The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 19, 1886, Image 2

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Wht gctttirat.
Kill l) V MARCH 19, 1886
Whin a tusn attempts to put an ar
gument through on a falae promito or
misrepresentation, ho hoi o "paculiar"
wsy of invoking ono misstatement of
foot to bolster up ooothor. Ia fact it
it hit last and only rooort. Thia ia the
predicament iu wbioh the Orejonian
haa placed itaelf with reference to the
content going on between the Preeideot
and Senate over the President's refusal
to transmit to that body hia teaaoni, or
the paper or documents containing the
reason, for making certain suspensions
and remsvaU of Republican officials.
We repeat, that the Ortgonian baa mia
atated the iaaue between the Preaident
and the Senate. Ths iaaue ia whether
the President ia com palled to furniab
the Senate with hia reasons, or the doc
ument containing his resaons, for mak
ing suspensions, while the Oregonmn,n
the light of knowlodge, aays that the
iaaue includea papers aad documenta
upon which appointments have been
made. That paper aays : "Tho Pteai-
dani telle the Senate that pepera on file
in the department, on which he haa
neminatoti men to cftteo are his own
property." Now, the President ha
told the Senate nothing of the kind, and
the Oregonian must be very blind not
to have found out the truth about the
matter. The Senate hae net aeked the
Preeideot for his toaeoni, or the papeia
and documents, containing them, upon
which men have been nominated to
office, therefore there waa no occasion
for the President to refuee them. It ia
evident that the Orejonian haa net rt
the Praoident's aaeaaage, or that it haa
determined to misstate hia position
Hers is what the Preeideot aaya in re
gard to furnishing the Senate hia reasoas
for oominating men to office : "To the
nd that the aervice may bo improved,
the Senate ia invited to the fulleat
scrutiny of the persons submitted to
them for public oifice in recognition of
the constitutional power of that body to
advUe and consent to their appointment.
I shall continue aa I have thus far done,
to furnish at the request of the confirm
ing body, all information I poaa
. a .a as m
touomog tna ntnoaa of the nominees
placed before tbem for their action, both
when they are proposed to fill vacanciea
and to take ths places vf auapended of
ficials." Hare ia an open pledge in hia message
to furnish ths Senate with all thoee
reasons and papers which the Oregonian
aave the President has refused to do.
We must congratulate the Orejonian
on being .he moat successful dodger
from the awkward reeulte of ita own
false promisee we have ever met.
Some time since the Prohibition Star
proposed this question to ministers :
"How ean yea eUnd on the national
Democratic p atforin oppoeiug sumptu
ary Uwe ? By geoeral consent of the
house referred to firo. Bell of the
Roeeborg Review."
Whereupon Bim. Bell comes tack
beaming brilliantly and dima much of
the 1 aster of the Star, by replying :
"We answer, whoever heard of ths
preachers getting out of the church be
cause the devil got in 1 No sir, if there
is an error in the Democratic platform
in reference to sumptuary laws or any
thing else, the true Democrat will cor
rect the error and preserve the body
politic. Inside the cburcb, inside the
party is the place to rectify wronga. If
there ia a defct iu a abip the Star
would have us desert the ship and let
her go down, and go and build a new
one at an eoormoua expens?. Let us
say to yon right here, the Democratic
craft haa been afloat ever since the daya
of Julius Caesar, aod the people of this
grand Republic stiM looks to her for a
mm w iiuui
Ths following names an discussed aa
auitable prohibition candidates : For
Governor, Prof. T. F. Caojpbell.Cjrvai
lis.ffon. G- W. Dimick of Marion, and
W.F.Owena,of Douglas. For Congress, J.
W. Webb, of Portland,and J. G. Mad
dock, of Mii row. Sjcretsry of State,
A. Lielling, of Clackamas. State
Treasurer, D. W. Stearns, of Douglas,
or Asbby White, of Poik. Superin
tendent of Public Instruction, J. fi.
Houston, of Jackson. Supremo Judge,
Hon. L. Flinn, of Linn.
The State Convention of tbe Prohi
bition party will meet at Salem, March
31st, to nominate a State ticket. Coun
ty conventions have been called in
Marion, Jackiou, Clackamas, Wasco,
Polk,Lina and fillamook. Steps are be
ingtaken in other counties to call son
ventions. We are to have a three-corn-eredcontes
oo tbe State ticket, and a
similar one in many of the counties.
The constitutionality of the registry
law haa heen submitted to tbe Supreme
Court and will bo decided by that body
in a few day. If that court holds the
law constitutional, voters will have
nothing else to do but register.
Hon, J. Henderahott,of Union coun
ty, is apoknn of as a suitable candidate
for Secreu-y of State on the Prohibi
tion ticket.
We are authorized to say that Z. B.
Moss ia not a candidate for Assessor.
the i.iT eauxo ji ry.
Much haa been said in refrrenoe to
the sotion of the Orand Jury at the late
term of Court in fading "not a true
bill" against Miss Allison, charged
with the murder of Charles Campbell.
Of course, pubHo feeling had been run
ning high since the murder, and it ia
notatrange that the relatives and frienda
of Charles Campbsll should feel indig
nant at the acquittal of one whom they
believed to lave been guilty of the mur
der. But when all tho facts aod cir
cumstances aui-rouadiog the one are
understood, we oaonot permit ourselves
t believe that undue outside influence
as brouuht to bear upon anr member
of the Grand Jorv. Thev are all well
-jp v w
kuown, ref utable citizens without any
shadow upon their character. They
were aworn to isdtot according to the
truth, uninfluenced by envy, hatred,
malice, fear, favor, or hope of reward,
aod that the p rooeediogs before it, the
oounaei of the state, their own counsel,
they should all keep secret. Under
provision of the criminal code when the
Grand Jury are in doubt whether the
facta, as shown by the evidence before
them, constitute a crime in law, they
may mako a presentment of the facta to
the court, without mentioning the namea
of individuals, and aak the eourt to ia
struct them eencerning the lew thereon
This, ws uoderstsnd, was done.and the
court instructed the jury that no con
viotion oould be had upon the stats o
facta presented. If ihia be true, then
ths blsme, if eny, would reat upon ths
Judre and not uoon tbs jury. No ons
doubts the Judge's integrity, we aup
pise. Then bow can the jury be accua
sd of not doiog their duty ? In no way,
except that they were tampered with
and corrupted by outside influences. If
thia waa done, aa haa been intimated,
it is ths duty of those having a knowl
edge of auch facta to make tbem known
thet the execrations tf an outraged
public may rest upon the guilty ones.
Certainly the public cannot claim to
kaow all the evideoca submitted to the
Grand Jury, as,under the statute,tbey
may hear evidence that would exculpate
any one charged with a crime. Then
how can one, not knowing the evidence,
determine certainly that the Grand
Jury should find an indictment. Again,
it has been said that witnesses were
called whoee evidence would have ss
tablisbed the guilt of the accused. But,
under th aatute, it is tbs duty of tho
District Auoruty to present the evi
dence to the Grand J try in the ease of
every person held to answer a criminal
charge, and the Grend J ury have it not
in their power to reject it, so if wit
nesses were not examined who bad been
subpoenaed, we must conclude that the
District Attorney, who bad charge of
the matter, conaideied their evidence
immaterial. Again, we repeat if any
one knows of facta sufficient to show
that any member if the Grand Jury
was tampered with, it is bis duty to
d iaclose the facta to the public that such
a cne may, at least, i shunned and
driven from tbe pretence of decent, law
abiding people.
Rev. J. T. Wolfe preached at the
Fairview Church last Sunday to an ap
preciative audience.
Wm. Robnett and wife, of flalaey
have been visiting with relatives io tbe
Miss Catharine Mtllbollen as been
quite aick. Dr. J. B. Lee baa beea
waiting on her.
Ed. Warriner, of Corvallis visited
friends here, and, while out, bad a good
time hunting ducks and snipe.
Miss Mary Montague, of Lebanon
begins her fifth term of school at tbe
Hulburt school houses son. This spesks
well for the lady as a teacher.
W. E. Yates, of Lebanon visited
with relatives and frionda laat Sunday.
Dr. Ferrer, ef Corvallis has msds
several professional cal.'aintbe vicinity.
Parry Preston and wife, of Putt land,
are visiting with friends.
A dancing party was given on Tues
day evening at the residence of Frsnk
Set ford.
TheDirectois of tbe Orleans school
have eogaged tbe services of Miss Pratt,
of Corvallis to teach tbe next term.
Prof Lambert will fill his regular
appointment next Sunday.
A Sunday school is soon to he or
ganized at Orleans. This ia a good
The proprietor of th Farmer's ferry
ia making improvements on the road
and banks aod expecu soon to be able
to accommodate travelers.
Mrs. J jha McBride,Sr.,i qime kick
at her home near this place.
Miss Jennie Purdy, who has heen
spending tbe winter in Corvallis, re
turned to her home near Oakville last
Miss Dearnaond.of Corvallif,returned
to Oakville last week.
W. J. Ribsiin, of Excelsior gate
fame, passed through Oik rills Isst
week with that wonderful invention.
Mrs. C. C. McBride ia spending a
few daya in Corvallis.
Born near Oakville, on March 7tb,to
the wife of Hanry C. Jackson, a daught
er. Mr. Workioger and wife arrived in
Oakville a few days ago from Indians
county, Penn. We believo they intend
to make Oregon their home io tbe fu
ture. Mr. Gibson.of Pena., arrived in Oak
ville a few days ago.
Hen. J. R. K. Irvine, of Yaquina
Bay,is speeding a few days with friends
near Oakville.
Mra. Samuel Maley, of this placo,has
gone on a visit to relatives at Condon,
Eastern Oregon.
Chicken Oriatle.
"Dout you know mo, Brick," alio
yelled, as tho door or my elegant
auminor residence was thrown open
to admit a fair creature, upon whoso
ace ceuld bs plainly seen the pencil
marks of fvrty-thrtw or four summers
and a half. As her voice went rush
ing round tho room, a coldness seemed
to creep down m back and a kind of
way-back feeling swept over my gl
gantlc frame. In a voice, faint and
trembling, t wanted to know where
she came from. Giving me a look
that would have stopped a clock, and
In a vole that told of a heart crushed
and broken, she said she came from
Brownsville. Leaning my pale, cold
cheek on her graceful rhoulder, I
wanted to know who she waa, and
what she cam for,and if her clothea
didn't fit her, and which one of the
girls she was. Striking an attitude
that would have made a cigar sign
turn pale With envy, and In a voice
that shook my cabin and made the
window blinds turn yellow,she called
mo a heartless villain and told me to
let my mind wander back through
tho hazy past, to the time ef long ago
when I was a young, happy, gladsome
tny, and she a winsome, trusting, lit
tle maiden. "Do you think," she
cried, "that 1 have forgotten the hap
py daya of yore, when hand In hand
together we tripped lightly o'er tho
beautiful meadows and plucked the
dalstee and the butter-cups, snd you
wove them Into garlsnds, and with
the love light shining In your eyes,
you placed those sweet fragrant flow-
era on my brow and told me I was
the sweetest posy of thsra all."
"Stop," I cried, as the light began to
break In upon my clouded mind.
Taking her gently in my arms, and,
as her beautiful head clothed lr
wavy maseee of fine silky hair sank
upon my ducking vest, I told hor
that I never wandered in any one's
meadow nor ever wove any garlands,
and that 1 was too nice a little boy to
go hopping around In the tall grass
with any little winsome maid. But
that I knew a man that used to be up
to that racket, and that he now rode
around the country In a Hacfne cart,
and carried a blue patent gate and
a look of woe.
Friday, March 5th, we spent the
night with Mr. A. It. Morris and fam
liy. Mrs. M., as her many friends
will be glad to hear,ts fast recovering
from the Injuries she sustained by
being thrown from a cart not long
age, although her hand and arm still
give her some psm and inconvenience
Saturday night and Sunday, the
6th and 7th, we were kindly cared
lor oy air. ivJ. Knox ana nis very
pleasant aod agreeable lady. The
Knox brothers hsve a fine farm, and
are solid temperance wen.
Last Saturday we struck the hia
torlc town of Tangent In tho shank
of tho evening, accepted the hearty
invitation from the whole-souled
Mayor of the city, J. J. Beard, Eq ,
to tarry over nlgot. Mr. and Mrs.
Beard left nothing undone to make
our stay pleasant.
We are under many obligations to
Mr. and Mrs. A. L Bridgefarmer for
the pleaaaot evening spent at their
While at Tangent we visited our
friend, Jamea B. Jenka, and were
shown some very fine thoroughbred
Jersey red hogs, owned by hia eon,
Jamea E. Thoee boga are well worth
the attention of the hog raisers of
Oregon, being looked upon by breeders
!n the East as superior to all others.
Bun k Dcst.
J banon.
Ihe Masonic Hall lately purchased
by tbe City Council for so Engine
bouae has been fixed io good order, and
laat Friday was turned over to tbe 6 re
ason. The firemen, with tbe Brass
Band at tbsir head, marched ui to the
old quarters and brought out the en
gine and hoxe cett. They paraded
down Main Street, but on account of
rain made it abort. After throwing
water awhile tkey went aod boused tbe
engine in tbe now bouae amid rousing
cheers. Before dispersing they were
surprised by tbo firemen's wives, who
rushed in with steamiog coffee pots snd
baskets, h very bod j seemed happy
snd all want merry.
The family of J. L. Cowan leave
Thursday to tske up their residence io
Albany, to tbe regret of tbeir many
frienda bars.
Misa Mary Montague left last Satur
day to take charge of a school near
Taogent. Thia being her fifth term
there, a peaks well of her teaching.
Last Friday evening Mra. D. W.
Ballard gave a large parly in honor of
ber daughter, Miss Florence.
Mr. W. Hammer returned from the
East and brought back a bride with
hiot on Wednesday eve. Mr. and Mrs.
Hammer, Sr., gave tbem a reception.
Eight couples went out from Lebanon.
Tbe Cumberland Presbyterians here
have secured tbo services of Rev. Wool
ey, of Eugene City, who wilt bring bis
fsmily here probably soma time next
There is soaie talk of the Methodiats
building a church thia summer.
Miss Flora McCallsy and father re
turned from Pottland Saturday eve.,
wbeie tbey bad been spending some
Both this Distriet aod tbe lower one
have employed male teachers for the
apring school. This District has em
ployed Mr. Hugbea, of Albany, and the
lower one a Mr. Dobbins, of Marion
county. Tbey both come well recom
mended as teachers.
Mr. J. J. Graham, supsrintsndent of
ths Urge bop yards near hers, ia mak
ing preparations te cultivate Lis yard,
notwithstanding tbe low prioe.
Tbe young felka of the district will
close the Literary Society next Satur
day night for tbe ssason.
Mr. Thos. Johnston, wbo has been
Hi ing on Mr. Crowder's place ia mak
ing arrangements to ge back to Ohio in
a few days. Cause, too much Webfoot.
Mr. Fisher has besn surveying for
division of tbe Lewis Cox estate. It
bss tsken several days to make the
Health of the neighborhood usually
Licit Hlciils'i
Farmer, have been very bnsy plow.
Ing and sowing grain for the last two
weeks, but the recent rains have put
a atop to any further progress In that
direction till the ground dries
Mr. Fid. Brlttow, a school teacher
of Pleasant Hill, was a guest of
"Honan" Marshall's a portion of last
Preacher Robert", of Ihe Chriallm
Church, preached a very Interesting
discourse at Central Church on last
Sunday. Ho preaches reguhrly, once
a month, at that place.
Frank Trltes has a small band of;
Mongolians clearing land.and the cost
of the same defies most any similar
job that I know of for cheapness.
Messrs. Jess Archibald. Wm. dor-1
dan and Martin M I der, assisted by K.
T. T. Fisher, County Sure ey or, have
been quite busy for more than a week,
surveying and dividing the land of
the Lewis Cox eatate, but will get
through thia week. It is reported
that their decision give ontiro satis
faction to all parties concerned.
M. II. Wilds haa been chosen as
the guardian of Ira, Agnes and Lewis
Cox. Jr. A good choice, as no man
stands higher In this community for
honesty and fair dealing than he.
School commenced at Lick Skillet's
University en last Monday, with Miss
Carrie Keck, of Albany, at the helm
Smith Cox is again with us. He
seems to like the East splendidly ,and
contemplates taking another trip in
the sumo direction in the future. I
think, though, to make a grand total
of his vlsit.thtit it was not the frigid
winter climate of Iowa that captlvnt
ed the boy, but something far sweet
er, one of tho fairer sex that Is lead
ing him astray.
I attended the meeting of Linn
Co. Business Council on the 6th lost.
The proceedings wera very Interest
ing and profitable ; the dinner was
Just immense. "Brick Dust" and
bis old '-yaller" boss were there In all
their glory .and the manner In which
"Brick" email mod the many good
thing, and especially the chicken,
would have convinced any rational
being of the fact thst for "t hicken'
and "bristles" he had no par. A
young lady remarked that she was
almost "gone on" 4hat (late agent,
but on learning who be was, (the
memorable "Brick Dust, "of Chicken
Bristle,) changed her latitude with
tbe remark, "Oh, he has too much
gall for me." Come again, "Brick,"
may tie she'd like you better if you
would not eat and talk so much.
In your issue of the Dkmocbat of
two weeks ago, I noticed an article
written by the M. A. T. In regard to
the goose trapper, stating that It was
supposed the originator of said trap
must have been the goose caught.
Well since then the tide has turned,
snd now the inventor ean claim to
have made as great If not greater
discovery than any known sciential,
Darwin not excepted, tbe finding of
tbe "missing link." On the 7th
Inst, the inventor in company with
two fellow companions made his en
terprlse a vi-it, and on approaching
thst magnificent structure, lo and be
hold ! what mot the gore of that
fervent youth whoee whole soul waa
en wrapt in that one great undertak
Ing ? There, in natures most lovoly
form, clothed In glowing colored garb,
her forehead covered with rich wav
ing auburn bangs similar to the hair
found on "Brick's" coat sleeve that
bo mentioned In one of his famous
articles, waa Imprisoned a being ne'er
seen hy mankind before. On secur
Ing his prise the discoverer clasped
It to bis bosom, exclaiming Eureka
Kureka I my work Is done !
Teub O. Raxoeb.
Prof. Ri'aeiin aae lo tow a aad vicin
ity laat week. He ia aaid to be one of
tbe beat vocal music teachers in tbs
B. O. Fellows was in town the first
of tbe week on business.
There were some parties in town the
first of the week, having beef bides
and abeep pelta for the Portland mark
Mr. John Tucker, of Kstern Oregon
ie visiting bia node, Rev. P. A. Moses,
of Tangent.
K. Lefrancia bss gona East of tbs
mountains on business.
Amasa Moses has tan eh t ens week
of bia school io District No. 24.
L. F. Smith is making some improve
menu in the wsy of a poultry yard en
a small scale, lie eavs he will not
keep any cbickena but the Plymouth
Tan tent haa some good musical tal
ent. R. J. Moaee is teaching a class in
instrumental music and is giyinp gen
sral satiafaction.
John Uanivan ia aaid tone one o
tbe stsadiest yeeng men in Tangent.
mmm,. SBB1 W II W
The new preacner. Well lorn are
you going to hear tbe new preacher ?
Yes,and if he is a fancy preacher I wil
go agtin, that is,if he doea not ssy any
thine about awearing. If he dees, I wil
not go any more. Another says if he
presobes against drinking whiskey, be
will not be a popular preacher. One
aays if he preaches anything againat
dancing I will not ge to hear him any
more. Tbe preacher must not say any
a .a .. iS
thiuff against Dus'.ieiistic iashton, or
bangaliHtic atyle, that is. if he wishes
to be popular with the fashionable
Tbe annual school meetiog pasaed
off on the irat ef the month reaulting
in tbe eitction ef I. Anderson, Direc tor,
and D. Heuck, Clerk, and a vote to
levy a tax of $150 wbioh carried.
Tbe following persons are the officers
of thia District No. 26 : Directors,
A. Blevins, A. L. Bridgefarmer, I.
Anderson ; Clerk, D. Houek.
Mr. Ellis, ef Pelk county is visiting
fiiends and relatives in Tangent this
Quite a stir waa manifested here on
last Tuesday by tbe arrival of Constable
George Houck in town with a prisoner
by the name of Finigao, ef Peoria,who
was arrested at the instance of Mr.
Wolvertoe, the charge being cruelty
to animals. Tbe prisoner's trial was
set for 1 o'clock, p. m., 'Wednesday at
which time we are expbeting legal tal
ent from Albany.
Register April 5th, 6th and 7th,
Agricultural Depot!
Successors to W. II, Qoltra.
i iwr, ii' 'SsSHessa'SBB . .isr Xfis aa
fHEjasjeeF By-" l StL. mm '
J BstsssssT - -JS ljLT ' ' tj3SSS'
- xjB&T"" r ' .mmmmmlPVSlSzSmmmW'
And all Agricultural Implements used.
The largeat and beet variety of
In ihe central Wlltauntt Valine. Orders
. -
filled Bl
It. N. Thompson U attending to
some business matters In Portland
this week.
W. R. Kirk went to Portland last
Thursday an1 returned Monday van.
C. W. Carl, of Kuilodge, Or., paid
his son, Dr. It. BL Curl, of this town,
a vhlt Monday.
Quite a number of our cltUsns were
in Albany last week.
Deputy .Sheriff Riley was here last
Friday, lie took away with hltn
Saturday morning Mr. Kiug,of ab ive
Cra w lords v I He.
Messrs. Blackburn and Irvine were
here one day of last week.
A school exhibition will be given
In City Hall Friday night,the L9.
There remains a great degree of
lateret In tho protracted meeting,
under progress, at this plaee. Up to
thia lima than hivn ItMin lcrhf
cessions to the Baptist Osmreb. Itev.
C. Sperry baptized six last Sunday.
Rev. Boa res, an evangel lit from
London, preached two excellent ser
mons Sunday morning and evening.
Rev. Cathey and sister have been at
tending the meetings this week.
T io revival at this place seems to
be doiog considerable good.
Aev. Catbey spent Io our
midst last week.
There Is no school in session at this
place at present, but I think the
patrons of Uelsey stand greatly in
need of one.
Mrs. Worth is quite sick, also Mr.
Albert Hayes Dr. Smith is attend.
Ing pbyslcian.
Mrs. M. V. Koontz Is somewhat In.
Rev. Judy, the pastor of this plat e,
baa boon having very poor health for
some time and has been unable to
attend services the greater part of
tho time, although his health seems
to bo improving.
The finder of a letter should return
It to the owner.
Mrs. Black has moved out on their
farm to stay until after tbe summer
months are ended to attend to farm
dotiee, while she leaves her daught
ers, Misees L and H. Black, to per
form the same service at their home
In this little heme of the blest.
Tho train ran over a turkey be
longing to a farmer not far from this
place few days since. Would liked
to have partaken of a repast with the
kind hostess about that time.
Notice for Publication
Land Office at Oregon City, Or.
Feb. 2, 1886.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler bas Hied notice of his intention
to make final proof ir. support of his claim,
aod that said proof will be made before the
County Judge or County Olerk of Linn Co.,
at Albany, Oregon, on Monday, March '22,
1886, vue. J. B. Wirt, an beir of John Wirt,
deceased, for Homestead entry 4288, for 6
of 8 of Sec 6, T. 12, S It 1 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove
deceased eatry man's continuous resiuence
upon, and cultivation of said lands, "vis ; R.
U Beans, Martin Rhiiand and J. O. Boyd, of
Lebanon, and J. K. Charlton, of Albany, all
of Linn county, Or.
L. T. Barin , Register.
1-lTlNTH AND oTl7
Of all descriptions sold by Peters k Stew
art. Oregon Pacific Railroad.
Trains Leavee Corvallta.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 9 a, m.
Tralne Leave Yaqnlua.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 8 A. M.
The fine A I Stsamar ,lYapina"sails
Sunday, March 14th,
WodnwSay, March 24th.
Sunday. Apsll 4th.
Wedntwday, April 14th,
Wednesday, March loth.
Friday, March 19th.
TueacUy, March 80th .
Friday, April Ch.
Tuesday. April 20th.
Suiiday, apru mo.
Tho Cempany reserves the right to change tailing
Farm Cabin, 14 ; Steerage, 17 ; freitfht at reduc
ed and moderate rates.
River boats en the Willamette connect at Corvallis
Low tarsi and rates. For further information ap
ply to
C. C MOtiVE,
A. Q. F. and P. Agent, Corvallis.
Anvils, vises,bellows,bammers, sledges,
stocks and dies and almost every tool used
by blacksmiths we keep constantly on
hand, Also a full stock or Iron.of all sizes,
horse shoes and horse shoe nails. Special
prices made on small outfits for farmers
Pbtsrs A Stswabv.
m . . . it-14- a M a
irooi a auseaawf smiewea ssbm eawaapssj
lowem raiew.
Albany Soda Works,
And Manufacturers of-
' N I -ITS' i OF
Pur ft slick, aaaorted flavors, mixed drops,
tar drop, borehound drops, out lusaps,
extra French mixed, chocolate creams,
chocolate squares, chocolate rule, decorat
ftJ pear, dooorated face, almond bars,
fruit M)uars, apple slices, cream dates.
MKortfMl,i;romel, tnacaronl,coconut balls,
coconut brill lan t,cram mice,cream hearts.
.A fine assortment of large
In endleaa variety.
We are bow prepared to sell at whole
amlu, always freb and pure at Portland
prloea to dealers We also keep a full
line ef
Hats and Tropical Fruits,
We keep a full line, always freeb aod at
very low prices.
department la complete. We keep the
vory fines stock of smoking aod chewing
tobacco, meerschaum sod brier plpna that
le a dehgbt to amokera.
star l earns.
BOft I'lXC 115 cent A' Hi IK.
Aad a floe aasortmsnt of
Scott's New
Gun Store
At the most reasonable prices, always
in stock. Repairing done on short notice.
Willamette Valley nl to rods should never
buy without oallfng en
BBVOppoalte Revere House, AH any, Or.
Conrad Meyer,
Corner Broadalbin and First Sts.,
Cuntied Frntts,
Dried Fruits,
Canned Meats,
In fact everything that is kept lt a gen
eral variety and grocery store. Highest
market price paid for
Can bo found at our store. The shot
usually sold in Albany dropa 75 feet,
while the St. Louis shot sold by ua drops
200 feet, making it equal to chilled ahot.
Sportsmen should not forget this.
Pa runs fc SrswABT.
We will sell you the famous Disaton
Champton cross out saw at a low figure,
ad can give you good prices on axes,
sledges aud wedges.
Pktkrs & Stkwart.
A, 0, U, W.
Members wishing employment or desiring
nelp, will please call at Bead & BrowneU's
store and register tbeir names.
By Order of Lodok,
Best's Hand
t flBeV' WMSaKPPayfrTTrsjsSsrjB LsMSBTssssssaBBssssssssssk
New Goods.
lias the Lergt and Boat Uck f
Io tbe Central Willsmette Valley.
Ills stock of
either for SSBS or quality, la not equalled
lo Lioo eouoty, Bought for cab and
sold cbeap.
Department I complete with the la'eat
aod beat style.
ii -
are tbe very beat, embracing tbe latest
underbe charge of W. R. Graham, an ex
pert tailor, baa do superior in Oregon,
Splendid line of domestio aod imported
auitinga always lo stock.
Sheriffs Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Linn County.
J U Borkbart as Administrator of the
estate of Philip Baltimore, deooased, Plain
tiff. vs.
Joseph Allison and Annie Allison, Do
tendauta. NOTICE is heiol.y given that by virtue
of an execution aud an ordar of sate
iseued out of the above nrmed Court in
tbe above entitled action aod to me di
rected aud delivered, I will on Saturday
the 10th dav of April, 1886, at 1 p. in , at
tbe Court House door iu Albany, Linn
county, Oregon, at public auction for cash
In hand to highest bidder, sell th real
property described in said execution and
order of sale as follows, to-wit : Lota No.
seven (7) and eight (8) in Block No. idnety
(9u) in the southern addition to tho ci.y
Albany, Linn county, Oregon aa the same
is designated oo tbe maps and piats of
aaid southern addition to aaid city on rec
ord in the office of the County Clerk in
and for said Linn county, Oregon tbe
same being the southwest quarter of aaid
Block No, 90. The proceeds of sale to be
applied : First to the payment of the costs
and disbursement of suit. Second to the
payment of the sum of 8010.50 with accru
ing interest thereon at"ten per cent per
annum and $60 Attorney's fees. Thlid
the overplus if any remain to be paid to
the Defendant, Annie Allison.
Dated March 9th, 1886.
J. K. Charltoii,
Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon,
per J as. J. Charitom, Deputy.
If you try to build uow while wheat h
only worth 54 cents you should by all
means go to Peters A Stewart's, at Albany
for your hardware. You can get wh it you
want at their store and at reasonable fig
ures, , L1, LM rrr-
0. P. Tompkins,
Of all kindsof merchandise.
All orders from the country fill id on
short notice for every class or kind of
goods from first-class stock. Absolutely
no charges or commission will be clarged
or filling ordeis,
At D. W. Prentice's, Portland, Or
the Acme Harrow and no farmer can
well afford to be without it. It is tl a very
best olod crusher and pulverizer, leav ng the
round as level as a barn noor. bold only
y Peters k Stewart.
Mvfavaevss Hast. SKrmTAK
a double combined ma:blne,poess
twii shoes, (Instesl of ofie as 1
machines of other man of art orurs,)
Sins riddles and a large Independent
screen. Kach shoe Is equal In pow
er and capability to the one in any
other mill, and by the opsratib of
the two doable efficiency ts secured.
My zs-lnch mill will clean from 40V
to 000 bushels of seed grain per day,
according to the condition of the
grain, and w guarantee that all
barely, oats or other foal seeds will
be tnoronchly removed with com
plete satisfaction.
I challeiire any mill to a contest.
I know that I can beat tbem, as my
mill bas beaten ever mill it has
com in contest with, both In Call
fornK and Oregon, and is the bast
made, bolts oeing used where
screws are used In others.
Albany, rrgnn
Sheriffs Sale,
In. Ihe Circuit Court othi 8W. of Oregon fo
Linn County.
W F Hetllemlre, Plaintiff.
Joftith ilurrell and Isabel Burrell bts
wife, and J W tialnes, Defendants.
NOTICE le hereby given tbat by virtue
of an execution and an order of sale
issued out of tbe above named Court lo
the above entitled action and to me oiroct
ed and delivered, I will en Saturday th
20th day of March, 1886, at ooe o'clwk, p.
rn., at tf.e Court Huae door In Albany,
l.inn county, Oregon, at public auction
for cash in band to the highest bidder,
aeil the real property described io aaid
execution and order of sale aa follows, lo
wit : Commencing at the northeast corner
of the Ikmatioti Land Claim formerly
owned and proven upon by Wil Ham K.
Moore and designated upon tbe surveys
of tbe United .States as Not. 2510 In Town
ship 12 H It 1 west Willamette meridian ;
thence lrom tbe said northeast corner north
80 4& west 23 cbaina aod W,i Jinks ;
thence south 102 chains and 25 link;
l hence north W 46' east 23 chains and
50 links to tbe eootheast corner of aaid
claim ; thence north 102 chains and 25
links to tbe place of beginning, containing
340 79100 acre more or leas. Also tbe
west of the northeast of Section 25 io
Tp 12 S of R one went Wllllamette meri
dian. Ail of tbe above described premise
lying and being In Lioo eouoty, Oregon,
The proceeds of sale to be applied aa
follows, to-wit : First to tbe payment of
the costa and disbursement of suit used
at 847. ! j and tbe costs aod expenses of
this sale Second to tbe payment and
satisfaction of the Defendant W Gaines'
judgment of 8o.Ji.0fl with interest thereon
at 12 per cent per annum from Feb, 5tb,
1HK4, Third to the payment aod satiafac
tion of claim of PlaiotiiT herein to wit :
11903.25 with accruing interest thereon at
10 per cent per annum from Nev. 7th.
H-!. Fourth the overplus If any be paid
to Joaiab Burr 11 his heirs or assigns.
Dated this l.V.h day of February, 18W
. K. Charlton,
Sheriff of JJnn county, Oregon,
per Jam. J. Chabuos, Deputy.
This is tbe only wagon having a slope
shouldered spoke and tbe steel true
eaeb axle, aod Is tbe beet wagon oo
wheels. For sale by Peter j at Stewart,
Sheriffs Sale.
In ihe. Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Linn County.
Dodridge barrel!, Plaintiff.
Myron Alexander,C II Dodd and Dcdd part
ner, doing basinets under tbe firm name and
style of C H Dodd A Co., and A brain Oaborn
and M J Osboon, hia wife, Defendants,
NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of
an execution and an order of sale issued oat
of tbe above named Court in tbe above en
titled action and to me directed aod deliver
ed, 1 will on the 19th day of March, 1886, at
10 o'clock, a. m , at tbe Court House door
in Albany, Ltnn county, Oregon, at public
auction for cash iu hand to tbe highest bid
der sell tbe real property described in said
execution as follows, to-wit : Beginning at
a point IS 10 chains north aud 21.92 chains
east of the southwest corner of Section 6 ia
Tp. 10 S B 1 west of the Wilfatrette meri
dian. Lion county, Oregon, and running
theooe west CI. 35 chains ; thence south 19.55
chains ; thence east 61 35 chains ; thence
south 19.55 chains to tbe place of beginning,
containing 120 acres more or lees. The pro
ceeds of sale to be applied : First to tbe
payment of the costa and disbursements of
this suit taxed at $190.45 aad accruing costs.
Second to the payment of Plaintiffs chum,
to-wit : 1182.59 and interest in full, and to
the payment of the Defendant M Alexan
der's cia'.m. to-wit, 8061.77 and interest in
fill. Third to the payment of Defendants
C 1! Dodd A Co's claim, to-wit. $437.10
and interest in full, But in case the amount
received from this sale shall not be sufficient
to pay Plaintiffs claim and Defendant M
Alexander's claim the proceeds will he divid
ed pro rata between Plaintiff aad the Defen
dant M Alexander in proportion to their re
spective claims.
' Dated thia 19th day of February, 1886,
J. K. CvaavrOB,
Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon,
per Jas. J. Chabxtos, Deputy.
Depot Hotel,
Regular rales 91 to 2 er day, for tran
sients, according to accommodations.
Single meals, except dinner,
25 cents and 50 cent.
Dinner at train time. 50c
By request of the t raveling public my
bar is again opened.
Field, Vegetable and Flower Seeds,
200 Second Street, bet Salmon aod Taylor,
e keep tbe best etoede ol cutlery in
the valiey, Pocket knives and razors a
ap cialty. Don't buy anything in this
lm without calling on us first.
Pkteks A Stewart,
Of all sizes, as well as halttr obains.eow
chains dog chains, rope halters, etc., for
sale by Peters A fete wait.
O o
o o
o o
Oregon Kidney Tea!
Nature's wn remedy
Will speedily relieve and permanently
cure all tbe various difficulties amirg
(rem a disordered condition of the
It is perfectly harmless aad can be
jrhen to the most delicate woman or
child. For sale by all druirists,
Snelt, Meltshai a Weedard.
I Wholesale A reat,
One half Hook ia eastern part of the
city with fa:r bouae and barn will be so Id