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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1886)
S3 Entered at the Post Office at Albany, Or, am second-class mall matter. FUIDA.Y APRIL 9, 1886. 8TITES & NUTTING. Knitters aa4 ros Meiers, PBBB r. KfTTIHtt. aeal Kdllor. FFICIiLl. and APER. pnr r r mm nnni W tuirliur the m InC UCMUUIIHI txtn u...Hh. lor U owiU. ! v m. nu um I mle st this office or to Ham Mat t Harrisburg. R. seelten al Bolo M N. Davison, Uals). K, Montagu, Utssos. D.W. Bassbeugh, IJweei Home, r. A Watts, Hhsuu. J. A. Raani, JsBsrsnn. A. L. BeMgetarsaer, Tangent. tun IXSTIUTS WIHIIM il! The Opera 1 Ioue was packed full on Fri day evening, on the occasion of the enter tainment given to defrar the expenses of the County Institute, the largest number of people ever in the House at one time being present. The program was opened with a well ex ecuted piano solo by Miss Laura Brklgeford, of Scio. Miss Helen Crawford recited the "Witches Daughter" with fine effect. The fact that Miss Crawford's voice was heard with great distinctness all over the Opera House spoke for its force and volume, qual ities several lacked. An instrumental solo by Miss Anna Houck was well executed. Mr. Collins Elkins again wheeled out,"The New Lochinvar," with humorous effect. "Camping on the Old Camp Ground," as sung by little Ethel Peters, was simply beau tiful, and carried away the audience. Ethel has a vcrv sweet alto voice. Miss Birdie Ashby recited "Forward," followed by an instrumental duet by Eva Cown and Mag gie Alderson, both well received. Mr Al fred Huelat, of Harrisburg, recited a rather braad cat story, keeping the audience well agitated with laughter Henry Backensto was heard in a guitar solo, its encore speak ing for the manner in which it was receiv ed. A vocal duct by Misses Eva Cowan and Maggie Alderson was the sweetest part of the entertainment, not excepting the "Awfully Lovely Philosophy." Miss Good win recited the "One Day Solitary," show i ng fine elocutionary gifts, with perhaps a tack of volume in her voice. Miss Emily Huelet, of Salem, recited the "Old Sur gson's Story" in an able manner, speaking for the excellent drill which she has had. Miss Belie Senders was heard in an artis tically rendered piano solo. A drama en titled "Pride Shall Fall," by Prof Walker, Frank C. Stanard and Mr. Gregg, of Brownsville was received with deserved ap plause. A double quartet of Albany vocal -ists rendered a song in an harmonious and taking style. Mis Ina Robertson recited MA Night of Trouble," making the house ring with continued laughter. Miss Rob ertson has few equals as Josiah Allen's wife. A quartet by Messrs. Irvine, Fortmiller, Awbrey and Brush was loudly applauded. Miss Addie Scriber recited the "Awfully Lovely Philosophy" in a delightfully ex quisite manner, completely catching on to the extravagant manner of the molecular, protoplastic, assiduistic, differentiated Bos ton girl. Miss Scriber is too sweet for that Is, we mean, she knows how to make things like Joe Cook and molecules look sacca rine. The Broom Drill was enthusiastic ally received. Mrs Langdon was encored on her vocal solo but did not answer. Prof Walker read some resolutions, thanking our citizens, teachers, lecturers, newspaperese, for various things and the entertainment adjourned. o Craage rirale The committee appointed by the Linn County Council met in Albany on Tuesday and made arrangement for a grand picnic st the picnic ground at Jefferson, on Thurs day, Fridav and Saturday, June iO, 1 1 and 13. The following otficere were elected for the occasion : Chief Marshal Hon Charles Miller. President Hon John Minto, Sr. Vice Presidents A J Z urn wait of Lane C G Fisher, Polk ; D L Russel, Washing ton Territory ; J W Cook, Yamhill ; John Bryant, Linn ; N P Newton, Benton. Chaplain Rufus Thompson. Committee on Program S 8 Train, J Voorhees, A C Jennings, S A Dawson, Charles Miller. Committee on Reception N II Looney, H C Loonev, M A Powers, I L Hilleary, L A McCo'nnell, N J McMeeken, Mart Miller. BKAL BSTATC. Following were the salet during March . Quincy Crane to J W Compton, 50 acres. Con. $750. E L Thompson to A P Thompson, lot 8 in block 48 in Albany. Con. $1. R A Mason to A P Thompson, lot 8 block 48 In Albany. Con. $103. E W Barnes to C L Bovd, 80 acres. Con. $75- John Beard to H Brvant, 180 acres. Con. $30. J L Chapman to Harvey Shelton, frac lot 33 in Sclo, Or. Con. $iot. Henry Shank, Sen., to Henry Shank, Jr., 160 acres. Con $1,000. W B Donka to William Worth lot 3 in block 3 In Lebanon. Con $415. Thos Kay to Emll A Koope, lot in the town of Amelia. Con $50. T S PUlsberrv to I A Blshop,lot in North Browns v ills. Con $60. George W Gray to Chas Pfelffer, a part of lot No. 3 In block No. 8, Albany. Con $1,600. Thos J Warmoth to I N Warmoth, part of lot in Halsey. Con $600. John Nanny to Mary A fUmpson and las Nsnny, undivided interest In estate of A 8 Nanny, deceased. Con $aoo. 1 1 J Workman to E Kirkendall, lots in Sodaville. Con $800. William Arnold to J W Swank, 15 63 100 acres of land. Con $150. R N Caughell to Ed J Ileum, a part of lot in Shedd, Or. Con $50. R D Wilson to J K Weatherford, lot a in block 24 In Albany. Con $800. M S Titus to Daniel Neff, iW acres. Con $400. Silas Williams to A A Bashor. ' i acres of land. Con $x B Burtenshaw to School District No s 1 acre. Con $1. H Brvant to Naoma Webster, a lots eas tern addition to Albany. Con $1,600. Anthony Webster to H Bryant, U of of block in Hackleman's addition to Al bany. Con $700. Emma Watts to A Blaker, lot in Shedd. $100. J A Washburn et al to Thos Brandon, Sec. Con $a. A P Gaines to Otto Serfline, a8o acres - Con $2,600. Wm M Davis to Levi Davis, icq acres. Con $ 1,00a N B Fry to School Dist No. 15, one cre. Con $1. Wm Bilveu to W J VanSchuy ver, 3 lots in Scio. Con $200. Alfred Tregning to S B Fisnegan. lot in Peoria. Con $15. Albany Building Association to lames Mady, a' strip 3 feet wide in block So y In Albany. Con $75. J W Gilmour, by Sheriff, to E J Lanning, 4 of block in Albany. Con $117.65. O II Blount to F T Blount, all his inter est into 19a acres of land. Con $750. Gamaliel Parrish by Sheriff, to Chas L Flint, 54a acres. Con $4191.14. O & C R R Co. to Henry K Arnold, 80 acres. Con $60. A Wheeler to A Blaker, a lots in Shedd, Con $65. W W Crowder et a!., to Naoma Webster, 2-6 of 4 lots in Albany. Con $200. Clarissa Blount et at to Adam Bashor, 5 75-100 acres. Con $46. II F Newman to Henry Newman, 15 26 100 acres. Con $300. oaworftATtc "pbiwabirb. Primaries were held In all the precincts of the county last Monday, from every pre cinct reports of good men being elected del egates, coming to us. Following Is the list of delegates who will convene in the city to day to nominate candidates for county offices and delegates to the State Conven tion : K.VtT ALBANY. E J Lanning, Ed Cos, George Humphrey, A E Bloom, John Hoffman,' V G Burkhart, I Hayes, L Senders. WKIT ALBANY. Geo Cline, A Blevlns, W B Scott, J L Hilt. A L Bridgcfarmer, J J Beard, L C Marshall. UROWNRVILLK. Nelson Crume, W T Cochran, J H Crooks, J D Arthurs. BRUSH CR.KKK. W C Coolev, W B Smith. D D Mlchal, TJ Philpot. H R Powell, G B Splawn. CSNTBB. John Huston, Ab Humphrey. CRAW FOR DBV1LLK. Wm Ireland. rox VALLEY. E. A. Hester. FRANKLIN BUTTE. Peter Smith, Chas Richardson, L W Pomeroy, Wm McK night John Bilyeu. HALSEY. J A Smith, A S Bassett, B W W B Legate. Robert Andrews. Warmoth. II AKKISBVBG. Enoch Hoult, Dan McClain, Walter Huston, Thos Alford, HI Williams, Ed E Davis, John Grimes, A Condra. LEBANON. E Keebler, las Settle, John Beard, John Kirk. Jake Bilyeu. LIBERTY. TJCoyle, C B Montague, FC Hansard, Dayncs Turner. John Plummer, F M Smith, J Ribelin ORLEANS. BANT I AM. J R South, A H Charlton, scio. las Bilyeu, Rilev Shelton, John A Bilyeu, Geo DeVsner, 1 N Griffin, S W Dodd, Alf Shelton, Wm Cvrus, Mart Bilyeu, siiaon. Worth Huston, J A Scott Ward, McBridc. S T Crook., SYRACCSE. A Miller. Fsrlow, TBe Some funny fallow of the Institute sug gested that the teachers of the county organ ise permanently, with grips, passwords, hailing signs, and other usual society things. He suggested that the grip be as follows : First grasp, firmly with tlte right hand, the slack of the coat between the collar and the shoulder. Then, both of those meeting having a firm hold, give three distinct yerks, uttering, in s hissing tone, the wods, "Do Right" The password is, briefly, "un-bv tel-ii-gi-btl-i-ty," to be lettered in full, snd sll the syllables to be pronounced, from the first, at the addition of each successive syl lable, when used for working purposes The grand hailing sign is a flourish of the switch, or cane. The badge is a chalk crayon, mounted in silver, snd worn on the cravaL The lady teachers may have col ored crayons, to harmonize with their com plexions, and may wear them on the cor sage, or with a chatelaine guard. The trav elling card is a first grade certificate. Hon orary members carry a copy of the Oregon Literary Journal. The regular Grand Lodge Anniversary is the last day of March, when the members will eat a dinner of cold meat and bread, without tea or coffee, out of a tin bucket with a lid that comes oil and goes on with much harsh noise. They S . a m win tnen nave an experience meeting, on prize giving, government boarding round, and other important topics. Brevioftic. II B SWEET HOME. Wm M McKlnnon. F M Rumhaugb. WATERLOO. 0 Jennings, Mr. K rerun Jake Newman. So far as we can learn the Republicans on Tuesday elected the following delegates to the County Convention to be held on Friday of next week. West Albany E Young, John Luper, S B Train, A S Powell, 11 11 Hewitt, Wert Alberts, I F Conn, I Anderson, D B Mon teith. East Albany Walter K etc hum, Thomas Froman, E W Langdon, L E Blain, George Geisendorfei, M F Dawson, J G Powell, W S Peters, H Ewert. Brownsvtle W R Kirk, A C Hsusman, J M Waters, R W Thompson, R W Reese, S Pearl. Lebanon H C Powell. A G Marshall. J R Smith, F U Roscoe, J Waasom, U Blair. Harrisburg M Cunningham, J H Robb, J F McCartney, E E Upmever, John Wlgle. W H Davis. Shedd M Acheson, Alex Brandon, John W Pugh, R fi Wright, D C Currie, G W Davis. Halsey - Jas Pearl, S A Smith, T J Wil son, Thos Brandon, J R Peart Caleb Gray, F M Wit ten. tka flKstft lXBTmrric FRIDAY MORNING. The chair on motion was authorised to appoint a committee on resoultl Ms, The chad appointed Prof W s Walker, Prof Gilbert and Prof Lonsway. J F Stubblefleld presented the subject of "Penmanship" In a most lucid and compre hensive way. The three essentials of ac quiring good penmanship are position, pen holding, and movement. The teacher must Instil a love for the beautiful in teaching writing. Insist all the time upon care In making letters and figures. Penmanship Is too much overlooked In our schools. Mr Sutherland followed upon the same subject adding many new Ideas with refer ence to the method of teaching this Impor tant art Mr Mitchell asked how to prevent pupils from holding the pen so as to cramp the hand. Mr Stubblefleld explained that the Angers of children are weak and that they will naturally hold the pen with a grip. But holding the pen correctly Is a growth nnd It takes time and care. Mr. Gilbert said theachers who know his penmanship will think It strange that he should arise to speak on penmanship, but after all each teacher's success will be deter mined by his own effort. Prof Walker talked about teaching "Ge ography in Connection with Map-drawing." Ills remarks though brief were full of food for thought. Miss Ollie Kirkpatrick, of Albany Public Schools presented the subject of "How to Teach Composition Writing in Primary Schools." The address was full of good suggestions on this Important subject Prof W T VanJcoy presented the subject of "The Young Teachers First Dsy In a Country School." The speaker painted s faithful picture of "The Young Teachers' First Day In School" as It is and what it should be. Prof Walker presented the subject of Physiology and Hygiene" In a very enter, talning and Instructive way. AFTERNOON SESSION. T F Campbell presented the subject of "Grammar." Men are educated In this world to give them force. When there is no power there it no force, when there is no force tnere Is no motion, when there Is no motion there Is no change, when there Is no change, there is no life.or to turn the thought in the line of a future life, we see that when there is no power there U no force, when there is no force there Is no motion, when there is no motion there is no change, when there is no change there is no conversion, when then is no conversion there is no sal vation and when there is no salvation there is no eternal life. There is power In lang uage and the science of acquiring a knowl edge of this power is called grammar. Prof Lonsway. of Scio presented the sub. ject of "Modes of Promoting a Love of Truth, Honesty, Benevolence and Vlrturc Among Children. The subject was treat ed with much ability and was instructive to all teachers present. The subject was cate chised quite frequently by members of the Institute snd responded io promptly. Essay by Miss Mary Irvine on the subject of "Study of Words." The address was re plete with interest. Mr Gilbert discussed the subject, "The State's Right to Educate." The subject was treated in a spirit of liberality as to ar riving at the true line of duty of the State in educating the youth. A srbMsrr 1 1st Tws. TBI ALBANY CBLLBBB. H is tt so sms ry to raise an endowment of 30,000 for the Albany Collsgiats Institute, i& order to ooatlnus it Of this amount about $10,000 is provided fur by Oregon peo ple, leaviag some whore near $14,000 to raise. Ia order to seoure this amount Prof. Wyokoff, tsaves this week for the Km, where there are goad prospeeU for obtaining lbs required deficit. The Albany Collegiate Institute is a credit to Albany, and we r oles to know that it is being pieced on s permanent basis. At a masting of the Hoard o( Directors Tuesday evening, in this city, lbs following self explanatory resooltioue were adeptsd 1 JtemUved, That ws ths Directors of the Albany Collegiate Institute, do heartily en dorse ths action of the t'rssbptery of Oregon in sppointi.g ths President ef the feoulty. Rev J C Wyokoff, as floancia! agent for the purpose of raising $14,000, thereby securing the $1(1,000 already conditionally en beer bed in Oregon snd so completing the endowment of $30,000. necessary to give permanency to onr school . AesoW. Tbst the prosperity of tbo school daring Mr WyakofTs administration, and the improvement in its financial condi tion calls for congratulations. With tl.e fullest confidence in Mr Wvckeff, we hereby authorise bias to adopt bis own methods to cure the necessary endowment IWrW, That Key K T Lookard be en gaged to take the place of Mr Wyoekff in the school during the absence of Mr WyookfT and that hs be required to perform sll the duties performed by Mr Wyukoit in the management of the school. I hereby certify that ths fersgoing resolu tions are a true and correct copy. Albany, Or., April nth, 1886. Jobs Comrsb, .Secretary, Waal IBs Cssmty BtvkSMl. Brownsvills, Or., April 6tb, 1880. Ths Kepubliesa primary was held here this sfterseoa, and the following resolution wss unanimously adopted : Wiierkan. The population of Lino osud ty boa lsrgely increased sines the county wss originally formed, sad Wukrkas, The center ef population has changed, and ths routes snd mesas of trsvei bos sum chsogod so tbst it is inconvenient for a large proportion of the citissns of ssid county to reach the Court House thereof, sod, Win. cm. The construction of oouotiss should be so arranged as to aeoomraodetc the greatest somber of people, therefore be it Remtvd, By ths Republicans of Browne. ville precinct thie dsy assembled tbst it ta ths ssnts ef this convention, thst Linn county should be divided by a line 00m msuciogeatbs Willamette River at a point where th flret section lias touches said river north of Peons, and running thence east on said seottoa line to the east line of said county. 1 1 B t M. . . mm, neotra, 1 net every lr-gte elec ted by thte convention is hereby pledged to do sll in tber power toward the carry io out of Ibis object sod be it farther Bemahtd, That tbo Secretary be requested to send s copy of these resolutions to the different papers la this county for puMics lion. Messrs It N Thempeoa. W ft Kirk. J M H stem. A C If ausman, tt Brest and 8 A fearl were elected delegetce to attend the County Convention. L WlllTK, Geo. A. Drso, CBairmea. Ml 4MB ABBBAB V M French, jswsler, Holied ests st Read k Hrownell's. Csrrlawe. Legal Wits. Judge Deady says, in a dignified opinion, that Lawyer Hughes, of Portland, is a "perennial cause of action." This is consid ered the moht humorous utterance ever made by the learned Judge. In a criminal trial last week in Corvallis a lawyer of that city in airing his classical knowledge spoke of Mt. Olympus. The famous Ben Hayden was on the opposite side. In summing up Ben spread him self thusly in his characteristic style, half of which is his inimitable action. "The gen tleman tries to be classical by referring to Olympus. Olympus.gentlcmen of the jury, is the jargon for Mary's Peak. I say Olym pus i' nc jargon for Mary's Peak." What It Vest. It is just naturally curious the way some will get excited, and lose their head. Our neighbor of the State Journal, of Eugene, says the Registry Law when declared un constitutional, had cost that county $1500 and Linn county $3000. You are complete ly wrong Mr. Journal. The law had cost this county only about $200. Had the reg istration gone into effect the cost would have been about $1200 in this county and not over $1500 in Lane. Figure it out and see. Anything can be made by guessing ; but figures do not lie. We rejoice because the law is useless ; but do not believe any thing will be gained by exaggeration. Prof. Garrigus, of Independence.attempt ed to lecture in the Court House lsst Mon day evening on the "Immortaletay of the Soul," or something of that kind. Only a few boys and men were present We were not there ; did not even see the Professor, and, really, are not sorry Either. Garrigus has been given so much taffy by Indepen dence people that it is doubtful if he knows just .how he does stand in the eyes ot this big world. Illiterate curiosities may take in some places, and their ill spelled produc tions look funny in a newspaper ; but when it comes to listening to one a majority of people prefer to be excused. A man has to be a Sam Jones or a Josh Billings to draw. Their crudeness is put on, and you know what to make of it ; but where it is natural, with no particular amount of ability to back it ; its absurdity being its principal recom mendation, there is nothing in it people are willing to sit on hard seats, to say nothing of the free collection part, in order to hear Garrigus, your forte is not the lecture field Don't be duped any more. Will Celebrate. Representatives of the various Lodges of Odd Fellows of Yamhill county met at McMinnville last week and decided to cele brate the 67th anniversary of the order at McMinnville on April 26th by having a public parade, oration, and basket dinner interspersed with vocal and Instrumental music. A eood time will be had. On Friday of last week Bill Clerk, our wild Irishman friend," and his "pard," were serenely grubbing on the Monteith s piste, near this city, when suddenly a fifty cent piece flew up and hit Bill's perd direct y on his nose. Of course the duet were astonished. As one is indication of two they began digging and soon unearthed $6 in the much talked of silver. This they di vided and when they came to town, well, just inquire of Bill what was done with the fund. Who hid the money is a matter en tirely of speculation. The newest coin was dated in 1 871, so that it could not have been concealed longer than that. From Dr. Davis, of Walla Walla, who was in Albany Saturday, we learn the par ticulars of a recent sea accident. The Dr. was a psMcnger on the -Yaquina" on its last trip from San Francisco. On the night of March joth the -Yaqulna" ran directly into a twenty -five ton schooner loaded with butter and provision and bound for San Francisco. The little schooner was struck side ways and cut nearly in two. Her crew were taken on board the ' Y equina" and brought to the Bay. The schooner with its cargo of course sank immediately. The " Yaquina" received no greater damage than a delay . Dr. Davis aays no blame could be laid to that steamer for the accident, as the schooner saw its lights a long time be fore the collision. The master of the Conger, though, threatens suit, and it is possible the last has not been heard of the matter yet. YBsl Bswellsiaslssw, Away sad Brieaas. On Friday last Mr. Charles Dubois died in this city of consumption, after an illness of seversl months, at the age of twenty - three. He came from the Isle of Jersey three or four years ago, and worked in the country until taken sick, when, having no money, he was placed on the county, living with Mrs. Dorris to this city. Alone, sick, in a distant country, without a relative and few friends, his case is a sad one. The Bressn Beet- Pure crystalized cane sugar, on first re duction, 4 per cent. A svrup, the usual re sult, was more difficult of treatment than is usual ; but upon being rediluted and dis tilled, it yielded 5 per cent of alcohol. The true estimate is therefore, 6 per cent of ane sugar. Very Respectfully, W. S. Walker, We trust our farmers will take up this subject and investigate it as beet sugar may prove a profitable business in Oregon. Last week we offered a year's subscrlp tion to the Democrat to the person solv ing the following problem 1 A triangular board has a perpendicular 12 feet long and a base 12 inches. How far from the base shall a line be run para lie! with the base, so as to divide the tri angle into two equal parts. Urge number, particularly among school teachers, worked on the problem , but only four answers were received. They were from Frank W Power, a student In the Albany. Collegiate Institute, Eli Vaughn, of Jefferson, Lonnle Jackson, of Sodaville and R E Bristow, of Eugene. The correct answer is 3.5147 Inches. Mr Power being the first to give a correct answer will get the Democrat. WBe Bsmiesl It. On Thursday night of last week some miserable wretch entered the barn of J. H. Foster, in the First Ward, cut the straps that held a couple of cows and horses, let them loose, and then set fire to the barn at least these are our conclusions. We have been in the habit of laying it to careless tramps, but careless is no longer a proper word. Something more active and mali cious needs to be used. The fire companies were called out promptly responded, and saved the charred remains from falling down. No insurance, and only a small amount of hay, etc., lost The horse let loose, took a spin in the country, not being found until noon the next day. Billed hy a Kick. On Thursday night of last week Robert Montgomery, of Corvallis was kicked by a stallion in the abdomen, from the effects of which he died the next morning. The horse was being fed when Mr Montgomery, in horseman like style, slapped hpn on his hips. The horse immediately kicked back as stated. As the owner of the horse, Mr Peck, of Anns ville had given warning that the animal was not to be trusted while eating, no blame for the accident was at tached to anyone but Mr Montgomery him self. For s eood pocket knife Brownell's. go to Read t Another Pleaeer Bene. Mr. William Robnett, a pioneer of 1848, died at his home near"Halsey on last Satur day, April 3rd, at the advanced age of 77. He was a man much respected by all, and leaves many relatives and friends in the county to mourn his loss. His remains were buried in the cemetery at Crawfords- ville. The Last Saturday at the Foundry of Cherry & Parkes the bottom of the cupola fell out letting several hundred pounds of melted iron to the ground, only part of the iron in the cupola being melted. Titus Marshall, who was working near it, was struck by some of the iron spattered on the ground and burned, but fortunately not seriously. Death mt lease Be tew Albany freelset Resnlsatleas. Following are precinct nominations for the two Albanies : West Albany R L Dorris, Justice of the Peace ; J E Jenks, Constable. East Albany Geo Humphrey, Justice of the Peace ; C G Burkhart, Constable. CwBBe Clab. We are requested to say that the Coffee Club will discontinue regular meetings in consequence of the laek of general attend- ance.but in case of a large fire they will still be ready to furnish hot coffee for wearied firemen. Mr. Isaac Kester,after a lingering illness, died on his farm in Center Precinct on last Friday the age of 62. Ill health, though, made Mr. Kester look much older. He came to Linn county from Iowa in 1865, and has resided here since.obtaining a name for honesty and integrity. He leaves two sons, both residing in this county. 11 1 us ni e mi 1 MBT1CB Is hereby given that we, the undersigned, will not be responsible for debts contracted by any other than ourselves. W. A. Paul, H.J. Paul, Albany has another photographer. The best harness at J J Dubruilles. Cams to stay. F W Carter, jeweler. Get yoar ooffee ground st ii. B li's. Who ssys politics sre not warming np. Democratic County Convention to-day. Nature's own rente Jy.Orn ia Kidney Tea. J. P. Wallace, Physioiau snd rlnrgson, Al baoy, Or. A good Ameriesu wstuh for ?H at K W Csrters. Nearly two months for delegates to be persecuted. Uo to Head k Brownell's io select from s complete stock. Dr. J. T. Tsts, Drfutist. O. F. Building, Albany, Oregon. Ost your jswelry cleaned st F W Carters free of obsrge. Ths finest line of win low cornice mould ags st Woodin's. 15,000 worth of clothing at out at Idon teith k Keiteubach's. Oar K astern factory boots and shoes are all warranted. It. k B. Head k Browned sre the boss for low piicee in boots ami shoes. Mr J R Btswartson hai added s new double truck to his outfit. Momethina is the matter with the mails helweeit heie snd Jordan. On ths 1st of Msv ths Ore Pacific will begin running dsily trains. His shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to svsry customer, st L. Vierioks. "Prof." Demers save s skating sshihition at ths risk on Bsturday svsaing. .Splendid line of ladies fall snd winter asr- im-uta at Monteith k Heitoluhs. Ths April WM Short i a goI number. not up to tbe March iseue though. Kxsmins Woodin's Kstsnsmn tables. They sre -well an sod see them for yourself. A fine watch snd jewelry repirer st Cart er . dive bun strtsl. All work guaranteed. F M French, agent Hinter Manufacturing Co .oppoeiU Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or. Dr. M. if. Ellis, pliyeieian and surgeon All any, Oregon. Clle msde to city or country. A large and Irssb line of Hrst-oisas con fectionary always on hand ei Huff man k J oaeph's. For tirat-clB, fresh groceries csl! on Cos- red Meyer, fits breadstuff are tbe very beet in Albany. Ktnplny white labor. Oet yoar washing done of J W Halsey. Isave order at Head . nrowneii a. We have received soapy of ths Daily Campaign, of MeMioeviUs a well gotten up catnoairfu paper. Oo to Prushaw'a new Drug Store for bore 'lrug, patent medicines, ate. Prescriptions carefully compounded, Ths Yamhill Reporter man will be origioal if bs doesn't bavs a bat too left. He alwsye pots it OCR., N Pit. sto. Mr Crawford is doiag some line work at bis art gallery. His photographs of child particularly are very ru per tor. The machine ahop is so fr finished thai ths work of placing ths machinery therein commenced ;eetrday. -- )'i'is of. Burkbsrt k Pfetffer sre doin some fine work in their Job Printing utiles. Now is ths tints to get goes work st low figures. Mies Lyda Uumbsugh has opened s d making establishment ta Curved ia. Ws heartily com me ad Bcr to tbe people of thst city Kupertutebdcul Carpenter. of the Hut lo sses As v loin, use lesigued on account of a need of rest, aod Or S K Jo-epn has been ap pointed An interesting meeting sf the Chsoteuqca Literary aad Citcts was held Ijsi Mon. lay evening st tbe reeiuence of (lev S G Irvine. G. W Maetoa, Physician sod Surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Gradual of the Cincinnati College of Pbyeicteue ao 1 rvirg-ons. Cincin nati, Ohio. Farmers, why will you pay forty dollars fr a fanning mill when Ton can bay one of Jha llrasb A Saw fur from tu to twenty Mrs dollars ? Tbe Presbytery of the United Presbyter ian Church ta ia eesetoa at Halsey tats week. Kev I vioe, sad Ur O t f Iray, of tnit city, srs ia attendat'ce. 1Y. Mcblruy BBBBBBBBB Cia l iattluto beld io Albany lost ve-k as one of the bet. if not the best, County loatituies bebas aver attend"! tu toe State the iBsMBMBBN tax last of tiuo couuty has been cmi.IeUd It !. a diii-jourm y of about f 12.000, and thta except for foreign mortgagee would oaly b about SS.OuO. Ths show tog is B good ouo. A Tangent geulluiau sye tbe hoodlum ism altet the school euterUinment at thai place was by ths Alt any buys and nut by tbo tangent young men. last Friday night three Mrino bucks be longing toOlney Frv,Jr., were killed by ths libation express. Being lull h'ooded sheep the loss wss considerable. Mr John Fox's new rest ten , jjst esat of ths ! M'k rat office, has ths frame work up. Mr J H Campbell is the skt'rul architect" assurance of good work. For pure, unalloyed sweet oes. the vocal solo by hva f wan st the Iustiftte lsst r rt day evening takes the sugar barrel, and, in fact, the whole renasry Monday afternoon Dell tiiupman ss hit by a tiaae ball in the mouth, the blow cut ting tbe lower jsw in s bd maimer aod knocking out one of his teeth A game of ball was played ia this city Saturday between two picked nines, resulting in tbe following low snd close score ; I.vnp man s nine, t ; Marshall a nine, u A sec 14 1 will be given this (rrt Uv) even tug at ths resnteuc of Mr Joint Althouse by the Isdies of ths Presbyterian Church. A musical and literary program aiil be given. Mr Cheater Skeels has shown us a mam moth egg.8x7i inches, weighing jj ef a pound. It is about the biggest we hsvo ever seen but then big things srs always expected in Oregon A company of surveyors srs crossing the Cascade Range through t he McKcnxie Psss, in the interest 01 the Oregon Short tins. which it is reported will tan the O. k C. R. rt. somewhere in the Valley.ettherat hugene or Albany. A reader of the Dkmocrat guesses that the O P railroad bridge will cross the Wit lametta river a mile snd s half this side of Corvallis. As the plans are ad in Nw Y ork sow s final decision iu the niitter is looked for eyery day. TJ Ciine immigration a 'ant fnr Linn ooeaty. has just issued 5000 pamphlet on Line county. They are well gotten np and show off the varied resources of this county to advantage. C W Watts was the printer, and did a good job Rev W R Stevenson, of Portland, will preach in the U P Church on this Friday evening. Was also to preach thero on last evening. Regular Communion services will be held on sabbath At the Republican Primaries held in Al bany Tuesday M F Bdgington was uomiuat - f,.r !.it.tinrr th, Ctb..lin sahool in so for Justice nf the Peace and idbc Brown .. .. - 1 n i n i ai t nr..i .1 ... .. j a. 41 , I or vonewmie iu ruaai, Aioany. in irnt ai- una city were opeoeu as me m ui . j F Rackensts was nominated Justice fc Hocbstedler last Monday. There were of the peaci.and D B Monteith for Coutsble. eight bids.six bBinw from Portland, one from Salem and one from Albany, They ranged from 46000 to 110.500. The contract ws not let, none cf ths bids being satisfactory. It is now thought doubtful if tbe building will bs put up before nsxt year. Mr F W Carter has 01 wmsd a nw Jewelry store next to Foshsy k Msson's. Mr CsrUr comes hers from Michlgsn wsll re comment) -ed ss a first class jeweler. His store is very tastily srrsnged, and stocked with a BBM display of jswslry, silver and plated ware, etc. Give him a call. lat week we stated in our local column that several Albany young tnen attended scltoul exhibition t Tangent and while there some hoodlums tried to get awav m ef with their team. We never heard of a vil Uge without its hoodlum, and, naturally enough supposed the Albany nov'a story waa correct ; but our friend there in! that the hoodlumism was on the part of the Albany boys after having investigated the matter. A correspondent says : Upon close inquiry I ascertained that not an animal had been wantonly disturbed. One family, when they went 'out to tart home found a loose horse feeding in tlieir wagon. The horse was tied by a member of tlte family to a grub near by. Thi was right. Another horse had ellppcd hi halter, which wss found still tied at the place where tlte rider had hitched him. Tbe halter waa buckled very loosely and the horse had doubtless freed himself by nib bing. The Tangent boys very gentleman ly atted in capturing the loose animal for the rider, never thinking of being charged with lujudliiinim. I do not believe there is a man or bov around here who wouid do such an act There is not a hoolum in thi utility not one siinectrd ol tendencies in that direction. The, firing pitU, veiling. fast riding and drinking was not dm? by the Tangent boys. At the Kast Albany Prohibition Primaries held lest Saturday, Jas K Kooit, Jas L Ar chibald and J M Archibald wars sleeted del egates to the County Convention to be he'd in this city to-dsy. We understand four or live were present. In the case of Mr D R I .akin against the O P R II for damages far killing tbs little girl of Mrs liekin, last summer, the particafsn of which ths readers of the Dr.Moeiur wili remember, s verdict was rendered lsst week in fsyor of tbs plaintiff for flfflk) dsmsges. Mr Wilson has handed us s Michigan pa per. Which gives an account of the trouble ot a newly appointed postmaster st Vandalis had to get hold of the otflos. All of his com missions wsrs o p to red by tbs old Post master, seversl boing sent, until Anally s special sgsnt wss unit with it, a numbsr of months passing iu ths meantime. Verily it is swfnlly hard to givs up ths position be hind the boxes. Mr (leorge Warref., ef Hdsey, wss in At bsny Hstsrdsy, looking for s young msn who is charged with stealing a horse from Mr Warren, about a week previous. Mr Wsr rsn found thst the young nsn, who is slout eighteen years of age, wss in this sity, where bs took a boat, but isturned ts the eity sod went off on the oars. He had about $50 in its pessession wheu lsst seen in Hslsey, snd It WSS supposed he so 1. 1 the animal for thst amount. No further elss hss been obtained to bis whereabouts. Ths Ileal Hstate Conveyor tor Anrii ia tusk out and 1 enlarged to a 20 column psper. It coBtaiuss complete description of Linn county, its resources, climate, etc., sod will describe one county in each issue hereafter. it is just the thing to send Kast to induce immigrasts to the Willamette Valley. If you have f needs in tbs East desiring infor mation snout Oregon send Burkhart Kseney their names and addresses and thev will mail sample copies. MOM 4L A1B VftBSBSAL. Dry fciseds, f el lens. fir. My stock of staple dry goods, notions, dress goods, etc., is now quite good for the season. I will bs adding every week new goods in new and desirable shade in dr goods as well as in novelties in drees goods snd notion. Parties wanting cannot do better in this city than I can do for them in style and price. 1 buy either from menu lecturer or importers direct I keep no bankrupt stock, but sell 0u new. freah goods snd warrant them. Haml'bi, K, W Dr Alssaudcr. of Cobur. Was iu the 1 itv last Fridsy. Mr Walter Turret! returned Iratn San Francisco last Monday. Mr Cote, of ths Corvaihs Omnlmt end fir Davis, of Walla Ws.da.OMoe of Albany .were m ths eity last Sit inlay. Prsf VaoSeev. of Turners. made th ia effice a pleasant call taet Friday morning, while io tbe city attending tbe Institute. Mr John Barrows, of Oakland Cal.. ia re ported, quite ill. Hie many friend iu Al bany bops for his ssrly recovery. Misa Howard, eietsr to Mies Susie Howard. arrived in tbs eity Tuesday from Knox coun ty. Illinois, aod is stopping with Mrs BeM mown. Mr William Smith, of Weitebnrir. W. T.. s son of Cspt John .Smith, wss in Albany over Sabbath, en bis way to the Presbytery of tbe V P Cbureb at Hslsey. Mr William Oner, who has been kfStUse in ins iistnct beyond the l.'olipooia bridge, near this city, haa moved to Doty ville. where be will teach tbe school of that Dutrict. Mrs Csoneld, of Oregon City, a sister of Mrs C H Spencer ef this city, accompanied by her children, ois visiting ta this eity snd with her parents. Cspt. Phillips and wife, across the Willamette. tb x. a. bibbs, nwrrr bunk, br. Soxu Common Mbtcr. (Dedicated to ail candidates.) You should not fish with Elder Shea. He'll gobble all your bait. Catch all your fih tluxigh patiently You for a nibble wait. You'd better stay In politics. And seek your hearts desire. Or you may' find, from frying pan Vou'vc jumped into the fire. Do not withdraw your name, to give The younger boys a chance ; You should sail in with aU your might, And show them how to dance. Perhaps you have more wind than they, I know your foot is fleet, I'd make them sweat and lather too Before I'd give up beat. You know the party is quite old, And settled in its' ways ; If you hold on, it may become Moss-grown 'ere many days, The party's not a rolling stone. No strange thing would it he While it is taking other, in. It gathers Mnee. Do you see ? Bob Poet. O BSVC IH bo its ttf nhiiog vn far rtti f tf style as to be obHgsi to dispose of them st eist, ours sre sll new styles snd ftrscolssr. RBsD k BBOW5KLL, ftoftl and Mae,, N. H. Allen k Co., are now receiving a fine line of boots and shoes, they propose ia the future to make a specialty of this branch of tlieir business, in sddition to s full line of Bochingbatn k Hecht's make ol boots atd boos which for durability cannot bo ex celled, they have a line of Ksstern goods of sll grsdes including s line of S. D. Sollars k Co., of Philsdelphia, chddrcn snd misses hoes, which sre as good as any rjaoofactnr ed. They guarantee every shoe just ss rep resented. Oive them a trial. r w f .rdfl'li 1,1,, raphe r, ttBBBf Br. I have all the nagat'ves takou br A B. Paxton aad any one can have dnpll oatesfrotn their negsllveH by addressing us, at the following pries : Card sir, 'l par doasn, cabinet size, f3 per dozen, bon doors, pi ner dozen. I keep the finest line of Oregon views In the west. Cata logue furnbibed on application. Copying and enlarging old pictures a apeclalty. 3. O. CftSwTOBD. BerelveB Sew TBI Week. Novelties in imported dress .-roods, Boocles or Singer heads, brocades, velvets snd silk, Isce, dress goods, etc. , at Bsjb'i. k. Yobbos. Sew soed. A. B. Mcliwsin has a large aad well select ed stock of new good, a tine as ever brought to Albany. Call ou bun and make your selec tions from his lirst -class stock. Walt Paper N. H. Allen k C.s new wall papers arc now arriving direct from tbe factory, sll grsdtsnowio stock. Call and examine it before purchasing. faary ... .,u The place to get fancy go-j-1 of sll kinds, is at Mcllwain's. His upriaj stock is here, snd there ia no discount on its be;ng first class. Birgiins offered Hafa and ap. It is time t tret your spring heal apparel. A. B. Mcflwain has a atock of bate of tie istsst styles, which every man sbon'd ei amine before buying. t nab assur rvre. "Ban! Tlnsee Its (ism aaJ Care, The above is tbe title of a new o k in preparation by Dr. J. K. Hendrix, of fiat lis burg. The Dr. is a deep thinker snd close reason ir and ws bespeak for tbe book s lib era) patronage. Owing to tbe late hour of receiving ths aroe pectus we can only refer to tbs salient points it coutaina. Our pros eat hard times are attributable to our im perfect and unjust monetary system. Peep- pie see and feel that it is much harder now to orocure mousy snd a livina than it was a my st srw few years ago. By a false system of money ths circulating medium of the country is placed under the control of private corpor ations. 1 he author favors pay in a oH tbe publio debt at once. Tbe government should furnish money to the people by loaning it to farmers on Iseded security. It should pre vide homes for the homeless snd own and opersts railroads, telegraph lines, telephones, etc.. in ths interest of the people, etc., etc. 1 Blow Heaaertal aervlee. On next Sunday afternoon a union mem orial service will be held at the Court House In this city at 4 o'clock at which time the life and services of the late John B Gough, the great apostle of temperance 1 will be duly commemorated. The minis ters of the several churches in the city are requested to lie present. The W C T arc also requested to take part in the exercise. The choir for the occasion will meet at the M. E. Church on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, April 9th. . 1 mm 1 lllds UpeaesL The most prominent msn in Portland is a Clerk who received a letter from England which went to the bottom of the Atlantic in tbe ill fated "Oregon. I Ms rs a pure case of greatness being ttsrOBt upon a person . O The great interest taken in the Teacher's Institute last week, by the citixen of Al bany generally, is a' matter over which lovers of education have reason to scratch their heads and think. If anything will , improve the prevailing ideas in reference to J education tt 1 well conducted Icachers in stitutes. O For purity of tone and command of voice I commend us to Mrs. Langdon, of this city. he M. A. I. does not hesitate to declare it his deliberate judgment that Albany's fa- onte vocalist is the best in the Northwest, and that is saying much, without going out of Linn county. It begins to look as if the burning of many barns in Albany was more through mere incen diary meanness than accident Tramps are cultis members of society, but there arc stationery American citizens who can stoop lower and jump higher. a iMli'Blt k. vuim; has just received au invoice of those cele brated daisy kid shoes for ladies. Just the shoe for summer wear. It light aod soft as kid aud will wear much better. Wliea Baby was sack, we gave bar CaJBTOIJlA. When she wss a Child, she cried for C ASTORIA, Titb slii tin n si 11 Miss sin sliaxi In r I rTTOjm. When ahs basl rhfTatssa. i s asaw f bssa CUSTQ&Lk. t?iaal Settlement. NOTICE la berebv given that tbo under- signed Administrator or tbs copartnership saute of A. F. Cherry A Son., A. V. Cherry, dd-oiaed. hs filed his final ac count in said e-iate In the C'ouatv Cot rt iu and for Linn oounty, Oregon, and tbe J udao thereof has made an order fixing Saturday the hlb day of Mar. IS, at 10 o'c'ock, a. in., at tbe Court House in Al bany, Oregon, as the dav an S time for hearing objections 10 said flssl seootmt. J SB. O. CHKtKY, Admiiiihtrwlor. Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby given that lUo uo. dersigned Executor of the last vs ill aud testament of A K Cherry, deceased, bas filed his final acneunt in said estate in the County Court in aud for L.tnn county, Oregon and the Jud.o thereof has made an order fixing Saturday t.e 8th f May, 1MS6 st I o'clock, p. m, t be Curt House In Albany ,Oreg.tti.HM ibf- d an I nine for hearing objections to d final aivouut. Jas. O. Chcrbt, Kxecuter. Me Fewer by 1 1 self- Farmers can get some fine seed wheat 'Defiance," and some "Silver Hull" seed buckwheat, by calling at the Red Crown Mills, Albany, Or. The question propounded at the Teachers' Institute, concerning the letter of the alpha bet that has no power by itself, is probably answered in the letter "Q." In the Eng llsh, Q has no use alone. Aaaaat Meeting, On next Tuesday afternoon, at three o'clock, the Albany W. C. T. U., will hold its annual meeting at the hall over F. M. French's. Election of officers and annual reports Is the order as well as other busi ness, all members should attend. s ( loihing at MeSlwala's. By calling at A. B. Mcllwatu'a you can get your clothing at prices that will aston ish you. He has a good stook and ia bound to sell it. On lsst Friday Dr J P Wallace succeeded in extracting the remaining piecs of steel from the eye of Mr Reason McOonncll, an account of the accident that placed it there being given in ear lost issue. The operation was a delicate one. Necessarily Mr Met on aull will lose the sight of the unfortunate eye Another large eargo of freight by way o Yaquina, arrived in Albany last Saturday and Sunday, for distribution through the valley towns. Nearly all the freight for this citv now comes from fvin b rauctsoo 011 the 0 1's steamers. Last Tuesday iu this city the Republicans had two opposmsf tickets in the field, one side getting most awfully set down on by s vote of about 55 to 7 in East Albany ana 50 to 9 in W est Albany. Several who were on tKe weak ticket were not to blame for being in bad company. Why are we sick ! Because we allow the Liver, tbe Bowels, and the Kidneys, these great organs, to become elogged or torpid, aad poisonous humors sre forces! into tbs blood. Expel them by using Plunder's Ore gon Blood Purifier." G ONN BROTHERS' Hats and Caps N. H. Allen A Co., are now receiving a large atock of hats sud cap, children's strsws, in season will bs maJe a specialty. Money to Lea a. We have money to loan in sums of from $500 to $5000, on good personal or teal estate security. Clixe, Monteith & C', ASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Peyoe A Fo'json's. J ALBANY, ORECOH, Kdepafresh s:o:k of all kinJs of GROCERIES, I FARM PRODUCE. . CANNEDIGOOD&8 : ETC., ETC. BESIDES TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, SHADES, ETC., ETC. PRODUCE TAKEN IM EXCHANfil Will sell as cheap as any stars In Albarye lia'lDfS IMPROVED MMARCfl M INK bbbNB JU rrlnllng Burkhart Si Pfeiffer are prepared to do all kinds of printing on short notice and in first-class style. They allow no one to un der bid them nor do better work. Call and see samples. (.'roeertea. N. H. Allen dr. Co., keeps a full line of groceries, snd they will give you ss much for your money as you can get in any store in Oregon . Try them. Letter t-lsl. Follosto; is ths list of letters remaining ia the Post Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, April 8th, 158. Persons calling (or these letters must givs the date oa which they were advertised : Clark, C K Donovan, Mrs Annie Douglass.O P Fields, John Galloway. J S Hail, F N Wilcox,ClsrDce L J. Cram, IJenry Doud, E 0 Enness, John Flinn, Peter Hendee, E L Taylor, D Wilson. Miss Mary M IRVING, P. M. The above cut iUu-drates a fence ma obtne tbst makes tbe best.cheapeat, band somost, strongest aud must durable fence ; by a oombination of galvaniz'! steel wire and wooden pickets woven solidly tneth er. Oldfeuco lumber, split ot sawed jn-k-ets of various si a us tnaj' bd ustnl. Turns all kinds of stock without riannr. A wan and boy oau we ire about 3 tods of f.icce per day. Price- cf machine within ths reach of every firmer. For furtuer pai Uoulars apply to Cuay ' It n'AN, Agents. Albany, Oregon. "PROMPT RELIEF FOR ALL. JlHtlf BOB. Impurities in tbe Blond should be ex pel led. and the system given tone and strength, before tne prsua'ing effects oT warm weather are foil. The Oregon Blood Purifier is a purely veiretabio compound, manufactured by a competent chemist. Persons having suffered from Liver and Kidney complaint, debility, scrofulous eruptions, or any other disease caused by impure blood, and been cured by using "this wonderful remedy, iuvari ably recommend it to their frieuds. Try it now. Delays are dangerous ! Price 1 a bottle, or 6 for $5, Hold everywhere" A MMUNITION. CARTER. On March 20th, in the wife of E. R. M. Carter a girl. We could not conceive what made Ed so lighthearted, but this explains it. A full auimly of tho u'ttl siass of o tridges, braU aud papsr shells, prim wads and bar lead. Also tho best po der. 1 Pktkus fe Stewab