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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1886)
Ik gcmocrat. FRIDAY .APRIL 9, 1886 Linn aatr caaaerailr CaafceUsa. A Democratic Convention for Linn coun ty to elect delegates to the 8tate Conven tion and to nominRtc a full county ticket will be held in Albany on Friday, April 9th. at lO o'clock, a. m. Primary meeting will be held at the usual place of voting In the several precinct of the county on Mon day, April 5th at a o'clock p. m., to elect delegates to said Convention. The several precincts will be entitled to delegates a follows : East Albahv 8 Brush Creek a Crawfordfcvllle t West Albany 7 Brownsville ....... .7 Fox Valley t Franklin Butte llarrisburg 8 Lebanon 7 Center J Halsey $ Liberty I Mabel t Santiatn 5 Orleans t Sweet Home a Shedd 3 Svracuse 3 vScio 9 Waterloo 3 Sam May, Chairman. T. J. Stites, Secretary. . SKK The Lewer Houm tf Coegfeel had tha good sense to defeat the Biair E I il ea t ion Bill that passed the Senate a few weeka ago. There were 134 otea gainst the bill, of which 71 were cait by Democrat and 63 ware Republican. Of the 115 Ho 01 me bill 82 were Democrats and 33 were Rapubli oanr. If the defeat was in consequence of the grave coosiitntiooal objections which are foetid in the kill, then tb defeat was creditable in the highest de gree, but if the defeat was because of oppeeitiou to the education of the col ored people of the Sjnth who are cleth ed with all the duties and privileges of citizenship, then the defeat is no credit to those who secured it. Gentlemen of the convention, the only hope which Rspublieans have of elect ing a single csndidste on their ceuntv ticket is in the thought, that may be,you will make some kind of a mistake in the convention to-day. Guard every point well aad show his hope te be a delusion and a snare. Thsre are more young men in the convention that meets to day than has aver been seeu in a Dem ocratic convention io Albany. Let the yeung bloed ot the rising generation take ita proper place in the ranks of the Democratic party. If ths nominations made to-day are not your choice, and yeu feel a kind o' a goneness about the stomach, don't express your feelirgs for a solitary week, and then tell just whet yen think. You ar very apt to talk like a sensible nui if you win pursue this course- No finer body of men ever assembled in Albany than that which will assem ble to-day to nominate a ticket to be elected in Jun. Gntlemao, w hope and exect that every tuao will do his duty and that yam work will be 00 tree pondingly ree pec table and commend Me, Most of the yoeng men who are just coming to be voters are identifying tLsmselres with the Democratic party. Tbia io right. Let a healthy public spirit control the action of the party ,snd ninny Republicans will be forced into the party. There is a full round 300 Democratic majority in store for us next June Members of the convention, give ua a good ticket, and the party will giro that msjority. Say, r.ow, if your friend is not nom 0 inated to-day, why, just throw yoor ready hat in tho air in honor of the nomination of some otSer man's friend. Let every candidate insist that bis ft iends most be satisfied with the ticket whether he is nominated or not. iebanon. Tuesday the Republicans held their primary, and the following are their delegates : Jonathan Waasom, J. W. Bland, F. H. Roscoe.Clay Fowell,J. R. Smith. Miss Lvdia Chariun left Monday morning for Washiogten lerritery for a six tueoths visit to a brother and sis ter. Miss Allie Cbsrlton ia teaching .he eptiug term ef school iu Settle district below town. J H'ph Wassom returned Saturday nibt from quitu an extended trip rlirouh the East. He seems contented to r.d bis days in good ele! Oregon. Di. H e has rented the Sc. Chailes Hotel, and had it thoroughly cleaned and calsomined. Its eoors will be epen te the puklic on Wednesday. To any one stopping there we will ssy,yon will get the best the town sfferds. Saturday and Sanday there will be Quartet iy meeting at the Cbapel. The Lebanon people speak very high ly of the Inatitnte last week. Mr. V. Wheeler aad wife, of Soda ville, spent Sunday in Lebanon with his parents. Trade must he brisk at N. H. Allen's for Turn Wallace has not been up to see his sitter for fou- weeka. People begin to realize The woods are filled with wild flow ers, aad after school in the evening yeu can see grup of happy children geing for flowers. D. Ambler went over to Vancouver last Monday, probably will remain all summer. Mi s OJie Oomstock, who has been attending school here this winter, re turned Tuesday to her home in South ern Oregon. To be Frank she will be missed. A. IMrOKTAXT aWTV The Deobcratio Cmnty "Convention whioh meeta to-day has an important duty te pot fern. They wilt select the msn as candidates who will serve as county officials for the next two years. The public weal will be best subserved by making tha Jeflersotusn teat the rule of sctijn in the Cmvantiou. "Is he honest T" "I he competent V should both be answered in the affirmative be fore any one's claim to a nomination is ooasidsred. If uot answered emphatically in the stlii in ti i -,-, lot him be rejected. It is of no eonsequeuoe to the great mass of the people where the candidates are boated, if they he heueet and conietent. When a farmer em ploys a man to plow or labor io the harvest field, he does not stop to inquire whether he be from Lebanon or Browne ville. But he does aeek to know whether he will d faithful, elticieut work. This is in the line ef intel ligent, business-like management. County of ficials are soon to be employed by the people to do public duty for them for the next two years. Shell we make locality a leading test ? Is a man any more or leas com patent or honest from the mete fact that be lives in the south, oenter, or north part of the country f Would it uot be batter to have both C'erk and Sheriff from Fox Valley, if ewah be competent and honest, than to have incompetent onea from different localities. We caution deiegatsa to net forget that other candidate! are to be nominated beetles Clerk and Sheriff. County Commiaaionera and Assessor, for instance, are as important as Clerk and Sheriff. Equally important is that of Repreeentstive end Senator. There never has been in the history of the eountry so fine a prospect for an over whelming msjority as now. A good ticket, heartily supported, will give a much larger majority than wa aver had. Theo, let the proceedings of the convention bo chatactertzed by bar. meny, earnest, honest woik, and then let all bands join in hearty support of tha ticket, and all may reat assured that tha majority will be at least 300. OO RRS3P J T JJ OH I liberty- As ''Truth," of Liberty, seems to have forgotten his duty, I will endeavor SO take bis place this week, and I think it is time "Critic" was sharpening his teeth. Frank aad Lula Ueatey, of Soda ville, ere viaitiug their tisi-r, Mis. Thos. Ar nold. Thee. G. Taylor started for Psnn. e few days since to attt-nd to the eatate of which he has latalv fallen heir. He thinks of ratarntug again in the fall. There was a party at Mr. John Pow ers the ltiih of March, it being the Utb anniversary of their wedding. Those resent were Mr. and Mrs. C Uogerc, Mr. and Mrs Frank Hide, Mr. and Mrs. Jekn Powers, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hide, Miaees Verio Skelton, Fannie ttoye, Olive Bogart,Mer tie Hide, Nellie Hawk ev, Minnie Hawkev, Lulu Hyde, and Messrs. a Harris J. W. Grime. S. Hawkey. J. Skeltoo, L. Hyde, Q. Syl veeter, C. Th un mom.O. Thompson, C. Wilkersen, W, Bogait, A. &ogrt eod L. Thompson. Mrs. W. Skeltou baa been siek, but is improving. Mr. Vance hae also been quite sick. Mr. Rubi8on,who got bis leg broken, is improving under the care of Dr. Powell. Born te the wife of Win. Skinner, a son A new sddilion is being built 01 the aebool bouse in Diet. No. 88. J tr Mc Daniel baa purchased TiH Divine's place, aad is keepiag batch. Mr. Overton, of Biownsville,spent a few daya with John Kirk end D. Moth orn. L Rev. Smesd,of Lebanon. held services in Dota school h.use on Stbbsth, the 28th inst. Liberty school will be taught by Miss Sarah $ank. J. M. Alexander wili teach the school in Dist. No. 88. The eighteenth birthday of W. .1. Grime was celebrated by a dinner tbe 25tb ef Msrcb. 'Troth" and "Criiic" must awake from tbeir siumheis and furnish some more interesting items, as 1 am not very well informed at present iu repaid to Liberty and its liberties. Wide Awakv. Sodavllle, Tbe meetings at this place,cond noted by Kev. D Lvoch, closed isst evening. There were eight accessions to the Oak Creek Bsptist Cbotch, four by baptism and four by letter. On .'est Bshbatb it, Lynch bsptised Mr. snd Mrs. H Cooper, and Mr. and Mrs. Ksster. L waa a beautiful day and many were ireantat tbe baptising. Mrf. Kicks1 little daughter, L'n, who has bf-en lying at tbe point ef ah for several days with lung feVer, ix now convalescent. Mr. and Mrs. D. Work man left here Friday for Soutbt rn Oregon. Frank Davis and bis mother returned heme isst week, probably to resseia hero but a short time, as tbey think &f sell ing thr-ir property here aud locating east of the mountains, just where we do not know. Mr. A. Ledy has been engage 1 te teach onr spring term of school. School will begin tbe seoml Monday of tbe present mentb. The eon treat fief the building ot ths nvw school house hnx been let to Mr. Hockett. Rev. Cornwall preached at tbia p'ace last Sunday. Dr. 0 mper aud family hve moved to Sodaville from CSorvallis, Mr. Barker intends starting across the mountains soou. Mr. J. Vandsrpool vtili preset) here tbe third Sabbath in this month. Rev. Dayid Lynch inteaids meving here soon, probably to remain the great er psrt of tbo summer. Wave. Book Hill. Rev. Monti, of Lebanon, preached at Hock Hill on last Sunday to a t..l orably full house, and Ravs. Wyatt am! Ben etton tho Sunday previous. There seems to be quite an Interest taken in the meetings here. A dance was riven at the resldonce of B. Mills, io Reck Hill, the 23rd of March. A rood crowd ww present, and they tripped the light fantastic toe untill threeo'clock.and every one weot home as if they had enjoyed themselves hugely. One or two were slightly Inebriated, but not to a great extent Mualo wan furnished by Ho- gen, LaFarge, Mills and Richardson. A new school house will be erected at Sodavllle the coming summer.un. der tho supervision of Rev. Hockett, of Sodavllle. Mr. E H. Mills has been with us for some time. Farmers are ell busy putting In their crops. Some will be through in a wees or more, me eariy sown spring grain looks nice and green,and fall wheat looks well. Prospects tire favorable for a good crop this year, There is talk of building a now church at Rock Hill this summer. As te whether it Is a rumor or not, wo don't know. Another wedding in Rock Hill. Our old school teacher,J. . Etsthstu, was the groom, and we wish him and his wife a long aud happy life to gether. Our school will soon start up again under the management of Professor Baet nana. Robert fl II moro moved his children down to Sltverton the first of Isst week. Mr. Ben parrlsh, of Sodavllle, has boon quite sick, but is better now. Mrs. Ida Peterson has been lying very low ter eome time. Her re cevery has boon very doubtful, but she is getting a great deal better now . A few of J. M. Parr lab's friends took him by surprise on last Sunday night, on his birthday. All spent the evening very pleasantly. A surprise party was given at air Andy Hesa's. in Rock Hill. They danced until about one o'clock. Sm .11 crowd there, but all had a splendid time. Jackson Broa. Intend going to V. O. In e short time, and probtoly also John Stanton. A Rock Hnxex. itU Croek Sebool com me noes April 19.b, 1th Sherman Thumpsof, teacher. Fine prospects for a good oep of grain next harvest. Bora to tbe wife of Mr. Henry .Teak son, a girl, sretgbiog 12 lbs. Elder David Lyacb.of McMinnviile, preeobei to a very attentive congrega tion laat Suoday. Mr. Lvoch is soon to move te Sodaille t hi wife' health. Quite a number from '.bia vicinity attended tbe literal y entettainroent giveo at the Miller aebool bouse last Saturday. All came homo well pleaeed wiib tbe execieee, and wiehiog tel would soon have another chance to go to Miller'a Station to another entertain ment. In a neighborhood not far away. Tbey organised a band, Of thirteen cor Pate and a fiddle Tbeir mueie must be gtand. They want a teacher vety much, To leach them bow to play, And if the right one cornea along, He'il doubtleee get te atey. If what I've) said is uot cur tret, Don't think me much Io blame, For all I've aaid is what I've heard, My iofermaut I caa name. ElCKEPTA. fine. Mrs. W. II. Grant, cee Wsrd, of East Portland, has been visiting her father and sister lately. School began this wfk with Miss Ellen Whlte,of Hsrrisburg,as teacher. Miss Davenport tskes charge of the aebool Just ever the border In Lane county. Miss Nellie Locke has been suffer ing with a dlsculated thumb for the last week or two. Miss Ida Aliinghain was given a very pleasant surprise party the even, ing of tbe 27th, tbat being the anni versary of her birthday. Farming work still goes on be tween showers. Farmers are trettinie aleog well with their work, hut mill they cannot spare tbe time to attend political er other sgitatione. J. M. Smith and son, Victor, came down to the farm from Eugene last week. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Smith's health is much improv ed. They expect te move down in a few weeks. There is likely to be several brok en hearts in tbls region in the 1 esr future. Sorry for tbe boys, but there Is only one Olive branch in all this community. Ask JJontiie bow she liken tbe game of Consequences, especially re deeming tno forfeits. Crawfordisville. School commenced here on Isst Monday with Mr. Oepeland, of the Statu Normal School, as teacher. Un der his management we are certain the school will prosper. Wm. Rohnett,whe has been living with his son near Halsey fer semo limo past, wss burled at the grave- yard here, near bis old homestead. The services were conducted by Rev. J. M. 8weeney,of Brownsville. Mis. Rice visited relatives near Halsey last Sunday. 0ear Derrick is sown to commence work,in his father's shop at this place. It. Glass &, Son seem to be ddtitr a thriving business. Mls Gussie Moses, wb(, h-n Iohjm visiting friends at Tangent, returned home a few days sioee. Glsss Bros, will soon commence filling order at their planery. Tlmy expect to have a good tan of work tbis season, T. J. Philpott aod G. B. Splawn.of Brush Creek, will attend tbe County convention this week. Cf mi, Victob. UrovrrtNiville. Marve Hutnmervklli,'if ittrrlsburg, was here Monday. J. (. Porter, of Lake county, was here Tuesday buying osttle, II. J. 0. Averlil h suffering from the fever and ague. Miss .lulls Kirk It quite sick from tho heart disesse. A man is now In the calaboose stay ing out a fine of seven and a half dollars (or drunkenness. SJSf MW 4 sua SttlH MSO ai4- 417 Lmn county was divided at the MIS 11707 MM" Republican primary Tuesday, The It. W. M. Co. stretched snoth-! 121 er telephone between the mills this. sum week, this time using the Pan handle. MSn Those of our cltisens who attended i4i?? the litHtlttitu ox oress thesnaelvaa aalttti well pleased at the proceedings. (isoi --.ww .... mi.. r-v. -I i I 907 J.IIS 1 ''iiui ri ii- ju minry wnscailOUl bit to order at two o'clock by w. B. I ." Smith. (). P.Coshow wss chosen I wis permanent Chairman, Geo. C. Blake-1 ly and noIsoq i urume, secretaries, lisss F. F. Croft and John Montgomery 1 wnrs nlactftfl teller The d-lacafaa 1 wcro an unanimously eiecieu. ea S I s a i While we feel highly complimented tolmve one of our productions mis- J m a a Mf . I asSeeifl tHKen ror tne writings or one tne Dkmocuat's able editors, we do not nronoss that either of those rsnlle. m o shall receive the abase of the I llutletina editor that should fall upon a I us, Mr wo cotisuier it a gooa recom- iitiwtit Ion tit unv nnt tbut la aitnntrawl TTtT. " .: " v v the iiidirttn. Furthermore mo one I riiiiianii hid IU Mir I m.nt. that the editor of that sheet n ever tmliovetl that our item wss writ - v - ' hut f mm liu nna tt that aut I tor. thai nw- I a-aa m. m a I otu.vr. Ho, Mi. JuUetm.n IS useless for you to doslgo oft 00 that lint. I mJo-h." Is able and willing to beer an 01 your uchswh'sji aiiuca. j ... -i ..-t 1 GOOSE. Oulcville. Hov. A. M. Acheeon is In Hslsey ki a .u . this week attending tbe meeting of jatM the Prcsbyiery at that city. Mrs. II. M. Htune Is quite sick f t t 1 . L. I III. I nor uonia near nun vuia"- Several rxireons in this neighbor-1 hoot I indulged in a chase or coyote J num. umii n i 1 a-j wno hx. wv- 1.... 1 l I .......... . 11,..' ....r. n..t an. Ceesful. Mr. M. Acheaon, of this piece, Is io usrsv t.m sess, ll.l ... ikl, .1. Mr. O. Dear, nf Peons. was in th la vicinity last week. I Wo nrr sorry to learn that Mrs. Ida Urews h qtitte sick at ncr nome near ,., na. Mr. Wm. 8mltb,of Waltsborg.W. XV, was in O-kville this week. He U iiraaant tn Knurl meailnir of the n i.. ..... .a 1 1 ........ I gome of the farmers in this vie In- Itv havo romiileted tnelr enrine aoW ing. The district acbtml opened to-day. with Ml Jean M Daniel aa teacher. No velum. The farmers are ail busy putting in tbmr cropa. The spring term of the Oskvtlle aebool commenced ost tbe 5tb, with Miss Jean Me Daniel, teacher. The (latent gate mao, (Brick Dust,) has been au?ong us. The coyotes, or some tber wild ani mal. ha been killing sheep. Mr. Beer, of Porte,wae bunting fr it laet Satat dey with hie boa de, but failed to hud any t ring. The Peebttery of Oregon meets at Halsey no April Gib It-v. A. M Acbeson, ef Oakville,will attend. Amicus. Fairview. Deputy Sheriff Haaklns, ef Cerval lis, waa eut through our part ef the country last week, and as a result of his visit eome of our residents at tended the case of Cooper vs. Blair. Kev. Davis preached last Sunday at Fair view Church, se thst his ap. pelntmeut might not conflict with the appointment ef the P. E. 00 the third Sunday. Miss Pratt.of Corvall(s,commenced her school at Orleans last Monday, with a good attendance. James Van Winkle, of Halsey, was down In this part last Sundsy. Pref. Lambert wili preach every Sunday for awhile at the Orleans schnol house. A Sunday school was organized at the above place a short time since, with Kev. Albright, of Cirvallls, as Superintendent. Dr. J. M. Applewhite, of Corvallis, made a professional call in our part on Friday. He was accompanied by his son, John. Kev. I D. Driver,of Eugene City, will preach at Fairview oh tbe third Sunday of this month. Some of our residents attended the funeral of Wm. Rohnett, of Cnw fordsville, on Moudey. Weather good, and spring work for the moet part finished. Vera. Miller's. The Literary Society closed hern last S tturuay evening fer the season. It was an enjoyable affair, attended by half a dozen youngsters from Oak Creek. They are a jell set, and we nope they will ome agsin. Our school house has just been painted Inside and out, a new floor provided and talk of new seats. When this is done we will have one of the best school houses in the coun ty. Schoel commenced last Monday, Mr. J. B. Hughes as teacher. We have reason to believe he will teach us a good school. Prof. Newall has been giving music lessons at Mr, Fisher's. Prof. Hughes lectured at our school house last Sunday evening. Dorrs. It uk ten's Are lea Salve. The best aalve in tbe world for Ontev Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Kbeum, Fever Hores, Tetter, Cnapped Hands, Chilblains, Corn and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Isgtiarantesd to give perieot satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cente per box. For sale by Foshay fc Mason, Ask your druggist for a package tf Oreco Kidney Tea. 11 m Alien's out wisfrieesiea. The third drawing In N. H. Allen's gift distribution was made April 1st. Parties holding tickets corresponding to the follow ing nurrtberM are entitled to the prizes op posite the respective numbers, which can lie obtained hy calling at Mr. Allen's store in this city. Vabls cover Whtik t' 'in sud h lilr V..Hhi lhtmtl h'illr wu 1 1 stand Album Mirror Tot let oatkst Bui suapeiiilsr4 Huttar knlfs lrMM pattern rarss Paper aud etoeioes I'n ran Revolver UuiUtr knlfs Silk handkerchief Oatf buttons Watah aland Whisk broom and boldsr Plush purse Hair brush Pair Blelod hraaelets Plated breeat plu am laWf purse I resin Sr Na (stiktn rina Butler knife Watrb ehsta Silk banUkercblef Nlukle elh Wblek broom and h ilder Hand beff Plated f oblet Watch stand Prf ume uaas Willow beakat Watch sUkOd Nakla ring SairNiuR buttons Itreaat pin Large pares Preee psttern lair bnuh See table rteib Velvet thimble ease Puree Whiftb broom and hl ler l-letad caatnr WaU-h vund Seek flour Hand oaf Silk handkerchief Nafbiu rtn( 1 rm impcr PleUHt brsaat pin Caff btttteos Pair braoelete tawe perse Hair brash T-r-i baakat Velvet watch sUnd But paper and envelt Nlekle watch llutter knife 4 foam jiarr flltll cuff buti ana Pepar and enalftee Whiak bream and hotJer Velvet watch atartd Mirror PUied breae pin Huttar knife Bevotvor Pair cuff button Pair brecelele Dress pattern Velvet wateh stand Perfume Hand bag Wtuak broom and holder on 1S7 tm Sto ism !I" ei? ttrnia ji !? M ssa aaag naesM W eWW uu iajg t"? bjss XS77 its ns7 ISSI ? j SJ 3A31 Plated breastpin ream 11a rcr 3331 Hiis handkerchief J2 Neekm riog .Ti78 Bateolver low uniwr au 3440 h ream taper Futed cttff button A 1 A I'.ix l.aakMlaalaa 3793 j.,,, ,,r aoj avelopaa 4094 yanm 395 Breastpin I I'JI ,- Ml lt n ,704 Whuk br,m and holder 373 1 ream 2Wi Butter knife 14 Niekle wateh lay Butterkmfe 93l Sack Hour a aara On aeeoeot of tbe low prieeof wheat dour wUt be sold at the Magnolia Mills at 91. 10 a sack, or St 40 a barrel, and will be delivered frwe to alt parte ef the etty. BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. I an now receiving my Spring and Summer 'stock of boots and shoes. I e have as nicely a fitted up Boot snd Shoe Store, and as com plate a stock na any tbia side of Portland aod very few better in Portland. I bay aU my boots snd shoes direct from manufacturers and am authorized to warrant every pair no mat ter bow cheep. Nj firm in Oregon tj have any advantage of roe to buying as 1 bay in quantities and pay tbe easb. In ladies', misses and children's shoes, I keep much tbe largest, best and great est variety in tbe city. My aim will always he ts givs ss good value f r tba money as possibly oan be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. LACKS MIT ITS OUTFITS, Anvils. wtsBaaasn Vaw1 laAeavai knmvsiaSM 1 a il nriai si see-eeawe muejvwi iwnniisiM isj r cst a 1 ui H W a stocks end dies and almost every tool need oy oiaoKsmutis we keep constancy on band Also a full stock of lron.ef all sizes, borse shoes and horse shoe nails. Special prioee made on small outfits for farmers use. PaTntSS A STIWaYKff. 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING A6ENT, Of all kindsof merchandise. All orders from the country filled on short notice for every olass or kind of geeds rrom nrst-oiaes stock. AbHolutely no charges or commission will be charged orniung oraets, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentice's, Portland, Or 00 o 0 o o o o OO Oregon Kidney Tea! Nature's awn remedy Will speedily relieve and permanently cure all tba varioua dimouUies arimiig f rem a disordered eundltio.'i of the LIVER AND KIDNEYS. K K K K KK K K K K TTTTTT 1 I it Is perfectly harmless and sail be X 1 given to tne most aeuoats woman or T 'child. For sale by all druggists, T Saell, Heltskn at Weedard, Wholesale Agents. PORTLAND, OEEGrON.. I WaaeaWaaaaeaaSPS mmmmmmMm HOFFMAN & JOSEPH, PROPRIETORS OK- Albany Soda Works, And Manufadurara of 0H0I0E OQNFECTIONERY, OON8IITNa OF- Puro Hlick. asorli flavor, rnixod tiro pa, tar dropx, horehonnd drops, out limps, extra rrmwh tnlxt, toiooolate ereatns, nhecolate acpiarna, iihocolate mlc, decorat ed tieara. dMcorateil Uctm, almond burn, fruit aouares. apple alioes. oream dates, aMNoried.aaromels ttiacarotilHKJonut balls, oocotiiit irililant,;Majn mkw.crtmtn nearte A fine assortment of large HEART8 AND TOYS In endless variety. THE ABOVE CHOICE CANDIES We are now irered to sell at whole sale, alwaya freeh and pure at Portland irl5a to dealere. Wo also Keen a roil line ef Huts and Tropical Fruits, I IV OTttOCKFUIKS, We keen a full Hue. always fresh and at very low prices. OUR CIGAR AND TOBACCO deMtrtment is complete. We beep tbe vory fluent aujok of amoklngand chewing UiOi4!c, uiowrwliailiu .iki nrmr injxia vowu Is a doligitt to smokers, rmnwmjL kkkpour UTAH 1H rriit. 10 cent iltE!ADIMv BOSS !! . II B ceat I O A It And a flee assortment of IMPORTED CIGARS. Scott's New Gun Store, HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSMEN. THE LEADING GUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNIHON.CARTRIDCES, SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT IRC MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At the inMt reasonable price, el way a in atock. Kepatrinir done on abort notice. Willamette Valley n I in rod a abould never boy without oailtng on W. B. SCOTT, eroppoelte Revere Hones, Ah any, Or. Conrad Meyer 1 PROPRIETOR OF-3 ST All BAKERY, Cnnnr Broaialbin anl First 3ts.f DEALER J- Canned t'raita. lilaaawarp, Drlosl rraillai, Tavbsvcro, McJXr, CwtTew. 'isoe Meat), fc u renswarp, YcjcetsibleM, Clgaarn, Msleen, Tens, Ete.. Kt In fact everything tha. te kept In a Ren eral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. rpas Bt5rrttuT : town Can be fmn 1 at our atore. The abot usually sold in Albany drops 75 feet, while tbe He Louis allot sold by us drcpe 200 feet, making it equal to chilled shot Sptrtamea ahould mn forget this. Parnas Srv var. gAWS, AXES, ETC We will sell tou the famous Disstan Champion croaecut mw at a low figure, aud can give you goo4 prices on axes, eiedgoe ana wedges. PnTatu A Stkwawt. OTUDKBAKER WAUOX. This is the only wagon having a slope shouldered spoke and the steel truss on each axle, and Is the beet wagon on wheels. For sale by Peter.) A Htewart, REST Till NO OUT, Is tb tha Acme Harrow and no farmer oan well afford to be without it. It is the very best clod crusher and pulverizer, leaving the ground as level as a barn Uoor. Sold only ty racers "'ewart. R OPE AND CHAIN. Of all Rises, aa well aa halter ch&ins.cow heins, dog ehaina, rope haltere, etc., for sale by Petera A Stewart. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is Sftrehy giren that the under signed has keen duly apHiated Administra tor of the estate of Jaii ihlmore, deceased, bv the County Court of Linn county, Stats of Oregon. All persons haviee -lnims against said estate are hereby noticed and required to present thsm to the Administrator at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof, properly verified ss by law requited. Dated this 26th day of March. 1886. E. J. Lanniho, Administrator. City Market A. A. ROBERTS, PROP'R. (Opposite Peters &, Stewart's.) Keeps a first -elans supply ef good meats er all klndtf, at bottom prices, ro GREAT WESTERN n r PITTSBURG, PA., U.S. A M r.wn rv.u m t a. m. t , . n i aaS j aiaiT, iMfulinKWli,U.,vmif, luiiiani.niiiiuiu, S Wlncbeater. Smith A Wwon. italic, Whitney, Kennedy, Baker, Smith, and all other Amwicau W or English Fluo Guns. Rtflpa nnd Revolvers. All Kiiid.snj Ammunition. Jiarring-ion c mciiaroson, OoHfcBroonor, Wealey, Richards, and other tine HaoAVberlaaa Gun, from i75 to S350. Also a BBS lot of - MuEzle-T.oadtng Rltles and Shot Guns. Haines, Nets. FishittK Tackle and Gun raaVcrs' 1 materials, all at very low prices. fend stamp for I large 111 ustrated Catalogue. Mention this iater. D ON'T FORUftT IT. If you try to build now while wheat h only worth 54 cents you should by all means go to Feters & Stewart's, at Albany for your hardware. You oan get what yeu want at their store and at reasonable figures, They Have Arrived, THE NEW GOODS For men and boys at L. E. BUM'S. We now .have a magnificent stock of new and nobby suits for o S g Men and for Spring trade, better than ever, e patterns are neat and attractive, we feel justly proud of this stock, selected with care from all markets, and take pleasure in showing them. THE HAT STOCK is choice, direct from Philadelphia comprising All the Spring ovdtics. THE SHOE DEPARTMENT is now complete, the largest and nicest stock in market. We can't enumerate FURNISHING GOODS. Have manv novelties and all the staples. Look at our 75-cent Unlaundried Shirt, the best ever offered in this market. CELLULOID COLLARS AND CUFFS in the different styles. These goods are bought at lowest prices, ana will be sold the same way. We have a large, new line of piece goods in our TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Nobby suitings, fancy pants, etc,, which will be made up in as good style and as cheap as can be had in the market. 01 in n 0 0 is SB H 0 0 L. E. Agricultural DEYOE & ROBSON, Successors to W. H. ALBANY " 1 KEEP ON THRESHERS, ENGINES, WAGONS, HACKS, PLOWS, HARDWARE, DOORS, S ASHES, BUILDING MATERIALS, ETC., ETC. A . K'f Ji Vfi STEEL AND SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, FANNING MILLS, STE EL GOODS, FENCE WIRE Am all Agricultural Implements med. The largest and best variety of FARM WACONS, HACKS AND BUGGIES, In the onlral Willamette Vallav. Orlers Tilled at Best's Hand piUTLEKY OF ALL KINDS, W keep the best to..k of eatlery in the vabey, Pocket knivea and razors a l eialty. Don't buy anything iu th s lln witaout oalling on us tUtt. PICTKRB A STBWAKT, IAINTS AND OILS. Of all descriptions sold by Peters k Sttr art. Youths 4 s s H 8 BLAIN. Depot! PROFS. Goltra. HASD OREGON. frm a l'ntaaj sUcltsl ai3 promptly lowest rates Separator. WV lvrROVKD IlANDSSPARATAa a double combined wachina'.po.aea aa twn ahoea, (inateai of one aa i machines of other man urturcrx, nine riddlea and a iaryc Independent 6cron. Each shoe is equal in pow er and capability to the on in any other mill, aud by the operation of the two double efficiency is secured. My 28-inch mid will clean from 400 to 000 bushels of teed grain per day, according to tha condition of tha gi&in, and we guarantee that alt barel v, oats r other t out seeds will be thoroughly removed with com plete satisfaction. I i h illcnce anv will to a contest. I know that I can beat them, as my mill has 4eaten every mill it haa wme in coutast with, both In Cali fornia, and Oregon, and U the beat made, bolts being used where screws are used in others. Address DAK I EL BEST, Albany, Ore-gun. NHLLER BROS., DBALEHS IN FM4, Vegotable aDd Flcwer Seefp, IBPERl 'iL EGG FOOD, GAEDEN TOOLS, FERTILIZERS, ETC., ETC. 209 Saoond street, bet Salmon aud Taylor, POttTLAND.OREQON.