STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. BraaaalSIsi Mrwl. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION sfsjM oopT. pa jras. ,n. SUlrf! XJT, par JW. " In! sofV, x m.imii- inirl copy, thra snottths turla MMMT SS W B 00 1 60 n 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 3. ST RAH AN. ATTORNEY AT IiAW. Mate Hittbts t m o r r at , m ISMf I II II I I 1 IT " I 1 I III I I I III I . IT I I If I " VOL. Xl. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1885. SO. n Albausy. MiffBCl IN Alili tmjv 1 ttV will olv . " V!7i .,..n..ti.m and nroltate ipeoiai mipnviuu matter. , . . v 40tf Omoe in Foster's new brick. wr 1HTILL L. H. MONT ANTE. XTTORNEYAT LAW. Notary Public. aitaatnv. re-. Office upstairs, over John Brjtoro, TEST YODR BAKING POWDER TO-DAY! pran1. adrartlsad a. atamlvtaljr par OOltVAXlT AMMONIA. THE TBSTi ritm ran top down on n but .! untt) hsatsil, than th. -'ir anil im ll A oheinwt will nut bo r t)uirvl to a.Uvt tho pmmm ot amaionla. lt atret. J K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC) robata natur. cromo in odd F.iuwt Tsropia. ll r. o. wwy - vtrT POWEIils o"l,'v' ATTORNEYS AT I-w And Solicitor in CVwigg Co7lE. promptly made on nil points. Losns rested on Jonah e term.. ssTOfnce In Foster's Brick. jTj. whitney, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON. mti 1 1 .s. in n nf tho Conrta of Will linens , - - , L ,t.t-i All business Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANGDON & CO., DRUGGIST. n,.t,. sttinnerv snd Toilet Articles, A Iatk. Stock and Low Price. OiTT T3RXJO- STORE, tyl 4.LB1XT. OstEtiO- FOSHAY & MASON, vholxlal aw aatArfc Druggists and Booksellers, A (rents tor John B. Aden's jj!H !! which we sell at publisher's -prices with postage added. ALBANY, OREOOH. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. its iiKALTiinuiss at NEVER assi vwrioxss. In a million home. f r a nnArt.r of eaalurjr II hai towU tba roMMiateiM" rvllbl. tv.t. THE TEST OF THE OVEN. PRICE UAK1M; l'OWDEUCO., MAKSti ' T Dr. Price's Special FlaYoiw Extracts, tk.llmtnl.Ml tl.'Motn m4 wMMl Dr. Price's Lapulin Ytast Camt Vor l.l.-ht. lli-nllhy Hrra.t. Th Be. I Vrj II u Yml la tlw World- BY FOR SALE CHICAGO. for by CutUttf. Msrto Co, PortUwd. Or CROCERS. bT. LOUIE. SPECIAL EXTRACTS IE THE ERAD LETTS E OHHK A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc, FIESCRlPTiOW CAREFULLY FILLED. Albany, Or. "FURNITURE. Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only atock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come anu sew. Undertaking, A. complete etook and can give SATIH FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, MOST PERFECT MADE lrvst awl stroimest Natural Fruit Flav,.r Vanilla, l-mon Oranjf. AlroonO. , ew flavor as delicately and naturally aa tlw fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. T. LOOTS, For by CiUtittj Mart nJ Co.,PorOMl. Or futicuxa A POSITIVE CURE FOR EVERY. FORM OF BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASE FROM PIMPLES TO SCROFULA. nisriUURINC HUMORS, Humiliating KnipUon.. u i-. .i.i,,.. uui lsurninir rni iw"". N,rn, aiid Avery aca of Itching, Meaty. Pimply, Inherited, SerofulottA, and ConlaytoUA IM.mSM m calp, mmm the HIimkI. Skin, and HcaI infAiicy to .,1.1 air., arc positively cv IwAVsn, to ewlii.w-i J-unOcr . i:r. t Sksi. run. aiiu an A(,uiiU Bkin btauuncr, ew."j Ith ljmit Uair, from by BEBEEEEl i i i I. i i 'll I III - OVMt , ECZEMA CI RED. Iwaa afflict d with Fxxwna on tba Elp, Kar. and Neck, which th Draffiwi. W I jpE your rwaediea, pronouneAd cm ol the worn eym . . u, hi. tii.tii. Il AdvlaAO me to tiy your Ci Ttct aa Rr.t.iAA. And Alter B oa. ue SVSwMS ,rt.l y C t,re'y 'ZZ ' and I h,f in another week t. naA my the other pattol my gaua gUADBf 190 E. 4th HU, New York. EjCABS AM) MORES. I have batn afflicted ainca l-t March with a Bkln the d.Ktor. caltad Ecmba Mt law d.vered with acab. and wrea "J Jg hurning were S sfikajRS lajlaE IJJ ,pv' "'"UL" ". ."JTiaWvm. inuraally. lor lotir month.. I call myen mrw, a which I make ClTeTT EDMIK. Broad Brook, Conn. Revere House, Corse. Vint and ElUwertE Albany, reg.s. W Garrett, Prop'r. Tablet 8trin(f A food Sample Room for Com Thi. new H'ja' U fitted up to .nnolied with the beat the .market afford. Beds hi every Boom inerciAl Traveler. tarVrr Ceaeb to and fresi the If ntel.W The tuuaeum of the Desd Ltter Of fio u( the Poat OHioe Detriment Rrowt more intsrestinfr ever day. It i lo cated in an unfortunate part of the building, and is but seldom found by ordinary viaitora. One of toe urat thing of interest to be seen upon en tering is s fine-looking old lady, who acta aa the curator of the museum and general guide. This lady presents to every visitor a printed Ntaietnent, in which is contained the following : The whole uumber of dead letters re- oeivedduriug the last year was 4,843, 099, or an ayerage of 15,673 for each working dey. Of these, 3,719,380 were sent hers because they were not ealled for at the post-oftioes to which tbsy were direct! ; 1 1 L',G48 were re turned to post-oftioes by hotel-keepers, and thence sent to the Desd Letter Of fice beceuso the departed goes' for horn they were ti.tended failed to leaves new address ; lif ,oo were sent here because they were insuffici ently prepsid for mailing ; 1,797 be cause they contsined srtioles forbidden to be trsnsported in the mails ; 314, 719 becauae they were erroneously or illegibly addressed ; while 14,134 bore no subset tption whstever. The num ber of parcels of raerchendUe, books, clothing, needlework, jewelry, etc , re- AAtvod dm in.' the mar was 09.637. Of ... . , , j the dotnestio letters opened, 17.3K7 contained money, amounting to $33, 770.17 ; 20,204 couttioed drafta.chrcks, ntnnav nrdra. etc.. tO the amount of HIVMV w - p $1,576,948.13 ; 84,088 contsiot-.d jKst sgeatampa; 34,399 contained receipts. paid notes, snd cancelled obligations of all sorts ; 38,318 contame 1 photogtaphs sod 25,554 uonuioed srttcles of mer chsndise. The erticlee reoivtHl which csn neither be delivered to the petson addrtanftd m.r returned to the aeutltr re sold st suction, and thi lttrs are destroj ed. After digesting these atatutlc, or declining to do so, as the caae may 1, thn vinitor is shown a lot of clerks st work "robbing" dsd letters. Hpecis efforts sre msde to impreas the vieitor that be ia not allowed to go near these clerks : ihst the contents of the letu-ra are kept wonderfully sacred, and that thev are very valuable. Thia rosy be all true, but there are very few busi i i t - .ll I. . ,.,11 nsss m'n wno woutu g1"" wwwi for s hslf bushel of thew, ss a specula tion. But to the nauseam. It conaisU of three large double-decked cases,wbicb contain si most everything, 'from s knitting-needle to s steam engine." Hers and there are packed op patent medicines, of every conceivsble kind from corn-destroyers to lung-bealers ; pads for everything, from the besdachs to chilblains ; shoes of all kinds, from those worn by the Arctic travtler to those worn by the slmoneyed Chios msn. Ah, sb, hers ia s real tsrity s lock of hair of the ssssssin, Guitesu ! He bsd sent it to sn admiring female, witbacsfd, aa follows : "lh'8 con- l-. . k.U Czarina OuiUaU." I w.h a a i k a a w a a tm a a . w wv-r head but somehow they failed to do o. The skuU was left in the otliot of the prosecuting attorney for om timr, and be sent it by mail to tho party who would hsve returned it, but in the mssntime he himnelf hsd died. The skull wsi returned to the pott-ollioe snd the postmsster sent it to the Dead Letter Office. It hss remaiotd here aver siuoe. Now then some of the Dead lietter Office elm lis tell vitdtuts, in s strictly conQdentisl wsy, that the skull is thst of Guitesu. It whs onoe pointsd out to mo as the skull of Wits, tho AnderaonviHe murderer. It is quite sppropriate that there houM bw a 09 giving the history and soiuo incidents of the American dead- beat, Thi museum has several Sue . A A .1 I . A SHH.IIUU). U06 01 llietn l a uirty outT, which was left iu a hotel room by ti owner. El is sll ha lalt at that bottd for three week' board, x ha hotel men heard where the brat bad goue, and returned him the cuff with the ap pended lines. Hut he only put s on- . T . . J cen stamp m tbo package ; anu a ynx ved poatmaster, seeing that there was writing on the cuff, seised it sad aunt it heie. The sender did not sign his name, and the post-office did not know to whom to return it. The beat jumped from the hotel. It will remain bore, fhe Hnea are as follows ; Oh what a blowing the railroad, are llw happy I fell In the laat car That wafted me around far away Front the man ho iiiAiated I Ahould ay. IU w,uld have my m . or ruin my nanw J Hut I beat 'cm ail bad at little game. And think I mcded tbem enough Wbon I wont and loft them thi dirty cuE. There aro fhreo pack of cards, a half ft en boxes of dominoes, a faro Uy out, e clergyman' necEcloth, E allkliat (ilude pattern,) sn Iron hltt h- ing-post and a eoffeo pot, a stddU, a leather hat-box, n valise, e doxeu e its of false toeth, a half dox-on leaves of bread, rovolvere, brass knueklee, nod ugly looking knives, one of which H Is said was used to kill an en Ire family In Minnesota. Then here er.' Iirgo tiuantltles of other things, fancy actltlos, n.t !, bultis, pleased fowerM,needlework snd paint ing, too numercus to mention. It will rt DMV anv.ino who tskes the " - m w w trouble to hunt up tho museum. Mac. to a eat not to ta The Ohio clerks in Washington, of the Hepublicsn faith, sre ssid to be oonsideiing whether it is worth while to go huruH to vote this fall or not. Heretofore they never wsrs given sn opportunity fjr considering the matter. They were re quired to go borne and vote by ths political leaders, who weie upiosed to be all poweiful with the appointing tower. That settled the matter. The clerks invariably were on hsnd at the palls on election day nd voted the party tieket. At the present juncture matters are iu an entirely different he. There is nobody whS an hurt them if they dju't go. Tim ii is a healthy far in the minds of joum of tl.em that they might hate ioosaion to regret it if they did go. Vny ot them have exhaust ed their tbrty diys' leave of abatmce and, as the present sdministration does not gtart morn than the thirty days without deluding from the salaries for the time bit, they have an excellent excuse for Bt going. While there is no evidence thst dng tome to vote would rest soy efficient osrk bis plsce, ss there la nobody sEndiog ready to decapitate biro if he bes not go it may be tsken fcr grant d Oat ths migrstion to Ohio st t?lction tme will tie rouob less this year than fflual. The story of President Cleveland's Hut oil portrait, which he Is soon to rivr. 1 a bit of romance for so a vvv v - tincticsl minded a man. The picture cones from Home, end wss pointe byen Italisn who never sew the or (glial. L. H. Montgomery sn Amer lent ntwpHr msn In Rome wrote e hf. of President Cleveland, (toon aftr hh i d.'dl on, and U) Impress upon the ltdians the rapid rls of public mtn in this country be contrasted 1'reel tlnt t'lovt land's career wltn tout o tie Itsllsn Prime Minbtor, a man al ready venerable. The story touched tie popular fancy of tH ltslIant,who i .iotMn d ilie I'rt'Hld. n t . 'heir hero (krthaldi STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE WILLAMETTE YALLEL Bpsetal btn.inoKA) notices In Local Col umns n cents per line. Regular Local nolle 10 cents per line. For legal and transient ad vertlaemenls $1 00 per wjuare for thefirat iasertlon,and &0 cents per square for each subsequent iHEErtlea. Hates for other sdvertisements msfe known on application. NEW DEPARTURE BY N H Allen & Co.. $100.00 in coin distributed to our customers every 60 days until further n otice FIRST DISTRIBUTION NOV. 1st, 1885, n?. Ind Ykn,n8 "fittSft TJS 7 disinterested EIwa? TJEZJSStSSSP .1 $250. Every customer shall have an equal chance in proportion to the amount purchased. OUR NEW DTOOK t?or the Pall and Winter cannot be surpassed, either in nrice or aualitv. All our purchases are made for Much at BANKRUPT SAJJBS, and we propose to sell cheaper than any store in the w uiameiLe v auey ior eitner cash or produce. Come ana se cure some of the rare bargains offered and look over ouif 5, 10 and 25 Cint on liters, where thero is not one article but what you would have to pay double the money elsewnere ior. N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street. Albanv Or. 7 ALBANY, OREGON, Sept. 1st, 1885, reixowa msinest Tbe unveiling of the monument, in Hsrlem Park, Haiti more, U the mem ory of the lato James L. lUdgely, isjcrotary to tbe sovereign grand lodge I of Odd Fellows, took place Sept. 22 la the presenee of an Immense throng. dlvls- NOTICE. a ..r,w...i.irt f irmiHl to elEnt Moliotrl, a U .m to artist J inlUnr nf uolformcHl pstrlsr- tpliodtoMontmorytoobtsIn him Jurisdictions, encamp- jrmlsslon to paint the presidents . "t portrait. The request wee forward. ments snd lodges from Pennsylvania, Kontucltv. Deieware, rew ed and In due time a photograph snd Yofk lodlHMf Missouri, Ohio, Tbe St. Paul Pioqeer Preas publisbtE wbst purports to be a careful and ex hsnstive study of the wbest-rsiaing in Ju.a.r In India. Tbe total acreage for the prssent season is put st 27 ",vH)0 an increase ol 1r" ovtr ,Mt yesr. In 1 884 ths totd yielJ wss oesr y 2GO.000.000 bnsbsla sod ss other ceresls form the staple of consumption to thst country a large portion of this pr ,.Uct wss sent to foreign markets. Tiie imijortance ol these facu to Ameri cn wbest growers is very great, par- s polite noto of thanks were received from Secretary Lsroont. Now Moll nsrl h coming orer to present nis picture es the free-will offering of En I '"Mats lsSSESMMSA. The New Orleans Times-Dtmocnd, publbhlng reports from almort every southern sUte, shows that the cotton orphan children of deceased Oda Follow, eocaroproeuts and lodges from Virginia, West Virginia, Rhode At A I I 1mmA. Cmnectlcut ana .narytauu. x,.o .uunuurau. wMuovriiou oy auv- 6 reign Grand Sire Garvey. who made an approprUte address upon the lire Mr. Rldgely. crop will be much larger than that ot One sweetly solemn thought comes to 1884 j the corn crop will be the tar- us o'er and o'er and o'er and o sr sod at e-tarutlnthosouthlormany jeara o'er and o'er and o'er sndore Acre. gSSSEfSJ SB wwwwa - I ... . t . t lArtrt vawsinl perhaps the largest ever known; the Thst ts, tnsi vne w.r .. u,... e sugar crop, while It will perhaps not ago, but there sre s great many mors ' .... u S.ailM. iaa m atramt fnan more bat- of proiucinw a u nense : rice Is better in ter fought er were fought from 18b 1 haying concludod to close out Ms business, now offers Ms entire stock of STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As this u a genuine closing oat, now is the time for honsewiT 8 o replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY,FEB. 9th 18345. CtTtct aA Raaawie are solo rTeryhrt l'rir-v l'ticc aa. IS. ;RsaoLVAT, SI lawar. EEj. IWjd the Porraa oato ao ,mm... Mow ts Caire SEIn DUeaae. Maa. ScmS for avt lava expense, rice is oomj. tvr LatiaUlans, sod little change Is re- to '65. .i. Bf.-m.a the ranrtsd from other states, wheat will R.,ltrn. from tbe third distriot of HIOW WJ tfWVVM.W - I p--e-wr awwww probably show an improvement over A rkmnMg ,it Mcltea, Democrat for There is aothiog new in last yoar ; oats and sroEll food crops by about 5,000 majority v.u-7 - . hmi don of AbU aro generally goou, double tbe majority gten uou'i know wny u never re. - . ... rMnec, w,n eauKl. If not exceed tnai oi las .nd neither did the old lady; and on- rm - ; - t. S . I -...(I. mmm 1 . fmni fill small larma ot nio mmuww-. tr 100 tssr cent, mors tbsn in Indis. In commenting on New York Commercial Bulletin sensib tv remarks; lesr. the lady fn question wanted it for but thsao statements, from a seemingly that tre B1U PI.BH. Blackh.da, Skin Kasalasas asd Baby rliSl Ilotnora. ) i Ccnct aA Soar. . . . . t. ll infnrmad source, show adimemuum, i don't Enow wny -nc . ' . , f. antttoranh nrogrssB " touch - ever asked for it. tttached is the mwm . L. U Art wtlintl Clln year, ine souto is oov imi. the saddle" es It is in tne nerves wsgon. ocrstic ca ndidate laat November. heat, ( gllk IE THE AC. ' .tltch b. ths sMa, sassssL stssssss sswawAw pa- . . . , c t. .u. rnahrhe- aid vu- stroogest-loukiog cuiorspoy u ww- AT.RANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OB. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., loth, 1H85. tor particular, concerning tba couth ot rtudjr and ... .Mm 1.1 t union. niY w " V ' . ..M.4t. J. C eivai"', - clesiest and generally supiosed, It the writers es timate will stand the test ot examina- Th result of tbe infsuiou-j electorial j oonsoiraey was the disfranchistnuut ot 4 411,801 voters snd no Using man The Texas cotton growers are learn- mors active part iu the mem- John Sherman baa aucceeded In causing bloodabed in Obto. Fired by his example, Lot Wright has incarna dined tbe brow of Gen. Du-bin Ward, a venerable crippled Union aoldier. Will boatilitiea be continued? All this controversy about ths young est soldier in the war of the rebellion is useless. John Sherman is ths msn. He bss just enlisted. ith her Red CrownMills IS0M, LAKXIXG & CO., PROFITS. v y. v PROCESS FLOtTK SCPSKIOE FOR VA3CTUES ASD RAKERS USE. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest IPrice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. Yet ternal pain ana acne w" eU with wonderful celerity ny "-"7' oriainal, elegant and -lcdy V,d"?.!" ....I U.A.mmftt oil. the (ATRLSA .ILKA. WArranted the perfection elegant external remedies, and ointr inner. ,7.. Iu. tire esse. tbst s weak mso rill show it in bis . . i .in I - . . n, in that it is not saio to unoui un orti,ie i0t than John onerman. - - - , I . I. Ul . - I. , ihev are out of the woods, uiowmg thig con8UlDraate bypDcrite usee vu uw Mailed free. ton . planer. At orugK"". . 7," free. Porraa Dato aa CSSMMIII Co, . , . , 1 .2 mlv. that 'a bushel of Indian The ordinarily accepteu iaea v. f. wheat can te boiu m uU - m. ..,.nnPmn .. .u.,. k- rWitw frsods bushel from accounts ci in o""""'""' ww- ---r nimssu wa. which was waiting to be gatnerea in of gQuthetn Democrats. STthi perfection of thst S weaK maa w... -mw i" .;,r tn .11 1 ... . ,t .1 1-1 k cents, where tne cost oi a .'Tf .""ST. for si. handwriting, is euectu.. I . XT:t . a..,.. .rtU Iaa ahoet 81. 7 -- - A faaa. I . .. :.. I MS WBtAW ' I . , ,1. ..! op5, ia time the American farmer that state nave ueon wW c r j, ww - was putting bis bouse io. order. HEV. this relic of tbe assassin. .. . . ... . . i u..if Kuidr ia a .... i L . . r- i , r ti ill. mini . ... i. .w .- . .. iMI 44 HINt. I JUt3Ulu ryinglthrougb countle ntrvta for rest and relief. . , t b Bsojimin Franklin. To I.ikft manna to tliechiniren aa.awanw CSlsarsa Pi-aatbr to the mm. SZ. ,-ie. Do not deny your- "". "" TZ:--m .i k thi. imw. erlf the HWAWAi . - : -.ri.m.l Snnamation. Avumni r Iflve for tl. Mailed free, AND CllKMICAL CO., noatOB. Porraa Dauo Aloany Bath House. Tag USDSESIQNKD WOULD RB8PECT fallT inform the eitiwna of Albany and t, nlJrli Ss take- -hargs of thi. Establish sty" Momi and payin V."!:Lo"BiftM7. pact. to it .1 K laT hr with patronage Hsring hsrstofora carried on nowg d!ia.a Hair Dressine Saloons -i,r-vui. nrVTtTtV.K. First National Bank OP ALBANY. OBEtJOS. mil V tu iVNTL'tl Prestaent uirrii.l .-..u:... . V..HIII ifc- ,iKt are n dosen glass jars of pick "ts - . . . , led snakes, centipedes, horned frogs, al ligators, aod other honible things A 0 - .l IPEaVWSSSSWW j m -aw note atUcbed informs all readers mat lndu-trie are advanoing, its tuttural resources are being develop, and nsonle are busy and hopeful. This The South ia to-day the most pros r.ntiu and contented portion of the nicked, and that countrv. Us crops aio large and Bne, gathered will rank low In grade, ow eri The blsr rains of last weex, however, have rendered it certain that some of the cotton wilt never be much or wnai ia hanpooA-i TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking buaineaa. ACCOUNTS KEPT iubject to check. "JP T.? ?Ai?JE .w.?J'tSe!uroC And'' pirtlandl on new lora, on '"--- i i Oregon. ..w. term.. aSSSSSES, B. E. rSBES. Joiia CoHioia, L. E Blain, wimm, II. F. MtRHILL. tht-se hnakes, lizards, centipedes, born- ed frogs, crocodiles and infant alliga tors were sent through the mails alive, in peiforated tin cans. Hucti ireignt under the law is not allowed in tne mails, and all who try it are liable to h.v. ihpir nets captured tn this way, a ww w - I ral Fng to the damage done by the storms. " it. The loss is estimated at several mil- RePUAbcan party a a Chalmers, of Fort Pillow fame is hfdnimr along the Republicans in their bloody shirt csmpalgn in Ohio. It is, perhaps, not singular that so many of the disreputable men of the now allied io tne "Bird of afeath- Confederacy ate wilbe " etc We are under obligations to J. F. Summons. .. . ssit nf Oremoti. for In tlu Circuit court o t Linn county. Jiaper Jenning., PlAlntiff. ra. .iiuT i.nninri. Defendant. To Sallie T. Jeming the above named J) fewlant. IZt you in the above entit.ed Court wi Uda t day. from the date of the aervice ui- you, if aorved within thU County , or it ad in any other County of this State, tne twenty day. from the date of the aervice of this Sum mon. upon yo; orln caae of aerviceby pub. tea ion then you are hereby required to appear and answer the clplaint .lad with the Cerk .LZ . v... nt dav of the next re f dlowlng the explra ffUukr vcrut w - - a a a 1 il.a irli'T and you will 3. L. COWAN. J. W.CU.UCE Linn County Bank, COWAN & CUSICK, ALBANY - - - OREGON tp i nr A errs a. general banking bu.ineai. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New York, San Fran cisco and Portland, urcgon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. Dpciivp Hennaita aubiec. to checa. SfCOLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt .ttention. Hrms. a statement nmt c , .... . i i " , .v: M r,.wiat if there h-llvfid when it IS KUOWtl IM( un atate oi i ii i it K" vuiju. iiw . i uvi.v . . .a, aa bvbvw v B I . ... tnn AS . , T,.i,r.i;cvflintl VO tO were the race oppression and wholesale damaged aree covore . - BSCKeusco, ut.uv a-j - ' T Z his. Senators Hosr larM as the States of New York and tn, arftBd Eocampment of the t O. --o I , 1 Pennsylvania cnmuiupu Mias Cleveland's success book, frcm which shs has realised from tan to twenty thousand dollars, has en couraged her to write a novel, on which she is now engaged. . THE BEST I'alr isjEofallTfi In the world h Hall's : tilt UBXEWEK. It ftirCH all dieaM of . M-aru.aod aiimulntea the bair kIsimK , bi-4l:bful at lion. It Moos tlu- falling of , Ii in ; nrevt-irtH Its tumour gray ; curea i,.;.l;i -...mid restores youthful color and ,'!'!: of n penrnntn to lit-atN slresuy . '.i a w it'.t sse. Tae followlni; art' W . ii ratloBS of what is doue by HALL'S YegetablB Sicilian iAIR REN EWER: I UUIaUVS j w - snd packed in glass jars, so they can be condUion ghown to tbe viaitorH io the Dead Let- J for and Sbei man declaim. As a troe is iudi-ed by its fruits, let tbe South bs The negroes are not calling for protection, nor the voters for bayonets. w. .las. . , A O. F.. now in session at jjauunorw for the reports cf the Grand Sire, It is quite evident tbat tbe old bat- Qrnd Secretary and Grand Areas tie of the people against tbe banking urer tu i.-ai fraud nf 1876 in which AllO Ul.o.l . . tet Museum. f-hMH it wouiu u - better tbiag wre thrown away. In s esse alongside is tbe skull of a . . . ..ti young "lady. Ther is an interesting ..... mi ii I.J itory connected with it. ine om iauj did not know it. It has been kept a secret from ber, and shs will read it the first time if a copy of tba Times ever reaches her, as it probably will. fianorul Vilas is mv author- XrOBtiOjaBVOi -uuv.. Itv. - . - " J I .... . concerned. There was a muruer in thousands of colored voters nave reiua and money-lending interesU of tbe fcsst in defense of silver coinsge hss to be fought over sgain. These interests . ., i , J L. JsmnnahlthOn John Sherman was one of tne cniei once oeiore aecuro.. rTZ . criminals in tbe Louisiana electoral 0f silver and the adoption of the single . a. J Utt a. ennakincr trick. burglary, was the largest wrong per Pe- scauuatu ut """J thM lot in tho South, and since then tens .T . Tilden has contributed 950 to the Nev York. Grant Monu Fund. Now let us bear from mr Havaa w w - Hayes. Mr. Keily is reported as preparing to DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. Goltrs.) DEALERS IN- Farm Machinery WAGONS, H1GKS, BUBBLES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES STEEL GOODS, w '. e r i h! u A tv III IIH IU.UI, ivu-iw w . - la. ir. rw., tSCWKR ZliJZ o- Wh-tta t.ick . Uy m0,. ,. New York .U7 .og.g. m A ..,iu -n,l ainoe then tens of fouaht sgainst the remonetizatton of sil- khe prMtlce 0f law. 10& in tun ouumi, l - , ,i j. vu ?ntlHent color- ver as long and as vtgerously as tney lUUUsauua Ul mo ..... . ,. - -l-.r .,1 wntars have ooenlv voted the Demo- 0ouU, but the bill providing for s Iyer practice . , ... . .... ti i bo uiAkwi . .i .m He t it from one of the parties flrftti(J ticket ftnd other hundreds of coinage and restoring silver o us r.guv- y0ung man may -l " i . . . ., niiun in i oiu M f , , The Beauty of Eouth. No matter how handsome or stalwart a cm make up ...li1iai - , h-Um-orasorilxxi in the order ior VI BBSS "a w . a t obi . Uniuliv ()t .W.n. IWi ir.,w:j::;w r' , f. to ssasrsrssti com plaint for want thereof, the Plalntifl will pU ; .u. for in hi. wmplAlnt. to Court . or v..-.rr:l---- dl. wit; A decree oi uivurtw Aollns the bond, of matrimony now existing be-!.-n Plalntifl snd Defendant, and for such other XtnLr relief a. may be Just and equitable, and for costs and disbursements, lorcosw w Q.PiPKa. Attorney for Plaintiff. eabllshsd by order of Hon B P BoUe, Judye of sal d Court, made at ChamMr. a. ' - MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offlce-cor, First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY - - - OR . . ... Iowa about four years since, a. young yote ,eoaufie their party leaaers, lady was found at midnight, on a lone- jiy appointed by Sherman, were no- Jy road, dying from a blow from some dull instrument. Bha naa oeen em ployed as a cashier in a large manufac turing establishment, and was known to carrv the key of the iron safe of the establishment. Oa her way home, some one struck ber, from behind, tnnk tbe kev, and robbed tbe safe. Two dars afterwards she died. Three . , a, v.,- Vtnrial ber bodv was DlgniB altei " - resurrected by persons wbo intended to retarn it after a plaster cast was made of the indentations on the fore- torious and shameless thieves. It is to be hoped that Governor Hoadly will not meet Senator Sher man on the stump. A julut debate nn rh issue of our fathers would be a trifle moro than thia country could stand. Tbe Prohibitionists expect to poll 35,000 votes in Pennsylvania tbis fall. Splendidlineof ladfes'uifaud winter gar ments at Monteith & Seitenbach a. ful place in tbe coinage was passed in ftre attractive, but a shin the face of their opposition. lilA Ke . mv- 1 Wi, -.Ol. ofn Mm Insa Ot tD6 nair BUtt he rises, but w:',.,",nr -t. the same time. Not - i v. fif- iiriuiLini. wa , , . a dye, not oily, delloately periumea, un- sr. 1 r rt J utaalnif ly stanaaru ovo io.nlu9i mtA inoantations straightway shines forth and is hailed of all, so do not wait to do cood for applause and noise and praise, but do m vAn, own desire, and like the sun IV w J - vou will be loved, 3 .! . Secretary Endicott's Salem residen ce is an ancient-looking dwelling, with quaint little window panes and with out any ornament. But the Interior is comfortable andfeosy. The Mast Agreeable Aa well as the most effective method of r'UfB,h7 ;ieaaant Callfornla" liquid fi,mr nf Pias. 50o and. botUerforsaJle bV Fo9hay A Mason, Lang don A Co. Parties already subscribers to tha Demo prat, who wiah ;w sena vne vy " riend or friends can do so for . . - .filling ..iVav. r oiutt t'-M "''-ni , i lialil. C:w V of I! Hat K- N- v.a;i hronvht ll 1 ahCU tirotru and ii. ck ui wlava she a uui. 3 Mr. Kksuno. an cl.l fiirmer, nenr nyr si a., hat! senm-iv ran liulf k ft, mid a hat i to tht rr was of l seeotwa ' ' white, t,,v bottle of llAI I-'H llAlll UBMitVKK H.-IMu i , f.i!linaotlt,li: I SNVO I lilt ll uik . .. . U, .id ot hair, m brown and Ire.h a. ktt v M hwa S- Mns. A. T. WSUa GrftvftUh Chthirtt r,J wrttM : "l have h irrvRteM ben clU lramthsaaasf Hall's lUm ls:r nwcu. it h ivlnit rsntorrd n v haUr, wbl-h was rt-4tjr Itij, and Ntsr J Its orlulnul cuK i . aa- Dm, Kan. Hutr, Vrf. A'f. a ., certifies lliut "Uaua ItAss fctssawsa 1 exwllcntfor hair irmwliif, and r'ves back Uw natural color to failed and gray uair. acj- Mrs. B. K. Eu.tort, Chnriflt. uv,: "One boll U-i f HaU. a Mah: Hi n .lored wy Hair to its uuiur.u, o,.... . Ko Injurious atibstnneta enter into Hie eomposi'ii.m of HaU. Maih Kknewkk. and ft i nt a dye. Its vSjcetshlo n.-'v-dlents reader It in the hticbot dtyreebt ne lieinl to the acalp hs a preventive of esf. it eBects are nntunu mm min:, and It docs not make tho hair, dry ami brsshy, like tbe so-ealltHl restertitives enn pouuded with alcohol. Buckingham's Dye FOR THK WHISKERS Is. tn four respects, sopcrter t all nther lst It will pr.Kiii.-c a li.uiinil color, brown or black. fl utrt ii. tl The color so prouucttl ii ermRnem, eitnnot be washed off. sod til n m Ii uv thinjf with which i! conn - m roittw . 3tl It i a stejete ureparatton. and more convenient of application than any otBW hair or whisker dye. 4th It contnius no doleterhus tnjrre dients, as do many Dreparstou? oovml for like use. PKKPAKKO BY B. P. HALJj & CO., Nashua, N. H. Sold by all dealers lu metliciues. D. M. JONES, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ALBANY, OREGON. Office at residence on Third and Wash j ington Streets, RATKS OF CHARGES. (with 25 per cent extra st night.) Visits in town, $1.50, Visits in tbe country, $1 per mile for ths first two mi las , snd 50 cento fvr each addi tional mile, not including ferriage. Medicines furnished free whits v!an inn patients. Obstetrics, five dollars and mileage, C. E, WOI.VERTON, O, H, IRVINE. W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW jASfrOtTioe up stairs in Froman's Brick ALBANY, 0REQ0N. F OR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, Bin mileM above Lebanon. 40 seres ia sol tivatlou. 10 acres si a shed a ntl sows p grass. Comfortable dwelling, SM outhouses. Uheap. inquire at. w office. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public- ton on the 2etb day ot au-u.v, 4 W.