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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1886)
Caurcb Blree n U. P. C RxrmoH. Preach i ng erery Sabbath, at 11 a. m. , and 7 r. at. by Rev. F Q. It in, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:90 r. M Prayer meeting every Wednsssday evening. K v a nukj.uw i. Ckckch. Preaohing on Sab Hath at 10,30 a. ML, and 7 r. M. Sabbath School 111 ik Prayer meeting every Wed nesday erening 7:30. 8. K. Davit, pat tor. All are invited. ConurjkutionalChitrch. Servioesevsry Sabbath at U a. m. and 7 r. u. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each weak. J. VV. H arris, pastor. M. K. CuuaCB.SotTTH. Preaching every Sabbath morniug at 11 o'clock a. M. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock A. m. Prsyer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o clock, r . Al.tulo, 1'astor. M. K Church 8oith.Tanubnt.- Praacl ing every Saobatb at 3:30 o'clock, r. u. 8sb bath School t 2:30 o'clock, r. M. P. M. Culp, Pastor. M. K. Church. Preaching every Sabbath 11 a. m. end 7 r. st. Sonu service in e evening before sermon. Sabbath School 2.-30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs ayevemng. Uev. 11. P. Webb, pastor. PmuBTTKRiAX CHURCH. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Coudit pastor. First Baptist Church. Preaching everv Sabbath at 1 1 o'clock am., at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath Sohool immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting er Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T O Brewnson, pastor. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA .VIA-, Oregon & California R. B, mw AND CONNECTIONS. SVn. fmn l'..rll.,l tn Rut Wnit Ml S&l : to ftHlWf men to, gsa close connection matt at Ashland w.tta tags of ihs California, Oregen snd Idaho SUgt HSSSySSB (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) hast iMe BUvtelea. BKTWEE ruKlt AU AHLAXt. MallTrata. ULAVB. lVrtland. 7:30 A M AftSlVS. Alhanr li:4& A H Albany 12:05 r M Ashland 4:46 a m Ashland 7:46 r M I Albany li:U6 r m Aihanv .11:. A M rVrtraad ,4:5 r Albany Express Trnts. LBATS. ASS1VS. l,ri,.n.l 1-00 m t aihanv 8:34 I M Albany...' ...Xr Lebanon ?0r a Lebaaou .. 4.45 a m Albany fc a m Albany .5,30 a M I rortlsnd KM A m Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daUy bstwoeti Al- fL'ri,?dc- k R Ferry makee ootinecUonA with all the regular I nine on the Kat aide Inrislou from feet of S.retl Wet aMe Bivistea. ETWEE.V lsBTLA5l AND t'OKVALLI. Mall Train, Ltwg asarrs Portland Corvalit 9:00 a a ICorrallU 4 30 r a .30 a a Portland X Express Train. LB A VS. A HITS. Portland .8:00 r a ' McMinuvlUs O0 r a McaUnnvtlla s:45 a m PnlnU.. SJ0 a m Local tickets fur eale nl baagr ehecked at com DAiiv'a uu-Uiwn ufflce. Cor. Stark aid Secona Strceta tti'keufor riiKiul ihi..U In California can only U procured ai.l ba-gar checked at Company office. Coroer V a...i Fr ... gu.. Portland Or. Freight will not be received fot ehiptnent altar See o'dovk p. SI. on either the Eaat or Wea aide Divialesa. K KOEULER, I. P. BOOERS, Manager. O. T. PaaaAaent. SO OUNTS WILL BUY k BOrTLEOFTHK BB3T OOUGH CURB that 'he world has ver pn-duoed, sr Kea lei's Coufh are ha not aa equal on m face of MM Rlobe I pi.ew to prod oca say uh preparation, now n the market to beat it . promptneea in curing a oU(h or Cold. Nothrra take the a "ice of an oid i pi tic o( 17 year on 'Don't run the riak of our own life or your bildraa'e on sugar and ater, it has sent thou nds to their toog homea. . oti will Ind more vir ie in ana of these small ottlee than In a pint of snsssn cough nisi ores. ."nere is o thing er rue, 'if you don't kill the ugh tha cough is sure a klu yon.' eaare anise trade ark the airs lie battle. WHOLBSALS AOESTS, R.fELa, HeiTHHl at VTSSOWtED. PORTLAND, ORKUOS. 30 000 CASES OF RECTAL DISEASES, riles, Her tat Clears, Flat a res, rrarlt s, Aal, ti-tals la Ana, Polypas, Keell, Etc., Etc., Cured in six year by the strlakertiasTayslcsa. Dr. J. B Ptlkington, Proprietor of the Portland Eye ana Ear laErmary and fsaaltarlaas fur aervoaa Itlaeaaes has been appointed agent sod ph siciaii for tin system in Oregon and YV. T. No severe surgical oscra Uaa, aa nala, aa lass ml blood in two months have cured several esses in whieh operations with the knife have only dona injury. Am permitted to refer to Mr. Jan. V Weath erford, druggiet, formerly of salem, Mr. Frank (laid nei, machinest. Mr. R. A. Kainpy. Uarrishurg and others. Wi'l meet patients at the Revere lioues Al bany, from Toesdaj noon, Mar. 2, to Wcdnen day noon, Mar. 8, 1896. Addresc for pamphlet, etc. J.B. PILKI NCTON, M. D.. PORTLAND. OREGON. ""HE OR, LIEBIC Private niapcaaary, 400 Geary St., San Prancisco", .Cel. Conducted byOua ified Physician and Hurgeonr -regular irraduates. gar The Oldest specialists iu the l.'nited States, life long experience, erfect nictnod and pure mediciuc, insure speedy and permanent cure of sil Private, Chronic and Nervious Disease Affections of the Hl.-i LaI skin, Kidney, Bladder. Kruptiou Clcr, Old H,re. Hwel'lnir of tb .Glands, Sore Mouth, Throat Bone .'4HI .,,oi mAiieut'y cured and eradi -ausd from the system for life. EVlti; Debility, Impoteney, teniinal Losses, Sexual Decay, Men' tal and Pht steal Weakness, Failinu Memory, Veak Eyes, Stunted De- ! i t, Impediments to Marriage t ;., from excess or jouthful follie, i Any aause, peedily, safely and .irivately cured. Waaag. Hldrtle-Aged and Old men, and all who seed medical skill iud experience, consult the old guropean Physician at once. Hi opinion costs nothing, aud may save future misery and stauaa When inconvenient to visit tha city for treatment, medicine can be sent everywhere by i nress free from observe ' n. H i self-evident that phy.lcian who give his vnole attention to s class of dim i '.aIiim creat skill, aud pl.ysidans thro us h out the cout 'y.knowlng this, frequently recommend diffi.-ult caies to the oldest specialist, by whom every known good remedy is used. The Doctor' sge anu experience make his opinion of supreme Importance. AoTThose who call see no on but the Doctor. Con sultations free and sacredly confidential. Cases which hv failed in obtaining relief elsewhere espse slly soliciied. F.'iiule diseases sue essfullv treated Hie Doctor will avree to forfeit tl.000 for case un tertaken, not cured, Call or write. Hours, daily,from a m. to 4 p. m., o to evening ; Sunday, 10 to tS only. Send for the 8anitarit Guide to Health eat free. Address ss sbov LIEBIC'Sf Wenderfal 4erauaa lavlgerator Permanent y prevent all Unnatural Lease from the system, tone th nerves, strengthen the muscle shacks the waste, invigorates the whole system, and restore th afflicted to Health and Happiness. The reason se many cannot get cured of Seminal rVeaknes, Los of Manhood, etc., is owing to s com plication, called Prostatorrhea with Hypraethela, which require peculiar treatment. Dr. Liebig's In vhroratori the only positive cure for Prostatorrhea, with peculUr special treatment, used t the Liebtg Diapeneary. rr Ira of lavtgeratar, MS. Case of six bottles Ssst Is any address, covered securely from ob er ration. Most powerful electric belt free to patient To prove he wonderful power of the Invigorator. A at Battle tilvea ar Neat free. Oonsultatio l free and private. OaU or ad ifrea IJKBIti DISrEEaAKV, Geary Street, San Prancisco, Cel. M'sts SDI.-A is, 05 Msson Street, four blocks up eery Stret fro-n K earney, Main entrance Utrouga ispeasxry XVu r StirefJ IS WORTH ITS I ggggrw go, j AMERICAN FARMER To all our Subscribers I All our subscribers who will pav thalr gulracrlptlon accounts to this paper in full to date, and one year In ad vance, Hill bo prone tiled with onn yaar'a subeorlp ilon to THE 'AMERICAN FARMER !" A sixteen -nan Agricultural Manilas, Published by K. A. K, Haokett, at Fort r'ayne, Indiana, aud which is rapidly tab in a- rank aa ana of the lead In at Agrlcul tural publications of the country. It is devoted enclualvaly to the Interests of the farmer, stock breeder, dairyman, Harden er, and their household, and every specie of Industry connected with that Brest por tion of the nooole of the world, the farm ers. The subscription price is one dollar iter rear. Fanners can not well get aionu without It. It nut new ideas into their minds. It teaches them how to fsrm with trofit to themselves. It makaa the home sppy, the yauux folks cheerful, tha growler contented, the dowuoast happy, and the demagogue noreat (IMMUNITY fromMiiUUfMNi Made ontr of the flaeat and beat ejnal ity of Ulaaa for wttbataadlna; heat. Every flood thing la Counter feited, and consumers are CAU TIONED aerainat IMITATIONS of these Chimneys made of VERY POOR OLASa Bee that the exact febolls on each chimney as above The Pearl Top is always clear and aright Glass. aaanvetarrd OX LV fey GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Ftttabarcta Ld Iusb Werka FOB BALE BY DEALERS. Summons. In the CirtHit Cjurt uf the Mate oOrtgo tor Limn County. The Dundee Mortgage and Trust Invest ment Company (Ltmited;, riaJntiff. va. F 8 Kendall and William F Hamilton, Defendants. To WilUiim F. Hamilton one of the Dtjtnd ant aUji r namnl. IN the name or the Stale of Oregon : Yon are hereby summoned and re quired to be and apiear in I be above uamad Court and answer tbe complaint of the Plaintiff iu tbe above entitled suit on file against yon wlvh tbe C.erk of said Court by the first day ot tbe nest regular term ol said Court attet tbe publication of this Summons for ais weeks, to-wit ; The regular June term of aald Court to be be- Jun and beld on tbe fourth Monday In una, JS80. In J. inn county, Oregon, or judgment for want of an answer will be taken against you foi the relief demanded in tbe complaint of the Plaintiff berein. to-wit : That the mortgage mentioned and described in tbe complaint berein ex-m.-uted bv the IfefMxianl FSkinlall on tbe 16th day of October, 1880 on tbe fol lowing described real property, lo wit ; Tbe north weat quarter of tbe eoutbeaat quarter and tbe west half of the northeast quarter of Section 80 in Township 13 south ange S weat of tbe Williatneue meridian in aJnn county, Oregon, be forec'oaed and that said real property be sold and tbe pro ceeds of said sale be applied : Fir-1 to tbe payment of tbe eoataand dirimnenta of thie suit including an Attorney' fee of twenty per cent on the whole amount i bat mry be found aue the Plaintiff on taid mortgage. Second, loibe payment if tbe full amount of tbe Plaintiffs aald notes and mortgage to-wit : tbe sum of $90 with interest thereon at twelve per cent per annum from December 1st, JB43, (less 45 paid thereon December 7tb, lH83j and the further sum of flM) with interest thereon at twelve per cent per annum from December 1st. 1884. and tbe further Hum of 199 with Interest thereon at twelve per cent per annum from December let, ia5. all in U 8. gold coin aud that lbs Defendants herein and every peraon claiming by, through or under them or either or tfaam aubaequent to the dale of Plaintiff mortgage may be forever fore dosed and barred of and from all right nd equity of redemption in aald real property. That should said real property be insufficient to pay the indebt edness secured thereby that th-n the Plaintiffs have judgment against the De fendant for such deficiency. This Summona ia published by order of ffou, K. P. Boise Judge of said Court in the State Kiuutb Dkmocbat fot ix suc cessive weeks, which order bears date January 27tn, 1888. Fxinn A Chamberlain, Attorney's for Plaintiff, An Independent Newspaper of Dem ocratic Principles, but not Controlled b, any Set of Politicians or Manipulators Devoted to Collecting and Publishing al the News of the Day in the most inter esting Shape and with the greatest pot sible Promptness, Accuracy and Impar tiality ; and to the Promotion of Demo cratic Ideas and Policy in the affairs ok Government, Society and Industry. Hates, by Matt, Potpatd: DAILY, per Year DAILY, per Month SUNDAY, per Year DAILY and SUNDAY per Year - -WEEKLY, per Year - - 16 Of 5t - - KM - 7 04 - - IOC Address, THE BUTT, Xeu York City. DR. HENLEY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT, I THE BOSS OF THE WORLD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT ON RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Nervous headed s cured in three minute and To ithach in three i eco id. For all pain and i cho i it baa no equal in the world Small bottle, faOct. Large bottle, 1. Ask your druggist for a package 1 1 Orogo Kidney Tea. aWSrSsPsft'-Ur ah u.i to a.; !ti 'eijiJBdesJBS $MV i. i ftuad Vn.!l'ii.i WM .'U( j u vU0 .ti IM1 iUUI H .Ul-'U 'WJM till-' ! ii.intU oil ,.MUIU .-ll )n .iHH-s' '.MIM . 'iH)il IUIt i.ill)s-ii.. UJtMII tUltM l umh tavarju .!tp itiwtiMrtx.i muiiu j ..u i. Mil .ii ii. MHien M)i -!it Mi U l . l.mtl o... i .Miiiii.l .tii e p u U .Mil .Mi1XiU tajHM'i mi ..i 'VTiniv.lvwMvs w.'t.t vv Wnil QS3 Guidon mJl ri) op I) W MdoiVl jBttieAiWi u .i jihij in . nun mi j. min 1 1 at .i.i.Hi v "H mmiiu w a.MU.I .1H lUaUl M JO M)l. MINIS (KIIIIK.I.MI ,I.NJ II) -ll 'M1J Kll..llllllll IIB.4Kl.MM.'.l M i KS-tlUlJ M0lllU II IUHW A HMyMHM .il il U n lxpt".!!" M -lUi.rHl 'M.MJJV Ill'r4 J ,." M., 9111 OJ . MJ rfl.MV 'U 1" lMM MI lU'MJ MNIHOJ .l.l..M.tM pUll'SHtll.l nI JO ailMIIIU .N . . MiMV Ml IM 'I ! IIP ""I I M.IH I Jo .ihMI ll I" . hU lM'l'l wl ai.NIUiUlt'Mia.lll anHaMMA AWOJ llltl "II Uj 'Vl'tlHVdVHMVH h.IIIVV M IMVdJIJ.lV ho.iiij i wpwiai i'iM ,.ii:..sti ,ii . - Mi' , lH Jt tltt lU.NU Iiq.MJU.I Nl UHUJ UOil.l.xil. u iilll.l a.iillld JNttl 4at4 VM4tl.rK pllll i ! i M1UIU Ai IJJ Mlosp! fl.ll II Ml u-pi ,l.MNt IIOWIIO, ) Ju u. uiMI'"1 P"': '..lllilUI ivjjii it v I .mi miopi ...i..s jo MaatXs .m ,iii?...t ,tjtnrMNi m pi) i iw.'i .ii. iuui m 11 a .iIU-U AHO dill f 11 JMMi ..111 JO, I I!.1I.U OIl UIH .Mtl. 4M p.M.Ni jo in i it t .ti , o 'a.wn.1 nil uj 'Uiutll . hi . I ... UU.I H'l( ) 'HI U 'IIU 'l I cjjuodDSJos suoy .i, ju fc..ui.nil.iiio. ,iij jo f,.MIIll!X J11 MtO a JlltttlSl ,IO w ! 'Mil 1 iuiumui jo .muj iiii j.tiuo. upi' 'H"'l m-.'.h.Iiu.i Bjsss mii. ah.hji ii:.hii.i.m( q mwoh iiaeq fci!I M i-'"iioi 'i .oii ijiMjt .UnlH ,.1UI! U tllt 'V)..iU M H1 AIIK ..l.l V IIOk .NJI .MUl i iif.ini(.Mt.. 1 .Nl r.lllIUJ.Jim ,I U ' . ( Attltt MHI .!-'.n : i j pn .Mjij 'i aajfaastl a Hi.KM ol A !! . . Vi .ill i 'll ;it ; II Mj Hnv3 14 isnaoy StUSSh u S Btaailas "t SXWWWB aicktMt, Ht .k lualiafcii to all. Mswlallr to lulrt Uu1mi. tt.t.1 tw E O. at. riaa V 4 CO., Detroit, Michigan. TUTT'S PILLS MbIIbbbMbHs 25 YEARS IN USE, Tke Ortstest stediesJ Trlamph ef the age' SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. l.nsaorapeattir. llowele eaail e, Pais It the braa, with a wall sesaatlea la tSi bark eart. I'ala as4er Its kaUrr klade, Fullnraa after eating, with a alla larllaatlea ta rxertlaa ef bmif ar salsa. Irritability of Iran per, Law spirits, with a rllBcerbaaln aealecl4 eaaac dalr. Wearlaeaa. Uiaslaeaa. Flatirrlac ai tbe Heart. Data before tbe erea. Headers, aver tba rlcbt eye. Itaatleaaaeee, wltb Bitul dreams. Highly ealwred I rt and CON STIPATION . Tl'TT'a PII.I.a are especially arispteil to such cases, one dneo effects sscft a trisnfrrffeelntoainllUieufferer. Ti.. . inrrtsts Ihs A pnriiir.ui4 rata iba t ir i Tabe on Fleab. fnu tha tyfm is nonrlba4.sa4 bjrthrlrTasile Aefloa o ut itiajaesieeursaaaa. TllTTft tol , It earn tar Ntoola see iirr at.,r.i 1 v 1 1 v esrssss a s aas Gaar IIir or Whikbks ehana" to a G noser Black by a single appllaaUon of this Drr. It lttiiarts a natarai color, set instantaneously, bold by lro;i;ist, or arnt hv epres cm receipt of fjl. Office, 44 Murray St., Now York. EHJIMMf! hARJfaalfii 'too! KEKVOU3 sttissqesv wwa, Taksa Baaaila Wasfrcusse Jr PHYSICAL v BEGAT InVoanaaaSSlttc TSTtOSoa 6CV8M rtAaeevussiMi Cmwtm Executor's Notice. NOTICE ia hereby given (bat tha nn deraigned has been by an order of tbe County Court of Linn county, Oregon, dolv appointed Executor of the laat will and testament of Diantba Haley, daoaaad late of said ceunty. All persona haying claims against tbe estate of aald deceased are hereby notifiad and reriulred to present the earn properly veil fled within six months from tbe date hereof to the under feigned at hie residence In Shedd, Linn county, Oregon. December 29tli, 1885, F, A. Watts, Executor, OCHS: SON'S asblen Caiaieaae ; For Bprlo sad Hum- loth, to sny address. Illustrate and lists every thing for Ladles', Gents', Child reus' sod Infants' wear and Housekeeping Goods, st price krntr thsa those ot any boose la the United Htstea. Caaiplete ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. Ill kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber jaths'and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You sre allowed a frtr trinl of th My daps of the DM of Dr. Dye's Celehrnli-d Voltaic Belt witn Electric suspensory Appil'inccs for the speedy relief sad permanent cure of AViiwus Debility, Ices of Vitality and Manhocxl, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other dinensf. complete restora tion to Health, Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. No risk Is Incurred. Illinunited pamphlet lussalea tsweiope mailed free, by addressing TOJsIAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mkh. T i mil i hi ! -i ---ir - - - - I Hi i i ir i i Taw tSMagSio' era? Win stalls r ftKE all aswMsaaw. as4 i n.aan of IB arVMtss r VKUKT 4 Ht.K Is R nvp If K mm Fill DA Y M AKUlt 12, 1846 TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, xotTio by rum I " Women's CariiUil Tcimjeriici Villi A WI roM Minn WSITIt Miss White, oar national organiser, - has entered upon her work in Oregea. Owing to tbe limited time she oan re- main with us. wa hava necaeaariiw , . , emitted from our list several places we would gladly have htr visit. We be- speak for her a hearty welcome wher- ever she goes. The following is clipped from a comcnuniuatiuu tu ike California Cta'f tart Advocate, written by itev. A J. Hanson, of Olympia : "Qvr territorial legiststuro ie just closintf its biennial sesaien In point of integrity, decency, moral character end intellectual force, old tesideuts of Olympia pronounce it the best for many years. Fur some time, now, the better elements of the entire population have been rejoicing over tbe temperance leg- Islation adopted by tbeee law-makere and approved by the Governor, k bill for sciantifio temperance instruction in the publio ecboole wee passed unani- mously, while a strong local op.ioo law wat adopted with but three diasenting votes. Popular sentiment demanded this legislation. Wcman suffrage ren- dered it possible, while tbe distinctive efforts of tbe Women'a Christian Tem- peranoo Union fu-mutated and secured it aa an immediate result. The pains taking endeavors of territorial unions I and their devoted ojlicsrs for months . i..-- . . .1 . a.. I psav war. just at me rtgnt time niougnt to a final end suconsaful issue by tho 11: t l goe(.snip anu aioquent aiaaia ' Mies Narctssa K White, of Pennsyl- Tama, repraaenUlive 0r tbe K.tionel .. si saw a a! a i a . s z . 2 s wnton, auese presanee ana eervioe in &t.i 1 it . 1 aa.s gcMK, case win not soon oa torgow ten. Hbe H' to poaaMs ejttreer-1 Otnary talents fur this work, and may be countexl on lor solid work wberarar a . tt 1 I01 VI It V UiWM " "" Scirutitio Temneranca Instruction has scored another viototy. Tbe 8t . UnbBuardulEluCatioaWora wheat. at before sta th. W. Q T. ewtear- d ty invitation, baa decided to intro- doe at onee. trmpsranc- tehtag intol all tba gradea of public acboo's in that . city. Here were enly four vote in tbe negative. This is a great victory, as tbe eompesittoo of tbe Board led to fears of great opposition. We viab Cbtosgo, St. Louta1 rival, would eater into competition ari b ber ia tbis rs epsct. -' A Submiaabp Convention eaa beld st 8sdalie, Missouri, Februery 16tb. Delegates tepreaeattug churches and tbs various teotparsnes organize! ions from every part of tbe state were pres ent. A mioortty, small but determta ed and enthusiastic, favored local sp- tioo, but after earnest and full debate tbe convention voted four to onet o support only sucb candidates for toe aext legislature as would publicly pledge themselves to vote to submit constitutional prohibition te the popu lar vote. The Chicago W. C. T. U. have com menced work ia earnest, trying to reach tbe outcast women of that city. Tbey have organized a eoromitte of which Miss Wiilard ia cbairmao, open ed pleasant rooms, and secured the ser vices of Dr. Kate C Buehnell, a nobis christian woman and thoroughly sdu cated physician, to '.eke charge of the wot k. The proas of the city, especial ly tbs Inter-Ocean, bavs rendered valu able aid by publishing circulars, notices of tbe work, and appeals for aid. In response to these appeals, money sod other things necessary, have been do nated for carrying on tbe work. Gos pel services are beld at tbe rooms every afternoon and evening, and tbe first week's work demonstrated both the need and tbe hopefulness of the effort. Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney treo ble. C VV Lomler dt Co., of Portland, are duly authorized sdvertising agents for the Demo i r at fer that city. HOW TO IIKtL WITH 1)1 AKKUOK t. This complaint is a sign of a disord ered liver and should be attacked at the source of tbe disease, i void vio lent purgatives, awailow no ch ilk mix ture or other const i padog preparation. Take Simmons Liver Regulator which will remove the irritating humors that produce tbe disease, correct tbs acidity of tbe stomach and ptoduoe regularity of tbe bowels, alike free from laxity or costivenets. a0' 1 M-. Br. adburst, Mr. Gladstone's Uodtr Secretary of State, h a work ing atone mason. o The BUYERS' GOT OR te Issued March and Sept., each year, ear 856 paaje, IXXUK Inches, vettn over 3.SOO II lustrations a whole Ptetare Gallery. GIVES Wholesale Prices direct to eonsumttrs on all goods for personal or family nee. Telia how to order, and gives exact coat of every thing yea ase, eat, drink, wear, or have fan with. These IHVAIAJABXK BOOKS contain Information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mail a copy FREK to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 ets. to defray expense of mailing. Iet as hear from yon. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 1ST eV 880 Wabaak Aveaae. Ctdcaga JUL C D MIITTIlin A rent Scottish Union Isiuranos i i i i itv i i invi Co . , capital $40,000,000. Insure' la an absolutely LaiNva rimoti r tildev. Tbe fallowing li an extract from Blaine'a new book : "Mr. Tildeo has been tbe eubiect tf vebeoQent and contradictory judgement His friends have welt ni.h canonised him aa rtjir-iiiing tbe highest type nf nnitito vitiiiH tiia dttrn hava siaintad r " ' r him M " de:,i ia craft aoo intrigu. I I L ..IJ 1. 1 .1 ins psrtieians nave nam mm up at ma evangel of a new aud purer dispense tion ; his opponents declare that bis bility is marrad by selfishness ana characterised by cunning. His follow era have exalted him as tbe ablest and most hieh minded statesrosu of the times ; hie etitics have described him a most artful, astute and unscrupu lous politician. The truth doubtless Hoe betwaan the two extremes. Adroit, ingeaiou, aud wary ; skilful to plan lend strong to execute ; oautioue in judgment and vigorous in action ; taci- turn and mysterious as a rule, and yet singularly open and frank on occasions; resting o.i the old traditions, yet lead- ing in new pathways ; surprising in the force of bis blows, and yet leaving a sense of reserved power, Mr. Tllden unquestionably ranks among tbe great eet roasters of political msnsgemeot that our day baa seen. Certain it Is thet hie extraordinary success and his exceptional position had ineptred the Democratic arty with the conviction that be waa tbe cue man to command victory, and he moved forward to the Presidential nomination with a confi dance wbisb discouraged his opponents and inspired his snpporters with a aense of irresistible strength." KtrrosK. "BuiJt ose Blaine had twn slcctt d and suob devpioomenis ss the Pan teltiihonv , . . lUH ,u, rW w hat . . a ..1 ,,u nwwia ui uuiai uuutsvr vmi m e tb9 air As it is, not a aqtack ie h , ( tb(, (.ithfut. Iu at. lUpub- Um AV(in lf lh. WorU, Sun and JrrnU BkV) mmitinlvi iu un.Hrlbtn. tba (nu4 (j,vV(,,a0ll rtjfuMM Ui relttv his bf(jl u(!ic)ril .ljd lhmf r.fu(tW (u .n s tfu ulh. a m99ml jeanteti lot" Tha alHiva froau the Eua-aiie feistet nteds tibljr tht- at.sarer. D.-tef..j,unU I At f - . k. ...... Ak . . . .. ..1-. 1. t -i . . .i . -H- I ta ev,tt V "l'"ict, I-K", kfubt 10 ,b uutUcm mmU'ml BUu" 10 lD lmUl W ' -v-r r'su l v 100 ttapt to put such a scented It . t . n t . lot into Uieiue, ku ,Pnwi, 4 Co., but supported Biatua with ail the influence it bad. I! er, w a suppose it "waa casting an a cbr o tbe windward," detartoinad not to 'prove a dead bead in the anteririae." 'Burn tbta." Tbe Secret-try of tbe Treasury la csJIlog in tie 3 ier cent bonds at so oaconafurtaitiy rpM tste, Tha In. terest on smthr $lo.00.oo v til Ceaaa - n April M and I MMN th ll v- sroaoent will havs out-fandiug nly $164,190,500 of this dsacripti m of securities, with no others coming doe until September, 1891. Tbst is to say, If It tedecee the publio debt more tuso the amount of outstanding 3 per cems in the next five and a half years, It wilt have to de ft io some ether wsy Ouu hv calling In matured bonds. These honde permit of the reduction al the rate of $30,. 000,000 a year, whereat the actual rats is now more than three limes that. The remaining ways of reduc ing the debt are going Into the mar ket and buying up tba unmatured bonds at a high premiun,nd redeem ing and cancelling tne ffrsutibacks. Neither of these will oe generally ap proved of. Undsr tho circu mat auces the method to he adopted will be eitbar to reduce the revenue or enter upon large expenditures. We take it that the reduction of the revenue will he the more sensible plan. Tbe efforts of tho anti-gold men in Congross,th pending resolution to pay bonds in silvsr,tbs talk of free coinage, tbe prospect that the output of tbe de preciated dollara will not be suspended, the numerous representations ef tbe threatened bed faith of tbe Government and tke dire predictions ot financial disaster generally, it might be suppoeed wsuld have an unfavorable effect on the public credit. But tbe confide,. oe i. tbe Government obligations has a- no how serenely breasted all the oppos ing waves, und the United Slates bends have steadily appreciated until the f air per cents have rise to the histhesi. fig ure tbsy ever reached aud ate now quoted st 125. In other words, peo ple par a premium of $229 for the promise of the Government to return them $1,000, with interest at the rate of 4 por cent. Evidently the c dnage sf $2,600,000 worth of silver a month is not going to swamp us for a while, though tbe reasons for its suspenMou are just as strong as ever they were. Cough preparations are used in every household, and hence tbe necessity for a purs sod safe remedy. Bed Star Cough Cure, the new medical discovery, contains neither morphia nor opium, sad chemists, physicians and health boards endorse it. 25 cents. ... Sbakespere makes one of h'u charac ters say "'Til not in mortals to com mand success, hut we'll do more, we will deserve it.'' St. Jacobs Oil has commanded success, and tbe voice of the people is that it deserves it, and that it is the greatest pain cure on earth. srssr POWDER Absolutely Pure. ltd powdw never vsrlss. A marva! ef purity , i and wttottaamsnaw are esaaesweal fttttiai . j lint. aasiia .uliI In mtmm fjettOon with tit mulUtixl of low test, short wisjbiWii(h vr u.raw. ivvwra nvupbi is Kov4i. Baftise lwisa (Jo., 10S Wsil-st, THE STAR A newspaper stipportlnif tba I'rlnelpUs of a IteutCN i ati MMaMi at loo, Pvblithed Is the (My ( Mew York. WILLIAM BOKSIIE1MEB, Kdrtor and r, oprletor. Daily, Sunday, and Weekly Editions. THE WEEKLY STAR, A Sixteon-nage Newspaper, Issued every Wednesday A i. .... pore, Urlgbt ami Interastlnii FAMILY PAPER. It iJSlnhH the latrst new, down to the hour of ,01114 1 ree : Agricultural IVlarkot, Fashion, Household, Political, ri..snrinl nnd Commercial. Poetical, Humorous and Editorial frVwtemeseat. Stl! tit Ae-f tUt dtf4-lljffl Of tTMt$t$3t in irqnur esse - t....rtiti.t of il.o h.ehl aMitiy. lis .iti Ttf.. am Ijc f.u d trrowdu aim eood tliiin: ftow U i.-iiiilMf loet.d, , . tHiin.Bi .( I.r diSlinsui'lted Atnerksb Slid foirtii a rii s of firtron. THE DAILY STAR, Th Iuilv Srsn aitsiasll the news of tticdsr fa so i ui .e ..-rat. It epeii-l tsVNMSJsJsajes i,y . ... it .in i.i .-.i, ian. Hsraa,VasMM stai ttuh hi is s oiiiii wl Ida ftet'. . &..!.. . i.. i. Aiti.ii. aud utber new center. the sllc-I t-if - M.tMb-t.1. i tally telsirsed by lbs In !ttl. fnrt..U 11 ltl ikt-v ny icgrspo Tha I'm al 4ial Math l lk views sre snusoaiiy t.,A .ml r , I. If. ap rial lavas ! eatrarUiary liiduea- Slt. Ills lO d.' I'M .11X1 S ITS WW faatudl for etrcular. raua eta vuf wftiLV STAR to ra It.nmv'w' " - - .u.i..u. . e r..TaS in the lo UdVUU bimI t atMtia, vuisum the uatits of Stcar wrfc City ! r rear f H Hubs of Rises I TtfttttS or Tltt sctuaca : Ktttjrrlar forotir fesr Mai, i eiMJar, gv. . . . .. t: n u 10 is 00 sts- OAI4.V STAR To nr liMlms Sunns). . . vita yesv s- rs li. . 3 ' Itrnt-l . tUVftlt Addrcu, -I'm: n'i aii, SS aU -H lawrtb Wilitaa Kt.. New Vara. t popular Weekly s.rt !''4, m.? .net writs fartfrtsa. la te talt'uaa m l tm u e. BBBBW bar uiriri with fl Mil! teal ion a m itJga TbiS aeyefniilta besntbeat. asaacas i I tbst ef ail f.rf f. . m .niMnasuenwa t:. it. NVa .iffliasa-w S? iaavaaav,; I aa am tfeaa A Ca. bar , $ V sl had Thirt,- 1 1 UJ t?J?l Us ltai Offles and bar pesparsd r man One Hurtdrad Tboy- send api!i.-aiiott for pataaU ia the l o.tvd btatea and focatara eaaetrte. i.t. Trulo-aarka. t'um-nabi. l. ,.-,nrfii. nnd alt othse aaaata for iug S iutBtors tbeir rtCSte Js tba ll'niLn,! Ri : i uuaa. EnalaDd. rraac. i.rrm.r j . ! ixbT fofelse coaaariaa. pe- pared at thoH ru. and on rasaea abl I aasstes reaaee ; . it4aieiBpataa! fntlr ' iiboit charr. Baad-I n..ll..n mrt:. I'StaBtS throuch M-ion a ! ' arw notlaad la tea aeteaUS Am.can lr. Ihs adSBtaaf eh eoties la !! uBder.ird hi ail persons who wwb u. d.- ddrv,y?s5,ca CO.. oaeascxawnm as. SA Uroedasr. bear msv PATENTS Obtained, and ail other bastneai In tbe U. 8 Patea 0 atuiideded to for moderate tees. Our oftio i opiHNdt tbe V. . Fslaat OfSes. sod " can obtain I'aleiit Iras Unie than tiros reroute tfwtn inti-i. .i . . ttd tnodii or drawing; . W atf te patent abiiit free of charge .and wensks o charge unless obtain )atnt. We refer bare, to tbe Postmaster, tbe el twiey Order Me. and to officials of tbe U. 8. Patent Kor clrt ular, ad ice, terms, and eferencea o actual cliruts In your own Slat or county, address . A. SNOW &t O., Opposite Patent Office, Waahington, D . mm sWsaaaSWPeWP''Wi"" A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty ; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. WANTED. A capable man or woman of Immense energy to take the agency of tbis or some otber county for the "History of Califor nia." To the right party It will pay from S100 to $800 per month Address F, Per son, Manager Accidental Publishing Co,, J 30 Sutter St., San Francisco, .- h aa of th. vr it ff... hi ss I 1 ssjaajsts JULIUS GRADWOHL Have the onlf exelaolee Htoek ol CROCKERY, CUSS, SILVER AND CHIRA WARi A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choic Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Unr ONE DOZEN CUP8 AND SAUCERS 81.00. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND L MB TBE HIGH t;vr S4BKET FKICE PAID FOR U 'i I Remember! What I Say I lean. Sire Ie a call GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- THE Oregon Short Line, 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest route to the East, and rates, $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest, to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets, good via Ogden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going East write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge. . S) Br 4 ill iiivi i e t VtI! HTAAj General Agent. No, 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Corner Third and E Street, PORTLAND, - - OBEtiOX. Tbree Blocks from all Railroad Depots, Oar fa4liitee are each that we tlefy competiUoa. Tbta Is tbe largest aud must reaped ably kept lintel lo tbe North- Board and Lodging ll.QQ per Day, ti certs. LODGNG. ti h9 tO CENT. FREE BUSS TO AND FROM THE HOTEL No Chinese Employed. E, LEWISTOM, - - PROPEIEf OR, (Late of Minnesota House.) ED. CORBY ACENT. Fe Me MILLKRa Attorney and Counulor it Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Willprscetos In ail the Court in tbe Biate II 01 KL FOK SALE. 'fl r fl..... I.l..n..;tl.. rra.cna. I U SCmu iiuuns. iiitoiii.v, uiiuii, 32 wall fum taiied rtoms. the only hotel Id town, lance and eooveuient, with all aeeaaeary furniture. Price reasonable and terms easy. A. B.COLVER at SOU. Prioeeille, Oregon. DR. MINTIE, tmm srtrisusT. a- II Keeraejr Street, aaa Fraar'ara. al. Tasars ut Casosic, Srsctat. ass Psi v art Ptasasss wmi Wosassm. Scocaas. TNE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY ! Is a KBTsa raiusoctrss for Nurvouf DUitjr, Seat inal Weafcnaaa, Exhausted Vitality, Srn tlur rhoex Laat MassaaS, Itni o- teiuj ,1 ailn l'iii.rr- boss, ana all lire terrihie Art ia f self at ore uih fu follies and excess in taaturer years, a act. ss Lass of Memory, Laaltud,Noc tural Emiaaton, aversion to society, I). nines of Vision . exeease la SrlMfclaalataxI rating lleaers, the vital fluid passing unobserved n the nrins, and many otber discasee that lead to in salty end death. Br. Mia tie. who is a Erxalar fliylrlaa. arnSaate ef tbe I nlveralty af fean.ylvania will afrea to forfeit rive HanSred Dollar for a ease of tbia kind th Vital Reaaraftvr (under his special advice and treatment) will not ctire, or for anything impure or Injurious found in ft. Sr. Sala tie treats sil private diseases successful :y without mercury. aaaaitaliea free- Thnrouh examin ation and ad ice, including analysis of mine, S5. Price ot Vital Kraferatlve. !. a bottle, or four time the qu niity, 5 ; sent to any addraa upon re ceipt of price, or C O D secured from observation and in private nam if desired by Or Wintle.l I Kearny Street. Saa Fraariaro, tal. Send tor list of questions and pamphlet. SAMPLK BOTTLE FKEK. Will be seat to sny one applying byl tu r, statins aymptoma, sex and sge. Strict secrecy iu regard to sil business transactions. Dr. Mlatte's Kidney Rrntrdy. Srnbretlrem, cures all kinda of Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Leucorrhoea, etc. For sale by all drug isle ; SI s botte er six botUes for Sf. Dr. Mtatle's Baadellan flits are the beet and cheapest sTysaeasIa and Billon cure hi the mark el. Por aal by all druggists, THE GREAT Uofailinpecillc FOR LIVIZR DISEASE ft VIIBTflllfi Bitter or bad taste ii mouth; O I mr 1 1111x9 tongue coated white or covered with a brown fur ; pain in the back, sides, or joints often mistaken for Rheumatism ; sonr stomach; loss of appetite; sometimes nausea and waterbrash, or indigestion; flatule icy and acid emulations ; bowels alternately costive and lax; headache; loss of memory, with x painful sensation of having failed to do somethirg which ought to have been done ; debility ; low spirits a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes; a dry cough : fever ; restlessness ; the urine is scanty aari high-colored, and, if allowed to stand, deposits a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is generally used in the South to arc use the Torpid Liver to a healthy action. It ants with extraordinary efficacy on the TIVER, KIDNEYS, - and BOWELS. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Nausea, Colic, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaints, Etc., Etc., Etc. Endorsed by the use of f Millions of B ittles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. SAFE TO TAKE IS ANY CONDITION OF THE 8Y8TEM I J. H.ZEIUN t CO., sols raoMUSTOKs, PH1LADELPH IA, PA. PRICE, at.oo. Noise in tbs head er v sail First National Bank OF ALBANY, OREUO.V. President JOHX CONNER .H. K. MERRILL TRA!i8ACTj4 A GENERAL ACCOL NTM KEPT .object to SKillT KXi RANOE and tabsmobk sIS on New York, San Fnaciseo, Cbkafo and Portian ' "'U.K. T!o MADE on farorabl S. E. Torse, Jobs Cesses, 1- K BLais, L. Puss, II. P. Maaaiuk J. L. COW AX. Jf. W.rjUJtCC Linn County Bank, COWAN & CL'SICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANS ACTS a general banking ! DRAW SIGHT DKAKT8 on New York. Saa Fran cisro and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on sporored security. RECEIVE deposits eabjec to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to as will receive prompt ttebtkm. K USAGE MILLS, We have a meat cutter that U as much an improvement over tbs old fashioned sausage mill as J. I. Case Agitator is over a flail, U don't clog an I leaves no strings ia th ttt at Corns and see tt, AfaiPTTT Send 10 cents pestaga, saa wa wil Ilia I mail you free a reyal, laloabla sample t.x of grxxi that will pas yoa in the wa; ef making more mooerat once, than anything else ia America. Both sexts ot all ag can lira at been and work in spare lime, or a I tbe tins. Capital sot re quired. We will start yoa. Immense pay surs tor hose a ho start at once. STHSOS sad Co., PossUad. InvalidsHoteliSargfcal tnstfl B U Jb'i'wflLLO, Orsaaixed with a fall Staff ef elaS Kxperieaced and Sklllfnl ntymlelaaa and Sarsraaa fer the f reatatent af alt Chromic diseases. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronic Naaal Catarrh, Throat and ?u Dlaeaaea, JLlvcr ana Kidney IMseaaea, Bladder Dlaeaaea, Diseases Of Women, Blood Diseases and N err. ope Af feet Ions, cured here or at bom, with or without seeing the patient. Come and fee us, or send ten cente In stamps for our Invalids Gntde Boost, aMch gives all particulars. Nervons Bebillty.lntpo teney. NortnrnAl Losses, and all Morbid Conditions paused by Yonthfnl Fol lies and Pernicious Soli tary Practices are speedily and permanent lv cored hv our SiHVittli:.s. Book, post-paid, 10 cts. in stamps. Kujninre, or ifrwicti, radi cally cured without the knife, without trusses, without pain, and without danger. Cures Qauaraunteed. Book sent for BlIrTUSE. ton cents in stamps. PIliE TUMORS and STB ICTTJH ES treated under guarantee to cure. Book eent for ten cents in atamne. Address Won i.n's Dispensary Medical Association, SS3 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. aawaswasssawsawsswaa xo treatment ot many titer a ere af ousands of cases of those UISEASES OF aiseases peculiar to WflUFM WOMEN l"c-tl at the Invalids Hotel and l "sasassssssssa Sunrieal Institute, has nf. forded large experience in adapting remedies for their cure, and DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is the result of this vast experience. It is a powerful Restorative Tonlo and Nervine, imparts vigor and strength to the system, and cures, as if by magic, Leu corrhea, or "whites," exeeaalve flowing, painful menstruation, un natural suppressions, prolapsus or falllua; of the uterus, weak hack, antevcrsion, retroversion, hearing down sensations, chronic eongree tion. inflammation and nleeratlott of the womb, inflammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, internal heat, and " female wealtneae, It promptly relieves and cures Naasea and Weakness of Stomach, Indiaes tion, .Bloating, Nervous Prostration, and Sleeplessness, in either sex- Pfilfit $S fill 6 qjTlJS8 rniuc l.UU, for ao.oo. Send ten cents In stamps for Dr. Pierce's btrge Treatise on Diseases of Women, illus trated. World's Dispensary Medical associaties, 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, N.T. SICK-HEADACHE, Bilious He&dsehe, BizzLneas, Constipa tion, Indigeation, and Bilious Attacks, promptly eursft. by Br, Pierce's PieaaanJ Pvrgmtive Pelleta. cents a vi&i, by Drugr:'s pS BaSSSaHMtftfaBWSaBba LBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB fcUMTE Diseases.