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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1886)
: " ' ' ' - 1 f toe ttmmt FRIDA.Y.........FEUUUAKY 5, 1886 Rumor has it that Secretary Bayard trill resign toon. . s We are under obligation! to Horn. J. H. Mitchell and J. N. Dolph for congressional document. There are three times aa many tele phones in the United Statee as in all Europe. The Oregonian'e si I once on the silrer question, since it has become an aetual issue, has been simply immense. Senator Edmunds sneers at the Dem ocrats a "reformers." It is the reform element in the Democratic policy that makes the galled Republican jade wince. There are new 353 cotton mills in the South to 18 in 1880, and 146 cotton-seed oil mills to 40 in the same yeer. The mining of oosi in the same period of time has nearly doubled. The South is prospering. The order in which the presidential succession falls under the new law is, the Vice-President, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of War, Attorney Genera), Postmaiter General, Secretary of the Navy and Secretary of the In terior. Assistant Postmaster General Steven son, who hss the boss record for turn ing the rascals our, has been confirmed by the Senate. This shews that even that slow moving Republican body is absorbing some notions of the civil ser vice reform. There are twenty-five Japanese in Philadelphia, who are learning the pro fession of civil engineering. They are sent at the expense of the Japanese government to study the building of railroads in its minutest details. Maud Miller, daughter of Jeaquin Miller, the poet, appeared on the stage in New the People's Theater, in a "Great Wrong Righted." She did well, and had the sympathy of the house. Mrs. Hendrick's is said to be en gaged in arranging her husband's papers, which were left in some confusion ow ing to his sudden death, and it is rum ored that a life of the vice-president will be written under the direction and supervision of Mrs. Hendricks. It seems to be extremely didicult to find a suitable man who will accept the poet cf eub-Treaaurer at New York. Three Democrat hare been offered the position and declined it. At the worst the President can offer it to a Republi can. No Republican waa ever known to decline an office. Speaking of the material progress made by South Carolina during the last five yeara, the Boa to a Herald remarks with force and truth that such progress "could not be msde without the main tenance of aubstantial justice to all citizens under a reign of law and order and intelligence." mill aSBlK ii ,, , The Republican Senators are spoiling for a fight, but can't find anybody te bit. What partisan advantage can they gain over a President who sas frankly that if any of bis appoiatmsnts can be proved to be unfit he hopes they will not be confirmed T They are groping aronnd now to find Achillea' vulnerable bee!. The most accomplished public repre sentative that we have in Europe is Judge Stsile, ef Cincinnati, the United States Minister to Italy, who surprises the people of Rome by his linguistic talent. He spesks Italian, Spanish, French and German with eas,snd quotes from ths classics in Greek and Latin with great facility. The United States Ssnate undertook to frighten the President into a com pliance of their request to furnish them With his reason for suspension of Re publican office holders. He told them flat-footedly that he would not do ic, for the reason that they had no right to ark ic. When he refused they knew what the refusal meant. Par'.y feeling seems to be warming op in both the Senate and House, and tho session will bsrdly pass off without some red-hot debates. In the Ssnste the Republicans are bracing their it a jority up to a contest with the President over the offices, feat ing no doubt that if partisan feeling is net appealed to he will gain too much strength from his reform policy. In the House there is always a certain amount of gas tha must be blown off before the members are ready for werk, and the sooner tb occasion ia furnished the better will be the chance of getting some work done during the session. To the Oregonian: Do you remem ber what a terrific howl you set up some time since about Democratic local authorities in Chicago selecting a num ber of saloons as voting places in that city ? Well, you were right, for no par ty should select saloons as voting places. WeM, in Philadelphia, out of the 732 polling places 480 are in saloons. New, it might be regarded as iniareating to the general reader to know that tbe local authorities in Philadelphia which select polling places are Republicans, and may be this is the reason the right eous indignation of the Oregonian has cot yet been aroused. meiiiuiiie. The disoutsion of the prohibition of the liquor traffic attracts much atten- lion all over the oivilised world, and very new phase of the subject is taken 1 op and analyzed earnestly by every one who seeks a solution of the difficult problem. Every lover of sound moral- . - ity and material progress would rejoice coutested by four ttepuniicans. me to see the evils attending the traffio presiding offlcsr, tho Lisuteoant Gov-abated,butjsthowthisistobeaooem- emor, is a Republican. He has ren plished is the great question. Judge dertd some of the most outrageous de Brewer of the United States District cisions that any parliamentary body has Court, of Kansas, has lately rendered a ww been subjeoted too, and all for the decision whioh pltose the question be- purpose of carrying out one of the most fore the public in a materially different nefarious and damnable partisan pur light from that which it has heretofore poses, With a high hand and an utter occupied. Some time age a brewer ea- tabiished himself in the brewing busi- nose in Lawrence, Kanaas, and erected buiidinsa and machinery valued at $50,- 000. This wss before the adoption ot . . . I t.:u ir tha adnntirm nf orohibition he applied to the local an- thorities for a permit to continue the brewing businees,(wbieh might be done by one "Index" Noyes.whe went down in the discretion of local authority for to Florida in 1876 and helped steal the mechanical purposes,)but his application electortal vote of that State from Tildeo. was denied, and suit in the 8tate Court The objeot of this outrageous proceeding was instituted to roatrain him trem is more far-reaching than one could at manufacturing beer. He made appli- first imagine. The real purpose is to cation to Judge Brewer of the V. S- meke the legialature strong enough Re Circuit Court to tranafer the case to publican so thst it will by vote determ that court. Upon the hearing of this ine that fraud was resorted to in ehe application the brewer showed that as election of Senator Payne to the U. 8. long as he waa allowed to uae his build- Senate two years ago. and thus indues ings and machinery for brewing purpoe- the Senate to expel him, and then the ee thty were of the value of $50,000, legislature can elect another Republican but when prohibited from thus using Seoator. It is to be hoped thst this them they were of the value of only conspiracy will fail. $5,000. Judgo Brewer entertained the ""'mvIiStS! motion for removal of the case on the ground that the brewer bad interests It is tho duty of the member of exceeding 500 involved. In a lengthy (he County Democrat Central com decision he takea the ground that in the rail tee of each precinct to tee that caseof breweries and distilleries erected all Democrat! in his precinct regls prior to the sdoption of the prohibitory (era. Organize at once for this par legislation, while the 8tate has an un- poeo. This is a duty that canoot bo doubted right to prohibit both menu- facture and sale, it is responsible for all damage to property erected for dis tilling or brewing purposes. Brew eries and distilleries erected after the peesAge of the amendment do not come within the scope of this decision, thsir owners erecting them with their eyes wide open to the law and doing so at their own risk. This decision differs very eseentislly from the opinion of Judge Cooler, of Michigan, (one ef the ableeconstitutionsl lawyere in the country,) wbosys. that "perhaps there is no instance in which the power of the Legislature to make such rsgula tions as may destroy the value of prop erty without compensation to the owe er,appears in a morn striking light than in theee statutory prohibitory liquor laws. The trade in alcoholic drinks being lawful, and the capital employed in it being fully protected by law, the Legialature then steps in and by an enactment based open general reaaona of public utility annihilates the traffic, destroys eltogetber lbs employmeot,and reduces to a nominal value the property on band. A statute which can do tbia must be jostifisd upon the highest rea sons of public benefit ; bat, whether satisfactory or not,tbsy rest exclusively e the legislative wisdom." The msg- nitute of the interests involved is suffi cient to justify the prediction that the iquor dealers and manufactuiers will resort to every remedy known te the aw in resisting prohibition. The con- Uj a . . St test will ultimately be as outer ana un relenting as the slavery queethn was. 9BSSBaSBaSESB9E9BSBEE BATCH LIKE. Through the kindness of Senator J. N. Dolph, we find on our table a bill introduced by him on Jan. 18tb, with drawing and reserving; from settlement, occupancy, or sale,tbe tract of land em bracing townships twenty-seven, twenty - eigkt, twenty-nino, thirty, end thirty- one south, in rangss five and six east, which trsct under tbe provisions of the bill is dedicated and set epart forever aa a public park or pleasure ground aad forest reserved for tbe benefit ef the people of tbe United States. TV is tract embraces Crater Lake, which is said to outstrip in besnty and grandeur even tbe celebrated Yellowstone Park. We hope Congress will pass this bill at ones, as there are few places in all our vast domain which are worthy of being thus dedicated as a pleasure ground for the entire people of the country. The people on this coas), so far as an ex preesion bas been g en, area unit in favor of tbe passage of this bill. OflMir i liK C'ALLVa. Tbe Republican- State Cenlral com mittee has been called to meet in Port land on the 3rd of March in- the pur poeo of fixing a time and place for hold ing the Republican 8sate Convention The putting off the meeting of the committee to so late a date is a strategi move on the part of the Republican leaders, the object being to oompei tb Democrats to select an earlier date for the meeting of their committee, thus giving tbe Republicans an opportunity to call their convention to meet after the Democrats shall have made their nominations. We hope the Democratic oom mittee :!l uot be in a hurry to call our committee to meet in advance of the Republicans. Mrs. Bayard, wife ot' Secretary Bay ard, died last Sunday. Two weeks sgo her eldest daughter died and tbe mother never recovered from tbe shock. William Ewatt Gladstone, whom tbe queen of Great Britain has called upon to form a new ministry, is about 77 years old. tt EVOLUTIONARY. A bitter wrangle is going on In the Ohio State Senate over an attempt by the Republicans to get a majority ot three, where they are in as aotual mi- nority of three. The Democrats nave 20 members and the Republicans nave 17. The seats of four Dsmoorsts are . . M . . . I. H I . disregard of all psrhamentery law, ha rules that no one of the four Democrats whose seats sre contested shall be allow- ed to vote en any question pertsiniog to the contest et eitner or me omere, . . . . 4- . 1 . I and. iii fact, hel that they were not allowed to vote at all. This high bsnd ed proceeding is planned end directed neglected. A vEMcevatt remruBKM The Roseburg Review ssys The manv friends of J. P. Galbraitb, SecreUry of the Brownsville Woolen Mills, will be pleased to learn that bis name is already prominently mentioned for tenomination for the office of Clerk of that county. He is sn enterprising gentlemen of mat ked ability and much influence. Linn is one of our Demo cratic sisters upon which we can rely under all circumstances. 9sa Bisine turns op as the friend of the silver dollar. Indeed be bas never shown sny ill feeling towards a dollar of aoy kind. It is but just to Mr. Blaine to ssy that never has a poor, de salted dolisr come his way but that he took it ia and eared for iu A Chinese paper published in Hong Kong prints a rumor that the Emperor of China, who is only in bis tenth year, intends to form a matrimonial alliance and take the Government ot the coun try in bis own hands. The public debt statement for Jaau ary ahowa a reduction ef tbe public debt of $8,672,553. Mr. Donaca's boys are soma better. Willie ia abie to bo np, but John Las bad quite a siege of it, being about CO days since he was taken sick and is not able to b around yet. T. L. Brooks bas leased tbe grist mill, so we will have something to sat. I auspect that W. W. H. Las aband oned bis P. O. scheme. Somebody bas a spite at tbe dogs in this neighborhood, aa there has been ten or more poisoned. Chaa. S. is rushing bis logs to the mill, and esye he intends to build a house in tbe spring. Query: who is to be the bird? Rigge A Russell are running the aaw milt day and night. Dr. Foley and W. B. Djnsoa, of Lebanon, were in our burg last Sunday J. J. Charlton, Deputy Sheriff, passed through here last Thursday. School is in a flourishing condition under the management of Prof. Taylor, there being some forty scholars in at tendance. The Countv Court will have to do something about grading the road down to the bridge, it being solid rock will have to be blasted out. Your corres pendent thinks the bridge ought to b eight or ten feet higher, sod then it would ee no trouble to mske the road to it, but as it is will have to be lots o work done to fix the road so teams can cross on it. We had about 2 inches of snow the morning of '.he 21st, but went off the next day. Thero is considerable grumbling oser the Registry law. Some parties in this precinct will hsve to travel about 60 miles to register. O. K. Oalcville. Tbe recent snow blockade bas made a scarcity of mail at Ibis office. From what we can learn our U. S mail carrier will not be his own rue cessor, but we trust that he will, as it will be bard to find another as accom modating. Mr. Thomas demons, of Portland, is visiting bis sister, Mrs. Broyles. Our Temperance Alliance will meet on the 15th of this month to selsct delegates to the State Temperance Al liance, which meets on tbe 17th. Rev. T. J. Wilson, of Halsey, will deliver the lecture of the evening. Rev. A. M. Acheaon will be absent next Sabbath. He goes to Halsey to assist Rev, Wilson on the occasion of communion. Smut haa made iti appearance on the growing matrimonial crep in this vicin ity, two heaig fouad worthless, one badly blighted. Amicus, CORRESPONDENCE Sweet Home. Rev. Oat hoy, ef Powell's valley, who has been holding a protracted meeting at Cheadio'a school house, closed It Saturday. Dr. Powell's are enjoying a visit from Mr. Cochran, of Brownsville. Rev. E. N. Condit preached here twice on Sabbath at the 1st Presby terian Church, and Rev. Cathey held forth In the chapel at the Academy. W. B. Rice, of the O. P. R. R is in town on business connected with the road. Tuesday evening the now council unit their wives and other Invited friends wore the guests of the old council at the Exchange Iiotol, where a msgnlflcont supper had been pre pared for them by Mr. Nixon. After supper F. M. Miller called the meet Ing to order.and ox -Mayor C. H. Rat eton was nominated Chairman ef the meeting, and in a few welt chosen words welcomed tho guests. W B. Donaca,the present Msyor, responded The following toasts were proposed : Our fire department, response by F. H. Roscoe. U. 8. msll service, response by K. 10. Montague. Public roads, J. IL Burkhart. Health of the town, Dr. J. II. Johnston. Finance, W. C. Peterson. The ladies, Mr. J. Elklns. Affairs in general, F. M. Miller. Police records, (I. W. Cruson. G. W. Smith on peace and good will to all men. G. Rice on the duties of a Marshal. S. Cowar, Just In from Eastern Oregon, was called on, end gave his experience as a cow boy." After the speaking they adjourned to the parlor, where a nice social time was had. All things considered It was one of tho happy events of the town. A. Tangent. Carter Sharp contemplates on start ing a barber shop in Tangent, sa soon as his chair arrives. "Observer," in his oommnoication to the Democrat, thought it would be a good idea for these that have good horses to sell, to club together and ship to the Sen Francisco market, and we think ef recommendiog O. P. Dsnnala aa the very man to send with them. I suppose you have beard of 'Brick Dust." Wsll, be really csme to Tan gent last week. Oh, I tell you be is iollv : he likes butter, but not hair m m w dreessd or bangs. I am somewhat m appointed to find him a married roan. Cass Scott is tha same old boy. He got badly scratched on a barbed wire fence tbe other night. Lefe Smith's family have been quite sick, but they sre atl on tbe mend bow. P. W. Ryan sti'l has control of three Cbinsmen. Mr. Vea. Cannon was in Tangent ast week. We bad a dance at Mr. M ceres' last Friday night, and a real good time waa had. Y rank knows hew to get tbe boss suppers. Jesse Moaes is back among us again He is tesching music. Mr. L Francis still runs bis chopper Mart. Forester is stilt here sod sin gle, and no prospect of getting married We have a fine Braes Band, and hope they will be able to serenade the O. P. It. H. when it comes to Tangsnt. Little Sun flow en. Rook: IT ill Mr. Joe Fields, of Rock Hill, took business trip to Albany on last Tuesday. Mr. John lion was not mry better when last heard from, but we aro In hopes he will recover soon. Tnere will he a dsnce at Sodaville on the 15th of this month, when a good time is anticipated by all. Every one is Invited to come and have a good time. A dance waa bad at Mr. Hockett'a n Sodaville last Wednesday night, and a good time was had by all, so we are informed. Rock Hill school will be out In a short time, and the last day will be a good day for the children in spesklng. Every one should come out and see what Mr. Eastbaru bas done towsrds the school. If it stays good weather the farmers will soon start to plowing. The ground seems to be drying out con siderable. News is scarce here this week. A Rock Hilleu. Crow's Foot Eld. W. F. Cathey, of Powell's val ley, Clackamas county, has been bold ing meetings here, aesuted by Mrs. Manning snd Miss Cathey, a sister of tbe Elder, and have done much good. Mr. J. S. McFeron and hie sister, Mrs. Dunbsr, of Brownsville.have been with us since Friday evening. They have returned home. Also Mrs. Annie E. Manning of East fortland. she returned by rail last weik to her home. The westber hss been yery bad for meeting, but the interest has been very good. Health generally has been very good in this neighborhood. Grain looks well, and stock has rs quired very little feed ao far. Eld. M. M. Norton was with us at our meeting last night. Mr. Tbos. H. Cathev has been in at tendance during the meetings. There has never before been the bles sing of such a spiritual revival as the past few weeks. It seemed almost like one of the Wesley revivals. Ut. Supra. Good Heguit in Every Case. D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of Chattanoogo, Tenn., writes, Chat he was seriously a filleted with a severs cold that settled on his lungs ; had tried many remedies without benefit. Being induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con - sumption, die so ana waa entirety cured by the use of a few bottles, 8inoe which time he has used it in his family for all Coughs aui Colds with beat result. This is the experience of thousands whose lives have been saved by this Wonderfu Discovery. Tml bottles ree at Foshay Masan's Drug Store, Orowrissville. M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, paid oar city a vlslf Monday. Rev. W. A. Forbes, of Albtns, oc cupied the pulpit of Rev. R. Robe on Sunday morning and evening. Mr. Jan. Kulek, of Rosoburg, paid old friend n visit at this placo Ian Saturday nod Suod.iy. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Turner, of Muddy, wore vsslting relatives here ast week. Geo, C. Blakoly, whe Is now (rav eling for Stearnw, Worden & Co., stopped over Sunday here, enjoying a visit with his parents and many friends of this community. Geo, Cochran, of Tangent, has been here several days buying mutton sheep for the Portland msrket. Messrs. Dunne, of the firm of Kel- ley, Dunne A Co., and W. J. Qulnn, of Portland, wore doing our town last Thursday. Last Friduy we wore mtde happy by tho appnarance of the countenance of "Brick Dust," of Cnlckou Bristle. T. S. PiUsbury wont to Portland Wednesday morning. D. Dalglelsh, agent of tho B. W. M. Co., of Portland, was here Tues- dsy. Win. Rice, the gentlemanly trav eling freight and passenger agent of the rj. . h. K. rjo., was in our town Tuesday, looking up the business of tbat company. Win. Watson and Joseph Harrison hnvo exchanged residences, Wm. Watson moving on the farm of Mr. Harrison, sod Mr. Harrison moving Into town. The registry law meets with gener al condemnation here. The people unanimously declare it a deal cf both- er and expense without any benefi. cent results in this pert of the State. Portland may need such a law, but the rural districts have no use for such. Mr. West, of your city, was here looking after his logging Interest last week. While riding along the swol len stream, the bank suddenly gave way, letting both hore and rider into the river. They came out' 'right side np with care," but the water waa colder ttian is desirable for bath. Ing purposes. The continued high stage of the water in the channel of the Calapouia caused considerable damage to be done the banks in this vicinity. The breakwater, just above the bridge, saved that structure from being un dermined. The river washed away ft good many feet from the bank, near the residence of J. P. tjhlbralth, on account of which Mr. Galbrailh wUl move his bouse, as another such freshet would be very apt to move it down the river for him. The mill dam hss lost Its center, and It will cost considerable to repair it The Woolen Mills will not cemse operation, as its engine is in good working order, and will put it Into use whenever the scarcity of water will demand it Gooes. l'atrt iraaud. Patent- granted to citizens of the Pacific State on Jan. 12th. 1HS6, and reported ex prelv for the Dkmocsat by C- A. Snow A' Co., Patent lawycr,oppoitc I. S. Patent oflke, Washington. U. C. i E J Dciancy, San Joac, Cal., Spray uoz sic. J T Honcycutt, Vancouver, W. T-, Auto malic brake. A W Lorkhart, Stockton, Cal., Feed reg ulator. M MacDonald, Oakland, Cal., Tool. J E McLaughlin, Portland, Or., Reflector. W W McMillan, liurleton, OL Apple parcr and lkcr. H W McSral, Fcrndale, Calf wearier. W Dage. Big Trce,Cal.,0cil!aUng aw tooth. F G Watcrhoue,Sacramenlo.Cal.,Electric lamp. Sheriff's Sale. the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for LtttH County. Z F Moody. Governor, R P Karhart, Sec retary c rotate and Kdward Hirsch, Treas urer of the Ntate of Oregon, constituting the iioard of Commissioners for tho sain of school lands and the msnairement of the common school fund, Plaintiff, vs. Lucinda McDermed (Charles Kimball, Luella Kimball, Emma Kimball. Frank Kimball. Dollle Kimball, May Kimball, and - Kimbail, children of Lydla KUen Kimball, nee Mcuermed, deceased.) Ardella Backus and Levi Backus, her husband, Hardin Dawson, Melville Daw son and Dawson, bis wife, William Dawson, and Dawson, his wife. Melissa Payne and Morgan Payne, her husband.and Molllogawortb, Hollingsworth and Holllngswortb, childien of Mary Jane Hollingsworth, deceased, Defendant. NOTICE Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution end an order of sale issued out of tbe above named Court, in tbe above edtitled action, and to me direct ed and delivered, I will on Monday, the ist aay or March, isu, at one o'clock, p, ra., at tbe Court House door, in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at public auction, for cash iu hand, to the highest bidder, sell the real property described in said execution and order or sale, as follows cowic : jliog six io) in uioca sso one hundred and nine (100) in Hacklemau's addition to tbe City of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, The proceeds of sale to be applied : First to the payment of the costs and disbursements of this suit taxed at 45.18 and tho costs of this sale. Second to the payment of Plaintiff claim, to-wit sie.i, witn interest at ten per cent per annum from January 11th, 1886. Thlr J the overplus if any tone paid to Lucinda ACciJermed ner heirs or aslgns, Dated January 26th, 1888, J. K, Charlton. Sheriff of Linn county, Or. per Jas, J. Charlton, Deputy. OCHSON'b Q CUT CDC C Spring ilndlum. OCR I rllCE mer, IBB, ready March 10th, to sny address. Illustrates and lists every thing for Ladies', Gents. Children' and Infants' wear and Housekeeping uooas, at prices tower man uiose 01 iiny noun in tno united states Complete funded. II. V Mutlafaelii or money re- eta Ave. as u, No . Cits. 0. P.Tompkins COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT, Of all kinds of merchandise a M it - mi Ail oraers irom me country filled on short notice for every class or kind of goods from first-class stock. Absolutely no charges or commission will be charged ror nuing oraets, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentice's, Portland, Or K HOFFMAN & JOSEPH, PROPRIETORS OF- Albaiy Soda Works, And Manufacturers ef- OHQIOS CONFECTIONERY, CONSISITNO OF I'uro stick, assorted flavors, mixed drops, tar drops, horebound drops, out I n saps, extra French mixed, chocolate creams, chocolate squares, chocolate mice, decorat ed pears, decorated faces, almond bars, fruit squares, apple slices, cream dates, assorted ,caromeiM, mscaronl,cooonut halls, coconut hrllllantjcream mice, cream hearts. A line assortment of large HEARTS AND TOYS In endless variety. THE ABOVE CHOICE CANDIES We are now prepared to sell at whole sale, always fresh and pure at Fortland prices to dealers, we also Keep a run line ef Nuts and Tropical Fruits, ITV GROCERIES, We keep a full line, always fresh and at very low prices. . -OUR- OIGAR AND TOBACCO department Is complete. We keep tbe very finest stock of smoking and chewiog tobaeno, meerschaum and brier plpea thai Is a delight to smokers. JMaMII I. KaW OUR RTAB eet. 10 cent REJADIJ A, BOttft PUNCH sVeerat c Itt AR. Aad a floe assortment of IMPORTED CIQAR8. THE NEW FIRM -AT- Having this day disposed of our mer catitil intmntmlM In lbenon to Msre Churchill A Monteitb, we ean cheerfully I reeow mend them to our old patrons aa worthy of conlidcnce and to all whom it may concern. 4, Im to w Lebanon, Dec. 24th, 1885. Ju referring to tbe above notice we desire to state that we ahall at once pro ofed to stock np with a foil line of new and desirable goods, including a complete investment of groceries which will be sold at bottom price. CnoncmtLA MoKTBrTH, Ibanon, Dec. 24th, 1885. Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR OF- STAR BAKERY, Crner Broadalbin and First 8ts.f -DEALER IS- 4'ftuneU FrntU, Causae! Meal, fclaaawtaee Dried Frails, Tobracco, fcagar, 4DesTee)v Et (larraiwarr, Vegetables, Clear Mot t?SMSt Tea, Etc.. In fact everything tb. Is kept in a gen era! variety and grocery store. Highest market price paiu ror ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. market price paid for Oregon Pacific Railroad. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO SAN FRAN CISCO VIA. YAQUINA Train Leave C orvralll. Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday, at 9 a. at. ' J w m - Travlae Leave Yaqulua. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 8 a. m. The fine 1 1 Shamir "Yaqumoaus rtott TAUMS- rom nusctsoo, Monday. February 1st. PMeSt February. 6U. Tucrtv, February 1SB Wednesday. February lXh Fndsy. February SSU. Niutrday, reoruuTr anti. Htavh 1th. Weci!ir.l) , Msrcn 3ru. Frldav. March ltth. Tuesday, March 3rd. adnsMay. Mareit ww. Sunday, March itelh Tho Company rrtsryei tho riht to change tailing davt. Fakes- Cahin, U S lev cam, S7 ; Ireisbt at reduc ed and moderate rat. Hirer boaUoa the WulamcKte connect at Corrallie Low farm and rate. For further mtormiUun ap ply to r. r. Moti a. A. O. F. aad P. Agent, Crr allls. A M MUNITION. A full sunoly of the usual sizes of r e tridtres, br-m and paper shells, pri wads and bar lead. Also tne o eat der. Paraee A stmwart. X HK BEST THI NO OUT, ths Acme Harrcsr and no farmer can well afford to be without it. It ia the very best clod crusher and pulveriser, leaving the round as level aa a barn Boor. Bold only y Peters at Stewart. Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed Administrator of the estate of J. H. Moore, deceased, has riled his final account as such Administrator ia the County Court u ihompson, deceased, HaSSMMil icker ,.(!;.,.. nm),r n...r. .I v -.1.- I son. Jaanar Thomoson. Jamei r lhoinoson. said Court, Monday tho 1st day of February. 1880, at the hour of nine o clock, a. m., haa been set for hearing objections to said as count and the settlement thereof. Any per son interested in said estate is hereby notin- ed to appear and rile his or her objections to said account on or before said day. Dated December 29th, 1885. Levi Douglas, A-lTiiniatraior. s AWS, AXES, ETC we will sell vou the famous Disston Champion oross-out saw at a low figure, aad can give you good prloe on axes, sledges and wedges. Pbtkrs A Sthwart. NOTICE. To Tax-Prers. The County Court has placed in my hands a warrant for the collection of the taxes charged in the tax roll of 1885, and if the same is not paid by the 1st of February, I will bo compelled to prooeed to collect the same by law. January 12th, 1885. J. K. Cuaelton, Tax Collector. IHE BEHTSriOT IM TOWN Can bo found at our store. The shot usually sold in Albany drops 75 feet, while the Sc. Louis shot sold by us drops 200 feet, making it equal to chilled shot. Sportsmen should not forget this. Parnsasi A SrawAnT. JJLACKSMITH'S OUTFITS, Anvils, vises,ballows,hammers, sledges, stocks and dlosand almost every tool used by blacksmiths we keep constantly on hmd, Also a full stock of iron .of all sixes, horse shoes and horse shoe nails. Special prices made on small outfits for farmers use, PJBTSRS & STHWAR-5, New Goods. L. E. BLAIN Has the Largest and Best stock f Clothing In the Central Willamette Valley. Mis stock of BOOTS and SHOES, either for slae or quality, is not equalled in Linn county, Bought for cash and sold cheap. Hie. Department ia complete with the latest and best style. Ills Furnishing Goods, are tbe very beat, embracing tbe tales H l MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT undertthe charge of W. R. Graham, an ex pen tailor, naa no superior in uregon, Splendid line of domestic and imported auttlngs always in stock. 1 i a ektm SCOtt S JN 6 W Gun Store, HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSMEN, o TNE LEADING GUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITIONS RIDGES, SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT ING MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At tbe most reasonable prices, always in stock, Repairing done on short notice. Willamette valley nlmroda should never buy without calling on W. B. SCOTT, atXpposite Revere House, AlLany, Or. Summons. the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for . tun Countv. W H Rowland, Plaintiff, vs. R H Price Administrator of the estate of H Joh M Thompson, Geo B rbempson, , Joseph A Thompson, Isaac VanNostern, William Van No tern, George VanNostern, Jas. VanNosteru Arvilla VanNostern and Da vid VanNostern, Defendants. To Isaac VanNostern, William VanNos tern, George VanNostern, James VanNos tern, Arvilla VanNostern and David Van Nostern, six of the above named Defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon . You and each of you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the motion of now 0n file in the office of the County Clerk Df Linn countv. Oregon, on or before the tne rial nuu in me auove euuueu acuon first day of the regular March term of said Court to be begun and held on the second Monday, the 8th day of March, A. D. 1SS6, in the Court House, in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, after publication of tnia Summons for six consecutive weeks ; or judgment will be taken against yon, reviving a judgment against the estate of H D Thompson, deceas ed, whioh waa rendered against deceased in his life the Justice Court on the 25th day of January, 1876 in the Justices Court for ths Precinct of Brownsville in Linn county, Oregon, for the sum of $142.80 and for the sum of $42.80 disbursements taxed in said action and accruing interest from the rendition of said judgment and for costs and disbursements to be taxed in this proceeding and for leave toisjue execution, to satisfy said judgment against the property belong ing to the estate of H D Thompson, deceased. This Summons is published by order of Hon. R. P. Boise Judge of laid Court which order bears date Jauuary 23th, 1886. J. J. Whitney, L. H. Montanye, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ON'T FORGET IT. If you try to build now while wheat IV only worth 64 cents you should by all means go to Peters A Stewart's, at Albany for your hardware. You ean get what you want at their store and a i reasonable figures, Sheriffs Sole, In ihe Circuit Cowl of the Slate Oregon for County ef Linn, 7j. F. Moody, Governor, R P Ear hart, Secretary of the Stato.and Edward Hirach, Treasurer of the State of Oregon, consti tuting the Hoard of Commissioners for the sale of school and University lsnds and tor the investment of tbe funds arising therefrom, Plaintiff. vs. J W Gilrnore, J T Gllmoro, Nancy Daren - Jort and T w Davenport, tier husband, dartha Kirkendall and Nathan Kirken 01), her husband, Harah Oasslday and L Cassiday, her husband, Elizabeth Whesv ton and David Wheal on, her 1 as band, James Gllmore and M A Gilmore, his wife. John ollrrore, William Gilmore, J U Wvatt, E A flawley, ffenry Click, and O B Montague, and K J Lanning Admin istrator of toe estate of Jane A Gilmore, deceased, Defendants, T0TICE is hereby given that by virtue X 1 of an execution and an order of sale Mued out of tne above named Court in the above entitled action and to me direct ed and delivered, I will on Saturday, the 2dth day of February, 1880, at one o'clock, p. m , at tbe Court flense door, in Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, at public auctioa, for cash in band, to the hisbeet bidder, sell the real estate described ia said execution and order ot sale as fol lows, to-wit : Beginning at tbe northeast corner of Section 5 in Township 12 south, range 1 west, ef tbe Willamette meridian, in Linn county, Oregon, and running, thence east 20 chains ; thence south 46 chain ; thence west 40 chains ; tbence north 7 'A chains ; thence west 2)4 chains ; thence north 38 chains to the Township line oa north boundary ef Tp. 28, R 1 W; then- east ZVA chains to the place of be Snning, containing 200 sores, more or ee. The proceed of sale to be applied : First to the payment of tbe casta of tui suit, taxed at- f 107. 12, and the costs of making thin sale. Second to .he payment of the amount due the Plaintiff herein a certalned, to-wit : 9973.58 with accruing interna thereon at tbe rate or ten per cent per annum, and the further sum or fed Attorney's fees. Third, the residue, if any, to be paid to E. J Lanning, Admin istrator of .he estate of Jane A Gil mere, deceased Dated this 20th day of January, 1888, J. K. Caaftirov, Sheriff of Linn coonty. Or ego n, per Jas. J. CsAittresr, Depot v. Sheriff's Sale. In the CirrnU Ckmrt ef tike State of Oregon foe the County of Ltnn : J L Miller. Plaintiff. vs. Win ft Robertson and Julia A Robertson. his wife, Defendant. NOTICE 1 hereby given thai by virtue of an execution and an order of sale issued out cf the above named Court In the above entitled action and to me direct ed and delivered, I will on Saturday tbe zotn day or February, lsse, at one o'clock, E . ui., at tbe Court House door, in Al an y, Linn county, Oregon, at public auction for cash in band to the highest bidder sell the real property described in stud execution and order of sale as fellows to wit: Tbe southwest quarter (X) of Section thirty (SO), Township nine (f) soutn, range two m eaat of tbe Willam ette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 162 73 100 acres, Tbe pro ceeds or sale to be applied : first to tb Iy merit of tbe coats aad disbursements of this suit and of making this sal. Sec ond to the payment to J L stiller tbe sum of S7C and accruing interest thereon at ten (10) per cent per annum from the 27th day of November, 1885, and tbe further sum ef STS Attorney's fee. Third the overplus if any there be to be paid to Wm It Robertson, iated this 20tb day of January, 1883. J. K. CHASX.TOI, fVheriff of Linn county, Or per Jas. J. Cha.ri.to9, Deputy. Sheriff's Sale. the Clteuit (hurt of the. State of Oregon for the County of Linn, : L Pleiscbser sad C, H. Lewis, Plaintiffs. Alexander Sumpter, Jr., aad Lydia F. Sumpter bis wife, Gecrge L Hebbard aad J. W. Braxce, Defeudante. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and an order ef sale issued oat of the above named Court is the above en titled action, and to me directed and deliv ered, I will on Saturday, the 13th day of February', 1886, at one o'clock, p. m., at tb Court House door, in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at public auction, for cash in hand, to the highest bidder sell the real property described in said execution and order of sale as follows, to-wit : The west half of Claim No. 68, Notification No. 1594, being a part of Sections No. 21 and 28 in Township 10, south of Range 2 west of the Willamette meridian situate, lying and being in linn county, Oregon and containing 160 acre, more or less, the proceed or sale to be ap plied : First to tbe payment of costs and charges of making such sale and the coats and dtsbursemente of this suit in Court above mentioned. Second to the payment of the sum due L. Fleischner,to-wit,$1327 23 and interest thereon from October 29th, 1885, at one per cent per month until paid and the further sum of $120 as Attorney's fees. Third the overplna, if any there I -e, to be paid Csorge L. Hebbard and J. W, Bra sec Dated January 12th, 1886. J. K. CUAKLTOS, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, per Jas. J. i'n aui ;os. Deputy. Sheriff's Sale. the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Wm. Miller, Plaintiff. vs. Mary E Miller, Lilly J Miller, a minor and Geo a Miileras Administrator of the estate of Andrew Miller, deceased, Defen dants. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue at an execution and an order of sale issaod out of tbe above named Court in the above eutitled action and to me direct ed and delivered, I will on Saturday tbe 27th day of February, 1886 at 1 o'eloek p. m., at the Court House door in Albany. Linn couuty, Or., at public auction for cash in hand to tho highest bidder, sell the real property described in said execu tion an order of sale as follows, to wit : The west M ef the east H of the east K cf tbe donation land claim of E C Officer and wife Notification No. 1592 in Tp.10 S R 2 west of the Willamette meridian In Linn county, Qjegon, containing 80 acres. The proceed of sale to be applied : First to tbe payment of the costs and disbursement of this suit taxed at $25.80 and the costs of this sale. Second to the payment of Plaintiffs claim amounting to S2o7.5u and interest thereon from January 18th, '886 at 12 per cent per annum. Third the overplus if any to be paid to Geo A Miller as Administrator of the estate ol Andrew Miller, deceased. Dated this January 26th, 1886. t . J. K, Charlton, Sheriff ot Linn county, Oregon. per Jas. J. Charlton, Deputy. QUTLERY OF ALL KINDS, We keep the best stOvk of cutlery in the vahey, Pocket knives and razor a sp, ciauy. jjou'C Duy anything in thvs lin wituout calling on us first. Petkrs A Stwwart. JJOPK AND CHAIK. ' Of all sizes, as well as halter chains, cow ohaiuH, dog ohlnt, rope halters, etc., for sale by Peters A Stewart. 00 O O O o O O oo Oregon Kidney Tea! Nature's on remedy Will suedlly relieve and nennanantiv K K K K KK K Iv K I cure all tha various (liffiealtlea ariuki from a disordered condition of the LIVER AND KIDNEYS. It is perfectly harmless snl ean be hf? the m0Bt delicate woman or child. For aale by all drueista, Saetl, lleiinbn Wovdard. Wholesale Agent. TTTITT T T T T TOR SAL11 One half block iu eastern part of the city with fair house and bars will be scud oheap