The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 26, 1886, Image 2

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    Ufa growttat.
FRIDAY IffltRCH 26, 1836
The County Democratic Central Com
mittee haa been called to meet ntthe Demo
crat office on Tuesday, March 30th, at one
o'clock, p. m., to fix the time for holding
primaries to elect delegates to the County
Convention. The following are the com
mittee : Sam May, Chairman, John Rodg
er, O. P. Coehow, Moie Parker, R. W.
Moaea. J. N. Rice, ti 8helton,E. A. Heater,
C. H. Ralston, Thoa. Munkera, Jonaa Davis,
J. II. Raincv, B. Burterishaw, Wm. Rum
baugh.John Burrell, A. Drury, T.J. Black
andjohnaon White. Let every member
attend In person if possible.
Deaaneratir aiase Caaveatlea.
A convention of the Democratic party of
Ihe 8tate of Oregon Is hereby called to meet
at the citv of Portland on Tuesday, the 4th
day of May, A. D., 1886, at the hour of 11
o'clock, a. m.. for the purpose of nominut-
irtg candidates for State officera and Repre
tentative in Congress.
By the apportionment of representation
adopted br the State Central Committee.
the several counties will be entitled to send
the following number of delegates :
Baker 8
Lake ....
I .inn
Marten. . .
. .a
. 10
. ia
Benton 7
l lackamaa 9
Clatsop 7
Columbia a
Cooa 5
Crook 3
Curry I
IXmnlas Q
Morrow $
Multnomah as
Polk 6
Tillamook 1
1' mat ilia IO
. .3 (Union.....
1 1
Jackson 9
Josephine 3
Grant 4
Klamath 1
ashington . . ,
Wasco 7
Yamhill 8
Total 190
It is suggested by the Central Committee
that the primary conventions of the differ
ent precincts in the counties be held when
convenient, and not otherwise determined,
upon the 5th ilay of April next the first
"registration" day and the County Con
ventions at such later day, or days, as may
be deemed advisable by the several County
E. J. Jat-raEV,
Chairman Dem. State Central Com.
l J. Trbnchard, Secretary.
Portland, Oregon. March 20th, 1886.
eSB aaimat.
Tha Wasco Sun, in discussing the
contest going on between the President
and Sarnie ovar uteeneion of federal
office holder, aaye :
"Now.while we do not believe in the
power of Praaident Cleveland to deny
the United State Senate an examina
tion of explicit ehargea made against
partiea which they are aaked te confirm,
yet we believe be baa a right to select
euch men to execute tha officee aa the
constitution altowa him, and the duty
of on fir mat ion seems te us only the
stended opportunity of the Senate to
ascsrtain unfitness, and to check the
President' a power within the bounds ef
the constitution from injudicious selec
tion of officers, or the adaption of en
just measures."
Tba Sun haa evidently been reading
tha Orejanvm, or it would net have
bean led into aocb a foolish error aa the
above. The President has never claim
ed the power to deny the United States
Snate the right to examine explicit
ehargea made againat parliee which tbey
are aaked to confirm. On the contrary,
he .isks the Senate te make the broadest
and most scrutinizing investigation into
all hit sppointinents. The only issue
between the Senate atd the President
is, whether tha Stnate haa a rigkt te
mm.- "srv at a
demand ot the rreaiJent his reasons or
the documents and papers containing
the reason s,f or making removals or ens
penaions from offi:e. The Stnate af
firm 1 and the Praaident raakea a vigor
ous, vertebraical denial.
The Damocratt of Baker county have
nominated tha following ticket : Sen
ator.George Chandler ; Representatives,
Locke tt and Elms; Sheriff,.!. T. Dealy;
Clerk, M. D. Wisdom ; County Judge,
O. W. Parker j Treasurer, 8. B. Mc
Cord ; Commissioners,,!. S. Locke and
Jamee Whitely; School Superintendent,
L. B. Btur ; Delegates to State Con
tention, R. C. George, W. S. Glenn,
W. W. Wilson and O'Neal.
Secretary of the Treaanry, Manaing,
has mad another call for the redemp
tion of $10,006,000 bonds. This makes
$10 000,000 since the first of February.
Lit t be good work go 00. The Orego
nian and Eugene City Re-jitter please
take notice.
Th jury in the famous auit of Miss
Pikim against "Lucky" Baldwin, re
cently tried at Lea Angeles, Ca'., took
etie bnllot to ascertain how they stood.
Thin whs unanimous fur the plaintiff.
Tbey then balloted aa to tba amount ef
damages to award her. The first ballot
cast to settle this showed seven voles for
$250,000 and one far $20,000. The
other four were from $50,000 to $150,
000. Ou the second ballot there were
eiybt for $150,000. The $20,000 men
would not vote at all on the second or
thud C4tr. It took four votes to get
the twelvH jurors to agree to the sum
finally brought in,$75,000.
Mr. C'eveland bat transferred the
nigger from the wooduile te responsible
office. Toe war m ovar at last. The
year ot jubilee is over due, and it it
time for our frieodt, the enemy, to bunt
around for a new iasue.
Wnat wub strikee and defaulting
bankers and treasurers the lump in this
country's throat never gets much chance
to subside.
The Blair Educational bill hst bad &
set-back in the House by a postpone
ment to the third Friday in April.
why mKErKfcvr?
Tha Portland Nw,n a recent issue,
aid :
"Tim Blair Educational bill is oon
ceded by ita friends to ba doomed in
the Houaa. Tba Sotftharn members
art opposed to it in ft body and a large
nutaUer of Northern mambtrt will not
sustain it. The education of tha color
ed people is not popular with tha dam
It is simply untrue that the Southern
members are ouoosed to tha Blair bill
in t body. It U a matter of woeful ig-
-tuui ,u '
ovraie uc w,..u. .u. u
the part of the AVato say that the
education of the colore peep e is not
poaular witn me iitruaoiae-. t hi
tha arava a.iaaiiiuMonal oi jetion
-k;k r .n .1.1. .k1 aaainst the
. ... .1 .. . 1; L - iJ I
tnii.whiie 11 waa peDumg in tne oe.e,
by such coosciantious Senators as Max-
.T.Mo.g.o.H.wj.y u..i. Pi-b.
. , A I. 1. ..U . 1 ,111.1. I
yet .uch we. the desire among Demo-
,r.i. u ... tha orati neon a educated.
.w- w .haa-ohlaotion. and
.uta -j 1
- I
... t. .1- t.t I
o:am to oe, par aU-,.-Br, u.
friend and premotere et education
the colored people, cast enly
ttbin two of
half their entiie votioa
strength in that body.
Will tha AWj
: : t.i.1. : k, I
correct tne .mpr..u w.u
made by making the above statement .
As for the Dkmocrat, it allows no one
to be more earneat ana eevotea ia ut
1 1 : : . I
.UIm la mm oolorad and white people
,,,stMl but notwithataadins all thit.
wa do not desire to see it uene through
the means and instrumentality of the
Blair biK. Some of the ejections to
this bill are in the attempt to prescribe I
the a:udiss to be pursued in the public
schools where the money it appropriat-
. . 1
, Mo rlru aii
M..-F Anmm an American citizen I
' . .c. . .j
01 uregou npisssui-sa I-
inaru, tn nrsriha the kind of
. . . 1
r- .
studies wotcn ois cnuuren eueu pursue.
a a 1. a. ? i . 1 .1 , i 1 1 s
Jr now win tae pnopio 01 any scuuoi
,li.trict. in a anarselv settled recion of
.f.t- -nr.ri.t that orevision in
the Blair bill which pro vidoa, that
wmm 1
tbey propose to build a new school j
I .. .. In. 1.1 , an c.., ,rJ ii,-m
uouse umw -i
Miitk 1, n ftirniahft V the tSureau Of
mrmmm - " t S'
, : . W.-u: . r t I
object, that thue i. no warrant what-
ever for tbit ex.rciae of -ower by Con-
gress in the constitution of the Untied
States. Ia the interest of the preaer
vation of c mstiiuiknal liberty, it is to
be hoped that the House will strike out
all these objectionable features.
Sweet Home.
We are having a aeriee of religioua or
denominational meetiags hare,conduot-
ed by tbo Adventista, Evaogeliia and
Latter Dav Saints
Verilv ! tbo difference io creeds and
iams so confound its poor sinnort that
we are in tSe fix of the Dutcbmsu.wben
he thought tbo sow wai on both aides
ef the creek.
First cornea the Adveotiat tellicg to
prepare for the second omiag of Christ,
which is now at hsnd, and was certain
to have taken place it. 1883, but by
tome mistake ot olJ father time it did
not happen. Tbey also tell ut to come
out fiom all other deoominatins,because
they are not of the Loral.
Neat we have the Evanlist- who
teach that a degree ef bIine and pur
ity can be obtained on ibis mundane
sphere, that will expurgate old Adam
and cleanse us from inward desire to
commit eio. Immersion, sprinkle or
pour will answer fur these good folks.
New we have the Later Day Saints,
who aay they are not Mormons by any
means, but are the c bo-en of the Lord ;
tbey tell us that modern convcrsiona
will not bear comparisons with tboee
tbat happened on tha day of Panteeest,
ergo, tbey are not Simon pure, bnt a
mere pricking of the beait or an excite
ment brought about by teachers or
preachers, who do not point out the
straight and narrow way. Nothing
will paas over tbeir counter but a good
plunge ia the Santiatn, or water deep
enough to cover the toes and head.
The Adventista, also, will take oo other
kind of coin. We fear, if the first two
Bros, wbo have built up a following
here, do net soon return, the last may
undo much tbat has been done by the
first two.
Since writing the above we have lis
tened to more sermons delivered by the
Brother of the Litter Day Stints, and
we half suspect tb.t he h feeding us
with soft corn, and it may be that we
will choke when he feeds ut the cobs.
Yours in esteem,
J. k L. Ixdoubt.
Th) land of piety and virtue, where
eyery oce is happy.
Rev. Boweraox h is just closed an in
teresting revival meeting here. Thirty
four were added to the church,
Rev. Haws.of the Lttttr D y Saints,
has been preaching hire. I think hit
efforts will be fruitless.
Politics looming up.
Brush Creek had two candidate i tit
Assessor, Z. B. Moss and J. H. E J
wards, but Moss having heard there
were five more candidates in the field,
and not near all the precincts beard
from, concluded to retire and go fishing
with Elder Shay. Mots will find out
when it is too late that Shay will get
all the fish and he left with an empty
basket. -Editor.
Brush Creek has two cmdi les for
the Legislature, J N. Rice and W. J.
Pbilpett. Both good men by the way.
Sweet Home,Or , March 23,d,'86.
Eds, Democrat :
I wish to say to my friends through
the columns of the DEM4CBA,T,tbat ow
ing to the number of candidates for
Assessor, I will not be a candidate fur
tbatyoifice before the coming Democratic
County Convention. I bear there are
six candidates and all the returns not
et io, so let the boys sail in and I will
help bold knitting.
Z. B. Moss.
east within two of half their entire vote book agent, with the very latest and V uk 7 T " "V Tha IL Tl On hv nut In new or
. Q f w;n -k;i- m. u-..w.J. k.Iw uk. tK. utinrinM m.n M las Ida Shackleford, of Crawforda- tne ti. it. uo. nave put in new or
in the Sanate for the bill.while tie Ra. oh ae" lhr'nL i hT. a villi. The next morning they de- repaired the old ,tock pens, and I.
publican Senators who,on all occationt w h parted for a brief visit to Salem. We ! M. is or ought to be happy.
Mr. Dr. Gray, of visiting
her titter, Mitt Bonner.
Mike Shoufh'f hertea beoame fright
ened, end in attempting te bald tbem
be received several klakt, but not esri
ous, Mrs. A. Kemp, of Sit
ing frieodt in this city.
Mr. Wm. Oouiy lost a valuable mare
by bains run over by a fi eight train.
U i euriaus that men don't teach their
loraea tetter mannara man to 0 rose a
W of trfti, but this is an-
other decision on the rtgbt of way ques
. . - f , ,
- . . MBpld j,Qi(er
0UB,y in mi hr btm- nMr Peoria.
Mr. I) fl. flurr a haa had very poor
health since her return from the Esat.
o.,, .nhnl on Momlev.
Anvil 'k witt, MlH .Tun lrl)lli .1
ia .Ahaa
K Irvine, ef N.wport, is
L '
T V" . . , ..J
. a in. iriiii r t ... iiaariti in in..nm in. I
- . 3.-
UmWh Mprreie WOIOU I1W Msjiiw-jisb wim tap
lw U... I. a m Vfc I S MA MM M. It I, . 1
nrtinrUiM . hllt th. L. M. has
QQ thc UM of ftngtUR9 M (UJrfeet as
the B. 4., but he can make at effective
features. Amicus.
I SfnS---- MiAoaak tiawaffttt man
aostrsi u-.v mm I -a
.ttraotion at thia small burg. At
iM.t tn old inhahitantt who have mov
ld away are soon drawn back again
. . . . . . .
we noticed tne
' Robert Smith, in
old time friend, Mr
l7 ,Mt wwk-
At the primary msetiog last Saturday
the Prohibitionists sent Mr. It. A
liamford as thsir delegate to the County
Conveatien at Albany.
Several imnrovemeate will be made
on farms near Oakvilie this summer
. 1 1 1
eno young gentleman naving ssmaaiei
Ssvaral peraona from thia vbiaity
f , . & mn tn ,- lhiu 9Venin4..
, . - .
mm swm p - w " 1
, r.wj.t i
losuano oiias I
A(Ui)v nimhar ware oreaent at the
I mm myrr- -j I
maeting o! the Alliance on weaneaaay.
Miss Myrtle Wren gsve a recitation,
music waa lurnitnea ny tne uiee iuo,
m. saa .a m a a nsa . t
I .1 ! ... Ja. 1 1. .Attn. Stfrtf etmmrr
,, , . -r..
1 na lecture 01 1 rai.
Miller waa excel
f . I I
r. i. n. n nun, jr., ws s-en new
Oak vi 1 on Safcbath.
- . w .
NoNVLl.t:s. I
nir A pleaaant time. Prof,
jiler mkae an excellent speech.
About one dossn attended the prohi
bition arimarv meeting. M'itt all of
ua are temnerance men. but do not
lieve in the third party.
The general health in tbit vicinity is
good, with only a few exceptiona.
Rev. Basher was net with us li
Sunday according to his appointment,
owing to the iSloeea of bia wife. Key.
I 01 7 i i : o i i
Shurfy preached in Mr. Baabar'a place.
Mr. Ben. Parrieh'e little daughter,
Annie, ia sick with lung fever
Wheeler A Davis have juet received
a new stock of goods.
Mr. Ricks departed this lite
on the 18th inet., after a abort iiinees of I
only a week't duration. Dr. Powell
waa in attendance and pronounced the
diseaas to be typhoid peeomonia. The
remains of deceased wote interred in
the Lebanon cemetery. Mr. Ricks
leaves a wife and two children to mourn
bis lose.
Mr. Kirkendall has bought tbe livery
stable aad other property belonging to
Henry Workman, which he intends
Wm. Lyons, of, ia io
town visiting bis sister, Mrs. Ella
Rev. Cornwall preaeLed to ut oa last
Tueeday evening.
lira. ( Wvar.nd H-rdman ra in tba
r -
city. Dr. Coiper talks of locating here
this summer.
Frank Davia and his mother have
gone eaat of tbe mountaina to remain
an indefinite length of time.
Work ia te be begun on the aoda
springs at this place soon. There is to
be a large covering over tbe springs,
which will be a great improvement.
Rev. Catbey will preach here to-night,
to-morrow at 11 a. ra., and again to
morrow evening.
We anticipate a livaly time at Soda
vilte this summer.
The new post ofiiee at this place is
nearly completed.
Brownsville, March 2 3rd, 1 886.
Edi. Democrat :
I sse in yoai last iisue that tbe Pro
hibitionists have made a call for a
County Convention to nominate a full
ceunty and legialative ticket in this
county. It puzzles me to understand
why temperance people should now at
tempt te run a separate ticket in tnis
oounty, when the oaly issus is whether
tbe men elected to the legislature will
yote to submit the lending prohibition
amendment to tbe people. This sub
mission of tbe prohibition tr&endment
to the people by the next legislature, we
understand, it tbe chief end to be ac
complished by tbe temperance people.
Our members in the last legislature
voted to submit the amendment to the
people, and wt have no doubt they will
do so again, whoever ia elected. The
Democratic members te be elected from
this county will do all for temperance
people tbat tbey can do for themselves,
even if tbey uhould be elected. Then
why should temperance Democrats be
thus ungrateful te tha party, after it haa
dene all that they asked. I am a tem
perance man of the strictest sort, but I
cannot now follow i ff after a naw party,
wbicb,evec, if sucoessfuKcannot do any
more than Democrats are willing to do
for us. A a long as tbe Democrats will
carry out tbe tree principles of Demo
cratic government by submitting these
questions of reform to the voters,! will
never give up my devotion te tbe party
of my choice. I would advise all
Democrats to remain true to the party
when all will be gained and nothing
Temperance Democrat.
Mies McCutcheoo,
topping at the reiki
of Albany, le
nee of K. M.
L-st Wednesday two female tramps
took in our town. Monday tneir jm
timet ancestor wai here In Mareta of
Thursday of lat week Nimrod
Payne, of Altnny, was here. Mr.
Payne is a candidate for the County
Clerkship, tnd would mike a good
officer If elected.
Mil Btrah Ntnlth returne t from an
extended visit to Maliniivllle lest
Kite flying has become the main
recourse fur sport of our younger claMlP"? ,agn lo th, prsdnct, and don't
of bus nana man. who on atwuint offtnma inare is any one Mere Wlio
the dull times are idle a iood Dirt 0fWintS omci, at losst thoy don't shako
the time. Within the last week we I
have witnessed some virv hlnh kkel
" " "
itaaiifaa.. I -
Chicken Bristle, caused our counte-
1 1 II a a a I
" "Is P
nearance Tuesday.
Wednesday of teat week Mr .lama,
- -T
extend congratulations.
John H. Wlllson paid Albany
vlttt last Thursilay.
Misses Hese 1 fusion, Clare Dtvld
son and Retta Rice, of llarrlsburg,
were the gueetsof the Misses Coehew
toveral days of last week.
The sheep men of this community
complain because of the number of
Last Frids?, idog thit had been In
thi sbrepkllllug bualoosa.left his un.
lawful nhaaa mlnua a nart of his tail
and earn. We do not believe lu treat
ing the dogs with wenton eruelty,
but they should be killed outright
when caught In such business.
Messrs. Watson, Garoutte and W.
W. Steveneun are now making prep-
aratlons to start a creainory here
Two of these guntltmen have been
ridiug among the farmers In order to
,,ia.-i m 1 x ta t i..k . asttas v - . . .
swwr-ii ..-..
.hUti ihv mnv saoum aaan ft.i
'ar r s-a -w ww - -
I....,-, u,.. MmUm ,.r t
w mj ,lia I'luninr' w WU
hundred COWS.
The school exhibition latt Friday
Violog Wai quite gratifying to all in
Us results. Notwithstanding drilling
the pupils waa hindered very much
rn Mi..ctirit fit I Hat nr-l vAfimt mallni I .
. . . . . ' I
the atuuenis without exciptlon iC-
nuitlaiil Ihamis vaacrfii tiniu MiasuM
- , - .. - . - - - - . - . - - . - - . ..-.,,, I f -Inlt'.a TT-Im rSafhp.lfh fit.
prlxe. for excellency la spelling.
n-l.M - mmmlima,m, tm .rlllna.
rt tavvae iv wv sjii"iv j ate ntwM av. .
Miaa lone was awarded the orlxe for
xcellencv of ditjortoiint.
This community without a dieaent-
ing voice, so tsr a- we have been able
' , m.
mm am r --r sit 1 ( mm ml mm a i m ri I
,.', v,l. . . .
ills Miiuir imi w j l on isi t rrsi era ssiai s f
week's issue ef te DiM(K'a4T. con
corning the action of the grand Jury
In thi Campbell murder case, and
unanimously condemn the position
taken by thi Bmimin.
1 1 ji1h,v
Wi think there ire but few towns
that can aurpase this le religion, tem
perance and morality.
Tlx mi hi in mamilnar e. vwn ttv that
w n t- it. iMt Monday mvm waa a
perfect succees, Thi Braea Band waf
present and furnished us with good
music. The meeting was opened
with reading of acrlpturi and prayer
by Rev. Wilson, Mies Narclssa
White then delivered ooe of the most
eloquent a ad touching temperance
lectures we ever heard. This waa
followed by a splendidly delivered
recitation by Miss Nillti Jester. A
collection Was than taken amounting
ti eighteen dollars and fifty cents.
Benediction was pronounced by Rev,
The revival meeting is still lo
progress under the care of Rev. Judf ,
nnd at present writing ttere bare
aHiya4aWfjsj conversions.
Mr. Jas. VanWiokti has been em
ployed to teach school io the Like
Creek district. Wa feet confident no
will teach a good school
Qulti a number of persons about
bore expect to attend thi teacher's
ioetitute,to be bold lu your city.
As you have no regular correspond
nt from this place, I thought I would
writs you a fe Unas, and will say
first, that thi subscribers to the Dem
ocrat arc complaining bore on ac
count of not getting the paper regu
larly. Last week It failed to get
here, as it has several times hereto
fore in the last few months.
We are to have a new blacksmith
hare In a few days, in the person of
Mr. Abraham Osborne, of Scio. Ho
is said to bo a good smith, and we
hope to see him succeed here.
Our energetic saw mill men, Messrs.
Rucker & Lyons, are still Improving
their mill, as well as cutting consid
erable lumber.
Farmers In this vicinity aro nearly
done their spring plowing, and con
slderable seeding has been done.
Fall grain looks well gonorally.
There will be a large acreage of flax
sown here this spring, though the
price of seed lias been reduced from
2 to 2 cents per lb.
Our old friend, C. W. Curl, now a
resident of Grass Vail y, Wasco coun
ty, is here buyinga drove of yearling
calves, paying about twelve dollars
per head, which is a fair price these
hard times.
The pollticafkittli is beginning to
boll, as the time of convention draws
nigh. It was thought soma time ago
that Wi would have but few candi
dates for office at thi coming election,
but we have as many as five candi
dates now In these forks. The emi
gration to this part of the ceunty
since our last election Is largely Dem
ocratic. Samtiamer.
Buckten's Arnica Salve.
The best salve In the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Uloera, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sorea, Tetter, Cnapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
itgnarantoad to give periect satisfaction,
or monsy refunded. Price 25 oants per
box. For sale by Foshay A Mason,
I a. , . a
The Literary Society was well at
tended last Saturday evening, other
wise it Wit a failure. It will meet
again In two weeks, when we pre
sume there will be dome of the latent
talent developed that would have
otherwise lain dormant for future
The voting place of this precinct
was recouttv chanirnil from tlieachoot
t.., t ih it r uu.i .a .,-
house to the U. 11, Station, and We
think our Worthy P. M. Will have to
natitlrtn tha linn i ,.n t u i ,u r i it...
rvtivsvis ae'fi vjja s w v"t va nw 1
w I
R. It UO.,Or (he United Htalea.for i
eniargsHuunt 01 nis quarter.
We don't think there are any third
tnui much, we think they all live
Albeny. But, howivor, we think
will be brought s.juarely up in June.
- - ' ' ;
We hear of v.rluu. objection, to the
tvAaW let Saf 1 im tftf aa at 1 1 nn.iiti ma Joni.nilt
ng it as a nuisance and a u
uileas ex-
i"" of public moneys, as far as
There remalna only botween tbroo
and four thouxand lushih of whutt
In the ware heuse to be disposed of,
and that Is a part of three crops being
held by a firmer foe an advance in
The lete cold weilhcr has given
the wheat a elckiy appearance. J'ro.
babio iiko the avarsg Oregon farmer
i I,..,. . I.l.. ..,! ...., U , 1..
h0010 Influinc M.f a UtUo nun,hln
me new roau, or mo pari 01 m
old one that Wis changod, la In a
rough condition for travel, and the
Supervisor will confer lasting fvr
on the traveling public by miking
necessary repairs.
Madam Humor says (here will he
wedding In (hi neighborhood In Ihe
not very aisiant future, nut we mm
not vouch for the truth of It now.
Mrs. McC'irmack, of Shedd, has;
lieen making her daughter, Mrs. S.
J. Thompson, a week's visit. Hhc
r-lur(HKl nomt (h first of last week,
uk)tl. Mi nm Thompson with
tt 1 mi
" - """"
1 4. Thompein went to sdetn
week, having sold his cattle to
D not know
them, have hoard
h? Prl?
1 1
ssaaaa aa ft . t aa
. a i .
iVklinaJ Kaa ara.kf nt.f rf.uf a IS S hfir 1 f mJ
r-t i
Mircilltti itonnett, or buio w
I . a a a a . . a ... . .. a..
l"""1 "n6 LST 22 -TmllZ
" '
come by way of the C tiumhla. He
w w w-:'.-:
brought seven head of
horses wild
him. Triirclltng had not agreed
with them, for they looked rather
Mr. Getrhcll shluiM-d a car load f
whiit to Brownavliie via the N. U.
one day last woek.
Seed wheat (cleaned) is Co eta per
bushel io this vicinity.
Van Armitaga, from near Eugene
City, was visiting relatives in this
neighborhood last Friday.
State lasaraac CaaafMUsy.
AuuyT, Oa., Fab. 13th, I $86.
Fsrmtra aad iher. rsad aad saw how tha
Huts loaoranca Company af MaJtm, Dragon,
traatad ma. Oo tha 22od day ef Nov. ISR5.
I took, oat a policy of iosaraece with tbem
aa meat io dwsllmg aod so inks boose, and
eo tba 7tn of Feb, 1886, i bad tba misfortune
to lota my dwelling by aa aocideot, my little
hoy upsetting my lamp. I notified their
special agent, Mr. J. H. Towoaaod, of Al -baoy,
aad be by tbe next mail notified tbe
Company, aod tbey seat their adjuster by
tbe eext trato aod adjusted my lorn to my
to tire satisfaction, tbey paying me $397.40
five days after the tire. I heartily commend
tha Company for tbeir prompt aod liberal
adjustmeot of my loss, aod f know it will be
to tba inter st of our people to patronise
thit home institution.
John O. Paaaoas.
Depot Hotel,
Regular rates $1 to $2 tor day, for tran
alenta, according to accommodations,
Mlngta meals, except dinner,
'-j nts and 50 cents.
Dinner at train time, boo.
By request of the traveling public my
bar is again opened.
Anvila, vlafta, bellows, ham mens, al edges,
stooka and dies and al moat every tool used
by black Km I tha we keep oonstanuy on
hand, Also a full stock or iron.ef all sixes,
horae shoos and horaa shoe nails, .Special
prices made on a mall outfits for farmers
vrKRB A fvrawA an.
0. P. Tompkins,
Of all kinds of merchandise.
All orders from the country filled oo
short notice forevory ulasi or kind of
goods from first-class stock. Absolutely
oo charges or commission will be charged
or filling ordeis,
At D. W. Prentice's, Portland, Or
o o
o o
o o
Oregon Kidney Tea!
-Nature's awn remody-
Will speedily relieve and permanently
cure all the various difficulties arising
(rem a disordered condition of tbe
It Is perfectly harmless and can b
ffiven to the most delicate woman or
child. For sale by alt druggists,
Sael!, MettshH A Woodnrri,
Wholesale Agents
If you try to build uow while wheat it
only worth 54 cents you should by all
means go to Peters & Stewart's, at Albany
for your hardware. You oan get what you
want at their store and at reasonable figures.
Albany Soda Works,
And Manufacturers of
Pnre stink, assorted flavors, mixed drops,
tar drop, horehound Uropa, out limps,
extra rrenoit mixed, chocolate creams,
checolate square, chocolate mice, denorat
J poar. decorated fane, almond bars,
fruit aquares, aoDle slices, cream dates,
. - . . tt
BMMiitliiJ miKi.iiu.L tMiuiiiiii iwtArittt tctllat
,.m Wills..! salis'sissim haarte.
sA fine aasonment of large
in endleaa variety.
W are sow orenared to aell at whole
Xiju and . p r. .t 1
If. 9
a fall
ino or
Nuts and Tropical Fruits,
We keen a full line, always fresh and at
very low prices.
lfrrtiiient la complete. We keep the
very fluent stock or smoking and onewing
tobacco, meerschaum and brier pipes tnat
la a (leiight to amokers.
ITAR tX erat.
BOM PtncU S-iait CMiAR
A ad a fine asaortment of
Scott's New
Gun Store,
At tha most raaaonable prtoea, always
in stock. Repairing dona on short ooti.-a.
Willamette Vailfty olmrwh should navor
bay without calling on
afipnoalta Revere House, AIL any, Or.
Conrad Meyer,
Cnrnsr Broadalbin and First Sis.,
Caaaed rratfa, Cs.aeat trace,
;! ware. QaoaaawavrtH
Dried Fratta, Vrgetablra.
Tobarro, Cigar,
Maaar, Matara,
offer, Tra,
Ktr.. Et.,
In fact everything tha. ia kept la a gen
era! variety and grocery store. Highest
market price paid for
Can bo found at our etore. The ahot
usually sold tn Albany drops 75 feet.
while the Hi Louis ahot sold by ua drape
wa reee, making it equal to oniuea snot
Mprtamea ebould nut forgot ihta.
Paraas A Hraaraar.
We will aell you the famous Diatton
Champion cross-cut aaw at a low figure,
a uil oan give you good prices on axes,
aledgea and wed gee.
Parana A Stewart.
A. 0, U. W.
Members wishing employment or desiring
uelu, will pleaae call at Read k BrowneU t
store aod register their names.
By Order of Lotos.
Sheriffs Sale.
a the Circmi Court of the State of Oregon
for I. inn County.
J H Burkbart as Administrator of the
estate of Philip Baltimore, deoeaeed, Plain
tiff. vs.
Joaeph Allison and Annie Allison, De
fendants. XTOTICE is hetoliy given tbat by virtue
of an execution and aa order of aale
iaaued out of the above nemed Court in
the above entitled action and to me di
rooted aud delivered, t will on Saturday
the loth day of April, 184, at 1 p. m , at
the Court Houae door in Albany, Linn
oounty, Oregon, at public auction for cash
in hand to highest bidder, aell the real
property described in said -xe -utlon and
order of tale aa follows, to-wit : Lota No.
seven (7) and eight (8) in Block No. ninety
(9o) in the southern addition to tbe ohy
Albany, Linn county, Oregon as the same
is designated on tbe maps and piata of
said southern addition to said city on rec
ord in tbe omoe of tbe County Cletk in
and for said Liuu county, Oregon tbe
same being the aouthwest ouartor of said
Block No. 90, Tbe proceeds of sale to be
applied : First to tbe payment of the costs
and disbursements of suit. Second to tbe
payment of tbe sum of J610.50 with accru
ing interest thereon at ten per cent
annum and 860 Attorney's fees. Thitd
the overplus if any remain to be paid to
the Defendant, Annie Allison.
Dated March 9tb, 1880.
J. K. Charlton,
Sheriff of Linn oonnty, Oregon,
per Jas. J. Chartto, Deputy.
xms is tne only wagon having a slope
. .
shouldered spoke and the steel truss on
each axle, and is tbe best wagon on
wheels. For sale by Peters A Stewart,
Is the
the Aome Harrow and oo farmer can
well afford to be without it. It ia the very
beat clod crusher and pulverizer, leaving the
ground at level at a barn floor. Sold only
by Peters & S-warfc.
Of all sizes, as well as balUr chains.cow
chains, dog chains, rope halters, etc, for
sal by Peters & Stewart,
'5ssS V- mmmrtmW
aagSSaa- TV-mJ tWa . Matl-Maa
They Have
For men and boys at
We now have a magnificent stock of
new and nobby suits for
Men and
for Spring trade, better than ever.
The patterns are neat and attractive.
We feel justly proud of this stock,
selected with car from all markets,
and take pleasure in showing them.
is choice, direct from Philadelphia
comprising All the Spring Novelties.
is now complete, the largest and nicest
stock in market.
We can't enumerate
Have many novelties and all the
staples. Look at our
75-cent Uolaondried Shirt.
the best ever offered in this market.
in the different styles. These goods
are bought at lowest prices, and will
be sold the same way.
We have a large, new line of piece
goods in our
Nobby suitings, fancy pants, etc,,
which will be made up in as good style
and as cheap as can be had in the
1 1
Agricultural Depot!
Successors to W. H. Ooltra.
itaSHNsstt-yff bsJBM" J t-""-
aS9ff5st'nii'flsSsBwt& HH-Kr---'V"
WsTOiaMtTsaMi' ft niii flti -'Wi asaf 1
"v-4flsty t .' ,..
'ASrHSa-flaSHHsV f JKtaaw '
aar.rr 'T!'" mVrT H lf--.
" ': i
.iimMJrVMaftHM t0f jHtlZ
And all Agricultural mplemenls used.
The largest and
In the central Willamette Valler. Or lers fr na a dis a i j s Uolt9 1 ti I promptly
filled ut lowest rates.
Best's Hand
We keen the boat stock ai autlarw in
tha valiey, Pocket knives and razor a
-.lll TV tfc I . . .
I ciaiiy. xrvu t uuy anyiuiug in IQS
lin without calling on us tU-t.
Of all descriptions sold by Peters k Stewart.
wswaap3?g?!,- smmIstssIsji
HBtBassjssjoaaafiSSSi StsBtw
Youths 4
i t
t s
best variety of-
Mt Iursovxs Hand Sspa ratas
s double combined machine, posses
s twa shoes, (inste of oae as i
machines of other msnu'art urers,
nine riddles and a large independent
screen. Each shoe is equal in pow
er and capability to the one in any
other mill, and by the operation of
the two double etteiencr is secured.
My 23-inch mill will clean from 400
to 000 buahola of seed grain per day,
according to the condition of the
grain, and we guarantee that all
barely, oats or other tou! seeds will
be thoroughly removed with com
plete satisfaction.
I ch alienee an? mill to a contest.
I know that I can beat them, as my
mill has beaten every mill it has
come in contest with, both in Cali
fornia and Oregon, snd is the best
made, bolts being used where
screws are used lu others.
Albany, O r8u.
Md, YegetaWe and Howe: Seed?,
209 Second Street, bet. Salmon and Taylor,