3e genwrtat. Kntered at the Pot Office at Albany, Or, a aeoond-cians mail matter. FKIDAY BBPTBMBBB 25, 1 88 r 8TITB3 fc Klitor a4 NarriNQ. I,frlr.r. IIRDr. XI Trim., l.eral R.lltsr. Official Ooaaty Paper. New iiaed nt MrllwalM'. That means a good deal ; not only now gooda, but lota of them, ao many that they have got to le sold way down, in other worda at a bargain. esj merely on paper, but jn fact. New goods, lota of goods, first-class goods, gooda at a bargain. That'a Mcl! wain's motto thia fall. Call and aee if ia not MM KKY OOOVVA DKT ARTttSNT it complete, wall aoleotetl, embracing the very beat thsr ia. It IS CLOAK DKrARTMENT need to be inspected to be appreciated. It M fall of tbo latest and beat styles, aud that's buainoaa. his artw-K or OARrs aaapleodid one, one sure to auit the many varied taatea in the line. HIS BOOT AMD SHOI DEPARTMENT, both for ladies and gentlemen, ia full. Yon will miaa it if you buy without examining thrm. MMnni DSr-ARTMENT contains a good atock of tho lateet atylea bought in alow market and Hold accord ing ly. You can get gonuioe bargains in it. Hit HARDWARE PIT VRTMENT ia an important one and baa provoa a treat convenience to hia cuatnmera. It embracea everything in the line at bed rock prices. It is business to trade v. here you can do the beat. You will be mietaken if you think you hare done ao without oalliug on A. B. M0I1.WAI. NaVXPABKIL- The Nonpareil valyetceus are very desir able for all purposes, aa they are very dur able, and not liable to fade with exposure to the sun, or to spot easdy with rain. The Nonpareil velveteens make elegant costume complete for ladies, and are equal ly desirable to use in co mbinations with ailka o satina. Nonpareil velveteens wear with more even ness than the Lyon velvet. It is not so apt to wear in places, and the cost U about one- sixth. I have just received lino of the above Wnpreil Velveteens, direct from the ascents in New York. Also a full line of ribboas), I tblnk superior to any In this market. Also a obeaper quality of ribbons, In all colors. Also a line of ladles' embro4dariaa,Iadlee' handkerchiefs, waaaat wuu nuvu aa VI sat itlll lino -a uvaivuo Samcel E. Yocmo. swstamigisi. The preliminary examination of Mr. Wil liam Newhouae, whose arrest was noticed in last week's Democrat, took place st Kola, on last Tuesdsy afternoon before Justice Pierce. After the examination of a large number of witnesses Mr Newhouae was discharged In fact the testimony against him is said to have had no weight at all. In this ratter there ia no doubt of bis innocence, now thst the facta to the ease have been learned, On the same dsyof the thai a aait was begun in the Circuit Court of Marion county I y Mr Newhouae ggainat Mrs N. for a divorce. Mr Newhouae js seventy-two yean of age, yet it looks now as if hs would live long enough to again etjty the bliss of aingle blessed Ceateaalal Tesssyeraaee Acrvlres. A Centennial sen ice of the canae of tem pera oca in the United States waa held at Craw fold's Hall on last Tneaday evening. There waa a fair attendance. Addressee were delivered by Revs Irvine and Webb. Tbe former, who was recently in Kansas, gave his observations on the enforcement of the prohibitory law of that state. Miss Flora Masou read an interesting sketch of Dr Benjamin Rush, the pioneer of the temper ance cause in the United States. A scripture reading by Rev Brownson and several tem perance songs made np the remainder of tbe program, an interesting one. KxhlMts rer Mechausles fair In the windows of Cline, Monteith k Co. are exhibited some very fine specimens of apples, which Mr Cline has collected to send to the Mechanics Fair. He desires a big collection not only of apples but of potatoes, big pumpkins, squashes, wheat, in fact every kind of product The name of the raiser "will be placed on each article. The collec tion should be made large enough to speak "well for tbe county. It is to be hoped a greater interest will be taken in tho matter. 1 1 cots little to contribute to such collections, which are big advertisements for a county. Oft far Warms springs. Mr. Jason Wheeler and family left last Tuesday overland for tbe Warm Springs Agency, wbich Mr Wheeler will take pos session of October 1st. The agent there sets 1 000 a year, Under aim is a clerk at $800, a sawyer at 800, a physician at fGOO, a miller at 700, a superintendent of farming at $700, some teachers and other subordinate-. We predict Mr. Whoeler will make one of tbe most efficient and trustworthy of agents in tbe Northwest. The Most Mammoth. List Tussdiy Mr S W Faulkner brought to this office s mam noth Mammoth pump kin which completely paralyzes all other pnmpkina reported in thi county for aeveral years. It is aeven feet in circumference, and weighed 128 pounds on Conrad Moyer's largest scales. It is true that the Cheops of Kypt, tbe Washington monument and the great elephant of Uony liund are more enormous ; but for this little province of the world no vegetable bet-ins to equal it. A Bnnaway. List Wednesday forenom as Riv Acheson, of Oak villa, wai ri lim oist the corner of Washington and Tnird Streets his horao be came frightened at a clothing clerk on a lad dor and ran away, going due west. At the next corner near Judge Strahan's residence it turned towards the Magnolia mills, throw ia Rov Aoheson out but not hurting him seriously. The horse stopped about a blook farther ont with the reootd of several eposes and the thills broken. satis. Steamship "Yaqalna" will loave Ya- quina September iOlh for San Francisco First-class and cabin from Corvallis to 'dm Franofno, 811.0). Tickets at Cline & Monteith'a. Classical. The following from the Koseburg Se esaw la a Just tribute to tho splendid poem published in tho Dkmociiat two weeks ago. Coming from a finished student like Mr. Bell it would be great ly appreciated by the Author of the poem Aa a matter of fact no poem has ever been written and published In the Northwest that for literary merit com pared with that of 4 Prophecy i "In last weeks Dkm hmat appears a poem entitled "A Prophecy" which is local in nature, wri ten evidently by local talent, bear, a olassloal air tliat a In pmud contrast with the sickly ntu ft' that newspapers are continually seek lug to avoid. The poem ivfers to the gods of the ancients and ouuneots our oceans, our plains aud glauts of tho for esU with them an happily that one ia really reminded of the grace, ease and smoothness of a Virgil or a Homer. The foil iwiiig brass a correspondent st Philomsth shows how the poem has bceu re ceived by literary people with a Uato for claaaicsl poetry : Who is "Oanmors" author of "A Pfetjfc scy" waioh sppeara iu your iaaue of the 1 1 th tint. For originality and literary merit we think it will oomme-id itself for favorable consideration to the host authors, and the name ot one win is tho happy poMoinor of such literary genius should be made known to your readers. A Roseburi gmitletnau of tine literary taste was imprest d by tho poem, and writes as as follows in reference to it : "After having carefully rin I t!io p loin I have to say tint I am gUd your journal is building up a market for the literature of Oregon. Joaquin Miller and othera of oar ineu who h ive attained premiiioiioe at ht.-rary characters htvu with oue or IWj exception variably bade ftrewoll to the e.lmy hreesjs ot Oregon to accept p-tsitioua among a cbuM of p ii who w tit to support tlieot in their praise dous. I a:u not sure that 1 kuow who "( ui 'iv i, nut his writings would do no di -jredit to it iy of the tul..ri cl.aial a.itli u i n ! phi i ii n no soul, and ntu m I beauufu. poetry i the breatiim of .he urettoul, sjIimm t litM very iduj i t ku wh that author ka " rrun INrapr On last Sabbath mornioj e veil of the children of our worthy follow cltlseu, V II Caldwell, who livns about two mil's from tho city across the Calapooia la the direction of Corvallis, were coming toS town to church, The approach to tke Cala pooia bridge Is quite long and high, and protected with very weak banister. As their team was just entering the bridge, which Is a ovored on, the team became frightened st the large and flashy adver tising signs pit me 1 on the bridge, and be gan to run backward. Th -v pushed the wagon back and off to the side, wheie it struck the banisters, which gsve wsy and the blud wheels rolled of). The fore wheels caught on the ends of the plsnks of the approach of tho bridge, Tbe children all tumbled out, falling a distance often or twelve feet, but none were hurt seriously, Mr. Kedneld, Mr, Wood in and another gentleman all happened to be near and helped tho children act thing to rights, and started them back home. It was a bsppy escape Indeed. We think such large flash advertising on bridges should not be allowed, It Is further suggested that such banister should be protective rather than deceptive. The Male Fair The fair this year, backod as it is by the State, ia proving a success, the attendance being uncommonly good. The first day $150 were taken in at the gate, 600 season tickets being sold ; on Tuesday the teceipts were $2700. Financially the fair certainly is proving a success. The exhibits io tbe dif ferent departments are many and good. Io atock particularly Oregon need not be asham ed of its exhibit. Machinery Hall is almost empty. The display in the pavilion ia the best for years. Most of ths excitement ia occasioned by tho race. Everybody whs sees them payr 25 cents snd helps himself to a seat. Monday Jim Merritt woo the intro ductory scramble, sod Lady Maud tho trot, her beat heat being mado in 2:34). Almon ette was second, having woo two heats. Tuesdsy He pet la woo the running race, cask ing s mile in the fast time of 1:40. The trot ting race for two year olds waa won by Naa tilia in two heats, bar time being 2:51 1 sod 2:58. The former is the best time on record for two-year olda in Oregon. Thr Flak Ladder. About one hundred men are engaged in the work of construction tha fish ladder at Oregon City, which is to be completed about the first of next in ath. It will baa great instituting for the peiple of tin Uppir Wil lamette, for, when iioishel, will bring sal mon at our otrn wharfs. A 1'jrtUnd paper in describing the ladder says that, though the term "ladder" is used this structure par takes more of the nature of a stair way. The whole ladder is 835 feet in length and con sists of 41 steps. The first section is tSJ feet ong and is an upward incline of step cut in the bed, Then there U a level of 40J feet to break the force of the fall of the water. At the end of this thero is another rise of steps 00 feet long which terminates at tho top, Tbe steps are each one tool high and are twelve feet in length. In conjunction with the steps thete are also what are called ocas, which break the force of the water in its descent and enables the fish to roit. The Mew Klamath Agent. Rev. Jos. Emery is now at Klamath Agency, wbich, we understand, be b; taken charge of. Tbe agent at this reser vation gets 11,100 a year, He haa under him a physician at $1000, a clerk at f 1000, a carpenter at $800, a blacksmith at $fto0, a' miller at $800, a wagon and plow maker at $800, a teacher at $600, and other sub ordinates. Mr. Emery was recommended particularly by his predecessor, who wished to retire from the agency, and goes there with the confidence of every body who knows him. Aa Explosion, Last Monday morning a very peculiar explosion occurred at tbe residence of Mr. Conrad Meyer on Calipoola atreet. A loud noise wss beard and then Mr, Meyer's kitchen atove began tumbling iu different directions. It was thought that it occurred from tbe water register : but just how that oould be we do not understand. Prob. ably it was a loaded siick of wood. No one was hurt. Hew Barber. Louis Viereck formerly of Philadel phia has purchased the barber shop heretofore conducted by Liuis Cam peau, where he is ready tj aecnmm : date all old and new customers. Large stock of now goods at Monteith k Seiteneach's. The heavy taxpayers of Walls Walls couuty are Leyi Ankeny $215,317, First Na tional bank $65,000, Baker k Boyer $127, 590, D S Baker $99,353, Sam M Keyes $gj, 035) Scbwabacher Bros. $227,185, B F Stone $56,500. Zoo-zoo tobacco at Mcllwain's. IV NKMOKIIW Rrselutlons Adapted by Berk Hill Ureas; Samuel T. Hioe was born in Brownsville, Linn county, Oregon, April 27, 1808, died July 19, 18S3. He was a charter member of Rock Hill Orange, No. 103, P. of H. and Assistant Steward at the time of his death, Kdric N. 0 nba was bom January 20th, 18(K died July 293h, 1833. Ho also waa a ohartsr member of Kook Hill Cringe, No, 193, P. of H. WtnuBAi, Tli flul.l "I labor hi uiiravUv life, and In the Drangr, will hereafter iiiIm the ready mi l illll Kent Saul, and sympathetic ami active mind of ot r young sroihsrs ; an. I WncasAa. Their removal from our ml.Ut, In the very onlng of their live snd usefulness, has left a void that cannot be filled, therefor be It K aolvel, That while we mourn eur lrruarable loss, we bow lit humble submission to the mandate ot the all wise Master of tho Universe, and firmly be Uevethut whan tin "r.'r.U' hillue tally uiidtr stiHMl wo shall find that "lie doeth all thlnsv well," Itesebed, That to the aienU and rolaUves of our dtceased brothers we eatund our heartfelt sy mpathy. ana the kuowledge of oar care and watchftilneas dur ing all tlmca, and epeelaJly thle of their trying an guish. Ktst bed, That the usual badge o.' mourning is placetl In the hall aud worn by the assmtieni, and that theae reaolutloss be Inserlbwl lu our records aad funilsbed the proas for publloalleu. liABTIM t'ATSR, JOHN Ht'SASU, J. K. Tairts, Committee. fttLWi IU rut KIVKM 41 ALBlXf. A tlig Vafch reastosi Taaldersble rllriurul A groat in tny ladies aud g ttn '.otn m of Albany and vicinity were, this w.ek,uias aware of tbe fact that tbtrewere belter romilu attainable by patroulaiug our own ohamiel than any other In tbe atate. Tbta tbe writer ks long contended was true, and fools not a little proud to aee tbo asiue generally wuknowledged, Mr. and Mrs. lUrgaiu hunter, with their lady and gen tlemaii friends, took a direct Hue, with a wall Ailed purse of silver bait, to tbe store of Monteith A Selteubaeh and east their Hue and caugh t bargains In good gooda ia every department. They found the dress goods, shoos, fancy goods, ladies', miss aud children 's winter garments the best catch in the valley, and take this medium to request their many friends to follow their example, A fish story with a moral . At M eid Trick a. E l. Uroyles who waa mentioned last week aa having fade I to return with a horse ssd carriage which he hired of Mr Kglio, of Cor vsllis, was foaad io Salem last Friday and on Saturday waa arretted and taken to Cor vallis. where he waived examination, was held to await the action of the grand jury and incarcerated io the county jail, where be will dream of the good Uose he will probably have at Salem for the next year or two, until the Circuit Court meets at Corvallis. When captured Broyles had traded the carriage and harness for a rifle, cartridges aod amonttion, and did oot aeem to be making much of ao effort to get away. It is doabted If be has asose enough to run away if he bad tho op portanity. It is our opinion that be likes the life in a penitentiary. W boo there before be waa made a "trusty" and bade free and easy time, with oo responsibility, and cloth ing and "grub" free. Oo tbe occasion of hie calling at thia offios two weeka ago he met tioned tbe fact of a 1 oik county paper ac cusing him of being io tbe penitentiary two years, whereas it waa only eight months, aod said he was oot ashamed of being in tbe pen itentiary. but didn't like to have the tune at retched, poor, big, goo loving fellow. if nif ii ! aaf aa. . wi Meihlas farther. Nothing further baa been beard of tho whereabouts of Mr. D. O. Meeker, vhoee disappearance was mentioned In last weeks Democrat. Mr. Meeker did not see Mr. Scott In Portland at all, as w implied In our Item last week. A party who went U Portland last weok ascertain od this from Mr. 8. He stated In a letter that be was going down tbe river three miles In a boat with two auspicious look - ing Misaourians, to make a trade. It is now thought that this was made up in order to deceive his folks here. The gen eral opluon now Is that he ran away, new facts making it look strongly this way Only a day or two before he left he sold severs! hundred bushels of wheat, for wbich be received S204 in cash, and, as be bsd paid no debts for several mouth, it ia believed be bad several hundred dollars beside. He owed a large number both around Miller's aud in Albany. Several have began attachment suits, but there is not much to be gotten, aa tbe farm was well mortgaged. The case is a peculiar one, and has n timorous speculations In raflarence to it. Large atock of new goods at Monteith Seiten bach's. Tbe Cascade brsoch of the N. P. ia a long distance in the future. In the meantime what will that immense Tacom a hotel do for a living. Large atock of near gold at Mmtiitb A .etteubaeh a Zoo . jo tobacco at Mcllwain'a. Want's to Know. A gentleman from Kansan writes to the "auditor ol Linn county," stating that he bad received a little pamphlet from tbe State Board of Immigration, and, after perusing it, was particularly struck with Marion, Linn, Douglas and Jackson coun ties. He wants to know if the descriptions given of those counties are reliable or not ' also about tbe climate, rainfall, water, prices of land, Improved and unimproved, whether there are any government lands, any Christian Church (vulgarly called Campbellites) in the county, etc. Tbe man lain poor health an J baa only umal means ; but bam a i totergetio son, and whhes to iucroAHo ma means and health. Auy advice the readers of the Dxmoobat would like to give tblt gentleman will be gladly published. We turn the matter over entirely to their custody and ask for some candid opinions in the matter, L'nr omraoBlr fine Suitings. Mr W R Graham, merchant tailor, has Just received a stock of domestic and im ported suitings second to none in Oregon outside of Portland, either in size or quality. An examination of them will satisfy any one, His prices are beyond competition. You can get snits made in the latest styles all the way from $25 to $45. $30 will get you an uncommonly flue suit made io a first-class manner. For pants, in over fifty patterns, his prices range from $6 50 to $10. Con template that. His imported goods will be warranted. He also has arrangements with a leading New York establishment by which, from a large number oi choice samples, you can have your suits made io that city. Call on him for styles and well made suits. Excursion. Excursion from Corvallis on tbe O. P, Sept. 20th and Oct, Srd to Yaqulna City. Tickets at Cline A Monteith'a, Tickots good for 15 days. i.vHra or usx rvTf , Tho oenaus of thla county h n Jtnt been oomp'oted. Itolow wo alvo the result of It. Ho far as tbo population la ootioernod tho flguroa will he a disappointment. Ho far aa tho potatoes am concerned It is a surprise the other way. Had a larga number of old resldanta been requested to wrltn the figures for tbo population eight out of ten would htvo put them at 13,000 at leutt. A tlmyiir i HihVh1hw I fJt oroaae of 1,215. As theorizing would be UNnlesa we simply give tho following flgutes as the result of tho contus : Lejal voters., , suvw MM Males over St and upwards.. Male undtr ?l aud ovsr 10. , Male undor It) isse isscaaitftOtt e7 8ftf toil 1618 Total males rVualm over 18 and upward Female under In and over 10. Females under 10 , Total females , Itjft ToUl males ami fumahs i i i n stock and . ... . Wool,..., , 230,047 Itis Hheep '. 40, SIS Hos , ,W,e;iJ Horses 1,414 Mules lis attls .....14.070 raosecrs. Acres under cultivation 1X4,840 Wheat raised during- prscedhif year, bushels. 1 , IS 1 ,17 J Oat raised, bushels 1,108,1.-4 Harloy and rye raised, biuhets M,83l ,'ora rni.nl, bushels. i ). '.' ...10,030 ..1S.3T 067 ,800,76 , 164,014 tesvvio flay, tnAs , Flax seed, bushels T .!.. lbs Hi.l'er and cbeeax, lbs Hop1, lb l - I'utato ', bushels Apple, bushsll Prune and ptunu.buabvl .V!,r.7.1 IH.IOJ Lumber, feet......... i ' ...... I00.'.0 Iu connection with this c nsus the pop ulation of Linn county Mince IHftO will toe Of Interest : aw moo i7o ipso lass 01M 8.772 H.717 li,07U 11,111 earn restates !!. S me one has said that to be out ot fah. ion is to lie out of the world . Orson will be much worn during the fsll. Portland aharpers also are finding gieen to be the prevailing color st Salem this week. lirriwe for indoor wo aro KuefaJlf f redingote ahap. This doe not apply to Monday morning apparels. Velveteen wdi be wru to a great eUcot this fall. Tbs old-time turban, you A remember it, is to be wont again this fall. Ribbon with pearl edge ia a late faooy for sashes. Pioe wool stockinette jerseys .ore dotted with tiny points of chenille. How dovs that aait your aesthetic taste. 1. izzard. spiders and mice (ugh) are some of the fancies for jewelry. Bead embroidery ia atdl popular. Black or cream mantels are worn with say toilets. Brunettes are now allowed to wear toilets io such colors as light pink or blue ot even cream or white. Fsshioa is very eaprtcious. Dresses are now combined io a wood erf a I manner. Mortices, sleeves, jereeye.etc., being mixed op with varied taatea. Were law Bilk. IUv, 8, P. Davis, of Oregon City, swore Mr. and Mrs, U. W. Anderson, who lecss tured In this city a few weeks ago, in a letter to a Portland paper, in a most oner getic manner. He says be has ths m t satisfactory evidence that they are ttn' poetots. He quotes a letter from another minister eharaoterUIng them as"snldee without a redeeming quality," following a career of roguery aod rascatlty, He wanted soma means devised of getting the lis they owed In his city. It no doubt will be pleasant for some Albany people to look baek and remember to also have been among tbe number "taken In" If thst Is tbe right expression. Be raltes! the Trigger Last Monday evening a yooog man wis standing in front of the Drmockat office, with bis right hand to hia coat pocket Sad - denly a report was heard, snd a bullet plow ed its way through the youog man's coat aod aped away, where oo one has yet foaad out : most fortunately, though it was to wsrds no ooe. Tbe trigger wss palled ao- cidently. An immense crowd waa aeon gath ered io front of this office and it locked very much as if an election waagoing oo ; but tbe shootist had silently slipped away aad then lean alien tly the crowd dispersed. The crack of a revolver is a powerful magnet in a peace- able city like Albany. A the shooting waa purely accidental we will sot pip J the youog off. Large atock of new gooda at Monteith Seitenbach'a. West Virgioiamakas the moat steel nails of any of the United States, a good record for m aouthren atate. Large atock of oew gooda at M lutotth k Seitenbach'a. Zoo. zoo tobacco at Mc II wain's. Chlssaarn HefcBwsl la W. T- Tbe Chinese around the Black diamond mines, in W. T., were mobbed last Monday and driven off. This will never settle the question. It would be a graod thing though for tbe Pacilic Coast if it could be aettled io a legal manner ao that we could be rid of them. The influx of people from the Hast shows the necessity of the field of tbe labor er being left exclusively to the white man Tne fact that it ia not is a draw back to thia countrv. So long aa the Chinese remain here white men will oot do tha work tbey do. We are compelled to hire the Celestial for certain branches of babor. Only their with drawal can produce a change, but it ia not their fault that tbey sre here, and ao long aa they are allowed to make thia their home it ia only human to tr eat them well. Nellie Kinder, an eleven vesr eld daughter of Mr Hub Kinder.of Crook county, formerly of Linn county, was accidently shot by a boy twelve veara of ane. last week, and it is " - t e thought cannot live. Millinery. Miss Mattie Allison has moved her millinery goods to French's jewelry store, part of which she will occupy. She Is filling it with a first-class stock ot millin ery and proposes to keep the beet stock o ver brought to Albany. Call and ex amine her new goods, embracing the very latest aud best styles. Large stock of new goods at Monteith k Seitenbach a. IB M n The times may be quite often ; nAnU Auvurtise and nee them softuii. Zoo zoo tobacco at Mcllwain'a. Ask your druggist for a package of Oregon Kidney Tea. o Things Kicked At. Tbe vane on tbe now school house. It is small and about aa reliable as a straet bummer's word. The aguelsb condition of the weather. Tbe absence of a $L quotation for wheat. Because there U such a poor market for general farm products, Because so many hoodlum beys aud girls hang around the streets. U0W.E A ABROAD, F M French, jowel r, Zn.:ia tobteon at Mollwalu's. The best harnws at J J Dabruillot. Thebost millinery at Mist M I Foster's. Yes, and we grind ouro dfie. R St U. Nature's own remo ly.O.ego i Kidoey Tja. Wool haa taken a alight rise in the tnaiknt. Subrorlption to Dugx ntT, $2 At) psr year, J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surg eon, A bany, Or. Lv' week Yota Ktipper voa odour t U by the Jews, Tho Por.U'id n ilio i is s'l-ittintr d two on gamblers. The Line county fair op,Mi oa Thursday, SeptoHJth. " Le ge stock i f !,.. or ,.! Lt S'a it, 1th A Sutton bach's. Dr. Fehruey'e magnetic bloo I v, talis ir at Deycs It Robaoo'a. The ilnest linn of window comic mnnl.l. ii 3 at Woodtn's. iine line of tub woo ml s'lim .. i. fttstod at R A lis. 'all on Miss M I K.,.tr for hW.al... r.n aud winter millinerv. m , n A'J -H1?'1 ot ,ruit oaooing cheap at Read k fc-owntU'a. . . Mia M I Fistor has Nrdendi I ml.iw't i.f new millinery on hand. if your liver is out of onUr tew - -- Pills-sure cure. Never fails. The saloon of Harrv WaUire wa. , l,v.t beat Moudsy by Portland creditors. Most of the wheat shipped from the North. west goes lirat to Sau Frauoiaeo. Sjilnndid line of bodies fall and winter ssoso, menta at Monteith k Sot tot, bach's. liabbit metal at tho Dkmoi ntT ollbin a bit a pound. Old papers 50o. s hundred. Rer Davis will iireacb next Monday at tho Evangelical Church on " Witches." Cgara, tobacco and gouts furnishing goods at Otto Hahuger's upposito Mulliwaio a. Kxamine Woodtu'a Intension tables. They at 11 go ami o them lor Yourself. F M French, agent Singer Manufactories Co., opposite Odd Follows Temple, Aibaoy.Or. Mr Robert Momp ha u,, t animifitod I'oit - master st Crawfordville, a good appotat meut. (Irooeries are very low, if you don't think ao call oiiUnl A H n II and uvt their prices. Dr. M. ii. Kills, physiwisu and eargeoe Alt-any, Oregon. Cls mil., m eity wr country, A good aad large asoortraont of Umber at the yard of Kit Carter always oo baod. Oive him a cell. There will be preaching in (iormsn at the Kvangelieal Cherub oext .Sabbath at 2 o'eloek p. m. et your groceries, confectionary, fruits, tebaceoa, eto., at the popular store of Holf man k Joseph. If van are goiog K ot be sore and go via tbe Oregon HWt Line It is the. beat. See ad to another column. Oo to Pruehaw'a oew Drug Store for pore drug, patent mediums, etc. Prescriptions caret ally compounded, Wheat ia worth 90 oeota par bushel aad Hour per thousand at LtokvilU. What do you all think of this. Iais Viereck, Hhavtag aed Hair dreesiog Saloon. Successor to Loots Caoapeau. Clean towels to every customer. A M Peer)', brother of J H Peery former t'uunty Tntaawrer of this eoagajB, hej irn appointed postmaster at Dayton, Oregon. Io a competitive examination for a eadet ship at West Point Milton V Davis, of Me Coy, Polk ooaaty, was the '40oecsfal appli- Meney to Loan M 9 RlngtNi, at the ogice cf Deyu k Kabsou. Albany, will loan tnooey for a term of years oa improved farm security. ri. W Mas ton, Physician sod Hureoo, Albaoy, Oieguo. Orstloate of the Cincinnati College of Physicians aed Surgeons, Cincin nati, Ohio. New wall paper, ft -or rag, earpeia, oil cloth, sod the prettiest window blind y u ever saw were . eoetvo I this week by Monteith ttea loach. Prof Brace Wolvertoa, a broiW of C IS Wolyertoa, of this city, has accepted a posi tion aa principal of tbo public schools of way too, n . t Tbe nirrriUitn is the name of a oew aad oeat look tog tweoty-fooroolamo weekly jast started at CeotervtlK Herman Settler is the editor. We X. The attendance at the College ia the largest it has lieen for aeveral rears at the bednoite of any fall term. This speaks well for this excellent educational institute. Saturday Mr A F Wire, bviog oear this city, bvught to oar office a doaoo onions raised from the seed this year, remarkably large tor onions raised in this manner. Dr Alexander has about completed bar v c it ing bis hops. They are of excellent onaltty. aod bays been saved to lloe condition. He will have about 16,000 or 17,000 pounds. Mr W F Barrow's blooded colt Oosro ia oo exhibition at the State fair. It is an of- spring of McK night Bros Ooeoo, and ia one of toe ffoeet oolte for its age io tbe North wSJam Most of aa live to eat aa much as the op posite, aod we want about the best to be bad. Conrad Meyer keeps a a took of groceries, bfsjsjdatun, etc., not surpassed anywhere. For canned goods, extracts, apises, etc.. call on him. If you want your property advertised call on Ciuoe, Mootettn and t o., immediately. If you want your property sold call on tbetn. It coats you nothing to advertise with thia firm and very little to sell. Rev R A McAltster will preach at Craw ford's Hall next Sabbath, (Sspt 27th) at the usual hours, morm og aod eyeniog. A cordial invitation is given to all to attend. Import ant business will come before the parish at the close ef tbe morning service. In nearly all of the churches in this city last Sabbath, morning or evening, sermons were delivered on the subject of "Temper anee," thia being tbe Centennial time of the cause of temperance organization. Ladies, just delight yourself by calling at the store of Monteith k Seitenbach and look ing at the fall stook in general ; every hue ia full of new and attractive gooda. In the lioea of dress eoods, fall garments, hosiery, etc., in foot every department is full. Lion Engine Company No. 2 are making arrangements for a big dance in the new Opera House next month. Kicontly they re ceived bids for orchestra music. They ware as follows : Prof Vaughn, $0; H Richards, $8. Evidently there is competition io this line. Io Portland on Thursday of last week Patrick C Smith ahot Geo W Phil brick. The latter had rented a house of the former for about two years, and when he came to leave demanded a receipt in full, whioh Smith re fused to give. A quarrel followed, resulting in the shooting of Philbrick A stylish gentleman cannot afford to pass without calling on Monteith k Seitenbach and seeing their new goods, large atock of meu'a shoes direct from Boston, extra quality and new style, large line of all grades of clothing, with an endleaa variety of new style neokware, also hosiery, bats, eto. General Wm Farrar Smith, familiarly known among military men aa "Baldy" Smith, will publish ia the Majaziiit if Amer ican History, beginning with Ojfcober.a series of papers oa the "Keutuoky Campaign of 1861-62, "one of the unique features of whioh is the anthor'a ingenious method of allowing the military leaders to tell their own stories through their official correspondence. Some carious revelations may be expected. 450 glaases of bser mako a gallon, as a usual thing. The standard wholesale price in the ovist for a barrel ot beer is so. w n&t it is here we do not kuow. Ac 5 cents a glass it is easy to figure out what a due profit there is in the business for retailers. Io tbe whole of the U. S. the average consumption of beer is eleven gallons per capita each year. In England it ia about twenty-six gallons, and the universal price ia tuppence a glass, A Portland paper assarts that the a mall property owners of Portland, with one-fourth of tbe property value ol the city, pay three fourths of the taxes. The cse of an estate that probated for $600,000 ia mention id as beiua assessed at about $30,000, one-twen tieth of its value, and it is but Jone offmany eases, Ua Ihnrsday of nett week Mr William uarrott will take charge of the 11 ro'o EfooeJ ia this city, He will mske a no mtu hotel keeper, I full of budies, besidei b ting on terprteiiig and pu'die sp rited. Mr Pfeilfer will remiin in the eitv this wiatjr, and we hope permanently. The dueka an I wild (fame generally are hereby wermd to look oat. John lrimM, lldl tlriinit, Harvey S u inarville and Mr Barger, who live a fsw miles east of Harrisburg,each brought down w ieat to this place aad took it to the Fed C.owu vlills to get II ur for their home use. 1'tiey had all tried the Rod Crown floor, and say that it will pay them t come thia distance after tor This spssks in loud whispers for the Red Crown. Hut, say, don't it oe.ii like old times to see men go thirty miles to mill f 9 "Prineville hns uot been keeuina un it customary reoor I on ahooting episode, but last J htirsday, Win Brown had eome words with Kd Evans, a saloon keeper, whereupon the latter picked up s shotgun from behind he bar and fired st Evans. A hvatarwLr knocked up tbo .nuaxle ef the gun, thus pre venting the usual murdnr i (lourisliinu Eastern (Jraonn tAan )'..,... Timet, How, who did the tiring T A good example of how Well rabnn ft . seed ays is shown in twenty acres raised by OC Craft, of Dotyvdle. Ou twenty acres be raised seed for wbioh he received $415 cash, aod there were no warehouse bills to pay. This seed grows uncommonly well around Ootyvitle, ami a Urate number th..r.. availed themselves of a contraat market to rie it. I hey know Iwdoru hau l what th.,v will get, and got it right dowo io cash. The following item aonear iu H.t Mn. da, 'a HUtndar j "A f Workman, who had r.Mmaster l albott. of Sodaville. I .ton i : inn ty, arrested for ope ting one of his letters, hss told oor reporter Ms be is ioelined to lot the matter drop, as he has become con vinced that I allx.it did not intend to coin mit a felony. This will probably be tbo best way, as Talbott hss always borne a good reputation aod coo f eases to having com nut tcia Uig blunder without criminal talent. Tbe Atorian talks io the following mean roaooer about newspaper men ; "A Chicago newspaper man named Wku nut lost con siderable money lately, an I o, : . .iuenoe. nas "retired to a i,outery." If ail tho newspaper men that are i o ,; o, o.-y j.ist uww were ao toiiow Mr weKemau's example, the monasteries would have more than tluv oould bold It's a ilnol bet thoouh tnat Wakeman will wake up soon aod try it agaio. They all do. A newspaper man haa oo more business in a moo itery thao toad ou a sidesaddle." A New England man. K S 4..ihru. has jast died, leaving behind hun a strange story (or duplioity, rarely eu,u sited At bis bone io Kingston. N. If ., be wo the patron of education and religion, giving liberally for all good causes Hi people thought ao roach ef him thst tboy eeut him to the legie latere. At Boston, all thia time, he owned several brothels, and a cumulated a large fortaoe tbroagb the iofsmous business, aod was a libertine himeell. II doable char acter was not found out till bis death. Mr Louis Vet reck last week bought oat Mr Ixmis Cam peau, and Monday morning began business. Oo leaving Milton. Pa, bis former borne, the At Mom gave him ths following eomplimentery notice : "Mr I-eaia Veireck, of tbe firm of Ve.reck 4 Matters, toosonal artiste. Front street, bas sold his property oo Filbert atreet and all interests in this place and bas gone to Albaoy, Oregon Mr Vetrrck came here the summer of 1H77 and has been a qatet, energetic sod public spin tea a usee, ana spirited citixeo aod by exoeUsat manage- lliall I I.U Bil.v..v,l..l in 1... I... ... U. ...I I ed the respect of every one. He is ooe of those thorough goiog. active and sebstanttal men that is an honor to any place they live io. Wherever he may establish himself he . 7. " """"I" IF . I will lie ears to get along and wo wish bim all s attendant upon a good cttixen. He Is our loss sad s gvo to the city be may locate in. sot 141 aS rBa9 Al Hon Willism Cyras, of Soto, eity Wednesday. ia tbe Mr B It Warmoth. of Balsa r. was ia the city yesterday co hia way home from Port land. llyao, the in uuradiug foot racer, through Albany on bis way to Salem bast Tamil ay. Mr Wirt Saunders, the geoial and impos ing local CKtttor of tbe Iteoton Leader was m the city bast Monday. Mrs field win aod daughters, of Illinois, are visiting in this city, being tbe guests of their relatives. Mr Coon's family. Judge Kelaay, of Corvallis waa io tbe city W A al La. as a a a r aoesaav on nts wsy to saara, on tegai oast oess. He wilt take io tbe State fair also while at tbe Capital. Mr Joho Shea, of Sweet Home, was io Albany the first ef the week with an im mense lead of aa tine onion aa ever made an Klder weep. They went elf like hot-cakes, every oaton being sold. Judge Strahan aod family returned from a aeveral weeks sojourn to the mountains principally at Bellkoap Springs, lsat Moo day. The Judge got considerable vaaaiasa and some floe fish at a very reasonable price while gone. Hon J H Feery, of otv villa, was io Al bany last Monday, while here, mekioe thia office a pleasant call. Mr Feery is somewhat a hunter. Recently be aod ChatUs Graft killed four deer in one day. goiog into their lairs for them, aad not tike Albany hooters waiting aad shooting them down oo a l rail- Mr T T Haekleman left yesterday for his new home io Owosso, Michigan, being called there earlier than he expected by a telegram announcing the dangerous illness of his wife. The ttest wishes of this community go with Mr Hauklemao, aa well aa for the speedy re covery of Mrs Hacklemao. Dry mmIm and Nettoas. I am now receiving my Fall atock of dry goods aod notions, and will be better prepar ed to give good value for the money than ever before. My stock of drew gooda will be Urge aod will ioclude all tbe novelties in imported plaids, tricots, etc., etc, aa well aa domestic dress goods. These domestic drees goods look nearly as well aa imported, and coat maoh leas. Goods of all descriptions are cheaper this fall. I have marked my old atock to correspond with the oew goods io price, aad I am determined to sell my goods as low as any hooae can relt, either for cash or produce. I keep nothing but stand ard goods, and will guarantee any thing I sell Partica who live at so great a distance from Albany aa not to trade regularly,! know will find it to their advantage to come t head quarters for their fall stock, I have the stock of gooda and will sell them. Samples of dress goods, flannels, etc., sent by mail, aad aa maoh care taken as though the parties were present to make selections. Sami'kl E. Yovno, Sosae Questions. Have you paid your school tax T Does thia kind of weather suit you ? How long have you made up your mind to hold your wheat ? Are vou going to dry your apples and run the risk of a market ? Will vou agree to put a ' tin head" on the first burglar you find prowling around your house? Hrtnnv. are vou eointr to tret married, in order to keep up with tbe fashion ? Have you been, or are you going, to the State fair ? If you have baen it was just about as usual, waa it not, after all ? Will you agree to aot sort of social like this winter and not spend your time sulk ing 1 Will you pay the printer T People wanting good value In boots and shoos will go to Monteith A Seitenbach'a, No shoddy ; all standard goods, Eld Cloves by N. H. Altea A 4'e. Large new stock just received from New York and one of the best in tbe market. Call and examine tbe new line, 4 button at 75 cents a pair ; tuey are a splendid glove for the money, Common fennel', Tuesday svenlog, Se.d. 22nd, 1835, Present M, iyor, l raha', Ueoor.ler and 1 1 me ii hers. Committee on Streets granted further time to report n drainage .w'oinin Kxcliange Hotel. That th j Broadalbin St , newer waa completed a nearly n povible scio oing to contract. On motion accepted. Mr Briggs, a member of the co nmittee gave notice that st the next meeting hi wmld present s minority report sgaii t sooft.ntteg the sewer. Committen on H. ultli and Polios rcporlerl that owing to th li mooei of the city they did not deem it expedient to appoint another eight watch mau at pfesVsfBj sod thst many of the citizens were iu faor f discharging the two already on. They rrcvmmended that city bo divide! into two qual ward and a ward bo a regular Iwrat for oue nightwatcb. Adopt ed an I the committee appointed to divide the city into two wards, the Ms rshat to assign one ward as a bet n each policeman, now oo luty, the committee to fix the limits. Recorder reported that in Accordance with attractions of Mayor and Street Committee he hal withdraw -1 lid for extending Bfoad- albiu sew t Recorder ordered to give not oe ef the bl owing atreet improvements. To repair sidewalk oo ea t side of Brosyl- albin St., be!. First so 1 Second .St., also oo oorth lioe of 2o ; St.. bel. Proadaibin and Ellsworth. The Uecerder aod Hu '. 'ounidsnioner made t'i following estimate for street and sidewalk reiiairs orders I maile. Dirt and gravel f u streets Vlj doing property of 1) I; Mouteith, $10 ; B W Coo- diff. $7 : Mrs Ci'd. ;'Estete of Pree tsod, $15 ; Itcbt Fstte'. $10 58; KsUU Water Mooteith, $1" 50 ; M Mumlerg,8IO ; DrGray. $10; C Ingram. $10; Or Craw ford, $19 50 ; Etite Freehand. $19 SO s Mrs Mcijalley, $9 ; at state It- i.i $9 Hidewaiks J no Crawford, $.TJ ; D B Monteith. $. T-ie above estimates were ac cepted and levied a an saseeeinent againta the property of the a'e.ve person. Recorder wss directed to report mdiuance on the tueii- meat at next meeting The foUowiog bills were ordered pat I : J I Stewartem, $25 75 ; ooata v lra ty.$5.45; costi ya Moors, $5.45 ; N J Heoten, &M , John Leedy.$t31 48 ; G W Borkbsrt.94l.50; G W Bark hart, 998,99 ; root Recorder's of c,$37.50 ; Joho Jooes,$70 ; Robert Brown, 960 ; Robber Mfg Co.. for 'exoaoder" 810. Tbe following bills were referred : Costs Uooing vs City 922 . Clerks fees,$32.80 ; O W Burkhart, 919 20; X J lleuton. 812 6) ; Whipple Brothen, lumber, 822.25 ; Frei Lorn berg, sewer, $36 80. lneTtsra atteattea I Tbe Fall abades in the deb rate 1 Cen totneri kid gloves have been reci Ived by Monteith A Seitenbach. This glove !eaJs nu others with tbe largest sale of any glove In the market, when yon aelact your J also on mirchaannr the fit wilt Iwt riarfaH to tho last. Tbe wearing; qualities can't be equalleJ. Try a pair. Lis a SaeB. On account of the low price of wheat flonr will be sold at the Magnolia Mil la tor 91.10 a sack or 91.40 a barrel, and wilt be delivered free to all parts of the city. lesk: tloah. Cleans! I am opeoirg my Fall atock of cloaks aod jersey jacket this week, aatonoting to over' two thousand dollars. These voxts are much cheaper than boat year and the atyles better. These cloaks wilt be sold to cah or prompt payiog customers, as obeap as auy hense in Oregon can soil them. Sancct- E. Yors;. V (leak. N. H. Allen A Co., have just received fr nn New York one of the doest litie of Fnll and Winter cloaks ever brought to Albany, all of the very latent etyies, wbich will bj sold muoh cheaper than ever before offered in this market. Ke- member the place at N. It. At. i. i n A Co's riaval freer. Parties making final proofs of claims cither through tbe fvoseburg or Oregon City Land Offices, can have the SSBM OnlkUfhed m the Democrat by so notifying the Beg ister at either of those places, Friends ef this paper will confer a favor by considering this when they make out their final el aims. Teacher s Examination. The regular public quarterly examination of teachers will be held at the Court House io Albaoy commencing at one o'clock, p. m., on Thursday, Sept. 24th aod eoding at 12 o'clock m., Saturday, Sept. 26th, 1855. D. V. S. Rxm, County School Superintendent. Mew Making EMsbll.hmrat Mrs E D Sloan and Mrs Mary Bilyeu have opened s dressmaking ahop second door west ot 'Thompson's harness shop, and are prepared to do all kinds ot fashionable dressmaking. Oats l oats ! t The highest market price paid tor oat by A. Cohen, Albany. Oregon Kidney Tea cores all Sidney trou- ble. BUKBIES). VOLLE RISLEY. On S-ut 20th, 1885, at the home of the bride's parents, in Benton county, by Rev T G Brownson, Mr Fred erick W Voi.lk and Miss Vktorink C Rislbt both of Benton couuty. MARKS BLO DUETT. Ou Wednes day afternoon, at the residence of Mr. W. S. Peters, in this city, by Rev. S. O. Irviue, D, D., Mr. Alvis W. Marks and Miss Ella RLODOSTr both of Lebanon. The Democrat extends its best congratu lations to this estimable young couple, and wishes them a life fall of success and happi ness, which they certainly deserve. L1EBE HOLZFUSS. On Sept. 17th,lS85. at the residence of Wm. Holzfuas, by Rev. J. Muellhaupt, Mr. Hknky Liebe and Miss Johanna Hoi.zKf.ss both of Linn county. TROUTMAN FARROW. On Sept. 16th, 1885, at the residence of and by Rev, M. Judy, inShedd, Mr. Daniel Troutman and Miss Lillie M. Farrow. ADAMS-HALL On Sept 2nd, 1885. at the residence of Mr Thomas Hall, by Rev A J Wigle, Mr. Charles W. Adams and Miss Emma Hall both of Linn county. RICHARDSON GLASS. On Sept. i!0th, 1885, at the residence of G W Garland, near Dotyville, by Rev J W Morgan, Mr A L Richardson and Miss Belle Glass both of Lion couuty. IUM. JONES. At Oakland, Douglas county, on Sept. 14th. 1885, Mr. Lewis W. Jones.. aged 72 years and 1 1 months. Mr. Jones was the father of Dr. Jones, of this city. He was a pioneer of '52, coming to Ot'ngou from Missouri, and lived in Marion county until dbout two years ago. He leayes a wife aud thirteen children. He was a de voted me abcr of the M. E. Church and a man of sterling character. WASHBURN. At Halsey Sept, If, 1885, Mr. Jas. Washburn, Jaged 73 years. 4 MAM ABmVT TBWg. '! be Man about Town a few days since In j Basing Mr Courley 'a blackstnlth shop beheld a large curious looking con oern standing alone in the middle of the floor. It w s made entirely of iron. A big alt foo whee! was at I be bow of die concern and two small ones at the uteri, a swan' neck like arrangement reaching from & top of the big wheel (o tbe tna ! ones, half way down being i flat scat and near it two handles in genlusly connect d with ciank an the tdg wheel- Its general appearance would havo made Darius Green's flying Machine pale Wi h envy. Oa ineuiry It was ascertained that It was a trycl- ole. a n w kind fiat works with thai bands instead ot the feet Mr. Jobs Brush was the srchlte t. and would r do on it to and from his bouse to ble plac of business, but the thing wont go The tig wheel kicks back loo much. Cost, about 75. 0 Really on tbe street of Albany a growing confl.im.ee ! expreeaed Io a rlas In the prlcj f wheat bf Jauuary 1st. It Is not excited by a local know hfdge, hut from aiew of the whole field Tnere are strong g ounda for OoontlOf on 76c to 80c, at !eaa'. The prediction of prices on wheat la a dif H u e and uncertain tas ; hut there la a general one now put forth with more than usual force, n Last Friday all aver Albany ome Ultle flye- er: seen iyltigon tbe side walks "Dr. Van Moniscar " and a p c ture of a brazen facerl man war,- at tbe head. A perusal f the bill showed that It savor-d much of quackery. Thla Doctor le at Fort'and. where bo has been only a abort tira He claims much, proves iit . e, a d is said t. ben stickler for forgetting to pay bis print lug bills. Tbe public ne sis to keep its eys o;k:ii wheo such men are around. O The Mickado" is th name of a new i-iay by Gilbert and Sullivan. It le somewhat after the nattera of Plan. lore" aud '"The Pirates of Penzance." and is said to be vcrv Lakincr. ft tea Japanese "business.'' founded on a law there punishing flirting with death, and has many exciting episode. Tbe very plan of it would make It take on thla coast, where flirting is so preval ent, and we predict it would have a big run hi Albany, If only tbe flirts were to attend. Mr. D. Van Horn, Piano Taaer, ts ii J be ia tbe city this week to tone your pianos. rrospersHss Towns, r ruin the "Oregonian" we get tbe fol lowing item about some prosperous Linn and I jane county towns : A friend of the "Oregonlati" arrived in tbe city yesterday morning from Eugene, having come via tbe narrow gauge rail road from Co burg, Lane county, to Leb anon Junction. From bim we learn that at Cob org a $1300 hotel is in course of ersoetton and a fine residence for Vandnyne Rrca, The narrow gangs rai.road, which for the last month bas been running daily trains between Coburg and Lebanon Jin ction, ia dolxg a fair amount of busi ness. At Brownsville business is said to be rapidly improving. The flouring mill purpose to soon put in rollers and do a merchant trade. The sawmill, sash and door factory and woolen mills are run ninir at thoir maximum capacity. The auperintendent of tbe woolen mills gave as the gross earnings of the company for the year ending May let, 1835, $92,672. Tbe amount of wool nsed daring tbe year was iijH,7oo ina ; number or cords of wood for fuel. 800. Employment was ariven to forty-five bands, to whom $20,567 waa paid. ...mi -i. ir i Zmiss Tobacco. Mcllwaio has hit it this time solid o n to bacco. In fact he has done s big thing ia this line, until everybody goes to hia. for tobacco. He haa jast received a very large stock of the celebrated Zoo-zoo tobacco, aed hence can seil it cheap ia any quantities, re tail or wholesale. This is a first-class to bacco aod wilt go off fast. Call for a sample at A B Mcllwaia'a. School Tax. Notice is hereby given that the school tax iu School District No. 5. Linn couuty, Ore got., is now due and payable, and that the same can l paid at my office, No. 59, First Street, Albany, Oregon. The same will be deemed delinquent unless paid within sixty days from the date of this notice. All persons are requested to call and pay up soon, aa tbe amounts are too small for me to call on any ooe personally . J. H. Be RK. HART. District Clark. Albany, September 15th, 1885. Letter LUt. Following; is the list of letters remsiniag ia the Post Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Sept. 24th, 1806. Persons calling for these letters must fivs the Oateea which they were advertised : A utii, James Barton, K O Balds in, Paden DeArtnend, Oliver DoUjjv, John Burro, Loretta Burrow. A A Foun, Harry Hatch, Byron Hill, Mary J Unv, Mrs H M Odell, Wm Pai ker, Charles (Quintan, John Scott, J L Bbetton, Mrs N E btincn, Hcnncli J. M. IRVING, P. M We have some chc ice grai ei of coffee, wbich we are selling way dowu, b th roasted aod green. Read k BaowsnLb. Wheat 57o per bu. for limrj War. Embrcfdoiy cbenelllo in all Monteith A Sal enbach's. shades at Oregon Kidoey Tea. For sale by all drn. gists. Zoo-zco tobacco at Mcllwaio's. We are agents for D' Balls celebrated health corset. Monteith k Seitenbach. Our assortment of boots and shoes is now complete, comprising Many new styles. Peo ple wishing anything ia that line will do well to examine our atock before buying. Read k Brown ki.l. SDlondid line of ladies fall aod winter gar ments at Mouteith A Seitenbach'a. The cross receipts of the N P for the year ending June 15th were $1 1 ,234,0(10, Expen ses, $5,139,000. Tbe interest on the funded debts left only $62,000. The old board of directors of the road have beeu elected for another year. Zoo-zoo tobacco at Mcllwain's. 'When Baby waa sick, we gave her C ASTORIA, men .me waa a Child, she cried for C ASTORIA, "When ihe became Miaa, she dung- to CASTOBLA, When ibe had ChMres, alu gave them C ASTORIA. The Portland Business College, Portland, Ore gon, offers superior private and class instruction to the young and niicWWaged of both sexes who desire to obtain a practical education in the short, est tin e consistent with thorough work, snd at tbe least expense. Day and evening sessions through out th j year. Students admitted any time. Cats. toguwftappligatte-iL, A. p, a&wsmxq, Pilncipsi