saJj v "vtrfid find alvay$ rtttahlt i;f medicine. It is so ethcU it. il uu sitem'lre ihnt It tradlcatea from v-'.-ni lierodltary Merofula, and kindred . .in of i oiiIiikIoUs dlsenses I i. Li. a . At the mine nine II rn- i, I U H !(( I ho UUhhI. rrslorllMf i'.i u.tiurt to the xlttil ork'nns and i il. riillr sj stein. Thisgrcat .jjEnoratlvo Medicine BmiKMs of I ho ircnulnc Itnlura ... wi ll Ycltoto Ihck, StU ' iflia, ii. l !itlei rf J'lttttnaium and I . mid oiri'T livrredlents of great po lu'i'i, ..i i i'. inid M'lentllleiilly rorn pourui 1. lis 'ruiuin Is gt'iterally known i.t ii.. in i il ciii'esln. mid i ho lest ptiyt. i.ii. 1 1. .1 Miit iv prrtcrlbo AYClt'tf lAMAl'AtttlXA as nil Absolute Cur For all v'.'v sf I eBBaet) by t!io vl'.latlon of tha esutul. It i i concent ratinl lo Iho high rt r. -:: Mo. fjegree, fur beyond any oilier arc . rn.t Urn f-T whh li liUo cflVota are ckshsi 1. sad 1 1 Ihetefofo UM eheapeat, as well r the. i.t t blood i ortlytts medi cine, tn t!;o v.orM. Aycr's Sarsaparilla rnt rAftri riy Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lcwoll, Matt, Analytical Chemleta. Be id by all Druggists : price f 1 ; atz bottles for fi. , .T rilisssi i ! ,ssj 1m fear wisal srssrlas it It w)CO t llBet 3 a I" B s l-f t-; ea ajr 3 ' StJ .1: a-e f I u -, i S ShjsStoM tos4.o mtt, vt, V KUKT A I rwwsa hsh avussj, ie en. Mtiif at aar i.w Uo.,, ae4 a n. O. AS. f?EM V CO., Detroit, BUeBbjan. TUTT'S IBs Oreatsat Ks3 imph of the Age' SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lees efaeaetlte. Bawels rsMilve, Palatti tbe bead, with a dell eeaeailee la tet Bach sart. Tela easier tbe abeaUer blmale, Pallaeea after eattac, ssttsi a4ls Iscllaaflaa te exert tee ef banlr er sslsA, Irrifabllliy artesaaer, low aplrlts, wlib a feeling el basis seelmrd aesae datf, Wearlaeaa, Dlzxlnr, Ftaiiertac ai the Heart. Hole beferetbe eree, llsaiarbe ever the right ere, tteaileeeaeea, with atfal area sn s, lllgbly eelered I'rlae, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S aILJUB are especially adapted to sue ti eases, one dnea effects saeh a chanic- nffeittiwstnaionlslithomfrerer. They laerssaseiBe A ppsUtsod eaaee tbe : . lo Tabs ats b'lssh.thu tbe stoss le iiunrliiiMl.ii I tirHirifTesle Arties o in- asisjaatl re Orwasas. flcsrsilar BSaeb sjrs ;hat II tin or Wiiikrrs ebanawd to a ; r in t ex by a single atptieatton of this Ure.. H imparts n natural oolnr. act Instantaneously. Hold by lirnggist. or sent by exorrsa on r - -t it of 01. Office), AA Murray St., Nsrev York. m 1 JrPHTSI V DECAY, VsvuBSaWuaa HARRIS IrV JBS CsVX VJat The Bt'YRRS' OVtDK to Issned March and Sept., each yrar. ;- a VI S'-t s lll-a tm It-, with over 3,000 Illustrations a vtl-!- I'tcture Callrrv. 1.1 VKS Wholesale Plht'S dlret to isabaeatees on all poods ... psrsonal or fatally nse. Tills hots to order, and give rsau t to ,t of everything- you nse, eat, drtnb, v.ear, s hare fun with. These IBVAht'ABf.e: HOOKS rahuln Information lrn from the markets of the world. V will mutt a tony r'KKK to any a t drees span receipt of 10 rt. to defray expense of malting. Ix-t us hear Stem you Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 007 Y 909 Wabash itrsue, Chicago, IB OCH SON'S 8sTtM's OCR I rltCC met. ready Barab Kith, to any address. Illustrate and lists evrry thing for Ladles'. Gents', Childress snd Infants' wear and Bouackeepiag Ooods. at prices lower than those of any boose la tbe united States. Coasalato ALBANY 8AW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber ,laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. DEBILITATED MEN, You are allow-d nfrti- tTt"loflhtrtu tayn of the no of Dr. Uye's CVIi l Vi.liaio Belt with Klrcirk; 8tisM'iiiiorr A llnr- fur the speedy relief and iMTniuni'iif t'ur.-.rf A -vu lelillty, loss o Vitality mid Mmiluto-I, and all kliirircri troubles. A Iso for manr other lisi.itHi. ('i.miilcle mlAn. tlon to Hi-altli, Vh(or and tfnnhood fiinranteed. No risk Is Incurred. IlliiKirntoil iaiiipbletlaasaisa ta.l..lii, Inniliirl f.U) Iw. .iIiIm..!... I Vt.Vi .......... ...... ttr ' 1 1 c.-l lU VOLIAI0 BELT CO., Marshall, Mica, mm WW to aax rBBS tosfl sssSsssss. asi sssssassanaf IsssMBsMaS BPajisjt aM BsaSBBSV sa i vnmrt Vt TUTT8 M'sjf Ifsy. ssssshs ssi mlmnlmiTC& BMtt BrBaa1iiiiiat isrisr TasssA. RUBf stPYOOU aTWPslalllS lite gtmMtm. m nil ii i '"i I PUIDAY APRIL 9, 18P6 TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, KDITBB IT TBI 'i Christian Temperance (Join VATMKBR' BltBTlNBi. Mary d. ludlum ituthors' meetings have come to be a part of our moral machinery in many of oar towos and eitleo, end this "itm etr$" la too evident for planet Ion. Why not fathers' meet ings ? Is not the responsibility of the proper training of children one that must necessarily be shared by both parents ? Neglect of his duty doss not absolve the father any more then Indifference to her obligations will excuse the mother. Home protec tion stands In the relation to home authority, as a ruler's duty to see that his kirgdiom Is not Invaded by ene mies does to his requirement of obe dience from those within that king dom. They are necessarily co exis tent whether trie law be that of love or brute force, And with the duty comes the need of guiding wisdom. If mothers are helped end helpful hy meeting to talk and pray to tbeir pe culiar work, why would not fathers be also ? Mayhap the strength gtvon them by the power of the ballot would cause their fathering to strike terror Into hard hearts unmoved by mothers' tears, and thus hinder from further I plotting those who are constantly set ting traps for the souls of tbe young. Let us bave some fathers' meet tugs to protest against the starting efea loons and the opening ot pool rooms Incur quiet little country towno; a consideration of the corrupting Influ ence of Sunday papers on the young and Impressible, which would result In a pledge of abstinence on the part of fathers tuemaelves, would certainly be promotive of great good by the prevention of great evil. In the family 11 seems nstural.and to e certain degree It is proper, that the father turnlsh the legal and tbe motber tho moral susslon. In the matter of home protection should tbe stronger voice be silent and the stronger arm no' be uplifted t Let us have fathers' meetingo where Chris tian men can talk over tbe questions that "drive sleep fr m tbeir es eased slumber from their eyelids." Let tbem not only ssk but demand such legal protection for the voutb as is duo them in a civilised and Christian hod. Mothers may pray and keep bright tbe home fire, but if fathers feet that their work is dono wben food, clothing, shelter and means of du cition are supplied, tney who go about as roaei.ig lions will keep wstch and at some favorable time eefse and de stroy, it may be,the fairt and muet l vwd. Toe fa I hero should stand armed ss outaide sentinels to tbe cas tle of borne, holding councils of war to guard againat pcll dangers. Our children must be saved out of the b inds of the wicked. On Ssiurday, March 2lh,e meeting was held lo the club naitn of the Pal. roer House, ChlcagM, In the iotereelo efpreveotlve and reform workomong young girls under eighteen years, In- fauts under the low. A number of the representative men end women of Chicago met, end earnestly dis cussed the needs of the cause. This meeting was preliminary to a ui.iaa meeting anon to be held. Harris J. Chilton, a lawyer of Bal timore, presented to the Maryland legislature a bill to make voting com pulsory. It provides that erery qual ified voter who does net cast his bal lot at erery general election ohall be summoned te appear before the court having jurisdiction, end show cause why he did not vote ; falling to give, under oath, a satisfactory excuse for neglect of duty, he shall be fined five dollars and cost,the fines to go to the public school fund. The following Is the text of the Tobacco bill oo It paosed tbe Massa chusetts Legislature. We give It as a model for other slates, being concise and strong : Section 1 No person shall sell or give any clgsrette, -nuff or tobacco, in any of Its forms, to any person under sixteen years of ge. Sxc. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall be puntehrd by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars. A very large part of the brandy we receive from France is this falsified article, and In ray opinion not more than one-third of It can be regarded a above suspicion. All French bran dy might properly and perhaps ought to be excluded from the United States on otnltary grounds. A general measure,exciudlng the article entire ly, would seem to be the only t ffective defense againat the admission of a poison for which our people pay one or two million dollars a year. George Oiffwrd, Consul, New Rochelle, June th, lg82. If you are going East be surs and go via oing rt Li tela Oregon Short uue. It is ths beat. See hv in another column. Oregon Kidney Tes, gists. For sale by ail drag UMUM, Wfll OS IT? Aflserolan wsmso srs mors eomnly in person, (lossass more besuty sad gt eat er mentality, are baiter siluoata), co oupy a highsr setial position, have lass to condemn sad more to coram and than tbs women of hut other country on this 'green globe." While tha man, to an appaling extent, smoke or ohow tobao oo, or driok beor or whisky, tbe wo men, thank Uod 7 do neither, and it is due to this fact sad the consequent grestor pmity snd vitality of tbeir blood snd its sustaining influence on the children that our people are not more rapidly cursed and blighted by Ibe unwholesome influences ef alcohol and tobacco. But with sll thsir levsUheaded com mon sense, our women do soms of the most foolish and nonsensical things st tbe dictate of fashion. Often, ss we have looked over an and. mice, tbe mtt- ority of whom wore ladies, and have seen such well formed snd harmonious chins, mouths, cheeks, noses and eyes, we have remembered what lofty, iitteU igent end beautiful forheasis women used to have, and wondered why it was thst such sensible beings, with snob otherwise bsndsoroe feces, could so covsr up wbst waa deaig oed to be the crowning element of their beauty, st9 make themselves resemble a let of enarl- tog, weak-eyed poodles. We well remember when it waa tbe glory of a woman to have a clear, well developed forehead, which the took great pains te set off to the beet advan tage ; when a lew brow was a matter of deep regret and called for the use of a depilatory. Bat now it is a rare tbirg to are a woman with tbe moral courage to abow a ball inch of brain- re.uu above the oj o-browe. The front hair Is cut off, "curled" and "frissad" or "banged," snd forced out of its prop er place, antil a fashionable lady looks as though she woo wearing as a froutis pieee ebeut four inohea of poodle dog akin, drawn over tbe half-shall of a eeeoaont. skjsssa a aa a . a a YYe cannot behove that tbere to a thinktue woman, old or voting, who doea not hate the senseless fashion and despise herself for following it, and who would not gladly see it abolished. Il waa originated by tbe lowest class of abandoned femalea in the moat immoral city of Europe, and is il not a disgrace o tbs intelligence of our people, sad should not tirtuoue Amstkan ladles unite in discarding it ? How we long to again see the female face aa God made it, with all tbe feet urea in bar amnions ptoportion, and we appeal to womanhood to unite in giving ua iheit influence in restoring the uncovered forehead to the poaittoo of dignity which it once occupied, ee tbe crown of beamy. And, you girls, won't you de cree tbet aucb o hot rid fashion must die ? It make you look like 'flights, lakes away all tbe individuality you possess, and makes you a laughing stock for ibe rude elrment in the other esx. If you deciee that it must go, there is oe power that can retain n We oppeat to you, good, aonsinle girls that you are, give ua back tbe human face "divine" crowned with the emblem ef tntelligenc and not with bts dta gnatibg "potMiieiim." Utrls, now will you not do it ? We boi you will I vitas we) so Let frieudabip gently cteeu to a height ; if ii rush to it, it may soon run itself out ef breath. It ia no help to a ssiler to see a nVh of light acroas a darkness, if be dors not instantly steet accordingly. In s. tidying character, do not We blind to tbe shortcomings ef a warm friend ot the tiitnes of s bitter enemy. Tbe petty snnoysnces of life ohoeld We seized upon aa occasion for tbe co?. ti ration of patience and forbearaace. 'Tta an ill thing te be ashamed of one's poverty ; but much worse not to tnske use of lawful endeavora to avoid li Words are eptritual force, angels of blessing or of cursing. Unuttcred, we control them ; uttered, tbey control us. Nothing is ee important aa having some clssr, definite purpose in life. There is no trsgody so sad aa that of a waated life. A man who strives earnestly and perseveringly to convince others, at least convincee us that be is convinced himself. There is nothing so demoralising in business uowadaye aa tbe chance ele ments ; and in tbe long ran, nothing so disastrous. As we gtow in years aud experience, so become more tolerant, for it is rare to see a fault we have not ourselves committed. Weddings often leave old familiar hearts and places ss haunted and empty as funeral. Tbey are the funerals of old associations. A bill baa been introduced into tbs Iowa Legislature te redistnet the state for ui 8 tubers of Congress. The change proposed would give the Republicans nine and the Dsoioorats two f the eleven members to which tLe state is entitled. Ia tba present dclegatien there are three Damecrats.svaa Rejiub Iieans and Weaver, Greenback. It is not likely that tba bill will become a law. Tbsre is a growing belief that Rnooe Coakitng cou'd not be got back into politics, even if ha were fired into a caucus out of a cannon. He is bound to bo tbe only ease in this oountry of complete recover from Presidential aspirations. POWDER Absolutely Pure. TbSnowdsf never varies. A marvel of purity. strsngih ana wnniesonispes. nor on il. ordinary kinds, snd eMma be soMnieoav neUUon with the multitude of low test, short wasjns, am m or onosyrisss pcrwoers. sold near is ossa Boy si. Btaise Foveas Oo.. 100 WaU-st, sWe TTs SAM MA V. J. O. SKMOCBS MAY & SENDERS. Dealers in General Merchandise. HARRISBURG - - - - OREGON Will bay drain, Wool and aU kind eoantry produce. F. P. NUTTING, X1 Co.. esottaJ so,yoo,ijio. lnurr in a ssaysef A. 0. U. W. Members wishing employment or desiring nelp, will please call at Read Brownell a store and register tbeir names. hy (ia oca or ixmoa. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Stmt of Oregon for Linn County. i H Burkbsrt as Admlntetrstor of tbe estate of Philip llallimore.deceaaed, Plain tiff. vs. Joseph Allison and Annie Allison, De fendants. VrOTICE la hcfohy given that by virtue JaTK ot an execution and an order of sale i satied nut of the above itemed Court in the above entitled action and to boo du retted aud delivered, t will on Halurday the loth day of April, lam at 1 p. tn , at the Court 1'louee door In Alhany, Lion count v. Oregon, al public auction for in hand to highest bidder, sell tbe real property described In said execution and order of sale aa follows, to-wit ; ixita No. even (7) and eigbt (S) in Block No. ninety .'kj! In the southern addition to the ci.y Aibauv. Unn oounty. Oregon aa the same is designated on the mane anst niala of sen! southern add i lion to aaid city on rec ord In tbe ofttoe of the County t ieik in and f ,r aaid l.tun oountr. Oregon the same heing the soutbwat ouartor of said block No. 00. Tbe proceeds of sale to be anolled : First lo the nevtuent of the coat a and dl huraeitiente of salt. Second to tha payment of the aum of 010.50 with socru ing internal thereon at tea per cent per annum and SfVj Attorney's fees. Thud the overplus if any remain to be paid to be Defendant, Annie Allison. Haled Match Uth, IfWWJ. J. K. CBABtvros, Sheriff of Unn county, Oregon. per Jas. J. Cal abuvbs, iJBpirty. Sheriffs Sale. tn th Circuit Court of tk Stat of Oregon for I. inn C ounty. J A Crawford, Plain' iff. vs Isaac McCluna and A A McClung, his tiifm mnA H St wart . ta Aaalstssa of Isaac Itct'lung an insolvent debtor, De fendants. aTvriP I. h.kv lun that h vlr. IN me of an execution and an order of ) Issued out of lite above naittsHi court in the above entitled eotion and U me dl rscted aud delivered, 1 will on Saturday the let dav or May. lWiO, at 1 o'clock, p. m., ai the Court llouee dao in All any. Unn eminly, ir ,ai public auction for ab In Sand t the bijchast bidder, aei I tbe real prsperty described in execution and order of sale aa follows, to wit : Tba aoulh half of the aoutbwst quartar of Mention i9 in Tp 11,8 K 3 wast ir ibe Willamette meridian known and designated upon the maps and plats of the Unked ritat-a at Oreson City, Or-son, aa tbe donation land claim of lease afc Clung. A. tee tbe nortbweat quarter of Hectieu 32. Tp. 11 K 3 west of tbe Wil lamette meridian. Alt the above deecrtb sd premise lying asd being in Unn county, Oregon, and containing 240 acrea. Tbe proceeds of sale to be applied First to the payment of the costs and diebaree mente of tbia suit and tbe nosAe of sale, Second to Ihs payment of Plaintiff's judg ment, to wit, $5145.75 and interest thereon at 12 per cent per annum from March Oth, Ti. ISMt. Third, the overplus If any to be disbursed ee tbe Court may hereafter direct. DauJ this 1st day of April, 1888. J, K. CBAM.TOH, Sheriff of Lion county, Oregon. Jas. J. Charlton, Deputy. PATENTS Obtained, and all other business in tbs U. 8 Paten OStmsMsBdsiel to for moderate (see. Our office Is opposU tbs U.S. Patent OflVee. and wsean obuia Patents leas time than those remote from Washington. Seed motile or draw ins. We s- to patent sbility free of charge ; snd wsmaks o charge unless we obtain patent. We refer hers, to tbs Postmaster, the Sunt, at Money Order Uiv. and to officials of the V. a Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, snd eferences o actual clients In your own State or county , address C. A. SNOW & CO., Otposite Patent Office, Washington, D . A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty ; but it is a part. Every lady may have it; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. ,s. r WorSvly noweoape'deeeted ni;3,eartinorirF diiforsrles, la iijjuu' i t cTfrpnbllshott F.rerynnm t4 with splendid euRrTinr3. This i ,i f''rnishsa most vahiuhle eno cloned. a : which no iwrsnu should be without, i Isritj of tho ticiESTinc AMriucAN is t its circulation uoarly enuals that of ll . oai l mfor: 1)9 pv cn tb o:her r i . ts of its cissd ccr.iuinea. 1 jfr. 1 'ir.t t iCIobs. Sold by sll: 1 fclUNNi U., Publishers. No. 3GlRroi rs of its class oerabined. 1 rioo. yszis hv nil n.wsaes'ern. SBlBroadway, N. Y. ms aw a.1 BBS am Hunn i -o. nave O'S S sa gigRt years' m maw wswaawsssassss practice before lie Tntcnt Office snd hare nr. p A red laro thtva One Hundred Thou Rnrt anplicat ions for patents in the l il.ird States and foreisn oonntries. i , ,. Trade-Marks. Gopy-nchiK. s.iiiiiacnts, end nil other papers for ta Inventors their rights in thu i BtiiteN !inds. tnaland. .France, ny .i"t oth?r foreign countries, pre i abort not ice and on ressonaWe ternn. ins i :on .a I o ohtalnlnSDSteuts cheer- witbout eharse. Hand-bonka at :-..... (. Patents ooiaineu throuch Mrfnn i. Co. are noticed in the Soientifto American free. The advantane of such notice well understood by aU pswous who wish todi- PTdd.e,MPUNNt'LA Op.. Office Scxatrrms AM-tiucAJi, Set I'.roadway, asw oia. KS fullv c: JULIUS GRADWOHL IIss the only exclusive Stock ol . e CROCKERY, CIASS.8ILVEK AND CHIRA WARE A Large ABsortment of Baby Carriages And a Ctcic Selecton of Coffee, Tea and tr jar ONE DOZEN CUP8 AND SAUCERS $1.00. 8HELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, W1NP0W LIGHTS AND LIME FBK SIOBEST MARKET PKICC PAID FOB fiO Remember I What I Say I lean. Oiie le a call. 600DS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- THE Oregon Short Line, 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest route to the East, and rates, $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs. Omaha, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets, good via Ogden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going Bast write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, B. CAMPBELL, General Agent. No, 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Corner Third and E 'Streets PORTLAND - OREtiOX. Three Blocks from sll Railroad Deijota, Our facilities are such that we tie fy ootn petition. Thla le the largeet end OMiat reapeetabl y kept Hotel In the North- Board and Lodging 11.00 per Day, IE1LS, !i CEHT8. LODChU. li AND SO CENTS. FREE BUSS TO AND FROM THE HOTEL No Chinese Employed. E, LIWISfON, - - PROP&IIfOR, (Lata of Minnesota Hooee.) ED. COBBY ACENT. f7u. miller, Attorney and Gonnslor it kw. LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice in all the Courts in the Si ale tOlKL FUK SAI.K. ids Jacaaoo nouea, rrinevino, tirnn, 32 wall furnished noma, the only hotel In town, tars and convenient, with all n. . . . r : III. y . necessary furniture. Price reasonable and terms easy. K. B COLVBR A fiO. Prinaviile, Oregon. DR. MINTIE, TBE art IAUaT. S It Bearer? Slrvrt. Ms Fraar Cal. Tsaaia tu Camosic, Bract al asd Faivars lnaaas with Woxosanx Senses, . THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY I j - Is s ssvsa raiusocraa ..... f.r V.rt-iuu ILlnlit, s.-.r Inal Weakness, Exhausted ViUlity, Snertuator rhct La( Waahoext, tnix tencr.Psishsi Prctaurr bote, and all tbs ttrrible Setts f self -ebuee ycuth fa follies snd exoess In meturer years, such as Lass ol Memory, LasMtudi .Noc tural Emission , aversion to society, 1 nines of VWaa txrttmr 1st drlablna lata!- rat lag llsjaars. tbs rital fluid psssinr unobserved a the urine, ana saanjr otnereusessss uan teas to tn an It y and death. OS. BllsUe, who Is m Beswlar rhyli law. Crsesssser the I nlreraity rrMS taaks will ses to forfeit five Baadred Beltara for a case of this kind th Vital SeaaratlTe (under hi special slelc and treatment) will nut curs, or for aaythlnf impurs or injurious found in f;. Br. Bin (ta treats all private diseases successfully without atarcury. ( aaawltaUaa rree- Thorough ezunin atton snd advice, Inelodint analysis of uilne, SS. Price ot VltaJ Kestarallve. I1.W a botUe, or four times the out nlity, $5 ; sent to any address upon re ceipt of price, or C 0 D secured from sbssrvatior and in private name if desired by Kearny airret. Ses Fvaeelsca, Cel. Sand for "list of question and pamphlet. SAttPEB BOTTLE FBKB. Will be sent to any one applying bjrle tter, statintr symptoms, sex snd see. Strict secrecy in regard to all business transactions. Br. Mlatle's Kidney Remedy . Keparrtlc aaa, cures all kinds of Kidney and Rfsddsr Contphdnts, Qoaoirheea, Gleet, Leuoorrhoea, etc. For sate by all druggists ; SI s bolts sr six bottles for SS. Br. Mlatle's Dandelion Fills are the best snd eheapeat Byspcpnta and Billons curs in tbs mark st. For sals by sll druggists. THE GREAT UnfailingSpecific FOR LIVER DISEASE SYMPTOMS: But ci or bad taste inmouih: tongue coated white or covered with a brown fur ; pain in the back, sides, or joints often mistaken for Rheumatism; sour stomach ; loss or appetite ; sometimes nausea snd waterbrash, or indigestion; flatulency snd scid eructations ; bowels alternately costive snd lax; headache; loss of memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something wh ch ought to have been done ; debility; low spina; s thick, yellow appearance of the skin and ey ; s dry cough : fever ; restlessness ; the urine is scanty swJ high-colored, and, if allowed to stand, depot its a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is generally used in the South to arouse the Torpid Liver to a healthy action. It acts with extraordinary efficacy on the TIVER KIDNEYS, and BOWELS . AH EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Main rill. Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, Hick Headache, Jaundice, Nausea, Colic, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaints, Etc., Etc., Etc. Endorsed by the use of "T Millions of Bottles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, for Adults, and for the Aged 8AFE TO TAKE IN AHY CONDITION OF THE 8Y3TEII 1 J. H.ZEiLIN & CO. , so lb rsoratrross. PHILADELPHIA, P.L PRICE, Bt.OO. Bsa Koi First National Bank OF ALBANY. ORECsOM. President JOH5 COK5E . H. F. MfcKKIL TKASSACT8 A GENERAL banking ACCOU.VTS KEPr subject to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and taiempbie on Mew York, San Francisco, Chicago Orejroej- . sold Portlaa vOUUECTlONS BADE on farorebi . E. Tot so, Jons Cos ssa, L. E Blais, L. Puss, 11. F. Meksju. J. L. COW AS. J. W.COJICK Linn County Bank, COWAN & CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking I JDBAW SIGHT IiRAFTSon Hear York. Jaa Fnus LOAN HONEY oa spprorsd security. RECEIVE deposits sobjee to cheek, , COLLECTIONS entrusted to os will recaire i ttontiow. AO A US AG S M I IAJS, We have s meat cutter thst ii ee munb an improvement over tbe old fashioned eeneage mill as J. I Case Agitator ie ortr a flail. It don't clog an 1 leaves no strings in th o est. Come and see It, A I tT Send 10 cento peatsgs. ana we wll SS Slr 8 niail you fre a rayal, laJuable SSJBMs bos of goods that wiU put you in ths way making at once, than anything eke ia s at aU sgws eaa Hea at hssaa and r all tha Uses. Capital sot r- America. Both esis work In spare time, or ssarsd. We will start you neoes pay sure tar sad Co., forUaae. noa a ro start st voce Sain. InvalidsHoteliSargfcalfnstflQtB B UJr'Jb'-AJLO, 2T. "ST- rseslxed with a fan Stair ef fserteateed and S&Jttfml pt ana tarejesnu fbr the titatsssusil or all Chronic Diseases. m FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronic Naanl Catarrh, Throat and JST isaaeja, E,iwr and Kidney Diseases, Bladder Diseases. Disease Wo52enJBlood Blseaaesknd Rare, one Affect I one. cured here or at home, with or without seeing the patient. Oome and see us, or send ten cents In stamps for our .i,nT51If Boest," waloh gires all particulars. rvervono Debility, Impo ?OTsNoctnrnal Losses, andaQ Blorbld Conditions caused by Yonthfnl Fol lies and Pernleloae Boll. ary Practlcee are speedily and permanently cured by our Delicate Diseases. uamimammamm' end permanently cured by our Specialists. Book, poet-paid, 10 eta in stamps, u i Rupture, or Breach, radi- Rote. I cally cured wtthont the knife, without trusses, without pain, and without danger. Cure finarantee. TWtlr a n . ton cents in stamps. PILE TEiffflRfl and ltrrrrnsa treated under guarantee to cure. Book ptuit for ten cents in stamps. Address World's DtSPBKSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 863 jASiU Street, Buffalo, N. Y. lea treatment or many thousands of cases of those diseases peculiar to Wnvcu 1 ' MSB ra ti-tints, I Rt the Invalids' Hotel and W"ksWsBBSBaBBBBSl .Qiiwriool TDrirsA k. a ... -'' tKiwsuw lias at tordtxl large exjwrienoe in adapting remedies for their cure, and OR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is the result of this vast experience. It is a powerful Restorative Tonle and Nervine, imparts vigor and strength to t he system, and cures, as if by magic. Lea. eorrhes, or whites." exeeeeive flowing;, painful menatrnatlon, on. natural auporoeeiona, prolspaus or falllne; of the uterus, weak hack, ante version, rctroveraion, bearing dowu rousitt.ous, chronic conges tion. Inflammation and ulceration of the womb, Inflammation, pain and tender nesa tn ovaries, internal ucau una leinuio wesauesi." and Sleeplessness, in either sex. PRICE $1.00, ?oV fend, ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's tai-jre Treatise on Diseases of Women, illus trated. , World's Dispensary Msdietl Association, 663 Main Street, BUFFALO. 19. Y. SICK-HEADACHE, Ml lions Headache, Dizziness, Constipa tion, Indigestion, and Bilious Attacks, promptly oursa by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Fell eta. SS cents a vial, by Drug it promptly relieves and cures Nausea nnd Weakness of Stomach, Indisee tlon. Biloatlnsr. Nervous Prostration.