The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 20, 1885, Image 3

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(The gemoctat.
Filtered at th Pout OOW-o t Albany, Or,
aseecond-clai mall matter.
KttlDAY NOV KM H MR 20, 1885.
SriTE3 &
I III .r nl
rrrtB rlrtors.
rttKDF. RfTfMss, lsal KilHer.
Official County Paper.
mi M" mill
Ths Nonpareil velveteens are rery desir
abla for all purpnees, aa they are very dur
able, and not liable to fade with expoaure
to the ann, or to apot aaaUy with rain.
The Nonpareil velveteena make elegant
costume complete for ladies, aud are equal
ly deairable to use in combinationa with ailka
or aatina.
Nonpareil velveteens wear with moto even
neaa than the Lyon velvet, It ia not ao apt
to wear in places, ami the ooat ia about no
sixth. I bsve Juat received a lino of the above
2Voupril Yelveteenn, direct frm
tbo aasnta In Now York. Also a full line
of ribbon, I think superior to any In
thia market. Also a cheaper quality of
ribbons, In all colore. Also a line of
lad lea' embrolderla,ladioa' handkerobiafa,
atlk and linen, snd a full line of notions.
Hamurl. K. Young.
Rfheel Regan.
After a vscstion of about tiyo months
tho public sohools of Albany began work
again on last Moncay morning under tho
most favorable circumstances and with
the brightest prospects in viow. If the
purpose of the large number of pupils
who are in attendance) are a a new and
substantial as the fine building In which
they will be executed there will be no
donbt of the amount of thorough work
don. Tho attendance the first day was
28. Tho different gra Jes are being taaght
from the highest down, by Prof D V I
Held, principal, Miss OUio Klrkpatrick,
Miso Mary Irvine, Miss Minuio Allison,
Miss Margeria Brink and Mrs Stockman,
la the order named, Prof Kid and Miss
Kirkpatrick occupying the two right hand
rooms ou tho second floor and the remain
der those on the first floor. Our public
ohools are the stepping stones to all tho
higher avenues of life and deserve the
gteateat encouragement of a community.
The costly Central school building a peaks
fr the sentiment of the people of this
oty, It is to be hoped It will bo o x press -
1 as strongly in the support of tho ex
os lent teachers employed to manage oar
a bools.
far IMS.
Below we give the assessment
o muty for the year 188A, snd aa
comparison that of 1884 I
a or or Una m,rm
Improved land .m.:. 1 1
Unlmprvvsd land 3,tM
Mies on real steals....
Town Iota 1.3
Mdaaaad Improvements
Money, noire, ate .
HouM hotd lurnlluro, carriages, oV
ttortas and mulaa
Oaltto 14.IWS
Slice I . h 94,070
Blus 8,81
o( Linn
well for
i :.;
840,8 to
881, 170
Groat valueof property 07,914.230
Indsbudnses $1,09,404
Exemptions 401,140
. . ...
Total taxable )r.iert,
Niitnbsr of polls
Last year tho assessment was as follows :
I .and. .., , , , . ... , , , , .., ,.,,,$l,8tHl, t It
R K laud M,l5ft
Wagon road land
Town lou...., ..
ImproremenU . . .
Mils and Implsmeuts
Money, notes, ate
Household turnlturo, etc
lloroaaaitd mulaa
......... tea
lml.-b!ulns .
ExsmpUoos. . ,
. 1.415.40a
. 900,677
.. .01,75, oU
. . . 409,491
TaiaMe property
Ko of polls
No of horses and mules
Ko at cattle
Noot ebeef)
A Former Us
ity Man Shet
A shooting affray at Mitchell recently
took place in which a former I .Inn county
man took a part, the men being Jas Chssn
borlain and William Westlake. It appears,
ays an exchange, that the two men got
in o a fight when Chamberlain dtew a
pistol and attempted to shoot Westlsks.
Charlie Woods.fornwrly of that place, who
c ianced to be near, attempted to take the
p stol from him when the same was dis
charged tho ball entering Charlie's loft
arm at .he elbow. Chamberlain then shot
Westlake in too left leg near the knee.
B ith Woods and Westlake are reported to
be quite seriously injured, though neither
ia necessarily in a dangerous condition.
Chamberlain was bound over to appear
before the grand jury in the sum of $700.
A rilled Tweasy.
, &.M7.6M
,4 to
It will be observed that while the gross
value of property for 1885 is over $100,000
more than in 1884 the value of taxable prop
arty is ovsr $50,000 lees, due to a large in
crease iu indebtedneaa autl exemptions. The
ahowiag all together ia a very good one.
Ball afaaaer.
Tangent school record kept as follows ;
5 credits given for each day's attendance ;
making in one month of 20 dsys 100 ; one
taken off for each missed word, failure,
demerit, tardy, etc. ; so it is readily seen
that the following have worked hard, and
deserve credit for their standing. Others
have done well, but below are the only
names taken from a roll of 00 whose
The majority falling
of studies of esch
A young man from Benton county a
few days ago in payment for sumo work,
received severs! twenties. In passing one
of them in ib Is city It wss discovered to
be filled, and very cleverly too, coiwider
everything but the sound. That gave
it away, it falling on a counter with a doll,
fraudulent thud The line around it
oould hardly be detected except by the
closest scrutiny. Probsbly there was not
much more than a half dollar in the pice
ao completely is the gold inside scooped
out by those who make it a business It
ia sometimes dona ao deftly as to leave
little beside the impression, tbo genuine
gold ijelng little thicker then gold foil.
The o. r.
Mr Walhs Naab, Vice-President of the
Oregon Pacific R. R , was in the city Tues
day. From him we learned that the Yaquina
got a good start Tuesday morning from the
Bay with a good load. It will return proba
bly by Monday. Merchants in the vslley
are beginning to learn how much cheaper
fright is by this route. Oae prominent
fUlem merchant reoorts a saviuir of a third
on a large shipment of goods flora San Fran
cisco. An Albany firm are looking for ten
tons of merchandise at greatly reduced freight
by this route, and po doubt the apirit will
aprea 1 until considerable of the vsliey freight
comes over the Oregon Pacific line.
Oar etock of boots and shoes is constantly
increasing Many nsw styles Laving been
sdded in the last few months.
IUtAD k Brownej.l.
6 100
6 100
0 100
t 00
6 yy
0 m
6 08
$ 98
ft M
5 00
4 96
ft 95
standing reaches 03,
below 79. Number
Bird Lnpsr
Amasa Moses
Alliu Parkin .n
Georgia Hettlemiro
Maud Beard
Deua Bridgafarmer
Mary Simpson
Dsvjd fcridgerarmer
(Jeo Siiupsen
Ids Mni-.h
Jaaas Jenks
Lizzie Siuilh
Taniient and vicinity bate at least one
thing of which to bo proud their young
people ; not hoexllums ; but children,
boys and girls, young men and women,
who are moral and sober minded. In
scbool.all (with very few exceptions) work
ing hard for that gotn ol !ife,an education :
belog ambitious, zealous in every good
that may bo accomplished, all seem to
realize what ia before them, and hence,
the necessity of pushing forward now.
Who deserves more praise for anything,
than do young people Just growing up
setting forth osamples of morality and re
flnsment, oven to their older associates
991 establishing far themselves thai
greatest of all worldly goods, an honor
able reputation.
O. C. MoFablamd,
The poople of Albany art proud of tbetr
new school house, externally and Intern
ally. Were we not already familiar with
thts fact we would have loarned of it for
certain last Friday afternoon on tho 000a
stou of the dodioation of the building.
The services began at 2:80; but previous
to that time for an hour or over a csntmu
al lino of Albany's oitlseno, men, women,
boys, girls and babies, was passing in and
nt of the different apartments, all of their
msny remarks which fell on our ears be
log highly oommendatory of not only the
general arrangement of tho building, but
as well tho workmanship displayed. At
the time of tho presentation of the plans
of tho building tho Dkmooout gave a
complete description of what it wnuld be.
Wo now see
ao ably gotten up by Mr, Edward Zeyss.
The large furnaoo in tbo basement is In
splendid working order, sending warm
onrients of air to svery school room in tbo
building. On eithor side of tho baseman,
double apart ments give ample room for a
plane of reoreetten during the wet winter
months. Twelve arches connect the
different apartments. Here all the im
proved coufenlonoos for children are
On entering the building by the front
stops one is struok with the largo amount
of room and the convenience of things.
The commodious hail, the well arranged
hat and oloak rooms, entered by four
arches on eacn aide on the way to the
school rooms, all speak on theso points.
Each of the four school rooms on this floor
haa a seating capacity of sixty-four, the
Fashion seats used being arranged ac
cording to tbo agos of the pupils who
occupy the rooms. The halls and hat
rooms on the second floor are In keeping
with those on the Arst floor. A t the pres
ent time only the first two rooms on the
right being seated, each having room far
fifty six pupils. They are connected by
large folding doors, which may be thrown
oneu for chapel or other exercises, and
were on the occasion of the dedicatory
services. In the whole building there are
tweuty three inside doors, twenty-four
arches and seventy-two windows. For
light, beat and ventilation the bul idlng Is
not often surpassed. It la hardly neoea
aary,yet proper, to say that Mr. Ed. Zeyss
was the architect cf the building, Mr. I.
F. Conn contractor, Messrs. Bowman A
Susans doing the painting and graining,
and Mr. J. B. Berry tbo brie k work and
plastering. That they have done thoroug b
work is the opinion of all who have in
spected the building. The largo number
who attended the
Fiiday afternoon spoke for the great inter.
est taken in educational matters here. At
the hour mentioned Prof, D, V, Raid,
Principal, called the audience gathered in
the chapel to order, Prof. Condit read the
Mb chspter of Proverbs and Rev. s. O.
Irvine, D. P., offered prayer. After the
reading of letters of oongr atuiaiion and
regrets at not being present, from School
Superintendent McElroy and President
B. L. Arnold, of the State Agricultural
Coiieae. Prof. T. F. Campbsll, Prof, cf
Mathoinati.-s, of tho Agrkuiltural Tollegr,
delivered the dedication address, an able,
thoughtful effort. Ills tribute to the ad
vancement caused by the common anhool
system in thts country from 1787, whJ It
received iu first Important Impetus, op
through ths time of florae Mann, to the
present time, was a powerful and Impr
slve one. Even a synopsis of the lootur e
Is impossible here. We must uoi.tboug h.
nKle-; mentioning hi advk'o in nfcftSJM
to the Importance of continuing to make
the school aurroundings pleasant by the
placing of the school bouse yard In a good
condition by tbo building of fences and
the setting out of shade trees. An an
nouncement of the beginning of school on
Monday closed the exercises.
A Well Known
Take 1 His e)wa
lisbanou has
a well patroiiissil okatioj
Ftrstlt by all drag
Last Monday morning, about h o'clock
Mr J II Rstney called at the house of O,
P. Adams, living two miles wost of Millers
near the Willamette, and receiving no re
sponse to his rsps, opened the door and
went In, when lie was hor rilled to llml
Mr. Adams lying In the middle of the
floor dead.wlth a revolver bee Ids him, Two
young men who were working for Mr.
Adams were in a barn near by attending to
some horses. It seems that Mr Adams after
feeding some hogs directed the young
man to attend to the horsse, and then
after they bad gone, standing erect, In the
middle of the room, placed the mux&ie of
a 44eallbre revolver to hia right temple
so hard aa to leave an Impression of It, and
pulled the trigger. The ball passed com
pletely through hie head and lodged In
the wall, at such a height as to shew in
what position he must have been standing.
Death necessarily was inntantanoous, A
Coroaer's Inquest was held over the dead
body by J H Crooks, J. P, It was found
that death was cause I by a pistol shot at his
own hands. Mr. Adams Was well known
through Linn county as' an upright, hon
orable, man, pleaaant to deal with and
equareUi all his transactions. The news
of the terrible deed was received with sur
prise by all who knew Mr Adams, many
putting him down as tho last man who
would take his own, life. He was un
married, was about thirty-five years of
age, and was In good financial circum
stances, though he owed a Utile which
troubled htm some. He will be rem em
bored as the owner of the famous "Oregon
Bsauty, with the seven foot mane, for The svsrsge yisld of wheat in Michigan
which he received fifteen hundred dollars tna PMt " was about twenty bushels,
about a year ago, at the time receiving a T F Hews, a blacksmith at Dallas, has
atending offer of two thousand dollars for fn"n b,ir 30.K. "oky blacksmith,
hts leng matted stallion. Why a man In ..sally, when you went tint class, fresh
11 1 it 1 J -Si al . a fe r a m.m
his circumstances should take his own le"". ! aioos.oan on uonrau weysr
F M French, jsweter.
Tomatoes by ths case st E. A B's.
Ths best harness at J J Dabruillei.
The bast millinery at Miss M K Foster's.
Try ths Chieftain cigar at 5 j. E. k B.
Natures own remeiy, Oregon Kidney Tea.
Sabtoription to Dshoorat, $2.50 per yssr,
Head your book and Job work to 8 O Dor
'Oregon Kidney l'ei.
New strained honey at It k B's, l.) j per
I" uqd,
J. P. Wallace, Phyaiuiau and Surgeon, At
bany, Or.
Wheat, 63 cants, oat, 24 ; butter, 23o
g. SOo,
. VVe still take the lead in prices, as we sell
for cash, li k B.
The flnsat line of window cornice mould
mgs at Woodin s,
Nsw Orleans molasses, the pure article, st
Read A Brownsll'o.
It oasts about $1009 a day to run the Ore
gon Ugislaturs.
$5,000 worth of clothing at cost at Moo
teith AReiteubeoh's.
Arbuokles roasted cuffs sic poualt for
$1 at A U Mail warns.
If your liver to oat of order try Prushsw's
Pills sure oars. Never fails.
lteil, ths Canadian revolutionist was bang,
ed iaat Monday. Ho died gamo.
Spleudid line of ladies fall and winter gar
ments at Monteith A Soitenbaoh'o.
Ths cheapest place to got year printing
dona is st the Job oflloe of 8 O Dorr 14.
Examine Woodin'a Ki tension tables. They
are well go and see them for yourself.
j Cigars, tobacco and gents furnishing goods
at Otto .Salinger's opposite MulliwainY
life was a query. It Is now learned though
that he had boon for some time a sufferer
from dyspepeia snd liver complaint. He
told one or two a few daye previoua to his
death that he had rather die than live and
suffer aa he had been from those diseases,
Ou the morning of the suicide he told the
two yonng men working for htm that bo
might die at any time and If anything
should hsppsn, Instructed them where his
papers con Id be found and the key to the
desk holding them, settling with them in
full for their wasea. Some of his neigh
bors now remember that he acted In a
II. a a a
peculiar, meisnciioiy manner tor some
lime previous to the suicide, but did not
look for anything so serious. Thntrauh
C alheile Charefeu
eeslf'a Than ksl las Frarlaoaallea,
The First Ward school h.jase.reontly pur-
eh seed by the CHholios, has been move! (to
a lot on Ills worth Street, west side, sear the
8antiam Canal. The cupola will be taken
off, a cross placed on the west end, the out.
side painted and the inside rearranged , so as
to give it a aesting capacity of about seventy,
fiye. From Rev Father Lonis Metayer, who
is now located in this oity, and who will
have charge of the uhurch here, we learn that
eerviccs will probably be hbld in the church
the Arst prt of December, and that it will
start out with a membership of about sixty,
belonging to probably k-rty-five- families.
Next ysar it is tho intention of the church
of organizing a Catholic school here, putting
np the building some, where near the church.
Father Metayers headquarter are now at
the Depot Hotel.
Ths place to bay hardware is at A B Mo
ll wains, as he is sailing it at reduced rates.
Read A Brownelt will grind your coffee for
you and sell Arbuckles as low as the lowest.
F M French, agent Singer Manufacturing
Co., opposite Odd Follows Temple, Albaoy.Or.
A Barlow Station man took 100 sacks of
oats to market that held by weight 3J4 bush
The very best broadstaffs at Conrad May
era. Their esoellenoy taonorally comment,
ed 00.
Mr l.yle Rice is sating as agent at tho de
pot during tho absence of hia brother W B
Dr. M. H. Fibs, physisian and surgeon
Alt any, Oregon. (Wis made in oity or
Those rolled oats at iUed k Browned' are
death of Mr Adams has been a great blow I j0ll AjfeAjj, d will 0Jok in s wary few
in the community where he lived as well minutes.
aa through the county. Later laformstlon (jo to Hoffman k Joseph's for fins assorted
showaconcluslve!y that tbe rash deed wss I caodise, home made. Their' a is always pare
done In a fit of despondency produced by oa ,re"-
tbe failure of a financial entet prise in
which he was engaged. He hsa repeated
ly told hie friends lately that he waa
financially ruined. This despondency
was very much Intensified, and In fart
must have been produced by UI health, as
he had bean suffering for soma time from
so affection of ths liver aud dvspepaia.
He waa in debt about $1000 but worth
Read A Brownoli are sole scents for ths
Chief tain 5q cigar. Smoke 00s and you will
ass no other.
For a stereotyped production read Govern
or Moody's Thanksgiving proclamation in
another column.
Prashaw gives to every child baying school
books or paper from him a full set of adver
ttsing cards, frm.
If you sre going East bo sure and go via
the Oregon Short Lute it is the best. See
sd in another column.
(io to Prushsw's new Dreg Store for pure
"'lip, musas maoism, eve rrescri nitons
Lvt Sabbath evening about I0:tp fire carefully compounded,
waa discovered in the loft of lUv. 8.0. A Skagit Co. ( W. T ) boy, 12 yeew old, a
Irvine's bam on Broadalblo street, an W wnoe committed osi?tdo by shoot-
alarm wa. given, responded to a-quick- "T Z ""'ZV. .... a a-. ...
ly as the deep mud would permit, by natober of thousands bushels at apples
the fire department ol the oity. By that go ta waste in Lino county.
hard work the frame work of the lower Zoo-sou tobacco is 16 os plugs and n t 1 2
part of tho ham waa saved, as well as a Mf 14 u m(t otaet brands that are sold
uru puiinu, at a n Mail wain a.
Parties already aabeoribers to tbe Dsuo
caaT, who wish to send the naner eff to a
i m . . XT w
A Valuable Killed.
Last Monday morning the Iebanon Ex
press in approaching the junction v, ith the
O. k C. R. R-. near this city, ran into a mare
and colt belonging to Mr A Hackleman. al
moot instantly killing the former and throw
ing the colt some distance into a field, bnt
not injuring it. Tho mare was of Clydesdale
breed, and a very lino one, having been pur
chased about a year ao by Mr Hackleman
at a coot of $540. The railroad company will
Le requested to remit a reasonable sum for
tho mare, aud probably will do so, though it
io not usually prompt in snch matters.
$5,000 worth of clothing at oast at Man
teith A Seitenbaoh's.
( barged With stealing.
List Saturday a warrant was issued in this
city for the arrest o( a young man charged
with stealing several dollars from a moulder.
According to tbe moulder's story, the young
man accompanied him home Friday night.
Lying down on a sofa the monlder went to
sleep when his companion extracted about
fifteen dollars from his pockets. Afterwards
seven dollars was returned to him. A war ¬
rant was issued for the young man, bnt he
had left for parts unknown. Tnis is his
second or third offence. Perhaps it would
State or Oaxoosr,
bALKsf , Nov. 13, leeft.
In accordance with a custom establish
ed by our forefathers and In conformity
with the proclamation of the President or
the United states, i wouio recommend
that Thursday, November 20, 1H85, be ob
served aa a day of thanksgiving and pray
er, and that upon that day all tbe people
of tbe State abstain from their usual avo
cations and, repairing to their respective
places of worship, do give thanks to the
Supreme Kuler of tbe universe tor tbe
Plasssings vouensared to us during ttio past
year, and for tbe premise of tbe future;
and I would urge, as a suitable msnlfss-
tation to Uod, that with open ha vl-
generous hearts you do upon that day
devote out of your abundance that which
wilt meet th wants snd carry comfort to
tbe hearts of the needy and destitute who
sre within the reach of your charity.
Oiven under my band and the great
sesl of the State of Oregon, thia 13th day
of November, A. D. 1885.
a, i' . moody, uoyernor.
R. P. Eauhabt, Secretary of State.
span of horses, a wagon, some wbesi
and other things. A large quantity of
hay wae destroyed and some oats in
jured. The lose will amount to prob
ably four or fl ve hundred doi tars. There
was no Insurance. Iu the absence of
any evidence on the subject the fire ie
probably very correctly laid to tramps.
The I -ad lea' coffee club greeted the flre
tsen on their return to their engine
bouaee with some hot coffee, very ac
ceptable on such a muddy, wet evening.
"May they live long ami prosper," waa
the universal toast drank to them.
Srkeel fttepsrl.
need or friends can do so for $.'.
If yon would make a man friends throw
mad as him aod it will have the desired offset
whether tbe man deserves it or out.
A ooupl drunken men rolling a sob other
on the side walk on First Street was a tout -psraooe
lecture scene last Tuesday.
Rev T G Brow u son's subject st tho Bap
tist Choreh next Sunday evening will be,
"Joseph Imprisoning bis Brethren."
Tbe winds blowed and cracked their sides
quite lively last Tuesday, perhaps incited by
the fearful agony beginning at Salem.
We understand our contemporary, ths
Herald i)iumiator, is to start a daily ia a
short time, just whsn we sre not advised.
Dr J B Pilkiagton's next visit to Albany
Shaving soap, hair oil, pomade, bay rum,
hair tonic, o osmetic, oombs, shaving brushes
and hair brush so, jast received, a largo sup
ply from Philadelphia, at Lmis Vierook's
Barber Shop.
The steamer Topnymn regularly between
Albany and Corvallia. Tuesday, though,
the seyore wind was too much for it, sud it
was unable to ascend the river until Wed net
day morning,
On an official bond tndo oat ia Portland
there are ten names ot men each of whom
sweats to using worth $2J,000 over and
above his dsbts sod obligations. Five alt
together pay taxes on loss than $8,000.
Dr. Kellogg's Worm Too is entirely (roe
from sll mercurial properties, uaa be given to
the weakest constitution without danger, ia
palatable and easily administered to children.
is mild in operation, and never fails to effect
a cure. Price 25 cento. Sold by all druggists.
If pseple troubled with colds, would take
A vers Cherry Pectoral before sounr to ohuruh
or places of entertainment, they would avoid
coughing, greatly to tbe comfort of speakers
and bearers. The Pectoral wonderfully in
creases the power and flexibility of tbe voice.
Three hundred pupils were enrolled in tho
public school of this oity on Thursday, being
Placed in ths different tirade as follows i
Second and third. 37 s fourth. 54 i fifth. e'J
sixth, 61 s seventh, 45; eighth, (primary,)
Ths saggestlon of tho Dshocsat that a
bill should be passed by tho legislature, pro
hibiting prise litfbtias ia Oregon has been
followed,a bill having been introduced, pass
ed one house unsmimously and will tho other.
Last Monday Mr Alvab Kinder brought a
cougar scalp io from ths foot bills and pre
sented it to the County Coart, receiving
sonpt in payment for it. 'fibs cougar wss
playing havoc with Mr Kinder s sheep when
Loland Stanford haa just endowed s Uni
versity, to be called tho Lelaud rftanford, jr.,
University, with $3,MO,0UO worth of prop
orty. it is to be located at Palo Alto. This
is one of tho largest gifts on record, if nut
tbe largeat.
Another watch fiend wants as to nav
double price for a watch, half in cash and
naif in advertising, which would make it
about as oven trade with advertising thrown
to. row people nave any idea bow many op
portunities a newspaper man baa to be
Avers Sarsaparilla works di recti v and
promptly, to purify and eunh the blood,
improve the appetite, strengthen tbe nerves,
and brace up the sysWm. It ia. ia the truest
souse, sn alterative medicine. Every invalid
should gtve it a trial.
A heavy nig stery told as is that "old
Truro per ' ss he is known, living nine miles
east of Albany, recently butchered nioe pigs,
ten months old, ths svsrsge weight of which
was zoo poanos. fig raisers are hereby
challenged to beat this.
Ths assessment commission proposed by
the Legislature will probably be Henry Fail
ing and C J Smith, of Portland, A Naeburg.
of Coos county. Daniel Clark, of Marion,
Samuel liaghes, of Washington, Hail, of
Grant, and K s Strahan, of Lion.
A committee appointed at Taootaa report
ed that not a stogie Chinaman had suffered
injury or had any of bio property destroy -
co. ir this u to it would seem that the
course of the people of that city was to drive
them oat by giving them a grand scare.
A salmon cannery is advocated by the Pmtt
on the Bay. "Bee Jersey," the idea is a good
oos, sod shoald be followed oat. Tbe largest
oaten report! during the past season was
104. The fish at tho Bsv are ef a auflk-ientlv
good quality to make the industry a good one
in uas.
A California State officer who baa inves
tigated tbe Chinese question reports that the
coet of living for tbe Chinee varies from $3
a month in one county to $8 in soother ; that
70 per cent ot their provisions is imported
by Chinese merchant from abroad, and that
BU per cent of theu wages is sent back to
Recently a gentleman ia this city counted
i tramps uvparttng from a earn early one
morning, uau the barns in Albany net
locked, are probably occupied by tramps
svery night. Bo common is this kind of
night lodging that owners of barns shoald
post ap conspicuously some such sign ss this
"Smoking io this be tiding not allowed."
Pursuant to a call, a number of tho repre-
stooauw sheepmen of this county met at tbe
voart ttouso on Monday and permanently
organ te-1 an association to be known as the
Proast County Wool Growers' Association
and elected as othoars W C Wills. President
B r Allen. Vtoa-Preaident ; J K Duncan,
Secretary ; Leo Fried, Treasurer. Ths next
snooting of the association will be held at the
Court House to Priitevtlle,at 1 o'clock p. ex.,
on Saturday, Nor 21, 1885.-Ochcoo Review.
Jamas Pasooe, while out duck hunting,
says an exchange, near Salem, a few days
ago, mot with a serious accident. Finding
his supply of loaded shells getting short, he
began doeapiag some of tbo empty one, pre
parhtory to reloading. One ot the shells bad
missed tire, bat being in a harry he did not
uotioe the weight, and in attempting to re
move tbe cap it exploded, badly lacerating
but left band.
Miss Laura Potzmen of Portland, is in the
Mrs C W Watts is visiting relatives in
Judge ft S Roan, of tiugene, was in the
city Saturday.
W K Kelly, one of Brio's druggists, was in
Albany Friday.
Pete Callahan, of Corvalli. spent iait
Sabbath in Albauy.
It A Iryino illuminsted our sanctium a lew
moments on Mundsy.
Mr J N Duncan, of Prinevillc, was in Al
bany the first of the week.
Mr R Kara-ell, of Shedd, made this oflloe a
subs ten tislcall on last Saturday.
Mr William Simpson, of Helix, is in the
city, aod will remain a week or two.
Mrs Lark Bilyou and sou. of Koirooe. are
in tbe city visiting relatives snd friends.
Mr Abe Hackleman arrived in Albany tbo
first of the week from his ranch at Silver
Wells, K. 0.
Rev f A Me see, of It iburg. was io Al
bany, last week, paying this office a visit.
while here.
Jos Nixon, of Libsaoo, passed through
Albany on Tuesday from a trip to Washing'
ton Territory.
Mr George Piper returned from Salem the
first of the week, sod is now in his old posi
tion in Laogdon AC.s drug store.
Judges R S Strahan. J J IPhitoev and D I Cblltsnifilnfa in nnnnwilUn
I UI..LI 1 ... -i . .. I
sv oisoivsrn, sire 10 attenoance Sv tno I ..t.l . i 11 . .. m -
Circuit Court, is session t rn;. tbi. -"HI "smiy woe oaruiy reels sate to
Mr snd Mrs J M Porter, recently of Pom-
oroy, W. T., have moved to Cor v all ts, where J and a few silver plated spoons sre left
I y fc . - . n mm uMMa. Af II - - 0L S A
Mrs J A Miller left last week for Brittons wuwjr . "5rU " I,,,OW OWl ,W
Station, Baker county, whore she will spend "me cltv residence aud helps himself
two or tnree months visiting with hor sister, to Uilng4 promiscuously. Chinamen
social AMD rr.)AL
4 UtV A SO I T T0W.
Hie Man about Town haa heard with
concern, as welt as with much interest,
discussions ou the subject of lynching.
Soma claim that Is the only pan that
will Laid water, that everything e'se is
only a sieve. "Ltok at California," they
njr, "in its early days," ko. Oregon la
now a clvillzpd country and should be
abovi such things even If culprits on
ome cecas!oris do not get Juetiee aod
laws' delays are aggravating. Judge)
Lytxh dfsorganlzts any societf ha
preeencs is allowed in. His Is mob
rule, and mob rile Is a worse medicine
than tho disease. It is true too many
murderers do not got tbe noose aronnd
their necks; but tbe taking of the Jaw
in the hands of a rabble will not cure
matters. The great regret Is that trials
for capital offenders are not meie
How true Is the fact that nearly every
load has its evil, Tbe Northern Paclflo
le a wonderful convenience, bat the
number of petty thieves and outcasts
from society generally which it haa
showered upon us is not pleasant to
1th the
leave ones house unlocked and net bar
ricaded if only ft Sunday suit ef clot haa
who by the way is the Ifaaeby of that place.
Mr. Buchanan and fsmily arrived in Al
bany from tbe Kast s few days sgo and will
probably locate somewhere in Oregon. Mr
naortanaa was an old neighbor in business cf
Mr W If Jfibbitt st one time.
Mr Jones, of Portland, has been in the
city this week in tho interest of tbo Portland
business directory. Mr Jones is an old news
and scrub thieves should be made to
One of Albany's old city ordinances
provides that the fine for a certain ef
feuse shall not lie lees than one hun
dred dollars. The charter provides tbt,MiwwrT, nrton is an Ola news- I t-. r ..... ,, u i u ,
psef mat., having bean bu.iues, manager of 00 for a,7 offence shall be lmpoeed
the Evening Chr0nicU of Portland, and editor
oi mo xauina Mail.
Mr J L Miller, of Scio. left the first of tbe
week for Missouri, where be intends spend,
ing the winter, visiting bis former home and
placet of interest to bim. He will go first
to Buttsyille, whore he will stay a month or
ao. May his trip be a'olessant one. free
from accident or mishap.
for more than oae hundred dollars.
osusing a clash, which renders almost,
il not quite. Ineffective the ordinance ts
reference to the offence. The now
charier waa adopted on account of the
many defects in tbe old one. What
ie needed now are ardi nances consistent
with It, well and caret ally drawn ee
that they cannot be palled to pieces by
every lawyer who attacks tbem.
Mary Myrtle, daughter of J. W. and Lottie Last Monday W L Vaucs and R Cosier
Allison, died Nov. Oth. 1S85, aged 1 year 4 1 loft for fHan r raacMco via the O. P. R. B
months aod 9 dsys.
Oh I say darling yon have left me,
In this wide wide world to roam.
You were all my joy and treasure,
Now I ana left alone to mourn.
Never more will I caress tbse.
Never take your little band in mine ;
Yoar loving eyes are closed forever,
Oh, what a sad and lonely time.
Oh ! the lonely dsys and boars.
Of weeks and months to come
Without yoo my darling Myrtle,
Oh to stay when yoo sre gone.
Oh ! my darling yoo are gone.
And may I ever be
A fitting emblem.
To meet you in eternity.
Lomi Aluso.
with twenty nead of horses. They savs B7
a head on freight by taking thia rente.
Yesterday Peters A Stewart received tie
fi rst freight sent to this city over ths C. P.
fancy handkerchiefs for tbe
holidays, Just received, a large invoice to
sell at 5, aod 10 cents each.
Saxitkl E, Yorxo.
axala Waaled,
A Walking HLrletea.
Mr Springer,of Meohanicahurg.Pft.,
writes ; "I wss afflicted with iung fever
and abscess ou lungs, and reduced to a
walking skeleton. Cot a free trial bot
tle of Dr Klng'a New Discovery for
Consumption, which did me ao much
good that I bought a dollar bottle. After
using three bottles, found myself once
men, completely restored
more men, completely restored to
Wanted tive.eiiergeticagents In every health, with a hearty appetite, and ft
town ftnd county iu the United Stalea M"17 U y?T ""TV
.uason s urug store anu get a ire
trial bottle ot this certain cure for all
L ing Dieeasee. Large bottles fl.
county iu tbe United Btatcei
to aell Photo Lithographs of Cleveland,
Hendricks snd Cabinet, and Oen. Grant;
size 2230. This work le taking like
wild lite, many agents making 300 per
month. Send 60c. for eample snd se.
cure our inside terms and exclusive
territory. Don't miso thie opportunity.
Any man or woman can easily mak -
75 per month. Address, Western Art
Publishing Co., 600 Sutter Street, San
Dry tieeda aasl Metises.
X. W. Improvements.
Following sre ths estimates for tno next
fiscal year made by tho Engineer for the
North West, in his report to the Secretary cf
War : For improvement of tho Columbia
and Willamette riven, from Portland to
Astoria, S4O7.0OO ; to complete the improve
ments at the mouth of the Coluuibis, $3,700, -000,
snd tho sum of f 1.333,000 is ssked for ;
for Coos Bay, 8160,000 ; for Yaquina Bay,
be better for all concerned if he would not I160'000 ,or Coquille river, Or., $75,000;
return. Wo refrain from nivioir names at for SkKit, Stielaguamish, Nootaack, Snoho-
Following is a report for lite school month will be Wednesday noon. Dec 2nd till Thurs-
whuh closed Nov. Gtb. No. of pupils en
rolled, 33 ; average daily attendance, 23 4 5.
Folk wing are the names of pupils whose st-
tendance, scholarship and deportment enti
tle them to s standing of 90 per cost :
Delia Parrisb, 9 ; Stella Parriah. 07 ; John
IKilsou, 92 ; Ala Parriah, 91 ; Edward Hare-
pert, 93 ; Julia Wilson.95 ; Lore Hookot.95 ;
Maud Hocket,91 ; Alda Parhsh,97 ; Kvsrett
Parriah, 92; Valentino Hoeye, 96; Allio
Parrish, 95 ; Clarence Cooper, 91 ; Sammy
uunntway, 96 ; Sam Hoeye, 91.
Limns J. AsfSLBft, Tetcber.
Soda v tile, Oregon.
This office is under obligations to Mr John
L-II ..,!. t. .i m L I
day uoen Dec 3rd. lee card on fourth page. I TtU ?LVZ
v hen you have any book or job printing j the withholding of -n not) miu. ,.f
A . 1..- ' ' - i iv.. J " i. I . , . . St ' S 1 j " ' J "
"' nHiwmwr i,uwT- j owns uos wgr puDiio lauos in uregou, by two railroad cor
in the latest styles snd st tbe lowest prioss. porations. It is a vsry outspoken produc
A moo it those indicted recently at Taeoma won and does not hesitate to take to task
en account of the Chinese disturbances wss several prominent Oregon ians for ths part
Mr. louis Stinsoo, an old resident of Albany, they have taken in the matter. Send 25
I am now receiving my Fall stock of dry
goods and notions, and will be better prepar
ed to gtve good v Aloe for tbo money than
ever before. My stock of dress goods will
he large and will include all the novelties in
imported plaids, tricots, etc., etc. as well aa
domestic dress goods. These domestic dress
goods look nearly aa well as imported, and
ooat much less. Ojods of all descriptions
are cheaper this fall. I have marked my
old stock to correspond with the new goods
in price, aod 1 am determined to sell my
goods as low aa any house can sell, either for
cash or produce. 1 keep nothing bat stand
ard goods, and will guarantee anything I soil.
Parties w qo live at so great a distance from
Albany ast not to trade regularly, 1 know
A, B, Mel! wain keeps a large stock of
staple groceries and sells them cheap for
'ash or produce, Arbnoklo'a roasted oof
foo six one pound papers for $1.00.
e '
Kiel G leva, kid Cleves,
For the neat sixty dsys I will aell my
ladles' kid gloves in black and colored, at
ac ual ooat.
Samuel K. Yscko,
Driest rralt Wan test.
ABMcIlwaio pays the highest price foe
dried frnit aod a 1 kioda of prod ace.
fcUd Cloves by H. BL Allen st Ce.
Largo nsw stock just received front
New York and one or the best in tbo
market. Call and examine the new line,
4 button at 75 oents a pair ; tney are a
end id glove for tbe money.
Beef Cattle nadHattaa Skees
A Crow's Foot letter received too late for
publication this week will appeir in our
ueat issue.
Parties wanting first-class batter, deliver,
ed every week st their homes, can get it of
Mr James Marks. His butter is tbe very
Reports of damage to the Ash ladder at
Oregon City baye hero received, but what
. i m t m m a . t
ths extent, it any, oi tno carnage is cannot
be learned.
According to Cox's now apportionment bill
Linn county is allowed two Senators aod
cents to K C Beard, East Portland, for a copy will find lUto their advantage to come to I
of the pamphlet. head ouar re for their fall stock. I have
The Christmas arwr'i Manzine will be the stock of goods snd will sell them.
strong in stories. Besides instalments ef Samples of dress goods, runnels, etc, sent
Miss Wooisoua "East Antrels" and Mr How- y mail, ana aa mucn care wsen aa inougo
ell's "Indian Summer. "and the letter's farce. parties were present to make selection.
"The Oarroteta." illustrated by Keinhart.
there will be a Christmas story, "Way down
in Uoneeome Love, ' by "(Jbarleo Egbert
Craddock" (Miss Murfree.) illustrated by
utelman ; another. "The
Samuel E. Yocsa.
The undersigned wiii nay ths highest
price for beef cattle and mutton sheep. Have
gocd scales on which to weigh.
I. D. MlLLXft,
Miller's, Oreg)B
$5,000 worth of clothing at oos". at Mob
teith k Seitensach'e.
SO Bays.
Ask yoar druggist for a package ef Orogt ft
Kidney Tea.
t'arsl or Thanhs.
Wanted HI Money.
Thanksgiving o urs on Thurs Jay of
next week, The people of Albany jointly
with tbe people of tbe United States gen
erally will have many thanks to offer on
thst day, Bcsldss the uausal services in
one of the churches, there will be a grand
match hunt, a dinner by tho members of
ths Evsngelical Church for tbe public st
tbe o:d Ssltmarsh Store, and big feasts on
the sty.consisrJng in most cases of turkey,
(thicken, duck, quail, etc, Lot the day be
a pleasant one.
Last Friday a man entered Ladd A
Bush's bank at Salsm and asked for some
money. When his check was requested
he drew a big butcher knife, and aald
that was bis credentials, and threatened
to annihilate tbe cashier it tbe money was
not bended out. He was covered with a
revolver. Sheriff Miuto and ethers, sfter
a desperate struggle, In which the Sheriff
received several cuts, arrested the fellow.
He claimed ho was from Westport and
his name was Hunter, He was evidently
non compos mentis or a communist, it is
hardly known which.
mish sud Srfhqaalmio rivers, W. T., $22,000;
to anag and dredge the Chehalia river,
$5000 ; for an automatic water gauge at As
toria, $5000 ; for the upper Willamette river,
$47,000 ; for improvements at the Cascades
of the Columbia river,$l,250,000 needed, and
for the next fiscal year $750,000 is recom
mended ; for the upper Columbia and Snake
rivers, $36,000 ; and tbo Cowlitz river,
Eds, Democrat :
Allow me through your paper to re
turn my sincere tlmuks to the firemeu
of Albany fur their prompt, wise and
energetic action in extinguishing the
fire at my nam on BftunaiQ uignt. it
waa a fine demonstration of the efneien,'
cy of our fire department.
S, (J. IftVINB.
Albany, Nov. 17th, 18s".
A ssersaaa Class.
Miss Salinger is organizing a class ia Oer
man and will commence instruction tho 1st
of Deceinler. Those wishimr to attend will
apply at Third Street,next to Mrs Cundiffa.
Miss Salinger is competent and will satisfy
these who place themselves in her charge.
Net True.
"The Madonna of tbe
three Representatives. Tho bill has not Tubs," by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, said to
passea yet. be the strongest short story she has written,
Monav to Loan. M S Kliinin. at the illustrated by Smedlev : a third tale. "Es
! - . . -i ' SS ' 1 . ,1 n . ii . w . . " I .. S " .
cf Ueyoe ft Kobson, Albany, will loan oer roveraa, oy nranaer Aiatnews, uius- loaiieany ana make selections.
money for a term of years on improved farm treted by t'ylo ; aud a "ghost story these linos strictly at cost.
Desiring to close out our entire line of
olothiug aud overcoats within sixty dsys we
invite people desiring goods iu these lines to j
All goods in
O. W. Mas ton, Physician and Surgeon,
Albany, Oregon. Graduate of the Cincinnati
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Cincin
nati, Ohio.
"Oregon aa It Is" is the name of a ntmph
let just issued by the State Board of Immi
gration Ltnn County gets a deservedly
good notice.
A natural gas well has been discovered near
Shangle, W. T.
propose to be behind Pennsylvania in the
matter ot gas,
Mr Jos Moist'a residence has been reoeiv
ing a sew coat of paint at tho hands of R A
Bowman. His place presents a greatly ire-
proved appearance.
An early call on Monteith A Seitenbaoh for
"Wyvern Moat' by George li Bough ton,
liiustraieu oy tno artist himself.
Frank Leslies Sunday Mageaine for De
cember closes tho eighteenth volume of this
well-known favorite magazine with a table
of contents whish is attractive and timely.
It is especially nch in portraits, containing
tbe Key it 1 x norntoo, tbe English cricket
ing parson ; tho bite Earl of Shaftesbury ;
nishop Maclagao, of Lichfield, England, and
a view ot toe Cathedral; Bishop vroras-
VTh sn Baby was sick, we gave her CAITOELA,
Whan ahe was a Child, She cried lbs OASTOUJsk
Wh a fho became ilisa, she clang to CASTOK1A,
yfrrn the h4 l"-", shossfetAssftCAgXtAIA
Cloaks! Cloaks! Cloaks!
I am openisg my Pall stock of cloaks snd
jersey jackets this week, amounting to over
two thousand dollars. These roods are
much cheaper than last yosr and the styles
better. These cloaka will be sold to cash or
uromDt navtns customers, as chetn aa any
. i est v v w wa estv was vtivui see a aieiivw w v wa sew is a . v" sv wr
that territory does not worth, the new Bishop of Salisbury, England; house m Oregon can sell thorn.
the Rev Moses A Hopkins, the newly ap
pointed Colored Minister to Liberia ; tho
late Bishop Henry C Lay, of Kaston, Md.,
and tho late Cardinal MoCleskey, of New
York, each with a biographical sketch.
Amoug the articlea are "Old St Joseph's," of I
Philadelphia ; "The Homo and tiraye of An.
SAMX7BL K. Youka.
Weest far Sale.
$5,0.J worth of stw Ltussf
01'. I i Sj.LU iiJjOII .
at oost at Mon-
at Salem ars being; watched by a curious, pleased, in
dignant, patient people.
saws ii i S i m mimtr- w
Having Just received a new stock of
clothing for man aid b y3 I am now pre
pared tc give good styles and better goods
for tbe money than evar before. Men's
suits ranging in price from S4-o0 up,
A, B. Molt. wain,
$5,00) worth of clothing at cost at
teith k Seiteubach's.
We will either keep up with times and
prices or go out of bssiness.
Rbad A Bhowkell.
New Clesks.
N. H. Allen A Co,, have just received
from Mew York one of the finest line of
Fall and Winter cloaks ever brougbt tt
Albany, all of tbe very latest styles,
which will ba sold much cheaper than
ever before offered in this market. He-
member tbe place at
N. H, Allbn A Go's.
Coffee Club,
There will bo a special meeting of the
Ladies' Coffee Club, to morrow, (Saturday)
afternoon at 3 o' Jock, at No. 2's Hall. Busi-
nees of importance is to come up. By ordor
of the President.
Thanksgiving services.
Services on thanksgiving day will be
held in the Presbyterian Church in this
oity, commencing at 10:30 o'clock, a. m.
Rev K J Thompson, of Salem will preach
the sermon,
Thanksgiving dinner will be given un
der tbe auspices of the Evangelical Church
at the old Saltmarsh Drug Store building
from 12 o'olock. m , to 3 p, m., and lunch
from 6 p, m., to 0 p. m, Parties can have
for dinner, turkey, goose, baef, pork or
anything wanted in the usual line, and an
abundance of all kinds of eatables. Let
everybody attend.
From statements made by those who know
we are prepared to stats that there ia no
truth iu tho statement published in a news-
aarhskfe s!fr fi i r r vrati saw at n A 4,r vin vassal f rti f lia thonv Wavne. ' Gounod s "Mors ot Vita,
k.u -.ill ......... n .k. .v,Aiv. . and manv britrht short srtioieo, atones and
jrj'f us sewsaasv sr j wvs vse w vitosw va aw i . - ew -
ko tin atiIu .r ..w I Dooms. Published bv Mrs r rank Leslie,5d,
Tha mhin. .hnn Hon nh.eU. MilUe & and 57 Park Place, Now York city, at 25
near Jefforaon. wa. entirely oon.nme.d hv Kre Centa m)er, or2.50 a year, postpaid
last Monday. Loss, f 1500. Insured in ths
Wood delivered in any part of the city
limits at the following prices per cord :
Good fir wood $2.50
Oak wood (grub) 3.00
Mixed wood 3.00
P. W, Skkk.
Oct lat, 1885.
State of Salem for $650.
Several anvils wore fired Wednesday
.v.ninff in f ill. Atftr in km.n. rf .hm mmnr
. . . . ' . . . , . . I wvmmmm ... .uiv vJ 1IV.UV. w. ."V w..v.v.v..
paper uc a oissppo.niment in a love anair of j, H. MitoheU aa U. a Senator. There
waa the cause of Mr Adams committing was not much noise made.
suicide. A board fence, with barbed wire on top
has been placed around the north window of
second tuud cozsle-loadmg shot guns ex- 1 the jail, opening into the corridor oucuptea
tra cheap at
Will Bros.
satchel and shinhiir morning
unwilling to school. W. 8.
school boy j
with his
fses creeps like a snail
$5,000 worth oi clothing at oost at Mon
teith & Seitenbaoh s.
Important to All.
Ladles, Attention.
0)1.10 a Sack.
0.i account of the bv pries of wheat flour
will be sold at the Magnolia Mills at $1. 10 a
sack, or $4.40 a barrel, and will be delivered
free to all parts of the city.
Mr, Vierick has concluded to place bin
aromatic shampoo in tbe hands of ail
parties wishing to do their own shampoo
ing. Hs will sell it in quantities from 25c.
Tonsoritl Artist,
We want lo retire from tho olothing
business and are offering our entire stook of
clothing and overcoats exactly at cost. We
have a tine line of desirable goods for men
and boys, and will to every purchaser
trom three to six dollars. Call and see for
Mew Years' supper.
by MoCulley and Saunders.
The Normal Educator, jast started at
Monmouth, it ia stated, is all "patent'' bat
two pages, the rest being printed in Illinois.
Perhaps it is bettor on that account.
The senior editor hereof returns thanks to
Albina Lodge, No. 88, A. 0. U. W., for an
invitation to a grand ball, to be given at
TivoliHall Friday evening.Nov. 20th.
A Chautauqua circle should be establish
ed in Albany . Several are taking the course
here : but they1 do it independently. A cir
cle in Salem has been quite successful,
A long squaah ia displayed in Clino, Mon
teith A Co's window.1. It looks like a Hub
bard, is forty-two inches long, and is a most
peculiar looking structure for a yegotaole.
When a young man reaches a midnight fire
about tho first one, in full S3 indsy-go-to-moot
Cat Bis iland.
A few dsys sgo while manipulation carv
ing knife at home, Mr. W. II. Huston aooi
dently cut one of his hands so that he is now
unable to manipulate the sledge hammer.
It is a peculiar faot that a blacksmith can
pound around in his shop for years without
hurting himself, bat let him try to do house
hold duties sad he jams himself up the very
first blow.
Beats and ghees.
ABMcIlwatn has the largest stock of boots
and shoes in Albany, and is making prices to
suit the times. Ladies' kid button shoes at
$1.75 and $2. Ladies' pebble goat, button,
1.50 and S1.7.r..
Will Cross the PaeiOe.
Hon. O. N. Deaney, the new American
Railroad Advisor to tho King of Cores, waa
in the city yesterday. Within two weeks
he will loaye for China, accompanied by Hon.
B. F. Bonham, Consul General at Calcutta.
The best wishes of the people of Oregon gen
erally go with these gentlemen to their new
political homes.
Qnn. r.ll f n fKa i.rwfU if Airvlif. itmlwa fin
ing attire, you can make up year mmd he th De9ohtttei K. 0. last week, and ice an
uas ueeu speuuiuS cu'" wv moh thick formed at Prineville.
Dont fail to call on ns for winter goods.
Monteith A Seitenbaoh.
The ladies o'f the Congregational Church
are preparing to give a New Years' supper.
Further notice with particulars will be given
An Alkali farmer last week sold his wheat j
foraeyeral thousand dollars and then in
vested every cent of it in a tare game.
''What fools we mortals bo," ia a tarns exg
The finder of a very fine, high noted
whistle, lost on First Street, will please re
torn it to J. H. the a so am mod a ting dray
This week.
A new lot of ladles winter gar men ts re
ceived byJMoateith A Seitenbaoh owing to I
the fact that we now have an over stock
we will sell for two weeks at 10 per cent.
rskdnntiAn from our usual low prices. Ws
do just what we advertise. Give us a oall
WINKLEY. On Wednesdsy, Nov.
1S85, Gkokok Herbert Winklbv,
6 years, 1 month and 1 day.
Another little voice Is hushed,
Another spirit fled ;
Another precious, tittle form,
Is numbs red with the dead,
Another little harp attuned
To harmonies divine -,
Another star in Jjsus' crown,
forever to shine,
Another golden tie to kind
Our wandering hearts to thee;
Another message from ihe skio i,
"Desr parents,follow naej fi
Notice to Stocldiolders,
Albany, Nov, 10th, 1885.
All parlies in arrears for etock of the
"Albany Building Association" are noti
fied that if tbe amount dan ia not paid
within ten days from this notta, tbe same
will bo placed in the hands of au Attorney
for collection. By order of the Board of
W. S. Psrans, Secretary.
Lost or Stolen.
In this city a latlie gold ring set with five
pearls and three garnets. Any one finding
or having knowledge of tbe same will be
suits bly rewarded by reporting to this office.
A, 0. U. W. S
Mi mbers wishing employment or desiring
help, will please call at Read k BrowneU'a
I store and register their names.
TOO art allowwl afrrt trfol cfMrty dass of the
I Dr. Dye's OU-luMtfV. Voltaic Belt wills
: :ccirlc 8usiHnsory Appliances tnr th JP?
llf ' and permanent oiireof Servos ttooimif. Km
ol Vilaiity and JManAocvf, and all kindred troubles.
.i!so for manv other diKeaaex, Complete ressora
ii.. to Health. Vigor and Manhood guaranteed.
No risk is incurred. Illustrate! pamphlet la isaisS
t..tvljjw mailed free, by ail.tresslng .
.VOLTAIC B&LT CO., Marshall, Mich,
The Portland Business College, Portland, Ota
gon, offers superior private aud class instruction
to the young and middle-aged of both sexes wee
deslr to obtain a practical education in the short,
est tin ie consistent with thorough work, sad at ths
least c xpense. Day and evening sessions tit rough
out the year, students admitted any time. Can
loguo 3U application, A P. AaJiwaoMerinolpaa