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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1886)
Entnrsd st th Post Offios st Albany, Or, s oeoonddaaa mall rosttsr. FRIDAY MARCH 12, 1886. 8TITE3 A NUTTING. KftHar sail rroprlHers. rKOP. !st!Tt"ltt. Klr. Official Gounty Paper. OflOUNTY n FFICULaiid jAPER, THE DEMOCRAT SM535 lor to cfnti. tyvoietna uisv be made al thlseffloe or to Sam Mar at HsrrUburf . K. Mu'lton at s. s. K. Davison, HalssT, K K. Montague Lebanun. J. W . Kumbeuh, Sweet MM, r. A wit. ShsdU. J. A. Baard, .Hflorson. A. L. Bridgafa riser, Tangent, 775 C MIXES E MIST GO.-Tkree yommg men will do work of all kimJs, sawing wa gardening, ,t(. Leazr orders at Read f BrowuetTs. ' m Boot ami Hnees. N. H. Alln ft Co., sr now receiving tin line of boots aud shoes, thoy propose is the future to make specialty of this branch of their bosines, io addition to a full lino of Buchioitham ft Hecht's mke of boots at d hoc which for durability cannot b ex celled, they have a line of Eastern good of ail gradea including a line of S. D. Sellers ft Co., of Philadelphia, children and misses shoos, which are at -ed as any manufactur ed. They guarantee eyery shoe just as rep resented. Giro them a trial. Received Mew Tills Week. Novelties in imported dress tioods, Bouclee or Nigger head, brocades, velvets and silks, lace, dress goods, etc., at 8am u K. Yocito'a. Mew Coeds. A. B. Moll wain has a Urge and well select ed stock of now goods, sa tins as ever brought to Albany. Call on him and make your selec tions from his first-class stock. Us wiiiie. Miss Narcisaa E. White, who was sent to this Coast by the National W. C. T. U., ar rived in Albanv on last Saturdav. In the sf afternoon of that day she spoke at the M. E. Church to the members of the Albany W. C. T. U. On Saturday and Sunday evenings Miss White lectured at the Court Mouse before crowded houses. Among those who have been in Albany from the National Society we consider Miss White second to only Miss Willard. She has an easy, convincing, magnetic style few speak ers possess ; treats her subject in an enlight ened manner, holding her audience in such a way as to show her words are being ap preciated. Nowadays people seem to sit on nettles so much that it is refreshing to hear one who can make us forget our prickly seat. Miss White is versatile in her tem perance ideas. She take the scientific side with ability, and it is one which must at tract attention ; she knows the best social points, and is up on prohibition. Her lec tures altogether are ones which will leave a marked impression wherever delivered, and that is a compliment of the highest order to be made in these careless days. Miss White was in Washington Territory during the session of the Legislature, and( principally through her energies, a local op tion law and one requiring the teaching of temperance hygiene, were passed. After making a tour through Oregon she will go East. lax Very. For the benefit of parties in one of the county school districts, we will say that it is our opinion it is not necessary for a tax levy for school purposes to contain the number of mills to be raised. A levy for a certain sum would be legal, if the sum raised were not in excess of the amount specified. Anything in excess, though, might set aside the whole levy, at least the pro rata amount in excess. There are case holding both. If such a levy has been made the only safe way will be to keep the aggregate of the tax-payers' tax within the ounds of the levy. A raefcesl sc. Last Friday evening an exhibition was given at the Oak Creek school house to a crowded house. In fact crowded was no name for it ; wagons were drawn up to the windows and packed full. Several attended from this city and pronounce it a success, and a long one, for it lasted till 1 2 o'clock. The program as published in the Democrat two weeks ago w a) carried out. It was original, funny, serious, and most entertain ing generally. Prof. Jones not only has taught a good school, but he is up with the times in getting up a live school entertain ment. aekool Election. The school election held last Monday afternoon resulted In the election of L Flinn for Director and J H Burkhart for Clerk. Following was the vote . For Director. L Finn, 53 ; R S Strahan 46 ; W R Bilyeu, 12. For Clerk J H Burkhart, 104. 1 1 2 votes were cast. mmmm. The ladies of the First Christian Church of Albanv will give a dinner and supper at the Saltmarsh drug store building next door east of the Revere House on Friday, March 1 2th. The proceeds to be for the benefit of the church. The public are cordially in vited to contribute a small mite in this way to a worthy cause. Let everybody attend After Bounty. Last Tuesday Ex P. M. Newell, of Leb anon, presented the County Clerk with two five dollar scalps, once the faces of a cougar and a cayote, and received a warrant for ten dollars. Mr W B Donaca, of Lebanon also handed In two wild cat scalps, for which he was paid two dollars. The cou gar and cayote were killed by a Mr Tucker An Accident. Last week Mr. David Smith, of Lebanon precinct, was riding a horse, when it stum bled, throwing Mr. Smith against a barbed wire fence, breaking several nbs besides bruising his face badly. A strong consti tution will bring our worthy friend through all right. THE WHITTLED EN The Prineville News puts It this way I There arc a number of wealthy men In Crook county who owe us from $5 to $7.50 each, and they don't seem to care a darn cent if they do. Do not hire a Chinamen if by any amount of nulling you can get a white man to do your work. Let's make It tropical for the Celestial this summer. There are 386 voters In Eugene and 536 In Albany, and yet the former place claims as large a population as Albany. Mrs Miller, Joaquin Miller's mother, was married a few days ago to a young man named Cllne. She had obtained a divorce from her nineteen year old husband. Joa quin may have written some attractive poetry, but there Is evidently a soft slreak in the family somewhere. "We'll be darned." Alva Churchill, of the Corvallis Gazette wants the office of State Printer what a Benton county edi tor wants of an office beats us. Last Saturday the rate from Los Angles to the Mississippi river was only $ t for an hour. If they would only throw In "grub" there would le some inducement towards going East. The smallest ratio given in any city of school children between 4 and 20 years of age Is 1 to i This would make the lowest estimate of Albany's population 1,900. As a matter of fact we do not believe it has less than .' The material for the bridge across the Willamette at Albany has already been bought by the railroad people, tcmiter. Really, now, we are glad you know so much about it. Even we have been un able to ascertain that It was to be at Al bany. It can easily be ascertained v ho will be Linn county nominees by usking any one who is a politician nt all (?) The membersof McPhcrson Post Ci.A.R. had a free puff on a box of fine cigar pre sented by Read & Ilrownell, last Saturday evening. It is hardly worth while now-a days to chronicle a Portland murder or suicide, they are of such frequent occurrence. One took place there Saturday, but we have al most forgotten the name and circumstance. Think though it was a fellow named Bur gess who shot n woman by some such name as Shorn, and then killed himself. Ktftt . The tall, blonde young man, who pre tended much and did little more than a small amount of flirting, took his departure a few days ago leaving an unliquidated board bill of $35 behind him. Woe unto the tramp dead heat whether well dressed or not. There is nothing that riles a newspaper man more than to receive n news communi cation which is an exact duplicate of oae sent to another paper. The lioodlums who destroyed lamp shades, etc.. In the Court House after the lecture the other night will be reprimanded if found out. This kind of lawlessness is going too far. Recently a Denver man beat his step daughter, for which he was arrested. Jus tice Jeffries in sentencing him for six months, made these remarks, which for point are rarely equalled : "I am sorry the law will not permit me sending you to jail for six years, for if it would, that would be your sentence. The only regret I have in sending you to jail, is the sympathy I have for the other prisoners in the county jail, who will be compelled to associate with a man of your instincts." Postmaster Chance, who has just retired from the Astoria Postortice, held It for twelve years, beginning with $520 a year and ending with over $2000 a year. Following is the report of school District No. 21, county of Linn, J. R. Geddes, teacher : No. enrolled, 40 ; No. of days school, 120 ; No. of pupils studying geometry, 1 ; No. of pupils studying hook-keeping, 3 ; No. of pupils studying higher arithmetic, 4 ; No. of pupils studying Elementary algebra, 4 ; No. of pupils studying grammar, 4 ; No. of pupils studying Mental arithmetic, 4 ; Aver' age daily attendance for the term, 31 ; No. of foreign pupils in attendance, 4 ; No. of visits by Directors, 13 ; No. of visits by other persons, 73 ; No. of pupils having left during term, 5 ; No. not missing a day during the term, 13 ; No. cases of sicknss,3. The term which has just closed was a successful one, the teacher, directors and parents, as well as pupils, working together to make it such. The closing -exercise of the school took place on February 24th,and were very interesting. They consisted of declamations, tableaux, dialogues, songs, charades and the favorite drama, "Down by the Sea." The parts in the latter were taken by Messrs. Stafford, Schult, Smith and Sigmond among the gentlemen, and the Misses Gates, Hester and Mrs Geddes, among the ladies. Among the declama tions was "Shandon Bells," by Prof Mc- Clary, of Fox Vallev, rendered in an ex cellent manner. The people of District 21 take a great interest in their school, and that is just what will build it up. 1. o. o r. At a meeting of the stockholders of the OOF Association held Monday evening. the following directors were elected for the ensuing year : W C Tweedale, T J Stites, J F Backensto, J Gradwohl, Fred Graf, W M Ketchum and J II Burkhart. The di rectors elected the following officers : W C Tweedale, President, J H Burkhart, Sec retary and Superintendent, Sam'l E Young Treasurer. SwM. On last Tuesday C. C. Jackson, the E. O Tramp of Pendleton, and Miss Maria Clap ton, were united in the solemn and holy bonds of matrimony. Jackson is said to be one of the meekest, most bashful, backwood young men in existence, with hardly face enough to present a bill ; and how he ever got up grit to propose i a stickler to us We and Mrs. Duniway send congrtula tionf.. Ciraost Jury. Following are the names of the grand jury, drawn in the Circuit Court : Henry Kirk, Brownsville, Foreman, L. Holman, farmer, Scio. John Waters, miller, Brownsville. Robt. F. Ashby, merchant, Scio. Jonathan Wassom, farmer, Lebanon John Gefsendorfer, farmer, Albany. Jacob Schilling, farmer, Scio. Hats and Caps. It is time to get your spring head aiparel. A. B. Mcllwain has a stock of hats of the latest styles, which every man should ex amine before buying. mi l it rrniKT Following Is n list of the decisions In the Circuit Court rendered up to the time of going to pre : I. State of Oregon ngt Peter Bilyeu. Setting liquor without license. Dismissed a. State of Oregon agt Titos Wyatt. Seduction. Dismissed. 3. State of Oregon agt G McCullough. Assault with intent to kill. Guilty of assault with a dangerous weapon. Will be sen tenced on Saturday. 6. J S Galloway agt L Foley. Slander. Judgment of nonsuit on motion of Plaintiff- 7. Board School Fund Commissioners agt J W Gitmore, et al. Confirmation. 8ale confirmed. 8. Do agt Jas D al. Confirma tion. Sale confirmed. 9. II A Holmanet al agt Tcmpa Hunt ct al. Partition. Continued 10. T J Crelghton agt J M Wilson. Action on note." Continued. II. W H Baber agt O P Scott, ct al. Equity to set aside deed. Continued. 1 2. Board School Fund Commissioners agt Lucinda Mc Denned. Confirmation. Sale confirmed. 13. O P Abrams ugt Morgan & Dear mond. Confirmation. Kale confirmed. 14. Fred Brnnnlng agt Win Brenner. To recover possession of personal property. Con tinued. 16. J H Hewitt agt school dlst. 37. Ap peal. Nonsuit. 17. II D Burkhart agt Robt L Burkhart. Partition. Continued. 18. Jas A Heuring agt George Slavens. Equity to recover Hseoslon of real property. Continued. 21. The W V & C M R Co agt S R Tern plcton. Appeal. Not properly on docket. 22. Board of School Commissioners gt I S Kendall. Confirmation. Sale confirmed. 1? 1 t t milium .V M. t'li.T. ..! t fl !.-...( " J V S S 'I S li I XS It s m I and wife. Suit for settlement Viilnl ...! dismissed. 26. W F Terhume agt Joseph E Arctii bald. Damages and seduction. Continued by consent. 29. Frank Brothers agt J P Allison. Ac tion on note. Judgment by default. 3i- E G Cox et al agt Elisabeth Cox. Partition. Referee appointed to make par tition. 32. W K Sibson et al agt J II Foster. Ac tion on account. Judgment for want of an swer. 33- W C Noon et al agt 1 H Foster. Ac-1 tion on note and account. Judgment as per offer of deft. 34. Sarah Smith agt C E Eichler. Action J on note. Not properly on drx ket. 36. Geo D Overton ct at agt Mordie Keeney. Partition. Referees appointed to make partition. Continued. 17. Richard Williams agt James Keeney. Motion for leave to Usuc execution. Leave granted to issue execution. 42. F A Watts agt Jacob Miller, et al. To set aside deed. Continued. 46 J A Crawford agt I McClung. et al. foreclosure. Pccree for what note. Is due on I e 47 Sam'l Porter agt James M Yarrough. To quiet title. Decree for want of answer. 48 Chas B Montague agt Jennings St Mc pherson. To recover money. Settlement and dismissed. 49 John Foster agt Jas Rilev. Settled Replevin- 5O. J L Miller agt Wm R Robertson.Con firmaUon. 8ale confirmed. ft. Wm Miller agt Marv E Miller. Con firmation. Sale confirmed. 52. Lizzie N Tltompson agt Thos J Ed wards et al. Confirmation. Hale confirmed 56 D M Cooper agt Nadian Whealdon, et al. Equity. Continued. $8. Wm and Paul Faber agt F B Prater. Foreclosure. Decree as stipulation. 61 J J Whitney v Liwlc Whitney, Di vorce. Divorce granted. Kerk Hill urbeel. a et -u -1 . ,L -v .1 I tat . trw 1 a s a 4 a I 1111 on r nuav, r en. 20m. under lite ctnci- ent management of Mr. J. K. Eastham- On last Saturday evening, March 6th an entertainment was given at the school house bv the school asistcd by Mr II E Parrish nnd wife, Mr Chas Farrow their singing teacher, E Eastham and Mis Effie Miller. I he program was interspcred w ith music by Messrs LaFarge, Hogan and Richard son. Io speak of each piece in detail would taae too mucn space, so we win simply give . .... . . the program. Our correspondent says he might add that the entertainment reflect ed great credit on all connected with it The following was the program : Declamation Haves Temple. Recitation Nona Miller. Recitation- -Nettie Dodge. Declamation -Maurice Jackson. Recitation-Elva Richardson. Dialogue - Inez and Clarence Depew. Recitation -Jennie Blackburn. Declamation Geo Mills. DeclamationMartin Kium. Recitation -Allie Temple. Declamation D Blackburn. Dialogue--Ellis Vadcr and Harry Depew. Kccitation Mollie Jackson. Recitation Josie Daniels. Recitation Ada Miller. raper Mis Josie IJaniels read a paper called the "Wasp" which was well written and well arranged and contained some very good local hits. Solo -Ruth Richardson Canvassing -J E Eastham, E Eastham, Mrs Parrish. Agt Otho Temple and Effie Miller Solo Chas Farrow. Lochicls Warning J E Eastham and E Eastham. Recitation Ruth Richardson. The Owl Critic E Eastham. Solo Chas Farrow. Merchanical Sutuary II E Parriah, J E Eastham, E Easthm, Chas Farrow.Annlc Morns and Jennie Blackburn This piece closed the entertainment and everybody went home hoping it would not be the last. Mr. Eastham we understand will teach the spring term of Rock Hill school. Talk f rgntlng' It is reported that F. M. Hanson, State Organizer of the Anti-Coolie Organization will be in Albany to-morrow to organize a society. If his object is to get up a move ment to drive the Chinamen out in the midnight style, as ha been done at Oregon City, Albina and other places, we say most emphatically, that such an organization is not wanted in Albany. A majority of the citizens of this city, though in favor of a legal, peaceable Chinese exodus, do not want to see the program enacted here tliat has characterized other places, nor will they if it is attempted. Not a Trne Bill. In the case of the State of Oregon agt. Mattie Allison the Grand Jury found "not a true bill," whereupon District Attorney Chamberlain gave notice that he would move for another hearing before the Grand Jury. The motion was granted, and the same jury is now reexaming her case. Register April 5th, 6th and 7th, 11 ! 1 e A Curd. I hereby desire to tender to the people o Albany my sincere thanks for their gener ou8 donations made to aid in building s Catholic school building in this city. All monoys collected will be deposited in the Linn County Bank. j Mother Superior. rotMTV fill RTH AIK1I TEEH (J. J. v hit ney, Judge; A Condi ami DsvUI Meysrs, Commissioners.) Application of Mehala Lam ;ron for reduction of taxes dismissed. Voting place at Sweet Home was chang ed to "Buckhead." Petition of residents of Humllton Creek for bridge was continued, also petition for bridge at Waterloo,also bill for fees In State agt R C Martin. Change In road districts 2 and 3 granted as prayed for. C L Morris allowed $2 a month for to bacco for paupers. Voting place in Syracuse precinct was changed to Depot building at Millers Sta tion. J L Stewart was appointed Supervisor of Dlst 46, report of G W Rlggs to lie sent In by April term. Ordered that John W Slavens be em ployed to build a breakwater to protect Hamilton Creek Bridge. The Muddy Creek bridge near Sam Porter's ordered fixed by parties Interested by road-work. M Shackleford was appointed to oversee Pierce family at Crawfordvlllc, In place of R W Moses. Mrs M Heffrou allowed $5 for assistance. $2 a week was allowed for support of Win A Fit water, Jas Fit water trustee. Application of M Pay neund John Schmecr for reduction of taxes continued. W R Ray was appointed road supervisor for Dlst 3. Voting place In Shedd precinct changed from school house to Shedd Bros, store. Fees of officers of County Court allowed. Warrants were ordered drawn for the , I 1 ill blowing bills J G Reed, lumber $ 3.20 J W Curl, wi rk on Sanderson bridge. W Frtunm."Districk" ballot boxes... 38.0 " W II Doiiiu a.mdse Kmrrunn family.. N.o Kd Carter, work on sidewalk 7.75 T M Holt, lumber Dist 5 Jao I) Andrew s.Clerk s fees 141.20 G P Terrell, uuUe Burge family 1 . Jefferson saw mlll.lumbcr Dlst 5 -' 10 (i V Willis, keeping Vance m.on 1 1 J C Averill, nuUe Moxiey family . . &00 J R Catnpbcll.Sheriff fees 4.20 k W Moes,mdse for Pierce family. 5 at . 5-40 . ,!)'! . I' f) N lS . 8 AO 391 . Q.80 n Sifi. Xf NtittlrtL' advrrtiintr nr 1 I. Iliil mtnuUiue of Col Mm I 1 y Charlton, fees. h) S Nttdlh tinlin- nrWuirrm Mav & Senders, mde Munscna I II Coughtll.aid to A Sprague Kohitwtii Nel. lumber S Williams, keeping C Miller M I Dorris.boardlng pauper Mrs C Houck, board of pauper j J R GUI, work on Crabtrcc Creek. fjo 1 . C L Morris.kecpmg paupers A B pautsrr Train & Whltnev. advertising . co J Gradwohl, tools for Dlst 4 (, Cu I D V S Rcid. postage. w G W Cooper.bal due as Supervisor . . The following bill, were continued : Phil " I Cohen, mdse pauper $24.50 Dr Ma.lon attendance on prisoners, $ 10 ; roshay Ac Mason, ..Si , Sol King. Sheriff's fees, J $if 3o. The bill of H L Rudd for gravel, was I dismUseo. also bill of John Briggs,mde for t . . . Co.. $4 50 ; Uo fee in State agt three Chi- namen ; also bill of St John & Royal.repairs on Sanderson bridge, $385. I Taxes on application were reduced as lot low : M Thomas ..$ 2.69 John Iennv 19-9$ ; H Uaber SAJ" II K Parrish t, -s David Irvine 7-y loV-f, 23.08 92.72 D C Holt J A Powell A J Huston...., J Flntayeon.... H Ambrose.. 5.70 6.80 John Capp. fMs senders Ac Sternberg 3 5 J D Pai Mrs R Parsons . 17 10 Saltmarsh. . . Mrs N A Carothers Jas McMahon. . . ... is so Went fail. If we in Albany suggest that this would lie a sood place to start a woolen mill, or a w aj.w t w piow lactory or a glass ischst, r circn bung hole factory, immediately some paper in a neighboring city gets upon Its ear, no - 1 n tktti the,tUm and U place would OT 'u"4 u have the privilege of making a three story .1 i.L- l ... : i ... . it ... li U.. . ; . . . 1 at.- ... .. JLVm hUslr u. - tv 1 1 if Kit I ll.if.L f suggestion wnn a wit sesMejsrey ee cscitinif the envv of every conteuitorarv f fWaeasa Sn.tsiiMn wont bite anv one. " , . ... at least never have In Albany. The Morder i ae. Tlte Grand Jury on Wednesday brought end asked for a postponement of the trial to the June term. Affidavits will be pre s -s- st a sented to-day, and it is thought the case I ... . . .ni 1 wu' T J"v Crawford, naetegrapber, Albany, Or. I have nil the nsgnttvss taken by A B. Pnxton nnd any one onn buys dupll- ontss from their negatives by addressing u, st tts following prices : Card st.e, 'i per dozen, cabinet size, $3 psr dossn, boa- doors, S6 per dozen. I keep the finest Una of Orsson rlew In tho weat, Cstn- loguo furnished on application. Copying snd eolnrglng old pictures n spscinlty. J. O. ChAwrow). Si. is a fseeat. On account of the low pries of wheat flour will be sold at th Magnolia Milla at $1.10 a 1 sack, or AM) a barrel, and will be delivered free to all parts of the eity. 05,000 worth of ctethtog at cost at Moi. eith dtSeitenbach's. ntop and Bead. Our entire line of Fall and Spring garments for ladies, miss and children are ottered for sale at exact cod. We have desirable styles n jerseys. New Markets and Russian circu lars, suitable fer spring wear, at prices which cannot fail to please. Give us a call. MOHTEITH A SaiTEKBACH. CletMng nt Mellwnln's. By calling at A. B. Mcllwaiu'a you oan get your clothing at prices that will aston ish you. He has a good stock and is bound to sell it. evreeeele N. 11. Allen & Co., keeps a full Una of groceries, and they will give you as much for your money as you can get in any store in Oregon . Try them . Wall Faer. N. H. Allen A Co. new wall papers now arriving direct from the factory, grades now in stock. Call and examine before purchasing. Fancy oods. ... ar ir c -i u I yes hy the explosion of a cap, rlucli he was in a true uui ugeinsi w w u-..i. . - extftJllng froro s .jj,-" Montague, A 11 I'eUrson, R C Miller, Jos dieting him with murder in the first degree. 1. .v T : 1,1 N'on. A R Cyrus, Phil Smith, E E Hsm- Yesterday at . o'clock he was taken before OnEeTTZ' nmFZT! 7- Eft 'tCwZ Wtel Judge Boise, when he pieced "not guilty," know it do, a psper mors good ths. barm s pl JJ Siwosille. F A wZu, The place to get fancy goods of all kinds, is at Mcl I wain's. His spring stock is here, nnd there is no discount on its being first, class . Bargains offered US ARB AliA V M French, iawalar, Mia rata at Head ft Brow.n.1.' .. The beat hameu at J J Uubrttillaii (itt your coffee ground at U. ft B't. Mr Crawford Is doing some fine work. 1 to A A Roberts for first-class moats. Nature own remc iy, 0. egoa Kidney Tea. J. P, Wallaos, Pbysioian and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. For a good pocket knife gn to ltsad ft Browoell . are looking far a goo 1 Imai mss year in Albany. Go to Read ft Brownstl's to seleot from a complete stock. Ths finest line of win low cornice m iuld. ngs at Woodin'a, 83,000 worth of clothing at 0 1st at M m telth ft Nni ten bach ', About a fifth ot the voters of District No. 0 voted last Monday. Our Eastern factory boots and shoe are U warranted. It ft B. Read ft Ilrownell are tho boas for low piicea in boots and shoes. Una case in ths Circuit Court udioiously settled by marriage. was very Roaeburg has decided to build a f 'JO,000 school house, a step well taken. Splendid line of ladies fall and winter gar menu at Monteith ft Seitenbaob'i. Senator John K Miller, of Gitiforoia, died at Washington, 1). 0., last Monday. Examine Woodin'a Extension tables. They ars -well go and see them for yourself. I her is a prospect of the mail being car ried from and to lebnoa tho express. K M French, agent Hiaser Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Kuilows Temple, Albany, Or. Five or six saloons are closing in Polk county by virtue of the action of the Keady law. The Arlington II mii. at Satttle, hasben old to satisfy its debt. What does this mean. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physician and surgeon All' any, Oregon. C1U inado in city or country, Mr A J Simpson was elected Clerk aod Mr Lse Willis, Director, at baieot, last Monday. Wheat is now quoted in this city at 63o, and nearly all will sell who nave not already dune so Warrao Plain sewing or drees -making, by Mrs Viola Miller, at the residence of Ue Patterson. Employ white labor. et your washing done of J W lialSFy. Lsave order at 11 t ft BrowneU'a Cherry ft Park, of this eity have the contract for several iron fronts to blocki iu Baker City. Fto groceries always to be had at Osstsl Meyer's. Mia stock of toas, coffees, ete., is the very best. Dr Capps hsa moved into the rendeiue ,PowU l0 Dkmoi rat office, where be will 1 mimu luvmvw nia uukv, Mr marie rieilTer is to bmld during the summer a fine brtok block on his lot just west ' a m a m m 1 ne mail trom i-s-iu-m t tsmmml Home Z " nere.iwr carne-, oy w. m. isinow. This is a tfbtttl miiK. UUooQ c M the old Msaonie Hall aod will transform it into an Engine hons. ' yoo are goto- hast be sure and go via rgoc Hh-rt Una. It is the beet. Kw m i tea 1... .1U1 .-,!....,. f - , Oo to Prushaw s new Drug Store for pure UrX medicines, etc. Presoru.tUs carefully compounded, Tnere will be a daae at tb Opera House 00 edoeadey ovemog. Music by Par- WO WIVMBfM , VI s urwaii'i. "F M Hanson, Hut artceoiacr fur the Aotl-Coli Association will I iu Atlumy en Saturday, Maieb Kith. iHMi. " loterasting revival nieetin'a are ltng bold at the M E Church. Rev Webb being aeaistod by Revs Setts and Jones. Partis already eobscribare u to D&wo caar, who wish to send ibe 4per fit so nend or fn ids can do so fur $2. U jbinaoo ft Wrat's aW mill is rmmm j now with a full set of hinds. Caaaiderabie improvement has MM nude in the unit. H..rk:,ari a I'fr.if.r ira . a..m. ti... work in their Job Matin it oib e Now is th time to Bet good work et low figures. a a-. .,i . 1. n. jumpers, eottoo pants, and furnishing gtiode received at I. r. Ulatn's. examine tii in. Q. W Mas too, Physician and 8urgeeu, A 11 t 1 1 A .L . 0 . , , , College of Physicians aod Surgeons, Ctnoin- 1 nfti Uhio. I Farmer, why will you pay forty dollar 1 fer a faulting mill when you oan buy one of jonu orusn as .-jo ior irom ten to twenty- i mm Prior Wilson ha purchased th Wilaou proprtT D0T Halsey. consisting of 610 acres Z ait aim ;ti a l- a 1 isr; son wui rooye irora c. Severn vrre goo to tnu county An uarly call ooMootcith A 8iteobach for I what clothing you want for yourself or th , . all chjle. f a A short time ago, Jack Uarrt,son of W ft Uarret, of I eona, lost the sight of one ol hw to be attacked by s contemporary. Rsnd Bryan A Grat's fenos machine ad vertisement in another 0 ilumn. This is prob ably the best fence tree 'line in tbs market nod should be seen by every farmer, Detnpeey and 1-e Binoche may possibly tight next Tuesday. W hope both of them will get whipped on the first round ; but predict Bsmpsey will cents out ahead. A few days ago Mr Craa BfeiflW parches the lot belonging to Dr Orey just west of th Revere House, in order to have room for a three story brick to bs put up this sum mer. Rev M II Waller, of Monmouth, who has been bslding service in this city in th in terest of the Christian Church, returned home Monday, Arrangement are bat no mads for Her Wailer to preach here regular Salem will build s $40,000 bridge acnes the Willamette within the next year. They mean business, and we rejoice to see it. When a city comes down deep in its pocket depend on it it has the spunk nhioh meaus suooess. Shaving soap, hair oil, pomade, bay rum, hair tonic, cesmeiic, combs, shaving brushes and hair brushes, just received, 4 large sup- olv from Philadelphia, st L uti Viereuit's Barber Shop. Richard and Perry Cono are making ar ransements to open a grocery store in the Saltmarsh block, next east of the Revere House. Dtok 1a m Portland now laying in a stock of goods. The last Roseburg Jievtew contains the petitions of five men asking fr licenses, in houela county. Each petition is signed by different numbers of voters, as prescrib ed by the law, all the names of the signets being published. Mr S P Barger, of Brownsville, was in the city Wednesday, laying in a stock of farni tare for a store which bo is opening in that city. Brownsville should be able to support a furniture store liberally. At the meeting of the Lebancn fire de partment on Monday evening B M Donaca was elected President ; A R Cyrus, Secre tary : J M Powell, Treasurer ; H C Hark- ness, Foreman ; Jos Meyer, 1st Assistant ; Geo Pee bier, 2nd Assistant. Mr J F Stubbletield has been engaged to teach the Lebanon school. Besides being one of the best peumen in the State, Mr Stubbletield has many qualifications of a good teacher and will no doubt give satis faction at our neighboring city. are all it Strikes without end sre the order through the East. Disorganizing, they avail little, as a rule the striker coming out second best. The striaing spirit is to bo regretted in a country like the United States, It is coeval with the spirit that produced the Seattle riots. Ia 1880 one James Simmons, of Lane county suddenly disappeared. Two or three weeks ago, the bones of s man were found under a tree in that county, a rope hanging from tb tr , to 1 j, its two sto-y. It wsa Uentiflel fr m c'o hing as the In ly o Sim mons. Tim fol!owing from t in Yaqaln Pont tells why Ted Parser waf in Albany : "Ted Parker came in from tin valley Tuesday evening, brunt nil of bis. He is now ageut for the boss article in ths way of a scrubbing broom or mop, that furnishes its own rag and squeezes itself." A fsw days ago the room of T L Wallace, at the Revere House, was entered and about twenty five dollars worth of property taken, including $9 iu money. If the miscreant could be found there would be trouble. Tho eye of the law is on him, and it is to be hoped will haunt bun for ages, even though his identity is not positive. List Friday the moon was iu conjunction with the son at the nodes, csusing a slight eclipse.. No harm was done. Several pieces ot smoked glaaa were brought out, when Hoi was observed to embrace Luna in an affec tionate tort of a manner, leaviog a black spot on the southeast corner of the son, which remained an hour or two. An old oitixsn tells a story a1. out our worthy Governor whieb may throw a gleam of sunlight on the fish-ladder. In ihfH, he says, his Honor dealt in gold dust at The Dalles. He wag in the habit of adroitly brushing off his scale on the floor after weighing "dost" for miners, and afterwards he would sweep the floor aod save those sweepings. A mi'ier discovered the trick and toldnim to deliver up the sweepings be longing to him forthwith. He delivered. It is hoped that the ld oitixen is not telling the troth. AV. On the complaint of John Cinger, on of the men who !l wheat by the burning ot the warehoas a't Irving on the 24tn of Fb. James Luper, the keeper of th warehoose, was arrested on a charg of having burned the warehouse Th trial commenced io the Court Hons befrre Justice E P Henderson last Wednesday afternoon at about. 3 o'clock and closed at about 1 1 o'clock th asm even ing. The prosecution was conducted by J E Kenton and L Bilyeu, and tne defense by Judge Washburn and Geo B Dorris. A large another of witness from Irving wer ex mio4 Th Justice placed Luper under 12000 bonds to appear before th grand jury. 'Stat Journal, in.,,,. , , MM 141. D rtte if. C C Cherry left for Baker day. ,'ity lastTues' (lev McAIIUter aud family have moved to Eugene to looat. Mr Levi Douglas, of Hsrrisbur. ha been in the city this week. Charles Monteith left tag a business trip to Ssn Francisco, last Tuesday. Mr J os tab Flinn and wife have moved 00 to their new farn. near Lebanon. Mr Simon SciUntaeh and sister Fannie, spent Hsbbath with their ft lends in Port land. Miss Mau l lieudcrsoa left f.,r Helig, O. last Fn Is y, after a visit here of several months. Mrs Capt Shields left for Yaquina Bay last Saturday, being called there by the dangerous illn of Mrs Heory Crowtter. Last Saturday Mr Jesse McOe returned from Salem with Mrs MoGee, and we are glad to know ah is fully recovered In health. N A Blodgatt and family moved to Al hsny last Friday, Mr H! 1 will pat the Custom Mills in condition t r use the com ing year. Mr Brower, th DaMoeaAT's deaf and dumb friend of Salem, waa io Albany over Habbatb. We acknowledge several pleasant call. Mr RO Doad, a prominent lawyer of East Portland, and brutuer-iodaw of Jodge Thay er, waa io Albany Wednesday. This office acknowledges a pleasant call. Hob A 0 Jones, of Boesborg was io Al bany last Tuesday for the purpose of examin ing th Central school building, Roswburg having just voted a f 20,000 school bona. Mr Wilbur Hammer of Lebanon precinct' returned last Monday from the East ; but, aitnongn no went aione, ne did not come back alone. While goo he was united in marriage to a most estimable yoog lady, whom w are glad to tee a a fallow eittxen in Linn county. Mr Bal IF Fellows, the celebrated Giioee d Fellows gate man, or rather the fellow J who runs that celebrated gate (there is a celebrated io th" matter in some form) baa ,WM cay in" ,w gt. I 9wt u" b, ,0,, through the county at ,v"y M: tKM" " uy rmhts have beeo diapoeed of. Fellow a is the best ostursd fellow this side of the Rockies. Oeoeral W B Traveling Riee Agent, of the Oregon Pacific, has been in the city this week, just having come from a successful trip th lough southern Oregon. "Billy' retxirts Urge amount of business 00 band for the road, there being about six car loads of freight expected 10 by the next steamer for Southern Oregon alone. It is possible we may have Mr Kio somewhat ooofueed with bis title at the beginning of this item, but th .State papers give him so many names we are not exactly straight 10 the matter. There hav been a lards number of neopl in th city this week, called here by the Cir cuit t.uurt and perhaps politics. The Demo iut ha caught a glimpse of the following, beside jurymen : Judge Kelsey and lion John Burnett, of Corvallis ; Jess Beard, J A Bilyeu, J J Williams, A H Johnson and Peter Bilyeo, of Scio ; Charles Ralston, E E Otorge W Davis, D P Porter and Mercer Thompson, of Hhedd ; Levi Djuglas, Jerry Hay, lr H A Davis snd Prof Jewett, of Harnaburg ; T J Blank, of Hley ; Judge Piper, of Salem ; R H Smith, nt Junction ; lud ge Washburn and H C llumphrey. of Eugene. Teacher i:amlaail u. Notice is hereby given that ths public quarterly examination of teacher will bs held at the Court Hons in Albany, com mencing st noon on the 25th inst, snd con tinuing until noon the 27th intt D. V. 8. Reib, County School Superintendent. Hats and Cnns. a. it. Alien & t o., are now receiving n large stock of hats and caps, children's straws, in season will be made a speoialty. Letter List. Following Is the list of letters remaining in the Post Office, Albany, Unn county, Oregon, March 11th, MS. Persoua selling (or those letters must give the Sate on which they were advertised I Cole, Mrs. Mary T. Clark, O. T. Hulsteln, S. V. Harsln, Mrs. Carrts Keen. Wallace MoDatiiel, K. M. Murray, Thos. Wheeler, William J. M. IRVING, P. M. Wood far Sale. Wood delivered in any part of the eity limits at the following price per cord 1 Good tir wood from Lebanon 2.50 Oak wood (arub) 2.50 Small Hr wood 2.00 P. W, Smkk. Oct. 1st, 1885. Excitement In Texas. Orent excitement has been caused in ths vicinity of Paris, Texas, by the remarka ble recovery of Mr. J, E. Corley, who wss so helpless ho could not turn In bed, or raise his besd ; everyootiy saia ne wss ay hie of Consumption, A trial bottle of Dr. - . m ..1 l I - King's POW uiscoverjr was sous mm. Finding relief, ho bought a large hottle and a box of Dr. Kinu'a New Life Pills: bv the time he had taken two boxes of . a a . 0 a 1 t t Pills ana two nouies 01 me uisoovery, no wan wall snd had gained in llesh tbirty- six nounds. Trial Bottles of this Greet Discovery for Consumption free st Foshay & Mason's. - 9" Bneklen's Arsien Salve. The hast salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Uloera, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cnspped Manas, unumams, Corns nnd nil Skin Eruptions, nnd poal Mvaiv nnrs Piles, or no oa.v required. It is guaranteed to give perlect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents r box, For sale by Foshay & Mason, Ceausaea Ctell. Tuesday, March 24th. Present All members and officers. A petition) for sidewalk on Ninth street was referred to Committee on Htreets and Public Property. Parties so notified are to repair sidewalks wilhin 30 davs and irravcl streets within 60 days. Petition for sidewalk on east side of Block 14 granted. Sixth stieet was ordered graveled md graxled from Lyon to Callpoola Street. The place at the intersection of Ninth and Call poola street was ordered filled. The repairing of No. i's engine house was reported completed and a warrant was ordered drawn in favor of Enoch Sloan for $274.32. No further Improvements will be made at present. Petitions for crosswalk on Eighth and Elm streets were granted. A memorial from the Council to Congress to set aside Crater Lake as a National Park according to the bill introduced by Congress man Herman, was read and sent to Wash ington. Mr Warner, City Surveyor, called the attention of the Council to the necessity of an ordinance requiring a uniform grade in the city. Referred to Committee on Or dinances. The Recorder was requested to give no tice of the building of a sewer in alley in block 17. Following bills were ordered paid : John Maxwell, gravel, $5 ; H H Hayes, side walks, $81 ; A J Warren, $2.50 ; I Hayes, $43 ; N J Henton, $13.45. The Council will meet at a hoard of equal ization on March 24th. II a. 1 a -esaaaar tale Insurance i u mosey Aumvy, On., Feb. 13tb, 188C. Farmers and ethers, read and see ho the Stat Insurance Company ef Salem, Oregon, treated me. Ou the 22od day of Nov. lft&'i. I took out a policy ul insutaoce with them on meat in dwelling and somke house, and on the 7th of Feb. 1 h vj, I had the misfortune to lose my dwelling by an accident, my little boy upsetting my lamp. I notified the 1 special agent, Mr. J. H. Townseod, of Al bany, and be by the next mail notified the Company, aod they seat their adjatr by the aest train and adjusted my loss to my entire satisfaction, they paying me $337.40 ve days after the fire. I heartily commend the Company for tbetr prompt and liberal adjustment of my loss, aod I kuow it will be to the iotertst of oor people to patronize this horn institution. Jons- D. Pakos Brf iieeUs, Xelleae, llr. My stock of staple dry goods, notion!, dree goods, etc., is now quite good fur th season. I will be adding every week new goods to oew and desirable shades io draws good ss well aa io novel tie to dress goods aod notions. Partis waotioc cannot do better in this city than I ono do for them in style aod price. I boy either from menu lecturers or importers direct. I keep no bankrupt stock, but sell you new, fresh good and warrant them. Sam tax E. Yocsio. taw pr teat to Alt. We want to retire from the clothing bueioeas and are offering oor entire stock o clothing aod overcoat exactly at coat. We nave a noe line of desirable good for men and boys, aod will save to every purchaser from three to six dollars. Call and an fer yourself. Moxtsjtii A SeiTevnacH. f ust HtLK At reasonable figur my millinery stock aod bosioess, io this city. M. E. FosTKk. IIXI Et S. YOXMG has just received an invoice of those cele- a 1 m - 1 era a av m oratea uawy am snoes tor isaie. iust tne shoe for summer wear. I- light od soft a kid aud will wear much better. Albany Building Aeseelnttea. Ths annual meeting of the stockholders of ths Albany Building Association will bj he'.d at ths Opera House, in tbie city, nn March 20th. 1H8A et 7 nVlnclt. ti. m forthepu.Doso of electing Director for . . ' r- 11 th ensuing yssr. W. S. P STEMS, Secretary. We have no boots or shoes so far out of style as to be obliged to dispose of them at east, ours are all new styles aod nrst-clcss. Rsap A Bkownflu Ladles, Altrolleu. Mr, Vierlok has concluded to pises hi aromatic shampoo la the hsnds of nil parties wishing to do their own shampoo ing; He will sell it in quantities from 25c, upwards, U v 1 BRICK 1 TonsorlsJ ArtUt, Meoejr to Lean We have money to loan in sums of from $500 to $5000, on good personal or leal estate security, Clime, Mo.vteith & Co, Job Printing. Burkhart & Pfeiffer are prepared to do all kinds of printing on short notice and in first-class style. They allow no one to un der bid them nor do better work. Call and see samples. Register April 5th, 6th and 7th. - e for sole Cheep. A span of horses, 16 hands high, both irrav. Also wagon and harness. Call on W e W Deyoe & Robson, Albany. Albany Market. Oats 29 " " Wheat-63c per bu Bids for Sister's School, RMa will he Moeived at our office In thia city until April 5th. 1886. for building the Sisters' School In tnts city, nans uu specifications osn bs seen st our office. The psrty receiving the con mot wui furnish s!l msterinl, nnd will be required tc give bonds for the faithful penoroiapue of the contract, ZEYSS & HeOHSTBOI. City Market A. A. ROBERTS, PROP'R. (Opposite Peters & Stewart's.) Keeps n first-class supply of gobd meats of nil kinds, at bottom prices. BOBS. PHILLIPS On March 9th, 1886, to the wife of Capt W. N. Phillips, a daugther Mother and child doing well. per WAI IBfllT TOW. You can generally depend on the fact .aid. that "murder will out, ' ns Sha A fresh Item is before in. In 187' when the Odd Fellow.i building was put up in this city several large plate window panes were found to be broken when delivered to Mr. Plummer, who ordered them. An ef fort was made to f ponsiblc parties, but the steamboat men declared, In solemn tones their innocence. In conse quence Mr. Plummer was out of pocket nearly five hundred dollars. Not Jong ago, in a confidential talk between Mr. P. and the Captain of the steamer the latter let slip the information that he and his hands broke the panes of glass when taking them from tle steamer to the wharf, by careless ly dropping them. It was too late tc do Mr. P. any good. O Young men lying around idling their time away In a useless manner should be made to realize the fact that there are numerous vacancies among the leaders in our nation, caused by the recent death of six or seven noted men. The saying that there is always room at the top is still fresh and green. O To the Man About Town it looks incon sistcnt for men to be ousted from their scats at a temperance meeting to give place to women. If the former are the ones who need the meetings most there should be an extra effort made to sec that thev have good seats, and if there are none the usual rule should be revered. Of course wc do not desire to see women stand. Let them go home, or anything, if it w ill give the men an opportunity to remain to such a lecture. This would be a savage innovation ; but enthusiastic temperance women v.oulc' do well to sec it enforced. 0 When the Man About Town was a bov of fourteen or fifteen he, like Grant, work ed several summers, during vacations, In a sheep skin tannery, his task being to tack up the skin on frames in the drying lofts. His last wooden mallet was kept ; but be ing left, with other youthful effects, in the East, was almost forgotten. Imagine hi astonishment on opening a registered pack age, on Tuesday, w ith the identical mallet enclosed, all finished up in gilt, with a plus! head, Kensington butterfly, and a long well arranged rib".on, the artistic work of a sister. This mav not be of individua interest to manv : but it will irive a chance for anv who have ever been treated like wise to Join with u in expression of the immensity of our united appreciation of anything of this nature. There is nothing that begins to touch the struggling young man of the Pacific Coast with the force that a token does, particularly a familiar one, from a father, mother, brother or sis ter beyond the -mow capped Rockies. Is there, bovs ? When Baby was alek, wn swebeeCiTOHLa, When she was a Child, sbo cried for C ASTORIA, Whaaa mUm. MU. ftl tff f , frTfrtfT t. Whs she had C liaiassn, anepannllisui CmjSTOmSM. The above cat illustrates n fence qui chine that makes the) bswt.cheapest, hand- somas!, strongest and most durable fence ; by a cotnb.naiion of catvanized steel wire and wooden picket wovn solidly togeih er. otaience lumoer, split or rawed pi. k eta of various sizes may be used. Tarns nil kinds of stock wit boat dnnzer. A n an ana ooy ciu weave arxmt 1 rod of fecon per day. Fries cf machine within ths e w . 1 reacu 01 every iaruser. f or lurtuer pej "aiars aPP!y Gray A Bhyan, Agents. Albany, Oregon. Notice of Street JmprovementJj. Notice is hereby given that -t th next regular in eting of tho Common Council of the City of Albany to he held Tuesday the 23rd day ot March, 15So, sa d Council Will T 7w a i -. ' I be made by the owners of the proi erty .1 .11 . ; . . proi erty ad j; emit thereto To grade aud gravel Sixth stre.-t from Lyon to Calapoai. To build a new aidewalk . n tha oast line of Block 14. H. 2 A. To build an eight (3) iach terra ootta pip sower through the alley in Block seventeen (17). By order of the Cuincii made March 9th, 1S66. Albany, Or., Mveh ll .h, 1SS6 N. J. HEUTort, City Recorder Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that ths un derpinned hss this dav been duly appoint ed Administrator of tbs estate of S. T. Jones, deceased, by the County Court of Linn county. Stats ot Oregon. All per sons having claims against said estate are them thft Atlministrft?or at his residence near Miller's Station, Linn comity, Ore- gon, within six naontb from the date ereoi, prouerijr vaiiutiu av ujr law re quired, This oth uay or March, isso. J. A. JoXKS, Administrator of estate oi'S.T. Jones.dec'd, Sheriffs Sale. tie Circuit Court of the State of Oregon Jor Linn County. J H Burkhart ss Administrator of the estate of Philip BAltimor,decsnsed, Plsin- titr. vs. Joseph Allison and Annie Allison, De fendants. NOTICE is heioby given thst by virtus of an execution aud an order of ssle issued out of the above Honied Court in the above entitled action and to me di rooted snd delivered, I will on Saturday the 10th day of April, 18S6, at 1 p. m., st the Court House door in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at public auction for cash in hand to highest bidder, sell the real property described in ssid execution and order of sale as follows, to-wit : Lots No. seven (7) snd eight (8) in Block No. niuety (90) in ths southern addition to tbe ci.y Albany, Linn oounty, Oregon as the same is designated on the maps and piata of said southern addition to said city on rec ord in the office of the County Cleik in and for said Linn county, Oregon the same being the southwest quarter of ssid Block No. DO. The proceeds of sale to be applied : First to the payment of the costs and disbursements ot suit. Second to the payment of tho sum of $il0.;0 with accru ing interest thereon at ten per cent per annum and $60 Attorney's fees. Third the overplus if any remain to be paid to the Defendant, Annie Allison. Dated March 9tb, 1S86. J. K. Charlton, Sheriff of Linn oonnty, Oregon, per Jas. J. Charltsw, Deputy. MMUNITION. A full siiioly of the usual s z es tf en tridgos, bravss aod paper fhel!s, prime wads snd bar lead, Also the bjst pow der. Petebs ct Stewart. f