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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1886)
S TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES 4 NUTTING. VlKrFK'K--l Dcml UaiUllagon BreaUaltala SlrreS. TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION liirla ranr. nar vear. in inlranoo M M S 00 1 M n 10 Uu-U espy , as Jr. at d of jht aiiuria ooitv. six month tart copy. VkN montfe. ngle number PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. Oregon. in jr. pbacTICE IN ALL THE f f Courts nr tUt State. Will live special attention to cdleotlons and pro matter. . Office In Foster's new brlok. 4W L. H. MONTA.NYB. TTORNEAT LAW Notary PubUc. llbavny. "ion Offlos upstairs, over John Brifflrssp I at street. ",uw" J. K. WEATHERFOBD, (NOTAKY PUBLIC,) TTORNKY AT LAW alWafV. 0E40W. linn. practice nr all tub courts or the State aaaWaMaaUMfiVMiiaaaaaaanwBB robeU aaalter , la Odd Fellsw's Temple. 1 n MWILL W. R. BU.YBU POWEIiL, BILYKU, ,TTORMRYS AT LAW And Solicitors in nia-cery, tiniRT ORRGOH Collections promptly rnsde on all potnta. uoaas neawsnaieri on reasonaoiw ti. BaTOfllos In Foster's Brick.H Tlsnlihf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor it Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON, Will nrmtlo In all of tha Court of ibis State. All buslnes Intrusted to him will ba promptly attondod to. E. W. LANGDON & CO., IKITGMT. tiooka. Stationary and Toilet Articles, A LArjr stocs ana uow i siues. OITY DRTJO- 8TORB, tyi t LB 1ST. ORCCOX. FOSHAY & MASON, LB ASS SStarL Druggists and Booksellers, Agent for John B. Alden's publication-, which we aell at publisher' prices with postage added. ALBANY, OBEflOl. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTION'S CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. f hare the best stock of nmiture In the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE tn the city snd the lowest price In the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and osa give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, Revere House, rrr . trsl sad Etlawerth Albaay, Ores. W Garre t, Prop'r. Tata mw H.u la Stted np in Brat ase style. Tables asnatbl with tha beat tha market affords Spring Bad la .very Room. A food Sample Room for Coco gaarclal Trarelefs. aWrrce Vmnrh tn and from f to- teel.ajB ALBANY COLLEGIA IE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OR. The First Term will eummence on Tuesday, 8ept., 15th, 1885. For parti rol are concerning tha couraea of atody and ha price of tuition, apply to KV. 4. C. WtritOPF, Preatdcst, Aloany Bath Mouse. rUE UNDBRSlttNBD WOULD RISPSC1 fully laform tha oittienf of Albany and ri aaitythat I haTetakasnbara;aofthig EiUbluh Biaot.aod, by keeping olean rooma and payin etriat attention to buaineas, ex pacta iw enlt al thoaawho may fator ns with thalr patronaga Earing horetofor a oarr lad on nothing bat First-Class Hair Drsaslnc Saloons expects to gifa entire tat iff rt ion to a assy-ChUdiao and Ladiai' Hair neatly ! hmpnood JfH WBBBKR. DR.J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Olftcs oor. First and Forry StraeU, A BANY - OREGON. C. C OHIBBT. O.B. PIRKBS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKKS, (SaoceMor. to C. C. Cherry.) laoMiists, MiUarriglits, and Iro? Fomito, WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ATJL. completed, snd are now prepared to handla all kinda of heavy work. We wMl manufacture Steam EnarrneH, Griat and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds r iron and Brass Castings. rATTKMNS MARK OM SUOKT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Z. rtOlTC Send aix eanl for poatage.and SB I 81 1 tm C a receive free, a cos Uv box of goods fwHtch will help yon to more money right away than , thing alse in thiaworfd.. " All of either aex, auc- f?lT from Srat hour, Tli broad mmA- to fortune bofora tha workers, absolutely sure. At one gg2lsa uara,ia5iaSNMhii, Mm VOL. XXI. GERmanremIDY I" " Curat Rheumatisai, Heuralgla, LAI Ufalffl, HaaadM, TMlaaalST I Ol Id .-CrWfrTllPra 1 Mill AT I'lUOniaTB 1MB Bail SMI TH t cguatss 1. vosstsa 0U6HIURE eassss .aaofMfWp m JVee from Opiate, J&eienes ssaal JPtrt AT D-Mn Puum mu tsi csisLxa 4. TuuctBs co, siLnsosx, ID. SKIN TORTURES AND BLOOD HUMORS II HIMIUATINO Kruptivea, Itching and Burning. Skin Tortures. Uee hme Sarea. and everv icv tea ol lu-hing. Scaly. Ptmslv. Inherited. Kcrufuloua mi I ..iutf.u uf the aSSL Skin uttl Mcalp ants Ueaeef Hair. frau. injury to iM at, a. nual Urely cureu by Cement, tha great Skin Cure, and CrnctSA BOAT, SB eviui.iic Skin lWuuRer. exter nally, and cvncraa Raaousrr. tha near Mood Puri Her, Inten.atl) . COVERED WITH NOSE. lhara baas aMIatoshma bsS March with a Bkla arad with aeaba aad aoraa, and tha itching and bum ln- were alaaoat unbearable. Sawing your Citici u Rssasisa an Shrhly racoeamandd. eoaeludrd to aire a trial, ueing the Cinn 11 and tYTKvaa Bojtr astaraaOy, and BssotTssriatorsaJlr, for four I call myaaif cured, in grautuue for which I make MRS. CLARA A FREDERICK. Broad Brook, Conn. CALP.FAC'E, EARS AND NECK, I was afflicted with Kcaama oa thi acaJo. faea. ear and neck, whieh the dnarciet, ahera I fot your rema aTast, prmuama ona of tha worat csaas that had aaaaa der hi. nuiico. II .dtlaed ma to try your CVncf. RanKDiaa. and aitar ne dare' aaa nsv aoalp ami part of my face were auUralr cured, and 1 booa in another weak to have my eare. oeck. and tha oil part of my face cured. IIKUMAX SLADR. ltO B. 4th Street, New York. ITCHING DISEASES CURED. CtTtCXSA la UiU with tha Omcrii Boat. Hare had aa mar, owing to tha pra 1 af Itch through aome a which tha Ctytct-RA of an aggravated torsi localitleein tha country, tn Hssssisa proaas mihsactory. W. L. 11 AKU1UU, drUggSS. Unlontown. By. a iKTIlA REMEDIES. Are U1 b ail Pries : Cmcru. 50c. t RawvaxT, Si ; Soar. tSc Porraa Data asd Casa- ical Co.. Boatoo. Maas. Saod for "How to Cure Skin Dieeaeea." TIFT tha coruplexkw asd akin by astag tea Cctkcsa Soar. THSFsVl NG MICHrNF U the cmuae A UVarino Paine asd Weak aaaa. For Aching fMdee aad Back. Kid ney Patna, Sciatica, Chest Paine. Weak asm and InflammaUon, tha Cniciaa AxTt-Paut PLAgrgaia infallible, "Cat If -K IB TfflB BACK. ' atlteh in tha aide. cram pa, asooUsf aad aasrp paiaa, rheumatic, new- . aad aemue psias. ass arary ax- g Ku utmImUuiIwIi. enoaheil and exoall If jMPXad wHhwonderful celerity try that aaw, fS THf original, elegant god epeedr aatidota to S-aaSSRputt Md inflammation, tha Croctg -A WB PLAiusa. Warranted tha perfection of elegant external remediae, aad raatly sspartor toau other plaatora. At droggiata, the. ; five for St, Poma Uaio aao Cnraicai. Co., Bea ton "TIMED ABD AC MIXCi MEM LE. crying! through countleaa ocraea for rati aad relief. Like manna to tha children of larael la the Cinct aa PLxaraa to the Urad, overwork ed, aching muecle. Do not deny your erlf tha aoasfort afforded by tola new, InAamatinn. At dnurgtata. ; re fur t. Mailed free. PoTTsa Daca aao Cut ical Co., Boeton. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery 1 OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. FISH, GAME, AND POULTRY MARKET. MILTOH HYDE, Proprietor. Fresb fish always on band. Cash paid for chicksns and game. First Street, next door to Jos, Webber's, ALBANY. OREGON 1886. Harper's Bazar, IIjXjTJ 8TBATE 15. Hagrma'a Baza U the only paper in tha world that eombinea tha cholceat literature and tha flneat art 11 luatratione with tha lateat faahiona and methede o houaebold adornment. Ite weekly 11 luatratione and deacriptiona of tha oeweet Parlaand Maw York aty lea, with ite naeful pattern-rheet euppltmente and cut patterna, by enabling ladiea to be their own dreee makera, aaa many timea the coat of gubacription. IU papora on cooking, tha management of eerrante, and bouaekeeping In ite various detail are eminently practical . Much attention la given to tha inlereating topic of social etiquttte, and its illustrations af art ueodle-woik are acknawl edged to ba unequalled. Its literary merit is of the highest excellence, and the unique character of Its humorous pktutea hag won for it the name of the American Punch. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Tesr i HARPER'S BAZAR 4 OS HARPER'S MAGAZINE 0 HARPER'S WEEKLY W HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 HARPER'S r'RANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY, Oue year (12 numbers) 10 00 Postage ftee to all subscribers in the Unitedt States or Canada. The volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time la specified, it will be understood that the subscriber wlabes to begin with the Numbtr next after the re ceipt of order, Bound Volumes of Harpbr's Bazas, far three years back, in neat eloth binding, will be sent by mail postage paid, or by express (provided the frelgh doea not exceed one dollar per volume), for f7 00 pe volume, Cloth eaaea for each volume, suitable for binding will be aent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of SI each Remittances should be made by Poatofftce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lest. Newspapers are not to copy thia advertisement wlth ast tha express order of Harper and Brothers, Addnas HARPER A BROTHERS, New York ED3TAR TRADE XZy MARK. aT!l WASniXiiTw LETTER Pram our regular correspondent.) ' Wabhinotok, Jbd. 1st, 1886. The evtot here to-day was the re ception at the White House. The first to arrive at a Presidential New Year's reception are the correspon dents of newspspera and the Marino band. These are ail stationed in the large ante-room or main vestibule, the band to furnish the music for the great procession, and the represents, tivea of the press to tell who were there, what they wore, and how they looked andjbowed; and smirked and smiled. A few fortunate pen drlv. rs were admitted to the holy of hclles (the Blue Room) where they could make accurate notes of the drosses of Miss Cleveland and the Cabinet Indies who, RssI$ted the Prerident In receiving. Your own correspondent was among these fav ored ooes. It has been said that Mr. Cleveland never appears to, better advantage than when receiving caltera. lie stood, as Is customary on these ac casions, in tbo Blue Room near the door of the Red parlor through which guests eoter. He Is of heroic site, and, buttoned up in a Will fitting Prince Albert coat, he looked physic ally equal to the ordeal of four hours of hand-shaking that wa about to begin. And to be proved to be, for at two o'clock, p. ro., when the doors of the Mansion were closed, and after he had shaken by the band about five thousand people, and given each one a smile and a cordial am glad to ate you," it waa remarked tbat. through it all, he bad not permitted himself to sigh pf look tired even if be felt so. One sympathetic caller among the last took time to remark to him In parsing that he must be very weary, "Oh, no," be replied pleasantly, "this is one of the easiest things I have to do." The next to arrive at this reception were the Cabinet officers, who, I may say, led off the reception, being the first callers on the program. Each one of them looked cheerful and well and in good condition every way. The Secretary of State first wished the President a happy New Year, and then paid the compliments of the season to the ladles all along the line, followed by tho other mem bers of the Cabinet. Tuey passed on to the East roomys the Diplomatic Corps was coming up in their rich, gaudy attire. Some ol these Diplo mats came 10 the White House la corot.etcd carriages, and adorned with swords and sashes and gold lace, their padded cl.ests covered with stars and crce-es and other In. slgnla of rank of office. Among those more noUUo for elaborate dec. orations, were the Kngliah, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese and Chi nese ministers. Aa faat as the Presi dent disposed of the gilded foreign, ers, they marched into the E-tst Room where they bad more cx tn. hivHcope for the display ol their brilliancy. Then the Supreme Court of the Unit d States was on hand, that august body, which has recent ly been a baseiy libeled in regard 10 keeping for Its own special use a bar room in some mysterious recess of the Capitol. Congress next greeted tho Presi dent, and then Judges of the various Courts of the District of Columbia, the Commissioner of the District, the Judicial officere of tbe District, ex. members of the Cabinet and ex ministers of the United States. The Army and Navy officers in their im posing uniforms eame next and then followed Department Officials and Civil Organizations and Associations too tedious to enumerate. Finally the people came, and for an hour a stream of promiscuous humanity swept through tho parlors. They were old and young, black and white, richly dressed and poorly clad, citi zens and strangers, with here and there and an Indian from the far West. The richest woman in South Ameri ca is Isodora Cousino, of Stntiago,CbiIi. Tbe people call her Countess of Monte Cristo, and she traces her snoentry back to Ibe days of the conquest. Sbe in herited from her husband millions of acref?, millions of money, flocks and betdb, coa.1, copper and silver mines, a flnet of iron steamship!, smelting works and a railroad, all yielding ber an in come of several millions a year. From her coal mines atone she has an income of $80,000 per month. Tbe bouse in which sbe lives cost $1,000,000, and tbe grounds are a marvel of beauty and magnificBnce. Tno lungs are as much tbe life of tbe body as is the heart. Tbey are easily affected by climate changes and need sotuething to strengtnen them and drive away impurities. Both of these Rd Star Couch Cure does. It is safe end sure, Twenty-five cants a bottle. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY or the uoitiu The total amount of wheat raised lust season In all tho wheat-producing countries of the world la estimated at from 1,027,000,000 to 1,060,200,. 000 bushels. Dressed hogs are selling In differ tnt parts of New England at from $4.60 to $6 per 100 pounds, which, of course, affords the grower hut a alight margin of profit even at tho low prlcea of grain. With proper con veniences, however, the value added to the manure pile by each porker will more than psy the cot of labor In caring for him. If so mo'. Yankee genius could in. vent an elastic stove pipe he would suppress more profanity than u hun- dred sermon could achieve. There aro at present 184 tubordl. nate Granges In Maine, tho aggre gate membership of which Is 18,631. Wolvea are rery plenfy nnd re markably bold In some aowfanns of Illleola. A farmer of llllisboro, that State, lately had twenly.flvo sheep from a flock of sixty killed by them in oe.o night. Others In that vlcln- ity have also lost heavily by them. , . ... i . . - MBsacu looipatia are terrorising the popio at the Potrtaro at San Fran- claco. Sunday oMit of U.t ta..w the attacked llermin Dodcn and nearly beat him to death. There were four othor persona robbed and maltreated by the runlana. Mias Julia Legeale, aged 18 years, auiclded hi i week in 8tn Franrlaco by cutting her throat with a rator, while lu a fit of despondency. Last week Mrs. Jeff Wiles waa alone at her home in Marshall, IU., her husband Joeing unavoidably ah. aent. There was a knock at tho door and rough voices demanded admit tance, amidst oaths and Insulting language. A look out of the window showed three scoundrels, with black ened faces. Mrs. Wiles refused their demand. They threatened to break down the door, when she snitched up her huahand's gun and fired a heavy charge of shot at them. The men were not hurt, but were terri bly scared, end fled precipitately. John L. Sullivan has authorized the following challenge : "I will fight Mitchell or any other roan In this country for from one to ten thuu aand dollars. I will fight Mltchtl for one cent or for nothing every day for a week, and If I don't lick him on Moodsy I will give $1,000 to tho Orphan Asylum ; If I don't lick him on Tuesday I wilt give $2,000 to the policemen's benevolent fund ; if not on Wednesday, I will give $3,000 to some firemen's fund, and so on ; or to some charitable Institution, until the week Is up." California has some 104,000 Chi nese within Its borders. Tho aver t.t;o wages psld them is $260 per year, which aggregates upward of $27,000,000, upwards of $20,000,000 of which is sent or carried' to their native country. Keports from southwestern Iowa indicate that thoso who make a bu.i- neas of feeding stock In that vicinity have found but little profit In the business the past year, and the out look for the future h far from encour aging. An instance la mentioned of one feeder who bought cattle last year for $4 26 per hundred pounds, fed them nearly a year and sold for $4.60. Owing to the low nrices of beef and prevalence of hog cholera in that State, farmers are beginning to turn their attention to sheep rais ing. While returning to his home from a business trip to Boston one day last week, a Maine produce dealer made the acquaintance of a stranger, who generously offered him the loan of a bottle of 8tiruuUnt, which was ac cepted, and shortly after tho butter and egg vender became s'upld. His new acquaintance very kindly assist ed him lo a hotel in Portland upon the arrival of tho train at that point, and procuring a room, relieved him of hU cash and other personal prop erty, valued at somo $200. aaa FKTBOM M V. BASBT. D. R. Locke, Petrol urn V. Nasay, editor Tolauo Blade, writes : "I bad oa a forefinger of my tight band one of those pleaxant pets, a "run-round." The tiugcr bC4me ienflamed to a degree unbearable and swollen to nearly twice its natural m'zi. A friend gave me Henry's Carbolic SJve, and in twenty minutes tbo pain had so much subsided as to give me a fair niht'a rest, which I bad not bad before for a week. The iaiflammation left tbo finger in a day. I consider it a most valuable article." The fact that Wednesday last was Gladstone' haventy-sdxth birthday reminds one of the great age to which other ErglUh statesmen have lived without yielding to the natural de lire of advancing years for relief from the cares of public life. Lord Palmeralon died at eighty, having continued his parliamentary service almost to the last. WttKK AMD SAIHifct. A very ioterestiug episode has corns to light in Elmirs, N. Y. Statr, fully illustrating the evils arising from strangers corresponding. A beautiful and intelligent young lady stepped from a train at Canisteo yesterday, in quired tbe way lo tbe resilience ol George Bstijsmio,who lives in the town of Iiartsv!ll,8teubon oounty,N. Y.,and berricdly hired a liveryman to take her to the plica. Sbe returned in tbe after noon a sadder Jut wiser lady, and told her experience, aa follows: Several months ago, sbe said, sbe answered sn advertisement for correspondence in a newspaper of a well.todo, handsome yondg man who deaired an interchange of viewt with a view to matrimony. Tbl lady, who' is a youug and hand- some daughter ot welt to do parents at Rollin, Lanawee county, Micbigan,and whose name is Thede A. Strumbll, ans wered Bei.jamin'e communication, and correspondence was oened and kept up till her visit Esat. Although tbey li. nuvei met, tbry bee inn tigagf(l, and wsre to have been married Wed nesday last at her home, lie had ber picture, but she had none of him, but he bad sent her a description of him self, saying he bad black eyes, hair and mustache, and waa good looking. He failed to put in an appearanee oa the ay set for the marriage, and instead she rvesived a telegram from bis sister, sa)ing George waa unable to corns, as be was very low with typhoid fever, snd tbat be waa continually asking for her, and if she would consent to come to Hartsyille it might be the means of saving bis precious life. When she srtivd at tbe residence1 ef her affianced, instead of finding a black-Laired and mustacbed good looking man near unto death, aba found a red-haired,oeekeyed, pug-nosed chap, who was not, and hae not been sick, and a bo bore tbe name of George Besjamia, but who endeav ored to convince ber that he waa no. tbe aneak with whom sSe bad been cor responding, and wbo, by tbe aid of hie sisisr, bad gut bet lo Iftrtaviiltt on a fool's errsnd. Sbe atteriy rt fused to have anything to do ajdak hiu:, nd de msnied her Istfets and i -hoi 'graph, bich he refused to redoru. Tbe young woman, htooding over tb disappoint- msnt, trouhfw and txjxioae, u k the earliest train for b -me. CfJBieti aTACTB. The la 11 eat man in Washington Ter ritory stands seyen ft lour inches in his stockingf. Seventeen bushels of wheat is the product from one gisin of an I in three vasra on s Dakota farm. It is estimatedeahst not leas than 130,000.000 tons t t mine waste are heaped in tbe aathracite cjsI regions of Pennsti rants. Tbe latest discovery of tbe medical writers is tbst water is fattening, or at least favors fullness and roundness oi the body. Flowers were pluokelin a Plymouth garden on Thanksgiving day. But that is rolhing new ; a Mayflower was ssen at Plymouth in December, 1620. Psu(ers are stilt sold at auoliou in Nova Scotia to the iowett bidder. A very good article of distinguished fami ly to reduced circumstance can be had there for a faw dollars. A prominent physician of Athens, Ga., who has had many cases of sore tbioat lately, made an invent igation,and found that nearly every one of them was caused by cigarette smoking. In Lincoln county, N. M., near the Pattos Mountain, can be traced what were nnoe the walls of a large city. Inside tbe walla aro growing monster oedar tree,said to he ihousandsof years old. To test bis marvroanship, a y..utg man of Sonora Ored at a crow. His aim was bad, for Miss E la Hawitt,who was passing on the highway, received the ball in her mouth, between ber parted lips. Bha suddenly shut ber teeth upon it and held K Her only injury was a slight cutting of tha lips and tbe breaking ot the enamel of her two npper front teeth. "Two of the toes of my buried leg overlap each other and pain , me dread fully," said the wife of Jacob Berean of Mariboro, Mass. Tbe ieg had been amputated and buried one month. Tbe husband, unknown to the wife, bad tbe leg exhumed and tbe toes straightened out, and she said she knew by the re lief tbat followed tbe exact moment tbe act was performed. This is tbe season for gathering French truffles, and tbe truffle growing districts between tbe Alps and tbe Ruone are very busy,the single depart ment of Vaucluse yielding nearly half a million dollars worth in a good year. The finest, however, come from Perl gord. Truffles are often adulterated and "jockeyed." Hollow p'acea are filled with clay, or several small ones made to appear as a single large one. In Paris, even, imitation truffles are made of potatoes coated with earth from the Perigord distriet,or pale ones black ensd with oak dyes. wtwral 3, 188G. N H Taluable presents distributed to our customers. THIRD DISTRIBUTION APRIL 1, 1886 Every customer shall have an equal chance ' OUR NEW STOCK For the Fall and Winter cannot ha All our purchases are made for . WAT,- A T A ifrcTTZTTtim OAT store in the Willamette Valley for either cash cure some of the rare barains offerT. Jwl 5, 10 where thero is not one the money elsewhere for. N. H. ALLEN & Co., . ALBANY, ORBUON, Jul Stad, 1886, W Alta"r. A tAlwable VreUral Treaties. Tbe edition for 1MMS ef the sterling Med ical Annual, known aa Hovtettar'a Alms nee, is now ready, and may be obtained, free of cost, of druggists snd general coun try dealers in all parts of tbe United States, Meaieo, and Indeed tn every civilised por tion of the Wester. Hemisphere. This Almanac bas been iul regular! at tbe commencement of evrry year lor over one-fJftb of a eentnry. It combines, with tbe soundest practical advice for tbe pres ervation and restoration ef health, a large amount of interesting and amusing I Um retains, and the calendar, astronomical calculations, chronological items, etc., are prepared with great eare, and will be found entirely accurate. The issue ot liosteUer's Amanaogor 1886 will prob ably U tha lareest edition of a medical work ever published tn any country, The preprletors, Meaars. Hosteller At Co.. Pittsburgh, Ps on receipt of a two eent stamp, will forward a copy by mall to an; nersnn who cannot procure one tn hi neighbor hood. The undcrahrncd wilt sell all kinds of lumber and cedar fence posts at the follow- ng atationa on the Narrow viauge Kail Kmu1, f faUsfl l-awaon and Bcllvillc. ir- aona building houses or barns can have biila cut and delivered at any of the above tuitions on short notice. "Lumber la of the very beat quality, the log being brought from the fine timber region on the Mc- Kciuic River. Wj. E. Spiceb. Tie Beset? ef l aa No matter hiw handsome or stalwart a young man my be otbsrwise. nothing l-T . M .1.11 1 1 A 1 I n in tnase up lor a peruauy raaiu aaaaa. Shining talents are attractive, but a shin. log vol I is not. The causa may be sick lies or anything else, yet Parker's Hair Balsam with stop the tows of the hst r and atari a new growth of glossy and soft hair so quickiy as to surprise you restoring th original color sr. ids same mam. xaoi a dye, not oily, delicately perfumed. On ly standard doc dressing. riaal Preef. Parties makine final nroofa of claims either through tbe floaeborg or Oregon City Land Otlioea, can have the same publimed in the Dkmotrat by so notifying the Kgiater at either of those places, Friends of this paper will confer affavor by considering this when they make oat their final claims. Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney truo hie. Tell Year Neighbor. Tell your neighbor who is not already a subscriber to the Democrat that we will furnish him the Weekly IFerfV.the best roe tropolitan paper in the country, and the Dkmocrat, the best local paper in the val ley, both for $3. This is a marvel of cheap ness. Call at this office for a specimen copy of the World. The Meat Agreeable As welt as the most effective method of tiaruitinr hA.riachftM. colds anu revers, or cleansing the system is by taking a few doses of the pleasant California liquid fmlt Mtmedv Svrup of FtgB. 80c and $1 bottles for sale by Foebay & Mason, Lang don & Co. Ask your druggist for a package of Oregon Kidney lea. ayrau of Pigs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cel.. is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of Foshay ft Mason, E W Lanadon and Co., at fifty oents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prombt and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system ; to act on tha Liver. Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly) to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers ; to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred lif C W Lousier at Co., of Portland, are duly authorized advertising agents for the Dkmo ckat for that city. w AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Peters fc Stewart have neck-yokes and lngie trees, ironed or unlroned, neck yoke irons, single-tree irons, nib irons, felloes, spokes, ax-trees, etc., all for sale heap. ARN DOOR HANGINGS, Are always breaking, unless you have tbe kind sold by Peters & Stewart, of Al bany. They are made ot wrought iron cannot jump the traok and will last a life time. Don't hang another barn door un til you have seen them. SO Mi NEW DEPARTURE by Allen 100 0 190 . m uva 4.VSVSZA, U V UT OUr and 25 Cent Counters, article but what vnn r..i a ... at you would aveto pay double NOTICE. hating concladud to close out oil business, now offers Me entire steel- H STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with Ms entire stock of TIN. COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As this is a gaanuiB clonng out, now is the time for hoasawifi. o replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY, TO) St MrtMBB. Statements of accounts of subscribers with tbe Oast eo sat have been placed in tbe bands of agents through the county, so that subscribers desiring to see either how they island, or to settle for the same, can doae by calling on them. This Is for tbe convenience of both subscribers and the DaUfocRAT, Those desiring to pay a year In advance and get the "American Farmer" ene of tbe best agricultural pa pars In the U. 8 , oan do so with our agents. Call on tbe following gentlemen st the places named : O PCoahow Brownsville. R Bhelton H ScJo. F M Milter Lebanon. Ram May Harrisburg. F. A. Walts Shedd A Safeguard. Tins fatul rapidity with which slight ( olds mid Coughs frequently develop Into tin; gravest maladies of the throat and i-.i.i . is a romldcratkm which should Impel every prudent person to keep at hand, a-i n "household ivmedv, a bottle of AYUPS CI IKK 11 Y PECTOkAL. Nothing else gives such immediate relief sad works so sure a cure tu all affection f thi-i class. That eminent physician. Prof. r. Bweaiaer, of the Malno Medical School, lruuwick, Me., says: "ilcdloal arlcnco baa produced no other ano Syss xju-'ctorimt eo good aa Atkb'b Obbbky I'ti i.'UAt.. Ilia tuvulu&blo fur elaaSSSS of tbe threat und luuge.n Tlic samo opinion is expressed by the wcll-'. iiown Dr. L. J. Addison, of Chicago, 111., who says : "I bars novrr found. In thlrty.Bvo ycara of t'niiiiiiuoiM aiudy mid aracttSS of medicine, any i.ri'ar:i!lt(ii nf ao yroni viduone AYSlt'aCuBiUtr PgcTouAi., for trctitmcnt of dlaeaaea of tbo tnrout nnd Innira. it not only breake up colda anal ewva m-vere cougha, but la moro effective than nnvthlng elan In relieving even the mor-t crioua bronchial und pulmonary affocUons." AVER'S Cherry Pectoral Is not a new claimant for popular confi dcace, but a medicine which is to-tlay saving the lives of the third general to: who have eome into belnjj ulnce It was Brsl olfered to the public. There U not a household In which this hivaiuablc reinctlv has once been in (itKtueed where lis use has ever been abandoned, mid there Is uot a person who has ever ?lvcl rl t proper trial for anv throat or lung disease susceii (ih!c of eutv, who has not been made well hv it. AVER'S CUEItRY PECTOKAL has iu numberless lustsnccs, cured obstinate cu v of cbrente Broncbltls, Iarnyarltls, a: . I even neute Pneumonia, ami has eared manv patients In the earlier stages ef Pulmonary Consumption. It is a nu diciito that oidv requires to be taken in rjn-ill doses, isi plcaaaut to live tate, ami ia i: in everv house where tiiore aro t t , as there U nothing m potHl as A Y i 'K'S CHGBttT rECTORALfortrcat mvat of Croup and Whooping Cough. 'these nro. all pht.n facts which can be r!ii bedv. end should be re- lh budv. Oyer's Cherry Pectoral rni:p.vBEi by J. C. Ayer z Co., Lowell, Mass. fiold by all druggists. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVBRTI8II5 H9III IB THE WILLAMETTE TALL1Y, Special business notices In Local Col- ? o" par Hne. Begalar Leea notices i o cents per line. i rSTJf81 nd IrsDsisDt advsafSMSej4 9 00 per square for the Bast lieiisifjfcsi swift Ssertion e qtaa for aaeh snawesjawe t Bates for other advertisements Baade known on application. Co.. m price or quaMty. ,?f apr?r tban J- f?!uce' 0om as Red CrownMills IS0M, LANNING A CO., PR6PRS. . ..ww ruiva scrgajijea Boa raj AJTO BAKBBS navA BEST STORAGE FACILITO Highest ;Price in Cash Wheat ALBANY. OR. FRED GRAF, Manufa jturer and Dealer in all kiada af F'TJRIVITtTIfcEe -sJ! AID MDEETAm 8 First Street Albany, Or V. JJ, WUL,VTOJf, O. Mm : W0I.VERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BjBrP'&oe up stairs in Fro man's : ALBANY, OREGON. jpOR SALE. One hundred and forty aarea, faiJS miles atkove Lebanon. 40 seres ia m tivation. 10 acres slashed aad sawn to grass. Comfortable dwelling, ouinouses. Cheap. Inquire at office. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT XJLW -AND Notary Public DR. I. N. W0 IDLE, Veterinary Surgeon, Of See at Schmee"" tetanies. F ALBANY, OREGON sax wa nm. LATJNBRV AND CHINA MERCHAN1SIBO BTJBJ. NESS. Rice, tea and Japanaaa goeda. LasW underclothei, gold at bottom prtoas. Owitssttar Bar China labor aTaWNezt to Otty Bask HARD iV ABE OF ALL KINDS, Axes, mattocks, brush hooks, X tea 8hoyeis,pa(ies, for as, gwnastoaee, barrows, wringers, ropes, and almost P. i an be every thin z you want, oan bad for cash s - Peters A Stewart. P A INT 3 AND OILS. Of all dtscriptioaa sold by Peters k S