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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1886)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT MMMM f m o f r ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES d NUTTING. HrwillBiN wirw. TERMS OF aUDSCRlPTIOH atmmi , imr rr. in ailnoo...... 1 80 .ni!o pv irr. itnd ol f' B aaae.aaw. alaasasrtae. ir lnU oopy, ihH. moiUba ;! nurnrwr PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 10! R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. Oregon. WILL PRACTICR IN ALL iLm of IBM Stats. Will THE RIVS feats special attention to collections and pro matter. . . . Office In Foster' new brio. 49tf L. H. MONT AN YE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. " AIID Notary Public tlbnny. Office upstairs, over John Brlggs store. J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNRY AT LAW. ilRiNf, KiM. YlTli.L PRAOTICK IN ALL T1IR COURTS OF Til R Y 8UU. 8pwUI.IWnUon Ktran u cttiifK-iion. wmi roht. inaUar. - In OJd rttw Tempt. H: n onWKi t W. B. HILTBU POWEIiIi A BI17YEU, .TTORNRYS rV LAW. And Solicitors iu Chancery. tLRAMV. - ORKCJOM. Collections promptly made on all points Loans negotiated on reasoname term. fjrOmce In Fosters Briok.s vHtslPlf. J. J. WHITNEY. Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON. Will nrsctiee In all of the Conrts of this State. All bunlness Intrusted to him trill be promptly attended to. E. W. LAN COON & CO., D !'. INT. tlooks. Stationery and Toilet Article, A Larg- 1 Stock and Low Prices. CITY- XDHTTQ- STORE, tyt 4iaOT. F08HAY & MASON, V0OLSLA1S ASS aSTASSr Druggists and Booksellers, A Rents for John B. Alden's publications, which we sell at publisher's price with posts gt added. ALBAS Y, OKEtiOM. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. f hare the bee, stock of nrniture in the city and w II sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the cit v and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, Revere House, Cmrur. Tint mm EUawrtk Alb.Mf. ama. W Garre t, Prop'r- Thla new Hote' U fitted up In flnt cUm ttyl.. T.ble. .upplied with tb. best th. market afford.. Hpring mm In erery Room. A good bVunpl. Room for Com aasrciaj TravaUsra, MWWr Cmmeh to anal fro km Ihr ii..ii. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBAflV, OB. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 15th, 1885. For particular, concerning tb. couraea of atudy and ta. pne of tuition, apptr to REV. J- . WieKOrr, rre.idcat. Aloany Bath House. rrytiv undkrsiqned would respect I ftUj iaform the eitiwna of Albany and vl ilaitt that I havetaken charge of thia EatsblUh -aeat,aad,by kaaping claan room and pajhj atrietattention to ba.i., expact. to suit si Jho.awho mayfaTor us eith patronajr. HaTiagharatofor.oarrlari on nothing bot First-Olass Hair tfreesinar Saloone xoeoti to tir entira latisf Hes4s al CbHdiea an! Ladi.i' Hair n.atly -v Ypooad. JOS WIBPEB. DR.J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, . m M r.4 A.-. Offiee-cor. Firfet and rerry i rseis, A8&MY - - OREGON.! O. O OHRRR O.R.P?RK S ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iroi Fomiders. J E HAVE OTJK NEW SHOPS ALL W completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds rf Iron and Brass Castings. PATTBRNS M4UE S SHORT MOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Sftnaaator linlVf Mend six cent, for oostatfe.and A rnliiCr receive free, a cosily box of xoods ch will hlp ' a to mora money right away than thin. .la. In thia world. All of either sex, suc- frem first hoar. The broad road to fortune b.(ore the absolutely sure. At once 1 - - - ' - s ' ' .I -i, VOL. XXI. GERMAN REMEDY For Pain Carta Rheumatism, Naarasjla, rnlrlMfta. AT Bill till 1ST. AMD Jtoe from Opinio, luetic and t'olson. SAFE. 25 SURE. PROMPT. At Vc tar n Drai taa cumuc. . vousuas co., iuitisiius, so. lrl rae. Eczema. And every species oi I letting and Horning Olaesme Cured by t utieura. rsha, srsan miasm, with .iiiiur luhtmr an. uummg . iii.miiut NiMbti .rm Iwth with t'iiit.-iroi an. unci, application .if I'titu-tirm. the ifreat .kin ura Th,a r.ixMitcd dailr with t. or Shra 4mm of Cutiaara SaMlaaiit, lha n.w bland i.unrtcr. to lw,Uil .land e.K.1, th. imra and atitrMUMin., in. afwit, Iho liver and hi. I Seja .!., will alJIy era E-am , Icllar Kin w..m, IN.ria.iii, Urban, PrurUus. &t)a haa7l. .an- uriinuiuriw! iwiw m iwnsng, ,aljr MM r"l'l humor, ni the! aud akto. when the beat tb.i t .. ana all Known rcmat ... fai'. Will McOonal.l. Mt Oaarhorn street. fully aakaaartaAaaaaeara oi jaaaaay erasni. aaak. fssa. arm. and ! far aevcnUa. yean; not able m walk eiaept an handa and knee, for .n. yaw . not abta U halo hluveelf far aiirht ta.r trtrd humtradaof ram eiie; doctetra pronnunord hie cm sfi.l ; uwrma nenlly enrwd by CuUVura Rajultoui (bio., partner) and Butieura and CuUeura '.a. the eroat akin curat) externally. Char lea llaufhtcn. Ran., lawvvr. 9m B.iaun. ropoiu a ww of Reu. under hta .Mart, lion fwr Un vaara, whb-h cvarwd Uie patient', body and bin be. ad ta which mil known nathad of tieat nienl had been npnliad wlLhout benefit, which wia rumnlHely cursd adeJy by tha Cutkura K!u:x)ie., iMvbiir leji nnd bvallhy akin. Mr. John Thiel, Wtlkrabarra, Patin, rue I I have u7erd from .,H hhrum fr eight year., .t Untei m bail that 1 cold not attend to my btwineaa for weak, at a tni.e TbrM box.. f fuUeuraJand four Wottlaa IW'lvant hsv aotlrcly cured me oi thiadrrndful dU- rtiyticlan. PrMNrribaTbetn. I hav rothing but tha highest prmiaofor tha raeolt. obtained from y.ur Cuti cor. Kaiiioliea. f which I have a-.IU mora than of .11 other ol th. kind. MOVRO BfSD, Bf. D. SS0O K Bra-d at. Pblladelpbi. fenu, Are anld by all druggiatt. Prk. : CtTKTSA, Ktc. ; ltr.M.Lt r.vr. fj : Ro.r. tSe. Purr. list. as Ciian icl Co., Boston, Mm.. Send tor "How to Car. Skin DiaeMM." DC JlTIfT th. ciHetm and skin by using RHa W tb. Citoiu Rb.tMM.Uc NettrmJaHc, Sciatic. Bodtlan, Sharp aJjd Narrinui paina abr)iitel arm tin. UtcS by tb. Cutlcvs Anil Pain nsstsr, s erfact ar !i to mJ tA inr1an.matin. k.w, asfjaaat, infajiibi.. ai Urunif, tic MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. FISH, GAME, AND POULTRY MARKET. IILTOX HYDE, Proprietor. Fresh fish always on hand. Cash paid for chickens and frame. First Street, next door to Jos. Webber's, ALBANY, OREGON -ftVpy 1880 P'jrzt" Vivm CourteousV A c 1 i v e , -s3' ' frCayfiCvxlfT.tnno follow th leaders ct The Daily Alta Tlie foremoiit newspaper of theFacJilo Coas't, which prcsenta both sides of all caattcro of public Interest No eueuien to paniah or frlcnda to pet, but fair and truthiol with ail. The Weekly Alta Presents the strongest possible claim to a family circulation. It is filled with good reading, stories, fashion notes, and pays intelligent attention to tho Houao and Farm. Splendid premiums with tho Weekly Alta. TERMS OF THE ALTA. By Mail, Postage Tree, in tho United States and Canada. Dally, (Including Baaday) One Year 16 00 Dally, One Month......... 60 Sunday Edition, One Tear 2 00 Weekly alta, One Year 1 60 Send postal card request for free sam ple copy of Daily or Weekly Alta. Drafts, Checks, and other remittances should be made payable to tho order of the ALTA CALIFORNIA PUB. CO. San Francisco, California. Did Sup- you pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of ail flesh. T JACOBS nil Red Star TWAOKVifff MARK. tfcWGIttfURE M 1 (.. 9 OORRESPON-DBNOB "W a nil i n fx ton. Ym .ur regular correspondent, ) Waihinotok, Feb. 19th, 1886. At last the Issue between the Pres ident and the Republican Senators has been directly raised, and the Senate's ultimatum is the talk of the day. What does it amount to, and whither will it lead ? In reality It amounts to nothlmr more thsn the expression of an opinion by a small portion of tha Senate. Some Republican Ssnators, In cau cus, declare that they will con Arm no nomination made to fill vacancies created by remevals unless the rea SOM asked for are furnished. This position will probably lend to a tern, porary dead.leck between the Presi dent and Senate In certain tent cases. It I not likely, however, to bring on a very serious conflict, though there wilt doubtless be hot political discus sion over the abstract principles in volved. The President will not be coerced into abdication of a vital feature of the Executive prerogative. He may be relied upon to hold hi ground, A number of them who were not prepared to take such extreme ground absented themselves from the caucus. I There it a widespread opinion that the Republican lenders who are prom inent in keeping up the agitation. which grows out of this matter, are doing so fur political effect in their own rival Interest. Stilt, the ultra-Republican mem. members carried the day, (or their resolutions were Anally adopted as expressing the sense of the caucus, and however jatich lndl? idual Bens. tors may fo I that their party has committed a grave error, they are now hound to act In conformity with the caucus decision. The women are here again In an nul convention wanting to vote. They )ave much speech making, much persenal glorification, and much criL iclsm of bard and cruel mankind. About the latter, alt they say is memt,and hss been said many times before. It Is Interesting to look over an audience st a womtns rights conven ed. For, though this U the eigh teenth winter that the ?ttocialJon has made a rendezvous f Washington, many people will tell you, half a polo. Ketlcally, when you meet them at the deliberations of thla body, that they thought they would like to come once, just as a nutter of curiosity. There is always a predominance of the feminino element al these meet-ing-t, but there is also a fair sprink. ling of masculine visages expresslvo of a consuming desire to know what goes on at auch place. The feml. nine faces express vsriooi feelings. Some show sympathy or earnestness, others look bored, others cynicsl,snd msny express the sweet silliness of womankind as they sit receivinir In formation as to th rights ami du:i of their sex. Susan 15. Anthony presides with a dignity and confidence engendered by hgr long familiarly with the plat form. There Is nothing new in what she nays nor in her manner of saying it, but she always commands an at tentive hearing. She triumphs la what she call the successes of the womans rights movement, and ex presses earnest faith in its future. At last evenings session Mt An thony became enthused with the speeches and asked the audience to vote. 'Those who are in favcr of woman suffrage say Mye' " she call, ed, and there was a loud chorus, "i'he-je who are opposed say may.' " She turned away as If the question had been settled by a unanimous affirmative vote, when a few men, fur back in the audience, daringly piped forth "no andflwl instnutly. Miss Anthony looked did every one. and some hissed while others smiled. As to tn wtfkrt doings In Con Khz Joi n lrter's plea hss monopolized the House, and the great Educational bill has had the right of way in the Senate. Mr. Morrison's hew Tariff bill was introduced in the House, alsoa number of anti-Chinese measures. Among new measures presented iu the Senate was a bill granting a pension of $5,000 a year to the widow of General Hancock, and another appropriating $250,000 for a monument to General Grant, More steps were tsken to have a thorough investigation of the Pan Electric afiairs,at which the Attorney General expressed his gratification. Mr. Garland does not Intend to re sign, but after the House has finished its investigation of the telephone busi ness, he savs he will take steps to 9 v meet all criticisms upor his connec tion with the Pan Electric company, in a way that cannot fail to secure the approbation of those who really desire to be satisfied. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, Kx.Senator Thurmsn, who will he the senior counsel in the coming Telephone trial, has had almost an many callers sinee his return to Wash logton as If he had come to be inau gurated President. Entering the Senate Chamber a few days ago he expressed surprise at the changes In its personal. U this the place where 1 spent twelve years of my life," exclaimed he. Surveying the Chamber he missed iialne,Conk!iog, Hamlin, Wallace, Anthony, Burnslde, Randolph, Matt Carpenter, Ben Hill, Hharoo, nnd thirty-six others who aat with him in the Senate only a few years ago. Okie ken IlriMtle. Everybody busy at tho Bristle sow- ing grain, making garden, setting hens, knocking the starspsngled ban. ner out of old carpets, and shaking hands with the blooming candidates, as these great and good patriots who, with amilinar faces and a kind .it m I' look in their earnest, pleading eyes, grasp one's hands with a warmth that melts the heart and curls the tops of our rubber boots. We passed a very pleasant evening not long since at Mr. Bsss Cooper's. Wo were very highly entertained 0 P,tl c pro. fliln.d an . . auced on the orfran bv Mia f'alla Pennington, niece of Mr. Coeper's, and his daughter, Mies A Hie. Miss Pennington and Mies A Uie both have fine voices, which blond together In perfect bar mony, making as tweet and pretty music as It has been our good fortune to listen to fer a long time. John South will sow several seres of Herring seed this spring. Last year (be crop was a failure. Mr. South yet hope to make the raising of Herring a eacceet. The scheol at the Bristle is pro gressing finely, with Prof. James A. Bllyeu as teacher. Mr. BUyeu takes rank with the best teachers In Lino county. All of the patrons of the school here speak in the highest terms of him as a teacher. A few weeks ago we had the pleas ure of visiting at Mr. Win. Barrews, and while there were shown through his stables of floe trotters. We were shown colts that fer fine point-symmetry of form, gracefulness of car riage and beauty of action compare favorably with the best strains of bread in the East. The beautiful home, J sckaon, that took the first premium ever seven competitors at the last State fair as the best roadHer sod all purpose stallion, U a heautlfol dark bay, with speed and Induranee writ ten all over him. His sire ws Pratte Alexander, he by Strathtnore. he by Itysdyks Haroblelonian, his dam was Frra by Western Chief, he by Path finder, dam of Flora Morgan, and Messenger, dam of Pratts Alexander, was by Comet, he by Black Sultan. Mr. Charles . Bsrroars Is owner of the horse Jackson. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe says It Is wily a question of lime whan women win wieid the ballot. The women f Chicken Bristle yoars ago caught on to the broom and have found it to tie a far more powerful weapon to wield than the ballot. Alvis W. Gaines says he likes America better than any country he has yet visited. I feet just aa happy aa the little sunflower. That comb, the butter', hair in the kitchen, And my heart aa light aa the wind that blows The bristle from off the chicken. Baicx Duit. Liberty" Fine weather for farmers. Mr. Conrad Mower j, of this place is quite sick with Pneumonia ferer. School is vacant ss our teacher be earns siek and gave it up. Miss Mellie Grime departed for Hal' sey one day last week. Another danoe at Mr. JelW Hyde's oa 22 inst., lunch was served at mid night, dancing was continued all night, music by H. A. (i. orchestra', late arrivals seems quits frequent in this community, two promising young men (who no doubt had promised) smarted for the dance, after traveling for some time tbey halted in front of a portly mansion where they supposed the dance to be all ae mad dark and Still ; dis mounting from bis horse one of them stepped to the door, but no response came, (as the household were a mils away at the dance) thinking to arouse someone he called, which awoke a dog at the rear of the home, the dog came galloping around, and the yeung man clsarad the fence just in time to save bis ham pocket ; again he put hia lege across the saddle and they (well the man nf course Y tiroes led to ride itt i search of the but no daace did tbey find ; at last half frozan and half starved they rsturned "home where they arrived at about midnif ,ht, The ma:! carrier win haa for several yeara been, delivering mail on bis rsgu- lr trips to Sweet Hotae to the peoples living sloag tha read has failed to issvs it for the last two weeks, we under stand some trouble areeeout of 2-cents, have often heard of a 1-osnt man bat never before was it our lot to see a 2 ait nan, would like for mail to come aa it did before as "Truth" as well as others hsve mail thev would like to have regular without going all the way to towu alter it. It is not the oarrisrs fault that we do not get eur mail, again would like to have h understood that stl xtoffloes sre not deed-letter of does. Truth, Oak Oreelc. Fat mors are taking advantage of the fine weather for plowing and sowing grain. Mr A. J. Oiin is liavieg a fins fence put around his dwelling. Qaite a number from this vicinity have been attending the meetings con ducted by Hsv, Dr. Graves in your sity. Tho Directors of District No. 15, have employed Mr, Sherman Thompson to teach the spring term of school to oommenea about the middle of April. We wish htm much success. At the school meeting on Monday aat, Mr. Jamss Churchill was re-elect ed school Clerk sad Mr. James Hunter was elected Director. A special meet ing is to be held en Saturday the 13ib of March, to levy a tax of two hundred dollars for the purpose oi fencing the school house. The fence and repairs are vary much needed and it Is hoped that all voters will be present and vote the tax. Mr. N. B. Fry has offetod to givaan acre of ground to enlarge the scH sol ground Sobooi closed in District No. 15, last Friday. The last month was not as well attended as the month previous on account of soma of the boys having to atop to plow. The following ia the re port of month ending February 26th : Number of days attendance, 544 , number of days absent, 96 , number of oases tardiness, 7 ; number of paptls enrolled, 32 ; average daily attendance, 27. Those who were niher absent nor tardy during the aao'ib r Mae Thompson, Addie William., Harry Hosier, Lion Gay, James Foster, Fred Churchill, Elbeit Vr, Wdlie Wicker, Kokertl Wallace, Aiiie Aoderway, Hannah Wicktser sod Lsooa Wiokiter. Tboas who passed written examinations in all their studies aversgin, above 95 per cent wars At lie Au lerway, Richard Fry, George Gross, Clyde Knspit. Ella Feeler, Rosalia Fry, Winnie NicboU, Minnie Fry, Linn Gay, Robert Wal lace, Laona Wickixer, Elate Williams, Hannah Wickissr, James Foster, Fred Churchill and Harry H untsr. KxcKaFTA. It is diacmr.tgiog to those who feel that there is great Isck ef statesman sbtf in Congress to see the attitude which Edmunda, Shermao, Ingalla and Logan have assumed with reference to the administration. Tbey insist that ail papers which have been received by the President with reference to remov ing or auapeoding public otbesra, wheth er they be private lettere or formal charges, shall be submitted to tbs Sen ate for taspsctioo. Of course the Free idsnt reseats sueb sn invasion of hie prerogative. This scheme of Edmunds Jk Go. is a mere subterfuge, a trick of partisans. They simply have two ob- j ecu in vtew. Tbey nope to msae po litical capital upon which to conduct the congressional eltotioos ibis fall, and to find an excuse to keep Republicans in office by finding an excuse for refus ing to confirm the President's appoint anents. The whole country views this snove as a fraud and a sham. It shows Ihst the best and ablest Republicans of taa country wil! fight more fiercely for a amall office for one of their followers than they will for au essential, vital principle of government. Wo hops the President will maintsin hia rights with manly firmness and dignity. The Dsmoerats oan get along very well without the oflioes, but tbey cannot af ford to sit still and allow the Senate to assume powers which do not belong to it, without protest. Obedience to law and good government are the first things to be seoured by a Democratic administration, while securing the offi cers is merely a secondary matter. IS I'et K BLOOD PVKB For impure blood the best medicine know, Scovill's Sarsaparilla, or Blood and Liver Syrup, may be implicitly re lied on when everything else fails. Take it in the spring time especially for the impure secretions of the blood incident to that season of the year ; and take it at all times fer 0ancer,8orofula, Liver Complaints, Weakness, Boils, Tumors, Swellings, Skin Diseasss, Ma laria, and tha thousands ills that come from impure blood. To ensure a cheer ful disposition take Scovill's Blood and Liver Syrup, which will restore the mind to its natural equilibrium. It M) Ml t During the year 1885 there were 1 . ,j 8,30,200 aozen eggs tmporieu irum I Canada into the United States. 1880. SPRING STOCK N H Great oare has been taken in our selections both an tn n.ii .-a . oes, and,while we do not claim that our Goods are anfi, ti y and pri" petitory we know that they are juslT as fresh and L eood and wm guarantee every article Just as represented. Our stock w iSoWdto! irwt Cash, andwo propose to sell as Cheap as any houslin tCitate and Put the Knife to Prices SuU line ST n6et Wh8at at 60 ent" p9r bushe1' We have in stock Dry GOODS, Gent's Furnishing GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, &C. Orders from a distance will be nrnmnt.ia sn. a , . plication. Produce taken. N. H. ALLEN & Co., ALBANY, OBBUON, MARCH 6, 1886. " St""' AlbM'. "The Mogarumpo have a future,' esclatOiiH Res, James Freeman Clarke. Of course tbey have, hut it can hardly be considered kind or fair to remind them of a tact which it would ee a comfort to tLero to forget entirely if they could like the candid Atksnsan who, beiog asked if be believed in a hereafter, replied, "Yes, but domed if I want to." The President has issued s procla mation excluding from settlement all Isnds within the boundaries of the new national park in Orogoa containing Crater Lake. Congressman Herman thinks be has gained much in securing ibis action of the President. Hie plan is now tv. be poshed with renewed en- ergj . $5,000 worth ct clothing! at oost at Mob' Unit k Seitenbaoh a. Tell tosr aesea. Tell vour neighbor who Is not already a sulwcrlber to the Dswocsat that we will furnlah him the IVtekty IKorW.thc best me tropolitan paper In the country, and the Democsat, the bet local paper in the val- Icr, both for $3. Thl I a marvel ot chcap- nea. Call at thU office for a specimen copy of the World. rtaal fteaf. Partita makiBO finsl nroofs of claims either through th Roseburg or Oregon City Land (ffis cmi have the aame pnmnnwi mm. Democrat by so notifying the tf4 either 01 moss piece, r i-f- Will cooler m s.iui ij . .1.- l. .. k-; eal tmtt. mi t 1... 1. rutrt r hta Mrn.n Bjn iiaaj viu a- BBsePBMi " The Meat Agreeable Aa well as the most effective method of j disoftllina headaches, coltis ann severe, or cleansing the aystem is bv taxing a row doses of the niAMMtnL t.aiHoruiM in um fruit MnisdT Hvrun of naa. soe ana ss bottles for sale by Kosher A Mason.bang- don A Co. oi Symplon. Sat Ike Btaeaae, It would seem to be a truth appreciable bv all. and especially by professors of the healing art, that to remove the diseass.not to alleviate its symptoms, should be tbs chief aim of medication. Yet in bow many J ,A 1 hia (ruth sdmlttSd In I II n vt iiMfjsa au v. - ih.nrv. itmorod in nractioe. The reason that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is ai --- in ha mtnv cases, with wn remedies previously tried were inadequate to cope, is attribuuble to the fapt that it is Muina whtnh vwaohas and removes th causes of the varlou maladiw to ,KtrtH u im afiftnfAii Indik7etin. fever f UIVU w vvsrwi S i w- Mll MM.MA I t ST AS AAlll aoiit. rheums MIU (Htw, ...a. m'j.' O , m HUnnUr nf thn hnwsls. urinarv SI' ruH Ann umiI othsr maladies are not palli ated marelv. but rooted out by it. It goes to the fountain bead. It is really, not nnmi naiiv. m radios! remedv. and it en dows the system with an amount of vigor which is ita best protection against disease. Sr ran f Flit. M.niif.ctnrsd onlv bv the California Fig Qnn,nrv Ran Frsnoiseo. Cel.. is Natares Own True Laxative. Thia pleasant liquid fmtt remedv mav be had of oshay Mason E W Langdon and Co., at bffcy cents or one ,K13ar ner bottle. It is the moat pleasant, prombt and eflective remeay Known, w cleanse the system ; te act on the Lij". Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly1 to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers ; to cure Constipation, Indigestion ana amarou llf r-AQON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Peters A Stewart have neck-yokes and single-trees, Ironed or unironed, neck yoke irons, single-tree irons, nib irons, felloes, spokes, ax treea, etc, all for sale heap. WARDWARK OF ALL KINDS, Axes, mattocks, brush hooks, pleke ahnnaia Kn.,UH. forks, crrinstonss, wnsel- Karmufs. wrintrors. rones, and almost MVArvthlnor vou want, oan be had caesp for cash s Peters A Stewart. - 1 T I. CASE PLOW3. This famous nlow is well known in Linn County. The chilled and steel plows ar well made from the very best material and are warranted to do as good work ana cour fully as well aa any other pi owa Peters A St swart aretbe sole agents. NO 33 Now being received by Alb & ' ' ' NOTICE. listing conclodod to close oat his bnimess, now offers Me entire stock si STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. 0 reploniBh their btchons and dairies with ware. Ta st ast asanas. Statements of accounts of subscribers with the Democrat have been placed in the hands of agents through the county, so taat subscribers desiring to see either bow tbey stand, or to settle for the same, can de se by calling on tbem. This is for the convenience of both subscribers and the Democrat, Those desiring ts pay a ssr in advance and get the American Farmer" ene of tee beat sgncnltoral pa oars In tho U. a , can no so who our aeenta. Call on the following gentlemen . ik u ,.mH I , . nmariitvilla O PCosuow - Browiisvii e. i " -" " R Hhelton -Scio, P M Mitler Lebanon. Sam May Ha rr La burg. F. A. Watts sWstaW ifts a'h o$ '8-1-1 Id S.U3AV tvxjj. ttjc sasvfj ;oqnrcAni US taqi ldsAa jo i'f m .1 nasi.i j-j sash I Bssagsasa Xu sssu "oiu ait pojyotwn o.mi stsi.I SiSSXY assi jsi m J-u aaaVsiaag pas -.ia Utduoj aAfl wojj jAiciyns V.. J 'pHUH!i SOT,l r SSSl man r"'t P1"1 'la0t Xlu j Hst 1 -H V 1 a-Ml 'MJ "m sajb, 110 riM.Mii " ' : tvvt j vi.ixvn.i -Aa mu "03 ujiojv sswesssar wMMMwq ,irirtwn iu-ui . . 1 i 1 I " x I 5 vi"J otu J' ; !-;; aim;u " H ' "A'rt ,.'P -'"'J -, vv ' ,'.'",l,' l" ' o.iuui mu Bbtl'.t ftAWl A., "J Ml J USMMSSajM RUI'isM 1"U ' ! ll P" ' i I IU'1! .1 u, in smas U ! J -jn u 'i J-"- I tv,!,l t jiuu M- '!. I) r.o, ( v su .111,1 s,saT i hi a nu mi JH.i pv..H : l ',.:?j.:i I 4 J ApoUloa 7 ' V J "-'A on Zn MUOMMKKI 4 " j, Jl HI ' " PU MJU snij suaav t.n'iu't-1 imowmh .jh i" !UI Ajmuipja xw pwifpui 'eeesMtaitaaciM oaopq uqi josso.u mdlin on: waitoj laqj .q p..Avoioi ,iq:J i i. iq M S4Ulnpi flqoq lu.iu pm: jwdwiq.. Al Pounds si qieoioj. n :ii i ju,i .qi L. jtJAl iiU AAJAU piJIB oqV utussq nn?i.wl op tiassApsiHSd Xaiuoduwx -'s?l vn) sn,i l,u" Hioitas ABiuiUi toiqanoq ajam ous -oxii puu ...vio(t qi Ao&tt o) ijiy aoA..- n,imo.-)3q wn.i jo un.qyip o. oni aq) qwuodjsotl v Aptqntu juhu i J uU;Jl jjiAnq piq) Aout ptnoqs b.qdSACI -vdvrurvs p.mmav 1 soj.wdojd ; r.jAj.utd i 1 ua AmjqiH. oq Aum wriia s,uaA i"'"iM oqi iq nj suopijo.i.w tuui opaqnjjo ;ou stiii ,sSt. q ciq l o.uq.vv &uqu X.i aoui UtSdOda&G ks pi:oq auo j qua iiAvouq an u.mi:.a ' it 'SN.uiAApKopoHMa.ui! pas i . V n'i Hiqjtllts?ViPAjo ssnaa Shi.,!,- "vo;iv 1-iU.mi riu: ir.qwipl jo ('..- ;):: .iunMMji'q j.'ii.'ia jnsvrurj5tdl i pivip-a' f'i oq.J, r K,Ki','.uuq tu;?.io . :i-.'A i'i 'orttte; " -p-iprno's r.rr"l : '. 'i:;t p Seo "I -y i r.-iiMilXO S." uape '-jnn ' fqi .' y a U,v V i ,1 vmowi-i r j. -C.UT''!'S1 M'MI Ht) 1 1 i q pi.U''Ifi VISd3c!SA0 poo;q iui.i.)avoiI oqi aj popp; .u i ua "M 11 pwiA Aiupjj.M. iav auopi 8'i'iid so o Mi.uium OAinuao oqi o 0qstst;rtUS ton Ls;i,i a,.oil I. x J.VU-) oj i.oi.'l poqaJ STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, TEE 3EST 1DYERTMI6 MEDIUM IB TEE WILLAMETTE YALLIT Special business notices in Lcoal CcJ uriitis J5 oeots per Jioe. Regular Leca notices 10 cents per line. mFSSt an'J truait adverUseaneata Si 00 per square for the Art Mtfefetaad insertion1'1' "qoar0 for KI ttbsedent Kates for other advertisements made Known on application. Go,. -"v ni upon ap- Red CrownMiUs SOM, LANXIXG & CO., PUOPITS WBW PROCESS FLOI R SUPHBIOR FOB FAKrUSB AXD BAKEKS HUL BEST STORAGF FACILIHES. Highest :PriCe in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. FRED GRAF, Manufacturer fand Dealer In all kinds o FUR IVITTJTM3. AND UHDEfiTAKER. 8 First Street Albany, Or C. K, WOLVKRTOX, o, H, XJSVXKB. W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW aT"OTico up stairs in Froman's Brick ALBANY, OREGON "JpOR SALE. One hundred and forty aore, ola miles above Lebanon. 40 acres inTnl tivation. 10 acres slashed and sowa ta grasa Comfortable dwelling, gees! out houses. Cheap. Inquire at this office. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT JLA -AND Notary Public. DR. I. N. W0 IDLE, Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Sehmee" Stables. ' ALBANY, OREGON R ARN DOOR HANGINGS, Are alwavs breaking, unless you have the kind sold by Peters A Stewart, of Al bany. They are made of wrought iron cannot jump the track and will last a iife time. Don't hang another barn door un til you have seen hem. ieTjJHENTOII, Notary Public aitf Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, 01 Represents several of tke beat Firs la su ranee Cempaniea on the Coast. Call t a him for reliablefiineursnce. rSi Vara and Augusta, Maine,