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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1886)
FRIDAY.. JANU4RV 22, 1886 OVVTY CKVTKM. 9MMITTKK. Ths following are the names of tee County Democratic Central committee : Ktst Albany U. W. Hoohetedler. Wait Albany John Rggera . Hrowoaville O. P. Ooehow. Canter Moaea Parker. CrawfordsvUle R. W. Moaae. Franklin Butte Harvey Shelton. Fox Valley K. A. Heater. Harriaburg Sam May, Lebanon C. H. Ralston. Bob Thoa. Munkers. Shedda Jonas Devi. Syracuse J. U. Rainey. Santiam B. Burtenshaw. Sweet Home Wm. Rumbaugb. Watarloa John Barrel I. Mabel A. Drury. It is ridiculous in Btstnsrjk to think that he can quarantine Germany against the Ameriean idea. Maude Miller, daughter of Joaquin Miliar the poet, is in Near York in des titute circumstances. Uongreea has passed the presidential succession bill. The signature of the President has made it a law. It pro vides that in cue of the death of the President the Secretary of State shall become President Mitchell says ha is under no obliga tion to the Northern Pacific Railway company, and that he is in favor of for feiting the grant from Wallulu to Port land. Ha has not yet made up his mind as to the Cascade division, and will probably favor extending more time to the Oregon and California road. mux. .Amerammm High licence has worked the same remits in Chicago as everywhere else. It baa reduced the number of saloons from 13,003 to 9,000, and at the name time it has added fl, 30,000 to the revenue ef the city. Better baa almoat closed out the low "groggeries" that are the worst schools of crime. Geo. Lew. Wallace baa made a vicious attack opDti Gen. Halleck, cbargiog that, through jealonsy of Grant, be wonld have betrayed hie country and allowed Washington City to fall into the bandi of the confederates at ooe time during the war, had it not been for the timely interposition of Wallace himself. Wallace is simply seeking to establish a reputation for himself. Such nn attack by a Democrat would be de nonoesl aa treason by all the Republi can pipers in the land. From the time of Cleveland 'a nomin ation until a couple of months sioee.the Orjonian, with great perstatarcy .called him lecWous,""ignorant"igoormus, and many other strong terms to show bis absolute unfitness morally or men tally to be Preaident of the United States. These chargea it repeated from day to dsr with such venomous seal, that it finally came to believe them. And just aa soon aa it became satisfied of their truthjt at once announced that Cleveland was more of a Ripublican than a Democrat, sod Republieana bung their headj in disgust and Democrats amiled quite audibly at the Orejonian'e atopidity. Back aaje there ia not so outstanding obligation of the United States which cannot he legally and honorably dis charged by the payment of the present standard silver dollar. Ail the bonds that uiiture in 1892 and IU07. amount ing to over $ 1,000, 000, 000,a re payable aa required by the act ef congress) of July 14th, 1870, which act required them to be paid in coin of the standard value prescribed by law on the 14th of Juiy, 1870. Now every person knows that both silver and gold were pre scribed as of the standard value at that date. We have on more than one occasion been pleased Co call the attention of our readers to the fair way in wbichour cotem porsrj, the Time-Afountaineer,trmt of politic i matters Hear it : "The ante election prophecy ot the Blaine organs that with the advent of a Democratic administration a blight wonld fall on Americtn industries and that want and poverty would increase, has not boon verified. On the contrary, the laat few months hve seen a general revival of bimn-s, and a carreipondiog mitiga tion of the vigors of "bard times." Money is wore plentiful, industries arc thriving, and there is a general feeling of confidence in all branches of indus try." f 'Ibis is a great winter for the wild animals. In New York and Pennsyl vania panther and bears are so numer ous in some of the mountainous regions that they have intimidated faint-hearted sportsmen, while courageous hunters hse had many exciting encounters with them. In Illinois wolves are making sad havoc in the sbeepfolda,and the farmers are banding together to wage war on their predatory enemies. In Connecticut wildcats are furnishing marks for the farmers" riflas and sub jects for thrilling stories at the firesides. Foxes, also, are aaid to be unusually numerous and ravenous. If some of the dead shots of the rifle galleries would take a trip into the woods just now they myht be able to ascertain whether their nerves are as steady as their eyes are true. KsrvaucAN iciimii. Republican senators contemplate Inaugurating a number of schemes by which to annoy the President and make party capital for the g, o. p., among them being one to call upon the President for the reasons for sua- pending certain republican officials. Although there is no doubt the Pres ident has ample and full Justfltcation for every suspension made, yet, know ing these senators are not seek lug the public good, but are debasing the high and honorable stations of public trust which they hold for mere Igno ble and partisan purposes, It Is highly probable that the President will exer. else bis prerogative as a co-ordinate branch of the government and send theee mousing gentlemen back to the Senste chamber to attend to their le gitimate duties. The Preaident seems willing and even anxious to give sen. a tors all and full aeaeons for the ap pointments which he has made, for his power to complete these appoint ments Is divided between him and the Senate, but he Is the exclusive judge wnether an official should he removed or not, and it would seem to be an impertinence on the part of the Senate that ought to be resented. The heart of the editor of the VUtin dmUr is sorely grieved over the proe lct of a large prohibition vote in this state at the next election. He tbinka Republieana ought to do something to bald the temperance yote. Bra. Buiok writes from tke standpoint that the temperance vote is to be found only in the Republican party, and that the pro hibition move in thia atate will affect only that party. It is really amusing to aee the dodging and fl modeling' of theee Republican leadera upon the tem perance question. I t years gone by they have assiduously taught the people that that party was the true friend and promoter of the cause ot temperance, but now that prohibitionists demand of that party that it redeem its long de layed promises to espouse their cause, the leaders cry out in frantic tones to them to wai and in due time (hey will give them the legislation they ask for, but arohi'eitionist bavo no faith in theee promises. Toey will not be de eeived longer. They have determined to run a party ticket of their own, and we have no doubt it will make large in roads ioto the ranks of the Republican party. Wa hope Republican farmers will not forget when they come to sell tVeir wheat at 60 cents per bushel that their ia a duty on ail imported wbat of 20 cents per buVuel, aad that they have been taught to believe that this was imposed to protect tbem and enable s them to get a good ptice for tbeir wheat. w w j 4 cents per pound, they should not fur - W t ikH aull vua m. ft a. . 1 1 get that there is a duty of 1 cent per pound to protect them. For a like purpose there is a duty of 2 cents on j bama and bacon, 4 cents per pound on butter, 2 cents per pound on lard, 10 cents per bushel on rye and barley. 10 cents on corn and oats, etc., and yet all this shsm protection has never benefit ted the farmer to the extent of a farth ing, although this proteclion is what be receives in return for allowing himself to be taxed to death to benefit Eastern manufacturers. Will people never open tbeir eyee to the outrage of which they have so long been the blind victims 1 Mr. J. B. Fabian, for some time past proprietor and editor of the Mountain Sentinel, published at Union, in Union county, has sold that journal to Messrs. Owen & Kuhn, who make the promise that the paper "will be democratic - simply democratic, but not the servile organ of any particular person or clique." That is just right, gftitlsmen. Yon cannot afford to identify yourself with any faction, but it is your dutv to crush out theee senseiess factions which creep into the party. By the way, gentle men, we be.'ieve there is ample oppor tunity to try yoer band at that business in Union county. Hope you may have abuodant sucoeas in your efforts io that direction. Tbete is considerable feeling being manifested among Democrats through out the valley at the disposition shown by three or four Democratic papers in the State to introduce their personal quarrels into the party councils. These papors are almost universally condemn ed for pursuing this courae. They would do well to heed the fact that they will not receive any aid or comfort from rural Demociats. There is plenty of room for several thousand more vclers io the Democratic party in Ore goo, and condemnation, strong and vig orous, will reat on the bead of him who by his factional conduct keeps them out. Two or three of our Democratic cotemporaries in this atate are keep ing up personal quarrels springing from a spirit of jealousy. Ech is attempting to assume such-an atti tude as to make the party espouse his cause. Io this attempt thoy will be badly disappointed, for there are no Democrats in nit the region round about here but what condemn ell par ties in tolo for this unseonly quarrel. Hush up, gentlemen, and fight the common enemy. Let every voter keep in mind the fact that io April he must register his name with the Judges and Clerks of election, at the usual place of voting in his pre cinct, or otherwise he cannot vote at the next June election. OORRH3PDN-DB 3STOS) SlodHWllle What should happen on last Wednes- day night, about 11 o'olock.but that we should be awakened from our pleasant slumber ny the most outrageous racist, made by the firing of guns,plstols, beat ing of cans and ringing of bells that it was ever a mortal's lot to endure. After the racket had continued until it was almost deafening, M r. W. put in an ap pearance and, as if by m tgio.the clamor suddenly ceased, when Mr. W. lead the "boys" to the store of Davis k Wheeler and treated them to an oyster supper, Fortunately this is aa uncommon oc- curranoe atSodavilie. Harried at Independence last week, Mr. Wm. Wheeler, ef this city, end Miss Eila Lyons, of Independence. The bride and groom arrived here Monday, where they will reside in the future, We congratulate the happy pair, and wish them long life and proaperity. It will be a question of time only who will be the next to atep into the matrimonial circle, as there are several partiea here who are wearing unusually bright smilea ef late. Mr. A. Privett and lady left here yesterday for theii home in Dayton. Mrs. Pound's little grand daughter, Amanda Duniwav, who is living with her, baa been very sick, but is now re- ported better. A!so Mr. Jobo Hon, living between here and Waterloo, is lying ysry low. His recovery ia doubtful. Mr. Nathan Fry, of Oak Creek, was in town Sunday visiting his father, Mr. Olney Fry. Miss Louie Green, of Oak Cresk, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Berwick. Ssmuei Cooper's little son, Edward, had the misfortune of getting hie haod very badly out. The Rev. Baabor delivered a very W rood .no interesting sasanon bete laat Sabbath to a large and attentive audi- ence. Mr. Hasbor will not be with ui again until the second Sabbalb in 1 March, when be will deliver a lecture on "roe amy ei parents to cnuuren, . . m - - and of children to parents Mr. Ai Parriab'e daughter, Stella, is vsrv sick. Born to the wife of JrlT Hesley .twins, a boy and a girl. Mrs. Nora Miller was ie town last weak. Mr. Clay Hsrdman, of Cm vsllis.hss been paying Sjdsvills a visit. A musical entertainment waa given at the Fountain Huee last Wed need ay tog and instructive temperance lec evening. In every respect the evening lu" Baptist Church Baturday waa notable end a eon roe of much esAa onoamy nignia. joyment to all the participants. Alan an antsrt.inmsnt ml Mr Wm. Parriah's reeideoaw, which was equally AB aajoyablr. S.-lifMjl will Lmtrin nmxt UtmAm Mrs. Tbomaa. of Cor v. His. who hasH018 " ' aow improTiag. been slavinu here aeveral derr.returnsd home last Mends. lh,i.AWUU. K... 5...1 l.robt av- a new autplv of good, for SH11"111' be company. on a new supply or good tore. - Mr. Cbrts. llatdman is to town to day. He is probably looking a'ter his interests at ibis place. I A little eaew fell here, juet enough 1 to remind us of the feetfol weather we were bsviog at thia tioje last winter, and to make us feel thankful that we have been spared such a storm thus far this winter. Mr. S. Cjyle'e two oldest daughters for Ban Joae laat Saturday night aa re anticipate coming to Sjdaville to spend ported laat week. Accompanied by the remainder of the winter and attend school at this plana. a uwiv s w affaav ww vi w w MaJWOPssnn tdtva at waa Kit I aask AS WBt lt,ti which are fit to live in, but what nave occupants. This shows fiat Soda villi- is gaining in population aa well aa so ter prise, and all look forward to un usually lively times as soon as spring appears. Wavg lota.nori. The revival at the M. Church closed 8uods evening. Be v. Sweeney haa been here for five weeks laboring with the people,atsiated by Res. Webb, of Albany, aa long as he could leave bis cbarge.and then by Rev. Shorelsnd, from Sheridan. There were 125 con versions, of these 84 joined the M. K. Church. Sunday war. a red letter day in Lebanon. At the morning meeting 135 testimonies were given In 30 min utes. After a very abie sermon espe cially for the converts, but applicable to all, they baptised 7 children and 22 adults. The meeting was immediately taken in charge by Rev. Hickman of the C. P. Church, and interest seems manifested. Wo hope the good work will go on until every sinner is con verted. The M. E. organized a Sunday School with 0. McDonald aa Superintendent; Miss Mela (iilbert,Orgwmst ; Mrs. Dr. Hope, Assistant ; Marion Foil is, Chor ister ; Frank Ballard,Secretary. There has been a Young People's Christian Union orj;anked, which will meet every Tuesday evening in the chapel at the Academy. Willie Cowan is recovering very slowly. Cowan & Ralston' bauk will soon be finished, Mr. I. Conn, of Albany, being the workman that can put work through in a week, and have it good too. Mr, Condit bad services Sabbath afternoon at the 1st Presbyterian church, and txis in 14 members. A. 1 ease aw . Oalarville. Mr. Wm. Broyies,wbo has been quite sick for several months, and who was thought to be convalescents failing very fast. His recovery is despared of. The smiling face of our graul and old time friend, Mr. Vanoie Wilson, of Halsey, was seen in Oikvilie on Jan. 10th. Messrs. St. John & SuOne, the enter prising bridge builders of this vicinity, are building a bridge across Crabtree Creek, in thia county. Born near Oikvilie, on Wednesday, Jan. 6th, to the wife of Rev. Lambert, a girl. Miss Eina Bamford, of Oikvilie, is visiting friends io Albany. Mrs. H. M. Stone and son, Otto, spent several days last week visiting relatives in Benton county. Mr. Halstesd and family arrived here .aat week, from Michigan. The frosts of last weak have done considerable damage te the fall sown renin. However ths ntiir maw r.rff the frost aa that the wheat mav not be damaged so much after all. Willamette Temperance Alliance on Tuesday eve. Rsv. Ltmbert is expect- d to de'lver the address. Ag! time is anticipated. Oni-dirk. Oscar Johnson, to Sulo visiting hie uncle, J. O. Johnson. J. L. Myers, brother of D. Myers, came up from San Francisco and Is visiting wan him here. The Firman Funds Insurance Ho. sent their adjuster up to settle Mr. A. J. Bllyeu'a lost, which was paid to his satisfaction. x. J. Williams had the misfortune to run one of his feet under a bell, which caused a very bad hurt. q w Qalnea was In the cite Mn. day. The bridge that waa washed out en CrtMrce Creek la now all finished nod ready for travel again. The con- tract waa let to St. John and Stone. Hnr nnlltleal men ere. nt I nnUft ml prttnt. but we think Sclo with so many Democrats of talent, should have at least a Clerk, Sheriff or Gov- ernor at the coming election. There Is a social dance every Frl- day night at our City Hall. Home of our pugilists have again come to the front. One of them ex- traded some teeth for his opponent, and the other tried to examine his friend's skull. All Is quiet now, and the city officers have a reel. D. Myers k Co. have commenced the building of quite a large shop for tneir business In Sclo. On Tuesday evening, Jan. 19 th, a birthday party was given it the real. lt M SJBs, . m. : mrm. ft a . ft A ft. ft ... uenos) or reter miyeu, n being tne Mth blrlhday of his deughter.Laura. About forty persons were preeen,aod enjoyed a pleeaant evening, one . a i s s . v.s .a wa . a eiwmye win wneti i via rster. JotAll. Drownsjvllles A representative of the Pacific Coast Directory waa here Tuesday. Prof. Uravee lectured on Astrology last Monday night in the City Hall. Born Monday night to the wife of K. M. Jack, a daughter. Prof. Cmwhurst delivered two inter- I Last Saturday night the alarm of fire SOUuded through Our town, but I bPpHy it proeexl to be only ecbtmnej I ure ano waa soon extiogouneo. The infant eon of Wm. Wstsen is I I. W f . 1 1 A telephone has been erected be twesn the office of the a W. M. Co. I i.i - i j . a M reaiaence oirf. . eyer, tne Mr. J. M. Howe is visiting with relatives ie Kugene City. Laat Monday morning EJ. Msrlatt, mother end sister left our town lor California. Mr. Isaac Louden is confined to bis bed by typboti fever. Daoiel M. D eieey, of Lane county, is doing this villsge Mrs. W. T. CVcbren did not leave her husband aha will start for Sea Joae vis. Yaqutna Bay next Sunday. Oooejb Ilalasey. Daath has entered our town and re moved three worthy inhabitants. On Friday morning of laat week the people were saddened to learn that Philip Sippy, who has long been sick, bad breathed his last. Burial took place on the following Sunday. Mr. Hippy's sister, Mrs. Oien Bonnet, also died near this place on the 7tb tnst. On last Monday, at about 1 p. jo., tbe death of Eider G. W. Warmoutb occurred. He was an old resident here and one of our beat christians and meet respectable citizens. His family have tbe aympatby of the community in this tbeir great bereavroenU Tbe Halsey Dramatic Club will give an entertainment at Brownsville next Friday for the benefit of tbe I. O. Q. T., of this place. They deserve a full house. Prof. Crowburst, grand lecturer for the I. O. Q. T., lie! t red here Monday and Tuesday evenings to a large end appreciative audience. After the lec ture Tuesday evening, Mrs. Feacb,Mrs. Louie Bond, Miss Kittie Davison and Miss Lizzie Jester passed among the audience with proposition papers, and quite a number of names were proposed for membership in ths lodge here. Miss Kate Bayard, eldeat daughter of Secretary of State Bayard, died from heart disease laat Saturday morning. nee Besu'U la Every Case. D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of Chsttanooyo, Tenn., writes, that be was seriously afflicted with a severe cold that settled on his lungs ; bad tried many remedies wttnont benent. Being Induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery tor Con sumption, did so and was entirely cured by tbe use of a few bottles, 85 nee w hich time he has used It In his family for all Cough aud Colda with beat results. This Is the experience of thousands whose lives have been saved by this Wonderfu Discovery. Trial bottle torn at Foahay 1 Masan's Drug Store, De Yea Mean Business t Well, If you have strength to push your business, it is well. But many a man's business has broken down because the man was broken down, and had no posh in him. If you want to make a auooaaa. k build up your system by the use of Brown's Iron Bitters. Mr W M Wlnfree, of Petersburg, Va says r "There is no medicine equal to Brown's Iron Bitters for general debility." It cures dyspepaia.en riohes the blood and strengthens the mus cles. Miraculous Escape. W. W, Reed, druggist, of Wineaeste Ind., writes : "One of my onstomers.Mrs. Louisa Pike.Bartonia, Randolph Co,, Ind,, was a long sufferer with Con sumption, and was giren up to die by her physicians. She heard of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and began buying it of me. In six months' time she walked to this city, a distance of six miles, and is now so much improved she has quit using it. Sh9 feels she owes her life to It." Eree Trial Bottles at Foahay k Mason's Drug Store. Book Hill. Rsvi 0. Sperry presetted here last Sunday to a tolerably full bouse. Cold wssther has now come and the far mars have to look out for their stock during the cold snap. We were in hopea them wm not going to be any snow tbls winter. There will be protraoted meeting next Friday uigrV. at the Cheadle school house. Every one is invited. Mr. O. F. M-ad, of Lebanon, will preach a sermon at Hook Hilt the first Sunday In February, Every one is in vited. Mr. John Hon, of Waterloo, is lyiog vary sick near fibdaville. Wken we heard from him last be was no batter. We are in hopes he will gat well soon. Mr. Eastbam and brother are build ing a fine dwelling.beve part of it built aad will finish the rest when spring QpSMMi A fine dwelling and a barn have been built on the farm formerly owned by L, Pstersoa. Mr. McFerron, of Brownsville, made us a visit one day last week,wbich waa appreciated by "A Rook Hil'er." We know that the ducks are coming in plentifully since the cold weather has come. There was speskiog at Rock Hill last Fiiday by the pupila of the school. There will be apeak ing the last day of school. Mr j. Parana Used, of Lebanon, has been quite sick, but sb is some batter now. A Rock Hi f.i.x it. Dont fall to eall on us for winter goods. Monteith A Meitenbao Aa stetcrerltiMa. SYetleate Su foahay A Mason can always be relied upon, not only to carry in stock the heat or everyuiinK, but to secure tne Agency for ejoh artiolee as have well known merit, and are popular with the people, thereby eusuiulnar the reputation of be hue always emririinflr and ever rellahl. Having secured the Agency for the oele- nrat-Hj nr. King's Hew Discovery Tor (Jon sumption, will sell It on a positive gnaran tee, it win surely cure any ana every afreoOorj of Throat, Lunir and t'he-s'., and t akow our coufidehce. we invite you to ran aa i get a Trial UoUie Free BIDS FOE GOUIfl POOL Notice is hereby srlven that sealed bids will be received by th County Court of c'.usiy, uregon, for iKmrUlng, Iol. ine anu uoing tne laundry work lor ail tne inesgtnt praona or paupers now aup porven or to no l supported during tke en suing year by sold county, for the term f one yser, commencing Fabruary S1, 1SSS, Bidders will state the prioe per week for which l bey will board, lodge and do the laundry work for eacn of said paupere For full rt(rutaia mem terms of a contract to be signed by I be successful bidder on nie at the ( Jerk's omoe of said county. All bids te a mod with the Clark of yu county, Oregon, on or before Wednes! ay, reoruary 3rd. im. at l o'clock, p. m, P jne by order of the Court. D,, Clerk. Strayed. About the mat of November, a blue and tan oouttd, bis body Is eomming like a bmw or omosi eouw. leara vattiow. vol apote over lbs eyes, uus white on the breast and on niea. lie is a young dog of fair .. Any prsoa knowing of seet stray will pleaae drop carat to J. M, ler, 8cio, Una Co , Or., Sheriffs Sale. a ths CirtU Cor o tke Stat Oregon jar esiSSSJ S Lmm. .. E. Moody. Governor, R P Earhsri. Heexetery of the Htaio.and Edward Htracb Treasurer of the iarjM of Orasran. consti tuting tbe Board of Commissioners for tne sale or settee! and University lands and lor tbe investment ef the funds arising . i M Ski a . m Am uMsturom, riainurrs. vs. J W a U more, J T Ullmoro, Nancy Devon, port and T W Davenport, her husband, Martha Kirkendall and Nathan Kirken deli, her husband. Harsh Casalday and L OaeaAday, ber bubnd. Elisabeth Wheat ton and David Wheaion, her husband, James uiimore and M A Oil more, hie wife, John oiirrore, William Uiimore, J is Wvatt, k A iUwiey, Henry Click, snd C R Montague, snd E J Leaning Admin istrator of me aetata of Jane A Otlttiore, dmsssi Defendants. VTOTICE is hereby given Utst by virtue 7 ef an execution and an order of aale iwsuad out of toe above named Court in the above entitled action and to me direct ed and delivered, I will on Saturday . tbe 20th day of February. 1893. at one o'clock. p.m. at the Court Reuse door, In Al bany, una county, Oregon , at nub Us? auotioa, for cash in hand, to tbe hi nigi aag bidder, sell ike real estate d seed bed hi said execution aud order of sale aa fol lows, to-wit : Beginning at tbe northeast corner of Section 6 in Township 12 south, ranee 1 west, ef the Willamette meridian, In Unn county, Oregon, and running, theaoe east 30 chains ; thence south 4e chains ; tneooe west 40 chains ; thence north 7H chains ; thence west 'i chains ; thenoe north 88 chains to the Township line on north boundary efTp. 28, R 1 W; thenoe east 22k' chains to the uiaoe of be glnalagi eesitalnlng Ml more or leas, The prooeeds of sate to be applied : First to the payment of the coata of this suit, taxed at $107.12, and the coats of making tnis sale, second to he payment of tbe amount due the Plaintiff herein at certained, to-wlt s 1978.68 with aoorulna interest thereon at the rate of ten (.er cent per annum, aad the further sum of 885 Attorney's fees. Third, the residue, If any, to be paid to E.J Lauuing, Admin, iatrator of the estate of Jane A Uiimore. deoasaaeV Dated this 20th day of January, 1888, J. K. Chakltoit, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, per J s. J. Cixancro n, Deputy, Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Ckntit e f i Stat Of Ortfftm jot m Vounty of Ltm : 3 L Miller, Plaintiff. vs. Wm R Robertson and Julia A Robertson, his wire, Defendants. SrOTIOE is hereby given that by virtue I of an execution and an order of sale ued out cf the above named Court in the above entitled action and to me direct ed and delivored, I will on Saturday tbe 20th day of February, 1888, at one o'clock , p. nr., at the Court House door, In Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder sell tho real property described in said execution and order of sale as fellows to-wlt: The southwest quarter (H) of Section thirty (80), Township nine (9) south, range two (2j east of the Willam ette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 182 73 100 acres, Tbe pro. oeeds of sale to be applied : First to the payment of the osts and disbursements of this suit and of making this aale. Sec ond to the payment to J L Miller the sum of $780 and accruing interest thereon at ten (10) per cent par annum from the 27th day of November, 1885, and the further sum ef $7$ Attorney's feea. Third the overplus if any therebe to be paid to Wm R Robert sou, Dated this 20th day of January, 1888. J, K. Charlton, Sheriff of Linn county, Or, per Jas. J. Cuarlton, Deputy. NOTICE. This ia to certify that I, Miriam Crowder, do hereby notify the pablio, that I have dis solved all claims to Vv. W. Crowder and will not be accountable for any debts or loans on the Miriam Crowder place. Miriam Crowder, HOFFMAN & JOSEPH, -PROPRIETORS OF- Albaay Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, CONaWITNO OF- Pere stlok, assorted flavors, mixed drone. tar drops, horebounr! erops, cut lumps, extra French mixed, chocolate n roams, chocolate squares, chocolate mice, deeorat ed pears, deoorstsd faces, almond bars, fruit squares, apple slices, cream dates, assorted .oeromsls, msosrorii.oooenut hells, coconut brilllant.oream mlce,oream heart. .A line assortment of large HEARTS AND TOYS In endless variety. THE ABOVE CHOICE CANOIES We are now prepared to sell at whole sale, always fresh and pure at Portland prices io o eaters, we also Keep a mi ine ef Huts and Tropical Fruits, IT GrBOCERIES, We keep a full line, always fresh snd at very low prices. OUR CIGAR AND TOBACCO department la complete. We keep the very nnest stock or smoking and chewing somobaj ess)SSajsteaea asM ones ptfrn mm la a delight to smokers. ' W K 8TI U L K IK P OUR TAB 1SK rent. 10 mi OSEXADIHA, BOM PlTMCtl S-cent CIGAR And n floe assortment of IMPORTED CIGARS. THE NEW FIRM -AT Having thia day disposed of our mer auitie interests in Lebanon to Messrs Churchill A Monteith, weean cheerfully recommend them to our old pat rone as worthy of confidence and to all whom It may concern, j. u cowan a uo, Lebanon, Deo. 2itb, 1885. In referring to tbe above notice we desire to atate thai we shall at once pro osed to stock up with a full line of new and desirable goods, ine! tiding a complete In vestment of grooeriss which will be sold at bottom prices. CnvecnitL A MowTarrn. Lebanon, Dec, 24th, 1865. Conrad Meyer, -PROPRIETOR OF-1 ST A It II A IvKllYa Corner Broadalbia and First Sts,, DEALER IW- Canoed rraata, (ilasswsrf, Driest PreUla, Tobarrr, Caameel floats, tfaeeaaware, Vegetables, C'lgara, SlSJt'lSMMt CJesTee Tea, Etc,, Elr., In fact everything that ia kept la a gen era! variety end grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO SAN FRAN CISCO VIA. YAQUINA Tralae Leavr Corvallis. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 9 a. sr. Trains Leave) Yaojalna, Monday, Wedaesdsy, Friday, at 8 a. m. The final I Sksannr "YaquLna"sail! raos rums WwiiMsesy, January 13Ui raos SAS rSASOSXSL Prtdav. Jsnoary Kb. . JusliiT) 241 h. w Ma4y Ptbramry Sni ftutnUy, KoWruurr I4ih. TuwUy. January lU. t sy, Jinaary wut. Maaeay.fSSrsiiry sth. Friday, Pabntary lUx WsaasMsy, lsaswary SSta Ths Cent paey rererye tits right te saaage astBsg says. rs CMn,U ; Staoraf, S? J traititt s rsSae ed aad a9SSfsf rates. Hi v. r boats aa tits cmnct a CorraJlis Lw ra sad rats. For further IfflfersaaHoa sp ply to C. BOlI. A. 0. F. and P. Afsat, CwrvaJiia. MMTJNITION. A full auj.ol v of the usual sixes of r a tridges, brass and paper shells, prim wads and bar lead. Also tbe best p der. Parr a as A SrswAn-r. D ON"T FORGET IT. If you try to build now while wheat Is only worth M cents you should by all means go to Peters A Stewart's, at Albany for your hardware. You can get what you want at tbeir stare and at reasonable fig ajras, K BKST THING OUT, 1st the Acme Harrow and no farmer can well afford to be without it. It is the very best clod crusher and pulveriser, leaving the ground as level as a barn floor. Sold only by Peters & Sfcawart, "" 1 '- , , , MW nun, HI Millie m ,nu .,L II III MSI! Executor's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that tbe na dsrsigned haa been by an order of the County Court of Linu county, Oregon, duly appointed Kxecutor of tbe laat will and testament of Dlantha Haley, deoseed late of said osunty. All persons haying claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified and reqt?red to present the same properly vetiiitt within six months from the date hereof to tbe under, signed si his residence in Shedd, Llna county; Oregon. December 29th, 1835, F, A. Watts, Executor, Final SeUlement. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed Administrator of the estate of J. H. Moors, deceased, has Hied his final account as such Administrator in the County Court oi Linn county, Oregon, and by ordsr ef said Court, Monday tho 1st day of February, 1686, at the hour of nine o'clock, a. in., has been set for hearing objections to said ac count and the settlemaot thereof. Any par sou interested in said estate ia hereby notifi ed to appear and file his or her objections to said account on or before said day. Dated December 29th, 1885. Levi Douglas, Administrator, Administrator's Notice. NOTICJ5 is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by tbe County Court of Linn county, Oregon, Administrator of the estate of 0, P. Adams, deceased, late of said Linu county. AH persons haviog claims against said estate are required to present the same, properly verified, within six months from tbe dale of this notice, to T. J. Stites, Albany, Or. November 27th, 1888. T, Adams, T. J. Swtbs, Administrator, Att'y fox Adm'r, New Goods. L. E. BLAIN Has the Largest and Best stock f Clothing In tbe Central Willamette Valley. Ills stock of BOOTS and SHOES, either for size or quality. Is not equalled In Linn county, Bought for cash a id soiu cheap. Hie Department Is complete with the latett so a beet styles. Furnishing S Si s Goods, are the very best, embracing tbe latest styles. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT undsr ths charge of W. H. Hlbblt. an ex pert tailor, has no superior in Oregon, Splendid Hoe of domestic and imported suitings always in stock. I am now receiving my Fall stock of LADIES'. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. ASD MEN AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES. I have selected these goods with care and with a view to tbeir adaptability to this climate. I have bought them direct from the manufacturer's, and am authorized to warrant every pair. I make a specialty of thia line of goods, and no doubt carry the largest stock in the oity. As to price there is no house in Oregon that has any advant age of me io buying, as I buy strictly for cash, and can give as good value for the money as any other house. I keep no trash. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, Scott's. New Gun Store, HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSMEN. o THE LEADING GUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITION,CARTRIBCES SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT ING MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At the most reasonable prices, alwsya in stock, Repairing done on short notioe. Willamette Valley nimroda should never boy without calling on W. B. SCOTT, ssTOpposite Revere House, Allan y, Or, svHkT Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Mmm county. Tbe American Mortgage Com ef Scotland, Limited, Naintiff, TS, T. J, Mill, Laura C. Hi!, and tne Dundee Mori gage and Trust Investment Company, lit mi ted, Defendanta. NOTICE is hereby glvea that by virtue of an execution and an order of aale issued cut of the above named Court fn tbe above entitled a-jtioo, and to me di- rotea ana aeiiveieo, I will on Saturday i 48rd day of January. 1880. at one o'clock, p. m., at tbe Court House door Id Albany, unn county, Oregon, at Dublin auction for cash In band to the highest bidder, sell, first ; That portion of ths teal property described In said execution and order ol sale, as follows, to-wit : Tbe west nair or tne sourness quarter, and tbe east half of the southwest quarter of Meo ttsn twenty-three, in Township thirteen sooth, Raage three west ,of tbe wlltsmett meridian, containing one hundred and htxty acres, together with all and singular tne appartenanoss thereunto belonging or m any wise appnrtalning, and all situated in unn county. Oregon. The proceeds arising from this sals to be spplied, first : To the payment of the costs snd disburse ments or this suit snd si! accruing costs snd disbursements hereafter. Heeond to tbe satisfaction aad payment of Plaintiffs judgment, to-wlt: nine hundred aad eighty seven snd si-loo dollars, and tbe interest thereon at ten per eons per annum from Dec. 1st, 1883, and the Attorney fee of 180. Third, the surplus if say tone Bid into Coon for Defendants Thomas J. ill and Laura C. Hill. In ease tbe sale above mentioned fails to pay each, every and all of Plaintiff's claims above set out, 1 will at tbe time, place, in tbe manner and in accordance with tbe terms above out, seii secondly : Tbe east naif of tbe southeast quarter of Section twenty three, Township thirteen south, Range three west of the Willamette meridian, containing eighty acres In Linn county, Oregon, Tne proceeds of this sale to be applied : first to tne payment of Sheriffs fees for selling tne last described tract of land. Second to the satisfaction and pay ment of the prior lien snd claims thereon of tbe said Defendant, the Dundee Mortg age and Trust Investment Company, Lira, ited. Dot oniy to be so applied on such lien if it shall be found upon the sale of certain other lands by tbe defendant tbe Dundee Mortgage sod Trust investment Company Limited that tne prooeeJs of such other sale be not sufficient to satisfy tbe costs, disbursements, future costs aad disbursementa, principal, interest aad At torney's fee upon the said such other ssle, snd ie case there be more than sufficient to satisfy claim of tho Defendant the Dun dee Mortgage aad Trust Investment Com pany tbe remainder after satisfaction or last said Defendant's claim to be applied tbe same as tbe funds arising from the sale first abive advertised, Dated ibis 2 1st day of Dec. is5. X. K. Chasuto, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, per Jas. J.Chabxtox, Deputy, Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the. State of Oredeu for the County of Linn : I Fkischrter snd C, EL Lewis, Plaintiffs. Alexander Sampbsr, Jr., and Lydia P. Surnpter his wife, Gecrge L Hebbard aad J. W. Brazee, Defendant?. KOTK'K is hereby eivaa that be virina ai an execution aad aa order of sale issued oat of tbe above named Court in tbe above en titled action, sad to me directed and deliv ered, I will on Saturday, the 13th day of raonusry, iecm, u eas oeases, p. m., at tee Court Hones door, io Albany, Lisa county, uregon, st public section, lor cash to hand, to the highest bidder sell the real property described in said execution aad order of sale aa follows, to-wit i The west half of Claim atv aa sty - . . . , ... ao. os, .-xmneauea no. iomr being a part of Sections No. 21 and 28 ia Township 10, sootn ot itange Z west of tbe wniassaSSs saeridian sitoate, lying and being in lion uwMAa aa 1 IAS vmunj, vrugiMi mu eoniawnng iw acres, more or less, the prooeeds ot sale to be ap plied : First to the payment of coats aad charges of making such sale and the costs aad disbursements of this suit in Court above mentioned. Second to tbe payment of the sum doe L. Fisischoer,to-wit,$1327-2S and internet thereon from October 29th, 1886, at one per cent per month until paid aad tbe farther mm of $120 as Attorney's feea. Third tbe overplus, if soy therebe, to be paid George JL Hebbard and J. W. Brasee. Dated January 12tb, 1888. J. K. CUARLTOJT, Sheriff of Linn county, Oreaoa. per Jab. J. Chaslts, Deputy. ITJTLKBY OF ALL KINDS, We keep the beet stook of entlery in ths valley, Pocket knives and razors a sn. clalty. Don't buy anything in tans lin wltoout calling on us first Parana A Stewart. 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT, Of all kindsof merchandise. Ail orders from tbe conn try filled on short notice for every class or kind of goods from first-class stock. Absolutely no chsrgea or commission will be charged for filling ordera, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentice's, Portland, Or. R OPE AND CHAIN. Of all sixes, sa well aa halt r ohsins enw chain, dog chains, rope halters, etc, for sals by Patera & Stewart. OO o o o o O O oo Oregon Kidney Tea! Nature's own remedy Will speedily isHefs sad permanent? cure all ths various dURealOes arisirs; from a disordered eoudiUo: of the LIVER AND KIDNEYS. K K K K KK K K & K TTtTTT T T T T His perfectly harmless sod eaa be jien to the saoat delicate woman or child. For sale by ai! drugirisu, eaell, Ueitsbsi A Weodnrtl. Wholesale Agent. SALE, One half block in eastern part of tie city with fair bouse and barn will beeoid cheap TUOEB AKBR WAGON. This is the only wacon having a slops shouldered spoke and the steel truss on each axle, and ia the best wajroa on wheels. For sale by Peter r tfe Stewart, An Independent Newspaper of Oem ocratic Principles, but not Controlled br, any Set of Politicians or Manipulators Devoted to Collecting and Publishing ai fchc News of the Day in the most Inter esting Shape and with the greatest pos sible Promptness, Accuracy and impai tiality ; and to the Promotion of Demo cratic Ideas and Policy in the fffairs ot Government, Society and Industry. Safes, by Mail, Postpaid: DAILY, per Year $6 Of DAILY, per Month (K SUNDAY, per Year . 0C DAILY aad SUNDAY per Year - . . 7 04 WEEKLY, per Year 1 ot elsbrese. TSS Fes dtta.