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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1885)
Site gcwrat. Entered at the Poet Office at Albany, au Moond-claM mail matter. Or FRIDAY DKOEMBKR 11, 1885. 8TITE3 & NUTTING. :,Hr mmA rraprletote. ran r. wvrriwa. ini Etntr. Official County Paper. A Maanlarent rrcsent. Rccontlv. Mr. William Ralston, of this citv, received from her brother and aUtcr in-law, Juilge and Mr. O. N. Denny, now of Corca, ami Capt. Swain, of Yokohama, Japan, one of the most elegant presents it is ever ones fortune to noose. It consisted of nothing lew than a complete ct of Chi nese dishes, made up of one hundred and sixty-five pieces, gotten up with the mar vellous Ingenuity and artistic skill of the most erudite Celestial. Every piece is an ornament, and the whole set is a refined curiosity shop worth a good admission to see. Thanks to Mr. Ralston's kindness a Democrat man had the pleasure last Tues day of taking a thorough peep at them. This beautiful set is worthy of more than a passing notice. Every piece being hand painted and entirely different from every other piece, with their pictures of native birds, plants and animals, the whole is a book in natural history of remarkable value, a well as being a first-class art gallery. Large meat and turkey platters, in boat and other designs, salad dishes, bowls, tea servi ce, coffee cups with curious covers that serve as saucers, fruit and cake dishes, etc., single and in sets of twelve and upwards.all original in their unique designs and paint ings, present topics for a days study and ob servation, every examination bringing up something new. Ixmking at them one won ders if they can be used. By all mean. That was just what Mrs. Ralston was en joined to do. On examination you will find that they are solid, genuine china, such as you have never seen before here. Happy should be the owner of such a collection of dishes. In keeping with them, Mr Ral ston's rooms are made elegant in, their dis play of Chinese works of art, from curious birds to embroidered panels, and a pair of Celestial tyees In their gorgeous silk and satin attirements, true pictures of the native style. At a time when the unique and curious in art are fashionable,lt is a great privilege to witness the splendid collection of Mr Ralston. ItttBF A canvass of the vote cast on Monday divulged the following to be the number of ballots headed "Democratic Ticket" "Republican Ticket" respectively : Dem. First Ward 60 Second Ward 87 Third Ward 71. 318 and Rep. 73 1 97 This shows a Democratic majority in this city of 21. As a matter of considerable in terest it may be stated that in the First Ward there were 25 straight Democratic tickets and 35 scratched ; 17 straight Republican tickets and c6 scratched ; in the Second Ward, 51 straight Democratic tickets and 36 scratched ; 34 straight Republican tick et and 30 scratched j in the Third Ward 37 straight Democratic tickets and 44 scratched ; 15 straight Republican and 45 scratched- Total 103 straight Democratic tickets and 115 scratched, 66 straight Re publican and 131 scratched. Wbm win Urn CM. At at a meeting of Albany Engine Co., No. i, held on Monday evening, O. H. Irvine, of Rescue H. & L. Co., was nom inatcd for Chief Engineer and I. F. Conn, of No. i's for Assistant Chief. On the same evening at a meeting of Linn Engine Co. No. 2, John Hoffman, of No. a's, was. nomi nated for Chief Engineer and Jas. Hail, of the same Company for Assistant Chief. As all of the nominees are good firemen the Department is sure to have good officers during the ensuing year. The election promises to be an interesting one. Polls open at No. r's Hall at 1 o'clock, Monday afternoon next and close at 6 o'clock. All firemen should vote. There are now in the city about 115 active firemen. Wmr Etc Years. On last Monday the total vote cast in the city election was 413, just 52 more than the vote of last year, a fact that speaks for it self. Below we give the vote at the city elections in Albany during eight years. The readers of the Democrat may read and draw their own conclusions ; in 1878, 440 votes were cast, in 1879, 407 ; in i88ot 463 , in 1881, 401 ; in 1882, 365 ; in 1883, 342 ; in 1884, 361 ; in 1885, 413. Trie for Herse Steal! eg. James Wilson, of Brownsville, was tried for horse stealing at Pendleton, on Tuesday of last week und found "not guilty " there not being sufficient evidence to convict him But that is a country where people take thing into their own hands. The B. O. says : "He received information that a train left town at 9140 o'clock Tuesday night and if a wise man he would leave thereon. He left without any protestation or malice aforethought" A Ves Hsu Last Saturday some hounds started a wolf on Soap Creek and ran it about eight miles north to Little Luckimute where it, in attempting to go through a large crack in a fence, wa caught by the tail by Col umbus Yates and pulled bvek. He grasp ed it by the back of the neck with the hand and carried it to a neighboring house where it was put in a box and kept till next day when a general chase was had by putting a doaen hounds after it. Wilt Open Their Byes. Last Friday Mr. John Hoffman sent to Wisconsin a box containing some roses as well some ripe blackberries. When the cold blooded Wisconsinians look out on the snow after gazing at these things, their eyes will open in astonishment at the winter products of this fertile country. Cloak ssd Jersey JJaekets, I have a Large stock of these goods on hand I wish to close out before the end of the year and will sell them at reduced priees. Call and get a bargain at Samuel E. Young's. 95,00) worth of clothing at cost at Mon teith k Seitenbach's. Musical people will find a splendid stock of rattan, viouu, new tyi 01 occoraeona, moctti organs, otc., atFoshsy k Masons. City Kleetii Last vcar the Democrat little rooster w over the election stood on its head, lids year it Is on It feet. Last Monday the Democrat elected a Mayor, Marshal, Trcas urerand two Aldermen, the Republican's getting the Recordership and one Alder man. The following figures tell the whole story as the result of the city election on that dav : rOR MAYOR. J. K. Wcathcrford 1st ward, 66 and .ml. N.j ; 3rd ward, 68 31o David Froman -ist ward, 66 ; and ward, 64 ; 3rd ward, 63 193 Weatherford's majority 2$ VOn RECORDER. George Humphrey 1st ward, 53 ; and wanl.HJ ; 3rd ward, 71 aco N. J. Hcnton 1st ward. 70 ; and ward. 68 ; 3rd ward, 60 207 1 Ion ton's majority , . I K MARSHAL. Isaac Haves -1st ward. S ; and want, 81 ; 3rd ward, 76 G. W. Burkhart 1st ward, 11 and ward, 69 5 3rd ward, 54. . 196 H ay majority , 19 FOR TRKASURER. Simon Scitcnbach 1st ward, 79 ; and ward, 99 ; 3rd ward, 76 254 ohn Briggsut ward, 48 ; and ward 49 5 3d ward, S3 150 Seitenbach's majority 104 FOR COV'MCILMRN. 1st ward L. C. Marshall 70 Jas. Conner 5 - Marshall's majority ...... 18 and ward Julius Gradwnhl 77786 A. H. Marshall 65 Gradwohl's majority at 3rd ward Geo. Hochstcdler 6a A. Cunningham 65 Cunningham's majority.. 3 The amusementdoving public have cer tainly no cause to complain for want of theatrical events for the holiday week. One of the most important theatrical events however at the Opera House, will be the occasion of the first appearance of the Lewi Morrison Company on next Monday even ing, December 14th. The Company are at present playing one of the most successful engagements that has ever been played in Portland, where the entire pre of that city, as well as New York, San Francisco and other metropolitan cities unanimously concede both the company and plav one of the best ever seen in their respective cities. Almost everybody familiar in the least with theatrical events have either heard, read or seen the play of May Blossom." It has been presented over 500 consecutive times and claimed to be much superior to the famous "Hazel Kirkc" which is presented by the same company. "May Blossom" Is a beautiful heart play, and It Is a comfort to think that the stage will not be held by the wretched immortality that is becoming too common now a days in the plays we see. There is in "May Blossom" an air of little children, birds and flower and clean coun try life all through, which is very pleasing. It is an entirely American plav and its ac -tion happens during the late Civial war. It serves as a lesson to every father, mother, daughter and son. It will be produced by the identical same company as produced the plav in Portland and other cities with T..Tr?:..mV7 " iTTTrlf mr .11 :.- 11' -i 1.1 . . . )r , ."u P-v; r we I inisi me uwnwunm nt a ninv win in. 1 trust the theatrical -goer of Albany will ap pear in full force. The sale of seats is pro gressing at E. W. Lsngdon's and our ad vice ts to secure them without dels v. Tax. The Board of the State Tax Commission- eis which met on Monday levied a tax of I only 3 7-10 mills. Last year it was 5 6-10 mills. As the levy is much less than was counted on by our County Commissioners the 15 mill tax levied will place the county In a good financial condition. Following are the Hems of the State tax : Current expenses 3 i-io mill. ! State University i-iomill. Oregon water debt 1-3 mill. 3 7-10 mill, tt. A. sr. McPherson Post G. A. R. on last Satur day evening elected the following officers for the ensuing term : A. B. Woodln, Commander. D. R. N. Blackburn, S. V. C. R. Fox, ). V. C L. H. Montanyc, Chaplain. T. L. Dugger, Officer of the Day. R. B. Vunk, Quartermaster. R. Brown, Officer of the Guard. L. H. Mon tan re. Representative to the Department Encampment. D. R. N. Blackburn, Alternate. J. Jones, Surgeon. A. I. W. On last Monday evening Safety Lodge, A. O. U. W., elected the following officer F. Graf, M. W. J. K. Davis, Foreman. Al. Say lor, Overseer. B. Brenner, Receiver. N. Hcnton, Recorder. E. A. Parker, Financier. A. W. McClain, Guide. S. W. Rose, L W. A. B. Woodin, O. W. W. F. Read, Trustee. Dr. J. L. Hill, Examiner. Dr. G. W. Maston, A, F. A. n. Corinthian Lodge on Saturday evening elected the following officers : G. F. Simpson, W. M. John Bryant, S. W. Rufus Thompson, J. W. John Brush, Treasurer. E. W. Langdon, Secretary. Martin Payne. Tyler. D. Froman, S. D. S. Froman, J. D. K. efP. Laurel Lodge No. 7, K. of P., at their meeting last week elected the following of ficers : D. S. Smith, V. C. D. M. Coffey, C. C. C. H. Spencer, V. C. H. Lampman, Prelate. Levi West, K. of R. & S. Wheat, 60c, oats, 28c. Stop worrying so muchtabout gettinz your friends and relatives Christmas oreseuts. un til you have called at French' Jewelry Store and priced hi hne line of holiday goods. You can buy at your price nntu Jan. lit. Herse Bis Brer Wednesday morning a valuable horse belonging: to Mr. las. was run over by the Lebanon express near the junction with the O. & C. and instantly killed. Our stock of boots and shoes is constantly increasing. Many new style having been added m the last few months Read 4 Browxrix. Dont fail to call on us for winter goods. Monteith A Seitenbach. rCKSMT BVSNffh Congress began business last Monday. Look out for a terrible strumrlc with the silver dollars. They are gamy. Scratched tickets was the order last Mon day. . Grant memories arc liable to put in an appearance any day. Nearlv fifty were subscribed for in Albany. The W. T.,' Legislature is In session. As thev have settled the Woman's Riirhts mam tion the query is as to what they will do in order to draw their salary. M. H. Abbott, once of the Democrat has started a paper at Goldendalc, W. T. This Is Mr. Abbott's seventeenth, if we are not mistaken. Turkcvs retailed in the hast for twenty to twenty.flve cents a pound. Here the price has been only twelve and a half cents a pound. A New York cow recently died from eating rotten potatoes. Cows hanging around our alleys will please take warning. The Chinese have been ordered to leave San Francisco. As it was not the Govern ment that did the ordering it 1 doubtful If tney win ooey. Most cranberries received in Albany are Drought fro m the hast. Some of the marsh ea, though, of Washington Territory are found to be good for this fruit. The writer has sampled some brought recently from near Seattle, and can nronouuee them first- class, though not as large as the Eastern cranberry. The H. A. C. minstrels, of Salem, are worth hearing. OEMWBATtt CITf XV 111 On Saturday night the Democrats met ia convention at the Court House, ia this oily. Dr J I, Hill was sleeted Chairman, T J Clioe, Secretary, and II a b Bryant, Assistant Secre tary. W R thlyeu, T J Stites and O 8 Smith were appointed a committee n order of business. They reported the following pro gram t Kattnoattoa of ward norma atoms, nominations of Mayor, Recorder, Mershal, Treasurer, adjournment. Oeo W Harris aod Robert Dorris were ap pointed tellers. For Mayor Moo J K Weatherford was nominated by acclamation. For Recorder Oeotgn Humphrey was nom mated by acclamation. For Marshal Isaac Hayes ami J H Camp bolt were placed in the Meld. Mr Hay a was nominated 00 the first ballot, which re suited a follows : Hayse, 69 ; Campbell, 98 ; Blank, 2. Tot!. 109. For Treasurer Simon Heitenbaeb was noov in ted by acclamation. The following ward nominations were rati fied : For Aldermeo-lst Ward. L 0 Marshall 1 2nd Ward. J tiradwohl ; 3rd Ward, CSeorgs Hoehstodler. Central committee T J stites, L 11 Mon- tony. George Humphrey. After enthusiastic remarks by the can J i dates the convention adjourned. ' 1 e Vetle Manilas Halrb On Wednesday. Dm. 2nd, 1885, a match hunt took place by the young nimrods in the vicinity of Knox Butte, with the follow. ing results, by the following named persons. vis : Captain, Homer Miller, 990 point ; Klam Miller, 1950; 0 M Knot, 90S ; Edwin 001,909 ; Sith Knox, 350 ; Tobe Cox, 990 fHoaewall Cox, 295. Total, 9590. Captain, Smith Cox, 303 ; J 8 Froman, Anthooy Propai, 990 ; Everett Knox, 210 ; W R Conn, 450 ; L B Knox, 90S : Sam Conn, 370 ; Frank Smith, 210. Total. 2925. Capt. Miller's side joo ring 955 the meat number 01 point. Alter the ooootinc over, 1! present partook of a regular oyster supper prepared by the "celebrated" cook, Jss E Knox, which was relished by the tired and hungry hunters. Jay birds, yellow ham d chip masks seamed to Beth most mors and chip mucks Plenty, numbering 169 iy birds. 69 yellow 1 . m - r - - . aarnmera, iw cnipmuaKs, ao 0 fox sqotr 109 rata, 5 ooons and 6 grouse, the last bmng not so easily killed t this time of the J. W. P Secretary. ' e CaawpoaiMViLXK, Or. School closed In this district on Wednes day, Dec. and, under pleasant circum stance, several visitors were present ,includ log the Directors. The following are the names of those wh were examined In all branches, and stood 00 per cent in the final examination : Wm. Scott, 08 ; for Glass, 08 ; Belle Chance, 08 ; Jennie Glass, 98 ; Hermon Robe, 98 ; If attic Quince, 98 ; Columbus Klic, ; Cieorgc Rice. 95 ; Mark Soil. 94 ; I odd AOrams, 95 ; Clara rugn, 94 Anna Shackalfbrd, 93 ; Lincoln Gay, 9a Faan J. Yates teacher. A a Ex pre M. , STSteas Tsar 11 wm . . . 1 rrtu rsrgo m. cos dx press and tn United State Express have arranged for issuing s postal money order system of their own. It will be something like tbo P. 0. system, except that a receipt will be given, so that if the orders are lost the sender aaa have his money refunded. Following will be the rates : For 91 to 95 5 cent. Over 95 to 98 9 cent. Over 10 to 920 10 eeofar. Over 920 to 930 12 cents. Over 990 t 940 19 cent. Over $40 to $50 20 oasts. On Saturday the office in this city began business, the first dsy writing a very flatter' tng number of orders. The system promises to be s popular one. Ret Year Eltker. M. C. Callowav. livina naar Tanaent. has liyed to see seven generations of peo : pie, and yet be Is probably not above 00 year of age himself. This seem strange, but here Is the statement of the iaet in detail. He haa seen his great grand fath or, his grand father, his father, sister and brolhors.sister' daughter, sister's daught er's soa, and the daughter of the sister's daughter's son. It will be seen that the ascendents are in a direct line and the de scendants are in the collateral relation. No Wonder, No wonder our people have labored so hard to secure the O. P. R. R. On last Tuesday wc noticed 7 tons of freight on the dock here waiting shipment by boat to Cor- vallis, thence by rail to Yaquina Bay and ;on to San Francisco by steamship. This freight came from Ashland upon which the j freight is $20 per ton to this place. It will be $4.50 per ton from here to San Francisco. Death of Charles Barnes. On last Wednesday evening Mr. Charles Barnes, an old and wealthy citizen of Al bany died at his home in this city, of con sumption, after a long illness. He leaves a wife and daughter. Mr. Karnes was about forty-seven years of age. Ike V. r, Subscription. The subscription to the O. P. extension through Albany is now nearly completed. It may now be said to be almost an assured fact that the road will be placed through Albany, as the rest of the required amount 2.100, will be raised before the end of the week. Books are among tne best of Christmas present. Foshay k Mason have a magnif icent stocx lor the holidays. 95,001 vo-rh clothi ia at cost at Mob teitaftSwteobach'fi, 99N9) MATCH HUNT. Last Wednesday the Alls nny Rod and , y W Gun Club held their second mutch hunt, the two teams which hunted on Thanksgiving day again contesting for the supremacy The following complete score will speak for Itself: -low's TRAM. Burr Sloan duck, 17 teal, 13 snipe, 4 yellow hammers, 7 jay birds. . . . 480 W. B. Scott 5 aulpe, 1 yellow hammer 1 klldee 85 W. W. Taylor 14 snipe, 1 mallard. . . 330 W. M. lone - 17 snlne. snheasunt, 16 jay birds, 8 yellow hummers, I fox 535 1). 1). Hat-klctnan -1 mallard. 1 snipe. t jay, 1 chicken hawk 85 Wm. Hendrlcson t goose, 3 mallard, II duck, t teal, 17 snipe, 3 klldee, 5 yellow hammers, 1 skunk 735 Otto Clclan 1 mallard, 3 duck, 4 teal, i Miipe, 3 yellow hammers, 1 king holier... 140 Frank Dannals 1 mallard. duck, 17 snipe. J vcllow hummers. 3 iav birds 1 bullet hawk 365 G)0. Will-co o Fred Wolvcrton5 duck, 3 teal,4 snipe, a a . e is . 3 Kiidcc,3 yellow iiummcrs,! quuu... j.S" S G Dorris c mallard, duck, 1 teal, 1 sulpc 300 H Lampman - 1 duck, 6 teal, 3 klldee, 3 yellow hammers, . my birds .... 110 D Lampman 5 mallard.3 snipe, t teal.. 155 O A Archibald 5 mallard, 1 duck, 10 teal, J phcaant,5o snipe, l jay bird. , 1010 Merrill Phili ps 3 mallard, 1 duck, teal, l snipe, 1 pttcaaant, 3 yellow hammers, 1 quail, 3 jay birds, 1 muskrat 175 4555 Summary 1 gooe,33 mallard,34 duck, 45 teal, 155 snlpe,9 kildce,3t yellow hammers, 6 pheasant, 40 Jay birds, a quails, t fox, 1 chicken hawk, t skunk, t king fisher, 1 bullet hawk, 1 muskrat 353 caicif art's team. , G. W. Burkhart 3 mallard, a duck. 13 snipe, 1 pheasant, 1 yellow hammer. 375 Nick Sprenger 1 mallard, 1 teal.3 duck, 17 snipe, 3 klldee, 6 yellow, ham mers, 3 jay Walter East and Hale Backentof goose, 4 mallard, 4 duck, a leal, 1 klldee, 5 yellow hammer, 6 Jay. . J J Dubrulllc and C W WattsAi duck, a teal, 13 snipe, 3 yellow hammers, s Jr 345 370 250 Fred Hvdc -5 mallard, 6 teal, 1 nipe,3 yellow hammers, 4 jvt 335 E. W. Langdon -i mallard, a duck, 6 teal, 1 grouse, 3 pheasant '75 W B Daniels 3 mallard, a duck, j teal. 38 snipe, a klldee, 3 yellow ham mers, t bullet hawk 585 Cha. Mueller 4 duck, 1 teal, a vellow hammers, 3 pheasant, 7 lava 155 Tom. Monteith -1 mallard. 1 duck, a teal, 6 klldee, 4 yellow hammers, t pheasant, 34 snipe, 1 Jay 490 Hurry Noel 1 goose,t mallard,t duck, 4 teal, 4 aiidce, o yellow hatnmers. 4 lvs 305 Wm. Miller 1 goose, 3 mallard.i grouse 105 A. Blackburn 1 duck, a teal, t kins fisher, 4 jays 65 J. K. Davis 1 mallard, a duck, 6 teal, 3 snipe, 3 Jays- , 10 Wm. Garrett-3 duck, 3 teak 3 vcllow hammers, 7 jays, 1 bullet hawk, 1 muskrat 1 50 Ja. Murry a duck, 1 pheasant 50 355 Summary -3 gccc.t9 mallard, J9 duck, y. teal. 98 snipe, 18 klldee, 36 vcl low hammers, 7 pheasant, 44 jays, a grouse, a bullet hawk, 1 kinu fisher, 1 muskrat 303 1'otal Summary 4 geese, 4a mallards 60 duck, 81 teak 353 snipe, a? kit dee, 67 vellow hammers, 1 3 pheas ant, 84 jays, a quail, 1 f. t chicken hawk. 1 sunk. 3 king fisher. t bul let hawk, 3 muskrat, a grouse... 655 The game supper will be given at the Ex change Hotel on Saturday evening Acswel Kateilaianseai. Fol lowing 1 the program for a school entertainment to be given this (Friday) evening, at Tangent, O. C. McFarland- teacher : Instrumental music bv the Hotch Potch String Band. Song, the "Cuckoo. The old "Oaken Bucket" with parody. "Our Motto." Little speeches by little folk. Song, "Ten little school boys." Musk. "The Dolls Fate." "I Wish." The ' Tangent Press." "Rock of Ages." "Occasional drinking." A lecture on patent medicine. "Lord Ullins Daughter." "The Tangent Post" Musk. "National Representatives." "Ram Rod." Song, "Fifty Years Ago." Little speeches bv little folks. The "Doll and the Doctor." Musk. "School Blunders." "The Phrenologist." Our Verse." "Turn About" 'The Sabbath." Song, "The Child of the King." 'A Stitch in Time Save Nine." "The Blind Man." "Imagination." Musk. "lack's Nap." &ng, "The Farmer's Glee." Aekeel Be pert. The following pupils of District Ko. 37, Shedd's, Or., have not been absent or tardy during the month ending Dec. 4th : GRAMMAR GRADR. Rachel Lewis, Grace McCormlck, Lena McCormick, Dora Powell. J. M. Robb, teacher. PRIMARY DRPARTMENT. Allie Davis, Blanche Davis, Rex Davis, Frank Duncan, Fannie Edwards, Hiram Farwcll, Prince Morgan, Dora Porter, Nellie Savage, Ethel Savage, Lida Sprcng er, Lena Sprenger. Laura Farrow, teacher. The Blooded Slock. The car load of stock brought from the East by Mr John Millard last week, which was mentioned in the Bbmocrat, waa shipped from Missouri, the freight alone on which was 9515. It consisted of one fine Cleaveland Bay Stallion, seven years old, weigning about l&uo pounds, twenty lour bead or cattle-two or which were Hereford bona, the remainder Durham, or short horns, ten being bulls and the rest cows. Theae will be valuable additions to the blooded stock of Linn county. Christmas deeds at Nell wain's. You want to set your holiday soods. the same as everything else, at bottom prices, don't you. Well, then, call on A. B. Mo- Ilwain. He has a yaried line of goods suitable for holiday present, and you should not boy without seeing them. They consist of toilet sets, beautiful frames, handbags, silk and other handkerchiefs, elegant brushes, hand-looking-glasses, hoods, fans, and fancy goods generally. Remember and call at A. B. McIlwajk's. Chairs ! Chair J 1 Chair S 1 X I have the best assortment of chairs in the city. Big chairs and little chairs, ladies foldine chairs, ratan and reed chairs. Also whatnots and a good assortment of lounges Call early and get something nice. Thomas Brink, 9 AJW AKttOAB, F M Frsnjh, jeweler, Patronize those who advertise. Tomtoi by the case at 11. k lis. The bsst ham is at J J Du braille For flue opera glass call at French's. The best millinery at Miss M E Foster'. Try th Chisftain oigsr st 5s. ft. k B. Nat ur' own rsrao ly.Oregoa Kidney Ts. Hubfoription to Dstf'JoaAT, $i .50 par year, Hand your book and i b work to S O flee. ris. Oregon Kidney Tei. For !e ty all dras gist. Now strained honey at ft k B's, lJd nsr pound. " J. P. Wallace, Physician and Huraeon. Al. bany, Or. lilihitt mcUl at this ofilo for a bit pound. Pircmru election occur on next MomUv. n . vo. ISWJ, We still take the lead in prio, as a sell 1 or oasn. K 1). Jos Cheoowith has been appelated P. M, at Oakland, Or, For a nioe piece of ilvrwr dutnn call at F. M. French's. Ths finest line of window ooraios mould ug st Woodin'. New Orleans mol , the pare article, at Hood k lirownell's. 93,000 worth of clothing at oot at Mon tetth 4 Keiteobsch's. Arbuokt roasted coifj ait poandt for I at A Li Mellwsio. $".U n worth of olothiu at ot at Man toitn a HeitenBseh'. Splendid line of ladiea (all and winter ur ment at Monteith k Hsitaabaeh's. The Sweet Home brtdae haa hrm. com- pletsd and accepted by the oeonty. The cheapeet plan to aet vour urintina don is at the Job office of 8 Q Pdrria, Do you propose to hold vonr wUat ? Does'at sa Increase in prio look dout tful. hsainino Woodin' Ki tension Uble. Thy er -well io and ee them for vouraelf. The place to buy hard war is at A 11 Mc. Ilwain , a he t selling it at reJaoed rat. Bead k Brownell will artod vonr coffa for you and sell Arbeokle as tow th lowest. F M French, agent Hinrer Manufact iirinn Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Albany. Or. French, the jewekr, propo to ducount everybody in tu price of Chriatraa Draeauta this year. Dr. M. II. Kilis, uhvaieian and auraeon Albany, Oregon, dolls made ia city or country. Those rolled oats at lUod k BrowneU's are ju.t delicious and will ok ia a very few minute. Von can get some splendid aloes wore and crockery at Conrad Meyer's for cbrwtmo AU person having cider apples for sat b dispose of thvtn st ths O. ft. k S. worf. Albany, Or. Oo to Hoffman k Jose oh' for fin assort ed Oaadie, home mads. Their is alway pur ana ircan. .a a ... a ' - Ob of the hBmorou item of the dav is that Jams Blame, of Main, will move to the t iciiio Uoast, Firemen's election nest Monday. Trie poll nll be at No. l a 1111, and only lire- Th last Mrremru gire a bag aoroaot of it version of the Albany murder case. It is juite sensational. t Bead Brownell are sol agent for th Chief tain 5c cigar. Smoke one sod yon will BB bo other. C W lximler 4 Co.. of Portland, or duly uu)Ofisa advertising agent for the i'XMo out for that otty. Go to I'mabaw's new citor for par orug, patent mwiunna, ta r ration caret any compounded, 1 1 . 11 yon are Koia- m n ,n 1 jjo via the Oregon Short Uuv. I . M to boot. See ad in onothef column. Mitchell hrat wife, it it artd. waahe for a living in a Pennsylvania town. Pel haps miw 1 a campaign story. splendid variety of present for children at Kuabay A Maaou'a, auub oe ht.jcks iu nat ural history, juvenile book, elu. Zoo sou tobacco ts 19 oa uIh.m an I 11 t 19 and 14 oaainototkf br l that r bbM or 00 pound, at A B Mcllwaiu. Parti Already abscriber to the Dtsjo CSAT. who with to send th paper to nnd or friend con do so for 92. Lost Monday at Kagsae. II M I.v elected I ntef hagtnee of th Eageue Fire vepartmeat sad Hoary Day Ami toot When yoo have any book or job printing lone, remoaner that S U Ujitu doe work in the latest atyle sad at the lowest prices Foshay A Mason bar an uncommonly large variety ot nee goods for tbe holidays. 80 their albums, photograph and autograph. Money to Loan. M 8 Edgtngtoa, at tbe otic cf Deyo k 1 to been, Albany, will loon y for a term of years oa improved farm my. Most of the cbnrehe in Albany wilt hold Christmas trees. Th indications sre that prrsents will be giyen unite liberally this year. II member that Conrad Meyer keeps a Urge nd well elected- stock of groceries suitable for th holiday Everything fresh id Bare The Match Hunt supper will bo given at ths Revere Hons on Saturday evening. A fine time is anticipated, several new features being arranged. O. W. Maston, Physician and Surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Orsdnste of ths Cincinnati College of Physicians and Surgeons, Cincin nati, Ohio. Several children lately have been injured by cultis cars. While there is an ordinance providing for a tax on dog only about thirty in the whole city are taxed. Keep in year mind No. I's masque ball, to b given 00 Christmas night. Richard Broth ers wm tnrnisn tn music, uait on uune. Monteith and Co., for costumes. An early call on Monteith k Seitenbach for what clothing yon want for yourself or the boys, will secure to jou the choice of a fine line exactly at cost. Shaving soap, hair oil, pomade, bar mm, hair tonic, oosmetic, comb, shaving brushes and hair brushes, just received, a large sup ply from Philadelphia, at Loots Vtereok's Barber Shop. At the election in Harrisburg on Monday Dan'l McClain was elected Mayor. Levi Douglas, Recorder, Z T Scott, Marshal, R A llampy. Treasurer. The streets were full of prophets on'eleotion day, until tho polls closed, when the only reliable prophet ia the shape of some figures stepped m and settled the matter. L E Bloin has a large and fin lino o winter oyercoats for men and boys, which yon can get at bottom prices. You cannot afford to shiver with overooats so cheap. A horse disease that seems to be contag ions, prevails, several deaths being reportea. Among other a horse belonging to D. Fro man, of this city, died lost week, Ths school at Tangent, under Mr O C Mc- Farland, will give a literary entertainment this (Friday) night. A general invitation ia extended to all the people of that neighbor hood. Subscribers to the Democrat who woald have the old year go out with a clear eon science should make us a substantial call. It is tbe time of the year when the wherewith all is needed. A glass ball match is to take place near Albany on January 2nd, between five of Al bany's sportmen and five (rom Hulbert Dis trict, it will be for "blood," 9199 being the statu, of which a forfeit has been put up. Dr Kellogg' s Worm Tea is entirely free from all mercurial properties, can be given to the weakest constitution without danger, is palatable And easily Administered to children, is mild in operation, and never fail to efftsot a onre. Price 25 cents. Sold by all dru ggists. The rate on freight from Corvallis to San Francisco ha been reduced from $4.50 to 93 . 50, This is business. Tan cents in stamps will get on of Ken dall's horse books, worth ten tbe amount. Send to this office for one. Knox Brothers last Friday banded us a thres pound "spud of th Amity Pearl i ttos'x, which is a fas ipaoiman of a gotftto, F. Lt Ksnton'a news agtnoy is quit a con veaisoo so persons sending lor papers an magariDj. iney nays oniy to leave trie pffss of the piper witU Mr. Knton and thn ordir is forwsrdod at oris wit'i nt espouse to tlie subscriber. Tbe Sabbath schor l convention under the charge of Mr and Mrs E U Wheeler, held during aeyeral days at the Baptist Church, excited considerable interest, there being good attendance at rcoat of tho sessions. The exercises closed Monday night. 'fVhti the band serenaded Julius Orad wohl last Monday eyening oyer his triumph, ant election as Councilman from tbe 2nd ward, ho invitrd them ib.wi, to HoffWii and Jooeph when a targe number of hi frirn l, iroth Republicans and DRM rat feaatrd 00 peanut, eands and other good thiogs. In the election at Indenetidanca doy, A J Goodman was sleeted Mayor. John iMinannan, Marsha:, U W Heir, Reorder, all Democrats : II R Patterson, f'otsr VamV and R Shelley, Republican, -wor !ctd Aldermen. W H Vanderbilt died from parslyi of the brain at New York but Tuesday, leaving behind him an immense fortune. The Great itcaper outs down the rich and th poor, vaii.twbilt was 94 years ol aue tho 9th of last May. Th first quarterly masting for Albany M K Church for this oonferenos yssr will be held st the M E Cbnroh Deo. 11th, 12th and 13th. Services Friday 7 p. m., Saturday 11 a m. sad 7. p. m. , Sunday 1 1 a. m. and 7 p b. Tims for holding quarterly conference will be announced Friday evening, Rev I D Driver, P. E presiding. A Chantsuauan Circle wilt U thia (Kridav) araala a an h (i 1 her are about fifteen in this city Uking ths course, and no doubt all will be present t Join in th organisation. Tone up the avstem bv tha uu r.f Alt'. Sarasparilla. It will make you feel like a new iwraoo. Thousand hava f.,u,.fl h..ltl. nd relief from suffering by the as of this great blood purifier, when all other means failed. Forty years' iperino. in verv clime. ho proved Ayer Cherry Pectoral to b the most relieble remedy for cold, coogb, sod uog nutcase. Uld hou!d not be neelecte.i. he Pectoral will urovani their Lvti 1 deep-Mated io th system. Hie State Airrkmltural Hoard elected T J A person. I'resider.t. M Willtm. Vie President, J T Gregg. Secretary ami A Bush, Treasurer. K A Irvine, of this county was appointed Chief Marshal. The fair next year will be held on Sept. 20tb. The total vote coat iu the Sen oitv W - tion Monday wm only 575. If the inuno and convict could yote that city would be able to make lU vote consistent with ita ra- puted population. Though it claim 5,(sw it IS safe to place iU bona fi.U population at no mucn over 4, WO. There is every reason to believe that there or vein of coal in Linn count of great value. In fact we ore informed that nar Brownsville vein has been reached LaUlv I.', fMt thick by 195 feet wide. Years sgotbe same report wm mode. It is a matter worthy of investigation by monied men. W bare bad peculiar ad vert iain a lions, hat boo which eouai oa e received a few day ago from Florida. For publishing a display advertisement one week W AT promiaed deed to s lot in the new and growing town of Sweet Wster, in that StAte. we pass again. Th Keadr lienor law. n-til'r.tarrlin(r n enacting clause wm erase 1, went into onset Nov, 25th. Though tbe taw m orig molly passed haa beeu considered of no ef fect we notice that the people of Lk coon ly bay been observing it riaht alone, bv publishing the petition for th license 10 the . .1 . . . . . w mw J seaiy peper IMKXsl. AHB raWMMAL. Mi ALc Hay, of Hrribarg. ba btssj visiting 10 tb city thiswask. Mr. BarnarJ, a wll known cutlery waa in th city Ha tor lay. Mis Mry Cheaill will jen 1 the winter in 1 oruaoci. . . - Tlie Mi Cirnmun Council a to hoi J an adjoartied rnHiag last evening. I Sender i on hit wav to Han Fraueinco 1 rom rnneviu, with a band of bar. Mr F M Jack, of llrownvill. was in Al Uuiy Monday, while here favorinit us with a eau. wtMVtat ranter, wha ftai ossa visiting in M11 . city has returned to hr home on the Mr Jonn Altboaae returned 00 lost Mon day evening from a viait of three mouth in the East. Mia Mijuia Whitney, euter of Mr. Whit ney of th 11 trail, returned to her home at hugeae on Friday of laat week. District Attorney Geo E Chamberlain and Hon It is Straban, of thia city, arc at lUUae 10 attendance at the Circuit Court, this week. Mr W 8 Peter returned from Portland but Tueaiay, where be had been called on account of the seriou iilne nf in father whom we are glad to know, ia recovering. a max aBrr TSjWN. Among tho many subscribers to the O. P. fund wan Jim Weslinll. a Celes tial whom few Albany people care to see go. He put his name down for 125. He was followed by a $50 subscription. After seeing this he haul "Me do have any saddler beat me,' and erasing bis 25 the figures $50 appeared in bold ami ragged relief. Jim is probably ttio whitest mongul the Maa A bout Town has met in the Valley. WhtO in trouble he is always a good Melioan Christian too, a fact to be considered. O A few days ago the Man About Town noticed an item In a Portland paper boasting about how a certain man con trived to got some free advertising. This paper will not ba o itdone. Re cently an Albany merchant g t mad because the Dkmockat would not ad vertise his salt free because U came over the Oregon Pacific and, on account of tha low freight, could be sold cheap er than the regular price. If this office wore to advertise all O, P. goods for nothing it would soon become bank nipt, for In a shert time our stores will be luli of merchandise brought over, this new and popular route. O The endeavor to Improve the stock of cattle and horses in Lion county is one deserving of the best encouragement of aur farmers, There is more money in stock than ia wheat, a fact many are beginning to appreciate in a business manner, O The Mao About Town observes with much satisfaction tho fact that most of tho children of school age, of Albany, are In attendance in the public school sod College, Pareuts can not bo too careful in seeing that their children at tend regularly and with a determined object to learn in view. Letter Silat. Following ia the list of letter remaining in th Pont Office, Albany, Linn county, Orojrou, Doe. 10th, 18M. Persons ealHnf for theae lottera mutt glv tha date on which they were advertUed : Barker, Jehu Barker, Churlea Coo, Mias Mattie Ford, Abraham Harorater, Mrs Lettu Low, W N lUdiion, Win Shater, Lite Barker, J D Cant well. Jama Evans, Taylor Hamlin, (3 O Logan, Mrs M D Plake, W Kusraoll, C O Ward, Mrs Bunk, Jhn Cyras, Misa Minnie Harrtgan, J W Johnson, PR 3 Mooney, air Haain, Jonn Wallaee.DL 2 Berry, L A . Crane, Mr Qllkny, A Harorater, ara Juiu Merrill, Pref Rein, Julia Stenhens. Mr XCUIUTB, w IV J. M IEVING, P. M. Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney trou ble. MAKttlEI. CLINE MEDIN On Dec. 7th, 1S85, at the residence of the bride s parents in Al bany, by Rev. T. G. Brownson, C. W. CliVte, a conductor on the west side R.R. and Miss Hannah Medin, of Albany. BRYANT On Monday, Dec. 7th, 1885, to the wife of Hub ijryant -a girl. HOLIDAY GOODS. My stock of Holidav crooda h.n largo and complete. It comprises nearly eveiy thina for ladies and children s wonr t.oni anrl fancy. Novelties in neck wear for ladies' and cnuaren Times in sets, Novelties in linen and silk handkerchiefs for ladies. children. Fancv hand-bacrs towels. Also fine aliDDera broidered for gents, ladies in glass ware, fancy cups enma piate3, mugg, parlor SAMUEL E. YOUNG . Holiday J. GRADWOHL'S. The lagest and bsst variety to be TOYS OF ALL IMAGINABLE KINDS, FROM D0LL8 TO TRICYCLES, FOB CHILDBE1T A MAGNIFICENT LINE CROCKERY WARE, SILVER WARE, NOTIONS, ETC FOE OLDEB FEOPLI. (ot .11 ckhJ will b. ih? rtut. K''jrythiojj ehl'tpir thta bf mar oth.r iottm in tb vnilvr. De not buy a single Christmas present without calling on DO NOT FAIL TO SEE Our xpicndll BOOKS, ALBUMS, 000R ANO TOILET CASES, FINE PLUSH AND GILT GOODS, And other CHRISTMAS a nit fct the uuoy, SUITABLE FOR YOUNG AND OLD Which wo aro prepare ! to furai.h at prices lower than tbe lowest. Eeroembar ths place. LAMS-BOX k 0., Odd Fellow's Temple. H. Ewart's Holiday Goods. !At!KM AKD tiKXTs WATCH 0, UOLU AKD rULVKb RlXtiS, UHACaXETS, ntctr v- 1 1 . liKOOCMEa, l Ull.iS ... I'UxtH, SPECTACLES, H. Ewart I. a L KleelUKt. Ilescae iiook k Ladtier Co., of this city, on Friday night of last week, elected tbe following officers for tbe year, beginning January Int. 1S86 : J J Charlton President T J O vermin Iteoording Secretary. H P Men ill Financial Secretary. K L Thompson Foreman. Geo Fuh First Asaistant Foreman. K A Fisher Sec jad Assistant Foreman. W R Blain Tillermon. O H Irvine was nominated unaminni ly for Chief Engineer. i e m Ladle, .Mtmllea. Mr, Viorick has concluded to place his aronajttio ahampoo In the hands or all panics wishing to do their own shampoo ing. He will sail it iu quantities from 25o, upwards. Li, I Kt.lC K , Tousoril Artist, Toilet sts. plush boxes, baudkerchiei boxes, clove lioxes, etc, for Christmas pres ent? at Foshay & Mason's, SS Days, Djsiriui to close out our entire lion of clothing aud overcoaU within sixty days w invite people desiring goods in these Uu-js to call early and make selections. All goods in theae Hues strictly at cost. MosTKirn k Seitenbach. Kew Cloaks. N. H. Allan A Ci have just received frjm New York 0113 of the nuest liae or Pall and Wiuter cloaks ever brought ta Albany, all of the vory latest stylos, which will 03 soui munn cueapor ina ayer before offered in this market. Re member the place at N. H, Allkx A Co f, Albany Opera House THURSDAY EVENING, DEC. 10. MINSTRELS Tn a program of Eefined Modern Minstrels. Koto the namss, Kellei k Kelley, Billy Dugan, Eugene Ho'- den, Roy Wiles, Riohsrd Ryley, Geo, , Mack, E B Piper, G W Morris, Wm Galliher, Wm Baxter, and a full BRASS BAN'), Popular rriee :s aud :m ceats Sale of seats at E W Langdon . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWBBBBBBBBBBr FaMvSt and Dortmonaief. ffmcv in kid and velvet Am. and Misses. Nnvaltf and saucers, decorated lamps, etc.. Goods, found In Linn County, embracing OF FANCY GLASS AND J. GRADW0HL. stock of THIMBLRj, SLEXrr ItCTTON.H, ji CHARMS, 8TCDS, (OU PENS, KTU A LVRCE AM) ELEUAXf STOCK. Albany, Or- Isnporiasit te AU. We want to retire from the clothing business and are offering our entire stock ol clothing and overcoats exactly at cott. We have a line line of desirable goods for men and boys, and will save to every purchaser from three to six dollars. Call and see for yourself. Montettu k Seitenbach, Thanks, I tender my sincere thanks to the ltdics of Albany far their literal patronage while canvassing the city. R. S. Owen. When Baby was sick, we gave tar C ASTORIA, When she was a Child, She cried for CASTOKLo, Whoa she became Mias, aho elnn to CASTOKIA, Albany Opera House, One night only, MONDAY, DEO. nth, 1885, The great New Yoik, San Francis ;o Portland success. and MAY BLOSSOM, MAY BLOSSOM, MAY BLOSSOM, Presented by the Low is' Morrison Com pany with all its scenery and mechanical effects. Secure your seats at E. W.Liugdon A Go's Firemen's Election. Notice is hereby given that the annual election in and for the Albany Fire De partment will be held on Monday the 14th day of December, 1885, lor tbe purpose of electing a Chief Engineer and Assistant -Engineer of the Albany Fire Department, to serve for the term of one year, from the flrst Monday of January, 1886, The poUinst place will be at the Engine House of Albany Engine Co. No- 1. The polls will be opened at one 'clock, p. ni and closed at six o'clok, p. m of the day above mentioned. TT , . Judges of election I. Conn, U. C. Hale and Edward Thompson. Albany, Nov, 2Hh, 188V W, R. Blain, Edwarb Thompson, President Secretary. The Portland Business Colle ge, Portland, Ore gon, offers superior private and class instruction to the young and middle-aged ot both sexes ho d 1 e lb aesi re to obtain a practical aaucauou in tne suorv. est time consistent with thorough work, and at the least expense. Day and evening sessions through' out the year. Students admitted any time. CsSa lot,-ucoutipiHcnUen, A. P, Aakstsoxs, Principal