f ft gstwjvat. FRIDAY DECEMBER i, 1885 atitad tsmi.h r. Ths Democratic ward meetings will bt held to-night, and the City eonven lion to-morrow night. Lst vary Dem ocrat in the city attend these meeting, as it ia important to cecure not only aatiafaotory but good nominations. There ia considerable dieiatitfaotioaa among Repiblioana at some of their nominations, and we aee no reason why Democrats may not nominate a ticket moat or all of which can be elected. Let there be no bickerings, but lei all unite to nominate a good ticker, and then ell unite to elect it. Let us hare a rousing meeting to-morrow night at the Court House. I-KUHIH1TIO WASt During the last two monlhs the hot test political fight the country hat known for years has been going on in Atlanta, Georgia, on the question of prohibition. Under the local option lews of that atate the people of each county may petition the proper author ity to aubmit the question of prohibi tion to the voters of their county. The people of Fulton county, in which At lanta ia situated, some time aince asked that the question be submitted to a vote of the voters of the county, and it was done.November the 25th being the dar anuointed for the election. Since g- that time the city andoounty have been in a fermsnt of excitsmsnt over the ueation. Meeting have been held by both aidea nearly every night, and col oted and white voters have mingled to gether as they never did before, working for or against the proposition. Victory on the day of election pcarched on the prohibition banners, they winning by a majority of 219 in a poll of 9000 votea Prohibitionist deelere that this yirtu ally places Georgia in the Prohibition column. In the elections of atate odicers, mem ban if con:rfts and United States Senators aince the iosuguration President Cleveland, the country has Ii - tUm rrAaVinrr a rum ' M w li i r k haa been unknown a;ice the war,of the entire absence of federal o mtrsl. The president might have dealt out patron aire in Illinciaso as to havs secured the O election of a Democratic Senator to succeed Logan. In this state the par ties were close enough to have induced Grant, Hayes, Garfield or Arthur if either one had been in Cleveland's place to try to find enough weak or corrupt men in the legialature to torn the sen ate in favor of a Democrat. Blaine, of course, would have made the effort. But Grovar Cleveland ia a man of an other type. He has a higbsr conception of politics than simply filling the offices with partisan frisnds,and a nobler ideal of statesmanship (ban bartering public truata for nartv L'ain. He is the meet a rw unique president since Abraham Lin coln's time. He is thoroughly honeet. Hie thou?ht4 are hone it as well as his acta. Figures won't lie, and figures Show that the businsss condition of the coun try baa improved very markedly sines the Democratic Administration came into power. Railroad bonds and stocks bare advanced 25 per cent and more in price since Cleveland wis elected ; Government bonds are 4 to 5 per oent higher than at that date ; bank clear ings are 25 to 30 per cent greater ; and the weekly mercantile failures are 20 to 30 per cent lest than at thtt time. This is why people smile now when Republican atump-orators turn on the old-ti ue gas about the ruin that me naces the couutry from Democrat ascaendency. We confidently veuiurs the predic tion that there is not a Democrat in public life who at bis death would not receive some word of condemnation at me nanus or me urejontan. nucn ia the bitterness of spirit of the Oregonian that it studiously refuses to recognize any good quality in any Democrat. Its remsHra on the death of Gen. McClel len and Vico President Hendricks stamp its editor as one utterly lost to all sense of propriety when dealing with s political opponent, whether living or dead. B. Coffee, of Salem, a veil-known citizen, haa been appointed Indian Agent at the Umatilla Riser ration,vice E. J. SommerviHe removed. Mr. Coffee has been thefaitbful and efficient carrier of the Oregonian at Salem for seversl years. He is a Democrat of the old ecao'ji Birt, we congratulate you. Not 13 than 100,000 people viewed the remains of the lamented Vice-Pres ident. No man eyer bad a stronger bold on tbe affections of tbe people. K-oclc Hill. Everything quiet. School flourishes. The danca at Sodaville last Tuesday was a fine affair. There wero about a dozen violinists. Fine supper. Mr. Klum and lady got it up. Frank Davis and W. Workman went to Sitem last Wednesday on a visit. The skating rink at Sodavilie is open Wednesday and Saturday evenings of each week. Attendance large. Mr. Bud Miller and Miss Nora Klum were married last Tuesday. Oregon Kidney Tea cures all aidney trott ble. OOBBBSPONDBNOfl Oeorgfia Letter. Aa I promised to write you,and have so many dear friends in old Lmn,t will comply with tbo promptings ot my heart; Wo are in quite good health. Found Mr. and Mrs. Careen anxioualy looking for ms. We were quite wearied and a little aick after our at rival from expo euro to draughta of air on the cars. Now we ere all right. We feel grateful to a kind end beneficent Providence for our preservation and aafety during the long journey. Have been having a protract ed meeting for three weeks, with good and attentive congregations and three additions to the church. I start in a day or two to the North Georgia Con ference. Do not know yet where we will be stationed. We read the Demo CftaT with avidity. Sorry of the deep shadow thrown ovsr your city by the recent tragedy. May no aueh thiog ever disturb the quiet of Albany again. This southern part of Georgia has a de lightful, mild climate, and said to be healthy. It has been so balmy since we came. Singing mocking birds at early dawn. Soil quite thin, yet good corn, sweet potatoes, sugar cane and cotton are produced in abundance. The sugar oane is made into syrup. It is fine sells from 30 to 50 cents per gal. Ion. This ia a fine Country here for watermelons. The It. U. passing bare is full freighted with tbeee large and delicious melons going last and North. Suoh in the amount of busi ness in this one article that several ad ditional telegraph, operators have to be employed to receive and sead despatch es. It ia said these melons often weigh as much as 50 or 60 lbs. Bui the cot ton raiaing and buying ia the main buainess. On the leading business street can be aeon many small wagons and two wheeled carts, drawn by one animal, with from one to two or three bales. Tbe buyers sample it, and il ia carried around in the hand of the farm er and they bid on it. The 'long cot ton" or Sea Island, ia grown in a belt of this country and commanda r.' out three times as much as the abort. It ia more difficult to raise and prepare for market, this soil and climate aeei to auit it. It ia now selling: for 23 to 24c per lb. A ba'e is worth about one hundred dollars. The temperance aen timent is strong, and Georgia's record is good on this vital question. There are many negroee iu this growing coun try, and I think pretty well behaved. But the negroe question is tbe problem yet. Statesmen and christians have the q ueation for so1 at ion. We have plentv of oranges growing here. With kindeet regards to my friends, I remain, respectfully, T. B. White. Valdosts, Ga., Nov. 18th, 1885. Holu.ville. Mrs. S. Coyle, who lives near bere,is lying dangerously ill. There are no houses here now which are without occupants. H. Klom and bis brother Dennis west out a few mornings ago, and re turned in a ebort time with a deer. There is occasional It a lead of soda water taken from here now, one large load being taken away yesterday. Mr. Thomas Dogger, of Albany,ia in the city. He brought the sad news of Viae-President Hendrick a death. Mr. Johns, of Halsey, who is a fre quent viaitor at Sodavills, arrived here yesterday. He is staying at tbe Foun tain House. Mr. Joseph Green, who haa been east of tbe mountains for una time, bas returned to Sedaviile. He aeems clad to get back again. A dance at tbe hall last Friday, and one again Tuesday evening. Tin dance Tuesday evening was well attended. Supper waa prepared at the Fountain House. Mr. Gross, of Waterloo, has just erected a new dwelling bouse hem We have heard that he intends to move over here soon. Mr. Frum and la 1 bare been visit ing his parents. Rev. Meed, of Lebanon, preached here last Sabbath. Mr. George Young will erect a new dwelling bouse on his farm here in a short time. He haa the lumber hauled now roady for building. Mr. Price, of Staytoo,wbo came here a abort time ago for his health, baa so nearly recovered that be thinks of starting to the Warm Spring, accom panied by Mr. Wm. Calvert. The city election will come off the first of next week. Mr. B. Miller, living near Albany, and Miss Nora Kluro, of Sodaville,were married one day of the present week, Msy peace and pldnty be their portion. and their joy a be undisturbed. Wat Tangent. The thanksgiving dinner given by the patrons and trier. ds of tbe school was a very enjoyable affair and highly appreciated by teac ler and pupils, and, in fact, by all presenr. After dinner, Kev.li. CJ. alcFarland delivered a short and appropriate address. A few re marks from Mr. John L ipar were also very interesting. Our present term of school closes one week from Friday. Tha school is pre paring two papers to be read on that occasion. Mr. O O. McFarland has taught us a good school. TT -w w-- asses Jfrot. J. IS. Horner and wife, of Roseburg, wore in our burg last Satur day bound for JJenton county. Mr. C. Sharp it stopping iu Tangent ror a snort time. This is what causes tbe bright smiles to creep over the faces of certain school gtrh. Cirter may for get langent, but he can never furze1; . s m tne langent girls. The warehouse is running on full time. We have seen the smiling face of Mr. John Archibald two or three times a week for the fast two or three weeks in Tangent. What is tbe attraction ? That's bo John, we forgot. Notwithstanding the inclement weath er, we have a verv interesting fcubbath , School conducts J by Mr. L. MoFarland. Rosebud, $5,000 worth of clothing at cost at Mon teith ac Seiteubach's. 13,000 worth of obthii at cost it Moa teith & Seltenbach's. Tlrowngvillo. Mr. and Mrs. Skill', of Lebanon, spent last Sunday In our city. Mr. Legate, of Halsey, was over to saw us last Sunday. O. N. Scott, Receiver of tho Nar row Gauge tine of railway, pud the city visit last Wednesday. Miss Ed rounds, who has been teach ing school near here, returned to her home In Portland last Saturday, Dr. Barker, of Centervllle, visited his many friends In this place the latter part of last and former part of this week. U. W. Mescs, lite newly appointed P. M. of Crawfordaville, was In Brownsville Monday. Supt. D. V. S. Raid paid our two schools a visit last Frldsy. He re ported both of them running In first class order. The cltfsens of Browns ville and North Browr sville have reason to congratulate themselves on being to fortunate In securing their preeent teachers. The Odd Fellow's had a glorious time last Saturday night. After elec tion of officers they repaired to tne store of Cosbow St, Cable and Indu Iged In an oyster supper. Mr. Chas. Powell returned from McMinnvllle last Thursday, bringing home with him a life partner. HI many friends here wisn them abund ance ef Joy. The news of the death of Vice President Hendrlcki was received with profound sorrow here by ell our oitlsens, irrespective of party. The nation as well as the Democratic par ty has sustained a great loss. Wednesday morning as the train waa returning from the Junction it ran over a nog at Lang's warehouse. The hog was ground into sausage anil the train was ditched. It was ell day getting back on the track, so that It arrived here Just in time to go back to the Junction to meet the even, ing express. Laai Wednesday Mr. Wm. Brad shew was struck on tho back part of his head by a falling tree. The main artery In the back part of his head was severed. He went to the house of a near nelghbor.where it waa tried in vain to stop the flow of blood. Although a physician hsd been sent for, ho became uneasy and mounted a horse and came to loan. He wan taken to the drug store of Starr & Stanard where,under the skillful care of Drs. Starr and McCuley,the blood soon ceased to flow. Mr. Brudshaw is still pretty weak from loss of blood, but ia able to be about. Goes. An Interesting article by our cor respondent on tbe Chinese question will sppear next week. Ens J A grand Masquerade ball New Years night. Mr. Franzeo, the engineer, has bean sick a few day. There ie a "vag" or two here, and they will be notified to leave tomorrow. Prof. Walker ie in school araio, and school ia going finely. Prof. D. V. S. Hsid, tbe Couoty Superintendent of public schools, visile tbe schools of Nrth and South Browns ville last week. A genial gtmllernan and a very capable officer. The union Thanksgiving service was a success, especially the dinner in Bish op's Hall. CaaaiD. OfUcville. Tho second of a aeries of sociables was given on Tbankagiviog evening at the U. P. Chorch, by the L. ML k L S., for tbe benefit of the young people sf this vicinity. Among the rileasures of tbe evening, and a sourch of much mirth, waa eating lunch off of indestruc tible plates. Prof. LimWCof Eugeoe.haa moved into the bouse on Rev. Irvine's farm, in this vicinity. Miss Ktla Owen, of Peoria, is visit ing in Oakville. Mr. O. I. McCoy and family, who were caught in the mow while trying te cross the mountaina to Easter u Ore gon, have returned and gone up by tbe boat to The Dalies. Mrs. Hamilton received from tbe fish car at P t tland twenty carp, which were placed in a lake on her place. We do not ejrree with "Cupid" in giving our young Prof, to Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Curris returned on Satnrday from an extended trip to tbe JJitat. Ihev reported a beautiful all and a pleasant time. N0WVELLE8. Tbe shingle sociable Thanksgiving evening waa a complete auccssa. It was enjoyed by a large crowd cf youog people and quite a number of older oues. The lunch served on shingles with tissue paper napkins was quite a surprise, as well ss a novelty. A reed ing by Mrs. J. E. Achsson, recitation by Mrs. C. C. McBride, ard a duet and solo by Mr. G. S. Acbeson and Miss Elna Bamford, helped te make the evening pass all too quickly. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Currie returned home last week from an extended visit in the East. Miss Etta Matks, of Lebanon, spent Thanksgiving in this neighborhood. Miss Eila Owens, of CorvaMis, is vis iting her cousin, Mijs Nellie Hamilton. M- t t I.. .e IT 1 ' r. J , H, iempletoe,of Halsey, was in this vicinity the latter part of the week. Cupid. Heartily Commend (he State la. C. At.ABAN v Oa. Oct 2, 1885. It gives me pleasure to bear testitneuy to me promptness, rairness, ant tull and satis, factory settlement of my loss by the State ins, Kso ot saiem, Uregon. They haying paid ' muuuv 01 my cmim witnin a week after my sworn statement was filed with them. I therefore heartily recommend tne company to tbe farmers of Oregon. Wallacb Huldsbt. "' "' S 11 Syrap of rig. Manufactured only by the Califoruia Pig Syrup Co., San Pranciaco, Cal.. is Nature Own True Laxative. This oleasanfc Imnfil fruit remedy 'may be had of Fos hay & Mason, K W Langdon and Co. , at fifty cents or one dollar per botlle. It ia the most pleasant, prombt and effective remedy known, tn cleanse the system ; to act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowel gently yet thoroughly to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers ; to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred fine The Grange Hall, better knoa as Vaughan Hall, waa burned to the ground the night of Nov. 2Ut. Noth ing whatever was saved. The upper story was used by the West Point Ledge of Odd Fellows, who lost all their furn iture, books and oharter,in all amount ing to about tflOO. It is understood that they had the b.iilding and fixtures insursd for $1000. There waa a dancing party at Mr. Ogles last Tuesday evening, and one at Mr. MoDaniela Friday evening, also a Thanksgiving hop at the Hop house on .Thursday evening. Mr. Dinwiddie roads a mistake in the day of the week, and In consequence ate his Thanksgiving dinner on Friday. A great many horses in this neigh borhood are afflicted with distemper. Some people likewise. Mis. Coldron has bean quite sick ths last two week. D M. Smith' and family, with the exception of Louie, have movsd to Ku geneCity to give Mrs. Smith the bene fit of medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Will Barger were vis iting near Eugene City ths first of last week. It isaaid that Mrs. Nolan, who lives en the Skinner place, oommitted matri mony on Monday, Nov. 23rd, in tbe city of Portland. CrawiordMville Mr. Hobs preached here on Thanks living day to good audiences. lUv. McKarland preached here last SabbaSb. The aaw mills are turning out htm ber fast, one running day and night. Misa Joy Glaus entertained friends at her home on Monday evening. A baaket social was given here by some of the ladies on Tbuuksgiving evening. Tbe dtap'ay of baskets was tine. Mr. Shackleford, aa auctioneer, sold all of tbe baskets, and then there were several gentlemen left. Ths whole evening waa a most enjoyable sne. As the school fund ia exhausted school closed on Wednesday. Oe. Finley, of this place, who is at tending tbe State UutveraUv, took his holiday at home. CraiL Vicroa. t mm4 tmr Sale Wood delivered in any part of the eity limits at tbe following prices per oord : Good Hr wood Oak wood (grab) Mixed wood Oct 1st, 1885. MM Cilavra ! 91M , 3.00 3bo W. Sirisa. SL AUea A t Larjre new stock Jut received fross New York and one of ths best in tbe market. Celt and examine tbe new Una, button at 75 cents a pair ; tbey are a plsndid glove for ths money. err (Utile asiSJ alias Sker' Ths undersigned will psy the highest ossh price for hml cattle aod mutton shewn. Have good scale 00 which to weigh. L D. Mjllss, Mdlsr's, Or ego e asttaflesl with lbs Male. SatbD, Or., Oct 2, 1S85. Io behalf of J J aod B B Kendall for whota I am guardian I acknowledge tbe receipt ef full sod satisfactory payment of their lose by fire, from tbe State In. Co. of fcUletn, Ore. gon. I gladly recommend the company to the fanners of Oregon, aod to any oss within their reach. Mas,?. B. PaaTsa. Ooardiao. 5,000 worth of clathios at cost at Mon eith&Stfitcahachs. Ssrklrs'i Aralra alr The best salve in tbe world for Cuts. Sore, Tetter, Cnapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ail skin Kruotious. and posi tively cure Piles, or no psy required. It l guaranteed to give period satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2b cents per irx. mr aaie 07 ho nay k af aeon, Sheriff's Sjie. t Circuit Court of the StaU of Oregon, for L,.nn county. Moody, Governor, It P Ear hart. try of State and VA ward Hirsch, Treasurer of the -State of Oregon, constituting the Beard of Commissioners for the sale of school lauds sod the management of the common school fund, Plaintiff. vs. Francis M Laytoa, M Lay ton his wife.Jan as r I ton and Rose I .ay ton, his wife, J H Wright aod Flora Wright hia wife, Milton Hale end Susannah Hale, his wife, and Amanda Cooiey, Defendants. NOTICE is hereby given that ey virtue of an execution and an order of sale issued out of the above named Court in tbe above en titled action aod to me directed and deliver ed. I will on Saturday tbe 2nd day January,. ih0, at tho hour ot 1 o'clock, p. in., at the Court House door in Albany, Lion county, Oregon, aeil at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder tbe real property deseribed in said execution as follow, to wn : Beginning at a peiut ten chains and eleven iiuks west and six chain north of the southeast corner of Section nine in Township eleven south, Kauge four west, of tbe Wil lamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, running thenoe east fourteen chains and seventy-seven links ; tbasoe south nineteen chains and ninety iiuks ; thenoe west four teen chains and seventy-seven links ; thenoe north nineteen chains snd ninety links to tbe place of beginning, containing 29 and 33-100 acre. Also the following : Ail that part or portion of the hereinafter described tract or parcel of land lying aod being east of a cer tain slough or branch of another slough known as the Littll Willamette, which said first mentioned lough runs in a northerly direc tion through said tract of laud and which said tract of land i described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point ten chain and leven link west and aix chain north of the southeast corner of Section nine in Townshio oitjycu oum,u, xvauge luur west miiametce meridian and running thenoe south tweoty- H...1L 0 M . . tmr ..- four cnains and ninety links : thenoe weat fifteen chains and twenty- three links ; thence north to the eastern bank of tbe Willamette Kiver ; thence along said east bank of stream following the meandering thereof to the place of beginning, said tract of land con taining twenty-two acres and 29-100 and the part or portion thereof lying east of said slougb, containing six acres more or less, all of said premises lying and being situated in Linn county, Oregon. The proceeds of sale to be applied ; First to the payment of the costs of suit and the costs of and upon this writ. Second to the payment of Plaintiff's claim of $386.20 with accruing interest at 10 per oent per annum from the date of the decree and the further sum of $40 as Attor ney fees. Third the overplus if any to be paid to F M Layfcon, James D Layton aud J H Wright their heirs or assigns. Dated this Dec. 1st, 1885. J. K. Ckablton, Sheriff of Linn connty, Oregon. per Ja8. J. Charlton, Deputy. w AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Peters A Stewart have neok-vokaa and single trees, ironed or unlroned. neck- yoke irons, aingle-tree irons, nlt irons, felloe, spokes, ax -trees, eto., alt lor sale cheap. ' VfHftT TO IfitilSilflfRK flJtl Below we glye a list of ell tho bills paus ed at tho spools! session of ths Legislature ' 1IOUSS BILLS. 1, Bourne-Portland bridge bill. 10. Prossor-ProvidlnKfor lavlnnof ud track by railroads to warehouses wbea within U00 feet of road, 9. LeinenweUbar-mendlnu Astoria's charter. 7. Morrow -Changing Alkali to Arling ton, IS. Veetch Establishing; southern boun dary of Lane Co. 14. Hlory -To preserve ordsr at watering places. 15. MUtav-Approprlatlng 110,000 for bridge serosa ilogue Klver. 10. Abahler Annexing h. part of Grant to Lake Co, SO. Klddls How barbed wire fences ehall be constructed East of the Casosdse. 2A. (leer Protecting Ash in Fiab Ladder, 28. Gilbert Hcbool Clerks not to charge foM on mousy bsrrowed for district. 82 Cox Taxation on selling etonk of railroads, 85, Craven-Amending charter of In- WMSMaeSM e. 87, Keady Fixing penalty in bis liquor licene hill. One or the billa tbe session was ealied for ! 40. Lewis sCreatlng 7th Judicial district, and providing for time of holding Court in 6th, Stli and 7th districts. 42, Colo -Allowing Sherlir of Columbis Co t per cent for collecting taxes, 44, Jelly Increasing pay of four Co. Treasurer, Washington, Lake,Clackauia aud Curry. 47, Henkle Amending charter of Phil omath, 60. Oesr-To aupprsss prlxi fighting. 02. Llenenweber Pilot law, 08. Bourne-Provldliig system of books for registration. 48. Story Appropriating toQW yoarly for ten yoaia for lighting Stats building. 71. 14 .ve -To protect ' li I nee phessanf a. 72, Miller -.A. mending charier of Jeffer aen, 76. Cox-Incorporallng city of Milton, 87. Bou roe -Portland police com mission, KV. Chandler -To making certain Baker oouuly record legal. 00. Utiveu -Kmnowerlnit Governor arm Hew rotary of State to compute state levy of tax aiiiotiR several oounwoa sua ajior lion the asms. ut. Vaatch In reference to servlc of urn si on. 83. Btlysu-tPrnvldlug for proof of ser vice of sum mens by certificate. 01. General appropriation bill. ar..TK MLUB. L Coleman ComooillnK Reoelvers of railroads is rebuild brtdice washed away. Has reference to tbe Narrow Oauge. 7. Burob-Pisina! time of holding Clr cultuprems sad County Courts in Third district. In Linn county it will tie on tke aaeond Monday sf March,econd Monday ef Jons and fourth Monday of October. 11. Celeman In reference to N. G. bond. 15. Simon Reducing fees of Justices in Multnomah Co, ia il.. ... 1 v.. 1 h 1 1 . 1 11 -r 1 ns.i.1 Inn Sta'o Agricultural College at Corvalli ' extending time to complete Dunning to J as, let, 1SS9, and making coat 2O,000. 22. Amending registration law. 28. Les Appropriating 2lO toward Nestnith's monument. SS, si'im For certain dyko, SS. IthlnehsrV-Apprwpristing f 15.000 tor rosd towards 11 no Creek mines, 28, Bilyeu Amending school law so as to obtain equitable division ef district property and indebted oese where district are divided. SO. Bureb -In reference to traction en glues, bicycle, etc. S2, Rinabsrt-Incorpsmting Snrrmer ville. Union oouaty,, 84. Oaraon Portland water bill, 88. Hare In reference to w Unease, 87. Miller Making it unlawful to in jurs ditchsa, canals, etc. 40. Slglin Ksgulsting sale of opium. &3. Simon Allowing K R's to uaortttsK" rolling stock. 49. Prim Amending charter of Aahlsnd 50. Nig-lin Permitting women to prac tice law in Slate Court. SI, Bnreb Prsviding no liquor licenao shall be for tees than six month a ml ths no license in any Incorporated city or town hall be far less than 8800 psr year. 44, Simon-In reference to attachments. &5. Simon Amend ins; rwarlairauon law. so rsffhtterlug will be in April. 57, Reed Incorporating Ranier. 69. Miller Amending Registry law, al lowing Judge and dark 8S per day. So. Carson C'rHStlng a board of Com m laai oners to examine into assessment and taxation and frame law on the suh Ject is te submitted a. next Legislators. 61 Weather ford Incorporating Brown vine. 62. Hirsch Appropriating 810.000 for support of non-roaideut peer, I 68. Haines .Restoration of Baker coun ty record. 6ft, Hlmoh In reference to Porllaud1 police Commissioners. sassss mmw-r Slay--''''"'- $5,000 worth ot clothing at coat at Mon teith A Seitenbaoha. Sheriff's Sale. 48 In the Circuit Court of the SUUt of Oregon for the County of Linn : William Cosper, Plaintiff. vs. Geo W Crotsant, Sophia Croitant his wife and William Croieant and J H Bridget, Ds feodants. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue ef an execution and an order of aale issued out of tbe above named Court in the above en titled action and te me directed and deliver ed, I will on Saturday the 2nd day of Jan uary, 1SS6 at one o'clock p. in., of said day at the Court House doer in Albany, Liu a county, Oregon, set1 at public auction far oaah in hand to th highest (udder the real property described in said execution and or der of sale as follows, to-wit : The northwest quarter of Section 25 and th northeast quarter of Section 20 all situated in Town ship 9, South, Range one east of the Willam ette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, and containing 320 acre together with ail the ap purtenance thereunto belonging. The pro ceeds of aale to be applied : First to the pay ment of coats and diabutsements of suit and the costs of ths sale. Second to the payment of th claim and Hen of plaintiff herein, to wit, the sum of 12080. SOfwith interest there on at the rate of 10 per oent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1885, and for the further sum of 8210 as Attorney's fee. Third to the psyment of the claim of defend ant, .Wm Croisant, to-wit the sum of 81078. 17. Fourth, the remainder if any to he paid te the defendants, Geo W Croisant aud So phia Croisant. Dated this Deo. 1st, 1885. J. K . CUARlrOH, Sheriffof Linn county, Oregon, per Jas. J. Charlton, Deputy. Notice of Administration afotio is hereby given that the undersigned has sen duly appointed Adminlstaator with the will an nexed of the estate of J M Elliott, dsceassd, by the County Court ot Lli.n county, Oregon. All psrson having olaimsaft-ainst the estate of said deceased are hereby notified and required to present the sam properly verified to tbe undersigned at Albany in said County within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 14th day of Noyenber, 18SS. Qso. Hl-mfusst, Administrator with the will annex d, Administrator's Notice. NOTIOfil is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, Administrator of the estate of O, P. Adams. deceased, late of aaid Linn county. All persons having claims against said entato are required to present the same, properly verified, within six months irom the date of this notice, to T. J. Stltes, Albany, Or. November 27th, 1885. T. Adams, T. J. Stites, Adaunistiator, Att'y for Adm'r. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court ofth htalt of Oregon for Linn County, Z V Moody, flovortiof, Jt f'Karhart, Seero tary of Si..t. and Kd Hirsch, Treasurer of tho State cf Oregon, constituting the Hoard of Commissioners for tbe sale of school land and the management of the common school fund, I'laiutifTt. vs. J L Kendall and Martha J Kendall his wife, T J Hiaok, Joseph I'earl, W J Stewart as Administrator of the estate of T L Porter, deceased and D B Monteith, John H Mullen and Chas A Currsn, partners doing btisitess under tbe firm name of D H Mouteith k Co., Defendant. NOTICK is hereby giyou that by virtue of an execution and au order of sale issued out of the above named Court iu the above entitled cause and to Hie directed aod deliv red, I will on Saturday the 2nd day of Jan miry, 1R80, at one o'clock, p. m., at the Court House door in Albany, Linu county, Oregon, sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder the real property described in said execution as follows, to. wit ; The west 4 of the southwest f of Sec tion 10, Township 13, South Range 3 west ef the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing HOaorea. The proceed of il to in: applied : Firt to tho payment of the costs and disbursements of suit taxed at 831 . Ifi aud tbe ooets of and open said writ. Second te ths payment of Plaintiff claim, to-wit: 1881.83 with accruing interest st tea per oent per annum from Oct. 20th, 1888, and 70 Attorney's foe. Third to tbe pay ment of tho claim of the Defendant W J Stewart, as Administrator of tbs estate of T I. Porter, deceased, to-wit 1 8387.40 and interest thereon at th rate of one per cent per moeth from Oct. 20th, 188d, and 808 Attorney' fee. Thereafter if tho said claim of If J Stewart as Administrator of tbe estate of T L Porter, deceased, be not satis lied, 1 will sell at the time, place and io the manner snd in accordance with the term above set forth, the following described land, to wit : 16 acres of land off of the southeast corner of Samuel Andersons donation land claim and lying parallel and east of the County road aod adjoining the 80 acres of Land herstnbefor described. Th proceed Of sal to be applied in psyment of aay bal ance rmaiuisg unpaid on the claim of IF J Stewart a Administrator of the estate of T L Porter, dwoaawi, afu-r tho exhaustion of the funds aruiog from the salo first above advertised. Dated this Dec. '2nd, 188A. J. K CnaaLTos, Sheriff f Lion county, Oregon, per Jar. J. Ciubutsm, Deputy. 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT, Of all kinds of merchandise. All orders from tbe country filled on abort notice for every class or kind of Koods from flrat-cta stock. Absolutely 110 charge or commiaaion will be charge for Ailing orders. OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentice s, Portland, Or. MUSIC. THOROUGH BASS AND HARMONY, PLOfE, CORNET, 8UITAR, PIANO. o- H. M. Tlackenato. former! principal musician of the 4lh U. 8. Infantry Hand, has permanently located In Albany aad will give instruction In iutruasenlal mualc and tboroogb ba. TERMS REASONABLE. Thoe wishing to engage the service of a, .ough muMirian aud instructor will ! well to place theineelvea under bl lntruetloo. ilesdqnsrter at Pruahaw' Drug Store, First Street. Albany, Oregon. Scott's New Gun Store, HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSMEN, THE LEADING CUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITION,CARTRIDCES, SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT ING MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At the moat reasonable prices, alwaya in stock. Roiuiiriiiir done on short notice. Willamette Valley nlinrods should never buy without calling on W. B. SCOTT, JstTOpposito Revere House, Ah any. Or. Conrad Meyer, -PROPRIETOR OF STAR BAKERY, Onrner Broadalbin and First Sts., DEALER IX- Canuedl Frntta, Glassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc,, Canned Meats, 4f u u ware, Vegetables, Clgara, (Unices, Tea, Etc., In fact everything that is kept ii a gon erai variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Corner Third aud E Streets, PORTLAND, - - OREGON. Three Blocks from all Railroad Depots, Our facilities are such that we defy competition. This ie the largest and most respectably kept . Hotel in the North west, Board and Lodging ULOO per Day, MEALS, 31 CENTS. LODGING, IS AND 50 CENTS. FREE BUSS TO AND FROM THE HOTEL No Chinese Employed. S, LEWISTON, - - .PfiOPJlIETOE, (Lato of Minnesota House.) ED. CORBY AGENT. 4: BBH .. rSBssssSMifcrMj. I am now receiving my Fall h ,otk cf LADIES', MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, AXD MEN AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES. I fcavc selected these goods with care and with a view to tbeir adaptability to this climate. I have bought th' m direct from the manufacturer', and am authorized to warrant very a!r, I make a specialty of this line of goods, and 00 doubt carry the largpst stock in the city. As to price Cbere ia no bouse in Oregon that bas any advant age of me in buying, m I buy ittrictly for cash, and can give ss good value for tbe money as any other house. I keep no trash. SAMUEL E. Y0UNC. C0RVALLIS.YAQU1NA SAN FRANCISCO, -VIA.- Oregon Pacific Railroad, STEAMSHIP LINE. Trains on and after Hcpt. 14th. f ss CsSWBSssrl essasjr, Tfcurlr.astiU,y 10 A. M Ur f uin. Mo mUt, Wssmsdav, Prktay, $ A. If. UNI Between Corvallis and San Francisco First-class sod Cabin pa tape $14 First-cla and Steerage passage f? Oraa per ton 2000 lbs $4 30 Thus saving to the fanners and mere bants of tbe valley thousands ot dollars. Willamette Itiyer stesmboatM will hereafter connect with trains at Corrallie. This new line is prepared to traorix rt all tbe freight snd parwngers offering. WALLIS NASH, Vice Fresidtnt CHAS. C. HOCUE, A. (J. F. k F. Ageut CORVALLIS, OREGON. E OPE AND CHAIN. Of all alaes. ss well ss baiter chain, cow rlirins. doe clii in, rone halter, etc.. for sale by Peters A Stewart. 3TUDEBAKER WAGON. This is the onlv wagon bavins: s ihme shouldered spoke and tbe steel truai on each sale, and Is the best wsgon on wheels. For sale by Peter.J A Mtewart. 00 o o o o o o 00 Oregon Kidnev Tea! Jt store' own reeiody K K K K KK K h K K Will sMsaiilr rrlieve and frtiun titly trars si I Um various difficulties orising (rii a .llorlcr?J i-.,iaiUon ul ut LIVER AND KIDNEYS. T T T T It Is perfectly harmless ati.l can be irtten tn the nvxH Jelirate woman ST child. For sale by ail druggists, Mttrll. Hritkha A WaeMsarS. holesale Agnate. OEBOON. WANTED AT ONCE. Pvru.t-iniA! Vumlc imiiti. male or fein tie. t..v- www ' t For the inoet popular and fastest selling boos ot tne age. m pay sair iu class canvassers. Activc.inexpencnceu can vaasers drilled and Bead OSSSsssWOSl ot salary It will pay you to write us. Address Agency Publishing Company 59, First btreet, bany, Oregon. Al jJAINTS AND OILS, Of all deeoriptions sold by Peters k Stew art S AWS, AXES, ETC Wtk will all vnii thn iauioii Disston Champion cross-cut saw at a low flguie, aud can giro you goos prices on sxts, Hetigos and wedges. Petrrs A Sikwart. MMUNITION. A full Nui.nl y of the usual sizes of tridges, brsa snd paper shells, prim a wads and bar lead. Also the best ot p w der. Pktkiw AStkwart. D ON'T FORGET IT. if you try to build uow while wheat ia only wo th 54 cents you should by all means go to Peters A Stewart's, at Albany for your hardware. You can get what you want at their store and at reasonable fig ures, THE BE3T StiOT I TXT WV kt town Can bo found at our Htoro. The shot usually sold in Albany drops 75 fret, while the St. Louis shot sold by us drop 20() feet, making it equal to chilled shot. Sportsmen should not forget this. f KfKlW Z ST li WART. B LACKSMITH'S OUTFITS, Anvils, vises,bellows,hemmer8, sledges. stocks and dies and almost every tool used by blacksmiths we keep constantly or hand. Also a full stock of iron.ef sll sizes. horse shoes and horse shoe nails. Special prices made on small outfits for farmer list, frtkrs A Stewart. rUTLEBY OF ALU KINDS, We keep the best stook of cutlery in the valiey. Pocket knives and razors a specialty. Dou't buy anything in th.s line wituout calling on us firt. Pktkrs A Stewart, rjpiIE BEST THING OUT, la the Acme Harrow and no farmer can well afford to be without it. It is the verv best clod c. usher and pulverizer, leaving the ground as levt 1 as a bi.rn ttaor. Soli only by Peters & S'ewart. New Goods. ' 1 BCy X 'jrr L. E. BLAIN Uaa the Largest and Best stock of Clothing in tbe Central Willamette Valley. Ilia fctock ot BOOTS and SHOEjS, either for size or quality, is not equalled in Linn county. Bought for cash aod sold cheap. Bis Department Is complete with the and best styles. Bis Furnishing Goods, sre the very best, embracing tbe 1 styles. Bis MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT under the cbsrge cf W. B. Blbbit. an ex pert tailor, bss no superior In Oregon, Splendid line of domestic snd imported suitings slwsys In stock. Sheriff's Sale. In the Cirmit Court of the StaU of Oregon for tke County of Linn : The Dubdee Mortgag sad Trust Investment Com pany, Plaintiff, rs. A F Gaines and Msrj- K Gaines ami Z Job, Defendants, Notice Is hereby (ireti that by virtue of a writ of ei edition mad order of sale issued eut of the above ssiaul Court in Um above entitled suit te me direct ed and delivered, I Till on Saturday the 12tb day of Dtcrmber, 1S85, at the Court Bouse door in tbe City of Albany, linn county, Oregon, at the boar of If o'clock, a. sell at public auction for cash ia band te the highest bidder tbe real property described in said order of sale as follows, to-wit : Beginning at tbo southeast corner ef tbe southwest quarter of Section uurty-nve in Township ton, south, range two of tbe Wiliamette meridian and running tbonos ' to the center of Crabtree Creek ; thence down said Crock northerly and following tho meanderinr there ef to the not Ui boundary line of the donation land claim of George W He well, Claim No. eo, KoUflcation No. 1VU ; thence east to tbo half section line unning on and south through tbo cantor of said Section tbirty-fivo and thence south to the place of beginning, saving and excepting and reserving therefrom about twenty acres conveyed by Thomas Baldwin to Hosea Pra'.t the tall amount of land conveyed by said mort gage, being 280 acres, the proceeds of sale to be ap plied : nmte the payment of tbe costs and disburs menU of suit taxed at 29.40 and tbe costs and exiiense, of sale, SecoEid that there be next paid tbe sum ef $300 as Attorneys fees. Third to the payment to tbe said Plaintiff the sum of f 1589.13 with accruing interest at tbe rate of twelve per cent per annum from the 27tb day of October, 145, aii in C. S. void coin and thereafter If any of the proceeds of sate remain that the same he paid over to tbe said A P Gaines aud Mar)' E Guinea Ited Nov. Uth, 1SSS. 3. K. Chabltox, Sheriff of Linn county, Or. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court ofthi SWt of Orejmfo Linn County. Notice u hereby given that by virtue of an execution issued eut of the Circuit Court ot the Slate of Oregon for the County of L'nn u?on a certain judg ment and decree of foreclosure duly rendered entered of record and docketed in said Circuit Court on the 29th day of October, 1885 in a certain suit then in said Court pending wherein W W Ste'.wer and J F Steiwer were Plaintiffs and ) II Rainey, Rebecca A Rsiney his wife and William Cosper were Defendants in favor of said Plaintiff and against said Defendants by which execution I a-n command 3d to sell the prem ises and real property hereinafter described in the manner provided by law and out of the proceeds Of such sale to pay and satisfy the costs and expenses of sale and these accruing on said execution, together with the sum of four thousand four hundred and ninety-uiue and 14-100 dollars in gold coin ot the United Slates with interest thereon in like gold coin at the rate ef eight per cent per annum since the S0(h day of October, 1885, and the further sum of $84.45 taxed as costs and disbursements of said suit all which is due to Plaintiffs on said decree, I will oa Saturday the 12th day of December, 1885 at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the door of the County Court House in Albany in said Linn county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the day of sale all the right title interest and estate which the defendants J H Rainey and Re1 becoaA Rainey his wild 01 either of them had on the 5th day of October. ISal in or to the following describ ed real property, yii : Beginning at a stake in the north boundary of U10 douation laud claim of John T Crooks and wife, said stake being two and 20-100 chain east ot the quarter section post in the West west boundary ot Section six (9) in Tp. ten (ifi) south of Range throe (3) west of the Willamette meridian, State of Oregon aud running" thonce south seven-four and 23-100 chains ; thence west twenty-eight and 50-100 chains thence north seventy-four and 30-100 chains ; thence east twenty-eight ami 56-100 chains along tbe north line of said donation claim to the place of be' ginning containing 212 00-100 acres of laud all in the Couuty of Linn and State of Oregon, Dated Nov, Uth, 1S85, J, K. Ghakltox, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, I. CASK iVLUW 3. This famou i plow Is well known ia TJn County. Tho ohilled and steel plows era well made tram the very best material and are wari mted to do as orood work and scour fully H.-t well as anv other plow Peters A Stewart are the sole agents.