The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 26, 1886, Image 2

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    f he maxt
ink reereata tax mil
In our local columns will be found
the salient points lu the tax bill re
ported to the Governor by the tax
commission. The full bill and report
have not been given to tbe public
yet, and until It bss beeo,peepk will
bsitjty be sble to form aoy Intetllf ent
conclusion as to its merits. On one
or two points, however, the people
will not be slow or modest In expres
sing the strongest kind of feelings of
opposition. We refer to the provi
sion on tbe subject of deductions for
Indebtedness. These deductions are
only sllowed to any one having cred
its. Thus, If a man Is In debt $1000
and he holds notes or other oblige
Hons stralnst his neighbor to the
amount of 1 000, he will be allowed
a deduction for indebtedness to the
extent of $1000. If the notes which
he holds amount only to $600 then
he will be sllowed $500 deductions
for Indebtedness. - If he has no cred
its, he is allowed no deduction. We
can hardly conceive how so Intelli
gent e bod v of men could be ted to
offer such a preposition to the free
intelligent reonle of the state. We
are classed to note the fact that our
fellow townsman, Hon. R. & Strehan
who was President of the commis
sion, protests most earnestly agalns
this feature of the bill. This feature
will, we feel confident, he knocked
out In the first round when the mat
ter comes up for consideration In the
Iftpislsture. We say this for the
reason tuat It docs not require much
reflection to see thst this law would
place tbe burden of taxation upon
the verv nersons who are lesst able
to bear It. We shsll comment upon
this bill further when we see the ful
text. We are satisfied thst it hss
ranch merit In It, and we think
will form the basis of s stood sound
system of sssesement and taxation.
The PlmindeaUr is making frantic
efforts to convince its readers that the
Republican party is tbe steadfast friend
of prohibitionfand that the Democratic
farty is, unitedly, the enemy of tern
peranee. end to provo it, its eJitor re
fers to the fast thst tbe members of the
legislature of that eoaaty voted to sub
mit a prohibitory amendment to the
people and they are all Republicans.
Very well, Bro. Buick,eight out of tbe
nine mem Sen of the two houses from
this county voted for the same amend
ment, and tbe ninth would have voted
for it had he been present, and they are
all Democrats. From Bro. Buick'e
style of reasoning we conclude that the
Democrats are tbe true friends of tem
perance. Dr. Wtts stated mi the last
Alliance that had it not been for the
. . a
support of the Democratic members
from Linn county, the amendment
would have been killed in the first
stage. But why net just as well ad
mit tbe fact that both parties are divid
ed on this question 1 Every intelligent
reader of the Flaindealer knows that
neither party is for temperance as
party, and they will lose their respect
tor that paper when it attempts to
reach their reason through their pre
judice. Be candid, Bro. Buick.
We are informed that Mr. C. P.
Buikhart of this connty will submit his
nsme to the next Democratic State Con
vention aa a candidate for State Treas
urer. Mr. Bnrkhert is an old citizen
of this county snd has always exhibited
commendable spirit of enterprise in
promoting tbe industrial and material
interests of tbe connty snd state. It
was owing almost entirely to bis effort
that Oregon secured the medal and di
ploma for cereals at the Centennial in
1876 at Pbiladeipbis. He is a men
folly competent for tbe office, snd it
woold be a just recognition of his life
Ions devotion to tbe principles of tbe
Democratic party if the nomination
should be given to him.
In addition to tbe candidates noen
tioned last week we are informed that
Levi Douglas, of Harrisburg, is out for
Sheriff, and H. S. Williams, of Scio
precinct, is out for Assessor. Ths
nsme of Z. B. Moss, of Sweet Home, for
Assessor wss omitted by mistake Isst
week. We sre also informed that Mr.
Rainey will not b a candidate for
Sheriff. Mr. Douglas, Mr. Mom and
Mr. Williams ere all good men, and we
could Mjpport them cheerfully if nom
inated. If any other candidates bobs
up we will duly expose him to tbe pub
lic eye.
Every Democrat should consider tbe
importance of registering in order to
vote at the June election. One vote
may elect or defeat a candidate for Gov
ernor, Congressman or other stats offi
cer, or a candidate for a county office,
and it msy be your vote. Yeur best
friend may he on the ticket snd msy
be defeated because yeu oaunot ote, or
elected because you can and do. Let
every Democrat see that bis neighbor
Democrat registers.
$5,000 worth of clothing at cost at Mon
eith & Seitenbach's.
CRfiiiMio rsiKJt tm t
tt has ooaae to he that when any
Democrat In Congress rises in hil plsoe
end objects to a bill before thst body
en the ground thst it Is in derogation
of ths tights of the states under the
constitution, that every large fry and
mall frv Republican journal In ths
country bursts forth with sneering sx
st sr w
preraions about ths "obsolete" doctrine
of stats rights. Our ootemporary, ths
Herald, s few days since indulged in
this silly stuff because Maxey and other
Senators, in the course of their uutiss,
saw nt to oppose toe uiair euuoa.ioa
. F MBf. . i w i l
bill on the ureund that it inyadsa the
rights of tbe ststes under ths oonstite
tion. Is it to be aeoounted unto a man
that he is ignorant, rebellious, filled
with "unyielding prejudices," simply
because he on noses a hill because he
believes it is not in consonance with
ths constitution ? Are thsse ohsrges to
be brought against ths ablest conititu
tional lawyers of the country by those,
whe, by their own words, seem to hsve
but little knowledge of tbe orgsnis law
of ths landt Will our ootemporary at
tempt to maintain the ptopoeitien that
"any measure thst sdvanoes intelligence
ia both safe, constitutions! and wise f
We trow not. It might "advance in
telligeuce" for Congress to appropriate
a hatf millions dollars for ths support
of schools In Oregon, to be expended by
agents appointed by the Secretary of
the Interior, who should be authorized
to come here and take entire oherge and
control of our public school system, and
thus ignore the authority of tl.e state
in tbe premises, but would such a course
be either oonttitutiooal,safe or wisef
Our cotemporary says so, but ererjr m.n
who hse acquired a knowledge of the
elementsry principles of our govern
asset knows that there is no warrant
in ths constitution for such an assump
tion of power by Congress. It is trus
that the Blair bill does net involve
such a strstcb sf power as suggested
above. On the contrary, it ie very in
geniously drawn for tbe pvrpose
avoiding the objection that Congress
has so jurisdiction in the premises. In
fact this bill leaves it optional with each
state whether it will comply with the
provisions of the bill end acoept tbe
money appropriated, or whether it will
choose not to comply and thus lose tbe
sseney appropriated. Tbe motives
which lead Merey end others to oppose
the bill are oerteiuly disinterested ones,
as, if the bill becomes a law, the states
whose Senators are now opposing the
bill on constitutional grounds will re
ceive fr more moeey in proportion
than those states whose Senators favor
tbe bill. It would be just as constitu
tional for Congress to undertake to
present the maximum and minimum
sgea within which pupile should be ad
mitted to the public schools of Oregon,
as it would be for it to attempt to pre
scribe the ego at which a person should
strive before being allowed to vote for
Preeident of tbe United State. Con
gress hss no more constitutions! pewsr
to act in either ease then Great Britain
has. The rights of lbs states now ere,
the same as the' were before the war.ex-
eept ss thsy are limited end modified by
the thirteenth, fourteenth end fifteenth
amend men is of the constitution. We
think the time has juyived when any
person should be sllowed to invoke a
construction of tie constitution for
which our forefathers foogbt so vr liaot-
ly without beinej sneered at by soch
remarks ae "obsolete stale rights night
Mr. Troitt, Register of the United.
States Land office at Lakeview, has re
signed. Howevsr strsnge it in.True-it
is, that one Republican has been found
who resigns iostead of dies.
Pleasant weather.
Health good with the exception of
W. 8. Noble, who in rapidly improving
under the care of -Dr. Peweis of this
Mr. and Mrs. T. Arnold snout the
15tb in Sleville.
A bail was given at Thos. Thomp
son's on the 12th inst., tbe dedication
of bis newly built dwelNog house.
About fifty persons were present and a
plossant time was bad. A pleasant re
past was partaken of at midnight, and
dancing continued until dswn. Music
wss furnished by T. Arnold and 8.
Hawkey, violin, agisted by W. J.
Grime, organist.
Hoy est v.
J L -"gWC
sctjona. KEPoerr,
Soda.vii.le, Feb. 15th, 1886.
Following is s report of school for
ths month beginning Jan. 18th and
ending Feb. 12th :
No. days taught, 20 ; N-. of names
enrolled, 34 ; whole No. of days attend
ance, 063 ; No. of days abwice, 50 ;
average daily attendance, 28 3-20.
Ths pupils who bsve not been absent
during tbe month and have been dili
gent in study and careful in deport
moot sre as follows : Ala Parrish, 98 ;
Everett Parrish, 98 , George Foote,95 ;
Johnav Keenan, 98 ; Clarence Cooper,
93 ; Wm. Pound, 99 ; Cassia Cooper,
92 ; Loren Cjyle, 98 ; Maud Hookett,
94 ; Addie Coyle, 95 ; Minnie Ojyle,
95 ; Pesrl Ceyle, 93.
There are others who stand high in
deportment and scholarship, but who
have not been present every dsy.
Libbie J. Ambler, teacher.
BucMeu'c Arnica Malve.j
Tbe beet salve In tbe world for Cute,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Halt Rheum, Fever
Bores, Tetter, Cnspped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
Is guaranteed to give perlect eatisfAotion,
or mouev refunded, rrice Z5 cents per
box. For sale by Foshay A Mason,
Oregon Kidney Tea.
For sale by all drag
Meetings ere still being held at this
place with good results. Several per
sons have professed religion, snd quite
an amount of interest is being taken.
Ths meeting will continue over Sunday,
and probably longer.
Next Sabbath at 10 o'clock tbe peo
ple will meet for the purpose of organ
sing a Sabbath School.
Mr. Olney Fry, of Oak Creek.wss ia
town the first of the week.
Si. Valentine has passed and gone,
nut not without leaving considerable
fan and curiosity behind him.
Prof. Wm. Crow hurst, the popular
temperance lecturer, of California, was
sv pee ted to have lectured at Sods villa
last Friday evening, but for some un
known lesson failed to make his ap
The dance on the 15th inst. proved
a success, quite a Isrgs crowd being
present. Supper was served st ths
Fount sin House, snd si I bsd a good
Miss Btta Parrish has gone to Al
bany, where she will remain a week or
Mr. Prior, of Stayton, returned home
Mr. Boyle ami family bate moved to
Sodaviito, iutending to remain here till
next Fall, when he will move ou to his
farm near here.
Mr. Johns, of Haissv. is strain in
Mr. John Hon is reported as being
no better.
"A Book Hiller" was in town lbs
first of ths week, probsbly for the pur
peas of gathering items, as be has taken
it upon himself to assist "Wave" in
placing the no vs of Sodayitlc before tbe
reading public.
Miss Eva Mack, of Lsbtaon, was ia
tbe city e few days ago.
Mrs. company with another
lady and two children, met with an so-
cideot senile attempting to cross a peot
of wster on the Curve His road. They
might have had a serious time had it
not been for the assistance of Mr. Beech
who happened to be near.
Mies May Matthews, of Eogeoe, is
visiting with her sister, Mrs. Etta
Maggie Dawes hss bsd a severe at
tack of pneumonia, but Is now convales
cent A Fire Insurance man of Albany,
representing tbe State, passed through
ear part of tbe country this week.
Most f aimers are taking advantage
of the nice weather and are buoy plough
Dr. White was treated to e dinner
on his last birthday, by relatives and
jt lends.
A few of our young people enjoyed a
social evening 1 the of John
son White,
Our aim-ode oompiaiu of tbe scarcity
ef game.
Rev. Davie preached at the Fair view
Church last Sunday, filling his regular
Your correspondent notices that tbe
Democrat hss a geed circulation here,
and we think it is universally appre
ciated. John Pogh, of Sbsdd,pessed through
enr sou a try this week.
Lower Uridfg-e CroeU
Health very good.
Tbe winter bse keen very mild so
far. We bad a few cold days io Janu
ary and about 6 inches of snow, which
remained but three days.but this month,
(February.) bae been pleasant with fre
quent warm showers.
Grass if growing finely snd farmers
ere plowing, jow laade are very pro
ductive and bring bountiful harvests.
Tbe high land are eovsfed with grass.
Horses and settle do well, but this
country is more particularly adapted to
sheep raising. The climate is usually
warm and sheep do weu without feed.
. We here a good school.
Tbe valley here ie narrow, with rim
rook on one side towering one ebove
auotber,with n a morons fossil beds with
petrified bones that bsve doubtless lain
here for hundreds of years.
Our timber consists of sl ier, birch
and willow alone tbe creeks, and the
low bills are dotted over with juniper,
which is used for fuel. Back in the
mountain is fouod excellent pine for
Our. little town of Mitchell hss two
stores.two botels,two blacksmith shops,
two saloons, one doctor, one artist and a
Baptist Church.
M. E. c.
Oak CJreeic.
Mr. John Spangler,of Impendence,
bss boon visiting lelativos in this yicin
ity fur the past week.
Missss Laura and Ella Hoi man and
Mr. John Holmar, of Benton county,
were visiting relatives and frieuds hsre
last weak.
Miss Clara Williams dspsrted last
Monday for tbe Waldo Hills on e visit
te ber uncle, T. A. Jonss, where she
expects to remain a few weeks.
Ths concert held at the Oak Creek
Baptist Church lost Saturday evening
was well attended, tbere being as many
present ss tbe ohurch woold very well
accommodate, lbe exercises sll wsnt
off nicely, with as few mistakes as could
he expected from the little prectice they
bsd bad.
The school at Oak Creek will close
next Friday. Great preparations ate
being made for tbe exhibition to be held
st ths school house on Friday svsning,
March otb. It is expected to be an in
teresting snatr and all are invited to
attend. Tbs drama entitlod, "Out in
tbe Streets,"alone will be worth coming
to hear. Time of representation, one
hour. Tbe following are the names of
characters : Col. Wayne, Mr, Joe
Hunter ; Mrs. Wayne, Miss Rosy Frv :
Nina Wayne, Miss Allis Auderwey ;
Sol mora Da vis, Mr. Richard Fry ; Mat
Davis,Mr. Eddie Williams j Mrs. Brad
ford, Miss Alma Audsrway , Minnie
Br ad ford, Miss Liia Berwick ; Dr. Med
field, Mr, Ernest Berwick; North Caro
lina Pete, Mr. Harvey Perry ; Police
man, Mr. George Green.
Mr. Thsrp, of'AlSea,
was here iie
dsy looking after bis) 1
M.) enr,
Geo. Cochran drove another car losd
of shsep from this violoitv lait Thurs
day. Last Wsdnesday evening Mrs. Wit-
son of this -place was merries to nr.
Luslling, of Clackamas oouaty. Tues
day morning thsy departed for ths
boms sf Mr. Luslling in Clssksmas
county where they will make their fu
ture home. They hsvs tbe good wishes
of every eoe in ths common i y.
M. A. Millsr a candidate for ths of
fice of County School Superintendent
was here Isst Friday.
Two of Finlsy MoGise's littls daugh
ters srs quite sick from diphtheria.
Last Fridsy Msssrs. Croft fc Ksy
received from the Bast a machine for
weaving plokst fences. Thsy expect to
seen eeoloae their Isrgs farm nsar here
with that kind of fencing.
Messrs. Kobt Blancbard and Julius
Ziner two of our woolen mill men went
to Eugene City Tuesday via Ooburg.
Msnday Mrs. Locke of this place
went to Uorvallls to remain for seme
Tbe failure of Dr. A. P. Graves to
asset his appointment here Saturday
wee a source of great disappointment
to tbe church going people ef this place.
Hsv. J. C Baker, of Salsm ' presetted
two excellent sermons to crowded
bousta Sunday snd Sunday" evening.
By privets letter we learn that Dr.
Graves will be here nest Tuesuay to
beein revival services and will rsmsin
ten days.
"Goose" wss more than glad to no
tice tbe promotion of J. Cleveland
Welch in tbe Portteod postoffice end
would be pleeeed to see en exodus from
that office of the bslence of ths "ias
cals," and such men as Mr. Welch put
in their pieces.
Tbe damags of the high water to tbe
dem has so diminished tbe supply of
water at the different mills as to oecee
site to a cessation of operation. There
- W- " m
has net been a suiiicient supply of wa
ter since the completion of the new
erist mill, to sattsfsctorilv teet the
working of tbe asebinery. Tb en
gine st tbe woo'en mil's hss not suf
ficient. (ower to alone ruu the mschin-
ery. (Juite e force of workiogmea are
emploveel re peii toe the dsm. snd we
think both mills will begin ojrslion
sgsm next Monday
Thos. Ksy, Superintendent of Wool
en Mills wsnt te Portlend I set Mon
day morning.
We noticed your list of candidates la
last week's Democrat. You failed to
mention all of the aspirants for the as
sessors office. We knew of Z- B. Moss,
of Sweet Home ; John Fl. Bd words, of
Crewfordsville, end en Oregon bey by
name J no. P. Coosey who married ea
Oregon girl, of this precinct. With
tbe addition of these names we think
we sre far from hsviog tbe complete
Lest Wedoesdey the 1 7th, the ci ti
tans who bsd convened te discuss end
hear discussed the propriety of estab
lishing e creame-y in this vicinity were
disappointed because of tbe non sppeai
ance of the men' who wee to present
plan for snob eaUbiiebment, The meet
ing wae held however with U O. Jice
as Chairman and O- P. Uoehow, Secre
tary. committee of fire wea ap
pointed, consisting of Alex. Brandon,
A. W. Stenerd, Wm. E. Temple, J. &
Keeney end O. P. Cosbow, to ascertain
tbe number of cowe io tbe oummooity
snd mske other necessary ineuiries,eed
to report te tbe meeting held Wednes
day tbe 2 4th. This meeting wss bsld
too iate io the week for me to report
tbe action thereof. The gentlemen re
ferred to above ae skilled ia the busi
ness ass present, Gyose
Register April sta, tb and 7,
Sweet Home.
Sickness is less prevalent then it has
J. Donaca's children are improving,
both being able to be up moot of the
Miss Lizzie Burnett -ie tepidly im
proving. Dr. Lam set son ie her attend
ing physician, and under hie cere we
hope soon to see her herself once more.
Miss Fannie Rowel hae been visiting
friends In Scio tbe past week.
John Ivy end family, ef this place
have moved to Scio, where they intend
to remain until Dpring,so we sre inform
ed, when tbey intend to emigrate east
of tbs mountains snd Risks it tbsir fa
tore hems. Troth.
Rev. Bowers x has been holding
meeting hsre for the lost two weeks.
tsstwsea u and 4U bave made a pro
msk. a , . a
fession slready. Ms will continue his
meetings as long as the interest justifies,
The following pert o as hsve mode
profession ef religion : Mrs. John
Pickens, Moreo,Roif,F. M. Rumbaugb,
W. E. Simons and Weddle, Misses
Riggs, Moss, Cooper, (2.) MoClung,(2,)
Putnam, Jack son, Mr. Ssmusl, George
snd Orlanda Pickens, Samuel, Jim and
Tom Lewis, Cel. Cooper, Sherman
Woods, Henry Jsckson, Kal.W. W.
Howes, Ed. McClung.Billy'Rieks.CW
Simons, Jesse Bsrr, Henry snd George
Slavens, Weddle, and several others
that I don't remember now.
Don't know of sny one vielsting ths
game law, but bsard that a deer ssw a
man with a gnn, aad broke its back in
trying to gst away.
John McGee is building another new
house on his claim, Messrs. Gsissn toner
and Wilkias are helping him.
Yes, by tbe wey, there are severe!
new claims taken, and the parties ere
boilding on them, on the county road
between hsre snd Lower Sods.
Mr. McKianon was hsrs Saturday
and Sunday, and says they had about
2 inches ot snow at Canyon Greek.
Thsrs is going te be seme improving
done hsre this spring. A. Ames in
tends commencing a buildiug,to bs used
for a stors, in a short time, size 16 bv
30 feet. Geo. Rowel 1 also talks ef
putting up a two story building, but
for what purpose we have not been in
formed. Mr. McClueg is movusskeo town from
McFarland's place, near1 fUnyon Creek.
We hare had nice weather here most
of the time for tbe last two wseks, sod
some folks have been planting their
ssrly gardens. What would the peo
ple of the Nortbsrn Mississippi valley
think ot such weather, and only the
middle of February at that.
O. K.
CtVffff MlBflMNlP.
Browsnvhj.h, FRrii 4
My liaMao lias been mentioned
quite pretnlrently recently by several
Democratic papers In connection With
the nomination for the office of Coun
ty Clerk of Linn comity at the com
log County tJoti vent Ion, and In lite
last week', lesue of the Democrat,
you publish my nnmo in the list cf
candidates for that position.
Justice te myself demands that I
should take some notice of the mat
ter In a public rasnner, now that It
has gone as fsr as It has, end that I
should explain te the public the rela
tion that I bear to the metier. I
am not a candidate for that office In
the sense that your Item would seem
to imply. Some three or four months
ago I was eppresched by prominent
end Influential Democrats of Lion
county, and was asked if, In view of
facts resulting from my defeat two
yean ago, I would consent to allow
my name to be ran for the office of
County Clerk, provided my friends
saw fit to give me the nomination.
In reply to this, I answered that if
the convention when assembled saw
fit to give ma the nomination, and
the party thought it woold In any
way conduce to harmony in tbe
ranks, that I woold not feel at liberty
to decline It The gist of (been prop
ria I liens have by me been submitted
to my Immediate frisnds, and has
met with their approval.
Two years ago I was a candidate
In geed faith, and made what 1 coo.
celved to be an honorable contest for
the nominal Ion, and was successful
over as honorable and popular an op-
pooont aa there Is In the county, but
for some reasons beat known to those
who did It, I was defeated et the
polls. Now I have no particular per
sonal grievance to aet up In the mat
ter, but to say that my frlende aad I
were deeply humiliated Is only stat
ing the case very mildly. If tbe
whole ticket, or any reasonable por
tion ef It heil been arrestee! also, wa
would have ascribed it to one ef
those anornolous conditions that fre
quently arise to polities, and would
not have felt that we had any person
al grievance in the matter, bat to be
thus taken out alone and knifed in
the manner I wae la something that
deee not set well on our political
stomach's. But I Imagine I hear
some say, "Well what are you going
to do about It." in answer I have to
say that we do not propose to do any
thing. But that there Is disestlsfac
tion, and that It wilt to a greater or
leas extent bring about i stalls tion is
a fact that is patent, and Is but the
nsturst result of the action of two
year ago and will to some extent
unsettle county politics for eome time
to tome. It was to counteract this,
that the propositions mentioned were
made to me and my friends, and wo
propose to meet It in th spirit f
conciliation and do what we can to
wipe out tbe past. And to this end
I think it probable the delegation
from Brownsville precinct wilt pre
sent my name to the convention, and
thus far I am a caoaioate ana no
farther. I do net expect to pot forth
any effort to get the uominstlon,! am
a poor man with a large family to
support, and it takes me all my time
ranting to earn a support for them
ana a cannot spar ine time ana
means to make another contest for
the nomination, If J felt naturally so
Now, in conclusion, I desire to
ssy a few words personal to myself.
I bear it said that tbe excuse render
ed by a great many for voting against
me two years ago waa that I had
formerly been a Republican, snd that
I changed my politics when I came
to Lion county Is order te get office.
Now this statement Is partially true
and partially false. Of tbe fact that
I wss at one Urn a Republican i
bave never made any concealment
and have been frank to give my pvtit
leal history when asked for it, but the
charge that I turned after J came to
Linn county I declare to be falee.and
I hope my friends and enemies con
cede to me at least common sense
and discretion, and I think any man
that would change bis politics for
that purpose in this county since I
came to It would bo devoid of both, as
it baa been at ail times nip and tuck
as to which party would win, and
imagine any man of sense would
went more margin than there is in
Linn county to change his politics on
tor venal purposes. The fact is,
a .rit
gave ray issi itepuoiican vote as
tuch In the Presidential election In
I8?2,snd that vote I gave under pro
teat. After that I waa present at
one general election before I left the
state of Tennesse,and in thst election
I supported a Democrat for Congress,
ana Democrats ror juaictai and Leg
itlativs ofHces,aod that too to a coun
ty where the Bepublican majority
was over flfteen hundred, and in a
Congressional district where the Be
publican msjorlty wss over five
thousand. I then had left the Re
publican psrty at a time when a great
many others did, and for a few years
considered myself independent in
politics and so acted up to the Presi
dential election id 1176, when I ar
rayed myself under tbe banner of
Tllden Hendricks and reform,
and have been ever since flshtine:
under the same banner with all the
vim with which I was possessed.
Now if euch facts as thsse are any
Just cause for ostracism, then I am a
fit subject for the treatment I receiv
ed two yesrs ago. But I appeal to
all right minaea, Honorable men to
soy whether it is right or net. I can
pick out In Brownsville precinct as
Insignificant, ana unimportant as it
appears to be, lour men who served
In the Federal Army durinsr the Re
bellion, and are to-day and bave been
for years acting shoulder to shoulder
with the Democratic party, and to
such accessions as these the party
owed the 250,000 majority given to
Tllden and Hendrickd In 1876, and
also the success of Cleveland and Hen
dricks In 1884. Ami if such men are
to be politically ostracised in the Dem.
ocratic party we want to know it. I
have alresdy extended this to much
greater length thsn I originally in-
tended, snd in conclusion will say
that I propose to submit to what the
convention does and support the nom
inees, although I may be compelled
to swallow a very bitter pill, but I
shall shut my eyes and take it if
oecesiary. I will say however that
all the candidates thus far announced
or the office of County Clerk are
, gentlemen whom I can support with
plaiiufo, Ifaltherofifihotfld gal ths
nomination. Now, after apologising
for trespassing on so itfuch taffrour
valuable specs, I will class by saying
mat i h po tlo convention will bring
out a good strong t!cket,sad one that
can be elected lu June by a good
rousing msjorlty.
Tours truly,
J. P. Gam: si a i nr.
Considerable plowing has been done
ia tbe lest two wseks in this neighbor
Ma .re. J. C Oram well, Perry Car
ter and their families were viaiticg near
here week before last. Also Miss
Msggte Sbeppsrd and Carter Ailing-
M iss Bonnie Thompson reto-aed last
Tuesday from a weeks visit to telativea
near Kugsne City.
Mr. Fountain, of MeKentle passed
down to Hsrrisborg isst week, after
supplies, quite a distance to haul pro
visions when tbe roads are as muddy
aa tbey are at present.
Frank Arnspiger waa looking for a
nee location fast wsek. I did not
learn what snceess be had though.
Judge Thompson soli a scan of
large horses Isst Saturday to Messrs.
Msy dt Senders, of Hsrrisborg.
Mr. Btllmire wss In this vicinity on
business last week.
The drama "Above lbe Clouds" that
was given bore last week by oar amateur-
surpassed aoy tiling ttiat tbey have ever
e-iven. Bsoecialtv must we speak of M lee
Iteta Gilbert, who deserves a great deal of
rjrmiMi lor her aotina. S s Montague acta
verv well, but apeak so fast It Is difficult
ro understand bin. Miss Llxxie liaokie
man as an esthetic maiden did very well.
Meawrs. Hard man and Hammer excelled
ttMtmaaivaa. One Dortreved a noble man
and tbe other a villain. Miss M Monta
ne and A N Nickersin, ae usual were
good, and Frank Baiters, as tbe hungry
man. waa immense. Mies Prank Gilbert
and chain Haekiemeu aa the sentimental
pair did very well, but we would suggest
to Charlie a Utile saore reeling, ne seem
ed under restraint, or chilly, 'twas too
coot by far. Don't think be aad ever had
much ex Doric jo. My itoodoeaa, 'twas
ouiv In fun : why didn't he squeeae ber
hand any way f
Born to Mr, aad Mrs. Prank Niokerson
ou the isth a daughter.
WlUte Cowan who hae been elek for al
raot 8 weeks, aow seems to boon the way
to get well. Be has bad quite a siege.
Revs. Wooiey and AJekman are all 1 1
holding- their meeting and the infers
MMme unabated, There have been up
wards of SO converted since tbey com
tnncSsa CirantNtekerson and 4 en Marks, two
of our prewUiitf young men left Tuesday
morning via of tbe abort Uoe for Lincoln,
Nebraska, where they wl)t work with a
crowd surveying for some rail road.
Miss Vesta, Maeo and slater of your
city Bpcot lest Saturday and Kunday with
Mine Mary Montague,
Mra C McDonald, of Seat Portland
spent Sunday with ber parent, Mr and
Mrs MoCauley.
Bar. Sborcland piaeebed as a farewell
sersnoa on the second Huodsy ef the
month. Before the sermon g collect to
wea Uken up of ett.76. The M. 8 tab-
bath Reboot voted him their collection of
S3 SO whiott made him the neat sum of
Hi.Vi. lie left on Monday morning train
lor Perttaud. Some time ego be applied
for a place ae a missionary to Africa, and
Jas received news of hie acceptance
Oregon hss lost a very able minister as
well as tbe moat enthusiastic worker we
ever seat We all wish htm feed's speed.
Albany M WorM?
And Manufacturer of"
Pnre stick, assorted flavors, mixed drops,
ur drop, boreboond drops, oat lumps,
extra French mixed, obooqlate oreama,
cbcolate kquaree, ohooolate mice, decorat
ed pears, decorated face, almond bare.
fruit moaree, apple slices, cream datea.
oonouut briliiam,cem mice, cream hearts.
a, $ne assortment of large
In endless variety.
We are aow prepared to sell at whole
sale, always fresh and pure at Portland
prloea to dealers, We also keep a fall
line of
Nats and Tropical Fruits,
We keep a full line, aiwaya fresh and at
very low prices.
department is complete. We keep the
very Aneet stock of smoking and chewing
tobacco, meerschaum and brier isipos that
is a delight to smokers.
ITAB 1SH eeat.
10) cent G KEN A. DIN A,
Aad a floe assortment of
Oregon Pacific Railroad.
Trains Leave Cor vail ia.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 9 A. at.
Trnlna Leave Yaqnina,
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 8 a. x.
The fine A I Steamsr ,lYapina"8ails
raoM rtUHcieco,
Monday, February 1st,
Wednesday, February 10th
Saturday, February SQth.
Wednesday, March 3rd.
Friday, March Itth.
TaaedVy, March 23rd.
Friday, February. MB.
TnwSey, Fabrnary usth
Friday, February sew.
Sunday, March
lareii 7 a
Wednesday. March 17th.
.Sunday, March '
The Cerapaoy reserve I the right to chance saillnsr
Fa bbs Cabin, 414 ; Steerace. 87 ; freiirh tat reduc
ed and moderate rates.
River boats en tbe Willamette connect at Corvallis
Low (are and rates. For further information ap
ply to
C. . HOGl K,
A. Q. F. and P. Agsnt, CenratUs.
No tioe for Publication,
Laud Office at Oregon City, Or.
Feb. 2, 1886.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of hi intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
County Judge or Uoonty Clerk of Lino Co.,
at Albany, Oregon, on Monday. March 22.
886, via. J. B. Wirt, an heir of John Wirt,
deceased, for Homestead entry 4288, for 8
i of Si of Sec. 6, T. 12, SR IE,
tie names the following: witnesses to prove
deceased entry man's continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of said lands, via ; .
Pesos, Martin JK inland and J, O. Bovd.of
Lebanon, and J. K. Charlton, of Albany, all
of Linn county, Or.
New Goods.
lias the Largest and Best stock of
la the Central Willamette Valley.
Bis stnek of
either for else or quit ity, ie
in Linn eoaoty, Bought
sold cheep.
not equalled
for cash end
Department Is eoenpUtc with the latest
and beet style.
are tbe very heat, embracing tbe
undertb charge of W. R. Graham, an ea
pert tailor, baa no superior ha Oregon,
Splendid line of domestic aad imported
suitings always in stock.
Scott's New
Chin Store,
.. o
At the most reasonable prices, el nays
in stock. Repairing; done oa abort notice.
Wiileiuette Valley nitnrods should never
buy without caning ea
evXpnoatte Revere Rouse, AIL any, Or.
In tkt Circuit Court of tit SMe of Oregon
JOT t-Amm K,0Umsjr.
W H Rowland, Plaintiff.
R H Fnce Administrator of the estate of It
D Thompson, deceased, Elisabeth M Nioker
son, Jasper Thompson, James F Thoinrjeon.
John M Thompson, Geo B fhooipson, Joseph
a inompsoo, Isaac V an No tern, William
VanNostern, George VanNeetern, Jas.
VanNostera Arvilla VanNostern and Da
rid VanNostern, Defendants.
To Isaac VanNostern, William VanNos
tern, George VanNostern, James VanNos
tern, Arvilla VanNostern and David Van
Nostern, six of the above named Defendants:
In the uamn of the State of Oregon : You
and each of you are hereby summoned and
required to appear aad answer the motion of
the Plaintiff m the above entitled action
now oa file in the office of tbe Connty Clerk
of Linn county, Oregon, on or before the
first dsy of the regular March term of said
Court to be begun and held on the second
Monday, the 8th day of March, A. D. 18S6.
in the Court House, in Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, after publication of tnis Suminous
for six consecutive weeks : or judgment will
be taken against you, reviving a judg nent
against the estate of H D Thompson, deceas
ed, which was rendered against deceased in
hie life the Justice Court on the 25th
day of January, 1876 in the Justices Court
for the Precinct of Brownsville in Linn
county, Oregon, for the sum of $142.80 and
for the sum of $42.80 disbursements tax id in
said action and accruing interest from the
rendition of said judgment and for cost and
disbursements to be taxed in this proceeding
and for leave to issue execution, to satisfy
said judgment against the property belong
ing to the estate of H D Thompson, dec&wsed.
This Summons is published by order of
Hon. R. P. Boise Judge of said Court which
order beam date January 28th, 1886.
J. J. Whttxsy,
L. H. Mqntanyk,
Attorney 'a for Plaintiff.
If you try to build uow while wheal; 1
only worth 64 cents you should by all
means go to Peters & Stewart's, at Altany
for your hardware. You can get what you
want at their store and at reasonable fig
Sheriffs Sal,
In ths ClreuU Ciurt othe Sttk of Oh don fo
Linn County.
W FSettlemlre, Plaintiff.
Joel ih Bnrrell and Isabel Burrell hie'
wife, and 3 W GelneS, Defendants.
NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue
of an aausRtition and an ivrAr rf .u
Issued out of the aboye named Court In
tne above entitled action and to me direst
ed and delivered, I will ea Saturday the
20tb day of March, 1886, at one o'clock, p.
m., at the Court House door In Albany,
jjiuii wuuij, uregen, at poetic auction
for eaah In hand to the highest bidder,
Sell the reel nronertv demnrihtui In amiri
execution snd order ef sale ae follows, to.
wit ; commencing at me nonneeet corner
of the Donation Land Claim formerly
owned and proven upon by William F.
Moore and designated upon the surveys
of the United Slates as Not. 1510 io Town
ship 12 8 R 1 west Willamette meridian ;
tbenee from tbe said northeast corner north
9r 4V west 28 chains and 50 links ;
thence south 102 chains and 25 links;
tbenee north W W east 23 chains and
50 links to tbe soutbeset corner of said
claim tbenoe north 102 chains and 25
links to the plaee of beginning, containing
240 79.100 scree more or leas. Also the
west H ot the northeast of Section 25 ia
To 12 8 of R one west vVilliameUe meri
dian. All of the above described premises
lying and being In Lion county, Oregon,
0 The proceeds of sale to be applied as
follow, to-wit : First to tbe payment of
tbe eosta and disbursements of suit taxed
at 47.5 and tbe costs and expenses of
this sale Second to the payment and
satiefaetion of the Defendant W Oaines'
Judgment of $531.0 with Interest thereon
12 Pf nt Pr annum from Feb, 5th,
1884. Third to tbe payment and satisfac
tion of claim of Plaintiff herein to wit :
11903.25 with accruing Interest thereon at
10 por cent per annum from Nov. 7th,
1884. Fourth the overplus If any be paid
to Josiah Burrell his heirs or assigns.
Dated this 15tb day of Febrnery, 1886.
. K. Cnani.Trwr,
Sheriff of J Ann county, Oregon,
. per Jaa. J. Cuarltos, Deputy.
Sheriffs Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Linn County.
Wm. Miller, Plaintiff.
Mary K Miller. Lilly J Miller, a minor
and Oeo a Miller ae Administrator of tbe
tstate of Andrew Miller, deeseaed, Defen
dants. 7 OTIC K ie hereby given that by virtue
I ef an execution and an order of sale
aed out of the above named Court la
tbe above entitled action and to me direct
ed and delivered, I will on Saturday tbe
27th day of February, 1886 at 1 o'clock p.
m., at the Court House door In Albany,
Linn county. Or., at public auction for
cash in hand to the highest bidder, set)
the real property described in said execu
tion an order of sale as follows, to wii :
The west of tbe east H at tbe east of the
donation hind claim of EC G fleer and wife
Notification Fo.l&92 In Tp.lS S R 2 west of
the Willamette sneridlsn In Linn county,
Oiegon, containing 80 acres. Tbe proceeds
of sale to be applied j First to tbe payment
of the ooets and disbursement of this salt
taed at and the coats of tbJe sV?a.
Hecond to tbe payment of Plaintiffs claim
amounting to 1267 Ao and Interest thereon
from January I8tb, 886 at 12 per cent per
annum. Third Ike overplus if any to be
paid to Geo A Miller aa Administrator of
tbe eate ot Andrew Miller, deceased.
Dated this January 2&ib,
J. K. OiiaRLTen,
Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon,
per Jaa. J. Chabltow, Deputy.
Sheriff's Saje,
fu ih.- Circuit Court of the State tf Oregon
Z F Moody. Oovei nor, R P Ear hart, See.
retary cf State and Edward Uiracb, Treas
urer of ihe Stale of nnwnn aesfWiaat i tirimv
tbe Board of Commissioners for the sale
of eehcot tends and tbe management of
wo wwaroo eouooi runa, riainttfjf ,
Luclnda McDermed (Charles Kimball.
Luella Kimball, Kmma Kimball. Frank
Kimball. Do! lie Kimball. Mm k'iK.n
and Kins bail, childmn nt i xtL
Ellen Kimball, nee Mebermad AmmUA
Ardelia Backus and Lori Backus, her
husband, Hardin Dawson, Melville Daw
son and Dawson, his wife, Wll!lam
Dawson, and Dawson, his wife,
Maims Payne snd Morgan Payne, bet
buebend,end T Holhnirawoltb, :
Hollloceworth and Hniif
Sensed btm7ftitja' ol,n?9WOth,
VTOTICK is hereby given that by virtue
i. of an esecutfoo end an order of sale
Issued OUt of the shnvn nmmA rVu,rf
the above edtltled action and to me direct
ed and delivered, I will on Monday, tbe
" icu, two, at one o'clock, p,
in., at the Court House door, In Albany,
Linn county, Oregon, at public auction,
for cash in band, to the highest bidder,
eell tbe real property described in said
execution and order Vula frii.
to-wit : Lot six (6) In Block No. one
Quoareu anu nine (torn to Usckleman'e
addition to the City of Albany, Linii
county, Oregon. The proceeds of sale t
be applied t First to the payment of the
;ota and dlkbttiuenienl of this suit taxed
at 845,18 and the ooeta of this sate. Second
L-P,0?0' f Plaintiff olatm. to -wit ,
f 14. ,5, with interest at ten per oent per
annum from January 11th. 1886. Thirl
tbe overplus If any to be pal a to Luoiods
McDermed her heirs or a taigas.
Dated January 28th, 1886.
J K. Charlton.
Sheriff of Linn county, Or.
per Jaa. J. Chabmok, Deputy. .
We keen the beat etv,k nf i.
the Val,v rooktVnlV ZLaSSUL "
sp daily. Don't buy anything lu this
lin witnout oalling on us firsts
Parana A Stewart,
Of all aisaa. aa wall halt .k.u.
- - VUHU9,W1f
chains, dog chains, rope baiters, etc, for
sale by Peters A Stewart.
o o
o o
Oregon Kidney Tea!
Nature's own remedy
WU speedily relieve and permanently
enl all tha mini. l(S..ii;u ,-.1
from a disordered soasllssa of Ut V f
It is perfectly htmii. .i v.
K to the most delicate woman or
ubud. For sale by all drunists,
Saell, Mettshw eft Wecelard.
Wholesale Afsata
One half block in eastern nart of tha
city with fair house and barn will be sold
0. P. Tompkins,
Ofallkiudsof merchandise.
All orders from the connlrv AlUd nn
short notice for every olaas or kind of
g" lrom nrst-oiass atocK. A Dsn! '.Italy
oo cbargee or commission will be charged
uruiuug union,
At D. W. Prentice's, Portland, Or
We Will Mil VAn t V.o Y, . . tv, .
- - j uiwm 1nmB
Ghampton cross .out saw at a low figure.
ai.d can give you good prloea on axes
eledgea and wedge.
Fawaaa t Stewart.
A. 0, U. W.
Member 3 wiahiasr mn!
neln. will thus call t a n .n.
a - . a vva usu -
store and register their names.
L. T. Barin,Regtstsr,
Br Obpkr or Lodok.