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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1886)
She tmmt FH1DAY APRIL 2, 1886 Lisa tnnHf sseratle M.eatla. A Democratic Convention for Linn coun ty to elect delegate to the State Conven tion and to nominate a full county ticket will he held In Albany on Friday, April 9th, at tO o'clock, a. m. Primary meeting will be held at the usual place of voting in the several precinct of the county on Mon day, April 5th at J o'clock p. m . to elect delegate to aid Convention. The several precinct will be entitled to delegate a follows : Knt Albany 8 ' llriinh Creek 2 Wert Albany. . Brownville . . . Fox Valley . . . CrawfordNville I Center J Haley 5 I.ihertv I Mabel" 1 Kantiam 5 Kranklin Butte lisrrisbur 8 Lebanon 7 Orlcnn . Sweet Home. . . Scio Waterloo.. .... Nhrdd 3 Syracuse Sam May, Chairman. T.J. Stitks, Secretary. UNCONSTITUTIONAL The Supremo Court rendered its decision in I ha Registry law cast last Wednesday, declaring it unconstltn tional, Waldo delivering tha opinion, Thsyer dissenting. It will be re membered the Democrat took the ground in tna beginning that it was doubtful whether the law waa can. Mi tut ion il. People who felt that the law was imposing heavy and unnec ess try restriction upon voters will row find these burden removed. It is, therefore not necessiry to reg ister. Don't do it. 1HE 0litr CWOKVTIw Njw tbat the County Democratic Convention for the county baa bean duly called to beoomee the duty of every Democrat in tha county to go to work ameng hi neighbor Dem ocrats and friends to secure har mony in tha perty, and a fall and united vote. It ia tbe worst kind of folly to become dissatisfied about the action of conventions, as sometimes vup, because those whom we think should be nomioated bare been defeat ed. What difference to the great body of the party does it make whether tbe Sheriff shall be from Halaay or Water loo, or the Clerk from Syracuse or Sweet Home. Woald it net bo better for tbe people of Brewnsvillo, for instance, to bav a good, honest, efficient Assessor selected from among tbe Democrats of Shedd precinct, than to have an incom petent one selected from among tbem aelvea t This ia 0 good, wholesome sound rale to go by, not only as applicable to tbe office of Assessor, but to ovary of fice which the people will be called up on to fill ; and applicable not only to Brownsville precinct, but to every pre cinct iu he count. We have good advices from all parts of tbe county on this subject. Democrats all around asem determined to banish from tbe par ty such division and diatensieoa as ia s few cases have led to defeat. Let us bo faithful to tbe entire body of tbe people by nomirating faithful, honest, competent men.snd they will be elected by a largely increased majority. Lt every Democrat in tba county sttsod tbe primary meetings called to meet on M jo lay, the 5 b of AprU. It is highly important tbat good, safe men be selected from escb precinct to attend the County Convention. These men are to represent the wishes of tbe pre cinct in the C xinty Convention. See thst men who will make tbe interests of the party paramount to tbe interests of any candidate, are elected as dele gates. Remember that it is far mors important tbat the party should elect ita en tiro ticket, than that soma parti cular mm should be elected Sheriff, Clerk, or Tieaiiirer. From most all parts of tl e county we bear Democrats expressing themselves es being more determined about harmony and conse quant success than vbey are about tbe success of individual candidates, f bis spirit if obeyed by all will lead to over whelming victory. W are autno.ized to say tbat L W. Porneroy, of the Fork?," is a candidate before the coming demo cratic convention for County Codj-rai-uioner, and Lon Hodman for Rep. roNemaiivK These are both good ni rn and would make efficient offi cials. ....J.. m j .jijiii.ji Every time tbe Senate rejects one 0 'h" Pieiiidem'a nominations it gives him a chance- to kill two birds with see stone a a 1 v s nv ra RHig another Lianncrst nappy Th (r-aaainilitjoa of this sort of thing, i c 'witnur 1 steadily for two or tbrae f wars, are iriolculabl. I' m obHi vnie that botb Sherman m. I L iitn Hie taking good care not to a itegwu's- Blaine. Sherman and Lo- h . - h-ard thn bee buzz and felt tba brf Ktin ere now. Qnrl IJ'ick evidently r.tbbeda raw place ne he Repnblicm epidermis when fin ni -mi n-d the manner io which his U't-i conducted 'h jiensinn office. O 1 wiih 1 he oott J L'it ooy le uncon a a a a jm nun, wiin tit aud oxon meet to eh- t,k pig-tailed cua with living fa. ! Having finished bis history ,eo called, Blaine is beginning to fuel that it is a long time till tbe nominating conven tion ocmea round. TUB nil Taltt. As a rule, it will be found that tba merchant, huaioess men and tbo people generally, who bare closely investigated our roveoue s)stom, ara ia favor of a very thorooah revision of our tariff schedule. The people ara really in favor of going much further than Congress is likely to po further tSan the Morrison bill contemplates in tbo direction of tax reduction and revenue rororm. In faot, tha Morrison bill fall very far short of the Democratic platform 00 which Mr. Cleveland was elected to the Presidency. It points the right way, but it falls short of the demand of pttb lio sentiment. The lirst o jeot 11 viaw ia to pffoot a reduction of war taxes. There is no question as to either the justice or ad viaability of this. Why there should be any question as to time and expedi ency in a matter which it is obviously necessary should be considered and acted upon at tbo earlieat possible mo ment, in tha interest of tbo people wbe indirectly psy these taxes, we ara at a loss to understand. It is said in soma quarters tbat tbe Morrison Tariff bill will not decrees the revenues. Those who say this probably mean that when tha tariff ia lowered tha gteater impor tation that will take place will make up for the reduction. Admitting tbi statement to be true, it will hardly be controverted tbat to tba extent duties are paid under the now tariff, to that extent will taxation bo reduced ; to tbe amount of 15 or 18 01 20 tor qant, or whatever it may be, will the burden of war taxes be lightened. There is no saving the proposition tbat it is easier to psy 80 cents then to j.ay a dollar. But the chief object of tbe bill ia to inaugurate tariff reform to make a be ginning. This it does. It is net com prehensive or radiosl it is simply a beginning. We all understand that a radical revision of the tariff at once would affect injuriously many impor tant iatereats, and for tbe time bsing causa certain branches of iodastry seri ous embarrassment. This danger : averted by the present bill. It propos es to open the doois of Congress for re form, but to sccomplisb it gradually. The Democratic party at the lest election of s president carried twenty states ou: of thirty-eight by s plurali ty of 23,000 in a total popular vote of more than 1 ,000, 000,and of tbe thirty eight states twenty -two have Demo cratic Governors. Tba borne mle of more than three-fifth of tbo American people ia Democratic. Tba Democrats bold the House of Representatives by a majority of fjity-tbiee. Tbey Isck only eight of s majority ia tbs United States Senate. Tbat now will be re duced to six by the spHiutment of s Democrat from California to aucoeod tbo lata Senator Miller. Mabone, af Virginia, will be succeeded by a Demo crat already chosen. The Democrats have more than even chances to secure a majority ef tbe legislatures io tbe states of Connecticut, Indian, Now Jersey, New York all of which voted for Cleveland in 1884 and also in Ohio and Pennsylvania. These six states cboeoe Senators to aueeeed tbe present Republican incumbents. Such is tbe situation and tbe prospect. These figures mark tbe bigbeet tid ef Demo cratic success in the latUr half of tbe nineteesth century, which will be eseily end permanently sustained if the perty will frgo tbe personal jealousies and ambitions of its members and unite in the ju licione selection of its local can dtdates everywhere ia this off year. Whenever tbe land thieves have been interfered with by our Democratic ad ministration it has raised an angry bowl from tbe Republican 1 rest from Maine to California. When tbe cattle barons are compelled to vacate their stolen poeesioo,ths same organs howl again When tbe railroad steals are opened op to view aud they are called to account, every Republican editor ia up in arms and ready to fight. When the protect ed monopoly is to have its jobberies of tbe masses interfered with, tbey about for the poor laboring man ; and when tbe administration atSnmpte to investi gate the frsudulent patents of tbe swindling monopoly of the Bell Tele phone Company, every mother's son of tbom is heard bowling himself hoarse st the sdminitrsii"n. All the corrupt tings that grow uti and flourished dar ing the long yearn of Republican rule have gathered themselves together for s combined assault upou the adminis tration, and it is tbs duty of every Dem ocrat and all good ciiizers to stand by tbe President in his great work of re form. He is a strong man, but he needs tbe support and encouragement of the people. The Democratic party must stand by him or perixh. There may be differences of opinion about minor matters, but here there must le a solid front and no wavering. In the great contest with tbe ombiued power of tbe monopolists and public plunder ers, G rover Cleveland and bin party must stand or fall together. Stttid by him. Wol far Sale. Wood delivered in any part of. the city limits at the following price per cord : tood fir wood from Lebanon $2.50 Oak wood (arub) i m Small fir wood 2.00 P W Spikk. Oct. let, 1835. 91.10 a Sack. On account of the low pries of wheat flour will be sold at the Magnolia Mills at $1. 10 a sack, or $4.40 a barrel, atfd will be delivered free to all parts of the eity, OORKB8POKDBNOH Browns ville. Al. Rowland, of Alsaa.spent a couple of days of last week in our olty. Q. M. Beeter, representing tbe Ya- 3 ulna Mail, waa hers Friday and Satur ay. Mat Scott, a candidate for Sheriff, was bare Thursday. Mr. Scott would make a good officer. Ws had a street performance here last Pridsy night, which mauaged to carry away a few of onr dollars. Rev. Mr. Catboy began revival meet ings in Bishop's Hell Wednesday oven ing, the 23rd lost. Thursday morning. April lt,Harvey A. Stanard began work aa Clark for Thompson A Waters. Prod Grose will tsko a few weeks rest snd then enter tbe employ of P. P. Croft. Last Thursday W. W. Stevenson and Wui. Watson went to Portland on buai neaa ia tha interest of the Brownsville Creamery. Woik on tbe building baa been commenced, and we expect the creamery to he in full blast by May 1st. Rooky Mountain Grisloy waa billed to taoture at Bishop's Hall last Monday night. On account of tba promised two and a half dollars, the sexton took extra pains in arranging tbe ball. Notwith standing Griz'ey failed to put io an ap pearance. Mr. John Poast wss in town Taeodsy wearing a very dark colored pair of spec Wastes. Upon inquiry, your eerres (tondsnt learned that bo had got into difficulty with hphra:m Pox, and had been very ungently dealt with. Grant Johnson went to Portland last Thursday morning to enter in tbe em ploy of G. W. Pope, proprietor of the wool exchange. Grant has boon in the employ of tbo B. W. M. Co. here for s good many years, and is et home in tbe wool business. Miaa Oliia Powell began a private school last Monday morning in Bang w hanger Hall on Piety Hill She open ed school with about twenty pupils. Mrs. Eva R. Gil more was saarriod to W. D. McGheo at Eugene laat Sunday evening. Mr. McGbee baa seourad s school near bare, and waa here looking after a dwelling Tuesday. He ia an experieoood teacher, end tbe dietric tbat bos secured bis service i to be con gratulatea. Times seem to be improving io our town. Several buildings are now being constructed, sod more 0000 to be. Ae baa been all winter, 'tis bard to find aa empty dwelling in town. We have noticed that tbe HulUtin has seeo fit, in its accustomed manner, to comment upon our article in tbe pro ceeding issue of tbe Democrat concern ing tbe action of tbe late grand jury in tba Campbell murder case. It has bet 0 a sealed feet since Dr. liendricke.aboat niaeyeara ago, tasted tbe cranium of the editor of tbat paper, that be is devoid of intellect. It ie further known be yond any question, by those who have bad any aeseciation with bim, tbat h baa no honor, snd it was though', until laat Saturday'a issue of bis par, tbat be bad no conscience, bur it appears tbat our artiele.small aa it wss,ao stirred tbat remiader of wrong doing tbet in order to prevent an explosion something bad to come ont of tbo man, if eucb bo can be called. Aa there is nothing but tilth in bim, nothing else of course could be emitted. However we regret very much st bsving what ws tbsugbt a very fair reputation for truth and veracity entirely and forever bleated, just aa we are entering tbe thresh hold of manhood. Goook. I'banon. Botb schools hove a vacation this week. Mr. Stobblefioid snd Mies Fan oie Griggs will finish out tbe term st tbe District school. Tomy Mam if you went to bo io stylo have yoor hair cut pompadour. Do away with your bangs. There wiH be quite an attendance from bore at tba Institute. Many ef tbe Academy studeota are moving borne this week, and already we oegin to miss tbem. The 8b Charles Hotel, kept bt MrA Eleoton, was closed to the public yea- terdsy Tbe exercises of the M. E. Sunday School lest Sabbath were unusually in- tersanog. it wee the last Sabbath for tbe 6rst qtiarter.anl the time was given to a review of all tbe lessons. Easter Sunday will be observed by this school with appropriate ieesoos and music. Friday evening Prof. Gilbert's atu- dents gave a delightful en's, ttinment et tbe Chapel. Everybody looks forwsrd to tbia yearly exhibition, and lone before tbe time to commence tbe house was literally jammed." Nobody wsa die. appointed, for it folly cam' up to iu standard, wbicb is A. 1. Tbe program waa rather long, but it could not be :l'.d'T !";!r0f' ri? in bis reperr. to save time. Fiom it we gathered tbat tbia ia bis 9th winter bern. That bia school bas been verv pleasant. He bas bad an enrollment 0m this term of 80 scholars. Tbe beard of Trustees have tendered bim tbe school for 3 years more. He sorely has done "ood work here, end we are glad to ace him appreciated. A. Newell baa gon to P.riland,and his Wife Will follow soon with the house bold goods. A. State lasaraacff Company. Aluawv, Ob., Feb. 13th, 18S6. Farmer and ethers, read and aee hoar the State Insurance Company ef Salem, Oregon, treated me. On the 22ad day of Nov. 1885. I took ont a policy ol insurance with them on meat in dwelling and aomke house, , nd tune on the 7th of Feb, 1886, I had tha misfortune to loss my dwelling by an accident, ray little , ' T . . t, . lamp. I notifaed their boy upsetting my special agent, Mr. J. H. Townsend. of Al bany, and he by the neat mail notified the n' . lu.. L. ""f """J " ujutcr the next train and adjustod my loss to my entire satisfaction, they paying me 8897.49 I five daya after the fire. I heartily commend ! ii n . .... me uompany tor tneir prompt and liberal adjustment of my loss, aod I know it will be lu t t i , , to the interest ot onr people to patronize this home institution. John D. Paksohs. Bucklen's Arnica atre uSttSJS. V Snp T.ttar. HnarifWid Han4, rlhllhl.l-. Corns and ail Skin Eruptions, and post- j lively cures rues, or no pay required. Ii u guaranteed to jrive perfect satisfaction. or money rsiunueu. id oh 20 cents Der - 1 1 eitr . ' I . 1 - 1 T?l tx m 00. r or sate rusosj et maaon. Chic lean 1 Iris tie. We did It. Yea, gentle reader of your neighbor's pup r, it's a fact, aa True G. Ranger say a, that we did eat an Immense amount of chicken and other good things at the Orange. But If you or T. G. Hunger had been rale ad where I was, In a land of wooden nutmegs and grind-stone cheeses, a land where we sowed our buckwheat with a gimlet and planted our corn with a shot gun ; or had T. O. Rang er In his youth had to of lived ou buckwheat cakes and have gone to school barefooted aa I did, with noth- ... u.. I ..... iiiif iu AUii iu.y mi warm uui Olio Ol thoo cake taken from the stovu hot and carried under ray arm, as I ran through the blinding anoW to School. , " " '"" "'r P"gmng nna wrap . . . - .... .'Inn whirl. .. 1 . Nq, bad I been tha para pen 1 child of wealth ana crsuieu in tne lap or lux ury and been allowed to feast on rye flour and goat's milk, as T. G, Hangar did In his youth, perhaps I would not have had such an appetite aa I have now, and my mustache would have looked as psle and alckly as Hanger's did before he shaved It off. It's uot often I answer a newspaper racket, hut when I am accused of eating till my suspenders break and there are no buttons left on my clothes, I want the cold pashtonlees public to know why i eat. True G. Rsngor also In timated that we have got an unlim ited amount of gall. Yea, we got tbat Ivtst on the same flint hills were we fouod oar appetite. But,tlred reader, it's not the gall of btttarnees that per vaded the breast of T. G. Ranger, caualng his spider tog to t rem Me and hla knees to knock together,aa we em of sympathy for hla family, took Mm teitdurly to our arms and carried him out from the brllllsntly lighted par lore of tha Wilson House, In tne wool en town of Brownsville, and regard, leaa of the hot scalding tears of the hath stinger we put him on tbe Nar row Gauge R. R. train, and had him cheeked for Msrshaltown. What haa become of ''Maud Mut ter." We have not eeen a tine from her sparkling pen of let. Wt bate read her communications with Inter est and pleasure, and do not like to have her desert the n.nks of the Dsa cftAT'g happy family. Aa a humorous writer we think Trae G. Ranger has no paer,not par douse" will please accept our thanks for the pleasant momenta spent In hia agreeable company while In Brownsville. While at Brownsville laat week we had a very pleaeant chat with J. P. Galhrslth, one of the prominent can didates for County Clerk Mr. Gl bralth Is well qualified for tha posi tion. tv. (warn that the many friende of Dr. A. II. Peterson, of Lebanon, have succeeded in getting Htm to enter tbe race f r Sheriff. Ban g DtrtT. Tangent. Some Fault Finding, Some people Will And fault with public officers whan they are doing their doty. Bee bow some have found fault with tbe lata grand Jury. Some will even find fault with their school directors. They don't do aa la Tan gent, hut east of tba meuotslns. We hear tbat some have carried their fault finding e far ae to threaten to fine tneit school directors In a certain district north of Tangent. Mr. L F. Smith Is erecting a store house In Tangent for the purpose of going Into the mercantile bus! noes. He expecta to open out some time this spring. Miss Mary Montagu, of Iebanon, waa visiting with Mrs. A. Bryan the first of the week. Miaa Gussie Moses, of Crawford ville,is visiting her uncle aud cousins at this place. I ... . , Ml- McCarg.of Brownsville, la ?bIpmuch tbo largest, best and great ittog friends In Tangent. Mr. Tucker, of Eastern Oregon, who haa been visiting relatives nere for some time, intends stsrting soon for California. A nm man mkn rrnoa Ho ""2Z V Zr WorklRf fl lhU v.ci0lt. for two years or more, left not long since for parts unknown. People are at a loss to know why ho, left In the way be dm. lie left some bills unsettled, s an empty trunk In the vicinity, stating when he left that ho waa only going to Albany. The ozhtbltton at the cloae of our school passed off satisfactory to all It waa the best thing of the kind ever known In these parts ; quite drama t la. hsld o Isroo audience soell bound for about four hours. The pieces Uere well performed with few excep- 'ere well performed with raw excep tions. One piece In particular waa very affecting, Tbe Drunkards Child." It was well acted out and U?h.1 a J?0 JeMOn " P' W"! only heed it. The next term of school will open ou next Monday, with O. O. McFarland. teacher. W We listened to an Interesting ser mon last Sunday, delivered by Rev. Bowersox. Observer. Sheriff's Sale. Ihe Circuit Caurt nf tid Stats of Oregon 'rcuit Cour, I - - . v - - m for Linn County. 5 A Crawford, Plaintiff. va. Isaac Me01urgr and A A MoCIudk, his wife, and 0 IT Stewart, ta Assignee of Isasc MoClung an insolvent debtor, De fondants. VTOTICE Is hereby given tbat by vlr JLI tue of an execution snd sn order of I sal a issued out or tne above named Court In tbe above entitled action and to me di rooted and delivered, 1 will on Saturday tbo 1st day of May, 1888, at 1 o'olook. p. m., at tho Court House door in Albany. lDn "J "regon. at pnoilo auction for osah io hand to the highest bidder, Nu the real prsperty described in sold execution and order of sale as follows, to wIfc The south half of the south west Kuterof.onl9inTp.ll,SR8 west or tne Willamette meridian known and designated upon tbe maps and plats of tun urn lou ouues at uregon uity, dragon, aa tbe donation land claim of lasso Mo- Clung. Also the northwest quarter of oectien az, j p, ii k i west of tbe Wil mecte nwriaian. All tne above doscrlb- d premises lying snd being in Linn county, Oregon, and containing 240 screa lamette meridian. All the above deacrib. 1 ne proceed or sale to be applied : First to the payment of the costs snd dlabans. menta of this suit and tbs coats of sale. Second to the payment of Plaintiffs bui. I lent, to-wit, $6145.75 and interest thereon - iT. .-VZ "' . ' u,,rl"u y w diasct. may hereafter I Dote J this 1st day of April, 18SS. ,J K. Chabi-toh. Sheriff of Lion county, Orei;on. Jas. J, Chabltox, Deputy. koaw wen It. As the time for commencing road work ia approaching would it not tie well to ven tilate a little the manner In which It Is usu ally done, and I think I cannot do better In doing so than copying from the Sanitary Ntwt the usual method In which they do those things In Illlnol, and then ay if It I not a faithful expoc of the way In which It I done In Oregon. "Once n yrar.coverlng a period of from two ti five days, the farmers are summoned by the nthmatcr(.Siinervl or) to work on the road. They assemble at a late hour in the morning, nnd at once Itn- prove the rare opportunity they have of ex- . , , 'd,a" "K t ' I k l" f'e" rim- Ing, which completely destroy a formerly welt packed road-bed. At night tbe only thing accomplished 1 the utter destruction of what previously onwcred for a paab)r road. In the few -rdim ilnv inrim, which the farmer pay hi road-tax In labor, a few bob- arr fillcd.and perhaps new ditches dug, which almply turn the direction of sur face Water toward some man' field or house yard, which have not been previously Afulctcd. Road work In moat country neighborhood ta a farce. It U performed without wise planing, to aay nothing of engineering fore thought, and the result i that traveling In the country is an annoyance at alt time of the year. But annoyance 1 not the worst feature. Dltche along the hlghway.whlrh ought to be o constructed as to convey sur face water out of harm'' way , too often allow ft to run where It become a caue of III health, or do not conduct it sway at all. Tbe sanitary feature of road building and road Improvement are Important consideration. The way to obtain good roadU to Improve the old one rather titan to supplant them with something entirely new, to uc what we already have a a atep to something bet ter, rather titan discard the whole. We must ue the material we have at hand and the public fund can be obtained for this purpose in uch a way tbat our roads, even If not made perfect, will be perman ently improved. Whatever is done should be eo done that it can be built upon and added to, thu making ucccive step on Improvement." CiTtxajr. BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 an no receiving my Spring and Summer a lock of boots sod aboeo, 1 base aa nicely a fitted up Boot and Sbo Store, and as complete s stock aa any this stds of Portlsnd aod very few bettor In Portland. I boy aU my boots and sbooo direct from manufacturers snd aw authorised to warrant every pair no mat tot bow cheap. No firm in Oregon base any advantage of ma to buying as I bay io quantities and pay tbe eaab. Io ladies', misses and children's ahoe, ett variety in tbe citv. Mv aim will al wave be to aire as aood value fr the money aa possibly can be done. 8AMUEL E. Y0UNC, Depot Hotel, ONLY SECOND CLASS HOTEL II OREGON. Regular rales $1 to $J ter day, for tran stents, aeoorUinir to aooominouuions, Bingla meals, except dinner, 25 cents and 50 cents. Dinner at train time. 50c. wTJTSL lrveUo PnbUc mj " g,n a-' J. A. CROSS, Proprietor. U LACKSMITHU OUTFITS, Anvils, vises, bellow. hammers, sledges stock and dies and almost every tool used by blacksmiths we keep constancy on hand Also s rail -took of iron. or all sizes, boras shoes and horse shoe nolle. Special prices made on small outfits for farmers VwrERS A Stiwaiw. 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION ANO PURCHASING AGENT. Of all kinds of merchandise. All orders from the country filled on short notice for every class or kind f goods from first-class stock. Absolutely no obargen or oonamiaelon will be charge J or filling ordeis. OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentice's, Portland, Or oo o o o o o o 00 Oregon Kidney Tea! Nature' awn remedy Will ipemllly relieve snd pormsnentlj cure all tha various lUflioultieg arising from a disordered condition of tbe LIVER AND KIDNEYS. It ii perfectly harmless tnd can be A K K K KK K K K K TTTTTT T T T T jrben to the most delicate woman or child. For sale by all druyalsts, Swell, MrllMhu tt Wowdard. Wholesale A areata. . -r "- -I hp - If you try to build uow while wheat 1 S ' only won;h 54 cents you should by ah means go to Peters & Stewart's, at Albany for your hardware. You can get what you wsnt at t Ueir store sad st reasonable fig. uros. HOFFMAN & JOSEPH, -PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of 0H0I0E CONFECTIONERY, -C058ISITNO OP Pore stick, assorted flavors, mixed drops, tar drops, horebound drops, out luasps, extra Kraneh mixed, cbooolata eresms. ehweolate xqimrex, ehoeolatA mine, decorat ed pears, decorated faces, almond bars, fruit squares, apple alines, cream dates, awHsried.oaromels, tnacaronlKxionat balls, coconut brilliant, or faaui mice,aresm hearts. .A fine assortment of largo HEARTS AND TOYS in endless variety. THE ABOVE CHOICE CANOIES Wo are now prepared to sell at whole sale, always fresh and pure at Portland prkws to dealers, We also keep s full line of Huts and Tropical Fruits, I IV GROCERIES, Wo keep a full lino, always freeb and at very low prices. OUR OIQAR AND TOBACCO depsrtment Is complete, We keep tbe very finest stock of smoking snd chewing tobacco, meersebsurn nd brier pipes tbei Is s delight to smokers. W i; STILL. KKEP OUR STAR 1SK rent. 10 rent s3sK!f ADIKA, BOM PUMCH a rent CIO AS. Aad a floe assortment of IMPORTED CIGARS. Scott's New Gun Store, HEADQUARTERS FOR 8P0ET81EI. o THE LEADING GUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITIONjCARTRIDCES, SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT ING MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At tbe most reasonable price , olwsye io stock. Kepairins; done on abort notice. Wiilaiitetts Valley nimrods should never boy without calling on W. B. SCOTT, jaTOpposlte Revere House, Alt any, Or. Conrad Meyer, -PROPRIETOR OrV-J STAR BAKERY, Cnimr Broadalbin and First Sts., DEALER PS- ( anard fr'raita, blsnwarf, Drle4 Frail. CsssM Meats, qofrasirsre, Vegetable, "lgna. fi tot ees. Tobsvero, air, t offer . In fact svsrythine tbs. is kept w a geo era! variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. rpHE BE'TSHOT WT. TOWN Can bo found st our atore. Tbo ebot rjNusllv aold in Albany drops 75 feet, while the St. Loula shot sold by ua drone 'JOo fN.i, mking it cpial to chilled snot Sprtamen abonld not forgot t hi Perse A SrswAor. tAW8, AXES, ETC We will oell you tbe famous Disatsn Champion croaacut saw st a low figure, as.d esc give you good prices on axes, sied go aud wedges. Parana A Stewart. A. 0. U. W. Members wishing employment or desiring ... . 1 . 11 tialp, will please call as neaa s nrownsn atore and register their names. By Order or Loses. MTUDEBAKKR WAGON. this ia the only wagon having s slope shouldered a poke snd tbs steel truss on each axle, and is the beet wagon on wheels. For sale by Peters A Stewart. X a IC BEST THING OUT, the Acme Harrow and no farmer oar. well afford to be without it. It ia the very beat clod ci usher and pulverizer, leaving tbe ground aa level aa a barn floor. Sold only by Peters wart. TT OPE AND CHAIN, nr all aiaes. as well as hslter obaina.oow vhelne,' dog obalna, rope halters, etc., for ale pyre-tore die wan Administrator's Notice . NOTICE is hereby aiveu that the under signed haa been duly appointed Administra tor of the r state of Jane Gilmore, deoeaaad, y the County Court of Linn county, state of Oregon. AU persons having claima against aid estate ara hereby notified and required to present tham to tne Administrator at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, within aix months from the data hereof, property verified as by law requned Dated this 26th day of Marcn. isso. E. J. Lacking, Administrator. Bids for Sister's School, Bids will be received st our office in thla city until April 5th. 1886 for bulldin the Sister' School in tola olty. Plana an erjoolfloatlons can be seen at our office. The party receiving the contract win furnish all material, and will be required tc uire bnndd for the faithful performance of tbe contract, ZEYSB JSC M C HST K 1) I.K II . City Market A A. ROBERTS, PROP'R. (Opposite Peters A Stewart's.) Keeps a first-class supply of good meats of all kiuda, at bottom prices, They Have Arrived, THE NEW GOODS For men and boys at L. E. BUM'S. "We now have a magnificent stock of new and nobby suits for 0 (ft S Men and W for Spring trade, better than ever, rhe patterns are neat and attractive. We feel justly proud of this stock, selected with care from all markets, and take pleasure in showing them. THE HAT STOCK is choice, direct from Philadelphia comprising All the Spring Novelties. THE SHOE DEPARTMENT is now complete, the largest and nicest stock in market. We can't enumerate FlRMSHlKCi GOODS. Have many novelties and all the staples. Look at our 75-cpnt UfllaumlritMl Shirt, the best ever offered in this market. CELLULOID COLLARS AND CUFFS in the different styles. These goods are bought at lowest prices, and will be sold the same way. We have a large, new line of piece goods in our TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Nobby suitings, fancy pants, etc,, which will be made up in as good style and as cheap as can be had in the market. (ft III S 0 0 Is i Is 0 0 L. Agricultural DEYOE & ROBSON, Successors to W. H. ALBANY, KKKPON THRESHERS, ENGINES, WAGONS, HACKS, PLOWS, HARDWARE, DOORS, SASHES, BUILDING MATERIALS) ETC., ETC. jaH7EriHiHBHHf?SK ft War BiSsWWllsTfSlfW nl -- . W m"n. STEEL AND SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, FANNING MILLS, STEEL GOODS, FENCE Wl RE And all Agricultural Implemeiifs used. The largest and best variety of FARM WAGONS, HACKS AND BUGGIES, In tho central Willamette VaUev. Orjer tilled at Best's Hand pUTLEBY OF ALL KINDS, We keep the beet stook of cutlar in the y ahey. Pocket knives and razors a si oialty. Don't buy anything in this uu wituout callmtr 00 ua flrt. Prtkks a Stewart. P AINTS AND OILS, Of all descriptions aold by Peters k Slew art. KB ISIbsbH a sHsaflHS ImilBLBsaBBsHBir" Hhsb Youths a 11 A S I X 1 V 9 M A s S 0 E. BLAIN. Depot! PROP'S. Goltra. OREGON. HANI) fr n JUvai 3 solicits i ail promntlv lowest rates Separator. Mr Impsovko Hakb Skparatas a double combined ntavhine.fXNaws esU-eshoea, (instea i of one a i machine of other mania"turera, nine riddles and a larire independent Bcreen. Each shoe is equal in mw er and capability to the one in any other mill, and by the operation of the two double efficiency is secured. My 28-inch mill will clean from 40U to 600 bushel of seed grain per day, according to th condition of the pain, and wa guarantee that all barelv, oats or other tout seed will be thertmvfhly removed with com plete tutrUfactlon. I challenge anv mill to a contest. I know that I can beat them, as my mill has beaten every mill it ha come in contest with, both in Cali fornia and Oregon, and is th best made, bolt being used whera crews are used in others. Address DAnIEL best. Albany, Oregiist, MILLER BROS., D CALEBS IN FMd, YegGSablB aud Flower Seec?, IMPERIAL EGG FOOD, GARDEN TOOLS, FERTILIZERS, ETC., ETC. 209 Saoond Street, bat. Salmon aod Tay or, PORTLA.ND.OREGON.