STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY ST STITES & NUTTING. U IKHIFI KI IemT RsdUlliiRaa Broatialaln lrrrt. TERMS Or BUDSCRIPTIOM stnj-le o,pt. pee year. t " ' w f ?S etngte oopy, U month. . 1 luirl oopy, three mooUw nl numlMtr PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany , Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court- Of thia BUte. Will give Special attention to collections end probate Office In Poster' new brick. 49tf lTh. MONT A.NYE. TT01tNEY AT LAW. AND- Notary Public. lbanv, reosv Office upstairs, over Jobn BrlagV "tore tet street. v!4n23tf J K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW ALBANY. OftEVON. IITI l.t. PRACriCK IN Alili Tils lutma Ur TB W Sut. 8pclal attention fWen to collection! ami rohalo matter Bee In Odd rl lew's Tempi. fl: i. O. POWKLU W. K. IITUT POWEIiTi & B1XYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chaiicery II. RAW. - - OREOOM. Collection promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on rewomnio tonus. asTOffloe in Foster's Brick.. vHnlfhf. J. J. WHITNEY. Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON, Will Dractlce in all of the Courts of chisState. All business Intrusted to hi m will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. dooks. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Largi- Stock and Low Prioes, OITT 3DHXTC3- BTORB, 2yl tLBlvr. OEKt.OV FOSHAY & MASON, LI AS D aBTAM.- Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Aldcn's publications, which we sell at publisher's prices with postageadded. ALBANY, OKEGOH. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Met Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. t hare the best stock of nmittire In the city aod will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE ita the citv and the lowest price In the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOOPIN, Revere House, Corse, rint aad Ellsworth Albany, Orrgi.n. Mueller & Garrett, Prop'rs This new Hot' in fitted up in flrwt clam etyl. Tables supplied with the best the market affonls. Bering Bed in .very Room. A good Sample Boom for Com mercial Traveler. fVEree Ceark la and from the ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OK. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 15th, 1885. for particular concerning the courae of etady and be pnee of tuition, apply to REV. J. . HHKOI1, Preaideat. Alo any Bath Mouse. rail UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT faliy inform the oitiiem of Albany and ri akiity that I havetaken charge of thi KetsblUb Bat,aol, by keeping clean rooms and payio itriet attention to baiissM, ezpectt to suit si those who may favor US with their patronage flaring heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Urssslnsr Saloons exoeeti to sire entire tatisf . lion to a) Ch'ldien sod Ladlei' Hair neatly en ipooed JOR WKRflHR. DR. J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Streets, A3 XHY - - OREGON 0. O OHBBRT. C.B.PrRKS S ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iror Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle all kiDds of heavy work. We wfil manufacture Steam Engines. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Canting. PATTERNS M4DK ON HIOKT KOTK E. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufso turs the improved Cherry At White Grain Bepmaator WASTED. A capable man or woman of immense energy to take the agency of this or some other county for the "History of Califor nia." To tho right party it will pav from i'lOO to $300 ier month. Address F. Per- on, Manager Occidental Publishing Co,. " 0 Sutter St., San Francisco VOL. XXI. GERm Osrtt Rhtumatttrs, Neerslela, rill rdlll rwrxteftoK Wi Mill AT DNl'tlCIKTS AND SSL THi vmasiks a. vokVLRK sa.S4tTtswas.aa .4 ftaoftrf ri Free from Opi'iht, JEmetk SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. AT I'n m r Il.ii -.. THK CU ISLES A. VOkaUS CO.. DALTUORI, 8D. Eczema. And every spectra of Itching and Burning Oiacwac urcd by tulirurs. ECZKMA, or Salt Kheiim. with atfonixinr iuhiiu' ana burning- , inatanuy r vU by a warm hath with Culkura Soap and a tntl application of Cutteura, the great akin Our. Th.. refat-.t daily with two or three doaee of CulUura Beaolaent. the new b!.t purifier, to keep the blood cool, the peraplratl.n pure and luttlnl, th bowel ope, th Uer and kid ney aatlve, will peedlly aura Baeein. Tettert Ring, worm. CturiaaU, l.i.hen. Pruritus. Soahl hni. dn- lruS and cvty wclee of itching-, ami pimply humor of th acalp aud s.l.i, wheu th best ph vt cum an all known rnidt fait. Will McDonal.1. i. ii l'arlm .trtxit. chl.-u.i mt fully acknawledir a cure of Ecna, or fcal, nt k, face, arms and isga for aeventeea years; not able to walk except an hand and kee far an yar not abl to hblp hlawelf fr laht yaar j tried huiitrd. ot ram edie. doctor ironounol hlc cae hopatoa ; penaa- rintlv rnrmA n. i ttt i.-nr Uiii .... . t .i - - - - . and Rutkntr and Cuticora Soap (th great akin cure ) exirrnaiiy. rbarlc Houvhten. Men.. I.wver SS Utmim U-l..ii. rn- it. i lw ul teniiii imJer hi .m lion for un yara, which rorerad th t'. hotly ami limb, and U which ail known -)thod ol LraaL- merit luul bevn applied without ttrnent. which -"Uiplelcly cured eolrly by the Cutlcura icatln o clean nnU Healthy akin. Mr. John Thiel. Wilkeabarre. Perm, write : I bar u?ered from Holt Rheum for right year, at timet a bad that I caulu not at lend to mv hu.uiee lr at a time. Three bote el CutlcuraSand hror aottkaa K-.lvnt hav entirely cured roe of thi dreadful dia- Itn.ician Pr.-a.-ril Them I hav. eothiinr but th hij-'hr .t pfaiwfurthe retului obtain d frnn vur('uti cur lteme.lica. of wh'ch i hav autd mora than of all otkire A th kind. MoVRo PoNI, M. O. SMO N Brad St. Philadelphia 1'enu. Ara add by all dru.nriU. Price: "t ncia. 60V?. : RMotvBsrr. ft ; Soar. Jtfc. Porrra DSM ax fnaa- k l Oo Boston. Uaaa. Send for "How to Cure Skin DiaeaM." DC AIITI th .mpiexi.,n and tkin the CtTTK-t SA SOAf, Rheumatic Neuralgic. Sciatic. Sudden, Sharp and Nervous pain absolutely annlhL laud by the (.'aticunt Anil-Pain fleeter. perfect antidote to pain aixl Inrlanimatloa. New, Original, Infsilible. At Druggiate. tte MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, urnisnt Ktvtrit Duust. FISH, GAME, AND POULTRY MARKET. MILTOH HYDE, Proprietor. Fresh fish always on hand. Cash paid for chickens and game. First Street, next door to Jos, Webber's, ALBANY, OREGON L 1 i r Tmir-aTraTl ar-aTWTar-aTIMifl l.aBiSVSll BUeaBBBBBBBBBBBBT'lBBBaBVI M Administrator's Notice. I NOTICE is hereby given that the nn- (Jersifc'ned has this dav oeen amy sppui liv ed Administrator of the estate of 9. T. Janes, deceased, by the County Court of Linn county, State ot Oregon. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present tbem to the Administrator at his residence near Miller's Station, Linn county, Ore gon, within six months from tho date hereof, properly verified as by law re quired. This 5th day or March, isso. J. A. Jokes, Administrator of estate of S.T. Jones.dec'd, Did you Sup- pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. Red Star THADt y7 MARK. Coughure Wnmhinjjtoii I re in our rgular corrpoitutit. I Waswnotok, March. 5th, 1886. Tho Administration has shown the courage of Its convictions during the week, by launching three aggressive documents upon the Senate. The first was the President's messnge on the right of the Senate to share the information on which he made official changes. The second also was a message from the President condemn ing in very positive terms the outra ges committed on the Chinese in tho far West, and urging Congress to re imburse the victims for their pecun iary losses, The third document waa a decided letter from the Secretary of the Treasury on the silver policy of the Administration la which he showr no disposition to compromise with the silver men. He describes the efforts he has made to force the standard dollar into circulation, that Congress may see that ha has tried to carry out Its purposes In good faith. The statement he makes In regard to this slseald at least atop the talk in dulged in by some that the dollars do not circulate because the Treasury officials secretly use tho machinery of the Department against tho coin. While Senator Beck may not agree with the Administration on the silver question, he is with It in the contro versy with the Senate. Ssid he, In regard to the coveted appointment papers, "no one has any right to them but the persons who wrote them. Mr. Cleveland can return them to their wrltere to-morrow, If he desires to do so, and no one could prevent him. The Senate could not make the peo ple to whom he returned the papers, tell what was in them. Since the President eent his rue, ssge to tho Senste in regard to Its demand for papers, there has been no doubt as to what bo Is going to do. fie holds that tbo question of removal Is one for him alone, aod he will not send tho papers. It Is not that the Senators are misunderstood sod mis represented that the complain. On the contrary, It is because they are thoroughly understood and as thor oughly exposed. But eay they, acta of suipooilor. ought to bo public and tho reasons for tbem explained. While this is true, tho custom and tho law of the Government do not require It. The law should requlro it,but it does aot, and the Senate d ee not wish it. The Senate avoids publicity and fears It. The Senate has refuaed publici ty. It does not wsnt tbo country to know sll tho fact and ressons in theee cases. It wants to have a por tion of them given in secret, to be manipulated in secret, to bo made the basis of political maououvers, which cinnot be fairly met because they are plotted snd perfected in secret. The subject is the chief topic of conversation at both ends of the Cap itol, and it is noticeable that the Pres ident's frank aud strong statement of his determination not to bo misrep resented or forced to surrender his rights or responsibilities hsslncreiscd udmiraii n for him. Thero lis been a good f.el f com ment upon tho loss of temper over the President's communication, ex hibited by the usually placid, unde monstrative Senator from Vermont, Mr, Edtuund. Tho Senate was In secret session whon the President's private Secretary arrived with the massage. Business was suspended when it was learned what bo had brought with him.and the document was laid before the body, Senator Harris proposing that it be read with closed doors. Senator Kenna, of W. Va., and Van Wyck, ot Nebraska, sharply demanded that the doors bo opened. After a brief debate the doors were thrown open, th corres pondents filled their gallery, and tho news spreading rapidly, people from other parts of the Capitol hastily made their way to the Senate. Ex traordinary stillness prevailed on the floor, and the scene .was unusual for the reason that every Senator on both sides of the C lumber listened eagerly. Chieftain Edmunds sat with his eyes closed, his chin on his breast. His hands were folded across his knees and twitched nervously during the reading of tho message. At the close Senator Harris sprang to his feet with a motion that the document lie upon the table and be printed. Mr. Edmunds arose to dispute this motion in a voice that betrayed his ir tense excitement, while his figure trembled and his face and bald head were scarlet with anger. "I do not propose that it shall be laid upon the table if I can help it," shouted he, and demanded the yeas and nays. He then proceeded to make a little speech which he delivered with un usual emphasis.comparlng Mr. Cleve land to Charles the First, the most arbitrary of the Stuart kings. It is impossible to foreshadow the outcome of the pending issue, which Eights ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 86, has stirred up party feeling among Senators more than anything that has happened this winter. They were not prepared to discuss this com munication In an off-hand atyle, how ever. The message will first be con sidered by the Judiciary Committee in a special meeting. After that the Senatorial fight will begin, and it is likely to be long and exciting Twenty-five ssnatoital places will be vaoated on the 4th of March, 1887. The Senator are Miller of California, 1 1 aw ley of Connecticut, Harrison of In diana, Hale of Maine,l)wa of Maaa chusetts, Canger of Miohijrsn, McMillan ef Minnesota, Van Wyck of Nebraska, tJswell ot New Jersey, Miller of New Vork, Sherman ef Obio, Mitebell of Pennsylvania, eJdriok of Khode Island, Kdmumlt of Vermont, Mebone of Vir ginia, and Sawyer of Wiaeonsin.Ilepub licana ; Gray ef Deleware, Jonea of Florida, Gorman of Maryland, George of MiNteipi,Cookrell of Missouri,Pair of Nevada, J ackaon of Tennessee, Maxey of Texai, and Camden of West Virgin ia,Dameorate. Of tbeae Sbernian.Gjr man and (iaorg are reelected one Republican andteo Democrats. Mr. Daniels ia elected to aucceesl Mr Ma hene, a Democratic gain. The Demo crats believe they will gain also in In diana. They think that California, Michigan, Wisconsin and New Jersey are good fields for success. New York is open for a tight. At any rate, the prospect ioeka fair for demeliihiog the Republican majority in the Senate. The Blair Education bill has passed the Senate by a vote of 36 to 1 1. It diatributea among the etatae and terri tories during a period of eight years in proportion to the illiteracy of each, the following sums : First year,$7,0 00,000; second year, $10,000,000 ; third year, $15,000,000 ; fourth year, 1 3,000,000; fifth year, $12,000,000 ; sixth year,$9, 600,000; seventh year, $7,000,000; eighth rear, $,000,000 making $77, 000. Section 13 of the bill, which ap propriated $2,000,000 to be distributed ameng the statu to be used in building school boueee, waa atrickan out by the Senate. Taie is the ooe that contained the objection urged br those Senators wko yet believe that the atetes have rights that even Congress is bound to tespeet. The firat year Oregon would get 8,500. The bill has yet to paae the House, but ita greatest danger is the Presidential veto. All the vast western territory of the United Slates north of the thirty -sixth parallel of Uvttude, embracing an aree larger than the whole of Kurope, waa acquired by successive Democratic Ad ministrations, begiooinj with JefTereen aod ending with Polk. With the ex caption of Alanks, t)ia :rsUo policy has given to the American eopl their vaa. public domain. The Reonblican party gave it nearly ail awsv to railroada and corporations. Thi Democratic party now propose to restore it. It baa en tered upon ita second era af conquest and irnoa unci mora to provide homes for thi people. Mr. Henderson, of Iiw, who holds down a chair in Congress, liecanse the chair can't help iisslf, cam- up out of the basement last week, and clubbing biajaw took the same in both bands and laid about him perfectly regardless. Just before be roaobs I the further end of his wind he declare I that he would "rather spend an eternity in hell with an ex-Canfedarate, than an eternity in heaven with a Northern Copperheed." We would rather he would, too. It is rather rough on hell, but we owe it a grudge. It begins to look as if Michigan had made up her mind, this time,for sure, to quit the Republican line and join the Democratic procession. Division and disaster aeom to beset the Michigsn Re publicans. Even gieat moral ideas only add to tbe intensity of their dis sensions. In view ot a threatened epidemic ef coughs like tl at of a year ago in Phil adelphia, the Health Commissioner of Maryland officially recommended? Red Star Cough Cure for throat troubles, aa being free from opiates, safe and sure, and having none of the harmful feat urea of other cough mixtures. Only 25 cents. Pity the sorrows ot a poor old Sena tor They are making it hot for him up in Vermont and he is like tbe fellow on a stormy sea who had to do seme thing reiigious, if it waa only to take up a collection. Mr. Edmunds is oblig ed to do semething Republican, if it is only to quarrel with a Democratic Pres ident. .ee- The Washington correspondence of the Boston Post intimidates that tbe oilver problem wili be solved by a oom promfae, and that Speaker Carlisle will be tbe medium for adjusting the differ ences between the President and tbe silver men. Miserable, mistaken Minnesota ! She clamors for annual sessions o': her Legislature. raBsosai. Albert Viotor ISlward, eldest son of tbs Prince of Wales, is described ss a aby, pale, boyiab-leoking fellow, who doesn't look his twenty-two years. He is devotedly attaohed to his mother, whom he resembles in character and features. The great Russian painter Varachs guine hsppened to bo in London dur ing the recent riots, and is going to paint a large picture of the Trafalgar equare mob. He saya that he "never aaa ao many human beings who looked so famiabod, degraded, ill-olad and hideouaty miserable. Ltnguage is im lnt Miit to express tbe effect produced upon me by the sight of a multitnde so brutalized by misery." Some aurprtae has bsen expressed 'bat the late Mr. John B. Gougb should have left an eatate of only $75, 000 after so many years ef successful lecturing. A friend of the great tem peraoee advocate explains matters by a reference to Mr. Cough's travelling expenses, his habit of lecturing for tbe benefit of charities, and bis singular generosity of disposition. "Men of his temperament,0 be says, "do not board money. The rare good health which Mr. Gedgh enjoyed," he adds, "and the ensiable easiness of bis destb, are perhaps the moat cogent arguments be ever addueed in favor of temperance." vsacatavs isanrrrav Tbe teacher's institute to bo held in this city March 31st, April 1st and 2nd, should he attended by all tbe teachers in tbe county. Preparations are be ing made for an unusually interesting and profitable meeting. Tbe usual re duction, we are informed, will be made by railroada and by tbe botela in this city. Some of the beat educational lecturers of tbe State will be in at ten dance, smoni whom will be Profs. T. F. Campbell of Stale Agricultural Cot- 'ege at Corvallts, Thomas VaoSeoy of Willamette University and E. B. Mc- Elroy State Superintendent of Pa blic Instruction. TOE OCTOSt' BSOeBMCUKST. Dr. W. D. Wright, Cincinnati, O., sends the subjoin" I profession l endoraO- ment : "I have prescribe! Dr. Wffl. Hall'a Balsam for tbe Lungs in a great number of case, and always with suc cess. One case in particular waa given up by several physicians who had been called in for consultation with myself. Tbe patient bad all th symptoms of confirmed consumption vld night swests, hectic fever, herraninjj onha, etc He commenced itnme litetelv to get better, was soon restored to his usual health. I also found D". Wm. Hall's Balaam for the Looga tbe moat valuable expectorant for breaking up distress ion ought and co Ida." Senator Evarta, when a boy, livsd to Fiockney street, Boiton. Ilia father, Jeremiah Everts, died when William waa quite young. A gentleman of thia citv who was born in Mtrtl street 9 m went to school with young Evarle, and says ef him that he was a link, ungain ly lad, who usually got the worst of it in the rough and tumble cames f the sw , ear roystering schoolboys. It ia said that General Terry deairea to be the Republican candidate for the Presidency, and for that reason Blaine and Locan'a frisnds will oppose his W e confirmation to Hancock' place Would not &r. Edmunds like to eeod an inquiry to tbe Preaident for hia rea sens for appointing Terry ? It ie said that Senator Sb ertnan never sends off a letter without first asking himself what its effect would he if made public. And thia is tbe result cf hav- a ing a Presidential bee in one's bonnrt. Mr. Blaine nas fioiahed his book, and is busy overhauling his old letters. I hs finds a bundle endorsed Mulligan" he will know where to send it. rank Leslies Saaday Magazine For April is an exceedingly interesting number, containing articles to please tastes. It is especially rich in engravings from paintingM and drawings, and the art lover will also find congenial matter in the sketch of Leonardo Da Vinci, with its two accom panying portraits. "The Protestant Sister hoods of New York," will attract much at tention, as it refers especially to the 8isters of gt Mary, whose Convent of St. Gabriel at Peekskill has been much talked about recently. "Church-going in Virginia in 1765," by John S. Fatton, is it local article of great antiquarian interest. There are Portraits of Bishop Hannington, who Is supposed to have been martyred in Africa, Archbishop Gibboqs of Baltimore, the sec ond American Cardinal, and the late Vice President Hendricks whom Dr. Talmage eulogizes as a "Christian Politician." There are many other articles of present and fu ture interest and the number is full of beau tiful pictures which please all, young and old. a The Nest Agreeable As well as the most effective method of dispelling headaches, oolds and fevers, or cleansing the system is by takiag a few doses of the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. 50o and $1 bottles for Foshay & Mason,Lang don fc Co. enurnr 1880. SPRING STOCK N H Or eat eare has been taken in our selections both as tn nnsHtw w ces . and,while we do not claim that our Ooods W 6 ou?c?m Sf,fcr and Is good, and we wffl 8wn "rT 4. 1 ,f 1 OBO"1uwu- uur stock was purchased for pou uasn, ana wo propose to sen as Unean a. nnvr -ill WW a a Put the Knife to Prices Ffull li5e ofUt ne6t Wheat fc 80 ent8 P8r bu8hel We have in 8fc0 Dry GOODS, Gent's Furnishing GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, &C. pUoattonP?" !?3U taakeen.Wm be VnmWmM and samples se.t uponap- N. H. ALLEN & Co., ALBANY, ORBliON, MARCH 6, 1886, rKSIOlLV lKMTX8- 'If I should ftf you to concoct s rallk-puDcb for me coold yea do it i" he blandly inquired of a Michigan avenue saloon is t. Yea, air." "Aod if I should consume the ssid punch and had na money to pay 'or t how would you treat me V "Give yon the bounce." Oently T" Not by n long shot !" "Do your best to injure f Of course." "Woulun't care how much you de graded mo in the estinoUn of the .ubiic r No, sir." Very we'd, air. I alwaya like to have a previous understanding in re gard to such mailers. ou can Keep your milk-punch end I will keep my dignity.' Texas Figaro. 5. 000 worth ot Nothing at coat at Moo"! Utth k Settenbach a It would mm to ba . truth bv .11. Mid WDKl.Hr by prnror. or lb. healing art, that to remove toe oasSBBs.noi .k aa. a .Uot'lal Ha evrnntouis. SBOUld DO me rhlflf aim of medication. Yet In bow many v sa m sawm ' r a tiifctanoea do w ss this truin aatniue. m theorv. ignored la practice. The reason that tioatettar's Bsomeeh Bitters is auc ceeeful in so many oases, with wntcn remedies previously trietl were losuexiu.. to cope, la attributable to the fact that it la a medicine which reaches and removes the causes of the various maladies to which it is adapted, muigesuan, and ague, liver complaint, gout, rheuma tism, disorder or the bowels, urinary ar taetlon and other maladies are not palli ated merely, but rooted out by it. It goes to the fountain head, it ta reaityt nominally, a radical remedy, and it en dows the svatem with an amount of vigor which Is Its beet protection against disease. Tell I ear Neieaber. Tell your neighbor who is not already a subscriber to the Democrat that we will furnish him the Weekly Iforr.the best me tropolitan paper in the country, and the Democrat, the best local paper in the val ley, both for $3. Thi is a marvel of cheap ness. Call at this office for a specimen copy of the World. t'laal Froor. Parties making final proofs of claims either through the Roseburg or Oregon City Land Offices, can have the same publiihed in the Dkmoi'rat bv ao notifying the Register at either of those places, Friends of this paper will confer a favor by considering this when they make oat their hnai claims. Brran or rigs. Manufactured only by the California lig Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cal.. is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fmit remedy mav be had of I oahay ft Mason, g W Langdon and Co., at fifty oenta or one dollar nr bottle. It ia the most pleasant, nnhi nrl ntTftrttive remodv known, to ptvui". V T olatncA .h avstem : to aot on the lAver, Virlnave and Bowels gently yet thoroughly1 to dispel Headaches. Colds and Fevers ; to ... Pnntination. Indigestion and ainurea 7taa a ww wr- -- w n ttf w AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE Peters & Stewart have neck-yokes and single-trees, ironed or unironeo, necs voke irons, slngle.tree irons, nib irons, faiiruM. anokas. ax trees, eto.. all for sale heap. I WARD WARE OF ALL KINDS. Atm matlonka. brush honks, picks dirtvaiti.ttnadflK. forks. erimCstones, wheel wrinrar. rooes. and almost avorvthlne you want, can be had oaeap for cash a Peters & Stewart. T I. CASE PLOvS. Thia famous nlow is well known in Linn County. The chilled and steel ptows era well made from the very best material and are warranted to do as good work and cour fully as well aa any oinerpiows Peters & Stewart aretbe sole agents. NO 36 Now being received by Allen OUcfcLrW, atlU NOTICE. hartag concluflod to close out his boiineos, now offers Ms entire stook m STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK together with his entire stock of TIM, COPPER AMD SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As this is a ginuine clojing oat, now is the time for hoasewife o replenish their kitcnens ani dairies with ware. ALBANY, FI2B- t'i i - to si am-stiDE. Statements of accounts of subscribers with the DsMocaaT have been placed in the bands of agents through the ooanty, so that subscribers deairiog to see either how they stand, or to settle for the same, can de ae by calling on them. TbLt ia for tbe convenience of both subscribers and the Democrat, Those desiring to pay a year in advance and get (be "American Farmer" ene of the best agricultural pa pers In tbe U. 8 , can do so with our asents. Call on tbe following gentlemen at tbe places named : O PCoabow Brownsville. R Mi-h on , Scio. V hi Miller Lebanon. Ssm May Harrisburg. F. A. Watte Shedd A Safeauar 7. a; fatal rapidity with uhkli -'.i! Cold and Cougha titiiia-uily ik'Vtt Into 1 ho gravest umludus of the 1 und luuvps i a ooit-idtTuiiun which . m i ImiK'l everv 1 rodeo! peraoo to l;e i t I. and, aa a hoiixcimid ivun dv. n bolho , A Y KIPS CIIRBRY PI iTOitAL. NetMsg dee give raRrhimmrdiererelk mid works mo sore a cure in nil i.lle ii u t.t WiU etas. That oniim-nt phv.-u-h . Prof. F. Swvelxcr, of the Altiiue M! itruuswit-A, JIc, ay : "Ift.litail eatenee l . .- .1 ae ethtr 1 -. .1 v m- i X-ctvr.tiu ;(xl nit Arm's Oil-ill: . iCTOU& ll hi ntvt.taWo fr dteiii frf t' tHnsa aad The same opinUm i esfavaaetl by fcc v.fil-'.ituwn Dr. L.J. Addhsai, of Chicago, III., wIij says: I luvo n. vr ftaUV In tV:r!y.f.v yiv.r f nowiliiuAHa flMr' ai4 MCCC t-t i;:-"tli. lilt , : .nv Wr ' t f m trt : i :iliu ;i , A VUl. H Ct.SUlit i'K( Tia.i. iVr SrrHttafsa t' ithswetgi f UertwlaiWl imii-K. li ii 1 tody i-rvukt- up ;.' inttl i-iiriM pi-vtrc rnevlts ina In nstirv tfViiivi lltnn ntrvtMas y srUwing cvni ih Swat .'rlnii hroiit ldH- mi&iuimMMuy Qi-&Uru .YER'S Cherry Pectorai I. not S UcW '.. :i'::ul for j ftj 1: .. dtttc but a i'"ticluc vvlut'i - -J Hi - iiu tin; ll4 if the ll.iid i ) ,r: :. i who nat' eotuc iu; bt itr, r-looe i. y .i B!t wllVn i to 1 In1 1 ubbV. Tlii-n' I- not a ImusrOokl r:i wUU!i i! (uvahtahiv rwnetly lets sanv h - n i. - llVvitlv'td Where Ps lire l.;ts t.- I), v I ah uid in d, Rttd Uiciv U i:! ; ; v 1 who lia.s ever given ii a 1 r 1. ' for anv llu-ont of hutg tttiw ri ivi liii i( t uiT, who lui net l u 1 d WcJ h. If, .WS'irS ClIKUUY PIXTi P. ' !. ! . i:i piinincrk'ss lisnraw. nott) i- ija, i . esof ciiroiii' Ltrooclilil ;, t...rss,v jiti', ri; I yen acute lueoul, sstai 1 1 savtil ntaay raiieu s a tlw i;:rir f t t tr l ulnionary Conatimp(lot !' i - a iik divine thtit otilv mjuht's to 1 luua lu sm.iil 1 ,i. U ileawuw 10 ho t.; m wl w 11 d d i'i i yv. ' lu c w!mij tlit it- !iv thi .1 : t'l;" h v )'' :! ; 1 c i tl as A V IPHI HMPUY PI TOt: ; i. i-iial-pj n 01 (Toupantl WUoupirv. Coxtgli, 1iffPVc all rhifn fJcl'. wMt !i 1 11 !) veriii 'tt- li :mi If d . rnd abouid bo re i.u't: :h I'e.l hv ev r- hod' 1 . Tver's Cncr-' Peetcra? icrugvU) STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIOI IN TEE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Special business notices in Loos CcJ umno 1 cents per line. Regular Loca noticos jo cents ir line. For legal and transient advextlMaBeate . () per square lor the firai asecKn,and f cents per square for eaos) sueeqosat insertion. Rates for other advertisements mace known on application. Co.. 57 First Street, Albany, STOVES Red CrownMills IS0M. LANNIXCJ & fjo., PEOPR. SW PROCERS FLO UK SCI EIUOR FOR r AMlLfKS AXD BAKERS CSK. BESTST01UGW rVCTLITlES. Highest ;Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. FRED GRAF, Manufacturer fan J Dealer In all klnda JUR N1TURE, AND UNDERTAKER. 8 First Street AlbanyOr C. K, WOLVKRTON, O, H, UtVTJtO. W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW S9PHc up stair in Froman'a Brick Albany, Oregon. F OR SALE. Oue hundreil and forty aeres, iiin inilea above Lebanon. 40 aeres in out tivation. 10 acres slashed and sown to grass. Comfortable dwell lag, gone! outhousea. Cheap. Inquire at tbts office. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public- DR. I. N. W0 IDLE, Veterinary Surgeon, Office at Sehmee Stables. ALBANY, OREGON B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, Ara alwavs hreakincr. unless tou have tbe kind sold by Peters fe Stewart, of Al bany. They are made of wrought irn cannot jump the track and will !at a life time. Don't hang another barn door un til you havef8een hem. N. J. HENT0N, Notary Public xsfi Insurance Agent, 0- F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OK Represents several of Ike best Firs Ia surance Companies on the Coast. Call t n him for reliab leinsu ranee. I