Ik genwctat. Entered at th Poet Office at Albany, Or a second clans mail matter. FRIDAY DEO RUBER 18, 1886. 8TITE3 & NUTTING. KiIIIsm a4 rraarleter. KM I. JI'ITIVU, twl Kier. Official Oounty Paper, 0r TuNarat lentesasierwrlea. Wc have on our table two well gotten up school paper recently read at tlie clpsing exercises of the Tangent public schools, v. C. McFarland. principal. Both in their mechanical and literary make up they are not often excelled by school production. The W, A. W Moses editor, contain the uual introductory ; a well written poem, original, entitled "Beautiful Home f a va riety column, with ome good hit ; a con cise article on "Oregon," another batch of "hit," in which our correspondent get a benefit. A Temperance alphabet, carefully gotten up, as well a some alphabetical rh vines bringing in most of the students of the school ; A Sample Room article ; Some Refreshment, sn esav on the Deer and picv item generally. The Kxfrtss, Bird Luper, editor and artist, has two very neat covers. It announce the following contri bution : Geo A Settlcmire, Grant W Smith, Miss Allle Parkinson, Mis Anna Knighten, David S Bridgefarmer, George Swank. Loren B Luper, C D Knighten, J me C Calowav and Emery Bryan. It contain its editorial. "Advice to Boys" an eav on the "Value of Kind Words" a poem on Loving, numerous pointed local items and articles headed "Do Right," a Word to the Girls" etc. We regret the lack of space to give extract. The paper speak in high term of the prosperity of the Tangent school, which has been very suc cessful under Mr McFarland's charge. ii s s ' " Cattle aieatlae-. The examination of Janie Stinson for stealing three head of cattle from ir. W. M. Mc Bride, of this city, from his farm near Shedd, one day last week, took place on Thursday night of last week, and resulted In Stimson's being held to await the action of the grand jury. In default of bail he was placed in the county jail. According to the version of the story commonly cur rent Sitmson sold the cattle to Mr. Rader, a butcher of Corvallis who remembered having seen them 'on Mr. McBrides place a few days before, and suspecting something wrong Investigated the matter. The result was as stated. The prisoner Is a son of I anrfa rinun nnw i if Tamma. who hv the wav is also under arrest, his offiense being the recent Chinese disturbance. Stimson is now at liberty, hi bail, $500, having been furnished. ruaiBg Natter. Our Harrisburg friend propose to push Iheir interests by meeting Immigrant half way. A Board of Immigration there con sist of J. F. llendrix. President ; R, A. Rampy, Treasurer ; S. B. Ilendee, Secre tary, and I. G. Sender and William Kriesel- A TPortlaml tuner calls them voune men. Grey hairs, though, perhaps should be no bar to that designation, vertamiy as lar as business is concerned thev have all the enersrv of vouth. In the matter of immi gration it is to be desired that Harrisburg as well as all parts ot the county be tavoreu. A Cajole Cfcas. Last Saturday several hunters of Albany and Knox Butte made a general stampede around Knox Butte in the hopes of running down several sheep eating coyotes that have been doing much damage in that vicinity lately. As there are private and county bounties amounting to about $22 on each co vote scalp, expectation were great. After a days hard tramp in the locality where the ugly beasts had been dining on mutton the hunters dispersed without even a stght of them, only to find on their way home that their field of action during the day had been eight or ten miles off in another direc tion. ire me as CJeetloM At the election on Monday 122 votes were cast, as follows, several reports heretofore published being partly incorrect : FOB CHIEF ENGINEER. J. N. Hoffman 65 J. II. Irvine 57 Hoffman' majority 8 FOR ASSISTANT CHIEF. Jas. Hail 54 I. F. Conn 68 Conn's majority 14 Special JSetle. We are satisfied that F. M French, the jeweler, has the finest display of silverware we have seen lately, and his prices are re markably low. Those wishing a handsome christma present for their friends or rela tives will do well to call and see his display. Remember the place, opposite Odd Fellow' Temple. A Meamer Trouble. Last Monday the Simpson wharf was the scene of a first -class river steamer altercation. The poor little "Topsy" was at the wharf when the great over bearing "Salem" steam ed up, and. evidently on purpose, run Into the former boat injuring it to quite an ex tent. Of course the Captains had a dispute, one assisted in quite a lively physical man ner, A law-suit is to be the result. Christmas al Brio. At a meeting of the citizens of Scio and vicinity it was unanimously voted to cele brate Christmas by having a Christmas tree for all. R: F. Ashby was Chairman of fhe meeting and Jeff. Meyers Secretary. A committee of three, consisting of H. A. Johnson, Jeff. Meyers and W. E. Price were appointed on arrangements. A good time is anticipated. Everybody is invited. e Teacher's Exanilnaliosu Notice is hereby given that the public quarterly examination of teachers will be held at the Court House in Albany, com mencing at noon on the 29th inst, and con tinuing until noon the 31st inst. D. V. S. Reid, County School Superintendent as owi. The finest owl it has ever been our pleas ure to see is on exhibition at A. B. Mcll- wain's store. It is nearly white, and splen didly mounted, presents an attractive ap pearance. Henry Graves recently killed it near Shedd. It will pay to take a look at its large open eyes and sleek body. Rev. F. M. Culp will preach at Tangent next Sabbath at n a. m., and at Albany at 7 p. m. Henry Suesens 0.1 Thursday night of last week fell from the approach that runs into the second story or the Willert wagon ahop buu wa eu aurreu up uuc received no sen ous injuries. Alyio Csrotbsrs will sell Peerless potatoes at 25 omits per bushel from now till Christ ma. Also has for sale one horse snd buggy and a tingle buggy harness and wagon fer CI KMT KYKiVTB. Sixty vote were cast election. That indicates about 300. In the Newport a population of Everywhere Bill Nye roes some new paiwr tries to jret even with him by giving him a senn ott in hi own high flown, be witching style. The many attempt made are exceedingly humorous Snow has begun fallitisr in W. T. This should be Oregon's off winter. The lacksonvll e Times av Al. fa rev i doing the honor at the "Sunny Side" In that CRY ; probably the same Al. who ued to he here. At the election in Astoria about Son votes were cast. That just about tallle with the population claimed for that city. The population of Iowa increased 10 per cent during the last five vears. A confectioner In an Eatern city make money by allowing his customers to eat what confectionary thev want for tc cento. In nine cases out of ten. It takes milte a candy eater to get away with that amount unuer mc eastern price. Coamell lracsdla, December 8th, 1885. Present all but Foshay. Recorder was ordered to have an Ordin ance drawn and presented at meetimr Dec jjnd, providing for the levying of ae- mcnt on property of persons who had not made the street Improvement ordered bv Council Sept. iind. Street Commissioner wa ordered to re. movs surplus dirt on Callpooia street along the sewer from Third to Fifth street. The Committee on Stieets recommended following repair : Filling of holes on Fourth street between Washington and Maple. Repairing of side walk on Fourth St., Montgomery to Lvon, Repairing sidewalk south side Fourth St., Ferry to Maple. Fill mud hole on Wash ington between Blocks 14 and 13. Required notices ordered a lionet report m H Petition from tax-payers adjoining Fifth St., for side walk along south line of said Fifth St., Baker St. to Thurston St.. irrant- ed, crosswalks not to be built until property onucro u:ui mini waiKk. Recorder ordered to advertise for bids for repairing Albany Engine House No, 1 and Hook and Ladder House. The following bills were ordered paid : G. W. Burkhart, $6,25; N.J. Henton, $19.25 ; L. Thomas, $17.40. Bills referred : Louis Miller, $16.38 ; A. B. Mcllwain, $29.90 ; G. W. Burkhart, $33.70 ; N. J. Henton, $34.50. December nth, 1885. Present ail but Isom and Hideout. The Mayor and Recorder presented their canvass of vote of city election resulting as already published In the Democrat. The Recorder was ordered to grant cer tificates to the Mayor, Recorder, and Al dermcn for two Vears from January 4th, 1886, and to the Treasurer and Marshal for one year from that date. Ulrkiac as tal The H. A. C. ministrels have reached home. The following is the account of their trip given to their organ the Statesmen : "The H. A. C. "plug hat brigade" min strels returned yesterday from their trip to the "proposed terminus of the O. P," and to Eugene. They speak very highly of their treatment at the latter place, where they played to a Urge and appreciative house of Eugene's theatre goers. Thev have not so much to say about Albany, where their home was very slim, and other treatment not satisfactory. The boys re port having had a nice time on their trip, and that they feel well paid for it" Intended for satire, the above is not even third-class humor. The II. A C. minstrel got as big a house as they had any right to expect In Albany. It is such conduct as the above, carried through a long series o' years, that has made Albany people apathet ic in reference to anything from Salem. The H. A. C. minstrels have no right to complain of their treatment here. It was first-class. Right here, let us say that they gave a very enjoyable entertainment They are entitled to that credit , but they ought to be ashamed of themselves for kicking in such a boyish manner because they got a small house. The following from the next days Statesman somewhat ameliorates mat ters, but not sufficiently to Induce us to change the above : "The H. A. C. minstrel desire the States men to state that all the parties with whom they had business during their stay in Al bany, better treatment could not have been asked, and that it was a few who by form' ing a combination, caused them to nave so small a house there." frfcsel Kepert. SoDAviLLE, Dec. 5th, 1885. The following Is the average standing of the pupils of Sodaville school, who have been present during the past month : Delia Fairish, 97 ; Stella Parrish, 98 ; Allie Parrish, 97 ; Lula Westfall, q84 ; Ida Westfall, 98 ; Alda Parrish, 98 ; Ever ette Parrish, 97 J ; Almira Dunaway, 97X ; Amanda O una way, 96 ; Lora Hex: Wet, 95 ; Maud Hocket, 94 ; Amelia Haupert; 96- ; Lena Haupert, 97 ; Edwin Haupert, 98 -r Jos. Haupert, 97 i Irena Waltosa. f - Al berta Walton, 93 ; Clere WaltoaviS KJeta Wilson, 95 ; Clyde Wilson e Valen tine Hoe ye, 96 ; Clarence Cooper, ; Sammy Runaway, 98 ; Claud Klum, 93 ; Carrie Houston, 96 ; Alleaa Stoughtbn, j& ; Alva Parrish, 97. L. J. AMBtr, teacher. Boys overcoats at cost st Blsln'f, bargains in svsre ate geasrally. M. Jakas a, W, at A, M. Elected the following officers at their an nual meeting on Saturday night : C. E. Wolverton, W. M. G. W. Maston, S. W. Simon Seitenbach, J, W. D. Mansfield, Secretary. D. P. Mason, Treasurer. D. T. Wyman, Tyler. tela city Kieetleaw The city election in Scio last wek re suited as follows : J. J. Williams, Mayor. O. S. May, Recorder. H. Eply, Marshal. R. Shelton, Treasurer. W. E. Price, W. H . McKnitsKL T i, i. Munkers, Harvey Shelton, T. B. Bar O. Hyde, Council men. ICS Mai soy's Mew fllcer. Following will be the city offeree joi Hal sey for next year : Geo. Cunningham, Mayor. F. Davison, Marshal. F. S. Fields, Recorder. W. H. Gaston, Treasurer. I. R. Bone, S. A. Smith, Pone Pa tterson and W, H. Willard, Cotmcffme. Probably Bat Traaaps. On Thursday night of last week, a small shedd on Ellsworth street was com ipletely burned, the damage being quite u nsignifi cant . It is not laid to tramps. On the contrary several predicted a fine on that particular evening. Draw your cm -n con elusions. setter Mt Following- Is the list of letters remaining in the Pout Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregren. Dee. 17 th, i8 60 Persons calling for these Setters muafc aire teat dati on which they were advertised : Brooks, Mrs. Helinda Cone, T. H. Dry den, g. 3. Johneon. T. R. Jenny, Mrs. 8. W. Leaning, Tboe. MeManua. Mrs. L. 3. MuCoraeMc. Will Barw Vn'gaejseeei MHteo S Warner, W. T. J. M. IRVTKG, P. M. 4 MAN aSOirr WI. For real, substantial, solid feeling, the Senatorial contest, match hunt and city election were atomical beside the gigantic effort made in this city to raise $40,000 for the Willamette Valley and Cascade R. R. extension through Albany. But It was done, and the fact that it was done speak like the loud sounding hay of a fox hound for our c it 1 ci is. The money invented will he well expended. Bring on your road. O One week from to-day must not lie for- (rotten as the merriest day of the year, at eut theoretically. Are vou prepared to celebrate it in a satlsfact ry manner t Of alt days it shonld be the most unselfish. It 1 more blessed to give than to receive. Open your hearts and as well your purse and make glad many a one unable to dn so through family means. 0 Because your friends cannot see the same pictures in the lire as vou do, please, now, do not get mad ; yet you do every day. 0 New brooms sweep clean. It I almost New Years with It new city officer. Without any local reference It f a good thing there are new broom to take the place of old one. O The Man About Town often observes that newpapcrs are not the onlv ones who put fox heads over wolf Items, that Is make errors. A recent return of an M. 01 to a marriage.now on file in the County Clerks office, states that John Doe and Salty Roe on a certain day weie married to the town of Brownsville, and another one that the groom was married to hi own brother, at whose house the wedding was held. The only moral is that anyone can make a mis take in simple things. 0 The targe number of entertainments be' ing held in Albany the M. A. T. observes to he at least very agreeable to the stock holders of the Opera House. If It keeps on the M. A. T. will increase the price of his lone share one hundred per cent. It is now for sale at par. not a mill less. 0 The M. A. T. ha noticed that, a a rule the managers agents etc., of traveling shows are the most overbearing and im portant fellows in the world. Many of them are poor sticks generally. A little In cident on First street octween the Manager of the Griomer troun and a First street mer chant was in tine. The fellow drew a blg crowd by upbraiding the merchant for not allowing his Company to run the side of hi building as they pleased, and wa too utterly smart fer anything in his exalted (?) remarks. tiasse Mapper. The second game supper of the Albany Rod and Gun Club was given at the Ex change Hotel on Saturday evening last. Between twenty and thlrtv hunters with w ef their wives, sister,cousins and sweet hearts, making between fifty and sixty in all, sat down at 8: 30 to two well arranged tables. Among the number was the eating editor of the Democrat, a half starved Doctor and his wife and a few others, besides those mentioned. Mrs. Murry has long had the reputation of being the gamiest cook, or rather the best cook of game. In the valley. On this occasion she sustained her reputa tion in a manner to make the most confirm ed Epicures smack their lips with satisfac tion. Platter after platter of duck, teak spring tail, spoon bill, widgeon and mallard, eighty or a hundred snipe, fried and in pot pie, oyster soup, corn, celery, pies, cakes, etcetera, disappeared before the hungry eaters like snow in an Oregon sunshine, until the company seemed glued to their seats. Anticipating such an event Mr- Charles W. Watts had been appointed editor of a game paper, called the Albany Game Ckrtmkte, or something of that nature. Having only oaten a small supper of eight or ten duck, numerous snipe, etc., more or less, he was able to get to his feet and read the first nnmber of the Chronicle. Containing anecdotes and personal hit with the gaul in, it had the desired effect and no incon venience waa afterwards experienced from the large supper. An informal dance closed all that was left of match hunt No. 3. A aaataeqaa Clrrlr. On last Friday evening, at the residence of Rev, S. G. Irvine, in this city, one of the above circles was organised with a member ship of fifteen. F. P. Nutting was elected President; Miss Annie A It house, Secretary and C. Q. Rideout Treasurer. The circle will hold meetings monthly, the next meet ing to be held at S. E. Young's on the first Monday evening in January. All persons interested m literature should take the course, and join the circle. The reading begin with October 1st, but one commenc ing before January 1st can easily "catch up' before the end of the year. Prosperous circles are also running in Portland, East Portland, Salem, The Dalles, Ashland and Pendleton, as well as in some of the W, TM cities. Every place in the East of sufficient size now lias its organization. Warf b Caatean planus- At Halsey 59 cents is paid for wheat. At Peoria, a few miles distant 63 cents is paid. The wherefore is an interesting one. Halsey Is on the O. & C. R. R. Peoria Is on the Willamette River, on which the boat of the Willamette & Cascade R. R. steams. At Parker's the price of wheat is 65 cents, caused by cheap transportation. At Cor vallis it is 63, and at Albany it is only 60. Linn county farmers, with much reason do not like to see this difference against their wheat stored in Albany warehouses. The subject contains a granary of food for re flection. Important to Purchasers or Holiday tioods. From this date until after the close of the holidays, we will sell gold and silver watch es, solid and roiled gold jewelry, silver and plated ware. In fact anything in the jewel -cry line at bed rock prices, will fill orders and send goods C. O. D. Purchasers hav ing the privilege of examining goods before paying for same. All goods guaranted as represented. Can nIo sen, pianos, organs, sheet music or anything in the music line, at way down price. Pianos and organs sold on the installment plan. .O. P. Tompkins. Portland, Or, Unity Csnsell Ha. 8, United Priests at the raelHe. There will be an election of officer of the above named order at their regular meeting on Friday evening, Dec. 18th, 1885. A fnll attendance is desired. J. H. Towxsend, C. C. By F. M. Redfield, Sec'y. e SO Days. Desiring to close out our entire line of clothing and overcoats within sixty days we invito people desiring goods in these lines to call early and make selections. All goods in those lino strictly at cost. ' MOHTOTH A SmTEMBACH. Sajpne little excitement was caused injthe Olney Fry neighborhood last Sunday by the loss of a sevsn year old daughter of Mrs. John Foster, who was visiting at Mr. Fry's. A hant waa organized, snd, after a short time the little girl was found safe and sound at a neighbors, where she had strayed. Hon. B, Grata Brown.of St, Louis, died in INK W. a C . Albany's subscription paper to the exten sion of the Willamette Valley and Cascade R. R.. better known as the O. P., was coin plcted on Friday evening of last week, the necessary $40,000 being raised. The papei was been presented to President Hogg, who on Wednesday, wrote to the committee here imkitiir for a chantre In the condition of the m- proposltlon, such as striking out the provls ion In reference to the repair shop, so thut the $40,000 i to be paid when the roan roaches Albany and the depot i built. A ub-committee ha lwen appointed to confej with Col. Houg and revise the proposition The neonlc of Albany have every reason to lu.lh-if it tho final result will be the hrintlmrnf the road here. As a result there Is a growing confidence In an era of pro pcrlty for our city and county. Below we give the list of subscribers to the fund in full and as nearly correct as such a long list can very well be" given. The different amounts are payable In cash, water power, rights of wav,&c: John Crawford. 115.000 Allsokleman 3,000 A l'oaroa Qtit Smips.ni 1H00 John Millard and Jamas Klkiu 1,000 Katate of Walter Mmiteith .000 liom, 1. anu 111 1: aud Co S K Yaung John ('onnar R s Htrahao U W Young Martin i'ayuo Julius tiradwotll Foahay it Mason John Brigg Pstsrs ft Wis wart W II MeFarland W U Uoltr Uoo K Chamberlain t R Biaia U B iiatght .Stites tV.NuUtn.tf Traia ft Whitney J h Waatharford Alus Caoniagham J A tiroes D Promao W B Dooaoa H Bryant N II Allen L Fltnn Cowan and t'ustek A B Mcllwain Fred Oral J H lUthsIl N P Psyoo , John Schmoor W R I til you Will II Rio Zayas and Hochstedlar Kobittson and Wast .vi fiOO Mi lao '-'AO 1A0 150 200 200 2U0 150 100 auo 160 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 3'JO 2A0 230 300 300 100 100 100 100 100 100 350 150 101' i W Mas too.... A li Marshall. ......... 100 100 John W Althouee A B Wood in 10! Cherry and Parke Hsndars and .Sternberg, . 150 250 U U Cowan 200 340 100 100 100 R C and J I. Hill I B Mautctth Milton Hale Mrs L A McCoouslt. . . . K W tangdoo 100 C T Ingram lot Albany farmers' Co. . , , Mouteith and Seitenbach P W Spink Burk hart and Keaosy Albany liutUtin 250 100 100 loo 100 100 150 200 100 s o 0 00' Felis U Tools , Chs I Wolverton Alfred W heeler J L Cowan John and ba Brush A Jaad J 8 Clark R Coos J P Wallace Soot Ward Wm H Watson Sylvester Cannon A J Olin Mark Halbsrt C C Carran and J 11 Mullen Usury F Klin.lt DRn Blackburn. Mr K R Choadlo M M Klli WK Tamil W li (Irahant. ............. R W Coodiff Uso W Gray J Fox H Kwert I F Coon F M Frsnoh .. ..... H F Mar nit Julius Joseph A W Pruebaw LC Marshall C Crandall V U Caldwell W H Garrett Wm K si to a . .............. Mr A Murray John X Hoffman 8 O Irvine Looia Miller DS Smith Fred Uoots Jas McUoaald Win A Peterson M A Borkhtrt II D Burkhart R L Burkhart Strsuder Froman I D Miller KO Coa PCohm...: Fred Mueller H H Hewitt J M Irving M Butngart N J Henton 100 loo 15 25 10 50 25 25 25 e e a s 0 50 25 50 50 50 25 25 AO 50 25 50 25 SO 25 50 10 50 50 50 50 50 25 50 25 25 25 10 25 50 50 25 50 20 15 7 AO Ml 50 75 35 SO 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 50 50 50 25 50 50 25 Kdwaid R Geary Dama and ltobaon 8 H Altbouao D Mansflald J J Dobruilla W C Tweedale 8 Goorley S W Crowd L H Mootanyo Jim Westfall" Chinaman .... E h Thompson Joy W Blain 1'feiffer and Koichoff J R Htewartson Kwong Shing and Co. ...... Mr L Poster W B Soott W J Henderson Goo Patterson Iaaao Hayes T J Oil ue R A Bowman Peter Schlosser. J H Clolan F M Westfall Virgil Parker John Rodger,..., C C Kelly 50 25 25 25 25 15 50 25 10 20 50 35 20 50 35 75 26 25 50 60 25 Goo W Harris.. W M Ketchum ( fs croooy.,. W F Read ... W H McBride AH Leoney... G F Crawford, .... F P DoVaney John H Wallace. Banal Conn.. J W Propst, 25 5 0 50 50 25 25 25 25 -T) 25 25 F M Redfield., A Cohen PJ Baltimore. 8 1 Dorris Bon Johnson.. Jos A Tyler ,. Wm Kmerick , H C McDowell Frank N Wood Frank DWood W F Hendrieaon. WiCox . A II Baltimore 8 Shupp m Hyao H Farwell W H Dougherty. E J Tate Jno Smith, W V Baltimore Matt Scott Robert Brown CEBrownoll W J Rlbolln , E R Ham mack O H Irvine J G Crawford Jno Fox Peter Riley........ B Brenner J It Conner,, James Mady AW Got dan W C Motgan Mart Miller Moses Parker 8 A Dawson Restart Foster,... A H Howard ., N B Sprenger By Order of committee QUHTV l Ol lT-OKTIMBER TKfctM. Whitney, Juris; A Comlrs snd David Msver ConitnUslnner. ree In State not. W. W. Saunder and Muttle Alllon. $1.1.70. allowed ; also on Inquest over body of Charles Campbell, V3S'?MS0 on inquest of O.P. Adam,$iy.3a Multer of fee In State ngt. John Jordan and Joseph Randolph, dismissed. Application of Henry F, Merrill for in suring county building dimlsed. Fee of (ieorire Hurkliart In Stule airalnl Gurms! eontinued,alsoof St, John & Royal, nal. on Sanderson bridge contract, $105. luxe of Mr. Abliral Pcnnlmrton reduced from Ijj.jo to $19.45. Bridge allowed between Providence and Scio, lumber to be purchased ut mill price, work to be done by road tabor. Ordered that bridge covered over Mc Dowell Creek be received. S100 allowed. $A allowed for skilled labor on bridge near Humphrey' Mill, Iron and nail to lie purcliased at expense of county. Jno. Kwtng ordered turned out to earn Is own board. Matter of implication of St, John (or re pairing Blevin bridge continued. Matter of fee In State agt. Chinaman, W. J. Stewart, J, P., continued. Bill of John Clelan, work on breakwater, $55 ,3. continued. Clerk ordered to nrorurc necearv Ixiok for regitration of voter under new law. Matter of repairing bridge on McDowell Creek continued. Sweet Home bridge received on evidence if Mr. Mutthorn aiuIR. R. Humphrey, and ill of $1375 allowed. Fee County officer allowed. Shoe and sock ordered bought for Mil- cr, a pauper. Warrant were ordered drawn for the follow ing person and purpose : 'oshav Af Maon, mde... 47.30 I. r ar welled v a need for relief of Mrs. Heffron 10.00 . Andrews, Clerk fee. ,83i.( lenry Freckson, a Road Supervisor Foshay & Mason, drugs and oil 13.15 las. Madv. meaU for turv asm May V Senders, mdac Munon family 7,38 ! .State agt. Sam. Surle. -11 Q. W. Willis, board S. M. Vance , . . , 16.00 P. Druelly .building stockade at jail 5.36 'd. Mays, lumber for Diet. 10. .... , 3040 I, l'rop.!, SumlK-i for J)it. 47 iM.ji . r. in.... , g j , ecoy .v 1 1 no, uimocr tin .--anucroii bridge , 1 sxjo ;. W. Cooper, lumber for Diet. 18.. . M W. Moaea,mdaes for H. J. Pierce.. 305 R lir. Starr & McCallcv.attcndancc on Hiram Pierce. 5.00 . M. Irving, stamp 2X30 . L. Cowan, mdac. Orchard aooo 1. I. C. Averill. expense for R. M. M axle v. 8jt J. P. Smith, labor on breakwater lcs hoard j 4 I Moit, gravel Diet. 19. 4 So David Mat On, tabor on breakwater le iXasaTtl . . 1 . e e a a e 4-15 Geo. Sim tnon, labor on breakwater . . 33-8" 11.25 ah.37 16.67 5$ 3H JI W. Garland, do.. U i , (SO e e e e e Rice. do. F. D. Robinson A Wct, lumber Peter Hume.support Mrs. Clark 3 mo. I. G. Reed, lumber D ) W. McDowell, turn K.R Humphrey Junto !lt. to, ber DM. 31 lumber Dits tt&isH. 365 .52 Assistance Albert Sprague. Cha. Harklcman, mdac. Orchard. . . to 50 5XIO K. E. Montague, pikc Dit. 11 . . Mrs. C. 1 !ouck,boauxl pauper, 5 week. I o.or W. F. Barrowvgravel for Dit. 32. . . D. Mevers A' Co .lumber for lmdge . . 3 6.6j II. G. rarel. work on break watci ..... Joou Marshall, do 37-00 lco. Uavbart, do 335 3H 3 6. jo V; 7x0 0A3 2100 7435 Albert Hunt, do , .. John J, I)a U.kreping Tho. Rllev . . . M. K. Dorrt, board pauper , ... ! if. Mattitorn.rxtra work on bridge C. L. Morris, board pauper , Cowan & I, rohv, engine al weak water John A. Plumer.work 00 breakwater. ja. W. Curl.lalioi anduoarding lutnu for breakwater 205. 1 1 D. V. S. Reid, postage and envelope 11.65 W. B. I)onaca,mdsc. Emeraon Titson Tamer, tabor on breakwater. . . Henry Kinger .bawling for Sanderson bridge I. K. Cltarlton, Slierin" fee V. Cotien. tndc for paupers. W. C. Tweedalc, mdse. for Co E. T. T. Flaher, anrveying Wm. Thotruu., work on breakwater, . M. I. Morris, do........ O. B. Derthkk, do. - 39-75 4 s ' ' 94- 5 M 43 . 1 s 1 j 'j! C" 43-37 $JOO U5 A. Derthkk, do 7 75 Ed. Crabtrre, do Mj W. H. Wevbrh(ht, do 6.75 B. W. Miller, do 3 84 Jos. Richie, do 36.85 Wm. McKlnter. do,. 39-i Albert Ifumphrev, lumber lUt. 21 .. 3.66 W. 11. Nicholson spikes Dial t 3.25 50 BOYS OrareoeSs at east si U B tltala's farvuta eilt tlaae Uk notlea, afcael Bepert- Tar.jfcnt school has 63 pupils ; of which 39 were neither absent nor tardy, during month ending Dec. nth, following merit their good standing through punctual at tendance, perfect lessons and good conduct. Number of studies of each given : Atlic Parkinson, 7, too ; Bird Luper, 7. too : Amaaa Moses, 6, 100 1 Georgia Set- tbmirc, 5, 100 ; George Simpson, 5, too ; Sadie Smith, 4, too ; Lltft Kniiiun, o, 100; Dcna Bridgefarmer, 6, 99 ; Samuel Moses, t, 90 ; Maud Beard, 5, 99 ; Mary Simpon. , 99 J Tmie Morgan, 6, 98 5 David Bridge farmer, 5, 97 ; Claud Beard, 5, 97 lllMO Moses, 5,90; icn, 4, Wade m t . JL . fM I a ep lfartAn Simtisonc, 9s ; Elmer Dannals, 5. 95; Ada ic nilui Vit O. C. Mt l.RI.ASIJ, Teacher, Lumber aud rests. Tlw undcr-itrmvl will sell all kindx of lumber and cedar fence posts at the follow- Incr arntinna on the Narrow Gause Kail Road. Lena's. Lawson and Bellville. Per sons building houses or barns can have bills cut and delivered at anv 01 ine auovc stations on short notice. "Lumber is of the very best quality, the logs being brought from the fine timber region on the Mc-ki-n.ie River. Wm. E. Spicir. . ui-H t,;-nrv '"V l LMSSr Jl,0nl nuts enroute from the East soon offer for sale. Read h Bbownejx Toilet sets, rdush boxes, handkerchiei boxes, gloye boxes, etc., for Christmas pre ents at Foshay t Mason's, Monthly Beport ef Albany Public Seaool. December 15th, 1885. No, of boys enrolled S"' r rr.i: Z"JZiZZ HQ AlUi VI Kit 11 VM a vraavjvea a - - - TaIbI 839 jk. ......... ...... .... Whole number of days attendance. . 6047H Whole number of days of absence 157 WKM nnmhar of oases of tardiness 28 50 25 20 50 20 50 50 60 30 50 20 10 25 25 25 50 25 Average number or pupus Deiongiug...oi A r of rif?a IUA SUA . uv..v - - . avvnv uwij - D, V. 8. KBID, rrmoipai. " , . , "". . . . We pay tho highest market price tor eountry produce and give in exchange goads at cash prices. Kkau St Brow.hill. Cloaks and Jersey Jacket, I have a large ttock of these goods on haod I wish to close out before the end of the year and will sell them at reduced pr lets. Call and 50 get a bargain at Samcbl E. Youxu's. 50 26 2b SO Musical people will find a splendid stock of 25 36 25 cruitara. violins, new bi.vo ui wv.u.n,v.u, mouth organs, etc , at Foshay Mason s. Ttonka are anions the best of Christmas 20 25 25 25 presents. Foshay St, Mason have a magnif- icent stock for the holidays. 5 $5,000 worth of obtain? at cost at Mja 400 none am aiisad, Wheat, 8O0, oats, 28o. f M French, jeweler. Fresh candies at R. A B. Christmas on week from tedajr. The belt harness st J J Dubruitle. Natures own rmly,0egf)o Kidney Tea, Hubtoription to DMmmr, $2 AO per year, Go toKronvh's for your Chrittns present. Hnnd your book sud job work to S ( Dor n. J V Bell ha been appoints I pitniiitor st Astoria. 8s Mayor Chapman, f rortlaud, ill ail on iaV Saturday. Oregon Kidney T01. For sale by ell rlrug gists. Buy your Christina candies at Raid A BrowneU', Tuesday of next week will be tho shortest day of 11.1. J.J'. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. Th finest line of window eornio moald lig at Wood in . 95,000 worth of olothing at o t st teith AHeitenbschs. M HI Arhuckls's roasted coJTen sis pound for 1 at A BMaliwaios. $3,033 worth of olothiu; at c ut at Must teith A Seitenkftch's. It is surprising how rieap French is tb'Mnu Christmas presents this year. lr Kirkpstriak, of Dallas Im been sp- soiutod Coronr of Polk county. Splemlid lioe of ladies fall and winter usr- mmits st Monteith A Seitenbaob's. Iltmeinher the Firemen's Mssk ball at the Opera House, on Christmas nigh. Do not forget that yoo osn buy Christmas preeents very rhtp st F M French's. The cheeoeH place to set vour nrintiuu done is at th Job oOioe of H U Dorri. Tho latest dispatch ye buy your Chrivt msa candies of I tea I A Brow noil. Hon. J. H. Ii. Henderson, su old settler. of Kugen. died in that city last Monday. Robert Toombs of (ieorgiadied on the 15ib inst., at his home in Washington, (la. Kxamiue Woodin s Ks tension tables. They are well eo anl see them for vouraelf. Meetinga are Iwinc hold at the Bantist Church syery evening. All invited. The place to buy hard aare it at A B Mc 11 wain a, as he is selling it at reduced rate. F M French, assot Singer Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or. Those French candies st R. & B's are iuat delicious and no totstske sod st factory prices. Ws understand that a young lady of this city is taking steps toget up a match Hunt. Dr. M. H. Ellis, pbysisua and surgeon AUany, Oregon, flails male in city or country. Uo to Hoffman A Joseph's for flue assorted candle, homo made. Tneir' is alwsy pur and Iresh, Th Topsy Company is soon to build a side wheel steamer for carrying passenger on the Upper Willamette. Joba W Daniel ha boon elected Senator from Virgins to take the place of Mahooe whose teres aspires is lHi7. Go to Prasbaw's saw Dru Store for pure drug, patent medicines, oto. Prescription carefully compounded, If yoo are going Fast bo sure and go via the Oregon Short Uoo. 1 1 i the beat. See ad in another column. Portland is to have a stock aod brokerage exchange. All that is needed is a Wad street to complete the den. It is reported that a aalmon wa aeon (ew says since making a desperate effort to climb tho Meagnolia Mill falls. Four tons of apple passed through Al bxay '.Veduesday 00 their way to San Fran siaco. via the W V and IKK. Splendid variety of presents for children at Foshay A Mason's, sueh a blocks in nst oral history, javemle books, ate. Zoo-soo tobaeoo 1 15 ox plugs and nit 1 -and U us a moat other brand that are sold or oas pound, at A B Mcllwain'. Parties already subscribers to the Dr.ao chat, who wish to send tho psper off to a t icn I or I r tends can do so tor it. When yoa have aoy book or job printing Ion-, remember that f u l-rrn do work in the latest styles and at the lowest price. i'oabay k Maaoo 'iv a 1 ancotnmonly Urge variety ol lice ioU !r tlics holt.laya. See their albums, photograph aod autograph. Mou- to l.ao. l H I Igiogtoo. al the Roe cf leyoe 4t llobsoa. Albany, will loan mooey or a term of year oa tmproyed farm coerity. About 8000 bushels ef apples were shipped from Shedd to Butte, Montana, an. I several thousand bushels to other places, the paH Ao Ksatern Oregon editor wants to be fanned with a tooth pick. Perhaps anything with a aider spread would blow him to O. W. Maaton, Physician and Surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Graduate of the Cinetnnati College of Physicians and Surgeons, Cincin nati, Ohio. An early call on Monteith S -U nbach for what clothing yon want for yonraelf or the boys, will secure to sou the choice of a hoo line exactly at cost. Vaaderbilt proposed that his wealth and name shall be perpetuated, ae evidenced by his will leaving the bulk of his property to his two oldest eons, The Dkmoceut is under obli -ationa to Mr K A Parker for a dish of second-crop black berries. Though not extra e&tmg off hand they make splendid pies. Choice oranges, lemon, fig, nuts and coo feetionary of alt kinds at Read A BrowneU .. Those wishing goods 10 thw line for the holi- Shaving aoap, hair oil, pomade, bay rum, hair tonic, ceemetio, combs, shaving brushes and hair brushes, just received, a large sup ply from Philadelphia, at Louis wreck's Barber Shop. No jury will be drawn for the apooial term of the Circuit Coart to be held here in January. Necessarily the Saunders and other cirmiual trials will not occur until March. Albany inorchanta are receiving goods right along by the V V and C R U. It is becoming too popular route lor merenaata from this and several other valley cities. A greatjaaving on freight is made. Hon J K VTaatherford, Wallu Nah, W P Keady, T K Cauthorn, W S Ladd, W J Mc- OWII J T Kv John Em'.nitt and J 1 . - v H Kengie have been appointed regents of the State Agricultural College at Cervallis. A fair audience greeted "May Blossom" ou Monday evening, rae rendition ot tne - pUy gave great satisfaction, the troup con taining some first-class artists, Very few knew that little aisy was a boy. fits real name was Harry. Dr Kelloaa's Worm Tea is entirely free from all mercurial properties, can be given to the weakest constitution without danger, is naltableand eaaily administered to children, . . . ' a?'l a. I f 'II AMM.4iAn ami r tails aftAAf 1 mild in o Deration, a cure. Price 25 cents. Sold by all druggists, F. L. Kenton's news agency is quite a con vonience to persons sending for papers and Thev have onlv to leavo the mn uhw"""-. - Jf , -i " ioe of tbtJ paper w,ttt Mr. Kenton and the I r . ! ., J.J .4. ,;U.. . I order IS lurwiruuu an uuvv , ivuuu m Hjwiwv to tbe 8Ubscriber. j No other medicine has wonjfor itself such . uat;on ; jt- OWQ c;tv. Ok-te COUJltry an am0ng all people, as Ayer's I - . - a . . a a? Sarsauarilla, D is the best combination of Vegetable blood purifiers, with the Iodide of Potassium ana iron, eyer ouerea to uie puo lie. A clear head is indicative of good health and reaular habits. When the body feels lanfluid. and the mind works sluggishly, Aver a uwiaorua nus wm aasist o a recov- sr . a a I a. 1 1 . it'll 111 A. A- - ery of physical ouoyancy ana uiouwu yigor. The constipated should use them. Brush St Son are building a factory for their business near the Best & Aithouse Cleaner and Thresher factory. Their busi ness has steadily increased, theirs being the onlv works, we understand m the val.ey. Mr M S Charlton, who used to live in this county and brother to- enerin vnauton, 11 r a resident of Sedalia, W. T., and is post master at that place. His friends hers will be pleassd to learu that he is prospering, having a good farm, well stocked. HOLIDAY GOODS. My stock of Holiday goods has never been as large and complete. It comprises nearly eveiy thing for ladies and childrna fancy. Novelties in neck wear for ladies and children Tidies in sets, Novelties in linen and silk handkerchiefs for ladies, gents, Misses and children. Fancy hand-bags and portmonaies, fancy towels. Also fine slippers in kid and velvet em broidered for gents, ladies and Misses. Novelties in glass ware, fancy cups and saucers, decorated china plates, mugs, paror lamps, etc.. SAMUEL E. YOUNG T Holiday Goods, - -A.T J. GRADWOHL'S. The lagest ajid bast variety to 03 fonnl in Linn County, embracing T0Y8 OF ALL IMAGINABLE KINDS, FROM D0LL8 TO TRICYCLES, FOR OlrXIILIDIEtlEJISr A MAGNIFICENT LINE OF FANCY GLASS AND CROCKERY WARE, SILVER WARE, NOTIONS, ETC -for oxd:eq:r feofli!. Cash ful all c l ouse in th t li i!! bo th' r-tle. Sarythiog ch aar than b any other u-v, Do not bay a single Cnrisimaa Bresant without calling on j. 6RADW0EL. DO NOT FAIL TO SEE Oar splendi BOOKS, ALBUMS, ODOR AND TOILET CAS ES, FINE PLUSH AND GILT CDODS, And other CHRISTMAS GxkU for tie rrany, SUITABLE FOR YOUNG AND OLD Which wo ar trvniro 1 to furnl, h at prices lower than tbo 'o?est. R8memb3r the pla?3. LA1GI0 & CO., OcIl 3PelIowK Temple. H. Ewait's Holiday Goods. aeS ERai-iiiHH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir " ?te-i-i-e-Mr umm asv uesr WATCH IK, OOMi ASU MILVEB Kl.VUS, BRACaXRTH, rnvir Bj.AK.er, nKoot-ttca, CABaiKO, I'lOCKM, sraerAcLK, . Ewart MM 141, i rMB9kh. Perry Conn returned from California 1 uit Monday. Dr Ed Clark, of irtland, has been i 1 the f ity this week. J W Chamberlain has movid to DaUa, Polk oounty to reside. Capt E J Lannlng is spending two or three weeks in San Francisco. Deputy Sheriff Charlton is out through the oounty collecting taxes this week. Wm Marks, of Lebanon left evidence of bis regard for the Democrat at this office the tirat ot the week . Mr Curt Winn, Prof Lonsways assistant J in the Scio public schools spent Saturday and Sabbath in thia city. Billy Parker, of the Bay, wai iu the t ity the first of the week ou his way home from the State printing office at Salem F A Watts, has been in the city this week attending-to tho settlement of the estate of his mothsr, Mrs h 1) Haley, deceased. Geo M Alford, of Muddy slipped in on us and shed Democratic beams profusely from a Democratic countenance last Monday. Dr W Capps, is now located at La Gra ide, where he deserves a good practice. Mrs Capps, who is now in thia city, will noon join him. Mr Milton Houston returned last Monday Uv.m Blaloek, where he naa been visiting bis boys, and as well for his health. He is much bettor than when he left here. He reported cold weather through E. O. MARRIED. CRABB -CHASTIAN. At the Revere House, in Albany, on Sunday, Dec. 13th, 1885, by George" Humphrey, J. P., Mr, Joseph Crabb and Miss Mivnib Cj as- tain, both of Linn count v. WEBSTER PARRISH. At the resi dence of W. W. Crowder, in Albany, on Mondav, Dec. 14th, 18S5, by George Humphrey, J. P., Mr. Anthony Wkh ktkr and'N.voMA PARRisn,both of Linn county. FROMAN DICKEY. At the residence of the bride's father, in Albany ,on Ihurs day, Dec. 10th, 1885, by Rev. J. W. Har ris, Mr. ikiRACK T. Froman and Miss Minnie F. DiCKEV,both of Linn county, The Democrat extends this worthy young couple congratulations and best wish es for prosperity in life. YOUNGER-G ALBRAITU In Browns ville, 011 Dec. 10th, 1885, at the residence of Henrv McFarland, Mr. Charles H. Younger and Miss Lena Galbraith, both of Brownsville. The Democrat extends hearty congrat ulations. SCAMMON INGRAM. On Dec. 15th, 1885, at the residence of the bride's par ents in Albany, by Rev. T. G. Brow 1 son, MR. F. D. ScAMMON,of W, T. and Miss Jennie Ingram, of this city. EMERY MATHEWS. On Wednesday, Dec. 1 6th, 1 83 5, at the residence of and by Rev. S. G. Irvine, D. D., Mr. Jamks M. Emery, of Corvallis, and Miss Etta L. Mathews, of Albany. The happy couple will go to house keep ing at once on the farm of the groom's father, near Corvallis, in this county, v here it is the earnest desire of their many friends in T.inn and Benton counties that they may meet with the success their many good qual ities entitle them to. We extend congratulations. 1 atoek of : .i i. . M-EEVE BCTT03?t CBARMA, STVUS, tiOLtf rEN!t nr. A Li HUE AM) EL El. A XT KTOCK. Albany, Or- Utrlstmaa Coeds at Mellwata'a. Yoo want to get your hi 1 .day goods, tl a same as everything else, at bottom prioer, don't yoo. Well, thpn, call on A. B. Mc 1 ! warn. He has a varied line of goods suitable for holiday presents, and you shonld not bay without seeing them. They consist of toilet sets, beautiful frames, handbags, silk and other handkerchief, elegant brushes, hand-looking-glasses, hoods, fans, and fancy goods generally, lleeaemberaad call at A. B. McTlwaw's. Important to All. Wo want to retire from the clothing business and are offering our entire stock o clothing and overcoats exactly at eoaf. We have a fine lino of desirable goods for men and boys, and will save to every purchaser from three to six dollars. Call and see for yourself. Monteith k Seitenbach. I.altes, Alt-ntle. Mr, Vierick has concluded to place bis aromatic shampoo in tbe hands of all parties wishing to do their own shampoo ing. He will sell it in quantities from 25o, upwards. Vikkick, TonsorHl Artis1, Xrv. Monk. N. H. Allen & Go,, have just received from New York ous of the finest lioe of Fall and Wiuter cloaks ever brought to Albany, all of the very latest styles, which will t sold muoh cheaper than erer before offered in this market. Re member the place at N. H. ALLEN A Oo'f, Caalrs t Cttatrs I ! i hairs ! 1 ! I have the 1 the city. Big folding chairs, ;st assortment of chairs in chairs and little chairs, ladies' eaten and reed chairs. Also whatnots and a good assortment 01 lounges. Call early and get something nice. Thomas Brink. Dont fail to call on us for winter poods. Monteith & Seitenbao $5,000 worth of clothing at cost at Mon teith St Seitenbach A. When Baby was sick, we gave her C ASTORIA, When she waa a Child, she cried for C ASTORIA, When ahe beeame Miss, ahe clang so CASTOEIA, When aUo hud Children, slw gavetiuaa CASTOHLA. The Portland Business College, Portland, Ore gon, offers superior private and class instruction to the voung and middle-aged of both sexes who desire to obtain a practical education in the short, est time consistent with thorough work, and at the lt'nst expense. Dav and evening sessions through out the year. Students admitted anytime. Caia. losue on application, A. P. AastixsoMO, Prmotoai 02 that city on the 13th inst. teith St Seitenbach .