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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1886)
Ike gem0ftat. Entered at the Poet Office at Albany, Or, as eeoond-chUM mail matter. FRIDAY APRIL 2, 1886. 8TITE3 & Ktlltor mm A NUTTING. rrsstrleter. rstanr. mnrriMu. Lrt editor. FFI0I4L liani MiPER, THE DEMOCRAT Oili-iti. the e.m (stall, 3 month hr t cstila tyrutent u.y t marie at (htt otttvt or lo 84 m XUv at Ilarrlsburf . H. Sh.ltan a Solo. . N. Itavtsoo, III. . K K, Montagu. Lebanon D W. Kumbaufh, 8wui Horn. K. A W.tts. HhsriJ. J. A. Heard, Jttreon. A. L. Brtriirefartusr, rmr-ii. kmo Kinr c nnrrrtti mkktins. The leinocratic County Central Com mittce met in the County Court room last Tuesday, puminnt to call. Meeting called to order by 8am May, Chairman. On motion T J Stites waa elected Secre tary. The following precincts wore represent ed : East Albany. (eo Humphrey, proxy. Wert A than v, John Rodger. Brownsville O I Coahow. Center. M Parker. Crawfordsville, L II Montanye, proxy. Franklin Butte, 11 Shelton. Fox Valley, iKt represented. llarrisburg, Sam Mav. Halsey, TJBIack. Lebanon, C 1 1 Ralston. Liberty, not repreenteil. Sckt, J A Bilycu, proxy . Shedd, Jonas' Davis. Ryracuse, J II Rainey. Santiam, P M Smith, proxy. Bweet Home, Wm Bumbaugh. Waterloo, Wm Rumbaugh, proxr. Brush Creek, T J Stites, proxy. Orleans, not represented. Delegates wci e apportioned according to t ie call published in another column. Primaries were appointed to be held on Monday, April 5th, at 2 p. m. On motion it was decided to hold the County Convention in Albany on Friday. April 9th, at 10 o'clock, a. m. On motion the Committee adjourned stmt die. Sam May, T. J. Stites, Chairman. Secretary. i'I ateejtaler. We have changed our mind about it Toe Supreme Court did it last Wednesday, bv declaring the law unconstutional. The rejoicing through the Valley is general We have no use for such a law. Teacher's F.aaalae4. At the public teacher's examination in this city last week the following were ex amined for teacher's certificates : F M Mitchell, Oscar C Maxwell, Ida Maxwell, Lillie Robertson, Fred J Yates George F. Russell, Frankie Hopkins, Jane Morris, Minnie Vaughn, Emma Roberts, Susie Howard, Linnie Ramsey, Louis Barzce, C W Skeels, Clara Roberts, M F Paul, Lydia Charlton, S A DeVaneyJ B Hughea,Laura Stewart, Alice Cheshire, Mellie Coldy Fannic Griggs, Mrs Jennie B Caldwell. It has been Superintendent Ricd's policy to get as many as possible to attend the publ ic examinations ; it being a mistaken idea that a better chance i offered at a private exam ination. As a matter of fact two or three of the above will get certificates, who (ailed at recent private examinations. The papers of the above applicants have not all been examined ; but it is thought all but three or four will pass, nine or ten probably obtaining first grade certificates The class was a good one. What We ray fmr Things. Our flour costs us $1.10 to $1.25 a sack. Wheat is 63 cents. We pay j cents a pound for granulated nugar by the keg and get 11 pounds for a dollar. Potatoes can b; bought for 10 to 25 cents, and apples are 60 cents a bushel and scarce. Meat is all the way from 6 cents to a square bit, nice sirloins being sold foi the latter. A ham will cost 10 cents a pound. New onions are 10 cents a small bunch, pie plant three for a quarter and lettuce 10 cents a bite, more or less. Lard is 10 cents a pound, and Ivory soap 10 cents a cake. You can get a good dinner for 25 or 50 cents. The Democrat is $2.50 a year and new subscribers right along. riresnea'a Toarnanarat. Chief Engineer J. N. Hoffman, one of the Executive Board ot the State Firemen's As sociation, returned on Saturday night from a meeting of the Board, held in Portland. The time for holding the annual tournament meeting of the Association was set for the 8th, 9th and 10th of September. This late day was agreed on to accommodate the As toria boys, among the most valuable mem bers of the Association. This year the tour nament is expected to be the most exciting in the history of the Association, as Wash ington Territory is included in it,and Seattle and a number of other cities there have "crack" hose teams. Eye lejared. Mr. Reason McConnell.livinga few miles from this city, met with quite a serious ac cident last Saturday. While hammering a small piece of steel fhw from the hammer striking Mr. McConnell in the eys, pene trating the ball. A piec; of th: steel was extracted by Dr. Maston, but it is thought some remains. The prospect now is that Mr. McConnell will lose the use of the in jured eye entirely. Weather. Mammary of Meteorology for Mar. 1886, from observation taken at Albany, Linn Co, Oregon, by John Briggs.Esq. Highest Bar. 30 25 ; lowest, 29.52 ; mean, Highest Temperature, 72 ; lowest, 30 mean, 46. 4. Mean at 7 a. in., 40 ; 2 p. m., 54.16 ; 0 p. m.,40.48. Prevailing wind, 8. k N. Maximum velocity f rce, 4. Total rainfall and molted snow duriuz moncn, iv incuts. Number of days on which .01 inch or more rain tell, 11. Number of days of cloudiness, average 8 in sosue 01 iu, e. Ha l suraa, 23rd. Of 93 obervetior.s 31 were cloudy, 9 tair, iQ slesr, io ramj . ttKBKST ETMfl. Capt. Boyton is swimming down the Sac ramento In a rubber suit. Wonder what fun there ( in thnt. The strikers are still striking. Bismarck has made a remark on social ism. A big expose of bribery in the N. P. land grant for future matter is promised by a squealer. This will cause lots of fun. Beecher says the Chinaman will yet sit in the Legislature of the world. Beecher lies, or we miss our guess. Another roller skating champion will he in Albany. How many chain- mf w pions there are In this line is a great query, and they are all professors too,which makes it the better joke. A big sensation was caused in a New York City church last Sunday evening by a man pitching headlong from the gallery at the feet of a statue of St . Joseph, There were 143 words in one of E vert's breathless sentences on the Succession Bill, An Albany, (N. Y.) tailor says three-fifths of the men carry shooting irons in their hip pockets. Foolish men. , An Aesthetic editor in Connecticut print ed his first edition after getting married on rose tinted paper, the sentimental shears manipulator. .The quills of geese and turkeys are to be used as a substitute for whale bones. Bclva Lock wood Is again, it is sadly an. nounced, to be a candidate for the Presi dency in 1888. Talk of grit. Belva might as well try to be Queen of England. What Is the matter. No hat has yet been passed for a monument for Sevmour, who is mow deserving of one than many who get big ones. San Francisco and Rome are about the same sixe ; but what a groaning would there be in the latter place if a horde of Celestials were to travel where once Caesar and Cicero walked. The oldest Episcopal Church in the coun. try that in Williamsburg, Va. which con tains the front in which Pocahontas was baptued, and which has had among its communicants George and Martha Wash ington, is said to be sadly out of repair. Edward Atkinson, the well-known statis tician, presents figures showing that the railroads of the United States give employ ment to 650,000 people and transport 400,- 000,000 tons of freight annually, one-half of which is food and fuel ; and furthermore, it is proved that the freight rates are so low that the Eastern mechanic can have a year's supply of food hauled from a distance of 1,000 miles for the proceeds of one day's labor. The College Ketcrtaia The entertainment given at the College on last Friday evening was very meritorious, as well as interesting. Principally elocu tionarv on the part of the students,) showed marked improvement in that line of study. The entertainment was opened at 8 o'clock by prayer by Rev. S. G. Irvine. Misses Beth Conner and Lilly Robertson were heard in a well executed piano duet, "The Bells of Comcville ;' Miss Vesta Mason was a genuine Boston girl in her rendition of "The Awfully lively Philosophy f The "Gray Swan," by Miss Flora Mason was well recited ; Mrs. E. W. Langdon sang with her usual popular effectual ways appre ciated ; Miss Esther Marshall recited about what they do at the springsf with force and expression, showing excellent elocutionary training ; Mr. Maxwell and "Courting under difficulties" just fit in together.capturing the fort It has been a query all our lives why it takes a big, fat fellow, to portray courting scenes ; but it does. The fan drill, some what after the fashion of the broom drill, only different, perhaps because fans are as sociated with flirting, was very fine, as well as breezy, and was faithfully rendered with Miss Lilly Robertson as Captain and reciter of Addison's "Fan Drill," and Misses Vesta and Flora Mason, Helen Crawford, Beth Conner, Esther Marshall, Bertha Keifer and Wallace as privates. Miss Laura Tate was heard in a finely executed piano solo. Miss Helen Crawford recited the "Witches Daughter" well. Site has a volume, force and expression to her voice which are mak ing her an elocutionist of promise. Will Carlton's latest poem, "The New Lochinvar," was handled by Mr. Collins Elkins in a one wheeled style and in a very interesting man ner. Rev. E. R. Pritchard's vocal solo, "Where is Heaven," was deservedly encor ed. During the remainder of the program Miss Goodwin of the faculty recited twice showing an excellent knowledge of elocu tkmary tactics and the ability to instruct Mrs. inamoeriain and Miss welch tang "The Fisherman." Few voices blend with better harmony or pleasanter effect than those of these sisters. A Medley by a large class of students was a lively affair, at the same time a suggestive one. A double quar tet. well sung, closes our record of the en tertainment. War ArbbsI Agitation. It is the proper time of the year to make our annual agitation for a County fair. We need one ; every County needs one. There are the grounds a mile from the city. They are in a fair condition now : how can we go to work to get their use for a County fair, and if we could get their use do the farmers really want to join in making a fine exhibit that will attract attention. We are sort of confused on the subject, for there has been a sort of confusion in the matter for several years ; but we know there is a decided,strong sentiment among many that Linn county ought to have a fair to exhibit its splendid resources. Will some one, and more too. kick up an agitation on the subject,beginning at the right end, that something more than newspaper talk will be the result. tferse Shew, The horse exhibit in Salem last Saturday was a fine affair, over one hundred blooded horses being in line, offeriag an exhibition of the best stock in Oregon. Among others from this county was Millard & Elkins Cleveland Bay, one of the finest looking stallions there. The Democrat has on several occasions proposed a horse show In Albany. Next Spring our horsemen should declare their metal and bring together the best stock of this part of the Valley. It creates a greater interest in first-class stock and would be an incentive to our farmers to keep only good horses. They pay in the long run. Leg Broken. Last Friday morning Mr. O. P. Scott, of Lebanon Precinct had a leg broken in a peculiar manner. A small fir tree when cut down fell between two other trees in such a manner as to bend it. A man named West cut it away from the two trees, when it was sprung back, hitting Mr. Scott, who was standing near, on one pf his legs just below the knee pan, breaking the outside bone. Dr. Foley, of Lebanon set the bone 4 M4M ABOUT TOW. The Man About Town attended the Col lrge entertainment Friday evening, and was highly pleased with the Improvement displayed In the recitations and declamations of the program. Several of the students give promise of considerable efficiency as elocutionists. It is, too, an accomplish ment worthy of cultivation. O Since time unremembcred the practicing of brass bands has been likened to all kinds of obstreperous noises. Notwithstanding the inlatory agony every city needs Its Band, It fills a big void. We rejoice that the young men of this city will be in the field this summer . but denore the fact that while there Is harmony In their playing there is any amount of discord in their management. Something should be done to tune the two cliques of the city together. O A perambulation of our streets reveals the fact that a home to be pleasant needs to have a well kept yard. Now Is the time to prepare for the summer. Make your lawns symmetrical and attractive. 0 One of the strangest tilings in the 'world Is foreperson to sign two petitions diame trically antagonistic to each other. The hardest word in the English language to say is "no," and the greatest Incentive pol- icy. O "In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love" may be poetical ; but thsre Is lots of kernel to It all the same. Watch our young men and observe their conduct. O The man w ho goes into a convention for office should do so with the determination not to get mad if he gets left, even if he thinks matters were crooked against him s A perlsl Mcrtiag. Last Monday evening a special meeting of the Common Council was called to con sider the demands In reference to certain Band instruments, over which there has been a dispute. Our citizens will remem ber a subscription paper circulated a couple years ago for money for certain instruments and as well about $130 loaned by the Com mon Council to the Albany City Band to help pay for the said instruments. All the things being done under the consideration that the instruments should be kept in the city. The city was duly refunded the money advanced. It may be stated that as well the boys otherwise paid pert of the purchase price of the instruments. Now it seems it is desired by other parties to start another bend, and these instrument are wanted in the business. In order to obtain them the Council was asked to declare them city property and take possession of them. Hence the special meeting. The Council very properly said that they had nothing to do with it ; that it was none of their business. This was sensible. That body has its hands full without running city bands, a fact nearly all of the members ap preciate. Wonder where the sixteen year old boy got his poisoned water to get drunk on last Sunday. Wonder if Albany can atam? all the learn ing in the city this week. Wonder If the eagle will spread its wing here on the 4th. Wonder if the price of wool will keep up. lope so. Wonder what financial paths wheat will perambulate this summer and fall. W ondcr if we will have a WMWai election. Wonder if all of us realty mean to make it tropical for the Celestial by leaving him alone. Wonder if the Executive Board of the State Firemen's Associatkxi thought that there is not a wheat harvest in the vallev as well as a salmon harvest on the Colum bia. Wonder why we cannot have a base ball. club in Albany this year as well as a band A reeaUae Morse Steal Baker City has had a peculiar horse steal ing case and trial, not often paralleled. Following is the account of it : In Mav. 188c. Hevman Swisher of linvh- valley, or., took a mare belonging to K A .. yfc w 1 . -1 . Whittaker of the same place, and drove her along with a band of his own horses to the State of Nebraska, where she was sold. A menu 01 Air. Whittaker. acting under a feeling of duty and right in the matter, in lormed Mr. Whittaker that his mare was being driven out of the country, as soon as he saw her in Swisher's possession in Idaho Territory. Business prevented the matter being attended to at once. The mare was kept track of, and subsequently an agent was sent to Nebraska, who purchased her for $100 and brought her back on the cars to Baker City. She appeared as a silent but emphatic witness. A great deal of In terest was manifested in the trial, as the dc lendant is a man ot considerable means, possessing also a most unenviable reputa tion. The ApprepHatleas. As completed by the Committee on Rivers and Harbors, Oregon will get the follow ing amounts : Coos Bay entrance, $ ; Vaquina Uav, $ao,ooo ; Lpper Columbia River, in eluding Snake River, $10,000 ; mouth of Columbia River, $150,000 ; Lower Wil lamette and Columbia Rivers, $100,000 ; Upper Willamette, $10,000 ; Coquille at its mouth, $20,000 ; Chehalis, $2500 ; Cow litz, (to complete), $2000 ; Skagit, Stilla guamish, Nootsack, Snohomish and Sno qualmie River, $10,000. Completely OH. Leave the Chine ie abiolutely alone. It will settle the question. Democoat. Correct. Set the example by discharging your Chinese pressman. Popular J'ulm. Haven't any. Our pressmen an, and have been for a long time,white men. Please don't shoot at random ao much. We prac tice what we preach in this matter absolute ly. Look at our shirt bosom. It doesn't take many squints to tell that an American did it. Again we repeat, "leave the Celes tial alone." Democratic mate Convention . The date for the Slate Democratic Con vention is Tuesday, May 4th, at 1 1 a. m., at Portland. County primaries were advised to be heid on April 5th. Linn county will be entitled to 130! the 190 delegates. In our report last week the name of P. H. D. Arcy, of Salem, should have .been given as Secretary of the State Central Committee instead of C. J. Trenchard. TRA RKK-K IMTITI TK The Linn County Teacher's Institute be gan Its work at the Opera House, In this city, on Tuesday evening, a large gathering of citizens and teachers being present to witness the opening exercises. The fact that great and Increasing interest is being taken In our educatkmnl matters Is one on which the people of this county arc to be congratulated. County School Superinten dent Reld set the bull rolling on the evening mentioned at promptly 7 145 by announcing a piano solo by Miss Laura Tate.whlch was followed by prayer by Rev. Brownson. Miss Ina L. Robertson, of this city.deliv ercd the address of welcome, an exemplary effort, both in manner and in substance. Off hand, In a very distinct, well regulated voice, It was the model address of welcome we have heard atnn Atbanv Institute. Here Sr It is In full : FELLOW ( ITIZKSs AND SCHOOL TEACHERS I It is my pleasant task to-night to welcome you here 5 let me do it right heartily. It gives us much pleasure to have you with us, and we hope you will spend the time pleasantly and profitably In our city. Our institute Is like a feast where each guest is exected to bring a part of the provisions. We hope and trust that during the few months of our separation you have all been gathering loaves, and have brought them here to show your liberality by sharing them with others. Sof while we welcome you among us, we would have you know that we expect something of you in return. We want, and feel that we need encourage ment and help, and ask that you give it to us with unstinted hand. In the history of every teacher there Is a time when special attention is paid to a cer tain study. For example, one teacher may, during a term of school, take particular In terest In the study of geography, and may discover certain facts which might be help ful in teaching that study. Another may give more than the usual amount of time to arithmetic. Another to grammar or read ing. There are many teachers who luive dimculty in making proper use of some of tlte text-books In our schools. Some do not understand how to teach Sill's grammar. The subject matter Is mi differently arrang ed from the books formerly used that we are bothered and perplexed. Others can not account for the lack of consistency in some of the solutions of the examples given In Brook's arithmetic. Now te! those who have paid special attention to these studies explain them to the younger workers In tlte school rssom, and so 'help on educational In terests. We have known of good teacher who have come to our Institute meetings to lUten to what wa said and go nwir think ing their own method better than any pre sented. Yet they would not be persuaded to give one idea which would he a help to some one else. Ikies thU mean a little sel fish ? 80, with due appreciation of the In telligence expressed in the face before us, we would urKe upon one and all the neee sity of taking an active part in the meeting if thev are to be successful. Let u be prompt and regular in attendance so far as it is possible, thus showing that we are truly In earnest, in our work. Again let me express my pleasure and pride in having vou In our mklt, and wUh that each one here may find something which will be a help In after work, so that we may say we have not come here in vain. Welcome, everyone. Mrs, W S Walker,of Brownsvitletnswer- ed in an excellent literary paper, which we et speak for itself I L mhk axi GKNTLKfttKN : A crisis oc curs in the work of this institute at an earlier time titan we thought. The pause i almost painful until we rallv our llvllest faculties to U justice to the welcome of thr hulv who preceded me. Considering wltat we mav anticipate from thi institute and also what dignity we attach to the assembly the open ing words of Coleridge s apostrophe to Mt. mane ur 10 the mind : "llast thou a claim to stay the moving star in hi steep course t So long he scents to pause on the txtld, awful head t ) ovcreii;" lllanc. Thi occasion i thus impressive in Its beginning , . - H.w .,Hp,m . ,1. xrKuimoK Hie dav-star of this Intellectual red letter lay luu'risen in the person of the beautiful till V flflk fisr't ft. Cite rwtevrtn ana accomplished Udv who ha extruded .li. " r thia courtesy of welcome Such la mv situation of tlte dignity of tlte aemhly to which your charming usher ha invited us ; and we accept the invitation, hoping to find a place down in Chatnonieri or some such lowly vale, and study the changes on those majesties above us. In this invitation we recognize one of tlte func tions of the Superintendent of Public In struction, whose energy and tact have ele vated the standard and perfected the organ ization of school work in the county. In this civility we acknowledge the hospitality of the city, wltoee wealth and refinement makes it epeeiiy the place for an institute In the Interest of public good. In this cer emony we acknowledge the hospitality of tt-llow trarher whose wisdom, the produrt of a most interesting experience. Is, by the generosity ot their hcart,tnc common prop erty of all. 'Their welcome means more than all elae. No profession is fuller of appeals to human ity. Ina profession whoe seal is a superior intelligence, one mav expect to find the heart at its best. Fellow teachers, with one appreciation of your gcxidncss but half ex pressed, we retire thanking you in our hearts, in behalf of all teachers, officers and visitors from abroad, we accept your gracious wel come, and we challenge all your knowledge as with your comfortable but less valuable privileges of home and fit v. State School Superintendent McElroy then delivered an address on "The Promotion ot Good Reading in the Public Schools." It was full of tlioughts which should be digest ed by every teacher present. It showed In new terms what the teacher can do, if de termined, towards building up a taste for first-class literature, for which the great amount of vicious literature of the day, shows a necessity. The teacher should regulate the private reading of the student, and should keep a weekly record of each one. Every school should nave a library though a smalt one. It should be backed by a good one at home, and a public one for the city. The speakers expose of the subject matter of the current literature o the day was a fine one, indicating how well he was familiar with the topic. A male quartet, "The Soldier's Chorus,' was rendered in a fine manner by Messrs Irvine, Brush, Fortmiller and Awbrey. Prof Thos VanScoy, of the Willamette University, delivered a very thoughtful, solid, address, on "Internal Educational Work." A svnoosis of it could not do it -r a justice. It was kernel all the wrfy through and was generally appreciated for its splen did thoughts. WEDNESDAY MORNINO. ' . . . Institute called to order by County Super intendent Reid. The following officers were elected t President, ex-officio Prof D V S Reid . Reporting Secretaries, T J Stites, 0 S Train and M A Miller. Enrolling Clerks, Miss OUie Kirkpatrick Mary Irvine, Mr Geo Sutherland and J B Love. Certificate Clerk, J F Stubblefield. Committee on Introduction to consist of the enrolling clerks. Rev T G Brownson, of Albany then en tertained the Institute with an address on the subject of "The Teacher's Consecration to his Work." The lecture was carefully prepared, well delivered, and highly appre ciated. The point was well made that whether the teacher will or not, yet he does mold the character of his pupils and the only question is what shall that molding and character bs ? They will be what the life of the teacher Is. The teacher should be thoroughly consecrated to his work Should be enthusiastic, earnest. The teach or will then have a genuine Interest In every pupil. This leads the teacher to study into and adopt the lest methods of teaching. These he wil! gather up at Institutes. The teacher will thus be held to a rigid system of self culture, developing mental power and storing the mind with valuable facts for future use. Supt E B McElroy discussed the question "Are County Institutes Legal." The law does not require them nor are teachers bound to attend, but professionally they are bound. Prof Walker asked if it would not be well to petition the Legislature to pass n law making them obligatory upon Countv Su- crtntcndents and teachers. Supt IC B McElroy then discussed "Man ners in Schools." The teacher should be the Itest example himself of manners In school, 'lite good manners and politeness taught In schools Is u life work. The con duct of the pupil on the street or at church Is a sure Index to the character of his In struction in hi school. The lecture was instructive and listened to with much in terest Prof J B Hughes presented the subject of"Credlt Marks and Roll of Honor" In an entertaining manner. AngRMOON HggStON. The in mutes of the Clerks showed lbs fol lowing tsschsrs present, with thsir pos tollies address : Alltanr las L Robertson, Jano Morris. Kstella M Howard, l.urs Csinnbwll. Mrs M M1IU1, Ollis Kirkpatrick, Margsria Brink, s Minute Allison, Mary Irvine, Kate rrtv. Jennie Alexander. Frank is Hopkins, Mrs J John Lees, Orris Archibald, J B Hughes, T J st,..., H H Hswitt. C W Akeela, l)V Hsld, Walter Modes. M H Train. Shedd Milium Porter, Jean Mt Daniel. Emma Kobtrta, t'lsra Roberta. Heie Sarah Miller. M A Milla.RHoda Hud son, 1. V ixmsway. ttso s ttlmrU'rl, J A liiiysa. 0 B Cyrus. lbanoo Clara Angsorgs, Alios Ambler. Adat'omstock, Atone Mark., I'rsiict Cnrl- ton, 1. Ambler, Klhe Mack, Aids Charlton. A Marks. K M Mitchell. CC ( ..sand. J B Wirt, J K stobbUueld. M A Millsr. Harrisborg Clara McMeekee. Mr Jewiti. BrewnsvitTs -Mrs Kanma E Brown, Mrs W M Walksr, H K Archibald. W M Walker. S P Hpioer, M R Brown. W W Baity. labgent K Hristow, Osaar Mcrrlud. Crawfordsvdls Sarah A King. Hwset Horns 1 1 K Brooks. Hslssy J O (Jibson, Hsrvsy Bond. J E Van Winkle. Jaaolion M 8 Htarr. Corvailie J K Braedeoberry. Tamer-1 Russell. Prof W 8 Vfslksr, ef Brownsville present e l the subject of "Should Prises tte used as loceatit-t to Study.'' It it natural that prises should be bestowed to public school. Relieved in vrues io school for scholarship, good conduct, etc. Prof Jewitt, of Harris berg followed upon the same subject. He behaved a good act should spring from a good motive. He behaved that reward should eoosisl in the knowledge acquired and ac complishment attained. The prise usually goes to those who seed no incentive. Rev T U BrowBson hsd always been ia favor of of feriag and giving prises. Had received tnasvy prises himself while in school atd did net think he had been injured thereby. Mum Brut tow was to favor of prises. Miss Howard was opposed to giving pit sea for attendance. Prof Looswey, of Scto was opposed te prises sod this opposition was based on experience. Formerly gave prises bos believed it tojori 00, Mica Ina Robertson ws sp sed to the prise syateoi. Foe ad it bad pdey. Mrs Balltmers sad Miss Suir were opposed te the ay stmi. Mr W A M ihe used lit merit system as a mere reonrd of sttat jment. Pro' Sutherland was not ppaeu te giy nig prtxee, uu; WM oppose. I to the injudicious manner L ., 1 u t I "I1 them Some allowance should b UU. WM ouoosed to the iniiidiclutl. maimer 00 aexe pars ae one a .. and superior talent mi tin part of others Prof McKlroy was io favor of pnxse in sehool. Mr Hewitt wee utterly opposed to prtae. Believed that the sobetn. wee bad pol icy. The benefit from the system was c m- flored to only a very few. Mr Montanye was rather io favor of prists. Pmf M asked many pertinent and pointed qoestiooa which were aptly answered to the amuse ment of the Institute. W A McChee presented the subject of ' Relation of Teachers to Public Schools." The teacher shoo Id be a person of the strict set moral character. Should he a man of in flnenee. X person should be allowed to teach who frequents saloons. M A Miller presented the subject of "How to Secure aad Maintain Order io the Poblie Schools." They should have one rule I "Do Bight." Tl.e teacher should be manly and pleaaaotto his pupils aod thus gain their confidence. Mtogle with children and par - .M th nU ante, interest the people. , ,, , z-. .... Prof Walksr and Mum Ina Robertson were selected to answer question placed 10 the query box. BVKXUia MKMSIOM. Tbe eession was opeoed by ao instrumen tal solo by Miss Anna Houck followed by a recitation by Miss Alice Porter. Theu cams o vocal dust by Zira Marks ami Ethsl Peters, Oration by Miss Kate Bristow, and solo by Mies Laura Bridgeford. Next eame the lec ture of the evening by Pres. Stanley, of Monmouth. The subject was "Man and his Development." It waa handled in an able and interesting manner for about an hour. Ia our next issue we will give a synopsis ot it. 1 ur ItKMAINIiER of the exercises will be given next wc , our press hour being Thursday afternoon, render ing it necessiry to divide our account f it, ENTERTAINMENT. A literary and musical entertainment of a high order will be given this (Friday) even ing at the Opera House todefray the expens es of the Institute. Everybody should attend. te (School Teaehi r. A triangular board has s perpeodioalar 12 feet long and a base 12 inches. How far from the base shall a lino be run parallel with the base, so as to divide the triangle is -to two equal parts. Written arithmetical required. One years subscription to the Democrat for the first solution presented at the Democrat office. native ions ef Oregon. " The undersigned native citizens of this State respectfully invite all native sons of Oreonn whn are -citizens of the United wa aj v States to meet at the Council Chamber in Portland on Monday, April 5th, 1S86, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of consider ing the propriety of organizing an associa tion of "Native Sons of Oregon." r,en W McBride. W II Adams, V S Chapman, Al E Raleigh, Paul N Dcady, Wm M Laclu, Ji rioinian, yt lutuum;, Henrv E McGinn, Dr Holt 0 Wilson, Geo L Curry, Sam R Stott, R P Be. W F Osburn, Frank C Baker. Should there be any eligible person who thinks well of the organization of such a society, and cannot attend, he will please drop a line to the undersigned, who will re port his name to the society. Frank C. Baker, enre of "Rural Spirit." tHK 4M sstnntn Fins weather. F M French, levvelor. Hiss oloso westhsr. Register A,ril 0th, Oih aad 7ih, Rolled eats at Read k Browneh's. The best harness at J J Dubruiiles. Get your coffee ground et R. 4 BV Nature's own retne ly,0-, 1 1 Kidney Tea. This is a vaoation week fur school children. Hoi semen in Eastern Oregon, are "round ing up. ' There are 437 patients in th State Inaane Aaylutn. Dudteh men iu Njw York City wer hstigs. Will Albany have a base oall club this summer. School tesoners ran n atters In Albany this week. J. P. Wallace, Phyeioisn and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. For a good pocket knifo go to Read Jc HrownelPa. do to Read sY Brownell's to select from a complete stock. Dr. J. T. Tate, Dentist. (). F. Building, Albany, Oregoo. The finest tine of window ooruice mould ugs at Wood in's. 5,000 worth of clothing st cost st Mon teith ft Seitenbaoh'a, Mrs I) C Duvsll was drown! at Salem on Thursday of laet week. Our Eastern factory boots and shoee are ell warranted. R. ft B. Read ft Browned are the boss for low pitoea io boot and shoes. Lettoee, ooions and pie plant, are in the market at good pnoee. They are shearing aheep in Kteteru Oregon. The clip will be a big one. Splendid line ef ladiea fall end winter gar ments at Monteith ft 8eiUniMuh's. Rev Spriggs, of Salem. i,t , .-i in the Congregational chureh last Sunday. The lane County Demeoratiu Convention will be held at Eugene April !od. The Prohibition County Convention meets one week from to day in this city. Kxsmine Woodin'e Extension tables. They are -well go and see them for yourself. F M French, agent Sinter suufactnriog Co.toppoeite Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Ur. The dying words of John B Cough were, "Make your record clean, young man.'' Kitty Lynca, of Portland, won a race io San Francisco against Blaine, in 2:'27. Some people will aever learn that it te dangerous business to sell liquor to Indians. A boot seventy have united with the M K Cbnrcb at Halaey dating Rev Judy's revival. The ladies of the Free by Ur tan Cbnrcb will give a social on Friday evening, A on I Vth. About twenty carpenters have began work on the machine ehepe for the O P R R at the Bay. Dr. M. H. Kilts, phyaiaian and surgeon AH any. Oregon. Calls made tn city or country. A large and I res It line of tfrst class con fectionary alwsya oo hand at Hoffman ft Joeeph'e. Wajti5 Plain sewing or dress making, by Mrs Viola Miller, at the lesidenee of Use Patterson. Employ white labor. .ur washing done of J W H sleey. Leave erdr at Reed ft BrowneR'a. A steamer of shinglee arrive 1 to Albany Monday from O P Tompkins' Commission boose to Portland. You can depend oe being elected if yon a . ae a a can on i o.r.-t Meyer lor ynor groceries. Everything pare and fresh. Three years io the peoiteotiary and $2903 fine ts the penalty to W. T. for tektog each papers as the PotkfOasett. Mr Wallia Nash, of the O. P. R. It. has become a naturabxed Arm-ncau citizen . W ebaao and congratulate. The Albany ferry waa auaiu put to work last Monday morning after a deep watery ex oencnee of over a week. 1 ' " . to Ptushaw's new Drug S tors for pure U. , tl bg iWnptL, caretdliy compounded, Fur Sale Good milk cow, 3 bedsteads, 6 ehsirm, ctokiog stove aad fixture and other utensils. Inquire at this ottice. Mrs lassie Whitney has opened a dress making establishment next to S I Y suing "s. We speak for her a good patronage. The Salem Vidtttt wants lleceiver Scott of the Narrow issue to nay off his hoods lostead of building $1000 snow plows. In the chess games between Stetnitz and Zakertort the former won the first tow games and the championship of the world. Bark hart 4 Pfoiffer are doing some fine work in their Job Printing othce. Now is the time to get goou work et low figures Cows are eertetnly a nuisance on First street, as they call on the erocera for all their plunder, without even saying "moo. Over thirty school teachers were examin ed in thia city last week, twenty-eix appear ing before the county board ot examiners. Mr J ! Fountain, a former Linn county . gentleman ia a candidate io Jackson couuty j on the Trohibitiou tictet, lor Mate lgiaia 1 . . , , O. W Mastoo, Phyaioian and Surgeon, ... ,v . ;.,i., f , ., ...,, i sasssasXM ,wl""' 1 j College of Pnyaicians and 8urgeons, Ctncio- nati, Ohio. Farmers, why will you pay forty dollars far a fanning mill when you can buy one of John Brush k Son for from ten to twenty flee dollars f If you want the Democrat for three months ao as to get all the election news, why sail in and subscribe now, if you have not already. Do Ooid, of Cincinnati recently net G633 ems. ever a column and a half ol this type, solid, in three hours, the fastest typo setting on record. The Yaqoina Bay papers are all on ex ceedingly friendly terms and are profuse in giving each other taffy, particnlatly efter each frequent demiae. The steady increase of subtorihors to the Dkmocrat is very fUtteriug, and shows thst our efforts to publish aoleAii,livc uewspper, are being appreciated. Heury Pane, Sr., has been Tretaurerof Jackaonvilie seventeen yar. Paps and County Clerk Wtlion. of Bitto cmaiy should be oaged together. At tiremen'e tournamenta in O.egoo hi re after official time will be kept by taking the time of the two oearetof three time keepers and dividing their sou by two. fae little steamer "Topsy," which made nab efforts to stem the current between here and Csrvallis. was sunk a few days ago at the wharf at that place. Oaoree C Revoe and wife returned to Al h.nv last Saturday from ao extended trip in iviifnrnis- Thev liked the climate iu the southern part of that State very much. John Tlonham last Monday brought to Al bany a large number of valuable skins which he obtained on a trapping expeditiou on the Santiam, and sold them to M. s ft. 1 .mug Shavine soau. hsir oil. pom vie, bay rum. hair tonic, csmetic, combs, shaving brushes bruahas. iuat reoeived, a large sup ply from Philadelphia, st LtuU Viereck'a Barber bhop. The Rochester (N. Y.) Ptt says the pen may be mightier than the sword, but it is no amount beside the beer mug. which "his kept Parsons in tho Mayor 'a office for over ten years. A Portland man has drawn IllKXJ in slot tery. We'll wager anything he doesn't know what to do with it. Other men have paid thousands upon thousands of dollars for this o-ae thousana. The Laundry Queen Washitig Machine, being introduced here by Newman Brothers, works like a charm, being faster sn I wash -iug more completely than any other machine whoso work wo have seen. John H Young was am sled Friday for selling liquor to Indians, bv Deputy Marshal Burkhart, and taken to Portland. When captured he was at the squaw oamps near this city. Several Albany young men attended tbe achml exhibition at Tangent isw, Friday evenin g, and while there met with a hood himish exoerience, some of thst element j thera trying to get away with their team, Bentoo county men dare not run for of fice. Bush Wilson and Sol King seem to be a -nattery everybody ia afraid to attack So much hevw these men accommodated the voters of the county that they hsve things wieir own way. The man who prefers a city weekly paper w wwn paper neoanse --it a got ir ore teadin in it, ' reminds ns of a countryman who pioked out the largest uvr ol boot in the box beoaiiee they cost no more than a smaller pair that tit him. Kr, That slight cot 1 you thuik ao little of my prove the forerunner ef a complaint that mav be fatal. Avoid this result by taking Ayer's Chsrry Peotorsl, the best re.nedy for colds. ooughs, catarrh, bronchitis, incipient con sumption, and ad oth-r throat and long die eases. "How are we ever going to get through our spring and sum mere work ? We ere all run down, ttre'l ont before it begins," So ssy many a farmer's fmily. '.Ve answer. try Ayer a 8rat,rilla, Tots n just the medicine yo 1 ned. and will psv co no .11 id interest on the money it costs you, "A'lyersity" wai the Ust -ahisct for sketohee by thi Portland Art Club. ff..w would the picture of a ions Chinaman, moneyless, hie u u iie lost, and entirely lei alone hy the community do lot one of the sketches, A lonely look tmr beirsrsr ith a child in In r arms to ! the oris on the best conception. Who will be the next State 8;hon Snrstr intendent has be sutriml by Prof. Carriena. 01 1 ii'iepemitmcs. komieg out on a tiket ft why knot whose so extinguish in Oregon as Osrriegjs or moor emnant as a akolarly edereationiat ft kwslified jenneraliy new who is ft then he will make a kanvas ae is one. A boy fifteen or aixteeo yeare eld, and painter, attracted some attention laet Sab hath afternoon I y walking rail fences through the streets of the Piret Ward. It is an in famous shame thst ahoy of tht sge of this one eaa get liquor to drink,' sod aolicient to make htm drank, in the eity of Albany. 1 1 " 1 SJOO ... soi l at, AP Vf Un . . . a . , ' Geo 1 Foster is io Idaho, Rev Lockert, ef Oaklsnd, ie iu the eity. Jodge McPaddeii, of Corv.lbr, was iu the city Monday. Es P M Chance, of Aetoris. was in Al bany over Sunday. H II Smith, Esq , hss moved his law of fice front .Junction to Corvelltr. C C Cherry returned last Monday from a business trip to the Bay. J W Webb, of I'ortlao I, is t" go to the Chrietiae Church iu Salem. Miss Emma Schubert want . Piirtlaosf to lsy in her Spring stock of rm'ltoery. Assessor AlforJ, ef Benton conn'y ia said tone lying quite ill near Jiarrtsburg. Miss Lulu Barnes is viaitine? in Sa'em. where she ie the guest of the Mteaea Strang. Ktate Superintendent McKlrov is leudioa bis aid te the Teacher'e Institute this week. M S Monteith left lor Astoris 00 Satur day, having secured a position there in a shipping bouse. Hoo (io E Chamberlain. or efficient District Attorney, returned from Mirion county's Circuit Curt laet Saturday. Lieutenant Seibree, of the Government service, was in the city the first of tbe week on his way from Yaqnina Bay to Portland. Mrs Amanda lng left veetrdav. after a abort here, tor her home at isouius City. She has been visiting friends in IVlk county also. Mr Miller Morgan and wife, of Shedd. and Mrs Helmtck, of Albany, will start next week for a two or three u ontbs visit at their old homes in Iowa. Mr John Morgan, of Shedd nreooct. hat been in Seattle some time with a band of nomes which he ode red for sale. Tbe mark- et there, though is very pmr. !pnt V S Marahal Burkhart went to Portland Monday with Joho Yoang.cbarged with selling liquor to Indians. Warm Spnuz Johnny and a squaw went along as witnesses. Mr Andy Cowan, father of J L Cowao, has just return. I from a visit to his oil home in Kentucky. He was gone several months and had an enjoyable time, though experiencing different weather from that common to Oregon. Isst Friday three Harriaburg men. CaJ and Wiley logrant. and Joho Alford eame down the Willamette on a raft of aah logs. meeting with various exciting twiet aboots. They disposed of tbe logs to Robiusou .V fl eat. s mt 1.1. K. YSIX has just received an invoice of those cele brated daisy kid ahoee for ladies. Just the shoe for summer wear. Is light aod soft as kid and will wear much better. 4 leiblng al Mellwetna. By calling at A B. M 11 wain's yoo can get your clothing at pricee that will aaton- iah yen. He has a good stock aod is bound to sell it. Uver one hundred vaiietiee of hats are displayed in tbe windows of L E Wain's store. Hats and Caws. .V 11. Allen ex Co., are uow receivings arge stock ot bats and caps, children a traws, iu season will be made a specialty. Last lea, Alteatlea. M-, Vierick has; concluded to 'place his aromatic shampo') in tbe hands of all parties wishing to do their own shampoo Ing. He will hU It In quantities, from upwards. u, VI CRICK, Ton so rial Artiat, Fishing for the sprightly festive trout ia tho order among the otherwise unoccupied. Monry to Lean. We have money to loan in sums of from $?03 to SqOOO, on uood personal or ieul estate security. Clink, Moxteitii & Co, J b mating Burkhart & Pfciffcr are prepared to do all kinds of printing on short notice :uid in first-class style. They allow no one to un der bid them nor do better w" -k. Call and see samples. Ask your drageist toe a package of Orego Kilney Lea, fieett atesn'ts la Every Case, D. A. Brsdford, wholesale piper dealer of Chsttsnoosto, Tenn., writes, that he was seriously afflicted with a severe cold that settled on his litns ; had tried many remedies without benefit. Being induce 1 to try Br. Kina New Discovery for Oon sumption, did so and was entirely cured bv the use of a Few bottles, Since which time he h used it in his family for all Oouih and Colds with best results. Thin is the experience of thousands whos? lives have been saved by thta Wondorfn Discovery. Trial bottles r,e at Fjsbay Masan's Drug Store, M.astatlKIK CROWD E R W ESTF A L L. On Thun day evening, March 25th, 1886, at ti e residence of the bride's parents, in th s citv, bv Rev. H. P. Webb,MR. Chaklis Crowder and Miss Mary Wkstfall, The DKMtx-RAT extends the happy cov. pie its congratulations and wishes for pros perous lives. CANNON HUNTER. On March 281 l bv Rev. J. C. Roberts, at the residence of Geo. Huston, East of Harrisburg, M t. Syi.vestkr Cannon and Mrs Alice Hotter, both of Linn countv. The Democrat unites with many friends in Albany in extending congratulations. Mr. Cannoh has made a good shot. One of Linn county's most prosperous farmers lie deserves a continued long life and prospeii tv, and likewise Mrs. Cannon. Iry Mentis, .o(Iohs. Kit. .My stock of staple dry goods, notioos, dress gooda, etc, is now quite good for the seaon. I will he adding every wek new goods in new and desirable shades in dr a goods as well ae in novelties in dress good and notion. Parties wanting cannot do better in this city thn I can do for them in ttyle and price. I buy cither from roanu faottirer or impnrtera direct I keep no bankrupt, .took. hn .ell too new. fresh goods and warrant them. Samcki. E, YoDJfO, 111 1 sip .wis mrmw a awe wm style oe to os nl.ltxe 1 to dispose of them at oust, ours are all new styles and firet-clas. ItKAD k BaoWMBU. , TUB CHINESE MUST Oa Three Aiir ef youuff men v. ill do work of all kind, tawing wood, gartlrninjf, d, , f,r,rvr order. at Head t UrownelVt. A letter received at VVells & Fare's cfH as in this oity the first of the week, wai ad- aressel : "Mr ,Jv Win ..t VVe'.U Fargo & Cos Kxnres. Altianv .tteaasaa California, Aovrn." " , ll.mli and noue. N. H, Alien k C.., ar- now receiving a fine line of boots and those, they propose ia the future to in ike a specialty of this branch of their busines, in addition to a full line of Bochiogham k Hocht's make of boots ard shoes which for durability csnnot be ex celled, they have a line of Esstern goods of all grades including s line of S. D, SoIIars k Co., of Philsdelphia. children and misses shoes, which are as good as any Manufactur ed. They guarantee eyery ahoe jast ae rep resented. GtVO them a trial. Crawford, Pat .tegrapber, Albany, or I have all tho negat voe taken be B. Paxtoa and any one can have dupli cate from their negatives by addressing us, at tLe fallowing prioee : Card oizo, $2 per dozfln, cabinet siz. f 3 per dozen, boti- dours, 6 per dozen. I keep the finest line of Oregon viws In the west. Cata logue furnished ot application. Copying and enlargirg old pi-turee a specialty. J. G. CfcAWFOBD. $1,470 for bounty on w'ild animal, his been paid in Union county since September ISl. - Cerrived Sew Tnl Week Novelties in imported dress mod, Bondes or Nigger heeds, brocade, velvets and silks, lace, dress goods, etc., st Sam" 1. E. YotrscX ev t. . . . . A. B. Mcllwain has a large and well select ed stock of newo no as over brought to Albany. Call on htm aod make your selec tions from his first --class stock. Hall faprr N. JL Allen k Co. 'a new wall papers are now arriving direct from the factory, all grades now in stock. Call and examine it before purchasing. The New York Time during thirty-three years has had from four to sixteen libel suit on hand, but never had to pay a eM 'a dain- Fancy iists. The place to get fancy go-sl of all kinds, ie at Mcllwain'a. ITia fprin 1 nthc.' is here, and there ia no discount 01 it beug first class . Birgtios offere I els aad Cap. It is time to get your spring head apparel. A. B. Mcllwain has a stock of bats of the latest styles, which every man should ex amine before baying. Rev F M Culp will preach to the children of Tangent next Sabbath at 11 a. in. Give him a big reception. .s SSrweeele. N. II. Allen dt Co., keeps a full line of groceries, and they wdl give you as mneh for your money as yoo can get io any store in Oregon . Try them . - Slop and Read. Our liue of Fall and entire Spring garments for ladies, miss and children are offered for sale st exact cosf. We have ilesirable" styles in jerseys. New Market and Bissian circu lars, suitable far spring pnoes which cannot fail to please. Give us a calL Monteith 4 Seitcn bach. CONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Peyce . Robson'a. ALBANY, OREGON, Keep a fresh stock of all kinds of GROCERIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS ETC., ETC. - BESIDES - TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS. SHADES, ETC., ETC. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANBE Will sell as cheap a any tora in Albanr, HENLDf'S IMPROVED MOIARCR The above cut illustrates a fence ma chine that makes the best.obeapest, hand somest, strongest and most durable fence ; by a combination of galvanized steel wire and wooden pickets woven solidly togeth er. Old fence lumber, split 01 sawed pick eta of various si. mav be used. Turns all kinds of stock without datizor. A man and boy cau we ive about 'A 1 rods of fance per dev. I'rice i t machine witimi tue reach of every farmer. For further par ticulars apply to Gray A Bryan, Agents. A I ban v, Ortron. PROMPr REUtTluR ALL, Impurities in the blood should be ex pelted, and tbe system given tone and strength, before the presum ing ett'ucL id warm weather are felt. The S regon Blood Purifier is a purely vegetals!! compound, manufactured by a oompetent chemist. Persons having f-uffered from Liver and Kidney complaiut, debility, scrofulous eruptious, or any other disease caused by impure blood, and twwn cured by using this wonderful remedy, invari ably recommend it to their frieDds, Try it now. Delays are dangerous ! Price $1 a bottle, or for $6, Sold everywhere A M MUNITION. A full suioly of the usual sizes of car tridges, brss aud paper shells, prime wads and bar lead. Also the best pow dor. Pkteus fcSrEWABf,