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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1885)
cwowat. Filtered at tho Post Office t Albany , Or a second-class mall matter. FRIDAY OOTOBKR 30, 1866. 8riTE3 fc NUTTING. i.,m .. . ii ii i twftHS v NITrilVU, Ltml Kstller. Official County Paper. MOSIAKKII The Nonpareil velyeteena are very desir able for all purpoeea, aa they ara vary dur able, and nut liable te fade with expoaure to the aun, or to apot eaatfy with raio. Tha Nonpared velveteena mako elegant coatumaa complete for ladiaa, and are equal' ly deairable to use in couibiuatioua wit t adka or aatina. Nonpareil velveteens wear with more even neaa than the Lyon velvet It ia not so apt to wear in places, and the coat ia about one sixth. I nave just received a lino of the above Nonpareil Velveteens, direct from the agents In New York. Alao a full Hue of ribbon, I think superior to any in this market. Alao a cheaper quality of ribbons, in all color. Alao a line or ladle' embroiderleadatlles' handkerchief, aitk and linen, and a full line of notions, Sam i w i. E, YoUNO. IN KWOBI4M. The following resolutions were adopted by the Sabbath School of the First Pres byterian Church at Lebanon, Oct, , 1885 Whhrkas. In tho providence of God, the Angel of Death has been permittod to enter our school, and remove from our midst another loved uieaiber. Nona Kd- wards, and we deem it lining, that we give expression to our grief, at this second bereavement, therefore be It Resolved, That while we deeply deplore the loss of this fsir child, this bud of prom iss. we bow In humble submission W the rod that smites us, believinir that God ruleth," and that sbs now shines as a jewel in heaven, Resolved, Thst we present our deepest to the parents and relative ef the deceased in their severe loss, praying that thoy may, in their hour of need, look to Him '-who doeth all things well," Resolved, That these resolutions be placed upon our records, a copy trans mines'', the fmily,cnd also to our coun ty pep re for publication. Hela Gilbert, G. F. Mrad, J. M, Marks, Committee, ssjbsjsjs i i .ii Leg Broke. Last Wednesday evening after getting pay for some work, "Dutch" May. an old resi dent of Albany, imbibed rather freely of liquors. While at the Star Brewery, accord ing to May 'a aide ef the story, hia conduct not sailing the proprietors, ke was "thrown" oat of doors by William Faher. Striking heavily one of hia legs received a severe frao tare as wall aaaome had bruises, and hia head was cut slightly. Dr. Hill attended him. May declares thst it will cost Kaber at leaat $5,000 before the matter is settled. This is one sids of the story. On the other side, ws understand, Mr. Faber claims- he did not threw him oat. bat he stumbled. As the matter is liable to oeme before the Courta the public ia at liberty te wait before it renders its verdict. Tree Irll ah Last Fridsy the end of a fuur foot fir tree fell en Bill Clark, an old and good natured resident of Albany. This ia the way it happened, Bill and several others were grubbing a few miles from this city. The tackle was on tbe tree and it had been nearly pulled out, only a root hanging. This Bill started to cut, when the tree be gan falling. Running the wrong way tha tree struck mm, anocsing nun now o aim holding him tight, his leg being pinioned down by s limb. He was taken up, potty well bruised, and brought to Albany, where he is receiving good treatment at the residence of J J Harris. Tbe blow would probably have killed anyone else but Bill ; but it did not even breek any ef his limbs. He is doing uncommocly well, though he is unable to move yet,sn J will, it is thought be out in a few days. Clara Foils We have received from F. W. Stecbhan, the former manager of the New Market Theatre, press notices of tbe appearance of Clara Foltz in trnr famous drsmatic repre sentation of tbe Life and Character of the old Gray Kagle of Mt. Hood, OoL E. D. Baker, at Irving Hall in 8. F. The entire press of that city endorse Clara Foltz as the for most lady orator and most eloquent dramatic star in the coontry. We hope thst sufficient enducement will be offered to Mr, Stechhsn to warrant his arranging for tbe appearance of this dramatic star in this city. Patronize Heme ladastry. A San Francisco tailor was in the city the first of the week. Whether he took any orders we do sot know. There is no reason wby he should, for Albany has two first-class tailors, who do as good, if not better work than any yet received "here from San Francisco traveling tailors. Home institutions Mhould be patronized Ifooasible. That is wbat builds up a community ; and moat emphatically this hhould be dons when one can do better here than away from home. Craad Jery, The grand jury, for the Circuit Court was organized last Mondsy afternoon with tbe following members : C T Lever, of Ssnliam, foreman. B F M tinkers, of Sclo, Q T Doawe, of Shedd. A F Powell, of Frnklin Butte. Ii H Irvine, of Shedd. M Carey, of Crawfordsville. J Urat.wohl of Albany. I' a i.rvaim Tho following Jurymeu have boon drawn Tr ihia nnrt of Oros-on for the District - Court which meets in Portland Nov. 3rd : Joshua Mason, carpenter, Corvallis. W H McOee, farmer, Cor rs His. E E Hammack, farmer, Lebanon. A S Loeney, farmer, Albany. M C Galloway, farmer, Albany. J B Looney, farmer, Jeflferiton. B F Bond, farmer, Irving, Cid Job. Itowuian a Sussara who have had the bontract to do the painting of tbe new school house will complete the job this week. They have dono the work in an ex cellent, workmanlike manner, using eniy tbe best cf material. - e Kid Clove. Kid Cloves. .1 mm For the next sixty days I will sell my ladies' kid gloves in black and colored, at actual cost. Samuel E. Yeuwo, $5,00D worth ot clothing at cost at Mon- teith k Seitenbach a. . i SS Days, Desiring to close out our entire line of clothing and overcoats within sixty days we invite people desiring goods in these lines to oall early ana make solections. All goods in these hues strictly at cost. MoNTWTir k 8eitebach. New Barber. Louis Viereck formerly of Phlladel- Khia has purchased the barber shop eretofore conducted by Louis Cam peau, where ho is ready to accommo date all old and new customer. $5,000 worth of clothing at cost at Mon tcith k Seitenbach. Albany Red and Gam Clnb. A formal organisation of tha aportrman of Albany haa long bean needed, not only for their mutual good, but as wall for the pro tection of anortatnen who deaire only to hunt and ftah in a legitimate maimer. So oareleea have many hunters beeotne in the vioinity of Albany that farmers have been obliged to peat traspaaa notice in order to live in any kind of aeeurity. If huating were dono in tho right manner this would not be necessary. With an object of remedying those avtla, and as wsll for their own snjoymnnt several of those interested in a porting mat ters met at the Hevere Houae Monday even ing ami began atepa for a permanent organi sation, probably under tha name which heads this artiole. Mr J O VYrightsman was sleeted Chairman and C H Stewart Secretary of the meeting. Besides a general discussion on tbs necessity of organisation, a committee con- aiatiug of O W Watts, W II Garret and 0 H Stewart was appointed to draft a constitution and by-lawa. Another meeting will be held at tho aamo place oh next Saturday evening, when the committee will report and officers will be elected for the permanent organisation All persons interested in sporting matters. or in seeing the game lawa enforced, have an invitation to be present at the next meeting. It is desired to make the society a strong and inlluential one. Meeting mt School stlrerlor. Last Friday at a meeting of the directors of School District No. 5, held at ths office of Burkhart A Keeney, the following bids were opened fot building, and furnishing material for, eight foot sidewalks around the school house lot, excepting on the west aido, and necessary walks to the building : Chamberlain ttlstirkbsrt 8344.75 D Sloan 2o per foot i f 1 1 an ley ao " Kd R M Carter 'J3o " P Foley aXou M The contract was let to Mr Carter. The following bids for doing the Janitor work were opened : John Medin 111.00 per month Wm Warner i59.60 tier month Jos Taylor 33.00 per month J A Comes. 33.00 per month J Ii Day 20.0s par month I Hayes 25.00 per month Wra Meyers Sn.OO per month O F.Taylor fJSJI per month Arnold A Taylor 33,0 per month The connect was let to Mr John Medio, Tbe Clerk was directed to order seals for school house sent from Portland and placed In position in the building. Chinese trelaeaita. The Chinese of San Francisco have sent a proclamation back to China advising them not to come to Arasrica. It recounts the riots at Rock Springs, Eureka, Butts and elsewhere, and says there ts no telling tho f tit tin. It says that at a place near Portland, Oregon, the Irhm people of tha laboring class hsvs become very much excited because they cant ot get work and are trying to drive tbe Chinese out. At Victoria tbe Chinese ate out of employ ment and have nothing to live on and no piece to go. The proclamation denounces the cubio air ordinance of Han Franclaoo, requiring a room for one person to be at loat eight rest square, ss unnecessary ,aud thst It is blackmailing to obtain $10 far each offense, the sum each violator Is fined. rled Praia Waated. ABMcIlwain pays the highest pi ice dried fruit and all kinds cf produce. I errelMlag. fot Judging from tbe following from a Portland piper, Umatilla oounty has been afficted much more than Linn county : "It in in old saving thst "an epen winter make a fat graveyard." and from what we observe in tbe advertising colatnns of the Pendleton -'Tribune" of legal adver tisements for November term of court, quite a lot of U matt ha farmers are getting lean by fattening that paper. There are nineteen summonses published from tbe circuit court of thst oounty entitled "The American Mortgage Company, (limited, plaintiff." bringing suits for foreclosure of mortgages. McDougsIl A Bowor attorneys for plat ut iff What looks more ominous, in three-fourths or more of tbe summons es, Knapp, Barrel I A Co., and Staver A Walker, a also other Portland basines flrms.are msde parties defendsut,sh owing that tbe farms of these defendants are plastered with second mortgages for sgri- cultursl machinery. If the foreclosure policy has commenced to extend ever the State during the fall terms of tbe circuit courts, tbe result is not pleasant to con - template with preseut quotations for grain product," i m m H alABdkercbtcrs. Ladies' fancy handkerchief for tbe holidays, just received, a large invoice to sell at 6, b and 10 cent each. Samuel E, Yolko. "AreaasJ Ike Warld 1 S Bays." Tbe Bert Dramatic Company played tbe above at the Albany Opera Honse on last; Wednesday evening to Urge and euthusi sstic audience. The rendition was uticom monly soetl, and the scsnic effect presented is not often aar passed, the railroad scene on the U. P. being a vivid one. The trial a ef Phiiess Fogg, prim and deliberate, in encir cling the earth in 80 days, ia order to win a 50,000 wager, are exceedingly exciting, be- 103 characterized by three duels, several arrests, episodes with Arabs, Hindoos, stock gamblera, Indians, ship wreck and the agony of anticipated dsfeat, until it is dis covered that a day has been gained in going east completely around the earth. Phiiess Fogg, the American, John Fix and Jean Passepartout do some excellent acting. last (Thursday) oight the "Wages of Sin" was to be presented by this company. Cloaks t Clonk ! Cleaks I I am openicg my Fall stock of cloaks snd jersey jackets this week, amounting to over two thousand dollars, these goods are much cheaoer than but vaar and the stvles better. Ihese cloaks will be sold to cash or prompt paying customer, as cheap as any aa : a i . i . nou lQ Oregon can sen metn. Samuxl E. Youno. An Aatausaa (.alhcrlng. There will bo held, on Tuesday even- lug, Nov. 10th, at the WC T U Hall, on First St., an "Autumn Gathering'' bv the Young Women's Union. A snort program will be rendered, ana a new novelty Introduced caned a "Moral Photograph Book." After the exercises seme "sad and melancholy'' refresh ments suitable to tbe sesson, will be served, and a match game of Culel Fab arum indulged iu. All are invited be tween the ages of sweet sixteen and ninety. Clothing, Having just received a new stock of clothing for men and boys I am now pre pared tc give good styles ana oeuer gooa for tbe money than ever before. Men's suits ranging in price from $4.50 up, A, B, MoIlwaik, Church Social. The ladles of the United Presbyterian Church will hold a social on Friday even ing, Nov, oth, at the residence of Judge Powell, au are mvuea. a program ana refreshments will bo toatures of the oc casion. $6,000 worth of clothing at cost at Mon- teith & Seitenbach s. Kid Gloves by N. H. Allea st Co. Large new stock just received from New York anil one of the best in the market. Call and examine the new line, 4 button at 75 cents a pair ; tney are a splendid glove for the money. Ceaunen Cenarll, Tueiday evening, Oct. 27th, 1885. I'tessnt -Mayor. Rsoords", Marshal and Aids Iaom, Hideout, Blackburn and Briggs. Absent, Foehay and Peters. The re ports of ths Recorder and City Treas urer, for third quarter, wore read and refer red to the Committee on Accounts. The Treasurer a report ahowa the following : Ain't on hand July 1 9 310.14 Ain't reo'd from tax W.n) Am't ree'd from lioouses 11 12.08 Am 't reo'd from tines 80. (X) Am't ree'd from ahowa .". 7.00 Am't reo'd from foot peddlers 0 q0 1040.04 $ 112.80 Paid 50 orders. . . Paid Jas Laurent. 840.00 81402.88 . . 802.84 Balance The Recorder's report ahows t Receipts during quarter l 140.00 91 orders iaatied 2040 77 Am't orders issued at beginning qu.. 3346.48 Total for year 10303 20 Councilman Briggs as member of Commit tee on Streets gave his minority report sgainst receiving the Rroadslbin Htroet sewer, stating that asanas of his duty towards tho tax payers of Albany induced him to make it. lie gave as his reasons that the sewer was not constructed according to the plana and apeoitioations, pointing ont four material deviations from the apeoitioations. We rev gret space will not permit tbe giving ot the report ia full. Mr D Froman naked that tax of R L Stev ens be refunded. Referred to Committee on Ways and Means. I. II Montanye aaked that the means for al nailing sewer near hia premises be provided. Referred to Committee on Streets. The Marshal was ordered to notify Dr RC II ill to remove tree in front of his premises. The following bills were ordered psid : Jos McDonald, 12.20 ; G W Burkhart, 41 .38 i 0 Meyer, 88 20 ; J R Stewartson. 8 : John Leedy, 8 127.24 ; John Jones, 870 t Robert Brown, $00 j Train k Whitney. $12.00 ; L Thomas, $04 .60 ; G W Burkhart, $3.07. The following bills were referred : N J Hentoo. $ 1 8.10 s Costs city agt McNary, $0.40 ; Agt Mike Sheenan, $4.83 Agt Che Adams, $4.83 ; G W Burkhart, $33. agrleallaral Ilea It cost no more to raise a good horse than an inferior one. An ordinary hen's egg weighs from one and no half to two ounces: a duck's two to three ounces; a turkey's three to four ounces, while that of a goose weighs from four to six ounces, Cleau fences add greatly te tho ap pearance of a farm, as compared with oue having its fence corners crowded with weeds, briars and tangled grass. The fall Is an excellent time to olean up aad put tbe fences ! order. Oregon farmers are not very particular on this point. Observe your horse while he Is drink- imr at a brook, la au Arab maxim. If in bringing dawn bis head he remains square wl.heut bending his limbs be poaeee sterling qualities and all parts of bis body are buiit symmetrically. There Is a large waste from stacking hay in tbe field. Farmers can get almost the exact weight of pigs from tbe following rule i 4 feet 1 Inch girth of a fat pig represent 200 pounds: 4 feet 4 inches, 240 pounds; 4 feet T Inches, 240 pounds; 4 feel 11 in ches, 320 pounds- 5 feet 2 Inchee, 360 founds; 6 feet 7 Inches, 403 sounds bis varies, however, according to tbe length of the animal. Wheat this week Is quoted at 84 cents; onto are quoted at 30 cents, Potatoes may be placed at 30 cents, apnles. 33 coats. All of the Jurymen, bat four, an the Circuit Court being held In this city. Of the four one la a me chanic, oue a carpenter, one a retired merchant and the other a capitalist, Hay is $lo a ton In New York State in the barn. A B McII wain has the largest stock of boots and ahoes in Albany, and is making prices to suit the times, ladies' kid button shoes at $1.75 and 82. Ladies' pebble goat, button, 1.50 and l. T-.'s Mrs Tasryer. Some of Polk county's heavy tax -payers are the following, with tbe amounts on which they pay taxes t Mrs E SuUat -l.S& WC Brown lfTQ Isaac Ball IMS0 J W Urid.alt IfJSS Job Inflow ll.llS J I 'raven 10,110 M W r, irr 11.700 al H HatWtatw usaaaiaaiiaiiarirrrr-rr 1 r lMB K T Uallock . lO.SIo krau, Waebeara sad K C Kert Co I0..VJ0 ............ i D Ksity.. io,7i A w Lucas ............. see e mm J I Lee .... ll,fJ0 .1 ... U.IV.UI - MOIOO .............. . , . - , ' I Isaac skaltnurry "rwas was BSi i'"ii a e e e ........... tn iio 8 H snd B Rlggs Davkl Slump Joa W Hnver . ...10.SVJ a . t s 51.340 .SUBS J B Stump , Vandiiyns, Smith and OS.... .1MM li.iau . tUM U J Whiteaaer Krank Yocum. ........... a .la.iiii Marlon ety'a Wesltla. Tho following is the result of the assess ment of Marlon county just completed It shows a decrease in some things over last year : There are mortgages amounting to 11, 009,034 recorded in the oounty. Number of acres of agricultural land 801,74s, value 14.160.915 ; vslue of sll lots in cities snd towns 11,.20 : vslne or improvements 353,113 ; value of merchandise and lm. and Shares oi stock, 975t,6eo : vslus oi household furniture, pleasure carriages, watches, etc., 13 10, oof : number of horses snd mules 0,160, valued at 1341,814 ; num berof cattle 10.205. valued at tl5t.fl29: number of sheep and goat 80,245, valued st $85,808 ; snd 8,003 hesd of swine worth 17,339. The gross value of all property in oounty is placed st $9,079,302 ; and the indebtedness at $2,504,221 ; exempt from taxes $590,786. Total value of Usable property, $5,924,345 ; as equalized by tbe board ef equalization $1,756,777, Number of polls, 1,790. Apple for Men la as. A car of apples was shipped from this city to Helens, Montana, last Tuesday, by Mr Tubbs. Twenty cents was paid here for them. Sevomi car loads have been shipped fioin this and other plsces in the oounty mis ran, anu even at tnat price farmers can do well with what they have. Iu Montana where none are raised there is a profitable market for them, in fact nearly a bonanza, ttalee Keeper Arrested. Marx Baumgart was arrested on last Satur day for keeping his saloon open on the previ ous Sunday, This was under the resolution of the Council psssed two weeks sgo. The trial will taks place bafors Recorder Henton on Wednesday, Nov. 4th. A it is, to a certain extent a teat case, considerable inter est is being manifested in it. - m mm- Letter Ida. Following; ia the liat ot letter remaining in the Post Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Oct. 20th, 1196. Person calling for these letter muet giro ths date oa which they were advertised ; Alveron, Mr Lluie Bunnell, Mis Huston, Miss Carrie Merrill, T M W.lliam, II S J. Berthold, Philip Foster, John Jr Morgan, Mr Lidy Rice, Miss Mary M. IRVING, P. M. Parties already subscribers to the Dbmo- crat. who wish to send the paper on to a riend or fnsnds can do so for $2. AH ASsTSBD WkVT That subscriptions to the amount of at least 840,000 will be made in this oounty for bringing ths Orsgon Pacific Railroad through this olty, and as wsll tbs estab lishment of the repair shops hste, is now an assured I net, Nearly all who can afford it are putting their names down for liberal sums either In cash, rights of way or we tor power. MrJ A Crawford heads the list with $12,008 opposite his name, to be paid with the use of 40 horse water pow er, a reasonable price for such s valuable right, Mr Ashby I'earoe gives ths largest cash subsoription,$2,000. The total amount subscribed to date Isll7,150, Ths libsrallty with which subscriptions sre mads is highly gratifying to thee who havs the prosperity of Albany and Linn oounty at heart, Of course sums refuse who could well afford to piece their name down for liberal sums $ but that is tbs history of ail subscription papers, Those whs 'hold back sppreoiste, nodeubt, as well as those whs give ths most, tbe greet commercial Importance to any place of making It even a railroad center with two roads running through It. It Is not idle speculation to Place the population of Oregon within a very few year at oyer a million people Thst toils of an Immense Increase In the cltle of ths State, as well sa the cutting up of our farms into smaller oue. Where there is only ene city In Oregon with a population of ever 24,000 only a few years will see several, In all probability one of those will be In Southern Oregon, one in the Central Willamette Valley, snd on or two in fCastern Oregon, If there la any thing more than guess work In this, and It is not dreaming, but ful owing history, to believe there Is, It behoove the people ef this oity te see that It does more then hold its own, even If it take a few sacks of gold ; more, that it be the leading city ef the Central Willamette, That It holds good ears' in tha gam, splendid natural advantages, a One water power and a fair start In manufactory, dees not need to be slated. What Is wanted Is enterprise, not s booming, unbalanced snthuslssm, but s stable, tinoonatng purpose to push ahead and add to our Internet even if it for a moment fiettens somewhat our purses. It Is really urstify lair to be able to observe that st ths present time this is tbs spirit thst pervades matters in Albany. Our people are "coming down" nobly to wards getting the Oregon Pant no here, and this is a starting step thst is bound to la crosse the harvest. A Carles Lave alary We have juat received s thrilling story publth?d in Sao Vraneisco, sad writUo by William M Stewart, a prominent oitiseo of that place. It ia neatly gotten up sod shows Hoe literary ability on ths part of the author. Candor, though, com pells as to ssy that hs is sons sided sort of a writer. Tbe name ef the story is. "Sal's Rsveoge." Sal's troo oame is Sarah Althea Hill. Ths hero of ths atory ia Wilhsm Sharoo. Acoordiag t the author's socouat of the romance of the affair once on a time Sarah and William, or Sal and Bill, for short, laaat it is thought they did, tbongh thr is nothing positive on that point. Sarah immediately fell is leve with William 's m-msy, William waa 60 years ef age, Sarah 27. He waa, hence, too aged to love in a nul nnl tvU kai Km. h - ' J t mmw -, mm I ws wosiy i wo or three years waltsed by. Suddenly dbata was eonfroated bv s fold- I i ....... ....... i w 1.1 a. A I r? . i... uw. i i it 0 Ss as a c-.-a.a-. aV-a-.a.-.--i J if. Its.- I anytluc- a boat bmiau at tha wadding, aad ha w -.wwsa ' aae'se evr Bad forgotten all aboat ever writina to Sarah sd cailioff her "Mv dear arifa but SilmK I S la I. I I. a. SaS .a. I. it . at , - I iiae uunsuKi l net it wss all lost as sbs said I it was. Notwithstaodin this since the ton she said ah was married to William ehe had learned to truly and indeed love lawver named Loyd ; bat lacy had fallios oat.and after that she feum bared that she was the rife of ilium Sharon ; but Wtlham did oot remember worth s cent, and declared the mamaga contract and tbs "my wifs" IstUrs were bold, bad torgeriea. Mr Stewart ia hia fascinating style tells all about the trsmble thst followed : bow illiam wanUd tha aJ. ieged contract declared N. f i..od bow Sarah dti oot, for then she eoald not st anv of W ilium's money. If the author's story ia true, sod there are many rsssoaa to believe it is, Sarah ia a scbenunir. codfish ant ri snd Shsroa is - a. just stmolv as ex-U. 8. Senator with lota of money. One bad feat ore to tbe story is that it ends without tel ling what became of the whole mat we. For sooth it is not yet known. tr .ots mmd 'Sultans. I am now receiving my Kail stock of dry gooos and notions, sad will be better prepar ed to give good value for tbs money than erer hedorc. Mv atock of dra ifoods will be large and will include all the novelties ia imported puidff, tnoots. etc.. etc.. ss wall as domestic dress good. These domestic dress goods look nearly ss well as imported, sod cost mach less. H it of all descriptions are rv-iwr this rail. I have marked my oi l stock to correspond with the OSW floods I to price, snd I am determined to sell my goods as low as any house can sell, either for essrt or pro lace. I keen nothing bat stood ard goods, and will guarantee anything I eel) rarties who live at so great a distance frost Albany as not to trade regularly, I know will nod it to their advantage to oosse to head quarters for their fall stock. 1 have ths stock of goods snd will sell them. Samples of dress goods, flannels, etc, sent by mail, and as much care taken as though the parties were present to make selection Samuel K. Yscmo. C reveries. A, B. Mol I wain keeps a large stock of staple groceries snd sells them cheap for cash or prod uce. Ar buckle's roasted cof fee six one pound papers for $1.00. Prebahle Vvesla. Severs! marriages in Albany before unrtstmss. Several dissolutions of marriages ii Court title week, Wheat at 7$ oents January 1st, 1880, Ths O. P. wending its way directly to- wards this city, Two U. S. Senstors instead of one within a few weeks. Plenty of Dramatic Companies to spend our money on the coming winter in this city, An open, warm winter, inasmuch as everybody hss s Isrgs supply of wood on band, and the artiol is very cheap, NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thst the partner ship existing under the name of Sloan k Bilyeu has been dissolved, Mrs Hals Jiack- sssto having purchased the interest of M Bilyeu in their dressmaking baainsss. All business will be transacted with the latter firm at their shop, near S. E. Yonng'a store. Mrs. Backensto will use tbe "sonar sys tern of outting, which alio ha been using in this city, $5,000 worth of clothing at cost at Won teith k Seitenbach'a. Last Wednesday evening Mr Clancy, living Ave miles west of Corvallis. fell on tbe railroad track, at the north end of Hroadalhin Utrnat. atrlltlnir nn hist for- head, and knockidg him senseless as well ss cutting a bad gash, He had his wound dressed and was able to return horns the following morning, Important to All. We want to retire from the clothing business and are offering our entire stock clothing and overcoats exactly at coat. We have a fine line of desirable goods for men and boys, and will save to every purchaser from three to six dollars. Call and see tor yourself. MONTXirit ft HE! TBNBACH. Reduced Kates. Havina decided to enter more extensive ly in the sewing machine trade, we oner to sell our shot guns at large reduced rates. Come and examine our prices it you want to save money. Will Bros., Albany and Corvallis, $5,C03 worth of tlothi lg at cost teith k Seitenbach'a. at Mon- 488) AKOA, F M French, jswelsr. Try oar tea. it. k B. Prinsvillc's population ia 698. Ths best harness at J J Da brail lea. Knggy mornings are the order ol things, Ths best millinery at Miss If K Foster's. Potatoes in New York are fl a harrslL Nature's own remedy, O.'egon Kidney Tea. Evah uoy bedircabua ot sht daorliar ley ? Subscription to Dkmockat, 82.50 per year, '20 mills is ths tax levy for Jackson oounty. Ladies' goseimer rufabsrs at Head A Btost-. sll's. Send year bosk and job work to 8 O Dor ris. Oregon Kidney Tel. tor aale bv all dr gists. Nsw stock of boote and shoes at Rsad k Rrowoell'a. J. I. Wallace. Phvaiulan and Surtraon. Al bany, Or. Kirk's soap ia basi. For sals by Read 4 Browne!!. A new wood shed haa bean constructed at the College. Oar Warm Spring Letter Is so iotsrsstiog one. Head ii Wheat is 82 cent in I'eudtstoo. We as goyoo 12 heeler. The finest line of wimlnw oopnioa mould. logs st Woodins. fA.OXX) worth of olothitty stanatat Mou- totth ASeiUnUchV Water whit ooal oU, best ia ths market at Head ft Bowosli'a. Arbuekls's roasted coffa six bounds for 1 at A B stsllwatn's. Yanuia Bav ovatara ooaual fraah avarv day at Mady a rsstaurant. Thh two Happner papers ara slinging worse than mad at sash other. Tbs foot race aoooaooed for last Sasday ia this otty did not oome off. I f your liver is oat of order try Prashsw's I'llls sure care. Neyer fails. Tom MeClaag is conductor of an extra train just placed on the 0. P. Splendid line. of ladies fell sod winter gar ments at Mooteith ft Ssitso bach's. Ia abetemioee and facetious tbs vowels follow each other ia regular order. The stock of erockey and glass-wars kept by Conrad Meyer is the very best. The cheapest place to get year printing don is at tbe Job office of SO Dorria. Cigars, tobacco sod gents furnishing goods at Otto Salinger's opposite Molllwsia s. Kiaanta Woodm'a Ki tension tables. They are well go and see them for yourself. New Mexico spends 8,488,000 fsr Ihjaor sod 845,000 for chare has sad schools. The M K Church, of Salem, lias passed resolutions condemning roller skating. 87 cases oa the lame oounty docket for tbe Circuit Court which meets ssxt Monday, Families Mootisd with Yanaiaa Bav ova- tars, 50 cents per pint, at Mady 'a res tea rant. Ths place to buy hardware is at A B Mc 11 wain a, ss hs is selling it at redaead rates. F M Preeeb. agent Stager Meaaf sctaring rt . ... n i.iY.,1,.-. t. i. tk. n. --" w s 1 a ' laoooss has been seat from Ashtsod to Pert- am fswssis ssriKHaien fr"' - - . Uua- Dr. M. H. hilts, physician and surgeon AltSOV. OrSsTOn. Oalbj mad in City Of a oouuny. (io to Hoffman k Joseph's for line assorted candies, home mad. Their s Is always par snd fresh. i'ortland now has sight letter carriers, soother on having been added after a long supplication. A Portland paper says that tha O. p. carries regularly tMS 6J g WO passenors trip. Ths great Want trial ia la. mi place at New York, and much iciumao. ia oKtasion- ed thereby. A man in New York is having a neoWlaeo Of mammy eyes mvi t umjisst wouia a a . .. a . - - a. a a a thiown a way. MrOrsves' less on ths Chemekete U Ul at Salam expires on Sasday. Several ars naBosiattog for it. labbath sysaiog aervicas to tha churches of the city wiH hereafter begio at ? o'clock, instead of half past. i aquina uay oyster stews Z- cents iter plat 1 raw oysters 25 oents jier piste at Mady's restaurant. Circuit t'ourt this week. If visitors Iteis ow tbs DxMOCBJtT a call will be welcome. la fact, will anyway. Rheumatism so l similar disease, elused by a low state of the system, are eared by using Ayer's Narsapantla. If vou are going East be sure and go via the Oregon Short Lane It is the best Hoc ad in another column Go to Prashsw's asw Drug .Store for pare itrugs. oaten c metiiotoe. ess. rrescnpuoo a - . SS I av.1 caret oily compounded , Imis Viereck, Hhsving sad Hair dressing .Saloon. Successor to Uui( amp-iiu. C! towels to every customer. The Portland Ktawlard says that Peter Williams has moved from Albany to that city to remain permanently. Hired adrls ar verv scarce. If ws ars to ship the Chinese tbe girls will have to oome down to worn in earnest Mrs Arnold has bought ont Mr Letnmon's milk basins and will hereafter roo it, with the assistance of bar boys. A big an ti -Chinese meeting wss hsld st Seattle Saturday, the tenor of which waa that ths "Chinese roast go. The population of Tha Dalles i 2,939. In 1880 it was 2,232, snd in 1870, 942. Thia shows a very steady growth. Conrad Meyer keeps a first-class stock of coffees and teas. He will grind your browned coffee for yon free of charge. A Poultry and Pet Stock Association haa been organised in I'ortland, Mr 8 W Gaines, of Scio, is onsof the directors. A New York psper has a living subscriber who has paid regularly for it since 1825. Oh for ten thouaand auch subscriber. Zco-soo tobacco is 16 ox plugs and not 12 and 14 ot as most other brands that are sold for one pound, at A B McII wain s. Jn a trotting race at San Franoisoo S itur day thing were somewhat reversed, Biaine beatiug Uleaveianu, best time x:z7. Mr Sid Dorria, job printer, has received a tablet press, and is now prepared to put work op ia book form without extra charges. William Albert Thompson committed suicide in Portland last Tuesday. When it ia aaid that he loyed in vain tbs story is told. When yon have any book or job printing done, remember thst U Dorria does work in the latest styles and at the loweat prices. A Dakota farmer has raised seventeen bushels of wheat in 'thrae years trom one grain. Thia has been beaten in Linn oounty. The assessment just completed by Assessor Hammack is a very satisfactory owe, no peine been spared to make it complete and reliable. TT2- - m . . G. W. Maston, Physician and Surgeon, Albany. Oregon. Graduate of the Cincinnati uouege ot rnyaician ana ourgeona, vinsin B"l, Ohio. Another match hunt between "the boys" and "the men" last Sunday afternoon re suited in victory for the former by a score of 38 to 35. The warehouses at Leng Station, ran by Mr Whit Crawford and Mr Spicer are both fall of wheat Not many sales have been made yet The Dramatio Company ia ths city this of wee& ony Yisita three places in the Valley. The new Opera House was all that brought them here. A prohibition paper is to be started at Salem, with a capital of $3000. S F Flood is to be the editor and F F Cronemiller, busi ness manager. The residence of Mrs Elizabeth Blsio, corn er of Third and Washington Streets, ia being improved by tbe building ef an addition on the sooth side. Miss M E Foster has jnat received a new and elegant stock of fall and winter millinery, embracing all the latest styles. Call and see the very latest Eleven divorce suits and two slander cases should afford sufficient inducement for an extra number to take an inturest in the Cir cuit Court this week. 81 mon in large quantities have been st Champoeg this tide of Oregon Citv. Thev are liable to strike Albany any day. Keep your eyes on the river. An sarlv oall on Mooteith k Seitenbach for what clothing you want for yourself or the boys, wilt secure to joa the choice of s fins line exactly at roni. The Burlington k Missouri 11 U (Jo, has ths Dumoi ha t'm thanks for s vary fine map of the U. 8. It givos the divisions of thestsnd srd time snd has many superior festures. Key Hchresclitoubarg, of Ore on City, will preach a sermon in (lerman at. thn College Chapel next Sabbath at 1 1 o'clock . A getter' al invitation is extended to all. The Deputy Sheriff of Utnitilla oountv was iu this ootoi ty a few days ago looking for two young mon wanted in tint oountv for being too free with other people's horses. At last accounts he had not cauturrd them. Crow, of tVinesville, snd Gassing, of Ku gene, had a genuioe prtxe light, M of Q rules, at the latter oity on last Friday. TtiiolBoers of ths oity never found it oat till it wss over. There will be no service moruinx or even. ing st ths Beptist Charoh aext Sunday, Sun- isy school win meet a usual, lUv lirownsou will be in Portland at the Baptist convention. A New Yors farmer this vear aathered tlfty bushel of aoules frotnone traa. Aa On. gon nevsr takes a back sest for sny one it is dosirous thst s larger record be rooorted here. A fine conatitutioa may be broken ami ruined by simple neglect. Many bodily ills result from habitual I constipation. There is no medicine equsl to Ayer's 1'ills for restor ing the system to natural, regular and healthy action. I'M wiii C I'helps has been spoliated Post- master at Newport. Though that oflice may not pay much uew, a few vears time will roduce great changna, else propheyiog is notour forte. Ths Biowosville Woolen Mill Cmony took first premium on display of tinett blank ets snd cloths, sod the Ashland Mills on best display of flannels, blankets mwl shawl. at the Mechanic's Fair. Ths ladies of ths Kranslic Ohsuwh of this city will give public dinner at tbe old Saltmarsh store, on Taaaksgtyiag day. That is sometime ahead, but it will be well to fix ths matter in your mind. E J Ives, of Meriden. Coon, run a biovclo latt Friday 241 9 3'i miles in 23 hours. M minutes, fastest oa record for a ou lav mie. Ud the aama day w A Howe rode a bicycle one mile in 2:3o 2 .". Ia a single scull race near Albany. N. Y . last .Saturday Teemer beat Hatdea ia 21:13. The Utter is rouadiag tbs stsks boat was tipped into tho water ; bat retnor wss ahead three length at the time. Mr BJ Shay was eating at s restaurant last Fridsy with soother mau's wife, io San Francisco, whan three shots from a revolver in the hands of tbe woman's husbsnd eon' fuaed matters some. Shay will probably die m " "It is estimated that immigrants hive brought 92,900,000 into Oregon the last year, ' ts an item going the roaau of the cewepiers. It is easy to estimate anything. rteaae show as where some of these millions arc. A newspaper can hardly be expected to ventilate utere parson a I gntvaucos that in terst only one locality. Tnre are atwav two sides to everything, which moans aa endless number of communications, the prin cipal object bsiog ia view to hsv the last ssy. Every newspaper in tbe Northwest has had itaaayon tbe Portieod j. : :it ;j appoint ment. All together it anke interesting reading matter. They are hout eyealy di vided between N'oltaer an 1 K by. Some of the papers make it a astiooal affair, aad wail oonatderaniy. The bail given by No. 2's last Fridsy sveoiog is reported by those who attended as an uncommonly enjoyable affair. Forty -seven con pis were present, beside a large number of spectators. The receipts of tbe evening amontd to William Bloxatn, tbe tn an who murdered F other about a year ago, is helplessly inssne, ceased by remorse for tbe murder, sad will be transferred from tbe penitentiary to the insane asylum. Oa seeing a picture of Fth er' daughter, whom b love I, desperately, he went wild, poor fellow. Mr Wilhsm Smith brought a bear scalp in from tbe foot hills last Tuesday snd received hia i 60 bounty from tbe Couuty Court. Mr Smith certainly earned his money, for ia capturing Bruin he had a band to hand con diet, winch resulted ia a somewhat mangled arm ; but pluck won sad the bear came ont second best without any breath. The roots to San Francisco by the way of the Orsgon Pacific is becoming a popular one. No safer or better equipped steamer than the ' Y equina" plows tbe i'ecitio. The reasona ble (rioes too, $14 for cabin and $7 for steer age, from Corvallis, is a great inducement. The population of Co ten county ha in creased from 6,630 iu 1930 to 'J.5SS, accord ing to the census just taken . A mach great er increase is shown in ths Eastern Oregoa counties io the last five year than ia Wes tern Oregon counties. Every dog has to have hia day and it is the same tn matter a of im migration. Balloting for 17. S. Senator cannot begin till the second Tuesday after the meeting of tbs Logialatute, If the Legislature abould succeed in meeting by tbe 10th of November balloting will begin on the 17th. Ths session can only last 20 days, so in any event bal loting for .Senator will have to be done in twelve days. Jack Detnosev and Dave Camnbell ara to fight next Mondsy somewhere near Port end. Our prediction ts that Dempsey will whip Campbell as easily as the latter did fluey. We would like to see tbe Oregon boy asm out ahead, but -ahem, can't something be done to stop these brutal exhibitions in thia fair State. A desperate attempt waa made ths first of ths week near Spokane Falls by a woman to commit suicide. Taking her infant child in her arms shs sprang from the train on which she was riding into the darkness and dowu a steep embankment. On going back to her tbe child waa found uninjured, hut both the woman's arms and legs were broken, and she will probably not live. Premiums for displays st the Mechanics Fair were awarded the first of the week. The awards are about aa much of a farce as thoao of the State Fair. For instance at Salem in the matter of Boars the Saiem mill swept everything before it ; but at Portland they did not get even a cooky. Of course the first premium was given to the rortland Flouring Mdl Co., the Ksd Crown Flour, of this city, took second. Four first-class bicycles are owned in Al bany now, Mr Jas Powell just having receiv ed a 64 inoh nickel plated Columbia. Thoa J Overman, Jas Had snd brother snd reroy Kellev are the other owners. 1 his is enough to form a club and fill all the ollicea. Some of the most prosperous clubs have started from a membership of theee or four. Benham k Slater have juat started a pa per at Colville, W. T., called the Strven County Miner. It is well gotten up and de serves a successful career. Mr J B Slater, the junior member of the firm, once reaided two or three years at Lebanon, where he was a student in tho Santiam Academy. He is a young man with good literary ability and will handlea pencil with good judgment, Oregon geniuses are not aalttep. Mr Jos Somen, of Mero, Or., has bad patented a surgical instrument for amputating limbs. t is so made that the arteries and uiood ves sels will be twisted ; thus preventing hem orrhage. This does away with outarization or tying, (ieorge Albers, ot seiwood, nas patented a bed with an endless belt, anu a drawer at the foot ; and G. Rock fellow, of Ashland, has patented a ball and socket hinge. Dallas, as well as Albany has a cane with a history, the following account of which is given in the JUnuzer ot last wees : "we were shown a hiosorv cane tins weeic wntcn has a history. It is about an inch in diame tar and has a shoot grown from one end which twines along its entire length. It was cut the day after the battle of Fort Donaldson by James Crystal, son of Mrs Crystal, cf thia place, and sent to his father, then in iowa, who. when he crossed tho plains to Oregon, in 1864. brought the cane with him. It is kept as a relic. A wonderful phenomena is said to have been observed'bn Klamath Lake, it being observed by several parties. It is described as follows : "Their attention was first called to the rumbling noise that seemed as though it was directly under tbem. As soon as the noise ceased, their attention was drawn to some thing on the lake which resembled largs wave about four foot high and extended from shore to shore, perfectly smooth in ap pearance and remained there for at least five minutes and the disappeared leaving the sr face of tbe lake perfectly calm." Jast a little item started in a paper like the iJKMot hat sometime spreads aiiover the world, Ths following, which first appeared in this paper several weeks sgo we have jui.t clipped from the New York saw : "An ir.m geiiioas method of sheep stealing is being practised in Oregon, It consists in suspend ing a rope matte into a loop and slip knot from a tree branch overhanging a h , pat , in tho woods. The animals put their heads in the nooae snd are held till the thief can corns in the night ami carry away tbe game." Tho picture presented i fl Kistlt'ai fi-,liu.ui.t w r - " vunvini 'ill in the great Ward case in Now York, ws n very striking one whoro ho said: "Ward came to see me at my rooms, over the bank. three or lovr days after tne failure and said he could not help it. lie said 1 hsd been hi Itfest friend. I told him thst bv ilis flffnutw.n snd treachery he had ruined me, ruined my family, ruined the bank, and had destroyed tbe reputation which I had been twtmty v- trf building. In my indignation I rosed a afcais and he crouched on the floor, f.rvmtt ' Ii.n.'t hurt me !' I told him if ho ware not such a contemptible, hypocritical suesk 1 could kill him. He crouched on the floor like a whipped cur. 1 told him he had better com mit suicide, hang himself, drown himaelf, poison himself,hoit himself, or do it iu any way, so tho World would be rid of hi pros ence. According to advance note, the U issue of ths OerrUivt Moitthlii wilt contain many attractive fentu res, prominent among which will be an article by Dr. Chiemore, of San Francisco, entitled "From the Naaa to the Skeene." Hon Theodore Hittoll's second paper upon "Juao Baatista Alvarado," (iov ernor of California, will treat of "Th On ham Affair." Prof Joseph I Cooto's second chapter of "Hough Notes of Yosemite Csmping Trip" will describe the valley ami tbe High Sierras. The educatioual feature of the iaaue will be on article upon "The Nsw Mills College, iu Past snd Future," by Mrs Katheriue B Funer. Mon A A Sargent, late Minister to Germany, will contribute a strik ing and timely paper upon "Tbe Wyoming Auti-Chinese Kioto ;'' indirectly, s stody of tho whole Cbioose problem. A strange tale of sea adventure, is entitled 'The Cms of ths Panda" Ths stories of this number will well maintain ths Ommwfi standard. The poems are by K B Sill, Wilbur UwSaSMI and M W hhion. Book Heviews, Editorials, Iteocat Sociological Discussions, etc., snd msny other vatttabla articles, complete tbe issue, whmh will be published October 30th. Address, Tkt Overland Monthly, 120 Setter St., Han Praocbc). SOll. AU I'i LM.Vll Mr L Sender, is ia tbe city. State Superintendent McKlroy was in Al bsny Tuesday . A. Noltner has returned from Waahtnotnn to bis borne io Portland. Ho William Cyrus and fain.! v. of Scio. were io Albany Saturday. Dr. Foley, of Ixtbanon. haa w-n in thn city this week attending Court Mr T J Block, of Halsev. callod on u tho last of last week, while in the city. Mr Peter Hither, of SJhed4. called at our sanctum hut Saturday, while io the city. Kd Mack, of Itiker Citv. aa exnert tvoo. sad a former resident of Albany, was in the city Tuesday. Mr it F Mongers, of Scio. one of the mem. hers of the t.rand Jury.made this oflice call me urt oj me week. Mr L H Griffm. of lcbeuou. nule tha Democrat office a coil vextardav. while in the city attending Court Mr Jos Pardom.K U aaent at viervaia waa in Albany the first of tbe week, being called here by the serious illness of his father. Jas 0 Cherry was in Salem receiving treat- meat ior ma eye. He i now nearly blind, oetng unable to distinguish objects at all. Mrs Judge Flinn returned on last Monday evening trom an extended trip through the heat. after an essence of two or three months. air woo i itvertou, oi nrownsviUe ia in . r m. W mm ..... the city tin week. Mrs Overton hss been here several weeks, receiving medical treat ment. We acknowledge a call from Mr J S Cal loway, of Lebanon, plaintiff in the case of Oalloway agt Foley oa the Circuit Court rdocket d- a. . StSa st mi mm. mm . pt. n. n. Humphrey, n lend,etsn, is in the city, this week, attending Circuit uourc. i ne rock may ensngo, hut t ap. u always the same. J. F. Hackensto returned from his trio to tho Kast on last Friday, and reports a pleas ant trip. Hs wss st Baltimore, Philadelphia ami other cities. Key 8 K Davia U at Yaquina Bav and will apcua .at.oath at .Newpoic Therewith ni consequence, be no services in the Kvanged eel Church in this city . t.eorgo Piper, who has Ikvu comiocd to his bed several week with typhoid fever.left ior saiem M outlay, where he will visit lr sometime with hu parents. Bert Lucas, the expert bicyclist, of Mon mouth, was in tho city Mmdav. He recent ly ran a bicycle to Portland. (JO nules.m eight 1 a . nours, remarkably good time. We received a call Mondsv from Joatea mmmm - - SF - Washburne. of Lugone. and Mr U A Irvine. of this county. Mr Washburne m probably the youngest county Judge in Uregon. Mr Ben Johnson left last Wednesday for Cmaaill county, where she will visit friends several weeks. That her trio mav be pleasant on is the wish of this office. Hon S M Pennington snd wife arrived in Albsny luesday evening, and. we under stand, will make this county their future home, having sold their property io Uma tilla county. We are glad to hive thorn make this move. The Dksocrat office acknowledges i pleasant call on Tuesday from Mrs Dr llen- drex and Miss Dora B Hendrex, of Harris- burg, aotl Mrs j Urawtord, of this city. Mrs Hendrex and daughter returned home in the afternoon of that day. Miss Mamie Montgomery, left last Tues uay morning tor t he oailes, whore she in tends spending the winter. Miss Monteom ery has the reputation of being a very faat typo. he deserves success wherever she may manipulate the little pieces of antimony The famous Ben Holladay.of O. k C. fame passed through Albany last Tuesdav on hia way Soufi.accom named by two children and a black nurse. Ben onoe owned a million dollar house on the Hudson, and has done several other things to make himself known to the world. Still there are lots ot people wno no not love nun. The following legsl gentlemen haye been in attendance at the Circuit Court this week udge Boise, presiding. Judge Piper.Judae Shaw.of Salem : Judge Washburne and Hon Bilyeu, of Kugone : Judee Kelsav. of Cor vallis j Hon W D Fenton, of Lafayette and orciaua ; ' M Miller, of Lebanon ; Judge IS Strahan, Jud go Flinn, Judge Powell, adge Whitney. Hon Geo E Chamharlain. District Attorney, Hon W K Bilyeu, Hon JK weatnertord,lion 1, tl Mootsnve. 0 K Wol- verton, DKN Blackburn, O H Irvine and T J Stites, of Albany. Work or the Urfud Jury. The Grand J ury this week, in this city, has bund true bills against Mac Gamel, for lar- oeny in a dwelling ; Thos Wyatt, for soduc tion : G M MoCulloch.for assanlt. and Frank Taylor, alias L L Buckner, for polygamy In the cases of Dayid and Alexander Martin, for assault, and J L Buckley, for larceny, no true bill was found. MARRIES. HAY-NICHOLLS.-On Sundav. October i-Mth, 1885, in Lebanon, by Geo W Smith, J P, Mr. William Hay, of Harrisburg ana mrs mciiOLLS, ot Lebanon. LAWRENCE MACK. On October 14th, Baker Clty.MR. K. C. Lawrence of Baker City, and fis3 Nellie Mack daughter of Mrs. Coll V anCleve, of Ya quins City. MORGAN SETTLE On Oct. 28, in Haleey, by Rev J . Wilson, Ms. Jas. Morgan and Miss Lavix StETTLK, both of Lin a County. BORN. COHEN. In this city ou Sabbath, Oct 25tb leso, to the wife or Mr. Samuel Cohen girl. A HAW Atrr TOWs. One of tbe fannies! newspaper spis- odes that has come to the notice of tbe Man about Town was that between the Qmonian and Standard, In which the edi t ors of those papers aired their class leal learning by the use of, and dispute about, such Latin words as di and -Wra. They churned them about prom iMttotlsly until the common reader could not toll whether lis was pro or em " hr side; there were none though who couM notejaculato, Ohef jam saii. Do you Sabmu Kitmtuxibu. O The Man about. Tan h. Kaon AAltnf r d on occasions fer copies of tbe new 'Mty charter of Allnv - but th te s .metliioft he has no hand in and knows utile aoout. rorhsrM mmt snurn.i.. 1 . - " ' 'mmm VMBFWS VI B- Kg job printer miirhr. mtln t by printing the charter in pamphlet form, with a chromo OM titft hk a nil selling It for a few bits. O In Seattle the women sre do! no- their own washing In order to drive tlm nhi ncse out. if some of the Albsny girls would exercise their muscles vr th wssb tub histoid of measuring ths side walks they can Id do considerable In this line right at borne. Suppose they fry It O Bo general has the desire been to se a genuine printer dvi I that th Man about Town has. after consllorhl trouble, secured the fellow! rt ar Bfctnns of one token from lite, tbe camera being clapped on him just as be bad flolshed a repast on pi ; 3 O The Man about Town ba looked In vain for borne raised grapes. Perhaps there is a poor crop this year ; but it is evidently a fact that no effort is mads to place those tbat are raised on tbe rasrket. Many prefer the Oregon to the California grade. Any way it is to be regretted that there are nous for sale, so that nsople can take their choice. The fault Is entirely with raisers If any there Is. O Finely dressed men and women arlve character to any community. The sre a recommendation to a place. The r X A a. mm mm, m . '- m. ict mat Horace ureeley forgot to buy new clothe Is no excuse for tho com mon run of people to do so. One does not n-fd tebedudlsh, but It does pay to be reasonably near the coat tails of the lstest styles. At the same tine it s not policy to nut very mucb of ones energies into such things, at. least not all ot them. The more thev annear to be produced without effort the bettor ef fect tbey have. O The Man about Town has boon In formed of a young man who came from rownsvute on tbe morning train, was examined for a teachers certificate in seven hours, (it usually takes two days) and obtained a first trade certificate itb the remarkable average of 91. This is probably tbe best on record ia this county. The young man is one of the best ex m pies of an emphatic. butd ncfa character. we have met. What he knows be knows. Success is bound to follow la the steps of such young men whatever tbey engage in, McAlpins chewing tobacco at Bead 4 Brownell's. esrtliy Coananeael the State las. CO. Alabasy Ob. Oct 2, 1885. It gives me pleasure to bear testimony to tbe promptness, fairness, and fall and satis factory settlement of my loss by the State Ins. Co of Salem, Oregon. They haying paid me the fall amount of my claim within a week after my sworn statement waa filed with them. 1 therefore heartily recommend toe company to the farmers of Oregon. Wallace Hclbxrt. Battened with ia State. Shepo, Or., Oct 2, 1885. Iu behalf of J J and E B Kendall for whom f am guardian I acknowledge the receipt of full and satisfactory payment of their loss by ire, from tbe State las. Co. of Salem, Ore gon, l gladly recommend the company to tbe farmers of Oregon, and to any one within Iheir reach. Mrs, F. B. Pbateb, Guardian. Row Cloaks. N. H. Allen A Co., have lost received from New York one of the finest line of Fall snd Winter cloaks ever brought to Albany, all of the very latest styles, which will sold much cheaper than over be! ore offered in this market. Re- member tbe place st. N. B, Allkk A Go's. Potatoes far Sal. 800 bushels of sorted Peerless snd Bar- bank Seedling potatoes for sale st three bushels for $1, or 30 cents per bushel st my home near east end ot Sixth street, Albsny. Orders may be left, if desired, at Dr. O. C Aubrey s office, inO. F. Block, A. J. Cabotoi Wstsxt far sole. Wood delivered in any part of the city limits at the following prices per cord : Good fir wood Oak wood (grab) 3.00 Mixed wood 3.00 P. W. Sranc. Oct. 1st, 18S5. Beef CattteianilSf alto Sheep Tbe undersigned will pay the highest cash price for beef cattle and mutton sheep. Have good scales on which to weigh. I. L. Miller, Miller's, Oregon -mmm- Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney trou Ms. "fl Ttcn Baby was sick, we gov bat C ASTOMLa., VTten she was a Child, she cried for C A3TOUA, "flTtea she became Miss, she clang to C ASTOBIA, V hou she had Children, she gave them CASXORLa.. Estray Notice. Strayed from Monteith's pastor, Albany, Oct. BWa, 1S35. One dark red cow, marked with an under slope on right ear, crop and split on left ear, little white oa each ade of head, rod and white underneath body, reward will be jid for her return to F. M. French, Albany. WANTED. We want s good, energetic man to tiavel n Linn county and sell Singer Sewing: Machines. The right man can make money. Apply, giving references to the Singer Mfg. Co,, Portland, or to F M French, Albany. School-Tax Notice. Your school-tax is now due aad wBl bs delinquent in a few days and then costs w ill be added. You can save the costs by, v dl ing at the office of the Clork, Ne, 59 first Street, and settling the same. October 28th, 1886. J. H. Burkhart, Clerk of School District No, 8. The Portland Business College, Portland, Ore gon, offers superior private and class instruction to the young and middle-aged of both sexes who d astro to obtain a practical education in the short, e !.t time consistent with thorough work, and at the li ast expense. Day and evening sessions through -o it the year. Students admitted anytime. Cats it -sue oa application, A. P. AX8TftONe,.Pf incipai