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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1886)
Chares. Olrccleiy U. P. Cm Kt. Preaching every Sabbath, at 11 a. at., and 7 p. m. by Rev. R. O. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 F. M Prayer meeting evory Wednessday evening. K v anukmcal Chohch. Praaohing on Sab Sath at 10,30 a. m., and 7 r. m. Sabbath School 1 1 .-43. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday eveuing 7:30. 8. K. Davis, pastor. All am invitod. OomorboatiokalChchch. Service every Sabbath at 11 a. at. and 7 r. u. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each weak. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. EL Chobcu.Socth. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 1 1 o'clock a. m. Sab bath School at 10 o'alock a. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. F. M. Cnlp, Pastor. M. K. Chcruh Soutu.Tahukkt. Praach log every Sabbath at 3:30 o clock, r. u. Sab bath School at 2:30 o'clock. r. u. P. M. Gulp, Paator. M. ii Church. Preaching every Sabbath 11 a. at. and 7 t. M. Song service m e evening before sermon. Sabbath School 2.30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs- ay evening. Kov. 11. 1. Webb, paator. t'RBBRTTKRiAN Cui'RCH. Service every Sabbath morninii and evening in Church cor. Broadalbtn and Fifth SU. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Condit paator. First Baptist Cuorch. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. m., at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after rooming aervioee. l'raver meeting a ery Thursday uvenius at 7:30 o'clock. T i erownaon, pastor. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -VIA-n Oregon & California R. K, AND CONNrXTIOJtS Part from Portland to San Kram-b SM I t. nteiilo. HO. lluee connection made at Ashland w,Ui .J thu ttliforma, Dr.'troii and Ittaho Mtfd (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) Kaat Ble lvila. BKTW1.I.X PURTLAMtt AN aSBLAMB. Nail Tram. uuvs. Portland 7:30 a a Albany IS r Ahleaa ...7:45 r a Albany li.Uftr u aaaiva. Albany. U:4S a a ......k a a Albany 11:4.'- a a Cortland 4:25 r a tlbaay Train. lb iv a, Port.and. ....-. . . .4:00 r M Albany S;3&ra Usee i 4.4ft a a AJaaay- sjo a a asatva, Albany ..8:34 r B Laaaann 9r Albany Mil Portland 10:06 A M Pullman lalace Sleepiug Can daily between Al eattv and A ah land. The O and OHK Ferrv make connection with all tee regular train on lh fct Side Division from foot uf F a rest. Weal aide Dlvlalan. BET WEBS "BIXAMB ANB t ORVaLLI. all Train. lsavb abbtvb Pun laud. Corvalh S:00 a a I Conrellle 4:S6 r a o:30 an PorUaud ........... A:Jw r a Ex areas Train. UAva. Aaaivs. Portland .6 00 r a I McMinnvUle o0r a McMmn.ille j:ii a a PurUaud.. . s.36 a a at SSB Local Ui k :n Sir aala an pany'a ui toa-n office. Osf ticaru for priiwiial pol.ta in California can only be procured and bmjgrnf cbeoked at Coa pany'a a4Re, Corner P ami Pr -m 8U., Portland Or, PriKht wUl not ! rw-fiifl for ablpmrnt after 6 o'clock p. at. an either the Eaat or Wee Ue Dtvhiliaa. K KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS. O. w. A PaaaAeent. WILL BUY A BOTTLE OF THE BEST COUGH CURE - that the world baa ea lev's Coaefa ' ur BB !iot.n -.j'ial oil ajeas i I ballenee the werki far n tae atarket to beat it a premntsa fa cartas; a USSBJB or Cold. elbera take the ad- I 'ice of an old idea ear at 1 17 years oa . a a Uon't ran tae nsa ec ear own life or y.r biidren oi eater, it has n. toth-ir Ioiik I'wnwtU fln4 more ir- ia eaeef these aamu Ulee taaa la a plat of fnart mixturea. I r bare ia ooe thimr very if yoo don't kill the ISWORTH ITS rk taa eoofh ia aura WEIGHT IN 801 yon.' Beaare eflbe Iradr The smlea betllr. WUoLBSALB AS0TS, HSBlVaV IlEITsm at We4BWAata. PyRTLAJIU, QEWOV. 30 000 CASES OF RECTAL DISEASES, AS Piles, Rertal Eleers, Plaaarea, Prarlt a. Am, riataJas la Ana. Palpnas, Reel I, i i. . Etc, Cored in sis year by the atria RerhaaTByaleas. Dr. i. U. Pdkiofton, Proprietor of the Pertlsnd Pye mmiI Kar lalrmary anal Raallarlaas for Srr Ulaeaara hae been arpuloted ag-nt and phj u-lan for thia iytnj in Oreaon and W. T. No eavere aarglral aersUaa. aa pala, na lass nf bleael. In two niont.ia hare cared eeversl caaee In bieh ; -ration with the knife have only done injury. Am permit led to refer to Mr. Jaa. W. Weath erford, dragviat, formerly of aslera, Mr. Prank Oaid am, ntachmeat, Mr. K. A. Raaipy, Uarriaburf aad others. Wi'l meet patients at the Revere Mooes Al bany, from Tueneiajr noon.Ufsir. 2,lofffdne day noon.fJstr. S, 1H&6. Addrest for pamphlet, etc. J.B. PILKI NCTON, M. 0.. PORTLAND, OREGON. . OR, LIEBIC Q Prlvele Wlaaeaaarp, I , I 400 Geary St., Ban PnoelaooJ kCaL condiued by Oua ifled Physicians O and liureon regular rraduatea. h t The Oideat speciallaU in the fr i tiiuni Mif, nit lonjf experience, . 4....k ... V. . .1 ..A . J I J LaJ mure ifieedy and pennanent eorea of all Private, Chronic and Nervioua Diseases Affections of the Blood. Skin, Kidneya, Bladder, Eruptioue, Ucm,Old Sores, BwsfHna; of the Glanda, Bora Mouth, Throat Bone rPaiiit,innanenl'y sated from the aratem for life. NEKYIOI M lability, Impoteaey, Seminal Losses, Sexual Decay, Men tal and Phyeical Wesknees, Failinr Memory, Weak Eyea, Stunted De velopment, ImptdimenU toMsrrtofe i tt ;., from excess or youthful follies, crany cause, speedily, safely and privately cured. VeanK. llddIe-Aged and Old men, and all who seed medical skill and experience, consult the old European Physician at once. His opinion costs nothing, aad may save future misery and shame. When inconvenient to visit the city for treatment, medicines can be sent everywhere by exnrees froe from observs"on. V. ia self-evident that a physician who gives his wnole attention to a claas of i diseases at Ulna great skill, and physicians through ant the sasng y,knowing thia, frequently recommend difficult cues to the oldest specialist, by whom every known g "id remedy is used. The Doctor's age sou experience make his opinion of supreme importance. AlTFbose who call see no one but the Doctor. Con sulfation . free and sacredly confidential. Oases which have failed in obtaining relief elsewhere eepec- aliy solicited. Pemale diseases successfully treated, rhe Doctor will seree to forfeit $1,000 for a case un it) rtak en, siot cured, Call or write. Hours, daily.from Dt. m. u 4 p. in. , 0 to 8 evenings ; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. Send for the Sanitarlst Guide to Health, ent free. Address as sbov- DK LIKBIG'g vTeaderfal tiertaea lavlgsrator Permanently prevents ail Unnatural Losses from the system, tones the nerves, strengthens the muscles, checks the. waste, invigorate the whole system, and restores the afflicted to Health and Happiness. The reason so many cannot get cured ef Seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owin? to a com plication, called Proctorrhea with Hyperaetheaia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Liebig's In vlgorstor is the only positive cure for Proetetorrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used tt tar Liebig Dispensary. Price of f nvlceraisr, 2. Case of six bottles i Sent to any address, covered securely from ob ervaUon. Most powerful eiectric belts free to patients To provn the wonderful power of the Invigorstor. A aVi B jtlle ailvea ar Seat Free, OoiiBultation free and private. OaU or a-idreas LIEBIG DISPEN8AKY, 400 Qsary Street, San Fraodsoo, Cal. Private entrance. 406 Mason 8' rest, four bkofci iti atryStret fr. m Kearney, Ma o e ltraoee throe gs tspaoaaryllruK Store) AMERICAN FARMER El IE To all our Subscribers I All our subscribers who will pay their iulacrlptloii accounts to thia paper in full to dates and one year In ad vance, villi be presented with one year's subacrlp tlon to THE "AMERICAN FARMER P A .liimn.nM A urrlmilt n rml Mearastne. published by E A. K, HeekeU.aT Fort Wtvni. Tnrttana. and which la raUUllV talrinir rank aa annof tha iaadlnsT Airrleill- rural DUDiioaiiona or mi country. it, ia . ... . . . . . V. u devoted exclusively to the Interaata or the aiMk hrAfuler. lialrvtnatt. Iranian- er. and their household, and every apeolea oi I ntiu airy oonnecieti wim ma. iirvai. pw- nnn oi int. iwnn n ni liim wor n, inn .arm an Th anhv.-i inilon nrh-e is one dollar per year. Farmers can not well get along without It. It puts new ideaa into tneir mill Ha It tarltM them how to farm with Eroflt to tneniaeives. it maaea tne noma innv. tha veunir folks cheer fill, the growler contented, the downcast happy and the demagogue honest. MIIUNIT Y from ANNOYANCE XsMBaaaal itysft Every good thins is Counter feited, and ooneumonj arc CAU TIONED furalnsrt IMITATIONS Of those Chimneys made of VERY POOR GLASS, See that the exact label is on each chimney as above The Pearl Top is always clear and Driffht Class. Maaaraetarexl OXLT by GEO. A. MACBETH A CO. rittabarsxki Leetel Ulaaa Werks. FOB BALE BY DEALERS. Summons. the Circuit Court tkt atate o Ortgon jor Limn County, The Dundee Mortgage and Trust Invest ment Company (Limited;, PlalntitT. s. F 8 Kendall and William V Hamilton, Defendant. To William F ifumiltOH om of the D'Jand ante abort named. IN the name of tbe State of Oregon : You ere hereby eumuioned and re quired to be and appear in the above named Court mod answer tbe complaint of tbe Plaintiff in tbe above entitled suit on file against you wi'.b tbe C.erk f amid Court by tbe first day of tbe next regular term of eaid Court alter tbe publication of tnla summons for six weeks, to-wit : The regular June term of aaid Court to be be Jun and neld on tbe fourth Monday in una, lb80. iu Linn county, Oregon, or Judgment for want of en answer will be taken against you foi the relief demanded in tbe complaint of tbe Plaintiff herein, to wit : That the mortgage mentioned and described In the complaint herein ez ecuted by the Defendant FM Kendall on tbe Itftb day of October, 1880 on tbe fol lowing described real property, to-wit ; Tbe northwest quarter of tha aoutheat quarter and tbe wet half of the northeast quarter of Section 30 in Townahip IS outh .angeS went of tbe fVlllianieUe meridian in Lion county, Oregon, tie forec isaed and f bat aaid real property be aold and the pro ceeds of aaid aale be applied : First to the payment of tbe costs and disbursements of this suit including an Attorney 'a fee of twenty per oent on tbe whole amount that wry be found oua tbe Plaintiff on said mortgage. Second, to tbe pajment of tbe full amount of the PlaintifJa said notes and mortgage to-wlt : the nuza ot $90 with interest tbereon at twelve per cent per annum Irom December 1st. 1HH3, (lesa ft.' paid thereon December 7b, 1883) and the further sum of 190 with interest tbereon at twelve per cent per annum from December 1st. 1884, and tbe further sum of $900 with interest tbereon at twelve per cent per annum from December let, 1885, ell in U S. gold coin and that tbe Defendants lu rein and every person claiming bv, tbrouuh or under them or eitber or Ibem eubsequent to the date of riaintina mortgage ms v Uh forever fore closed and barred of and from all right and equity of redemption in aaid real property, 'Ibat should said real property be insufficient to nay the indebt ed nasa secured thereby that then the Plaintiffs have judgment againat the De fendanta for auch deficiency. Tbia Summons is pobliabed by order nf Hon, K. P. Boise Judge of aaid Court m tbe Statje Riohts Dkmocrat foi six auc eseslve weeks, which order beats dai January 27tn, 1886. FUHR ft ( HAM HKRI. ALT, Attorney's for Plaintiff. Oregon Pacific Railroad. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO SAN FRAN CISCO VIA. YAQUINA Trains Leave Cervallls. Tuesday, Thursday, .Saturday, at 9 a. u. Trains Leave Yaqulna, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 8 a. m. The fine A I Stieaanr 'Tapitta"8adl8 raos vaqi ika. Sunday, March 14tb, WedBesaay, March Z4th. Sunday, Apiil 4th, Wednesday, April 14th, , April 26th . raos SAM h(AM IHi o, WtHjneaday, March 10th. Friday, Mareh Itfth. Tuesday, March SOtb. Friday, April iMh. 1'uekday, April 20th. TheCempany rcserye the right to change sailing days. Fabbs Cabin, $14 ; Btearaye, 97 ; freight at reduc ed and moderate rates. River boats ea the Wiliainetta conneat at Corvatlls Low fares and rates. For further iutruuMon sp ply to C. . iiot.l K, A. Q. F. sod P. Agent, Corrsilb. DR. HENLEY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT, 1ST b BOSH OF THE WORLD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT ON RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Nerv .us head e cured in three minutes end Too ii . h. in thrt- ec in .a. Fer all psiiis and I cbos it has no equal in the world !mau noi tie. bucu. uars;c bottle, si . jpiOR SALE, One half block in eastern part of ti e city with fair bouse and barn wlLI beod cbeap T af the Bneat and bewf ejnal. iIsmm far wlaUMMUam neat. si Health Isnotnlwayn m mm iI ni lltwif hi hcM'K Tlio tuhit of uH'tiUtl uiav lea wrrrtl.v uiHkrniluiit5i H u i.utKiu, lu tlttte, tlM uetaett wllt-ei tuitl , KttOW I m'llW-tx.Hlld Wit llllil llMMii'M ilrutttMt! iW lettffr it ! been Nttowfil l in rnu a'i' ili" Kti-ni. Km'li nlmpM'. ! Iiufi. xklit diM"d:i' und hw' uf utttiul ural ,.( . i i U . tn- Inii 'iio,-. Is n' f Niiluivi. iiiniug ol III" iiuM'i'iit U'TH uf iM'KHTt. Mjcrs Sarsapariffa lathv nn ivuuhIx tlml WW Is n llrdm m. In i I iimn iw i ni'lU iiit' ilu- mint of ln ml llun dts-esv mil llw siH-flid foi'ruitKni ,,f l!i ImshI. II U tin- nly tillnulhe Hint . MtlttkMltly us i ru! Iu tlioroii(.'lilv du.i f ili' fMVm uf Mcrofiilous ninl Nerrttrttvl ImuHtles mxl tit pollutkiu of t untimloiiH IUMStS. II llNu lll'U- irali'-o IU" iiI-uiih Irfi liv lllithirl tutd Ht'ftrlrt fever, mid mifinu il'l ni'U'M'intlun fruin Uh rtifwlilfmnil end iKlillll) tsiiMil by Ihfw dlsfusrs. Mvriatls of Cures AllU d 1V AVF.M'H HAUSAl'AlltLI.A. ill the pu-t fort'v vi'ars.Ni'' UlteMi'd.midthorw t nu IiIhmI dliM'asr, at nil hIIIo uf rure, Will Itut Uld IO It. WIlHt.M I lite iiiliitnit uf i hi- t lnim.miil wlti-rrver fotnul, fr.nn I hi scurvy of the Arvth' vln'h' to llm Hihftaorte el Huth Afrh-s. taw rein chIv BM Bmkd lu'Hltli lo the .ufTinrs by whoin Ii was I'lnployril. DruiotUt e yewarbrrs ran rite imnirnisB cases, with in ihi ir h'1-miimI kwWKtUr', of rrinark nil!.' rtircn wrutiidit hy K where nil etoer InuttiM tit hnd brrn uiim sllliiK rro'.l will iki well lo Trust Nothing Else lhi:tt AtFWsSxiiaAiMHii t.A. Xitniertim rrtjile iNixterts nr.- ufvml to imhlie n4 "h;.K..i .otiil i-." with h onlj allure tin- .hi in with tbe irvU'iii' f many .In mi . iksww, Stvi with wiil.b It N fully lo while di'Bi- " t,',l , euniin ; iiHr' dt,e4aeteJ mid ill sal UM ol .nr.. S.itll.' d tlH-e tnlxtr do inuth l.itin-r harm. Ib tir In inlml lht the only ihnt nn rndbully -urlfy tin? ill;i'-.l I'.mm U Aycr's SarsaparJIla, I'lM.r.Mtr.n hv Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, 8uld bv nil dniiarits; trlr fl. Vlx boitkit for A. aetata aaaat IBS aaaaa. IsbmSi ik I HSaAai . t'I.N,r. U. !! i OSjfVjMstffta atSjtttt ajsW IL is an. ass o. M.rie V A CO., Detroit, MlentsjtSt. TUTT'S YEARS IN USE. Medical Triamph ef the Ajre' SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.eeraBBtlte. bewela restive, Pets In tha boast with a stall sesaaitsa ia taw bach fart, Pala aaatsr lbs abeeletar ls4e. Psllseee after eatiaf , with a dla teeltsailea ta exertlessf beetr srsslaet IrrttaWltij rieeseer. l.waelrtie. wtlh reellaaefliSTlee eelteiel esaso 4sir. Wesrlsese), DiaaJaeaa, Ptsitrrlsc at tbe Heart. Dste before tae syee. Ilendarbe strr the rlsht ere, Iteatleaesese, with flifal Are ate. lllsblr ealereA I Hae, aad CONSTIPATION. TtTTT') PI LX are especially adapted to surti raaea, one dnae effects each a chsir- of freUmtsatAsatofilsli thesafferer. They laerssM Use A pietUe just eaoss ue Uttr i" Take oat. Kleshjtitus the um t Mosirtsnsel. and bytlitrTs 111' 111! TO n Gkat IUik or WittsKtaa ehac Closer ISlck by a stnala application of Ibis DTK. It Imparts a uataral color, act instantaneously. Kolt by DraaTittsts, or sent by express on receipt of 1 1 . OfTloe, 44 Murray St., New York. BJSJSJHI Bstl sK AKistirii A RAOSOALOlAtl XERVOVB fPKTSIOAJU m DECAY, ,nYAneVVeVuIU Tetetoeoe Scven VcAJtasvusBiNsuun ii The aVYRIUP OtriOR tt leaned Mareh and Kept., each year, mtr M pames, 1 1 Vis 11 V. inebea, with over 3,000 11 1 net r 1 Ion a a wasis rteture uaiiery. OlVfSe Wholesale Prh-s direct to contumera on all goods for pereonal or family wae. Telle how to order, end jfWee exaet cost of eeery thlng yon nee, eat, drink, wear, or hart fnn with. These ISV Al.t A tit A. B430KJI roiaiatn Information Kleaned from the markets of the world. We will mull n copy KHKK to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 etc. to defray expense of mailing. I u hear from yon. Dcspectfnlly, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. tST Ac 829 w abash Aveaae, Chlcasje 1H. OCHfcSON'S ffot Spring iiif Juni or BjiriiiK ana Hum- sasr. tat ready Mareh itfth. to say address, illustrate and lists erery thins for Ladles', Gent". Cnfldrece sad Infants' wear and Boiiaekeeptac Goods, at prices lower than those oTsoy boose In the United ttatea. fjoasalete eta ato. ec stout tu, ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber ,laths!and pickets kept constantly on hand' Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best UaJapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You are al Iowd a free trio lofth irty day of the uae of Dr. Do's Cbtelsvtetl Vol i ale Belt with Electric Suspensory Aii11iiiic8 for the speedy relief and permanent cure of Sti-vmtg Debility, loss of Vitality and Stunhoofl, nnd all kindred troubles. Also for many otlior dixeMsifi. Complete restora tion to Health. Vigor and Mnnhool aruaranteed. No risk Is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet In italed envelope mailed free, by addressing ?0LIAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mica, , iBweLTj? loOOstt9BaW UsHmB lea t Mara Mir Action on ee orssai . Hear ier asesiis ar l.' i t v tf&rriJVuV 8 HAIR DYE. aed to a tae esssstMal iMtoMUssu Sana TT 1" r? 13F ml ii TB WefsjMMn OfttVe JBt sMar - - - - OOBAWO OAtXBs aaaaaaalra? aaaMksneBast aaCstoseiBsssi miJfiYWjr0ctima S0 u mm Ik twmt I tt rtviiiAY amiu i, IPSO jo Astronomer! prediot thtt a bright comet will be visible just before tunriee daring the Utter pert of May. It it .he comet "1886' discovered late! by Prof. Btrntrd. Two Freooh iovettigttort hv0 found thtt tbe germi ef fermentttion irt net destroyed or peaoeptibiy tfTeoted by e pretaure of 300 to 400 ttrootwhoret oontinued fer several days. A p'tttoum wire toe fine to be teeo with tha nakad ava ia aaid to hava haan made by Mr. H. T. Head of Brooklyn. It it to be used in telescopes, tt t tub- stiiuie for the snidet's web ututlly em- W ... I. ployed. Prof. Lanslav's raaaarohaa hava lad him to conclusions which imply thtt. in the abaenoeef absorbing ttmotpbtre.the etrth would receive sufficient heat from the tun to mtltl to ioe-the!l about 180 feet deep over the globe's entire tur- faM. Recent Gsrmtu retetrohet show thtt tbe purification of natural waters it ef fected almost wholly by pltnt tod aai mal agencies, the chemical aotion of ozena, peroxide of hydrogen and atmos oherio oxveea exertion- but a feeble influence. Ia Mr. Francis Cinder's method of purify ing sewage, the priaoifmt active agent ii sulphate of iron. Tbt process baa betn tried witb tuccesa upon t small quantity of crudtfoul towtgt.tod tbtrt I it tvtry retten to infer t like result on t large scale. I The diaeovery el t bitberto unknono Itke in tbe Persian desert was aoneuno-1 e l at a late meetiog of tbe Vienna Oeogrtpbical Sucittr. It it tt least twenty-ave miles long, end from Me- htmaedao evidence tppttrt te bsv dried up after t previous exittenee.tnd lo have again filled up tt t quite recent Jat The distance of Jnpiter from tbt inn is 4in firm nnn mUa. It ia nat m sea W W Va W W SBBBI e W aa w ww vwwv brigbtotet to Veout. end mty be teen in tbe daytime in clear ettther from a mouutaio too. It ia about 300 timet the neieht ,f the earth, and Let 1200 timet the bulk of the etrtb. It reflects nearly one-balf the liaht that fellt open it, Witbin fifty y tare there were botfoorP attaroids.or minor pleneU.on tbe list Ceres. P.IIej. Juno end Vette. Now 253 btve been cauiotued. Tbev move w ' around the .an in reeuler orbits All their orbiuere between tbe orbitt of t .j v tu- ....i -r them .mounts to but from one-third to one-fourth of that of the earth. Account, .how that tha aaltnetre bed. of Nevada are far better situated for their development than tbe nitre region of South Americwbich is to arid dee- ert. Water for ell pur.oees it condens- ed from the ocean water end carried to tbe nitrs fields, fue. being procured from the moueutntio Sutb Chili. In Ne vsds, the ealtpetre depoeite tre in tbe vicinity oft rich farming country, witb so ebundant supply of water end wood at band. tats TiaTiueat er a r amicus. James Bechr, If- D.,of S'gonrnev, Iowa, aayt : "Pur several years I been using t Cough Balsam, tailed Dr. Wm. Uali'e Balaam for the Lunge, tnd in almost eery caae throughout my practice I have had entire success. I bave used and prescribed hundreds ot bottles tinee tbe dsya of my army prae tice (1863,) wbe I was eurgoo of Huepttal No. 7,Luiavillf, Ky." A shortage iu th. acouiinte of tbe of fice of Collector uf Cua turns tt New Y .rk of $7,000 bat been discovered. The shortage occurred while ex-President Atthur wet Collector- A abortage has alto betn discovered in tbe aecrunt of ex-Collector iiobertton. Verily .the rascals should be turned oat. SAM MAY. J. G. SKNDKRB MAY & SENDERS. Dealers in General Merchandise, HARRISBURC - - - - OREGON Will boy Grain, Wool and all kinds tonntry prodiee. c n SIIITTISIA a SootUsb iMumnce Tn rm HV I I Hit. Union Co., oapital $40,000,000. ompsny Insur r in an absolutely sals Sheriffs Sale. fn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. J H Burkhart as Administrator of tbe estate of Philip Baltimore, deceased, Plain tiff. ve. Joseph Aliiaon and Annie Allison, De fendants. NOTICE it hereby given thtt by virtue of tn execution and an order of eaie issued out of tbe above nemed Court In the above entitled action end to me di rected and delivered, I will on Saturday tbe 10th day of April, 1886, tt 1 p. m., et tbe Court House door in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, et public auction for cash in band to highest bidder, tell tbe real property described lb said execution and order of tele its follows, to-wlt : Lota No. seven (7) and eight (8) in Block No. ninety (9u) in the southern addition to the ci.y Albany, Linn county, Oregon ee the seme is designated on tbe maps and plats of said southern addition to said oity on rec ord in the office of tbe County Clerk la and for said Linn county, Oregon tbe same being tbe southwest quarter of eaid Block No. 90. The proceeds of tale to be applied : First to the payment of the coata and disbursements of suit. Secend to the payment ef the sum of $610.50 with accru mg interest thereon at ten per cent per annum and S6o Attorney's fees. Third the overplus if any remain to be paid to be D efendant, Annie Allison Bated March 9tb, 1886. J. K. Charlton, Sheriff of Linn connty, Oregon, per J as. J. CHARireir, Deputy. fARHieN MOTK. Pluib, which it so strongly ia favor Ikt nrettnt time, will oontinue to be 0Q(il Mty,tnd evea t Utile Uttr. Little boy, ef three or four years here f rook a covered with eoru lto,over wb m 11 "orn otfitn crefttn ofdtrJt P'1 trom i9P to bottem, end n,r wtiug and fastening tt the belt " by ! of obt-ed mettl pltquee. Not ealy the drettet but ulto th olokB of ,iuU irli ir 0,idf ifwr tbi ,0M od BBP, English i bere teemt to be leet rtiiety in jew elry then in toy tdjunot of dress com inS uodir lb of tbe fickle spirit Ohtoge. Pendent tartirgs tre laid nd hoope ence mere tprer Th dul rrun reminieoenoe of th Pl ' color. .a at Semi-transparent silk gaue it one of the prettiest ftbnct now In use for draping evening toilets. Ortj lair is said to i-e fashionable mWorttniet tre to btve their day fwbioo'e vagaries. theimometer made ia jewels is tbe last device in scarf pins lo Kogltod, seme of the most beau tiful court dresses seen this season are made of Irish brocaded poplin, which in taature and beauty are of surpassing excellence. Cotton plushes are being ussd to up holster dining room furniture. Ltee edging for table linen is oomtng io gDrl od r lu obtrmiog tfftctt proeuoei by it. A magnificent gown of (rait ytllow of ttegtnt quality it trimmed itb . . oa an a tea DlM ret4 ltee nouncet netuiea oy olclt ftetber trtmmiogt, tod tootber oi cream oolorod silk rae made etTeouve oteoiog oy a garniture oi geiaen- 'n naraboai. Halt mourning butt of bltok ted white lengthwise stripes are vety styli-b ib black satin slippers. 1 naa. . - a cius tee fsvoriie decjraiiog ' I ana a n a as a . a ferns re pi act pain leal decoratiuns " teu fab-ica fer tummer. rrettv buodt turbsutetare made oi S .aassaaS B a qlted attin, with t netting of crochet oeteide. dr wf putting l . ann a . a now' Uombltttlunt ere the ttuuy, Md th Mdeeiout tbe be.ter Tulle is trimmed witb heavy materials tod leather with steel nail beads ap- we tui.akle trimming for light I aa at " f I'r,,, ,"u,nt "re , PC08,,n8 ana sane a a 0f nii hhl me . , a . l umw e,,r I . a a a a a ... tV ' avr'-nl aa 10 ,or mMml .- I tome ef tbe "box robea" etiuw tbe c-jw- b,"Uo of HUio mhh ih ih. . a t ! ,, or-f ,Q mm w OVon lbai lli It I i -iii f.t. is a I mrrmmr " apimaiea u.amonu dust. I i . i La.-a. as .. a. a pH.a.onic.gfr.n.Diaea mttd !,ow toM f w or old tinsel. Tbe effect when made up ia like glams ef light in the elmidltke fabric. Trtint tre combined with tide dra peries, leaving tbe front and tidee. usually different from the rest of the drees, uncovered Half long sleeve tre slashed Or tre trimmed witb stripes of peesementerir. Aatpberry tnd moat tre t favorite Par iaia n combination Silk biaidt with feather t fleets tre new trimmings A ceiling covering i ataJe bf fes tooning timilax and api a;tis bead or foliage thickly from the chn iener to tbe upper sides of tbe room, aud bare and there bouquets a -a concealed in tbe abundtn green, and occasionally i tiny bird, or perbape a butterfly, strung on spirit, invisible wire, appear to flutter tn mid etr. Rather eu expeneive lux ury, but a lovely spot it makee of a room to roceiee callers or ball guest in. lllrMITL. Pilar ro, the conqueror of Peru, never learned to read or write. H was cue ing, treacherous tnd cruel, bit chief merits being courege tod fortitude The meander wtt t Greek ornament desianed, tt it were, in imitation uf the peculiarly winding course of tbe rivet Meander, from which it derives hs otmt. Women formerly bed a pocket ie the forepart of their stays in which, accord tng to Stevens, they ctrried aot only love letters end love tokens, but even their money tnd mtterialt for needle work. Tbe rural population of Oartbaginit lived in slight huts made ef reeds er sent, sometimes in t circular ferm lik an oven, or et others of en oblong thtpe, with bulgiug sides liks the hull of a vessel. Throat troubles yield promptly to Red Sttr Oough Curs, as vouched for by the U. S. Architect Clerk. Its in gredients are purely vegetable and free from opiates. 25 cents. Our exchanges all oyer Oregon are an nouncing that candidates fer office can have their announcements made at reasonable rates. There is nothing mean about us. Bring us your name for any office and in it goes without a cents to pay. We are pub lishing a newspaper. Candidacy for office is a mere matter of news. Of course if a can didate wanted to run a display ad. on the subject we would be glad to give him a col umn a month for SI5. Democrat until 50 cents. after electloh lor Oregou Kidney Tea. gists. For sale by al. Oregon Kidney Te cares all kidnev ble. KM Or THei ClHT. Little do moo perceive what soli tude I, and how far It extendeth ; for a t-fwd it not company, and facet are but n gallery of pictures, sod talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there Is no love. The violence of sorrow is not at the first to be striven withai, being like a miirhty beast, sooner tamed with following than overthrown by withstanding. It is a gentle and affectionate thought, that In immeaturable height above us, at our first blrth.tbe wreath of love was woven with sparkling stars for flower?. A good man not only forbears those gratifications which are forbidden by reason and relIglon,buteven restralos himself In unforbidden instances. Self-denial Is s kind of holy elation with God, and, by making; you his partner, interests ycu lo bis happiness. In the want and Ignatarce of al most all thlngt they looked upon themselves as tho happiest and wisest people of the uolverso. God designs that a charitable spirit should he maintained among men, mutually pleassnt and beneficial. It is no point of wisdom for a man te beet hit brains eHest things impot tibia. Breed ia stronger then patture. 4.11 tbinirs bamtu. especially tbe W w m w iveeof men, are transitory, ever ad vaiiciitif from their beainnins te their decline tod final determination. For tbe noblest men that lives there there still rerasius a conflict. "No ; it It ctrtainly net tbe voct- tioa of children to be silent," aaid Kevanaub. latuthiua. "That would be out of nature, saving always tbo cbil dren ef the brain, which do not of tea make so muoh noise in tbe world as we desire." I do out k oo wit wby a gill should be ei HMted te talk weU uottl tbe is at - least twenty. There cannot be much to bar. hhe may be prettily exacting or cbat miugly mudest, but ber tttrac ttons mutt be personal not intellectual Wa.tevrm kee men good cbrittiao. make, them good citixeos. Whoever wishes te attain en Eog- lisb style, familiar but not coarse, and ' elegant bet not eauotatious, muet gtve hi. night, .nd day to Addiwn. Tn tka lTnital Sitalaa .tanata ilttrins a recent debate, Senetor Veet, of M it- toori, psid t bigb tribute to St. Jacobs Oil. Other prominent men have also f .und it t its sure of rheums tiatn anl rtenrsl-'i.. Price. 6ftv cents a tattle. 11 yoa are totog Kaat be sure aad go vie tde Oregon .Short Lute. It u tbe best. See he in another colutan. lief iater April 5th. 6th and ?tb. wm POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thl powder oerar Tsrtsa. A mares! of purit stream ami whelesoensnesa. Mors eoooesah th4i tha ordinary kind, and cannot be sold ia cot petition srtate the multitude of low test, 9 or, weight, aiutu or nlKWphate posrdara. Soldoklt is case, Borat. Baaise Fowasa Co. , 109 Wail-si. K. Y. PATENTS Obtained, and ail other business In the U. S Paten vinoe attundsded to for moderate fees. ur office is opposU tha U . S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents less Urns than those remote trorn Wathtneton. Bend BAodla or draarinar. Wa ad" tn natant ability free of charge ;snd wemske o charge unless -v Mun jiaieni. we refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. ef Motter Order DW. and to officials of the U. 8. Patent OSJcc For circular, advice, terms, and efereuces o actual clients in ypur own State or county, address Co A. OWJ-COm Opposite Patent Office, Washington, O . A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty ; but it is a part. Every lady may have it; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. 1 bd moat i. uuLir Weekly newspaper devoted tocicnce, ncechanic, enmooprinK diacoTeries. in vention and patent s eTernuhiislied. Every num ber illustrated wi;u splendid ens-ravings. T'" pMV.ncationfnrnihisatnot valuable enoyciopedia f information which no noraon should be without. The popularity of th Scientific! Amkiucas I ruoh th;.t it circulation nearly equals that of all other pnpers of its class combined. Price. $120 a yor. uiaconnt to Clubs. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN CO.. Publishers. No. 861 ..roadway. N. Y. E sa. ea Munn a uo. nave I A. elso had Thirty Elsrht 1 practice before he Patent Office and have prepared iitira I nond nurs than One Hundred Thou- apphcationH turpateuis m ne United htates and foraiirn countries. i .iv.'UB. 'rrade.Bf.ares. uoDT-nsnt. As i::iiuent. and all other papers for SBB . re- certs JULIUS GRADWOHL Hae the only exelunive fttok ei CROCKERY,. CLA88,SILVER AND CHIRA WARE A Large ABHortffieut of Baby Carriages, And a IfcOlC ONE DOZEN COPt AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME THE HIGHEST tl.RJ4KTPKI'E PAID FOB 4 Remember I What I Say GOODS AS LOW AS THE Short Oregon 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest route to the Bast, and rates, $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets, good via Ogaen and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going Bast write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, B. C1MPBELL, General Agent. No, 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. sajxCDBl a Tlftlf 111 UnVrCI tKHATIUIIAL Ml I tie Corner Third and E Streets PORTLAND, - UKhbU.V Three Hlocka from ell Railroad Depou, I Oiir fa.'ilitia-B are such thai we itefv I eomfieUtton. Tnla Is tbe largest XSSZSZ"1" Innnrl ond T.ndrrinnr 11 0(1 nor Itav waau auu uuviuia, .uu Fvi I IE1LS, ft CE.iTS. L0D6IXG, !3 ISD iO CEMS. FREE BUSS TO AND FROM THE HOTEL r I m in 1 -3 no umnese jumpioj eu. E, LEWIS! ON, - - PR0PE1ET0R, (late of Minnesota House.) ED. CORBY AGENT. Fa Me M 1 1-sIjKii. Attorney and Conn lor At Law. LEBANON. OREGON. WiH practice in all tbe Coorts in tbe Stale (XI EL FOR SALE. The Jackson House, Prineville, OreK0'. 32 well furnished noma, tbe only hotel in town, larseand convenient, with all necessary furniture. Price retwmable and terms easy. A. B COLYKB et SOU. Prineville, Oregon. DR. MINTIE, rmm sPtrisuaT. Me. II Bieerrsey Street, Nam Fraar'aea, Cal. Tasats aiaCaaostc, SraciAt. aid Psittk Dmbabss WITH WoSDEsrVL St'OCSBS. THE GREAT .ENGLISH REMEDY ! Is a xsrsa rauso ct'ss lor N'ervour Uebiiity, Sew Inal Weakness, Exhausted Vitality, Spenuior rheet sVael Waaheesl. lmpo tenrT,raiali I tiatatorr- beea.and all US terrible i Sect ef .elf-alt re . uth fu1 follies and ex-teas In mat urer ) ears, such as Less Memory, Lasai-.ude.Noe-ral Entiaaion, aversion to cietv, D nines of ViaUn Moises in las head, exeeeae la drliklaKlBiti mtlas llejaers. the viul fluid pasah.R unobserved n the nnn. ana assay Oliver nisuseas wn naa w in snityssd death, nr.. Mia tie. who hi a Besralar Pltyslelaa. l.redaateer tste I al.erll ef fTeaa. leaals will sw to forfeit Five Haaelred sSellitn for a of this kind th Vital SteastraUve (under ms advice and treatment) will nut cut, or for snythins; impure or injurious found in fi. Dr. Wla- lle tresis all private ateac u.-ceiun.. niwui marcurv. t'aaawliatlaa Free. Thorouuh examin- at'on and advice, includiny; aaalis of mine, Price oi vital aooiuo, or iout Usms the qui nUty, S5 ; sent to any addrea upon re ceipt of price, orCOD secured from oheervatlon and in private name if desired by faearay at reel. Saa Franeiace, Cal. Sand lor list of quesUona and pamphlet. S4MPLK BATTLE FBKS. Will be sent to any one applying byte Iter, statins: symptoms, sex and age; Strict secrecy in regard to all business transactions. Or matte's Kidney Bteawedy. Kephretlean, curea all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Oonoirheea, Gleet, Leucorrhoea, etc. For sale by all druggists j Si s botts er six bottles tor 5. Or. Mlntle'a Daadellea Fills are the best and cheapest Braaepsla and Bllleas curs in tbe mark et. For sale by all druggists. a To Regulate m FAVORITE HOME REMEDY U warranted not to contain a single par. tide of Mercury or any injurious sub stance, but Is purely vegetable. It will Cure all Diseases caured by Derangement of the Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. If your Liver is out of order, then your whole system deianaed. The biota is impure, the breath offensive; you ;.ave headache, feel languid, dispirited and nervous. To prevent a more serious con dition, take at once immns LIVER REGULATOR. If ym teed sedentary life, or sulfcr with Kidney AffVetit.iiK. avoid stimulants and take Simmons Liver Regulator. Sure to relieve. If you have eaten anything hatd of digestion, or feel heavy after meals or sleepless at night, take a dose ami you will feel relieved and sleep pleasantly If you are a miserable sufferer with Constipation, Uyapepsla an 1 Biliousness, seek relief at ono; in Simmon Liver Regulator. It does not require continual dosing, and costs Uut a trine. It will cure you. If you wake up in the morning with a bitter, bad taste in your mouth. TAJ FSJ Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor K rects the Dilious Stomach, sweetens LaVl the Breath, and cleanses the Furred Tongue. Children often need some safe Cathar tic and Tonic to avert approaching sickness. Simmons Liver Regulator will relieve Colic, Head ache, Sick Stomach,' Indigestion, Dyser tcry, and the Complaints incident to Childhood. At any time you feel your system needs cleansing, toning, regulating without violent purging, or stimulating without intoxi cating, take Simmons Ii?er Reguliitor. PREPARED BY J. H. ZEIUN & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. - "afe .,aT SelCOtOll Of Coffee, Tea aU UiZt I lean. Give Ms a call. ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- Line. f First National Bank OF AI.B4XY, OSEGOS. Prii-nt JOH5 COK.VE -H. F. MfcKKIL TRANSACTS A CEN'ERAL banking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and telegraphic transfer, sold tm New York, Sen Francisco, Caicago and Portias ' x LLECnONS MADE 6b favorable terns. E. Yorxo, L. K Buux, II. Joas Oojrssa, L. Fuss, He kill. J. L COWAN. J. W.CUitCst Linn County Bank, COWAN & CCSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a DIUWht.HTIKA.rTSon New York las Wtm eJseoaad Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits sobjee to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to as will receive ttention. IJAUSAGR MILLS, We have a meat cutter that in as much an improvement over tbe old fashioned sstiKajre mjll aa J. I Case Agitator ia over a flab. It don't clog an 1 leaves no strings in th eat Come and sea ft, A PICT Send 10 cents postage, ana we wil ' ISir I mail yoa free a royal, taluah'e cvmple box of good that will pot you tn tae way ot making more u.tnev at once, than anything else ia America. Both exta of all ages can lira at been aod work in spare time, or all tae Usee. Capital see rs- euired. me tli start you. immense pay ure ihvm mho start at once. Maine. h.'-r .-.... A fC Eh WlnHrrlln CURES ALL HUMORS, from si common Blotrh. or F. mm inn. yt uss wwa Bcroinia. FeTerwaorca. Scnlr Baii.raeDnu or Hongh Skin. In short, all dist aem oanaed tre had blood conquered by this povrerfuL Durtfrltur. invijroratjnar medicine. Crest P.aiti naV fri r era rapidly heal under Its benign toflueooe. xanexaauw naa i: n.ft:uicstoa its curing-Tetter, k onnciesi sore isease. v bite sweumgs, tioitre, or Thictt Neck, and Enlarged (.lands. Send ten cents in starnpe for a autre treatise, with col ored ntatca, on cunn xnseases, or too srnount rcr a trejton roue Afflcnj. ThoToably cteenee .it bv using Dr. Pierce dolden Medlcatl TJIacowery, and good digest ton, at fair skin, buoyant spir its, vital strength, ana soundness of constitution, will be established. CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofulous Diaeaae of the Lunge, is promptly and certainly arrested and cured by this God-given remedy, if taken before the test stages of tho disease are resohed. From us wonderful power over this fatal disease, when first offerttur this now ebraled remedy to the public. Dr. Pikrcs tnougnt seriously or caiung it his con sumption ( tt re, but abandoned that name as too limited for a medicine which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or strengthen ing, alterative, or Wood-cleansing, anti-blnoua, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequaled, not only as a remedy for consumption of tbe lungs, but for all CHBOISnC DISEA or not Liver, Blood, ami Lungs. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated; bare? mallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dh-tV ness, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills- alternating' with hot flashes, low spirits and gloomy borebodings, irregular appetite, and etwted tongue, you are suffering from Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, and Torpid Liver or "Biliousness." Iu many oases only part of these symptoms are experienced. Aa a remedy for all such cases, Dr. Plereea Oolden Medical Discovery has no Bouai. For Weak f.m Shortness of Lungs, Spitting of Blood, of Breath, Bronchitis usrhs, Consumption, and Severe Couxhs. Consumption. kindred affections, it is a sovereign remedy. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierces book on Consumption, sold by Druggists PRICE $1.00, OR 6 TTL! S FOB World's Dispensary Medical Associatiot, Proprietors, 663 Main St, BcrraLO, N.T. LITTLB PILLS ANTI-BILIOUS and CATHABTIO. Sold by Druggists. 26 cents a vteL $500 REWARD is offered by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you have a discharge from tbe nose, offensive or other wise, part ial loss of smell- taste, or hearing, weak eyes, dull pain or pressure in head, you have Catarrh. Thou sands of cases terminate in consumption. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rxmxdy cures the worst cases of Catarrlt Coid ia tan Heady aud Catar & 1 1 llleadaehe. 60 cents. potency in ee aam. Boils, Car- xuyes, scrornioat sores s, Jixin. joint D Ei.&Wsaa? JW lat I