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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1886)
T" 1 1 " Charon ire er U. P. Church. Proechingevery Sabbath, at 11 a. M,, wad 7 r. m. by Hev. R. Q. Ir--rine, D. D. Sabbath School at '2:30 f. M Piayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Kv angelical Chuhch. Preaching on Sab bath at 10,30 a. m., and 7 p. m. Sabbath School 1 1.-45. Prayer meeting ovary Wad aasday evening 7:90. B. K. Davis, pastor. All are invited. CoNORSQATtoifAL Church. Servioesevery Sabbath at H a. at. and 7 r. m. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thnraday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. K. C u c kch, South. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock A. M. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock A. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. F. M. Cuip, Pastor. M. K. Church Sooth, Tanoht. Preach ing every Sabbath at 3:30 o'olook.r. M. Sab bath School at 2:30 o clock, r. m. V. M. Culp, Pastor. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 r. at. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School tt 2.30 P. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. H. P. Webb, pastor. Prksbytkriah Church. Sarvioe every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cur. Broedalbin and Fifth Sta. Sunday School at 2:30 p. in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Kev. Isaac H. Condit pastor. First Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o clock a.m.,at Church on &th Street. Sabbaih Sohool immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting e ery Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T U firownson, pastor. Sheriff's Sale. in thr Circuit Court of fAe State of Oregon for County of Linn, O. P. A brains, Plaintiff, va. J. C. Morgan and D.J. Dear mond, Defend ants. NOTICK ia hereby givan that by virtue of an execution and an order of sale lucd out of the above named Court In the above entitled aoUon and to me directed and delivered. I will on Saturoay the 1 Oth day of January, 1886, at one o'clock, p. in .. sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder at the Court House door iu Albany, Linn county, Oregon, the real property heretofore attached In aald action and which la described as follows, to wit iu the aald execution : The east X of the southwest K and the southeast ' . of the northwest U ot Section 5 in Townehlp 16 south, Rang 1 west in Linn county, Oregon. The proceeds of sale to be ap plied : First to the payment of the costs nren aak! tadaHaaai taxed st and the expenses of sale. Second to tbs payment ot jflainUOB claim, to wis., aniu.i. um! litloimMl. thurmm At tha rata Ol tan DSr cent per annum from September 4th, law, anu the further aum of J7 Attorney s ieea. Third the overDlus if anv to be paid to J. C. Morgan and D. J, Dearmond their hairs or ensigns, Dated mis Dec, llth, 1885. J. K. CRARLToy, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, per J as. J. Charlton, Deputy, Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the under aigned baa been duly appointed by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, Administrator of the aetata of O, P. Adams, deceased, late of said Lino county. All persons having claims against aald estate are required to present the esma.properly vet i tied, within six months from the dale of this notice, to T. J. Stites, Albany, Or. November 27th, 1885. T, Adams, T. J. Stitks. Adndniatrator, Att-j for Adi&'r. California Wire Works, 191 MARKET STREET, SIM FRAXC1SC0. man L P Acrt or WIRE AID BVERYTHII& Ifi WIRE. Barbed Wire We offer for sale at lowest Scars t a 4 poiat rnrolsr aa4 Uktck MS. Being regularly liosassd urn guarantee sgsiaei easssfsa OCUdlim null all um st lowest market ntav Winn Vntirirr All a wtdUMslrsalssI DUD UGUULUg poultry jsran.saa, Wire Cloth ot all klads for trait dryers, tersei are- satvasiSBSj nsssssj tit, Hop Wire For training hops, mads hxsa stssl ia leas; Issattii spscaally for ttas paraasa Bopher tops And all other kinds of traps for rata and Vineyard Lines For laying oat vine rda, di lded m distsnes a d mads Of su wire. ORNAMENTAL AND USEFUL WIRE AND IRON WORKS. NOTE. We meet Eastern competition by Some f-nuinfacinrs, and sell you better goods st s lower 30 000 CASES OF RECTAL DISEASES, rifes, octal I leers, riaaarea, rrarlt-a. Aal, ristsJas In Am; rolypa, Bertl, Etc, Etc., Cared in six year by the BrlakerbeSTSysteas. Dr. J. fi. FJkington, Proprietor of the Portland Eye aud Enr laarasary aad SSalaartsuB tut Serwu teiacaeee haebeeu appointed agent and ptiaiciau for thiaayatem io Oregon and W. T. Mo aevero anrglcal eperatleH, an pain, an lnaa of blwiMl. in two snontbs bare cured several esses la hiU operations with the knife hare only done injury. Am permitted to refer to Mr. Jam. w. areata erford, druggist, formerly of Salem, Mr. Prank (laid ner, inacbiiiest, Mr. K. A. flampy, Harris burg sad ottiets. Wi'l meet patieuta at the Kerere Hulls Al bany, from silay noon, Jan. 5, to Wednes day noon, Jnn. , l&M. A ram (or pamphlet, etc. J.B. PILKINGTON. M. 0.. PORTLAND, ORKUON. THE iraifi is a.aa.aeiu Q E-rtvate nismeaaary, ij 400 Geary ht., Han Prsacisooj Csl DC Conducted by Oualifled Physicians C3 and Hurxtxn4 -tegular frraduatee. Y-m AVSThe Oldest apedaliete in the (f United Htates, life long experience, j !crfect niethod and pure medicine, "AA iiihiiri. v arid tMniimiiMnt Mm of all Private, Chronic and Nervious I'iseaaes. Affections of the Blood, Skin, Kidneys, bladder. Erupttoua, Ulcers, Old Korea, hwelling of the .Glands, Sore Month, 1 brunt Bone rt-auis,uernianeuty cured and eradi cated from the system for life. N EKE IOCS lability, Iinpotency, Seminal Losses, Kexual Uecay, Men tal and Physical Weakness, Palling Memory, Weak Eyes, Stunted De velopment, Impediments to Marriage etc., from excess or youthful follies. , or soy cause, speedily, safely and privately cured, l oans, Mlddlc-Aged and Old men, and all who need medical skill and experience, consult tbs old European Physician at once. His opinion coats nothing, and may save (utuie misery and shame. When inconvenient to visit the city for treatment, medicines can be sent everywhere by exnreae free from observation. It is self-evident that a phy.iciati who gives bis whole attention to a class of disease attains great skill, and physicians through out the country.knowing this, frequently recommend difficult cases to the oldest specialist, by whom every known rood remedy is used. The Doctor's aye anu experience make his opinion of supreme importance. AV Those who call see no one but the Doctor. Con sultations free and sacredly confidential. Cases which hve failed in obtaining relief elsewhere espec ially solicited. Female diseases successfully treated. The Doctor will arree to forfeit $1,000 for a case un dertaken, not cured, Call or write. Hours, daiiy,from V a. m. to 4 p. m., 0 to 8 evenings ; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. .Send for the Sanitarist Guide to Health, sent free. Address as abov EIEBUS'E Wesderful tleruiaa In vigors tor Permanently prevents all Unnatural Losses from the system, tones the nerves, strengthens the muscles, checks tin waste, invigorates the whole system, and re.tores the afflicted to Health and Happiness. T.i i reason so many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., Is owinar to a com plication, called Prostatorrhea with Hyperesthesia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Liebig's In vigorstor i the only positive cure for Prostatorrhea, with peculiar spscial treatment, used 'tt the Liebig Dispensary. frlr or lavlgorutor, . Case of six bottles 10. Sent to any add re u, covered securely from ob- M settee Must powerful electric belts free to patients To prove the wonderful power of the Invigorator. A O f IS title .lrea or Sent Free. Consultation free and private. Call or address L1KSIC DIatEwRRV. 4 Oeary Street, aY i Francisco, Gal. tei, - entrance, 406 Mason Street, lour blocks up esry Stro ct from Kearney, Main entrance througj isponsarv Drugstore. AMERICAN FARMER To all our Subscribers I All our subscribers who will pay their subscription acoounta to thla paper in full to date, and one year in ad vance, will be presented with onn yssr'a subscrip tion to THE "AMERICAN FARMER f A sixteen-page Agricultural Msgsalne, Published by K. A. K, Haokett, at Port iTayne, Indiana, and which Is rapidly !u Liner nnlt fli Aim of thr iMsdlnir Airrlcul- tural publlcatlone of the country. It la devoted exclusively to tne interest 01 tur. farmer, stock breeder, dairyman, garden er, and their household, sad every species of industry conueeted with thst greet por tion ot the people of the world, the fsnn m ThA iiliHirintion nrloe la one dollar per year. Farmers can not well get alone: wit haul It, It puis new uieaa into mair minds. It teaches them how to farm with nmfH to thnmftttl vea. It makes the home happy, the young folks cheerful, lbs growler conten ted, 1110 uowuoasi nappy, w . a at 1 ana tns asmsgoqne noroe-. lUMUNITY from ANNOYANCE oal v of ttas slnr-it and tsealosml ity of tasssa for wllasiansllanw avasts. Every good thing in Oountor f sited, and ooanumers are CAU TIONED affalnnt IMITATIONS of those Chimneys made or very POOR CLASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney as abova The Pearl Top is always clear and aright Class. caetaiwed OSI.Y by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. PUtntarg Lees Cliaaa Works. FOB, SALE BY DEALERS, ll3 ; tl lJ sa ik t ."""t- Is jost what its r.tnc in.r.:ef i Pcrdy Vegctabls Ccntpoand, thst nets directly upoa tV.c iXycr ; curing the many diseases ir'd-Jtto tliat ua. r-onaat organ, and eting the na msrons a lira in ts trf'-nic frca il3 dcraB,tcd action, szch as C:ce, Biiictisncss, aria, Sick-headache, etc. It is therefore a To have Good Health must be Lcpt in order." Itirizoratps tbc I.ivf r, I. ! .irtbc B.)ir els, Btrengthene Hie H r-t - . Pi:; .'.ct ISO Blood. Assists Dijest5'n, I n -vti.i l'tvtrs. Ia a Household Need. An IctMUt Family Medicine foromro" i c- ..-U.iata, rx laJToas'o inra, rmcoizTca. JLn experience rf Frty fegi-B, a I Ti?u gandi ff T ntinvniiU prore 2. -'t. S iron 9 aim bt am. npiAi.nta ix wmanx For fill infornwlne srvl yonr vltfw tor US Bm Bvk rn the ' r r H He -s s.- ag "aasruBi U it.'- --. usa The Bt VKHN' CUIOK la Umil 3IrH and Sept., k aaefa yenr. Sjr SSO pKt I -i x II Inches, wtthoVer 3,000 llluat rt lout a whole Picture (.l!-iy. OIVKS Wholesale Price airrrt to eonmumrra on all Roods for personal or saintly nac. Telia how to order, and gives exact cot of everr thtna res nse, eat, drink, war, or hare fn trlta. These IfltVALlAUi r. HOOKS contain Information gleaned from the markets of the world. We xv 111 small a copy FBKK to any ad drees npon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expense of matllnff. lt ns hear from yon. Hespsetfnlly, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. tt? dc 2 WahasJi A v ease, Calcacc lit N. J. HENTON, Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - ALBANY, OR. Represents several of tke best Fire In surance Companies on the Coast. Call on him for reliable insurance. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Linn : William Cosper, Plaintiff. vs. Geo W Croisant, Sophia Croisact bis wife and William Croisant and J H Bridges, De fendants. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and an order of sale issued out of the above named Court in the a bore en titled action and to me directed and deliver ed, I will on Saturday the 2nd dsy of Jan nary, 1886 at one o'clock p. in., of said day at tbe Court House door in Albany. Lino county, Ore&on, sell at public auction far cash in band to tue highest bidder the real property described in said execution and or der of sale aa follows, to-wit : The northwest quarter of Section 25 and the northeast quarter of Section 26 ail situated in Town ship 9, South, Kange one east of tbe Willam ette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, and containing 320 acres together with all the ap purtenances thereunto belonging. The pro ceeds of sala to be applied : First to tbe pay ment of costs and disbursements of suit and the costs of this sale. Second to the payment of tbe claim and lien of piaintiff herein, to wit, the cum of $2080. 50 with interest there on at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 27th day of Ootober, 1885, and for the further sum of $210 as Attorney's fees. Third to the payment of the claim of defend ant, Wm Croisant, to-wit the sum of $1074.. 17. Fourth, the remainder if any to be paid to the defendant-, Gjo W Croisant and So phia Cioisaut. Dated this Dec. 1st, 1885. J. K. CUABLTOf, Sheriff of Liu a county, Oregon, per Jas. J. Chaklto.v, Deputy. 8" ffl MllY-riaia-t A crent Scottish r . r m rati I llrats. rr t'nloii Co., capital 40,000,000. Iuure in an absolutely fcfe Cuia psny. or mrr1 t a. . w v CostWecesAMta r.healrnj- . -V 1 rrui5nnjn?.: A. mwrit St.. T L.TSf sub idrci 3 Robust Um it la not iilwsv i tinoMil bt tUOM' li to poasvaa ttt Tliv luliit of ViM bltMMl tuny lv' Mi'ii'dv utHlrriMliiiii i-oiisi It sit toil. Ill timet lUtl mmii m;! tuhily mIiow it. HVi'tf.itihlultliiilltl " i i vtruicttt'e llif lonffi r li usm btCH u l tO Ju l an lie I h." Ktetltt I'dil'll lllO'l' . ball, akin UtHOttlrr tttl r itnns o, i.i--i;n i . or liiii-fiiot . N oho of Xrttun WUI'lliult" OT till' VOllWllllfUfl'S 'f IM'. ' Aers Sarsaparifi 7 n the only tviiHHly that run In u Hod Urtt1 In utl 'Hrt't. tt rhaikate Ine taint of lien d lliirv lUst-saU til llu sh-IiiI torTtlHti I of ttt- IiUhmI. Il I tin' only r.lttnitht thin I aiifHi Uiitly ow-rful to thoroit;. rli iiii.f tiio systftn of Hcrofnloii't t tul Morourlal Itttpuritles inul Iks ponuUoii of 'oil tuitions lUttAee. It abo tttt IliilltN the iMiUoiit loft lv IllpiitlltM lH ii i ! I Hear let lpever, uiol rhtoles rsiil rtH'niH'i'ation from tlio cnfeeblrmout unit dt billty i-tttiwd by tlit M UiM ii-. MyiiadH of C ures Acblov-nl by AYKH'M SAHHAfAliltt.A, in piit fortv years, Hit- iiltoatoU.antl ihttv U lit) llltMMl lli-. ttt ttll lKItHlt' of flllV, tlmt will not vh-kl lo It. Vlmtt t r tio ttlltnotiM of litis flaas.ttuthvlii n v i f..iiinl. from Hi' in of I Im Arvtl' flr'l' l the vekltHton's" "f South Afrit u. thlt tt-iit-ely lisa HffonliHi ht'ultli to tin; MiriV-Trs iv wIhuii It M!. -mlt-tl. lm . t rrvwhen' rati llo nnnn'rous raws, w it li lt! ilirlr tM-rmjiisI know rkrr, of truiurk-shU- oitrrs wmuirht by it. wlwro nil oihtr tn ntm nt hul brt'ii 'uiuivallllMf' Vvo t will do sell to . Trust Nothing Else than Avkk's SAMa.tPAiili.i-t. Num. rath TUI' lidxturt'i niv oUfi'tnl to tin ublk' km -bltMd iurUkn.." whlh only alitin tlw (pnib-nt with tin! prftriiM- of mutt -Imu tloM -t. nml with whl U It U foil) lo r-xtirrliiHnt Vt hll' diM-aac U Mrwlily bt -t-oniliv inure lfi-srnlttl uihI tlinhllll of t-iirt-. Sttim of ih'e iiilxtnr lo n-u li kvtilnt; barm. Ib-ar in ndtwl thai (In n! itH-dlcliit' ibat -nn rmlkrully nrlfy lb' tltiatctl bliMMlki Ayer's SarsaparlHa, PUKPAIIKU 11 V Dr. J. C. Ayer SI Co Lonslt, Matt. bokl by nil tlnna.'lis: irl-e 91. 'six bottles for i. Sheriffs Sale. Im the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon or jutmu onry. T, P, Hackle man, I'lslutilT, Robert K. Harmon and Nancy M. liar mon, lijionuauu, 1TOTlCE la hereby given tba4 by virtus or an execution sua su oraer or ssis tue i out sf tbs above name J Court In tbs above entitled action and to ma direct sd, I will on Ssturday tbs Oth day of Jan- .aaes ItBlt Sal Aria. AsIrfWl frs tl fst f h Sa IHHJt IWi as umv s vin. , y . ui.i mm Court tiouae door in Albany, Lino csun ty, Oreon, st public auction for cash In haad to ins nignest uiuoer, sen tns rssi property described In said execution and order of sale as follows, to-wit : Ik-gin nine at tba northeast cornet of block fifty. tbras as tbs same ta known. l-i fueled and de'ribod on tbs tnapa, Plata and aur tata of ilarklemau's aeoond addition to tbe city of Albany. Oioaon. now on file to tbs office of tbs County Clerk of Linn county, Orsgon, bolnt situated in amid ad dlUon; ruonina thence west araltel with Seventh street fit aald addition one hun dred and thirty-two feat ; tbent-e eou.b parallel with Hill street ia said addition ons hundred sod tan feet ; titmice parallel with Seventh street in aald adii lion one hundred and tbirty-two fast; ibenoe north parallel with said Hill strtst one hundred and ten feat, to the place of beslnnin-f. The proceeds or sale to be ap plied to lbs payment of tba oosts of suit. to-wit, fMUaadUoaataaf aalo. To the payment of 92& as Atiornery's fsss. To tne paymant ofPtaintlfTa t8.--w and Interest at ten per cent per annutr from Get. '7th. 1RS6. Tbe remsintior If anv to be paid t the Dt-fendaut'e berein uatsd thla use. 4th, ltso. J. K . ( 'it a in. t os, Sheriff of Linn county, Orsgon. per J as. J. Ckaslto, lleputy, W A009T WOOD AND HARDWARE. Psstrt A Stewart bsvs neck -yokes and single-trees, ironed or ualroned, neck yoke irons, single" tree irons, nib irons, foiioee, spokes, ax trees, etc., all for amis aaap. 15 YEAH) IH USE The Create .b of the he ' 3YfY!P7'Vi3 CF A TORPS -3 LIVER. Loettcfnasriiii-. j -vtrt-Iseoailrr, Pats fa the head. wiiU n dull araeniloa la the li ii I snrt. Pol a nutter the aboal4er binds, PnllncttN oiler eating, with u tlU t.u linatten ta exrrtten of batty ortulud, 1 rrtlabl III r or temper, !.tw spirit, with n frdlseer having neglect o.t mnscesif, Wcnrlar-ae, IH.j .ncmn. t'lui ti t inu at the llcurt. Hots before the t v . Ilt-ndurke ovt r the rlabt eye. lieatleeeaee. with fllful drennts, ill-ibiy colored I rim , aud CONSTIPATION. XCTT'M PILXS aro eapeebtlly adniitud to soeh nt-, one oVwe effeeis such a rhntt-f f'iinanHioi.i'tnlthtlie sufferer. Titt y Inereaee f he . ttpclitc.ami t a ie tl. bt rty to Tithe aa r'le.h.t n it to-i- u, le uotiilthed. m l Ity iltttrTonle Art loo on ISs lljreatlrera;aus. i.r,, iiu-i. j-riwaffe. 41 Mnrray htis.' T0TT8 MIR GRAY IUik or ViuKt:na ehangftd to u Guitar lti.CK lv n sioirio affnlioutton f 1 1n 1TK. It tin pat Is a iinturaf color, met- bisiaulaoMtualy. bold by DrnsKists, or runt. Iv xim-son receipt of t. Offlco, 44 Murray St., Now York. To the Unfortunate 1 DK GIBBON'S Dispensary. 623 XElMfV ST )QO corner of Conmier- cla), Sta Fraacieco, Cat EetabUahed In 1854, fer tbe treatment of Sexual and Seminal Diseases, such ss ilenarrhea, Sileei, stricture, Srahllls in all iu forms, sentinel Weaksest.. laaneteaer, sad Loss of Manhood permanently cured. Ths siek snd afflicted ahould not fail to eall upon him. The Doctor haa traveled xtnirely in Europe, and inspected thoroufhly ths rarlc us hoepHals there, obtaininir a sreat deal of ralupble Information, which he la competent to im part to those in need of his serviees. The Doetor earee when others fail. Try him. DR. OIBUON will make no eharare unless he effect a aura. Persons at adictenee CliKE2 AT HOME. AH oommunica tions strictly coutldeiitial. All letters answered in plain envelopes. , aeua ten dollars for a package of medicine, call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, Box 197, San rraneico, cat. (Mention Albany usmocrat.) ; UTT . .esaw:-r- . ' DYI mr Jtst B BpaaAVuyVKaxsaiis ML Blckace. Jte A Radical Oust FORS &m 9.--? Tll'rHTT.rT'g'JS gJjTke a sW Tsstcd fon Seven iiiB Mvrht as. VeAwa sv usa in am trYgJB tSfSr Thousand Oasta, BSJit?" aMS? efenu 3r als'VsaVal rjPatjjl ijjisCTi ilC iff 4i JEaf: FiUDAY JANUARY 8, 1880 IBA(T1VAL MINTS. Ntvtr utt watlr from a atone rettr- I voir for oookiog purposes. Coo It oatmeal in a double boiler, or iu a oovsrsd pail ttt in a ktttlt of wtttr. Bt turt to tslt it. k ipongt may bt cteanted by letting it lit covered with milk for twtWs hourly sod thto rioting in oold water. Dipping a broom into boiling tudt ones a week will malts it last three ttmut as long at it would without. Cement for creaked stores. Three quart! wood tabes snd out qutrt btrrtl aalt, mixed to a mortar with water. Anothtr correspondent wisbtt to know how to destroy tntiit to a cellar. Sprinkle well with tslt. Shining ttovt polish. If Mary will put a littit sugar or alum tojier black ing tht will havt tht desired tfftot ; alto lei tbe ttove be cold. Cement. Try reein with half at much tallow ; thicken with pulverised bttb brick while hot, and apply hot ; it it good to atai bottles with, too. To ketp nickel stove trimmiugs,tto,, bright, potith thtm with a damp elotb dipped in eon mon dry baking soda, and with oil afterwtrd. Bait wit! curdle milk, thsrefors, in preparing milk toast, sauces, acrsmblsd tggs, or snytbing of which milk is tbs foundatioo, do not add tht tslt till tht pan bat left the 8 re. To take mildew out of lintn. Hub tbs lintn with fine soap, then scrape tome fine chalk etd rub it site on tbe lintn. Lay it on tht grass, as it drift wet it a littit, and it will come out in twice doing. In cleaning paint, spots that will not yield to rubbing, or to soap even tht spots which look liks tmsil gathee out through tbs paint may be removed by robbing lightly with a dimp cloth dipped in soda A good polish for lor tc ttt tht 1 1 it made of rougs powdsr,whiob rubbed on with a soft rtg snd rubbed thoroughly will serve to give an excellent polish. Tht shell ahould bt rubbed with tke bard afterward. To etean tin (J as sifted coal ashes, moistened with ksroteoe oil ; rob brisk ly, and wash with soap suds. Tbit will make alt tin that is nut burned at bright at new. For nickel on stoves and Satirons it bat tbs tame effect. Melted paraffins toured on top of jellies, jams, etc., also on tht top ef canned fruit when ihe covert are dis colored, will be sll the euveriug neces sary, excepting a cloth or paper to ex clude duat. One etn uss tbt psrsffios many timet. Cleaning glass, etc. To clean win dove, show case, mirrors sod glass wsre, dip a damp cloth in whiting, and rob on too glass , rub to get off sll dirt, then let it dry on , tfttr which rub with a dry elotb ; tt it nice for nickle plating and koivss sad forks. Muttsrd plaster thst will not blister. Few people know bow to apply a mustard plaster so as not to blister tba skin. If tbt muttsrd bt mixed with tbt white of sn egg inttaad of water, tbe plaster will draw thoroughly with out blistsring the most de Hosts tkia. Hot water in syncope. Writers in tbe London " Lancet ' call attsntion to the great values of hot water tpplica- tiont to tht bead in cases of fsintiog or syncope. They sty also that s prompt uss of it, applied to tbs forehead with clothes, will often avert such attacks. White ssecks in butur. I think if the lady who was troubled with whits specks in htr butter would not 1st her oream get to tour, the would find it would make a difference, for wbtn hsr cream tt warmed by churning it forms wbat I call clabber chests, tad thst it what is in her butter. "Liberty Eniiglitening the World," We learn from the American Committee of the Statue of Liberty thst the Granite Psdsstisl is nearly completed, snd the work of erecting- Bartho'di's an est statue will aoon commence, and for thi purpose a considerable amount of money Is Mil! required. Tne New York World Fund of $100,000 completes the Pedestal, but it is estimated that 4o.00v is yet need ed to pay for the iron fastenings and erection of the Statue, and for this they rely upon the subscrip tions fer the miniature Statuettes, which are being; received from all aectiens of the country, the Com mittee promptly flllingr sll orders, The ao. l, or One Dollar Statuette, has found s place in thousands of homes ; the No. 2, or Five Dol- ir iite is fast gat nine; in pepularity, and justly too, for it 'a a work of art and well worth the money. To supply a demand for something; still finer, the Committee have just completed a No, 3 Statuette, nneiy ciiased by hand, and by a patent process hesvl y plated with silver which wilt not tarnish or dis color, mounted upon a beautiful plush base, and furnished to subscribers at Ten Dollars each. The souvenirs are now being; delivered to all parts of the United States on receipt of subscription price. All remittances should be addressed to Richard Outer, aserstsry 93 Mercer Street, Jiew York. ir f "Stand back, gentlemen I Clear the trtok i" shouted the police, end tt ths quickly gathering crowd tttrged btok, steamer No. 4 otroe up tbe street, the mtgnificent bttck horses striking fire from tbe pavement . But hold 1 A whtel comet off ! the steamer is overturned, and the brave firemen are picked up bleeding and tenselssf I An investigttion tevetlsd the fact that in oiling the stsamtr tbtt morning tht steward had neglected to put in thof linonapin. A milt ntgieoi on his part ta t aas..a a. at a 1 bed ctustd s loss of a htlf million dol lars. Tbt busy marts of trade are full of men who art msking tbe sams fatal mistake. They negleot their kidneys, thinking they need no attention, where at if they mtde occasional use of Wain er't safe cure they would never sty that tbty don't feel quite well ; tbtt a tired feeling botbeit tbtm tbtt tbty art pltgued with indigsttion ; tbtt their brain refuses to respond at call ; that tbtir nerves art all unstrung. Fire Journal. Albany Market. Wheat 60e per bu. Oats 98 " Beef-on foot, 94 2Ho Hay-baled, -$! o per ton. ioose,o to 7, Foutoet new 30 eta per bushel. Baoona batna, Ho shouldon, 7e. tides, 100. tdurd lOo per lb. Plourz-UiO psr bbl. Butter at) ota per lb. Chtckatti 2.60 par dot. Hugar Man Krsuctso C, SJt'e. Mill Feed-bran, 11.00 psr ton. shorts, IS. middlings, 18. Chops, 18. ffggs ffl sots per dox Did you Sup pose Mustang liniment only good for bones? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. Sherif'i Sale. a tht Cirtuit foun of tke Mate of Oregon for Linn fount y. Z P Moody, Govtraar, R P Karaart, Secre tary of Kuta aod Kd llttrach, Traasarcr of Hip Matr Si OttatS. a,uMuUU th lxrd of Commtaalooets for ths saia of school lands aad tat awaaacineat of tas ataiBBaa ssaaat fund. Plain t'Ss. J L Keadall sod Martha J Kendall bis wife 1 J itiack, Jtaxrph Iaarl, W J HUwart aa Administrator of tha sitats of T . Portar, SSOSSllfJ and D B Moatsttl), John H Mullen aad Cats A Corrao, partnars doing buatreas IM ' ndan Mm 1 1 oattta a t o. . NOTICE is hereby tlvao that by virtse ol an execs ties aad aa order of sals issued oat of the above named Court in the above entitled causa and to am directed and deliv ered, I will on Hatnrday tha 2nd day of Jan nary, IS&S, at one o'clock, p. as., at tbe Csart Huuao door ia Albany, Liaa coanty, Oregon, sell at pnblic asctioa for cash in hand to the highest bidder the real propert y dsttribsd ia said execution aa follows, to wit i Tits west of the south wast of Sec tion 19, Township 13, Sooth Range S wast of tbe Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing SO acrea. Ths proceeds of sale to be applied First to the payment of the oasts sad disbursements of suit taxed st $31.15 and the coata of and upfb said writ. Second to the payment of Plaintiff claim, to-wit : SSSI.83 with accruing interest tt ten par cent per annum from Oct. 2V Us, 1885, and S70 Attorney's fees. Third to tbe pay ment of tbe claim of the Defendant W J Stewart, as Administrator of the estate of TL Porter, deceased, to-wit : $37.40' and interact thereon at the rate of one per cant psr month from Oct. 29th, 1885, and $86 Attorney 'a fees. Thereafter if ths aaid clsim of IP J Btewaet as Administrator of the estate of T L Porter, deceased, be not satis bed, 1 will sell at the time, place and in the manner aad ia accordance with the terms above set forth, tbe following described land, to-wit : 1$ acres of land off of the southeast corner of Samuel Anderson's donation land claim aad lying parallel and east of the Coanty road and adjoining tbe SO acres of land hereinbefore described. The proceeds of asle to be applied in payment of any bal ance remaining unpaid on tbe claim of W J Stewart as Administrator of tbe estate of T L Porter, deceased, after tbe exhatation of tbe funds arising from the sale first above advertised. Dated this Deo. 2nd, 1885. J. K. Ctf AKLTON, Sheriff of Linn coanty, Oregon, psr Jas. J, Cuarltsh, Deputy. A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part Every lady i may have it; at least, what' looks like it Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. ism. Harper's Young People. IILXsTJSTJTElID- The position of IIaspbr's Youx'e Psoras as the lead ins; weekly periodical for young readers is well estab lished. The publishers spare no pains to provide the best snd most attractive reeding snd illusuaUons, The serial snd short stories have strong dramatic in terest, white they are wholly tree from whatever Is pernieious or vulgarly sensational ; the papers o natural history and science, travel, aud tke facts o life, are by writers whoss names give the best assur ance of occur ay and value, Illustrated papers on atheltlc sports, games, and pastimes give full Infor mation on theee subjects. There Is nothing cheap about it but its prise. ' Aa epitome of everything that Is attractive snd dt sirabls in juvenile literature. Boston Courier. A weekly feast of geod things to the boys and gifts in every family which it visit. Brooklyn Union. It is wonderful in its wealth of pictures, informa tion, and interest. Christian Advocate, N. Y. VKKtlt t restate Prepaid, sf Per Year. Vol. V7I. commences November jrd, jSSj Single Numbers, five cents each. Remittances should be mad by Post-offlee money order or draft, to avoid chance of loss, Newsfafars are not to cofy this advertise ment -without the exfnss order of. liar fer & Brothers. Address HARPER u BRO "RSt New York L HOYAki flWHs Jk POWDER Absolutely Pure. StltjfrasBstli A marvel of purity, ordinary kimis and cannot im sold in petition with the multitude of low test, short sstfhtsiusB csjsVispbste powdsn. Sotvootarts cssa Utovat. Oaatss rovssa CO., 109 Wstt-stU Jf. Y. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed ! and seasoned lumber ,laths!and pickets kent constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on ! shortest notice Use only best ! Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. mr in'.nay lhafi at any Uiiii la by laSiti- an iwr for tl. eirina book mil, fteifiiittor tut aaitfssatV, rail, TnnarrMi,i ttau-arr iwxa S lirtlaiul, 'lb. MSSsMssses Week e,nifiiii" 1 -' -w-r - iww iuisirai aim sv' WTiir-rJi. k . . ...... tsioucea an iit.-j4 a co v .fc2BB Ostttt ysara' (be Fsrt Olsr ad have HRSfl u.u insn one nunoreo 11 ; n n tl i f' ir Pnv I l, ii mr,v mm . r i t 1 t.l-suti. V aais-ii im M ii ill ether Vfn far Lb. ir ruAWJs the Cau4 SufM, i,.'i , KacUtxl. Franr SS ,1.4 at .l.-ft SJitlBS letortnallua SSte ill, - tho thrJih'SuU 'Ai rr. r,.,' l th. Afi..n r. tu adeust .t - .H DMtamrU! ht all a PATENTS ohuiranasij other til i si a iss la the U. Palest OSJee atwtttU,! lo tor moderate fees. Ourooeisiuppaait the V. B. iatesit Office, and -n ubuin i-.uou leas Uses tram wsaaisgUrti. Sd taMit or dreeing. We erf- to patent -"'j' wew i wigs ;swo weaaaae e eeerge .. w ressr tears, to the Peatsaaeter. the Save el Moorr Unlrr in, ail uffidala ofUuU. S r -a cm ular, ad tee, terms, and t uxtuai clitriiU in )uwin ataie r euunty. C. A. SNOW & CO., Or-foette ratestt orace, weasaagtes, 9 titers out r U, mice, sets, twei-hage earl Palas ralprtstlest, Vumul MwdUnge. Dlrslnsee, uCb- gemsm. nsssasss, ssasssaa-sassa esses ar "wess KeagBiea Cents Aak for WeBV "Boexfc est Corns." lee. OsSek iissiajssjss ease, uara er su corns, wane, "Bsfhs-rsliis. Uttlck. nsni,U.u t-urr. ail kldeev. Lr-uarj UlMMa, ifcaUltaga, IrrlUUoti. Sume, Urarel, (.!riMi i ia, imriier. fi, uragipaw. iiw-s r-h' .. 'l. -rl bur- rate, mke, gophers. .bipmuuk, clcarvU out by "ttMuli eaaasa. las, Tkl Prefstr, "W ell's Health Itcnrwcr rcalorts health aad rtgaff cure I'i .jk-j!, mitM, eaoai inmuij, i. "aleaujis est PaJa" Cures h..! era, colic, cramj, dlarrboM,achee,iairte .iau... ura.iai'iir, urur;i , . Uourh uti patu P tasters, i: c If you are falling, broken, worn ss "Weils' lli an b net-ewer." l. ut and nciroua Life Preserver. It ou are laeleg your rnp no life, try MWelle nim,. uoee mrees eo weac wfumm "Slessk Piles." v-uree tiice or iienionbotue, lu-blag, Protrudinr, Iileeiltng, Intcmal or other. Internal sod ssusmai n.m.1,,111 iuwi;ur,, oureciwe, ovc, juruggiata PretlT Wssasa. Ladles who woukl retain freahness and r'racPy. Doo t tall to try "Wells' Health Henewer. "Besgh aa Ilrh. " ' "Roufth ou lUh" cures huaiors, etupticas,ring' worm, utter, sail rheum, frosted feet, chilblains. --Bough on atarrati ." Corrects offcnuh e odors at onoe. Complete cure o worst chronic cases, also unequal:' aa gargle for DiphUieria, Sore Throat, foul tlreath. 60c. The Hope ef Ike Nation. Children, alow in development punv, scrss'oe and delicate, uee "Welle Health Keaewer. C'alarrh of the stladtfer. Stinging, Irritation, inflammation, all Kidney and Urinary complaints, cured by "Uuchu-Palba." !, "Wafer Bags, Ront-iir-v" 1 1 U on Rati' dear thsm out, also Beetles au DR. SPINNEY, THE SPECIALIST, Has- had 24 years experience in tbe treatment of CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND PRIVATE OISEASES. And having thoroughly proved the merit of his Mpeciilc fetrsueslles, in the treatment anu ret re of man v thousand casus, he now offers thsm to those in trouble to euro themselves at home. Br. MPirtftKV'A apeetfle Tor Unnorrltca. Br. SPINK KV'a SpeeltJr lor MypSHis. Br, ol'INUKVa Specific tor Hporsaatorrkr. Br. aPINNKl 'a Speclfle for Cntarrh. Price of either Remedy, SS per case. Sent by sx press. lacked secure from observation, on receipt of price. Call st i aire and Private Bispr nsarr, Mult nomah Block, opposite Post Officf . Wri ts to Sr..8. Hp! nary, Box 623 Portland, Oregon. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You are allowed a fret trial of thirty Seas of ths use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt wlttt glectrlo 8uspcnsory Appliances for the speedy relief and permanent cure of Nrrvou Debility, toes of Vitality and JfunAood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. Complete restore tton to Health, Vigor aad Manhood gtiaranteed, Ko risk is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet la ecaAxi en weiope mailed f retvby addressing YWsT sUQ tik CO., Marshall, Hit. I iu as. cvnUM. Price S3 S a E. 1.1 .-V. ... - V... IS ""V"4W - . . 'i . .... m ii ill Minimi u at, ueMkbUtertae. KIBtf MlrhUrWl- aeasassM ub uSSe- fain. I JULIUS GRADWOHL Mate the only CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHIHA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Ohoic8 Selecton of Coffee, fea and Sugar, ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. THE HIGHEST MARKET Remember! What I Say GOODS AS LOW AS THE Oregon Short Line, 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest route to the East, and rates, $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City and other points. AH classes of tickets, good via Ogaen and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going last write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge. n Cieneral Agent. No, Washington Street, Portland, egon. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Corner Third and Streets, FORTLANDe - OREGON. Three Blocks fratn sll Railroad Depots, Our facilities are each that wo defy cotnrretiUon. Tbl is the largest aud mfHtfrpe-tst)ly kept Hotel in tbe North west, Board and Lodging ll.OO per Day, sirns, h am. L0DGIS6, f AND iO COTS. FREE BUSS TOAHO FROM THE HOTEL No Chinese Employed. B, L1WI8I0H, - - PROPBIBTOS, (tats ot Minnesota House.) ED. CORBY ACEMT. P. M. MILLER, Attorney and Counslor It Law. LEBANONOREGON. WillpraoUos iu all the Ctoesrta In tbs State OTEL FOR SALE. rh Jsrkaon House. Prinevillc. Oregon, laa Mil furniahsd rooms, the only hotel In town, lsrgssnd convsnlent, with all onnossarj rurntturs. rrios resaoaauie ant tsrma easy. A. ll.I OI.VF.TI tX -0.-. Prinsvills, Oregon. DR. MlNTiE, TBE Pft I LIT Na. II Keerarr slreel, nan rrast'u's, ri. Tassrs all CtrsoxK-. SrsctAt. a Pstvain Dtsassss WITH WoXDSant. SmiM. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY ! Ia a aaraa rtu-e era a 'jr Nerroiir DsUUty, Seat inal Weakness, Eahsastsd ViUtity, apernator rhot Hi! sBBmaoiKi, isspo tenet , raiaKsis -ioetatrr-h r.'. and all I be terrihle tgrtts ef srif-al uie NSSa fu' fellies and excess in maturer rears, such ss Lees of Memory, Lasrilude.Noe- ral kinlssloii, avenaon to iety, 1'imnessof tsi. n in the need, rimtrt ist urinstia m IB toxi cal tiag llasers, the vita! fluid passing unotacrved n tbe orina, ana many otaer aisf ssss wsi woo to in aeityand death. Br. Miatle. who Is a Brgalsr Pltrvlrlaa. Cra4aae ef Ike I afrersity ofl'ras.jlvaala will agree to fc.rfeiirirr Handrwtt Hoi are for a rase of thU kind the Tllal SnerBllvr under hi. special advies and treatment) will out cure, or for anything Impure or Injurious found in fi. Br, Mis lie treats all private diseases sssssssfullr without mercury. anltalion ire. Thorough examin ation and advice, Including analysis of uiloc, S6. Price ot Vital Beeaeraatee. tt-M a bottle, or four limes the qu ntitr. gs ; sent to any atliiress upon re ceipt of price, or C O D secured from oheer nation and in private name if desired by Hr Mlalle, 1 1 Kearay Slrrel. San Freer tare. Cel. Send tor list of qusatlons and pamphlet. SAMPLE BATTLE IEEE. Will be sent to any one applj 'ng hy letbir, stating symptoms, sex and 'age. Strict secrecy In regard to all bustusss transactions. Blntlr'a Kldary Brntrdy. Nrphrrtlram. s all kinds ol Kidney and bladder i oinpUints, Uonotrboea, Gleet, Leueorrhoea, etc. For sals by all drug fists gt a botte or six buttles for Sft. Br. Mlnlie's Ban del Ion Pills re 1 he bent and cheapest Brsprpala ami KlUnaa cure iu the mark et. For sals by all druggists. To Regulate sassy WW FAVORI1 E HOME REMEDY is I SS la wsrrantcd not to cor'ain a single par. JL sUJkl tide of Mercury or any injurious sub stance, but Is purely vegetable. It will Cure all Diseases earned by Derangement of the Liver, Kidneys snd Stomach. If your Liver is out of order, thcu Your whole system ia deranged. The blood is impure, the breath offensive; youhave headache, feel languid, disponed' and nervous. To prevent a more serious con dition, take at once Simmons 9 mm REGULATOR. If ycakstd a I V r.K sedentary life, or suf cr with JU& f JLIslW Kidney AffeettoiiH avoid stimulants and take Simmons Liver Regulator. Sure to relieve. If you have eaten anything ,b.arl of digestion, or feel heavy after meal, or sleepless at night, taks a dose t i you will feel relieved and sleep pleasantly. If you are a miserable sufferer with Constipation, Dyspepsia and Blltousneits, seek relief at ,pnce ia Simmons Liver Regulator. It 'does not require continual dosing, and easts I ui a trine. It will cure you. i If you wake up in the mornkig with a bitter, bad taste in your mouthy BBS a TPn Stamens Liver Regulator It cor I A K h ncl ,ne BilioosSiouiach, iwect--ns JL aastSal the Pit . ah, and cleanses the Furred Tongue. Children often need some sait Cathar tic and Tonic to avert apprachtng dekness. Simmons Liver Regulator will relieve Colic, Head ache, Sick Stomach, Indigestion, Dyseii' cry, and the Complaints incident to ChildhsoJ. At any time you feel your system reeds cleansing, toning, regpluting without violent purging, or stimulating without in oi cating, take , Jbt PREPARED BY. xelaalve Kioek of flU PAID FOR EGGS I Mean. Give le a call. ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. va vfi:TH UMjajAia First National Bank OF ALBAHT, OREOOff. ...JOHNCOKNEl ...IL P. MEKRILL TRA XHACTH A GENERAL banking I llllSBSS ACCOCSTS KEPT eabject to . SIOIIT EXCUA SiK an 1 I on New York, San I rand COLbECTIOSS MADE on Uvorable btascroaa 8. K. Tocse, Joes Coxxaa, l- E bLxiM. L. Puur. H. P. MaaaoL. J. L. COWAN. . CU3I3L Linn County Bank, cowan & ctsick. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSAf TS a general banking DBA VI 8I JUT DRAFTS on New Tork eisco and Portland, Oregon. sa Fran LOAN MONET on approved security. RECEIVE deposits subjw to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to as will receive ttcotton. s A US AGE MILLS, We have a meat cutter that 1j ss much an improvement over tbe old fashioned oanaage mill as J. I. Case Agitator ia over a flail. It don't clop-and leave a no strings ia tba meat. Come and see it. At fiirT Send 10 aaa we wtl 4 Uir D mail you free a revsJ. valuable mole hut of goods that wfB pea you In the way mi making mors asoesv at once, taan anything else la America. Doth sszes ol all ages can live at heme sad wrk in spare time, or all the tirae. Capital not re quired. We will start you. Immense pay sure for ibjoso who start stwnse. Srnrsox aad Co., PorSsnd. Maine. . 'SSoao o aat9pij sf pos erfBasiji asjt ni -sioajAAarasoio sasao III HpilllllWill Ul WOIHIil I'H IM stoqjj -Tfuwno oasd toA pa3q aj cpjrftjnp -sate uasi 'Str-jsoq jo -oissf naa jo seo- pnursa -jstJi -Jt-qjo so OAunago aaoo atra mojadUstperpsoAwq nox ji namo tfoauao Xttj QOfqs qxnriao 20 an a aoj ApeoH qxmej s.dBag 'aa Ju tuupjaoad oqi Aq paaajjo a oavM3a oos$ TajA sjnao eg sssiflSavaew lej piasj MrxHvuxv fob saoi iiH-uiar 'SlTId Vftd ;?Si!?aV5SWl$ 33iBd atefMnjai iq piOfl nxortdmrnnooTO-aooq B."5t JQ juj edtuuis uj triu.x tax) poag Apotuu uSi.u.Ktoe wan eaotjrs pajrparg ntre aotdmniaao3 sntae5 eueAasj SsitiquojiH mv.ajs jo aatAOtS 'fXKi8 IO 3 a unds ejan'i -ftAL crx treq AJtsAOMici iTP0iii nepioa StsaJSM jt -weso none -re aoj Xpomai s V -pooujudio aiB stuoidui.Ca owtr K usd iiuo sasso Auwtn ur uaaaaanoiiiin jo j Jan PTdJox pub viedodiaWoiael IP'H oumj Sa-jajins ojb no.t -oasuoi ptneuo pas "Ji'ioxldB jwnSajjr -gSujpoqaaoq. Avttootfl pns sjuida atof -sotrewrj joq qjAv Xur-BtxtairB TlHuo aw ?imi H.-UJOJU -iiinouj ui irjsw) psq rnttp ao -juaiilwaj 'Xpoq jo oosj no Bjodfl ajsojq-r-Baioit.j. jo 'ujwb 10 joroo Ajuorrss OAuq 'poU4q.p 'Agjaojp 'imp noA JI, asduni pub (poois j3Af aiii jo sasvasia omohho oq m ' nondtnTtSBOo joi AWsenoo-J parenhourt st wasJaad o-inmrtn pua 'tuoaaed VnoHjq-nuultuisuuoio-uoojq jo '.MnsaairsJat mm iSujjis jo 'ojuot jo uoijBuiqtuoo injaapaost Bit UIOJJ 'UOI1JM. OUp-pOUX V JOJ 1MJIIUII ooi si euTBu lqi pauopnuqunq (l'ajU.) uoudntnt -no3 spy qi Atinrao jo Atsno-jos qsnoq; SDHai.i 'jq -onqnd oqj oi Xpotnai pojajqa 2o stoa fgtrj Xapajjo jsay aoqja aBS38np prpjj qtjjvl Bjqi aoAO joitod iniaopnoia bis mojjr paqosM eut, aeBasrp oqi jo Bojrttm js( oqj ajojaq ntursn H -fpoiucu stq? -q pano pus poisajjB A-are-Mao pas Xndraojd 8 SsMait'i oq IO (rSBSSiri BUOIUJOJS SI qotqst 'NoiidwnsNoa I eriTrpuiioe pmj tqiSjaoaits wia ut -Aid. itvAonqaiais Jw m uoeo8ip pooj pua (AjajojMj(f isipapj napiofi t,jjjl1 'jtn sujgn q ORiuoTiqanoaoqj, eaoipdjsy sudmjoj" nooeliwaj-iH JOj"nbaiB no) pouS enunif pWma dub nooK osv9ict rnior-dW Wmn Ptri aw poo(q pmi A"q pee BSSBnijony nj 'saownH nv simo an mum Cv astat