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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1885)
Charca Dlretarjr. U. P. CacaoM. Preaching a very Sahbath, a 11 i. u.. and 7 p. M. by Rev. R. O. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:S0 P. M I'rayer meeting every Wed nessday evening. Kv akokmcml Cktjkch. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 a. m. , and 7 J p. m. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. 8. K. Davis, pastor. All are invited. CokorhoatiohalChithch. Servioeeevery Sabbath at 1 1 a. m. and 8 r. u. Sabbath School at 18:15. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. 1 larria, pastor. M. B. Chorch.Socth. Preaohing every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock a. m. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock A. M. Prayer meeting every Thuraday evening at 7:30 o'clock. F. M. Cain, Paetor. IL K. Church SotrrHTANuaNT. Preach ing every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock, r. m. Sab bath School at 2:30 o'clock, i. M. F. M. Culp, Paetor. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7i P. m. Sona Barrios in the evening before aorinon. Sabbath School it tall f. M. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Uev. H. P. Webb, paetor. PasHBrnuuAH Churgh. Service every Babteth morning and evening in Church oor. Uroadalbiu and Fifth SU. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev. Isaac 11. Condit pastor. First Baptist Cuorch. Preaching svery Sabbath at 1 1 o'clock a. m., at Church on 5th Street Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting a ery Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T O Brownson, pea tor. Ukivsrsamst Church. Preaching every aecond and fourth Sabbath of each month at Crawford's Hall at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 7 o'clock, p. m. Sabbath School at 12 h. California Wire Works, 19 IUIET STREET. Slil FR1SCISC0. aNvracTvaaaa r WIRE AND EVERYTHING IN WES. flnnhad Wina We ffr for aal at loweal Ugure Jd&TuBU WITO U4 point renter ana ihkck . Uaiag regularly Uoaoaed we guaranta our cuataaaara Ktui iiamagaa. n.ill TIT: ' 'Pacific" brand afVSH bee Meal. fljllllllg HUH eilaiaaaat ioweM u-rkrt rata. V,-m Baffin AM maahaa A wldtha.faJraaial HUD flObUUlg nr na.tor touiu yaraa,aaa ttt: nirtfK Ot all klada tor fruit dryara, Ua?- HUD UlUUll an, barvaatara, rWUIas, etc, TT tit: Kor traiataar hope, made fn m itee) in UUP HlfiJ long UnfthiapecUlly for the iurpa 0V ViMTte And all other klnde of trap for UUpUDl llAjJO luolea, equirrela, rata and au Vineyard Lines lTS ecssr wire, ORNAMENTAL AND USEFUL WIRE AND IRONWORKS. milr We meet Eastern competiUon by mnufatur, and rll you batter foods at a 30 000 CASES OF RECTAL DISEASES, A&- rua. Krrtal llcera. t'laaarca, frarllma. Sal, rtatsdaa la Aae. relypaa, steel I, Etc, Mr., Cured in six years by the BrlattrrtaeflT fiyntem Itr J It Pilklm-t.m. Prutirietor of the Portland Bye and Bar laaraaary aad ttaallartaa. for n. eimMi haa been actKiinted arenl and nhiai. ian for thieevetem In Orecon and W. T. No severe art Ira I peralloa, ae pala. U r hiaaa. in two month have cured eeveral ca in ahiefa operation with the knife have only dune injury. Am permitted toreier to nr. Jan. - weaui dnnrtriac. formerly of tlalein. Mr. Kraak Uaid ner. machine. Mr. K. A. Rampy, Harriaburx, and othera. Wi'l aaaat patieuu at . . . I. cre House, Al bany, from Tuesday noon, Nov. Srd, to Wednesday i,ot- 4tn, isaa. Aiuraaa ior pamuu., J. B. PILKINCTON. M. D.. PORTLANU, OREUOS TUB I laTRIP r rrnliir uuue-aaar)'. 1. 1 400 Geary bu, ban KrancseooJ Cal CC Conducted by Qualified Phyaiciana O and KuTxeooa reguaw strauuaie. U aVThe Oldest specialists in the (ft I'nitcd btates, life long experience, i AJ insure rueedv and permanent ct feCC of U lYlvate, Chronic aud Nert ioua Diseases. Affections of the Hlood, LI - " ' Vn. ........ Ukers, Old Horaa, gweiUne; of the .U lands. Rote Mouta, lnroal Bone ' Pains, permanent1; cured aad eraeU- Um (Tstem for life NBBVII ft Debility, Beaunal Loaaea, fcex ual Fa lal and rbralcal Memory, Weak Eyes. Stunted De telopment.lmptdtments to Marriage Qi etc, from txceaa or j ooihfol lollies, m or any cause, fpeeduj , safely and privately cured. Z f ease. Siadle-Agrd and Old a? men, and all who Bead medical skill 2 and experience, consult the old 2 European Physician at once. Ilia opinion costs nothing, and may save futuie misery and shame. When Inconvenient to visit the city 1, cinee can be Bent everywhere by frvm observation. It is self-evident that a physician who gtvee taia ""on " of diseases attains rrral akill, and physicians thro Of h esa the country .knowing uua. irwqueowy rwsom A.m.nit u, tha oldest specialist, by whom known rood remedy la used. The Ooctor-s age aau 0 JK PC fa C fl 0 Eaassss al 1 9 OJIO Oa flVwVsVss) aBsaOsslaMea SaTThoea who call aaa ao one but the Doctor. Con- aultationa free and sacredly eon mhirh h. inliad in obtalninic relief ially solicited. Female dial as a suu cess fully treated. The Doctor will arree to forfeit SI, 000 for a eaaa un dertaken, not eared, Call or write. Moure, daily.frora 0 a. m. to 4 p. m., 6 to 8 svenings ; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. Bead for the Benitarist Uuida to Health, sent free. Address as abov- lK LIEBIS'S: Weaderfal teraaaa larlgorater PanaaaatitlyprevenU all Unnatural Loaaea from tha eyetem, tones tbs nerves, strengthens tha muaclee. aback the waste, invigorates the whole eyatem, and restores the aBUeted to ueaitn ana Happim The reason ao many cannot get cured of Weakness. Lose of Manhood, etc.. ia owinr to a plication, called Proetatorrhea with HyperaathaaU, which reo,uirea peculiar treatment. Dr. Liablea In rUrorator is the onlr poaltivecnra for Prostatorrbee, with peculiar apacial treatment, used U the LUblg Disoenaarr. rrlr! of larlaerater. SS. Case of sis bottles flO. Sent to any address, covered securely from ob- M r fat ton. Moat powerful electric belts free to patients To prove the wonderful power of the luvigorator. A S Bottle 4UI era er Seat free. Consultation free and private. Call or adaresa MEBItt IHSPKStBY. to Uaarr Street. Sao Franciaoo, Cal. Private entrance, 405 Mxtn Street, four blocks up Ueary Street from Kearney, Nam entrance tnrougj Ulapensary Urutr Htore. A UN DOOR HANGINGS, reA always breakiae, unlesa you have the kind sold by Peters A Htewart, of Al bany. They are made ot wrought Iron, cannot jump the track and will last a life time. Don't hang another barn door un til you have seen 'hem. SAN WA VIM. LAUNDRY AND CHINA MERCHANISINO BUSI NESS. Rice, tea and Japanese goods. Ladies' underclothes, ao'd at bottom prices. Contractor for China labor. SarNext to OKr Dank OPIUM AND MQRPINE HABIT CURED BY W. F. ALEXANDER, M. D. 1 guarantee a cure in all cases if d.rections are strictly followed pain or loss of time from business, dress above at Albany, Oregon. my Wo Ad Administrator's Notice. NOTICE ia hereby given that the undersigned haa been appointed Administrator of the estate of T. L. Porter, deceased, by the County Court for Linn coun ty, Oregon, and Administrator of the co-partnership eetate of Black, Porter A Co., said co-partnership eeasJating of T, J. Black, and T. L. Porter, now de ceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said T. L. Porter or against the co-partnership estate of Black, Portor & Co. are hereby requited to praaant them within aix months from this date to me at Halser, Linn county, Oregon, properly verified, or to Weathcrford and Blackburn, Attorneya at Law, Albany, Oregon, Title 22nd day of October, 188P. W. J. Stjcwart, Administrator of said estate, TO Ml DM KIHKKft, Statements of accounts of subscribers with the Dkkocsat have been placed In the hands of agents through the county, so that subscribers desiring to aeo either how they tand, or to settle for the same. can do ao by calling on them. This Is for the convenience of both subscribers and the Drmocrat, Those desiring to pay a year in advance aud get the American Farmer" eneoftbo best agricultural pa pera In the U, can ao so wun our agents Call ou the following gentlemen at the places named : O PCoshow .. Brownsville. ft Shelton oo. P M Miller Lebanon. Sam May Harriabu iiruT. letTd A. WatU 8 AMERICAN FARMER EB JE To all our Subscribers ! All our aubaorlbers who will pay their cuhsertitlon aerounta to thin paper in full to datt, and one year in ad vance, wili Ih prtwntetl wnu one year's subscrip tion to THE "AMERICAN FARMER P A aixtpcn-naaro Agricultural Masaxtne mihliahad by K. A. K. Hacked, at Fort Wavne. Indiana, ami which is rapidly takinv rank as one of the ieadincr Atthoul f aa eaal nilh nat ftni Dl L Dl miinifV. 11 19 7 ... .a S a a J! . ft i. devoted exclusively to the interests of the farmer, stock b t breeder, dairyman, garden- houaehold. and every epeeiea er, and their of industry conneoted with that great por- . . . . . i .1 t- . . lion Oiua people I ejrv, 4 UV USSS.S lira-vas er-a- WvaaSH i Ttta aitisupiirtin itrinai i aa a rase iiiii iar per year. Farmers can not well get atone; Ir It nuts naw irlaaa intt thalr I minds. It teat hes them how to farm with profit to themselves. maaea i:e noroe hannv. the vouns folks cheerful, the growler contented, the downcast happy, I and the demagogue noreei. . .a a a a IMMUNITY from ANNOYANCE Xaafe only of the Staeet aa4 ity orcilaaafar wltlaattaaMUcaa; Ev -rv Brood thinflr is Ooonter- feitod, and con iu mora are CATJ TIONFD cjainat IMITATIONS Of theee Chimneys made of VERY POOR GLASS. Bee that tho exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and aright Glass. Maam facta red OXLY by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Fit tab arch Lead fslasss Worka. FOR SALE BY DEALERS Dr.SANFB- INVIGC is j use wnat us ; 3 , Turcij Vegetal Cci J acts directly spc to Jtfrj the many disjocc 9 : , ponant organ, ar. c '..r merous ailrfle.: : -deranged or irrj I : s - . Coi wi iiuiniiii rvheuka the Iivcrciust t DR. BAHPOiD . IniroraU'Stlir? els, Btreagiliens If.a B'ood, Assists 1) Is a Housch'M I - - w . . . - - c a it- U i ilia ri rs. :...L!e I'a. Family Medici ae trtrc-rmr. IX BAJ70?."-3 IT? 'I- J.' An cxperUnt f J' i ; sands of JbtMws SB - , . ron salr inr ai.v. i - : Tor full inform-" ' ' - )0S ' IS wt CTI. M19 Book r i i:c Du. aasrut - ttt - O The BUYERS' GUIDE fa leaned March and Sept., i each year. Mtf SS6 pstffee, V. x 11 tachee,wr tth over 3,500 lllust rations a whom rietnn uaiiery. U1VES Wholesale Prices direct to eonnumer on all goods for personal are family nac. Telia how to order, and gives rxact coat ot every thing won nsc, eat, drink, wear, or have run with. These ISVAM AHI,!. BOOKS contain Information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mall a copy FREE to any ad- upon receipt ot 10 eta. to defray of mailing. Lt us near from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. S7 de 229 Wabaeb A venae, Chicago, JUL To the Unfortunate ! D&. GIBBON'S Dispensary. AA Df IBVV at corner ot Commer cial, San Francisco, Cal. EsUblished in 1SS4, for tha treatment of Sexual and Seminal Diseases, suck aa Ceaorrhea, Cleet, Strletare, Syphllla in all its forma, arm In at Weakness. Imnotenev. and Loss of Manhood permanently cured. The sick and afflicted should not fall to eall upon him. The Doctor haa traveled x ten lively in Europe, and inspeoted thoroughly the various hospitals there, obtaining a great deal of valupble information, which he is oomjwtent to im part to those in need of his services. Th rn-tor eureswhen others fail. Try him. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unleaa he effect a sure. Persons at a distance CUBES AT HOME. All communica tions strictly confidential . All letters answered in plain envelopes. Send ten dollars for a nackace of medicinn n-n n. write. Address UK. J. r. GIBBON Knr io7 San Sraneico, Cal. (Mention Albany DasioanTl H OTEL FOR SALE. The Jackson House. Prinovillo. Orecrnn. 32 well furnished rooms, the onlv hotel in town, large and convenient, with all necessary lurniture. I'nce reasonable and terms easy, A. jB.COLVEB fe Sow. PrineviJle, Oregon, - AiBBSSBBBm IMal FRIDAY NOVEMBER 0, 1885. THS IKl'RKASR Or INS MIT V. Boston supports 800 iuflaue, says Mr, T. B. Sanborn, not 76 of whom will recover ! This Is frightful I Insanity has In- crBtaajd 40 per cent in a decade and moat of the cases are incurable. Whatever the individual cause may he, the fact remains that Urlo Acid blood sets tho brain on Ore, destroys its tissues, and then comes some form of fatal lunacy. Nothing is so pitiable as a mind diseaaed. Moat brain troubles begin in the stomach ; (hen if the blood la filled with uric acid, caused by fail ure of kidney actien, and tho conse quent destruction of the blood life-. albumen-you have the fuel and the Hume and a brain In full blaae aa when one raves, or in slow com bus- aa sa a I 11 too, aa lo milder rormi 01 insanity. Uev. K. D. Hopkins, of Bi. Johns- bury, Yt, a few yean ago was con - . , aavlura nned in an asylum. He took a terri- ble cold while aiding in putting OUt a Sea In a nnlirh !v,r- hnuim. and tar aa a w a aa aa iiviiaaarva wwwwa " w m twenty flte years that COld waa slow ly filling his blood with uric acid and . k. ds.div wnrlr dnna. J The case looked hopeless but ho hap- - er pily used Warner's safe cute and re covered. That was three years ago and having ridden his blood of all surplus uric acid, ho has remained well until this day. It la Indeed a terrible thing to loae j one's mind, but It la a more terrible thing to suffer such a condition when It can bs ao easily prevonted. What . Caaterla Caetoria la Or. Samasl Ittcbsr'e praacftiatun for la fanu aad ealMrea. Its porpeaa late regalau tbe Slsssacbaa mod bowels, u 4aa tais br ttwroaattlr aaelmllaUng the foul, prsvenung euUe aad eooaUjav Uon, aad aaaaana; open the pores of the akin. This la eaaaar. Nearly una eaartar el ear children a Is before taejr are twujreat auld. and ooe-aalf of Utaaa lore the; are Sfeea. Nature did not Inteod it lsqroperfoe4aadiMeKl4 baUtiag awaasaoat all Odren tick at tinea. They aaaat have rsllel tr-m, Tttij.WtnsliKllcaiad by flatulency omilir, iMtrytaa;, ferere and esaStaJSlSBi The ISSBSSl Sf OSSSSS u SBsasS. U Serai phyaMana aeery whara new are UUU erUI acocnpiiah this end. Caetortaie U doaa not eonUin a tarWle t rtllat folic sobetaoca. Paragtielc, Uateeaaa' Droee, seoibiaf sj raps and all aaaar aaadWinea for chlWren, SJSSBlB optuaa la aoaaa foraa. Caetoria ass bean In aaa over thirty yaara aad durtnr that Uaaa baa serried atokwaaaaa and reduced tha aoalUaa death rateataeac Infanta and ehlldrau to a rreUer aateal Uun all other asassa A Safeguard. Tlie fatal rapidity with which allKlit Colde aud C'ouartta fx ju nilv develop into ibt; pravest malatli.- of the thnmi anl luu, ii a coiHklf ration whkrh ahouUl Irupt l mtv prudt-nt M-raon to keep at hand, ua a huux-holil r-iit(dv. a bottle of AY Kir CI i Kit ICY rKlTOHAL. Nothing t UeijiM"! su h initimliate nlkf nnd wtsfjui ho aurn a cure in all aftcrtio r IhU chtJM. That mlnnit phvsirlan. Prof. F. Sweeizer, of the Maine Medical bebool, llruuawkk, Mc, aaya : "Jlitlical actrrtco lias produced no ether aao ilyn j (sttcctwrniit ao goot as Area's Casaav riUToaaL. Ill Invaluabk) for disease of the tluout ui,d iungs." The aarue opinhtii U expressed by the w l(-'..rtowu Dr. L.J. Addisou, of Cbkao, ill., tv ho aya: "I laro nerr foon.l, In ll.lrtv-flre years of roollnuou study aud praetke or lardlcinr, any tr 'partition of o t'r, ti value as Aran's Citannr ratToaaf., for trcntnM-nt of diet asea of the I brunt aim! fnncs. It not only breaks up colds MM riires n-vrrc roucbs, but Is more rffcctlr than anything rise In rt-lH-vtnj even the Meat e-rlou bronchial and pulmonary affccUoaa." AYER'S Cherry Pectoral l uit new i'lahnant for popular t-onfl-dfiH-f, I. tit tt lUfdiciut! wlili-h lx to-clny mtv lux tin: lives of the tbinl frcnaratlon who ha- nni Into lidny stuco it waa lirt oti' i l to MM public. Then- hi not a houx lio.M in which this invaluable remedy haa once been In IrouWetl where Ha umj has ever been slwvdrjncd, aad there not a peraon who has ever grrea It a pro()er trial for ally Ihroat or lun (llscaitc Nuacrp lib!e of cure, who hua not l.u luauc AYKifii CHEttST PECTOUAL haa, in muiihfi'lcH in. taut ( h. cured obatinato ca .f. i' chronic flroncbitla, Larnyffltbi, sod erven BSBti I'ncinionia, and bsa saved many palicntN In lh earlier stages of I'uliiionary Consumption. It is a i. K tli. hie Unit only rcqulrea to he taken In : m.ili I-scm, It pletiKant to the taste, and is ii". "ImI In every Iioumo where there are children, na there la unthlnir so good aa A Y KU'S CHERRY PFX TO It A L for t reat inent of ( roup ami VVhoopinK Cough. Those arc nil plain facta, which can bo verified bv anybodv. tmd should be re incutbcrcd by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral rilKPARKD BY Or. J. C. Ayer &c Co., Lowell, Maes. Sold by all druggets. The Greatest Mcd;.;.-.l Trinmph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loskm.I appetite. Iiowels costive, Pain la tin- bend, with n dull scneatlen in the bach part, Pain under the ahoulder blade, i n iliwtm after callus, with adls liti'lhiaiSoii to exertion of body or mind, Ii-rimbllity of temper, low spirit a, with a IVi'iiritf ol'lmvlnir neglected Home duty, Wear i noes, Dizzlncs-,, Flattering at the lieart, Dot before tlie cyan, Ilcndacbe ever ilto right eye, JteatlenanesA, with fitful di en ma. Highly colored Trine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTTi PULLS are especially adapted to audi ense. ouo dose clTecta anch a oliftng i l f in:: :i lo u .-.i on Nli tin: sufferer. They 1 net-case he i ictltc,nnd eauae the ! ly to TitUn on I'le.h, t nus the aytem Is iiotirlaUc d, n' -l by ih ir Tonic Action on tin; ili(ct i ce Or'.-nns, itea-ular atoola are rmiijl,'.'w.l.1,t' Stfe' -1 1 Mti rray Wt. . W . V TUTTS HAIR DYE. Ghay H:it v WuiKisRS changed to a Gtossv Ulack hy a aitiKlo npplioation of this Dyk. It imparts a natural color, acts iiislantaneouoiy. Sobl by Uraggiats, or sent by express on receipt of 1. Office, 44 Murray St., New York. TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. TBMPEEAHOE DEFARTMET, ROITRD BT TBI Woraeu'i Chrtitiin Temperiiiei (iiiii Tha Dallas W. 0. T. U. have opened a read in; room and supplied it with good current literature. The Kesdy bill closed saloons in the preoloots of Forest Grove. The Y. W. a T. V., of Albany, will hold an "Autumn Gathering" on Tues day evening, Nov. 10th. Borne novel ties will be introduced by way of en tortalnuent and refreshments served. All are invited to cone without mousy and srithout price. Tha Louisvilla Courwr-Jowrnal ra- oently printed a highly valuable article, entitled "Tha Drinking Habit" Tba writer maintain! that, although drunk arsis are no longer tolerated in polite eociety and it ia not customary for gen tlemen to consume five bottiea apiece alter dinner and then reel into the drawing room in an ail but helpless condition, it oannot be assumed that there It leaf dnnking,or even lata heavy drinking "among gentlemen"tban there was in the daye of our grandfathers and greet grandfathers. We are not more sober than they, he aaya, but we drink in a different way. The feverish oraving which now prevails for nipa aad drams, for odd gleaaea of whisky- straight and tipplea of brandy at irreg ular hours, la reeponaible for quite aa much heavy drinking and for more drunkards. It is also tolerably certain that tha consumption of tba mora deleterious liquors has greatly increased; and this unfortunate result la the oen eequenoe of the very thing which noma alleged reformers point to aa an indica tion that we era approaching tba solu tion of the liquor question without go ing to foolish extremee namely, the more general distribution and use of the lighter alcoholic beverage. Tba writer say a that vasUyjtbe greater proportion of winee in use, wboee supposed barm leasoeea and whoaa "com pars lite inex pensiveoesaM seduce thousands to habit ual d finking, are simply raw alcohol diluted. Nearly all tho low-priced sherry ie ooly brandy and water in dis guise, the "brandy" part being a fiery and corroding spirit distilled from pota toes, beet root, grain, or even timber ; while the "dry" t berries are uniformly the produot of nitre added to raw alco hol. The obeap claret that ia consum ed under the impression that it ie a light temperance drink ia highly fortified with coatee spirit. In short, the gen eral introduction of cheap winee haa heen one of the most disastrous things, even from a strictly temperance point of view. This w titer favors, asa r dy, the application of all moral and sanitary enginery. The doetors,be aaya, must be brought over to the right ei Tbey must be made to look upon alco hol and prescribe it exactly aa other powerful drugs never in tba form of a baverage or an article of diet, and al ways with a warning aa to ita nature and evils when ao need extended to tha patient law BLftaxs airosiTiox. 246 Camp St., New Orleans, La , j September 12th, 1885. The National W. C. T. U. being en couraged by the great success attending their effort in the good cause at the late World's Fair at New Orleans, feel jus. lifted in making another and even more elaborate exhibit at the aame city, which opens November 10 next, to continue six months. Mrs. Josephine R. Niobois haa desired the writer to request the onions all over the country to agsin send their emblems,with which to adorn and make attracted the enlarged space gned by the new management for that purpose. Cbargee must be paid. If sent by freight will bo returned over tha aame roads free. Past experiences con vi ocas me goods oomemore secure if sent by express, tba expeme is a trifle more. Goods directed to me,eare of N. W. C. T. U. department Expo sition, New Orleans La., will be care fully looked after and returned at close of Exposition. Dear sisters let us push forward the ell begun work for God and home and native lend. Sarah M. Hornby. We clip the following in relation to our Portland sisters from the Oregonian: "The usual Mondsy afternoon meeting was greatly increased in interest by the presence of Prof. Crowhurat, of San Francisco, California. This gentleman addressed the meeting by invitation, muob te the delight of all present. He will make a canvass through the state under the auspices of the I 0. G. T., by whom he is sent out. At the olose of Prof. Crowhurtt address tha ladies resumed their business mooting. It was decided to open at once an intelligence office, in connection with a lunch and coffee room, at their present location on First, near Columbia. Suitable ladies have been engaged to lake charge of these departments of work. Some ac commodations in the way of a reading room will also be provided." The doctor, wishing to explain to a little girl the manner in which a lobster casts its shell when he haa outgrown it said : "What do you do when you have outgrown your clothes? You throw tbem aside, don't you?" Ob, no 1" replied the child, "we let out the tucks." The doctor confessed that she had the adaantage of him. 5,000 worth of clothing at coat at Mod teith k Ssitonbach's. A XAILVTAY LBASON. It waa a bot, dusty day, when two or tbrea passengers entered tba train on tha Iowa Division of the Ohtosso as Northwestern Hoad at Bridgewater. Among them wan a stylishly dressed young men, who wore a stiff white hat patent-leather shoes, the neatejt of cuff. the shiniest of stand-up collars He carried a cane, and carefully brush ad tha dust from the teat in front of me before he eat down. Jolt across tba aisle, opposite bim, aat a tired women holding a sick baby T never saw on anv face a more die eoursged, worn-out, despairing look than on tho mother's face. The baby wee too siok even to cry. It lay moan tub and gasping in Us motbet's lap, while the dust and cinders flew in at the open door and windows. Tba beat and the dust made travelling, even for strong men, almoat unbearable. I had put down the stylish young man in front of me aa a specimen of the dude family, and was msking a menta calculation on the probe ble existence of brains under tba naw hat, when, to my astonishment, be leaned over the aisle and aaid to tba woman : 'Madam, can 1 be of any aesbtsnce . . . a .11 1.-1 to you T Just let me noia your naoy a while. Yon look very tired." The woman aeemed much surprised ; the request waa made in the politest and most delicate manner. "Ob, thank you, air P aaid she, tremulously. "I am tired.'' And tier lipa quivered. "I think the baby wUI come to me, ' aaid the young man, with a smile. Poor thing i it's too sick to make any objection. 1 will bold it carefully, madsm, while you lie down and rest a while. Have you come far V 'From the Black Hills." "What 1 By stage V "Yea ; bnt the baby waa well when I started. I waa on my way borne to the East. Mr husband my husband "Ah. ves. I eae. I see i" continued W J W w the young man, in a sympathetic tone aa be glanced at tbe bit of crape on tbe little lrayellin-het. Dy tble time be bad taken the baby, end waa holding it io bis arms. "Now you can lie down and reet a little. Have yon far to go T "To Connecticut," replied, tbe wo man, almost with a sob, aa she wearily arranged a shawl over a valiae, and pre pared to lie down in the seat. "Ah, yea, I aeo I And yon haven't money enough to go in a sleeping cr hse you, madsm V The poor woman blushed faintly, and nut ana hand over her face, while the tears dropped between bar worn fingers. 1 looked oat of the window, and a mist came over my eyes, while I chang ed my calculation of the young man'a tal ability, lie looked thoughtful iy and tenderly down at the baby, and in a akort time the mother was fast asleep. A woman sitting screes the aisle from me, who had heard aa much of tbe conversation as I had, came and offered to relieve the young man of his charge. "I am ashamed of myself for not offer ing to take the baby from tba mother before. Poor little thing 1 It's asleep." "So it is. I'll surrender it to you now," (with a cheerful smile.) At this point the train stopped at a station, and ibe young man rose in his seat, took off his hat. eod aaid, in a clear, earnest voice : "Ladies and gentlemen, here ie an opportunity for each one of us to show that wo have been brought up in a Christian land, aad have bad Christian fathers and mothers. This poor wo man" (pointing at tbe sleeping mother) "baa come all the way from tbe Black Hills, and is on her way lo Connecti cut. Her husband is dead, her baby ia ill. She has'nt money enough to trav el in a sleeping-oar, and ia all tired out and discouraged. What will you do about it 1" "Do 1" cried a big man down near the water-cooler, rising excitedly. "Do 1 Take up a collection" tbe American citizen's last teeott in dis tress. "I'llghe $5." The effect waa electrical. The hat went around, and tha way the silver dollars and the quarters and the ton cent piecee rattled in it would have done any true heart good. I wish I could Jeeo-ibe tbe look on the woman a face when she awoke and tbe money weeiven to her. She tried to thank us all, and failed ; she broke down completely. But we did'nt need any thanks. There waa a sleeping-car on the train and the young man saw the mother and child transferred to it at once. I did not hear what she said to him when he left her, but it must have been a hearty "God bless you 1" More than one of us in that car took that little lesson to himself, and I a a . a " learned that even stylish as viell as poor clothes may cover a noble heart. When-there is a crack in the stove it can be mended by mixing ashes and salt with water. FOR a Man and Beast . . Mustang liniment is older than most men, and used more and more every year nasi Proof, Fsrtiea making final proofs of claim either through the Roaehurg or Oregon City Land OIHoea, ran hsve the ssme puhlihed in the l 'KMtM'itAT by ao notifying tho Itegiater at either of those places, Friends ef this paper will confer a favor by oonaidering this when they make out their final claims. f'kanrea far Health aert Wleeaee. Man is dependent upon his surround ings for the neeeaaltlea of life. Air and water aro necessities of life, but Impure air and impure water are most prolific Mources of disease. Food is also a necea- slty of life, but numerous dlaeaaoa are traceable to both a lack of neoeaaary food, and an over Indulgence In special kinds of nourishment. Jteaidoa theaw external souroes of disease there are other more subtle and Internal cause. Keeh Individ ual Inherits from his parents a certain E by si cal constitution, Keeh person there ire derives bis chances of health or dis ease fiom a double source, namely bis In herited constitution and his surroundings in life, Sanitary science devotes attention to our surroundings. Medical science seeks to overcome the constitutional or Inhetited weaknese by medicises that auppiy what is wanting in the system. le Haven's Dyspepsia Cure suppliew that which hi wanting to enauro proper assiin HstloL and dlgeation of food. Try It. Free aauip'e bottles at Few hay fc Mason's Drug Ntore, A 1 bsuy, Oregon. niratEv amirs suva The beet salve in the world for cute, raises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, cbspped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. Thin salve is guaranteed to fire perfect satisfaction in every case or money re tunded. Price 3Ao per box. For sale by Foanay A Mason soaariataa far the Baby. W bat a terrible affliction about the house s a croon, cryuiK twby : A young tcan on very edge of matrimony intent easily be frlgbtened from bis purpose by having too much of that sort of music at lbs hoiiies of ilia married friends. Yet babies cry commonly only when they are aick. One teaapoonftil of Parker's Tonic, given toe uttie one, win unng rest mm steep io tbe baby and all in the bouse. Only 60 cents, at druggists, rtaae Uv sale t'feeap A square piano, coat S650, will be sold at a sacrifice for cash, For particular call at this office, af5tl.fWFa POWDER Absolutely Pure. A marval of parity, baaoMlacoav low taat. abort iasMsWhenes a Bateoatvia cava BVuVAii X. T. CO., IO0 Wallet Hum tjw.ii.r ibn St any thin efaw b taklor an U-t tl Viur V .-UI. MBBBaasss aaa trun. .. PiTCtfSBS, J framll jr. Sana fall, Tertna IraeJ II aix vrr BOOS HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell, and you cant tell. PATENTS Obtain!, wui all otser hnataiaa ta tha V. S. Fatce Offic aumUxll to tor modarata tea. OttrottloeiaopiKMit tha U. 8. Pataat OtBca, aad " ooiain I'kteuu Mwa una Uiui thoaa racaou triun hingtun . eaaa aaodle or dmwin. We mi to patent witty free, of charge ;aad are make u chary unleaa we obtain pataat. W refer here, to tha P laSmaal aa, the Sunt, of Moooy Order Wr, aad to offiataie of ibeU.S Patent OSIct. r or circular, advice, tertna, and 'efereueaa o actual d Scute In your own State or county, widraaa) Ce Ae SNOW&COe, Oppoalte Patent Office, Waahlngtoo, D . "atetagh aa teals. Cleara out r ta, otter, roach ee, Alee, ante, bed -bug Heart Paine. Palpitation. Droiakai Swelling, UUxineea. Indl feetlon. Headache, Bleepieeeneae cured by "Welle Health Renewer." "Heath en Ceras." Aak for Wetta "Rough oa Coma." 16e. Quick complete cure. Hard or aoft oorna, warta, bunions. "BaehaPalha." Quick, complete cure, all Kidney, Bladder and Unnary Dtawaaea, Scalding, Irritation, Stone, U ravel, Cal arras of the bladder. SI, lrugiau. Bed-BugM, Fltea. Fllaa, roachea, ante, bed bug, rata, mice, gopher, chipmunk, cleared out by "Hough ou Rata. 16c Thin rcople. "W eil'e Health H. newer" reatorea health and vigor ource vyapepeia, iiupoiance, sexual Debility, ft, "Heath ea Pain" Curea cholera, colic, cram pa, dlurhota.aches.itaina, eoraine, neatiacue, neuralgia, rntuumUni. SO cent. Rough on Pain Piaster, ice. Mothers. If you are failing, broken, worn ut and neivoua uae "Wella' Health Renewer." f l. Uruggiata. Life Preaerver. If you are loaing your grip on life, try "Wella Health Henewcr. lioe direct to weak apota. "Rough an Pllra Curea Pilee or Hetnorrhoida, Itchin, Protrudlnar. Bleedin g, Internal or other. Internal and extern fa a a wwa ituuil , al and external remedy in each packaire. Sure cure, bOc. Druggist F retty Women. Ladies who wouid retain freahneaa and vlvanl'v Don't fail to try "'Walla' Health Renewer." "Hough on BSfaV" "Rough on Itch" cure humor, erupt ion,ring worm, tetter, aait rheum, froatcd feet, chilblains. "Ritush ea Catarrah." Corrects offensive odor at once. Complete cure o wont chronic caaea, also unequalbd aa gargle for Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Foul Breath. 60c. The Hope of the Nation. Children, alow in development puny, serawny and delicate, use "Well' Health Renewer' Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging, irritation, inflammation, all Kidney and Urinary complaints, cured by "Buebu-Paiba." fl, "Wata Rntri. Buniii " "Rouah on Rata clears them out. also Beaaaaa I Aats ' Tmvemm aavar raiiaa. aasiajcsi wtih ta tttultltuda JULIUS GRADWOHL Haa tlae only escluNlvo fttoek of CROCKERY. CLA88.8ILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Ohoice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Bug ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS $1.00. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME THE HIGHEST MARKET Remember! What I Say I Mean. Give Ie a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. flOFIHM -PROPRIETOR OK ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND DEALER IN Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco, Groceries, Candies; Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, NEARLY OPPOSITE Oregon 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest route to the East, and rates, $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets, good via Ogaen and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going East write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, Bo C4MPBELL, General Agents No, 1 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. OA . U.K. TIME TABLE, R KOEUUCR. Reeelrer. Albany (station. ARTIKE OS TRAIXa. ALBANY EXPRESS Depart at LOCAL FREIGHT Armea at b:90 A. M. 8:42 A- M. 11:45 A. M. .5 P. M. HAIL TRAIN j Armea at 1 Depart at Bocae aocm. Arrive at Uepart at 11:46 A. H. :.ob P. M - i .M) P. M. MAIL TRAIK LOCAL FREIGHT Am re at h:M P. M. ALBANY EXPRESS Lebanon UcparU tsJUt P. M, all Tralaa daily, except iaadar. Notice. Mail trains stop 20 minutes for dlonsr. Pullman Palaoe Cars on all mall trains. Will. R Rich, Freight and Ticket Agent Albany, August 2tkb, 1886. L ACK8M ITH 8 OUTFITS, A II . t a II a . . a'jtui, visaa,oeiiowa,naminer8, aieogea, stocks and dies and almost every tool used by blacksmiths we keep constantly on hand, Also a full stock of iron. of all sizes, horse shoes and horse shoe naita. Snaoial prices made on small outfits for farmers Phtkb A St wart. P. M. MILLER, Attorney and Oounslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice in all tho Courts in tbe Statu ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber.laths'and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Ualapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. N. J. HENTON, Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR. Represents aeveral of the beat Fire In - aurance Companies on the Coast. Call him for reliable insurance. 01 H OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. 2S0 acres of land for sale. House am) lot situated in N, W, part of Scio. Tho land lies 2 miles southeast of Providence Church, Unimproved, 100 acres open, balance brush. Inquire of J. L. Mills: r, Sclo. W. E. KELLY Hotary Public and Conveyance Collections made on reasonable terms MAIN ST , - - SGIO, OR JOE LOCK. Washes and irons clothes in first-clasti style, at reasonable rates. Succeaaor o Lee. One door south of Revere Houae,oti SUswerth Street. ALBANY OREGON PRICE PAID FOR !:. 'S & JOSEPH, O region. JOHN BRloOS STORE. THE Short Line, FRED GRAF, Manufacturer aad Dealer la all kinds of AND UNDERTAKER. 8 First Street Albaoy, Or CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to the worst Serofala. Salt-rheapu Feverore,M Scaly or Hoof ta Skin, In short, all diseases caused by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying; and invigoratinir mocliclne. Great Eaiiaf l l cera rapidly heal under its benign influence. Eapecially has it manifested its us potency in i. Bolla, far tfuloaa Korea curing Tetter, Bote Bash. Duncies, sore auyea. acroi and Swellinsrav Hip-Jo 1 Joint Disease, White Swelling, Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. Send tea cents In stamps for a large treatise, with coK cJeansettby using Br. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and food i ariscovery, ana digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spits. iih, viisi iirenam, ua sonnajiess OI insrtli eoustitation, will be established. CONSUMPTION, which Is Scrofulous Disease of the JL ungs, h promptly and certainly arrested and cured by this God-given remedy, if taken before the last stages of the disease are reached. From ita wonderful power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now cel ebrated remedy to tho public, Dr. Piercb thought seriously of calling it his "Con sumption Cure," but abandoned that name as too limited for a medicine which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or strengthening-, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequaled, not only as a remedy ior consumption of tho lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES or TEOC Liver, Blood, and Lungs. 'If you feel dull drowsr. debilitated, have muow coior or gain, or yeuowisn-orown on race or oouy, trequent headache or oaa laste in mourn, internal neat or el!l.l!t,srp1P.f and Torpid Liver, or "Biliousness.' In many cases only part of these symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all such cases. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has no equal. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, Consumption, and kindred affections, it is a sovereign remedy. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierces book on Consumption. Sold by Druggists PRICE $!.00, eoVsToo- World's Dispensary Medical association, Proprietors, 063 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. $ycqTs little ANTI-B5EIOCS and CATHARTIC Sold by Druggists. 25 cents a vial. $500 REWARD is offered by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you have a discharge from the nose, offensive or other wise, nartial loss of smell taste. or hearinir. weak evea. dull nain or pressure in head, you have Catarrh. T&ou- sands of cases terminate in consumption. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures tha worst cases of Catarrh, " Cold in the MeaV aad Catarrhal Headache. 60 cents, j orcd plates, on. Bain Jfmtam. or the samo amount for a treat isepn Scrofulous Affections. THE BLOOD IS THE LlFEn spots dizzi-chills. alternating with hot flashes. low spirits and gloomy borebodings, irregular appetite, and coated tomruc. vou are aufferimr from India, &fS? LIVERS QVes PILLS.