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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. nSIB4S01 Fl K-la Dewvrrai Ualltllagoa Sraaitalbla stravt. TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION fclngU copy, pof yaar, n aitrane so laflid copy, par yoar. at and ot yaar a 00 aiofta oiy. aU montha I 80 Sloffla oopy. thr month 7ft atria n urn bar HI PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. TTILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Tt ConrtH of this State. Will Rive pool a 1 attention to collections and probate matter. Office In Foster's new briok. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. TTORNEAT LAW Notary Public. Albany Oregon. , Office upstairs, over John Brings stein, (at treet. Yl4n28tf J. JL WE ATHERFORD , (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALRAKfV, .IROR. rrriLL PRACTICS ik all tub courts ok the W Stata. Special attention givan to collactlona and roMU matter. aVOOe. la Odd Mama Tampts. 14:S f. 0. POWSLL W. K. HILTS" POWELL & BILYEU, wTTORNEYS AT LAW, Anil KntiritntHi in ('hancerv. 4LR4MY. - - - ORlfGOM. Collect Ions promptly made on all points. uoans negotiated on reasonable terms. JMTOfflce In Foster's Brtok.""Jn vHnltKf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At " Lav AND Notary Public ALBANY. OREGON, Will practice in all of the Court of this State. All business Intrusted to him nil) be promptly attended to. E. W. LANGDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Statin and Toilet Articles, A and Low Prions. I.artr;- BS OITT ZDHTJGr STORE, tjt ALBIMT. BBCnX. POSH AY A MASON, VTMLSUU. A tLMtMUr- Druggists and Booksellers, A (rent for John B. Alden'a publications, which we sell at publisher's prices with pests gt added. ALBANY, OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Met Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTION CAREFULLY PILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. C hare the best stock of nmiture in the city and w:il sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the cltv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come snd see. Undertaking, a complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, Revere House, raet Ttfst sa KlWr4 Albany, Oregon. W Garre t, Prop'r. ThU new Hot ' la Otted op in first dan style. Tablaa Knotted with the beat the market aSoixk. tprtaff Beds in awy Room. A good Sample Room for Ooav meiwial Tmvelrt, rrsee Caaeh tm aael tram the HMel.'SS ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBABT, OR. The First Term will commence on Ta?sday, Sept., 15th, 1885. For nartleulara conmrning th. oounea of atody and be price of tuition, apply to BEY. J. C fTYCKorr, rreaideat. A. 10 any Bath House. rjg UDaaSIUBD WOULD RXSPECT fully inform the oiUaoot of Albany and ri aViity that I havetak.o chargs of this Batabliah maat.and, by k.splnf elsan room, and psyln itrlfltsttsntlon to baiisaM, exp.cta to auit al t.'i-ie who may faror us with patronage Utrlng hsr.tofor oarrlsd on nothing bat Flrat-Olass Hair Dressing Saloons exp.eta to gtv. entire astiafaellon to a) jnyChMdi.a and Ladles' Hair ne.tly es b .'n poo. 4 JOS WBBHKR. QR, JfLv HILL, Pbyioiau and Surgeon, Oflioe cor. Fl 'stand Ferry Streets, A BANY - OREGON. 0. 0 OHBBBT. O.B. 'TBI KB ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) afacliliiists, MiUffriglits, and Iror WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We wMl manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, ana all kiuds of Iron and Brass Castings. PA.TTBBHS M4BE ON SHOBT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A. White Graij, SepasaiOT aa nniVf 8end am cent for no.teire.and H 1 nlAM... receive free, a coaily box of goods waicb will help 3 ou to more money right away than .n.LhinirelBa In this world. All ot either aex, au- eed from flret hour. The broad road to fortune onani beforo the vork era, abaolutely aura. At on. mfotw Tstn sd CO,, Augusts, Mats., VOL. XXI. GERMan'reMEOY i a Cur.. Rheumatism. Neuralgia. or r 8iii rm'T, 1 Mill at pfecottirrl amd dkai sua. Ahmolutrltt JrVes from Oyintct, Emetie and Paresis. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. 25 At tteveoim abb llaiiaaa rat caAaun a. roeaua co earn bobs, at. SKIN TORTURES ABD BLOOD HUMORS II HUMILIATING Eruption., ltchlnv and Burning Kklii Torturee. Leathaome Saraa. Mid TT .Me te, of Itching. Scaly. Flmsty, Inherit!, Serataleas ami l onuciou Diaaaaaa of the Bleed, BSin nut stew with Laeeof Heir, from Inreney to aid I tWely curea ay Cvnccaa, te. great Skin Our., and Ci TK i SASOAr. an exquisite Skin Beautlaer. ester nelly, .rut fiTtotSA RasouiSST. the new Wood Puri fier, internally. COVERED WITH lORBi. I have been affltated einre leet March with s Skin diaeae the deou.r. called Ecatma. ny nes was iesr red with ecabe and eorea. and the Itchlitf and burn In? were alraoet unbearable. Seelnf jwsr Cawan-aa RtMBDias an highly iiifiaSH, nasi alar, i a to gite them a trial. uetag the Cmcraa and CwSSnjkk SOAf anasaatr, and Rsaotrsmr l.twaaBy. fur oar won the I call in cured, in gratitude for which I luak. m public stataawat. ids, ium a lawaam Droad Brook, Conn. SCAI.P.PACE, EARS AH NECK. I wea eSKeted wtlh aathtsaal nAn and neck, whleh the druggtrt, dtwa, Mmuounewe one of the wi w here I gut M your that had under hat notice. Meadekwd .lead ate to try your Cctkt le day. uee mr acalp and Sraly curwd. and t hope la ay eara. neck, and the other a a ki.iMu. and after 8e taut of my face were euUreJy another week to saw m tmrt at nv ktf. mA 120 B 4th Street, New York. 1TCH1MO DISEASES) CORED. Ct rtcraa stands at the head of Ita 4 thta thecaee with th. CrncvaA Soar ki Haeeaad an ssawaany good aai. tan issmn , owing to the pre Itch throttgh seen hlch the CiTtctaA eneeoi ea amraraidi t -iv. ailtiea in the country, la which Kauai'ica proved aalietacU.ry. Vidpattnra, Ky (CTICURA REMEDIES. Are wld by all druggiett. Prio. : CnrtccaA. BSe. ; Raaotv5.T, SI Soar. 2&c rvrrn iawm vw---Kb Co.. Boatee, Maw. 8-ad Ur "How to Cur. Skin Diaeaawa" BEAU1 TIKT the eosaplsxioa sad akin by uatag the Ctmevaa soar, THSFWI NG MACHINE i.lhi Utorin. Fain, and Week nee.. For Achnkf 81. ea sad Baea, at id mt Fates, lulilr. Cheat Peine, a was- mien is ts sacs,' ttJo (Ma, crainne. ssoo I ml saootlng ana .narp paw-, --- ' e'd wurwonderful rt' eriginal. elegant and speedy satldeis to gftaad taawaramtloo. tha Crrtcxaa Timaa Warranted th. per lagan t n toraal retnadiea, and astly WP"14"1 othVr plaatera. At drofgtou, 5c 4. for tj. atelled free. Port.. Daoo ass Cssbucai. to.. Boa ton Tinen asn ACBIHC: MISCUS. cry lnai through countSea. nen-ra lor reet and relief. Like manna to the children of laraol la the Ottawa PtAirriB to th. tired, ewwurk ed, aching muscle. .JfteL elf the comfort afforded by that now. ritinal Inflanntma At anurK, ve for fl. Mailed fro.. Ptrrr Dat. abu Ch naCXL Co. , UoetotL MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Pine Millinery 5 OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. FISH, GAME, AND POULTRY MARKET. MILTOH HYDE, Proprietor. Fresh fish always on hand. Cash paid for chickens snd game. First Street, next door to Jos, Webber's, ALBANY, OREGON - i8ae. Harper's Bazar. Haarsa'a Basas U the only paper in th. world that combine, the choicest literature and the A neat art U luetratlona with th. lateet ttabioni aad raethod. o aaaaahold adurnment. Ite weekly IlluiUatlnna and deacriDtiona of the Pariaand N.w Vork rtyle. with Its uaeful pattem-eheet auppllmetiU Mid cat pattern., by enabling ladle, to b. their own Sjssn makeia, aa.a many time, tna cott of snbacripnon. IU neoeraoncooklnif.the maua.n.ent ol e.ran,te,, Jd bonsekeeplng In IU various detail, are emln.ntly practical. Much attention if glren to th. InUrcatin? tonic of aoclal etkiu.tte. and IU lllnatration .f art ii, , w ... ..vnwiiMieed te be unonuslled. Ita liUrary m.rit i of th. higheet, snd the unique character of It. bnmeroa. pictuie. haa won for It the nam. of the American Punoh. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. rer Year i HARPER'S BAZAR M HARPER'S MAOAZlKE 0 HARPER'S WEEKLY 00 innvrsi vnrrwn prnpre 2 00 HARPER'S DHANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY, On. year (52 number.). 10 00 P-otiOQC tee to all tukscrri in the UniUdr State or Canada, The volume, of th. Bazas b.gin with the first Number for January of each year. Whan no Urn. l. apeelned, It will be und.ratood that the eubecnoer wiahea to begin with the Number next aiir vne re ceipt ef order, Bound Volume, of HasniR'a Bazar, for three yean back, In neat cloth blading, will be aetit by mallf portage paid, or by express (provided the frelglu doe not exceed one dollar per volume), for S7 00 pe volume, Cloth case. f.r each volume, sultabl. for blndlne; will be aent by mail, poatpald, on receipt of SI each Remittances should be made by PoetoSee Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lost. Newspaper are not U. copy thla advertisement with at tbe express order of Harper and Brother., Address HARPER dt BROTHERS, New York. CT JACOBS nn RedStar TWADK tAWK. oughIure BSAVB WOBBSt Our readers will recollect Ibst A. M. Kelly whom the President appointed minister to Italy wsi refuted reoognl tion by that government inconsequence of some criticisms in which he indulged sbout fifteen years sgo sbout thst gov ernment. The President then appoint ed Ksily minister to Austria and be was rejected by that govermeot on the ground that his wife is a Jewess. Sen retary Bayard replied bravely ss fol lows : ifn .a .a . a "ins question to us raised by your government involved principles of the greatest importance, snd has no pre cedent as yet discoverable in modern times in intercourse between friendly nations. Hayicg submitted the mat ter to the consideration of the Presi dent, I am instructed by him to inform your government, through ou, that the ground upon which it is announced thst the usual ceremonisl courtesy sod for mal resp;ct are to be withdrawn from the voioe of the United Btatee to your government ; that is to say, because ite minister's wife is alleged or supposed by yoor government to eotet tain a cer tain religious fai.b, to be a member of a certain religious sect, cannot be as sented to by the executive of the gov ernment of the Americsn people, but is and must be empbsUcally denied. The supreme law of the land expressly de clares thst "no religious test shall ever be required ss a qualifiostion to sny olBee or any public trnst under the United Ststes ; and by the tame au thority it is declared Congress shsl1 mske no law respecting an establish ment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." This is a govern ment of law, and an authority exetois- ed must 6cd its measure and warrant tbereunJet. It is not witbin the pow er of lie President, nor congress, nor any judicial tribunal in the United States, to take or even hear testimony, or in sny mode to inquire into or decide upon the religious belief of any official ; and a proposition to sllow this to be done by any foreign government is necessarily, and a Jbttiori, inadmissible. To suffer sn infraction of this essential principle would lead,to the disfranchise ment of our citizens because of their religious belief, and thus impair or des troy the moot important end which our constitution of government wst iutrndtd toseenrr. BKLItilOl'S LIHKUTY. "Religious liberty is the cbief corner stone of the American system of gov ernment, snd provisions for ite security imbeJded in tie written charter and interwoven in the moral fabric of its laws. Anything tbst tends to evade n right so essential and sacred must be carefully guarded against, and I am satisfied my countrymen, cvrr mindful of the suffering and ssciiocts necessary to obtain it, will never consent to its impairment for any reason, or under any pretext whatsoever. 'la harmony with this easeutul is the almost equally potential and tin wiltten law of American society thst awards respect and delicate eonnid re tion to the women of the United States, and exacts deference in the treetment at borne and abroad of the mothers, wivee and daughters of the republic.'' 'The esse we are now considering is that of m envoy of ibe United States, unquestionably Stted, whose presence near the foreign government in ques tion is objected to by its agents on the sole ground tbst his wedded wife is al leged to entertain religious faith, which is held by very muny of tbe most hon ored d valued citizens of tbe United States. It is not believed by the Presi dent thst a dootrine snd practice so de structive of religious liberty snd free dom of coascience, so devoid of Cathol icity, and so opposttd to tbe spirit of the age in which we live, can for a moment be accepted by tbe great family of civ ilized nations, or be allowed to control their diplomatic intercourse. Certsin it if, it will never, in my belief, be ac cepted by the people, of the United States, nor by any administration whiob represents their sentiments. Permit me, then f r, being actuated only by the sfnwe desire, to strength en tbe ties ol' friendship and mutttsl respect, between the governments we respectfully represent, most earnestly end respectfully to crave csreful con sideration of this note, snd request your government to reconsider tbe views you have communicated to me in reanect to the possibl reception of g M. Keily on a mission of amity and mutual advantage, wbioh, in the amp lest good faith he was selected by this government to perform. With John Sherman in the chair of fie Vice-President the necessity for tbe prompt psssage of the old Senate bill providing for the Presidential succes sion will be apparent to all fair-minded men. Ex-Congressman Bdford,of Colorado who hsd been reduced to the verge of the grsve by intemperance, has entirely reformed and is onoe more on his feet with a growing law practice. gBp Rittbts ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER WAsnmiTos &rtyi:b Prom our regular correspondent. ) Wabmnotok, Dto. 4ih,186. When this letter reaches you the Forty-ninth Congress will be In ses sion. Probably the much dlscusesx! question of a successor to Vies- Presi dent Hendricks will also have boon settled ; though this Is not certain. Indications are that at t ho caucus of Republican Senators to be held to. night there will be a sharp fight be. tween the friends of Senator Ed munds, Logan and Sherman, The possibility of either of the lat ter Senators being elected to prvskfe over the Senate Is. extremely dis tasteful to Democratic Congressmen. Logan and Sherman are the repre sentatives of the bloody shirt wing of their party. They are both blttor aectlooallsls and prospective parti sans. It is thought the Republican Senators ought at least to choose a more conservative member of their body for presiding officer. Since a Republican tuM to bo taken, Demo cratic Senators would prefer Senator Edmunds. There Is considerable opposition to him, however, among those who will decide the question. A Republican Senator said, "I would bolt Edmunds for two reasons ; first, his attitude In the last campaign ; and secondly, because of his uncalled for decision during the last Presiden tial count" Senator Kdraunda held that the President of the Senate could exercise no Judicial function during the count "Whether right or wrong," continued tbe dleaffocted Senator, "It was merely an expres sion of opinion, which any Senator might have made, but being made at that particular time and In that pel licular way, it will always be quoted as a precedent" The revision of the rules will be the first subject brought to the atten tion of the House, and then some bill providing for the succession of the Ctbloet officers to the Prnsldanv will havo early attention. But the great features of the winter's session will be tbe silver quest ion, tbe tariff, and civil service reform. There Is a marked contrast between the situation now and that of the week preceding the opening of the Forty-eighth Congress. At that time Representative Carlisle, Randall, Springer and Cox were actively en gaged In a contest far the Speaker ship. Rival candid ties for the posi tions of Clerk, Sergeant at-Arms, Door-keeper, House Poetmester,ec., were busy with t heir can vasaea. Each arriving Congressman was button holed. Now Mr. Carlisle is conceded a re-election without question orop P titlon. Mr. Cx Is on duty In far away Turkey. Mr Springer is en- thgshtstic over his pUn for revising the House rules, and the distinguish- ed head of the Appropriations Com mittee la devoting his time to flnsn- clal literature, at his quiet homo on Capitol hill. The last Important appointment made by tbe President gives great pleasure to the Democrats of the Dis trict of Columbia. It was the Mar ahalship of the District, and Colonel Albert Wilson, a well-known Demo ctatlc citizen of Washlcgtont Is the man. He was born within a few squares of the White House forty-five years ago, and has alwaya lived In this city. Ltst evening he stood In his coxy parior,and received a stream of friends who called to congratulate him. HIi office I considered the most valuable Federal office in the Dis trict. Its compensation Is restricted by Congress to $6,000 a year, any excess over that amount from the fees of the office being turned Into the Treasury. Tbe patronage of the consists of a deputy at $3,000, a chief batlirT at $1,400, another at $1,300, and several at $1,100 each. The office had come in recent years to be so closely associated with the President personally, and with the social ceremonies at the White House, that It was expected to be filled by a friend of the President. The selec tion of a Marshal who U identified with the locality could not but be ac ceptable to the Democracy of the District. There is a gradual removal of the Republican clerks in the Departments here. Men and women have drawn salaries month after month in Wash ington under the past Administra tions without working for them. Old Department records will show this. If the peopio knew how many worth less clerks they have supported here, without recalving any work In re turn for their raoroy, they would be astonished. The cleaning out is slow but sure. Almost every day some of them go from each Department. Available statistics clearly prove that the 8 mth is going to be heard from in the future, and it won't be through the rattle of musketry, either. Senator Hoar's attention bss bm called to the painful fact tbst Massa chusetts' representation in Congrejs must be reduced. Ia last years Pres idential eleotlon Massachusetts voted but 60 psr oent of her adult males, while Wisconsin, with a much larger foreign elemeuf, voted 04 per eent of her adults enti'lml to vote. It is evU dent that outrageous bulldozing or cheating at tbe polls was practiced, in Massachusetts, and her representation should accordingly be out down. Shell 60 voters in Massachusetts enjoy aa much power in tbe control of tbe Gov ernment SI 04 voters in Wisconsin 1 Perish the thought . . Why it is that for 1885 the State tax to be paid by Lion county is $22, 230. 12, bile that to he paid by Marion is only $19,330.16, or that of the State tax of 1886 Lion county will have to pay $ 17,058. 33, whim Mat ion will have to pay only $14,746.00, is a questioo that calls emphatically for remedy. No intelligent person in either Linn or Marion, but knows that the taxable property of Marion is much in excess of that of Linn, and yet for years Linn hss been paying more State taxes than Marion. A very pertinent inquiry is whst kind of an Assessor and equalisa tion board have they in Marion, any way. Delicate persons, and all whose sys tems have become debilitate!, should bear in mind that Simmons Liver Reg. ulster is not a drastic, purging medi cine, does not weaken or deplete tbe system as other purgatives do, but acta gently. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicating beversgs to lead to intemperance ; will promote digestion, dissipate headache, and gen erally tone up tbe system. Tbe dose is smsil, not unpleasant and ita virtues undoubted. It is charged that S. S Brown.Chair- man of the Democratic State Commit tee ot Maine, haa bean in Washington for several months, securing the ap pointment of small U n cratic post- mssters in his State and :'' taxing them small sums to JejtVey aipenaee." In tbe interest cf true snd legitimate Civil. Service R fi.u tbe patriotic Brown should be eradicated. It appears from statistics recently ma4e public, that the annual value of dairy products in ibis country is $100, 000,000 greater tban th" ftitre wheat crop, and 1 12U,UVU,WU jfaeter tban that of the cotton orop. Mayor Grace, of New York, hat sued the New York World for $50,000 dam ages for lthel. This is tbe second suit for libel pending against the World. Hoscoe Conk ling is of counsel for the World. Five children ware lately bitten by a mad dog in Newark, New Jersey, and immediately a subscription was taken np to send them to Paris to be treated by the celebrated physician, Pasteur, ho claims to have a ante cure by means ot inoculation by mitigated virur. One of tbe first orders the President gave nnen ne eame into me vvniie a I P .1 IV f 1 House was that no smoking was to be tolerated there. Ueccntly several men at tbe reception had to be asked to throw away their otgars. The Republicans favor th present high protective tariff because most of tbe wealthy manufacturers whom it bsnefits controls that party, Gsneral Sheridan says in his report that "the Indians are not poor." Can dor compels us to say, however, that they make us more trouble then all our poor relations. a Representstives of the distillery in terest are preparing to press upon con gress a reduction of the tsx on whisky rom 90 to 50 cents a gallon. "a TWKYI Y-FOI K UOl BM TO UVK. From John Kuhn, Lafayette, Ind., who announces that he is now in "per. feet health," we have the following : 'One year ago I was, to all appearance, in tba last stssca of consumption. Our best physicians gave my case up. finally got so low that our doctor said I oould only live twenty-four hours. Mt friAnil. tban tint chased a bottle of Dr. Win. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs, i whioh considerably benefitted me. continued until I took nine bottles, snd I am now in perfect health. "What memories must 'have trooped t.h ron oh the brain ct Ex-Presidsnt Hayes as he sat and listened to the funeral oration on Vice-Presidsnt Hen dricks 1 SCOTT'S BMUliSIOV Of PCBK Cod Liver Oil with Hpophesphttes Al' most a specltte for Consumption. The ttiousand of testimonials we have received from sufferers who have been permanently ctred by Scott's Emulsion satisfies us that it will cure consumption in its early stages, and alleviate if not cure in its latter stages. 95,000 worth ef olothinsj at cost at Moa faith c Sertenbaeh's. emotrat 35, 1885. H H 1 oto dlrit.utoatoor cwtomer. mr, 60 dy.,Mtir,arth.oMc SECOND DISTEIBITOON Jan. 1, 1886, Ooin in Burkharb Bros., hands and will h HiafniK, -u . . OUR NEW STOCK For the Pall and Winter cannot be surDa.sri ;i,.. All our purchases are made for surPa339a, either in price or quality. Much at BANKRUPT SALES, and we nronnso tn Lni,. store in the Willamette Valley for lither calh o? ,apnr than cure some of the rare bargains oflfereff d look ovlr our ' me andf 5, 10 and 25 Cent Counters, SSmnaTsite. bUt What y0U ld W double it H. ALLEN & Co., ALBANY. OREGON, Nov. 2nd, 1885. 5? A,b8Dy 'retain Tariff.. We have received a notice from P. Kot-hl- cr, Manager and Receiver of the O. & C. R . R. announcing that Freight Tariff No' 59. 60, 6i, 62 and 63, dated July 10th, iSHc, and rcvUcd Local Freight Claiftcation of mc date, together with all apecial rates ruling, notke and circular regarding rates lued tnce January 1 at, 1S85, will remain In force until January 3rd, i86, and will expire at that date at 1 2 o'clock midnight. Careless nurse, have let children fail, aod iojared them for Ufa. They have also given them doses of cough mixtures containing opiates with fatal results. There is no dan -art in Ul Htar Coae-h Core. Free from nar- colic Only 23 cents. Prompt, safe, ante. mm Tell Save aetabawr. Tell your neighbor who is not already a ubc ribcr to the IaocaaT that we will furniah him the Wtkly lfVrrf,thc beat me tropolitan paper In the country, and the liKMm k at. the beet local paper In the val ley, both for S3. Thi is a marvel of cheap ness. Call at this office for a apecimen copy of the World. Vice President Hendrick'e will, written in 186S, was short and to the point Here is the body of it 1 "I. Thomas A. Mend ricks, of Marion county, Indiana, do mske this my last will and testament, hereby revoking any aod all wills by n.e at any time heretslore tnsds. I give, bequesth snd devise te my beloved wife, Etisa C. Heodkricke, all my persons! and real property of every descrip tion whatever, and wherever located ; also my right and claim to causes in action, in fee simple, to have the same to her aod her heioe forever. In witness whereof I have bere-s set my hand ; and if agreeable to her I desire that .he .ball be executor thereof." Whv alignment with expensive drugs when a bottle ef St. Jacob. Oil, costing only fifty cents, will core yoor rheumatism, neu ralgia or lumbago ? Echo answers, why ? Tbr Meal Agreeabir Aawallastha most elTactive method of dispelling headaches, colds and fevers, or cleansing the system Is by taking a few doses or the pleasant v;aiuorma fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. 50o and 91 bottles for sale by Kosnay aiesoii, uhjs don dt Co. A Valuable Medical Treailae. The edition for 186 ef the sterling Med ical Annual, known as Hoefetter's Alma nac, is now ready, and may be obtained, free of cost, of druggists and general coun try dealers in all parts of the United States, Mexico, and Indeed In every civilized por tion of tbe W eaten Hemisphere. This Almanac has been issued regularly at the commencement of evsry year lor over one-fifth of a century, It combines, with the soundest practical advtne tor tue pres ervation and restoration of health, a large amount of Interesting and amusing light reading, and the calendar, astronomical calculations, ohronologlcal item8, etc., are nMrAi with orrsat cmx. and will bo found entirely accurate. The Issue of Hostetter's Almanac for 1886 will prob ably be the largest edition of a medical work ever published in any country, Tim proprietors, Messrs. Hostotter tt Co., Pittsburgh, Pa on receipt of a two cent stamp, will forward a copy by mall to any nerson who cannot procure ono In his neighborhood, The Beauty or You No matter how handsome or stalwart a young man msy be otherwise, nothing otn make up for a partially bald head. Shining talents are attractive, but a sh n ing poll la not. The cause may be sick ness or anything else, yet Parker's Hair Balsam with stop the loss of the hair and start a new growth of glossy and soft hair so quickly as to surprise you-restoring the original color at the same time. Not ri nnt iiv. delicately oerfumed, On- ly standard 000 ureaaiuK. Final Proof. -p.;. mAkinff final oroofs of claims either tunk r.h Roaabara or Oregon City Land 1 ifrtAM ean have the same publiihed in the Democrat by so notifying the Register at either of those places, Friends ef this paper will confer a favor by considering this when they make ont their final claims. 0 W Loader 6 Co., of Portland, are duly authorised advertising agents for the Demo crat for that city. THE BEST YE X Tbe Democrat and tho New York weakly WerW both for $3.00 in advance, lhe World i an 8-page weekly, the best in th country. Sample copies at this office. Call and get one. NO 33. NEW DEPARTURE Allen $100.00 NOTICE. luring concluM to close out his tamerr, now offen Me entire etoekot STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of Tin, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE HE AT COST. As this is a gemuii3 closing oat, now is the time for honsis 0 replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY, FEB. OtU i.- TO SI BSCBIBEBS. Statements of aceoaots of subecriLers with the 1ik.msc.iat have been placed in tbe hands of agents through tbe county, so that subscribers desiring to see either how they stand, or to settle for the same, can do so .by celling on them. This is for the convenience of both subscribers and the Dbxocbat. Those desiring to pay a year In advance and get I he "American Farmer" ene of tte best agricultural ra pars in the U, 8 , can do so with our agents. Call on the following gentlemen at tbe places named : O PCoahow Brownsville. R Si.-Hon Scio. P M Miller Lebanon. Ssrn May Harrlabr.rg. F. A. Walts - Sh Kid KING'S EVIL Was the name formerly given te Scrofula because of a superstition that it could be cured by a king's touch. The world la wiser now, and knows that SCROFULA can onlv be cured by a thorough purifica tion of the blood. If this Is neglccUd, the dieafto perpetuates Its taint through generation after generation. Among Its earlier symptomatic developments are Besenin, Cntaneons Krunt ions, Tu mors, 1 loll. Carbuncles, Kryeipelris, Purulent Ulcers, "Servous and Phy sical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con tinue, Khcumutlsm, Scrofulous Ca tarrh, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, and vari ous ether dangerous or fatal maladies, are produced by it. Myers Sarsaparilla . the only p .-.? and alfaua reliaido hi l-purijuitr; medicine. It is so effect n:d an altenrtlve that it eradicates from lUo svsteni Hereditary Scrofula, and lac kindi'i d poisons of contagious diseases and mercury. At the same lime It m rieh-s snd vlh"!aes Ihc blood, restoring b :iUhful nctkHi o the vital organs and 1 : mi in j, lira entire system. This groat L generative Medicine h composed of tho genutno Honduras y ' '-(train, wish Yellow Dark. JStiU tfiitt, (ha hdidc3 of rotassinm and frun. Rod other in gredients of great io- lein". carefully end r-eienlilieally com 1 muled. Its formula I.s generally known to the medical profession, mid tho bst nltydelftua eonstautly prescribe Ayeh's S.Vli'S.U'AKlM.A us mi Absol Cure .' tho vitiation of ronecutr: ted to the tdgh Vt beyond any filch like effects e.) t'e cheapest, 1 nrlfyia3 incdb 10. i:i tlio wot Ayer's r.Y d: J. C. Aycr Co., Lowe, Mans, Analytical Chemists. Said by all Druggists : price 1 ; sbt bottles for $5. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IB TEE WILLAMETTE TALL1T, SpnciHl business notices in Loeal Cel uiim j 5 cents per line. Kegolsr JLeat notifies 10 cents ier line. For legal and transient nrtriarttejariants 00 per square for the OsaS laiHsflss. nut 50 cent per square for seen riihasfweat insertion. Rate- for other advertisements male known on application. Co, Red CrownUills 1S0M, LANSING & CO., PROPaVS. SEW PROCESS FLOCK SCFKBIOH FOR TAXtORm AXD BAKERS US BEST STORAGE FACILHm Highest Price in Cash fef Wheat ALBANY OR. DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. Gclrra. ) - DEALERS IN. Farm Machinery WAGONS, HACKS, BUBOES Plows, Harrows. HAY PRESSES STEEL GOODSf C. X,' WOLVKBTON, O, H, MVXKS, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW jatrC'ilce up stairs in Fro man's Brick ALBANY, OREGON- F OR SALE. Ono hundred and forty acres, nip miles above Lebanon. 40 aeres in en tivation. 10 acres slashed and sows an grass. Comfortable dwelling, outhouaea. Cheap. Inquire at office. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW Notary FuMi?, DR. I. NL W0 IDLE, Veterinary Surgeon, Office at Schmee 1 Stable. ALBANY, OREGON R ARN DOOR HANGINGS, re A alway breaking, unless yon have by Peters Stewart, of Al- tbe kind sol banv. Thev are made ot wrought iron- canuot jump the track and will last a life time, Don't hang another barn door nnr til you have seen them.