The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 06, 1885, Image 2

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    Ifte cuw(vat.
The democrats of New York and
Virgiui won a magnificent victory Ust
Tuesday. Tbii is the earnest reply of
the people to the 'Moody shirt" haran
gues of John Sherman, Foraker end
Logan. New York girec over 20,000
plurality for Hill (dem.) for governor.
Legislature democratic Virginia gives
20,000 democratic majority for govern
or. Legislature democratic ; whioh re
mands Mahone to that obscurity which
be richly deserves. Cleveland's admin
istration very heartily endorsed.
di nauocie tiBvwuxe.
The rimiiidmlur is growling because
the present administration has made an
order that no land office ehali furnish
blinks to clerks, agenU, couits or no
taries public for wee of settlers in mak
ing pre. It says thso btanks cost
about one cent a piece, and therefore
this effort to economise is demagogic
Now, in the first place it is no part of
the duty of the government to furnish
these blanks, but it was in line with
the general spirit of extravagance of a
republican administration that led to
the custom that prevailed before the
present democratic administration came
into power, of furnishing free to any
one such blanks. Our contemporary
complains that the saving to the gov
ernment is so small, that no other rea
son can be given for the order than a
desire to make a show of economy, but
when he is made to know that this or
der applies to not only all the land offi
ces in Oregon, but to all the land offices
in the United States, and that this sys
tem of economy U made to apply to all
the departments of the govern men t,and
to every one of the one hundred thou
sand officials in all parts of the country,
and in fact in nearly all parts of the
world, he will then have some faint
idea of the vast sums of money which
may and will be saved to the tax-pay
era of the country by such economy
We hope our contemporary will consid
' er the force of the very old but eminent
ly correct and true maxium : "Take
care of the cent and the dollars will
take care of themselves."
test will be between Mitchell, Birsch
and William. Republicans through
out the valley are bitterly opposed to
a Portland man at all They say
Portland has ono senator and that
some other section of the state ought
to have the other one. They urge
two objections to Williams. One is
that he is a Portland man, and the
other is that be is said to be the Cen
tral Pacific's man. Two objections
aro urged against Hirscn. One is
that ho is a Portland man, while the
other is that he U the Northern Pa
clnc's man. Less objection exists
against Mitchell than formerly. The
fight made against him now by the
Oregonian Is almost universally re
K.ucu aa me venom oi uuu wuu
koows no motive so strong as mat oi
hate. It is regarded by nearly every
one as persecution, and that always
makes friends for the persacutod.
The new school hnnae will ha ldi-
they will be interesting.
The Welcome ssvs :
a uj I . . i
o jiutuuuy iu a cara io me ureiori- I
- ... . m?
vun aays ids irownsvuio w ooien ami
employs fifty white people. Now will
1 "'-0Jw"b0T-7 '"F'c.aus y
rn h irh;; r r.
iiay roll of the same oorooration 1
i , - m i
N.jt a one sir, not a one.
Tbe "bloody shirt" was effectually
Isid out last Tueaday in New York and
v lrguua wnere f oraker, Imogen, her-
nisn ana ButUrworth waved it so fran-
ticallv to scare oeoole into voting the
republican ticket. That dodge of the
republican. i,no go" among patriotic,
intelligent neonU
cated on FriJaj Nov. 13th at 2 o'clock mind when newspaper was so univer- f v Sweeney preached three sermons r" A1 No l' Mmoo,c
p. m. The address will be delivered by "T condemned as the Ore,onian was P' tlZ 3 Mr 5 te M Sofrooia
Prof. T. F. Campbell, of Corv.llis. Let fr fcb nnifestation of foolish psrti- Dd ne " the rM'deoe f Mr- Cutter all right, title and interest in all
ii ftk i fl . . inlay. lands that I own in Oregon. Con $1200.
all the people attend these exercises as "usbip. Miss Wbite.of Brownsville.and Mi J G Cherrv KrmontL tn r f miiK
- '! the P'U lt Tuesday in Buffalo, New
r w a m a e.wavaa.lvre a I
jwmwrraie, wiin me aiu oi me
mugwunmps last year, carried New
York bv the barn nluralifv nf lido.
while this year, without their Hd,
th.y hftveeerriedthete hy 20,000
wvle-a mmn IS 6 n mm rl 4 L ... 1 B . i 1 1
plurality, and thereby hangs a tail
In a party noint of view it seems
n, rii..KiA . l
u-, ..ovc mciu iubu
a . I I
to nave mem.
Wa hear the name of Mitchell float-
mg on the gentle breezes quite frequ-
ently. How such whisperings must fill the "bloody shirt" again.
tbe soul of tbe Oregoman with rieght- -'
eous indignation. ur rePWcan friends had a very
l i down cast look Wednesday when the
loss, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania news came of such magnificent dem
and Nebraska went republican last ocratlc victories in Now York and
Tuesday by greatly reduced majoritisw. J Virginia.
KBDi ntox or tub rvmm debt.
In our issue of October 9tb,we copied
an artiole from the Sentinel published
at Jacksonville, in which the statement
was boldly made that "this administra
tion has not paid eff a dollar of the pub
lic debt." We then showed that during
the months of Match, April,May,June,
July, Augur.t and September the public
debt'had been teduoed $43,072,403.52.
As proof of this we referred to the
monthly publio dubt statement as pub
lished in the Ormjonian for the several
months named. To this very clear case
made out by us the Sentinel made no
reply whatever, and we rested the case
with the consoious satisfaction of having
convinced the Sentinel roan. Rut, now
comes forward the Eugene City Register
and volunteers the statement that that
paper was the author of the article
which we quoted from the &rn.if,and
reiterates the statement that "this ad
ministration has not paid off a dollar of
the public debt," and then attempts
to change and qualify the statement by
saving that "not a dollar of the interest
bearing government indebtedness ha
been paid sinoe Seoretary Folger's last
call of August 7th, 1884."
Now the Register man attsmpts to
chance the words "public debt," as
used in the article taken fi'om the Sen
tinel, lo the words "interest bearing
government indebtedness," as will be
seen by referring to tlte Register of Oot
29tb, but he will not be allowed to es
cape from his untenable position by
such jugglery in woida, or such deraa
gogism in argument. We have shown,
as before stated, that since the present
administration came into power the
publio debt baa been reduced over $43,
000,000. The Renter man says there
has been no reduction since Aug. 7th
1884. Now, let us see. The Rpubli
can party was in power during the
period from August 7th,1884,to Marci
4th, 1885. Let us see what Arthur's
Secretary ef the Treasury reported about
the publio debt during all the months
of that period. He says that during
the month of August, 1884, the public
debt was reduced $8,542,852. (See
Oregoman of Sept. 2nd, 1884.) That
during the month cf Sept., 1884,it was
reduoed 12,t40,O0O. (See Oregontan
Oct. 2nd,1884.) That during the mouth
of Oct., 1884,the decrease was $8,307,-
192. (See Oregoman Nov. 3rd, 1884.)
That during Nov., 1884, tho debt in.
creased $747,124. (See Ot egonian Dec.
2nd, 1884.) That daring the month of
Dec., 1884, the inert ee was $041,384.
(See Oregoman Jan. 3rd, 1885.) That
during the month of January, 1885,tSe
debt was reduced $9,420,046. (See
Orwoiia Fb. 3vd,1885.) That dur-
ing the mouth of Fob., 1885, the public
debt was reduced $3,204,975. (See
Otegonian March 3rd, 1885.) This
makes a reduction of the public debt
from August Tib, 1884, to March 4tb,
1885, to the amount of $41,515,065,
and the reduction since the latter date
to October 1st, 1885, as before alio wo,
tion since August Tib, 1884, of $84,
587,468. But the Register man alleges
that not a dollar of the public debt has
been paid since August 7ih, 1884, al
though bis own party claims that it
paid of er $41,000,000 from Oe latter
date to March 4tb, 1885. Now if this
Republican editor knows anj ihing at
all, he must know that the publio debt
it not all interest bearing, and that his
b, I
ioirfflinoin words .ill not rl,,U tha
' . "
m i n vr u(ft mx i.aa.a.t.T.
ry w ..
uenerai Jacueiian died suddenly oi
neuralgia of the heart at bia home at I
n J i rx i .mi. ti-
Orange, New Jersey Oct. 29th. His
atZ I.j , " ftV.u
lalD 1UU BUrVlL' UOLU MM M 111 11 llllV I
. . . . r I
I mm mm m v v vvaweiaiaM mm a v WW I
wo.. nown to requi-e an extended no-
it . ,
twe from ua. The disgracefully, bitter,
partisan attack made by tbe Oregonian
r , 3 . .
nnon the General's almost universally
taoiittt l great reputation 8 soldier. I
. .
m -a,, a si .
rrirrti'.r tnrl tatMiman isreaaa nhaeartl nna I
f""w- j mmmmvm v mv mm vuai evkOl l-
o of that paper. We do not recall to
Tho UnrlnSnM rf . il I
uK....ftU.w, tDivu) tJuuuK mo i
ract lnat Uarper'e Magazine Is sold in
Emrlanrl nr 1h onnlm r. hiio
m vvr 1
price uere is ao cents, says:
"American readers built up the house
of Harper. Perhaps this h the rea-
wn why tbeyculd pay nearly a
in,rd more for their reading." The
... .
C-lumet and Hecla company sell
copper to Englishmen, cost of trans-
porta tion included, for less than it
' ituan ii
charges Americans. The ?7nm thinks
tnat an rignt, Tor the Industry Is one
that Americans are taxed to protect.
That wai cene upon which every
tr"a Amen'can ,ook ith pride.-lhmt,
when Pr"dsnt Cleveland walked np to
xort, and cast his vote for state, coun-
ty and city offiaere. Democrats took
rri; ,.!,. -.M- .-. . l ..
dent votid the freight domoorMie
tie.... '
It i, f
J . mUwaM iv
see the wr ithincs and contortiona r.f lb
" ..
Otejonxan over the democratic victorv
I r A9M Ainjn siwrAa. KA 1 A r. .." J.
last Tuesdav. Awful ohaatoma Qf .
m la
t e i o . ..
"confedsraov" flit b-fnm thai .1iinr.
eyes, snd with nervous energy he floats
Chiclcen Dristle.
She was sitting lu the sumptuously
furnished parlor of one of the grand
old mansions situated In the suburbs
of Chicken Bristle, away from the
din and rattle of that busy mart of
trade. The room in which the fair
golden-hatred creaturo sat was fur
nlshed with everything that wealth
and the most exquisite tasto could
suggest. The costume worn by this
regal beauty was of the finest and
most costly texture. At her feot on
costly divan looking up into her
glorious dove-like eyes sal a young
man whose broad white brow and
classic face wero plainly stamped the
Impress of nobilty.
Ichabod," she said, as she tender.
ly laid ono of her soft velvet hands
on his finely shaped head, "why art
thou so sad to-night, dost thou doubt
my lovel"
"Clamantha," said tho young man
in a voice that trembled with emo-
tior, "I do not doubt your love t I
know that your trusting heart beats
for me alone, and that your love Is as
steadfast as a fir stump and as pure
as the snewfixke upon the Alpine
nights. Yet there is a feeling 1 can
not resist comes stealing over me to
night. Forgive me darling, but 1
feel as if something was about to
come between me and tho only wo
man I ever loved.
"Never," cried the fair girl, loan
ing forward till her cream colored
hair fell in golden clouds upon his
graceful shoulders, and her breath
made sweet by the perfume of winter
onions, fanned Ma pale, cold cheek.
"Tho mountains may fall down into
the valley, war, famine, pestilence
and the hoofrot may come, but my
love for you will grow brighter as the
years roll on."
"Hark," cried the young man, as
the noise of steel-clad hoofs, and the
click of the Gaines & Fellow's gate
told that someone was approaching
the mansion at a terrific pace. Hasti
ly springing to her feet with flushed
cheek and firm aet mouth she drew
aside the damask curtains in her bou
doir and gently lifting her lover to
hl foet she bade him enter. As he
disappeared from view, the door
opened and a young man clothed with
one of lnco 6c Ash by 's duelling suits,
strode before her.
Clamanths, darling," he said, as
he clasped her in his strong at ma, nod
premed her cornet stay to hla duck
ing vest, '-before another sun I shall
take my departure for the hume of
the cowboy and the sagehen. If you
love me give roe some memento of
the sweet bUful past and I will
wear it next my flannel shirt as I
go forth to grapple with I he cold and
heartless world."
"You shall have It Gilbert," aald
tho gentle maiden as she took from
her ham pocket a lock of faded ye!
low hair and prersed it into the hand
of the stalwart youth by her side.
Farewell, duckie." he w timbered.
and tho door closed behind bis re-
m - j w w w
treating form, and she turned to 5nd
hrlf rnnrrnniMl bv th noble Melon
nf tho hniisa nf lloodendfliiher
..Traltorese," be biased in a voice
hoarsa with passion, "tell me what
token of thy love you so tenderly be-
insrMl nmn i!im1 dark haired son of
a ferndigger 1"
Anoeiingat nis reel sno nuea ner
r m m as
tar dimmed eyes to bh and in a voice
uhsu WHM SB017 wmaiiwcu, -is w
TW- i. ti 1- 1 t .u.liMM nri'th.h l.fl mi Rah-u H U in
davaT lhef ' Tin
a jp s a . a
a iew nignts since in company
wiin j. w. uaine?, we spent me
I'lgllb ui .nun MUICTS , Hi XVDOX
iiuttc, ana wero very kindly cared
for, by him and his estimable lady.
County school superintendent D.V.
S. Beid was at tho Bristle on the 22d
of Oct., looking after the Interests of
the school here. The citizens of
li..iui I.- ft, t,.r.. i. ...ft. I
. "BTJ -"
uect to government or tne Bris le.
lney are now on the war path and a
senaration of the school diatrlrt Nn lo
f . u ,..!., .A.ft...i ...I . t. I
fto mv uftjijf uicuiou wuersiuy luoy Can
.he r(niuarlal I A mmilVA Ihalr mar
ii,. ..i.-.. ...i n.. ... . .
I "nt"'""- wiiiiBBiMsu.
anon of meeting Dr. A. H. Peterson.
tk- rw.- - . , Vu . " , . :
1 I1U n UIIV III Lilt? I II I ml I I'JIS I VH I
men of ttllfl 20.
I find your excellent imuer on the
UWe f nearj ia ' , .
visited, and as I am on the mad most
or the t rae I see a great many of
uA iuuujt ,
I n w I
ave: e wnr aveavee
MX m B1
' 1 1
Par. i'oli r . I
u.,n,r, visucu UlT WWD
A dknffh.A. nf w - , . .
.7 " ' "
The wife and relatives of Charlie
Jackson arrived bore Tuesdav from the Prep.,ingtobuildan
, , nn (i.
. fcUB,r F'"UBrJ-
w . ... I
- rub' of.t?Ia ,,,ce n Pertained
fPIAtlrla at. ham rmaiAmtnm tV: J
ino . ..o.y erBU-
rrha T inn
The Lina CjlJnt Sberiff
through our town a few davs sines
New Post Master
Mr. Fuller was in town this week in
comoanv with Mr. (Vafr.l
A child of Mr. Pierce, a short dU-
tance from this place, died on Tuesday.
Mrs. Cox has returned homo.
On Tuesday evening between the k
,.' . I XT
fiours ot eight and nine-, the peaceful
ctizw Ph" uwally quiet burg were
thrown in a btate of considerable confu.
in. . T "1 d "Por' ?f
l 1 1 rarsi
Tka iiaiiJ. C . I
-;j c mV. 7 m. . . ""
m ii i j nun hum i' i iiiw e f r m w mt a
niunuvg ui xUr. iVlOSCM . who was mtl.."
that time examinino "mlH .r.,1 Mi.
. A, " -
I1UUR U LIJR r f 1MI. f III tmm QOrl;tIA U.I
tDe jt08t service. He a - .
applet! Pd tbe scene
anu asmanaea toe cause of these noiav
j . : .tuc, noisy
uouiousirationB. lie
was informed that fJ
the new Post Master
was exoected to
uo ctiftiiuu ui toe nonor oe-
I- I
stowed upon him. This he did in a
uauuuiing manner, wnen tbe boys went
away happy.
HP! I ... .
o.uc uaev uau piayers 01 tnis place had
an interesting x came Saiurdair. I of
" . r y' " I
j f ,
favor of Scott's
aianuiog rnj to z in
n tr I
Cyril Victob.
John Curtis of Portland was visit Inn
his father the first of last week.
School began in this district last
week, and will continue a month if the
weather will permit. Miss Rile White
of Ilarrisburg, is teaoher.
Mr. Dlaokstones' horse fell down
with him one day last week, and crush
ed one ot his knees so badly that he
will bs laid up for some time. This is
the second accident of tho kind that
has happened to Mr. B. in the last few
Wilt Mr. Dinwiddis have to build a
a parlor on to Mr. A's. house, or will
Mr. A. have to move his wood pile?.
John Allison's little girl is still dan
gerously ill.
A strong sea breess from the south
west has teen blowing for the past few
Mr. Miller of Salem, has purchased
four lots in this place, where he intends
to build a hotel.
A dance was given at Dudeyillo on
Monday evening.
Parties from Dayton are bars, mak
ing arraogemeuts to build a packing
house for the next fishing season.
About two tons of butter are here,
awaiting shipment. Tillamoook coun
ty is nndoubtly the boss place for mak
ing butter. X.
Steal Katate TrMwrllwat far elober
Jacob Kmc to (2 W Taylor, 30 acres la Tp.
11 ana 12 S K 2 W. Consideration S43U
Milton Houston to W H Uoltra and Wat
Kalstoo, a part of V L C of Milton Houston
and Oftrt or II I. U of Robert Houston, m
Tp. 108 ft 3 W., containing in all 904.42
ftorrs Consideration 4000.
J K Johnson Eat to G W Hoeaaker, Kcio
jnpsrty. Con 500.
RJ Foray the to Jay A Bishop, lota 3 and
4, block Mo a addition to ifrowna
yilla. Con. 50.
E 8 Foray the to Chae E Htauard, Iota 4 and
U, block 3, Mnuamati addition to Browns
villa. Con. $160.
Jacob Kees at al to Mary E Hamilton, 40
acres iaTp 11 and 12 8 R2 W. Coo. asoo.
II Y (iibaon to J W Kcanlan, Iota I. 2, 3.
and 4 In Sac 13 Tp 12 8 It 2 W, containing
120 acres. Coo S3O0.
E It Geary and wile to School District No
14 and liraod Prairie Grange No 10, la acres
tnHeel6TpU8R3W. Coo fl
J W Baker and wita to Madders Vaodsr-
nt, 80 acres off the N VV corner of the D
;of Phillip Ue, Tp 12 8 It 2 W. Coo.
Chaa Soheefer to Marie Sohaefer. 280 seres
in 8ec 27 Tp 0, SRI W, Coo $1800.
T P Diawiddie to Marioda J Kssasy, 153
acres (etcpt right of way for Oreffooian R R)
ta 8e 15 Tp 14 8 K 3 W, Coa $3508.
C R Kees, A H Kees and wife to M R
Woodward 100 acres, more or leas, in Tp 12
8 R 2 W. Coo $1550.
A ii and Mary D RoRembeak to John W
K 1 1. hart, the N W corner of A II and Mary
D Holicmbank'a D L C, containing 20 acres,
more or lees. Coo $200.
8 A Davis to B t Smith, the S ot lots
No 3 and 4. block 16, in eastern addition to
Albany. Coo. $5.00.
Marioda R Keener to Jas li Pearl, tho VV
the D LC a J no PearL Coo $800.
I Keen at ll20
" TP and 12 8 R 2 W. Coo 8400.
. JobB Id to Wm A t'etersos), 170
" 0 DavU,th.
g e l of 8eo 11. also 8 E i and 8 4 of N E 1
Bee 14 To 12 8 R 3 VV. Also 30 acres off
the U L C of Andrew Kees and wife. Not.
r;"" skT " "
I a ia 1 an k a ear 11
.irsi wa vrw ana w. w m vw
- - ttA s.van. 1...
town of Hodevuie, ur. MMifi.uw,
I Sec23 2G, 27, U and 35, Tp nZliiwA. -r. Isa.
ijon iooj
1 T J Coyle and wife to 8 B Coyts (tbe same
14, M thr Uat above described dees.) Con
j b Belwrts and wife to J W Pogh, lots
No ft and in block Ho 59 in Albany, Or.
lLo 100.
.. ?? A J Pw7 h E M.0
ilf 8 H 1 W' oooUm'
p. . . n. . ,
. "TV .
land in tbe town of Scto, Or. Con I00.
a l Munaiii u ottn ttmmt
of N ir of ss 36 in To 10 kr 2 w. oon
(wuibk, mo n j
Urnina 40 acres. Coo I1SO.
um uu who w amm a w
f t i. I :f t. ft t I. iaa
i an and wile to Jas A men, 100
eff the HE corner of ths 1) L C of
Jesss Pngh and srifa, Una Co. Coa $1.
J H and 8 A MoCord to Wm Phillips, a
part of the I L C of Wm Q Soott. in To IS
S r i ii'Tn i ; r ' f
i.Wta L,nn obtaining 15S acres.
1 On m I I
t-',l ,.,! uau in Mm l.ill Vnv I V
Kdward Mills to Mrs Lilly Folsy. lot No
8 in Bik No 17 in Ralston' a 3rd addition to i
town oi Ubaaon. Coa $50.
rWm Phillips and wife to LB Handereoo,
:.. V rTw EX.. -r i n
Soott and wife, lot No 2348 in Tp 13 8 R 1
W. Con 11600. I
" I
m m . . . -
uco tockmto to Oakrille cemetery, 4,03
mvTm io oec -no j l p iz, B n w, in uan I
m 1 . i
oonaty, ror cemetery porposes. tx i.
i onmnian UMu no 17 Afs A M. to Fl
nf hike No 101 in ll.L,U .'. .JJUU. ft.
T .'.l ZZZ ' " ' Wi
uuy ui aioaoy, on $10UU.
Johp DavMsoa, by Geo Humphrey,
cenn. w jonn d Uavla, lot No 4 ia blk No
22, Hackleman's 2nd add to city of Albany.
Con $468.48.
John M Waters to W L S E
Joi wi n ooi see S4 rp loo & 4 W. Con
Elizabeth M Nickcrson and Hnshanrl tn.T
M and O W Walker and Nellie Bncey, 2664
, . ".W , W
scraa in 30 mmA IA T man n i . iu
Coni" .
J M Walker and wife, Nellie Bucey and
husband and G W Walker and wife to John
Fgar,2W4acresin8eos25,80,84.Tpl6 8
R 3 and 4 w, Con 2600. ' P '
7yy commissioners for sale of school
NE WtTeWi of 8Dfi'jiR I
E. Con $60.
,Wm 3r"?r 1 to 8 W Dedd, lota No
civm JVk'w T'
68 in the citv of Mein ru er
JGaby and wife to 8 W Dodd. lots
Kf 1 SO !.. a 9 . m . ' mvwmr
m ne ot 801' 10-
13?J? n,do f,tP,Ht,H.olm!lD'
.K JDilydii. t. p.nti...,
- . Va
T VST T.l.. .A -ft x. rr
SOfl 7n - 17fl V "!7
c j t v iiiiiiiiiiiiii " i. mwm T.rm mm m mm mm.r z i
- F small Bract Bold to
ii1"1! ihe.1.V.buro?.,0' Rrave yard, all in
lp iy o K 3 W, m Lion coantv. r SAArtn
. W" ' -www.
W 1
I oi o vv a or uot 6 m Seo II To 13
1 iw a 4" . . aft
SI W 7 l A A Ijfr I sT TaT TS 4
i" iA Y V.2lxlJ
oeo 14 Tp 13.
D 1.1 H 1 W
containing in all 27(1 7S ri ' I
S P Barger and wife to Wm H GrossBUh j "
o 8 in Htipns & Fentland's arlrl a fk-
8oio. Con 850. 3
i . , . i
iua? iV!?! APvi-,
HrVii..j j . . . I
Con $2000.
""v " 3 " ootoi OeO 1 10 12 fS H. S W I u
Con aonoA i.iwoos)r.
a. "imiwju en i bo oenn vr Molnullen I ",w 0TK woria una or compl
the MKi snd of the N K 1 ik. w w rsasstai, but it is estimated that Slo,000 la
of S W , and the 8 E of tha N W i -13 BV.iV!Pf the.
-FIT e rm mmtm, - J" . . ' al aaaea I vi- Hva.UD. SM1U IW VUM UIBV i OI V UUOn LI1
wm, iuu no m OIK JWO 1 in .North Rrevna. m ""-7"" ml wurwi vn money,
ville Con 190 Browns- To supply a demand tor something still finer, ths
B d ii T ' j i, . v . Oomm! Wee have Just completed a No, 3 Statuette,
rensiand ana Wife to David Meyers, lot flne'y ohwed by hand, and by a patent process heavi-
of rigs.
Manufactured only by the California Fig
fiyrapCo,, Ban Francisco, Cel., is Natures
Owa True Laxative. This pleasant liquid
fruit remedy may be had ot Foehay A Mason,
1 W Laoadon and Co., at fifty cents or one
dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant,
prombt and effective remedy known, to
cleaose the system 1 to act on the Liver,
Kidneys and Bowls gently yet thoroughly
to dispel Headachea, Colds and Fevers 1 to
ours Constipation, Indigestion and kindred
Am Enterprising, Sellable Mease.
Voehay A Mason can always be relied
pon, not only to oarry in stock the beat
f everything, but to secure tbe Aueucv
for suoh article as have wall known
merit, and are populsr with tbe people,
thereby sustaining the reputation of be
ing always enterprising and ever reliable.
Having sweu red the Agency for Uie cele
brated Dr. Klna'a New Discovery for Con-
aumptlon, will aell It on a positive gnaran
tee. It will an rely cure any ana every
affection or Throat, Lunge and Cheat, and
te show our confidence, we Invite you to
call and get a Trial Bottle Free,
ek tea's Arnica salve.
The best salve in the world for Cots.
Stores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Bkin Kruullona. and pool-
tlvely ourea Piles, or no pay required. It
1a guaranteed m give periect aatiaraotion,
or money refunded, i'rico 2ft cents
box. For sale ! Koahay A Maou,
aaeT auttisii rewsks.
Blereetiat Tests Made Ike iteverasntnl
Vn K4waH 0. Love, tbe Analyttod OieakS foi
the U. a Ooesaawat,hes ssaSs 1111118 lutsrseUBj
sp rUasnts ss te lbs ooepeiaarrs Tales of basins,
povdars. Dr. Lore's I sMs ears msHi to detenu lei
what btands are the mssh imbmbImI te sea, and
as their aaseeMjr lies In IfeaU IsaTsalaf power, tasti
wsrsdirsetsd solely toseoartalnUtaavaUaMsffss 01
sacbpowOsr. I.Uy'srsirtlmtbelolloetnf
itisiMi r
Ksaaeoftke'v . OnkMtassMOaf
Baaiac mrt'&m sash eases ef fawier.
Ku" (alswtaAely pew) JW.
Humrofds-qihosPhili) eld.. StT
llaatotd's Kene Soeh,- fresh W.S
- ttaalord'a Mcee db? ekt S4.
''bedhead's 0
"Cbarcn" (slum powder)., lias
wAauwoa(stan pewdar) m e
"CUreiaad a- (short wsigbt oa) llOS
Sea ream". -TT7. 7TT 7 1
OSar". was
Pr Prles's" K
"Hnotr naka-COfofa, St, real) 10LSS
"Uwhfs- Oendeasei SSJ
Moeafrsss" ysass. S9.S
"OK Andrews h Cos" (malilsi ahwsX . Ta.IT
host's....... taa
'OiUt's- S4S
" Bulk
In bis report, ths(
"1 retard si talon powdarei
raa too timij In
lag eiimaus
Ifr If A.Uott,lhe
x'ut s euehst and t
radons PalSng roe?diaof onrnmarra.
aNe On nrnsasnt ta rarer ef gat hers!
Albany Opera House.
-The distinguished California
Lady Lawyer and Dramatic Orator,
Will lecture under the auspices
of tbe
"The Old Graf Eafle of Mt Hood'
naaet sad seat tickets can be had with-
out estra charge at Langdon'e Drug Htore
data Foltx
a lesrioal
tongue, an inctalvo alviaw
roiud.-"8, F. Chront
sa, seaa sa jsj m
Ull. mm I IC
me arcs isLlaT
I" " 'Satl Street, aan Irnnclara
wms Wontwttirt u lrm
In a ftKvsa oili ci'aa
lor Srum lbllHy. Stn
tnal Waatraaaa. Kii.u.ti
ViiJU, hprttiU.rf bc.
Uti aiajad, n.
incy,lralHf lrusil..ft
hoaa.aiMl all lbs tafrtbta
flr l ell stui.ouib
matursr )cr, such aa Uwa
at Msotorjr, LaasH ud..W
lural KmUBion. avrkkn lo
orlaty, Puiinaeief Vision,
j sauiag itajaars. ths iui nuid ptmng miobrnu
j nddifxh mataaaa utat mm io in
ttr. Mialla. who k a Basalar Ramlrlaa.
laisijr iiu. i..WtV .r a....i.i.i..
eill aerea u forfeit Five Slaaalreal toilers furs
eftaisUad the Vital Beaaratlve (ttader hit
apedal adviea and irsatatant) wilt nut cure, or for
aayutltif mpuM or lajurloa found In li. Dr. HlB
traaia all private dkaaaaaa anonaisfttlly wiUiaut
atsnsaj. fJisiiayaiii kW atanin-
-yie.. tciudit aaalni. m ,t. as
Pfteaalf Wllatl Sti aA - . 9mmB
lL7j2 "L!!"
u qouijr, H ; sent to any addrew u;
In trWia nama It dMirl by ar HlaUr li slssmra
airri. aaa rraari
CM. Band lor liat ur
quaeUona and pampbleM
Will U aaet to ajiy ooa applylnf by latter, stating
aymptonia, sax and ae. trli saereejr In regard u
mil lnBH.Ill,ni
- -"
sflatle's RMaer Besaeal. Repkretlcaaa.
all kind of Kidney and Bladder CompUinU.
o.,nrtieeaTcieet. 1-
onigfisia . i a buwa ar x boiuaa lor .'
Or. Nlatte'a Baadellea Mils are the bast and
rheapsst wyaaeaela sad Mlleas sure in tee mark
a-., ror aua by i
all dnisgiala.
"Liberty Enlightening the WeM"
.We learn from tha American Commutes ef ths or Ubarty that the Granite Parieatlil ia nearlv
f nd the work ot r3ln.fc- BarthoMi's trreat win soon commence, and for thin purpose s
considerable amount ol money is still required. Tha
w,"."wn oommence, ana ror thi nu
etas the
yet need-
erection ot
e Hiihsi-rin-
tlana (ar the miniature Statuettes, which are being
reoaivsd from all sactisns of the country, tha n.
mittee promptly flllinr all orders.
The No. 1. or One Dollar Statuette, lm found a
taoe in thouaands ot homes : the No. 2. or Fiv noi.
ar size is fast gaininsr in popularity, and justly too,
Puted 'lvar which will not tarnish or dls-
.tt"t?? ' ."p uli,1..P,U8h .bM. d
lufHwuBa iu Buuvcnoexs at len l
.. f?1 beI,n? d5
.. BuuK,riuer. at. ;ien uoaars each.
delivered to all parts
luD wmivou owwa on receipt or
A!1 remtUnce8 .hould vL
ir snoscrtption price.
Butler, Secretary 88 Mercer Street, New York.
lahorate trasslaallwi el um
rcpOfts) s9
New Opera House.
Eitra ! Important ! !
Thursday, No?, 5th, 1885,
1 ho Strongest attraction ever brought lo
Albany. Special engagement of America's
most distinguished Autre,
Supported by tho Drtlllaid Young Aotor,
PreeantHi; the srarjr popular emotional drama,
Mwuro yeur aeata immediately at the
usual place. To keep up with the times
wo nave determined to induce tbe price
of acinlseion. Observe tbe prices. Par
quet, 7ft cento t Jtaloony, 60 cento, Heats
may he aesurod at Langdon'e I'rug Store
wiinoui extra ctiarge.
If. M. ftackensto. formerly principal
musician of th 4th V, H. Infantry Hand,
oas permanently located in Albany and
edit give Instructions in Instrumental
music and thorough bass.
Those wishing to engage tbe services of
s thorough musician and Innlructor
will d well to plane themselves
under bis Instruction.
Keadquaitora at I'ruehaw'a Drug Store,
First St ret, Albany, Oregon.
Scott's New
Gun Store,
At the moat reasonable prices, a wave
in stock. Repairing done on abort notice.
Willamette valley nlmroda abou'.d never
nuy wiinoui railing on
JsVOpposito Revere House, AIL any, Or.
Conrad Meyer,
Corner Broadalbin and First Sts.,
"anard Fro Ha,
Drl4 Krnlts,
fanned Meata,
4 igara,
In fact everything that is kept la a gen
era! variety and grocery store. Highest
market price paid for
Corner Third and E Streets,
Thrae Blocks from all Railroad Depots,
year i arm uea are sucn mat we defy
eompetition.e Thla Is the largest
and moat respeotably kept
Hotel In the North
west. Board and Lodging 11.00 per Day,
No Chinese Employed.
(Late of Minnesota House.)
MILTON HIDE, Proprietor. -
Fresh fish slwstrs
First Street, next door to Jos, Webber's,
Administrator's Notice
NOTICE Is hereby given that the undershrnod has
bean appointed by the County Court of Llun county,
vraron, Administratrix of the estate ot James B.
Downing, deceased, late of said Linn county. All
persons having claims against said estate are requested
to present ths same to me at my residence, 7 miles
northeast of Solo in ssid Linn county, properly red
ftsd, within six months from the date of this notice.
And all persons owing said esUts aro requested to
make immediate payment to me at the above named
Albany, Oregon, October 19th, 1886.
Matilda F. Dowxrxo,
Administratrix of the estate of
James It. Downing, deceased.
i - mm W T e m,-
Can be found at our store. The shot
usually sold in Albany drops 75 feet,
While the St. Lou's ahnt nnlrl hv
200 feet, making It equal to chilled shot.
Sportsmen should not forget this.
Of all descriptions sold bv Peters k. Stew
--X" ;fWft.v " 1
I an itwreceiringf my , Fairitock of
I have selected these goods with care
and with a view to tbeir adaptability
to this climate. I have bought them
direct from tho manufacturer's, and
am authorized to warrant every pair.
I make a specialty of this line of goods,
and no doubt carry the largest stock
in the city. As to prion there is no
bouse in Oregon that has any advent
age of mo in buying, us I buy atrictly
for cash, and can give aa good value for
the money as any other house. I keep
no trash.
Our Israorte Haso HaraaAToa la a double com
Waed taachloa, poassssss t, sboss, (inalaaii vt one,
aa la rnachinss'jl other manuWturera,) blue rtddlee
andatarys Independent seraaa. gaeh shoals equal
ia fwer ana csjbtltty to U.o cms lu say other mill,
and U the .rU-.n ol the tw... double tBIcier cjr ia
ocurad Our OWnch mill will dear, tromt too u, flOO
i of eeed grmXn tr day, aeearsaaf to tbe oos
4 the rraia. and ere ruarante that ail barley,
oUer I jul aeada will be ih .rourSlr rernuved
We rhaJleiMra any mill U a oMtteat. We k line that
we t-ii beat ibem, m our mill aea beaten asety mill
It baaooeaem SBSSSSl wiU, both ia Calilnroia mi
Oragea, sad ia the beet aavte, holla btln uaed where
BEAT at ALTHarfct.
AJaaay Oregest.
at ml . as wei as natter c nam, cow
oheins, doer chains, rope halters, etc., for i
sale by Peters at Stewart.
Thla la the only wagon having a elope
shouldered spoke and the eteel trua on
t i mnA im tha beat. Vlmn nn
Vrsale by Peterj AMtSwart,
- .1
flnn ITilnnv ffaf
rPgOIl KldJICy iOai
Nature's own remedy
Will speedily relieve and rwrmarently
rare sll the various dltBcalues artstnir
from a ainordered couUUo the
It is perfectly hanaleas and can be
jrWen U the moet delicate woman or
child. For aaie by all areawtsis.
Ssrll, Hrllaba at Waaaard.
whuisewe Areata.
Experienced book agents, male or female.
For the most ncoular and fastest selling
book of the sge. Will oay salary for tint-
class canvassers. Active,iuexpenencea can-
Tsssnrs drilled and paid commission or salary
It will pay you to write us. Address Agency
Publubina Company 59. First Street, Al-
bany, Oregon.
Peters St, Stewart have neok-vokes and
I - ftr WalBBBBBBBl
"'Mmim ...
single-trees, ironed or uniroued, neck- ,or J" naraware. you can get what you
yoke Irons, single-tree Irons, nib irons, waut tneir or and at reasonable fig
relloee, spokes, ax trees, etc., all for eale j urM
a mil auDOiy or tne usual a sea or car-
trldges, brass and paper shells, primers
wads aid bar lead. Also the best of pow
Parana A Stewart.
Owinsr to a desire to build on mv lots
nearest the depot, I offer for sale CHEAP.
my comforUble residence corner Lvon I
nil Tt K mtmmA irAllu, .l.l. I
light and airy. It has hydrant water at
front snd back doors, also a good well of 1
water, has a good barn, wood shed a id
outbuildings, etc,, all in good repair.!
terms private.
aim, a Tory cuuuurwuie wusge aouw
with 8 rooms, good barn, chicken yard,
ete. Has hydrant water and also kokI
Also, every comfortable cottage hou so I
wen water inside tne nouse. The around
attached is 78x100 feet. Price, $1000 on
easy terms, Apply to
Will B. Rice,
Agent O, A C. R. R., Albany, Or
Administrator's Notice.
VllTlPr? ilhANlrlV (rlVnr. rV.llf V. A ..-.Al S I
been duly appointed by the County Court of L: m j
anvil vinv uio UilunsUTHvU Ubb
A. Hale, deceased, late ot said county, All persons
having claims against said estate are hereby notified
to present them properly verified to the undersitm xl
at his place of business In Brownsville, Linn county,
Oregon, within six months from this date.
Dated this Hth day of October, 1885.
F. M. Jack,
Wkathkrford a Blackburn, Administrator
Atty's lor Administrator.
Notice to Creditors.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned have
been duly confirmed and appointed Executor and Ex
ecutrix of the last will and testament of Joseph
Hamilton, lata of Linn comity, Oregon, deceased, by
the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Lim
county. All persons having claims agaimit said es ¬
tate are required to present the same properly veri
fled to the undersigned at the late residence of said
deceased near Oak ville, in said Linn county, Oregon,
within six months from ths date hereof.
Dated this 23rd day of October, 1886.
Gsoaoa Hsxbk&sox, Executor.
Caroline Hamilton, Executrix.
New Goods.
MBafttWTc ' mrl
wi SBr iSf
MaK WmJLmmm
Has the Largr;at and Beat stock of
In tbe Central Willamette Volley.
Ills stock of 4
either for size or quality, is not equalled
In Linn county, Bought for cash and
sold cheap.
Department is complete with the .a test
end beet sty lea.
are tbe very beet, embracing the latest
under the charge of W. H. Hi! bit, an ex
pert tailor, has no superior In Oregon,
Splendid line of domestic and imported
auitinga alwaya in stock.
We have a meat cutter that 1 as much
an improvement over tbe old fashioned
sausage mill as J. I. Case Agitator is over
a flail. It don't clog an 4 leaves no strings
ia the meat Come and see it.
We Will sail TOU tha fimnn. niti.n
p-nmpton crosscut aaw at a low figure.
d can give you good prices on IxeT,
Pkters St Stkwabt.
keep the best frtn. k nf ntiArv in
the valiey. Pocket knives and razors a
specialty. Dou't buy anything in this
tine wttnout calling on ua first.
Pkters at Stewart,
I ..." , ' lWKS, nrusa Dals, picks
u.ycio,iptjes, torus, grindstones, wheel-
ISSzS! wnn ropes, and almost
.,iuiug ,uu want, can oe nau ooeap
for cash a Peters A Stewart.
J 1
This famous plow is Wall known in T.ian
County. Tho chilled and steel plows are
uum iu very post material
aud ar? warranted to do as good work and
d. 7? u7 omer pi ow
e soie agents.
If you try to build now whila .
only worth 54 cents you should hv n
means go to Peters A Stewart's, at Albany
I ' -
Is the Acme Harrow ami nn f..
wm -- , - " " " 1.141111 VW1
well afford to be without it. It is tha verv
best clod crusher and pulverizer Wina the
ffPmin,i . " i. ' o ,
betnl lr 7
One half block in eastern nmr
w.jr it, uur nouae ana narn will be sold
.1.U ft . . I" MJW
flAT)Tr a T T m ir a atttit .
Wll V t.ljli In. i t 1 1 ! I l A
7 V w -4-.
a ,
UregOll FaClfiC Railroad
Trains on and after Sept . 14th.
TSM lAiwlltm J
Leave Yaquina Mondav Wedneaiav VrL a
w vw laUllS 1 UeidAV ThllPjdatf C,tft, ia a W
Between Corvallis and San Francisco
First-olaas and Cabin passage. , n
First-class and Steeraire naaftacrA my
Grain per ton 2000 lbs . $4 ftj
Thus saving to the farmers and marohant-
of the valley thousands of dollars.
Willamette River steamboats will hereafter
connect wit'i trains at Corvallis.
Thia new line is prepared to transr nrt all
the freight and passengers offering.
Vice President
A. ft. P. A F. Agent