TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTIN6. VSI!B4SOPri'K-lH Rrmarral lttlllaan KrMdaleta air!. TKRM8 Of SUBSCRIPTION Single opv, !' W ln adrmnee..... WW n!o oiy. pr yr l uj I JJ ingU oupjr, ats months JS slngls copy, i In or month! 76 nU number ... " PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 3. ST RAH AN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL Coo "ILL PRAOTIOR IN ALL THE TtH of ilim State. Will Hive special atte mt Ion to collections and pro mttr. Office In Foeter's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNBJLAT LAW, Notary Public. albaay, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Biigg "tore, let street. vlfnMtf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, 4IHIW, OKKSiOM. w LI. PRACTICE IN ALL THK COURTS OF THE St ,te. SmcUI Attention given to olioclk.nt ami robele mttr In OUd Fel lew's Temple. !: f. o. eownix. w. a. RiirEtr POWEIX & BILYEU, vTTORNRYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in riumrerv. 1I.RA1VV. - ORKGON. Oolleotlona promptly made on all polnta. Loena netrotistad on rwmonablo terms. TOfflce In Foster's Rrlek.-S vHnlftf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Pnbllc. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of chlsState. All buHlnea Intrusted to bim will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books, Stationery and Toliet Articles, A I arg Stock and Low Prices. OITT 3DHTJC3- STOBH, 21 (IBIM, OtKtO. F08HAY & MASON, WHoun.AH Axe aatanr Druggists and Booksellers, A trents for John B. Alden's publications, which we sell at publisher's prices with posts gesdded. ALBANY, OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. C hare the best stock of urniture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE In the city and tbe lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, Revere House, Cnae Vln aad EUawarth Albaay, Oregon. W Garre t, Prop'r. Thia new Hot la fitted op in flrat claaa atyla. Tables (applied with the beet the market affords. Sprint? Bads In every Boom. A good Sample Boom for Com attreisJ Travelers. Casta to u from tar HolM." ALBANY M COLLEGIATE IN8TITUT1? NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY OR. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 15th, 1S85. For particulars concerning tbe courses of study and he price of tuition, apply to BE. J. . WlTKOPr, Preaidenl, Aloany Bath Mouse. TDK ONDXRSIONBD WOULD RESPECT fully isform the eltisent of Albany aad ri sVaity that I hsvetakeD charge of this Establish neat, and, by keeping clean rooms and payin .trio t attention to business, expects to suit al ehose who mayfaror us with their patronage Earing heretofore earned on notning out First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons szpeets to giro satire satisfaction to al JBW-CMldtea and Ladles' Hair neatly en liampooed. JOB WBBBEB. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Streets, A BANY - OREGON. o. o ohkbbt. a.rva9 albaWy IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to 0. C. Cherry.) Machinists, MillwTiglits, and Iror FOuMers. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTERNS NtDK OS HIIOKT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will alao manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator m tm eg w aMU .tx cents for postaire.and A rlllajCi receive free, a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than .nvthincr else in thia world. All of either sex, sus- eeed froui first hour, The broad road to fortune ooens before the workers, absolutely sure. At ones address Tars aaa Co,, Augusts, Maine, VOL. XXI. li SKIN TORTURES AND BLOOD HUMORS HCMILIATINU Rruptiona, Itching snd Hunting Skin Tortures, Loathsome Sores, end evsrv snec lea at Itching, Scaly, Pimply, Inherited. Hcretuleua and Coutsgtoua IHeeesee of the Ulood, Skin mil Scalp with loea of lUlr, from Infancy to old age, . nl Uvely rureu by Ci th-cra, ths urtl Skin Cur, and Cftttft IA 8oAr, an cx.,uUlt Skin UeauUfler, exter nally. hikK'i imih Hmouiut, the nw HI. .., I Puri ftsr, Internally, COVERED WITH MO REM. I hare been afflicted elnoo but March with a Skin dlssaar ths doctor celled Kesem. My (imwu aor red with scabs Mid sores, and Die Itching and Imm Ing wore almost unbearable. Seeing your Citkiba Krmsdis so highly recontmend'd, concluded to five them s trial, using the Ccticcsa and Cl'VlccaA So tr externally, and RbSolvrmt Internally, for four mouths. I rail myself cured, in gratitude lor which 1 make thia public atatement. MRS, CLARA A. KRKPKUICK. Ittnail Urook, Conn, ICALP.I At E, EARS AND NEC K, I tu afllicted with Krsema on thi scalp, face, ears and neck, which therunial, where I gt your reme- 'rii.Kinowe m mc a. ral .a- that lia.l come umlef nunntuea. He rd.Ur.t to, l . tr viir t't Tin ha Hkmkmm, and after five days' uee my welp and part f my face were entirely cured, and 1 hie In another week to hart my ears, neck, and the other pan ot eajr noe nrw, HERMAN SLADl. 120 E 4th Street, New York. ITCHING DISEANEtl CURED. CVTHTRA ataiida at the head of Ita claaa, Mpo-Ully ia tin theoaae with the Crtirt Mtdnr Have had an unusually good aale thia aummer, owing U the pre- UK-aiitiee in the country, In which the Cinct RA KU(iU)iR pn.veu aatiafaetory. W. L. Il.tRDUiti, druggiat. Unloutown, Ky. 4 I l it I It a REMEDIES. Are a .1.1 tv all .InictWst. Fries: Citu-vsa. UV Ukholvkxt, l ; SOAr, S6c rVrraa Irh ahu i nm KAl Oou Boston, Mass. Send for "How to t'ure Skin lUerasee." TIKY the complexion and skin by using ne rriiii at soap. la theTluae fW'teri MruPandHak ness. For Aching Hides and Back. Kid ncy raiiin, Scialica, 'hesl leina. Weak mass antl Ititlaninuition. the (Ytktsa Asm -I a ix !LAaTSalainfaintte, SSc. "XBItSA I cram pa, ahot 'Catim t TSK SACS.' atiuh in the side. cranio, ahouling ana .harp pain., rheuinaUc, neu- raliric, and sriatlc pains, ana every ex ternal pal" and ache soothetl and expell ed with wonderful celerity by that new, original, elegant and apee.lv anUdete to pain and iiinammauen, ine ci-ncraa pLABLsa. Warranted the perfection of eli-fant externa remedies, and vastly superior to all lher plaster. At druggists, the. : Ave for 1, Matted free. tVrrsa Dat e . CuuiicaL Co., Bos ton TIKSD AB AmiSii Ml Mils. crylnrl throuxh countless nerves for rest and rmlicf. Like manna to the children of Uraei it the i tii. k , Plastss to the Ured. overwork ed, aching muscle. Do not deny your self tbe comfort afforled by this new. inflamxtion. At .!rui.'- ve for l. Mailed free, IVrraa lai o AXDLilSJtK AL t:o First National Bank OF ALBANY, OREGON. PrriMent JOHSrnsSEH Caahicr II. r, MKUIUI.L TRANSACTS A OGSCBAI. banking buaii ACCOl'STS KEPT aubject to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and lelwaphlc trauafer, sold tm New York, San Francisco, Chicago and Portland, rr(pon. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable niE&rruaa. S. E. Vot xo, Jonw Coxxaa, L. E Blaix, L. Fuxx, H. F. Msaaiix. J. L. COWAN. J. W.CL HCiC Linn County Bank, COWAN & CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking bu.ii DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on" New York. Ian Fran Cisco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits subjec' to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt ttention. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. FISH, GAME, ANU POULTRY MARKET. MILTON HTDB, Proprietor. Fresh fifth always on hsnd. Cash paid for chickens and game. First Street, next door to Jos, Webber's, ALBANY, OREGON Sheriffs Sole. 7 In lit. Circuit Court of Uit State of Oreqon for County of Linn. The Dundee Mortgage and Trust Investment Com pany, Limited, Plaintiff. s. Thomas J Hill and Laura C Hill his wile and the American Mortgage Company of Scotland, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue ol an execution and order of est issued eut of the above named Court in the above entitled suit to me directed and delivered, I will on Saturday the 12th day ef Decern ber, 1HS6 at the Court House door In the City of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. m , Ms 1 1 at public auction for cash In hand to the highest bidder the real property described In sakl or der of sals In the following order as follows, to-wlt : Kirst, that the weat one-half of the west one-half of Sec. U in Tp. 13, S R 3 west of tbe Willamette start dlan in Linn county, Oregon, be sold and the pro c eeds arising from the sale thereof bs applied : First to the payments of the costs and disbursments of said suit taxed at S35 . 70 and the accruing costs of and upon said writ. Second to the payment of the sum of 9200 ss Attorney's fees. Third to the pay merit to the said Plaintiff the sum of $2822.55, snd tbe accruing interest thereon at the rate ef ten per cent per annum from October 24th, 1885, and the surplus if any to be paid Into Court for the Defendants T J Hill and Laura C Hill, and In case the proceeds of sale of said last described tract of land should not be sufficient to pay said sums so found to be due Plain tiff herein Including costs and disbursements and sc- omW viMtn then that the following described lands in the Plaintiffs mortgage, to-wlt ; The east half o the southeast quarter of Sec . 23, Tp, 13, S B 3 west of the Willamette meridian, be sold and the proceeds thereof amHel ax follows : First to the payment of any unsatisfied balance of the Plaintiffs said claim In eluding costs and disbursements and accruing costs and that thereafter If anything remain that the same er so much thereof as may be necessary to psy and satisfy ths amount herein found to be due thereon be paid over to the Defendant herein ths American Mortgage Company of Scotland Limited to he applied on their claim in said suit amounting te $987.01 In gold coin of theU. S., with accruing interest thereon. at the rate of ten per cent per armnn from December 1st, 1383, and the further sum of $180 as Attorneys ess. Dated this 11th day of November, 1885. J. K. CuABivrov, Sheriff of Llan connty, Or. a mSaae Send 10 cents postage, and we will A UIT B mail you free a royal, yaluable anmole box of croods that will put you in the way of making more money at once, than anything elae in America. Both sexes of all ages can live at home and work in spare time, or all the time. Capital not r quired. We will start you. Immense pay sure for those who start at once, Btissox and Co,, Portland. Maine. J WAeHaNUTt I.I TTr.R (lrom our regular corrr tpondeut.) Wabrinoton, Nov. 7lh, i885. Everything points to en unusually brilliant and interesting winter In Washington. The now Congress is already gathering in the city, and early next month it will he called to order and organized. An unsual number of visitors are coming to the city. Besides those connected with Governmental affairs, many will be drawn here by a desire to enjoy Washington official society under Democratic auspices and leadership. In the coming Congress there will be 184 Democrats and 141 Repuuil- tcarta. But 43 Is a Rood working majority. As Mr. Randall tins signified his determination not to enter the con. tatt for Speaker of th House, there ...all TTl a . It Utile doubt that Mr Carlisle will he re-elected without contest in oaurus In this esse the launching of the Forty-Ninth Congress will be without a ripple. Afterwards, however.smooth sailing Is not to be expected. Net only will the House continue to he antagonized by a Republican Senate, and the free course of legislation cor respondingly Impeded ; but a new antagonism will be presented. A Democratic President will be opposed by a Republican Senate In certain Im portant nominations. Mr. Cleveland expresses much gratification at result of the Virginia and New York elect lens, as does everyone prominently connected with the Administration. He Interprets the result In New York as a deliber ate endorsement by the people of bis reform Administration, and it Is im possible to dwarf its significance. While rejoicing over the more im portant political results, and larger issues that hang upon the Virginia elections, there Is no single event of the moment that sinks into the Dem ocratic heart with such sweet and lingering ecstasy as the final oblitera tion of Senator William Mahone. Democratic gains elsewhere may be fraught with deeper significance, and ma; throw a brighter light upon the future of reform. But the human heart i human, and it will dwell with obstinate delight upon the po litical death of the "Utile boas.' It is already evident there will be mere social entertsining in Washing ton this winter than usual. The de mand from wealthy strangers for houses is very large. Nearly ail of tbe better class of bouses In the fash ionable quarters of the city have been taken. Many old Democratic fdmll- es who have been but. little socially or years past, have prepared to emerge from their retirement, and help to make the winter one to be ro- metnbered. At least two members of the Cabi net will entertain extensively ; Sec retary Whitney who has had a com modious ballroom arranged in his residence, and Secretary Manning, wno bs taken a house constructed suitable for hospitable purposes. The other members will doubtless keep pace with the usual record of Cabinet officer. Tho Diplomatic Corps is always an important adjunct to the social sea son. They have ample leisure ana the amenities of polite society life is their chief occupation. Some of the argest banquets which take place In the city are given by the Foreign Legations. Already they have com menced their round of entertainments. The Japanese Minister gave two din- ners during the week, one to the Cabinet, and another to the Diplo matic Corps, in commemoration of the anniversary of the Mikado's birthbay. The army and navy are also highly important factors in a Washington season, and some of the most elaborate entertalnroeuts are given by them. What will be done socially at tbe White House this winter is not known as Mr. Cleveland is not a President likely to plunge wildly Into society's carnival. Still it i not probable that he will be Inclined to depart from those social amenities with which cus tom and tradition have associated the Executive Mansion. Among the results in Philadelphia which filled the streets with "rejoicing Republicans, with brass bands," wss tbe election to tbe Common Council, in the fifth ward, on the regular Republi can ticket, of one Mouat, who bas serv ed two years in prison for ballot. box stuffing. The party stomach in Phils delpbia is very strong. With silver coinsge, and the stand aid dollar a legal tender for debts, the United States has doubled her circula tion of gold since 1878. The cheating in the Ohio election seemi to have been thoroughly non-asr tissn. Both patties were fully repre sented. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1885. The feeling of antagonism to the Ore nonlan which caused the Republicans to rally 10 promptly wai shared by a great many Democrats with evn great sr rsASO t. Ths dtsire to break the prestige with its own party of a news paper which has shockingly fillifled tbe dnmoorscy of Orsgoa oouil not well be restrained when the opportunity had been wantonly thrust upon them, end so many Democrats thought thai a point oould bn gained by the election of Mr. Mitchell. Savers! no doubt acted, as they explained while asking to hsve their votes changed, in see nUno with tbe desire of tbsir onatituents. When it was fouti 1 that thnso UMnoorats wanted to vote for Mitcbsll, if the lime should com whoa thitir votes would elect hits, their assooiatea in tbe sen ate and bwttie very properly snd wisely said that they would not undertake to orerrule their action by the dictation of u Gamuts. This w,a Lh i-x timt of thn L., , ?rly "tion l course of tbois Democrats who voted on their sense of responsibility, and in tbe light of what tkey believed to be best for their party, for Mr. MitctWI. Ic wat done in tbe hope snd bslisf that it would disrupt tbe Uspubliean party and break the power of tbe leading Republican organ, and at tbe same lime prevent the elec tion of a man who would go to Waal. ington with the avowed intention of antagonising tbe administration in such a wsy'ss to sender it less easy for ths state to secure farorsble legislation from congress. This ir.'iu brief, the explanation, so far aa a stampede is capable of being explained, of tbe election of Mr. Mitch ell. What its effect will actually be upon tbe future interests of the state, and of the Democtatie party in tbe Bute and nation, we are not preparad at this lime to say. It will at least weaken tbe Republican party. Wbetb. er it will actually strengthen tbe Demo crat party and make it more united, will depend on tbe ability of tbe arty to rise to a full sense of its reaponstbil ty as the tribune of tbe people, and subordinate personal prejudice at.d de sire for personal gain to tbe interest of the party and of tbe public. Standard- It is said by tbe knowing in Waab. ington that tbe President is not so mucb concerned ia regard to tbe sttitude of tbe Senate as he was a montkor two ago. He has accepted tbe views of leading Democratic lawyers as to tbe Tenors of Office Act, and will send kts nominations to tbe Senate in the cases of suspension within tbe thirty dsys re quired by tbe act, sod swatt tbe Sen ate's action. When a nomination ia re jected be wilt send in a new name and in cue tbi second nsme is rejected, be will send no otber to the Ssnate during that session. Meanwhile tbe person first appointed, end who is installed in tke office, although rejected by the Sen ate, will continue to bold tbe ofiice during thst session of tbe Senate, but at the end of it the President wilt make a new appointment. That new ap pointment may in his disci ution be ot tbe person whom the Senate has onco rejected. Ltsding Democrats do not think that tbe President will enter into a contest with tbe Ssnate, but that be Ul follow tbe course under the Tennre of Office Aot here iodioated. Tbe Re publicans interpret the Tenure of Office Act very differently, snd there may be warm contest over these conflicting interpretations. Tbe Virginia Legislature, which meets biennially, will assemble on tbe first Monday in December, and one of its first duties will be the election of a Senator to succeed Mabone. Tbe bit terness of feeling engendered by the late campaign is so deep snd widespresd that Mahoae probably couldn't buy enough Democratic votes to be re-elsct-ed though he had tke wealth of the Indies at his commend. Thus far. the two leading in fact the only two candidates are State Chairman John S. Barbour snd Major John W. Daniel. As the af sembling of the Legislators is still several weeks off bees may creep into other bonnets before then and sev eral other leaders may decide to take a hand in tbe game. Tbe one consolation in connection with the event is that no matter what Democrat is chosen he is certain to be an improvement on Ma hone. The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution, not wishing to be the hindmost in tke rsce, has hoisted its Presidential ticket for 1888. It is "Hendricks and Hill." This ticket will disturb the people who are in tbe habit of dropping their h's. A sort of slow martrydom awaits who ever takes the thankless pest of Civil Service Commissioner, and that is why first-class men are so loth to aocept. a. Every European government is pay ing particular attention to its army and its arms iust now. Straws show which way the wind blows. Johnny McClean assarts positively that John Sherman will not be the next United States Senator from Ohio. And Johnny knows if anybody does. Tho Cincinnati committee of one hundred evidently means business. Shortly After the election when frauds were first discovered and traced to their origin, warrants, for the arrest . i aV Aft a oi nve oi tue statesmen were sworn out and placed in tbe hands of the Chief of Police. For reasons best known to himself that gentlemen taw fit not to execute the warrants and appeared to forget that be had them In his por session until the committee sharply reminded him of tbe fact by producing his attest on Saturday for failure to do his duty. In the Indis criminate mingling of Republican rogue with Demoerallc scoundrel, Cincinnati Is not altogether unlike a political ehaos. Should tbe reform committee evolve order and decency from the mass it will deserve the kindest words that men of both parties can speak. Congressman Townsbend, of Illioois, thinks the Democracy in the House this winter, eftftf in the session, will sgrse upon some reduction of tko tsriff that wr be satisfactory to stl classes of Democrats. Tbe msasure will be a compromise between tbe revenue re formers end tbe protectionist. Th nssssiily of reducing tsxstlon is leecf nixed by every one. It Is understood that Mr. Randsll bas been wot king sil summer upon a cam promise tsriff meas ure, lis is in fsvor of certain reduc tions. It is believed by tho DamocratiA leaders ia tbe House tbst if some of tbs eld war taxes can be out down without much difference of opinion in tbe Dem ocratic majority ths victory of last year ill be greatly emphasized. This re duction of taxes was promised, sad tbs least that can be done is to carry out tbe pldge of the last campaign. The long delay in the appointment of Collector of Customs at Boston hat been ended by the selection of Lev ered MaltonsUil. It would be dim cult to find a msn of greater fitness or higher chsrscter. Tbe new Collect or Is one of the veteran Democrats of the BUte, although he was not In very high favor so lung as the party was under the control of General Butler. But be has done good ser vice in many State campaigns and for all (be candidates for President, something the new klr d of Demo crats cannot all pretend to. He Is well fitted for tne duties of his new office, and bis appointment will be accepted everywhere as being thor oughly In line with those alresdy rusde. We have considerably more re spect for the colored voter of Virginia rioce election, than wo had before It. Through his Ignorance and Inexper ience, he permitted Mabone to cap ture the state, debauch Its politics, and ruin its credit But the bxtent to which he has forsaken his old political taskmaster and evil adviser, in the campaign Just closed, shows that he did not err willfully. He Is willing to accept the lesson of exper ience. He learns more readily now thsn he did more readily since he finds that he is at well off, and a little better, under a Democratic State and National administration. . p ey than he was under the rule of the Republican party. The future looks well for the freedmen. Rev. Dt. John Hall ia one of the ealthiest clergymen in New York. His hesd descen is Robert Bonner of lbs Lsdger. Dr. Hall receives a salary of $30,000 snd many presents. He is paid $10,000 a year as Chancellor of the Untvetsity of the City of New York, and receives $12,000 a year from ths Ledger t for one short article a week. Otber literary woik brings his annual income up to about $100,000. Seven teen years ago the doctor prssched in Dublin, Ireland, at a salary of $2500 a year. jas ' The first session of the Forty -ninth Congress will convene on Monday, December 7. The Senate will consist of 42 Republicanism Democrats. The House will have 141 Republicans, and 184 Democrats. Four great questions will present themselves for decision at the coming session, viz: The Indorse ment or repudiation of President Cleveland's course, the silver ques tlon. tariff reform and the Mormon problem. A Lj3 Angeles jury has decided that poker is not a game of chance. Prob ably as played there it is not. "see OUT OF SORTS. Many persons feel unwell, not abso lutelysiek, but in a state of discomfort. The liver is eut of ordsr. Take Sim mons Liver Regulator. This unfailing specific for Hvet disease has restored more peeple to health and happiness than any other(agenoy knonvn on earth. No one can take the Regulator and re main long unwell. Rev. R. G. Wi'der, Princeton, N. J., says '. 4I find noth .aea t.W a thing neips so muon to Keep me in working condition as Sim mens Liver Regulator.",1 N $100.00 to cotodi.tribut.atj . ourcu.t.r..TOJ eo mta taI SECOND DISTRIBUTION Jan. 1. 188S Coin In Burkhart Bros., hands and will h. parties, and in amounts from 82 50 to $25 OO have an equal chance in proportion to the Zr3 OUR Por the Pall and Winter cannot be surnassftri All our purchases are made for surPassed, Much at BANKRUPT SALES, and we nronnA f store in the WHlflmfra T7Viisa nSz Propose to cure scWof tbelaeba 5, 10 where thero is not one the money elsewhere for. ALBANY, OREGON, Nov. 2nd, 1885, a at ae ci kk. J. L. Parish, of Salem, writes ae follows to the Rural Spirit : "I have often heard complaints of rabbits des troying young fruit trees, especially east of the Cascades, where the coun try Is Infested with bares er Jack rab bits. A number of years ago, I rais ed some larce Enelish or French rabbits as pets. They increased to fifty or more, and they gave me much trouble In gnawing the bark off my youog fruit trees. Shortly I found a sure remedy or preventive, via: kill a rabbit and take nls intestines and rub the bark of the younrer trees from tbe ground up one foot or a Utile higher, and Mr. Rabbit, jack or any other kind, will not meddle with them for two years or more. Thia remedy will be Invaluable for nur serymen and those planting fruit trees east of the mountsins." Tsut sausea tbasv By the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railroad, the Importance of tbe salmon fisheries on the Columbia river is greatly increased. The Cana dian Pacific offers rates from one- fourth to one-third less than those of the Northern and Union i'aciflc Rail roads. By the means thus offered, the Fraser river fishermen can place their fresh and canned salmon on the Eastern markets at prices which will shut out the Columbia river product. The trade In fresh salmon has grown greatly since the completion of the UransceDtlnental lines, and bas as sumed no little importance. If the Northern and Union Pacaflc, how ever, cannot meet the cut, the busi ness here will be practically ruined. - - eies It doss not appear that tbe Presi- dent's policy hss disaffected his party mm . e ..SI so moon as to anect tneir voting strength. It is more and more evident that ths election of Cleveland snd the course of bis administration have releas ed many voters North and South from tbe fear of Democratic incompetency or ickedneas, upon which Republican leaders have been building support for so many years. With these props knocked out the Republicans have to face a serious future. The number of the asteroias is now 250. No. 249 was discovered bv the Veteran Peters, at Clinton, N. Y., on &.ug. 16, and No. 250 on Sept. 2, at Vienna, by Palisa. ' mm The announcement that Senator Logan had finally retired from the list of chronic Presidential candidates is entirely too good to be true. There is some reason to believe that the Illinois Senator may retire some day, but it isn't likely that he will live to see the day. aie The Beaaly er Yeata. No matter how handsome or stalwart s young man may be otherwise, nothtn cm make un for a partially bald be Shining talents are attractive, but a shin ins poll is not. The cause may be sick ness or anything else, yet Parker's Hair Balaam with ston the loss of the hair and start a new growth of glossy and soft hair so quickly as to surprise you restoring the original color at the same time. Net a dve. not ail v. delicately perfumed, On ly standard 60o dressing. The Most Agreeable As well as the most effective method of dispelling headaches, colds and revere, or bottles for sale.by don & Co. osbay A Mason, Lang- cleansing tne system is oj waiag a iew doses of the pleasant California liquid f rnlt ramed v Svtud of Flas. SOc and Si NO 18. NEW DEPARTURE BY Allen & Co.. proportion to the amount NEW STOCK OomeaadS. and 25 Cent Cmters. article hnf. Trr Jruu woum nave to pay double N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 NOTICE. tomg concluded to close out his lmmess, now offers Ms entire STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of Till, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As this is a genuine cloang out, now is the time for houdi o replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY, FEB. th iHr- It is noticed that tbe Dens clerks at Washington are not half to eager to go boots to veto as they used to be. Tbsir passion for contributing to campaign funds has also abated. Dr. Hock, a German neturaltst,finds that the eastern hemisphere affords 269 plants and 58 animals uaetul to msn, while the western world contributes 52 plants snd 13 animals. eie" The President has appointed Henry Rinehart Register, and John T. Out house Receiver of United States Land office at La Grande. Two more dem ocrats. A Safeguard. The fatal rapidity with which fdhrhi Colds and Coughs fivqucutly douii.; Into tho gravest iuuladien of tue thn i nnd hiij , i a consideration which should Impel every prudent ieion to keep n hand, as a household renicdv. n botlie 1 1 AY UK'S CHERRY lUXTOltAL. Nothing else gives RUCh immediate relit'! nudworkttHo sure a euro fa alleibufkn of thi class. That eminent physician, l'rof. F. Sweet ser, of the Maiuc Mcdk-ui School, llruuswlck. Me., says: "Mclleal sclcitco has produced no other nm dyiio expectorant iiod us Atkk'b CaaSKY PscTOKAt.. 11 ii invaluable fur diseases of ibe lliruht nud lunge," The same opinion Is expressed h the WelMUtOWtt lr. L.J. Addisou, of Chicago. 111., who says: "l Iiavo nevi r found. In. thirty, flvc years t i continuous statfy ntid practice or medicine, any troar;itiou of so treat value as Aykr'sChjjbky PacTOHAi., for treatment of diseases of tho throat and lunt;- It not only breaks up cold a and curt severe cough, but is more efflctiv than anythlni; ele In relieving even the mnft criou bronchial and pulmonary allectlou." AVER'S Cherry Pectoral Is not n new v'.sdmant for popular confi dence, but a medicine which is to-day Saving the lives of the third feneration who have come into being since it was first offered to the public. There is not u household Ut which this invaluable remedy has onco been In troduced where its use has ever leen abandoned, and there is not a peion who has ever given it a proper niul for anv throat or lung disease suscep tible of cure, who has not been n.adc Well bv it. AYfcR'S CHERRY PECTORAL has, in numberless instances, eure4 obstinate ea-es of chronic Bronchitis, Lnrnygitis, antl even acute Piteninonin, ami has saved many patients in the earlier stages of Pulmonary Consumption. It is a medicine that onlv requires to le taken in small doecs, is pleasant to the taste, and is nmttl in every house where there are chihhvn, ;m there l nothing so good as AYEJi'fUHEliUY PECTORAL fortrcat inent of C roup an .1 Whooping Cous:h. These ;u-e nil plain facts, which can be verified hv snyaodv, nnd should be re membered by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral PKF.r.UtEP BY Dr. J. C. Ayer s Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADVERTISING IMFI IN THE WILLAMETTE TiLLET, special business notices in Loesi OeS utnns lb cents per line. Regales- JUeal notice 10 nenla tr Una -.flor atifi transient i i w per squaro for the 1 go cent per square for lnftrtion. A f jwmfor ether advertlsemi -wwn on application. n, x , t!? by dl .OMtomer shall purchased f,. either in price or quaMje ' . se 11 cheaer than- , , . First Street, Albany, Or Red CrownMillg ISOM, LAXXIXG A CO., FROFB'0 raw process flock scnsus so nirsMifj AND BAKERS USKv BEST STORAGE FACJlITim Highest ;?rice in Cash m Wheat ALBANYCOR. DEYOE & ROBSOrl, (Successors to "W. H. GolSre,) DEALERS IN- FarmMachinery WAGONS, HACKS, BUBBH& Plows, Harrows. HAY PRESSES STEEL GOOD, W. CAPPS. M. D. Homoeopathic Physician & Surgeon, ALBANY, OREGON. T Office hours From 8 to 9;30 a: X., i to 4 ana 6:30 to 8 p. x. Office next door east ef S. B. Young C. B, WOLVKRTON, O, , i W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Se-Offloe np stairs In Fromane Brlek ALBANY, OREGON pOR SALE. One hundred and forty seres, sM mues above .Lebanon. 40 acres ta tivation. 10 acres slashed aad sewa grass. Comfortable dwelling, outhouses. Cheap. Inquire .at office. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LA Notary FuhUtfr DR I. N. W0 IDLE," Veterinary Surgeon, Office at Sehmee t Stables. ALBAN Y, OREGON.