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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1886)
W&t mwnt Tniersil at the Poet Office at Albany, Or, as second-class mail matter. fRIDAY JANUARY" 22, 1886. 8TITE3 & Slier a4 NUTTING. frtsprlf lorn. rRRD r. Minrrixu. imi Baits. Official County Paper. NtTK K TO MIT. To tke Dtrntotrafic inmv Committer of tkt Staff of Oregon. Grntlkmkn : It Is advisable that each County Committee hold a meeting and elect good and responsible Democrat to attend to the registration of Democratic voters in their respective counties and pre cincts. Let the Democrats be up and do ing ; see that every Democrat who Is en titled to vote registers in his proper precinct. E. J. Jsptery, Chairman Democratic State Com. Tfersw Arssa a Last Saturday evening Dr. J. L. Hill, while returning on a livery horse from a visit to a patient in the country, met with quite an accident near the Callpooia bridge. On the approach to the west side the Doctor met a couple of young men with a boat on a wagon. Just after he passed them his horse became frightened, when going off a mail embankment it began "bucking," throwing the Doctor on his head on the hard gfOUfid. Getting up daaed, the young men offered to bring him to the city, the horse having left turn ; but thinking he was not hurt he said he could come alone. As a result he did not reach home for two or three hours, and then was insensible most of the following day. Now he is nearly re covered from the effects of the accident, certainly a close call for a fatal result. A Cassias Baiertalaaseat. On February 23rd and 24th, at the Opera House in this city the ladies of the U. . Church will give entertainments which, it may be predicted, will attract great atten tion. On both evenings there will be ex hibitions of the art and curiosity collections of the city, which will be obtained for the occasion. -This will give an opportunity for our citizens to display their relics as well as fine pictures, etc. A supper will also be spread both nights. On the first night a program will be given consisting, among other things, of one of the famous broom drills. On the last evening a program of music, tableaux, etc., . will be presented. In addition to the supper and art exhibition. Every citizen in Albany should prepare to attend. r.tlrjr. It is very poor policy for a newspaper to set itself up as s critic of other newspapers generally, particularly when it is published in a glass house itself. Its remarks are bound to be back acting. Only a casual observation of the ways of life will reveal the fact that either a person or journal in the habit of criticizing most is always the most open to criticism. We are much obliged to the Benton Loader, for its mild if not kind remarks in reference to the Demo crat in its critique column ; but the man ner in which hustings its missiles at some of Its contemporaries is decidedly 4th of July lemonady. We have just received St. Jacobs Oil family Calendar,containing the twelve signs of the zodiac in modern dress and more fun than could be gotten from Mills Logic in a million years. It is the most immense comic volume ever put on the public and all it costs is o at any drug store. Voegeler & Co. know how to tickle the public and advertise their wares ,( see first page of Dem ocrat, jand as well appreciate the influence and power of the press, every almanac sent to an editor being gotten up with more elab orate taste than those given to common mortals, and have a genuine ribbon in the corner. The steatstratiea law. The registration board of the state, under the new law, will meet on Monday, April 5th, and hold for three days as a board, sit ting in the several precincts in the county from 9 a. m. till 5 p. m. Registrations have to be made personally. In case of sickness or absence, though, the time to register is extended three or four weeks. Below we give the principal features of the law, as classified by an exchange : To be a legal voter a person must be a male over 21 years of agc,elther native born orltave declared his intentions of becoming a citlien of the United States, and resi dent of the state for 6 months and of the county 90 days preceding the day of elec tion and of the precinct upon the date of registration. Tickets must all be printed on paper furnished by the secretary 01 Mate. No distinguishing mark Is allowed to be placed on the outside of a ticket, but any design adopted to distinguish regular parti san tickets is allowable on the inside. The County Judge and Commissioners constitute a board of rciriatratlon to which all contested cases must be appealed, and will meet on the first Monday following the close of registration. They must sit thres days but not more than ten days. In case of special elections registration must be made 30 days before Uie election. Challenges may be made either against reg istration or voting for any legal cause where upon the person desiring to register or vote may be sworn as touching their competence. Any person registering fraudulently may be fined in any sum not exceeding $iooo,or m prisoned in the penitentiary one year or both in the discretion of the court. Fraud by a Clerk or Judge may be punished by a fine of not less than $200 or more than $1000, or imprisonment one year or both. toeath mt Mr. Heck as. On last Tuesday night at about midnight Mr. Anderson Deckard died at his home on First Street, in this city after a lingering illness of over a year, leaving the legacy of a good name. I le was noted for his afftable disposition. Mr. Deckard was born in Kentucky in 181 4 and came to Oregon in 1853, settling on a claim about eight miles from this city, where he resided until with in a few years, since which Albany has been his home. His first wife, Lydia Cor um Deckard, died in 1869. By her he had eight children, only two of whom, Stephen, now residing at Victoria, B. C. and Mrs, J. G. Evans, of Boyd, Eastern Oregon, arc living. He was married in 1873 to Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lincoln, who survives him. Mr. Deckard was Justice of the Peace in his precinct for two years, and once, we understand, an unsuccessful candidate for the State Legislature. He was a member of the Cumberlain Presbyterian Church. Mr. Deckard will long be remembered as one of Linn county's most worthy pioneers. Funeral services took place In this city yesterday . Rev. J. W. Harris preaching the sermon. is Isaaartaat Qweatlea Answered. Last week a correspondent of the Demo crat said : "We have heard several farm ers say that it would be a good thing to have a cleaner attached to the threshing machine, so as to clean the wheat ready for' market before It leaves the thresher. Now whose machine will be the one to take the lead In the matter." The above is a sound ldca,and there can be only one answer here to the last question. A cleaner with a thresher saves every farmer five cents a bushel on his wheat, a big item. The threshing com panies of the county first to get cleaners in the field will be the ones to reap the biggest harvest just from this fact. The cleaner of Daniel Best, of this city, there Is no doubt, l the best on the Coast, In fact It has no superior anywhere. It took the premium at the State fair In California, and there are four hundred In use In that State to testify to Its popularity. It U tk cleaner of that State. Mr. Best wants every man interested in the matter to call on him. The following letter just received from Eastern Oregon wilt show what great satis faction Mr. Best's Cleaner gave In Eastern Oregon. Wasco, Or., Jan. lath, 1886 Messrs. B$t f Alt Moms, Dear Sire : Yours of the oth at hand. We used your Cleaner 63 days this season. Threshed'and cleaned 2,400 bushels In one day. We have used the Stockton Cleaner in California, but find yours far superior to any we have used or seen used. It gave general satisfaction to the farmers we threshed for. 1 would not run a machine without one, as I can da more work and do it better with one attached to my separator. We think they will be used up here as soon as there are more engines and larger sepa rator used. The majority of threshers use horsepowers here yet ; wo have a Bronson Pitts, 36 inch, and a 9x12 I n right engine. We threshed about ion,ouo bushels of wheat, oats and barley, this sea son we get 12 cents per hundred 'for thresh ing. Very Truly Yours, Smith Brothers. MaUlftS ISTUMTa IX ALBANY. Following arc the total number of business houses and professional men in Albany, at the beginning of 1886 : General merchandise 5 Groceries.... 7 Drug! . , 3 Hardware , f Crockery and hardware 1 Stoves and tinware 3 Jewelry 3 Variety a Flouring mills .4 Millinery a Dress making 8 1 farncss and saddlery i Hotels 3 Soda and candy works 1 Meat markets .3 Newspapers 3 Agricultural warehouses 4 Grain wareltouses.evcluslve of mills a Clothing and furnishing goods 1 Hanks , a I ..nnidl ifs .4 Hoot and shoe simps , . , 3 Restaurants 1 Furniture 5 Merchant tailors 1 .a Photograph galleries 1 Livery stables 3 Blacksmith shops , .5 Foundries , a Wire works I Separator factories Sash and blinds t Saw mills I Marble works , , . .3 Cooper shops 1 Hoarding houses 4 Barbers , .4 Physicians ......... :p A Gun Stores a Dentists , , , ...a ,awvera IE Ministers 6 fcachcrs , o Saloons , 8 Ireweries a Drav companies.... a Skating rinks I Deliveries I I. . . T Tired et Life. flat Birthday rmrtf. One of the greatest epochs in a young man's life is his twenty-first birthday. On that day it takes a ten foot pole to reach him. The pat is a boyish myth, the future a man's career. On last Monday the ranks of the Democracy of Linn county were in creased by at least one, William Humph rey, telegraph operator of this city, reaching his majority. In the evening of that day with many young friends of both sexes the event was celebrated in a becoming man ner at ihe residence of George Hum hrey, Esq., in the Third Ward. A Weaderr! BevivaU Lebanon has just experienced a wonder ful religious revival never before known in the history of that city. Carried on for several weeks it has resulted in over one hundred people joining the churches of that city, the Methodist Church alone get ting 84 converts. Finding the field almost completely exhausted meetings in that church have been discontinued. We un der stand the Cumberlain Church, though, s still holding enthusiastic meetings. Peo ple who have never looked inside a church almost, are among the converts mentioned. Ireali Oirl . 1 1 the Circuit Court this weak the will csseiof Miller sad Vf -Vfeelcin iisye been on trid, the former bi 14 submitted to the Court. The Hoaston divorce ease is jet to be tried and will probably take two or three days. We understand that Judge Boise has announced his intention of hereafter trying divorce cases in open court and not submit them to referees, before whom an immense amount of unoecoesssry, irrevelent and in ssni pet sot testi nouy is admitted. Refcewl Beyers. Smith is the name of a tailor who been working for W. R. Graham, in this city. Last Saturday making up his mind that he had had enough of life he went to his rooms in one of the small buildings just cast of Deyoe St Robson's," where he was "baching," drove a nail in the wall, tied one end of a rope to it, the other to his neck, and then lay down to die ; but he did not die. nor begin to die. The job was a most decidedly poor one. It was not more than a quarter done. The rope waa too long- lie failed to put a 400 pound weight to his feet. He should have jumped from a high place, and, better still, should have manag ed to have had less liquor inside. Liquor, though a slow kind of suicide anyway, does not work well with ropes and nails. Smith will probably put together many more pairs of pants ; but, if he really wants to suicide why doesn't he throw himself from Mary's Peak or swallow the mercury on a big looking glass. Wfes WUI Prist Tkca. J. K. Gill & Co., of Portland have offer ed to furnish the registry books for $1 a piece. Wait, of Salem, bid on the work at $2.2 and C W. Watts, of Albany, at fa. As the original pi ice of W. B. A ver St Co., when they thought they had the pig by the heels, was $3, the cheapness of J. K. Gill St Co's., bid can be easily appreciated. The bid of Mr. Watts was as cheap as any local printer can do the . work. As other Portland printers charge at least $2 it Is a great query how J. K. Gill & Co., can do it it for half the price. Still, there are mys teries among job printers as well as among Lawyers or Legislators. 'i a siow Poetry. Every winter the press of the country gushes over the number of poems on the ('Beautiful Snow" that it consigns to the waste basket This may be genuine as to Eastern papers, but here it is fiction. The Democrat at least does not remember be ing afflicted with poetry on that subject At this time one would be a great relief. It would be like an oyster at a Church oyster supper. For the purpose of bring ing out the poetic genius of the people of the Valley we hereby agree to publish in our next issue any snow poetry sent us not exceeding eight lines in length. Now dip your icycles in your ink and make the flakes fly. Thai Bicycle Law. Just as we expected the Oregon Legists ture is having fun made of at on account of their bicycle law passed at the last session. The following from the famous Norristown Herald is a sample : "The Oregon legislature has passed a law to the effect that bicyclists must stop riding whenever they approach within one hun dred yards of a team, and after dismounting 1 a. as . . iti a im 1 - remain standing unui 11 nas passea. 1 ma law may be a good one, but it does not go far enough. It should be amended so as to compel the bicyclist to take off his hat and remain uncovered while the driver of the team is passing him." The following program for District Lodge of Linn county at Halsey, Jan. 38th and 29th, 1886, has been prepared by the Dis trict Chief Templar, H. C. Davis. Thurs day afternoon, opening in First Degree at 1 :3a Report of Credential Committee.col lection of D. L. tax, reading minutes, mis cellaneous matters, will be followed, com mencing at 2 p. m.. by reports from Sub Lodges and District Lodge officers. At 3 o'clock will be opened a discussion on "How to Make the Subordinate Lodge more Ef. fective." In the evening at 7 o'clock will be ojw li ed a public meeting at which will be pre sented a mixed program including address es by Prof. Crowhurst and others. On Friday the Lodge will be called to order at 9 a. m. Reading Thursday's min utes, electing place for next meeting, and reports of Committees will be followed at 10 a m. by aa exemplification of the un written work by Brother Crowhurst. Un finished business, new buJncM and good of the Order will end the work. Lodges are entitled to one delegate for every ten members in good standing at the time of election, and one for a fraction of ten, exceeding five. It is desired to make the session of value to the entire temperance work of Unn countv, and indlrcctlv to the whole State of Oregon. . s Cold Weal her tum It is at least interesting as an item for future reference and dUtant ubcrther to remark That the first snow of any consequence, of the season fell last Tucadav morning. Depth two inches. That the boys skated on Sundav and since then. That the first sleighs, cutters or 'sliders,' appeared on Tuesday noon, That A.J. rox had the handsomest rig and Curran St Mullen the friskiest one That the principal pastime of school chil dren has been snow balling, That the lowest rnercurv this week was 16 above. Our ice men begfn to smile. Six or seven inches of snow on the ground when we went to press. Snow and cold stagnate business in Ore gon. While the snow protect the wheat it is hard on stock. Draymen and delivery men have amcc time of it. Portland can now use those imported snow plows. Delayed mails will probably be the pro gram. "Ducks driven to bay" would be the pro per heading for a dissertation by hunters. Wood is about a dollar cheaper this than last winter in Albany. Following is the last monthly report of Albany Publio Schools : Whole No. days attendance 5974 Whole No. days absence 318 Whole No. oases tardiness 76 Average No. belonging 315 Average dsily attendance . . .29 No. boys enrolled 163 No. girls enrolled .178 Total ti o . enrolled 341 D. V 3. Reid, Principal. Money to Lea a We have money to loan in sums of from to $5000, on good personal or real estate security. Ctaxt, Montbitii St Co, MB a ASBOAB, F M French, jeweler, Rolled oats at H ft B'a. Did your houss plants free so? The best hsjpess at J J Dabruiilss. - Nature's own reuie ly, Oregon Kidney Tea. ?. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. Oornioopia is the aatno of a new Oregon Poatoflio. 0 C MoKarland has started a singing alas at Tangent. The "MoCully" has been withdrawn from rivor trafiio. '56 applicable Br mark. Von might a well try to get a fifteen pound Itam out of a Ay's leg as to expect to get alms from a few of Albany's married men. A snow storm, by an Eastern emigrant who comes here to avoid snow, U received ike a tub of water by a sitting Iten. Trying to steal free advertising is some what like filching flour from your miller. When it comes to skating on ice or chalk ed doors Nature carries off tltc palm nine times out of ten. A child who only half attends to its stud-' ic In school will fill its place like an ox be fore a dog cart. The star over a person at birth has no more to do with one future career than the cale which first sav nine or ten pounds. (jetting married is like being tied to a wagon In tle track of a cyclone. Every Judge you meet cannot release you. We have noticed in Albany tliat to do a favor to a man who can not return it m to make him vour enemv. The man who pays cash for hU goods al ways has his money out at usurious rates ; yet such usury Is a virtue. Mml of Albany's well-to-do men hac obtained their money by strict economy. e 1 ratesl Siraaied. Patents granted to citbtcn of the Pacific States on Jan. 5th, and reported ex pressly for the Desmr rat by C. A. Snow & Co., Patent lawycr,oppoltc Patent office. Washington, D. C. 1 H Albert, Crescent City, Cal-Elevator. M J Amick, Portland, Or., Railway turn tabic. J B Daveggio, Paielne, CtL, Orchard guard. J L Hansard, Oroville. Cal., Distance in strument J D Isaacs, Oakland, Cel.. Molding con crete tubes. A H Walker, Oakland, Cat-,Car brake. D C Matteson, Stockton,Cal., Harvester. T C Naramorc. Los Angeles. Cal., Baling press. E Nordyke, Heppncr, Or., Lifting jack. W C Salmon.Portland. Or , Strain engine or pump. it Sanford, Smartsvitle, Cal.Fly trap. D W Standeford. Oakland Pal Ikw tahle fhr sequel Mew Kuril Several weeks ago the Democrat men tioned the fact that a certain woman had been married in this city -and gone off with her husband leaving several of her children at a relatives in the countv. and that her friends were getting anxious about her I he following from a Portland paper may possibly throw light on the matter, as the man mentioned beam the same name as the one who married the woman referred to in the Democrat : A few days ago an Infant only a few davs old was left on the steps of the Con- . as ' ,'Oi a llul vent wrapped In an overcoat, ine imic stranger was discovered and taken in, while the big stranger supposed to be its father, is Its mother is thought to he a wld The finest line of window cornice mould ngs at Woodius. $5,000 worth of clothing at cost at Mon toil It 4 Seiteubaoh's. 15.0).) worth of otathiu' at a st at Mon teith & Nei umbach V The Willamette Iliyer above its mouth has been solid this week. Nsw Orleans molasses direct from the East at Head A Brownell's. Drummers' visits during Jauury are much like Angels visits, very sea roe. Prof Draper, of Dragon City, died on last Sunday at the age of forty-three. Iowa full cream ehsese is delicious. You oaa get it at Read A BrowtieU'rf. Splendid lint of ladies fall and winter gar ments at Montoith A Heiteubacb's. Miss Bayard, adsuuhterof Heeretsrv Hav. ard, died last Hnaday in Washington. aasaine W.mdm'e Extension tables. Thev are -well go aod see them for yonrself. Mr N Bsum is now Vios President of the well known. Concord is Club of Portland. P M French, aaeut Singer Manufacturing- Co., opposite Odd Follows Temple, Aibauy.Or. Ihe Albany Brass Band will give a nublio dance at Crawford's Hall this (Friday) svn ing. Dr. If. II. Ellis, physisiau sad surgeon Ail say, Oregon. Calls made in city or country, 8tep in and gst some of those Missouri hickory nuts before they are all gone, at Bead A BrowueU's. For first-class groceries of all kinds call 00 Conrad Mayor, lit breadstuff are the best in the city. The loss 00 the Btlyen Hotel at Seio was adjusted at $1200 en the building and W! on thn furniture. Last week another gang of miners ware buried near Wilkesbarre, Psnn., several men being killed. Only 100,000 was taken from the mines of Oregon last year. The figures should be increased by ton. Oo to Prosbaw's new Drag Store for pure drugs, patent medicines, ate. Prescriptions careially compounded, If you ass going East b ear aod go via the Oregon Short Line. It is the bast. Km ad In anothst oolnmu. noroe t ortiaud quotations are : dried ap ples 4 Jo. to 0)0. j apples, 50c. ; wheat. 73 oats, wool. 16 aod 18c 90 cents was offered for wheat in this city the hrst ol the woe by a gentleman who intending shipping on the O. P. Parties already subscribers to the DttMo crat, who wish to send the paper ff to a nend or friends can do so for $2. it a si a . a m air we Meyer, oi tins city, became a ciUsen of the V. S. last Tuesday. Mr Myr WSS a Lman soldier to the lUbslbun. !ot In this city on last Saturday aven logon Washington or Fourth Streets, a lady's far collar. B stunt to L E Btaie. (io W Harria, of this city has sold a half interest in his msrldc works to Mr. 'tiiett. Hams Atiillett is uw the lirm name. Arrived this week at Head A Browned s. some nobby styles in genu oougress gaiter and button shoos. Come sad see them. The horse moblem given 11 last week's DEMOCRAT hee been aiiwr?l hy louie Jackson, id lebaoon. In. : I per cat loss. A man at Akron, Oi. , rswwtiy add his wifs for live vcuU, end i inoe inly a' tot wards wanted her back, bat she woal 1 not go. Tl.e Earl of Arlni intrne-t Lt-ly Mtbd Juri last Tuoadey in Kugland. Oregon has a town naaMd after ths gtow or so ui rela tive. Too Cbiuesw arc Imhu bovottod iu N'mv Yolk City. The people of ihe Atlantic Coast are now getting a great uth ..-teucy of the Ce leettai. Mousy to Loan. M S Edgtaztw. at the oElc 1 1 Deyos A Ilobson. Albany, will loan money for a term of years on improved farm seourtty. Billy' Bruok. teacher at the Warm Springs Agmey, is i b congratulated on the advent of a boy into bis family on Naw Years day. O. W. Man too, Physician and Surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Graduate of the Cincinnati College of Physicians and Surgeons, Cincin nati, Unto. Tbe session laws are being delivered. This is lata for them, but the State printer claims it is not bis fault as he did not let "eopy" early enough. The O. P. now has a regular agent at the wharf in tin city, Mr Young having been appointed Tbetr Own boats will be use! to carry freight, A very pleasant party was given at the residence of A B Wood in on latt Tuesday evening. Progressive each re is reported to have held swsy. '"""' ! mnhhm 1 1 him : I is mild in operation, and never fails to sffeet ! a cure. Price 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. A few davs ago while hunting Frank Barge, of Manama, accidentally shot him self, the hall entering bis leg and passing upwards into ths small of his back. He was not expected to live. The number of bunt' ing accidents ia Oregon in start! ingly large. Freight trains on ths O. A C. R. K. now run on Monday, Tfiesday, Friday and Satur day in going south, ana on Monday, Wad' uesdsy, Friday and Saturday in going north. A alight decrease in business necessitates the change. Avar's Hair Vigor improves the beauty of the hair and promotes its growth. It im parts an attractive annsaranoe. a deliahtful and lasting perfume. It stimulates ths roots, cleanses the scalp, and proves itself to be tbe best and cheapest article for toilet 1180. The mercury was on a regular ramoag ths first of tbe week, on Monday morning aoing down to ths extremely low figures of 18 aAes aero. Of course back East it has been mors than that on ths other side of zero, but here 16 above makes it seem tike ths Arctic regions. A fsw days ago two men at Keokuk had a wager as to which could walk the longer time in the snow barefooted. They were out forty-eight minutes. One of them is liable to lose both fast. Remarks would be ass ises. We know of no adjectives that would apply. Ths Catholic Church ia this citv was form ally dedicated on last Sabbath by Archbishop uruee. Hervicis will b held on Sabbaths regularly hereafter by Rev Father Metever. The church starts out with a membership of sissy or sevsuiy. Collector Ileohr, of the Sound, has mads some excitement by the sstxurs of three thousand jtouudi of opium, valued at 4H5. 000, torn ths stsamer Maho, whils ou its way to tie U. S.,io bsrru'.s marked for some other commodity. A certain bald headed drummer named Rudolph, who travels through Oregon, on approaching a town sands ahead a postal with the following warning, among other thing ; "Handle bim geetly, treat him with care, be is away from bis mamma and has tost all his hair." It seems that Joaquin Miller has a daugh - t. r nani' d Mau.l, wbowaot-! an awftswas ia be. Joaquin cast her off. A few days ago friends in Chicago had to raise money to aend the poor giri East. Jueijuio, yon ought to be ashamed of yourself. Tbe fifteen men arretted at Seattle for the Chinese disturbances were all discharged by tbe jury, before whom thsy were tried, on Saturday. The ia.-y was oat only ton mm utes. It is thought this, as well, will settle ths Taornne cases. Immense excitement prevailed at those two places. Ths registration for tbe Slate election in June is good for two yaars and will be aaed for City as wail as County and State elae lioos. Every voter who ia registered has to take a certificate of regialration, which be is obliged to keep and present when voting. There is enough rd tape in the law to make even a more natient people than Oregooiaus tired. OCIAL AMU rr.KSOKUl Miss Luela Barnes left for Portland last Tuesday. Judgs Strahan returned from a legal trip to Eugene Tuesday . Rev Irvine spsat last Sabbath in Portland with Rev W it Stevenson. Ed Hayes left for Portland Tnstday, per haps to remain during the winter, Sid 0 Dorria and wife left for PrinsviBe last week, intending to make that their borne. Mrs I. MeCon cell's mother, Mrs Millsr, is lyiag sick at Mrs McConnell's home in this city, Dr T W Harris and wifs, of Ettgenf, formerly of this city, spent Sabbath in Al bany. Elder John Shea and Z B Moss bravsd the storms of winter and earns to Albany from Sweet Home Iaat Taesdsy. J '.V Rector, of Hslssy, passed through Albany Saturday on bis way to Yaquina Bay, where be talks of locating Jerry Hay, of Harrisbnrg, passed through Albany Monday on bis way to Portland, That is as seal as he was in tbe city, R H Msrtin, Govarnmsnt Land Inspector was in Albany Monday. He had been at Stleta and was on bis way to Port Oxford by the way of Roseburg. W H Hibbitt, for several months tailor in Mr L E lllain's tailoring department, has aoeepted a position with a Sao Francisco house, sod will soon move with his family to that city. On Thursday of Isst week Hon Geo E Chamberlain and D P Mason, of this city were at Eugene on tbe evening of that day Mr Chamberlain becoming a Knight Tem plar, Pres. B. Marshall arrived boms from Bla lock, Waeeo county last Monday. Pres. prefers tbe valley to E. O. from observations taken and bancs will continue to make this bis home. Mr Van Horn, ths piano tunsr, was in tbe city Saturday, being called here by telegraph. He informed us that be will be hers on his regular trip ia Mareb to attend to his estab lished business. Wait for bim. Mrs John Barrows left for ber home in Oakland on last Tuesday, being called home earlier than she expected by a telegram an nouncing Mr Barrows sickness. Her father and mother, Mr and Mrs John Smith, of this city, have been feeble for some time, both being now snout eight -five years ol 4 M A KOI T TSWt. The M. A. T. has been told about how a lecturer on astrology got mixed the other night In this city. By having the date of the birth of an individual the lecturer pro posed giving his physical and other peculi arities by the use of his horoscope. The date of birth of a gentleman, not present was handed in. He is somewhat slight in build and is a decided blonde. The lecturer took one of his audience for the person, and said he found the person to be a urge, ro bust man, with dark hair and whiskers probably cut out for a lawyer, etc., much to W F Cary. a vary remarkable skater, as hibitod bis akil) at the rink in this city 00 last Katnrday evening, to a good audience. Cary is one of ths beat in the Uaitod States, though wa are unable to aseertsio when be l.. I'Ummlmt Sm -.... 1... 1 1 t 1. - Sfa Ohm pia . W . T. , and .i.TmakTtLal "-"J-" l th k" utv him hnmt .lurine tha ,,.,. winw I was intended. The circumstance showed Frank Leslies .SWay AIizl evidently I bout the depth of an astrologers pre die - understands tbe taste ol ins mors religous I tionv Tltc subject of astrology though ia m a w w ttorWoa of ths community. The February number begin "Paaliaa ; Or The Days of the Apostles ; A Story of Boms in tbe First Century," by tbe Rev. Alexander C- Haver tick, which promises to be deeply interest ing. Miss Fanny A Mathews continues bar "Dilettante Day a" A vary attractive series of papers an "Iustinctive Architects," by Prof Henry W Elliott, begins. Personal notes, comments, etc , and a selection of ia te resting mcturss, sketches and notices, make this magsstno ths largest, cheapest and most thoroughly useful aisgaisns pub luhcd in the country. We giye way down prices oa groceries. Read Brows el not without its interest O The Man About Town has heard many Inquiries about the new rage to euchre, and for the benefit of those not acquainted with it will try and explain as well as possible. The explanation will apply to an four handed a certain extent Progressive euchre is the common game, with some special provisions. There are to be four tables, arranged in lines or corners of the room. They are called No. i, or prize tabic. 2, or love table, or love table, 4, or booby table. Partners are drawn with the Albany Market. Wheat-WXc per bu. Oats 20 Boef-on foot, PA Q 2g Haybaled, c10 per ton. loosed) to $7, Potatoes new 30 cts per bnrfhel. Baoona hams, He shoulders, lie. sides, B I Lard 10c per lb. Floor, 4M par bbl. Nutter-86 eta per lb. Chickens 2.50 per doz. Soger Ban Francisc C, 8J'e. Mill Peed bran, 11.00 per ton. shorts, 16. middlings, If. Chops, 18. Eggs 30 cents per doz Aaattter tart r. Wm. F. Harvey, M. D.. of 33 years prac tice baa located for a time in the city of Al bany, to treat all chionic diseases of females, who may call on him at the first bouse west of the Congregational Church, on 4th Street, Albany, Or. For reference see J. II. Town send and lady. Office hours, 0 to 12 a. m., and 1 -30 to 5 p. m. s Crawford, FtMtoavapber, Albany, r. I have all tbe negatives taken by A, B. Paxton and any one can ha ye dupli cates from tbeir negatives by addressing as, at the following prices : Card i.e, 2 par dozen, cabinet size, f3 per dozen, bou dours, G per dozen, I keep tbe finest Una of Oregon views Id tbo west. Cata logue furnished on application. Copying and enlsrgiog old pictures a specialty. J. O. Crawford. oa Days. Desiring to close out ear entire lias of clothing and overcoats within sixty days we invite people desiring goods in these hoes to call early and make selections. Ail goods in these lines strictly at cost. MosrriTii A 8zrrgBacH. stld tilaves ty V H Alien et Ce. Large nsw stock jmt received from New York an 1 one of the best in the market. Call and examine tbe new line, 4 button at 75 cent a pair ; they are a t V.endid glove for tbe money. 1. is a sack. Oa account of tbe low price of wheat Hour will be sold at the Magnolia Mills at f L 10 a sack, or $4.40 s barrel, aud will be delivered free to all parts of theoi l.y. Wood for Rale. Wood deliver 1 ia any part of the city limits at ths following prices per cord 1 Good fir wood from Lebanon $"2 .30 Oak wood (grab) 2.50 SmaU fir wood 2. CO P. W, SrisE. Oct 1st, 1S35. Isapartaat la Alt. We want to retire from the clothing business and are offering our entire stock o clothiog and overcoats exactly at cot. We hare a fine-line of desirable goods for men and boys, and will save to every purchaser from three to six dollars. Call and see for yourself. MosTEmi t Skitkkbaoh. Oregon Kidney Tea. gists. For sale by ail drug Mew Ilea!.. s ftyssytesa. but tke Disease, It would ae by all, and especially by professors of the o( umc color. one, two, three and four spots, so div ded to be a truth appreciable tint a lad. and ventleman each will eet Thev are shuincd healing art, that to remove tbe dlaeaee,not to a! lev lata its symptoms, should be tbe chief aim of medication. Yet in bow many iiiwianoee do we see this troth admitted in theory, Ignored in predion. The reason that Hoatettor'a Btomaob Bitters is suc cessful tn no many cases, with which remedies previously tried ware inadequate to cope, is attributable to tbe fact that It Is a medicine which reaches and removes tha causes of tbe various maladies to which it is adapted. Indlgsjatian. fewer and ague, Hear complaint, gout, rheuma- ilam, u Isomer or the Dowels, urinary ai factions and other maladies are not palli ated merely, but rooted out by it. ft goes to the fountain head. It ta really, not nominally, a radical remedy, and it en- dtjws the nystem with an amount of vigor which is its best protection against disease. $3,000 worth m clothing at cost at Mon- tttn A Soitenbach e. Teols Recovered, The tools of Mr. J. F. Backensto, men tioned in the last Democrat da having been stolen from Mr. Backcnstos barn to this city were taken to Jefferson, where part of them were sold to Mr. Bellinger. Mr. Backensto hearing of the sale went to that place and recovered these in the pos session of Mr. Bellinger. A warrant was issued for the thief ; but is it a question whether he will be captured. Waata a raw Mars Horses. Next week Mr. L. Senders will leave for San Francisco with a band of horses. He desires a few more and hence will pay a good price for some large, fine horses. Call on him in this city. Judges and clerks for registration will re ceive three dollars a day. As there are five for each precinct, twenty precincts in the county, the board to sit three days, forty registry books, certificates, etc., besides boxes, and milage for carriage of registry books to county seat a very interesting ex ample is presented for tax-payers to solve. The twelve or fifteen hundred dollars which the law will cost the county will not be paid back by any purification of the ballot box. Registry laws do very well for large cities, but for thinly settled counties they are a decided nuisance and an injustice to tax payers and people generally, Tbe cr of reel Killer. Some of our exchanged are advocating giving the Fool Ki!h?r bigger wages, as If lie received a salary. As a matter Of fact the office is an honorary one ; yet . it is paying one for the old fellow is bought off to nine cases out of ten. He rarely ever puts in an appearance though he is needed every day of the week. This is due to his corrupt habits. A change in Fool Killers is needed badly. If the officer were allow ed fees it would do away with the necessity of his taking bribes, even if he had to hire clerks. We move that the Salem States- mam and State Journal of Eugene be ap pointed petitioning committee in the mat ter. Surprised. Mrs. Robert Brown, or, as she is gener ally known, Good Samaiitan Brown (a title one may well be proud of) probably has as many genuine friends among the young people as any one in Albany. Last Mon day evening a large number of them sur prised Mrs. Brown at her home in the East ern part of the city, and were themselves, soon after surprised by the arrival of several older people who had gotten "wind" of the matter. An uncommonly pleasant even Ing was passed. ow woman from Albany, who came to the city In company with it is said, and who brought an infant with her." a semi on newspaper he ; but the fob of Pendleton the man who on When a man retires from a generally gsta a good send off lowing is ths way the E. 0. "sits down on" J. B. Fithian, waa taken for A. L. drey, iu this city. his retirement from the Union Sentinel 1 Tbe Mountain Sentinel has again changed hands. J. B. Fithian, the dirtiest black guard of tbe press of Oregon, has been sue. oesded by two gentlemen. East Ortfnian is pleased to see the change, end the paper in decent hands ones more. It congratu lates ths Democracy of Union county and ths subscribers of tha Sentinel upon the good riddance of bad rubbish in tbe retire meat of Filthy Fithian. My rtrlaitas and players cut for partners and table, to be according to number and color, that is, the lady and gentleman cutting aces of diamonds and hearts would be partners against the lady and gentleman cutting the ace of clubs and spades, at the prize or No. 1 table, etc. The games are begun and stop ped at a signal. The losers at the prise tabic go to the booby table. I he winners remain, while the winner at the other three tables go up one tabic, all changing part ners that is, their former partner now be comes their opponent ; a record of the games of the gentlemen and ladic won at the prize tabic only are kept, separately, and as well the number of times at the booby ta bic each getting a booby mark immediately. When a game is finished at the prize table a ftiena! is eiven and all game stop, the N. H. Allen & C have just r jcelved from New York one of the finest line or Fall and Winter cloaks ever brought to Albany, all of the very latest styles, which will bj sold muoh cheaper then ever before offered in this market. Re member the place at N. H, Azxkw A Co's. A Captain ' fortunate Discover?. CapL Coleman, chr. Wcvmouth. plying between Atlantic Citv and N. Y.. had been troubled with a cough so that he was unable to sleep, and was induced to try Dr. Kino' New Discovery for Consumption. It not only gave him instant relief, but allayed the extreme soreness in his breast. 1 lis children were similarly affected and a single dose had the same happy effect. Dr. King's New Discovery is now the standard rcmedv in the Coleman household and on board the schooner. Free trial bottle of this Standard Rcmedv at Foshav VV Mason' Dru Store Bcv. T. B. While We have received the following from Rev. T. B. White, which explains itself in a very happy manner : New Orleans, La., Jan. tath, 1886. Please change my Democrat from Val dosta, Ga., to Ruston, La. I am stationed at that delightful town by the Conference. We arc all well and happy. The cold waves have reached us in this southern ciime. Awful cold, worse than Oregon. The coldest, it is said, known for sixty years. Love to all my old Oregon friends. a. tt. Tlie National Encampment of the G. A.R will meet in San Francisco some time dur ing the coming summer, and will bring to the Pacific Coast many thousand people Tickets will be offered for sale thirty days orevious to the time -hereafter set for the meeting and will be good for sixty days Return tickets will be only $50 over any of the overland routes. From Portland we understand it will be $25. Special arrange ments are made for parties desiring to re turn East by the N. P. via Portland. An early call 00 Mooteith A Si ten bach for what olothiug you want for yoaraslf or ths boys, will secure to you the ohoios of a nte line exactly at cost. Mr John Fox, of this city, had an opera tion performed on him a fow days ago by a Portland surgeon. A tumor of long standing in bis neck was removed, In our list ol the drawings of N H Alio o A Co., published two weeks ago the number 445 should haye been 456, that of 4168 should have been 4158 and 5222, 522. During 1884 403 vassals passed out of ths j 1 . . . . . , 1 . m . tr. ... .s. Uotumuia wim cargoes vaiuea at 910,000,110, while in 1880 the number waa 63 and the value of the cargoes $4,181,352. At ths Sheriffs sals last Saturday ths wsrehouse of John Foster on the Willamette near the foot of Broad albin street, was sold for 8350 to May & Sanders, of Harris burg. Rev C E Davis delivered a very interest ine address st ths F.yangalical Charch iatt Tttsaday evening on "Phrenology" for ths benefit of the Sabbath School of that church. Shaving soap, hair oil, pomade, bay rum, hair tonic, ossmetic, combe, shaving brushes aud hair brushes, just received, a large sup- ly from Philadelphia, at Louis Y Israeli's Barber Shop. The play of "A Dual in the Snow'' will be presented in this city in about three weaka for the benefit of the Albauy Brass Band, It A Hohman ia managing the rehears als of the same. Ayer'a Sersaperilla is the most potent blocd purihar, and a fountain of health and strength. Ba wise in time. All baneful infectioim are promptly remoyed by this un equalled alterative.' rlsv lisary, of Eugene, we are informed will resign his pastorship of tha Presbyterian Church in that city and retire from the ministry. He has reached an age that en titles him to that priviloge. On last Sabbath evening at the D spent Church, iu this city, six parsons were bap tised into membership in the church, lie v. Brownson in his recent meetings has been working up oonsiderable interest. Last week at Barch Creek, Union county, a young man named Belts, in two or three nights shot rive cougars, in killing the last ons having the assistance of his father and brother. The record is a big one. A suit has been begun by Sibson, Church A Co., of Portland, or their successors, against J H Foster A Ce., of this oy, to re. cover about seventeen thousand dollars al leged due the former from tha latter. Brush A Son will begin work in their new building near 13 est s Separator factory in few days, all of their machinery buying been moved into the building. The firm does the principal wire work business in Oregon. In Curry county last year 60. 99 inches of rain fsli. In the matter of temperature the record is uncommonly good, tha highest be ing only 75 degrees aboyc and tha lowest 29 degrees above zet o, Kam fell on 9'J days. Tea City printing will be let next Tuesday evening . Bidding his brought tbe pay dearn to almost nothing Tha one who gets it this year will haye to bid "inijhty" low just for the fun of ths thing. As there will be a large number of ordinances to print this year some pspsr will have its haeda full putting them up for less than half of Portland prises per thousand. nsw lot of ladies winter garmen ta re ceived by Montoith Jc Seitenbach owing to the fact that we now have an ovwr stack wa will sell for two weeks at 10 per cent, reduction from our usual iow prices. Wa ..i.b. havinir the- moat mint minr un. or. if do just what WO adwrtiSS. tilve US a Call o r o e r - - i even, a cut is made for places, remembering Two . In the divorce cases of J. J. Whitney agairflt LUuie Whitney, and Alice H. Dodd against Dr. Doddjudgc Bolse.on last Satur day, after listening to the testimony for two weeks, rendered decisions dismissing both cases, in the former case the plaintiff to pay the costs ; in the latter each party. go, 000 worth of otothing eitii & Seitenbaoh's. at coat at M on- $5,000 worth of clothing at cost at teith A Seitonbach a. Roll Ysar slerses. Mon- always to change partners. The gentle man and lady winning the most games at the prize table each act a prize while the ones who arc the most times at the booby ta bic get some take off. O Our business men have forgotten all about that $90 sign that recently succumb ed to the wind, and are now innesting $5 to Sao in a card on a cheap map, onlv one hundred of which will be distributed thro ugh the county. As the maps cost very little and the printing less than ten dollars it is easy to figure up what a bonanza the fellow has. Between spending your money with Chinamen and itenerant stranges who pray on the liberality of Webfect and give little in return take vour choice. w O The Man About Town hears a strong sentiment in favor of granting divorces for onlv vcrv serious causes. RurMrn' Arnica Kalve. The best salve in tho world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cnapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all 8km Eruptions, and posi tively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sate by Foshay & Mason. TVhcn Baby waa sick, we gave aar CA8T01iIA. When aha waa a Child, aha cried for C ASTORIA , When she became alias, she dime; to C ASTORIA, When she had Children, aha gave them CASTOBIA. NOTICE. To Tax-Payers. The County Court has placed ia my hands a warrant for the collection of the taxes charged in the tax roll of 1SS5, and if ths same ia not paid by ths 1st of Fcbrusry, I will be compelled to proceed to ollect the asms by law. January 12thf I8S0 J. K. CHARLTOK, Tax Collector. Mr L Senders is in the city buying horses for the San Francisco market. Parties having irood larae horses, can find a ready sale for them by calling on Mr Senders in this city Dr Kellogg' s Worm Tea is entirely free from all mercurial properties, can be given to tbe weakast constitution withsut danger, ia palatable and easily administered to children, Kxcttesaeat la Texas. Orwat azoitemant ha bean cause J in the vicinity of Parta.'Texas, by the remarka- - - sr u a s a, ble recovery or Mr. j, k. uoney, wuo waa . 11 a. a J l. . J aa. so net p less no oouia not turn iu oeu, or raise bis bead ; everybody said be was dy ing of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. Kintf'a Mew Discovery was sent him.. Finding relief, no uongnt a targe ootiie and a box of Dr. King's New Li fa Filla: bv the time be had taken two boxes or Fills and two bottles of tbe Discovery, he waa well and had gained in flesh thirty- six pounds. Trial Bottles of this Great Discovery tor consumption tree ai r osuay & Mason's. 15,000 worth of clothing at cost at Mm teith A Seitenbaoh's. BdPf C title au IMUttaa She The undersigned will pay the highest cash price for beef cattle and mutton sheep. Have good scales on which to weigh. L D. Miller, Miller's, Oregon BITIARY. Died at his residence in this city, Jan. 19th, 1886. Mr. Anderson Deckard, aged 7J years. Mr. Deckard was born in Hawkins Co., Ky. While yet a mere boy, he lost his father by death. Soon after, he and his mother went to Tenn., and thcrree to Mo. He came to Oregon in 1853, and has Hved in the vicinity of Albany ever since, great ly respected and beloved. From his youth, Mr. Deckard was a firm believer in Christ unity, and a devoted member of the Om berlain Presbyterian Church. Through alj his long and severe sickness, his faith in God and assurance of heaven, seemed to grow brighter and stronger to the very end. Among his last thoughts and feelings .hat found expression in words, were those of God, friends and heaven. Thus, full of years, and ripe for the upper and bitter life, he has passed on before, not long hi nee to wwtcome to the eternal home the dear companion left, whose privilege it was to bestow upon him such attentive and affec tionate ministry, through all his sufferings. II, L CASE FLOWS. This famous plow ia well known in Linn County. Tho chilled and steel plows ar well made from the very best material and are warranted to do as good work and scour fully as well as any other pi ow Patera A Stewart are the sole agents. S AW8, AXES, Ere We will sell you tbe famous Dtsston Champion cross-cut saw at a low figure, and can give you good prices on axes, sledges and wedges. Peters & Stewart. HP HE BEsa-T' 8 HOT 1 TOWN Can bo found at our storo. Th shot usually sold in Albany drops 75 ftet, while the St. Louis shot sold by us drcps 200 feet, making it equal to chilled shot. Sportsmen shonld not forget this. Peter .fc Srcw.vRT. B LACKSMITH'S OUTFITS, $3,000 worth of clothing at cost at Moo teith A Seitenbaoh's, For Sale. Anvils, vites,bellows, hammers, sledges,. stocks and diesud a) most every tool used by blacksmiths we keep constantly on hand, Also a full stock of iron.ef all sizes, horse shoos and horse sbo nails, hpeoiai prices made on small outfits for farmers use, Peters it Stswart. First-class billiard table for sale cheap. Inquire of the undersigned at Depot Hotel in Albany. J. A. Gross. ladles, Attention. Mr. Vierick has concluded to place his 1 aromatic shampoo in the hands of all parties wishing to do their own sbamjioo- ing. He will sell it in quantities from i5e, upwards, L, Vierick, Tonsoritl Artist, The Portland Business Co'.-gp, Portland, Ore gon, offers superior private tut class insiruion to the young and uilddle-aged of ixth sexes -rfco desire to obtain apracticsl education in the short, est time consistent with thorough work, and at tha least expense. Day and evening sessions through out the year Student admitted anytime. Cata logue on application, A r. AaasTaoac, Principal