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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1886)
OhMMfe lrt ery U. P. CatraoeT. frshing every tsehbalh, at 11 a. m , Mid 7 r. K Vf Rev. K. O. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:90 F. M Prayer meeting every Weduessday suing. Evanublical Carjavca. Pitching on 8ab With at 10.30 a. m.. and 7 P. M. 8abbeth School 11:45. Fnyw meeting every Wed 8. K. lavis, pMtor. nosday evening 4;30. All are invited. ConokwiationalCmi'Rch. Services every 8bbath at 11a.m. and 7 F. M. Sabbath School at 12:15. r raver on W. Thursday evening of often a. J. liarn, paator, M. K. Cacaoa, Sooth. Pleaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock A. M. Sab hath School at 10 o'clock A. M. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening at 7:90 o'clock. F. M. Cnlp, Paator. M. K. Church SooT,TaoitT. Preach lug every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock. r. u. Sab huh School at 'J:30 o'clock, r. M. P. M. Culp, Paator. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath t 11a. m. and 7 r. at. Sona eennoe in he evemug before sermon. Sabbath School t a. 30 r. m. Prayer meeting every inure ayeveniug. llev. H. P. Webb, paator. pRRaarnuuAji Church. Service everv Sabbath morning and evening in Church or. Broadaibin and Fifth Sta. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting very Wednesday evening. Rev. laaao H. Condit laator. Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at U o'clock am.. at Church on 6th Street. Sabbath Softool immediately after tnoruing services. Prayer meeting e cry '''huradtv eveutua at 7:30 o'clock. T 0 jBrownaoo, paator. GYERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -VIA- Oregon & Oiliibriala H. K, AND CONNECTIONS Fan- from P.trtlau.l to San franc in x. $33 ; to Sacra mcnlo I. Close conuecUiut wade at AahlauU with Mm of the California. Ormran and Mho Blag tiaeaaeafi (DAILY B. KIT SUNUAY8.) cast IM BMvtelea. HK1 VtK: felTLLYB AND AnNLAKI. Mall Train. 1 ray. Aaaiva. IV.rtftvnU 7 30 a M Albanv 126 t M Athlaiui tJO r a Albany.., 106 r a Alliany. 1 1 M M .4:16a Albany 11:4 AM ......... Portland ,ir Albany Train. saaea. aaaiva salami 4.00 n I Albany ...s:!M r a Albany .3 r a Leftanoa S0 Leftaaoe 4.45 a a I Alftawy ... fc a Albany JJ30 A a Portland 10.O6 a H Pullman Palace Sleeping Can daily between Al f H K tVrrv makaa nrma lillltni wilft all the rtfuftu- trahii on th Bt Side Di Ulon frvm I cat of r Ikrtll. - Wet llr BMvialaa. BETWEEN rOHTLtXD AM COAa.LlS, Mali Train. lbavb absivb IWtlai.,1 0 00 a a I CorrallU 4:0 r a Curwallis 8: a a Portland ..AM r a Exprraa Train LKava. aaanra. Portland ft-00 r a I McJOnnvllle 00 r a H, Uauiuiie tel a a I Partlaad 8 m a a Local ueew for aala and ftnp ccad at com pany ut loan ofiU, Cor. Stark and hacwod bireet. Tickets Ur principal poh.U in California can only be procured and beg-sag checked at Company eflce. Corner F ami From at . , PorUead Or, rrWiabt UI not he received for hijnent after Bee o'dock p. at. on either the Eaat or WW ftkd Diviaieaa. 1. KOEHUER, B. P. EOOERS. Wipt, o. F. ft Pa Avent. A, 0, U. W. Members wishing eaaployment or desiring 1 eip, will please call at Read A Brownell's tore and register their names. Br Ok dcr or Lodor. California Wire Works, 191 MIEIET STREET, SIS FI1XC1SC0. MABl fAGVCSSSS Of WRE AND EYERITHIHB II WIHS. Barbed Wire 7SSLr Beiuff raealarly liocaaed we guarantee our egaies saiasvi Pacific-brand of eery DddililK RUH all auea at lowest aevftat ralea. WiTHJ IfotHnfT All mesties width,gJvaisaa flii 0 jjovbillg after made, fur poultry yardaear. Wi no 01 nth Of all kind (or fruit dryers, threat W lib UiUbil trt, harveaun, nddlea, etc, Unn Wiro traiaiag hope, tel is AAup nun lootf length epectauy lor tn purpee Gopher Traps ift2rJZ Vineyard Lines Kftir. ft of sU wire, ORNAMENTAL AND USEFUL WIRE AND IRON WORKS. NOTE. We meet Km era ootn petition by home manufacture, and eell you better good at a lower prices, 30 000 CASES OF RECTAL DISEASES, AJH- riiea, Urrfal I leers, .Ftssares, Wnaril a, Aal, riktalas La Asa, relyaas, Kertl, Btc, Ele.f Card ln six year by the Bri after ft oft" Hyateaa. Dr. J. U. PtTklngVwi, Proprietor of tbe Pertland V-ye aad Kar laflrmary aad Baafiarlasa fur .trrivut Uleaea ha been appointed agent and .tMi(Han'feT t:iywteni tn Oregon aad W. T. Me eevere arglral aaara1lea, aa pale, ae leaa r ftlsd la two juoiUa hare cured Mveral eass in which operations vHh tbe knife bare only done injury. Ant permitted to refer to Mr. J a. VY W'eath tri-i j, druarut, formerly of saleio, Mr. Krank Uatd MS, oiachiueet, Mr. K. A. Rampy, llarriaburf and other. Wi'l meet patietita at tbe Uevere llouae Al bany, from 1ST -Sal SSV fW Tnesda neon, Fen. t,feWedaes cly noon, Feb. S, Addren for pamphlet, etc. J.B. PILKINCTON,M. D.. PUKTLANU. OBKOOK. , . . ,. TUB LIEBIC Q Private Blaacaaary, U AOO Geary bt., ftaa Krauctotco Cel. CC Cohducted byQua Jfled Physicians J , , f Mia siirgton. reyuiar graiiuaxw. L Tlu: Utdeat (peciaJlaU iu the n L lilted BUte, Ule-lony experience, u.rt, i t it .il..l i. if iiir niMlu'in. iiiMire ipeedy and erutaneiit cures of all Pmate, Cbronic and Nervlous Diaeaaes. Affection of tbe Wood, SUni, KnIiifcjH, bladder, Kruptiou, Ulcer.. OW1 Mora, ftwellitur of the .Ulamla, Hor Mouth, Ibroat Bone ri'aiim,pennifjsftt'y cured and cradi cated from the Ytem for life . NKSVISKB bebility, Impotency, llSiwI Loeae. sexual Decay, Men island Ph) tical Weakaees, ratline Mtmory, aeak Kyea. blunted le- vclonient, Impedimenta toMairiafe ete., from exce or youthful follies, tr any cause, ipeedliy, aaiely aud privately cured. leaag, Mlddle-Aged and Old men. andall who need medical skill and experience, consult tbe old Saaapean l'hyicin at once. His oiHnion costs nothing, and may aav futuie misery and When inconvenient to visit tbe city for treatment, medicine can be sent everywhere by ex nrenH fn-m o..m observation. It i self-evident that a phy.ician who give his whole attention to a class of disease attain feat skill, and physicians through out the couwtry.kiiowiug this, frequently recommeud dim. ult i aas to the "J lest nj-ecialUt, by whom every known i4lWsn i '" ' 1'" D'X'tor's ag-e anu exporieiic make lun opinion of supreme importance, garn'hose who call see no one but the Doctor. Con sultations free ami srreily confidential, which hsve faile! in obtaining relief elsewhere tally soJioited, Kcuiale diseases successfully treated. The Doctor will eirrce to forfeit $1,000 for a case un dertaken, noS cured, Call or write. Hour, daily , from l a. m. s 4 p. Bi., 6 ie evenings ; bundays, 10 to It only. Bend for the ManitarUt tiuide to Health, sent free. Address as abev DM. UEBKi H ITeaderfal CJersaaa lavlgaraUr Permaaeaily pysventeaii Uunetural Loses treat the system, touo she nervii, strengthen the muscles, checks the wattj. Invigorate the whole system, sad restore the afflicted to Health and Happiness. The reason so many cannot get cured of Heminal eakneKH, IxtssTtf Manhood, etc Is owinir to a com plication, catted froftatotrhea with Hyperaethesla, which require peculiar treatment. Dr. Liable in vigorator is the only ponitivs cure for ProsUtorrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used at the Lleblg lispenary . Prlre af la rlgyraier, S'2. Case of six bottles $10. Bent to any sadret. cohered securely from ob ervwtftm3kaAV.V ' Most powerful efeetrle belte free to patients Te prove the wonderful power of the Invigorator. A Mettle 41 vea ar Beat free. Ooinultatise free and private. Osil or address . . , I.I KM 14; D1BPBNBARY. . 400.(Aeay Htreet, Hsn Fraticitco, CsL -. l 40ft.JMou Street, four block up eary Bisect from- Kearney, Main entrance tbrouga I , niai limine fcr-nst a. " tor Infants and naeowJl adartad torh'Ulr-n ht I rocommon.Htue,Hr.orUnny,.nriPUon I 1 a i to mo." II. A. ftncnun. M.D., I 111 Bo, Oxfnru St., BrouUyu, N. Y. Ttta AMERICAN f ARM EE Fa "IE! To all our Subscribers I All oar subscribe re who will pav their ubaorliition actHuut lo thla iiaiier in lull to dale, and one vear In ad vanoe, wilt be preaented with one roar's aubeorlp- liotl to THE "AMERICAN FARMER T A aixttmn-naure AgriouHural MaRaalne, nbllahed by K. A. K. Hawkett, at Fori avne. maiaua. ne, Indiana, and wbloh la rapiuiy in rank aa one of the leading Agricul taking rank aa one of the leading Agricu tural publication of the country. It la devoted exclusively to the Interests of the farmer, stock brooder, dairyman, garden er, and their hotisohold, and every specie of Industry connected with thnt great por t ion ot the people of the world, the farm ers. The subscription price is one dollar per year. Fanners can not well get alomi without it. It puta new Ideas luto their minds. It teaches them how to farm with profit to themselves. It makes the home happv, the young folks cheerful, the Srowier contented, the downoast happy, nd the demagogue h or oat. IMMUNITY from ANNOYANCE ttawle enlv of the nt and laoatejnal Ujr r Ulsaw far vKUaUussUaf; Iseat. Every good tLing" la Counter feited, and consumers are CAU TIONED atrainst IMITATIONS of these Chimneys made of VERT POOR GLASS. 8ee that the exact label la on each chimney as above The Pearl Top la always clear and aright Glass. XaaafaHsrei! OJTLY hy GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Plttaamrgh I-4 eiaaa Worfca. y OR SALE BY DEALERS. Summons. In the Circuit C0urt of the .tUMe oOregotor Linn ( fount tf. The Dundee Mortgage and Trust Inv jut meut Compaoj (Limited), Plaintiff. " vs. F 8 Kendall Defendants. and William V Haraillori, To William F. Hamilton one of ti JJfJtmt- ant abort named. IN tbe name of the State of Oregon : You are herebj summoned and re quired to be and appear in the above named Court and answer the complaint of tbe Plaintiff in tbe above entitled anit on file against yon with the Cerk f said Court by tbe first day o! tbe next regular term ot aaid Court alter tbe publication of lb is Summons for aiz weeks, to-wit : Tbe regular June term of said Court to be be- Jun and beld on tbe fourth Monday to una, 1866, in Linn county, Oregon, or judgment for want of an answer will be taken against you foi the relief demanded In tbe complaint of tbe Piaiatiff herein, to-wlt : That tbe mortgage mentioned and described in the complaint herein ex ecuted by tbe Defendant P S Kendall on tbe 10th day of October, IBM) on tbe fol lowing described real property, to-wit : The northwest quarter of the southeast quarter and tbe west half of tbe northeast quarter of Section 30 in Township 13 south range 8 west of tbe Wiltiauwtte meridian in Linn county, Oregon, be foreclosed and that said real property be so id and the pro ceeds of sail ale be applied : First to tbe payment of tbe costs and disbursements of tbia suit including an Attorney's fee of twenty per cent on tbe whole amount that uiry be found due tbo Plaintiff on said mortgage. Second, to the payment of tbe full amount of tbe Plaintiffs said notes and mortgage to-wit : tbe sum oi 190 with Interest thereon at twelve per cent per annum from December 1st, 18H3, (I ess 45 paid thereon December 7ib, 1883) and tbe further sum ot fOO with interest thereon at twelve per cent ner annum from December 1st, 1881, and the further sum of SOOw with interest thereon at twelve Kr cent per annum from December let, 15, all in U. S. gold coin and that tbe Defendant herein and every person claiming by, through or under them or either of them subsequent to the date of Plaintiff mortgage may be forever fore cloaod and berred of and from all right and equity of redemption in said real property, That sbould aaid real property be Insufficient to pay tbe indebt edness secured thereby that than the Plaintiffs have judgment against the De fendants for such deficiency. This Summons is published by order of Hon, R. P, Boise Judge of aaid Court in the Statk RiOHTe Dkmoorat foi six suc ceeaive weeks, which order bears date January 27tn, 1880. FLiifs A Chambkrlais, Attorney's for Plaintiff. xm. An independent Newspaper of Oem ocratic Principles, but not Controlled b, any Set of Politicians or Manipulators Devoted to Collecting and Publishing al the News of the Day in the most Inter eating Shape and with the greatest pos sible Promptness, Accuracy and Impai tiality; and to the Promotion of Demo cratic Ideas and Policy in the affairs oi Government, Society and Industry. Bates, by Mail, Postpaid: DAILY, per Year - - $6 0t - 5, - 1(H - - 7X - - 1 0C DAILY, per Month SUNDAY, par Year DAILY and SUNDAY per Year - - WEEKLY, per Year Address. TBE SVTf, New York City. flr rsBssvSsO ' 1 i Ptt. Oat 30tf 1883. WB W9 Children. OaafteHa ruree Oolie, Oonaf Inatlnn, a ei L. v...t..ii.v.. wear - ;s dj , ' " Wlthoui Injurious medtoatkm. OnrrAca Coutanv, i" ' Kuo., Slrcet, N. Y. KING'S EVIL Was tho nsrao formerly given te Scrofula because of a superstition that it could be cuml by a king's touch. The work! Is wiser now, aud knows that SCROFULA can only he cured hy ft thorough purifica tion of the blood. If this ta neglected, the dlscftw perpetuates It taint through generation after gemrstlon. Among its earlier sytnptomstle developments are I'.ercmni titnncous F.ruttttons, Tu morn. Holla, Cnrbuuclea, Kryslpelua, Purulent Dicers, Nervous ami Phy sical Collopap, etc. If allowed to con tinue, lthciitiiitthm. Scrofulous it ttirrh. Kid oe v and Idver Diseases, Tubcrctiltir Consumption, nnd nrl out other iluiiifcroui or fatul tutthtdlc, are produced by it. Ayer's Sarsaparilla h MM tinlft pwtrful and al trays teliaMs h' ..-;,() itfiu- medicine. It Isao rffrcl mi alteritllvo that it eradicate from tlie system lleredltury Scrofula, and the ktmlivil miI-oim of lontitKioii disraMta nii'l wercm. At tho aninu time t tit-rU-U- uiitl vtteHsfsi iho blood, restoring healilir'il .1 ion to the vital uigan and ii.i'iii; ill. entire ayateui. Thlagrtat Regenerative Medicine : r osapesr il of the cmulnc Itondura umiltiu with VrHmo fhtck. Slit' : m i, tlu l.dide ff J'nlassium aud c ia. awl oilier ittrrdknt of grt-nt io ii'iHV, t-ui.fiillv 1'inl f i.iilifltnlly coni poumltHl. It f'orniula N kt-iv rally known to Si HI. h' il profenwiou, nlni the lct eoiittttutly rt-scribo AYltlt'S SaIISM- .UU.l.A SB HU Absolute Cure For : !!! ? 1 CM .1 .y tto Illation of lit i ;; d. It 1 1 esaSISaTated to the hUjb eat pntcttcnbh Iegnc, f.;r Iwyood any o'her prcpanttion for v.liUh like ejects are r!ilt:: 'l, : i. l i 1 1 n fore tho rhrtfet, si wvM r. . ta be I blood i urifylu incdW clue, l. kj x.or'.tL Ayer's Sarsaparilla i-ui:f.iKr.D cy Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Mass. Analytical Chemist. Beld by all Dntrctsts : price ft ; ats bottles for i. a.Jt-.v.iai'J ED NUAL R 1886, mi m aM,i. akM iMw... asa4 a a. D. as. FERRY CO., Oetro HSMaru TUTTS PiTXs 25 YEARS IN USE. The Greatest Medical Triamph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. lesa afaaaetlte. Bawels eaeitea. Fata ft the heatl, with a 411 aeaaatlea la tbe anrt. Pais aaaer tbe ehoelder- taSe, Fallaeea after ratios, wltb a 4i lactlaallaa ta eaerliaa af badr ar aalod, Irrltabllltjafteasper, law eel tit a, SfUfj a frrllecef baln aeeleetea aaate 4utr, M rsrl&FM, ftlazlnree, Flaiirrlac at tbe Heart. Data before tbe yea, Headache ever tbe right eye, Krstleeanese, with glfel dreasse, lllg bly calered I rise, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'R PI are especially atlftptoil to such cases, one doee effects saeb a change of feoitiifraatonstonlehtho ufferr. They tatersese tK A ppeilte.ant rmosm the uaay to Tat on a leeniintt u iitn i . sal br ib 'r Toaas ssuea on rStaalsaro notane, rrajf at. If.' Gray Hair or WmsKSRa ehanaed to a Grov libACK by a single application of this DYK. Jt Imparts a natural color, act Instantaneously, hobl by Hruaglats, or sent hy expre on receipt of Sjl. OtYlco, 44 Murray St., Now York R EEHIIMIMllfl ARAOtCALOURt Rs s Wt Drranc W f FHTSIOAX. v DECAY. InYonRyww VlASSaYUM IHOUSANO TBXATXJETri. Tae Meotl two atom HARRIS aoew 3 Mm of Dissolution. Tbe firm of Davis Broa. A Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent, J. W. Kill son retiring. Ail persons indebted to said firm are requested to call and settle at onirfl. Shedd, Deo. 24th, 1886 Executor's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that tbe un dorsigned baa been by an order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly Appointed Executor of tbe laat will and testament of Dlantba Haley, deueaed late of said county. All persons haying claims against tbe estate of said deceased are hereby notl&ed and required to present the same properly veiined within six months from the date hereof to the under signed at bie residence in Shodd, Lina county, Oregon. December ?9tb, 1885. P, A. Watts, Executor, Strayed. About the laat of November, a blue and bin bound, hla body is something like a mole or mouse color, legs yellow, yellow spots over the eyes, some while on the breast and on toes. He is a young dog of fair size. Any person knowing of such stray will please drop card to J. M, Ilass ler, Scio, Lino Co , Or., gTUDEBAKER WAGON. This is tbe only wagon having a slope shouldered spoke and the steel truss on each axle, and la tbe best wagon on wheals. For sale by Peters & Stewart, Ofeai E nottrt.neo Ute llee(l eanta prodrtoM. 4 Wurrnr M.,t.Y. ii-aiaa a a a mum r 'i'-r rs Cl'pw&tc! ' Sjtot esrMs Htlon te btwltnei, or eue safaar &eoatroiaela elHSsUalisttssfjfkaooa 3 lotbZ'tnt of dSSrS vmmssb aaume a an SrvrM HSsS 37. th MtZ iNSUUrrMaa nraetkKUar Ct ha- OAaca. atawwa isiiiuitii, Hm9' P?SPrhe sshsstlng shaaaas REMEDY COrf rraCraetri ff. Tenth St ST. Lhm. HO. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 0, 1886 JV1T Aa BID An PAINTIV. WMaaaraael font met lea faaaeH by I be Trrribir toareaalen ef ft Phyalelaa. The story published in these col umns recently, from the Rochester, N. Y., Democrat and Chroniclet creat ed a deal of comment here as It has elsewhere. Apparently it caused even more commotion In Rochester, aa the following from tbe same paper shows : Dr. J, B. Henion, who Is well known not only In Rochester, but in nearly every part of A mm lee, sent an extended article to this paper a few days ago which was duly published, detailing bis remarkable experince and rescue from what seemed to be certain death. It would be Impossi ble to enumerate the personal Inqui ries which have been made at our office as to the validity of the article, but they have been so numerous that further investigation of the subject WSJ deemed necessary. With this end In view a represen. tatlve of this paper called on -Dr. llenion at his residence on Andrews street, when the following interview occurred : That article of yours. . - se w Doctor, has created quite a whirlwind. Are the statements about the terri ble condition you were In, and the way you were rescued, such ss you can sustain V "K very one of them and many ad ditional ones. I was brought eo low by neglecting the first and most sim ple symptoms. I did not think I was sick. It is true I had frequent headaches : felt tired most of tho time ; could eat nothing ooe day ana was ravenous the next : felt dull pains and my stomach was out of or- sVk at at -aaa auk sm aer, out i did not think It meant eoytnlng serious. Tbe medical pro feaslon has been treating symptoms instead of diseases for years, and it Is high time it ceased. The symptoms I have just mentioned or any unusual action or Irritation of the water chan nets Indicate tbe approach of kidney disesse more than a cough announces he coming of consumption. We do not treat the cough, but tiy to help the lungs. We sbould not waste our time trying to relieve the headache, pslns about the body or other symp toms, but go directly to the kidneys the source of meat of these aliments." "This, then, is whet you meant when yea said that more than one half the deaths which occur arise from Bright's disesse, is It Doctor." "Precisely. Thousand of disss are torturing people to-day, which In reality are Bright's disesse in some of its many forms. It Is a hy dra headed monster, and the slightest symptoms should strike terror to every one who hss them. I can look back and recall hundn di of deaths which physicians declared at the time was caused by paralysis, apo plexy, he rt disease, pneumonia, malsrinl fever and other commo complaints, which I see now were caused by Bright's disease." "And did ail these cases have sim ple symptoms at first f "Every one of them, and might hsve been cured as I was by tbe timely use of the same remedy. I am getting my eyes thoroughly open ed In this matter and think 1 am helping others to see the facts aod fhefr possible danger also." Mr. Warner, who wae visited at his establishment on North St. Paul street, spoke very earnestly ; "It Is true that Bright's disease had increased wonderfully, and we find, by reliable statistics that from '70 to '80, its growth was over 250 per cent. Look at tbe prominent men it has carried off, and ii taking off every year, for while many are dying ap parently ef paralysis and apoplexy, they are really victims 0f kidney disorder, which causes heart disease, paralysis, apopley, etc. N early every week the papers record the death of some prominent man from this scourge. Recently, however, the in crease has been checked and I attrib ute this to the general use of my remedy." "Do you think many people are afflicted with It to day who do not reslize it ?" "A prominent professor in a New York medlcsl college was lecturing before his class on the subject of Bright's disease. He had various fluids under microscopic analysis and was shewing tbe students what the Indications of this terrible malady were. 'And now, gentlemen,' he said, as we have seen the unhealthy indications I will show you how it appears in a state of perfect health,' and be submitted his own fluid to the usual test. Ai he watched the re sults his countenance suddenly chang edhis color and command both left him and In a trembling voice be said: Gentlemen, I have made a painful discovery ; I have Bright's disease of the kidneys.' And in less than a year he was dead. The slightest in dications of any kidney difficulty should be enough to strike terror to any one." "You krow of Dr, Henlon's cose ?" 44 Yes, I have both read and heard of it." "It is very wonderful, is it not ?" "Nd more so than a great many Others that have Come to my notice i having been cured by the seme means," "You believo then tht Bright' disease can be cured ?" I know it can. I know it from my own and the experience of tbou. sands of prominent persons who were given up to die by both their phyel. clans and friends," "You speak of yeur own expert. net ; what was it ?" "A fearful one, I had felt languid and unfilled for business for years. Hit t I did not know what ailed me. When, however, I found It was kid ney difficulty I thought there was lttiehope and so did tbe doctors. 1 have since learned that one ef tho physicians of this city pointed me out te n gentleman on the street one day, saying : "There goes a man who will be dead within a year.' I bo le vo his words would have proved true if 1 hsd not providentially used the remedy now known ae Warner's Safe Cure." "Did you make a chemical analy sis of the case of Mr. If. H. Werner some three years ago, Doctor ?" was asked by Dr, 8. A. Lattlmore, one ef the analysts of the Btato board of health. Ves, sir." What did this anal ysls show you 7" "A serious disease of the kidneys.' "Did you think Mr. Warner could recover f' "No, sir. I did not think it p;ttsi. tie." ''Do you know anything about the remedy which cured blm V 'I have chemically analysed it and find It pure and harmless." Dr. lienlon was cured Are years ago and is well and attending to his professional duties to-day, in this city. The standing of Dr. llenion, Mr. Werner and Dr. Lattlmore in the community is beyonod question, sod the atstements they mako cannot for e moment be doubted. Dr. Hen- ion's expsrience shows that Bright's difttase of the kidneys is one of the most deceptire and dangerous of alt diseases, ihtl it is exceedingly com mon, but that It can he cured If tak en in time. a r iES masssjam. Mr. Kat her I y (to youog lady whom be baa not seea for several years) And is it possible that, this is Birdie Hitnpeoo, whom 1 uaed to know when a little girl ? Birdie Simpeon (who has recently increased in flesh to 190 pounds Yes, Mr. Feather !?, I am the same person. I do not wonder that you find me Changed. I was quits a child when you esw ne lest. Mr. Festberij (gallantly) Yss, and now that you bare grown so stou er increased so much in weight r ab become a young lady, you know, I suppose I ought ne longer to call you Birdie." Few paopie are exempt from tooth ache, and een poets bav. wrttteo oo it. terrors. Bat tbia ache and every other ache yield to St. Jacobs Oil, which simply conqaere pain. A ileh Georgia laodowoer sent far a neighbor and proposed that if be would support him while alive, furnish him medical attendance, and btiry him de cently, b. would mske him a dead to bia land. Tbe trade was closed, the papers drawn, and a doctor at one aent for. The result was that the for tunate neighbor of the rich man was in possession of hla estate within a week. Doctor, are indispensable in some emer gencies. Burlington, Vf., Free Press. Opportunities are very sensitive things. If slighted on their Csat visit they seldom com. again. You say you have only a cough ; si ill it ought to he looked to. Red Star Cough Cur. will at once remove it,free from opiates, safe and sure. Twenty five cents. Mrs. Brown (in country post office ) "Any letters for me this mora ing V" Postmistrese. 'Nothing but a postal card, Mrs. Brown. I see your daughter expeets to start for home next week." BABTIiOLDl AND HIM Ml ATI K. A little five year old, who was trav elling ta California with her parents, astonished them by saying as the trsin passed through a canyon in the Rocky Mountains : "Why, ms, look at the picture on that rook, a monk holding up a bottle with an electric light round it. Now I know where Bartholin got bis idea ef the statue of liberty." Her, father laughed : "Very likely," he said, "but that picture stands for St. Jacobs Oil, which cured you of rheu matism last winter. Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skia Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. N. J. HENT0N, Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR. Represents several of the best Fire In surance Companies on the Coast. Call on . him for reliable insurance. gOYAl 4KII POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thl powder nrr eartaa A marrel of purity, tsaejrth and wholeamtene. More msniUi than Ute wtlnerr kind, and nannot tie aaid In iav peiiUi with the tritiltliude of low teet, ehurt weSjfh, blum or i.hoj i.nL w4er. Sots Omir t JAB. fWtAt Bid! cWM CO., 100 Wallet, ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber ,laths!and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notic" Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. KOBINSON & WEST. ature money than at aay thing elm by uainy ati f' jr for tb beat mI'Iii book out, Hcfiniier eac. e taiJly. Xe fall, T riuafrv,, JlAU-rrr Boo i'.-r !!.!, Main, 1 lh meet popoUr Weakly pr 4eeet4 cieae,sMc)ti' .ueifii ?Ukr,?"rMi" vftti'itfc ! ; sinni mvwr (. Kvety nJtTl ' 1 I t HSySaJ mrjelnWle in. of th i uxn'- Auruu is . ' irrlunntrir auaaM ia n .Moombieed. Prtee ..Muriu. aol5 sfeileew U.. I'ublaaer. Me. BBro4we, a. T. ATENTS.Sgfe u t'itii Kr sna aaee . n uti One Munorad Thou- -.-nfl ' ' ... HMtMl. id UkA 1 .. (t Mt. 4 Eeesn ewiea. SUr nebu'ta" ibe kt4U Kalo4. rraaee. . nii'-ii rnll 1 i..,r-.0i. tvjtitilr'.a. . :f 1 -. - . ii immA 14. t V)I otxWroKHffi n :i perwa wtab u a i . AHtw. . l ':r4ie4rey. Xww J PATENTS oUi,,a, end aU other buaieeea la the U OSI ir ll n.lclcl u lor tn.MlraXs Immm Fatea Out oo i ').kh ta f h. t(4j4nl Offio. o4 .t,lutn raassaa lee nine than IW siaaii w .bititftMi. aful ttHJtiio ur draalitf. W arfv to mntmy rrr of riurx . wma o charge '.bl4.Ul UMbl. Wtj refvr bet.., U the IWinaaUr, the BaPi. ef mmj onlrr liv. t,4u. un.Ai. of thL'. a f-.u-tji o.c. Kurctrtttlv, sdtum, teraaa, aa4 efeeaaats eactttal clbmi m ..ur rn HUU arcauttXj. Mreatvi . A. IVOW&COe. 0.1-4H l'tct.l , WuhlAffUMI, u 1886. Harper's Young People. The R4iii,n of mat-ma 'e Yot as Paoeuas the lead I "ff weekly peiKKtba fur yuung reefers la well eat lul,4l 7be tblliir nmrm no ina to pmrtd the Wet Mi ii4l .ti.,.:,i. rtsdlng stui IllaetiaUo The aerul end abort tane hex strong draaaatle la- tereet, while they ar abelly tree from whatever ie temi4-i,.u or ulKrly mtiuoJ ; the paper e msssmy 4mmi et-i!rM-, irarei, aMi ta luu a life, are by writers wheee names fire the beet aaettr aaee of tecum y aitd 4Ju, lilaatrtel paper alhrllu- .1. ,r!. n,l i, .. . . f.,11 meoen on inee tubjecta. There Ie nothing vheep about It but iu prtee. e Aa epitome of eterythlng that la attractive and de- Saaali In j n.inl Itu-raUirr - Ukiti darier. A weakly leaet of geo.1 thing to the boy end girls ine.cry Uiuily which It Walt. lirooklyn fnlon. It Is wonderful In It wealth of picture, lnferata- Uon, and liitcrcet. - Christian Advocate, S. Y. 1 ER MS t re.fege Prrpnld, Hi Per Year. Vol. I', commencft Xmvmber jrd, iSSj Hlngle Number, flv . r ,-a. ii. ItemitUncca ahould he mailt by Ptt -office money order ot draft, to arold cbanoe of lo. Xmsfapars are not to eofy this advertis menl ivithout the exfuss rdmr of Hewferst aromcrt. Addrc HARI KH A BRO RS, Sw Yerk DR. SPINNEY, .aa. nrct iau, Ha had Sfivear experience in the Ireataient of CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND PRIVATE DISEASES. And havinir thoroughly proved the merit of hi apcrlOr Krmedle. Ui tlu treatment ami rare of luanv thnuaand caae, he now offer them to thus in trouble to cure themeelvo at home. r. M'nM t .r-. m. r..r r.oBArraea. Mr. aflwftKt a uir rr eyasm. Mr. riN t j.e. in, lor N.rrmnlorrhea. !r ?riM:t Mprrlflr lor l alarrb. Priee of either Iteinody. i5 uer case. Sent hv eav lire, (lacked eecure from obeervatien, on receipt of price. Call at onirr an .1 Prlvnfr DlapensarT, Mult nomah lllock, opposite I 'oat OAW. Write to Btr.V.a. Hpluaey, nox V23 rortUnd, Orofron. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. V nrert!li l n Odw I: ; 'it of iiih-tydaysot tbe H c f lr. Dye's l!i l. l.l- fril VollalC Rett with !'!i.etrle Susin-ti-ory A, U nipcs hr tlte speedy 1 ( aa.i pernumi'i't .f Keevtttts ReiitUty, loa of ! ilttl:ti ;mii WonAinxf, nml ull k hulred trouble. .Mnofor iiMiny of '1 i tliM"'i . fomplrte reatora Hon i H'-nlih, Vigor nnd M-mhixKl Kuoranteed. No risk Isiiii'imttJ. IlluNtrnted pniophletlaeralsi r.i . niiUli'tl ttci liv stlilrtwsliii; VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mich. Of Ue BVYERf Ol'lRK te taaued March aod Sept, each year. Air 350 pagee, x 11 inches, with over 3JBOO Uluatrations a whole Picture Gallery, OIVES Wholesale Prices direct to consumers on all good for personal or family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every tiling you use, cat, drink, wear, or have fun with. These MIVAH AHLK BOOKS contain Information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mail a opy FREE to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expense of mailing. Iiet us hear from you. Respectfully! MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 7 dp 220 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, lit C D UIITTIUf Agent Scottish ra sb uev a inua un Union Insurance Co . , oapitai $40,000,000. Insure' ill Cjinpetoy aa absolutely safe il HsJaP Hi nil krr nM-eo4a or dim u iii- JULIUS GRADWOHL Has the on I v exclusive fttoelc oi CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WARt A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choic Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Sugar ONE DOZEN OUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. 8HELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME THE HIGHEST MARKET PBICE PAID FOR KOS Remember! What I Say I lean. Sire Me a call. G000S IS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- THE Oregon Short Line, 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 -hours the 'quickest route to the East, and rates, $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets, good via Ogden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going East write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge. Be 1.11 P BEL La General Agent. No, 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Corner Third and K Streets, PORTLAND, - OREGON'. Three Works frem all Railroad Depots, Our feclltUea are such that we tlefy co tn petition. Tola i tbe J&rgest and moat reepMtably kept Hotel lo tbe North- Board and Lodging 11.00 per Day, MEALS. ! CERTS. LODbiJC, IS AM iO CENTS. FREE BUSS TO AND FROM THE HOTEL No Chinese Employed. I, LEW1ST0N, - - PROPRIETOR, (Lais of MlnoeeoU House.) ED. CORBY ACENT. F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Oonnslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Willpraotloe lo all tbo fmrrtu In tb Slste 4" OTEL FOK SALE. be Jackson House. 1'rliieville, Oreeon, S3 well rurntabed rooms, toe oniy noiei tn town, larva aod oooveuient, with all asoaaaary furniture. Price reasonable and terms easy. A. B.Colver A Son. PrineTille, Oregon. DR. MINTIE, Tan ervriALiT aa II mmw9j atteet. aaa Fraaere. C'al. Taaata six Caaosic, Sractu. sd Pa:vra IiKAa arm Woxeaant, Bt crKHa. THE GREAT EN6LISH REMEDY ! I for Nervoiu DeMHtr. Sem Inal Weakneea, Exhaoxtixi Vitality, cvru,ai.r rbu SjsmA Mankotxl, Inij-o-lenr j , 1 'r !. X "rrnrt trr b., and all tbe urn! Ic t.eitt af telf at ue j ': ta1 follie aad eacee in tnaturer year, uch a Ijsts at Memory, Litude,No. Uiral KmtMLt aversion to aocietv, t:mneeeof Viun Noises in the bead, rxreaae la drlnklaa: Inliix I- aaltag Itaaara. Ihe viui otml iainir uinbeentl a the arine. and many other dieraaee that lead to in aniiyand death. Dr Mlatle, who i a Kreular Phylrlaa. Lrailaatf f the I Hlprlt or tenui Ivamie will a-re to forfit F!e HandrrU INillar for a eass of this kind I he Vital eaorallve (under kkj pedal advice and treatment) will not cure, or fr anything impure or injarisas found in fi. Sr. Mia tic treat all private disease wcceesfuliy without Btsreury. C'eaaaitatiaa free. Thorough examin at?.n and advice, including aaal.vsia of mine, $&. Price of vital Restorative, fl.w aNntle, or ikalr time the qut nlity, SS ; sent to any addree upon re ceipt of price, or CO D aecured front obaervstion and in private nam if desired by sr Mlalte.ll Kcnrti Street, aaa ft'raarlsca. C'al. Send for list U queatiun and pamphlet. HABirXK BOTTLE FREE. Will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating ymptoni, sex and age. Strict secrecy in regard to all business transactions. Ir Mlatlr'a Kidney Kentedy. xphretlrans, cures all kinda of Kidney and HI adder t'umplaint, UonoirbeeaSMt, Leucorrhoea. etc. For sale by all drug fist ; f a botte or six bottles for $5 . Br. Mtalle's Baadelioa Pill are the best and cheapest By aprpala and Billons cure in the mark et. For sals by all druggist. To Regulate IflfTYj FAVORH E HOMK REMEDY a I HK warranted not to contain a single par A aUaU tide of Mercury or any injurious sub stance, but 1 purely vegetable. It will Cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of tbe Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. If your Liver is out of order, then your whole system is deranged. The blood is impure, the breath offensive you have headache, feel languid, dispirited and nervous. To prevent a more serious con dition, take at once bimmons LIVER RF.GUI.ATOR. If you lead a sedentary life, or suffer with Kidney AtTection. avoid stimulants and take Simmons Liver Regulator. Sure to relieve. If you have eaten anything hard of digestion, or feel heavy after meals or sleepless at night, take a dose and you will feel relieved and sleep pleasantly. if you are a miserable sufferer with Constipation, Dyspepsia and BUioutuiCNg, seek relief at once in Simmons Liver Regulator. It does not require continual dosing, and costs but a trine. It will cure you. If you wake up in the morning with a bitter, bad taste in your mouth, HI A TTT? Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor- UK I rects the Hilious Stomach, sweetens A AiAAAAI the Breath, and cleanses the Furred Tongue. Children often need some safe Cathar tic and Tonic to avert approaching sickness. Simmons Liver Regulator will relieve Colic, Head ache, Sick Stomach, Indigestion, Dysentery, and the Complaints incident to Childhood. At any time you feel your system needs cleansing, toning, regulating without violent purging, or stimulating without intosi- " eating, take i PREPARED BY Simmons Liver Rs tor J. H. ZEIUM & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. , First National Bank OF AMU V, ORECrOIt IVestdsnt; JOHN COKSE1 - JB. r. TRANSACTS A GENERAL A CCO f NTS KEPT Mlbjert to hu;iitk. hanv;e and m Nc York, San Kraucucv, oreatm. COLLE'.TIOSS MADE on favorable I. K. Yot-ae, Joti Co was L. K Blaix, L. Furs, H- F. Usaaiu, J. L. COWAN. i. w.coiica: Linn County Bank, cowai & CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON, TRASSACTji ayeneral bankififr 1 tiRAWSUillTIiRAFTSon New York. civo aod P'.niatMl, Ortfoo. ss rsaa IX1AN MONEY on approreil eoaritjr. RECEIVE dejxwiu sabjec to check. COLLECTIONS entraeted bo as will receive precupt ttenUon. s A USAGE MII.IJS, We b& e a meat cotter thai is aa much ao improvement over tbe old fashioned sausage mill as J. I. Case Agitator ia over a flail. It don't clog and leaves no strings in tbe meat. Come and sea it. A CIFT Send 10 cent postage, ana we wll mail too free a reraL raloaki amp! bus of gaol that will put you in the way ef making nr ihomt at once, than anything ids ia America. Both ext of all ages ean lire at bene aad work in spare time, or all tbe tins. Capital not re quired a e wui start yon . Immense pay hows who start st ortee. Srrsaoa aad Co., sseaae. CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Blotch., or Crnption to the won Scrofula.' SalUrkenm! "FcrrMores," Scaly or Rough Skin, in short, all diseases caused by bad bk are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and invurorattng medicine, Croat Eating Via eera rapidly heal under its benign ineTawnee, Especially has it manifested its potency ta curinjr Tetter Roae Raah. Bolls. Car huiir low. Sore Kyea, Scrofulous so rea aud Swcllinfe, Rip. Joint Disease, White Kwelljnga, Ooltro, or Thick: Neck, and Enlarged Glands. Send tea cents in stamps for a large treatise, wtth col ored pastes, on. Skin Diseases, or the same amount for a treatise on Scrofulous Affections. "THE BLOOD IS THE LIOl Tbxwouhly v lea ns Itby using Ur. PUrce. Golden Medical Discovery, and good d location, a fair akin, buoyant epir it, vital Mr. UKtb, and soundness of constitution, will be estabiasted. CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofulous Dlseaae of the Lunge, Is promptly and certainly arrested and cured by this God-given remedy, if taken tK'fore tho last stages of tho disease are reached, From its vronderTul power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now oeT cbrated remedy to the public. Dr. Picacg thought seriously of calling it his MCon e it iu pt i o it V u re, but abandoned that name as too limited for a medicine which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or strengthen ing, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-blbous, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequaied, not only as a remedy for consumption Of the lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES or ras Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If von feel dull. drowsy, debilitated. have callow color of skin, or yellowish-brown on face or body, frequent headache tar ness. Dad taste in mouth, internal heat or phiiia. alternating with hot flashes, low spirits and gloomy borebodlngs, irregular appetite, and coated tongue, you are suffering man Indi geat I on, Dy apepai at, and Torpid Elver. or "Biliousness.' in many oases only part of these symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all such cases, Dr. Plereea Golden Modieal DiacoTery has no equal. For Weak Enngs, Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis. Severe Coughs, Couanmption, and kindred affections, it is a sovereign remedy. Send ten writs in stamps for Eta Pierces book on Consumption. Sold by Drnggiata PRICE $1.00, OR 6 FOR World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, 663 Main S& BurrAiO, N. Y. 1ITTLB OWTO FILLS. ANTI-BI I lOl S and CATHARTIC Sold by Druggists, as cents a vial. $500 REWARD is offered by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a case of. catarrh which they cannot cure. If you have a discbarge from the nose, offensive or other wise, partial loss of smell, taste, or hear inc. weak eves, dull nsvhs or pressure in head, you have Catarrh. Thou sands or oases terminate in consumption. I)r. Satre's Catarrh Remedy cures the worst eases of Catarrf Celd in the Heads' kDZS SJW' AW