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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1885)
It 1 T "II WTWT1 for Infanf and Children. ia k wll adapssd to children thai I Oaetorta euras Coile, OenrtlpAtion. I .ta..rMWUun.v ..nnpUon I k BSV IL A Anca.n. ML D., I 111 Bb. Oxford 84., Brooklyn, N. T. Tn Charefc Blrslsrr U. P. Cbobob. FTeaohingsvery Sabth, at 11 A. ml, and 7 r. a. by IUt. fi. Q. b rine, D. 1). Sabbath School at 2:30 r. M Praysr masting avery Wedusaaday evening. KvaWUSUCAi. Chckch. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 a. ml, and 7 . n. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. S. h. Davis, pastor. All are invited. Oox o ano ATI OK ax Csuscn. Servioea every Sabbath at 11 a. ml and 8 r. ml Sabbath School at 12:1ft. Prayer meeting on Thursday svoniog of each week. J. W. llama, pastor. M. K. Chorch.South. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock a. ML Sab bath School at 10 o'olock a. at. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:90 o'clock. F. M. Culp. Pastor. If. K. Church SoUTB.TaitUaurr. Preach ing every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock.,?, ml Sab bath School at 2:30 o'clock, r. u. V. M. Gulp, Pastor. If. E. Churcu. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. ml and 74 r. ml- Song servioe in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School at 2.30 r. ml Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening, lie v. H. P. Webb, pastor. pRjKBYTSJtiAir Chcbch. 8enrios sverv Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Brosdalbin and Fifth Sis. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Condit pastor. Fuurr Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a.m.,at Church on 5th Street Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting e ery Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T 0 Brewnsoo, pastor. Uxivaut&axunr Chcrch. Preaching every second and fourth Sabbath of each month at Crawford's Hall at 11 o'olock, A. m., and 7 o'clock, r. ml Sabbath School at 12 si. California Wire Works, 191 I1IIET 8TEEET, till FElJiClSCO. aAjrcracrc or WIRE AND EVERTTHIHB 15 WIRE. Barbed Wire r'irtS Bslng regularly llisnssil we guaraatse our o est u airs punst Uaaasgos. RailinfT XBvo 'rNkciftc-brandoTry beat staal, Dalilug W1TQ all ataia at lowest aaareat rates. Wire letting All iHtiri wtdthsgsJaatsd after naade,Iur poultry Wire Cloth era, aarrsatsrs, rtddlss, etc, TJnn Winn F"r traiolag hoes, mads frcm steel ia uUtJ II lie Ipf; lieglhs qriirtii"j- - ps fiopher Traps wall, squirrais, rau and sue. Vineyard Lines gsrzfzl or u wire, ORNAMENTAL ANO USEFUL WIRE AND IRON WORKS. MOTC-We meet Eastern eosaeeUUoa by sjwnubMturs, anU sell you better gouds at a 30 000 CASES OF RECTAL DISEASES, A&- rilea, fflertal I leers, Fissures, rraritss, Ael, Blstalas la Aa. ralpas. BecmJ, Etc , Etc., Cared in sis years by the BrlakerBsBT System Dr. J. E PUkimrtun. Proprietor of the PerUand pbaician for tbissystssn in Oregon and W. T. Me severe sargieal eyeraUea. ae gala, aa 1 r Blsael. In two Months have curod sereral es in whiah operations with the knife have only done resitted to refer to ar. jaa. w. weeta fiirmerir of Saleiu, Mr. Prank Uaid Mr. K. A. Kampr, Harrisberg. and etaers. WP1 saset patients at tbe Severe Hotae, Al bany, from Tnssdsy noon, Nov. Srd, to Weaassdsy aooo.Nor- ". IS. Address lor pam.Wet, etc J. B. PILKINCTON, M. 0.. POKTLAAU. OREOOM TUB DR. LIEBIC q FrtvMte SYtspeasarjr i7i 4O0 Geary bt., ban Prancassej Cal. Conducted by Qualified Physicians and burgeons regular graduates. CsTThe Oldset snsrisJlsts in t United btates. life-Ions; espertea Iif:t method and pure uiedicii insure speedy and permanent cures of sll Private, Chronic and Mervious ' Isieesses. Affections of the Blood. Skin, Kidneys, bladder, Kruptioua, U leers. Old Bores, bwciung of 1 .OUnda. Bore Mouth. Ihruat lie 'Pains. Mnnancnt'y cured and erasu- cated from the system for life. NEfcl I01H Uebility, Impotency, BeminaJ Losses, bexual Lieeay. Men tal and Physical Weakness, Falling Memory, Weak Ryes, Htunted ue veiopnient.lnipcdimenta to Marriage tti ., Irom exctss or youthful follies. , ct any cause, speedily, tafely and !nvately cured. Yeaec. Nlddle-Asrd snd Old men, and all who seed medical skill and experience, consult the old European Physician at once. His opinion costs nothing, and may aavs future misery and shad When inconvenient to visit the city f"!.r trMtR..nt medicines can be sent everywhere by mm. fr fim nbservstion. It is self-evident that a physician who gives his whole attention to a class of diseases attains great skill, and physicians through out the country.knowing this, frequently recommend difficult cases to the oldest specialist, by whom every known good remedy is uaed. The Doctor's age anu experience make his opinion of supreme importance. BeTThose who call see io one but the Doctor. Con sultations free and sacredly confidential. Cases which hsve failed in obtaining relief elsewhere espec ially solicited. Female disesses successfully treated. The Doctor will seres to forfeit $1,000 for a case un dertaken, not cured, Call or wrfte. Hours, dally.from 9 a. m. to p. m., 0 to 8 svsnings ; Sundays, 10 to 12 only, ftsnd for the Sanitarist Uuide to Health, sent free. Address aa abov DM. liebich: Wonderful Herman avlfforator Perrsanentlyjprevents all Unnatural Losses from the system, tones the nsrves, strengthens the muscles, hecks the waste, invigorates the whole system, and restores the afflicted to Health and Happiness. The reason se many cannot get cured of Bsminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owing to a com plication, called Prostatorrhea with Hyperesthesia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Liebig's In vhrorator is the only positive curs for Prostatorrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used at the Liebig Dispensary. Price or In vla-orator, ft. Cass of six bottles SIO. Bsnt to any address, covered securely from ob servation. Most powerful electric belts free to patients To prove the wonderful power of the Invigorator. A W Mettle ilvea ar Beat Free. Consultation free and private. Call or address LlEBIfi DHPRVItKir, 400 Geary Street, Ban Francisco, Cal. Private entrance, 405 Mason Street, four blocks up Oeary Street from Kearney, Main entrance tbrouga Dispensary Dru Store. B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, reA always breaking, unless you have the kind sold by Peters A Stewart, of Al bany. They are made ot wrought iron, cannot jump the track and will last a life time. Don't hang another barn door un til you have seen 'hem. ADD I7C ,or"' "x cenU ,l,r Ptatre.and I nlaCi receive free, a costly box of goods which will hlp you to mors money right away than anything else in this world, All of either sex, sue eeed from first hour, The broad road to fortune opens bsforo the workers, absolutely sure. At ones address Tana and Co,, August, Maine, SAN wa im. LAUNDRY AND CHINA MBRCH ANI8INQ BUSI NESS, ftles, tea and Japanese goods. Ladies' aadsrolothss, sold at bottom prices. . Contractor for Chin labor, mm to CVy Bank 1 IWUIllllllll.O. I rrronuiwut -rt r. .I e- aT n?r. u - a i j i nest. SSS W-lZ?: V V .' .V : , - uon" " 4 Without injurious CwTiva Ooupaxt, 11 Fulton Btrtwt. N. T. TO Ml Bt MIBBK. Ktatementa of aooouuts of subscribers with the Dbmocsat have baan placed In the bands of agents through the county, so that subscribers desiring to see either how they aland, or to settle for the me can do aa by calling on them. This is for the convenience of both subscribers snu the Democrat, Those doslrlng to pay a bbt In advance and gat the "American Farmer" ene of the best agricultural pa ptrs In the U, S., can do so with our agents. Call ou the following gentlemen at the places named : n pniahnw Brownsville. R Bhelton - ........Hclo. PM Miller Lebanou. Main Maw I la rrtslUtriT. F. a. Wait iSbedd AMERICAN FARMER F2"B-S To all our Subscribers ! All our subscribers who will pay their tubecription accounts to sbbb yap si m full to date, and one year in ad vance, will be presented with one year's, subscrip tion to THE "AMERICAN FARMER f a Awrlrultiiral Msjraalne. aa wa -ei-- . - T m T published byK. A. K, llackett, at Fort Wayne, Indiana, ana wnicn is "piuiv . -1. r mm ananf thm laadlnsT Aurlcul- tural publications of the country. It is aevotea eaoiuwvey farmer, stock breeder, dairyman, garden er, and their household, and every species of Industry oonneoted with that grea por tion ot the people or the world, the farm. mm. a . . . L. UiUn axlas 4 SB AMB ifAIIBa 6HI. A O BUUCri'VIW fBSVf ia vtsy uvmsji par year. Farmers can not well get alone without It. It puts new Ideas Into their minds. It teaches them bow to farm with Eroflt to themselves. It makes the home appy, the young, folks cheerful, the growler contented, the downcast happy, and the demagogue honest. DsSANF J INV16.9RA1. Aa juSl WDBt l;S nZJT.l UBJ ; 3 rural Vegctablj Crrc ' I r.ct3 directly upon the aXFC ; c Z the many diseases i:v.'irvja th;t fortant organ, an J 'ettla C.z B3 merons ailntnts trjc:';: .err. ii3 deranged or torpJ-ucucin, j C3 I)yspeisi s??!K. . ., EltlcQSBetaV CoiWenesAMc'... Clck-rieicach?. rheumalltrrr'etc. I. h th:ref;:e a truisrfJ'To 1. vc Ccc : tlsfthk the Aarrerinust be pi in r..;r." st. BAtroiD 3 j it ! : vtzzz ti civ Invifforatcatb? Li . I tLcHw. eU, Strenglliein I'r . .. 1 . '- l. i Blood. AaststJiD ;r ' Is a Household Keiu :t 1 . I'o Family ModLvncf - ! '. .'. .'K ia. tiwzz'i iv -1 t irxs. 'f F -1 O I ? rnn palk nv ai.. r- ' ' : ' " " rtvBi, For fnU inf'nn'''ir.n f 10S m m aavs uen. -mmmm The Rl'TEBs CI IDE t afaVem. aeeaed Mrclt mmd Sept., aTtW Bm estckt rear. BaV BSB paeje tm IUi HW: tesJses.wtiliower .SW3.SOO UleMrtrmtavns - WBBSa.BBBr whole Ptetare Oallerr. Laaw UIVES WBeleeele Prices Al-tit tm eonaumrrt cm mil ooete for or aVmllw stee. Telle how to order, md sjlves exact cost at every Utbu ra esae, eat, drtnat, wear, or ban fan vrltto. Tlmeoe ISVALl'A BLK BOO KB eon tela Information gleaner mm W ' - the markets or ins -worm. . r trill mall m csmr KKKE to any ad noon receipt of 10 eta. to defray exnenae of mailing. Let na hear from won. Ileapectmlly, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. ST Be 229 WaSaaa Aveoae, Cblcaco, lit. O. O OHBKBT. C.B.PVBK8 8 ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, lUIrViights, and Iror Founders. WE HAVE OUR NKW SHOPS AIX completed, and are now prepared to handle ail kinds or heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTERNS BASE OH SHORT NOTICE. Special attention eiven to repairing all kinds or macninery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry & White Grain seperaor To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. 623 corner of Commer-1 mmMm.mmrm m a... elal, Ban Francisco, Cal. established in 1864, for the treatment of Sexual and Seminal Diseases, tuck as tienorrhee, Cileet, Strict si re, Bypkllls in all its forms. Seminal weakness, Impeteney and Loss of Manhood permanently cured. The sick and afflicted should not fall to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled xtensivoly in Europe, and insneoted thorourhlr the rarioue hospitals there, obtaining a great deal ot valupble Information, which he is competent to im- pan vo moss in need ot nis services. Ths Doctor eures when others fail. Try hiin. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless he effect a sure. Persons at a distance I KK! AT HOME. All communica- uons strictly confidential. All letters answered in plain envelopes. Send tea dollars for a package of medicine, Call or write. Address DR. J. F. UHiBON, Box 1817, San araneieo, uai. (aasniion AiDony usmookat.i OPIUM AND MORPIRE HABIT CURED --BY- W. F. ALEXANDER. M. D. guarantee a cure in ail cases If my u.reciioae arc mricuy louowed. Jo pain or loss of time from business, Ad drees above at Albany, Oregon. m f ie gawrvat. FRIDAY OCTOBER 30, 1885. rOLITK N TO MUCH tuft ! A lady on Fifth Avenue, New York, quickly summoned a doctor : "Oh, doctor, my husband Is nearly dead. He attended a caucus Istt night He made four speeches and promised to be with hit fellow citizens again to day. Bat oh, doctor, he looks nearly dead." ' Has be been in politics long ?" "No, only last year, lis worked bard for James McCaulay! election." "He will get well, msdam I Ue hat a stomach for any disease, if he worked for him !" Political life, of short or long dura lion, it very txhtustiof, ss is svidsnt from the great mortality which prevails among public men. Kx. TJ. S. Senator B. K. Bruce, who has been long in public life, ssyt : "The other dey, when stepping into a osr at a crossing, I found Dr. within, whs eyed me up and down in a surprised way, remarking : "Why, Senator, how well yon look I" "Well, I feel pretty well," 1 anawer The doctor uttered an incredulous reply, when the Senator fiankly told him, in answer to an inquiry, that it was Warner's Safe Curs which accom plished for him what the profession had failed to do. Senator Bruoe says his ftiendt are very much astonished at this revelation of power. The Glob Overwhelmingly defeated. TeiCSmti HEM MSB TMSttlB B!BT She answered the ring at the door to find a strange man, on the steps. "Any ay-screens ?" be asked. "No, sii." "Any fly-pser or powders for mak ing lemonade ?" "No, sir." "Any painting or whitewashing to do V "No, sir." i.j 1 S a aB a ae uoi any oiu ciointa to sell, or any coal to put in, or wood to spilt V "No, air." "Couldn't you spere me "What's that, air f 'Oh, never mind. My wife is bare foot, and I was going to ask for a pair of old aboee, but it would be no ui Yon have got such a dainty little foot that my wife couMtA get her big toe into one of roar shoes." When he left, he had an old coat on his arm, a quarter in cash in bis pocket, and there was a square meal stowed away behind his vest To polish a stovt rob with a news paper instead ef a brush. To elean furniture that is not vara- iabed rob with a oloth wet with kero sene. DYSPEPSIA. Bedrtitary habits, mental worry, nervcuii excitement, exevne or impnuh-ure in vat Uix or driukinif, snd various other cause, in l.r Constimtitm folkjwcd by ginrmi leransfi OM-nt of the liver, kidneys, and stomach, in which tbe dasorder of each onran Increases tbe iuflnnity of the otbent. The immediate n-ulta are Ixms of Appe tite, Nsusea,Foul Ilrcsth, llcarthurn, r'lat tilcnce. Dizziness, Sick Headache, failure of pbrslcal and mental vigor, distrraning sense of wehrht and fullness In the stomach, and increased Coativemns, all of which are known untii-r one 1m ail n- llyspeiMia. In every Instance whore this dbx-aac dor not originate from scrofulous taint In the mmm. Ayrr's nUI may be confidently reliel upon to effect a cure. Those cases not amenable to the curative influence AYFR'S Pilots slone will rertainlv ylel the Pill are aided by tbe powerful bleseV purifying properties of Ayer's BaIihava- km. la. Dyspeptics should know that tlie longer treatment of their malady Is postpoucd, the moro difficult of cure It become. Ayer's Pills Never fail to relieve the bowels and pro mote their healthful and regular, action, and thu cure Dyapepalav. Temporary palliatives all do permanent harm. The fitful activity into which the enfeebled stomach Is spurred by "bltters,, and alco holic stimulants, is Inevitably followed by reaction that leaves tho organ weaker than before. "Coetlveness, Induced by my sedentary habiu of lift-, trt-rainu chronic; A van's I'n.i.s offurded mo speedy rellrf. Tl-.-ir oceas:onal use has since kept roe all right." IISBSASM BBISC uurr, Ntuark, N. J. "I was induced to try Arm's Pitta as a remedy fr Indigestion, Const ipatlon. and lleiidaehe, from which I had lou lieen a suf ferer. I found their action easy, and obtain d prompt relief. They hsvo hent fited me moro than nil the medic hu ever beforo tried." M.V. Watsok, 16'J State St., ChUago, III. "Tbejr have entirely corrected the coatlve habit, nnd vaMtly hnpro-ed my general hcalib.' Uev. Fbakcis D. 11 a it lows, Atlanta, Oa. "The roost efTectlro nnd the easiest phvsie I have ever found. One dose wilt qaickly more my bowels and free my head froeu pain." W. L 1'aoe, Richmond, Va. "A sufferer from L.lver Complaint, Dys pepsia, and Neuralgia for tbe last twenty years, Atsb's Pitta have benefited mo pS than any medicine I have erer taken." P. tt. Kooebs, Ktedmore, Brown Co., Ind. "For Dyspepsia they aro iavatuaSlc." J. T. Hayes, Mexla, Texat. AYER'S PILLS, PRTPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Moss. Sold by all Druggists. . TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. The Greatest Medical Triumph of ths Age! 8YMPTOM3 OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite, Dowels costive, Pain la the head, with a si tt 1 1 aenaatlon In tha pack part, Pain auder tbe shoulder., Fullness after satins, with adla Inellnntlon to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with o. feeling of having- neglected some duty, Wearlnese, Dizziness, Flattering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Headache ever the right eye. Restlessness, with fitful drenras, Highly colored Urine, and CON 8TIPATION . TTJTT'S PIXXB are especially adapted to such cases, one dogo effects such a change of fooling as to astonish the sufferer. .They Increase the Appetite, and cause tho body to Take ou Flesla.thus tbe system is nourished, ami by their Ton le Action on the llestl ve Organs, Heuruiar Stools are produced. Price aftc. 44 Murray St.. IV.Y. TUTT'S HAIR OYE. Gray Hair or Whiskers changed to a Glossy Black by a single application of tins dtk. it imparts a natural color, acts instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of SI- Office, 44 Murray St., New York. A OstBfftsi MM OVM. A lady at the South Bad was enjoy ing a visit from her mother, who had been stricken with paralysis some years previous. As soon as she arrived at her daughter's hone she stipulated that he must sleep down tairs,as her health would not permit her to ollmh up stairs. The men of the hones, like a dutiful son-in-law, gave up bis bad below and went up stairs himself. Finally a ae- Tata storm broke out and tbe lightening and thunder ware terrific. The lady of tbe house, a little timid, thought she would light the gas in the dining room. As the bed dona so and turned to ge back to ths bed-room she was startled to see tha face of a rough look log man peering st hsr from one of the piassa windows. Tbe woman olad in bar night olotbes wss obained with year for only an ioitaot, and then, without uttering a sound, she fled up stairs to awaken her husband. In the mean time the old lady, her mother, heard her d aught ar s bars reel swiftly pattertnc aoross the floor, leading for the stairway, awl in spite of hsr paralytio infirmities which she has so carefully nursed for years, found herself rushing up stairs. Her daughter heard the steps behind her, and supposed that the man she bad seen on the piassa had broken in and was pursuing her. Not for an in stent did site imagine that bar invslld and paraJytlo mother could more so rapidly. This added to her fright and increased her pace. She rushed up to her husband's bedside shouting "Sara me 1 Bare me I" and looking round,ssw ber invalid mother. " Why,motber,is this yon 1 1 thought you couldn't walk up stalls." '1 thought I couldn't ; but I never tried before." Then the man of the booas went be low to reeonnoitre aa to tbe visitor on the piaria, and grandma crawled into bad. She always went up stairs to w w sleep after that. A Bflcad of fifteen gypsies had takes possession of the piassa to shelter them from the storm, and tha gentiemaa, not having the heart to tarn them out until tbe rain was over allowed them to re main. Hartford Timet. mm aawAie BAIT. Tbe Lew is ton Journal tells ibis story of lbs Hon. Robert MsrUa,of Auburn "Once during one ef bis visits to tbe Legtsisture.Mr. Mat tia sai at tbe Uble at tbe hotel, wfcere before bin upon lbs table were individual salt oeilsrs, tbe first wbicb be bad ever seen. When bis tea was brought to bin, mistaking tbe aalt for sugar, be took tbe salt cel lar np and poured its oootoats into bis cup of tea. Tbe whole table looked at bin. Ua stirred it op and tasted of it If ao expression of distaste was aa bis placid countenance no one saw it, for be was inrssrttirbable. He d-aak it all and asked for'a second cap. Ia tbe mean time tbe waiter girl bad filled bis salt cellar again, and it was beside bis plate when bis tea was brought in. "Squire Martin lifted tbe salt cellar again and was just turning it into his tea when tbe waiter girl said : 'I bag yoor pardon, sir, bot tbat is salt. Do 700 use salt t" "Mr. Martin looked up, and with a gleam of satisfaction in bis eye at bis own ready tact, be replied with deci sion, intended for tbe entire labia : " 'Always, madam ; I always asa salt.' A BtaV MA8SUB4 A WBMAB 9)W SIXTY. Port Jervls, N. Y., Oa Tuesdsy morning Adolph Git and Mrs. Ernes line Pfltxper, of this city want to New York and were married in a (Jerman Lutheran church. The bride groom waa a bartender in Mrs. Pfitc tier's lager bear saloon and is twenty six years old, while his brlda is sixty and has several children, some of them a great deal older than tha groom. The young man haa ten grandchildren to start off with. On their return from tho wedding they were met by tbe Indignant children of the bride and there waa a scene. That evening a large number of their friends went to tha saloon and there was much merry-making. On tha outside of tbe house were several hundred boys who ware) making the night hideous with tin pans, horns, guns, Ac. Mr. and Mrs. OU take the matter very cooly and the bride says she is old enough to know her own mind. M IL WORSHIP IM KILOS. What attracted the attention of the jfrfnceea most (Don Carlos snlte)were the various objects connected with the worship of the devil. They were shown a very curious collection of masks, each of which represented a specific malady. The mask is offer ed to tbe devil while beseeching him to cure the disease in question. It is plsced on the altar, accompanied by an oileriDg amounting to $2. There are also a number of small wooden doiis. These are placed on the altar and pins are stuck in the head or other parts of the body. During tbe operation the following imprecation Is Invoked : I Mr. Devil, behold your enemy ! I beseech you to inflict on him psins every ptacewhere I insert a pio. " Tho worship of the devil Is a superstitious outcome of Buddhism. It is tolerated by tbe priests, who do not wish to make themselves unpopu lar, but it is not admitted aa a portion of orthodox worship. The most cur ious feature of the practico is that the devil in Ceylon is not masculine but a woman. But though curious it can hardly be said to bo astonishing. re favfto moi'skwivm. To brighten and olesn old slspscs, wash ia oetTee. To remove Ink stains, Busk in sour milk over night Mix stovs polish with vinegar and a tea-spoonful of sugar. When cooking besns add one-half as taa-epson of saisratus. To remote tea stains from cups and saucers scour with ashes. For burns apply flour wet with cold water, ss it quickly gives relief. When ipooge cake becomes dry it is nice to out in thin slioes and toast. If ths oven is too hotwbeu baking, place a small dish of oold water in it. To remove mildew, soak in butter milk and spread on grass in tha sun. If nutmegs are good, when pricked with a pin oil will instantly osse out To prevent mustard-plasters from blisterini mis with tha white of an To prsvsnt flat-irons from scorching, wine them oa a oloth wet with keto- sene. To brightea or clsan silver or nickel slated ware, rub with a woolen oloth BT w and floor. When clothes era scorened remove the tain by placing the garment where the sun ean shine on it. Starched shirts will iron easier if you 1st them dry after starching so you will have to sprinkle them before ironing. TfJtsais wearsi itsawisti. A bait teaspooaful of sods in half a cup of water will relieve sick beadaehe eaused by indigestion. Warm mustard wster should be given to one wbo has aeddaa tally swel lowed poison ; tbls wilt cause vomiting after tbat give a cap of strong coffee ; that will counteract tbe remaining ef fects. When going ftom a warm room out into the sold air close year month sad breathe through your nose to prevent taking sold. A bard cold is ofiumes cured by a eup of hot lemonade taken at led time, aa it produces perspiration. Consumptive night sweats msy be arrested by sponging tbe body at nigh I ia salt and water. Teething children may be relieved of convulsions by being immerse J la a warm bath, and cold water applied to Ike bead. For croup or pneumonia, braise raw onions, lay en a cloth with powdered gum eampbor sprinkled over it, end apply to chest and longs, snd "cover with hoi flannel. This is a sure sure if taken la time. For nervous headaobe, when lbs pain la over tbe eyee and tbe temples are throbbing, spply cloths weft with cold water to tbe bead, and bot baths to tbe fees. Tbe juice ef a red anion is a perfect antidote for tbe atiag of baas, wasps, hornets, etc Tbe sting of tbe honey bee, which Is always left in lbs wound, should first be removed. Tbe bog la useful en tbe farm as a scavenger to soft tbe boose refuse and the imperfect freit, and to drink tbe el ops and extra milk. For this reas the bog cannot well be spared from any farm. A ttara AT OS tBlETABJAalSM. A vsgetarlsa is a person that doesn't set sow. I like cov fried in a tkillit. We have fried sow st oar bouse some times. It eats good to must srd. A vegetarieo lives on csrrots sod turni, and such. He doo't eat no chicken nor salmon. He must he sort of msd. I like to gobble tut kef sod gravy. But oar old turkey tried to gobble me. He is a vegetarian too He lives on corn. I pat poison in his breakfast, and then be died on core. He won't never be a vegetarian no mere. Pe says he is a vegetariaa, bat I think it mast be be tween msalt, The elephant Jumbo is a vegetarian end lives en btscwits.cigars, and nails, and such things. All oar snosetors were vegetarians. The monk ey lived on nuts and tbs donkey ate thistles. Nebuksdosyser wss a vege tarian too. He ate grass just like a spotted cow. He never paired his nails, and they grew into long claws like tha eagle's in the menagerie My brother Bob was a vegetarian for fonr days. On the fifth day he didn't eat no cabbage nor parsnips, snd ssid that mutton chop was a good enough vegetable for him, and he has been a kind of nam-and-egg vegetarian ever since. My sister Emms tried very herd to be a vegetarian one day, but she gsve it up at dinner. She asid it was a pity beefsteak wasn't s vegetable, else she'd have held on a little longer. Apple pie and plum pudding are the vegetables I like best, but when 1 grow up I inteod to beoome a vegetarian, and to est vegetables rsg ulsrly to my msat. The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. T0 OTEL FOR SALE. Jackson House, Prlnevillo, Oreaton, 32 well furnished rooms, tbe only hotel in town, large snd convenient, with sll neceessry furniture. Price reasonable snd terms easy, A. X5.VOI. V EK K BOW. Prineville, Oregon, rissl rreef. I'srtloa mak log final proofs of claims either through ths fteeeburg or Oregon City Land Offices, can have the same published in the 1BMcx'itAT by so notifying the Hegister at di ...we vi .umv uiavvs . U. t .mm, 1 Friends ef this paper will confer a favor by considering ibis when they tasks oat their nasi claims. Snares far Health and Disease. Man la dependent upon bis surround. loss for tbe necessities of life. Air snd wster are necessities of life, but Impure air and Imoore water are moat proline sources of disease. Food is also a neces sity of life, but numerous diss as en are traceable to both a lack of neceessry food, and an over Indulgence In special kinds of nourishment. Besides tbsse externsl sources of disease there sre other more subtle snd interns! causes. Each Individ ual Inherits from his parents a certain Dhvstcal constitution. Kaeh nerscn there fore derives bis chances of health or die- Jasaseaat ST Sreera aa lKtja a fl 1 SSrflaT 9 m STSra Ael Sa tafaB I tt si os w ssusa sa uvuvw avuivwi ajassaswa jr mmm herited constitution and his surroundings in life, Manitary science devotee attention to our sorroundinss. Medical science seeks to overcome the constitutional or iuhsiited weakness by medieises thst suiinly what is wanting In tbe system. ue Haven's lryspepsia uure supplies mat which Is wanting to ensure proper assim . . - . a mmW . a e -a ilation snd digestion of food. Try it. Free sample bottles at Foe hay A Mason's Drug more, Albany, uregoa. hi raters savin sttra The best salve in the world for cule raises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever son s, Ulr, chappnd hands, chilblains, corns snd sll kinds of akin eruptions This eslve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money i funded. Price 85c per box. For sale Ly Foe hay A Mason BemelhtBB far Ike Baby. Whets terrible sfTJ lotion sbout the house Is s cross, crying baby ! A young man on tbe very edge of matrimony mlcnt easily be frightened from his pornoee by having too much of that sort of music at tbe homes of his married friends. Yet babies cry commonly only when they sre sfok One tesepeosfnl of Parker's Tonic, given the little one, will brine rest snd sleep to the beby and all in the bouse. Only Be rents, st druggists, Mesa fa? thals Cfcesg A square piano, cost 1630, will be sold st a sacrifice for cash, For particular call at this office, "Sim. am BV Bsf SB AfmBBSw POWDER Absolutely Pure. Uees aoosMMaaoal mS serf easaat besets la essa. of leer last, ah or Bauaosar s cass. Beta It, Co., 108 WatUet, i C 1 1 tSaa st any tf.,nf i a i tie aa fsaey Ijrtss ssstselltat book oat, Bscinners eMfrasfcur, Heaerau, Tana free, J Haixarr e Portland, Mains, All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment PATENTS Obtained, and all other bastssss Is ths V: S. rate l- fMf leoppoati tbe V. S. Patent Offtes, sad rr-.m SJ .Send asw er drawing. h!luy free of charge ;snd we obtain nateat. We ad to patent charge unless we make o We nftaV bar. Money Order IMv. sad to for circular. or county, address C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D . Clears out r ts, alee, roaehss, files, ants, bed bugs Heart Fein a. ,'., Miwww dwellings, jsicauiM, 1IMJ1' rsstion, psedaebe, Sleeplessness cored by "Wells Health Banewer." "Boagh a ( eras. ' Ask for Wells' "Bouatt on Corns." l&e. Oulrk complete cure. Hard or soft earns, warts, bunions, "BaehB'Palba.H m ulck, complete cure, all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, Boa! dings, Irritation, Stone, GraraL 6 .1 Bat a S mm i. . t . m vauurau ui ins auauuer. mi, AJrutfgisu . Itcd-Bnga, riles. Files, roaches, ants, bed-bmrs. rsts. mica, aanhara. caiuiuuaa, ciearea out oy - rtougn on Kate. 1 be Thla reople. "Well's Health Renewcr" restores baaHh and vbmr vium inipoMiuoo, soxuai ucouity, fl. "Boagb os Pale" Cures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrhoea, arhes.pains, sprains, beadaebe. neuraleia. rbeuu.ui.Mn. SOeenta. lough on Fain Flastert, Ue. Mothers. If you are falling, broken, worn as "Wells' Health Bens war." fi. ut and neivous Druggists, . Lire rreaerter. M yon are losing your grip on life, try "Wells Health Renew er." Goes direct to weak spots. "Bough on riles." Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itching, Protrudlnr, Bleeding, Internal or other. Internal and external remedy In sach packaee. Sure euro, bOc. Druggists Pretty Women. Ladies who would retain freshness and vlvacl'y . Don't tail to try "Wells' Health Kehewer." "Bongh on IteJu'" "Rough on Itch" cures humors, erupt tons.ring worm, tetter, sett rheum, frosted feet, chllblalua. "Boagh on Volar rau." Corrects offensive odors at once. Complete cure o worst chronic eases, also unequalad as gargle for Dlphtherhv, Sore Throat, Foul Breath. 60c. The Howe or the Halloa. Children, slow in development nunv. serawnv anrf delicate, use "Wells' Health Renewer. Catarrh or thS Bladder Stinging, Irritation, inflammation, all Kidnorand Urinary complaints, cured by "peehu-Paiba." SI, "Water Bscs, oar net." "Bough on Rats' clears tSm out, also Beatles Aahj ftOTAi tha rVaeiwlM tha BnnL nt otlktai. f the t . j hBSBl sdrtes. tanas, and searensss journal! Mate JULIUS QRADWOHL lists the only CROCKERY, CLASS,SILVER AND CHINA WARE 1 Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Bug ONE DOZEN OUPS AND SAUCERS $1.00. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME TIIE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PA1H FOR EGGS Remembers What I Say I leas. Give le a call GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- BOWMAN -PROPRIETORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS -am, nsai - Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco, Groceries, Candies, Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, Oregon, NEARLY OPPOSITE JOHN BRluOS' STORE. Qyi THE Oregon Short Line, U to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest route to the East, and rates, $8.80 to $10.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets, good ria Ogaen and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep, ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going Bast write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, Bt CAMPBELL, General Agent No, 1 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. C. R.R. TIME TABLE, B KOSULKR, Bsoslear. Albany Mtation. ABTTBB r TBBIXS, soars scare. ALBANY EX TRESS Departs at LOCAL FREIGHT Arrfvaa at fcSO A. M. 6 46 A. B 11:46 A. M. ItM P. M. MAIL TRAIN Arrives at -Departs at soyas softs. I Arrives at ( Departs at . 1145A.SJ. W .06 P. U 5:JO P. .. :S3 P. B Departs 85 P. .. BAIL TRAIN LOCAL FREIGHT Armas st ALBANY EXPRESS Lebanon AH Tralas stally, exre,t Saastajr. Notice. Mall trains atop 20 mlnutne for dinner. Pullman Palace Cara en all mail trains. Will. B. Ricb, Freight snd Ticket Agent Albany, August 26th, 1885. B LACK-SMITH'S OUTFITS, Anrila. 1 .ui, stocks sod dies sod almost every tool used by blacksmiths we keep constantly on band, Also s full stock of iron.ef sit sixes, horse shoes sod horse shoe nails. Special prices made on small outfit for farmer Pstbbs A Stewart, F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Counslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice in sll the Courts in the State ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of roueh. dressed and seasoned lumber,laths!and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best uaiapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. N. J. HENT0N. Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR. Represents several of the hast Fir In surance Cempsnles on ths Coast. Call on him for reliable insurance. 1 OUE AND LOT FOR SALE. 280 seres of land for sale. House snd lot situated In N, W, part of Solo. The isnd lies 2 miles southeast of Providence Church, Unimproved, 100 sores open, Daxance urusu. inquire oi J. L. Miixxb, Soio. Wa Es KELLY Notary Public and Conveyance Collections made on reasonable terms MAIN ST., SGIO, OR CH0NC HUNG. Washes snd irons clothes is first-class style, st reasonable rates. Successor to Lee. one door south or Kevere uouse.on Ellsworth Street. ALBANY RE 60 N exclusive fttoek of & JOSEPH, FRED GRAF, Msnufscturer snd Dealer In sll kinds of FURNITURE, AID UNDERTAKER. 8 First Street Albany, Or InvaJtds'HoteliSurgical Institute BUir'Jr'AT.O XT. TTJ with a full Htatr eF Skillful rkjraleiaita far the treatwscmt of aU CSronlc Dl OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Camroat e Nasal C atarrh, Throat and Xnsur JHeesaee. Liver Klnir Blseises, Bladder Dtsessea, Diseases 5iW?55en.Bloo Wsessessud Nerr- lff A';?Jcti5n cured here or at borne, with or without seeing the patient. Come and 9PPBJ or send tec cents In stamps for our Invallda Guide Book," which gives sil particulars. if err ona Deblllty.Iaipo teney, Noctaraal Leaaea, and ail JW or bid Condition a paused by Youthful Fol lies and Feraieloas Boll tary Practices are speedily and nermanentir cured be our Spcoiuikts, Book, post-paid, 10 eta. in stamps. nnprare, or urcacb, radi cally cured without the knifa, without trusses, without nain. Rupture. and without dancer. Cares Guaranteed. Book sent for ten oents in stamns. PIIjE TUMOBS and STMICTTRES treated under anarantee to care. Dook sent for ten cents in stamps. Address World's DrSPBBBABT Mboxcaa Association, 063 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. uae treatment or many thousands of cases of those dieassas paouliar to Diseases of kYnuctf mw a at h tli Sursrioal Institute, haa af forded large experience iu adapting remedies for their cure, and DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is the result of this vast experience. It is a powerful Restorative Tonic ana nervine, imparts visor and strength to the system, and cures, as if by magic. Leu. corrhca, or "whites,' exceaaive flowlnv, painful menstruation, un natnral suppressions, prolapsus or falling of tbe uterua, weak back, ante vers ton, retroversion, bearing, down sensations, chronic causes tton. Inflammation and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, pain ana tenderness in ovaries, internal beat, and female weakness." It promptly relieves and euros Naasen and Weakness of Stomach, Indiges tion, Bloating, Nervous Prostration, and Sleeplessness, in either sex, PRICE $1.00, ?5s SSSS Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's large Trcgtiso on Diseases of Women, illus trated. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, N.Y. SICK-HEADACHE, Billons Headache, Dizziness, Constipa tion, Indigestion, ana Bilious Attacks, promptly eur&A by Br. Florae's Pheasant Purgative Pellets, m cents a vial, by Druggists. wsSallaW ifilnSS kaaaww3& r -"rf if fiTfrt'rillraawJi i . FarSjaaaa 'HBSasaav(BS5l5Z9(taLuBS9 IOeucate I I Diseases, j aCTSr alBVL VaaaaarBBaaav aBBakaaaaaBT f9r