Charth Blrrrttrr U. P. CmrROT. Preaohire-ery Sabbath, at 11 ii.ttd 7 v. u. by IUt. F O. Ir vine, D. i. Sabbath School at 2:90 P. II Piayer meeting every Wednesday evening. K v ami Bt.n ml Chukch. Preaching on 8ab tath at 10,30 A- ., and 7 T, U. Sabbath School 11:45. Prayer mooting every Wed nesday evening 7:30. S. K. Uavie, paator. All are invited. CoiORoATioAi.CHritcH. Servioeevery Sabbath at 11 a. H. and 7 r. U. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer mooting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, paator. M. K. Ohprch, Sooth. Preaching every Sabbath murninir at 1 1 o'clock A. M. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock a. M. Prayer moctinn ever- Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. F. M. Culp, Pastor. M. K. Church Soctii.TakuSIIT.- Preach inn every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock, r. n. Ssb bath School at 2:30 o'clock, r. M. P. M. Culp, Psstor. M. E. Cuvboh. Preachins every Sabbath 11 a. m. and 7 r. M. Song service in o evening before sermon. Sabbath School 2.30 P. ML Prayer meeting every Thurs ay evening. Kev. II. P. Webb, paator. Prkmbytkhiam Chcrch. Service every S.blatb monnuii end evenimt in Church oor. Hroadalbin aud Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Kev. Isaac H. Condit pastor. Knurr iUmaT Church. Preaching, every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a, m.. at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting e cry Thursday eveuina at 7:30 o clock. T U Srownson, pastor. OVtRLA NO TO CALIFORNIA -VIA- Oregon & CHlifbriila K. 11, AND CONNECTIONS. Far- bin Portland to San Fram-ls x. S3 : l luenlo, S3U. Crass connections mada at AahhuHl w.lh atairsa of th Callforiii, Or(wn end ItUhu Meg UtSMSsW. O (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) Kasl Side IslYlslaa. IlKfWfct'.X rBTLA5l ASS ANLAM Mall Tret. LBlVm. abbivb. I'.rtlaml 7 a I Albeny US6 M Alfaenv 1SS6 r e Ashland Ashlars! 7:46 re Albany if: am Albany 106 r m Portland 4:ii r a Albeay Express Trala. IUVL ABBIVB. Portland 4:00 r s I Albeny SUM r a Albany SSSrs Lebanon Pr a ij.hj.,,.11 . . 4 i a h I Albenv iitt A Albeny.. 5J0 a h rurtlend 106 a M Puiinun asssae can daUy between Ai tuiir kiul AahUiMl. TtMtndt- K K Kom nuke cnnnerUoiw with ell lb refuler trein un ihe EaaI Side in vision from loot of r wreH. Weet lls Mvlalea. BETWEEN reBTLAS ANs A ILIA, Mall Train. LBATB ASSIVS lortleitd 040 A m I Corvellls Corrsllls 9 30 a a HurUeod ........ E&nwes Trala. LBAVS. ABSIVB .4 30 r J:i0r r rUnd 5:00 r a I MeMbMvUle .80 r m McMinnttlte ..b:A a h IVtrtlend SUM a m Loeel ticket for sele nd baegec cbecaed s com pni i up town office. Cur. 8lrk end SwcuOd HtreeU. TicfceU ter pruiciU poUU In CeJiforale een only be procured and bag checked at C ompany 'e orBc. Corner F and Krvm 4U. , Portland Or, Freieht will net he received for shipment after Bre o'clock P. SB. ea either the East or Wear aide Dtvieiena. K EOEHLEK, E. P. ROOERS. a. r. m Pawacsat. 50 OE WILL BUY A BOTTLE or THE BEST OOUGH CURE that the world has Dr. Steele Ooowb ICure baa not an equal on It he face of the gtohe. I ledge toe world lor to produce any .'out(h preparation, now Mm the market to beat it n prompt nana in coring a ough or Cold. ethers take the sd- stes of sa old pioneer of 17 years on tke Ceeat Don t run the rus of ear owe life or yor hildren's oo sugar and eater, It bee sent thou and to their Umg hom. Vouwill find more vlr- ue in one ef these smell wtUee then in e pint of omuv.n . u'h muturee. tThet e is ooe thing very roe, 'if yoo don't kill the ough the cough is aore kill yoo.'" Re ah re ef I be trade nark Ttte aealea 4MB tke Iwttlr. WIIOtBSALS AOSXTS, MSBLL, EITasll et WswBWAlB, PvRTLASU, ORfcOON. 30 000 CASES OF RECTAL DISEASES, AJSk- rilea. Keetal fleers, riaasires, Prarll s, Aal, rialalas la Aae. rely pea, Beet I, Ete , tie., Cured in sis years by the BrtekerBeaT Hyaless. Dr. J. B. Pilkkngton, Proprietor of the Pcrtland rye aae Ker leBresary end aaallerlMsa for Mervwwa lleeaes bee been appointed agent and phiilao for litis eystem in Orenon end WT T. No severe saraieal eperellea, ae peie, mo leas f bleesl. in two monta bets cored aeveral cases In whieh operations with the knife have only done injury. Am permitted to refer to Mr. Jaa. W Weeth ertord, druggist, formerly of selem, Mr. frank Uaid net, machine st, Mr. R. A. Rempy, llarrisburg end others. WYi meet patient at the Revere Hooae Al bany, from Tuesday noon, Mar. 2, to Wrdnei day nooD.nsr. , Address for pamphlet, etc. J. B. PILKINCTON, M. D.. PORTLAND. OREGON. THE . DR. LIEBIC O rrlvele Ills pee aery, U 400 Osary St., Hen Francisco .Cel. DC Cnadnelad hv Ona iflad - o and Murgeon regolar graduates. r 13 The OiUest speclaiUU In the United btatt s. life long experience, perfect method and pure medicine, insure stieedy and pennanent cores of sll Private, Chronic sod Nsrvioos Diseeses Affections of the Blond, Skin, Kidneys, Bladder. Eruptious, Clears, Old Bore, Heel'lne of the A lands, Bore Moutb, Ibroet Bon 'i'ains.iieriuanent'y curtsl and eradi ceted from the system for life. MKKtiai M let.ility, ImiK,tencv. Seminal Losses, Kexual le;ay, Men Ul and Physical Weakness, Palling Memory, Weak Eyes, stunted De velopment, I mjedi men ts to Marriage st?., from excess or youthfol follies, or any seats, speedily, safely and privately cured. Weaesj, Middle-Aged and Old men, sndsll who seed medical skill and experience, consult the old European Physician at once. His opinion costs nothing, end may save futuie misery and shame. When inconvenient to visit th city for treatment, medicines can be sent everywhere by s tores f res from obssrvst!on. It is self-evident that a phydcian who gives his wnole attention to s class of diseases attains greet skill, and physicians through out the coui.' y, knowing this, frequently recommend difficult cases to the oldest socialist, by whom every known good remedy is used. The Doctor's age anu experience make his opinion of supreme Importance. garThose ho call see no one but th Doctor. Con sultations free and sacredly confidential. Cases which hsve fallad In obtaining relief elsewhere espec ially solicited. Pemale disease successfully treated. The Doctor will aeree to forfeit $1,000 for a cess un to rteken, not cured, Call or write. Hours, dally, from la m. to 4 p. m., fl to 8 evenings ; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. Bend for the Haniterist Oolde to Health, en t free. Address as sbo v LIEBICEI! Weaderrnl ersnaa lovfacaler P irinanentiy prevents all Unnatural Losses from ths system, tones th nerves, strengthens the muscles, checks the waste, invigorates the whole system, and restores the afflicted to Health and Happiness. The reason so many cannot get cured ef Seminal Auakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owing to s com plication, called Prostatorrhea with H peraethesia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Liebige In vigorator is the only positive cure for Prcetatorrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used at th Liebig Ditpensury. Price or Invlgnraior, Q't, Cass of six bottles gent to any a idreas, covered securely from ob- ervatlon. Most powerful electric belts free to patients To prove the wonderful power of the Invigorator. A m Bottle til vea or Seat Free. Consultation free and private. (Jail or address E1RBI DlsPENSAKT, 400 Geary Street, San Francisco. Oel. Private entrance, 406 Mason Strait, four b oefcs up eary Stret from Kearney, Ma n entrance 'bwVi a bpensaryDru; Store I wwoim. its t WEIGHT IN GOLD, . I AMERICAN FARMER To all our Subscribers I All nur subscribers who will pay their subscription aooountn to t hie paper in full to dato, and one year fn ad vance, will bo presented with one year' aubeerlp tton to TH1 "AMKKIOAN FARMER I" A .iTiMn.mim A trrinilltttral MAKtUlO, ,,iiui,i hv K. A. K. Haokett. at Fort TmlliM. end which la raptdiy t.khur nn of the leading Aaricul- .e ... a. . . L . ......... It lm tuM mih iiwumiK rti in cu inn (levoicHi exclusively to sue iii" w. ... frmr iruv hrwader. dairvman. garden- er, and their hounehold, and every peoloe of Industry eon nuclei i Hint mat kiwi jh i nn ni tii twurtnie ot ids worm. sue i ui- ti, i,tw.rlntlnn rrli In one dollar W as v sps j----wr - . per year. Farmer can not wen get aieqs without it. It puUMW Ideas into tti-tr min.t it teeobAM them how to farm with i.rotu in Muim-rdves. It iitakee t!ie home happy, the young loiaa oneenui, me eouUmted. the downcast Imppy, - - . . i . . : r : - , 4 and the demagogue nuim lUMUNiTY fro ni ANNOYANCE ade onlr of the flneet assd heet It of ulaaa far wlthetaaMUsts Beet. Every oood thlnu is Oountesr f cited, and consumers are CAU TIONBD BainBt IMITATIONS o( those Chlmneya made of VERY POOR GLASS. See that the exact ktbel Is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and aright Glass. HsAnaSartnreel OUT hy GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. rtttebursb 1smI tileee Werks. FOB BALE DY DEALERS. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the ."UiUe iff Oregon or Amn County, The Dundee Mortgago and Trust InTeat meut Cotnpanjr (Lltnited;, PlalntlflT. fBa P8 Kendall and William K ilamllloo, Defudent. To William F. I! Hilton our of thr Drjtnti ant fiour namexl. IN the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby aura canned sod raw quired to be and apear in the above tie mod Court and answer the cnmplaint of the Plaintiff in the above entitled suit on file against you Hh the C.erk tf said Court by the first day of the next regular term of said Court alter the publication of thia Summona for six weeka, to-wit : The regular June term of aaid Court to be be gun and beld on the fourth Monday In June, Ibfco. in Linn county, Orrgott, or judgment for want of ananawer will be taken against you fot the relief demanded In the complaint of the Plalatltf herein, to-wit : That the mortttage mentioned and described In the complaint herein ex ecuted by the Defendant F 8 Kendall on the 16tb day of October, 1890 on the fol lowing described real property, to-wit ; The northwest quarter of the aoutheaet quarter and the wet half of the northeast quarter of Hectlon 30 in Township 13 south iange 3 wet of tbe TTIlliamt-tie meridian in Linn county, Oregon. Its force owed and that aaid real property be sold and the pro oaada of aaid sale be applied : spiral to tbe payment of tbe eoets and disbursements of thia suit including an Atlorney'a fee of twenty per cent on tbe whole amount that iur v be found uue tbe Plaintiff on aaid mortgage. Second, to tbe payment of tbe full amount of the Plaintiffs aaid notes and mortgage to-wit : the sum ol $90 with interest thereon at twelve per cent per annum from December 1st, 1HM3, (I sua f5 paid thereon December Th, 1883) and the further sum of $90 with interest thereon at twelve per cent per annum from December let, 1884. and tbe further sum of $990 with interest thereon at twelve Sr cent per annum from Dt-tuiber in, 15, all in U. 8. gold coin and that ths Defendants lit rein and every person claiming bv, through or under them or either of them subsequent to tbe date of Plaintiffs mortgage may be forever fore cloaod and barred of and from all right and equity of redemption In said real property, That ahould said real property beineuttlcient to pay the Indebt edness secured thereby that then the Plaintiffs have judgment against the De fendant for such deficiency, Thia Mammons la published by order of Hon, It. P, Boise Judge of said Court in the State Riuhts Dkmocbat fot aix suc cessive weeks, which order beaia date January Tan, 1886. Fl.l.NN A ( HAM HI. H LAIN, Attorney's for Plaintiff. Oregon Pacific Railroad. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO SAM FRAN CISCO VIA. YAQUINA Trains Leave Cor vail In. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 9 a. m. Trains Leave Yaqnlna, Monday, Wednesday, Prldsy, at 8 a. if. The fine A I Stsamr MIaqttLua"8iil8 PROS TAQI IXA. Huntlay, March 14th, Wednesday, March 24lh. Htrndey, Apiil 4th, Wednesday, April 14th, Huoday, April 25th . rSOM SAB KKAKCISCO, Wednesday, March 10th Kr.dav, March ltfth. Tuesday. March 3(Hh. Friday, April 9tb. Tuetday, April 20th. The Company reserye the right to change sailing dsys. Pabsa Cabin, 914 ; Steerage, S7 ; frsi-rht st reduc ed and moderate rates. River boats on ths Willamette esSBMt at Corvsllii Low fares snd rates, fm further information ap ply to . . not. i e, A. G. V. and P. Agent, or vail U. DR. HENLEY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT, I THE BOHS Of THE WORLD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT ON RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Nervous headache cured in three minutes and Toothache in three i e ?9bds. For all pains and : ch is it has no equal in tbe world Small bottle. bOcts. Large bottle, 91. JOB SALE, One half block In eastei n part f tl a elty with fair bouse and hern will beto.'d cheap WORTHY Of Confidence. MIbwII Otltirln ii-iii'ly 40 yours In nil imrts of f ho work!, hit irovrti lis i-ra-I'ltiy ns itto l)(thKoit tillcmtho ktiowu tti liieillL-nl SL'iuUCC, 8AR8APARILU iromiiito llouihirttt SitinjHiiiiiii tn m base.tuid Us powers nw fiihinu-nl by thn exlravts of Vt How Ihn k niul Bill Ilium, tho Imlltlfs of rolitssitim sud Iron, and othrr jMitont Intrn tlU utM, O your lilootl VtllilH il MV urrmifci iin nt 19 of IhodtircHllve nml ft.liuilnloi v finu'. tlous? is It tnlntod hy Hororuutr or docs It contain tho iolon ol wmrntf or Contagious Disease T TUC WStlltlK lisiiiiiis oi mi' t .in in I fib States, who know tho eowpoankiti Of ATKIt S SABtArAalLLA say nun nothhuf clo so irtHMl for the urlnVn tlon of the blood H wlthlu tho i'go of pharmacy. , , . , nail M hy tho use of this ftmmf " UleLT posslhlo for a person vim Ims corrupted blood to nttulit sound hi nllh snd prevent transtnlsslou of thu tK ttructiva taint to posterity. THOROUGHLY Of thO B) sll III liill-t inclutlo not only tho ninovl of t oe ruption frtnn iho blootL hut Us onrk" uicnt and tho stiTiigtlicnin of tho vital ontans. nrt iiDI C wltnoBSca, alt over tho RELIABLE orkl, testify tlmt l in, worklslM'ttcr sccotnplishetl hy Avrii't HARStPAUILLA thuu by un other rcinetly. 4 . i. h Dl finn lhat U -""ipt .l through i tSLUUU case is iittulo pure, anu Linmi weakeuctl tlntiuRh dhnlnutlon of the rod corptwh' ,un,' lmv a .-..'u 14 .tie il HMI.I.A. 1 ..... ilm liloutl ntul htiltillnt PURIrYINb up the system re.p.lre time In serious eases, out ih in-m m lie derived from the Ue of AVBM H HtltSAPAHtLLA molO hpmllly tliau from anything else. urniAiur for which like effect pre ME.D1U1NC. falsely clutmed. Is i daut Inthe mnrket, under mam iiam. . I. ni h? OSty preparation that ha-stotsl the test .f time, and prnvcdwoi thv of the world's connucuce, m Aers Sarsaparilla, PRBPARBD Y Dr. J. C. Aysr a Co., Lowell, Wooo. K. .Id by all druRldst : rrk-o 1 : six bottles for $A. trm in i- nar- nr r f - aasr R 1886.-4 wassfsssaiBBj.a seisaw.sesst pa seajsaj 4 ruvM iliia, uusT urewS m so. wsiswaiif w svm umtimim, mm im it D. M.FKNRV TIJTT'S YEARS IN USE. ash. of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. !. l epps-iiir. Uu rlsreeilve, Pete Ss Ike kt'uU. with a Sell esmeattee le tbo bnrli pert, Phi ii easier Ike ebnetlrr fctaste, Pellaeee after ealle. wilt, a el Inrltnaiiea te rirnlss ef ester er seleS, lrrtiektlliy efiesaaer. Law eetrlie. wlib a fVrllns;ef aaa-lea erglt-rlre eeate Sair. XVrariatam, Illxxleeee, Ptalirrlaa at tbe ll'-ert. Dots tofereiae eee, llreSerbe etrr Ike rtskt rye, Beetleeeeree, wtlk lUful drresse. Illgklr relereS I rise, ee4 CONSTIPATION. TITTT' PlLI.e are spclsll adapted tn sttc-b rears, one te efTecte aaett a than- nf fruiting e tn astonish the sufferer. Tlx f tsrrrsw the A rsms th lr i . Take ott Kleee.lhus tke system is ubtmi rr ih' irroisi erf tea ott -Oraans.lssauurai - - seSfiafTaire OA! O ,T litis or WiiiskkkS chaneM tn a QtpasV Hi.trru lv a sinale atillcatlon of thi-lrr. ft tmMBxis a iieturel color. nets J'tsteiiieii'nly. MM by Irnawtats. ur sent lv t-s iirt-i on n-cs-lptof fl. CfT:ctj, 44 Murray St., New York. HA JHM Executor's Notice. NOTICE la hereby given tbat ths on dersigned bss been by sn order of tbe County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed Executor of tbe last will and testament of Diantba Haley, deceeed late of aaul county. All persons having claims again Ht the estate of aaid deceased are hereby notified and required to present the same properly veiined within six months from the tlate hereof to the under aigned at hia residence in Shedd, Lino county, Oregon. December 9th, 1885. K, A. W ATT, Executor, OCH&SON'b lutb, to sajr address. Illustrates aod lists ev. ry thing for Ladles', Gents'. Chudretls nl Infants' wear sad Uousekeeptns; prices lower tnan caose or any aoass la to United States. Ceseeleta ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber ,laths!and piCKexs Kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best CaJapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. NERVOUS You are allowed n frrr trial of thirty day of the use of Dr. Dye's vi ir n-.i Voliatu Belt wlta Klectric Susiensory Aiiplluno' for th speedy relief and permuiient cure of Si rventt Debility, loss of Vitality and JUtmhimil, am) ail kindred troubles. Also for many other disenscs. Complete restors tlon to Health, Vigor and Manhood Kuaraateed. No risk is Incurred. IlhiHtrnted pamphleUussofsa mvelorw mailed free, by addressing VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mich. ttRMnrstn WUISeBSBBB itosritriM UH 1 r.luol. oye; Ul I RR1S RKMKDY OO.. ttn SL saaash aBBBBBBBBBBB sasw saa . , If Ltl Ik mtftut I - " i iri-T. i ,. ,, - . i KKIDAY MAH0H 20, 1880 Hn TEMPEEANOE DEPARTMENT, KntTKo ht tbb Wiaei'i Christian Tempennei (lilii r: i i . . UfR.MBB aALOSlie t I'ATBONAilR an m i rB t Wishing to get a living without working hard, 1 have lesssd commodi ous rooms in Mr. Lovemoney'e block, comer of EUltt Street snd I'eiditiiin Lene, (next door to tke undertaker's) where 1 shell manufacture drunkards, paupcre end lunatics, beggers, crimi nals snd deed bests, for sober, indue trioui men to support. Bsoked up by the lew, I ebell edd to the number of fstsl uccidents, painful disrates, dis graceful qusrrele, Hole, cold-blooded murders. My liquors ere wsrrented to rob some of life, msny of reason, more oi property, end ell of true peace ; to make fathers, fiends, wives, widows, end children, orphans. I shell eeuse methere to forget infante ; children to grow Hp in ignorsocs ; young women teMoie their princeleee puritj, end smert young men to become loafers, swearers, gamblers, skeptics, and "lewd fellows on the baser eort." Lady cus tomers sre supplied with bssr ss well ss tbe beet "home brewed, which will not intoxicate" them, but only meke them stupid, slsck, lasy, cos r Be snd tjustrslsome. Hundsy customere will please enter tbe beck door. Bore end girls ere the raw meleriel ef which 1 meke drunkards, etc Par ents msy help me in this wotk by el- ways sending their children for the "boroe-brewed si tide.'1 At two bouts notice I atn shin to puteusbaeds in a ooeditioe to reel home, bieek tee rurniture. beet ,br . l: . lm i wiTSBs, shii a ice netr cuiiurea om ot i doers l I shsil elso flt mech.nics to spoil their srork, Be diacbarged and be- nmM ir.lnl. I If BBjef,v,egul.r customers sbould decide to reform, 1 will, fur a few pee. nice, with ulesaure. induce him ta (eke just ooe glees more, or by offering "free drinke," tempt htm to etert again on tbe road to hell. Tbe moeev be l ould spend for bread end other things for his family, will buy lusuriee for mine. Aod thee, wben hie money is gene, I will persuede him to i on to debt, for 1 ceo collect tbe debt by stucbing hie wages. Orders promptly filled fer fevet .aerof uls, consumption, or deliiiom tremeoe. la abort I will do my best to help bring upon my regular customers, debt, disgrace, disease, dispsir, and death, ia this wot Id, and in tbe the next, tbe pangs of a second death. Having closed my ears to God's warning voice, (Hob. 11. 12. 15, Ps. EX 16. 17 ; Bom. 11. 6.)bavtog made a league with bell and sold myself to work iniquity, 1 bsve a right to bring all the evils on my ffioode aod neigh bors for tbe sake of gsio. Mjuie have suggests! that I display i., ,l. ,i : r M UWUI, BMUI Wl SIUIU1SUS VI my art, but tbat would blockade tbe etreet. Ksoelleot ssnplas of 07 mane- factored wrecke ma, be eeeo inside, at- most sny time, or at the station bouses, asyiumns snd prisons, .,,ry day, and very frequently 00 tbe gallows. P. A. Beast, 240 Rsda Street, Hum River. raleals iiraalre. Patents granted to ciUxcns of the Pacific Sutes during the past week and reported ex- press ly tor the Dkmocrat bv C. A. Snow Sc Co., P.'itent Lawyers, opposite t'.S. Patent Office, Washington, I). C. : J R Watson, Sacramento, Cal., Clinching punch. G W Rendall, Portland, Or., Trecfeller and pile cuttei. F Reyner, Lathrop, Cal., Plow. bris Cu,p' San FcUpe' C"1'' E,ectrical T W Dixon, Yakima, W. T., Washing machine. J Hein, San Francisco, Cal., Fire escape. J P Siinmons.San Francisco, CaL.Cut off valve. Democrat until 50 cents. after election for Oregon Kidney Tee. For sale by all drag gists. Oregon Kidney Tea cares all kidney true ble C.W Loader e Co.. of Pertland. ersrlulv cothoriced advertising agents for the DMO- crat fer tbat city. SAM MAY. J. O. SENDERS MAY & SENDERS, Dealers in General Merchandise, HARRISBURG - - OREGON Will buy Grain, Wool and all kinds country produce. Tbe BCYRRS1 OtTIOB to Issued March and Sept., each year. MTSr SO pages, 8 x y lnehes,wltlt orsr 3, BOO illustrations a whole Picture Gallery. WIVES Wholesale Prices direct tn conaumer on ell Hoods for personal or family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing yon nse, eat, drink, wear, or have fun with. These INVALUABLE BOOKS contain information gleaned from the markets of the world. W will mall a copy FREE to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expense of mailing. Let ns hear front yon. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. iT fc 909 VS abash Avenue, Chicago, LtU F. P. NUTTING, uC Co . , capital 140,000,000. Insurtf In so alt! t SeotUsb Trswrsena absolutely sele ompauy rvPI MR M IMCB. Tbe gsrmi which give riss to malar ial fsvtr bavs bttn found by two Ital- physiologists. Proctor argues that every oelsstial hod' mu,t fct titE f'"- thro,,b llfaHiupportinz period. In the srctiu i-gtot there sre 70Z kinds of flowen. Fifty of these ere confined to the at otic region. Bodily exercise greatly ioorosnec the activity of tho lutifs. It cannot, there fore, be truly beneficial to tho whole system, unless carried on in pare air. Netersliits now count 1870 differ ent kinds of fishes in Not th American waters, of which 590 live in rivers sad lskes and 550 kinds belong te tbo Pa oiflo. Of the remainder 105 dwell only in tbe deep waters of tbe Atlantic sod On.'f of Mexico, never spprssch ing the shore or tks surface. Layer? of stone containing some of tbe supposed human footprints lately 'ound near Lake Mansgvs, in Niosre gue, hsve been sent to tbe Vienna Net' ursl History Museum. The stone is a volosoio tufs, snd tbe impressions are extremely sharp and distinct, snd if genuine foetprinle, prove the existence of men in Centre) America at s very remote pet tod. Tho sdsptions with which plsnte ere provided for making tbe most of the water lhat comes to them in the form of rein or dew are thus classified by Lundstrom, who bes made them e sub ject ol specisi investigation ; Depres sions, its tbe form ef leaf-cups or ef grooves in tbe epidermie ; beir forme tione, in tufts or Borders ; hydroscopic membranes, as spots or stripes en tbe epidermis , snd anatomical adaptions, sueb ee weter-sbeorbing texturee end swelling glands. None ot these feat- eree ere found in tbe submerged parts of plants. la s communication to the Meteor e ,0Iic"1 S0 Auetrie, M. U. Ltgner bribed tbe re.rk.ble diM,verv that the tuooe bee eo todueaoe ens B,lMli UMdtt' 1ht P" b m 10 mor miat when tbe oioe is nearest to tbe eartb, and te be TIT ,bt U ',MloK f,0 J fttU 10 bw uirUr' wben lbt 0,0011 b io lbo e of lb equator, aod Is greater duties- tbe soutbren t'jsa northern decliostioo. At a recent meeting of tbe Academy of fcViences ol Farts, M. Duclaux de tailed tbe results of some experimeate which be bad made te determine tbe effect of suniicbt u;on lbs vitality of microbes. He found tbat a few boars of exposure to tbe direct rays of the sun were euflicieot to weakeuend final- 10 dro lbo micrococci Bead in the ex peri meets. H argued, therefore, tbat tke suo is tbe best dis infectant which wa possess, tbe most universal, tbe most economical and tbe most active. Alter a study of nearly 12,000 cases, Dr. Hermeto Brebmer, sn sbie Ger man physician, t eject e the theory of tbe contagiousness of pulmonary can sumption, lie finds tbe disease to be due to deficient nutrition of tbe lungs, which may reeult from vsrious anteced- I ant cause, such ss inherited detests of titution, d fitwl organs impaired J "i"! de ol living, belieses tbat tbe oration of ail m' roduc ,ocb cbanM j "m "mm " ,u" Jr"' w;ru uc in advsnos to predict with great probability which memhera of a given family will be s til toted witb pulmouary oooeomptien, and wbieb will remain healthy. FOB A BalV BAY One rainy morning not long ago a gentleman on (he North Side found a tramp lying down on bis hay mow, "What are you doing here ?" he Inquired fercloly. Taklu' It eaajboes'was the quiet answer ,4Wel1 ya Wa0t 10 tl 0Ul 10 u,ck Um. Va ,0tfr- doD,t you go to work and earn a living ?" "I don't have to Work." "Don't you ! It doesn't strike me that you are a bloated bondholder or monopolist.'' "Mebbie I hain't now, boss, but I will be." "Why ain't you at it then ? "That's what I am. Can't you eee that I'm laying up for a rainy day ?" The eentleman saw. and not only ... .L . . t. . u... m lo" irBrap 9imy unuer B""er ul gave him a quarter to keep for a nest egg. Merchant Traveller. "We wish our readers to known that we have found much benefit from using Simmons Liver Regulator. Our trou ble, originated and rendered chronic many yesrs in India, leaves little hope of a perfect cure from anything. But kheRe,u,,t9rh,li ffordtd rL r"Hef loan an eisa we nave irteu. vt e say this without tbe wish or knowledge of J. II. Zeilin & Co., th proprietors. Rev. R. G. Wilder, Ed. "Missionary Reviow," Princeton, N. J." saw Register April Stb, 6th and 7th. PATENTS Obtained, snd all other business in the U. S Paten Office attendsded to lor moderate lees. Our office Is oppostt ths U.S. Patent Office, snd we can obtain Patents toss time than those remote trom Waahinjfton. Bend modle or drswinr. We ad" to patent ability free of charge ; snd we make o charge unless we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supl. of Money Order Dlv. snd to officials of the U. 8- Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, snd eferences o actual clients in your own State or county, address i C, A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washing-ton, D . Ct BlOt S FACTS. A chemist lies discovered an ex tract from coul tar 2.10 times sweeter theD h i- v. The acuoaiis of Austria have been forbidden using piper ruled In square ur uiajuiini iiuop, aa iuco paper uae been found to Injure the eyesight of pupils. In fuiure only paper plain or ruled straight across is to be employ ed. A German manuscript of the New Testament of the fourteenth century has lately been found In the Abbey of Tep!,ln Beheinia,and Is considered by the learned Professors Keller and Haupt (o bo the work of German Waldensians. The curious and remarkable dis covery Is reported lhat a South Amor- icsn shiub, called allzs," exudes a Juice which acts so powerful in stop ping Hows of blood that when a knife is smeared with it and used fer sur glcai operations, the largest vessels may be severed without any hem orrbage, The minute hand ef the clock on Westminster Abboy Is sixteen feet long, and the hour hand nine feet. Tbey weigh about a hundred pounds each, and are kept In motion by weights proportionally ponderous, the bauds and appendages lu all, weighing about 1 tons. In a rjceot snow- storm lu LVindoti tbls clock was stop ped, the hands being impeded by the snow. The manufacture of alcohol from wood has iocressed rapidly within a few years, and it is said to be used largely fur patent bitters, ginger ex tracts and other alcoholic cornpouode whose strong flavor makes it un necessary to use a better quality ef spirits. Wood alcohol Is a dangerous product and sometimes give rise to serioBS disturbances of tbe brain and nervous system A Frenchman, tho Compte de Hi. Valller, has recently died, who for twenty years bad lived only on milk owing to an Incurable disease of the stomscb. Every other diet but milk was impossible, yet with heroic for tltade he prolonged his existent, even giving excellent dinners to his friends,st which he would simply re. Ileve the monotony of abstinence by moistening bis lips witb a gfasi of i miik. Sigoor Farol, an African explorer, eays thai in the region of the Ktlaha- rt ypwri every usuvs,wiii un guew out bunting, carries with him some dried poison glands of a snake. If he is bitten be Immediately Intro duces a small portion of this stufi H.a a 0 vaa uttn s 1 ee SastI sTSruaue 4 ftlatasaira The limb swelN. but after two dsvs It ra trains Ha normal sice.and the a. (iunt receter. Animals are treated In tbe same way. A little hand-book recently publish- . r do m cases of ed treats on what to sprains and other accidenta. St. Jacobs Oil sho.ild at once lie applied. It ie tbe gteateat uaiu cure on earth, and Saw ousts only fifty cents a Bottle. SJI I . -M Turnwater. Washington Territory, two miles from Olymp's. has been incorporated as e city for te year and has a lull set of officers and a jail. fbe latter has never bad occasion to do service as there has been not a single arrest since the town became a city. It is s tnatiu factor ins city sn.l hs but Chiutnuti in its limits. Where is another city with such a record T ROTAt am POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder nsrer varies. A marvel of purity, strength snd whotesoroertess. More wmomutl thsjittM ordinary kinds, ed cannot be soil in core peuUon with tlis mulUttids of low test, short waight, slum or iihnphss powders, Sowontvis caws. Royal Basimt lownsa Ok, 103 Wallet, A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. Tho roost popular Weekly newspaper devoted tOBcicnco. tnochftnics.onKinecrntK msoovenes, la yout it-ns and patonts ever published, livery num ber frustrated with splendid enrravinRs. This publication furnishes a roost valuable encyclopedia of information which no person should lie without. The popularity of the Scikntifjo American Is Rch that its circulation nesrly equals that ofall other papers of Its class combined. Price. ," a venr. liiM-nunt to Clubs. Sold by sll newsdealers. MUNN Jc OO., Publishers, No. a61Broadwsy. N. Y. k AT ENTSa "nh Thirty Claht 1 practice before the Patent Office and have prepared more than One Hundred Thou nand applications for patents in tba I'niif Jstates anu iunn" Caveats. Trade-Marks, Copy-rights, ssicmnetits. and sit other papers for securing to inventors tneir rignts in ins United States, (Janada, England, France, German? ami other foreign countries pre Dared at short notice and on reasonab e terms. -books of information sent free. Pstsnts obtained throutrh Munu s t'o. are notieeo in ui.wh.uwiw Asrfcan free. The advantage of such notice u well understood by all persons who wish todis VTa2UlTVvi GO Office SciXXTm AMtaicaS, 861 Broadway,' New York. 1 m JULIUS GRADWOHL Use the only exelnlv fttorfe of CROCKERY, C I A88.6ILVER AND CHIRA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Ctoic Selecton of Coffee. Teaaifilrr ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, "WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME TBtB HIOHKMT S4RKBT Remember I What I Say I lean, Sirs le a call. 600DS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- THE Short 9 Oregon 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest route to the East, and rates, $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets, good viaOgden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going last write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, B. CAMPBELL. Cieneral Agent. No, 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Corner Third and K Slreetf, PORTLAND, - - OREGON. u ltJ - - sesatsssrsvw sssssesv - - sv comiietUlon. Thia BJ the l;.rKM and mosit'reapectably kept Hotel In the North west, Boardand 1.QQ per Day, mub ss rCtTV amauo, s vbsib, LOftGIK. U HO 50 CEMTS. FREE BUSS TO AND FROM THE HOTEL No Chinese Employed. IE, LEWISTOH, - - PROP&lEfOR, (Laite of Minnesota Hooae.) ED. CORBY ACEMT, F. M. MILLER, i,tMlt. j nAnMnlnil if T nm Av vUlUDJ ttUU UUUUSIUI 41) Attn, LEBANON, OREGON. Wlllpracttoe la all tbo Courts in tbo Ststo OTEL KOK SALE. Jackson House, Prinevilto, Oregon, 32 well furnished roorna, the only hotel to town, lance aod convenient, with atl neceassry furniture. Price reasonable and terms easy. A. B.rOLVKB so.v. Prlooville, Orr-gen. DR. MINTIE, tsjk arrt iALisT. Ma, 11 Reerary tire, aaa rraar'are. el. Tsaavs six Caaosio. 8ractat. s Psivavs tnwusss wrnt Woxvaast tj Srccaas. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY ! w. Is a svbb ran-ssoct'si aLtSi far Nervuur Dsbility, Sem Is a xkvkb raiL xoct'sB iikil Weakness. IC.hiutd IVitality, Spcrrtiator rboex ILesl Maatteed. Imjo- Ilency.I'aialisis rteataw rr hors. e.l all tbe teriible i fle u sf lelf sLute youth fa tollies end exoem in maturer years, sue h as Less of Memory, Lsssitiide.Nac tural Kmisaion, aversion to BOcietv, D.innesa-f Visi..n Vetsss in tbe bead, exrrssra ta drinking ialexf ratlas llaaers, ths vital nuia pssstm; un..oserei a ths urine, snd msny other diseases that had to in anlty sad death. Dr. aUatle. wbe is a Regular rfcyirin. l.rndaaieer Ike I alvcrslly or Prsn.j lvaala will sre to forfeit Ht e Raadred Isellars for a esasof this kind ths Vital aoraile (uider his specisi advice and treatment) will nut cure, or for anything impure or injurious found in ft. 8r. Mla tie treats sll private diseases successfully without mercury. C'easaltaliea tree. Thorough examin ation and advice, including analysis of u ine, $5. Price of Vital BeatetaUve. Sl.M s bottle, cr four times ths qui ntlty, S3 ; sent to any address upon re ceipt of price, or C O P secured from observation and in private name if desired by lr Kearny Street. Saa Franrtsce, tal. Send for list ol questions snd pamphlet. S4HPI.K BOTTLE 1'BKE. Will be sent t any one applying byle tier, stating symptoms, sex snd age. Strict secrecy in regard to all business transactions. Or Blatle's Kidney Remedy. Kenhrrllrutu. cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Uonoirheee, Gleet, teucorrhoes, etc For ssie by all druggists ; $1 s botte sr six bottles (or to. Br. Mia tic's Baadrlloa Pills sre the best snd cheapest Bysaepsla and Bilious curs in ths mark e.. Por sale by all dnargists. IHE GREAT REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABLE. Are You Bilious ? Tlir ttrjfuUttnr tserer 'nits lr rwrc, I most cheerfully recommen t it to .11 woo s"t!V tr.-m Bilious Atucks or any l;wt..- catansi hy a lib arranged state of ihc Liver. Kansas Citv, Mo W. H 1:1 U S V D. Do You Want Gootl Digestion ? I suffered intensely with fttll Sttnmtrh . Urad nehe, ete. A neighbor, who had taken Simmons Liver Regulator, totd me it was a sure i;nefor my trouble. The first ! loos relieivd m very much, and Is oiw week' thne I was as strong and hearty as I ever wan. It in the bent titn.ieim I ever Untie f .. Richmond, Va. H. G. CRRKSUAW. Do You Suffer from Constipation ? Testimony of Hikam Warnkk, Chief-Justice of Ga. : " 1 have used Simmons Liver Regulator for Constipation of my Bowel, caused by a temporary Derangement of the Liver, for the last three or four years, and always with decided bettrflt." Have You Malaria ? I have had experitnr-- u ith Simmons liver Regu lator since 1885, a ' rafts fl as the. grmtent medicine of tit t: disease j)ecu Unr to tnaturi't' r pious. So good a medi cine deserves universal commendation. REV. ii. B. WHARTON, Cor, See'y Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Safer and Better than Calomel ! I have been subject to sev r spells of Congestion of the Liver, snd nave bees in the habit o! taking from 15 to so grains of calomel, which generally, laid me up for three or four days. Lately I ha e been taking Simmons Liver Regulator .which gnv me rs lief, without rtil? ititeiwujiHoit t-i l.inhtcs. MiDDLBPOKT. Ohio. J. HI GO. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia Pa. PICK IK PAID FOR SOS Lines First National Bank OF ALBA XT, OBEGOI. Present iOU9 COV9B Caahler U. f. BC&&IL TRANfiACTH A GENERAL, beekltiy I ACCOfjm K KIT subject to, SIGHT EXCHANGE snd I tekTapbic tranatsr. ao!4 "i New York, San Francisco, Ckkefo and Portiaa , Chicago a 'onXECTIONS MAOEon favorable A. E. Yorse, Johk OaSBWAj I.. E Bl.ii, L. rus.v, B. F. MM.S1LL. J. L. COWAK. .cuiicac Linn County Bank, COWAN & CI SICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS s general I DRAW SIGHT OKAFTS on New York, Baa Fran daeoeed Portland, Orcgoa. LOAN MONEY en appro red security. RECEIVE depoails sobjec. io check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to as will receive pretupt Mention. OA US AGE MILLS, We have a meat cotter tbat is ae much an improvement over the old fashioned sausage mill aa J. I. Case Agitator is orer a flail. It don't clog and leases no strings in th n eat. Coma and aae it. A GIFT Send 10 cents aaa ws wil mail you Ires e revel, valuable rtif! box of goods tbat will put you "J in t ths way s making uwre money at once, than anything olss id America. Bth setts of sll ages can live st boms snd work in suare time, or all tbe time. Capital are re quired. We will start you. s per sore tar i 1. m ho swrt at once. maws aad Co., PortbtsS. H ai fia invalidsHoteliSorglGal fnstHntB BU Jb'i'-AJLiO, "3r. Orsaaizrd wltk a fall Staff ef eigateea Experieaeed aad SkUlfal Phyaletana aod SstrgroBS Iter the treataseat ef all Chronic OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Throat and Lang Diseases, Liver and. Kidney JDlseaaea, Bladder Dlaeaaea, Btaeaaea of Women, Blood Diseases and Nertr. ona Jaii ecu one, oared here ar at bo with or without soeW the patient. Oomei we us, or ewid ten cents in stamps for our "Invalids' Guide Booh," Which (lyes i pes ssosssw m lcn and oaused by Yonthfvl Fol lies and Pcrnleions Soli, tarjr Practices are speedily and txrnianentlv enred hv nur SptHjialists. Book, post-paid, 10 eta. in stamps. Irsuptnre, or Breach, radi cally cured without tbe knife, without trusses, without pain, and without danger. Cures Guaranteed. Book sent far ten cents in stamps. 11 1,1 TUMORS and STBICTTBES treated under guarantee to cure. Book sent for ten cents in stamps. Address Woe ld's Dispensary Medical, Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. 'in treatment or many thousands of cases of those disoaoce peculiar to Diseases qf Worek. at tbo Invalids' Hotel and Sursrioftl Institute, hee ef. forded large cxporkmoo in adapting; remediea for their cure, and DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is tho result of this vast experience. It is a Dftwrrful AsstArattvA Tnnls and. Nervine, imparts vbror and strength 11 os- fal liner of me n terns, weak back. antt version, retroversion, hearing down seasai'ons, chronic conges tion. inflammation and ulceration of the ivomb, inflammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, internal heat, and "female weakness." It promptly relieves and cures Nausea and Weakness of Stomach, Indiges tion, Bloating, Nervous Prostration and Sleeplessness, in either sex. PRICE $1.00, OR 6 rtOTTIiKS FOB iO.OO. Send ten cents in stamps for Br. Pierce's jarge Treatise on Diseases of Women, illus trated. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, H.T. SICK-HEADACHE, Bilious Headache, Oiasineea, Constipa tion, Indigestion, and Bilious Attacks, gomptly CUT34 by Br. ierce Pleasant Purgative Pellets. 25 venta a vial, try Druggi-ta, Delicate Diseases. io my system, anu cures, as ir py magic, Leo rorrhea, or "whltea, excessive flowina, painful menstrnatlon, un natural lUDureisioua. Drolsssns or