The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 05, 1886, Image 3

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    Entered at the Port Office at Albany, Or
a aeoond-clAM mall matter.
8TITE8 &
alters and
RK P. arm. .eal Miter.
Official County Paper,
The rrml Acceptance
Last week the Dkmockat announced the
formal acceptance bv the management of
the Oregon Pacitlc R. R , as it in familiar
ly known to us, of the proposition of the peo
ple of Albany for the extension of the road
through this city. The first of the week
the Committee on the $40,010 subscription
received a formal acceptance from Col.
Hogg on behalf of the road, of which the
following is a copy :
New York, Jan. 19th, 1886.
.Messrs. A. liarkJe ". (im. Simpson, J. A.
Crtmfortl tmd Comimfee on behalf of tkr
citizens tf Atmy, ( 'regon ;
Gentlsmsn : I am in receipt of yours
accompany iug a subscription list of contri
butions agreed to be paid to the Willamette
Vallev and Coast Railroad Company on the
completion of its line of road from Corval
lis, Benton county, to Albany, Linn county,
On behalf of the Willamette Valley and
Coast Railroad Company, I accept the tame
ton the terms named in said subscription.
Instructions have been given to make thor
ough examination of the routes to Albanv,
so as to determine the most desirable ; when
that is decided work will be entered upon at
the earliest practicable day.
Permit me to suggest "that deeds neces
sary to fully convey any of the properties
named in the subscription should be at once
executed and deposited as agreed in said
subscription. I am, gentlemen.
Yours Truly,
T. E. 1 1. ......
President W. V.ef C. R. R.
As we have heretofore stated, the route
of the road through Albany is only a mat
ter of speculation. Engineer Eckelson has
looked over the ground during the high wa
ter ; but has not given the matter away,
and probably will not until a formal snrvey
it made. The road it coming and we have
every reason to believe will reach Alban v
before the next harvest.
re Urweeeaether.
Our friend, M. C. Calloway, sa.vs that
while he may not be able to beat the story
of the child at Shedd, (of which we gave an
account some time ago that had something
like 500 pounds of grandmother,) vet he can
tell of a child that has more grandmothers
in number. The child is Albert Bryan's.
Its grandmothers are Mrs. Ed. Bryan, (Al
bert's mother,) of this city, Mrs. Reeser, of
Walla Walla, mother of Mrs. Ed. Bryan,
Mrs. Witzcl, of Tangent, mother of Mrs.
Albert Bryan, Mrs. Hurlburt, mother of
Mrs. Witzel, and Mrs. Elizabeth Bryan,
mother of Albert Bryan's father. We think
without partiality in the case that these
grandmothers get away with the Shedd
grandmothers, and are each entitled to a
chromo, which they can have by cal ling at
this office .
lae aikollr ftcheel.
In our last issue we mentioned the pro
posed Catholic school building to be con
tracted in this city during the coming
Summer. Our figures, through misinfor
mation, in reference to the cost of the
structure, were somewhat too large. The
building when completed will cost about
$ 1 0,000. If the wings of the building are
not built at present the present cost will be
about half that Mr. Groat, of the Depot
Htel, has shown us a drawing of the pro
posed building. It will be a haadsome two
story building with a large basement-
Tnere will be five school rooms, two music
rooms, a large dormitory, cooking rooms
etc. Six sisters will have charge of the
school, which will go by the name of "The
Convent of the Lady of Perpetual Help.'
Catholic schools are among the most thor
ough and best conducted and are always
well patronized.
ssalltes Creek Helta!.
The above school under the charge of
Prof. J. B. Wirt closed a very successful
term on last Friday, at which time appro
priate exercises were had. This was the
first term taught in the new school house,a
fine double boxed building, 24 by 30 feet,
planed inside and outside, and well supplied
with good blackboard. During the term
just closed Prof. Wirt's first class in spelling
particularly did good work, completing the
speller in the three months. Following are
the names of the members of the class
Florence Burrell, Emma Slavens, Alice
Todd, E A Davis, Frank Jennings, William
Slavens, Fred Klcinhammer, Walter Rey
nolds, Samuel T Powell, John Burrell, Ar
thur Burrell, Sheridan Bellinger and Wil
nam Todd.
A Isss,
Friday night several shots were heard
fired in the Third ward. The next morn
ing a sensational story was started about
how a citizen of that ward had been fired on
by another citizen and hit in one of his
heelt. It was told in such a sober, matter
of fact way that many believed it, one of
the parties mentioned being known to be on
the "shoot." Fortunately it was a hoax, a
semi-tragedy being spoiled. In these"mod
ern times" it is about as safe not to belie v e
as to believe the current accounts of the day-
Small Bnrglarles.
On Thursday night of last week a rubber
coat, some pie, cake, etc., were stolen from
the residence of Mr. L. Sendert,in thit city.
On the same evening a pane of glass was
lifted from a window in Huffman & Noel's
saloon, an entrance made, and a revolver,
two nickel plated faucets, $3.50 and a few
other things were taken. As a number of
suspicious looking tramps had been loafing
around the city during the day it is easy to
hint at the thieves.
That Cibost Htory,
The ghost story circulated on the street
in connection with the county jail is looked
upon the way ghost stories generally are.
Strange noises have been heard. The only
question is as to who was the guilty party.
It 1 claimed that one of the tramp prison
ers, Stewart and Fenton, is a ventriloquist.
As Fenton seemed to be the most frighten
ed he may have been the ore.
There are three one legged men in the
U. S. Senate. Buttler and 1 lampton, of
South Carolina, and Berry, of Arkansas.
IX Lcsseps says the Panamas Canal will
be completed bv 1888. Bet a trade dollar
t won't.
Among late advertising schemes one
eastern firm offers to run an ad In our pa
per if we will pay them $35. At an en
couragement they offer to thrown in an or-
aran. Another is from the notorious Police
iintette. At we have plenty of matches
and waste paper it is rejected.
There are 136,1 06 farms in Wisconsin
with an average of ia0 acres.
There were half a million tons of wheat
in California Jan. 1st.
One-fourth of the hats used in the United
States are made in Danburrv, Conn.
A crusade hat been going on in Portland,
Me., against roller skating rinks.
There has been skating in 1'lorida, sonic.
thing it is claimed, has never before hap
pened there.
Reports from the East say that wool will
be higher this than last year. 1 lope so.
Wheat In Linn county looks uncommon
ly fine. One farmer remarked to us that
there was no danger from rain ; but there
was from the wheat's getting too tall to
Piano cases arc being made of paK-r.
When music lessons can be paid for in
waste paper there will be some use for all
this change.
There arc over six million Jews in the
world, about twent-five of whom live in
The Haagsltaa New tear.
Chinese New Years is being "whooped
up" this week. "Whooped up" U a high
sounding word and means a good deal.
Sleepless nights, hideous, unfathomable,
discordant, matchless, noise, is as near the
correct definition as we ran ascertain. The
Celestial's New Year will not be celebrated
in Tacoma, llalsey and Medford. The
reason of this It that there are no Chinamen
there. If there were only one poor opium
jointed, cavote mouthed, greasy queued
celestial in those places the sound of the
broken metaled band would be heard. This
office acknowledges the receipt of a supply
of nuts that set ones teeth on end to cat.
We could not help receiving them. It is a
newspapers business to receive. It is a
noticeable fact in the life of a newspaper that
with Celestial the money all goes one way.
We dare any of our exehanges to give an
instance where a Chinaman paid for any
thing in solid cash. They are sometimes
free for policy's sake with handkerchiefs
and nut but that is about the extent of
their generosity. We wish the Chinamen
of Albany a quiet New Years.
Ma Basel la the Ittw "
The above entitled drama will be present
ed at the Albany Opera House for the bene
fit of the Albany Brass Band on Friday
evening of next week February 12th.
Following will be the cast of characters :
Sir Chas Audry R. A. llohman-
Captain Dartford W. Monteith.
Thos. Titmouse Chas. Mueller.
Monctor, Audrv's friend A! Ewert.
Eustach, Dartfbrd s friend Al Ketchum.
Lady Andry Miss Courser.
EmUy Lonsdale Miss Minnie Monteith.
Gimp Miss Emma Schubert.
The entertainment will close with a laugh
able farce entitled "A Kiss in the Dark,"
in which R. A. Holman will take the part
of Sclem Pettibone -, Al Ewert, Frank
at horn j Miss Courser, Mrs. Pettibone ;
Miss Emma Schubert, Mary ; Miss Minnie
Montetith, Unknown. Prices of admission
will be 75 and 5O cents. Reserved scats at
E. W. Lanudon's.
The MsitrMS Bridge.
Last August in giving an account of a
trip to the foot hills a Democrat man
spoke of a conversation with several work
men on the Sanderson bridge, across the
Santiam and said : "They freely expressed
the opinion that without a breakwater just
south of the bridge the approach would
again be undermined and swept away and
expressed in most emphatic language their
surprise at the bank being ordered excavat
ed at it only gave the water an additional
opportunity to work against the land and
under the peer." Their turmises are prov
ing partially true. We are Informed the
approach is being undermined by the
present high water in the manner above
anticipated. Messrs. Kellev.of Sweet Home
and Lee Morris, who were in the city Wed
nesday, on the other hand, tell us that they
were at the bridge Tuesday, and do not be
lieve there is any danger. Mr. Morris
thinks the approach needs protecting though
The greatest danger was from brush wood
lodging on the middle peer.
Verger Captervd.
Several months ago the Deicocrat gave
an account of how a man calling himself
Whitney in Portland had certain certificates
of deposit printed in Portland and then at
Butte, Montana, Ogden, and other places
tried to get money on certain bank paper
As a sequel to the above the same man was
a short time agp arrested in Chicago, under
the name of Hale. It now transpose that
he was a partner of one of the mosTtamous
forgers, of this century, and has himself
had a checkered career, having served
nearly ten years for previous forgeries. On
his last expedition he, with his gang, it is
reoorted. collected about fifty thousand
dollars, presenting forged paper to banks
m w -
all over the United States, many times be
inir successful. Although he obtained no
money from Oregon we are glad to know
that he has at last been brought to justice
Where Is.
We have several times lately been asked
about what had become of Levi Buckner,
alias Frank Taylor, who was recently in
debted to Judge Boise's clemency for his
liberty after pleading guilty of bigamy.
Until now we have been unable to report.
On Tuesday he was in the city and obtain
ed a license for the marriage of himself and
Francis Miller, and presume by this time
the ceremony has been performed which
makes them legal husband and wife, his
former, wife recently having obtained a di
vorce. We say legal under the supposition
that the story of a third wife was untrue, as
it probably was.
A Wet Experience.
A few days ago while on the Calipooia a
few miles above this city, at the log drive
Mr Levi West had a narrow escape from
drowning. He was on a horse on the bank
of the river, when the earth gave way send
ing him and his horte into the water, Mr.
West managed to get out at once, but the
horse remained in sometime before reach-
j ing the bank.
Following are the talcs of real estate re
corded In the county Clerks office for Jan
uary, 1886 :
Delilah Walkei to David Goodln, ;8 17.
too acres off the D L C of Jas 11 Rodgors.
Con. $1.
Jat M Markt to W I and Geo C Hender
son 186 acres of land in Tp ta, being n part
of D L C of John Markt. Con. $ 4,664.
M C GUI to John R GUI, H of lot No. 30
n Sclo. Con. joo.
I) A Holman to John K (.ill, lots in, 19
and and part of lot at In Sclo, Con. $500
Jat B Rodgert to Thos I A I ford, 8t 3
100 acres off of S I corner of D L C of Jas
B Rodgert. Con. $1.
Luther White to Jas Blakely, 8 7 too
acres in Brownsville. Con. $ao.
R E Moore to L F Smith, lot 3, block 3
in Tangent Con $50.
Joslah Flynn to Morgan Henshaw, 183
33-too acres off the D L C of Robert Pent
land. Con. $5,000.
A H Lop an to S S Callahan, to acres.
Con. $50.
W C Miller to Younger Stnelser, 307 64
100 acres. Con. $3,380.
Wm 1) Porter to Marion Cunningham,
173 acres. Con $3,500.
Marion Cunningham to Win D Porter,
too acres. Con. $3,ooo.
Stephen 1'hilippi to S K Young, 30 acre
of land, being a part of John Moore's D L
C, Con $938.35.
J A Prine to Wm K Ray, 160 acres. Con.
D F Wagner to Thurston H Thomas'
1663-100 acres. $1,035.
Orpha Wheeler to D P Porter, lot 4,
block 3 In Shedd. Con $70.
Paul Bodice to Joseph Christie, i acre In
R C Flnley's D L C. Con $50.
Mart Miller to A C Miller, the undivided
one-third of 50 78-100 acres. Con. $t.
Enoch Miller to Alice C Miller, the frac
tional one-third of 50 78-100 acres. Con.
Mose Miller to Alice C Miller, same as
last. Con $5.
M ll.ust,,n to James V Pipe, 160 acres.
Con. $1.
Jas M Moore to Silas A Moore, the D L
C of Charles Scrivener. Con $350.
R Cheadle et al to James Galawav, 81
acres out of east corner of D L C of Rich
mond Cheadle. Con $567.
TA Wood to 1! Bryant, 184 acres.
Con $1,000.
John P Rector to Thontas W Palmer, 300
acres. Con $4,000.
John P Rector to Lyman B Palmer, lOO
acres. Con $3,000.
Corinthian Ixxlge, A F & A M to Henry
Clark, cemetery lot No. 6, block 1 in Ma-sonk-
cemetery. Con $15.
Geo H Allingham to Lizzie N Thomp
son, 168 13-100 acre. Con $1.
Younger Smelser to Harriet Miller, a 16
acres. Con $3,000.
A C II. 1 us man to Mary Goddard, lota 3
and 3, block 3. HauMtian's addition to
Brownsville. Con. $3,000.
John W Althouse to E W Whipple, lot 4
n block it, Hackleman and addition to
Albany. Con $.
Chas E Wolverton to America Price, 14O
acres. Con $3,8i0.
H A Johnson to N C Gill, part of lot 31
in Sclo. Con $650.
L Foley to Mrs Ellen McDonald, lot 3
in block a In Lebanon. Con $600.
K ic hard Farwell to Wm Simmons, lot 4
n block 3 in town of Boston. Con. $t00.
W R Kirk to Malissa Wagner 3 4 t00
area of land. Con $sQB.
Joseph Christy to J F Venner. 14 acre
out of R C Finlev s D L C Con $60.
Noah Shanks to Chas W 1 attic. 4 acres
near Brownsville. On $iQ0.
T W Davenport to James A Gihnorc,
undivided interest in .-O0 acre of land. Con
Applicable Remarks
In addition to the particulars given in our
last issue of the gentleman on a recent trip
of the "Yaqulna" getting suddenly religious
during a big storm, it Is now reported that
in order to make matters complete a collec
tion was taken up. Tins so completely
cooled him that all fright was taken away
from him.
Br indiscriminate truslina one coul
easily work up a big trade in even elephant
w w
The incident is told us of a woman who re
cently bought a can of lard at a butcher
shop and had it charged to Mr. Never let.
Going past a grocery store a few moments
later the butcher saw the woman trying to
trade the lard off for some groceries. On
another occasion at another butcher shop
she bought some meat and had it charged
to Mr. S. but did'nt know his first name
The above shows how easily it is to get
taken in, and the necessity of storckcepei s
feeling the bumps on the heads of custom
The man with money has to pay more
for his goods because the man without
money is in the habit of forgetting to liqui
date. This is not right.
Half an hour a day devoted to reading
good books will make an average head a
library of information in a few years. Let
Albany young people ponder.
High water affords an excellent topic for
conversation during dull times. For un
employed men there is no finer sight than
kto watch the muddy, agitated waters of the
Willamette, Mowing, firmly but monoton
ously past.
A smoking machine that wouid save
smokers the effort of puffing would be a
grand and paying invention.
Ratertalaaaeat al Lebanon.
The Lebanon amaturs will play the drama
"Above the Clouds," Wednesday eve., Feb.
1 0th, for the benefit of the First Presbyte
rian Church. Following is the cast of char
acters. Phil Ringold EE Montague.
Amos Gaylord B F llardman.
Alford Thorpe ... .Archie Hammer.
Howaid Gaylord Charles Hackleman.
Titus Turtle Frank Ballard.
Nat Naylor Charles Harris.
Curtis Chipman Allie Nickerson.
Hester Thorne Hela Gilbert.
Lucretia Gerrish Lizzie Hackleman.
Grace Ingalis Frank Gilbert.
Susy Gaylord Mary Montague.
Dropped Dead.
Last Tuesday evening a fire caught in
Rader's butcher shop at Corvallis. Mr.
W. M. Pitman, who lived opposite, started
to give the alarm and put on the water for
the fire department. He had reached Sor
bin's Corner, where he was speaking to
some one when he suddenly dropped to the
ground and expired immediately. Heart
disease was the cause. Mr. Pitman was In
the furniture business, and was a man high
ly respected. The fire was extinguished
without the aid of the department.
Get Keady te tie.
Don't fail to remember that the art ex
hibition and entertainments of the ladies of
the U. P. Church take place at the Opera
House on February 23rd and 24th. One of
the principal features wUl be a broom drill
by sixteen girls of the U. P. S. S. A lunch
will be spread each evening. The whole
will be unique and probably one of the
most interesting entertainments ever given
in Albany.
ehl Report
The following it a certified standing of
those passing an examination with per cent
appended :
George W Cheadle, At. iou ; Deport.
100 ; Mental Arith. too ; Written Arith.
too ; Geography, 100 . Grammar, too ;
History, too ; Or. icxi ; writing, 75 ; read
ing, too.
Rav Im-kson. At. 100 ; Deport. 100 ;
Mental Arith. 100 ; Written Arith. 100 .
(Jcogrnph, too , Grammar, too ; History,
too ; Or. 100 ; writ tine, 7 ; reudlug, too.
Lonnle Jackson, At. too ; Deport, too ;
Mental Arith. 100 ; Written Arith. too
Geography, too ; Grammar, too ; History.,
too ; Or. too ; writting, 90 t reading, too'
Robert Rice, At. 100 ; Deport. 100 ; Men
tal Arith. (a) 77 ; Written Arith. (a) 04 ;
Or. 88 : writing, 90 ; reading, 100.
Charles Blund, At. 80 j Deport, ton ;
Mental Arith. (a) 84 ; Written Arith. (a)
70 1 Or. 57 ; reading, 85.
Peter Bland, At. 90 ; Deport ku ; Men
tal Arith. (a) 76 ; Written Arith. (a) 100 ;
Or. 6 : writing, 7o ; reading. 00.
rhcron Kester, At. 85 j Deport, ton ;
Mental Arith. (a) 87 ; Written Arith. (a)
93 ; Geography, 83 ; Or. 89 ; writing, 68 ;
reading, 91.
Sylvan Kester, At. 80 ; Deport. 100 ;
Mental Arith. (a) 73 ; Or. 80 ; writing, 88 ;
reading, 71.
Fannie F Rice, At.
u ; Deport, ion ;
Written Arith. (a)
; Or iu) ; writing,
Mental Arith. (a) 94
too ; Geography, 09
90 ; reading,
Salonnie Bland, At
90 ; Deport, too ;
Mental Arith. (a) 93 ;
I Written Arith. (a)
Or. 69 ; w riting, 68 ;
70 ; Geography, N3
reading, 80.
Ida Jackson, At. 70 ; Deport, too ; Men
tal Arith. (a) 91 ; Written Arith. (a) 95 ;
Geography, loo 5 Or. too ; writing, 80 ;
reading, 9a.
Note, In Mental Arithmetic, (a) slums
that of Primary and not Advance Normal
Mental. AIo in Written Arithmetic, (a)
indicates Elementary Instead of Written Ar
ithmetic. S A. DkVaxrv,
School District No. 89. Teacher.
The pit per. of tho.r passing in writ-
ng having been etamincd bv us, we certify
that each arc entitled to landing t hown
by the table, and that the questions in Men
tal Arithmetic, (Advanced) Written Arith
metic, lllstorr of V. S. and Geography
were full ami seemed as difficult as any
teacher ought to ask any set of scholars and
we certify that many of the answers were
brilliant indeed.
J. S. M Faaox,
Thos. H. C'ATiiev.
Dry busdi, XoMbm. Kir.
My stock of staple dry goods, notions,
drsss goods, etc., is now quit good for tb
I will be adding story week new
goods in now and desirabls shades in dross
goods as well as in novelties ia drees goods
and not tuns. Parties wanting caoaot do
bettor in this city than I can do for thorn ia
style and price, I buy either from maun
lecturers or importers direct I keep no
bankrupt stock, bat sell yoa new, fresh
good sod warrant them.
Mamckl K. Yot'ttu,
o. t ti sf Kisser rrearh.
Yesterday afternoon Mr. F. M. French
received a telegram from Spring Valley,
Minn., announcing she death of hi brother,
I. inter K. Frcneh. Elmer came to this city
about two years ago. He was taken with
consumption and returned to Spring Val
ley a few months ago, only to grow some.
He wa about twenty-four year of age, was
a member of Linn Knglne Company No. 3,
of thU city. During the time he was In
Albany he made friend with all with
whom he came in contact, and wa univer
sally respected for his exemplary habits and
manly bearing. Tlierc arc many in Al
bany who will lament hi death.
Kelt of SJeaer
According to our method of keeping
school record, the following all have good
standing, and deserve credit for their work.
No. dailv recitation given. Month ending
Jan. 20th :
Bird Lupcr, 7 studies, too ; Dena Bridge
farmer, 6, too ; Georgia Settlemire, 5, 100 ,
lk-ie Settlemire, 5, yo ; Josic Moses, 5,99 ;
David Bridgefarmer, 5, oy ; Tritic Morgan,
6, 97 ; George Simpson, 5, 97 ; Marion
Simpson, 5, 97 j Lizzie Smith, 5, 97 ; Jee
Jenk, 5, 97 , Claud Beard, 5, 96 ; Maud
Beard, 5, 95 ; Amasa Moses, . 95 ; Ada
Knightcn, 6, 94 ; Sam Moses, 5,94 ; Oliver
Jcnks, 5, 94 ; Anaie Bridgefarmer, 5, 92 ;
I larry Beard, 5, 90.
Tangent school kept by
O. C. McFarlaxo.
Tauieat Ditto.
Last week the Democr at spoke of the
loose manner in which some of Albany's
young people conduct themselves. Since
then we have been requested to nobs the
fact that Tangent is also worthy of men
tion in this respect, perhaps in stronger
language, two or three case there in the
last two or three months terminating in a
manner to speak for themselves. These
things hurt any communtity ; and It Is the
Democrat's place as a public journal, lab
oring for the good of the communities
where it circulates, as well as to disseminate
the news of the day, to warn old and young
who are in the wrong track to turn over a
new leaf, for they are being watched.
Last Tuesday County Treasurer Farwell
sent to the State Treasurer the last of Linn
County's share of the State taxes, receiving
a receipt Wednesdey, with the statement
that Linn was the second county to pay its
taxes in full. This speaks highly for the
County, Sheriff Chariton and Mr. Farwell.
Recently In one day $3,000 were taken in
by the Sheriff, and $500 on the next day.
Linn county may always be depended on
to be in the front.
County Treasurer's Metlec.
All outstanding county warrants will be
redeemed upon presentation at this office ,
Interest upon all warrants will cease from
this date.
February 3rd, 1S86.
II. Farwell,
County Treasurer.
NUcb Cew far Sale.
I have a first-class milch cow for sala on
reasonable terms. Inquire of
6, Meyer, Albany, Or.
A St. Paul paper has eight libel suiti cn
band. It will no doubt win in all case. So
long as a paper keeps withiu any reasonable
bounds no Court of justice will disturb it, so
long a the error is fiom mistake and it not
F M Prenoh, jowaler,
Kollsd oU at It HV
The bast harness at J J Dabruillosi
County Court in In session this week.
The O. P, ia now aa established fact.
Nature's own roniody, Oregon Kidney Tea.
Albany's photographer is doing tone good
Tim best breadstuff iu tho market at Con
rad Meyer's.
J. V. Wallace. I'hvsitiisn and Hti rii'oti Al
bany, Or.
First-class to and enfLu at Conrad
Ths finest line of window corn lee mould
ogs at Woodiu's.
83,000 worth of clothing at cost at Mon
Nsw Orleans molasses direct from the Kast
at Head & Browaell's.
Wheat went up to 82 cants ou Friday,
duo to a drop in frsight.
Iowa full cream oheeae i delicious. You
00 get it at Head Hrowueli'.i.
Splendid tin of ladio fall and winter ear
metit at Monteith 4 HeiUnbaoh'a,
Kxamlne Woodin Extension table. They
ar -wall go and ss them for yourself.
County Asaessor Hammeok. ha begun
busttiesa, and is now doing Ubanon.
Salmon are in market : bat they etm
around tli Hah ladder aad not through it.
Circuit Court meets five week from next
Monday. It will U an important term.
Another skating carnival will take place
iu Albany oa February 17th at the rink.
F M French, agent Singer Manufacturing
Co.,oppoait oj'l Follow Tempi, Albaoy.Or.
Wednesday the weather was as Spring
lik and blnd a tho most fastidious oould
Dr. M. H. Kilt, phyaistan and surgeon
All any. Oregon. C made in city or
The finest confectionary at lifftnsn A
Jossph's at wholvral or retail. The bast in
ths market.
On last Friday tb first Kastern letter
mail for a week was received at the Albecy
post office.
flew many ia giving ia his property to
ths Asaessor gives iu !! of it as be swears
ia tho sffidsvtt?
SUp to and get soma of those Missouri
hiokory nuts before they are all Head
4 I '.row n ell's.
Butter sod ege have Ukn qait a fall in
tho Albaay market, both bibg quoted at
about lit icon cent.
If you ar going Kat 1m aura aad go via
the Oregon Short Ltuo. It is the best. See
ad in another cola mo.
Go to 1'rashaw's new Drag Store for par
drug, patent medicine, etc Frsaeriptions
caret ally compounded,
City Keorder Ifeoton ia makiag hia nc
atl atr .srnrnt uf tb city. Treat him kind
ly -, he ia ordered to do it.
The Democrat bid on the city printing at
low rata baeaaa it wants the ordinate
anyway at matter at news.
A good piotor of Hon O N Dnny,brothr
of Mrs William Ralston, of this city, appear
in the last Frank LrtUe .
Oa Wednesday the County awarded tb
keoing of the county poor to Mr C L Morri
for 92.43 a week for each person.
Partis already subscribers to the Dbmu
OtVftX who wiah to nd the paper off to a
rtend or friends can do o for 't.
Postmaster Irving was confined to his
home several days by sickness. Mum Put
aam filled hi place with dispatch.
Arrived this week at Head k BrowoU ,
some nobby style ia gaUt ooagress gaitor
and bat ton shoes. Come and see them.
The I'irouit Court is io session this week,
the special session having been continued to
dispose of tho A J Houston divorce eta.
Jsek Dempsey and La Blanche are to tight
sows where in the hast on the 13 h d this
month. Both of them deserve a "thrashing."
Prof Tatoott, of SUille, it teschiaz a
successful writing school at the Hamilton
Creak tehool honte, giving three laeaioa
Several people earns down in the rs ting
waters of the Willamette in a skirt Ut
Monday. The trip can be mad in aboot ao
Ilor sad Or Hill do aot seem to gre.
Moody night tb Doctor wa obliged to lev I
ono several miles 00 account of it contra -
Dr Grv'a small Yorkshire pig obtained
from the Kast laat year ar doing remsikbly
wll. This seems to b a goal country for
All persona iodebtad to Mr W K Graham
are req nested to call on him at the store of
I. K Blain and scttl at one. Ha wants th
The senior alitor of In Democrat hereby
makes bis litest bow snd returns bis sin-
oe rest tbankt to Mrs Reason McConnU for
a nice hem.
O. W. Mat too, Physician and Surgeon,
Albany, Oregon. Graduate of th Cincinnati
College of Physician and Surgeons, Cincin
nati, Ohio.
The iirtqoiuan says aa attempt was made
ia that city Tuesday night to garrot a
young man attending the Business College
there from this county.
Douglas Loye, of Harris burg is reported
a having been severely cut with an adi a
few daya ago, th adz slipping and bitting
htm on on of his auk 1st.
A small dog played havoc in Foahay &
Mason's drug store last Tuesday. Finding
th dear closed he attempted to go through
the window. Damage, several dollars.
On Thursday of last week Felix O' Tools
sold his residence on Lyon street to Mr J W
Casiok, of tb Lias County Bank, for $3,000.
Tb ditch 00 Ferry Street being shut off
last Monday left at the mercy of our citi
zen numerous chubs, suckers end trout.
Several goad meals were obtained.
Two Medford Sunday School boys recent
ly had a dispute about their S S lesson, after
leaving church, and fought it out on the
spot to a finish.
The great billiard match in New York be -tween
Schsffer and Vinaux closed Friday
night in fayor of tb former, tbe score stand
ing 3000 to 238.
Wtn claims to lie the Athens of East
ern Oregon, If Solon or Demosthenese
were to hear this there would be a terrible
rattling of dry -bones.
An early call on Monteith k Seitenluch for
what clothing you want for yourself or the
boys, will secure to you the choice of a
His line exactly at rout.
Tbe number of convert at Lebanon hat
been increased to about one hundred aad
titty. Only four or fiye of the number, we
are informed, are children.
The water in the Willamette reached its
highest mark Tuesday evening, 2."J feet
above low water mark. This lacked sevsn
or eieht feet of the hi ah water mark of
1880 1.
Shaving soap, htir oil, pomade, bay rum,
hair tonic, cosmetic, combs, shaving brushes
and hair brushes, just received, large sup
ply from Philadelphia, at Louis Viereck'a
Barber Shop.
Dr 0 C Awbrey ha moved his dental of
fice to tbe rear of the O F Buildinsr, where
he has fitted it up in neat style. He is pre
pared to do work iu a first-class manner at
reasonable rates .
On account of high living in th White
House Arthur is said to have become a by-
pocondriac, and has to live on baked apples.
Guess he wUl wish that he had left those
wine suppers out.
A larg Eastern paper and letter mail ar
rivod in tho city last Saturday evening. The
PostofKce was kept open from 10 till 1 1
o! clock Sunday morning to accommodate the
people ot this city.
We do not sound a neadless alarm when
we tell you that the taint of scrofula is in
your blood. Inherited or acquired, it is
thore, and Ayer s Saisaparilla alone will et
factually eradicate it.
Au Illinois man who waa recently on the
virand Jury and tried to have several citizens
indicted for playing croquet on ounday, has
just deserted his wife and children and run
off with auother woman.
Tell vour neichbots to remember to reads
ter in April, We may not like the law, hut
if the voter of Linn county want to yot
they will have to com to time, according to
the present aspect of attain,
s . 1 r a j 1 a a. . . . ,
wis Virginia uoouwm, 01 Portland, a
gt adnata of Napa College, Cat., ha been en
gasil to teach in the Albany Collegiate in
stitut aa Miae Rullman'a aucoMsor, and last
Monday asm 11 mod hr duties.
Rev K A Shorelaod, a missionary for Cen
trl Africa, from the Oregon Conference, will
preach a missionary aormon in the M K
Church Sunday morning law the benefit to
help him on hia way. I.t all come.
Mr W II Oraham is new located at the
atom of L K Blain, where he has moved hi
stock of suitings. CM end new customers
sre invited toosll on him at that place, where
ho Is better prepared than ever to do first'
class work.
Burkhart 4 I'feiffer in their new qaar
tarsia Mcllwsin's Block hayo one of the
a . . . Si mn . mm a
oest arranged mucus in the valley, tmo
the changs having purohaaed svveral fine
pieces of new material. They intend to rush
A correspondent of an Oregon City paper
want to know why farmers should net raise
fJsx. If all should do so instead of wheat
this would b the most used up country in
existence. Ait the flax ia raised now that
there is any market for.
An immenss number of colored pictures of
two legged bogs, ,ig mouthed old maids,
fiat headed pill prescribe!, squint eyed
novel readers, etc., iu our drua store win
dows announces iu naming language the ap
proach 01 nt. v aicnttue's day.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Benewer
imptrta a fins nines and freshness in th hair
and is highly recommended by physicians.
clergymen, and scientists. It removes dan
druff, makes ths soalp white and clean, and
restore gray hair to it youthful color.
Dr Kellogg's Worm Tea is sntirsly free
from all mercurial proper ti.. can bo aiven t
the weakeet constitution withsut danger, ia
palatable and easily admin-tUirud to children
te mild in operatioo, and never fails to effect
a cure. rftttB oeuti. Bald by atl druiririet.
sr a T
A latter from i'rinevifl tells of snow bcimr
ou the ground, enounb so that snow balhn is
all tb go. At the time of writing the mer
cury wa ten degree below aero. Several
of Prineville' youths who hail Un rrtd
for being druuk and disorderly were lined.
and refusing to pay the fi wsre sent to jail.
In the 27th of January, the event in
Ch'iMM cirola occurred. It was a human
event, being a airl. Ths girl a toother wa
not Mr San '.Va, as announced in nnr eon.
temjwrary, but is a oousio of San Wa San
Wa is now in China visitmir with his wife
and children.
Raaiaea men should rmember that ths
!)i.i'i k a t as an sdvertiaiuii medium will
reach more of their customer, both in the
city and ths country, than any other local
paper in part of Oreiion. ail kinds of
edition ineluded. A solid fact, which
should be kept in midd when placing adver-
OhsWsdoesdsy evening at the Opera House
Fred Whitticr and Dell Lamtmiau skated a
race of thirty Isps (called a mils. ) The time
giyen wss 3:25 for Whittier and 3.09 for
Umpmao. A it i churned there wm a big
mistake io timiog, it will be akated over,
la race a week previous Whittier beat
l.impmaii three fourth of a Up.
The steamer "Isabel" brought 13.00
rouod of freight to this city oa last Friday
I also had about tb same amount for.
point down tho rivr. It look somewhat
atrange t. see freight coming from np the
river. It will be big advantage to Albany
merchant when the inconvenience of reload
ing at CnrveUis is don away with.
Tb Daum-gar has received three piece
of mask from Richard haailield, 12 Bible
House, N. Y. Thy ar entitled "Mary
Darling Must You Leave me" by H P Dao
isle ; "laltl Ah Sid" (The Chinese Kid) bv
J P Sbeliey; "Mikado Wait" ly Cost.
All ar firat-elae. taking aongs. Send CO
cent for three to the above address.
If a paper were to present its snow poetry
ia this valley only when the ground is cov
ered with the slushy stuff the people hero
would rarely have ar opportunity to be ef-
fiisted with it at ail. The man who does not
repair hi hou during a rain because be
cannot, nor daring good weather because it
does not need it, will never get it repaired.
Cur contemporary 00 Second street sbould
hsvo its hands too full to be troubled about
our being atswdsyt behind on presenting
snow poetry.
We gife way down prieat on groceries.
K r.i 1 . & Bkowxt,
t r im Our Prlaeviil
Snow wa four inches
deep on Camp
Creek on Monday.
The three private schools
are attended by i0s tudenu.
in Pritievilie
The mercury wat ten degrees below zero
here lat Monday morning.
rhc mails continue to arrive regularly,
though the roads are not in good condition.
The hunter who were out on the deer
returned Wednesday, liaving killed1 eleven
fine deer. They rqiort game quite plenti
Hard time don t half express what we
arc experiencing in Prim-villc at present
Twenty -dollar piece arc thing that we can
only bring up in our recollection of the
If -M.
v e regret to announce that there arc sev
end young men in Prineville who are going
very rapidly down the broad road that leads
to damnation. Somcbodv sliould head
them off.
Talamanthuft, the mail carrier, brings the
word that a hahv wa born recently to a
ady at Mitchell, this county, whocc age I
SO vears, and that the father of the child Is
55 years old.
Monthly Hebeel Sever!.
Th following is a report of District No.
15 of Linn county for month ending Jan. 29th,
1886. Number of days attendance 709;
number of day absence 54 ; namber cases
tardiness 77 number pupils enrolled 39 ;
average number belonging 33 ; average daily
attendance 35. .Thos who wro neither
absent nor tardy during the month were
Klhs Thompson, Ivldio Williams, Samuel
Wick'aer, Elva Fry, Hannah Wickizer.Leona
Wickiaer, WUlie Wioktzer, Elbert Fry,
Willie Olin, Viola Fry, Robert Wallace aad
Minnie Fry. Those who passed written ex
aminations in all tbeir studies averaging
above 95 per cent wore Richard Fry, Harvey
'eery, Joe Hunter, Allie Aaderway.J Clyde
Kuapp, George Green, Mary Perry, Eruest
Berwick, Winaie Nichols, Miuuio Fry, AU
ma Auderway, Rosa Fry, Ella Foster, Eddie
Williams, Linn Gay, Samuel Wickizer, Robt
Wallace, Newton Perry, James Foster,
Andy Hunter, Elva Fry, Archio Auderway
and Rosa Perry.
C. D. Jones, toacher.
slop and Mend.
Our entire line of Fall and Spring garments
for ladies, miss and children are offered for
sale at exact cost. We haye desirable styles
in jerseys, New Markets and Russian circu
lars, suitable for spring wear, at prices which
cannot fail to please. Give us a call.
Ladles, Attention.
Mr. Vieriek has ooncluded to f place hia
aromatic abampoo in tbe hands of all
parties wishing to do their own shampoo
ing. He will sell it in quantities from 200,
Tonsori.! Artist,
UeiT t'.ittto aid llattn She es
The undersigned will pay the highest cash
price for beef cattle and mutton sheep. Have
ood scales on wnicn to weign.
L B. Miller,
MUlwr'a, Oregon
KO I it, AN PJCftav HAL
Mr T J Stite is visiting friends in Salem.
J H Daniel, of Solo was in Albany Mon
Mrs Boggs, of Harnslmrg, waa in Albsiy
Mrs Dora Peters, of Oakland, Cal., ia vis
iting iu thiseity.
I'rior Williams, of Monument, IC. 0., has
been in the ctty this week,
J J Oorrit returned from a trip of several
weeks at the Hay a few days ago.
Mr A Parlow. of Millar's favored as with
hi annual call last Monday.
Walter Peterson's Warning countenance
waa seen on oar streets Monday.
Frank Jack, of Brownsville, was in Al
bany last Saturday on a flying trip.
Mr Z O Hay, of Jefferson, wa io the
city Tuesday . W acknowledge a eal).
Engineer Roksloo,of the O. P. was ia id
hsny Monday casting hit mathematical eye
' C ( 'berry and wife returned from the
May laat Wednesday, coming down the Wil
lamette, The Mines Wallace recently from Califor
nia, are now living in thit city oa Fourth
( ieorge Heodersou sad Sam Cowan arrived
in Albany a few days ago from Piioville,
after a pretty rough trip.
Phil Smith waa ia the city Wednesday.
He l assisting Assessor Ham macs in asa
ing th county.
J V. McAdoo, who has boeo (topping io
th city for several wssks, left for (iorvalli
veral dys ago, Mr A. will bs on of the
0. P. Surveying gantc.
Mr J A Miller and Mr L A MeCoaooll
weot to Portland ycrsterdsy morning to
meet Mrs Miller, who ha been visiting bar
sister in Eastern Oregon.
Mr. McO, mother of Mr Dr Jon, of
this city, wa taken to the insane asylum at
Salem Wedaesdsy, where she will be kept
sometime for trestment. Poor health necea
titated th movement.
t MA AStur raw M.
The Man About Town met a gentleman
a few day ago with a letter addressed to
him as Hon. A he has never filled an
elective office the title looked very suspi
cious, so much so that he offered to wager
that the writer was a candidate for Govern
or. 1 he Idea wa a verv susrveidive one.
tf w,
When a man wants office no title is too
high flown for hi friend. The reader of
thi column arc advised to look out for the
lieguiling snare of the day. Thi is in
tended to be humorou latently.
I,at Friday the M. A. T. observing an
immense congregation in front of Grad-
wold's hastened to make one of it and as
certain the trouble. An Innocent looking
crockery hogshead proved to be the center
of attraction. A wciirhtv dicuion wa
going on as to its oat holding capacity.
Fllis Knox InsUted that twenty hu-hcl
were about the figures. Sylvester Dawson
thought that wa seven or eight bushels too
o. Adam Sett lender said it would rot
fall le than thirty-five, and others vacillat
ed between the two extreme, the M. A. T.
airing his bucolic knowledge by announcing
thirty a the correct number. In thi man
ner the opinion of several hundred were
obtained. The M. A. T. brushed the dut
ff an old arithmetic, got the hogshead and
figured it out about thirty. Mr. Settle in ier
finally bought the structure and in time
will give it an actual test.
The value of daily mail is appreciated
when a blockade cause a delav of onlv a
week. There are many Orci'onians.t houeh.
e v v w
w ho tan remember when they rejoiced if
tbcv received Eatern letters once month.
The steam horc has almost annihilated
time, at least abridged it in the matter of
The M. A. T. is not in favor of this boy-
cotting system, and believes it does more
barm than good. I Ic is in favor of proper
organization of any body of men for the
protection of their own interests. Particu
larly i there need of temperate action
againt the encroachments of the Celestial ;
but extreme measure arc apt to be bock-
acting. If the laboring men of Oregon
would get rid of the Celestial they should
lie rcadv to do all the work the Celestial
has done and just naturally freeze him out.
But they are not. For instance this office
lias to have its pre&s turned about two hours
twice a week. Though the editors of the
Dkmiksat have often tried they have
never found white men who could be relied
on to do the work, or would do It.
Summary of Meteorology for Jan. 1888
from observation taken at Albany, linn Co.
Oregon, by Johu Briggs,Esq.
Highest Bar. 30.32; lowest, 29.04 ; mean,
Highest Temperature, 57; lowest, IS;
mean, 3?. 83.
Mean at 7 a. m., 3G.3 ; 2 p. m., 42.6 9
p. m., 38.5.
Prevailing wind, 8.
Maximum vtdoctty force, 3.
Total rainfall and melted snow during
month, 9.92 inches ; snow, 7.5
Number of day on whioh .01 inch er roor
rain fell, 15.
Number of daya of cloudiness, average 8
in scale of 10, 14.
Frost on 12 day.
Of 93 observations 37 were cloudy, 6 tair,
5 clear, 9 foggy, 21 rainy, 1 sleet and 4
I.I a Sack.
Ou account of the low price of wheat flour
will be sold at the Magnolia Mills at $1.10a
sack, or $4.40 a barrel, and will be delivered
ree to all parts of the eity.
Hoary to Lean.
We have money to loan in sums of from
$500 to $5000, on good personal or real
estate security.
Clink, MoNTEtTii & Co,
Notice for Publication,
Land Office at Oregon City, Or.
Feb. 2, 1886.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has hied notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be mad before the
County Judge or County Clerk of Linn U.,
at Albany, Oregon, on Monday, March 22,
1886, viz: J. B. Wirt, an heir of John Wirt,
deoeaaed, for Homestead entry 4288, for S
4 of S J of Sec, 6, T. 12, 8 R 1 ifi.
He names the following witnesses to prove
deceased eatryman's continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of said lands, via ; E.
U Means, Man in rtntianu anu o. v. Euyu,t
Ubanon, and J. K. Charlton, of Albaay, all
of Linu ccunty, Or.
U, i. Jttarin, iw gister.
NOBB STEWART. On Jan. 12th, 1886,
at the residence of Mr. John Circles, by
S. M. W. Hindman, J. P., in Prineville,
Mr. George Nobb and Miss Etta
Stewart, both of Crook county.
BABER. Recently to the wife of G. H.
Baber, of Forest Grove a girl.
TRAIN. On Jan. 30th, 1886, to the wife
of S S Train, of the Herald, a daughter,
alleged weight, thirteen pounds.
Albaay Market.
Wheat 00c per bu.
Oata 20
Beef-on foot, 2M $ 2o
Haybaled, f 10 to $12 par tan.
loose, tof 10,
Potato new 30 et per buebel.
Baoona hatnx, 8c
ah onl dors, 0 .
aide, '
Urd-iOcper lb,
Flour-"..") per bbl.
Butter It) oia per lb.
Chicken 2,50 per do..
Sngar San Franciao 0, gJtc
Mill Feed bran, 11.00 per ton.
abort, 16.
middling, 18.
Chop, 18.
KKg-15 cent per dox
A aether (teeter.
Wm. F. Harvey, If. D.. of 35 yean prac
tice ha located for time in the city of Al
bany, to treat all ch ionic diseases of fa
who rosy call on him at the first
of th Congregational Church, on 4th
Albany, Or. For reference see J. H. Ta
semi and lady. Office hour, 9 to 12 a. aa.,
and J -.TO to 5 p. m.
' S ins
Crawf, rhetearaaHaer, Albaay, r.
I have all the negative taken by A
B. Pax ton and any one can bare detail.
cates from their negative byaddreaalag
oa, at the following price : Card siaa, S
per dozen, cabinet size, 93 pr doses, boo
dour, d par dozen, I keen th fines
line of Oregon view in tb west. Cata
logue furnished on application. Copying
and enlarging old picture a specialty.
J. O. CaUl
Kid CUeves by H. H Alias et Cav
. Larg new stock last received
New York and on of tbe beat in
market, call and examine) tbe saw Use,
4 button at 75 cent s pair ; tny are a
oUmdid glove for tb money.
o,000 worth of clothing
eith Ai Seitenbach's.
at cost 'a Mas
Wood fmr
Wood delivered ia any part of tb ally
limit at th following pries par oord t
Oood Or wood from Ubanon fjjj
Oak wood (grub) If
Small fir wood 100
F. W, Br UK.
Oct 1st, 1885.
Imperteel te XI I.
want to retire from ths
and are offering our entire stock
clothing and overcoat exactly at east,
have a fine line of desirable good far
and ooya, and will aavs to every
from three to six dollars. Call a
Mosrsrra k Bxrrxvaiosv
Oregoo. kidney Tes.
For sal by all drag
Xew leek.
N. H. Allen A Co., bar just received
fr ra New York on of the finest Use si
Fall snd Winter cloaks yr brought te
Albany, all of tbe very latest styles,
which will bo cold mu h cheaper tbas
ever before offered in this mars. Be
member tbe place at
N. H. AlUES et Cs'tf
$5,000 worth ot clothing at oost at
taitti k Seitenbach's.
Marklre Arete salve.
Tbe best aalv in the world Cor Cots,
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fvf
Korea, Tatter. Chapped Hand, Chilblains,
Corn and all Skin Eruptions, astl post
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
I guaranteed to give perfect tstlaraotlsn,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents set
box. For sale by Foahay dt
Baby wss sick, w
aba waa a Chad.
77. risjAinv. vs
I am now receiving my Spring aad
Summer stock of boots and shoes, I
hare a nioely fitted np Boot snd Shoe
Store, and as complete s stock as asy
thit sids of Portland and very f w better
in Portland. I bring aH my boots and
shoes direct frcm mauufct mtt and ant
authorized is warrant any pair no
ter how cheap. No firm in
have any advantage of me in buy tag
1 buy in quantities snd pay the
In ladies', misses and children's shoes,
I keep much the largest, best and great
est variety in the city. My aim will
always be to give is good ralue for
the money as possibly can st dons.
Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed Administrator of the estate st sis
hala Wilsou, deceased ha filed hie final
account with the Clerk of the County
.Court of Linn county State of Oregon, aad
tnat tho uourt nas set Saturday, ssaron
6th, 1886 at the hoar of ten o'clock, a, m.,
for the hearing ef said account. All per
sons interested in said estate are hereby
notified to appear and file sueh objection
aa they may have.
February and, 1886.
Pmcb Wrxsow,
Administrator of Mabala Wilson's
Tho Portland Business College, Portland, Oetv
eon. offers superior private and
for ftnnerior nrivate and class IBSSSsSjBS
to the young and middle-aged of nets sexes was
desire to obtain a practical education tn the
est time consistent with thorough wees, aa at ta
least expense. Day and evening sea ales ISjsswW
out the seer.
stuaenw aammea anytuee. gbss
logs on applies. A. P.
-' .