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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1886)
a 9 S TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY 8TIT8S& "NUTTING. oais insarricK-ia M"?' tatf Eights emocmt TERMS Of lUMKAIFTlOV tail, eon?, per year, ,n.w,7,,0' ..njio o,M,, ...i. an month stat. copy, thr biobOm nfU nunb,r yttkX HMMt H Ml 8 00 M Tl 10 VOL, XXI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 188(5, NO 24. PROFESSION AL CARDS. R. 3. 3TRAHAN- ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THK HSLJiTV ihi. State. Will alve w W V UAtavw w" - , special attention to collections and profit m attar. .wf Otto in Foater'a new brick, saw AM ACT. IMakreMEDY Te a.catat. la Eat .r Spirit ..... Mall aad Vlaea, Liquor, common school therein. also be the duty of the County Clerk to prosecute the bond given such ap- plicent, under the provisions of this L. H. MONTANYB. TTORNEYAT LAW Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Offloe upaUlra, over John BrijraV tora, GERM I mm pa Cur,i mawaMMi, mm For Pain xbs mi caiaiss a. Tossiaa ta, myiases, as let street. vl4n2Stf RedStar J K. WEATHERFOED, (SOT VI! Y PUBLIC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, .. ItTlLL PRACnCB IN ALL THA tTBOFTHl V 8aU 8potal alUnUoa gtraa to ooOtoUo IM ML i la Odd Whrt Tessa P rebate f. o. rowan-. .r JtwTtT,IU POWELL A BILYBU, TTHRMF.YS AT LAW, Collection, promptly made on"P",nto- Loans nowcotiatwi on rnaaoomu' jsfOffloe In Foster's Briok .-SJB rHnlOtf. skin: J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor it Lai AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON, arm In all of tha Court of thlsStata. All bualoeea Intrastad to him will ba promptly attended to. H UMIUATHtO Hkta Tort urea. with ueta w neir, wees ummj w ow tlvaly area by Cr net k a, uj pw crocra Sear, aa ommm sua i nelly, .nticr-nct ia Ser, lateraeUjr. ...... . , . , I ect, for any vloUtlon of Its conditions. ' I n . n a. i l ... 1A Alkali Bsc. 1. Thst no person shell be on the first dey of the term of eeoh permitted to sell spirituous, melt and Circuit Court, deliver to the Orend vinous liquors in this State in quart- Jury en accurate Hat of all pereona titles leea thim one rallon without holding license under the provisions cJKfi1ltt' a license from of this act, within the county; the County Court of the proper coun- which list shall ahow me oat auu ty for that purpose time of expiration of each license. Sto. 2. Every person obtaining a Sio. 9. It aaall be the duty of the license to sell spirituous, malt or vln. Grand Jury at eadi and every term oua liquor, ahall pay Into the county, of the Circuit Court in any county ef town or city grantlngaueh license the this State, to make a atrict inquiry, sum of three hundred dollara per and return bill, of Indictment egainat annum, and In the same proportion I" " Pro visions 01 mia aci, Sto. 10. If any person or persons shall barter, tell or dispose of in any manner any spirituous liquors, with out first having a license agreeable to tbe provisions of thin act, eball, upon conviction thereof, by indictment of any Court having jurisdiction of the same, be fined in any sum not ex ceeding two hundred, nor leas than fifty dollars, for the use of common schools In the county where the of. fence shall have been committed ; and upon failure to pay the fine so eeneaeed, ahall be confined in the eountv lail one day for every two dollars thereof, until the fine We dis charged. Approved Nor. 22rd, 1885. tWGHfURE BSSBSWaal btrtelmW iw, ami Oafcrta. JBhaaffM mmS JViafta, JY Vmm 0latai SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. AT TaTXTtiS. Vsaaua aa.aiui.ou. d. for a lees period, or two hundred per annum, and in the same proportion for a leas period, for a license to sell malt liquors only ; pro? Ided that no license shall be granted for a leas period then six months, And It further provided, that no license to eel) spirituous, malt or vlnons liquors shall be granted by any Incorporated city or town for a less sum thsn that herein specified ? and that the levy and collection m conformity to the Mm! T MM I.HIIII..AU ...Miillu.tu it C h oitl.ta i .1 1 whin. SmI. HaW. Inherit, aoral.u. -. TORTURES Asm 00 HUMORS II whtxt n.t esrasaj ur- j Purl-1 E. W. LANCDON & CO., issirociisTBi. Mationery and Toilet Artlolaa, A LarEt-Stock and Low moaa. OITT IDHXTO- STOEK, ty AiAiAinr. snece. POSHAY Jk MASON, -fWUUit AM9 EOT Alb Draggistsand Booksellers, AmU for John B. Aldna pvblleeUeti, which we Mil at publUber's prieaa with poatagcaddad. ALBANY. OBBOOI. and towns Aforesaid, and tbe reven ues thus collected shall inure to their oxcloeive use and benefit. Sac. 8. Kvery poraon applying for a license to sell splrltoooe, melt or winnua llnttnra. hjifore recetvittfl? the mMImm. My Im w m- I a ' . - imtm, mSUm MAfwi bun 1 same, shell execute to theeaid coon- MalyiiinaiiMiH,MwMilal to rt.. ly t QQBU 10 tne pen 8 1 sum oi one iaI.TBTiiiiT,fcirmiu J thousand dollars, with two or more sufflctont sureties to be appro? ed by :t KKRHT BVKT. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE Big? IDYEEnSUS IM IB TEE WILLAMETTE TALLHi Special btjftlnee notfoea in Looal Caj umns 16 oenU per line. Regular Lesel notlcfiK 10 centd per line. For legal nnt trannlent advattsjesseslf $1 00 per iKiuare for the fin tMegjseaMMl 50 cento per tjnare for eaeh selsesjlsiet inrtion. Kates for other adrerSisenenta known on application. NEW DEPARTURE N H . Allen & Co.. $ 1 00.00 ' tUlUUOi XX THIRD DISTRIBUTION APRIL 1, 1886 COVERED WITH SOKES. I Mr mm aSttoUtf mmm iMt Marek vUk ft Ski Rbmbbimm Umm trUI. ilMMlIt mi i wll MweniaS, to fnMMAa warna no le WAST t HAS. CLAAA A Brook, Coon, SCALP, FACE, EARS AMD SEAM MowMWMk to ten mi n, mA.m4Um oUmt MJrtof my Aw aarai, nEAMAJI BLADB. lfO E. 4tA StrMt, Hcv Tor. ITCHING DISEASES CVBED. total AM M Um Mod of Ito wilk Um rimci EA Soap. As PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST, gtationarj, Toilrt Articles, Etc. FIE5C11PTI0HS CAIEPCLLY PILLED, Albany, Or. toMAttoala tST mmmUy. to im Um Ciwm Uatoatowa. y. ion, ( I TK IKA REMEDIES. FURNITURE. An mU brn wof.rarr.fl WAb Co.. BM mm a ssTirr Um DlMV Um Omwrnx Soap. tTrtcrmA. ftSa ; Drnoa Aao caui How to Com ud Mia by have the beat atock ot nrniture In city and will aell tbe Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only atock of WALNUT FURNITURE uJSAi J8 I shall also be liable to mWkX oTTta. SSR chaH jraiMW; u hereinafter prescribed a.. it ... -otn. in run for . od tbto aod lhe such Court, conditioned that he will ooogress, why not say .u at once and! precious cargo on Jhewa7. keen an orderly houe. end that ho I thus give tbe people Ample urns to learn r.u-.i. Lr.aud. Mill nA. narmlr anv unlawful ram in? I of all your cood qualifications so osaen- . . . li. Li.1 .k- -a , tm rnA'iAmim U I P.tnti m-anlml in rilizrnft of the Paftlk am j.flAn. Mnin.i in innni nm i libi i u lub uiho u &' v m w mmm . . w...-- m ' U (iUIUUf LUIIUUV.I ... w. wmmmw I , - J ?uitconc wc. Jjvn, 1005, r"- permit tube opened, bis piece of tf you are going to run lor pernor, s & Pt opr-he S buslners for the purpose of traflc, on Supreme Judge, Secretary of 8Ul Patcnt om, Waahlngunv. D. C the first day of the week, commonly State Treasurer, Bute Boperintendent c N WeUi San Frandsco, Cal., Elec- ailad Munriav - that he will not sits of PoWie Instruction, District Judge, trkal belt. sell or supply spirituous, melt or vln. Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, Clerk, oua liquors to minors or habitual County Treesuier.Ceunty School Soper- drunkards, oor te any person at tbe lotendeot, Asaeseor, Ooonty Sutreyor, time In a drunken or Intoxicated coo. County Commisetoner,Coronrrt8enAUr, dltion ; In case of a violation of the Representative, Justice ef tbe Peaee or foregoing condition-, by any person Conatable. What en array of offices to ffivintr auch hond. he shall be liable fill, end so few, apparently, to 611 them r I .. . . . . 1 V. t- A. to pay a flee of not lees than fifty nor Just pick out your choice .nd send . Portland Or, E.temion m j. a 11 . s . -jaw. mambm. aI s Baaa Am sa a " more than two nunurea oouere, loiyoar name ana vu- v. Ublc. be recovered In a civil action as here-1 you want, and we win ie ine t?evpva inafter prescribed and the bond eol know what you want. Say, now.come I a a a a r t such persons ont. llon't e naaniei. wme, now, be prosecuted I atng her out. The Sacramento "Bee" asys tbe Chlneao take $15,000,000 a year out of California And send It home. A recent measurement of Mt. Mitcheil,eometlmea called CI logman's Paalr. In Vonh CArollUA. hllOWS it beyond questl m to bo tbe highest point east of the Rock Mountains. Ordinary army signalling, by wav- Ing flags or torches, csn transmit only ten words or so a minute, spelled out hv letters : hut an adaption of v , a A.- U.. .tnk. Ka&fr nnw generally employed, has more than in coin distributed to our customerfl erery 60 days until further notice doubled ibis rate of speed. A new fraud has recently been de tected by a French chemist One. jmjwwwb amlnlnga ssmple of preeerved to- Qoin in BUfltliart BrOS., ftana8 and Wiil be diBtributftd bv rl.arnf.MV.MHf mate, be found thst it eonUloed but oartieg and in amounts from $2.50 tO $25.00. EvArrr rnat.rtTr, aih.11 ..L.I . ...AU tko, f ' t 1 I MM.XI A. jl 1 MWI" muo 01 Miai, vriBW..i.,tuW .a..a.uv. nave an equai cnauuo m prupux tiiun vo &ne amount purchased pumpkins, colored with some aniline dyo. A CAlculAtlon made by Mr. fjorthell of the figures of the miie-iong rail- for the Pall and Winter cannot bs surpassed, either in price or aualitr ruau l i a i u urawu uj m vw nu iiaA putvuasco aio jLuovav? avi motive eetabilihes that there were 325a torn weight on this train, which waa drawn by a stogie 65.ton engine. Much at BANKRUPT SALES, and we propose to sell cheaper than, anv This would bo more than the weight st0re in the Willamette Valley for either cash or produce Gome and ml ... I ... allh hal, tmr 0X1 U..; XS7 3 ' oi many w""r waai OUTO some oi buo rare uctt kjfciiuM uixerOQ ana IOOaI OVer Our gooa. The residents along a lumber flume In tbe mountains above Cbloo, Cal., have a novel way of getting then where thero is not one article but what you would have to nav1 double. man, it- ia BAariavi vu mi I y rjQ munuy Cioowucxo aui tbe head of the flume at regular datee, and the people below watch for it. take out what belongs to raft with HAVUWOOUi OUR NEW STOCK 5, 10 and 25 Cent Counters, ALBANY, 0REO0N, Jan. 2nd, 1886, N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street, Albany, Oretown, R. Reed, Sacramento, Cel., fanning mill P. F. Morey, Portland, Or Elevator. T. Pinard. Buttevtlie, Or.. Brake lever. J. J. Holland, San KrancUco, Cal., cui f! alvc year W. T. Browne, Stockton. Cal., Car truck. F. M. Dickcrhoff, San Frandco, Cal Tbe schooner Kate and Anna arriv ed here on the 12th of taia month, after e delay of three months, having left the docks of Portland for this place on Sep tember tVe 8th, under fair weather un- til November 1st, and under a heavy insuraeoe,beeaoas our hay has not been surveyed. Why it is not for tbe benefit of the country, is something we would tike to know. The .and surveyed has been takeo, so sboild the water,for the a a that trading schooners wonw NOTICE. Am Paw Ptaaraa la talalgia. in tha cltr and the loweat pvloe Valley. Uome ana in the "f-KK'SA MMBj HM 1 atfMk m tae Ma, mice. i m a Bu umJ nuaaaaaaa wm d with weaaarrai imwhj ."7 . 1 . . I liimMI CThfm Dara a CaamcaJ. Ca. Undertaking, a complete atock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, l araa. Vlrat aad niaweHfc Albaa y . I W Gairet, Prop'r too TIBEB ANS ACSUBal WCAS. erTlacttbroaca eoaaUm wnn iot rmm m ,n to tha thUdiat ot IwmI tot. flat wak wwrwwm- Llki I I'v-Mi'. fLiiiiA to 7"'. m ii w. Oil Maitod rM, Porraa Dtoa ... I A U.S.. .IL ...J.. ik. flkHHAn H.r 4 That anv nereon wisbloff to seU splrltuone, malt or vinous rule that calls for a H lull-IB of its liquors, before obteJoing a llcenee, as represenutioo in Congress. lotbelaat hereinafter preecrlbed, all, at hia election only 760 oat of every 1000 - t.. .i.n.inM adult males of votinc ace in Maine went OWD MI' W ouiaiu mo - M . T.nvllU fal , S o. ... .h. v.,. a, a. Hto wtb. r' ZXT of tho whole number of legal voters ... - vokc of the precinct In which be may wUh cios bulldowng and cheating must have . to eell such spirituous, malt or vinous been practiced there. By tbe time the j000 earth c olotbieg at co.t at Men- liquors, to a iietltloo to said County neceenetry raouw ,u -h-" are maoe an lounu. uvviwa wm become a mucb amaUer body than now. call in to see us, and we should not he . ... 1 . . t . L. . Xm m Amlr- J. . Gtlteapy, San Kranciaco, Cal. Maa- dependent on a veeaai tng bottle covcVa. meet to ua. This time,a well as every F. G. Waterhouae, Sacramentct, i f j eTrT one haa run out oi r i - " a nlies, even lbs store keeper bad to bor row flour, and at the same time be bad Dvnamo electric machine. M. J. Amtek, Portland, Or., Amalgama G. H. Boyd, MaryvUlc,CaL,Suapendcr.. I thirty tons of freight on board. The I. Itton,San KrantUco, CaUSalety key weather ia either too rougn ur v - for x ourncra. i Dei M nlled up wr.n ou,r r . tl P. F. Gardner, HATS r etry, ui pooling beer. ., Windmill. CaU Iraft .a. . a A . t I..M..hlM is not "nagged" ao tuat, ine atoowau.p Kate and Anna may ride aafely over 1.1 faat of water when abe only draws 7 then Captain Charles knows, hut he has likely made his last inp w this place having concludod to close out Ms business, now offers his entire- sto STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with hie entire stock: of TIN, COPPEit AMD SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As this is a genuine closing ont, now is the time for housewife, replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY, FEB. Ot v tot fl AiDCHcaicAL Co., DaatM Thto m Hot! U fttUKl up In ttwt claM ttyt.. TabtM StoAwMh tha baat Tha warkat HMtoararyRoom. A good SaaapU Boom tew Coav TraTatera. CaaeA la aad rrai tur n.trl. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY. OB. The First Term will tommeiice on Taesday, Sept., lath, ioo&. for partlrolar. concming Uw coaraM of atady and . MMa at tajltton, ajpv Vo B.KV. J. c. wrcsverr, Preaideai. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVEIl HOUSE. FISH, GAME AND POULTRY MARKET. ULTOI HYDE, Proprietor. Freeh flah always on hand. Caah paid for chickens and game. . cw kt( iloor to Joe, Webber', rirw imwi ALBANY, OREGON If tbe American navy could only be kept from getting wet people would not be so anxious about its safety. Aioany Bath House. o .TtfnmKIQIlD WOULD RESPECT filty that I hareiakaa flharga of thU SUA nf.aad, b, h.erMHM ens awjj J3 who ma, f.wor ua with aatronaga flarlag har.tofora earrlad oa aothtofbat fUrt-ClM Hair Dresatne Saloons aJtchUd.OB and LadU.' Half -sjUy 1886. Harper's Bazar, ILLTJSTBATBD- hanpood DR.J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Office-cor. Flrtand Ferry StreeU, A pAWY OREQOW Haaraa'. Baza, to tha ooljr papw la tha wrW thai aabiDM thaehoteMt lltarator. aad taaAaaat ort II ratloM with th. hvtaat t-him. aad o DOOMaold adoram.t. H. wMfciy iiia.wM-- description, ot tha Ditai Partoaod York tylet. with Ma uaetnl patUirn-nhMt rappm- patam.,branabHng ladlMtoh. their own drwa. mak.n,M. many tlmMta. cob uf ,.kinr th. manaaMMBt ot iZl in in it. various detail, ara amtoaatly ii, - - waatlcal . Much attantkm W smb vo . 7 a la- til iSaMSlnaaal nf SVFA a I .AfrlAtaalfJI tTta III IWUBWewMM OMJl..ork are aaaaawieaaM - - pe " literary moritUot th hlghMt ,xc.itw. - unlqoaalatiaatarQflUhumoroM pioxu.- - for it th, nam. of tha American rum."- f!nurt. nravinff thst seid license be granted, and no applicant shall be deemed to have a majority of the legal voters of snch precinct whose petition does not contain the names of a number of legal voter of such .......(.... .mitl l m m.tnrltv (if all the votes In such preclnt at tbe last pre. - ceeding genersl election, and greater " PP- w " """" I f S V a. m & A aS a am ,K. eh a.hnl.nnmhor of leeal VOte 8n "BU """" lll.u ...v " - - mm - - m.i ..k n.Dnlnnl uihifh BTtflV hfl fticripd .v rAm..natranre eatalnst tbe oomsooay ougu. au ""J - " - . . mm n rtf I granting of any such Ikense. f . ftDa D a a Th.e whan tha aiiraatures r fit.i Va ..a a wv. w -j I - - I A 3 DalaiA frw ISAKlaAad nf nn antnsl mslority of the whole Pn - number ol legal voters have been ob tained, to bo determined as provided In the proceeding section, tbe appli cant ahall st his own expense cause tbe aald petition to be published for four consecutive weeks in any dally n, tiveaklv newsDsoer published In a bembby von vtnu niaKAsaa - 1 . . . ,, , . anoh rnuntv. tocether with tbe notice Dr. Robert iMcwton, late rrwoem , m M .. of tho dav noon which he will apply of tbe Eclectic College, ot tne city 01 - . 1 to the County Court for such license Ne to eell spirituous, malt and vinous j Ohio, used Dr. Wm. liquors; provided, that If there be J ?ery extensively no Lumber aad retU. The undemiened will aclt all - . kind of a a i lumber and cedar fence noata at the 101 tow ing: .utlotw on the Narrow Gauge Rail Road, Leng't, Laweon and BsUvtne. I ar on building houaca or barns can nave bill .... .., 1 .i..hv,-r.-.l at anv of the above as to t reBBBaresBEara W. H. 8. Your snggention ara in the sale of poisons is sxcellent. Theeew remedy RedStar Cough Cure Aontaina no poiaon, and can be gtren cut ami uciivcixw " w " . . . I . , TT ... Anil, autiona on abort notice. Lumber la oi the I . fc intanU. Htalth omctals ... AM a 1. kmiiifht I . . . wa very neat quality, tne log. u... f RrookiVB. Philadelphia and f mm the tine timber reinon on tne ai- 01 u,w,v" . . Kenzie River. Wm. E. Smce. m.r. andorse it aa a most woouenu core. It coata only 25 cent. TO SI BhCBIBBBA. Sitatementa of accounts of subecrihera with the DaMactAT have been placed in tbe hands of aganta through tbe xunty, eo that subscribers desiring to aeo either how they stand, or to settle for tho same, can do aa by calling on them. This ia for ibe convenience of both subscribers and the Dbmocrat, Thoae do 1 ring to pay a year in advance and get the "American Farmer" one of tbe beat agricultural pa i th it. s . nan do ao with our yeji B aaa aa.u w a -" a afenta. Call on the following gentlemen at be places named : O FCoahow Craw faiw, rhatagrapher, Albany. Br. I have all the neaativea token by A, A Valaaata Medical Treatise. The edition for 186 af the sterling Med .1 annnal.knownaa Hoatetter'a Aims- R Bhelton F M Miller. ... 1 nam mny I F. A. Waits ttaaaa , .Brownsville. 8ck. Lebanon. Harrtsburg. ... Sbedd . .11 I . a a .. I 1 a 1 n ear Tl B. Paxlon and any one can arnvw j " .n,! mav be obtained, from their negatives by aaaieaaing nao, w. '-'A'mrthlo0in. Card alte, E3 free or coa o w--r - Those misguided persons who suppos- oa, at tte following price.: v.r ' lar. in all part, of tha United Statea, ed .Uvry went out of existence in this Hne of Oregon Tm?Jcl TbeeS tosued rlariyatthe logue roxntanea on .ppuuw" -"-r and enlarging old plcturea a specialty. J. O. Caawtobd. country with the close of the war are sadly mistaken. They still sell paupers to tbe highest bidder in Massachusetts. Aa Knterpritiaa. BetlaMe Mease. Foahay A Mason can always be relied commencement of every 7 v"n one-fifth of a centnry, com binea, with ?C? "ITj. nrtioai advice for the pres- amount ot iuiiwe . r - ,0i calendar, -i ami) f KaA r,,.",'1 ir- ,.i Mama. etc.. are oaiouiauon"t ---- ... b Red CrownMiUs (SON, LA.VXINe & CO., PROPER saw raocsss rxoua scpaaiea son rassjauB AltD BAKEXS OflkV. BEST STORAGE FACJLFfim Highest ; Price in Cash fiat Wheat ALBANY OR. FRED GRAF, Manufacturer and Dealer ia all kinds ef Tell Tear NeisBaer. ft e OBBBBT. nr a is ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, Buooeaeore to 0. C. Cherry.) lacuiaigtB, IlUeTiglits, aid Iror Fodders. nno taXTMC SHOPS ATL. W eSffi now prepared handle all kinds of hs-v, S 8aw 5 Maoh.and allklnda Iron und Brass Castings. MAikv. mm aflOBT NOTICE. . Specif ntion (TrLnf ture the Improved Cherry A White Grain Mac am tor .... T SnZTZZHZ u 1 ... fr oortare,fcnd which wmhl,io!for.Trnyf lefiwawLaS ' n":?"rA hroi rol to tortun. sure. At one. BaaaT-a- asd en,. Auausia, Matao, HARPER'S PERIODICALS. far Tear Si OS ,.4 0 4 00 . 2 00 HARPER'S BAZAB HARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPER WEEKLY UAsava'S VOimo PEOPLE - HARPER'S KRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY On, yMr(Wamahars). Postaae tee to all mhscriben in th UniUdt Slates or Canada. 1000 brain with th, flrtt Whan no um. The volume, ot th. vr v.. Ir i.nti.rv nt each Tear aaMad. it will be undaratood thai tne a .Ma Iha MA' wlahM to begin with tha Mumo-r ne. - ceiot of order, . , .... . IUxar. lor Banna v oiuiim . - nan hack, in mt eloth bindlnr, will be aent by mail Slld, or bv exprea. (provide tb. fralgh doasnotewsMd on. doUar per volume), for f7 00 p ScMMtorMch volume, .uHabl. tor blndlna will be sent by mail, pwtpaid, on receipt of fleseh Bemittanci.hould be mad. by Po.tofllc Money tn avoid chance ot low. ura w. , L1. . tt.,t -1th- WMBMoer, are not to copy w - ntwin ViAr. rrtr ofevervthlnsr. but to aeouro the ARenoy , "u .Mii.1 m.m have Well-RnOWU . . . 1 mr Eituu aaa iiwivm " 1 - York, end formerly of Cincinnati, 1 merUt mnd ar popular with the PPf 1 !.!!' Balsam thereby sustaining me r,pu ( llali s O aisam j m cDW riiOK ,nd ver reliable. ly In bis praotice,as many Having secured the Agency ror T. r " ... 1 rtmCMi iir. Hinir a i.ww . j daily or weekly newspaper pub- 0f bis patienU, now living, and rsstorsa 8ampUont wiU 11 ifcon a poeiUvegnaran. h.n ih. neti. kiih hv tha uo of this invaluaDie tee, 11 Wl 'iurar u-, v s lieuru 111 buv wi;i 1- 1 vw -V - tion and notice herein specified, shall be plainly written and posted in three or the roost public places of tbo precinct, and proof of such posting f,hw!l be md y hCQ lavlfc to one oi the peti. loners and two resident householders of tbe precinct. 8 ec. 6. On the applicatit produc In to the Counly Court the receipt of the County Treasurer for the pay ment of the sum hereinbefore pree- scribed, aud proof of compliance of all tbe preceediog provisions of this set, the County Court ahall give him t luanaa of the character and for the ca aawaewv w - " term his receipt may call for. Beo. 7. It is hereby made the duty of the Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, Constables and Justices of the Peace, knowing of any violations laaon can aiwaya w " 1 iih ffr-t care, ana wm w ly te carry in atook tbe beat P"PnTgSUrateT The issue ot K.,f .Irn the Aseooy found enure y wrvo; ,,, nrob Hoatetter'a ably be the Hoateuer -a ja.-v.--K.llo.1 n rlfflM MILIIIU .Ft.Mt T mi-s era ana Cheat. SUQ medicine, can amply testify. He al- u tkow our confldence, we invite you to wars said that so good a remedy oognt - aw to be prescribed freely by every physi cian as a sovereign remedy in all cases of lung diseases. It cures Consumption, TeU your nejghbor who Is not already a and has no equal for all pectoris 1 cuiu-1 subscr4bcr to the Democrat inw ..Uints - furnUh him the Weekly Worlds dcs n,c- r and will prob medioa ... . 1 n AAttntrv. i niirkii.oaa in .".t oewin who cannot procure one in hie neighborhood. Tha Beaaty er Tea otherwise, nothing a. No matter how handeome f -Ulwart a id hea snminK mv hrt Hick c.n m.k..up tor rSStll K7,t..hlD- j'v. j The Republicans are covering tbem- Dbmocrat, thc best local paper in the vai selves with glory in proving tbe truth of the old saying about office holders, that "few die and none resign." ing poU is not. 'in vZUr' Hair neea or Mytning j - ,f and Balsam wn " ,nH -oft 8trt."?r fTS aurnyou-resmrlng Kewiy rr., , , qu..j T IUm Mn1 time. Ot a ,1 Afaaa I h. Atriivinsil fMlitlT Bv vsaw - tropolltan paper in the coumry, , I v hot oJI v- delioately P6'11' "n est local paper tn toe v-1 gta,ujftra 6O0 dresamg. ley, both for $3. i nis is a m v. : r PinAi proof ness. Call at this office for a specimen wyj oi the rForW. A rarsiciAX's TasriMesT. "In the treatment of lung and bron chial diseases the liver is often impli cated to such an extent that a hepatic remedv becomes necessary. In the treatment of tuch cases I prescribe "Raerulator with entire UlUiwvM" - - 7 - - . ... A JI- ..;.' tinn. I tiod that it acts mvuiy lilts x catt ) B.w tt .'B) r 1 ok'"w " 0f the provisions of tbls act, to make but effectually in regulating the were- it. nn? Tm at. rhA tk livar. stomacb ana oowota. flmulttlQI in me uiu,J 1 uuuo ui v v. next term of the Circuit Court of the county in which the offense may have been committed after said viola lion ; and the money collected on such judgment, except taxable costs, he Daid to the Treasurer of tne L. Stepheoson.M. D.,Owensboro, Ky." 15.000 worth ef clothing at cost at M teith A Saitenbach's. HrTJ proper ccmoty, for the us. of ttJa. Oregon Kidney Te cures a)l kidney tree The Keel Agreeable As well aa the most effective ; mfthod of dispelling headaches, colds and If"' cleansing tbe system t by,,takl.S fJ?Z doses of the pleasant Callfonila liquid fruit remedy Syrup of bottles for sale by Foahay ds Maaon,Lng- don A Co. Ask your druggist for a package ef Oregon Kidney Tea. ton. af FlBS.,imui nnivhvthe California Fig g. Fmni. . d.. ij Natures rruu vu.. r- - --- . j nT-TTTrua lxative. xn wewanv ..H" i5fc r.morlv av be had ot Foanay W Langdon aud Co., at tifty cents or one dnllar oer bottle, it M tne mmv F"-""v orombt and efifective remedy known, cleanse tbe system ; to act on tin T Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly! to dispel Headaches. Colds and Fevers ; to cure Constipation, Indigestion asd kindred Ur f claims either umces, oau u.t ----- r . . . . a.o an nniiivinn V"W ace. 'Fiends ef this psper oiauv. -, this when will confer a tavor oy V7"" they make oot nur uu A Safeguard. T!hs f.uul ri)iditv witb which slight r.wi.riK fn-nucntlv develop in-,j lite sTaveaC maladies of the throat .1 luu-sCis ix eonskleration which t houUl Impel cverv nrudesA ieraon to keep at ,.n;d, at a household rvmeily, a boUlo of AY 1 IfS CliKUUY Pllt TOUAL. Nu liinc else gives Muhimmt thatt rchi.1 miv' works no sure a cure mauaweHMS of iliN da. That eminent phvktan. lrof. V. Swielaw r. of the Maine Medical 8eao.l. Brunswick, Mc., says: y.llr;il r.loiMo lina product no othr Un rUmtttvt -'"ul Auk's CasHiu IX. r.r.iu. U U iuvuluable for SBSSSSs STtta UaTiwh ;aJ lunjjs. Tlso same opinion is cxpressetl by the will-' iiowi. lr. L.J. Addison, of Chicago, UK. who says: 1 Imve u v.r ArUttd, In tl.lrty.fivo ysr, of i-utHtwMiM ' uv and yr;i. 'f nu-Uu-mc. an hr-itarttloii 'f en-nt v.lui.AvaaCdKUu u,;,. ,. .n.l luaea. n apt ealy lareaks vUaold; i.n.l Miros mere ceagas, "i 22Z2-i ,),., nitytalaa rt-e hi rcllevint wa th moal rkQ bronclilal ana paiaswry AYER'8 Cherry Pectoral j.. t a ik w -..tiuinnt for popular conft- . . - n.... mliUi U tiwhlV th nt--. im a uicu.u . - savins Uu lives or iw um. ; "'"," who have eomc into neing &iui:o w :i, .t offemltothepi.ime. ail . 1 . ia I ! 111 hi 1 i 1 111 1 till I. 1 a be 11 hi has ever AID UNDERTAKER, 8 First Street Albany, Or C. K, WOLVKRTOW, 0, B W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT IaAW sjyofiee up stairs in Fro man's Brick ALBANY, OREGON- F OR SALE. M ionic pumiv. . ... ,a riterc is not a houseUoki in wiucn - luvaluuhlc remedy 1ms once a. . . . t .v .iir.. W imf IfM UBD ubandoued, nnti tiwrc w v who has eve ulvcn it a piopei uuu :.? . v t u-oat or lung dhease suseen lS5j euro, who has not been made ioi' i'ss nisianees, iu v One hundred and forty aeres, milas above Lebanon. 40 aeres ia tivation. 10 acres slashed aad - mm k aaa . M grass, comrortabie oweiuag, bn outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at BOB office. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LA: -AND Notary Public DR I N. W0 IDLE, Veterinary Surgeon, Office at Schmee " 1 anablea. ALBANY, OREGON are duly -uthomed advertising agents for the VW ciut far that city. .a a w TrnLr & Co.. of Forfclann. iii nu n.l THE BEST YE F weekly The DSMOcaAT ana in. w w rflrSw Th. Tbesfc in the country a.rt this office. Call and get on. A, 0, U, W. Members wishing nployment or desirija ;n rrlMJia call at Read & Brownel! s UWV) TT. I ' I. tore aad register their names. By Obdkk of Lc poi, has, natc ufehrottlo Bronchitis, Larnj gltis, ' w...t.. lnoMinonia, an I has nHUty patients hi tho earlier stages I nmilllllDUOn. it is a n. l " atmilv requires' to be taken In ; ,U' ! w" is pleasant to the taste, and is ;.. a a in everv houso where thec aro ;.,; ' n there is nothing so good as A Y ' K!S Ml KltY PKCTOliAL fo. treat f..nt of Croup and Whooping Cough. riu-e iu-e nil plain vvhlcii enn do vo5t3 i,V anvhoilv. and should w re- every ootiy. Cherry Pector al .uiberi Ayer's rn::r.vHKi by Dr: J. C. Ay or & Co.. Lowell, Mass. .Sold bv all druggists. SAN wa vim LAUNDRY AND CHINA mekuhajnhuww bum NESS. Rice, tea and Japanese foods. LedHa underclothes told at bottom prioas.OL aliailuipw China labor. pajnNtat to Gin Bank ARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. Axes, mattocks, shovels.s barrows, wringers, brush hooks, picks nadaa. forks, srindstonea, wki -w . - - . A. rones, and aimaas everything you want, can be had cast for oaan a fetors rjwjwar. -pAJNTS AND OILS. Of all descriptions so2dby Peters k Skff art.