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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1885)
Chare Wire erf U. P. Cuurch. Preaching uTery 8abbath, tt 11 a. m,, and 7 r. at. by Rev. R. O. Ir ine, D. 1). Stbbath School at 3:80 r. at Prayer meeting every Wcfiuoaeday evening, Kvanukli ml Chukch. Preaching oa Sab Sath at 10.30 a. st. , and 7 r. u, Sabbath School 11:46. Prayer meeting evsry Wed nesday evening 7:30. 8. K. Davie, paetor. All are invited. CoNQRoaTioALCHCiM;H.--Serviceeevary Sabbath at 11a.m. and 7 1 K. Sabbath flekool at 12:10. Pravsr masting on Thursday evening of eaoh weak, J. W. Harris, paetor. M. K. Church, So tiTH. Preaching every Sabbath mornins at 1 1 o'clock A. u. Ban bath School at 10 o'clock A. m. Prayer moetim everv Thursday eveuiou it 7:30 o'clock. F. M. Cain, Paetor. M. E. Church South.Tasumt. Preach ing every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock, r. at. Sab bath Sihool at 2:30 o'clock, r. m. F. M. Culp, Pastor. M E CneReii. Preaohinsr every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 IN ml Son eervice in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School w 2.30 r. m. I'rayer meeting every inun day evening. Uev. H. P. Webb, paetor. pRnBYTiuuAN Church. Servtos every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbm and t it in su. aunoayoonooi at 2:30 p. in. Prayer meeting every Weduosdav cvenina. Kev. Isaac H. Coudit paator. First Baitiht Cuorch. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock am., at Church on 6th stroet. Sabbath School immediately after merning services. Prayer meeting e erv Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T O firownion, pastor. Unh rraalist Cuurch. Preaching ever econd and foarth Sabbath of each month at Crawford's Hall at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock, r. m. Sabbath School at 12 if. Notice of Administration NoUc Meetv ifcvea tiat tb underaienad baa Un duly ablated Admlniataator with the wtU aa uoxcti ol the estate olJM Elliott, daosesse, by the County Court ol Ui.n cosnty, Oregoa. All peraoa having claims against the esuuol saM deceased are hereby tioUfted and required U present the earn properly verifled to the undersigned at Albany la said County within six months (roes the date hereof. Dated this lUh day ot oyeber, laa. Uao. Hrsrsasv. Administrator with the will annexe1, TAdministratop's Notice. NOTICE is beroby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by the Countv Court of Linn county, Oregon, Ad nihdatrator of the estate of O, P. Adams, deceased, lata of said Ltnn county. AH w rsoas having claims against said estate are required to present the same.proparly verified, within six months from the dale of this notice, toT. J. Stitea, Albany, Or. November 27th, 1885. T. Adams, T J. Stttic. Administrator, Att'y for Adm'r. Final Settlement. NoUcs U hereby girea that the undersigned, the Administrators of the estate ot Lewis Co, deceased, hare Sled in the County Court of linn county. Ore gon, their final account aad said Court has appoints Monday, isuuary ttb, 180 at the hear of 1 o'tstok, p,sa , of said day tor bearing ohJeetJoas to said ac count aad sett tag the bsom. All parties interested eaa appear at that tins at th Court Hoes in Albany Oregon If they so desire. E, O. Cox sod Hairs Cox, WaarnsxroaD aad Blacsbvsx, Administrator". Attorney's far AUm'rs. California Wire Works, I9i MARKET STREET, SIR FUXCISCU. auwracirasss or WIRE AID EVERYTHING II WHS, tiA.lwiJ T1J. Ws aster lor sals at lowest Scare DddUGU HITO sat point mrutar aad thick set. Being regularly Mtsassd we gnaraatee ouresstusssrs Rnilinrr Winn ' Pacific "bfaad of rery uauxiug nug all sues at lowest Winn Korfinrr AU sssshes it width., gal raalaeJ nxxo UOUUUlg alter msde.for poultry yarae.etc. uTino ninth Of all kl.ids for fruit dryers, thrssh- ftUO VlUVll er, harvesters, riddles, etc. Unn UTivia fSf training swSSL na! firm SBW is UUp nilo toag lengths spsrislly far tae parpoea Gopher Traps tZSuSTJZ Vineyard Lines Tot laying out vineyards, di- rasM of sU wire, ORNAMENTAL AND USEFUL WIRE AND IRON WORKS. NOTE. We meet Fast era eosaaetltkia by ujanufao.ure, and sell yon better goods at a lower 30 000 CASES OF RECTAL DISEASES, -sVf- Pilcs, Me -la I . fleers, fissures, Prurltss. Aal, rislalas la Aaa, Polypas, ateetl, Etc , Etc., Cured in sis years by the BrlakerhosTSysieas. Dr. J. IS. PilkimrUm, Proprietor of the Portland Eye aad fr-ar laUrniary and bualtarlasa for Nervous niseaaws i.ssbeen st pointed utut and phy aatas fir this syaUin in Oregon aad W. T. Mo sver surgical uprmdts, pal a, les r blood. In two ajoniii hare cured several eases in whiub operations with the knife have only done Injury. Am c-raiittel u refer Uj Mr. Jss. W. Weath criord, urujfifist, fonnerly of aaietn, Mr. Frank Oaid tier, inaclimot, Mr. K. A. Kanipy, llnrrniiurj and otners. wri meet wtieiits at the Kevrre llouas, Al wiiiy, iriitn Tii tad ay noon, Jan. 5, to Wednes day noon, Jan. 6, 1HHH, Aitdrees for pamphlet, etc. J. B. PILKIMCTON, M. D.. FOHTLAXli, UUEOO.S THE . DR, LIEBIC r1 Private rsisaeaaarr. 1. 1 400 Geary St., Baa Francisco. CaL UU ConducU-d by yualincd Physicians O sad Surgeons regular graduatee. Um S The Oldest specialists in the (f l nitcd Htatea, life-long exirienoe. r.m pcrftd rnelhod and pure medicine insure speedy end permanent cures of sll 1'rivate, Chronic and Nervious DiSVSSSS. Affections of the iilood. hfcin, KKineys, madder, erupuous, Ulcers. Old Horts. hweliiiik- of the .Glands, Sore Mouth, throat Bone rains, permanent' y cured and eradi cated from the system lor life. M KIIUIh iMl.Hity. liniHUncy. Beminal Loeses, Sexual Deeey, Men tal snd I'hysicsl Weakness, Falling Mtmory, vtesa eyes, stunted le velopmeiit, I mpcd.Uicnts to Marriags tic, if iii xctst i.r outhful follies, r uij cause, tecdily, safely and privately cuied leasg, niddle-Aged snd Old men, snd all who need medical skill and experience, consult the old Kuropean Physician at onoe. ills opinion coats nothing, and may save futuie misery and shame, When inconvenient to visit the city for treatment, medicines can be sent everywhere by express free from observstion. It is self-evident that a phy.ician who rives his whole attention to a class . . ... a ... , ... it . oi nine-sees attains great skim, snu pnysicians inrougn out ths country, knowing this, frequently recommend difficult oases to the oldest specialist, by whom every known good remedy Is used. The Doctor's age sou experience make his opinion of supreme importance. M I'hosn who call see no one but the Doctor. Con sultations free sad sacredly confidential. Caeee which have failed in obtaining relief elsewhere esiec- taiiy solicited, f cmaie diseases successfully treated. Tne Doctor will seree to forfeit $1,000 for a case un dertaken, not cured, osii or writs. Hours, daily, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. , 0 to evenings ; Sundays, 10 to It only. Bend for the Banltarlst Quids to Health, sent tree. Aooress ss aoov- DK. I.IEBI'S Wonderful Uerniaa lovigoralor Permancutlyjprevents all Unnatural Loeses from the system, tones ths nerves, strengthens the muscles, eliccks the waste, invigorates the whole system, ami rsrtorea the itftliciea to iieaun anu nappiru Tim reason se many cannot get cured of Bemltial Weakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owing to a com plication, called Prostatoi rnea wun nyperaetheeia, which requires peculiar trestment. Dr. Liebig's In viiforstor is the only positive cure for Prostatorrhea. with peculiar special trsatment, used xt the Liebig Dispensary. Irl' of Iiivlcoratar, 1. Case of six bottles flu. Beut to any address, covered securely Irom ob servation. Most powerful electric Wits free to patients J 'i'o prove the wonderful power of the Invigorator. A m Bottle SiJvea or Sent Free. Coiisiiltatioi) free and private. Call or address LIEBIG D1SPEWSAKV, 40 J Ceary Street, Ban Francisco, Gal. Private entrance, 406 Mason Stroet, four blocks up Oeary Street from Kearney, Main entrance tfarouga Dispensary Itu Store, AMERICAN FARMER To all our Subscribers I All our subscribers who will pav their subscription accounts to this paper in full to dato, and one year in ad vance, will be presented with one year's subscrip tion to THE "AMERICAN FARMER tw A sixteen psge Agricultural Magsslne, fig ubllshed by K. A. K. llaokelt. at Fort yne, Indiana, ana hioh is rapidly takinsr rank as aneef the leading Aarleul- ill! tarsi publications ar me country, n is devoted exclusively to the Interests of the farmer, stock breeder, dairyman, garden er, and their henseholi, sed every species of industry connected with that great por tion ot the people of the world, the farm era. The subscription price Is one dollar per year. Farmers oan not welt get alerts without It, It puts new Ideas Into their minds. It teaches them how to farm with profit to themselves. It makes the home happy, the young folks cheerful, the growler contented, the downcast hsppy, and the demagogue novas IMMUNITY iit--;.. IH0VA! EIsmI cmbIt af tb flnnt anil tmt sfSMssV Ity of tilaaa for witIitaatluK t t. very good thine is Oonnter ftrited, and ooasumers aro CAU TIONED against eviitat:o3 oi these Ohlmneys made or "VI2P.Y POOR OLASS. Beo that the or act Hbol is on eaoh chimney as abova The Pearl Top Is always clear and bright Glass. Haantsvrtorvrt OXI.V hy GEO. A. AC BETH & CO. Pi ttabnrcta anr1 CI I aaa Works. FOR 8AXJ3 DY DEALERS. sV -4 -lj sw W ten dir?::'y trpoa. the many ' portant ortjaa, lad) neroos din ir, r dcranscd DriorcJ j- as t w r tmm a sad . . s. . . w ss G 3 .h the liver r:.::;t 1. Bl. MSZQSan I InvJzcrtis "-ir. i eU, btreop,Hicnj ltS K Blood. Ait !);--' . i Is a Hoi'.ah' i ! Ii. Foiniljr HeAirin t i 12. t3?0J21 i 17 ii . taniUff Trtiimiii ' sr : ram bum nv at, ir Tor f-ll MwW ' -n 1: ilt '' t " 1 t Sii. ia-i v ' - SW- I Bisr- I last ct'i rs. .rtktUe ios " to "rc. Bt'YKRr GUI OR ts laauel March and Sept., rach jresur. S3" S5S padres. Yt a Xy Inches, wltli over 3,600 Illustrations whole Plctnrc Gallery CilVaCS Wholesale Prices dlrert to tontumrra on all goods i gasraonal or family sue. Tells how to order, a sad gives exact cost of every thing won nee, eat, drink, wear, or hare fan with. These 1NVAU ABLK HOOKS contain Information gleaned fi isjaj the markets of the world. We will snail a copy FRBK te any ad dress upon receipt of 10 ets. to defray expense of mailing. Lot na bear rro yon. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD el CO. tST eV 220 W abash Avcaao, Chicago, ilk To the Unfortunate! BE GIBBON'S Dispensary. OO KEARNY ST J comer of Conimor- eial, San franciseo. Cal. K.tablished In 1S54, for ii. treatment of Sexual aad Seminal Diseases, suck as tieaerrfeea. Gleet. Sfrlrfare, Syphilis in Bail its forms. Ins sal weakness. Ins potency, aad Loss of Manhood perssanently cured. The slek and afflicted should sot fsll to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled xtensivsly in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the vsricus hospitals there, obtaining a great deal of valuphlo information, which ! Is oomnetv nt to im part to those In need of his services. The Doctor earaewhen others fsll. Try him. DR. 01KBON will make no charge unless he effect a sure. Persons at a distance ( CgKll AT IsOMR. All eommunica lions strictly confidential. All letters ass wared in plain envelopes. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Cell or wnte. Address DK. J. F. UiBBON, Box San rrsnuieu, vai. fusntion Aioanv usaocnT.i 01 EL FOR SALE. Im .Tapir faAtl YTstlSlaTs ri t laa H 1 d f r4trrrtea 32 well furnished rooms, the only hotel w --vsswwm aavuovi m. asasuvsjIVa V1I7KVUs n town, large sou convenient, with all necessary furniture. Price reasonable and tor ma easy, A. B.Colvkp. A KOff. Prlnevllle, Orefron, SAN WA VING. AUNDRY AND CHINA MERCIIANISINO BUSI NESS. Rice, tea and Japanese goods. Ladies' underclothes, so'd at bottom prices. i,.Coatraetor for China labor. SarNext to Citv Bank OflUM AND MORPINE HABIT MM W. F. ALEXANDER, M. D. guarantee a cure in sll eases if ray directions aro atrictly followed No psin or loss of time from business, Ad dress above at Albany, Oregon. 1 BG ij itsrsww DC P H H A Safeguard The falsi mpUllly tvllli which !i- ii Colds sutl Coughs fmiurntly it v-!. ;, into tho (crnvvst iitttlaUivt of the throat ami luujrs, Is n ronshloratloti which kttottlil Impel every prudent person lo Keen m luiiiil. ns n limwehohl remeily, n bollle ol AYKK'8 ClIKttHY PKCToUAL. Nothing else nlves such lininnliuU' relief iiiel works so sure, it i liif hi nil iifleellim of this cltts. That eminuil phvsleh:n, Prof. T. Kwtvlser, of l he Maine MeUln l Beboo)i Hruiiswlck, Me., sftyss "MtHllent sclonco l.ns pn dnerd en otWr M dyne fsiectorant so unoil ss Avsn's t'tiKSltv I'gtTonAL. It Is liiviilusbtu for dlsissts uriW lliroat and lungs." The nno opinion l CEpftiscti bf the welH.oown Dr. L.J. Athllwii, of C'hlciign, 111., who xuys: I Imvo never found, In thirty. five- y nrs i f -i.ii unions slmly suit prscilro or nu ilii im-, any preparation of so girsat VStSSSl A vku's OHkiUir I'kiToiui., for treitliiu'iit of HseMSis of ilu tbmnt mid limga. It not only breiiks up poIJs snd cures severe roughs, but Is more elTVrilvn than aiivlhlns: else In IwiwVtag even the nu t .serloua.l'iroiu'htnliinil ulmooary urTi . " AYER'S Cherry Pectoral H not t new cluhnnul for poptihtr eotifi ilenee, Intt it ineilh hie which U lotluy savliijX tho lives of the third vuei'iiiluii who have como Into hcln -luce It WffSJ llrl oll't n il 10 ihe public. There Is imt it hnuxeholtl In whtvh ihU liivnluuble reiucily (MM omc been In trouuceti where lis use hiw ever been uhiinilouid, ami there l not ti peri who bus ever irlvcn It n proper lrll for nnv thrtntt or Iiuik tliaesse siiM'ep. tible of cure, who hui uol been HMIM Well bv It. AYER'S CHKltBY PECTOttAL btt, In inunlH-rless InstnneeH, cninl obstlnule enwcsorehi-onle UroiiciiUK ltrnyti ! , tniit even nettle rticmiioiilit, mid hu ssvetl mnnv pntlenls In tho tsrltrr itues t.r l'uhnonury fonaumplloti. U I u iiKtlieiue Unit only reipilres lo le Iskee In siimll ilo i-.. Is pletiMint lo lie' IttMe, utttl 1 1 u.Titl in ever Ihiuk' where Hu rt' ro ehlhlren, lis the'rr Is uolhlii ra I SN AYKK'S ( IIKUKY IM.tTOll.M. for in ! in. ni of ( roup ami Whooping Cough. These .tn nil I'lullt f!te;, w lib it cnu Im? verified bv tinlnidv. end liu!d In; re iiiemberetl by c r IkhIv. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral rwaiMKb nv Dr. J. C. Ayor d Co.. Lowell. Mass. SoKl by all druggists. Sheriffs Sale. a fe Circuit Court oflht StnU of Ore gomo Ltnn County. aaotlee ts barekv aivsn thatbv virtue of aa rtecuUoa I issued sul ..f ths l Irvull Curt uf Iks (MaU of Orrgna fur the Cottaty of Van upon a certain juug. vf f.recleure July rvwlcrsU enisreU olncori aad ducketeu la said Ctreult Court on las sstaskv .. - - a- - - tni as . . . . . . .t f S Wave. Im aaeaL.1 court prading wbmia w w aaa i Y steiwer ware KlaialiSs and J II Itainey, Mabseca A lUiaay which ssscauoo I ssj eomataaded to sen the ssfss - l!.', '"ITT r' u T nTrtinilg -T su h sale to aav aad satisfy the eoets aad inss of sals aad thsss aa-ruing oa said eaeeutkss, tugslhsf with the sum n( ( r tl. ivuaad four hundred ninety nine ar.4 UN duilars In . Idoola of Uaited States with laterest thereon la Use gold en!a at the raU ef slant par coat twr annum since the sVihday gj xu.ber. ISsS. sad the fortSer sum of St. S used as cwu and diabartaassats of said suit all which is do. to I'istniiSsou said deersw, I wUI oa ih. Itth dsy of Deessaber. tsas at o'clock in the ilmi,n i f dsy at lt. d.r d lbs County Court Uouse la Albany ia said Uao euuuty ssll at public auction to the highest bidder lr cash St BaaSea the day of sale sit the right UUe iuissegs which ths dsfsudaats i H sWaay aad K A Itaiuey his wist at either uf thees had oa the ith day of Oetober, 1SS1 la or to the following deer fib ed real property, vis: Begiaaiae: at a stake la the aires' taatsasilnn btad ataisaof John T Crooks aad wife, said stake Hetag two aad 90 100 chains east of the quarter settles pest ia the wcet boundary of Section sis (6) la Tp. tea (If) south of Itaags three (3) wast of of 'rogon an aad U M coaius . Usta-.o vest twenty eight aad 60-100 chains thence north ssxanty four ai d 3100 chains , east twenty eight aad S6 100 chains aioag the asrth Uae ef said dooatioa eJsdsa units ptaos of be- ginniuf soalalwtag m OS-tOS asree of laad ail In the Coauty at Uan tad State ef Oregon. Dated Nov. Itth.lSfU i, K. CaaatToe, tsgftff of Lisa eooaty, Oregon. FOR Man and Beast. Mustang; Liniment b older than most men, and used more and every '. " '-""Jflavtt ILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tb Greatest K idi-tl Trrh of tits Ago' 3rMPT0:VIS 6V A TORPID LIVER. i,oftr.t ajrassltoi i;..wis east Ire, I'uin la thn bend, with it dali aeasailau in tho hc'lt pr.rt, I' .i.i niidrr tUi; ahunldri Lludp, l'tiilneMN nffr cutluar, with ndls-liii-liuntion to ctciiIsM of hndy i inlud. IrrftaMittf ol torn per, J.ov aplrlts, with n issJfafl of U-. vhig ir'glaeted aome doty, Wrnriueea, Iir.?.!:ios, Flatierlnv nt iho llrurt. Dots l;-faroth eyos, Uradacfae over rko rlabt cyo, ItcMt!es.,ne, nlih fitful Sreaata, Highly colored t'rine, mid CONOriPATeON. TtlTT'M PlILSftrn rsp ( rtIJy adapted to nurii rasoa, one .. -. oiTut'ls audi a (haiisnffpo:! ijf.t i fini'n ! tim sufferer. . Tin y Increase tho A inetl(o,:iiid rauac tin. ' .V I Take i r ir ,li, ti. ii iho si.t ni n iiov.rishorl las DlR-setl' r yin i nuic Aelioii on raiis.UeKiilur Stools aro lro I l.iliii ruy Ht..m., i OliAV JUin nr v iii-Kt.iU changed to n Cfssr hi,(,K hv it slnglo ntiplloulfoti oi this irK. ii iiiijiurta it iui!ui;tl color, set Inn'Mutl.tieonhly. by I )i ir.;; !"l , or rent In- oxire.4-i on i'fptof f. Of?lce,44 rvlurray St., New York. lEfrvOUMFJIUTY JmoAMiowuuanua JacaiAndaumerona MAiumttotm aaseaoas. skiUedt ohy- ilg Croat A RADICAL Cuag KCRVOTJS tsluaxtrMt am. Tsks a DEBILITY J lex coy that it as i thousands, does vmmm atPHTIII terms with sttea bBftiww. or otusa v DECAY. or ttssonv iejntdl rdtrscti to the seat of dues TSSTreisoa itVEM VEARSBVUSSINMAI rHQUSAHO CASga. OTlfunctlons ofttw hoi nstu orgsafrm is rSstorsd. Tha anfmatlne elemsnta TBVA TMJS17T. of life, which Tiave been wasted sreglren bsck.tnd the pstisa fbecomef checc onenenta, - sa i miana r stigth si YCO.( M'raClflMttTa 806H L. BT. LOnra. TWn R U PrHSW'!XSil s,9 Truss, F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Oonnslor At ' Law, LEBANON, OREGON. . Will practice iu ali tuo Ocssrls in tbe State h nutnL FRIDAY OKCKMBKR 11, 1889 TEMPERANCE DEPARTEBnT, KDITKO ST TBI Womrn'i Ghrlitiin Temperanrc Uilfi Till: M l ION 41, WOIUV i'MMHTIAN TKnPKtt.txeK i sieiv. Tbs Nstionsl Woman's Christian Ternperauoe Untun held lie twelfth annual meeting in Phllai!elhis, com menotng October 30 sod continuing till the evening of November 3. The meet ings were held in the hall of the Young Men's Christian Association, which was elaborately snd beeutifully decor- sted for the ooossion. Misa Frances K. Willsrd, President of the Union, pre sided. Deleastes were in sttendsece representing .forty Ststet sod Territo ries snd the District of Columbia. Fraternal ..delegates were also present from Osnsds, alto msny visitor! from various portions of the country. Miis Wilisrd's sddress as President, delivered at the opening session, was sn able, comprehensive review of the eventt of the yeer,tnd dealt with many practical topics. It occupies in tyje thirty-nine large sixed tsmpblst peges. She outlined s plsn for a "World's Womsn's Christian Tern peranee Union," and paid a well deserved tribute to Mrs. Lsavitt, the Union's "sround-tbe wotid missionary," now! in Auitrslis She reviewed the work ol the various departments fur the year, and made sundry suggestions concerning new fields of special effort. She commend ed the "White-Cross League," snd urged the importance of increased effort for tbs suppression of socisl vice, the twin-evil of intempersnce. Much spsce is devoted to a consideration of tbe re latinn nf tho National Woman's Cbriat- tan temperancs UDIOn tO pOIUIOS. Mrs. Carolina B. Buell, Correspond I log 8ecreUry , submitted her snnual rciKirt. which showeal a lame amount 1 ious departments during the pstt yesr, 0i ocotiisging snd prosjerous out look for the futuie Mist Huber Pugb,of Obio.Tressurer, total recsits for the year, $10,875.43; expeodilores. $8,189.28 ; balance, $2,686.17. Tbe Superintendent of all tbe various departments, presented reports. Miie Colmao'reported receipts io ber department for tbe year, from all sources, $6,546 ; expenditures, $8,660. During tbe pest jesr MtssJColmsn sent out sn sggregste of 5,513,000 pages of tempereoce litersture, sod re sponded by letter or posts! lo nearly 6,00 orders. Mrs. J. EUeo Foster, fAIos, ss chairman of the com rail tee to revise tbe constitution of tbe National Woman's Cbristisn Temperance Union, reported sundry amendments, which were adopt" ed. After en earnest dsbste it eras voted, 176 to 42, to remove tbs N. W. C. T. U. headquarters from New York to Chicago, and to sppoiot a supervising committee to examine and revise tbe literature hereafter published under tbe s-itpices of tbe Union. Mies Colman, who continues in New York snd as Superintendent of tbe Department of Literature, wss, by vote of tbe Union, made s member of the Supervising Committee. Among :he topics of tbs resolutions reported by tbe Committee on Resole tioos,Mrs. Annie VVittenmyer,cbairmsn. and unanimously adopted, were : Evan gelistic work, heredity, Bsbbatb School work, francbise,orgsnixstioo,literatore, scientific tempers nee institution, tbs social evil ; also tbe following : "Believing that tbe use of slcoboltc wine at the holy communion furnishes a moral support to tbe liquor tra(Bc,snd is not, in our judgment, a proper type of the cleansing blood of Christ ; there fore, i li$ohed, That we earnestly recom mend prayerful and judicious effort to secure the use of the pure,unfermented juice of tho grape at the tsble of our Lord." The St. Luis resolution was sdopted alter a prolonged and earnest debate, s large majority voting in favor of it. Mrr. J. Ellen Foster, of lows, pre sented a protest sgsinst the sotion of tbe Union, ignd by twenty-four mem bers. Tha protest was ordsred to be placed on tbs minutes, and Mrs. Wood- ridge, Mr. Hoffman snd Mrs. Latbrsp were appointed a committee to msfce written reply to it, to be also put on record. Tbe reply ef tbe committee answers the protest, point by point, st length. The following officers were elected for the ensuing yesr : President Mies Prances E. Willsrd, Evsnston, III. Cor. Sc Miss Caroliue B.tBuell, East Hampton, Conn. Rec. Sec Mre. M. A. Woodbridge, Ravenna, Ohio. Assistant Rc. Bsc Mrr. L. M. N. Stevens, Sfroud water, Me. Treasurer Mis Esther Pugh, Co lumbus, Ohio. Mrs. J. R Jones, President of tbe Philadelphia W. 0. T. Undelivered the add ross of welcome, to which Miss H en- rietta G. Moore, of Ohio, responded in behslf of the delegates. TheJattftEdance at all the sessions was very !arge,and much interest manifest ed in the proceedings. It was voted to hold ths next annual meeting in Minneapolis, Minn. new. mi iimh, Tbe following taken from Iho Sun- dsy Welcome shows tbe estst m in which Republicans regsrd any member wl.o sbides by the traditions of the party : "Now (hit the groat Senstoiisi bat, tie of our political parties is over, snd tbs hotly contested field where the strife tsged frightfully fer a season hav- ng lesumed its wonted pesceful aspect, we rosy for s moment study some of tbe ebsrsctsrs who eere'prominenfc ss eederr, of tbs different parlies in this conflict. Among all others of the Re publican leaders oot ooe staodi forth more prominently snd more generally respeoted than Hon. Solomon Hirsok,of Multnomah. It wss proper st IBs reg ular session of the Legislature tbst Mr. Hirsch should receive the homsge of his own psrty, and when a majority of its members in tbe Legislature had built up from dav to day during ths regular session, slsw'y but solidly i majority for bin, he should have rtceiv ed tbs constitutions! number of his party votes to secure tbe gosl to which an honorsble smbition impelled him. It was proper that bo should have been elected. For he bad been a leader in bis own psrty who know not defeat be had been an adviser who had made no mistakes : be bad plsnned victories the fruits of which others might enjoy, His generslsbip bsd rallied bis psrty boats in tbe throes of conflict snd Isd them to successful results : snd for nesrly s score of years his indispeossble msnsgement bss been scknowledged by bis psrty and feared by bis adversaries. fie bad been honored by tbe largest city in tbe Northwest with a seat in tbe councils of tbe Stste tbst be bad adopted for fifteen years ; a place be has held with oontummte ability and honor. He bes been fsithful to every trust, snd bss never lied to party dts ciplioe nor of psrty unity ; being si wsys st his post in good snd in evil xt- (ort. Twice bas ho seen bis psrty shskt n io its very center by less tbsn three fourths of a dsxen of its representative men ; men whose duty it wss to stand by tbe majority and who coo'd not have been elected to tbe Legielstuie bad it been known tbst mottny wss their obiucL Ths first time wss in 1882, wben tbe majority candidate), Mr .Mitchell, wss defeated by bis faction against sit party usages or fidelity to psrty unity. Mr. iiirseb forgetting men, stcod by bis record ss a true Re publican in that contest until tbe Held was routed ; be being tbe Isst rrsn to leave the candidate of tbe nisjortty snd take up Mr. Dotab, whose success was tbe accident of tbst occasion. Tbe sec ond tHsl of Mr. Hirsch wss io Jsousry last wben be led tbe ffeoatorisl contest. No more honorable, considerate and capable body of men csn be found in our State than those who gave to Mr. Hirsch st that time tbeir support snd who stood by him firmly facing tbe op position wben tbe battle wss drawn. His following wss defeated by some half doxen who, like those on tbo form er occasion, took pleasure in defeating tbe majority candidate and thereby pre vented Mr. Hirsch from being chosen U. S. Senator. At tbe extra session of tbe Legisla ture tbe esme element wss found, but by bis own request Mr. Hirsch coast d te be s candidate. Mr. Mitchell wee one of tbe aspirsnts of tbe extrs sess ion and tbe moment be received the majority vote of tbe Republican psrty, Mr. Hirsch arose from bis seat in tbs joint convention and with a short speech, that pieces him smong oar roost sensible speakers lesding in tbe cbsr scterislics tbst mark popular oratory stated what his duty waa as a Republi can at this particular crisis', to give bis vote to tbe msjority candidate, snd at once he cbsnged bis yote to Mr. If itch sll, amid the merited applause of the vast multitude present. This outburst of enthusiasm, no doubt, msde Mr. Hirsch feel that bis honorsble career had been duly appreciated. There is a day when wrongs are righted, and it will came in this esse. It was a scene long to be remembered. Mr. Hirsch is a leader by hi very nsturc, courteous in demesnor, capable on sll ocossiona, esteemed for exemplary character, use ful in every walk in life.sud there is no man in our State who stands higher io political circles than this same Solomon Hirsch of Multnomah, of whom it has given me so much pleasure to write." Stalwart. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILIsSa All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber ,laths!and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. N. J. KENTON, Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - ALBANY, OR. Represents several of tke best Fire In surance Companies on tha Coast. Call on him for reliable insurance. JOE LOCK. Washee and irons clothes la first class at vie, at reasonable rates. .Successor o Lee One door south of Revere House, on El la worth Street. ALBANY OREGON jpOR SALE, One half block in eastern part of the city with fair house and barn wili be sold cheap (TO POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ttik pqwaer Barer rarka Amsrvslof purity, strwrtL'th anl wliisrrrinsss. M'r Star) ths or'! ) rmrr kinds, and cstnrvji )soil In rotw pssiUon with ths multitude ef lav tsst, short wrighi,UimortKavrfia4afr4aTS. cans. ItovAi. IfaSisa Puwaa Co., 100 Wsll-st, i Im most t.t.lir WeeklV nawsnajwr dvsSS losrisae. fncudisiii'!. iikh- riS 1isovrws. in- fins s l nlllli"l I r njm Ur ithi.trs'cd wiih splsadtd aorrsving. Tins tittMieslli'" fiirtii!i-sa iii'ft vslushl !'' ''"''!-4 I iiilunnstion ! Ii ' ' I ' ti !iuld wit Wit. 'ti i' umisfitr of the ! ixnrtrK: AstrnK AM is .i 'i.v.t !.: lie . .... y 'laialbst nfsll ,.)., r i. iwr t i it i iss oojsMss Friss. Saais ysr. i. .iti.i . ,ub. Mld ly all oswsdsalay. Ml'XJ? ci.. fubiisaars. So. 3SlUradwa. W. Y. ATENTS.HfS SaWSBBaSBBSBBBBBSSBSS) urSstMS PSfOTS ! i'strnt fiB-n snd hss wrparsd tworo taaa On Mundrstf Tfioo and sMl-atins for aatsnta in tbs TuiUd Mi snd .rsigneonriM. i s-si. Trsda-Msras. I 'w-rilii. laSiSBSHSU snrt sll miisr uaprrs rar Isasarlna ta tavaator TUBt A Iffi 4TltolrjeMi, lbs I . ..,( ,.th-r (urtnitn si i...f i not f an .... 'TTlTZl.-IL 'T: mm IIBIBI ftlitjr f.ts-n .'. a is.M StactsL CfSM. . l.lSUi.'l thf.isb Sloop a n..i.- us. ihs ad.Biasarsa'-n is 3 i nn-h.!. 1 W all wb wisbtodla- i ..-. M....H a . Httlitmc inusnass - - , .i - as. .at- .-f"ia. Aatait, H l:rosdw. MS Vara. awirs wionsy taaa at aav taing slas by taklar an ssssm r scl'lnr IxM.k out. llsatlwiisrs I 1 grandly, fwrUand, N'msfail, Tanas fras.J gaMaVSBJ Boo IIAUAN'S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell, ;ml yvu cant tell PATENTS obu:assl. aad si! ..r Uaaas la tha V . B falsa wvwa ubuia lHwtg Mss a j.bingsoa. w4 mtrtim draw lag, Wtsi sb.i ur tt ot ctsarga sad t taaaa MS uUsin tsataat. rafr hara, to lbs PusUaasiar, las Mnt,rj Order rrf a4 1 flui ol lbs V . VUUx. rurrtrvular. sJm. term, and aactaal eficats ia joarowa Mtala ar couair, aililpsss, C, A. SNOW & CO., o,!-tiu I stoat OsSas, wt r u, mk, roacbat, flias, ants, bisnafi leljrtiatioii, Piorwkai Nwailiaga, Pirtlnsaa, igsft gasUiat. ItsaeWhr, airtkattrsa cursd by "Wails iicaitis lUrncaar." "staass aa t'rs . ' Aak far Watts' -Rongh on Corns." Ite. Oaick n u.j It U carr. Hani or salt corns, warta, iHuuoas, Oais-k. r-.-it.i-bt.- cure, sll Kidnrv. L'nuary Utantucs, eaidtnks. Irnuuoti. Suxna, lira rot, vatarraa oi nt Maooar. SJ, liuk'msta Sfd-Bttgs, Iltrs Klics. ruacbes. anu, bed btu- rata, mloc, gophers, cnintutiKs( . ,ti..i oui ) "Kougn oa Kata. 15c Thla Praple. "W sll's lltallh llcncwsr" rrstorts healia sad vl-or curas I -!, iatfileutri m usl HtUlili, fl. "Kausk aa fala" Curas chillers, ootk, crawta, diarrlioea,arha,pain, sprains, b., neuralgia, i hcumatsam. Hough oo Psia PtasUrs, Its ii) cvnts. Malbers. If v i are failing, broken, worn ait and aeivaaa use "VI ills' llmitb Kmewsr." fl. Druggista, . life Preserver. If . ii arc losing your grip on lift, try "Wells Health Kciicatr. Ummt dim t to wsag spots. 'Kongh aa Piles. wwstsi. a aaassw a tuiu.-it M-fi'is, - ISSsMg a I l'M MUlllt. Blooding, internal or other. Internal and sxternal Ill rsa I : i is i.r il..i,.rrl. ...I. Ii. .1... Procrudlnr, rcmrtiy in rat n pa. kairo. Sure cure, bOe. Druggists Pretty tfasttea- 1-a.lles who would retain frashnsss and viracPy. Doli'l tail to tr "Wells' Health Manswar." "KouSb oa llrh. - "Rough on Itch" cures humors, tiuptlonR.ring worm, tetter, sail rheum, frosted feet, chilb.aina "Koagh am C'alarrab." Corrects offensive odors at onoe. Complete curs o worst chronic eases, also unequal. A as gargls for Ulphthsria, More Throat, Pout iaih. fOo. The Nope of Ihe Nation. Children, slw In development puny, scrawny and delicate, use veiia gMSits sgaesTtr." Palarrh or the Madder. Stinging, irritation, inrlammatlon, all Kidney and Urinary complaints, cured by "Uuctiu-Paiba." 91, "Water Bass. Oju.'h oa IUU dear them outs also Bestiss nts DR. SPINNEY, TUB SPECIALIST, Has had 25 years experience in the treatment ol CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND PRIVATE And having thoroughly proveii ths merit ot his Mpeelflc KeiuiMlles, in the treatment and mre of many thuusaud cases, he now offen them to thoss in trouble to euro thomselves at home. sr. SPIN.Kt"S MperHIr Tor Gonorrhea. Ir. SPINK Kl'H Sped He for Syphilis. Dr. mPIKNKY'M Hperlllc lor Spermatorrhea. r. M'lNM l s Kperille Tor Catarrh. Price of cither Remedy, S1U tw case. Sent by ex press, packed secure from observation, on receipt of priee. Call at Ofllee aad Prtvatn Dispensary, Mult nomah Blook, opptmite Post Otlicf . Write to Dr M.S. Spinney, ilox (123 Portlund, Oregon. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You are allowed a fret trial of thirty days ot tho uto ot I)r. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with lectrie Suspensory Appliances for the speedy relief and permanent cure of AVitwus DeMlity, loss of Vitality and Manhood, and ali kindred troubles. Also for many other disease. Complete restora tion to Health, Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Iliuatrated patin-hletlu ieaieA mvelope mailed free, by addressing VOLTAIC SELT CO., Marshall, Mich. u itMr I HOFFMAN PIlOPKIBTOltH or ALBANY 80DA WORKS -AND DXatXEM IN Imported and Domentio Cigars, Tobacco, Groceries, Candies, Huts and Tropical Fruits. Albany. NKAULY OPPtWITK THE Short Oregon 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 43 hours the quickest route to the East, and rates, $8.80 to $10.25 the cheapest Ocuncil Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets,1 'good viaOgaen and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going Bast write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, B. CAMPBELL, General Agents No, 1 Washington Street," Portland, egon. Sheriff's Sale. In tU Circuit Court of tttt HUtU of Oregon for Unn County. ti tl Baas, PlsiaUS. vs. Hei.r) K ilurracster and Mary Rurmester his wife awl John A Crawford, Detandaate. il'Aios to bstaby given that h) vinos of aa sasenUoa H and order of sals issued out of tbe above nasaed Caort in tba absw snUlted action and lo ins direct d aaddVvrad, I wUI on Satorday tbs tab dayot De estabar, 1STS at aaa o'clock p. m.,at tbs Court Uooae door lo Albany, Lias eoanty, Oregon, sell at public auction for cash to band to tba highest bidder tbs real property das iHbad to said execution and order f ass sa follows, ttvwst : The west half of tbs nonb east qoarter aad tbs north half of to south east quarter of Section SI to Township 10 South of I east of tbs Willamette meridian to Una , Oregon, eowtainiag ISO acres. Tbs proeosds of sale to be appikd : Pirst o tbs payment of the costs and dUburserasnui of has suit taxed at ttS.10 together with eoete and sxprniss of sale. Hecood to be payment of PlaintiSs dim o SMl.sS with aocru tog toterast thereon trom th 20lh day of let. im. at tba rate iA 10 r cent per anxam and ihe further urn of ii as Attorneys tecs. Third ths rsraaiodtr if y to bs paid to said Dssewtont Henry E Barnvater. Da'adthlsietbday of November, 18SL J . K CtlAXTO, Sheriff of linn county, Oregon, per J as. J. CnaatToji, Oeputy . jARDWAREOF ALL KINl, see, msttooks, brush hoks, pieka sbovela,apadaa, forks, grindatooea, wheel barrows, wringer, ropes, sod almost everything you want, can be bad cnesp for oasb s Peters A Stewart. DR. M IN TIE, Tat B SPEt'IAUST. Be. ll atearary street, Saa rraactaee, t'al. Tsjuts ajx CnsoxK-. Sractxi. axb Pair at Iruaasns wrru Wonnrn, Scccasn, TNE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY ! ISa rova ruu.ioi.rsa for Nervour Dsbility, Sem fta9Saal WsaSaasan s?EaaswJ(JsJJga iViiality, Spenualor rbe Last rsaaaeesl. in.p ittu-T.PaiabaU I'rcwtstt rr hoes, and sll the terrible i licit s sf self siurr jt uth- fu follies and excess to urer years, sncb as LaasJ Memory, Msiudr,.os- al Kinslon, sverston te isty, D intieis of Visi-u eseeaaea la drlabl iig I a taxi rating llajnara. the vital fluid p sssisg anobsarved n me ertns, ana many other atseaess taat isao to in anity and death. tsr. Mlatle, who is Secular Physician, ttrastaate of the I'alvrrstty af Prnuy I vania wilt ag-ee u forfeit Pise Bund red Bel tarn for a cam of this kind the Hal Beaerative (under bis special advice and trsatment) will nut euro, or tor anything imp -re or injurious found in ft. Br. Mln tie treats all private diseases successful; without mercury. 4'easaltallan Pree. Tboremth examin ation aud advice, including analysis ef urine, Price of Vital Beatarntlve. tl.40 aboStle, or four limes the qui ntity, SS ; sent to any address upon re ceipt of price, or C O D secured from obser ration and to private name it desired by lr.NlnUr. 1 1 Kearny at reel, Saa Fran risen, Cal. Send tor list of questions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BOTTLE FBKB. Will be sent to any one applying by letter, statins symptoms, sex and see. strict secrecy in regard to all business transactions. Br- Wlntlr's Ktdnry Brsned cures all kinds of Kidney and Bl dr. n rphrrflrn Bladder CnuiplaintM. (onoirhnea. t.Ioet. beuct.rrhoea. etc. For sate by ail tlrugrisU ; tl a botte er six bottles for 5. Br. Mlatle s Dantlrlian Pills are t ie best aad cheapest By a ne pa la and Billons cure its the mar k o. Portals by all druggists. To Regulate Hlf W FAVORI1 F. HOME REMEDY la I HI warranted not to contain a airgle par. si Mai tide of Mercury or any injurious sub. stance, but to purely vegetable. It will Cure sll Diseases caused by Derangement of tbe Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. If your Liver is out of order, then your whole system is deranged. The blood is impure, the breath offensive ; you lave headache, fed languid, dispirited and nervous. To prevent a more serious con dition, take at once Simmons urn K REGULATOR. If yo-tlead a sedentary life, or suffer with Kidney Affections, avoid stimulants and take Simmons Liver Regulator. Sure to relieve. If you have eaten anything hare of digestion, or fed heavy after meals or sleepless at night, take a dose and you will fed relieved and deep pleasantly. If you are a miserable sufferer with Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness, seek relief at once in Simmons Liver Regulator. It does not require continual dosing, and costs but a trine. It will cure you. If you wake up in the morning with a hi wake t bitter, bsd taste in your mouth. TAJ E Simmons liver Regulator. It cor. recti the Bilious Stomach, sweetens the Breath, snd cleanses the Furred Tongue. Children often need some safe Cathar tic and Tonic to avert approaching sickness. Simmons Liver Regulator will relieve Colic. Head ache, Sick Stomach, Indigestion, Dysentery, and tbe Complaints incident to Childhood. At any time you feel your system netds cleansing, toning, regulating without vio cnt purging, or stimulating without intoxi cating, take hm Liver Heplak PREPARED BY J. H. ZEIUH & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Henley Roller Etales! stvr and isrnoviD, Extraordinary EeduDtions I BEST ano ONL' Scientific Skatoo 1 : O3B0RN ti ALEXANDER 6 M VBKET KTUIIT, ; .-, VBANCISCO. MECHANICS' T00L3, EAS0- Bead for Free Catalogue. Moation thla Paper. jP I mm fcar mm Noises to tba bead. k JOSEPH, Ol-s3OTl. fSft JOHN BlliuuS' STORE. Line, SheritTs Sale. Ia It Circuit Court of die. Slate of Oregon for tiw. County of Linn : B W Cooper, Plaintiff. sMkf PleUher, Aidie Flettber and William Pleteber, Hifu IgSB Bfttice Ubrrtby g'.vnn that by virtue of an si it ill! SB la and sn order of sale Issued o ..tit 'if the alio vet Cmrt in tbe alxive entitled action and to ass directed and delivered, I will on Saturday tbe lth dsy of De cember, Isei, tx one o'clock, p. m., sell at the Coo r Heats door to Albany, Linn County, Oregon at pub be auction fur cash in hand te tbe highest bidder the real property described to taad as sunt i in and order sal as fillows, Uvwlt : Beginning at tbe north west corner of tba southeast quarter of Se.iion SS to Township 12, S BS west and running thence south f chains; thence east 27 chains and SS links ; thence north SS chains; thence west tt chains and 35 links te tbe ptoee of beginning, containing IS) acres mors or (est to Unn county, Oregon. The proceeds of sale te be applied : Pirst to tbe payment of costs and dia buravmctiU of this suit taxed at $31.53 and tbe costs sod expenses of sale, Second to the payment te Plaintiff of flOOas an Attorney's fes and tbe furthe ema of StSOl.TS with interest thtrton at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from Oct. Ho, leSL Third the remainder if any to be paid into C jurt to await tbe further order thereof. Dated Sot. 17th, lSsX 1. s CuAaaroa, Sheriff of Unn County, Or agon, per J as J Chasito, Deputy, FRED GRAF, Manufa-Hurer and Dealer ia all kinds of FURNITURE, AID MDEETAXHL 8 First Street. Albair, Or S AUSAGE MILLS, We have a meat cutter that it ae much as improvement over tbe old fasbicned sausage mill aa J. I. Case Agitator ia over a flail. It don't clog and leaves no strings ia tbe meat. Come and see it. Invalids HotelsSurgicalinstatite BUFFALO, XT. "ST. Organized with a fall Staff af eighteen Experienced and bkillfal Physicians sued Sargpoas for the treatment er aU Chronic Plteaset. wOR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Throat and Ji?" Saiawaaea- Liver and Kidney Diseases. Bladder ntariAaoa. of Women Blood Diseases and Nerv- asss aiioruom. curetl Hero or at he with or without seeing- tbo patient. Come acx tw, or send ten cent a KfavalMsS ma. In Ft eta nana nna Gtt Book, nrnich gives all narticulara. Nerrons Debility, Ire no toner, Nocturnal Losses, and all Hlorbid Conditions caused by Youthful Pol lies and Pernicious Soli tary Practices are speedily and nermanfntlv- curWl i by our stamnav Specialists. Book, post-paid, 10 eta. in etam Rupture, or Breach, rndr i caliy cured without the knife, tlUPTUBL 1 witout trusses, without pain. and without Cures tiuarantoed. ir&oi scat f or ten ocnta In fitanuw. PILE Tl WOKS and STKIOTTREfl treated under gnarantce to cure. li.Ok wnt for tou cents in stamps. Address World's its in s IKDIC.4 np Ad Aseoors! Dispensary Medic ax. tick, 6ca Maia Stivjet, Buffalo, N. Y. ino treatrncnt of many thousanda of cases of those diseases peculiar to XwXIEIZS" J at tbo Invalids' Hotel and forded lanro exporieaoo ia adaptlag remediea for their cure, aad PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription l.s sLa J m SSBl a a . is the result of this vast experience. It It 13 a Powerful Restoratlx'e Vnnin Pn? werYlue, imparts igor and strength to tho system, and cures, as if by raafie. Leu corrhea, or "whites. exeeaalre mow! tic;, painful menstruation, un- "V".1", wPVpes "S prolapans or falllnn of the merna, wears backs untevoi -son, retroversion, bearing;, down McuKuiLon, chroulc rouges, tton, idiluniiaation and ulceration ol tho womb, inflammation, pain ana tenderness in ovaries, internal heat, and "female weakness." It promptly- relieves and cures Nausea and Weakness of Stomach, Indigos tloPJlllo,stlM Nervous Prostratfou, aud Sleeplessness, in either sex. PRICE $1.00, It 6 ISOTTI.E3 FOtt SjIS.OO, Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce' lan w Treatise oa Diseases of Women, ill us- trated. World's Dlspansary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, N.T. SICK-HEADACHE, Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipa tion. Indigestion, and Bilious Attacks, promptly curse, fey Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, 28 cents a Yial, fey Drug 3PVHPaHHHHHHH - tAMKjaslSdW ffrawtlawBi'aBaW DeuoueI 1 Diseases, Diseases of I aaflUaaTfl 1 III Sll SIS Mills's' !