STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY ST1TES ft MJTTJNG. BruUlbti KU-cel. TERMS Of SlllSi'ltllTUiN I? 50 S (HI in alvanoo.. - I . . . - ......... ...... .war Mr at tnd Of 3 HI V"V. 7 " 1 An Stnfla copy, ai monma - " lna-1. oopy. Uii. naootS. .................... tv nttU numtwr PROFESSIONAL CARDS R. S. 8TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court, of this State. Will Bite special attention to collection, and probata matter. , , . Office In Poaiar! new briok. 49tf L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Notary Public. tlbnny, Office upstair., over John (et street. Oregon. Bridge store, vl4n'23tf J. K. WEATHERTORD, (NOT AH Y PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ILIlRf. . ILL WtAOTICB IB LLTH COURTS OF TUB state. BaeakJeMenUon slrtn to collect Ion Mid rohat. assHs. taroflo In Odd r.ltsw's Tempi. tl4:1 f. 0. MW1LL w-J- 'LT"r POWEIiL, & BIIjYEU, vTTOHNKYS T LAW, And Solicitors in rhanffrv, 1 1.R4N Y . ORF.GOK. Collections promptly made on all points. Loana netrotlated on reasonable terms. gtrOffice In Foster's Rriok.ttt vl4nlf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of the Conrt. of ibis State. All business Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., TeRIJGGIBTS. dooks. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Larg Stock and Low Prloea. OITT TDTiTJO- STOBB, tyt 4 lb m. ;. F08HAY & MASON, WBOULAta AB SSTA1W- Droggistsand Booksellers, A sent, for John B. Aldan's publications, which we sell st publisher', price, with postage added. ALBANY, OKECOM. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTION CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. ( haT. the beat stock of urniture In the city and will aell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only atoek of WALNUT FURNITURE to the cltv and the lowest price In the Valley. Come and aee. Undertaking, a complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOOPIN, "EvereHouse, era.. Sirs! and EliswerUi Albany. rcn. Mueller & Garrett, Prop'ra uifllus tmut VOL. XXI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1886. NO 84 r ii ror rain Cvret RHtotiMrtltm, Mavflrifta, m manes mwm b.bss raar.r. At I'HKI.IIvrS OU KltlMII. tri etuais. a. vossas. ce rut suss, an. Red Star TWADC MAWrt. Abtnltrtrln I ree from Upiatcn, SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. if liu mm 4n ttri. tsi cauau a. toutixa co.. butior,?. MWWlUS Mttf VoUoh. 25 Eczema. And every aprrlea of Itching and Burning 1st wow mo Cnred by nticura. K .KM A, or tell Rheum, with ajr-.nii ng Itthlns an4 tuiminir . intUuUy raavad bv a trm liath with Cutlcura Buikp and a atnal. application ( Caltcura, th tfrct akin Cur.. TlnnpMtcd dally with two or threa toaaa of Cuttctir. Rwaolmnt, th. new Mal purifier. In kM IS. bloa. cool, th. paraplralian para and unlrrlUllnJ, th. buwr.l. .pan, th. Iiv.r an. aUl iwya aaslve, will tpMdlly eara Imnu, TetierJ Km; worm, PanriaaU, Uihcn. rrunlua, S..a!. hcti. dan druff and v.rv fptrci. nf itching, -alv ami pimplr humort o( Ue aud SBM, tho beat pbyit an. ail Known remai n (at'. Will McDonald, 9MJ Dwarbora atrwt, ChU-ae.,f rat. fully ai-kn.wW4,'OT acur. ( Ecaatna. or hwad, nck, (aca, arm. and farM.aoUn yaara, not able to walk exeepl an hand, and kaeaa for ana year not aMa to help tttstMlf far .ight year. . tried hundred of ram adiaa; doctor pronounaed hie caa. hopalaw ; iariua nently rnrad by Oullcura RtMolveiit (blood tmrtfler) and Hutu-ura and Cutlcura H a (tu. frwat aktu curaa) axUmatly. Charle, Houchten, Bail., lawyer, State Rtrct. Buaton. reiMUU a aw of Braema unaer hut .Wra tion for ten year,, which covered the patient 'a body hil of treat. and Utnba, aad t. which ail knows at had been applied without benefit, which tu npletely cored aMy bv the Cutlcura tUmedlae, rlnjr clean nnd healthy akin. lea Mr. John Tttiel. Wilkevbsrr.. Pwnn. vritei : 1 have tvuTered Imm Suit Rheum f..r tight yeara. at linioa o bad that 1 could not attend to my bueinea. for week, at s time. Three boxes of tuti.-urasaml four Wottlea saMv.nt nave enureiy curei me oi tnuurradiui uu Phy.lclaua ! hav eothlngbut th. hlghct prataefor the reaului obtained from your Cut! cura Kerned!., of eh ch I have aolu uioru tnan or an oik in ol th kind . MOKRO firiXD. B. D. 2&00 Jf Broad St, Philadatpbia feitu. Are sold by all dnizgistt. Pric : CmcTgAt 0c ; RawuLvcxT, fl ; Boar. Sc. Pottbb Iisro as Cns teat Co.. Bootno, Bern, Bend for "How tu lure Skin BC4TirY the caatpfcwtoa sod akin by uelng the CCTict'sa Suar. Uc Nrormlgic. 8lallr. Hu-lilen. Sharp and Nervou palna abluialy annlhl. latcd by th. (.uticTfa Ami fain PfaaeUr. a iierfe'-l antidote t" pain and mnaiiitnation. Ntw.Or.ifinal, Infallible. At Dru-itU, 'iAc MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE KtYtRc H0USL Tuka new Ht la fitted op In first clasa rtyl.. Table. ,tit.plied with the bee the market aflorde. Bpring Be,) in every Room. A rood Sample Ktwtn tot Com mercial Traveler.. FISH, GAME, AND POULTRY MARKET. mLTOH HYDE, Proprietor. Fresh tish .Iwsys on hand. Cash paid for cbick.ns aod game. First Stteet. next door to Jos, Webber's ALBANY, OREGON ALBANY UJLLB61AIB INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBINT, OK. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 15th, 1885. for particulara concerning: th. course, of atudy and he price of tuition, appiv w BEf. J- WICB.OI'I', rresaBeat, A-loany BatH House. rtikTU2lDBKS10NBI WOULD KBSPBCT folly iiform the ottiwna of Albany and ri aitytkat I kavetsksn chsrg ofthia Establiah sat,snd,by keeping olssn rooma end psyin .triatatUntlon to buainsa-, expecta t aoit al Jiot. who may f.Tor us with their patrons-. Baring keretofore oarrled on nothing but Firat-Claa. Hair tfresalnar Saloon, exp.eta to lri satire astiaf 'Hon to al Ta-eoo.4 IO WBBPKH. r. . . " tv "WfUBlun K ton. our regular eorreafmntlant.) DR.J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Offlce-oof . Firet nd Ferry Str.ets, A3Y - - OftEQO N. c. o OHItRBT. O.B.PBB 8 ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (KuooeKHors to C. C. Cherry.) MacniBists, MMvmghts, and Iroi founders. am te HAVE OUR NEW 8HOP8 ALL V, snd are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Htaam EnKlnes, Grist and 8w Mill Machinery, and all kind, of Iron nd Brans Castings. pATTBBNR H4PR OS BHOBT NOTICE. stecial attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also man urac tnreTha improved Ch.rry A White Grain Wepaaator Courteous Active. -5 '- Liberal. May good fortune follow the readet of The Daily Alta Tho foremost ;;c v;paper of the Pscifio Coast, which presents both side, of all WntrOM of ptibllo Interest. No enemies to punish oz friends to pat, but fair and truthful with a. The Weekly Alta Presents the strongest possible claim to a family circulation. It Is filled with good reading, stories, fashion notes, and pays intelligent attention to tho House and Farm. Splendid premiums with tho Weekly Alta. TERMS OF THE ALTA. By Mail. Postage Free, in the United States and Oanada. Dally, (Including Sunday) One Tear W 00 pally, " One Month 60 Sunday Edition, One Tear 3 00 Weekly Alta, One Year 1 60 Send postal card request for free am- Sle copy of Daily or Weekly Alta. irafts, Checks, and other remittances should be made payable to the order of the ALTA CALIFORNIA PUB. CO. Ban Francisco, California. kaaiaf Send aix cent for mitae,arid rKlaVCr' receive free, a costly box of good will help y a to more money riKht away than . ...i.. in thli world. All of either aex, eue- m .rat hour, The broad road to fortune na wnraer. oiuj '. uw and iAufwaa, Main., ore Tars Did you Sup pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. i Washington Feb. 20 th, 1880. In political circles (he pending sauce between the President and Ben- ate continues to be tho chief topic of discussion. Anotlior chapter was ad ded to H when Senator Morgtn, of AlHbama, unexpectedly and entirely upon hi own responsibility, present ed te the Senate a series of resolutions criticising the recent KI round de. mount ration. Mr. Morgan prescribes Horole treat. ment for offended Senatorial dignity. le ssyi, let the Senate Impeach At- orney Genoral Garland for refusing t certain papers, if his alleged of fense Is of the class of often for which tho Head of a departnaedt rosy be Impeached, and removed roin ofHce. This Is tho logical out come of Mr. Garland's refusal. Let he Judicisry Committee summon the alleged offender before tho bar of the Senate. lie further says let the Committee onPriviieges and Else lions inquire snd report whether tho Senate can take jurisdiction of said alleged of- enses by a resolution of the Senate, there being no impeachment of said officer In the mde required by the Constitution. It is acknowledged that.tho Mor gan resolutions go totbe pith of the matter and that.they are a good off set to the Edmunds resolutions coo. denanlng the Administration for re fusing to submit private documents to the Senate's Inspection. Henator Morgan holds that the E J- round's resolutions were out of order, and should not hsvo been roeelved. He was not In his svat at the tiroe they were offered or he should have made that point. As no Senator seemf-d to take this view of the mat ter, Mr. Morgan tock action indepen dently of them, believing that bo would in no way trench upon thai ground they will tike in the matter. If the Senator should call upon hlg reaolulionagbefore tho end of this week they will, to a great extent, precipitate the discussion between l ho President and Senate. It is thought, however, that he will let them lie ever until the discussion is underway next week. The SenaU's position In this mat ter is ffUrinitly iur iitent. Too charge of secrecy In counoctloo with executive determinations in regard to appointments comes with a bad grace from Senators whose own de liberations regsrding these same a p. pnintroenls Is veiled In a eecrecy they try to 'Qke impenetrable, and wh im- lion it - i v onM-s!-d as to avoid all resp.)n.itillty. Too whole gist of the contention o the Svn.te BsaJ irity Is thtt lb Presi dent bus no right to withhold reason, and yet the Senile claims a right t cw-dder all executive business with cleddr. It ctn refuse without explanation toe mflrro the President's nominal ions, but yet tho Proahlen har no wsrrant or authority to in quire i or review the Senate's re fusal, Ther are indications that some of tho Republican Senators are not blind to tho Inconsistency of the position Into wbinn Mr Edmunds has led them, Mid I hey inty refuse to follow him anyjf irtber. Bat with Mr. Ed munds it is a router of life or death. His term In the Sen tie expires in March, 18 87. If he goes out of the R mate h- most Ukelv ffnes out of public life. His State election occurs next fall and the legislature will then be chosen which will elect a U. 8. Senator to fill tho seat now occupied byjaeo. F. Edmund-. H h ts a utrong weakness for pub lic lif And the fuel that he is now Irvine to flomr j a chiaftiio of the W IS w thick and thin Republicans at the Senate can be explained by the pres ent condhion of affiirs in Vermont, where it is said, he h i a bird figh t in prospect. Only twoyoars ago this month, it wi'l hn r "Tvtn bered, he was n-iurnin- en -o-a 'ing smiles to the approaches of the Mugwumps. The first nomination rejected by tho Senaie was that of Collector Mc Graw, of W. Va. More papers have been called for In the esse of Collec tor Wells, of Vermont, whish of curse will be refused, and the con firmation of Solicitor General Gocdo Is still under fire. Should the dead lock continue and the Senate reject a number of Pre:ident's nominations, it is probable th st the interpretation of the Tenure of office act, may tend still further to aggravate tho f trained situation. Senator are divided ?s to how this law shall be construed rn both sides of the Cnarober, end there is no unaeimity of sbntiment. The allegations against the Solici tor General are those of bribery acd fnud in Virginia election?. Mr. Gnode makes an uncompromising denial of all these charges and says jhey were prefered by Senator Ma- hone, who has been his unrelenting foe since they differed about the pub ic debt in Va., and since Mahono at tempted to disrupt the Democratic party in his State. Mr. Goods de- clarea If an opportunity is offered him to see tho charge., ard it turns out hat Mahono is his accuser, he will domiiid the right to confront Mahono n tho pretence of the Committee. mi! LAB M il M K. Sn.. 11 fly wheels, oast bollow and oatled with Lad, is a foreign notion new in this oountry. They afford the seme centrifugal power a. a large wh.el, cost es,nd take up less roam. Th. emineat oculist, Dr. H. C dm, tkicks that leading and writing are much more to produce snort sightedntss a .d othe'-wis. impair tie sight than watchmaking and otb.r min ute industries. Baron Lson de Lioval, of Nice, has offered a prise for tbe best easily carried isiruaaeot fer tbe use of tbe deaf. It must be constructed oa the principle of he mioropbooe, and must be sent in before the end rf 1887. The roller skate manufacturers are new turning their attention to making mitation tortoise shell buttons. There is a large demand lor the buttons, and the makers see thwir way clear to tkus get rid of their over supply of boxwood. A foreign device fer cutting stone consists of a cord of tbiee steel wires rather loosely twisted together, running around pulley, like a band saw. Tbe awift successioa of blows from the ridg es of tbe cord delivered along a narrow ins disiotegrste. the stone rapidly. Wood worms can be destroyed in books and woodwork by benzine. Hooka are locked up in a cupboard with a saucer of benzine. Furniture and carv ing, are placed in a ttghdv closed room with an open dish of benzine. New woodwork can be protected ag.inat their eotty by a coding of glue. Dsj Beipn Richardson writes that a a M aj one may be cured oi stammering by daply makiog an acdible oote in expiration before each word, stam merers can sing as easily as other per sona. Jacky master, el uneeter, wno made a larga fartune by curing stsoi -mering, simply made bis pupil, say br before each wotd beginning with s consonant. new discovery is tb.t, by the sim ple use of citricaeii or citrate oi etlver. asa wster may be made drinkable. By this means chloride of stiver is preoipi tat I, and a barmt.s. miners! wat.r i. produced. An ounce of citrate renders a half-Bin, of watar drinkable. If th R fact is su9'.stad b experimsot ens! analysis, the diseivery is one of the greatest The following is given by tbe Biston ''Journal of Coftmerce" as an .xcslleat cement for leather belting. : "Common glue aod i.iogl.M, aiptal pari., aoaked for tea bonr. in just enough water to covrr thfut. Bring gradually to a boil ing heat snd add pure t.nnmg unti tbe whole becom-.. ropy er spreara like tbe whtta i,t eggs. Buff oft the surface, to I j. one.!, apply thi. ou-n: wsrm, and clamp firmly " Tb. completeness of the work done by the earlier astronomers ie shown by the f.ct, recntly .t.ted, that out of the 6000 or mere nebulae now known, the Herschels had diacorered 5000. Cures of aciatica are reported at hav ing taken plsce in Psria after a sing's application of Dr. Dhove'a method cf freezing tit akin above tho painful parts with a spray of chloride of metby). Tbe operation ia said to he applicable also to facial neuralgia. The Pari. N ewa says that at the ba by show in that city is an infant 3f year, eld, born nwtr Dieppe, which weigh. 80 ponmL, nnd ia three fret ten inche. in height, lie ia possessed of great strength, and premises to be giant likn hi. grandfather, although hia father ia of ratltar iess than ordinary stature. D. G. D ame gives a beautiful nimple experiment which may interest the ama teur with the microscope. Upon a slip of glass put a drop of liquid auric chlo ride ofargantio nitrate, with half a grain of metallic zinc in the auric chloride, and oopper in the silver. Ac growth of exquisite gold and silver ferns will ap pear beneath the eye. A nw method of dressing wound. bv wl h their healing ia saad to ue sf hastened and tbe pain made to disap pear at once, haa been brought into no tice by a French .nrgeon. It consists in tbe application of wet with a dacoctien of thirty parts of val erian root in 100 parts of wster. It is expressly stated that the treatment is of no avail in deep wounds. A writer in the Therapeutic Gazette recommends soups made of lentil flour, mixed with one-eight part of ground malt,for the use of invalids. In warm ing, the diastase of the malt converts the flour into soluble snd easily-digested substances. The soup may be flavored with bief tea. The writer says that lentil flour contains more inorganic salts and twice as much nitrogenous material as wheat or oat flour. I I BIBI S FACTS. Glsss platss have been substituted tor oopper in the sheathing of an Ital. tan ship, the advantages claimed being exemption from exidatioa and incrus tation. The glats was cast, like iron, in plates to fi' the hull. tailway men complain of tbe weight of passenger cars now built, and show by figures that an engine hauls between fire and six pounds of dead weight for every one pound ef paying paese tiger weight, reckoned when all tbe seats are fills I. The Goscrnment i. making a thor ough trial at the Bpriogtisdd Arsen.l of the Spencer magazine gun, tbe csr ridge used in winch are losded with nine buckshot esob, lostesd of a bid et. This arm is rseom mended for militia use in case of riote, Extensive experiments sre to be asade by tbe Gevernment of Teamania in naturalizing European fishes, sueh as lobsters, orabs, turbet an 4 brill, in tbe waters of that country. Similar trials have been very successful in New and Australia. Tbe weather service of Great Britain appears te be in a somewhat unsatis factory rendition. Statistics ebtained b tbe Hooae of Lords show tbst dur ing a peiiod of ten yeais 120 unpre- dieted storms yisited the British coast, or an sverage ef ene storm a month. In the Smitbsuoisn Iastitute Washington is tbe small nngget of gold a little larger than a pee, that firat met tbe eyes of John Marshall in the saw mill raceway at Sacramento, and was the beginning of those discoveries in Califernia tbst have added nearly 1, 500,000,000 in gold to tbe world's stock of the precious metals. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADVERTIpIIB MEDIUM IK TEE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, Special business notice, in Leeal Col umn. J5 cents per line. Kegniar LOSB notice. 10 cent, per line. .'''"" le8aI Bml transient arl r ri i ' 0 Pr s'jiiare for the first iaserjonnd fi cent, par square for eaah sutjeerraen t Insertion. Rate, for other advertisement. mae!e known on sppllcatlon. SPRING STOCK Now being received by N H Allen & Co.. Great care has been taken in our selections, both as to quality and pri ces, and, while we do not claim that our Goods are any better than our com petitory we know that they are just as fresh and as good, and we will guarantee every article just as represented. Our stock was purchased for Snot Oash. and wo propose to sell as Cheap as any house in tlte State, and Put the Knife to Prices a full line of Wh6at 6 QUtB Pdt bushe1' We have stock Dry GOODS, Gent's Furnishing GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS. &C. at Orders from a distance will be promptly filled and samples sent upon ar hJ, plication 9:1 133 ti'i en. m9r N. H. ALLEN & Co.. ALBANY, OREGON, MARCH 6, 1886, 57 First Street, Albany, BLf t i TIBS.. rstrnis CraateB. We sre under obligations to our old p afatlted to citizen of the Pacific m at aia bm aMaa aa - .sal ft tend, Uoo. U. U. Uiifrej, i'nnciaal Slale during the part week and reported ex Clerk of tbe United States Senate, fer special fevers. We are likewise In debted to Uoo. J. H. Mitebell.Hen. J. N. Delpli and Hon. Btoger Uermsnn for favors. v loethc Democrat by C. A. -Snow & Co., Patent lawrera, opposite U.S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. : C F Prentiss, Woodland, Cel., Thrashing machine attachment. J Lawshe, Colton, Cel., Automatic care bureting lamp. 0 I hnaen, Walnut Grove, Fire escape. 1 Walton, Salem. Or., Auger. J J ttosren, San Francisco, Band sawing machine I A Bklwell, I van pah, Ore grinding nan W Jones, San FrancUco,Kiln for burning bricks. J B Ifaggin, San Francisco, Velocipede skate. F. Wittram, San Frandaco,Skate cleaner raev TBt'i BBiarit. so trt..-xaw BBLKASs. "A general complsint, tbst spares neither claa. unr candilion of (Hirson, te seated in tbe liver. It msy he truly said that tbie is our oatienal disease, and it gives us great pleasure to bear or read tbe Uatiotonv of pareoos of well known veracity aad intelligence to tbe value of ftimmont Liver Regulator a. a retnHl Tbe tecum in j of .o m.nv friend, sstisfio. us tbst tits is one of tbe exceptions to tbe general bimbtif by all, and especUUy by professors of tbe eerv a' rn.dieal .uaeialtiea ' baaliug art, that to remove tbe dlaeaa.,not W i I Set Sraaptsaaa, bat Ibe tse.M . . a It would aeetn to be a truth apprectaoia Tbe fund fwr tho widow of General Hancock has already reached the! handsome figure of $100,000. New Y rk gereroeliy will double If. ,A itm av-mntoma. should oe in. rhlflf sim of medication. Yet io bow many insunoaa do we see ibis truth admitted in tbeorv. ignored in practice. The reason u.t uA.iHr'a satAtnsAh Bitter. Is .tie MaaaaTnl In ma mtnV CBSes. With Which rsmedlea previously tried were Inadequate mm . ... a a iLal it la. t cire, is attrtomaoie k me i . . a S i in i M aBal a mMllfinn wninn raaujotje ami iwu" NOTICE. haTing conclodod to close out his business, now offers his entire stock ot STOVES, RANGES, HEATINQ AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. is this is a genuine closing out, now is the time for housewife o replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY, FEB. Oth TO srBSCBIBBBB. Statement, of accounts of subscribers with tbe DsBecsAT have been placed in the causae of the various maladies io j tbc band, of gnt. through the county, At a recent convention of ubvaicians l w i .a.. . which It Is adapteu K tkat , bee ri bars desiring to aeo either it was proveu by snalyai. tbat Hed and aitoe, liver complaint, gtoit. rheuma ... ... tT, . . , tismrVllsorder of the bowels, urinary sf. how they etand. or to asUle for the ame. St.r Oough Cure contained no danger- fecUon)l RB,i thr maladies are not nalli- mQ by calling on tbem. This la for ous narcotics. Th. test wm so con vino- aied merely, but rooted out by it. It aoea the convenience of both snbacriber. and ing tb.t the moat sceptical were satis- SVnrioSly, T radical remedy', and "it en- the DBMocaaT. Tho de iring to pay a fied and ubvaicians ev.rv where now dow. the .v.tem with an amount of vigor year In advance and get ibe American g- h hed, ami pnyiiciau. every we ere now which u proieci ion .gainst dieeaae. Farmer" ene of tbe beat agricultural pa BJa Red CrownMills IS0M, LANXING & CO., PROPft'S. sew nasoxsa ixocr su esaues for raafruxa BEST ST0RA6F vdLlTlES. reeommond cents. the remedy. Only 25 m I psrs In tb. TJ. S., can do Congressnisn Springer describes the prevailing fashion, of evening dress for women as the dow-and-be- hold stylo." so with our $5,000 worth oi dothiag at cist at Mon- affentaw Call ou the following gentlomen at the places named : O PCoahow Brownsville. tsitii k Seitenbaeh'a Tell Sear SelBbr. est 1 Price in .'Wheat ALBANY OH. Cash fo The TBtrlyalatB Miar la IBI alea. ' ' ' The Baltimore Times nay editorially i The admiKkion of Dakota into the Union is a subject of much interest. In the debate upon the question in the United States Sen ate on December i8th last, and which Is of ficially printed In the Congressional Record, Senator Vest, of Missouri, paid a high trib ute to the merite of the article of world wide repute which Is manufactured by a Baltimore house. Coming from such a aource, thin praise is gratifying, although legislators of other countries have also pub licly spoken in a similar manner, among them, Hon W A E West-Ersklne, of the South Australian, and Hon Godfrey 8ichel, of the South African Parliaments. Both Tell your neighbor who is not already a subscriber to the Democrat that we will furnish him the IKawJv IfiwW.the best me- imnnlitan nsncr in the countrv, and the a s Democrat, the best local paper in the val ley, both for $3. This Is a marvel of cheap ness. Call at this office for a specimen copy of the World. rinal rreer. Partiea making final proofa of claims either thmagh the Roseburg or Oregon City Land nfticM. ca.n have the same pahliKed in the DKMoruaT bv ao nntifvini the Register at either of those places, Friends ef this paper will confer a favor by considering this wh.n they make out their final claims. Tbe Mast Agreeable A. well as the most effective method of itLMlilnff hMadsnhes. to ds BI1U fevers, r . .. , a n . r . J I " r" . " l ..1.1- r, 01 tnesc genucmen, uae oenaior vesi, iu 1 cleansing toe systsrn is ov issiug i ic Oil. doses of the pleasant uauiorma that the article referred to, St. Jacobs is an absolute cure for rheumatsm and takes away all pain. It may be added that by a recent order of the Receiver General of In land Revenue of Great Britain, St. Jacobs Oil will in future be admitted free of duty to Ireland and several other British Isles. No emit rmflv Svruo of Fias. 500 and f 1 bottles for sale by Wosbay A Mason, l.ang- don Co. Brrnu of Pigs. Mamifacfcnred only by the California Fig Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cel.. is Natures TP I native. This pleasant liquid house better deserves such success than the (,,:. remcdv mav be had of Foshay & Mason, Charles A. Vogeler Company, and certainly K W Langdon and Co. , at fifty centa or one nromht and effective remedy known, to ., . . 1. - tit. Iiv.r , , , ,T, . I cieanse ' . - , , ; The Maroh Maacuune, of American History VMn.v, .nl Bowels trentlv vet thoroughly nrnannia en annetiziniz table of contents. 1 j ...1 rrnnrla.ha. Holds snd Fever. : to r . rr- . . 1 mi uniroi . ... 4. a Kvrv article ia of imoortauce ana ot aaperior r.iin.iinn induesbion ana mnarea . m. 11 i ..-.1 ' " mem, xne ironuapieua 1. nu cuchcuk "-' 1 11,. portrait ot uenerat w x nnerman. xuo a none has met with more. opening article. "The Van Cortlanrlt Manor- .... . . . j : a. T house,' is i rom ins pan 01 me euisur. m Hon John W Johnston contributea tbe .ee ond article, "Shall w. have Coloniee and a Navy ? Mr Arthur Harvey followa with a nost interesting aad delightfully readable sketch of "Champlain'a American Experi ence, in 1613." Then we have a f.h and absorbing study in early Western history, a sketch of "Simon Girty, th. White Indian." Hon Horatio King, fornwrly on. of President Buchanan's cabinet, presents a graphio ac count of "The Trent Affair." General Wil liam Farrar Smith write, oa "Shiloh." Goo B Bacon givea a thrilling description of the breaking of the chain for Farragufs fleet, at the forts below New Orleans, entitled "One Night's Work, April 20, 1882." In the de partment of reprint, is an interesting mem orial tribute from the p.n of Charles Reade. The varied departments are filled with p.r ticularly ch.ioe reading. Price $5 a year in. advance. Published at 30 Lafayette Place, New York City. TO-AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Peter. A Stewart have neck-yokes and ironed or unlrooed, nectc- vokeiron., single-tree Iron., nth Irons, felloes, .pokes, ax trees, eto., all for sale heap. -BJ ARD WARE OF ALL KINDS, Axes, m.ttooks, brush hook., picks Khovels,pad., rorKS, Knm.awiw, """"'4 v,.rmw wrlnfiters. rones, and almost ovArtrthlnflt vou want, oan ba had coesp for oaah Peters A Stewart. T I. CASE PLOWS. This famous nlow Is well known in Linn Conntv. The chilled and steel plows sr well made from the very best material and are warranted to do as good work and cour fully as weu as any umor y " Peters A Stewart aretne seie ageni. R Bhelton . SeJo. F M Miller Lebanon. Ram May Harrislmrg. F. A. Watt. Sbedd KING'S EVIL Wa the oamo formerly given te Scrofula because of a superstition that it could be cured by a king's touch. The world ie wiser now, and knows that SCROFULA can only be cured by a thorough purtllcs i!on of the blood. If this is negleered, the disease perpetuate. Its taint thro urn aeration after generation. Among ita cni-licr symptomatic development, are KeMHMa, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tm mors, ltolls, Carbnncles, Eryslpelaa. Pnriiiont I 'leers, Nervou. and Phy sleal ( ol lapse, etc If allowed to con tluue, Kheuniatism, Scrofulous la turrh, Kidney and Liver Disease., TubereulBr Consumption, and v;U"l .ih elber danarerous or fatal maladica, are produced by It . Oyer's Sarsaparilla ) :. '. pttr.-rful and always rtliabl It! Ij,-n-if jih:; medicine, ltlssoeffiet ini sn .Uerntlvo that It eradicates frm ' ! lie. cdltary Scrofula, snd Mh S 1 1 Mil nns of contagious diseases B!wl ' . in-.. Vt the same tune It en-rs-li ;i ! vi :i isjes the blood, restoring hr.i! ; 1 : u tho vital organs ana i . ii , iltv; .litlre ej-stem. Thlsgp;st :r3r alive Medicine - I of tho genuine Honduras ii-.i, wiih Yellow Dock. Siil- I fad ides of Potassium and : I her inirredients of great po- tvii. . i . -fully nnd eclentlfleally coaH P'n I. I s i t'ornuila Is generally knom 10 1 tu ,1. il pi-ofcssiou, nnd tho bist pin ,4 oiH'iuitlv pi-escribe Ayei:'s BAD v Ul 1.1..V R. an byolute Cure 1" rr . "tysr eoacd by the vltasBtoa ef tlia ''.. '. lib 1 uneuutiuted to the high c ! prate decree, far beyond any v !: r pre;araife:i for which like effects pre 'mr.l. 1 ii thercf 010 the cheapeft, p- v 1 r host blood purifying mei.ll c!::-, iu '.!:? world. yer's Sarsaparilla PKEPARED BY Dr. J. C. Aer & Co., Lowell, Nam. Analytical Chemists. by all Druggists : price $1 ; six bottles for $3. FRED GRAF, Manufacturer Baud Dealer in all kind, o F'UIVI IVITTJIslE. ARD UHDERTAIEB. 8 First! Street Albany.0r C. E, WOLVKRTON, O, H, IBYIXB, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE. ATTOHX I ; Y s T LAW BaT'Ollee up stairs in Fromsn's Brick ALBANY, OREGON- F OR SALE. 1 One hundred and forty acres, ivln mile, above rebrtuon. 40 seres in 6dl tivation. 10 acres slashed and sown lo grass. Comfortable dwelling-, gooa otithoueea. Cheap. Inquire at this office. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT JLAW -AND Notary Public DR. I. N. W0 IDLE. Veterinary Surgeon, Office at Sehmee i Stable.. ' ALBANY. OREGON JJ ARN DOOR HANGINGS, Are always breaking, unless you haiB tbe kind sold by Peters fc Stewart, of A1, bany. They are made ot wronsht in a cannot jump tbe track and will last a i'fe time. Don't hang another barn door tn til you have'seen Them. N. J. HENT0N, Notary Public ana iHSuTance Agent, 0- F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR Represents several of the best Fire J aurance Companies on the Coast, "l-all c a him for reliabieinsurance.