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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1886)
fit gftwcvat FRIDAY JANUARY 8, 1886 Lion a K4i swrB Although th.ra .r. mora tku 12,000 n-wspapar publication in Ihe United Sutes, if we were asked to seleot the beat we would not for a moment eon- . aider the claims ot more than a eeore, ... . .. . i and in that number would be fouad the pi,;i. Timvu. The time has A IIIIIIMWI as - wrw-ww passed for the weekly journal of the olty to fill the pi am of a newspaper. The daily newspaper from the great centres Q0 of news now reacnea inio ewy iwou i of the land. Every .aland city ftod eveiy towu of importanoe have their j daily newspapers, and the local weekly, j with the wonderful progress in provin-1 oial journalism, meeta every want that I the daily newepaper faila to aupply. j The metropolis weekly of to-day must quiremeat of the intelligent reader of i e every olass. Stories of the war win oe published in each number from the ablest writers who participated in the bloody drama of civil attire, and each will be profusely illustrated. The meet entertaining and instructive stories from the beat writera of action will appear in each issue.wUh illustrations Terma : Sold by all news agents at five eeota per copy. By mail, $2 per year, or f 1 for si months. Clubs of tsn, $15, and en extra copy to the getter up ef the club. Address, The Tim,Time build ing, Philadelphia. CBUM eVBATBl. A diepetch aeys : "Among Presi dent Cleveland' appointment before f.b.. ,v,n.Anini of Conirreea waa that of Dr. Bverhard aa poet m eater at Ripon Tbe appointee reoeived his commission, but failed to qualify before Congress Conveued. This morning he eppeared at the office, presented hia commission and the discbarge of the old post master and demanded that the office be turned over to him. His demands were ignor ed and hs wis kicked into tbe street by the post master, who haa been in possession far t'ae laat four year. The United States Marshal baa been tele graphed for and will go to Ripon tkia eiternooo." Now then, in view of all that baa been said about "hungry Dem ocrais," when has one been found with euch an uneatiable, ravenous appetite as this "grim death" Rpnbliceo poet master t stiat. TitHKr. A correspondent of the Standard give tbe following ae the ring Repub lican candiJetee on the etate ticket the coming June election : "For Govern or, D. P. Thompeon ; for C.ngrese, Pulton, of Astoria; far 8crotary of State, J. UL Fullerton ; lor StAte Treae urer, Andy Gilbert ; for Supreme J udge, M. L. Olmitead. He said that th flinch ring wanted J. W. McConnell for Governor, but had consented to give that place to D. P. Thompeoo. They, doubtless, want to use his "bar'1" in Portland." We predict that a part of this alate will be h ma bed, though it wool 1 be a pleasant duty for a majority of tbe vot er ot the state to "now" om of these fellows under. ax BACKLi,er kkuikoi Prof. D. V. S. Rsid,Cvunty Superin tendent of this county, haa been elected a member of the State Board of Exam iner. This is an excellent selection, and is a proper recognition of quali6ca tions and merits of Prof. Reid. The Mormon question is very vigor ously dealt with by Mr. Cieveland,and his recommendation that a law be pass ed prohibiting the importation of Mor mons strikes at tbe root of the nefarious system. Unrecruited from outside sources, and presaed continually by tbe operation of the Eimunis law, tbe prctic of polygamy in Utah will aoon go the way of the "twin relic" ani be come a thing of the past. The committee having in charge tbe Hendricks monument find have issued an appeal, inviting the co-operation of every loyer of personal and official probity, of every acquaintance, admirer and friend of tbe ill ustrioua dead. Con tributions may be sent to Francis M. Churchman, Treasurer, at Indianapolis, and rectipt thereof will be promptly acknowledged, through the Indianapo lis newspapers, as wll as by mail. Vanderbilt' incom wa estimated at $15,000 a day, $800 an bour,er $18 a minute. There is nothing now to distinguish him from tbe poorest creat ore vho has perished io tho struggle for exitstenc. Gov. Foraker, of Ohio, haa received more than five thousand application for the few petty offices within his gift. There must bs some mistake about this. It is only the Democrat who are "very hungry and very thirety." The Philadelphia Press demands that tbe Dcuncratic party be given rope enough. It will need a good deal of rope to bang all the Republican rascals with. $5,00 ) worth of clochiag at cost at Moo ts! th kiS eitenbaeh's. be much more than a newspaper ; it tbtk when m0ney U plenty tbe high water, waa let to uoon VMtUon of 000 wek wllh Pfof. met who quite en acciueut. u ..:n. Af Ckmil resdin , . . ' n Stone laat Saturday for $175. Oamnbell as teacher. eoming home and towing a skiff that r.r,-;-!,'; r-rrirf-: zzzzrx.-z-z r.-5rfr,'rr- literature ; It meat lead it in popular u rUtitly gr,at. Or, in the ofth(,m bftd 90tM g00d reeolu- 3531 jickensto d things went to the bottom. The ;;Afi and it muat meet every re- un.. nf the imlitiaal economists of kin. t adnnt. All tbe ministers in m. , . ... n neat day Harkneea bad a hunt of his taut taftcfcta trtrtfto mutt oonniifOd riirfa: AWT ThiH is isallv one ot the most vital I Questions that will oome up tor dlsous-1 ft Congm- ftt this session. I it Christian Churoh ' at MoMinnvlUe, end - . Rm.ub cans alike are omasa on . i ... . . . -w .rrf.ll. for Ik. nUm wklck ' Min.,,,w, ... 5.Knil much diffioltv. find that. not,m have their origin in pure- ,fi . The great body of of ........ 10 tha nsonle of the country is dl ulsu into I r ... j . ..ju. lance, wotn soDooisaxe in prw.r.,u. two classes the aeoior r.w. classes. The lattsr haa eitner money i on hands or the ebligalioos of his debUl ora to pay money. The former class haa mQMJ on haodi.but his property is pg. for the payment oi ma ueow Now,if b y any eanee.legislation or other city. money ia made eoareer at the tm0 a jaotor comes to pay his debt wai wntQ i contracted it, he, .n f(kot kM mort n purobasteg noWer)) than the debt waa when it waa C0Qtrmetd, for it is the experience of 1 . .. I dev. to innate the circulating I tun UT, w iuu. -I" 12 . .w. k. nnrebasin- now- (UWVilMU w Ul ... f fetor. !. wWUto contract the circulating medium of the I ojuntry ia to make the purchasing pow- er of the dollar relatively great Thla ..;..;nl. nf itliiiAal onrmomr ia clear Iv I uuuvil'io x. y" "w -w 4 - aJki. t. ,k. r da trade or wwww Z-y. i business of life. The whole buatoess. trade, and commerce of the world ia carried on ta willing obedience to the great law f supply and demand. Why, as a rule, are butter and eggs dearer in spring and summer, they are plentier than money. Now, for Coogreae to ao legislate aa to largely CDntract the currency 01 the ooun.ry o a . . . that it would be much actrcer at tbe time of the payment of a debt than it . . m a I wai at tbe time of the creation 01 ss .. . . i would be demg the oeotor g .... ... ul JM.r,.w. . 'i ... iiir. f .-r nhi na. 1 l ua ueuvui.i uuiu . u.- f .inlUra fl nave no ureaicr uuumvi v. .. v I pay, tbe purchasing power or toe doner 111 would be increaaed in proportion to tbe exUnt of th contraction, fer, to mat . . .1 U j:B!...ll price in tbe winter aen than in we lod aU of tbe partioipaut aeemmgiy 'V Vr r u T nurfil iain Tfl P:. o mUaImI.. eninvad themselvee. MeDewell, Keany, J. 8. Green, J. OVERLAND TO . . . t i s ' u at vi, i a a i mn i rf n riimu . i pnug ur .uu,-.u. . , 1 I . ft Ku .... IRSWH. Q.Jj$Wt J. .e, r. King, ezga and butter are scarcer than money. Jamee Perry, who haa been eiaitmg ' T Morr. Joe Morrltf B, -.VIA- And, eonvaraely, they are cheaper io " P immT , Morris, More, Mlaeea Both Wrifbi, Oreron & extent, mjney bpmwpi mun ",1"'","Hn. to obtam, tor w hare already shown that when money is a wee and any ar- tide of trade er commodity ia plenty, then euch article or commodity will command a relatively small price. And,) if by contraction of the currency, the debtor ia injured by increasing bis debt, then the creditor ia oorreeponding ly benefitted by auch contraction. Herein ia the secret of the motive tbt inspires bondholders, millionaire and asoek jobber to cell for a auaoeneion of silver coinage. If this demand were grant! hem, they would not be eon. tent. They would then tbe demonetization of silver now in circu- laden, and, that being granted, they would demand tbe calling in and retire ment of tbe legal tender currency now j in circulation. A? we have before said in these columns, if silver is now dem onetized, there will be more fit money men than the country has evor known. Bondholder especially are aoxtou for a tuspemioo of ilvir coinage, for they fear that their boads will finally be paid in that kind of coin. Well, tbeir . . . a . bond were aceptd by them under an express stipulation tht they were py- able in coin gold or silver, and the pe-mle will be trie to themselves in compelling these creditor of the gov ernment to accept such money ia pay ment for their bond as they agreed to accept. These bondholder in tbe brst instance bought these bonds for green backs, worth from 40 to 50 csnt on the dollar, and then in order to largely in crease their value, they induced Con gress to pass an act to take uji tbeir bond and issue new ones payable in coin. These bonds now are at a premi um of from twelve to twenty-feur cents and these money lords would increase thst premium by the degredation of silver. No wonder a protest goes up from people everywhere against this effort by bondholders and millionaires to control and manage the finances of the country. Many good men have been frightened into th a belief that our silver is driving g K1 out of the country, and have thus been inducsd to join in tbe cry for the suspension of silver coin age. But solid statistics show that during tbe year 1884 we exported $41, 081,957 of gold, while io 1885 we ex ported only 8,477,892, whi'e in 1884 we exported $26,051,426 silver, and in 1885 $33,750,033, thus showing that, aa a matter of fact, silver is going out faster than gold. We believe tbe voice of the people is against suspension. The agricultural interests of the country give employment to more than half of the wage worker of the country, and yet our great and good protective tariff laws protect none of these inter ests nor tbe laboring men engaged in them. It i really inexplicable bow Republican farmers all over the coun try remain Identified with that party, when its leading doctriae is sharply an tagonistic to their chief interests. Bueklea's Aralea Salve. Tbe best salve in tbe world for Cut, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cnapped Hands, Chilblain, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Pile, or uo pay required. It i guaranteed to sive perfect satisfaction. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For saie vj osnay x mason, N-lo rather nulet Christina, there being no n n m. Dotv. nasto- of the tree. Democrats and preached at Hoio Sunday, Jan. oru. i sen . . . . I a a. aba a-n a V 11 1 B U.i A A ABM B . 'I'L . a. I bapimai a jam naa r n rviiiri niiiii imf""" T 4tb, ad.r . f "' 7'.ll.d. Mr. . ,am in North Scio com- oaenoed Jan. lat.ander the management Prof. L. V. Looaw.y, assisted by . I , n... vc; itu m trot Attend- i v , - - eonditio0t t l tuiatant Post Master. I who be0Q iiok for ft hw now ,gftin ,0, u, be on duty. 4 T OL.1l.. .f T.,l.ra lain thaiouu, ww vm VT. Kk.ltnn i Pml Muter and I merchant of the above place. wwn w www 1 mk , " Sc Wheat ia worth 60 cents mills. Mr. 1C Pentland has gone to Port- land : will be absent for nbout one week. v a The contract to rebuild the bridge which waabed out on Crabtree Creek at . . i l i. i u.i.. if tne lana oeuia no w - 1 . .. . the reeolutlon were an uea uP . , m . , i . B u":. W- 'T l0oo. He haa been welj picked with Scio Q fer. R Price ia vUitlog friend Haulet aetUemeut would be accepted. nreasnt near Turner. I C " w I qln anticinates havins a Brasi Band I 7:7rzr: - uueiau. Modi vllle .. ... . j.j The Auass ball wa largely avtenuau, been spending tbe holidays with role- A I Kb n returned. I m mm -i i Laat Thuradav qntt a number 01 1 . - . a a a yjgitor were present at school, ana wtTm pleasantly entertained by bearing the reciutions, deolamationa and a og- in. Tha aebalara each received e - - r rZLTTa-i-a v.., mim f ihhie ipriwcn - . irum "" 1 Anbfr Tb, school closed yeterdsy, .... . . If.... I 1 ' . 1 . ..... - " . I .... . I . j ,i,.n tu m in vmii Tacmviuu. i lk. Mian AmkUr avill beln br eOOnO I ... , ti - t. .. . . m. i.init ss as saw ssts 1 . ir nur sua am b wU..u - ... . ... in ' a nMrgoda - "'""I " Mf jjittJI, who has been teaching Kbool below Libanoo, i suj ing at Sodaville. Mr. Johns, of llaUey, ia in tbe city. At the party here on New eara night, there waa dancing till midnight ana tnen in nw jmm wm ww,w'"w"m by the firing of the oaonoo. Mr. Grcesgaveadanoeat W.Urloo last rnoay ntgnu oTsrai wm, uum 5tre w have not beard bat kind of a time waa had. Mr. Cornwall, our former aehocl teacher, and lady, were in town getting at th, widnw of Mr. W.f pj,. wUi prMobiof ftt u,, boof houI6 BfXfc by Rav Bashar Wave. Oalcville. Aa this is tbe week ef prayer the people of this community will hold daiiy meetings at tbe U. if. Uborca, com ma0Ciag at 2 o'clock p. m. t the annuel election of the Willam- lette U. P. Cburch,the following officers J- C Curr,Cbairsaa ; W. A. Robb, Secretary ; B. A. Bam- ' Acbeeon. Chor- Uter, and Misa Edna Bamford, Asms. tent. W. Kgy was retained as Trees- I m a s a I urer. ids congregation voted an n- nual tax of one dollar oa each male, and fifty cents on each female member to pay tbe janitor and austain incidental expense of tbe church. A protracted meeting ia being held at tbe Fairview M. K. Church, with a fair attendance. Tbe first term of singing school ex pired on Monday night. Tbe young folk will endeavor to have a second term. The U. S. mail carrier has abandon ed hia hack on aooount of bad roads. He will continue to osrry tbe mail on horse back. Mra. Alex Crawford is confined to her home by an attack of rheumatism. Ed. Couey, late of tbe John Day country, reports fair westhsr,abnndance of grass and acock in good condition in that district. As the warm weather approaches marriage begin to bud, and one in par ticular Is almost in bloom. There is a prospect of a bountiful matrimonial barveat, if there is no late frosts. Amicus. Rock Hill Our protraoted meeting has sojourned for awhile. Mr. A. Dodge has been rather under the weather for some time, but is getting some better. It looked as though we were going to have a regular snow storm on last Thursday, tho ground being a little white. Mr. Elsie Mills, of Astoris,i visiting friends and relatives in Rock Hill. Mr. John and WiPiam Dodge, of A! bany,were in Rock Hill Christmas and New Years. Mr. Calvert, of Sidaville, U lying quite sick at present. There were meetings in Rock Hill last Sunday by tbe Rev. G. F. Maad,of Lebanon. Roads are muddy io these parts. The fall grain looks well for this time of year. The danoj at S&daville was a success, 31 numbers being sold. A No. 1 sup per waa had at the Fountain House. A Rock Hiller. $5,000 worcn ot cletbm.4 at cost tMon eifch H 9i lenbach's. s mr w i m. a . m Arm . - ma ambbi t James UtrwicK aua iaay, wu j , .m. i,m. oiu Tlinr .Tnnl I an tn Hitlafey e Th inhabitant of lUlAtv s'jeafa a ner. Nevertheless, both on Christmas the New Years day, quite a number ot irom ww ... 1 ,. in the it Sir 11 fat rtf Ma. H W II III Bl, I Mil 1U bllU I'lnvuiU Wk M B Kafl !' j ... .m.l thmaalaa ww"ww-w - 7 " . " O.o. l!.ult did Lb. tt .booting the latter day. Mr. P. B. Fields, the O. & 0. R. ft. .... . '! I dud o uo oo nriQiHiu bi civiy id i duoed rates. i ' I The I. O. O. T., of thla place, will give adramatio entertainment at Pearl Hall thla evening. Said entertainmeet to consist of drama,' 'The Little llrown vuu. l'"'"""" take part in it : U. 0. Davia, Oha. Peaoh, Mrs. Peach, Miss Kittle Davi- son, Miss Llaxle Jter, Mies Viola Agent at this piaos, 2. L!VTeUm ?f the evening were good, and l" f ll' loo - n. R. Long. J. & Van Winkle, - Bo(1,i Mr. and Mra. Austin H r o.nfrank. The Halaav Orchestra will furnish musio for the -w J v i ... commenced laat Monday after T. of tbisstate waa noticed cn our streets yesterday evening. Hiiberty Thlnklntr a few items from our t iii i.ri.f .iniinl f nur X Will HIT C y JIA . v... mrwrmmmw r w I hnildsva Chrlslraaa was nleasanlly !"".'; v,V M..irt Tech's The I .In ar. .nit xira MUIIUWIUK WW piW.H.,.. Marion r.Mch. Mr and Mr. Lw- renc Leach, Mesne. J. Wright, Tom . ... Wright. V.. Melons Jr . K. Ma One. la. It... I Ti..r I Hrr M. Mrr. " ... l nuiviu, Lfl Morri, Mtry Klt.g, I, King, r ti i. n i I I varina auction, .nu"u nniu Maud Leach. A p!i&Hnt surpriae party was had t Wli:ilirn gkelton'a residence on New year's eve. . ..... ... Arooia is viuung, .1 Cbwltfltln "-, , . tf a V.. Kin la iilltA UWI I ' I . aa a au. 1.. ...I I LMl SUray M W n. OKVIWH sua - .... .1 wi. .... ....... . . ua.. Mnltn and 1 bb bsh b ass is hlcii uau a aaara na mmmm-r w-tw w" a y . - returning from Lebanoo.lhe wheel of Ihe wagon ran into a gutter, throwing both ladiee fMm lhA vah from tho vehicle. Both were pretty badly bruised end muddy.but luckily oo serious damage occurred. Jeaee Nye returned from east of the mountalna to spend the holidays with relatives. Th. lum nt fn.i Wrl,M Mil neBWW ChrUlroMt ft0d 9Xlranted the tongue j 0f ig carriage. nrnereasin nlcnlv under Lhe maa.gnmQt 0f Miss A. M. m-.Wj Jtoiner gossip say a a weuoing. Wo hope 1 1 may prove true. W. and J. Arnold are visiting their er, f. Arnold. TUVTB. Brownsville. Mm. T.A11 Kev la ou't sick. Bn.cU u coid to b roora by a severe attack ef rheuma. tUm. Tbe Infant child of Dr. J. C. He- Cautey died laat Wednesday. C. N. Scott, Receiver of (he Narrow Gauge lines, waa here Saturday. Born to the wife of W. F. Skiff, a w weighing twolvo ad a half pounds, laat Wedoeeday night. Both mother and child are doing well. Tho. B. Kay, of McMInnvIlle, ia here visiting his folks. Tommy It now one of tbe business men of Mc MInnvIlle. Tuesday Mr. Oarrett Mauptn and Mr. Lizzie Nicnols were united in tbe holy bonds of matrimony. We extend congratulations. Upon application Uncle Bobby Mar tin was granted a new trial, which will take place next Saturday. Hon. 3. N. RIcj stopped in our city Tuesday night. He took tbe train for Albany Wednesday morn ing. A. C Hausraan was arrested Tues day for shooting a gun within the city limits. A dog had besnthaslng Mr. Hausman's sheep, and he shot It. Mr. Hausmsn will stand tbe city a trial before paying a fine. Tbe Mssquerade ball given here New Year's night was a success in every respect. Excellent music was furnietted by the Crawford Orchestra. Last Monday evening the Engin eer, Conductor and Brakeman on thla end of the Narrow Gauge lines were discharged. Other men were "here to take their places Tuesday morning, and the train still runs. Mrs. I. W. Starr returned from Portland Tuesday night. Goose. . Oak Ore els: Grain looks well generally. Installation of officers at Orange No. 10, next Saturday. Mr. George Green returned from a visit with friends In Benton county last Saturday. Miss Amy Churchill Is dangerously Hi with congestion of the lungs. Mr. W. 8 Thompson returned from a visit with friends at McMInnvIlle last Saturday. School in District No. 15 reopened Monday after a vacation of two weeks, with 35 pupils present. The Oak Croek Baptist Church have elected Elder Lynch for their pastor for the present year. Mr. and Mra. Berwlck,of Sodaville, spent holidays with friends and rela tives in this vicinity. The Utopian club met last Satur day at the residence of Mr. Hunter, and enjoyed a piearant and social evening. They adjourned to meet again the flret Monday in June, Quite a number from this vicinity I III KIBIIU iwwvi v. mw a. v. attended the council held at Knox Butte lifr Saturday. They report od fine time end ft most excellent din The wpper given by the ladie of Oik Creek Baptist Church, on New Year'f evening, waa ft grand success. The proceeds of the supper amounted to over twenty dollars. Every ono present eemed to have an enjoyable time. Your correspondent was there, and can say It was fts good a supper as he ever had the pleasure of helping to eat. The other exer- - . . anoniauv ma aiirtrt ninrftM m Kev. UT" V, , Dr. II III. ExoxnrrA. .I'bunon, Willie Cowan hat been seriously ill with diphtheria, but We are glad to aay is a great deal bottei. No other oases1 The protraoted meeting at the M E. Church is still going on with good re- ulta. There is prayer meeting every aftemeoo and preaching every evening. - a Laat Thursday v ben John My era and H. Her knees were out hunting they own. and after reiieated efforts got his gun aud game bag and Myers coat. The other gun waa only a single barrel gun and light, and waa weebed off. Miss Hula Gilbert haa returned from Oakland, where aha waa apending the bolide vs with fi lends. City election passed offejutetly Mon , , , . ., mm lJ iDd Lh.0 Jolllmn c..cei tracer were Mted: W. B. Donaea, Mayor J. Bilveu. O. Smith, A. Farnah, K n II . W I' - aasajiSM"' miii V I - . II II. II . ' " aaarsuai. A. CALIFORNIA Cilirornla It. R, D CONNBCTIOW8. r.i h riMttoml in Wan Kr.n-'-- tft i -,ynt" rh nWj 1111111-11 nrr m4m aalsaM u u, um cuunu. sad u cty (oailt Kxctrr atrxDAVa.) IjmI Side BMvtslea. sirwin remain a asnttn. Stall Tret. mn. aasirs. W?4 7f ,2 Allan . It S6 r S Aiaaa ......... . I - A M ... , . Mi.. . . Mwaj ........ 1 r v ... " . .. . .j.. I . 1 ... a a juasn, lawr rwa . . a... aleaar Ksarees Trsia 14UV. aaarrs. VnrnM 4.e6 ru Aiuuiy SJSr . . . ajSO P If l,. ten Albany - a rorUaa 1SM Ovsaaiiy bstwaao PrV laatf sad Aaalsaw. ffciOiaiL'Stravr siihiii a astliwt mHk all Utaraxalar traU. U. Us hi i iumx taat fVsweati Weal Side SlUIa KTWKK roera a o tn. Stall Trala. La... aaans aatlana . t. a t Curvallls SO f s OsrvsJUs sao s rrUas4 ......... A. 20 r a sUawess Trala. LSUVB. 4aai. Or a j Snmfl A OO r m McHian.lUe tw r a 4As rerusad i fflasatw arlssllj astas sat Osbfaraia as oeJb bmrnmr Tmnd rraniau . HtnJmtmi Or. ftrntmi U aa sa rassltaS iar shlsaiewt after Sa o'etock p. ta aeter Wsst BMs mvMsas. a. Koauuta, g. r, in sir us. U, f. aPaaiAfvat. Oregon Pacific Railroad WIUAMETreviiU- TO MM MAM- CISCO VIA. YAQUINA Trala Leave Cervstllla. Tueeday, Thursday, Saturday, at 9 a. u. Train Leave Yaqalaa. Monday. Wednesday, Friday, at 8 a.m. The fine A I Stsamsr MYaqama"8ails raott vaert. raos rrt;i. January 13th Frldar, Jwuuty sin. Toawtar. January lsKh. Friday. January taxh. Monday. February Stii. IruUy.Wuruary HHt. San day. January Nth. Wadaaaiay. February Srd. Sunday, mreenr lit. ThsOssaeaajr rtesrrsi Um right te stsuigs sal'ln ays. raass-CaMn, tit ; SMerage, S? bafarbtat rrduc 4 sad BMeerete rates. River boats aa Um Wli!roet cooncl at OorrallU Low (arts and rata, for fitrUMr Information ( c. A. 0. r. and P. Afset, CarvalUa MM REPORT OF THE COMOITIOH. OF THB FIRST NATIONAL BANK, AT ALBANY, IN THE STATE OF OREOOX, At Um oloss of buslnssf , 14tb day of December, ISSfi nMMsVMoV t Loss sad ilssounts OverdralU U. H. Bonds ta aocur drculaUoc . 638 47 . 90000,00 4081.65 lremsi S'JIO.Ot) e&.oo MOO Due from other NaUona) Banks.... Due from State Banks and bankers Current expenses etui taxes paid.... Premiums paid Checks end other cash Items Bills f other Banks Fractional paper currency.nlckles and penult 80. W BpeeM ww. w. 14188(0 Legal tender note 67.00 Redemption fund wtUi U. H. Treasurer (Ave per cent of circulation.) 000.00 Total . .......... ......... ....... tittssi.i Liabilities t Capital stock paid In S50000.00 Hundusfund 100 00 Undivided proflu.. 6SS4.01 National Bank notes outstanding- 17160.00 Individual deposits subject to check 0617.51 Demand certificates of deposit. 1363,76 Due to State Banks and bankers 0.76 Total S16651S6.04 Stats or Oasoox, Cocmtt or Ltss , as : I, H F Merrill, Cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement it true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. F. MERRILL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day ot January 1886. O s.) Corbsct Attest T. J. STITES, Notary Public. Directors. L. E. BLAIN, L. FL1NN. S. B. YOtWCK IHE BEIT SHOT XS TOWN Can be found at our store. The shot usually sold in Albany drop 75 feet, while the 8c Louis shot sold by us drop 200 feet, making it equal to chilled shot. Sportsmen should not forget this. Pjetbb & 8raVA.r. gLACKSMITH'S OUTFITS, Anvils, vises, bellows, hammers, sledges, stocks and dies and almost every tool used by blacksmith we keep constantly on hand. Also a full stock of Iron.of all sizes, horse shoes and horse shoe nails, Special price made on small outfits for farmers use, Peter dfc Stewart. gTUDEBAKER WAGON. This is the only wagon having a slope shouldered spoke and the steel truss on each axle, and 1 the beat wagon on wheel. For sale by Petero & Stewart, Hew Goods. In IT, I i : L. E. BLAIH Ua the Largoat and Beat atovk c f Clothing In the (Antral Willamette Valley. III stock of BOOTS and SHOES, elbr fof or rtUly ta not In Linn county, Ilmght for cash and sold cheap. Ills Department I complete wun tne taw . . ... . . . . . a buu mn mm?--. Ills Furnishing Goods, ro the very beat, embracing tbe lat set styiao! ni MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT oo oa- mcoo. under the ebsrze of W. H. UlbblL pert uuor. has no superior in wregon. . ilAA mA aaaa Splendid hoe of domestic and Imported suiting always In slock. I am now receiving my fall Stock of LADIES', MISSES AND IIIUKI'.. S MlU. MEN AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES. i have aelec'ed thete looJs with caie and with a view to their adaptability sr to this climate. I have bought them direct from the manufacturer's, and am authorized to warrant every pair. I make a speotalty of this line of goods, and no doubt oarry the largest stock in the city. As to price there is no house in Oregon that haa any advant age of mo in buying, as I hoy strictly for cash, and oan give as good value for the money as any other house. I keep no trash. SAMUEL E. Y0UNC, Scott's New Gun Store, HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSMEN, o- THE LEADING GUNS AN Q REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITION, CARTRIDGES, SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT ING MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At the most reasonable prices, always hi stock, Repairing done on short notice. Willamette Valley nimrods should never buy without calling on W. B. SCOTT, jsjropposite Ravers House, AIL any, Or DHsBlvRtv swf mb I : Bl ... " ' iJv Sheriffs Sale tk Cirtuit Court of the. State of Orei'on or Linn County. Eunice Bents, Plaintiff. vs. 8. Mills, Defendant. STOnCE is hereby given that by virtue I of an execution and an order of le nedont of the above namei Court, In the above entitled actin,and it me dlrtt- ea ena aeiiverea. I will on JWomiay the 1 1 tii day or January, )HS0( tX one o'chm.'K, p. m at the Court Jlourn door m Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at public auction for easn fa hand to the biabeat bidder, eeli the ril property ilMr:riTie'l In xiii'l aftSSft ! uon ana order or Mle. ae foiiowt, to-wit s Commencing at at point 3 chain end 91 nnm aoutn and chain and 75 link from the nortbeaat corner of .Section , in Township 14 outh, Knso 2 went , of I the Willamette meridian, in Linn county, Oregon, end running thence north It 65 lOOohainn; thence east 3 87-100 chain ; tbenoe aouth 13 26-100 chain : th.mce weet 3 50-100 chain: thence aouth 1 4U-KK) chain ; thence west 87 links, to the place oi oegmning. coouintnfr 6 iiooacre, in iinn county, Oregon, The proceeds or ale to lie applied : First to the payment of tbe ooste of suit taxed at and the aeeritins: cost u uon this sale. Kecotid to the payment of Plaintiff's clelm, to wit. 240 and interest from Oct. 27th, 181, at ten per cent per annum, and 30 Attor ney' fee. Third the remainder If any to be paid to the Defendant, T. H. Mill. jutted tni Dec, otn, IM5. J. K . CHaRITO, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, per Jam. J. Cuanirov, Deputy. Sheriff's Sale. In tht Circuit Court of tk State of Oregon jar i. inn bounty. A Saltmareb, PlalniiiT. C. O. Uolmstrom, Dalendant. TaJOTICE 1 hereby given that by virtue jl cr an execution and an order or eale Issued out of the above named Court In the above entitled action, and to me direct mi aud delivered, X will on Saturday the ffcn day of January, 1880, at one o'clock, p, m , at tbe Court House door In Albany, uon county, Oregon, at public auction tor cash In band to tbe highest bidder, sell MUH WUHfi WnKWMs S'al !-. VV VFS I M Ml A mT . . J M m . A . . tbe real property described in eald execu- I tlon and order or sale, a r.Mlow, to-wit : Tbe north half of the southwest quarter and tbe south half of the northwest ouar- i tor or section seventeen, and the soutneast quarter of tbe northeast quarter and the I of Heetton eighteen, all lying and being . ii h - - - v m www , nnnnna nnirur nr tha rmnrtnr I i in townsmp i- soulo, tfange i west, in oounty, Oregon, and containing 40 i. mora or teas, i ne proceed o? saie to be applied : First to the nay mint of I coot ana aiaouraement oi ins suit, tax od at $37.20, and IS5 Attorney's texm, and the oaf of ana upon tni writ. Hecond to the payment of PlalntifT claim, to wn, glial. la and interest thereon at ten per cant per annum from Oct, 20th, 1886. Third tbe remainder if any to lie paid on demand to tbe Defendant herein. C. u. Hot nostrum. Dated thla Dee, sib, 1888. J. K CaABLrox, Sheriff of Linn oounty, Oro$oo. per J a. J. CaTARurov, Deputy. SheriflTs Sale. U iL, o.rruu nn,i nf,kA :.. -V W J A J 9' r tr .li-. ..i ta. un... I V T" " " l'- "'- - " . 0"l2ffiriiSor,M?,': A fin a rmn r u Unnfltlanta. A AW .TOTTf!B la Knnal.w ! ii of an execution issued out of tbe above named Court io roe above entitled acUon and to me directed and delivered. 1 bve levied upo. and on Saturday the latbday of Jonneryj,! at one o'clock, at tbe Court Honae door in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at public suHien for naah In Hand ta tha hto-hnat 1 mill saasala irt Kn lea ilia hiobaal Ki.l.t f u ill (asaw-ss sa tMssjs w wv uiauoa wiut; . , all tha faltmatnn daa-lKa.t raal u.tatn tn. 17. TT ".T' . wit i in east y, orttie aootn west m ana th sontbeaat W of the north weat 14. ot Section 5. Tow ash in 15 aoutb.ranm 1 weal, oontainine 120 acres more or ls In Linn oouaty, Oregon. Tbe proceed of sale to be applied: rim to tbe payment or the ooata ot suit taxed at S28.M and the ooats or ibis sale. Second to lbs payment or Plaintiffs etatm, to-wH : tmss and in teres at tan per cent per annum from Oct. Slat, Itkih. Third the reeaalnder if any to be paid to tbe Defendant J. O. Morgan and D. J. Caarmood or tbeir leant renre- eentattvee Dated this 1 lib day of December, 1885. J. K. Chariton, Sheriff of Linn oounty, Oregon, per Jab. J. Charlton. Deputy. 0, P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT. Of all kinds of merchandise. Ail order from lee country filled on bort notice for every class or kind of goods from first-class stock. Absolutely no charges or com mixtion will bt charged rornutng oraais, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST,. a.u n r n si . Alb P- Prentice s, Portland, Or. . w t aM Af TT A TT "SF srss TT a a wf -mr m-s a UUtt V ALLlo, I AiJ 1 1JN A SAN FRANCISCO, VI A Oregon Pacific Railroad, STEAMSHIP LIME. Trains on and after Dec. 15th. r eaveCorfallls luead?, Thursdav, Saturdays A. M v, Wednesday, Friday, sa. m. RATES Between Cory alii and Son Francisco First-class and Cabin passage ...... ... $14 First-class and Steerage passage $7 Grain per Ion 2000 lbs. .$4.50 Thus taving to the farmers and merchant of the valley thousands of dollars, Willamette River steamboats" wil: hereaTter connect with trains at Corvallis. This new line ia prepared to transport all the freight and par sengers offering. WALUS NASH, Vice Frasident. CHAS. C. NOGUE, A. O. P. & F. Agent CORVALLIS, OREGON. OPE AND CHAIN. all slsee, aa well as halter ehai chains, dog chains, rope halters, etc., for sale by Peters A Stewart. 00 O 0 O O o o 00 Oregon Kidney Tea! Nature's own remedy Will speedily relieve and cermanenttv K K K K KK K K K K cure all th various difficulties arising iiwu uuKrurou coucuuon oi uie LIVER AND KIDNEYS. TTTTTT T T t It is perfectly harmless aid can be ifhen to the most delieau woman or child. For sale by all drugirliit, Saelt, HeitHlt A VI aodard. Whole aUe A(reat. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon of Linn County. The American Mortgatre Company of1 3cot!aod, Llmltoi, Plaintiff, v, T. J, Hill, Lear C. Hill, and the bunded Mortffsgeand Trut Investment Company, Limited, Defendant. NOTICE i hereby given that by virtue of an execution and an order of sale faued cut of the above named Court In the above entitled a nion, and to me di rected nd deli veied, I will on Meturday tHe i3rdday of January, 1886, at one o'clock, p. bh t th Court House door in Albany, i, inn county, uregon, m puuuu auction for eab In hand to the highest bidder, sell, first : That portion or tbe teal property described In said execution and order ot sale, a follow, to-wlt : Tbe west hair of the southeast quarter, and the east half of tbe southwed quarter of Sec tion twenty-three. In Townahip thirteen south, Range three wet,of tbe Willamette meridian, eontelning one hundred and fcixty acre, together with all end singular the sppertenance therennto belonging or in anv wise annurtainlnc. end all situated in Linn county. Oregon, The proceed arioing from this ale to be applied, first : To the oavment of the cost and disburse meni or tins suit ana an cociuing and disbursement hereafter. Second to the satisfaction and payment of Plaintiff7 judgment, to-wtt: nine hundred and eighty seven and 61-100 dollars, and tbe interest thereon at ten per oeni per annum from Dec. 1st, 183, and tbe Attorney fee of II HO. Third, the surplus Many tone ild into Court for Defendants l noro J ill and Laura C. Uflt. In case tbe sale atxive mentioned fail to pay each, evety and all of Plaintiff's claim above set out, 1 will at the time, place, in the manner and in accordance with tbe term above set out, aeii secondly : The east half of the southeast quarter of Section twenty- three, Township thirteen eoutn, Range three west of the Willamette menaiao, containing eighty acres In Linn county, Oregon, The proceed of this sale to be applied : Firat to the payment or sberttre fees for sen log tne last described tract ot Und. Second to tho satisfaction and pay ment of the prior lisn and claims thereon of the said Defendant, tbe Dundee Mortg age and Trust Investment Company, Llm. ited. But on iv to be m applied on such lien if it shall be found upon tbe sale of certain other lauds by the defendant the lIJIU9f7 "1 9t LaCtJ SBSJU AlUSt 4HTC I......J. , ti , 1 Tn.. Company Limited that tbe prooeeJe of auch other eale be not sufficient to satisfy the costs, disbursements, future costs and disbursement, nrinclnsl. interest and Al tommy's fee uoon the said such other sale. and in ease there be more than sufficient to satisfy claim of the Defendant the Don- (.. l..rt. ,n .m Tmt rvm. WW ...V. . . m . .1. K.M.WM. W pany the remainder after eatlsfaction of taat said Defendant's claim to be applied the s-ime a tbe fund arising from the sa e nrat aoove auverttseu. Dated this .lat dav of Deo. lasa. J. K. CHAKL.TOW, Sheriff of Lion county, Oregon, per Jas. J, a ri.tos, Deputy, Sherilfs Sale. tie Circuit Court of Ike State o Oregon for Ltuu County. Lizzie N Thompson, Plaintiff. vs. Thomas J, EJwards, Geo. U, AUingbam, K. ii. Knapp an I II. W. wmiace and D.F. Thompson and Walter F. Burrell, Admiav a.9 ll.A h.flMHln Ml.t. .F Knapp, Burrell A Co., Dcfndanat I m.-r ,lT,f.p. i 1,... o.l.nn that h. virtnn r 1 .n n,.,ir, .A . nrrtnr nf naln iaaoed out of the above named Coutt, in $ZSiy. Ti . . . M. .... WW A.W I 11.11 mw ' . r. A A'A u.. I llku ' J u .uun,ii ua u, wiw w for cash In "and, to the big beet bidder H property described in said execution and order ef sale, as follows, to- w' : tommenc.Dg i voo norvuecwr. ner of the donation Und ciai Tbotnpaon and wife, ruuntng to the ar lht " road ; ;hOCe north 8" Wet, ur ui U9 uvuuwu uuiu vmiu w o, v.. tbenoe west old territorial f 1 , ait1C0 001X0 WW, atiOOlT iDO a . . a . a . - t ; , a A . - Center Of HA id rO4. 39.50 Chain i 1000 I akj aa l..i, tnil..n.M Afhaoinnina i v- "T"TZ w ..t.-, ooaiainmg log It aorea, more or lea, in section , lown-nm is aouin, nange a west of the Willamette meridian Also commencing at the southwest oornar of tbe northwest quarter of Section 6, Town ship Id aouib, range 3 west, running thence east 160 rods ; tbenoe north 40 rod ; tbenoe west 160 rods ; tbenoe south 40 rod to the place of beginning, contain ing 40 sores, except all tnat past of th above parct-1 of laud lying weat of the old Territorial Road, oonsiating of about two acres, heretofore conveyed to OUarloa Cochran. Also the following parcel of land, oomwenclng at tbe northwest cor ner of tbe donation land claim f John Ingram and wife, running thence Month 33 rods and 6 feet ; thence east 136.15 rods; thence north 33 rods and 6 feet ; thence weat 136.15 rod to tbe place of beginning, containing &o ioo acres, more or leas, $ Township IS south, range 4 west, ef tha WUUtueUa meridian, in Linn coqnty, Oregon, Tbe proceeds of sale to be ap plied ; Fu-at to the payment of the cost aud disbursements of suit taxed at $32.45, and the cost of sale, Becond to tbe pay meut of Plaintiff's claim, to wit : $4087.87 and interest at ten per cent per annum from Oct. 26th, 1885- Third to the pay merit of the claim of R, In&:pandtl. N . Wallace and 1, P. TbomPou and Walter F Uiun '.l, Administrators of the partnership estate of Knspp, Burrell $ Co., to wit : $50. Fourth tbe residue if my to be paid to tbe Defendant, Geo, , Altinghanl or hi legal representative, Dated this 5th day of Deo. 1885. J. K. Chahltoh. Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. per Ja. J. Charlton, Deputy, Sheriff's Sale, : the Cirrult Court of the. State of Oregon or the Count jf of Linn : S. May and J. G. Sonders, partners, doing business under the tirm name and style of May & Senders, Plaintiffs. vs. John Foster and Martha 0. Foster Lis wife. Defendants. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution issued out of the above named Court in th above entitled action and to ins directed and delivered, I have levied upon the premises hereinafter described, (not be ing able to find personal porperty belonging to said Defendants to satisfy said exec. ion,) and I will on Saturday the Kith day of Jaa nary, 18S6, at one o'clock, p. in., at th Court House door in the City of Altaay, Linu oounty, Oregon, sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder tbe following described real estate, to-wtt ; H'ater lot number live (3) in the city of Albany, in Linn county, Oregon.npon which the Warehouse of John Foster now stands. The proceeds of sale to be applied 1st, to the payment of the ooats and disbursements of this suit, and the costs of making suoh sale ; 2nd, to the payment of Plaintiffs claim of $824.19, with interest at the rat of 8 per cent per annum trooi the II th day of March, 18S5, less the sum of $206.15 paid thereon November 30th, 1S85. Dated this 17 th day of December, 1885. J. K. Charlton, Sheriff of Linn county, Or. By D, S. Smith, Deputy. bsmbsbb taaajsassab. v iron 1886, Will be mailed FREE to kll sppUeMsu, sad to canasMMaf liwZ It2 fc wsSSsisssB irnmnl 0Q niptrtioo, price, soconte desoriptloM ud rJaSS D, M.TlftHY a? OO., Detroit, Mlohjgan. JOR SAli ' One half blo 3k in eastern part of tbe city with fais hause and barn will beeoid cheap QUTLERY OF ALL KINDS, We keep the beat stock of cutlery in the valley, Pocket knives and razors a i cia!iy. Dou't buy anything in tb.s lint without calling on us first. Parana A Stewaet,