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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1885)
FRIDAY DECEMBER 11, 188ft DIHOCIATIC VKTOEI Oq last Mondsy the Deatoerata of thii city gained a decisive viotory over the Republicans in the city election Toey elected Mayor, Marahal, Treat urer an 1 C viuctlmen from the firet and eeoond warda. The Republioane elect- ai Reoorder by one majority and Ooun oilman in the third ward by three ma jority. About ten or a doaan Demo erata were out of the eity and did not - 1. aI. Ua iiMvantnil an OSer oio, wuivu whelming and clnan aweep. There ia deeper significance in this reault than .1? a i k wouki pi.c u w p This aignificance ia not to be found " the fact that Republican eoratcbed their those who watched the oanvaaa of the vote aa it progressed were impressed with the fact that Dem- oorata scratched nearly or about aa muoh aa did Republicans, but this sig- nificance is to be found in the laot that I quite a number of Republioana who have never voted Democratic ticket be- fore,on laat Monday voted the atraight Democratic ticket, and declare! thai- purpose to do eo hereafter, not only in citv but other elections. It waa this vote tn fact whioh defeated the Rapublioana and placed the city actually in dubt, where Rapublioana heretofore have had from 30 to 40 majority, raaainair The President's message ia a preaensive document including all prin cipal subjects bearing upon the slate) ot the Union. It has been a long time since the country haa had such a full, earnest and frank statement of the con dition of the country. The President sets out by stating that our relations with foreign powers are friendly. Calls attention to the fact that the Auatrian government refuaed to receive the newly appointed American minister on account of hia religion, and deniee its right to do ao. He ia opposed to our construc tion of the Nicarauguan ctnal. Insists that the Chinese moat be protected here under oit treaty relations with Chinese and hints at further teatriction meas ures. Recommends more stringent nat uralization laws, a reduction of tariff du ties, a suspension of the silver coinage act of 1878. The message deala in words of emphatic condemnation of the crime of polygamy and favors its apssdy extinction. The document is an able atate paper and abould be read by all. W HO CO SWTS r Eds. Democrat : Piesss atate the law as to persons attending school can the right to vote in this city. rhethar acquire A dif- ferenoe of opinion exists. J. B. The law is found in the constitution of the State, Section 4, Art. 2, which reads as follows : "For the purposs of person shall be deemed to haye gained or lost a residence by reason of hia presence or absence, while employed in the service of the United States, or of thia State ; nor while engaged in the navigation of the waters of this State,ur of the United Stales, or of the high seaa ; nor while a student of any seminary of learning ; nor while kept at any almshouse, or other asylum, at public exponas; nor while confined in any pnblio prison." It waa both a lack of good judgment and sf good policy to appoint sit three of the police commissioners of Portland, as the Governor has done, from among Republicans. One Democrat might have been put on the beard to represent the 2000 Democratic tax-payera of that city. Pooplo may look out for some curious things to transpire at the elec tions to be held in the near future in that city. Irs Davenport, lace Republican can didate for Governor of New York,spent $60,000 in the late election, and waa defeated after all. Gov. Hill,tbe Dem ocratic candidate, was out aboot $1,000 or $1,500. J. W.Wadsworth, Repub lics n candidate for State Treasurer, s;.-nt $40,000, only to meet dsfeat, but h i it a millionsire and will not miss it. The complete official returns of the lata election in New York give the fol lowing Democratic majorities: Hill, for Governor, 11,691 ; Jones, for Lieu tenant Go vernor,3, 162 ; Cook,Secretary of .State, 14,947 ; Fitzgerald, for Treas urer, 11,367: O'Brien, for Attorney General, 13,750; Sweet, for State Eo giuf-er, 12,251. Ujngress opened laat Monday. John oi-rrotto was elected President of the Senate and Ctrl isle was e'ected Speaker of the House. Both houses, after or ganizition, adjourned oot of respect to the memory of Vice-President Hen drick". A. Noltner,formerly of the Standard, will commence the publication of the TFee World, at Portlsnd,on the 24th inst. The World will be Democratic and we with it abundant success io all honorable efforts to advance the cause of democracy. J l-n W. Daniel, the most brilliant orator ef the South, and an abie law writer,hss been nominated by the Dem ocratic legislative caucus of Virginia for Senator in place of littlebilly ma-bone. How inexpreasibly sad it is to think ft that Congress will be in session for the next eight months. CORRBSPONDBHOS OaUville. Farmer a are improving the good daya by plowing and towing grain. D. 0. Carrie, who has been traveling and yiaiting in some five different States, reports ttmea better and mouey more plenty here than any plaoe he was in, alao apuke of a gentleman hauling cent ten milea and selling tt at 15 centa per buahe). Saturday night Robort Sin Unaccom panied by a party of young to. Its, on their way to autenu singing scnoor, nan .ft A .AAA. 1 " J S M he misfortune to drive upon a slump, thereby upsetting the wagon, but for- tunata v for the ocounanta they ware thrown into a mud hole, which eaaed w . a w thrown into a mud note, wnion eaaeu their fall and, aavea me cbron- . iT - - - . . I - - ICltug a oiurw niivui iniiwui. ""7 ttB"r,ue " Iwt week by it reartog for ward in the ., d ttrikinff ,t, nMd witheuoh forCe egeiott a beam aa to kiU it Mrfc CoUey, who ia afflloted with a severe catarrh on her hand, ia muoh better, Prof. J. B. Gibson bid us farewell. He goea to apend the winter in Perm sylvania with his parenta Miaa Lou Couey haa left Oafcville nd ahad hr pUoe oUboiym tor the winter. We are sorry to lose her. Miss Mattie Smith is visiting friends in Corvallis. Mies Kmma Walton, of Oak Crselr.ta visiting fi lends in this victntty. Albert Waggeoer, of Haleey, was in Oakville during the week. 8. W. Boyles has gone from thia vi- cinity to make hia fortune and home tn Sprague, W. T. alias Jjou Stockton ma ires quite a s ea. a. S prepoesaeeing eppearanoe on ner prsn; 1 - - I I and spirited white pony. X A. McCullousb and familr, of Halaer. were the ffueeta of R. A. I Um ford a portion of last week. A. Y. Smith has returned to his home on Lobeter. It depends on the L. I. society wheth er we shall have an enjoyable CbnsV mas or not. If our U. S. mail carrier and hia arans do not atoo killing our cats and claiming glory for coon scalps, there will be mob law instituted to hi their cast. loo. lobunon. Mr. A. Cowan left Monday morning a .a fa - e . e - s e as 1 a I oy tee onort L,tne to viatt niaom era home near ot. ixioia, alo. w"' sjsv Tien id iwemucay. mra. m. ii uarmon a moioer ana , , . r rw t . i fti sisters ere vie.ting with her from Port- SOU. W. H. Reed hee returned from Spokane Fella, where he reports every- thing booming Mr. C- B. Mootaguo ia a great desl better, and tbey think the danger is now past. Mrs. J- Davidson returned to Yen- eouver Saturday morning. Mra. J. L. Cowan ia yisiting iu Port land thia week. Mr. Andrews little boy, that waa ao eeverely burned by falling in the fire,ia getting along nicely. The iadiea of the let Presbyterian a .a rm a e . osDoeth scnooi are going to nave a Christmas ladder Christmas eve., for lbs little ones. Mr. 0. McDanald returned from Ne aa.s vft asjkw awr ftseeea s iutuws e s vaess iiw w Imrmmw baJ im him wmt ,r j , , . , . - i rxa orougm ai.w ,oe a. rar aa iaer . . wun irienas. Mr. C. M. Tslbott has on a fine lot of toys for the holidays. Mr. and Mra. J. McDonald returned laat Thursday, after wandering in Cali- fornia, Eaatern Oregon and W. T., contented to atay io old Linn awhile longer. A. WaifH by the Wny Creawell U a beautiful little village in Tans mnnt f)rnn .ii,...j line of the 0. &, C R. R.. with a dodo j --1 wu lation of 250. One good thing they have no aaloon in the place. Traveling on the wagon road for about ten miles through a stretch of floe farming country, shewing prosper ity in the way of good improvements, we reach Goaben at the foot of a hill. Store and P. O. at thia place. Contin uing on we find numerous bop yards, three-fourths of which stand unbtrvest- ft. V Ml.. eel. JNext comes Hpringneld, a pretty little town, witb a population of 300. There ia a fine lumber millet this place, also two stores and a blacksmith shoe. ... .... ' besides other mechanical shops. Next cornea Eugene City, with population of 1750. University of Oregon situated at this plsoa. Faculty, John W. Johnson, A. M, President: Mark Bailey, Ph. D. ; Tbomaa Condon, si. D. : George H. Collier.L. L. D John Straub, A. M. ; Mary Spiller, P. K, D. ; Benjamin J. Hawthorne, A. M. ; A. C. Woodcock, B. 8. : B. B. Beak man, A, B. Eugene is improving rspidly. One good tbing, it bee six churches, and one bad thing, it haa six saloons. Taking our leave of Eugene City we pass through the Forks of the Willam etle, which is one of the finest farming countries in the State. On reaching Coburg, the present terminus of the Narrow Gauge R. R we find it a very beautifully located little village, with some fine building going up. It also baa one of the beat lumber mills in the State, which ia turning out a fine lot sf lumber. More Anon. Rock Hill. Big dance at skating hall in Sodaville on Christmas eve. All are invited. Tickets including supper, f 1. Mr. Hiram Whitney has returned to his old borne in Missouri. Mrs. Maliaaa Klum has been quite sick, but is getting bette-. Mr. Eastman will build him a dwel ling soon. Fll wleat looks nice. Some farm ers are pasturing it to prevent too heavy and rapid a growth. Cool, foggy and muddy. We will either keep up witb times and prices or go out of basiness. Bead ft Brqwxxll. Ilrownnvllle Sheriff Charlton, in company with Mr. Jeaae Ribiin, paid our burg an official visit on Monday, and relieved our oitiaena of aotne of their surplus "flllhw Inore ' O. P. Coahow, jr., went to Portland Friday on buaineaa, and hai not yet re turned. Rev. C. Speirv, Henry Blakely, W. C Cooley, John Will son and Mrs. Willaon all returned from Pendleton on laat Thuraday, where they hvl been in attendance wituesses in the oaae of the State ve J. It. Willaon, charged ltK hftrMJ,,,., Mr. Willaon waa Lco.littad ol th. .henrea snd returned home with the othera. . , h . th Ssm Willson. who haa been in the J-,. . , T4-k- t. a! Rl"r oountrJ. in dh? laat two yeara working in the mines last twe veara wortinff ,od pro-,ti,g returned home on laat Thursday. ' Rev. I. D. Driver held quarterly meeting at the Methodist Churoh here oo Saturday and Sunday last. N. B. 8tandiah leaves for the old illabes in Pennaylvania on Monday uext, where he goee to asaiat in settling up the estate of hia father, who died recently in that State. Mr. Abratns, of Indiana, father of O. P. Abrams, of Craw fords villa, waa in town Tuesday. He leaves for bis home in the East on next Monday. The many friends of A. J. Warren will be glad to learn that be is slowly hot suralr imoioeincr in health. His daunhter. Mra. Illaley.of Ksstern Wash ingrte, wha haa been with him for some weeks, returned to her home on Friday. Mrs. Florence Snyder started for San Joes, Cel., on Friday, where she goes for her health. sw , . 'm w. w. stsvenaon went aa tar aa rortiana wun ft is sister, urs. aoyder, ik & e s e . a a e . a and teturned home ou Monday. PlfAP. Tangent. We acknowledge a friendly visit from Brick Dost, and we find his con versation as interesting as his letters to the Democrat. We hope to bear from him often, aa "Little Sunflower" takes a great interest in reading hia letters. Kimiods in every diiectioa We don't know whet stimulated the hunters of Tangent on laat Wednesday morning, as they were all out bright and early. Of course they were not hired by the Albany boys. Mrs. A. A. Smith, ot nalem, waa visiting friends in Tenaent laat week. r-. U, kj..,,!,. .r fh chriatias I Church, will preach to the people Tanaenl twice a month Mp nb.nm fr S.!.mui.. Tangent Tuesday evening inquittog for I .,a Htn whii Lit hia knma v.rv terioualr one dar laat seek. The laat we aaw of him be waa going South. Hog killing seems to be in order thia we-k. Z. Beard baa bought a lot of Mrs. E. W. LoFraoci", and is improving it The school of this place will close this Friday evening with an enter tain ment. Will reopen the let Monday in January. The teacher wuhirg an aa preeaion from his scholars to ass boa many wanted him to ooa.inue aa teach ar ot toe school, furnished each one with a piece of paper, end all tboaa in favor of bia teaching abould make crats and tboaa that were not to make a s s s a a m a straignt mark, eaen alip ol paper waa returned with a cress,sbowtng that la m k s s s a were al! in fsvor of retaining bt I aa teacher. We think it a good recant mnamllon 0-t of a bool of aiaty, and not one scholar dtaaattsned. Miaa Ida Smith Lea been quite siok for several days. Alao .Mrs. R. E. More. Tangent ia to have a Christmaa tree at the cburcb Cbriatmsa eve Little Scnvlowrb frawraral We have all the negatives taken by A B. Pax ton and any one can have dupli P from thelr nective byaddreaalng ua,at ita following prices: card aue, ff'i par dozen, cabinet size, 8 par docen, bou- doura, 6 per dosen. We keep the finest line of Oregon views In the west. Cata logue furnished on application. Copying and enlarging old pictures a specialty. CfcAwroHD Bros. Iftlfelaa, Having just reeeived a new stock of clothing for men aad boys I am now pre pared to give good style and better good for the money than ever before. Men's suite ranging in price from $4.50 op. A, B. McIlwaist. Tfata Week. A new lot of ladies winter garmen Is re celved by Monteith A Seitenbaoh owing to the fact that we now have an over stock we will sell for two weeks at 10 per cent red notion from our uaual row prices. We do just what wo advertise. Give us a call fSaoss aad Sheas. A B Mo II wain haa the largest stock of boots and shoes in Albany, and is making prices to suit the times. Ladies' kid button shoes at $1.75 and $2. Lad'ea' pebble goat, button, 1.50 and $1.7.-.. a Saelt. Oa account of the low price of wheat flour will be sold at the Magnolia Mills at $1. 10 a sack, or $4.40 a barrel, and will be delivered free to all parts of the city. Dried Frail Wasted. A B Mollwain paya the highest price for dried fruit and all kinds of produce. aatlsMed wilts the State . Shedd, Or., Oct 2, 1885. Io behalf of J J and E B Kendall for whom I am guardian I acknowledge the receipt of full and satisfactory payment of their lots by fire, from the State Ins. Co. of Salem, Ore- gon. 1 gladly recommend the company to the farmers of Oregon, and to any one within their reach. Mas. F. B. Prater. Guardian, $5,000 worth of clethtna at cost at Mon. eith & Seitenbaoh 's. aektes's Arnica Salve. The beat salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Cnapped Hands, Chilblains, a ft ft i.-.. M .m ' . uorns ana an esxin eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It ieguaranteed to give periect satisfaction. or .money refunded. Price 25 cents Der box. For Bale by Foshay A Mason, $5,000 worth of clothing at cost at Mon- teith k Seitenboch's. Ask your druggist for a package of Oregon Kidney Tea. Straa.. raUcraeh r, A 1 baa y. If eateries . A, U, Moll wain keeps a large stock of staple groceries and sells them cheap for ossn or tironnoe. afuuokio roasted oor- ree aix one pound pa pern for ft. 00, ' ' - a ' A n pin la or titanic Dler over? Cant Coleman, srhr. Wevmouth. nlvliur between Atlantic City and N. Y., had been troubled with a cough so that he was unable tn sleep, and was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery (or Consumption. It not only gave him instant relief, but allayed the extreme soreness In'hl breast. I (is children were similarly affected and a inulc done had the same happy effect. Dr. King'! New Discovery Is now the standard remedy In the Coleman hounehold and on board the schooner. Free trial bottle of thin Standard Remedy at Foshay & Mason's Drug Store Heartily remeaeasTtke aula las. to. At. as any Oa. Oat 2, 1885. It gives me pleasure to bear testitneny to the promptness, fairness, and full and satis fsctory settlement of my loss by the Htate Ins. Co of Salem, Oregon. They hayinir paid ma the (uil amount of my claim within a week after my sworn statameut waa tiled with them. I therefore heartily recommend tne o mpuy to the farmers of Oregon. Wam.acb Hussar. ajrrss wf llgi. Manufactured only by the California Fig MyrunCa, Ban Franc isoo, Cel., ia Natures Own True Laxative, Thia pleasant liquid fruit remedy may he had of r oehay ft Mason K W Lana-don and to., at fifty centa or one dallar per rtt. It la the most pleaaai prombt and effect! rs remedy known, to cleanse the system j to act on the Liver. Kidneya aad Bowels gently yet thoroughly) to dispel Headaches, OOftda and Fevers ; to curs Constipation, Indigestion and kindred llr Woia rar Sslr. Wood delivered ia any part of the eity limits at the following prices per Cord I Oood llr wood from I . ban on $2.50 Oak wood (grub) 2.60 Small Mr wood 2. CO YV, Hrraa. Oct las, 1885. kid tilevea ay M Aliea . I'm. Laroe new stock jut received from New York and one of the beat In the market. Call and examine the new line, 4 button at 75 cents a pair ; they are a olendid glove for the money. . Steer t llt aaislsitsa r The undersigned will pay the highest cah price for beef cattle and mutton sheop. Have good scales on whioh to weigh. I. 0. Mituta, Miller's, Oregon New Goods. L E.BLADT Ilea the Largcat and Beet stock of Clothing In the Central Willamette Valley. His stock of BOOTS and SHOES, either for elze or qnality, fa In Linn county, Bought sold aheap. not equalled for oaab and Hia Department la oomplote with the latest and best styles. Ills Furnishing Goods, are the very beet, embracing the latest styles. Hia MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT under the charge of W. H. Hlbblr, an ax pert tailor, haa no superior in Oregon, Splendid line of domestic and imported suitings always In stock. , A M MUNITION, A full sunnly of the usual sizes of t ridges, bras and paper shells, prim wads and bar lead. Also the best of p i der. Pbtjcrs A Ntkwart. D ON'T FORGET IT. if you try to build uow while wheat is only worth 54 cents you should by all means go to Peters k Stewart's, at Albany for your hardware. You can get what you want at their store and at reasonable fig ures, JJLACKSMITH'S OUTFITS, Anvils, visesjbel lows, hammers, sledges, stocks and dies and almost every tool used by blacksmiths we keep constantly on hand, Also a fnll stock of iron.ef all sizes, horse shoes and horse shoe nails, Special prices made on small outfits for formers use, PKTK RS fe STB W ART. S AWS, AXES, ETC, . We will sell you the famous Dlsston Hampton cross-cut saw at a low fisrura. -. .i . . . . ' iiu can give you goos prices on axes. sledges and wedges. trwnam fc stowart. Js S 3mr sjtaa cm 1L - jgBslsa59'5rsBBW "'Jfcaftjjea NOI I am now receiving my Fall stock of LADIES', MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, ass MEN ANDBOVS BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 bava selected tber a floods witb oara and witb a vie v to tbeir adaptability to thia climate. I have bought thrm direct from the n an ifaclu er's, at d am autboriaed to warrant every pair I make a specialty of (his lina of gooda, and no doubt csrry tba largest atotk in tba oity. As to prico tbere is no houaa in Oregon that has any advant age of ma in buying, as 1 buy strictly for cash, and oan give aa good value for the money aa any other house. I keep no trash. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING ' AGENT, Of all kimlsof merchandise. AH order from the country filled on hort notlee for every class or kind or goods from flret-class stock. Absolutely no charges or commission will be charged for filling orders. OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentice', Portland, Or. MUSIC. THOROUGH BASS AND HAEMONY, FLUTE, CORSET, GUITAR, PIAHO. H. M. Beckenate. formerly principal musician of the 4th U. 8. Infantry lland, baa permanently located in Albany and will give instructions In instrumental music and thorough bass. TERMS REASONABLE. Those wlshine? to engage ths services of eTugh musician and Instructor will d well to place themselves under bia Instruction. Heaequartsra at Prushaw's Drug Store, First Street, Albany, Oregon. Scott's New Gun Store, HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSMEN. -O- THE LEADING GUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITIONjCARTRIDCES, SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT ING MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At the most reasonable prices, always tn stock. Repairing done on short notice. Willamette valley nlmrods should never buy without calling on W. B. SCOTT, JgrOpposite Revere House, All any, Or. Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR OF' STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and First Sts, , DEALER IN ( anseil Fratts, Canned Meats), Cllaaaware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Nngar, Coffee, Etc,, Qaeeasware, Vegetables, Clgara, Spices, Tea, Etc., In fact everything that ia kept in a gon oral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Corner Third and E Streets, PORTLAND, - - OREGON. Three Blocks from all Railroad Depots, Our facilities are such that we defy competition. This is the largest aud most respectably kept Hotel In the North west, Board and Lodging $LQ0 per Day, MEALS, U CENTS. LODGING, li AND SO CENTS. FREE BUSS TO AND FROM THE HOTEL No Chinese Employed. I, LEWISTON, - - PROPRIETOR, (Late of Minnesota House.) ED, CORBY AGENT. $5,000 worth or clothing at cost at Mon teith & Seitenbaoh 's. v-"a3ft,ft Sheriffs Sala th, eat ( " ( oil nt y. nf the State of Orrgon for Lin Eunice BanU, Plaintiff. vs. T. 8. Mills, Dafendant. NOTICE ia hereby given that by virtue of an execution and an order of sals isuod out of the above named Court, in the above entitled actlri,snd to me direct ed and delivered, I will on Monday the 1 1th day of January, IKK), atone o'clock, . m at tne uourt House uoor in Albany, inn county, Oregon, at nirbllo auction for oasli in band to the highest bidder, sell the real property described In said esseu uon ami order or sale, as follows, to-wit Commencing at at point 8 chains and HI links south and 19 chains and 75 links east from the northeast corner of Section 6, in Township 14 south, Kanso 2 weat, of tne Willamette meridian, in i.tnn county, Oregon, and running thence north 14 65- KM) chains ; thence east 3 H7-100 chains thence south 18 26-100 chains : thenoe west 8 &0-I0O chains : thence south 1 40-100 chains ; thence west 37 links, to the place of beginning, containing 6 15-PK) acres, in i.inn county, Oregon, The proceeds or sale to be applied : First to the payment of the costs of suit taxed at f 29.30 and the accruing costs upon this sale, Second to the payment of I'lainiiiTs claim, to wit. 240and interest from Oct. 27th, 1895, at ten per cent tier annum, and B30 Attor uey'srees. 'jiurd the remainder ir any to Da paid to the Defendant, T. 8. Mills. Paled this Dec, 5th, 1885. J, K. On antvrow, 8herlff of Linn county, Oregon, per J as. J. CttAsuvrotr, Deputy. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Stair of Oregon J or 1. 1 a a bounty. A. Saltmarsn, PlalaiiiT. a, C, 0. Ilo'.mstrom, Ojlendant, XTOTK'K la hereby given that by virtue or an execution ana an order or sale leeued out of the above named Court In the above entitled action.and to me direct il and delivered, I will on Saturday the w.n day of January. 1886, at one o'clock r, m . at the Court House door In Albany Mun county, Oregon, at public auction for oaab in hand to tn mgneat nrooer, sen the real property dimcrlbed In said ezecu lion aud order of Nile, aa follow, to-wit Too north half of the Moulhwet quarter and the sooth half ot tba northwest nuar ter of Heotion aevnnteen, and the aoutbeast j uartr of tbo nartheaat quarter and the nonneaM quarter or r,neeomneai qnanar of Heotion eighteen, all lying and being in Township 12 south, Range 1 weat, In Linn county, Oregon, and containing 240 acre, more or lewa. The proceeds of est to be applied : First to the fiaymant of coata aud diaburaemouta of thia eult, tax ed at f '47.20, and 1 135 Attorney's fee, and the caeta ot and upon thia writ, fsaond to the payment of PlaintitTs claim, to wit, $1451.16 and Interest thereon at ten per oent per annum from Oct, 'Jtna, IBM. Third the remainder if any to be paid on mand to the Defendant herein, C, O. llolrnatrom, Dated thia Dec, 4th, 18S5. J. K . CaLaaj.TOM, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, per Jaa, J. CataacTOM, Deputy. Sheriff's Sale. In tAr Circuit Court of the State of Ongon for the County of Limn : WUliaa Cosper, Plaiotiff. vs. Ueo W Crouaot, Sophia Crotaaat his wife aod William Crotaaat end J H Bridges, Do fwidaate . NOTICK is hereby iveo that by virtue ef aa execution aod an order of aaleiaaoad out of th above named Court in the above en titled action and te me directed and deliver ed, I will on Saturday the 2nd day of Jan uary, lh86 at oo o'clock p. in., of said day at the Court House doer iu Albany, Una county. Oregon, sell at public auction far cash tn band to th highest bidder the real property described in said executioo aad or der of aale as fellows, to-wit : The northwest quarter of Section 25 aod th oortheaat quarter of Section 36 all situated in Town ship 9, South, Range one east of the Willam ette meridian in Lion county, Oregon, and containing 320 acres together with all the ap purtenances thereunto belonging. Tne Lro- oeeda of aale to be applied : First to the pay ment of eoetsaad disbursements of suit aod the cost of this sale. Second to the pay meat or tne ciaim auu lien oi piaini.n neroto, to wit, the earn of $9(160. 5Q with interest there on at the rate of 10 per oeot per annum from Hat 27th day of October, 1885, aad for the further earn of t2IQ a Attornsv'a fees. Third to the payment of the claim of defend ant. Urn Crorsaot. to-wit the sum of $1074. 17. Fourth, the remainder if any to be paid to the defendants, Gjo W Urutaaot aod So phia Crorsaot. Dated this Dec. 1st, 1885. J. K. CsuRL-roa, Sheriff of Linn couoty, Oregon, per J AS. J. CHAftLTOK, Deputy. CORVALLIS, YAQUINA SAN FRANCISCO, -VIA.- Oregon Pacific Railroad, STEAMSHIP LIME. Trains on aad after Dec. 15th. f cav Corvlll 1 uesday, Thursday, Saturday 9 A. M . bears Yaqulua Monday, Wsdnesdar. FrMiy, 8 A M. utam Between Corvsltia and San Francisco First -jlass and Cabiu passage $14 Fi rat-class and Steerage passage $7 Grain per ton 2000 lbs $4.50 Thus saving to the farmer aod merchant of the valley thousands of dollars. Willamette Iliyer steamboats will hereafter connect with trains at Corvallis. This new line in prep: ml to transport all the freight aud parscngers uffering. WALL! 3 NASH, Vice President. CHAS. G. HOCUE, A. Q. P. & F. Agent CORVALLIS, OREGON, JTOPEAND CHAIN'. Of all sizes, as well as baiter chain s.oow chains, dog chains, rope halters, etc., for sale by Peters tfe Stewart. gTUDEBAKER WAGON. This is the only wagon having a slope shouldered spoke and the steel truss on each axle, and Is the best wagon on wheels. For sale by Poten A Stewart. oo o o o o o o oo Oregon Kidney Tea! -Nature'o awn remedy - l K K KK K K K K Will speedily relieve and permanently cure all ths various difficult it arising frem a disordered condition of the LIVER AND KIDNEYS. TTTTTT T T T T It Is perfectly harmless and ean b fjien to the most delicate woman or child. For sale by all druggists, ant 11, Uelteba t M odard. Wholesale Agents. IPORTL-AJKriD, OREGON. -p AINTS AND OILS, Of all descriptions sold by Peters k Stew art, Sheriff's Sale. Ae Circuit Court of tfie Stale ofOrrym for jjtnn vounly, The American Scotland, Llmlte McrtKne , i'lairitiff, vs, Company of T J, Hill, Laura C. Hill, and tbo Dundee mortgage and Trust InveHtment Company, Limited, Defendant. IkJOTIOK Is hereby given thst by virtue of an execution and an order n' ale hued cut of the above namnd Court In the above entitled aitiou, and to me dl- rwctea and deli veiflfi, i will on sraturdvy the Wh day of January, 1680, a, one o'clock, p, m., at the Court Houfte floor In Albany, Linn countv. Orenon. at nubile auction for caeh in hand to the hlKhest bidder, ael I, first: That portion or the teal property doner! bed In ald execution and order of sale, aa follows, to-wit : The whi nau or trie SPninaasf quarter, ar.rl the east half of the aouthwevt quarter of flee- iien wnnty-turee, in Townablp thirteen south, Range three weet.ef the Willsuistte meridian, eontelnlnu one hundred and nixty ocrea, together with all and singular the appsrtenance thereunto belonging or in any wise appurtalulut;, and all Nltuated in Linn county, Oregon, The proceed arising from thf ale to be applied, first : To the payment of the oust and diaburee menta of thia suit and al! rooming cimU and diabursement hereafter. Heoond to the natbifaction and payment of PlalntllTM judgment, uwit: nine hundred and eighty-aavan and 61-100 dollars, aod the interest thereon at ten per cent per annum from Oct. 27th, !, and the Attorney fee of $180. Third, the surplus If any to be paid Into Court for Defendants Thomas J. Hill and Laura C. Hill. In case the ale above mentioned tails to pay each, every and all of Plaintiff's claims above set out, i will at the time, place, In the manner and In accordance with the terms above et out, seli secondly 1 The east half of the southeast quarter of Hection twenty three, Township thirteen eouth, lUngn three wast of the Willamette meridian, oontaluiug eighty acre 'in Linn county, Oregon. The proceeds of this sale to be applied : First to the pavmnt of Sheriffs fees for selling the last described tract of land. Second to the satisfaction and pay ment of the prior lien and claim tboreon of the said Defendant, the Dundee Mortg age and Trust Investment Company, Um lied. But only to be ao applied on such lion If it shall be found upon the eale of certain other lands that the procee Is of such other sale be not sufficient to satisfy the cost, disbursement, future cost and disbursements, priocipil. interest aal At torney' fee upon the said anon other aale, and in case there lie more than eufftclent to satisfy claim of the Defendant the Dun- dee Mortgage aud Trust Investment Com pany the remainder after sat Israel ion of last said Defendant's claim Vt be ar plied the same mm the funds arising from the aale first above advertised. Dated this 4th day of Dec. 186. J. tC. CMAKXTO.f, Sheriff of Linn county. Oreg n. per Jam. J.CfiAiirvro , Deputy, Sheriff's Bale. in tne CirtnU Court of tie State of Oregon for Lm u Lountv. Lizxle N Thompson, Plaint! it. vs. Tbomaa J. ivJ wards, Geo. U, Aiiinhatn, R, B. Koapp and II. W. w a-lace and U P. Thompson and Walter F. Burrell, Admin istrators or tne psmiersnrp estate or Koapp, Burrell A Co., Defendant. TOTICE la hereby given that by virtue 1 ol an execution and an order of aale ieeued out of the above named Court, in the above entitled action.and Usjme t irect ed and delivered, I will on Mouday the llth day of January. 186. at one o'clock, Ci in,, at the Court House door in Ai any, .tun county, Oregon, at public an ;tior, for oaab la nand, to the highest bidder, sell the real property described In said execution and order ef sale, aa follow, to wit: Commencing at the northeast cor ner of l be donation land claim 08,0. Thompson and wife, running tbenoa west 67 chains to the center of the old territorial road ; thence north west, along the canter of said road, 20.60 chain ; tnenoe east 09.20 chain, to the place of beginning, containing lueM acres, more or lean, in Section , Township It aoutu. Range ft west of the Willamette meridian Alao commencing at the southwest coraor of the north sea quarter of Section 6, Town ship 16 soutb, range 3 weat, running thence east 106 rods ; thence north 40 rods ; thence weat 160 rods ; tbenoe tooth im rods to the place of tie ginning, contain ing 40 acre, except ell tuat part or' the above parcel of laud lying weat ol the old Territorial Kosd, constating of about two acres, heretofore conveyed to Clarios Cochran. Alao the follow-ng parcel of land, commencing at tbe northwest cor ner of the donation Itmd claim ef John Ingram and wife, running thence wutn S3 rods and 6 feet ; thence east 1341.15 rods; thence north S3 rode aod fj feet ; thence west 186.15 rods to the place of beginning, containing 26 60 100 acre, more or lets, ia Township 16 south, range 4 west, ef the Willamette meridian, in Linn county, Oregon, The proses ds of aale to be ap plied : First to the payment of the cost and disbursement of suit taxed at td2 45, and the coata of sale, Heoond to tbe pay -meut of PlaluUfT claim, to wit: 64037 87 and interest at ten per cent per annum from Oct. S6th, 1665- Third to the pay ment of tbe claim of II, B. Kna p and 11. W. Wallace and D. P. Thompson and Walter F. Barrel I, Administrators of the partnership estate of Kuapp, Burrell A Co., to-wit : 50. Fourth tbe residue if eny te be paid to the Defendant, Ue . H, Ailing haul or bis legal representatives, Dated this 3:h day or Dec. 185. J. K, CaARi.Tos, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, per Jaa. J, Chabxto.i, Deputy, Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for Linn County. T, P. Hackleman, Plaintiff, a. Robert E. Harmon and Nancy M. Har mon, Defendant, 2TOTICE Is hereby given that by v.rtne I of an execution and an order of sale ued out ef the above named Court in tbe above entitled action and to me direct ed, I will on Saturday the 0th day of Jan uary, 1686, at one o'clock, p. tn., at the Court House door In Albany, Ltnn coun ty, Oregon, at miotic auction for cash in h aad to the highest bidder, sell the real property described in said execution and order of sale as follows, to-wit: Be?in ning at tbe northeast corner of block llfty three aa the same is known, designated and described ou the maps, plats and sur vey of Hack Ionian's second addition to the city of Albany, Oregon, uow on tile In tbe office of the County Cierk of Linn county, Oregon, bolng situated in said ad dition ; running thence west parallel with Seventh street In ssld addition one hun dred and thirty-two feet ; thence south parallel witb Hill street in said addrjon one hundred and ten feet ; thence east parallel with Seventh street in said addi tion one hundred and thirty-two feet ; thence north parallel with said Hill street one hundred aud ten feet, to the place of beginning. The proceeds of sale to be ap plied to the payment of the costs of null, to-wit, $50,26 and the costs ef salo. To the payment of $25 as Attorney's fees. To the payment or PlaintitTs claim. to-wit, $188,25, and interest at ten per oent per ant uu? from Oct. 27th, 1885. The remainder if anv to be paid to the Defendant's herein, Dated this Deo. 4th, 1885. J. K, Charlton, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, per Jab, J, Charlton, Deputy, HE BhHTStioT IM TOWN Can bo found at our store. The shot usually sold in Albauy drops 75 faet, while the St. Louis shot sold by us drops 200 feet, inakim? it eoual to chilled shot. Sportsmen should not forget this. 1 KTBR1 & ST SWART. QUTLEKY OP ALL KINDS, We keep the best stook of cutlery in the valley, Pocket knives and razor a specialty. Don't buy anything in tbus line wituout calling on us first. Pbtkhs A Stkwauv, rpHE BEST THING OUT, Is the Acme Harrow and no farmer can well afford to be without it. It is the very best olod crusher and pulverizer, leaving the ground as level a a barn floor. Sold c nly by Peters & Stewart. hsriffg Sale. tn ifte. Circuit Court of the Stab of Oregon, for Linn county, 7, Y Moody, Governor, R P Karhart, Secre tary of Btate and Edward Hirsch, Treasurer of the Htate of Oregon, constituting the Board of Commissioners for the sale of school land and the management of the common school fund, Plaintiff-). VS. Francis M Lay ton, M Lay ton his wife,. Jan es D Lsyton aod Rose Layton, his wife, J H Wright and Flora Wright his wife, Milton Male and Susannah Hale, his wife, and , Amanda Cooley, Defcodaott. NOTICE is hereby given that oy virtue of an execution and an order of sale issued out of th above named Court in the above en titled action aod to me directed and deliver, ed. I will o Saturday the 2nd day January, 18o(i, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. tn., at the Court House door in Albany, Lion county, Oregon, sell at public auction for cash in band to th highest bidder the resl property described in said executioo as follows, to wit : Beginning at a point ten chains and eleven links west and six chaios north of th southeast corner of Section nine in Township eleven Sooth, Range four west, of the fFtf lamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, running thence east fourteen ebaios and seventy seven links ; tbpce south nineteen chains and ninety link ; thence west four' teen chaios and seventy-seven links ; thence north nineteen chains and ninety Unks to the placeof beginning, containing 29 and 33-100 acres. Also the IoIIowiok : All mat pan or portion of the hereinafter described tract or parcel of land lying aod being east of a cer tain sloogh or branch of another slough known as the Ltttle Willamette, which said first mentioned slough runs io a northerly direc tion through said tract of land aod which said tract of land is described as follows, to- wit : lieginning at a point ten chains and eleven link west and six chains north of the southeast corner of Section nine in Township eleven South, Range four west fPiltamette meridian and running thence south twenty- four chains and ninety links ; thence west fifteen chains and twenty- three links ; thence north to the eastern bank of the Willamette River thence along said east book of stream foilowrog the meandering thereof to the place of beginning, said tract of land con taining twenty -two acres and 20-100 aod the psrt or portion thereof lying east of said lough, containing aix acre morn or leas, all of said premise lying and being situated in Linn county, Oregon. The pweseds of sale to be applied i First to the payment of the cuts of suit and the costs of aod upon this writ. Second to the payment of PlaintitTs claim of $346.20 with accroiug interest at 10 per cent per annum from the date of the decree and the further sum of $40 as Attor. ney fees. Third the overplus if any to be paid to F M Layton, James D Layton aad J 11 Wright their heirs or aaeigfls. Dated this Dec. 1st, 1885. J. K . CHaaLTOS, Sheriff ef Lino ceonty. Oregon, per J x. J. CuxBXTOK, Deputy. Sheriff's Sale. Iu Ou Circuit Court of the Male of Ortyon for Linn County. Z F Moody, Governor, R P Karhart, Secre tary of State and Ed Hirsch, Treasurer of tbe State of Oregon, constituting the Board of Commissioners for tbe sale of school lands aad tbe management of the common school fund, Plumt tU. v. J L Kendall and Martha J Kendall his wife, T J Black, Joseph Pearl, W J Stewart as Administrator of tbe estate of T L Porter, deceased and D B Moo teith, John H Mullen and Case A Carran, partners doing bo fix ass under the brat name of D B Monteith k Co., Defendant. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an executioo and an order of sale issued out of tbe above named Court in tbe above entitled cause aad to ae directed sod ddtv ered, 1 will on Saturday the 2nd day of Jan uary, I860, at one o'clock, p. nr., at tbe Court House door in Albany, Lien county, Oregon, U at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder the real property described io said cxt-cution a foil..vr. to. wit . The west of tbe southwest of Sec tion 19, Township 13, South Range 3 west of tbe Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 80 acre. The proceeds of ale to be applied : Fire to tbe payment of the cost and disbursements of sort taxed at $31 . 15 and the coata of and upon said writ. Second to the payment of Plaintiffs claim, to-wit : $681.83 with accruing interest at tea per cent per annum from Oct. 22th, 1884, and $70 Attorney's fee. Third to tbe pay. ment of the claim of the Defendant W J Stewart, as Administrator of the estate of T L Porter, deceased, to-wit : $387.46 and interest thereon at tbe rate of ooe per cent per month from Oct. 29th, 1865, aod $9$ Attorney' fee. Thereafter if the said claim of if J Stewart as Administrator of the estate ef T L Porter, deceased, be not tatia hed, I will sell at the time, place and in the manner and in accordance with the terms above set forth, the following described land, to-wit : 16 acre of land off of the southeast corner of Samuel Anderson' donation land claim snd lying parallel and east of the County road and adjoining the 60 sores at laud hereinbefore described. The proceed ot Sie to be applied in payment of any Hal anoe remaining unpa'd on the claim of IF J Stewart as Administrator of the estate of T L Porter, deceased, after the exhaustion of tbe funds arising from the aale first above advertised. Dated this Dec. 2nd, 1885. J. K. Charlton, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. per Jas. J. Charlton, Deputy. Skeriff's Sal, in ike Ckenit Oouri of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Linn : The DunoSe Mortgage and Trust Investment Com- psnjr, rituntiff, vs. A P Gaines and Mary K Gaines sad Z Job, Defendants, NeUoe Is hereby givea thst by virtus erf s writ of ex ecution a Ml order of mis issued out of the seov named Court in the above entitled suit te me direct ed and delivered, I will on Saturday ths 13th day or December, 1SS&. st the Court Uouse door in the City ot Albany, Linn county, Oregon, ml tbe hour of 1 o'clock, a. sr., sell at public auction for cash in hand tsths highest bidder the real property described ia said order of sale aa follows, to-wit : Beginning at th southeast corner ef the southwest quarter of Section thirty-flve in Township ten, south, range two watt of the Willamette meridian aud running thence west to the center of Crabtree Creek ; thence down said Creek northerly and following ths meanderine there of to the north boundary tins of ths doaaUoo land claim of George W Howell, Claim No. SO, Notification No. 1865; thsneeeaat to the halt ration Uns -unning iHrth snd south through tbe center of mid Section thirty-five and thence south to the place of beginning, saving and excepting and reserving therefrom about twenty acres conveyed by Thomas Baldwin to Hoses Pra'.t the full amount of land conveyed by said mort gage, being S80 acres, the proceeds of sale to be an, plied: First to the payment of the costs and dUburs menta of suit taxed at $29,40 and the costs and exits, of sale, Second that there be next paid the turn of $300 as Attorneys fees, the said Plaintiff the sum Third t th payment to of $15Sd.l3 with accruing i n tercet at the rate of twelve per cent per annum from the ith day of October, 1SS5, an n u. S, eold coin and thereafter if any of ths proceeds of sals remain thst the same be paid over to the said A P Game and Mary E Gaines. Dated Nov. llth, 1835. J. K. Charlton, Sheriff of Linn county, Or. It A UN DOOR HANGINGS, re A always breaking, uuless you haf e the kind sold by Peters A Stewart, of Al bany. They are made ot wrought Iron, cannot jump tne trecK ana will last a life time. JDon't hangauother barn doo door un- tn you nave seen 'utuii. I. CASE PLOW 3. This famous plow is well known in Linn County. The chilled and steel plows sra well made from the very best material and are warranted to do as good work and scour fully as well as any other pi ow Peters A Htewart are the sole agents. W AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Peters A St iwart have neok-vokes and single-trees, ironed or un Ironed, neck yoke Irons, single-tree irons, nib irons, felhsea, spokes, ax trees, etc., sll for sale heap.