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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1885)
8ke motnt Filtered at the Port OA at Albany, Or, an aecond-claju mail matter. FRIDAY NOVEMBER C, 1885. sims & K4ilr kn.I NUTTING. IV nnr. "sirrm;. t. K.iiir. Official County Paper. Mriiu The Nonpsreil velveteens aro very deeir able for all purpoeee, aa they are very dur able, aad not liable te fade with expoaure to the mm, or to apot eaady with rain. The Nonpareil velveteene make elegant coetumoa complete for ladies, and are' ly desirable to uae in cumbinationa with atlka Nonpareil volveteena wear with more even neaa than the Lyon velvet. It ia not ao apt to wear ia places, and the cost is about one sixth. I have Juat received a lino of the above Konpiarell Iv(imiiw, direct from tba agenta In New York. Alao a full line of ribbon. I think superior to any In tble market. Also a cheaper quality of rihbona, tn all colors. Also a line of ladles' einbrnldoriea,ladies' handkerchief, lik and linen, and a full line of notion. Mamitri. K, iouno. Awtaalag. The latter part of liuit week a gentle man near Soto was plowing Id his Held and seeing a man coming along the road trom in the dlroctiou of Albauy.he thought he would go to the road and ascertalu what hail beeu the reeult of the trial of a man who had been indict ed f r committing a grievous crime against the law and society in general The farmer asked the traveller if he had oome from Albany, and, being answer ed in the afflrunative, he askod what waa the result of the trial. The man informed the farmer that the prisoner plead guilty, but that the court hud tin poied almost the least penalty that the statute permitted, whereupon the far mer indulged iu a heated speech, net ting forth the In iuousnesa of the crime committed, and also indulged freely iu criticising the court for being so lenient saying the otlender should have been aent to the penitentiary tor at least live years. The traveller smiled (not ghast ly) at the animated wordiness ot the farmer aud walked on. The farmer went to his work musing over the ap parently cool Indifference of tiie trav eller, but he afterwards learned that the traveller was the one who had committed the crime alleged ia the in dictment Then he rsus-.-d aud reflect ed again. Mae Fight. Notwithstanding tbe general opinion that prize Ambling is a beastly sport, con siderable interest waa manifested in tnia city Monday evening over tbe result ot the DempseyCainpoell fight. Last week in speaking of the anticipated fight the Democrat said, "Our prediction is that Dompaey will whip Campbell aa easily as the latter did Reilly." It proved, if any thing, more than true. During two rounds Dempeey fooled with bis oppon ent ; but in the third round a couple of blows ended the matter, Campbell being knocked senseless, receiving a broken nose, a grand monument to bis folly. This fight was followed by a disgusting and brutal contest betweeu two bruisers named Ward and Sullivan, which lasted through seventy -so ven rounds, IflLese fights shall be tbe means of putting a stop to the obnoxious sport they will have served a good purpose. The art of self defense is all righ'. in its place ; but when carried with bare knuckles into the prize ring it becomes a stain ou any omtnunity that allows it, A Cleae Call. Last Wednesday morning at 2 o'clock a night watch discovered a blaze around the desa in the Revere House. Awakening tbe proprietor of the hotel the flames were ex tinguished, but not outil they bad dene fifty to one hundred dollars damage. The wall, counter, a clock and other things were badly burned. A few momenta more might have seen a big fire. J oat how the fire started is not known ; but it ia thought a match may have been careleaaly cast under the counter among some candles, before the night clerk retired at about one o'clock. Good jodgm en t was shown in putting the tire out instead of wasting time ringing the fire bell. ftalnson at Albany. The salmen have struck us for cer tain. They are flapping their tails on their way south w trd continually. Soon Oregon City salmon will be an obsolete term tou?. It will be Albany salmon, and we will have them fresh for dinner that are caught in the morning. Ae nearly as we can leara August fcoeueki, with hie hook and line waa tbe first to capture one in the Willamette at this city. It waa a two footer. About tbe aame time Burr .Sloan shot one from a boat that measured three or four feet, but it was a sore head instead of a stce 1 back, and hence N. G. Fai Machinery- Mr. M. Ayers, of the Benicia Agricultural works, Benicia. CaL, is making a tour of the valley in the interest of the factory. It is by far the most extensive concern of the kind on the coast, having a capacity for over 1000 operatives. For some time past California's manufacturers of implements have been prac tically shut out through freight rates but now the O.l P. line lets them in. Mr. A. will establish one agent in each county, the ob ject being to get as bear to direct trade as business requirement will permit. Our farm ing community will appreciate and help tbs agents of made goods. This Week. A now lot of ladies winter garman U re c jived by.Monteith & Seitenbaoh owing to the fact that we now have an over stock we will sell for two weka at 10 per cent reduction from our u.ual low prices. We do just whit we advertise. Give us a call. .... ii sss Djnt fail to call on us for winter goods. Monteith A Seitenbaoh. 4)1. IS a aaek. 0 i acjoaat of tha l pries (A w'mt flour will ba sold at tba M ti ilia Mills at 91-10 a Back, or $1.4 ) a barrjl, t 1 1 wid b: delivered free to all parts of the city. 95,003 worth of clothing at c ab at teioh k Seitenbach's. Mon 95,000 worth of clothing at coat at Mon teith A Seiteubach a. Second hand nozzle-loadiug shot guna ex tra cheap at Will Broi, free the Heaver Creek Country. Last Tuesday morning Mr. Jamea I lkins returned to his home In the nub urbs of Albany, from the Beaver Creek country, by way af I'rlneville. He re ports the times there fair. Among re cent large sales of cattle he tells of one to Con rath k Trioe of over 50(H) head, in that and the Crooked Hlver ranges. The price paid was $l,i,o, the cattle being va'ued at $22 50 a head, "baud round," and for three and (our year old steers thirty dollars was paid. Though this waa elx to eight dollars le than paid last year it relieved the people there very much of any hard times. The sheep interests there are enlarging, sheep from ouislde ranges swarming iute tnat country, necessarily making the pasturage short tn some of the cat tle rauges. Mr Klkins left Prineville on Thursday of lat week. At that time Mrs Or Irvine was reporte d aa dangerously sick with typhoid fever ; but they wore hoping for a favorable turn. The roads nvr the Cascade's are still go . on the Lebanon route, although quite muddy from the Mountain House this way for three miles. Mr Kiklna met Mr Frank Haoklemun and wife, just returning across the mountains to their home at Silver Well Mr Elklna brought with him to large Peerless po tatoes, sent by Paulina's Naseby, nr John T Faulkner, an old Linulte, to this office, two show tbe people af this county what could be dene in the Beaver country In the matter of raising vegetables. The potatoes are smaller than a pumpkin, but withal very large for "spuds.'' They cau be seen at 1 1 is ottlcv by those desiring to see a geuuiue Boaver Creek production. "Wages ef Ma." Ne play has ever been presented in Al bany that took better than tbe above, pre sented at the Ooera House on Thursday night of last week. Not only was the acting, with hardly an ezceptieu, of first class order, but there Is much to the play Itself. In fact there is a stronger temper snoe address in It than is ofteu presented by public speakers. The career of Stephen Marlowe downward until he Is convulsed with delirium tremens in his hiding place from justice, lian impressive one, Theo Hamilton in that character acting the sot to perfection. In contrast stands o ut the noble, self-sacrificing character of Rev George Brand, George Weatala assuming tbe character of the dignified youag divine in an inimitable manner, showing marked versatile powers to tboe who saw him as tbe Frenchman in "areund the World in 80 days." Mlas Isabel Morris aa Ruth fills that noble character as nearly perfect as it Is possible to present it on the stage. The other principal parts deserve nearly as complimentary mention, perbeps ex cepting Barbara Dale, who outside of her makeup we would not place very high, Waa It a Mistake? Last week Mr. V. P. Terhnno of this city, purchased an overooat, and Friday wore it to Corvallis, going in the stage. He put up at one of the hotels, where ha left his n-w overcoat for awhile. When he came to want it it was gone. Among others he told the stage driver, with whom he had rode. He remembered the coat aud particularly that it had been spat tered slightly with mud on the right sleeve. Saturday when he made his usual trip te this city be was surprised see the identical new over coat on a well dressed gentleman who was av passenger in tne stage coach. On reaching Albany Manual Burkhart was notified. The gentleman, who proved to be a Deputy U. 8. Marshal from Portland, named Van Attis, waa arrested, and immediately turned aver the coat, claiming that he had taken it by mistake in ptace of Ins own. rrtcbtfal Accident. Oa last Tuesday as Mr A J Oiin, who lives new Shedds, was riding across a small bridge, his horse broke through and threw him violently forward, bis head striking on a plank or piece of timber at a point in tbe eft eye-brow, cutting a gash from that point back to the top of the head and then down te the left ear, and tearing the scalp all down to tbe ear and temple, leaving all the skull in front of the ear and np to the top of the head naked. The woaod was a frightful one, not Dr J L Hill was c tiled and sewed up the wound and tbe man is getting along all right. A MiaVner Mr. Henry Fiindt, of this city, whose active brain is always searching for some new conquest in the scientific world, has recently invented a heel stiuaner for boots and shoes, which is liable to place con siderable money in his pockets. It is a great improvement on any yet made, and so confident is Mr Fiindt of its superior merit that he is already taking active steps to place it on the market of tbe United states. He proposes to give every shoe maker in the Union an opportunity to use it in his business. If it proves what is expected ef it tbe invention will be a property of great value. Beglaui Mev. lath. School will begin in this city en Mon day, Nov. 16th, under the prlucipalshlp of Prof. D. V. S. Raid, assisted by Mrs. Stockton and Misses Allison, Kirkpatriok, Irvine and Brink, Under this able corps of teachers success is bound to follow our public schools. With a bran now school kouso, thorough teachers and tbe enc.ou r- agement of the patrons of the school, the coming term should be one characterized by full seats and marked advancsment . NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship existing under the name of Sloan k Bilyeu baa been dissolved, Mrs Hale Kack- ensto haying purchased the interest of Mrs Bilyeu in their dressmaking busineas. All business will be transacted with the latter firm at their shop, near 8. E. Young's store. Mrs. Backensto will use the "square" sys tem of cutting, which she has been using in this city, Letter List. Following is the list of Utters remaining in the Post Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Nov. tth, 1886 Persona calling for these letters must give the date on which they were auvurUted : Davis, M Dal ton, Jesse Harrigan, Michael llollanU. John Houston, D B Powell, Miss Callie Stindey, oiner Wilder, Cbas H Wilkerjon, Mrs John J. M HIVING, P. M. Cirecerles. A, B, Mc II wain keeps a large stock of staple groceries and sells them cheap for cash or produce. Arbuckle'M roasted cof fee six one pound papers for 91.00, Kid Cloves, slid Cleves. For tne next sixty uays i will sen my ladies' kid gloves In black aud colored, at actual cost, Samuel B. Yeuiro, aromTSMKtt oftaaNiZED, At a mooting of the Albany Rod and dun Club held at the Revere House on last Saturday evening the following of ficers were elected for the ensuing year : J O Wrlghtaman, President, W HNoott, Vloo President. C W Watts. Secretary, Oeo O Will, Treasurer. The following committees were appoint ed t On 11 nances-H W Langdon, C H Stewart and J J Dubrullle. On room George llurkhart, R Comely and Win Taylor, Ou Investigation -W B Knott, W B llarr and Geo C Will, On order of business -W II Garrett, C II Stewart and 0 W Watt, A count lint ion and by-lawa were adopt ed, the principal provisions of wbioh are that el ootlona shall be held annually In iMobor; a two thirds vote shall be re quired to elect or expel a member, No member can engage Iu match hunts, etc., unless dues are paid, lulatlon feu 91' monthly dues, 25o. Meetings will be held monthly, ten member to constitute a quorum, For absence from msetlngs of fleers will bs fined 60c, othor members, 25c, sickness and absence from city only to bo excuses. Following are the charter members of the oluh : N B 8prenger, J J Dubrullle, W B Harr.E W l.engdon,Charlea Mueller, Win Taylor, W II Garret , Char lea PfeltTer, George Burkhart, W B Scott, Geo O Will, 0 W Watts, R Crawford, Fred Hyde, Walter East, B M Slean, Frank Dannala, E Comely, A Blackburn, Jaa Callahan, J K Davis, Jos Watson, II V Fuller, AC Cleelan, D F Lampman, J O Wrlghtaman, II Lampman, W B Daniels, Ed Sohmeer, Fred Wolverton. It will be a purpose of tbe Club to not only obtain regular hunting grounds, but as well make arrangement with farmeis who have received injury In the past from careless hunters by which, If any damage is done, by any members of the Club, the Club will hold itself responsible for the same, Tbe officers of the Club will be glad to confer with any such farmers at any time. Arrangements are being made also to obtain a supply of carp for Linn county waters. As match hunts and hunt generally are the principal, If not only, out door exolte meut of our talis aud winters, tLe estab lishment of a club to advance sueh sports Is a matter of considerable moment. As a rule we are a bunting people here, and have obtained quite a reputatiou as being devotee of tho gun and rod. Hence such a move aa this will, deservedly, be looked on with much favor. Aaee4le Abeat a Peraaer Albanian, Every body in Albany remetnlcrit"Jlrn" Titus. Well he was once an advance agent In California. A Portland paper of last Sunday tells at this late date the fol lowing anecdote about him, which wiii be of Interest to many : "Being stranded in a email country town of California, the manager of Carte ton'! troupe a fellow of infinite nerve and fertile in reeonroeernade the acquaint ance of Titus, and succeeded in Intermit ing hiss te such an extent in the theatrical business that ha advanced money onougb to get the "outfit" out of town, and by tbe grateful players was duly appointed to the high-sounding, though low-ealarlod, po sition of "advance agent." Before start ing out tbe manager, Carleton and others, impressed npoa Titus that he must never permit bis company to catch up with him. Always keep well ahead" waa the one thing they lualitted upon, and tbe only tblog neoeesary to make him a first- ism avaui courier. At Chico the wandering play eta struck a snag and "went to pieces" each member of the troupe getting out of town as beat he could. Four years after this episode, while MrCarlatoo was break fasting with his wife at the old Coemopo litan Hotel, he noticed a man staring at him as If bo ware on the point of present ing him with a bill ; Carleton then glared back, when the stranger left his chair and approaching the Portlander inquired, "len't tbla Theodore I'srletanT" "Ye airland pray who are yon T "Why 'in Titus, and I've been keeping ahead of that theatrical company of ou re ever slnc." Weather. Summary of Meteorology for Oct. MS5, from observation taken at Albany, Linn Co. Oregon, by John Briggs.Eaq. Hig'iest Br. 30.03 ; lowc-t, 29.64 : mean, 29.80. Highest Temperature, CI ; lowest, 30 mean, oo.3. Mean at 7 a. m, 47.0 , 2 p m., 63.6. Prevailing winds, N. Maximum velocity force, 2 in , 67 8 j I total rataiau and melted anow luring month, 1.75 inches. Number of days on which .01 inch er mors ram tell, 0. umlier of days of cloudiness. ve- igc 8 in scale ot iu, 9. Frost 11, 17, 18 and 19. Of 93 observations 24 were clouJy, 5 fair, 4 clear, 1 hasy, 12 foggy and 3 rainy. "i ' airaee Hawthorne. Grace Hawthorn- will be at the Albany Opera House this (Thursday) night, when the famous play of "Queena" will ba pre sented. For particulars aeo ad vert he- ment in another column. Following is a press of Miss Haw thorne : Grace Hawthorne has scored a bright success. The applause she brings is spon taneous and genuine incense to brilliant ability, and during her week here she waa several times complimented by recalls at the close of tbe play, which is a rare din unction for an actress to achieve In thin city, -"St. Louis Republican." The Baptist Cenveatlen. Of the North Pa40b Coast held its ninth annual meeting in Portland last werk, pro ceeded by a Sunday School Convention and Ministerial Conference. Sermons before the convention were preached by lisv C C Baker, Superintendent of Mieaions, and by Rev T G Btownson and Rev M L Rugg, of Salem. The interests of MeMinnville College receiv ed considerable attention in the convention. The reports showed encouraging growth during the year in all 'leptrtments of church work, especially id the additions to the churches. The convention will hold its next annual meeting in Salom. ee stars. Desiring to close out our entire line of clothing and overcoats within sixty days we invite people desiring goods in these linea to all early and make selections. All (roods m these lines strictly at coat. MORTRITH &, SkITE.NBACH. Wew Barber. Louis Viereck formerly of Philadel phia has purchased the barber shop heretofore conducted by Luls Cxm peau, where h is ready to accommo date all old and new customer. $5,000 worth of clothing at cost at Mon teith k Seitenbach's. Haadkerehlefa, Ladies' fancy handkerchief for the holidays, Just received, a large Invoice to sell at 5, a and 10 cents each. Samuel E, You so. MoAlpins Brownell's. chewing tobaooo at Road k fiitcrrr rotwT. Court adjourned Saturday morning un til January Mb, whon a apeolal term will be hold. The following cases were decid ed after we went to press last w ek t 8, Matter of Assignment of Inao Mo Clung, Continued. 4. Matter of Assignment of Alfred Whealdon, Distribution ordered prorata. 5. Matter of Assign ment ofTbos Mon teith A Han. Coutluued, A. Matter of Assignment of Ii I. Hterens. Decree granted to tell land at private sale, 9. Sarah Hutohlusagt J G Cherry, et al. Stricken off docket. 9. Robert Johns agt T P Dlnwlddse, ot al, Confirmation. Dlsmlssod, 14. Perry Hyde. Uuardlan, agt J II Motlrlde, otal, Action on bond. Judir meut offM to be odrreotel if any en ore, 1(1. W II Itabsr agt o PA Polly Scott, Kiiiiity losotaaide deed, lioforred lo same referee. 17. Martin Houston agt A J Houston. Divorce. Out on reference. 10. John J Whitney agt Lla.le Whitney. Divorce, Out on reference. 21. D M Cooper agt N Whealdon, et al. Kqulty. Out on reference. 37. J A Crawford agt I MoClung, et at. Foreclosure Ordered that name of Mrs Met 'lung be inserted In summons. It. Alios II Doddagta W Dodd. Dlvoroe, Out on reference. 80. Matter of AsMgnmsntof T Au lorsjn. Final account tiled, 41, A Seltmarsh agt Mum it Shaver, et al, Foreclosure. Deoroo for want of ana wer. 44. W W Slerwer, et at, agt J EE Kelney. Foreclosure. Demurrer to complaint bus talned, 47. U W ' r agt llstsy al. Foreclosure. Judgmsut for want of an wer. 83. Board of S.U ol Fund Commission ersagtJ L al. Foreclosure. Do --,.,. 8. Virgil L Davis agt Kit M Davis. Divorce. Uranted. 87. Jasper Jennings agt Stilt T Jen nlugs. Divorce, (Jranted, 68, Susan Martin agt Robert O , Divorce. Referred to R L Dorrts. 81. R ATurntragtC D Turner, Divorce. Granted, 83. FM Carter agt 8 D and Mary Oager. FJectment. To be tried at adjourned term. 85. W F Torbuue agt Joe l) Arehibald, Damages, Coulinned. 87, II D llurkhart, et al agt Robert L Burkhart et al. Partition, Ceuliuned. 98. In matter of estate af William Me Meektn, deceased. Appeal. To be trivd at adjourned term. 81. Id matter of estate of Robert Miller. deceased. Appoal. To stand till a ijotirn- od term, 94. J S Callow ty agt L Foley. D.mtg Continue d. 96. I Turner agt W L Vanee. Action on note. Settled. 99. J D Frank, adm'r agt J .S Calloway. lUplevtn. Judgment for peo . ju of prop erty and casts exeept Attorney's fees. 99. William Paber and Paul F'ber agt F B Prater, et al. Foreclosure. Continutd. 101 . Mary M Charm to agt N Price, et aL Foreclosure. Dismissed without pre j a dies. 102. Class Brothers agt Morgan A Dear mood. Damages. Judgment by default. 103. O P A Urania agt Morgan e Dear tnoud. Action on note. Judgment by default. 188. KUen Heuhow agt Charles Boo bow. Divorce. JJ ranted. 110. Htateagt G M MoCallocH. Assault, Continued, in. statu agtThoa WyeU. Continued. 112. J Mora-enact T Mirdtn. To be answered. 113. Bute act Peter Bilyeu. toltinz liquor without license. Continue I. The Brawls During the montha of September and October, N II Allen .t C ., of this city, not only gave immense Inrgains to their largo n ii hi i r of customers, but as well as a sort of free will offering, gave every cash cut tomor or over 91 worth of goods a nu n a- 1 31 here! ticket for eaih dollar's worth goods nold, each ticket to be good for o chance In a freo distribution of 9100 on Nov. 1st, Asa result 6300 tiokru were dintilbuietl amti the large number of bargain seekers who had traded with N II Alien A Co., showing a rushing b usiness at this popular atare, a-, tints Uckete only represontetd tho cash sales of over 91, On last Monday, Nov, 2nd, the tickets were drawn by two or three prominent bnalneao men herein Burkhart A Keeney's office and resulted in tbe following numbers getting the priaes set opposite them. Per sons holding snch numbers can get tbsra caalied on presentation : Here they are : 7HI.. 1313 21177 ....... ......... , e ........... : . . , . . ...92.50 eeese . 443 J1r33.... 8181.... 1987 .. SIMS IDJ8... 27H3... seee eee iee 2'M) 2 80 2.50 teeee ......... ...... ......... 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 280 5.00 600 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.08 ........ . e ee ........ ........ ......... . . . . ...... ......... ri4dl 1919 Mm H89 ......... ............. ........ 843 192 ...... 4173 4472. e 10.00 25.00 On January 1st, 1898 another 9103 wll 1 be distributed in the suite manner. Par ties wanting first r 'asn goods at bedrock prices will do well to oaii at N H Allen A Co' and not only get thsm but as wall a chance in from $2 .50 to 92500 free. Deft Teat lea. The new school houae In this city hav ing been completed, the Board of Directors have appointed Friday, No. 13th, at o'clock, p. m. aa the time, and the new school building as the place, for holding the dedicatory ceremonies. T F Camp bell, Prof of Mathematics of Corvallis State Agricultural College, will deliver tne dedicatory address. The Frof was formerly President of Monmouth College, has been for years, one ef tho most zeal ous and competent educators of the State, an earnest promoter of our public schools, a tried and trusted friend of popular edu cation. Prof K B Mtfssfroy, State Super intendent of Public Instruction, Prof B L Arnold, President of Corvallis State Agrl ultural College, and othor friends of edu- atlou wih b) pres3nt. Let the people o tbe District bs present. Ury GiMMla and Notions. I am now receiving my Fall stock of dry gooda and notions, and will be better prepar ed to give good value for the money tban ever before. My atock of dress aooda will be large and will include all the novelties in imported plaids, tricots, etc., etc., as well as domestic dress goods. These domestic dress gooda look nearly as well aa imported, aud cost mucn lea. iimdi ot all descriptions are cheaper this fall. I have marke t my old stock to correspond with tho new goods in price, and I am determined to aell my gooda aa low as any house can sell, either for cash or produce. I keep nothing but stand ard goods, and will guarantee anything I aell r.rties w o live at so great a distance from Albany as vtot to trade regularlv. I know will tind it to their advantage to oome to head quart0 rs for their fall stock. I have the stock of goods and will sell them Samples of areas goods. fUanels. etc. . aent by mail, an(ias much ctre taken as though the parties were present to mike se lection. SaMcei E. You ho . 95,00) worth oi clothing at cost at Mon teith & Seitenhacu s. 95,000 worth of clothing at cost at Mon eith A beuonbacb s. Ask your druggist for a package of 0ogcn Kidney lea. HONK 4R8 AHaOAt. P M French, jswslor, Tryourtos. It. k B. The best harness st J J Dubruillesi East Portland is in debt 921,873.26. The best millinory at Miss M E Postor's. Nature's own romo ly, Oregon Kidney Tea. Huhroription to Drvocrat, 92.50 per year, Hnd your book and job work to S tl Dor ris. Ladies' gossimer ruLbers at Head k Brown sil'a. Oregoq Kidney Tea. For sale by all drug giata. Ths yory host toas and ootfo at Conrad Meyer's. J. P. Wallace, Phyaieian and Surgeon, Al any, Cr. Kirk 'a soap ia boss. For sals by Ileal k Hrowimll, New stock of boota and shoe at Head k Brownell's. lUbbitte soap at Conrad Meyer's. It has no superior. The finest lino of win low cornios mould, iogs at Woo J iu's. 91.000 worth of clothing at cost at Mon teith A Seitenbach's. Water white oo.l oil, beat ia thu market at Itsad k Bowneli's. Arbttckln's roasted coffee six pounds for 91 at A II Msllwaio's. Thanks giving will, by presidential procla mation bs oa Nov. 20th. Kverything in the mtrket can always be fouud at Conrad Meyer's. t-fii 1 Say oysters opens 1 fresh every day at Medyre restaurant. If your liver is out of order try Prushaw's 1'ills -sure cure. Never fails. Splendid line of ladies fall and winter gar ments at Monteith k Seitenbach's. The cheapest nlaee to get your printing done is at the Job office of S U Dorrta. Cigars, tobacco and gents furnishing gooda at Otto .Salinger's opposite Mclllwaia s. Ktamine Woodin's Kiteesion tables. They are -well go and see thsm for yourself. yamilies supplied with Yeiuina Bay oys tera,50 cents per pint, st Matty's restaurant. The place to buy hardware is at A B Mc llwaiae, as bets soiling it at reduced rates. P M French, agent Singer Manufacturing Cu.,opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or. Orsce Hawthorne in "Quecoa," at the Al bany Opera House. Thursday evening, Nov. 5tb. Dr. M. H. Kilts, physieiao and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Clle made ia city or country, Ue to Huffman k Joseph's for Quo assorted candies, home made. TneiFs is always pore aud fresh. Itev u l lolroao, onus a Missionary in Assam, preached in the Btptit t 'huroh last Tuesday evening. Y equine Bay oystei slews 23 cents per Case ; raw oysters 23 ont per plate at ady's rsetaursul The real estate traosaetioee ia thiseoauty far October amounted to 951,000, tbe iergoal for several inootns. If yon are going East be sure and go via the Oregon Short Lute It is the beet. So ad in another column. Co to Prushaw's new Drug Store for pure drugs, patent medicines, etc. Prescriptions caret ally compounded. liouis Viereck, Shaviog aod Heir ditsisiag Saloon. SuoosiKrto lwis t aotpau. Closo towels to every customer. A plum tree in the yard of Mr Phil Balti mora, in this city, is to full bloom, this be ing tbe second time this year. Parties already subscribers to tbe Daajo- ii at, who wish to send the paper off te a need or friends caa do so for 92. Zjo aoo tobacco is 16 oa pljt and n t 12 aod 14 oass moat other bran d that are sold orotic pound, at A B Melt it '. When yon have any taok r j .:. printing done, remember that S ii DjeVts d s ware in the latest styles an 1 at t ie loeest prion. Those who think all finely dressed young uiu are dude should roal the short incident on our four in pge, eutilied "A Uailwsy t Anyone wishing1 to uke ia wsahteg in Al bany can hod phmty of work to ! it they will make their wants koawn. For that pur pose our columns are free. Money to lsan -M SKlgtigtM, at the oshse tt Deyoe k It rissoa. AUiauy, will loan motntf for a term of year oa improye I f rm security . (1. W. Mastoe, Pbvsteian and Surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Graduate of the dnctanati College of 1'bystciaas aad Surgeons, Cincin nati, Ohio. Miss M K Foster has jat received a new and elegant stock of fall aod winter millinery, embracing all the latest styles. Call and eee the very latest. The sublet at the Baptist Church nest Sunday evening will be "Joseph, the Inter- perter of Dreams, the teurth sermon in the aeries upon Joseph. Tbe ladies of the United Presbyterian Church will give a sociable st the reaidenoe of Judgn J C Powell this (Friday) evening. Everybody is invited. An early call on Monteith k Seitenbach for what clothing you want for yourself or tbe boys, will seee re to sou tbe choice of a tine line exactly at com. What could an inexperienced Webfoot ex pect but defeat in a tight with a man who had engaged in thirty three prixe tights without losing any. only two being drawn. Two or three hand granadoi, Peters k Stewart agents, extinguished ths Knvero douse tire if ednetday morning. About that time they were cheap at almost any prjf . Hundreds of letters from those usintAy- er'a Hair Vigor attest its value as a restorer of gray hait to its natural color. As a stimu lant and tonic, preventing ami curing oaiu- a. aod cleansing ths scalp, its use cannot be too strongly recommended, Trial proves that honesty is the best policy n medicine as well as in othor things. Ayers Sarsaoarills ia a genuine preparation, An un ¬ equalled blood purifier, deoidedly superior to ail others. Tbe late rains have brought large num- lrs of ducks into the rivers. Several having already been shot by our hunters. It ia rather early, though, tor many uucas. Our neighbor across the corner, Mr Win R Canon, has juat newly painted his house in keeping with tne times, a tinted white, with dark green trimmings. Remember the "Autumn Gathering at W. C. T. U. Hall on next Tuesday evening. A pleasant evening may be spent. No col lection, no fees, but a genuine good tiun is in the prospect. The last Harper 1 Weekly publishes the pictures of four European kings. King George, of Greece, looks like the advauos agent of a theatrical t roup, aud the rest most anything but Rings. Candidates for city offices have appeared, the city election only being a few weeks oft. A city election ia of suoh importance that every voter in A many should take a live in terest in not only seeing good men nomina ted but as well elected. Mr L Senders of this city has bought with in ths last two weeks 30 head of horses ami shioued them to California and sold them. Ho started IPednesday for Prineville where he will purchase another lot for shipment to that State. A letter from Mr LouU Campeau, tella of his settling m Weston, where be has pur chased a half interest 111 a barber business with Mr J Smith, We commend Lotus to the people of Weston not only as a barber but aa a h rat-class, good fellow generally. The Astorian ia generally a very reliable Daner : but a stickler for other newspapers to swallow whole is an item in which it tells of many of its subscribers having paid np til '88. It deserves suoh treatment, though. Emperor E 0 Norton.editor of the Vidette,oi Salem, was married last Friday night to Mrs Rice. This ia rather a queer proceeding for an anti-monopolist ; but it is one deserv ing of encouragement, and we c ongratulate all concerned, Ferdinand Ward got ten years in the penitentiary. Ferdinand will be remembered as the young sprig who defrauded General Grant and the public out of -several hundred thousand dollars. There has in the last few weeks been a shortage of postal cards in several of the val ley postofflos, it being impmibie to get or. ders filled for them, Albany Salem and Corvallis among others are out. The residence ef W W Cayiaeis, of Hslix, Urnxtilia county, waa totally destroyed by tire on Monday of laat week. A fire had been s tatted in the kitchen atove to get dionor, aud some coals falling n port thefleot whits no one was in the room, started tho conn's aration. Lias, 91800; insured in the Phteoix, of Brooklyn. The Went Side aaya : "We are informed that Billy M snafield, of the lleston Lender, has been appointed to tho position of collec tor of customs at Y equina, now held Ly Col VanCleye, editor of. the Yaqnina Port," Nothing has yet appeared in the dispatches to this effect ; hut no doubt is trim. We ex tend congratulations. A profeeeer in a Corvallis p tper givoa some predictions for November. As he predicts cloudy or rainy weather on nearly evoryday of the month he ia pretty aurs to hit it a majority of timea, Observs for yourself how many times hs ia right whon ! aaya it wilt be pleasant the 8th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 20th, 27th and 2Uh. All of the rest of the time it is to be cloudy or rainy. Laat Monday morning a worthy Linn county farmer, weighing considerable over two hundred pounds, and a young man. were riding into Albany, with the end board of a wagon for a seat, Suddenly the horses gave a jump forward and ovsr tato the deep mud went the man and boy, presenting a picture which a looker onaaid he would have laugh ed at had be lieen hanged for it, aod ft ill it waa not a vary humcrona matter for the ac tors in the accident. Chinese pheasants, with all their winsome waya and long tails, are said to bo the most destructive bird known when it comes to making an attack on a shook of wheat. Not satisfied with getting enough te eat they overhaul tho whole shook, scratching the wheat in every direotion. rKhnn it comes to righting a game ouek is said to stand no chance with them. Oae goo I sized Chinese pheasant will "clean out" a whole barn yard of rooaters. If ithiu the next mouth there ia a proba bility that the O. P. management will take some deliuite action on the extension of the road from Corvallis. The importance of having a connection with tbe East Side road ia appreciated by the officers of the road, aa it will lie the means of largely increasing its traffic between the Valley and San Francisco. Ths utHtree taken by tbe people of Albany, it ia reported, ia meeting with favor by the management of tbe road, and there seems te be littlo doubt now that it will oome thia way. social as raws al. Jaa Foster, Jr. is now Incited at Portland, with headquarters at Capt C F Powoi!'e of lee, Judge Boise left on last Taely for tbe East, where he goes to attend the National t range. Mrs Lottie Morgan is lying danucroualy ill at the home of her parent, on Ferry Street, in una city. Mr James Murry. of this city, waa in Port land Monday, beiug a witness of the faraoue uempsey Campbell prixe tight. !ewyer Pipes, of Corvallis passed through the city Monday on ttie way to attend Court in P.ageoe. Mr T M Devine and wife, of Waterloo were in tbe city last Priday on business. Mr lievtne paid the ltrx rat ofhoe a visit while in the city. Mrs John Barrowa. of OiVland. CaL. ar rived ia Albany on Friday of laat week, and will spend aeveral weeks in tin. ctiy visiting her parents, relatives and many friends. Ed Mack left for home the first of the week. According to the Yaqataa Pott Ed. is to be married next Monday to Miss Addie Reynolds, of Baker City. We congratulate in advance. MrsC Houokisft laat Saturday noon for Prineville where her daughter, Mrs Dr Irvine, ia daogeroualy aick with typhoid fever. Many friends here hope for the speedy recovery of Mrs Irvine. The DaiiorRAT acknowledges a call on last Monday from Rev S-hrescbtenberg, of Oregon City. On Sunday the reverend gen tlemao preached in German at tbe College Chapel. Mr J L Nye, of Sweet Home, was in the city Monday, making thu offio a call while here. Prom Mr Nyswe learn that work ia being puabeu on the new bridge, though the ram somewhat retards it W C Tweedale, Grand Master of I. O. O. P.. returned hut Tuesday from a six week' a trip in Eastern Oregon, visiting the rarkma subordinate lodges Tn that part of tbe juris diction. He reports tbe orders generally ia a prosperous condition . CLARA re)LT, This distinguished California lady lawyer and dramatic orator has been engaged by the Albany Budding Association to deliver her famous lecture 00 Col. E. D. Baker, Satur day evening, Nev. 7th. Tbe price of admis sion has been put at 50 cents, wash no extra cnarge for reserved seats, which can be had at Langdon'. We boos that a full house will greet the fair orator. If 0 copy the fol owing notice from the S. F. Argut : Clara S Polts, the Well known lady law- yer, delivered the initial lecture of her season at Irving Hall, on IFednesday evening laat. to a large, and one of the rcoat fashionable and intellectual audiences ever assembled in this city. Her subject, "The Life and Char acter of Col. K. I). Baker," was handled with rare ability, and waa listened to with rapt attention. It ia but luetics to aay that the lady has no peer in the lecture field in thta country. She ia scholarly, eloquent and a faultless elocutionist, we predict for her a grand future on the rostrum. Important te All. We want to retire from tbe clothing buaineaa and are offering our entire atock of clothing and overcoats exactly at coat. We have a fine line of desirable gooda for men and boys, and will save to every purchaser from three to aix dollars. Call and aee for yourself. Monteith & SF.rratiBacn. C'litaks ! Cloaks J Cloaks 1 I am opening my Pall atock of oloaka and jersey jackets thia week, amounting to over two thousand dollar, these foods are much cheaper than laat year and the atylea better. These cloaks will be sold to caah er prompt paying customers, as cheap aa any house in Oregon can aell them. Samuel E. Yousto. Clothing, Havlne lust received a now stock of clothing for men and boys I am now pre oared to eive trood styles and better good? for tho money than ever before. Men 'a suits ranging in price from f 4.50 up, A, B, McIlwain, laid tilsves by N. H. Alien st Co. Large new stock just received from New York and one of the best in tbe market. Call and examine tbe new line, t 4 button at 75 cents a pair ; tney are a ilendld glove for the money. MAKKIED. BUKWER HUHLBUHT. At the Revere House ia thia city, October 27th, 1SS5, by Rev D C MoFarland, David Brewer to JlTLIA HCRLBURT. The many friends of thia youthful couple join in wishing them happiness and prosper ity aa they atart out in the voyage of life. The bride is 66 yoara of age and the groem is 75. DIED. TRUAX. In thia city on Wednesday, Nov. 4th, 1885,ef consumption, Delia C. Jones, wife of Harlew M. Truax, aged 29 years and 5 months. Mrs. Truax moved to thia oity from Canada in April, 1884, She waa a consistent member of the Evangelical Church. She leivea a huab&nd and four children, beaidea many other relatives and frienda to mourn her early departure from thia world. Tbs tuner a1 will be preach ad at t'.ia Evangelic a church this (Friday) at 10 e 'clock. MURDER. W, W, Maunders Hbeets f'hnriey 'amsbell On laat Wednesday evening, near the residence of t, P. Mason, ou tho southeast corner of Ferry and Fifth Street,in this city, Charles Campbell, of this city, while walk ing south along Ferry Street, in company with Mattie Allison, wns hot by Wirt W Saunders, formerly one of the editors i f the lienton header, of Coryallia. Campbell wns taken to tfte residence of C-o W Burkhart and about nine o'clock waa remove ! to hia father's home in the eastern part of the city, whore bodied at fl o'clock yesterday morn ing. A Coroner's jury was called by Geo, Humphrey, Uq , consisting of Thos Mon teith, J H Burkhart, John Bryant, (t V Simpson, S T Jones and A L Churchill. The testimony ef lr Mas ton. Mr Ooherty, C H Stewsrt, the llrst ones preaent after the shooting, Mr Huffman aud Mattie Allison was taken. The testimony of Miss Allison a lite long resident f Liau comity, tells so nearly the who! j particulars of tho unfortunate affair that we vtve alone i r version of it. which is In keeping practically with the rest of the testimony tekea : Mrtttio Allison sworn : I started hewautt minutes past seven. 1 passed Kngme House I hem getting insulting letters and wanted to know who they were wiittea by. I went past Kugitio house.aud bntwreu Mine. field's and Court House I met Campbell. He was in disguise, but I koew him. Ia front of Court House I met him again. I aaid. are you the gentleman who wrote tbe let- ter. He aaid, "1 so noose we are even i.i.w " I said, "I guons not, you have been dom everything you can to ruin me." He had fol lowed me everywhere. We went along ouarrelliog At Mason's we m;t Saunders. 1 waa en left aide. Saunders said. "What do von aaaeai t, in. aulting Mattie in thia manner. Campbellpat hia hand back, and then Saundera tired, I aaid "lioo't fire again." Camnbell ArmmmA, He aaid, "1 am going to die. Does this come from you," I aaid "1 auoooee it does."Hnn. ders asked where he was shot. lie aaid "in my bowels," I started for Maston and met him. I aaid, when aaked, we will take him to my house. My mother aaid he should not be taken there. Meeting waa by appointment betweenCapt. Hauuders aod me. I once we it to Corvallis with asunder. He aaid be hia! heard how Campbell had been talking about we. I told Suodcrs how C'Amnbcll had tallt. ed about me aud that be let mo alone for some time and that if Paslptsll ever did it again I aaid 1 could not atsud it. Saunders said, "Make me a promise, tell me when he does it and I wil! come down aod have a talk with him and tell him how tho land lays and he will never bother you any more." I got this letter trom a man ucsiriog te m-sct me. Cot it Tuesday morning. Sat down and cried. I wrote letter to Saunders, told him I auppoaed I waa going to have trouble. Told him I wished be would come down. He came down. Cot here at 8 o'clock Tuesday even ing. Showed letter to him ; told him I he lieved Bod Johnson wrote the letter. Told him be had better see Bud and tell him 1 believed be was the one who wrote it. Hs aaid you had better write to Campbell and tell him you will meet him. Of course I knew it was Campbell. Said I waa afraid. Camp bell had threatened to shoot me. He aaid he would be -around to protect me aod would walk op aod demand what be meant by tm conduct, (shown letter, ) That ia tbe one I wrote. Saunders made cjpy aod I copied it nearly. Think Saundera stopped at Revere House whtn be came down. 1 did not know for sure about his being armed. Of course I thought he waa. He always carries one. Did when I went to Corvallis. There were two shots, but hs oaly fired one. Tbe other was accidental. Wrote Saundera Tuesday morning and he came down that evening. I expected tbev would words, but nothing more. I never aaid there would be trouble. Knew Campbell would kill me if he got a chance. Shooting was 2o minutes of 8. It waa not very dark or light. Met Saundera laat night not quite aeveu o'clock. Think it waa near Blaiu'a, Nothing aaid about my appointment with Campbell. He went back with me to store. Said he bad aent bia buggy home aod by whom. Heard Saaoders aay the shooting was accidental at tbe tuac. He sMBM I pistol and told me to pick it up, but I weuld not. Mr Campbell waa ou risdit aide and Saunders in front of me, so near I could near y touch htm. 1 never dreamed of shooting. It waa done so quick I hardly knew bow it was dune. Nothing was aaid about Saunders be tween me and CAmpbelL Saunders told me ho aod Campbell had played cards together in Harry Noel's saloon. 1 aaked Campbell who wrote letters, and he aaid Mr Johnson. Oh iectof appointment waa to find oat for cer tain who wanted this meeting. I thought there would be some slapping or something like that, bet asver dreamed of any thin j else. About throe o'clock I gotanawer to letter in P O. Ctpt Saunders waa at store when I ahowed him letter. Told me to meet him. Said I waa afraid t j meet him aa he would aa aooa kill me aa turn hia hand over. Ho aaid. "you go aad I will be around some where if anything happens. I told him which way 1 would go, by tbe Court House. I could not aee anything of Saundera before time of shooting. Dj not think thsy had ever had any difficulty b. fore yesterday. Saunders waa at booae after shooting, lie seemed to be sorry and regretted it. lie had not known what he waa doing. The reason Saundera took interest in mo waa because be expected to marry my aiater. They are en gaged, tie aai oeen over to nay. lie took internet in me same as if he were my broth er, and thia waa reason he took my part. When Campbell left here some weeka ago I never wrote to him to come back. At the lime of shooting the languto used bv Saunders was "what do you au an by slandering Mattteand writing her those maulUm letters." Camnbell said: 'You son of a bitch I had Just as soon shoot you. or something that amounted to that as nearly as I can remember. Campbell had umbrella, He put his right hand back by his side. Don't know- under which arm umbrella was, Saunders did not aay anything after what Campbell said, hut pointed his pistol in front ot me and fired. He only fired once. Did not see Campbell fall. Saw him on ground first after shooting. I put my baud on Saund' era' arm and ald: "Doot shoat again.' Pistol fell, I looked around and saw Cam pbell lying down with Saunders beside aim, Campbell said: "1 am goinr to die Saunders aaid, "Oh, my god, don't say that, for I did not mean to do it." Saun dera asked him where he was shot and he said in the bowells, Campbell asked me if I was tbe cause of that, and I made the re mark that I guessed I was. He asked me if I could forgive him for every thing he had done against m 3. Dr. Mastou was tbe first one there, (Signed) Mattie Allison Thos Monteith, Jr., testified that Miss Allison waa in the store of Monteith k Sei tenbach Wednesday, when she aaid to him, aome thing ia going to happen and I am afraid my heart will break, Yesterday after tho murder ahe waa again in the store and begged him for God's aako not to mention what ahe had said. The jury mentioned above rendered a ver diet that the cauae of Charles Campbell's death was a gunshot wound received at the handa of W W Saundera aud that they find and have reason to believe that the said W W Saundera and Mattie Allison are guilty of the crime of kilbng tho aaid Charles Camp bell. The lettera referred to were one from a Mr Blank follow to Miss Allison requesting to meet her. and her answer, consenting to do ao. It ia not necessary to give them. The murder has caused intense excitement here, both parties being well known in thia part of the State, Mr Saunders waa arreated at Mrs Allison's residence by Sheriff Charl ton soou after the murder and Miss Alluon yesterday noon and they now are in the county jail, Campbell waa shot just below hia heart by a 45 calibre revolver, thebal going through hia bowo'.a, Boots ami Shoe a. A B Mel 1 .vain has the ltrgest atock of boota and ahoeain Ailany, ai d is making prices to auit the timea. Ladiet,' kid In-ton shoes at $1.75 and $2. Indies' pjbLla goat, button $1.50 and 81.7.".. A MAI ABOUT TW, The Man About Town does not need to pnt his thinking cap more tban a quarter on to romember how universally poly gamy in Utah has been condemned ; but If It has been censored where men support all their wives, how much more should It lie In civilized Oregon, where tbe poly gsmlst deserts one wife and a baby,ohangea his name and marries again. It is impoe slble for us to Imagine many worse crimes. Bobbery and larceny are insignificant be tide such a case. Yet in our own beautiful etty lor such a crime a man gets a mere flna of 400, while a poor hungry wretch who slips Into a bouse in tbe day time and takes a few things gets two years in the pen U Miliary, Our mind gets confused when we think of , The Man About Town peaks the truth when be says that he has never known of anv proceeding in tbe city of Albany that has caused more Indignation tban this, everybody being astonished at such a sentence aa that given alias Frank Taylor by Judge Boise, The fact that those Immediately interested aak ed for it is no excuse. Tbe protection of society is above personal considerations, particularly In such a deliberate matter aa pelygamy. A mere fine, without imprle- oniueut simply put a premium en such an enormous crime as pelygamy. O Only a few who aaw Wages of Sfn'laat week knew that the poor wretch who had tbe Jim Jama so badly, pounded hia wife around and was finally shot waa the au thor ef tbe play. It waa a terrible ending for such a genius, O The Man About Town saw an electric light man in Albany last week, trying to introduce hi lights. As the city is some what in debt such an elephant will not be purchased at tbe preaent time. With these lights stores can be lighted lor 83 a week. Now it probably coats a dollar, There is no use ef talking," people In places like Albany must walk before they run. Too many metropolitan airs In a town of tbe aize of Albany is considerable like a seven year old wearing a "stove pipe" hat. (.rand Jar s The C rand Jury, in the Circuit Court last week, after tbe Dkmookat had cone to press, handed in the following report : (t tiu lienor able Circuit Court of thu County of Linn : We, tht, undersigned 'trend Jurors sum moned for tbe October term. rMnantfnl'v submit tbe fallowing report : That we have examined tbe condition of the County Co art House, Jail, grounds, buildings, etc., and Clod tho aame in good condition. That as far as we can Judge, the books of officers of County Treasury, Clerk and Sheriff, are correctly kept. We would recommend that a suitable burglar-proof safe be provided for the County Treasurer and Sheriff for the safe keeping of monies coming into their keep ing, the one new in use not being suoh. We would further recommend that a policy of insurance be effected upon tbe Court House building for tbe sum of 10,000. O. T. Lever, B F. MtTNKEas, 1 . H. iBViats, M, Cart, J cues OaiawoHL, A.T. Powatx, Q. T. Do as a. HeartPy 'ad Use State law. C. Ala bast Ob. Oct 2, 1&& It gives me pleasure to bear testimeey to tbe promptness, fairneaa, and fall end satis factory settlement of my loss by the State Ina. Co of Salem, Oregon. They haying paid me tbe full amount of my claim within a week after my sworn statement was filed with them. I therefore heartily recommend tne company to the farmers of Oregon. Wallace Htlsert. aafisaed with the ecate. Skedd, Or., Oct 2, 1885. In behalf of J J and E B Kendall for whom I am guardian I acknowledge the receipt of fall and satisfactory payment of their loss by tire, from the State Ins. Co. of Salem Ore gon. 1 gladly recommend the company to tbe farmers of Oregon, and to any one within irteir reach. MRS. P. B, PRATE. Guardian. Dried t rail Wanted. A B McIlwain pays the highest price for dried fruit and all kinda of produce. Mew C'sesska. N. H. Allen A Co., have Juat received from New York oue of the finest line of Fall and Winter cloaks ever brought te Albany, all of the very latent styiee. bich will 1x3 sold mucn cneaper tnan ever before offered in this market. Re member the place at N. H, Alums A Go's. Wood for sale. Wood delivered ia any part of the city limits at the following prices per cord : Good fir wood f2J0 Oak wood (grub) 1.00 Mixed wood 00 P W. SruK. Oct. Ut, 1885. Beaf Cattle :audH alien sheey The undersigned will pay the higheat eaah price for beef cattle and mutton sheep Have good scales on which to weigh. I. D. Miller, Miller's, Oregon Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney trou ble. When Baby waa aick, we gare her CAflTOSXA, When she was a Child, ahe cried far C ASTOXIA, When she became Miss, ahe clung to C ASTORIA, When ahe had Children, ahe gaswthem&aJltttLA. Estray Notice. Strayed from Monteith's pasture, Albany, Oct. 28th, 886. One dark red cow, marked with an under slope m right ear, crop and split-on left ear, little White ea each side of head, red and white underneath body. (i5 reward will be paid for her return to . M. French, Vlbany. WANTED. We want a good, energetic man to tiavei n Linn county and sell Singer Sewing Machines. The right man can make monev. Apply, giving references to the singer Mfg. Co,, Portland, or to F M i rench, Albany. School-Tax Notice. Your school -tax ia now due and will be delinquent in a few days and then oeeta n ill be added. You can save me cost 07 calling at the office of the Clork, Ne,59 First Street, and settling the same. October 28tb, 1885. J. H. Burkhart, Clerk of School District No, I. The Portland Business College, Portland, Ore I on, offers superior private and cfasa instruction t j tho young and middle-aged of both aexea Who 1 ('sire to obtain a practical education In tbe short, t st time consistent with thorough work, and at the 1 3tiat expense. Day and evening sessions through t uttheyear. Students admitted anytime. Cats Ijgue on application, A. P. Aaaw awe,JMBcJpaI