STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT Stow Rights STATE RIGHTS OfMSCMT, THE 1EST 1DTE&TIHI8 KEBUJI B TEE WILLAMETTE T1LLET, tmtx ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES A NUTTIW Special business notices ia Loesi Col umns J cents per line. Itogwlar IsbbbI tioUeeaJ io cents per line. For legal and transient sdvsili Ss $1 00 rter square for the first IsssiOsbj i BrwulalM HUrri. TERMS Or BUBMWHTaX ingle oopr, par yaar, In utitKMamw . tajta oopjr, par year al esfl of ysar si ails cipy, six moiitha.. ...... . slnfla oupy, Ihrtw months ..'.. nla number ft 60 S 00 1 50 71 10 M eenls per square for eaeb sabssjsjoofts u somen. Kates for other advertisements known on application. ' 1 ' "-l '!' '..Ik .1 inr -r---i i -a t v y W 1 A I IB A IBTT rTll ,.-m.T YXYil Tf hrv a wr yiivik.. LJLI - VUJLie AAL ALDAiVIf ritlUiVI, UU TilJSHili 2., 1885. Si). J3 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Afeany , Oregon. WILL PRACTICR IN ALL THE Courts of thia State. Will We apooial attention to collections and probate matter. Office in Foster's new brick. 4!Hf L. H. MONTLNYB. ATTORN AT LAW, Notary Public. Albany. Oregom. Offlce upstairs, over John BrifrjrV store, let street. Tl4n23tf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) tTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBaNY. OBKsiO. tlflLL PRACTirl IN ALL THE COURTS OF TUB If BUts. 8pMUlIUnUon girn looolloiUnaaixl rohata mtur tfroflk In Odd Fallsw's Tsmpls. 14:t r. o. rowmx. w. b. riltrtj POWELL & BILYEU, vTTOHNRYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Hianwry, tl.RlNY. - - - OUKfJOW. Oolleotlnns promptly mads on stl points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. pirOffloe in Foster's Brick. vl4nlftf. J. J. WHITNEY. Mtoraay And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of the Courts of i his State. All bosinesn Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDQN & CO., IfKlGUIftTfl. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Laxsv Stock and Low Prices. OITT 3DHTTO STORE, tyl alBtVY. OBE;ov F08HAY & MASON, -WSOkBLAU ASS SSTAlb Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publications, which we sell at publisher's prices with posts gesdded. ALBANY, OKCQOl. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. riESCaiPTHMS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. C have the best stock of rnitnre In the city sod will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the cJtv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come sod see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, Revere House, ('roe Vlrmt ul Baiswsrtk Albsuay. Ortfoa. W Garre t, Prop'r. Thii uw H W ia fitted up in flrat class tl. Tablet supplied with the beat the market afford. Spring Beda in erery Room. A rood Sample Room for Com mercial Travelera. Off" I r re t'oeeh to and the Hotel. - ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OB. The First Terra will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 15th, 1885. For particulars concerning the courses of study and he pnee of tuition, apply to , KEY. J- C. WVCKOPF, Precedent. Aloany Bath Mouse. rTIB UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully i aforua the oitiMm of Albany sod t! sVnity that I havetaken charge of this Eatabliah want, and, by keeping elsan rooms and payin atrtot attention to basinaaa, expeeta io isit al those who may favor us with their patronage flaying heretofore esrried on nothing bat FiTSt-Claao Hair Dressing Saloons xpeots to giro entire iatiifreiion to al CVldien anl Ladles' Hair neatly en harepooed JOS WEBBER. Summons. In tlw Circuit Court of '(hi Ktalt of Oroti, for Linn county. Jasper Jennlnga, Plaintiff. vs. Bailie T Jennings, Defendant. To Sallic T. Jeminqt the above named Dt- fendant. IV the name of the State ofOreiron, yon are hereby required to appear and asswer the complaint flled airainstyouinthe above dntltfed Conrt, within ten days from tlis date of the Arvice of this Summons npon you, if served wlthln thls County ; or, If serv ed In any other County of j this State, then within twenty days from the date if the service of this Sum mons upon yon ; or In esse1 of service by publication, then you are hereby required to apnea' n4 answer the complaint filed wlthfthe C'erk of said Court, atalnst ysu by the first day of the next re ar ular term of ssld Csurt following the expire tlon of the time prescribe! in the order for publica tion, to-wit : Monday, Oil 2th, 1885 ; and you will take notice that if you tfH to so answer said com plaint for want thereof, tie Plaintiff will apply to the OourtforthereHef prayelfo-ln his complaint, to wit : A decree of divoro on behalf of Plaintiff, dls uwinir the bonds of niatrimony now existing be tween Plaintiff and Defendant, and for sueh other, and further relief aa mil be just and equitable, and for costs and disbussenJnts, W. G. Piper, Attorney for Plaintiff. Pabllsbsd by order o4 Hon R P Boise, J udga of aai d Com, audi at Obambefsat Dallas, Polk eounty, Ore asSsWife CREAM POWDER MOST PERFECT; MADE, Prepared by a paystdsB with special rssarB i Oassltb. Ko Ammonia, LUue or Alum. Gathering drapes for Mas mg Cream of Tartar y lor 0R.rtlCt S CREAM BAKING POWOIR. r 'or sala by CulUntf. Marie Co, r Or. SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Pureat and t roriift Natural Prult Flarora, Vanilla. Lemon. Oraajrf, Almond. Koae, ctc Baror as delicately and naturally aa the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. L0CIB Por VSH br CalMaj Kar'.a ad Co Portlud, Or (uticura A POSITIVE CURE FOR EVERY FORM OF BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASE FROM PIMPLES TO SCROFULA. DISPfGURIBG HL'HORS, IlumaiaUiux EntiUona, r.chins and Kurnin akin Torturaa, UUiim Sorea. and every ecir of luhin, HeeJy, Pimply, Inherited, Scrofuloui, and Contairiwaa IMaaaaaa at the It -Hi. Skin, and Scalp, with l.oa of lialr, from infancy to old ace. are poeiUvely cured by QSSBJBJBa RsaoLvaar. the New Blood PuriDer, intcroal.y, and f tii t , Uic tireat Hkli. urc, and riTKtaa Soar, an eaquuaui Skin baauUSer, exUrrually . ECZEMA CUBED. I was afflicted with Erie me nn the Scalp, Face, Rare and Neck, which the L'ruju'mt. where 1 sot your remodiL-, pronounced one of the woret aaaas that bad come under hie notice He advisea mo to Uy your CiTK-i aA , and after ire day' use. WIT acalp and part of my face were entirety cured, and I hope in another week to have uy eara, neck, and the other pail of my face cured. II K KM AN BLADR. 120 E. 4th St., New York. MCABM AMD WOK KM. I hare been afflicted aince laet March with a Skin dUeaae the doctors called Bcsrma. My face waa covered with ecabe and eorae, and the itching and burning-were almost onlearable. Heeins your 0f tSBSSJ BasBSSSSao hlfhly recommended, conclnded to sire theen a trial, neins the met a and Ci tj. craa Soar esternallv, and Kebolvsjit. internally, f r four months. I call myself cured. In gratitude for wbk'b I make the public statement. MRS. CLARA A. t'REDKKIK, Broad llrook, Conn. Ci tic i ra RkMBiiiaa art aold everywhere. Price : Cmrti, Me -.RaMOLrKXT, fl ; Boar, lie. Prepared by the JVrrr.K lat ash CnanicaL Co., Boatn, Scad for "Mow te Care Shla BHacaaee." 1'LES, Blackheads, Skin IlUmlahes and Baby Humors, use Crncta Soar. "( Bil k K TBR BACK, ' sUtcb in the side, crmps, shooting and sharp paina, rbenmatic, neu ralgic, and sciatic paina, and every ex ternal pain and ache soothed and expell ed with wonderful celerity by that new, original, elegant and speedy antidote to m pain and trirummaiiou, the Ittictha Plaklks. Warranted the nerf action of elegant external remedies, and vastly superior to all other plaetcrs. At druyifists, S5c. ; five for fl. Mulled free. Porrxa Date axo Chemical Co., Bos ton "TIMED ABB ACHIXti MI'sCLEM. cryingtbrough countless nerves for rest and relief. Like manna to the children of Israel is the Ci'tici ba Plastsb to the tired, overwork ed, aching muscle. Do not deny your- t. lf 111. ... ..,.( .w-t .V,. V.W ,k. n yz, wr7fitt'r''i',:' " Hiiftlon. AtdrufflfleU, 16c ; 0ZJBl:s for tl. Mailed free. IViTkh Uri.o asd Chemical Co., Boston. First National Bank OF ALBANY, OREUOM. President JOHN OOKNEB Cashier H. F. MEHKILL TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check. BIGHT EXCHANGE and telerraph!c tranfer, aold on New York, Ban Francisco, Chicago and Portland, Oregon. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. 8. E. Torso, Josx Comm. L. E Blais, L. Plus, II. F. Msrkill. J. L. COWAN. j. i.::c Linn County Bank, COWAN & CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking business. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New York, 8a Cisco and Portland, Oregon. Fran LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits suhjec to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt ttentton. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. OR. J.L. HILL, inT fcaftccsic m rMNM Physician and Surgeon, Office cor, First and Ferry Streets, LB ANY - - - OR LABIS DEPARTMENT. I' v,n ne or wool canvas stuff hut? too firm a hold ujioo publio favor Ij ' given up aaailj, and will, in the drk colors, be worn for Btrnefc initfl until late in the Fall, after which time they wilt serye as house drosses. Ai a novelty id cheap laces is a variety for tarnishing' simple home toilet. Io is a soft, cieamy eh sue, and has a cotton-net foundation exactly similar to the foundaton of the oriental laces. The threads, how ever, are of wool or yak, and leod a weight and richness which cotton never gives. Thia Isoe is said to laundry remarkably well. ma a as ine sea rod nas developed among others, these new combinattens of color: Minerva blmvandjtobacco brown ; violet and gtay or tilleul, ana eetu and plum. Immenie vases filled with bouiuets of flowering shrubs, such as lahurnams, cherry blossom, mauve and white H lace, are to adorn "drawing-room cor ners. A strange hue soeu in a velvet fabric is only to be described ss looking like a bruise, and is called "black eye." It ia black and blue and yellow in a grent spreading spot on an ecru am face. At a dinner party given in London, the table-cloth was of pale yellow Ho me n sheeting, gold plate, thine the color of the Niel rose, and wreathe of roses end ferns placed around the raised dishes of cakes, fruit, etc. Dressy slippers of black and bronze ktd are made to wear with black silk stockings, and have jetted medallions for ornament i. Colored Spanish lace is worn on woolen costumes in Paris and London. Spanish girdles of iridescent beads are another of the pretty ornaments fer bleck house dresses or dinner costumes. Silk sod woolen jersey stockinet hats are novelties. They are made over a felt shape, but being mucbdearer than felt and not "dreeey," they will prob ably not be very populsr. Corduroy jackets will be much worn by young girls. Astrschsn is again a favorite trim ming. Woolen dress fabrics embroidered with tinsel and with fries palm leaves, and also with silk cord, are novelties. Bands of velvet -at vied armlets are worn outside of the sleeves, near the top, and fsstcncJwith an ornamental clasp. White batiste collar, hemstitched. are allowed efter the firt three months of deep mourning. New and beautiful semi-long visiles of black velvet brocaded with bronze and gold leaves are imported. Tbey are lined with gold colored 8 tin sub lime, and trimmed with broad bands of blsck Liblinette, sprinkled with tiny flecks of gold. Sealskin borders sre much i ripoe the new tsilor suits of dark urc n sut goldsnbrown cheviots for Wl .;r wear. Marabout is to be a very c hie ht , an am 1ai h.r f t trie . w garniture later in the aeasc be found not only in the ligt shades but both combined i stripes. 4s a novelty com materiel, 27 inches wide, 1 yard. Who knows how many SllS I 4 green there are ? Moss green with crimson i ,snrpec ally charming combination, f which .i exsmple ia seen in a dress wi ft skirts af crimson cashmere and a bot'ii-i f sreen velvet, while a wide striped ntlVv ..udi combining the ssme two colors is tied in a bow at the middle of the back. The sasb is ten inches wide, and a aingle length of it is set plain in the front of the skirt, with plaited panels of cahhruere opening over it. Striped cuffs and a deep striped plastron are added to the bodice, oomnletiot? the r s .9 pretty combination. Lighter greens are to be most in favor this season. Light vioaigrs or absin the green flannels trimmed with a still paler shade being used in bridal outfits. Bronze or myrtlgreeu velvet is hand somely combined, for a fall dress, with aprico-satin brocade. The very expensive patterns of bead decoration are marvel., of artistio rieh nees end V'au'y ; li ,. in wide bands to be sold by the yard, pendant orna ments in epecisl designs for vest, corsage and sleeve decorations ; appliques in floral and Byzmtine devices in amber, ruby, bronze, etc., showing wonderful effects in shading and color schemes. "Donkey's ears" are now ''begonia lssves" in millinery parlsnce. Embroidered oloth bonnets will be worn to mstrh embroidered costumes Black toilets sre trimmed with lead battels. Crabs, Oysters, grasshoppers, beetls and spiders are tke latedt realistic brooches. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PIRE Cod Liver Oil wltk HypophosphHesas a Remedy far Consumption. Dr. H. J. Pratt, Montello, Wiscon sin, says: 'After a thorough test of over two years, I voluntarily recom mend your flcott's Emulsion to those afflicted with consumption." TWB NOTED MlTftBts Wfco Uave Waa t'ortwaee end Vthsi Tin f Say A boat tac Lite. j From btayo Whinpen. Blly Kmerson his recently inU a phenomenal success In Austrulli, i f and Is rieh. Emerson wus bom m i i! fi t in 1840. He began his career with Joe Sweeney's minstrels In Washington lo 1850. Later on he Jumped Into promlneoce with Newcomb's minis trels with whom he visited Germany. He visited Australia In 1874 and on his return to America joined Haver ley's minstrels in San Frsnclsco at $500 a week and expenses. Witn this troupe he played before her msj. osty, the queen, the Prince of Wales, and royalty generally. After this trip ho leased the Htnndard theatre, San Francic, where for three years he did the largest business over known to ininestrelsy. in April last he went to Australia again, where ho has "beaten the record." "Billy" 1 n very handsome fellow, an excellent singer, dances gracefully and h a true humorist. "Yes, sir, 1 have travoled all over the world, havo met all sorts of poo. pie, corno in contact with all sorts of customs, and had all sorts of experi ences. One roust have a constitution like a locomotive to stand It." 11 Yes, I know I seem to bear It like a major and I do, but I tell you candidly that with tin perpetual change of diet, water and climate, If I had not maintained my vigor with regular use of Warner's ssfe cure I should have gone under lougago" George H. Primrose, whose name Is koown In every amusement circle in America, U even raoro emphatic, if possible, than "Billy" Eraersoo, In commendation of the same article to sporting and traveling mon general ly, among whom It Is a great favor ite. Emerson has growu rich on the boards and so has Prim row, because tbey have not squandered the public'! 'favors." tniei pacts. The quantity of oil contained In ollvea varies from twenty to sixty per cent., depending upon the varie ty, stxe and ripeness of the fruit. The general average of the human pulse, though the exceptions are very numerous, may be put at birth at 140; two years, 100; from sixteen to nine teen, eighty; atamsnhood, seventy- six and old age sixty. The English Stathticsi gaiety's Journal shows that the mean dur ation of life In England has Increased during the last fifty years. Io males It has risen from 39.9 to 11.0, and In females from 41.9 to 45.3 years. In a paper read before the French Academy of Science-, It is stated that n roan fifty yearn of age nleepe away nn aggregate of 0000 days, works iway the samo period, eats away joon rlsv.-r. walks nw.iv KIM daws and I is III 500 days. The present low rates of post n go are i striking contrast with those of I ... - inc years ago, when it cost for a Uifl k tier carried not over thirty miif. c cenie, Ics than eighty miles u ii e ots, !, than 150 miles loj coots, 40U rutisM fifteen conta. Acccrdinj: to German hlstologist, there are in th cerebral mass 300,- 00U.O00 nervc-ceilr, each an Indepen- dam organism and microscopic brain Of those nerve-cells bo estimates that 5,000,000 die every day and that every sixty days the brain is replaced. On the continent of Europe, rail way locomotive engines give only one short, low whistle on approach log a station. In England they keep up a soul-piercing scream for several miles. It Is not necessary to say what they do in thi? country. Their victims may be found in many luna tic asylums. A Buddhist temple which will cost $$,000,000 !s being built in Kioto, Japan. It Is said that more than a ton of large ropes, made of their own hair, contributed by the women of Japan, will be used to haul the tim bers for the temple to their place. This temple is to be a Mecca for the faithful all over tho empire. If ever the Persians reach the ad vanced stte of morning papers, they may have them printed on bread, ko that they could read te news while oatlng. For In Persia bread is made in large flaps, sometimes a yard long, which are very fiimilur to a black smith's apron, not only in shape but in color and toughness at the same time, Michigan is getting to bo so un trustworthy a republican state that - v s tht-re i little money and no fuu in ! running the Detroit Pott, the leading W sa . a republican organ of the state, ana it Is about to change hands again. This time the Nimock Bros., proprietors of the Minneapolis Journal, have bought it. They are republicans, but not of the rabid variety, and may make a business sue cess of It. ron i.Au at iesib. Two Fieneh investigators have fouml that thtrelfeeMc reabtanee of most pure metals iletiftases with a lowering tern- peraturjr. Two tuiorosoopists, Dr. Nussbaurxt iand 1)1. Or iiber, have artificially multi plied Infusoria by cuttipg thsm in halvfs, each half becoming a perfectly developed animal. From nearly 400 singers, including no Germans or Italians, Dr. Lenox Browne has secured testimony that the use of alcohol and tobacco injures the tinging voloe. In southern Uusaia vineyards are freed from phylloxera by planting hemp near the infeoted vines. The parasites are attracted to the hemp by its strong edor, and the roots trove to be poison ous to ibssa. Prof. Al LenJmeik, chief director of the Norwegian Fiheries, fieds that under faforable condition a sslwon may aomtimea jump sixteen feet per pendicularly, and that when the fish's leap is a foot or two abort of the height of the waterfall It often auceeeds in completing the ascent by a dextrous use of the tall. The results of ea investigation com meueed io 1842 to ascertain the maxi mum aad minimum percentages of al cohol and acetic acid which genuine ap.ile juice would produoe are publish ed by Mr. W. French Smith in the Journal uf the American Chemical So ciety. Tbey indicate that a good cider should contain abjut five per cent of aloohol, and a fair sample ought sot to fall below four per cent ; and if lets than 3 per oe.t the eider must have been dilated or prepared from extreme ly bad apples. Again, while a genuine ci 1. r vioeaer mav contain lees than ear four per cent of scetic acid, a good at tide should contain about five per eent, and vinegar prepared ftom the better grades of cider will represent from 5 to 7 per cent of acidity. Apples must be carefully selected to yield a vinegar about seven or eight per cent. raaawsAts Jenny Liod oesimelly itg in Putney Cbsrch, L in Ion, though, of ojurse, her voice is only he ghos. of whst it uaed to be. Sir Isaac Nowton wsa born so email that ne could not be dressed, aad it is said that Henry Ward Becher "could have beau pot into a quart pit" when he first saw the light. Tie Duke of Norfolk was not horn blind, crippled or imbecile, as has been reported. He lost his eight io an at tack of scarlet fever, but otherwise his physical and mental faculties are per. feet. The Duke cf Argyle saya that by tar the Isrgt-at returns possible from five acres of rursl land in Sco'.land are to bs obtained by apade labor, and the stalling of cows fed upon the crops so rsiaed. The Mahdi cf Weat Africa ia a cheer ful ruler. He aaya be is commissioned by God to kill every Pagan be meets. This might lead some people to the in quiry : Why did the Creator make a Pagan at all 1 Sir Henry Thompeou says that all enteric fevers, such aa typhus cholers and the Oriental plague, are doe to the positive pollution in the air and water. The cholera comes from the month of the Ganges, the yellow fever from the mouth of the Mississippi snd the plsguo from the month of the Nile. It is rather complimentary to the German people that for every German girl who comes to this country seek, log employment at house-work, there are 50 applications. Gen. Butler says that the guns which echoed In the service of his country hurt his hearing somewhat. That is quite lucky for tne general was uncomfortably nesr them at times, but we wonder If the gun of '84 did not aggravate the difficulty. Almost at the same moment that tho snarling Hoar, of Massachusetts, was saying at the republican state convention that "in many states of the south the republican minority of the right to vote and tho right of free discussion," the state convention of colored men at Lynchburg, Va. were declaring that the colored men for 25 yearn had adhered to their republican associates "and raised to power and placed men who grew wealthy while administering the laws of the United States government in the southern states ;" but that the republicans had "practically abandoned" them "in all matters whore the negro ought to have had recognition in proportion to . m a II oting strengt h ana mteiiigonce y that "the sad occurrences" which have "spilled our blood and created a bitter race antagonism which now retards our progress and makes it difficult lor us to live in the land of our birth, are largely traceable to the mismanagement of the federal office holders in our section." N H In coin distributed to our customers every 80 days until further notiee FIRST DISTRIBUTION NOV. 1st, 1885, Coin in Burknart Bros., hands and will b fl iflt.eiVinf r1 Ks Hl. a. x a parties, and in amounts have an equal chance in OUR Por the Pall and Winter All our purchases are made for r ' rnSwuiYwf?' nd PPOse to sell cheaper than any store in the Willamette Valley for either cash or produce, ibomeand Se cure some of the rare bargains offered and look over our 5, 10 thTSoaeTe ALBANY. OREttON, Sept. 1st, 1885, THB l4tfttt aaE Hi nee the discovery of paper lrom rage, about 90.) A. D., we date the paper age. Since then all baa been easy enough. Books took the lead, newspapers followed, period Icals.mag ssices and trade journals closed the triumphant march toward complete happiness. Scientists, always short sighted folk, began to look upon the paper age as nearing Its do. Poor souls I paper bags and paper boxes made them smile; paper boats paper bairels and paper wheels gave them a chill lo the dorsal reglou; paper col lars aad psper handkerchiefs set t hem hemming and hawing; paper bottles, paper tea caddies and paper chimneys created quite a flutter in so-called "scientific circles:" paper timber and paper flooring render them rather uneasy; paper shirt fronts and paper slippers broke them down entirely. But the end Is not yet We are, in reality, only just enter ing upon the border, so to epeak, ef the genuine paper age. In a few short years, In our paper shirts and paper trousers, we shall sit down to our paper tables, upon our paper chairs, and drink our coffee out of paper cups and eat our eggs with paper spoons. When we go out of a morning, we shall make ready our paper shoes, psper overcoat, paper gloves, paperfumbrella or paper cane and paper hat; kiss the baby, happy In bis uaper pinafore, trip lightly down the paper stairway, over the paper sidewalk to our psper carriage, and start down towo, and ooutinue our noiseless rideorer the paper pave ment, stopping once more, possibly to order the latest paper novelty for our better-half. O no, ye wie men, the end of the piper age is not yet. It takes 250 bushels of potatoes to make one ton of starch and one good dote of Epsom salts will take all the starch out of a man. So you see this a funny world. The retina of the living eye baa been photogrsphed by two English operators. Oaring to the non actinic eolor of the retina, an exposure of twenty minutes by gaslight was required with an extra sensitive gelatine plate. Although small the negative shows the bifurcation of the blood vessels, and aho .he edge of the blind spot. Much complaint Is heard because Mr. Adlai E. Stephenson, the First Assistant Postmaster-General, waa absent from Washington a week on a visit in Illinois. It is urged that dur Ing the time he was away only 100 f mrth-class Postmasters were remov ed, ard if he had remained at his desk the number would have been increased to 500. But Stephenson is back now, and has resumed opera tions at the old atand. The fact of the business Is that the country can not get along very well without Stephenson, and when he goes off on a little trip you bet the Democrat8 miss him. The Administration can get along very well without some of Its officials, but Stephenson Is not one of thera. He is dear to the Demo cratic heart, and thej want him to take no more trips not even for a day. NEW DEPARTURE BY Allen & $100.00 1 . from $2.50 to $25.00, proportion to the amount NEW STOCK Cannot ha aurnoaanrl aifoSA. i sssS and 25 Cent Connters, bUt What yU would W eable N. H. ALLEN & Co., NOTICE. haying concludod to close out Mb twines, now offers Ms entin lUt r STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with Ms entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As tMs is a genuine closing out, now is the time for hon o replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY, FEB. i)th 1&$. The Reaaty of l'oulfa. No matter how handsome or stalwart a young man airy be otherwise, notbio ling cm make up for a partially bald head. Sbiotng talents are attractive, but a shin snming is it a shin- lag poll is not. The cause may be sick- eeea or anything else, yet Parker's ilair Balaam with mup the loss of the hair and start a new growth of glossy and soft hair so quickly aa to surprise yourestoring the original oolor at the same time. Not a dye, not ally, delicately pjrfumed, On ly standard 60c dressing. Tke Neat Agreeable As well aa the most effective method of dispelling headaches, colds and fevers, or cleansing the system ia by takicg a few doses of the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Pigs. 50c and fl bouies ror sale by r outlay A Mason, uang- don A Co. A Safeguard. The fatal rapidity with which slight Colds and Coughs frequently develop into the gravest maladies of tho throat and lungs, is a consideration which should impel every prudent person to keep at hand, as a Household remedy, a botue of AVER'S CHERRY TECTORAL. Nothing else gives sueh immediate relief and works so sure a cure iu all affections of this class. That eminent uhvsieian, Prof. F. Swcctxer, of tho Maine Medical School, Brunswick, Me., says : "Medical science has produced no other ano dyne expectorant so good aa Atbb's Casaav Pectoral. It is invaluable for diseases of the throat and lungs The same opinion is expressed b the well-known irr. 1. tl . auuisou, or III., who says : "I have never found, In thlrty-ftve years of continuous study and practice or medicine, any prcparaUon of so great value as Aran's Casaar rscTosAL, for treatment of diseases of tho throat and lungs. It not only breaks up colds and cures severe cough a, bat is more eflectlva than anvthtng else in relieving even the moat serious bronchial and pulmonary affections." AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Is not a new claimant for popular confi dence, but a medicine which is to-day saving tho lives of the third generation who nave come into being since It was first offered to the public. There is not a household in which this invaluable remedy has once been in troduced where its uso has ever been abandoned, and there is not a person who has ever given it a proper trial ror any tuross or hiiijj uibwwho mim-cu-iible of cure, who has not been made well by it. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL has, In numberless instances, cured obstinate cases of chronic Bronchitis, Larnygitis, and even acute Pneumonia, and has saved many patients in the earlier stages of Pulmonary Consumption. It Is a medicine that only requires to be taken in wnall doses, is pleasant to the taste, and is needed in every house whero there are children, as there is nothing so good as AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL for treat ment of Croup and Whooping Cough. These are all plain facts, whieh can bo verified by anybodj prilled hv anvbodv. nnt and should bo rc- membered by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral TREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggiaU. Co.- I i. ..l . .... Every customer shall purchased ' " yilvo OT nJ- 57 First Street, Albany, Or. Red Crowiiliill (SON, LAMING A CO., P16P1 saw Fsocass flock stmsuea ton AJfD BaJBKBS USB. BEST STORAGE FACILITO Highest .Price in Cask Wheat ALBAIMYIOR. DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. fl. Goitre.) DEALERS IN- Farm Machinery WAGONS, HACKS, NUB Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES STEEL GOODS, D. M. JONES, ML D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOIf. ALBANY, OREGON. Office at residence on Third and Wealfe ingtoa Streets, RATKS OF CHABOBS. (with 25 per eent extra at night.) Visits in town, $1.60, Visits in the country, f 1 per mile fer iMl first two miles, and 50 cents fer esoh aMfe tional mile, not including ferriage. Meaicmes rurntsned rbb while vtsn ing patients. bstetrios, five dollars and c. , ' V OL VKRTON, O. "B. ; W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW J Office up stairs in Fro man's Brick ALBANY, OREGON. F on SALE. ono nunarea and forty eeres, a . miles above Lebanon. 40 aeres ia tivatlon. 10 acres slashed and Rrasa Comfortable dwelllnf, outhr uses. Cheap. Inquire el office. T. J, STITES. ATTORNEY AT BAND- Notary Public LAW gon on the 2th day of Augttsfc, ISM.