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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1886)
Catrea 9f mtt U. P. Cetcncu. Preaching a very Sabbath, t 11 a. and 7 r. . . by jfcrg. ft Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath Sohool at 2:30 p. h Prayer meeting avery Wednesday evening. Kvakobucai. Church. Pitching on Sab Vath at 10,30 a. m. , aad 7 f. m. Sabbath School 11:41. Prayer meeting evary Wed nsslay evening 7:30. 8. B. Davis, pastor. All are invited. CoManioATto.t alCuu nni. Ssrvioss every Sabbath as 11 . M. and 7 r. at. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thureday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. K. Chdck,8octh. Preaohing every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock a, M. Sab bath Sohool at 10 o'olook A. at. Prayer meeting every Thureday evening at 7:90 o'olook. F. M. Oulp, Pastor. M. E. Church South, Tanqemt. Preach ing every Sabbath at 3:30 o'olook.P. M. Sab bath Sohool at 2:30 o'olook, r. MU F. M. Oulp, Pastor. M K nunarm Preachinir everv Sabbath A II . at ..! 7 t m Mnna BATVloe US he evuning before sermon. Sabbath school t 56.30 r. M. I'rayer meeting every inure- ay evening. Rev. H. t Webb, pastor. Prshbttkkiam Churobs. Ostlioa every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbin and Fifth Sta. Sunday Sohool . . -iii n m l'r&ver meetinjr every Wednesday evening. Rev. Isaao H. Coudit pastor. First Baptit Church. Preaohing star Siiiuti at 11 o'clock, a in. .at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath Sohool immediately after morning Bemoan: Prayer meeting e erv Tk.r..l&u vnitcr at 7:30 o'clock. T O drownson, pastor. "OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA Oroffon & C iliiornia K. K, AND CONNECTION. Fare from Portland to San r rands . a3 ; w o.urr men to JJ. Close connections made at Ashland with stage,' of the California, Oregon and Idaho Stage company. (DAILY JEXCEPT SUHOAYIO feast tide I Isloa. BBTHEKI rOBTLAMB AX AHMLAXB. stall Tram. LBAVB. Portland 7:30 A M Albany IMS r a Afhland t:ad r a Albany r a AaaivB. Albany 11:44 a a Ahland t:l A a Albany 11:4 aa lvnland ,4:tf ra Albany Eiprw Train. ,..!. asjuvb. i. ........ i i-ftfl m I Alhanv 8:34 r M rvi .1 ik . . . . . . I - Albany Mrul Lebanon. .tjSO r u Lebanon 4.45 A a I Albany .MS AS Albant 4.SU a a Portland 10:06 a M Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars dally between Al- SL. .. I i u U m-tr-a MMlvtitl1 With all the regular trains on the East Side Division from feet at r i rest. Wtil Hide Blvlaleaii BLIlHa lfBTLANB AMB COR V ALUS, Mall Train. UBAVB ABAIV8 . i s ai . w i i.mllU 4:90 t - - h-:so a m Portland A:w t a tx press Train. . Aaaira. Fwuaad 5:00 r a 1 McMiaatlUe M00 r a u.u .in. k a . m furtland 8.30 A a Local tickets for sale and bafgane checked at eas asanas 'at itit tuarn .ill. 1 f Sf-aVTH fAlIU HtCVlU trBl E Zm -"'-"-" ia in Oalifornia can only be i - n ! .1. .1 r.un'i ilea ;-..r.'r v An.lKrlm. s Portland Or. Freia-ht will net be received for ahlpeaent alter art o ewca y. oa either lb East or R. KOEULER, IfABSgBS E. P. SOGERS, O. F. APsssArent. A, 0, U. W. Members wishing employment or desiring help, will please call at Read & Brownell s j Btore and register their names. By Order or Looes, California Wire Works, til lUIKT SHEET, US FUSCISCO. MASt'VAcrvaaaa or WIRE AHD BYERYTHIHB II WIRE. UVrl WseBarlerBBlest lowest Bfure JXUUOU HUH X4pouitrrtralari Betas; regularly we guar against Oaniages. Bailing Wire "I'v if! t"BBSatf r all W;M Unffnn- ARassBsasB wWthaalTwalsed RU0 flOljUlU after 4s,inr peeduy Winn ninth Of all kiads for fruit dry en, tbrwl.- flUO U1UUU era, aai i isf srs, laaSSB vr ttt: - - --- 1 HOP HirtJ kie kwtfthe speeSUly for tae purpM flVB-,ri AiU all otW kiadsof Uape for T7iftwi,rl T inno For Uyto out nne rde, dl- liUVjaiU 1UUO0 tided ui tttetaaoe a a BBM of u wire, ORNAMENTAL AND USEFUL WIRE AND IRON WORKS. NTE Wa mast f as! bib BUBsastmnn by son a mlactur. and atll yon better anode ss a lower 30 000 CASES OF RECTAL DISEASES, AS riles, Ee lal I leers, riaaires, Prarlta. Anl, rislnias In Ana. rslysms, Beetl, Etc., tie.. Cured iu sis years by the BrlnawrkeaT Systran. Dr. J. R PilkinirUiri. Froorietor of the Portland Bye and fcar saMrawary anal fUaltarlnsa fur AerVMUS IMkeaaee hue been acpoiuted agerit and ph icaii for tin iyteu in Orexon and V . T. Mo severe surtfleal oiM-ratlen, pain, las r Utewd- in two montUa bafe cureJ eereral cmim in liih operations with the knife bare only doix. injury. Am oeru-ltted to refer to Mr. Jss. W Wcatti erforU, druzifi.t, formerly of alem, Mr. Frank Oaid ner, luachineet, Mr. R. A. Rampy, HarrUburf aim others. Wi'l meet patients at the Revere Howe Al bauy, from Tuesday noon, Feb. 2, to Wednes day noon. Fere. Z, 18&6. Address for pamphlet, etc. J.B. PILKINCTON, M. D.. PURTLANU, ORKUON. THE DR, LIEBIC Private Ulspeasary, Geary bt., hsn Francisco IN Cat Conducted by Qualified Pbyakdaas and Burgeon-regular rrad nates. &l IBB Oldest specialiste In the United btatca, life long experience, perfect method and pure medicioe, insure tpeedy and permanent eures of all Private, Chronic and Nervioua DlsessrB. Affectione of the Blood, .LI.. IflAlmm H...A..r ...... Ulcers, Uld Horee. tiwelUng' of the . UlanSS, Sore Mouth, Ihroat Bone ppains,permanent,y cured and erseu- cated from the nytm for life. NKBVlOi H Debility, Impoteney, Seminal iMmnem, tiexual Decay. Men tal and Physical Weakness, FaUiDg Meniory, w eak Eyes, Stunted Ue Yelopment.lnipediuients toMsrrisge etc., from excess or youthful follies. 1 1 any cause, speedily, safely and privately cured. loaug, MlddlcAged and Old men, and all who seed medical skill and experience, consult the old European Physician at once. His opinion costs nothing, and may avs future misery and shame. When Inconvenient to visit the city for treatment, medicines can be sent everywhere by expres free from observation. It is self-evident that a pliy.ician who gives his whole attention to a clae of diseases attains great skill, and physicians through out the country,knowing this, frequently recommend dim :ult cases to the oldest specialist, by whom every known good remedy is used. The Doctor's sge anu experience make his opinion of supreme importance. aW Those who call see no one but the Doctor. Con sultatione free and sacrodly confidential. Cases which hve failed In obtaining relief elsewhere espec Islly solicited. Female diseases successfully treated. Tha Doctor will aeree to forfeit 11,000 for s case un dertaken, not cured, Call or write. Hours, daily ,from tf a. m. to 4 p. m., 6 to 8 evenings ; gundsyt, 10 to 12 only. Send for the Sanltariet Quids to Health, s jut tree. Address as abov DB. LIEBICi'S: Wonderful 4ieranan Invlgerater Peraianeutly. prevents all Unnatural Losses from the sy stem, tones ths nerves, strengthens the muscles, ehe'-k the wssU, invigorates ths whole system 'and rastores the nfrticted to Health and Uappineae. I'll i reason so many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakness, Loss of Msnhood. etc., is owing to s com plication, called Prostatorrhee with Hyperaethssia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Llebig's In rator is the only positive cure for Protetrrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used at the Liebig DhMMary, Price or Invlxnratur, 01. Case of six bottles fi'i Hntto any address, covered securely from ob ervation. Most powerful electric belts free to patients Te prove the wonderful power of the Invigorator. A 99 Battle silvan or Seat Free. Consultation free and private. Ceil or address MKBIfi BISPEMSABY, 400 Oearr Street, Seu Francisoo, Cal. rrivste sntraa-ie, 405 Mason Street, four blocks up esry Street from Kearney, Main sntrancs isrouga Isjisnsarv Drug Store. C0RVALLIS.YAQUINA SAN FRANCISCO, -VIA..'- Oregon Pacific Railroad, -A.IT33 STEAMSHIP LINE. Trains on and after Deo. 15th. reaee Corvaltle 1 uesday, Thursday, Saturday A. at Leave Ysquiua Monday, Wednesday, Krlilay, B A. ML SAtaa Between Corvallis and San Francisco First-class and Cabin passage. $14 KiraUolasa and Steeraue naasBfre mi Grain per loo 2000 lbs 94 50 Thus saving to the farmers and merchants of the valley thousands of dollars. Willamette Riyer steamboats will hereafter connect with trains at Corvallis. This new line is prepared to transport all the freight and passengers offering. WALUS NASH, Vine President. CHAS. G. HOGUE, A. O. P. F. Agent CORVALLIS, OREGON. AMERICAN FARMER To all our Subscribers I All our aubacribera who will pay their tubacription accounts to this paper in lull to dalo, and one year in ad vance, will be presented with ona year's aubaorip tlon to THE "AMERICAN FARMER t A aixtAAn-nam AirricuUurnl Maaaaln published by K. A. K, Hacked, at Fort Wayne, Indiana, and which ia rapidly takitur rank aa eneof the lendlnff Afrricuf- lunl mitiliratinna a tha couulrv. It Is devoted MU-luHivtdy to the Intereata of the farmer, Block breeder, dairyman, garuen sr. and their household, asd every specie nriniiuatrv mnnscui vvuii mat creat nor . . I . . I A. A. ism ni tha ruutnlaf tha world, the farina era. The subscription price is one aoiisr per year. Farmer can not well gat along without It. It put new laeas into tnetr minds. It teaches them how to farm with profit to themselves. It makes the borne happy, the young folks cheerful, the n-mwler contented, the downcast tutPPT and ths denisgosmo norest IMMUNITY from ANNOYANCE 2tatle onlr of tKe Ba-t and best qwal. tty of U Lass lor UOainaacun; nests. Every good thing? la Ootmtcr fcitod, and oonsumers are OAU TIONflD BgrsinBt IMITATION3 of these OhimnovB made of VERY POOR GLASS. See that t ho exact label ia on each chimney aa above The Pearl Top ia always clear and aright Glaes. Mannntetn re?d OXI.Y by GEO. A. Hi AC BETH & CO. PtttssMitvlB ad Cilaaa Worsts. FOa SALE BY DEALBBS. Db.SAN Jx jnst yrhit its Bsac irr. . : a rurel vegetable Ccpc ;: V. .t acts directly upon the L'irc r ; c . 3 the many diseases vx W bAM. t .. portant organ, and mjkktisz tbe M- sucioas aui:i deranged or l)yspepsi ticn, s-:li as JGice. li..icnsnr!Sf. CoslVenes hVtdi .iria. lekhArm. f EhetataaApeta It is t!::refcrca trinsntMr"To hi . e Good Health the lihTTxiust be Izpt b crdcr." BE. 8AUrOED'3 LI' I ?. II'VIOOEATOE Invigorates the hm .-. . ;;!;;; a ihe Bow els, Strengtliens (b . f- u ..1. Purifies llio Blood , Assists DiifM ': :, Pr vc ; Fev r. Is a HousehoM Kttd. Aa fcrshtabli Family Medicino for r'vri:r:i ! : - LintaV T2. BAlTr02D'8 UTS'il IZVltQlLZZSL Jin experuniG tf Frtj yar$, an) Tt'U tandttf Tcttirrvniitl' proti iU i ' : ;!. a sVOIt BALK BY ALT, HV.i. f.h I . ' ::i. For f nil inform -ion t f iXJ pagoIJookrm f'-.o "T :'' to BH.sAJtren u uva. ..., es Must etas, The BlVERg' OHDE fa issued March and Sept., each year. r 230 pa(es, 8 y x i sic lies, with over 3,000 Illustrations n whole Picture Gallery. GIVES Wholesale Prices l litre to con a intra on all Roods for peraonal or family use. Tells hour to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or hare fun frith. These ISTVALUABLK BOOKS contain information gleaned from the markets of the world. We xv 111 mull a copy PRKK to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 el, to defray expense of mailing:. It us hear from won. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. St? dc 229 Wabasfc Arcane, Chicago, UL N. J. HENT0N, Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR. Represents se veral of the best Fire In suranoe Companies on the Coast. Call him for reliable insurance. on Fa Ps NUT1 IMCssi Uufon Insurance Co., sardta! 40,0yo,l00. Insure in an absolutely safe Cssspany BB H fA'sfifA t "j Bp: (SW-isV WORTHY Of Goniidouco. AVCD'C laiasnartllfthttvatHWi luotli it. HTtn Oihniiir iKurlv 40 Tra,la i il pnrt of l ho WOl'Ui, Iiuh prm nl I. I Itr- caay ns tho iioxt liioutl ulu'iuih i kaovvti to uicUicul Hckjucc. SARSAPARiLLA tiiXW goiiulna llontlui'iiM BttrMsnsrllls) In u Wic, riml Its powi-rs niT mliuMml In thooxtntcts of Yt-llow 1k K mill fciill lluxls, the Iwlliloa of I'oIiiinIuiii ntnl Iron, nutl othor noti nt In riMlii nt-. IS your blootl vltlulnl ly iK'niiurfiwhl of the (listiva mul iiirliiillnloi v fmif tloiH? Is It t.ilflli il hv Ht'ioriilit? or duos It contalu tho tolou of Mercury or Contagious limiour TUr Irodiiig pliyNlcluiis of Iho I'lilful I H C. StatcN, who know tho eosanoatttoH of Aybu's s AU.H.W tuii.i . Miy Hint nothhur clan no Koodfnr the iut'IU'tr tlon of Lhe blood U wlihiu tho ran;;t- of phartnaey AMI V ,,v ,ho UM ot rpnWHb' I UiIIbI posalhlo for n person who hr.t oorruptvd blood to nltiiliiMniiid honliQ and prevent trnuHmlasUin of tho structtve taint to poMtcrlty. YUADAIICUI V D I nUnUUtinLT of tlio svmimu imi t Include not only tho rvmotnl of cor rupt Ion frurn tho blood, but it a enrich in. lit Slid IhO Mivn ,th iiin ; of tllO vital organs, npi bsdi P witnesses, nil owr tho nbLIADLL woild. ic-tifv ilmt thf-4 worklsbetter accoinpllhcdJy Avrn's Hausai'auill.v thiui by uuy oih r remedy. t . . ... Dl Aftfi (hst Is corrupted iluou-h li -tSLUUU case is mado pure, ami llo ( weakened through diminution of the red corpuscles is mndo strong, by AYKIl'S DAH8APAIttt.l.A. BHDirviilC ,H0 blotMi nmi buikllti't rUKIr TlHu up the syatctn ifmilrti tlirw In acrloui cjimh, but .benefit xtl!l tw dorivetl from tho iim of Aykm h HARSArAHiLLA moro hpmlll.v Ihii.l f rum anything elae. SfffllAlilC forvvUleh Hkerfrcc! RlkUIUIIlCi fajswly elalliiiil. i. . ! dantlntho market, under iniinv ii.mii . but tho only prepnrnln Hint iuHMo l thu teat of time, and proved wort!'. i the world's coufidence, Is Ayer's Sarsapariffa, PREPARED BY Dr. 4. C. Ayor A Co., Lowell. Mats. Soklbyalldrutntlsts: Price 1; ix bottles for $3. Sheriffs Sale. In As CirtuU Court athe .S'nls o Ortji Linn County. J, H. Glass and W H Oiass, partners so dor the firm nams and style ot uisss Bros., Plain tifls. YS J. C, Morgsn snd 1J. Dearmond.pnrtnars under ins firm nams and style or Morgan x ttearruood, Defsndanta. NOTICE la hereby given that by virtue of an execution issued out of the above named Court in the above entitled action and to me a l rooted and doiivorsd, 1 have levied upon, and on Hsturday the iu uaj eauiiary. iwu, v one " oi'h-s, P. m.. at the Court House door In Albat'V. I.inn county, Oregon, at public auotien for can in nana is the nigheat tiidue , 1 win sell the following deacribed real estate, to ff it : The east H of the south west 'A and the southeast .'' of the northwest 'A of Section 5, Township 16 south, range 1 wt. containing VM acres more or ieaa in Linn ooustT, Oregon. The proceeds of sain to be applied : First to the payment of the ooexe or suit taxed at 923.00 end the oosta of this asJe. Second to the payment of f isinurra claim, to-wlt : 1226.33 nod in teraat at ten per cent per annum from Oct. 31at,ltjSS. Third the rsmsiudar if any to bo paid to too Defendauta J. C. Morgsn ana u. j. ueermona or their leant repre- sentauvBSh Deled this Uth day of December, 1386. J . K. CKAtsivroM, Sheriff of Linn county. Oregon, per J as. J. Chabxtom , Deputy. yo 3b-5 . I . S nsrvisi Lata. m. I---.-- MsrSss 0 ar. Sn4 a H. CO., Detroit, Mtohlajnn. " , IP 20 YEARS IN USE. The Greatest Medical Triumph ef the Agsl SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. I.4H.rnprilie, Uowrteeoetlve, Pata tti tbs beau, with n dull eeassitlea la tb Lnrk eon, I'm In under the ebealeer t?itd, l'uliucae after sallae. with a ells I t '.Inntlen te exertion of ho4f or sales, I . rimblilt y f Irnper, Low spirits, with r rvi liitavetf bavins Mfmstas eeassdacv, irlaeaSf lllr.rinesa, Flaiirrlac at the 1. Data before the eyes, Headache over i!te rlabt ere, Ueetleeenees, wtta d it runs, Illghlr celered I'rlae, and CONSTIPATION. TTJTT'H ItL,nSarespeeIntly a1apted to such caatta, one doso effects such a r' f c li'rttHtnntonlshtsnfrerer. increase the A ppetite, and cause the '1'nb.o o 11 r'leaH.thu the sv.tem l sUeri.r.v.1 by ih ir Tosste Aetiajs oa ret I vr. Organs, ReaMtar Stools sre I GitiV ll:r.i or Wiiiskcrs ohsngni U 11 :!j-,r lu.'fK by a aiule application of '.' r. It Imparts a UKtnraf color, acts infancmtaljr. Hold by Druggists, or t : 1 1 bv ixiirca on receipt of $1. iTioo, 44 Murray St., New YorBa Did you Sup pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. TRIAL Emkace. A Raw cal Curb KEB.VOVS UKHIl Cnraalcfi v DECAY, ,bYaM2 TtSTtD son fEARBBVUBK Thousand Casta. TflWA-TMjEyV. vo Months. Scares JCenths, .aco. Notice of Dissolution. a 1 he firm of Davis Bros. A Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent, J. W. Kill son retiring. All persona Indebted to said firm are requested to eslt and settle at ence. . fehedd, Deo. 24ih, 1885 1.1 a aar a sr aaS WIAWVM. SKEBSL UV aS. siiUlly s D. 1st. FCRRY 'S PILLS mm m worn sn m too nee iadalaenee, ot WiM lions ta&saVss rtjF fies BBSBB troubles. Get oar rrae MMfSct br&rc takteneat- uhMwTamVr aoaasads. loe. Htion to SystacM, or esase talis or uconveDlenesia H6he ry of dssMe ktajfvHSBursl ftrastMsortae aa. M aomrifeUiints KaWnsslaa atainvsn bsk juid 3 OOSAMihs pstleafbceooMsehMC Fit ID AY JANUARY 15, 1886 TSMFEEAN08 DSPARTIfaT, KD1TKD BY TBS Wibci'i CkrlitiiB Ttmperiaei Uilu ran 1 1 ihsj 11 a 1 bbi s iibmji. masi-ij The editor of the N. T. Advocate, in reviewing tho temperance situ a Uoo, thus o.crvel s Among the encouraging eigne sf the timet is ths rapidly-looreeeing interest in the ceuie of temperance of lets in ths Southern Ststts. Ths Stats of Qeorgis Irsde tbs way, but in nearly all the Hunt hem States there exists an active and rspidly extending agitation for ths suppression of ths liquor traffic. A rurst population snd the absence of large breweries snd distilleries srs feet ures of the situation in ths South which isplsin in largo pari tbs relatively mors rspid progress in that portion of ths country. I sss it indicstsd by ths Alexsndris (Vs.) Gazette that an attempt la likely to be rosds in ths next General Assem bly of Virginia to pass a genet al local option lew applicable to all the cities and Counties of that State. This moves tbs editor of tbs Wsshiagtsn Smtind, the attorney of the United States Brew- era Association, himself, 1 believe, s teeident of Virginia, to declare tbst "Virginia wants enterprise tsd sn in flux of thrifty immigrsnts mors than any other State," bu; thst "to sntsr on s temperance crusade and stop into ths worn-out shoes ef New England sealotism and intolerance will certainly not do it." He further adds: "Wa shall persoaslly try our best to see tbst tbs nsxt Lsislsturs wili not com mit such s great blunder." My tug. gestion to tempers nee Virginians is, thst whst ths brewers' attorney doss not want they will do well to esc u re, if possible. I osts in tho Lewietoo (Me journal s statement to the effect that not long ago ths Cumberland Superior Court, in s single week, imposed upon ths illegal liquor tellers ef Portland fines aggre gating $4,200, and that in s singls day of ths week following "over $2,000 was added to ths funds of lbs county" from tbs same so a roe ; also, thst several destere who bad not made tho illegal business sufficiently profitably to pay tho 6 ties thus imposed as a jienalty were committed to jail. Obviously liquor selling in Portland, in defiance of the prohibitory lew, u not sJ together helidsy s flair. If, ss is sllegeJ, men 'rill sell liquor," law or no law, it it also clearly very much better, so far ss ths moral rreponei'ulity of the general public is concerned, that they be made to pay for it toundly, in tbs form of high float wstb imprisonment, rather than high license fees, with tbs eon tingency of being msde sldermsn or possibly sent to Coogrces f The London Lancet eays : "We are not in the least surprised to find it ststed that a considerable proportion of ths boys examined for tbs United States nsvy srs rejected so the score of weakness of the heart and .that this should bs attributed to the habit of S noking cigarettes," end repeats sogM convincing arguments that it baa si ready msde against the r actios of ci garette smoking. Of fourteen saloon firms recently in terviewed in Atlanta, Oa., six expect to change their business and remsin iu Atlsnta, two will go to Pennsylvania, one to Jersey, ons to Cincinnati, ons probably to Tex4S, vhils ton otbrirs srs not decided as to locality. It is to bs noted, however, tbst none proposs to emegrato to sny othsr point in O cor gis. Prof. tf. A. Bjooiij in letter to The Voice. PBBSOSAL. M. Francoit Jules P. Grevy has the been re-elected Pres ident of Flench republic. Serators Evtrt8,Snertnari and Hoar are cousins, remotely, bat cousins, all tracing their lineage across that of Roger Sherman.tbe Jurist and patriot of tho Revolutionary period. Anton Rubinstein, within throe week e, gave seven piano recitals in Berlin, and played from memory 185 different compositions by twenty-nine composers. It was probably the most colossal feat of memory in the history of music. The Marquis of Lome, when he engaged to the Princess Louise, had the following experience : In the royai establishment there Is a sepa rate table for the household, at which even the. minister in attendance eats when ho Is riot invited to the Queen's. Lord Lome went to lunch with his future wife, and was asked to tho table of her nifjeaty. His mother, the Duchess of Argyll, was misttess of the robes, and when he entered the Queen's dining-room, Lord Loren asked : "Where it the duch. ess ?" "Oh I she Is lunching with the household, " was the reply. Winter has bsen callwl the ruler of tbe inverted year, and when he lays his icy hand on nature, all things ac knowledge lis pswer. But be has lost much of it now. St. Jscobt Oil, the conejmiror of-ptin,diives away rheuma tism, and the people ore happy. Even a burial is a deaecration of tbe Sabbath at Thorto, Scotlsnd, snd ths ce insteiy ig not opened then. rtiFVLAB SCSBSCB. Old philosophical treatises gavs por osity at ons of ths general properties of matter, snd ths experiment of forcing water through gold hsa been often re peated ainoi 1661, the pores have been proven, however, to be defects of casting. II ui snaring destroys ths por osity of gold, and glass hat bsen re cently shown to be imprmsbie to ijss- uoder s pressure of 126 stmosphsrns. Dr. Von Galihotn, who had best greatly trouble with insomnia, tells us of the method which he bat found ef fectual for two years iu cuing it. It consists in bandsging oris Isg up to ths kttse with several layers of wet cs I too, snd oovering these with a sheet of waterproof cloth. This piocedure dilates the vessels of the leg, and by diminishing ths smount of blood in ths bead induces sleep. A study t-f statistical tables has made it apparent that human life is dec 1 ess iog in quantity but Improving in qual ity at least, in soms parts of tbs world. An astonishing felling off in tbs birtht of Francs hst taken piece since lbs beginning of the century, the average number of children psr mar riage having bsen reduced neatly one fourth. But ths average Hie bst in- orssssd in leng.b ubnu one-tixth- Htmilsr results srs obtsiusd in England Austris, Prussia snd other countries of advanced civilisation. Among inferior races births ars mots numerous and life is shorter. In gsnsrsl ths lowsr ipeciss of plants snd animals are more fertile tbsn the higher. The female of ths whits ant lays sixty eggs per min ute ; a queen bee, from 5000 ts 6000 eggs tnnuslly. In versbrttst, frcun ditv diminishes as ws rise from fishes to reptiles, from reptiles to birds, from birds to mammals. Tbs direction of ths Atlantic currents is being systematically etudied by the Prises of Moosor, whose reeent exe t intents ere pioviag very interesting. Lost July bs sunk a large number ot ingeniously-arranged bottles, globes and barrels at different points north of ths As ires, each Hosting vessel contain ing s pspsf in different lengusgee, stat ing the time snd placs of immersion, and begging the finder to note down ths hour snd pises of discovery, and forward it to lbs neat eat French conaul. Now tbiee of these bottles have been found in ths Eaatsrn A to res, bsving foilowsd s southeasterly direction, in stead of going to ths northwest, ss ex pected. ATTESTIOS. BalLROaB BU. MI suffered mora than s year with indigestion ; was very bilious ; had dumb chills, foilowsd by fever, wbicb prostrated me. I took Simmons Liter Regulator, sod am satisfied that it ia all that it is recommended for indigos tion snd bilious complaints, for mina was certainly a stubborn case. Many of my fiiendt apeak of it, and tbey all egtee that it possesses all tbs virtues claimed for it. A. H. Hightower.f in ductor a a a, Oa." Mr. Thomas of Philadelphia report ed at a meeting of tbe bee-keepers to Trenton last month that she bad ob tained an average of 150 pounds of honey from twenty colonies, or a total crop of 3000 pounds. This was ex tracted honey, for which she received twenty-five centa per pound, netting her therefore $37.50 per hive. She also cleared $1000 from her poultry yard last ytar an 1 nn a twenty-acre farm besides. Mr. Get man says ths real ees si fsnt it estinot. Tbe rattleenake sounds his rattles as a warning of his approach, but will not attack unlert driven by fear to protect himself. lie usually coils himself and strikes, but ha sometimes strikes four or five times ia succession without coiling. After a few strokes tbe venom is exhausted, and tbe tasks btt te wtit for two or three hours for a fresh supply. A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. 3886. Harper's Young People. Ths position of Haafss's Tovxe Peoplsss ths lead ing wsskiy periodical tor young readers Is wsli estab lished. Ths publishers spare no pains to provide the best and meet attractive reading and illustrations. The serial and short stories havs strong dramatic In terest, while they are wholly free from whatever Is pernicious or vulgarly sensational ; the papers o natural history and science, travel, and tae facts o life, are by writers whose names give the best assur ance of accuray snd value, Muatrated papers on atheltlo sports, games, and pastimes give full Infor mation on these subjects. There is nothing cheap about it but its prise. An epitome ot everything that is attractive and de. irable In Juvenile literature. Boston Courier. A weekly feast of gsod things to the boys and girls In every family which It visits. Brooklyn Union. It is wonderful in its wealth of pictures, informa tion, and interest. Christian Advocate, N. Y. TEBSfS 1 restate Prepaid. St I'er Year. Vol. VII. commences November jrJ, SSj Single Number, five cents each. Remittances should be mad j by Post-orBce money order or draft, to avoid chance of loss, Newspdfars are not to cofy this advertise meat without the express order of Harper et Brothers, ArJdrsss HARPSB 4 BR0 BS, New Yctrk bs2 4KI8 POWDER Absolutely Pure. - w Ttito) Bowser never varies. Amarvml tA mintr Ai arid wlseofnenees. More yrwrwiirral than ttte r-ll nary k Inds, and can rust be sold to SSSV sMtliin wish ths multltiKis of low test, short wM-l't, alum or i,,o.pi,a4 powders. Soteostvia OASs. EvrAi. fjAaiae Vowiosa Co , lot Wall et., ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILL8. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber,laths'and Sickets kept constantly on and- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Cal a poo i a timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. store maun than at any thlnir else try lea In an jri y fur the Marl ! lug Uk out, Ifsgliiriers SSO eedrratxlly. Nn fell, Terms frse.l If allstt Sttt e r-urtUnd, Maine, TSe asset papaSe)? Weekly rsewttr deeesst to 7etiee, eetsaie. t; a t r. r ri n a diaoovsrtea. to tuutir.aees4 vu nr ;."M,.uii. Evrjraoi UrT iilestrslrd with pieSSN tiriae- Bls i ,Miriiti rri.lean'.i tslaaltoesaSwleSHBBS -. t ii, .'.h it no htrtild b wllhoee. Tbe pirpaUrtty of the it."Tjn' Axrai- i .-k it.t if m n. ..1. 1 nitt n&ii Mfula Saaa ef all t.:hor ptmn of it. rlmm oomUnaS. Prlee. t3 e TPyTC iaad?a. . save " " ' giht rese:- . '.i.-o ewseee at tsar v iihiImS 1 undresl Taou- ir petrats is the foTBiaa oooelne. l-OCT-MSBl. wtaasseats, and itrnir 1 t' t i.trm.or hrr irris eeaaasiee. i-- rl ti.lno ftl.'l -tm. lofofwsCH.o .. to otaeiataa MKBta tr. S l ... .e It a Sut tvO. . ,.t Ihroh Ma V er. a.i AmfKM t . Tb adMn' II ut.Jrr('--l !r .l mr tw "' I mkm uu to eW- OO . OSIre mWewtm atuMcas. an si. ew r iota- PATENTS 1 all f. tt to f awiu cilVr e wlslf o H t Unler In, end u. t oftssv. a WSBoo. reeetrtttiar. aJvn. u )ur o atassesr . A. SNOW &CO. Patent Osles, Wntrlagl n, D Caters oat r te, sakw, masses, ftss, aats, bed Irtags esesurt Paias. SwelUnga, tiiaslee, lnds iltMl.ra. I.. ' W. .1- gesUon nealih "Niaga an oraa. ' Ask l,r Welle " Rough vn Coras.- Ifte. Qalek cosaplete cure. Hani or corns, aerU, l.uuama. tieiba-raiSa." yulck. cmpkle cure, ell ludny. Ula.ldr and truary lneeaeta, inaidin.., Irnuttuu, Dtuoa, uravsL S a k - Sw e . & s . . . . a . 01 io uteuuer. j, istugetets. BrU-aag. tiles. niss, rtsirbea, ante, Ul bu- rats, ados, chipmunk., cleared oat by "Muugb o Mais. lie. Tkis reap!. "W ell's Health Rtnewer rvatuns health aad vigor wawesi vyspetaaBi, iinjien. r. e. mil KeUUly, ft. 'Baagh mm Pale Cures cholera, coile, cruni, dtrrfi 'me.turhra.iedns. (""'. Keuaaee eawaigMi, t ucuasesssBB. SDSSSts. nuuea 00 i-atn I'.aaUre. Kc Madiera. If you are failing, br. ken, orn Mil sod neivous use "rltlla' ticaiiii Reoewsr." SI. lmiggissa. life Preserver. if I no srs losing your grip on life, try "Wol e Health Rene tr." Oica direct to weak spots. u.k Sit l Curne I'ilr. or llnh,.r.l...',.i. lakln- I....JI.. lleuorrholae, llchli U or other. Interna IsscUng, internal or other. Interna! and eiiernal retuoilv in each packare. hurecure, Oc. Druggisu rrelij' Ijulles who would retain freshness and vjvaci'y Don't faU to try "Welis' Health Renewsr." "Koagk aa ItrR. " "Rough on Itch" cures humors, truptior., ring worm, letter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chilblains. "Rusgh oa later rah." Corrects offensive odors at oaos. Complete curs o worst chronio asess, also unequaU J aa gargle for Diphtheria, 8ore Throat, Fuul llroatfa. 60e. The Hope or else Natlaa. Children, slow In development puny, ecrarny and dalloate, use "Welle' Health Keuewtr." ratarrb or Ike Bladder. Stinging, IrritaUon, inaammation, ail Kidnevand Urinary eooipialnts, cured by "Buchu-Paiba." 1, "Water Bags, Boatace." Ro y i on Rats dears them out, also Beetles DR. SPINNEY, TUk SPECIALIST, Has had 25 years experience in ths treatment of CHRONIC, NERVOUS ANO PRIVATE DISEASES. And having thoroughly proved the merit of his Specific K fitted lea, la the troalmeut and care of many thousand cases, he now offers them to thou in trouble to euro themselves at home. Br. sPtftMiVM apeelfle far (ionurrhea. Br. SPISNKVs Specific for syphilis. Br, rPINK"S nee! it r lor Nperuiaforrhea. lr al'INM l . MpeclOe Sot- (alnrrb. Price of either Remedy, to per ease. Sent by ex press, packed secure from observation, ou receipt of price. Call at Office and Private Blspeneary, Mult nomah Block, opposite Post OtHer. Write to lr N.S Splnary, Box C23 Portland, Oregon. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You arc allowed a free trial of thirty tSav of tha uso of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt wlta tlectrlo Suspensory Appliances for the speedy relief and permanent cu re of AVrvous Debdttv, loss of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. Complete restora tlon to Health. Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. No risk is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet In sealed SMloe malted free, by addressing fOLSAJO BELT CO., Marshall, Kith. ma ; ' ... M e 1 H.aK'er V..A Warn, 1 JULIUS GRADWOHL e Has tha only eaelBsftr fttoek ot CROCKERY. CLASS.8ILVER AND CHIHA WARE i Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Chile Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Suar ONE DOZEN CUPS . 1 .O SAUCERS $1.00. SHELF HARDWARE. s COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. TBE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR EGGS Remember! What I 8aj I Mean. Sire Ke a call. 600DS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- THE Oregon Short Line, 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest route to the East, and rates, $8.30 to 810.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas oUy and other points. AD classes of tickets, good via Ogden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going East write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, B. CAMPBELL, General Agent. No, 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Comer Third and E Street!, PORTLAND, - OREGON'. Three Blocks from all Railroad Depots, Our facilities are such that wa defy competition. This is tbe largest sad moat respectably kept liotel la tbs North west, Board and Lodging 11.00 per Day, IEILS, !i CENTS. LMGI36, It AM 10 CENTS. FREE BUSS TO AMD FROM THE HOTEL No Chinese Employed. 1, LEWISTON, - - PEOP&ISfQE, (Late of Minnesota Boose.) ED. CORBY ACEHT. F. M. MILLER Attorney and Counslor it Law. LEBANON, 'OREGON. WUlpractioe In ail the Cotsrt in tbs State OTEL FOR MALE. The Jackson Boose. Prlnpvltlo, Oregon, 32 well furnished rooms, tbe only hotel in town, Lara and convenient, with all neossssry fumimrs. Price reasonable and terms easy, A. A Kojt. Prlneville, Orefson. DR. MINTIE, THK Srtt laLJST. Mm. II Keerney ttareet, Ssa rranc'ses, Cal. Tbsais AU. Cssosio, tractALAXS Paivars Disbasbb wits WossBanri. 8tocaas. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY ! Is a ssraa raiuxo n as for asrsass IneJ Wreknr a. Vitality. Loot SfaaBtcMMl. Impo- UM'j.i'aisl.isis I'roststorr bcea, and all the terrible 0(t Is ef setf-atiUte j ui li fu follies aad excess in BMtursr years, such as Leas of Merayy, Ussitudc.Noe Sural Ktuinaiun, aversion to seeieajr. D mnees ot Vision Molaes In the head, exceeaee It drinking tsUoi aattag llansra, the riVal fluid psssiR unobaerred n the urine, and saany other diseases that lead to in anityand death. Dr. MlaHe. who is s Beawlar rfcjrsirlaa. .raslaa r the I aiveraliy rtraalvaata will sf rss to forfeit Fire MaBdreet laallara for a ease of this kind the Vital MesaraUvt (under his special advice and treatment) will nut cure, or fur anything impure or injurious found in ft. Ir, Mls tie treats all private diseases successfully without mercury, t'easaltaf laa free. Thorough examin ation and advice, including aaalyskt of mine. .'. Price of Vital Keeteratlvr. $16o aboStle, or four times the qu ntiiy, S8 ; seat to any address upon re ceipt of price, or C O D secured from uhaen-ation and in private name tf desired by Kearny Street, tan Francises, fal. Send for list of questions and pamphlet. 8AMM.K BOTTLE IE IF. Will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating symptoms, sax and age. Strict secrecy in regard to all business transactions. Dr. Mlatle'a Kidney Kenedy. KeptaretleciBS. cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Uonoi rhoea, Oleet, Leucorrhoea, etc For sale by all druggists : 91 abotte or six bottles for S3. Dr. Mtatfa's Daadellaa Pills are the best and cheapest Dyspepsia and Billows cure in ths mark s,. For sale by all druggists. STMM0NS LIVER REGULATOR For all Diseases of the Li?er, Sidneys, Stomach and Splesn. This purely vegetable pre paration, now so celebrated as a Family Medicine, originated in the South in 1838. It acta Sently on the Bowels and kidneys and corrects the action of the Liver, and is, there fore, the best preparatory medicine, whatever the sick ness may prove to, be. In all common diseases it will, un assisted by any other medi cine, effect a speedy cure. The Regulator is safe to administer in any mndition of the system, and under no circum stances can It do harm. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicating bever age to lead to intemperance ; wili promote di Keatlon, dUidpate beadache, and frener ally tone up the system. The dose is small, not unpleasant, and its virtues undoubted. No loss of time, no Inter ruption or Ktoppatce of business white taxing the Rcgulato'r. Children complaining of Colic, Headache, or hick Stomach, a teaspoonful or more will give relief. If taken occasionally by pa tients exposed to MALARIA, will expel the poison and protect them from attack. A PHYSICIANS OPINION. I have been practicing medicine for twenty years, snd have never been able to put up a vctKt:tbie compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regu lator, promptly and etfectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak ening! the digestive and assimilative Dowers of the system. L. M. Hinton, M. D.,Washingtwi, Ark- SEE THAT TOD OET THE GENCINK. PREPARED BV J. H. Zeiin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa First National Bank OF ALBANY, OBEtiON. JOHN" COS NEB M. r. MEEJUU. TRANSACTS A OE.VERAL banking 1 AOCOL VTH EEfT subject te . SIGHT EXCHANGE snd teles em Mew To, taa rfaaas, UHeago aad PorUand. Ofssjon. CXJLLECTIONS MAD Eon favorable terms. BtSBOSOSB. t. K Yocse, Joss Cosjrgs, L. E Buux, L. Fuse, B. F. BSBBBSBSa i. L. COWAN. J. W.CUJICX Linn County Bank, cowan & CUSICK. ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking business. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Nw Tort, la Fran eteeoand Portland, Oregoa. LOAN KONEY on apprersd security. RECEIVE deposits subjec te check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to as will race! re presupt IteaUna. Q ACS AGE MILLS, We liavA a moat entLAV that la aa mnnh an improfement over tbe old fashioned aaufmge mill as J. I Case Agitator ia over a flail. It don't clog an 1 leaves no strings iu tbe meat. Coma aad sen it, AAICTT Sen! 1 psstAge, ana we wil ttSB mail you free s reyal, valuable SBSfSta box of geods that will put you la tae way ef masting enare monsTsa eaos, saaa anrtatng esse ta rjstfi Bl bI liveatbesneasMl work in prctime,or all ths time. swres. we will start you ti aa mm un m Maine. CURES ALL HUMORS, from a eoouBon Blot eh, or Emotion, to tbe worst Scrofnlsu Salt-rheum! reTer-sjors, Scaly or Ron ah Sklti! In abort, all diseases caused by bad blood are conquered by tbJs powerful, purifying-, and invigorating medidne. Great attair 171 ers rapidly beal under its benign lnfiuenee. Bsrwcially has it rnanifMted Its potency in ; -tiring , Tetter, Rose Ksab, Bolla, Cstr Stwneles, Sore Eyes. Serolnlona Soree iind Swelllnria, Hfp-Joint Diaeaum, White Swellings, Goitre, or Thielt Nook, snd Enlarged Glands. Send ton vnta ui stamps for a large treatise, with col ored plates, on Skin Diseases, or tbe same 8 J2P4i..I?r it!eP,1 MS"? Affections. "THE BLOOD IS THE EIFE. Tborougbly ctoanse Jttlrr using Br. Pierce's ; olden Medical Biscowery, snd good tligcatlou, a fair skin, buoyant apir it a, vital strength, and aoundueaa of oustitutiou, will be ettabbsbed. CONSUMPTION, vhieh is Scrofnlous Blsease off tho Enngs, to promptly and certainly arrested sod cured by this God-given remedy, if taken 1 efore tbe test stages of the diaease are reaohetL 1 rom its wonderful power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now cel ebrated remedy to tbe public, Br. Pisrcb t sought sf-riousiy of calling It bis "Con sumption Care," but abandoned that nams as too limited for a medicine which, from ita wonderful combination of tonic, or strengthen ing, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequeied, not only ss a remedy for oonsumption of tbe It tugs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES or THE Liver, Blood, and Lungs, If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have fallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or bod)-, frequent headache or dkxt ntea, bad taste- in mouth, Internal beat or chills, alternating with hot flashes, low spirt ts and gloomy borebodings, irregular appetite, and eta ted tongue, you are suffering from Indi I0.1! I nd Torpid Elver, or "Biliousness." in many esses only part of these symptoms are experienced. Aa a remedy for all such cases, Br. Pierce's Golden Medical Biseovery has no equal. 'or Weak Enngs, Spitting off Blood. Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, Severe Conshs. Consnmntlnn. and ki Mired affections, it to a sovereign remedy. nen a ten cents in stamns Tor rr for Dr. Pierces by Braggists book on Consumption. So PRICE $1.00, Alt A nnTrr.Ps World's Dispensary Hsdieal issociatioa, Proprietors, 663 Main St, BunraXO, N. 7. XGv'S LITTLE ?t T.TVTTT?.' 9.By b ev0f PILLS. itNTI-BEEIOES and CATHARTIC. Sold by Brugglsts. 26 cents a vtoJ. $500 REWARD is offered by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh which tbey cannot cure. If you have a discharge from the nose, offensive or other wise, partial iossorsmelLtaato, j ITbI Ii ntj E l. t Bttstv mT mm ui ucuriiiii. WBSSBSssssssLauii tuin or pressure in head, you have Catarrh. Thou, sari ds of cases terminate ta consumption. I r. Sage's Catarrh Kkuoepy cures tbe worst