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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1886)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES d NUTTING. Bronilalbln street. TERMS Of gUBSCRlITION in Is cor, fr rear, In advance J J sing-la ov, r yar. atnd ol year w infl oooj, sla wontha g ioa;l copy, Ikrn month! JS ni number lp PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 3. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. TTTILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE V Courts of this Nut. Will give special attention to ooUeetlonji and probate matter. Office In Foster's new brick. 9tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORN ET LAW. Notary Public. Albany. Oregon Office upstairs, over John Brlfrgs atore, 1st street, vimaii J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTOHNEY AT LAW. ALBAS V. BRASOK. tsTILL PRACTICE IX ALL THE OOUBT8 OF THE V sua SpaOial alUnUort rvn to collection and robai atainr. In Odd FallaVa Temp!. I11 - KT. C. POWBLL. W. B. PILTBTJ LOWELL & BILYEU, vTTOUNRYS AT LAW. And Solicitors in Cnancpry, ALBANY. - OBBOOW. Collection promptly made on all point. Loans negotiated on reesonanie wry. BBTOffloe in Foster's Brlok.a lfalttf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor it Lav AND Notary Public ALBANY. OREGON, Will nraetlee In all of the Court of thlssute. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., n.'U'UUIMTN. Hooka. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Largv 8took and Low Prices. oxirsr drtjo store, yi Ausunr. eiBceR. P08HAY A MASON, waocauua aaranr Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publication, which we sell at publisher's prices with posts gcadded. ALBANY, OBEGOI. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. C hare the heart stock of nmiture In the city sod will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only atock of WALNUT FURNITURE IU the cUv and the lowest price In the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, a complete stock And can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOO PIN, Severe House, nnsaa Btrsta4 EUawerth Albany, Orrgan. W Gaire t, Prop'r This new Hot' la fitted np in flrat elaaa atyla, Tsbias (applied with the bast the market afford. Bprinff Bads in every Room. A Rood Sample Boom for Com mercial Travelers. rcc Caaefc ta aad Tram the Htel."B ALBANY OLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY. OB. The First Term will eommence on Tuesday, Sept., 15th, 1885. For particular concerning tbe course of study aad 0 price of tuition, apply to BBV. J. . WYeiiOrr, President. Aloany Bath House. rrnflK OCrOKRSIQNBD WOULD RESPECT I folly i aforra th oitisans of Albany and vi aVaitythat I have taken charge of this Eatabliah meat, aad, by keeping elsan rooms and payin ttrlst attention to basins, szpeets to tnit si laos who may favor ns with their patronage Having haratofor earrisd on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons szpaoti to giv ontir satisfaclion to al jBPChldin ani Ladle' Hair neatly en Tainpooed. JOS WEBBER. D R. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. Fit and Ferry Streets, A BANY - - OREGON. O. O OHEBBT. O.K. rVRKXS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Mill rights, and Iror founders. w E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepai ired to tienrlln all kindu of heavv work. We will man 11 faritnrft Steam Enrrines. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTERNS II4DE OX SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing ail kinds of machinery. Will also manufac tore the improved Cherry A White Grain Sepamtor A DDI 7 bp Send aix cents Tor poatare,and lalaVtZiB receive free, a costly box of Roods whieh will help you to more money right away than anything elsajn thU world, AH of either sex, suc ceed from first hour, The broad road to fortune orjasas before the workers, absolutely sure. At onee awMirs Isae sad Co,, Awrutf. Usui, Stat c VOL. XXI. medV GREAT AN RE Cyri Rheumatism. Neuralgia. LAF U ft 1 11 ''. I'Hwua.. Tuik.a I Ol I 0 II rWrrrr ? ".?,,B A1 Miiuoirft ahh pbalibs. THE CBUBLM A. TNIUI O..BllTiaBK. !. flu Frn from Opiates, Emetic unti iVtaon. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. At Paua THB UUKLKal A. tOfcSLXa CO.. ruLTIBORB, SO. SKIN TORTURES AXD BLOOD HUMORS II Jl'MILUTIN'O Kruptiona, Itchlnir and Burning I Nkti l.-rturc, l.o lea o! Iti hlnir. Scaly, Pin slv. Inherited, Hcrettiioua .fid rverv apec- ami rotiUtf.oue Vun of the Bleed, Skin and Seals with lAsm of Hair, from luf uey to old ae. a rt tlvelT cureu by Ci THi aa. the rraat Ksin Cure, and tl-rtctBA Boar, an exquisite Kktn Beautlfler, etr nail, and t 'ctui a A KsaoLftiBT, the new Wood Purl fler, Internally. COVERED WITH MORES. 1 have Seen afflicted alnce laat March with a Skin dlswas l he dax-tora called Basaasa. My face waa cov ered with scahe and eoraa, and the Uchin and burn- ins; were almost unbearable. Swelii your Ci vHCSA MBOiaa an nianiy ree.ninxnd, omciiwni w (iv rm a trial, uatnir the Cmcfsa and Ci tin a a Boar evtrrnallv, and Rbmolvest inimlly, fr lour nvnitha. I call BMBJSfl cured, in irrautude for which I thU public atateatent. Saa tLAK.1 A iKt.Pi.IUia Bread Break, Coon. CALP.FAC E. E ItH AXI MA K. I waa afflicted with BBBBM on th BBSS, faee, ear and neck, whieh thedrurvi't, where I got your reme- e, pronounce one ol the w..rt caeca that ha. I come icr hi. notice, lie adtaed roe U try your OSBBS a a Rbmbmsb. and after live days' aea ruv acalp and part of my face were entirely cared, and 1 hope la another week to have my ear., neck, aad the other part of m face eared. HERMAN SLAPE. 120 K th Street, Na York. . ITCH IXC ihm:vm;h CUREf. Ci-ncvBA atanda at the head of tta eiaaa. eepc ially ta thU iheoaae with the "t Ttct BA SoAr. Itave had an good sal l hi maimer, owing to th pre en acxraveted form ef Itch through w ine iocalitlealn the country , in which the i'hutm Rsasoita proved tt. factory W. L. IIARDIOC, dru.' Cniontown. Ky. CETICURA REM ED I E. Are sold by all dranUtt. Price : ClTtct BA, arte ; Rbholvbst. fl ; Soar. Sc Kurrma 1bi o a.vo tnaa ICiL Co., Boston, Maes. Sena lor "Mow to tar Skin uiereee." TUT the completion and akin by uaing th CtmctBA Soar. Utl arVS " THSEWI, NG MICH I IE k I the cease of t terin Pains and Weak- Kor Aching KMea and Batk KH ney Pains, Sciatica, Chest Pain. Weak ness and InlUntroarion. the Cctkvsa Am-I'ki pLASTSBia infallible, BW. bm aa s ssaWSJS, hoo TBirlt I TB1B BACK. ' stitch In the aid. shooting and sharp Jn. roenroawc, new , ralaic, aad sciatic pains, and ry ea ter n I pain andscne sootaea ami e spoil ed with wonderful celerity by that new, ri(r!nal, elegant and epeedy antklete to pain aod Inflamroetlen, the OvnaBS Pi is aw Warrant.! the iwrieethm of elegant external remedies, and vastly superior to all SSL l1"1"; At druggists, Bki.; wasaw si. Ballad Ira. ForraaDai o asp Cubmual Co., Bos- ton TEB ASP ACHU. M1M U crylngtbroughcooBUes nerwe for teat and relief. I.'ke manna to th cliiilren of Israel I the Ci tkxba Plastbb to the ured, overwork- tttrUttJ'. inal lnrUuutim. Al dmsirist. BkS velor SL Bailed free. Fotts uato abb Cubmic Al. Co., Boston. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE SEVERE HOUSE. FISH, GAME, AND POULTRY MARKET. MILTOH HIDE, Proprietor. Fresh fish always on hand. Caah paid for chickens snd game, Flrat Street, next door to Jos, Webber's, ALBANY, OREGON 1886. Harper's Bazar, ILLTJSTBATE 33. Hasrsa'a Bazas th mf vvrin lhmworM ltat I combines the choicest literature ana toe nnesx arv lustratlona with th latest fashions and method o household adornment. 1U weekly llluitretlotie and descriptions of the newest Paris and New York aty U with It useful pattern-sheet euppllment and cut patterns, by enabling ladle to be their own dress makers, save many times the cost of subscription. Its papers on cooking, the management of servants, and housekeeping in its various details sre eminently practical . Much attention la given to the interesting tonic of social etiouttte. and its illustration ef art .,.ll.rrlr .r. .lrnnwltutcrell U be 011001 led. It literary merit is of the highest excellence, and tht union ohnrxoWr at it humorous IictUIB hS WOll for It the name of the American Punch. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. . Per Tear i HARPER'S BAZAR 10 HARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPER'S WEEKLY HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE o 4 oo 2 00 HARPER') r RANKL1N SOUARE LIBRARY One year (52 numbers). . . . ." 10 00 Pottayc free to all $ubcriberi in the Uniledr States or Canada. t The volumes of the Bazas begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time ta specified, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the Number next after the re ceipt of order, Bound Volumes of Harper's Bazar, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail postage paid, or by express (provided the freigh does not excedd one dollar per volume), for ,S7 00 pe volume, Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding: will be aent by mall, postpaid, on receipt oi ei RltUnces ahould be made by Postoffice Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. mewspapoi 'v w - - , out the exprois order of Harper and Brothers, Addwe HARPER A BEOTHERS, New York m. . , in mmw fcVvia atvArflAmAnt with. a Ir" aw -mw UEKM Red Star TWADK Vl? MARK. uUGrlfURE BlBwV 6o ,i tr fuBsww FAX Or TMK WORLB. John Uuskin, writing on the I-iab rruestioti, inggests that the GoverDment oonsidei the virtue and peculiarities of the Irish people before arraigning, lie e aar waa says the Irish are witty and affection ate, and the witless and heartless can not govern tbem. In the ohsmpionship eight inch Balk line, handicap match at billiards last week at San Franoiioo for $1,000. Morris to begin at the soratoh and play 500 points as agaioit Sawyer's 350. Morris won with sn taversge of 17.7 and 20. Sawyer made 331 points with an average of 23 and 28. Mermoo Bishop David Stewart baa been sentenced to pay a One of $300 and be imprisoned six months for polygamy at Salt Ltke Cite. Two brothers, Matthew and Walter Evaos, residents of Dickinson uounly, lows, were drowned laat week in Iowa while skating on West Okobeji Ltke. B. S. Smith, 84 years old, died st bis home seven miles east of Vienns, 111., last week, lie was msriied seven times, end waa the father of Iweoty-tbree obildren, only four of whom are now living. The visible supply of wheat repotted by the New York Prodnoe ttftchange is 58,645,325 bushels, so increase of ! 512 bushels ; corn, 10,255,357. Heretofore ships have been permitted to pass through the Suez Csnal only in daylight ; but now war abips and steamers provided with electric lights of sufficient power to illuminate the canal 1.2U0 yards ahead may go at night. August Heideo, who baa been out of employment some time, st Joliet, III., committed suicide by banging himself to a nail in the wall of bis bouse. Pension Agent Evret', laat week issued to Alexander Qilhist,of Indians, Ps., the largest pension ever paid a private soldier. The beck pay aggregat ed $12,151, snd the mooey came to a blind, crippled old man, who baa been an inmate of the poor house for twelve years. The great a.rike in the Monoogahela Valley, Peonsylvanis, has ended, and the miners have rra timed work. The river is full of empty boats and barges, and there is not bs!f a million bushels of coal ready for market. Tbe atrike will cost the fttikere about $1,500,000 At a private dance at Red Fork, lod., last week, tbe tntrnsion of three I lid Uchs Indians, abo nig their re volvers snd gwhooping in the b use, while drunk, caused a sudden and un expected termination of what promised earlierjtn tbe evening to be a very pleaaant patty by a aeltct company. For s time it waa imottible to tell who was making the in t noise, the gcrajam. af the Isdiefl or the whot-ti f r Lj. Rev. Arthur O. Brykuian died last week at Baltimoie in his eigbtv-brst s ' j ,.JL at.,, it. T'sr, of hemorrbsge ami jaundice. II wss bom in Koenigsburg, Pri.Mia, and was tbe son of the most prominent Ger msn phvsicisn of tbe ticm. it is ssid be was closely related to a royal family in Prussia. lie graduated at Him I i.i-j versity of L-ipsi, and entered tbe Lu- tberan Ui.iversitv. Mis connection rith the troubles of 1848 iu Prussia caused bis expulsion. Fred Fishet, sg'd 32, confidential clerk to Bernbetm & Bauer, of olG Broadway, New York, at a salary of ..Vi'.0 a year, bas absconded with 875.- 000. The old story wine, women and cards. Governor Stonetcan last week sp- pointed Senstor J. D. Spencer, editor of tbe Modesto New$, Clerk of ike Su preroe Court, vice McCarty, decamped. He bas filed bis bond. L'icky editor A severe snow storm prevsiled throughout England .luring last week. Railrosd traffic was greatly impeded . re a I and many telegraph wires broken. lue snow greatly interfered with London. Irsvel in At 5 o'clock Wednesday morning of last week 15,000 barrels of oil took fire from some unknown cause, belonging to tbe Standard Company's No. 1 works. They presented a magnificent sceno To Cleveland people. At the ennnel ae f the Plymouth Clit.icli pH Imhi week there was a slight falling off. Although Beecher's salary is $20,030 a year, be is actually taking but $15,000, as ho contributes $5,000 for music. Thomas Duncan, a bully, an l Judson Hickman, a consumptive,had a terrible fist fight last week in Va. It was com- raenced by Duncan speaking disrespeot ful of Hickoian's finance. The fight lasted au hour, and strange as it may win. uancan'ri sauu was ciHcaeu so that ha die 3. The new cremating furnace oa Long Inland ii unsatLfactory. Two bodies were cremated Tuesday of last week. Before the first was ..completed tbe sec ond followed. The relatives and friends arrived when ths bleaching remains of the first were brought to view. The , . - , , i jj raking of the bones Caused a shudder, and tbey were unaoie to siana u, j.n ladies covered their faces with handker chiefs and wept. Rights ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY For tbe rsce (or tbe Futurity stake- two vesr olds, in 1888. there art al- - w w r ---- ready 700 entries at Bbeeptbead Day. llarbed wire manufacturers lately in or eased tbe prioe of their product ene half cent a pound, and it is repotted thst another advance will bo made this montb. Henry Deuel, a promising young man of Darwin, was taken to Marshall, 111., io be tried for insanity. Ue ha e been very violent, and constantly de manded blood to drink. Chickens were killed for him and he drank their warm blood. When the sutmlv was . . , a 9 exbsusted be rossbed bis bsnd terribly and drank tbe blood from tkat. His mother is in tbe insane rtsylum now. Wil'iam Kennedy, student at Tas- oulum Collejr,Chsttsiioogs,Tenn.waB io tbe dormitory with a number of oonjoan ions, when one of tbem picked up an army pistol from bis trunk snd began flourishing It, supposing it wis not losded. It was accident ly discharged, whereupon Kennedy clasped his bands to bis breaat, crying-, "I'm shot' and fell back dead. Cbsttsncogs.Tenn , has been thrown icto considerable exoitement by tbe an nouncement tbst saloon keepers, against whom the Sundsy law ia being rigidly enforced, bad aworn out nearly 100 werrau.a against those engaged io all tbe trades and professions who do busi ness rn Sunday. Tbe whisky men say they have been discriminated against snd propose to test tbe law to its full scope. Tbe warrants include newspsper publishers, livery roea and street csr compsniee. D. lisrtwell of Johns Hopkins University says that a German soldier can scale a twenty-foot wall with his arm and accourtremeots, or jump sn iron spike fence without getting caught. Gymnastics are oomptiUcry in the Uer men schools. Tbe cattle men of Montana have formed a protective organisation, of which tbe motto ta : "You had better mind whose range ton era on and wboae cattle you are branding." Washington Territory construced 1 13 miles of railroad laat year. Judge DavidS. Terry and Sarah Althea II 01 were married at 9 o'olock Thursday of laat week by Hev. Father O'Coooer. Two i o's well sat a. Lee Duo, a youth, was accidently abot in the (ace on Thursday of last . sew ea e B-a V0yeT j,y Jc. Elder, wpi it at nacrameoto, t -i., wrtb a re. It was known to be loaded. There were 218 divorcee granted in tbe Com mot. Pleas Coerts of PbiladeL pbia during tbe past year, as compered with 241 in 1884. As largo as these Sguree pieer tbey only indicate nbout one-half the number f Leor!e who bava aougbt relief from ili-ir marrisge contrects in tbe Court, for many ap- pli ations sre still under consideration, while others have leen refused. Verity a'l divorces are not gruntod in Oregon, The Sen Francisco Cremation Society is sbout to erect s crematory at a coat of $22,000 cn Puint L)bos road sear tbe citv. Adolnh Sutro is one of the incorporators, aod proposes to donate a 0i. The apparatus has been ordered f,0m Italy to bo ready for business in June. There are already three in America, one m Fresh Pond, Long Island, oac at Lancaster, and one at Buffalo. Some twenty colonies have been established in tbe Santa Fo district of the Argentine It-public. Their tern tory occupies ninety-five square ieagurs, and tbo settlers number 1,359 families, During tbe last thirty yes re the district nM grown through colonixstion until it hss a population of 1 1,030 soul. A young man in Bttb, Me., recently called on a oung lady and stayed so jate that the iodjgQant mother called a policeman and had ths visitor sent to the lockup. He was releaaed the next dsy on agreeing to leave town, and the people of Bath justify tbe punishment on the ground that an "example" is needed. Two French women entered into a contest to determine which of them could talk the faster. A mutual friend was appointed umpire, and the sum o 1,000 francs was to go to the victor. For three hours tbey read from Eugene Sue's feuilleton, and during that time the victor succeeded in pronouncing 296,311 word. Her adversary came in bad second with 203,460 words. Minneapolis ia said to turn out for a horse sales with greater enthusiasm and unanimity than any other city in the Union. A machine called tbe Buffalo borne trainer has been invented, by weicb bicyclists can traiu for races in their own room. It is stationary, Contagious diseases have excited the people of Fairhavon, Mass., to such a degree that the horse cars carry two bags of camphor as disinfectants, one at each end. r. laced there bv the Board of r g - f Health. There is an ex-Vice President alive, it seems, whom everybody has forgotten for many years David R. Atcbinson, of Missouri, who in 1853 was chosen by tbe Senate to fill the place of Vice President William Ii. King. Easier of this year falls on St.Msrk ' Day, April 20tb, its Istest possible date. Tbe Isst time this occurred was in 1030 (old style), and it will not so fill again until 1043. Some singular facts are given in re lation to tbe character of the remark able gold deposits which have been discovered in soroo localities oa the Fitsory River, New South Wales. The most noticeable feature is an isolat ed cone, rising from tbe plain through which runs tbe Ittver Dee, tbe plain being flanked eaat and weet by buffs of Mesotoic sandstone, out of which the alley has evidently been oarved dowa to the level of the primitive rocks that now form its floor. These old sbsles and quartzites are riven by dykes of rbiolite, and through tbem have evi dently como to the surface geyser MM ings, deposits from which have form ed the cene. The water has, besides gold, carried in solution, iroo, a! u rains, etc. But the gold seems to have been precipitated chiefly in tbe cup of the guyser, and to be richest in a Isrpo mass uf iron ore, wbicb, in the form of cn inverted cone, forms tbe verticsl sxis of tbe mountain, and ia the nodules of iron ore thst occur in certain soft cellular silicious layers. Tbete altetnato with more or less fer ruginous layer, ail of which radiate ike the leavee of a fan, and enclose the iron ore. Gold occurs in all the syert except io a silicious earth. Au explweion io a coffin that waa exbumed lately in Yorkvilie, 8. Q, ie reported by tbe Enquirer of that place. The cotTia, which contained tbe remains of a child three or four years old, was buried in 1875. Recently the parents of tbe child bought a family lot in a cemetery, and tbe disinterment waa for the purpose of transferring the body, which is sstd to hsve been fouod in an excellent state of preservation. There was a glaas panel in the casket, and tbe heat of the sun shining on this is believeojto have caused sn expansion of gases within the eefflo, resulting in tbe explosion, which is reported to have equalled that of a dynamite cartridge in force. Away with tnelncnoly ! N more rheumatism, neuralgia or toothache. St Jacobs Oil euro all pain. Price flfly cents a bottle. Tttr.. tot am ear sjasj. Leal April John Ptietctier.a farmer of Blooming Grove. Pa , qnarre.'ctl with his neighbor, John IfoUNy.and Anally shot him, Inflicliog a aeverr wound. On the following day Pflet- cber was arrested end held to await the action of the Grand Jury on a charge of attempted manslaughter. Tne following month Pfletcher escap ed from Jail in Mil ford, Pike county, went to his home, where he remained two week, and then return nl and gave blmsei! up, giving as a reason for running away that be wanted to r""" wui, a mid iiuuo ctn mean up ior a iruiii trm nf cctirt ha tw.a fenr,,! ..u .r 8hnlng talenta are attractive, but a shin term or court he was found guilty of ,OE te DnL Th9 amt may be sick a a a 'W eaa . o asked by Judge Seeley if he had any reason to offer why sentence should not be pronounced, he arose and tald : Yer Honor, I have. You see, I . , , field, atld It will be worth 820 a ton next fall. I whh you would lot me a is i JlL . ,,. , gov i iu, mm men i will come uuua. in tne rail and stand any sentence you may pass upon me. This proposition struck Judge Seel ey as decidely original, but after con tutting with Associate Judges Baker and Hornbeck he allowed him to de part on his own recognizance, telling him to be back at the October term to receive sentence. Promptly on the opening of court Pfletcher was on hand, and Judge Seeley sentenced him to Imprisonment in the Mil ford jail for sixty days and to pay a fine of $180. His term was up Dec. 28 and then a new difficulty arose. He had only $80,and therefore could not pay the fine. Pfletcher sent for Judge Baker and offered to give bin note for $100. "I have no objection," eald the Judge, 'providing the County Com- missloncrs will accept It." The Commissioners were snmmon ed, and, after being assured by Pflet cher that "there wss no danger, he would pay it If he had to work his finger nails off," they accepted his note without an endorser, and Pfltt- cher was a free man once more. AS 1IXDOIIBTEB BIES81JI, About thirty years ago a prominent physician by the name ef Dr. Willi am a -a w Hall discovered, or produced after long experimental research,a remedy for diseases of the throat, chest and lungs, which was of such wonderful efflcaev that it eoon gained a wide PfinnrailAn in bia cnantrv Thename r vu.m,.v. t . of the medicine is Dr. Wm. Hall's . -:- Balsam for tbo lungs, and may be safely relied oo as a speedy aud posi tive cure for coughs,coldr?,8ore throat, tct fmorrat 15, 188G. H H valuable presents distributed to our customers THIRD DISmiBimOH APRIL 1, 1886 I Every customer shall have an equal chance ' OUR NEW STOCK For the Pall and Winter cannot be sumaasnrl aOi,A. All our purchases are made for BUVPa, either in price or quality. fiiirfi RnmA nrtns rare DRrtTRinfl nffceari Ari i r. w - 5, 10 and 25 Cent ( .'outers, a?Sot but what you -3-bi. N." H. aLLEN & Co., ALBANY, 0REO0N, Jan. 2nd, 1886, W Mbmh A Sataabte HceUeal r realise. The edition for 186 ef the sterling Med kal Annual, known as JlosteUer's Alma nac, is now ready, aod may be obtained, free of coat, of druggists and general coun try dealers in alt parte of the United States, Mexico, and indeed in every civilised por tion of tbe Western Hemisphere. This Almanac has been issued regularly at the commencement of every year lor over one fifth of a century. It combines, with tbe aoundest practical advice fur tbe pre ervatioa and restoration of health, a large amount of interesting and amusing light reading, aad the calendar, astronomical calculation, chronological items, etc, are prepared wltb great care, and will be found entirely accurate. Tbe Issue of IfoKtetter's Almaoac for 1880 will prob ably be the lame edition of a medical work ever published in any country, Tbo proprietors, Messrs. HosteUer A Co., I'iitsbnrgb, Pa,, oa receipt of a two cent atsae, will forward a copy by malt to any person who cannot procure one in his neigh xrbeod, ana Past, Tire undenaigned will sell all kinds of lumber and cedar fence post at the follow ing stations on the Narrow (iaugc Rail Road, ling's, Lawaon and Bellville. Per sons building house or barn can have bill cut and delivered at any of the above stations on short notice. Lumber is of the very neat quality, the logs being brought from the line timber regions on the Me Kcnxic River. Wm. E. Spicta. The Measly r T No matter how handsome or stalwart a ness or anything else, yet Parker'e Hair B lai sswaa ! Ba. SA- (ha 1aaaMB Jf Hah Kftls find dk) BpTe Wl W ShlA mwAW aaa s mw w wmwr N(art a new growth of glossy and soft hair ao quickly aa to surprise you resworn, g the original color at the earns time. Net a dye, not oily, delicately perfumed. On ly standard 600 a rowing. Plaal rrear. I Parties making ttnal proofs of elsims either thmmrh th Itosebara or Oregon City Land Ofllose, can have tne same pninaa : m vn I Democrat by so notifying the Register at . .. . . either of those places, Friend s of this paper i will confer a favor by considering this when they make out tasur hnal claim. Oregon Kidney Tea oures all kidaey two ble. Tell r Nethbr. Tell your neighbor who is not already a subscriber to the Dkmck-rat mat we win lwo w thc Vcfkly WorlJc "JJ trooolitan paper in thc country, and tne Dkmocrat, thc best local paper in tne vai- - ... lev, both for $3. This is a marvel ot encap- nes. Call at thi office for a specimen copy 0f the World, io.000 worth or clothing at cost at Mon- tsitb & Seitonbacn . Tbe Meat Agreeable As well as the most etrective raeiu.m u. . .. 11 a t dispelling headaches, colds and fevers, or deanslna! the system is by taking a tow Uoees of the P"f' r'oOo .nti bottle for sale by Fosbay A Masoc,Lng- don A Co. Ask your druggist for a package of Oregon Kidney Tea. Hrruu or Mil i.f.rr,t nnlv bv the California Fig Syrup Co., San Francisco, Ual.. is "" -..... - . . -VT. -a Own True Laxative. This pieasani "H"" im,;fc ramrlv mav be had of Foshay Mason w Langdon and Co., at fifty cents or one j,u...Mik Tt is the most pleasant, Ui mA ofVAffiva rnmedv known, tO r. ., a. x .a 4 k. T.ivnr. and Bowels cranti V vet thoroughly to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers ; to Pnnatination. Indieestion and kindrea WW- g B lie- W Lomler fc f5o.. of Portland, areouiy v Ajebuiw aav i - , TOTLgsTi authorised advertising agents for the uw- crat f er that city. THE BEST YE V. mL.Tv ..4 tv,. ra Vvt-v weekly ivr.-u wv o on in The World H Vf itt UUBUIW fwvv , ta S.nim wsaltlv. t lr" 0 " .1 a on. namDi uvmu I K m A, 0, U. W. Members wishing employment or desiring help, will please call at Kssd & UrowneU s store ana register ineir names. By Order or Looex, NO 35. NEW DEPARTURE BY Allen 100 & vv auu iuu& over NOTICE. Wmg mchM to wtHis business, now offer Ms entin MkU STOVES, RANGES, HEATINQ AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stocl: of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. Ai ail is a pnnina closing out, now is the time for honieiifii o replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware ALBANY, FJEEI. Oth TO SI BnCBIBEBrt. Statements of accounts of subscribers with the Ds Meet at have been placed In tbe hands of agents through tbe county, so that subscribers desiring to see either how tbey stand, or to settle for the same, can do ae by calling on them. This is for tbe convenience of both subscribers snd tbe Dkmocrat, Those desiring to pay a year in advance and get tho "American Farmer" eoe of the best agricultural pa pars in the U, 8 , oan do so with our agenta. Call on the following gentlemen at he places named : O rCoahow Brownsville. R Shelton 8oio. FM Mdier Lebanon. Sam May Hanisburg. r . A. waits sneoa A Pretty Woman's Secret. Fear of discovery, when she reports to fale hair and dyes, is a source of con Mailt anxiety to' her. Tho very oroiis f rum wnorn Ih most ucstres to unto 1 1 e waning of her charms are the ones most iiki'ly to make tne diseovcrv. Hut teerc 1 no reason why she should not rvpiin and retain all the beauty of hair Hint was Iwr prile in youth. Let her ur Aykii's Hair Vigor, and, not only will her lmir cease to fall out, but a new growth will appear where too scalp has been uenudcfl; and locks that are tumimr gray, or liaie actually grown white, will return to the r pristine freshness and hrilliuucc of color. AYEH 8 UAlIt 1C.OU cures Hereditary Baldness. Ororor Mayer. Flatonia, 7xas.wr,9 bald at 23 years of age, ns his ancestors had been for several generations. Or.o bottle of Hair Vigor Marled a growth of soft, downv hair all over his scalp, which soon became thick, long, and vigorous. Iyer's Hair Vigor Is nnt a ihje, hut, by healthful stimulatirn of tho root and color glands, speediiy restores to its original color hair that is Turning Cray. Mrs. Catherine Deameu, Poi'wt of Rocks, Jtftf., had her hair suddenly 'blanched by fright, during tho lato ehtl to U natural color, anl made it noftcr, glossier, mid more abundant than it hid war, Ayer s IlAllt igok restoml It been before. Scalp Diseases Whieh cause drvness, brittlcness, ntulja b lug of tho hair, dandruff, itehinp, ai d eBneytag sores, are all quickly cured by Ayk'r's'Hair Vigor. It cured Herbert IIoyd, Minneapolis, Minn., of Intoler able Itching of the Scalp; J. N. Ca t TER, JR., OccamtuXf Va., of Scnld Head; Mrs. D. v. 8. Lovelace, Lnte lucecille, A., of Tetter Sores; Miss ItKssiK II. PEDtOfc JhttitnaUn. Ft, of Sculp Disease ami Dandruff. Tor pidity of the roots of tho hair, whieh, if neglected, may result in incurable hal.l ness, h readily rawed by Ayek's IIaju Vigor. As A Toilet Luxury Ayer's Hair. Vigor has no equal. It is colorless, cleanly, delightfully per fumed, and has tho effect of making the hair soft, pliant, and glossy. Ayer's Hair Vigor, PREPARED BY Dr. J. G. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sokl by all Druggists. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BIST ABYERTISII6 Hi IK THE WILLAMETTE T1LUL Special business notices in Local 01 nUt Per line. Regalar Leee not Joe 1 0 cents per line. J or lefral ana transient advestosMjee li 00 per square for the flset fn lliiiiL lnsertlon.Pr ",Ur for k Wnior other adverUsemeste saaale known on application. Co,. o our Red CrownMills I80M, LANXING & CO., PR0PM. w PRocsas rxoca sursauea vom riMsms a xo BAKaxa oaav BEST STORAGE FACJLIim Highest ;PriCe in Cask Ua Wheat ALBANY OR, FRED GRAF, Manufacturer and Dealer 1b all kinds ef AND UNDERTAKER, 8 First Street Albany, Or C X, WOI.VERTOM, rj, H. XBTIBB. W0LVERT0N & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW '"'Boe up ataira in Fro man's Brick ALBANY, OREGON. F OR SALE. one hundred and forty aerea, Bjba mi!?s above Lebanon. 40 inra ia Al JSSa Uvation. 10 acres slashed and sown t grase, uomtortable dwelltafir. uumousea. t heaD. I no u re at ornce. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT -AND Notary Public. DR. I. N. W0 IDLE, Veterinary Surgeon, Office at Scbmee 1 Stables. r ALBANY, OREGON SAX wa vim. LAUNDRY AND CHINA MBRCHANISINO BUM. NESS. Rio, tea and J a panes roods. Ladies underclothes, sold at bottom prices. Ceatraator tor China labor. TWNet to (Jlty Bank JJARDWARK OF ALL KINDS, Axes, mattocks, brush honks, picks shove! s.y partes, forks, grindstones, wheel barrows, wringers, ropes, and a! meat everything vou want, oan m oe had eaeaa for oash Peters fc Stewart. (AINTS AND OILS, Of all descriptions soldf by F stars ay. Ste art.-