TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADVERTISING MIMW IK TEE WILLAMETTE TALLIT, Snet'lal bosiniRN nr,tna In loosl CsJ- ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITESA NUTTINti. BimiKKIHOt't'M'K-ln IcuirrHlulltlntoii KruiKlMlliin Mlreel. TKKMS Or BUUSC1UPT10H ig i copy. vr yr ,n Wm" : 8 lofl oo,., per ymr. ?? at nfU copy, sit month.. 1 H aingl oopy, thrte month nvU numlnjr PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 3. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of this State. Will give special attention to collections mid probate matter. , , . Office in Foster's new brick. 4Ptf L. H. MONTA.NYE. XTTORNEAT LAW. Notary Public Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brifors store, 1st street. vl4n28tf J K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1I.KIW. OKEtUOX. 11TILL PRACT1CR IN ALL THK COURTS OF TH VY sut Social atUnlkon given to (MM roiMtU uttt MTOffloc In OUd Fall' Tempi. H T. 0. POWRLL. "LLTBU POWELL & BILYEU, vTTOHNKYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, 4LR4NT. . OBKGOM. Collect ions promptly made on all point. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jirOfflce in Foster's Briok.-aaV vHnlOtf. VOL. XXI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1885. NO ao. SKIN TORTURES AHD BLOOD HUMORS II Hi Mil. I ATI Mi Eruption, luhlnir ml Hunting Nklu Torlutva, Loath. tm S.u. . hikI ( rv iiv lea of lU'hlng, s.-uly. limply, Inttorltwl. ScrfuIoti ml t'otttatftotta ln.aoaaa ( the lilootl, Skin atul ScaJp with l.oaa of Hair, front, infancy to old , pul tlvaljr citrao by Otmt. th rreat Skin Our, ami O tki ma So at, an axqulalte Skin llcauilflcr, ikier nally . nml I'itktka Kkmlnkt, tho now Wo! I'mi Bar, Internally. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor it Lav AND Notary Publice ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of c hi State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDQN & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT 3DKTTC3- STORE, tyl iLBiXY, OBECO. FOSHAY & MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, A rents for John B. Alden's publications, which we sell at publish r's prices with postage added. ALBANY, OREGOW. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Btc. PRESCRIPTION CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. C hare the bes. stock ol nrniture in the city and w.U ell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the eitv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A. complete stock sod csn give SATIS FACTION. Try mo. A. B. WOOP1N, Revere House, l ornei Vint sad Ellsworth Albany, Oregon. W Garre t, Prop'r. ThU new Hot' U fUUsd op in flrrt elaaa tyls. Table upplicd with the beat the market afford. 8nrtfc Dl In very Rcmi. A good Sample Room for Com mercial Traveler. MTFre Coaveb l sad from fhr nnlelVW COVERED WITH SORES. I hvrt lcn aJMrtml lnei laat Marvh with u skin illneaaf tha isttSM called Ketani. My taoo wm eotr rU with acaha ami aorea, ami th U.hliijf and hunt intf were alimwit unboarable. Hoeing your I'lTin a Ki mh ii - highly rvoinmrmlil, cottcltiilrd to irive thorn a trial, ualng the I'l TMji aA ami CtTict't Boai extarnallv, and RaaotTKMT intamally, tsr four month. I c il m rli . nr. .!. in gratitude fur which I nuke tin- nubllo atateniont. MKS. fl.AUV A KHKPKHIt K. lit. .i 1 BrK)k, Conn. C ALIFA1 E, EARS AND M'.l li. 1 waa afflicted with Kcsetna on th aoalft, faoe, eara and nrck, which the druirtflet, where I jrt your rvtne dlea, imnoune one of lb worat raaea that had come under hia notloa. lie adviaed we t try "your t'lTtcr k KbmUdio, and after fir daya' e my acalp and part of my f. o were entirely cured, ami t hope In another week to save my earn, neck, and the other part id uiy face cured, . HERMAN SLADR. 120 tth8trt, Niw York. 1TCIIIG DISEASES CURED. CtTici'SA atamta at the head ft claa. cepeclally la tbl tbecaaa with the Ct tium tki ir. Ilavo had an unuaually gtxai ante thin aummcr. owing to tha pre SlaMI of a" aravatrd form of Itch through ma liK-alitlea in the country, In which the Cvnct'SA IUmeiukh proved aatiafactorr. W. L. llAKDiau, Untilat. Unlontom-n, Ky. I Tirl'KA REMEDIES. Are aold bv all dnuciett. Price: CiTict ai. Me Rkholvknt. SI i Soar, S5c. Pom: lai u am Ciikh ii l t'.. lloatoii, Maw. Send fur "How to l ure Skin Meeoaea." TUT the complexion a;td akin by ualng Ute ri-TH i a a oAr. T HSEWING MACHINE ft i the uuh of lUrln Palna and t W A. jk. nom. For Achinc Mldea and Back. Rid bbpV2K ney Palna. Hriatlen, Cheat Palna, Weak- Co; Jf na and InlUmnvation, the ClTtct" Aam I'aix I't-Aa-raa it Infallible, 2.V. ( 14 li IN THK RACK. ' etiUh In the aide, crAmii. abootlng auu sharp ialna, rheumatic, neu raltfic. and SMS" pain, and eory ex tcrnal pain and ache aootlml and rxpell- ed with wonderful celerity liy thtt tie original, elegant and apeedy anUloie to pain and iiirUinmatian, tne ' tki a ItAKtaiv. Warranted the iwrfecUon l tlc.-anl exlcntal remedial, and vaatly auparlor u all At druBvi.t. mm. : nc for i. 1'orraa !at i ami t'liutii AL Co., Uue- ton other plaster. Mailed free. riBKO A .so IflBM ats LES. cryingftbrouch rouullcia ntivca for real and relief. Like manna to the children of larael la thai Onss a PLAirraa to tbe lire.1. overwork ed, aching mute la. 1.. not deny your arlt tbe coodort affor iet by th la new rtirinal intlantillon. At druifv'Ht. 2.xr. i ive for ft. Mailed free, IVm Iai' Axnt.'uciiicAi. Co., Boaton. First National Bank OF ALBANY, OREUOX. Prewk'rnt JOHN CONNER a :. it. r, MEKIUIX TRANSACTS A GENERAL banktng btxaineef, ACCOCNT8 KEPT aubject to chock. hHillT EXCHANGE and telrrai.!i - trnfr, a-.ld on New York, ten Eranctaco, Chicago and Portland, COLLECTIONS MADE on tavorab! tcrnw. IWgMMMi S. E. Vot-xa, Joa Cox x am, L. E Blais, L. Puss, II. P. MamaiLL. J. U COWAN. J. W.CUilCK Linn Connty Bank, ( OWAN & CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. Iran TRA NSACTS a general banking DRAW tflUHT WUkiTt SB New York, teb ctaco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved eccurity. RECEIVE depoalU anbjec: to check. COLLECTIONS entruatod to ui will rsutiro prompt ttntkn. w A all I NUT LETTER ftm our regular corrapondeut. I ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OR. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 15th, 1885. Por particular concerning tbe course, of ttudy and he price of tuition, rpl to EV. J. '. WYCliOFr, rreaiilen. Aloany Bath Mouse. 1ilK UDBRSIQNED WOULD RBSPECT ful'y iafortn the citixeni of Albany and ri liaitythst I haverskonnhargo ofthU BsUbliah moat, and, by keeping elesn room n and payin ..! tattaatioa to boaineM, expscta to suit eJ khoiowho may faror us with thoir patronage Having heretofore earrtea on noni.-n o Flrst-CUss.Hair Drssslne Saloons xpeet to gWe entire at5f riion to al as-Chldien an) Ladies' Hair pHy n haiponed J.' WK Hrntn. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offlce-or. PtfM Ttvl Ferry Strsets, A BANY - - OREGON. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY PARKF-S, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) ' Maohinists, Millwriglits, and Ircr WE HAVE OUR NEWHHOPS AT,L completed, snd are now prerwred to handls ail kinds of hsvy work. We wHl manufacture Ktoam Engines, Gt snd Saw Mill Mscblnery.anJ all kinds of Iron And Brass Castings. PATTEBNH MADE tiOORT MwTli'E. Bpeclsl attention piven to repairing ail kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture ths Improved Cherry A White Grain Sepssator Washinotom, Nov. 20! h, i885. EverythiQR In Washington ia bus tle and prcpuratlon lor Congrcw antl the social season. Senators and i ; p resentatives aro dropping into tho city,and the crowds on Pennsylvania avenue Hre larger every day. Meu talk politics, tho work of tho coming seeslou, the probable attitude of the Senate to the President, the Speaker ship, and the ioadershlp of the Re publican minority In the House.which will be decided soon in caucus. La dles tnlk dinners, reception and toilets. They are under the influence of millineri and modi.tea, in prepar. ation for tho part they are to take In society's winter carnival. The season promises to he tt brilliant one. A prosperous business season always brings a large number of vis itors to Washington. The improve meat la business this fall will be felt in that way hore. Then a long ses sion of Congress always brings a larg er crowd t ban a short one. The members of the now Admin istration will do their parts socially. The two Now York members of the Cabinot will lead ns entertainers. They both have large fortunes and are supported by wives who are fond of society. Socrotary Bayard lives in a rather modest house, and says his means will not permit his taking a larger one. He his a large family, which is still dependent upon him. The President will do socially what etiquette require of him, nothing more. Tho regular official dinners will be givenat tho White Uouse,but it Is likely he will adhere to his reso lution of accepting no invitations ex cept to Cabinet dinners. Cabinet officers havo had a custom of Uiulog each other once u week. Presidents havo been in the habit of .attending these dinners. The question wnich will eomo most promptly before Congress Is undeubt edly that of silver. The probable discussion of this question has brought out a great many books on the sub ject and me Congressmen who have come to tho city have beon hunting up literature relating to Unsocial questions. Tho distinguished ex editor of tho "World," Manton Mar ble, has sent to each t -ember of Coo gr?M during the wee, a pamphlet entit'e l "The Great Monetary Bow ers," accompanied by his card and compliments. He now advocates the suspension of the coinage of sil ver In the United States. The inter est In tbe sliver questi'mquile over shadows Just'now that of the tarKT. A few dsys ago, tho tariff and antl-tiriff champions, Representative Morrison and Ex-Speaker Randall, met b chance Jn the office of tne First Assistant Postmaster General Tha late antagonists -on tho tariff question shook hands cordially, in quired about each other's heallh.and chatted In a way that refuted ihj hi legation of teronal ill-feeling be tweeu them. Mr. Randall spent three hours with the President one evening this week, and they talked about changing the rules of tho Lower House, so as to permit, more legislation during the coming session. The President fav ors as much legislation as can po;8ibly be crowded into the session. He In dorses thy plan tOAdivide the appro prlation bills among the coramlltees. lie has said that the tariff could very woll go over until next session If necessary, aud that thero were more lmnortant matters to look after. He also favor action on tho sliver ques tion, and tt good deal of his message will be given to lhat subject. The situation in which tho Presi dent will ilnd himaelf iu refarenco to the Senate on the meeting of Con gress will be peculiar. The majority of the Senators ar opposed to him in politics. Sme Democratic Senators aro opposed to the course he has pur sued In regard to appointments. Some of these h tv declared their intention .( npp..-dog him on ihe trround that ids nominations aro not TWnnnratfc in the sense th it Ihoy tun i r ..... inn .....I In tli nrocmr !. 'i I " lli'i nun i.j li.. ii-.ii. uun ... - . ..I. .a. . r . I . . . An b.c ' . . 1.fall lt. ,l-rihl tract of land should not HhOUlU e. BI1U lUTlOtfr Hfl U luaiio wi aufflaUnt to pay aaid uns ao found to he due Plain- for(.jntr, hlmlO make more Changes ttm . t - .... .llat.iirmnmintit .and ar- I 0 iin ucrciii int iuunm ..v...... "r-. . I . !.. r 1 ... T . .i.. ..ii. .l-amrlliarl land I man 11 iricii nu'i tu imivu, o." cfnimg ;nv, ion ilia vuo iwi". i a in tha Plainflffa tnortgraife, to wit ! The aaat hail or tn(J gonate thus constituted, the PreS the aoutheaet quarter of 8;. Tp. 1 3, H tv a wew the Willamette meridian, be aold and the proceed thereof anidipd as follows : Firat to tho payment of ODSKHVE THK PBOPBIUTIKS. Nothing cootributes so much to tie make-up of the reputation of a gentle man as his due observance of tha con ventional proprieties of life in a well bred oo mm unity. These proprieties seem to be more generally violated by those who smoke and ohew than any other class. Only a few evenings since wo law a dezen or fifteen Isdies pass out of ohurob, alter evening servtee,nd they had hardly emerged from tha por tals of the house of worship, until they fouud themselves surrounded by tsn or a doxen ill-behaved young men who seemed to be all sngsged in vigorously whiaing at cigarettes that emitted a very unsavory smell. This was a vio lation of the common ptopriotles of liie for which no excuse is admltslble. These young men must know that they have no right to thus smoke and whiff at a place where those oongregato who do not engage in such babit. Tbe rule with reference to when and where the habit of chewing and smoking may be indulged is a plain one. The deotee of tha weed mav indulge bis habit when his erjoyrasot of it will not interfere with tbe pleasure and comfort of those who do not, when hotb sre at eomo public place, or where all have an equal right to be. As (or instance in a ball poom, church, school bouse, post office or other place. We have uses the THE illNKSK. Ever since the recent Chinese trouble In Washington Territory your eor respondent has noticed tne com ments of tbe different papers upon that event. Some few have gone so far as to criticise the action of Presi dent Cleveland In commanding tbe mob to disperse. We look upon It as the only honorable course opeti to the I 'resident. By no means do we favor the staying of the Chinese In our couutry. We would heartily rejoice to see the last celestial embark for his own land. We do, however, dis countenance all lawlesness that has been, or may be used, to drive the heathen from our fair land. We be lieve there la an honorable and-more expedient way of ridding ourselves of these leeches. Some time ago the management of the Narrow Gauge tinea discharged the Chinamen em ployed as seel ion hands and employ, ed white men Instead. The winter gang at this placo consisted of six Chinamen. Six white men were hired to take ahe places of the Chi namen. But after a short time It was seen that half the number of white men woutd suffice during the winter, consequently three of the men were dismissed. Tbe three white men cost the company four and a half dollars per day. The tlx Chi namen cost tbe company four dollars and eighty cents for the same period. Tbe white men do aa much or even more work than did tbe Chinamen, and do better work also. Besides those two advantages for the railroad there is still another which can best be made plain by illustration. If it Court Haute floor in more than ons was deemed necessary that some work instance coverad with disgusting, sick- hould bo done at tbe crossing, while . . m - pi - i tiici v is iusass-svas wuiu vujuiujvu, nit; eoing pools of tobacco juice. This is . " . ' ' ' all wrong and the offender, if he hsve to do how 8mnlj m mr the job no regard for himself, should be com- of work might have been. With ielled to regard the comfort and pleas- white men employed, if there Is a ureeel others. Tbe smoker has no mall Job to be done any where away fr. tut tHm I .I'n tt uhi I lira h'uk' tf legsl or other right to seat hin.,eif in a . . , post oflice,buain.s house or other place wn and the work is dono. This - w -2.: where noa-ttuokers as well as smokers we consider Is quite an advantage. have a right to be and indulge in puf- we see there are three reasons bag tbe smoke ol bin pipe, cigar or , ,1 . ,Vf ,hft r.iiroafj eom. cigarette in tho fsce of those who do panies themselves to employ white not smoke. It is a mark of iiuhresdtng laborers. First, It costs less money or a frigid indifference to tbe rights of to procure a certain amount of work .k.. Th h. .-n ou0? me j second, they get belter work - " - j VI. . ... . , , .. , i iir teas money : tniru, woraroen are gso excuse u.,-d4desmsrchingslong . . . . . t . m the streets with young i -excuse t the sight of the ovei seer. These sre dudes, with the curling smoke of the ad vantages that epp-ar when a cigar rolling up towards the sky ss a looking lo the Interest of n o railroad iiving evidence of tbe lack of good sen- Y1"" - ... ninu II raiiroau L'niiiiiiifs wuuiu OS DOIB tlUiie ani aoosss. i nt, '"! ..j nni. ih Uhmmwm .,f lKI r-min if you never learn but ons more good rv W9 would be freed from all the lesson in jour )if, let it be to observe vices of these heathens snd tho de tbe proprieties of life with reference to grading influence which mey nave , r , . . , . .. upor our society ; and we as a people toe ninasi onew.uj .uu -wum.,. WtlU!,i gnlav all the bincfl. ni rSU t - f mr which naturally arise In f h it country A TBIP TO ont ItCi. ta-hfrnln n.arvbudv fi ts nnittluVtuont. Tha ahnva arirntrinnli nrn nut the Seeing in your vslusble psjer bat f . . . . . b t urnns 15 cents per line, ltegaiar neuoaa jo cents ror line. For legal and transient ad ti S BP per square for the first k ftO cents per square for eaeh Itates for other advertiserseoU xsaew known on application. NEW DEPARTURE N H Allen & Co.. $100.00 In ooto dtetribuMtoour ou.tom.r. s0 d.y. until (rtlr .. SECOND DISTRIBUTION Jan. 1, 1886 S equal ctouoe l propo,tlo,S the fuSS ,?rCU"oner MaaBaaaWaWMaaV --vwwwvaa OUR NEW STOCK tor the Pall and Winter All our purchases are made for , -aer m price or quality. Much at BANKRUPT SALES, and we nrfmn. !,, x. store in the Willamette VaUey for Ifther 52 sell cheaper than amy cure some of the rare bargains offered and?ook ovKur6' Comeand - 5, 10 and 25 Cent Counter, where thero is not one article but what t. ... the money elsewhere for. aat you would aaveto pay double N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street, Albany, ALBANY, OREGON, Nov. 2nd, 1885, Rock Hill. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. FISH, GAME, AND POULTRY MARKET. MILTON HYDE, Proprietor. Fresh fish always on hand. Cash pa hi for chickens snd game. First Street, next door to Jos, Webljev'a, ALBANY, OREGON Brick Dust baa iited this place, also are fctg eanei y your correepond Ctasrity Orsnge. If lie bad gone n few Pnt from tht efficient boss or this sec. miles farther he would have seen soms- tloo. And whlio we consider tho , mUnttl above as strong reasooe why Iho Cbl- thing worth wmin about. Jjgj be driven from oor Hasioc buatoes m Coborg, I loaded 8horeff we do not tnlok they Juallff the N. 0. fo that place. Altsr pass- ftny itwleiinesj to bo practiced UKn ina Charity irange,the conductor asked these down trodden people. That Is me if I wss armed, I replied, I was not Persecution and that la never juatl- t . , i . t - flab e and li beneath the dignity of a lie .aid they had only two ahot-gua. J and efjIfgntened a id that tt was nccctsary ior me 10 too merely strikes at an effect and have some weapon, I asked why ; he leaves tho cause to reproduce the replied to kill geese with, thy are so same effect. The cause of theao thick that they atop the trin, the geese heathens being here la the employ. wm 7 ...... ment given them. Remove M light on tho track to eat the gram that . , Chlnaraen wiu remove drojw out of the grain cars. Very soon themselves. We think, as we havo ho mopped the train and went out in tried to show, that It la to the ad- the brush and returned wttb the jaw vantage of tbe railroad companlea to . r . ... t-i tn k. w ,Kw dismiss all Chinamen within their bone of a mule, that tried to kick the e engine off tke track, and gave it to me pUcel If th( can tccompUhed, and tnld mm tn defend mTseif. I would tha Auila nt hHvlncr f 'hlnnmon In OUT base felt like that man of old. only my midst will soon be numbered among character of the metropolis. wife made me have my head shingled the evils of the past IIUh good, except colds. Died, nesr Bock Hill, Nov. 13th, of oonaumption.Joaiah Oakley. He leaves a wife and four little children to mourn bis loss. Rock Hill school ia flourishing un der the mansgement of Prof. J. E. Eaatmeo. Toe fallowing program of exercisei wi bad Friday, Nov. 27th : Recitation Jentiie Blackburn. Declamation Harry Depew. Recitation Ada Miller. Recitation Ruth Richardson. Recitation Anna Morris. Recitation Inaa l)pw. K citation Alice Temple. Recitation Nettie Dodge. Recitation Minnie Blackburn. Doelamatton Clarence Depew. Declamation B. F. Dodge. Declamation R. B. Hayes Templs. Declamation Otho Temple. Declamation Maurice Jackson. Declsmstion Dennis Jackson. Declamstioo Lester Black bun. Declamation Horace Blackburn. Declamation Charles Blackburn. Declamation Uorgc Mills. Declamution Mtrtiu Klum. Declsmstion Willie Klum. Declamation Ftcdrick Klum. Recitation Miss Nora Kiuro. Sheriffs Sale. In iht Circuit Court of the. StaJU of Oreyo for County of Linn, The Dundee Mrcrtjfage sikI Tru.t Iiircatrocnt Com pany, Limited, Halutiff. VSj Thotnaa J Hill and Laura C Htll hia wife an tlie- Ameriuan Mortaife Company of Scotland, Defendant, aioiicd it herchv uvm that liv virtue of an fcxicetrtinti 11 &ml nr.lvr .,f k.i u iaaurd out of Die atiovi; (iunti Col. Bob Ingerio'.l hni takn Bp hia nsrmanent residence in New York t City. This ia about ell that was nec essary to complete tho c .HtnopoHtan NOTICE. haviog conclndoi to close out his businero, now offers his entire steer STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As this is a genuine closing oit, now is the tim3 for housie o replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY, FISH. 0th. 188 f. to 1.1 ( uuifcu. Red CrownMills ISOM, LAXXIXti & (0M PRtWi saw raoccss rLotrn slteeior fob AMD BAKKKS CSS. Sitatemenls of aooounta of subscriocrs with the Dkmsciat hare been placed in tbe bands of agents tbrougb the county, so that subscribers desiring to see either how they stand, or to aetlle for the same, can do so by calling on thorn. This is for the convenience of both subscribers and the Dbxscrat. Those dosiring to pay s yesr in advance and get the "American Highest Price i' armor enoi ire mmn agricui.uraii p pars in the U. 8., can do ao with our atenta. Calloniho following gentlemen at tbe places named : O PCoshow Brownsville. K Shlton s?Mo. P M MUler Lebanon Sam Mav Harrisburc F. A. WstU Shedd BEST STORAGE FACILmHt. in Cask 1st Wheat ALBANY OR. the dav before. I felt wssk. The coo- ductor sent tbe brskemm one on the rtnw-esteher with a shot cun and 40 pound of amunition,very soon the train stopped, bang went the braksman'i Tim (ronductor rushed out. also Goose. Brownsville, Or. A Valuable Medical arcatlae. Ths edition for lM sf tbe sterling Med ical Annual, known aa Hosietter'a Alma nac, ia now ready, and may be obtained, free of coat, of drugKUtsand general ooun Court in tha above entitled auit to tne directed and delivcrtd, I will on Saturday the 12th day ef Decem ber, 183.1 at the Court Ifduae door in the City of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour ot t o'clock a. m , sed at public auction for each in hand to the hitfhent l.iddtr the real property described In aaid or derofaalein the following order aa follows, to-wit : First, that tbe west one-half of tho west one-half of Sec. 24inTp. 13, S tt 3 west of the Willamette meri dian in Linn county, Oregon, be aold snd tho pro- .U a.riainir from the Bale thereof In apliliod : FirHt to the payments of the casta and disburatnenU of sal auit taxed at S30.70 and the accruing costs of and upon said writ. Socend to the parmont of the. sum of S200 aa Attorney's fees. Third to the ay ment to the Mid Plaintiff the sum of $2822.55, and t6 accruing intereat thereon at the rate of ton pr per annum from October 2th, 188S, and the aun" if any to be paid into Court for the Defendants T J case the proceeds of aenas raaaw cexeaaioN : "Our remedies are unreliable." Dr. try deller ln au parts of ths United States, Valentine Mott. Mexico, aud indeod in every civilized por- . w-t. j: . iiminf tbe Western Ilemisnhere. This vre nave mum,.e r Almanac has been Issued regularly at the Hush, FhiUtlelpbia. commoooement of every year ior over , ,11--u..i1ord one-fllth of a century, Itcombinea, with -Thousands are annuelly slaughtered . RtWl(.a fo; ihm preH. ..... li i . : .u -i-u Tiir VrmnV arvatioo aiul restoration orneaun,a large We rcscnea mm or n wuu.u u.c , .u . mQunt of interesting and amusing light .St-i. . wafairv orave. we carried him "Tbaacience of medicine is founded ruavctiiiur. and the calemisr, astronomical J . . .1 ..!.... I.ilnn. nhmnnlniriRal ifnni. tr are into the coach, and tho conductor gave on conjecture, xmprowed by muraer. i wiin great care, and will bo a Sir Astiev Cooiier. M. D. found entirely accurate. gun. with tbe jaw bone. I saw the brake- mau in the ditch, feet in the air, tho gun had kicked him off the cow catcher. sra W 9" HitiiJ atx ncnta fr post a'e, and A PlalattaCs receive free, a cosily box of roods which will help you u mora money right away than Bylhinf elsa in this world. All of either sex, sue eaad freni first hour. The broad road to fortune oans before the workers, absolutely sure. . At onee addraas TsOS sad fo Augusta, Maine, juM - rb m , . . i.!..i ,. 1 1 claim ill any unsaii(nco uaiaoru i ui. eluding cost and dlsbu.-scmonta and accruing costs and that thereaf ter if anything remain that the same . . m ... ..u n. . . . .nu and or so mu'-li increoi an may e nownj r- aatiafy the amount herein found to be duo thereon oe paid over to the Defendant herein tha American Mortgage Company of Scotland Llmlteil to bo applied on their claim in said suit amounting te $087.61 In gold coin of the U . 8 , with accruing Interest thereon at the rate of ton per cent por annum from Docomber let, 1883, and the further sum of $180 as Attorneys ees. Dated this 11th day of November, lSe.'i. J. K. CllAJlLTOJf, Sheriff of Lion connty, Or. A rilET Send 10 eenU postage, and we will H lair 0 mail you fre a royal, valuable, aimpla box of goods that will put you in the way of making more money at once, than anything else in America. Both sexes of all age can lire at home and work in spare time, or all the time. Capital not re uuired. We will start you. Immense pay sure for thoae who start at once. Stissox and Co,, Portland. Maine. lffWP.- Ident will have to submit a variety of nominations. Its attitude towrd him will iJ wutched with great iu-teiest In tho last JIarpert lean interesting oomedy entitled "Tho Garroters." It portrays some ridiculous scenes result ing lrom two men supposing tl.ey had been robbed on the Commons In Boston, all resulting from a mistake. But in Oregon's Ctvpttal on Friday of last week agenulDe case occurred. Under the very eaves of the Capitol where not long since Oregon's orators orated, two meu atteked another man and robbed him of $60 of hard earned lucre. Talk of the Robin Hodd days of England, of the bandits sf Spain and In the same breath tell of Balem, where It is unsafe x- 1 1. V,a ilimlo litrhad atrftflt for ttMLV of a sudden attack from behind. the signal to go ahead, we went but short distance when the wheels began to Slip, the Sremau had to take a buck et of lye water and go head and wash the goose gi eeae off the rails. Some times the engine does not steam very well when such is the cate. The fire man throws about 20 geese in the hre box, one day bo threw in one to many and bio wed out the safety valve. The engineer and fireman are very gener ous whenever they met any tramps, they stop and ihrow them a few roast geese. The Receiver wnt over the road the other dav. and went home well supplied with ducks and geese. He said he would send up a gatling gun .n.l K.va it mniint.nd on a fiat as the geese might do some damage to the train after they finish the grain. They also talk of having tie fiah ladder taken out as the salmon might cause somh trouble when we have high wa. Z. Tho issue ot - . .1. I . . I . . . i. luOH ....II . i-. I ... .. - . i l iinNUtiiflr s a i suae mi imw ,.wt The medical practice ot tne present, i bJ be th4 largest edition of a medical .i.... ..v,uA...Li.ol nnr enmmon work ever nublisOea in any country, " r i Tt.n tirnarlAlnn MMra. Hostetter ifc (. o.. sense, -ur. Avans, a'iUinnurfjii, ui-u.- Pittsburgh, la,, on receipt oi a two rent . I SUmp, will rorwara a oopy uy man to any IMa nenon who cannot procure ono in his Dr. Deo Lewis, who abhors drugs as i neighborhood. a rule and practices hygiene, is frank enough, however, to say over his sig The Kenuty or You ter. nature "if I found myself the victim ot m-M m.v be otherwise, nothing ...rio.kidn.y r0ubl.,-I .hould M jfiJSJ&,3&: Wurnar'i Saf fhirs hecatisa I am sat- inff tnll ia not. Tho causa may be slck- . c ... . Tu. n..j r-i ness or anything else, yet Parker's Hair isfied it is not injurious. Loe med cai j. sLon the lom of l!lG hnir and Drofsssion stands helpless in tbe pree- sUrt a new growth of glossy and soft hair proiesBiou awiuua ' r Rr qickly as to surprise you-restorlng ence of more than one such malady. thA ftHcrinsl color at the kiiiw time. Not . Tf a narson a dye, not oily, delicately perfumed. On- An old proverb says . It a persou uy. . . . , dies without the services ot a doctor, The Most Igreeabie i t mmi tin nnlhul in and a uou " wlVH: T r T ILl As well as the most efToetlve method of jury empanelled to iuquir auu uvm- dispelling headaches, colds and fevers, or min. ,,.,on fh cause of death : kut it a cleansing tne system w r , doses or the doctor attended the oase, tnen no cor oner and jury are needed as everybody knows why tbe person died 1 Medical Httaid. leasant California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. 50o and 81 bottles for sale by Fosbay A Mason, Liang- don & Co. Final lroor. Brracb or Promise. William F Highland, of Portland has been sued by Mrs Henrietta M Kelly, of the same place, for a breach of promise, Sheplwes the damages at the small amount of $20,000. That is placing her affections at the whole value of a woman who is worth her weight in gold. Most women who are worth any thiug at all will not sue a man for divorce. The best way is to tell lum to goio I most anywhere, Neal Dow has finally decided to break up the Republican party in Maine. But be ia bothered to know what to do with the pieces. A, 0. U. W. l,iri i. m.ikint final proofs of claims either th mil oh tha Roaeburur or Oregon City Land Offices, can have the same publiihed in the Democrat bv so notifying the Itflgistor at either of those places, Friends of this paper will confer a favor by considering this when tbey make oat their final claims. WORTHY Of Confidence. A EB'l .irs:ij::'.rin:itsaracnu-wiciui.i, AY (Lis Othnin' m-ar!v40 wars. In :U parts of the world, has provrd Its cld eacy as i!i hi st 1Kkk1 afaratlve know u to medical sticucc. SARSAPARILLA fcSTii" genuiue Ilouduras Saraparilln) Is its base, and its powers sic cnhanci;tl l v the extracts f cllow Pock ud bti lingla. tho Iodhloi of potassium ftid Iron, nud otltor potent Ingredv nts. lO of the digest ivo and Hsslmilatory ftiuo tlon.s? is U tainted hy bcroruiaf or does it contain tho poison of Mercury or Contagious Disease? a a.". . I . -.A Jl., TTaifi-l TLIT leaning pnvsieians vi uiu vv int. stjites who know the eonmositicn of Ayeu's S.vus.vrARiu.A, say inas nothing eNo so good for the puntn i tion of tho blood U within the range of ulitwiaiwi. . L . . .1.1. t n&JI i "v tno rew oi ims rveucuy w UliLT possible for a person who mi corrupted blood to uttain sound hcaitu and prevent transmission of the vK Ktructive taint to posterity. ...AnniiAiii s tft'eetive renovation I rtUnUUbnLY ot the system nni t includo not only the removal ot eot iit.ti.m fi-nni tu. Mooil. but its ennel!- ment and tho strcugtuenittg t-f tbo vltnlni'irillK. . ... wllnesses. nil OVPf UlO KLLIAdLc. world, testify that this workUbetter accomplished hy AYBR S B.vRSAPAKiLL.v than by any other remedy. . m nnn that is corrupted through tie. hLUIJU n U maile mire, and hloo I weakened through dlmlnttttett of Uio l-ed corpuscles is made strong, oy AVER'S SAUSAPAlUI.l.A. nnmrviMP the blood and bnlkllng PUR1FYIN6 up the HjKtwu rcnuiro time m serious asrs, but bencti . wi il he derived from tho to of MBit 3 SARSAPARILLA UlOtO Speedily tlltt 1 from anything else. asfmeiMF forwhieh hko effects nro MEDICI NE. falsely claimed, is but (hint, in the market , under many njmw . but the only preparation t hat has s toe tho test of thne, and proved wortuy t t the world's confidence, ia DEYOE & R0B80H, (Successors to W. H. Golrra.) DEALERS IN- Farm Machinery WABOSS, HACKS, BUSBIES Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES STEEL GOODS, W. CAPPS9 M. D. Homoeopatiiic Physician & Surgaen, ALBANY, OREGON. 90ffice hours From S to 9,30 a: m.. sji4 llto 4 and 6:30 to 8 p. at. Office next door east of S. E. Young's, O. K, -WOI.VERTON, o, H, I&YSML W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW je011ce up stairs in Froman'a Brick ALBANY, OREGON- Members wishing employment or desiring help, will please oall at Read ifc Brownell a store and register their names. t By Order of Lodok, Piano ter Ssie CJcy A square piano, cost 550, will be sold at a mcrifio for eask, For particular 11 at this office, Ayer's Sarsapariffa; PUISP.vnED BY Dir. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, KSasa. Sold by all druggists : Price 1 ; six bottles for $5, JpOR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, sin miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in mWl tlvatlon. 10 acres slashed and sown fa grass. Comfortable dwelliaigr, AM outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at woe office. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Publifr. DR. I. N. W0 IDLE, Veterinary S orgeon, Office at Sohmee s SUblea. ALBANY, OREGON .