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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1885)
f he gemoaat. Entered at the Port Onion at Albany, Or, as fsBOond-t lass mail matter. FRIDAY S KPT EMBER 18, 1886 BTCTE3 & NUTTING. Editor and rraprleMMra. r MRU P. NITtlVU. Local Bailer. Official County Paper. iew Ueeda at Mfllwulh'. That means a good deal ; not only now goods, but lots of them, so many that thay have got to be sold way down, in other words at a bargain, not merely on paper, bat ia fact. New good, loU of good a, tirst -class gooda, gonda at a bargain. That'a Moll wain's motto thia fall. Call and aee if is not HIS DRY OOOO.t DKrARTMKMT ia complete, wall aeleoted, embracing the rery beat ther. ia. HIS CLOAK OKTARTJaENT nee U to )e inspected to be appreciated. It ia fall of tie latent and beat styles, aud that'a business. h stove or l ARrtTH aaaplendid one, one anre to suit the many varied taatea in the line. HIS BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT, both for ladies and gentleman, ia full. Yon will miaa it if you buy without eiamiuing them. HIS ri o ni: s; DETARTMEST contains a good stock of the latent atylea bought in a low market and aold according ly. You can get genuine hargaina iu it. HU HARDWARE DEPARTMENT ia an important one and has proven a treat convenience to his customers It embraces everything in tli line at bed rock prioes. It is business to trade where vou can do the Wt. Vou will be mistaken if you think yon have done so without calling on A. B MYlLWAiN. What Has Bereaae ef Him. On Thursday, September 3rd, Mr D O Meeker, of Millers, left his home to go to McMinnyillc and other places, to see rela tives and also sell his farm if possible. A day or two afterwards bis wife received a latter from Portland, stating that he was about goin down the river with a Mr Scott to make arrangements for a trade. Since then nothing has been heard of him at all. It is feared that be is either dead or has run way. He waa somewhat in debt, and, not being in circumstances to meet his debts it is thought by some of his friends that he went off on that account. He has always bourn a splendid reputation for honesty and up Tghtness, was a kind husband and a good man generally, which makes his present conrae aneipuduahle, A few days before he loft ha purchased a suit of elotbes and a $30 ailver watch in this city, transactions his friends are unable to understand as they can n t believe he would do ao with the intention of leaving. S -me think that an accident must have befallen him. His absence ia caus ing great uneasiness among his relatives and friends, and it certainly is to be hoped that it will tarn out in a manner sustaining Mr Maskers past good reputation. Albany Brass Band Last Tuesday evening the two Albany bands ware formally oioeo lidated under the aasas of Tue Albany Brass Been a move meat which will make the new band a first class one in every rcspe ;t. Their ueetiog place will be over the marble ahop of Mr Frank Wood. The following officers were elected : . M J Mooteith, President and Manager. R K Conn, Secretary. William PortioUler, Tieasarer. Tha band will consist of fourteen pieces, which will be handled by the following gen tlemen : B A H oh man, 1st E Plat, Leader. M J Monteith, 2nd E Flat. Hira n Richards. 1st B Flat Ai H Ewart, 2nd B Flat. Chas Mueller, sola alto. R E Conn, 1st alto. William Kortmiller, 2nd alto. Al Ketchum. 1st tenor. Francis Pfeiffer, 2nd tenor. William Richards, baritone. Mason Brink. B Flat bass. Frank Wood. E Flat baas. Fred Whittier, Snare drum, Millard Hayes, Bass drum. mm ii Per Suspicions Two strangers were seen on a back street late at night the first of the week turning a dark lantern on a newspaper, which they seemed bent on. reading. The gentleman who saw them waa determined to know what such suspicious conduct meant. He went up to them and found that they were reading a notice from Conrad Meyer, stating that in a few days be would receive a large supply of glass ware direct from Chisago, containing all the latest patterns, and now everybody is looking out for that glassware. Sheep steal I. is: A novel way of a'oadng sheep has been discovered across the Willamette. Paths were made through tbe bushos and ropee hang I" them with a loop at tbe right height, so that the sheep in going along would stick tbeir heads in the loops and tighten them o as to make themselves prisoners. Before morning the sheep would be called for and taken off, and the ropea again aet, Several nave been miaa ed by Mr Aabby Pearce, and as well a number of the ropea have been found ready aet, with wool on them, showing how they hid done their work before, ... i in - m Jatt Leek at refers at Stewart's rreat. Ao attractive ciruidge card is displayed iu front of the store ot Peters k Stewart in this city. It contains allot the varieties of Winchester cartridges. This firm keeps a complete line of cartridges,shot, pewder,etc., and baying in large quantities can undersell other dealers. They have also received ths finest and most complete stock of hardware ever brought to Albany. Nose bbet. A few days ago a couple aons of Mr Henry Johnson, living across the river in Benton county, were "faolin" toother, when revolver in the hands of oaa of thorn was ac- cideatly discharged. The ballet toak a bee line for the end of one of the boy's nose, just nittins it and taking olf a sliiiht piece, but not enough to do any serious injury. This was a esse where an iacli would have made considerable diffjreuc j. It was cloie call for a serious result. - a ' Oregon Kidney Tes. For sale by all drug gists. The Cascade Mountains beyond Sweet Homo are full of deer hunters ; fully two or three hundred guns being on hand ready for use. Z oHt;o tobacco at Mcllwain's. Zoo-zoo tobacco at Mcllwain's, BEAT OP THOMAS L. POKYKtt. On last Sunday evening, at bis home In Halsey, Hon T L PorUr, ona of the bast known and most popular of Linn county's citisena, died of brain fever, after an illness of only about two days. Funeral servioas took place at Halsey on Tuesday and were largely attended by people from different parte of ths county, who wished to unite in paying a deserved tribute to the memory of the honored dead. The announcement of Mr I. 1 1 fcL- . ' . I II.. V I oner a uoain, uuiiiiiik au uiiceuketiiy, ig having I wen in this city well and hearty, only a few days previous, was a shook to the teople of Albany and the county generally. "Tom" Porter was a man of the people, be ing universally liked for his genial end pleas ant, as well as upright qualities. His death is regretted by all. Mr Porter was born in Roone county, Ind., in October, 1 s .o In 1853 he came with hi, fathers family to Oregon. In October of that year his father settled in Halsey precinot where he lived till the time of his death. Hero " loni" spent practically all of bis life. Mo looimo a part of the aity and precinot of Halaey, as well as of the county. The name he obtained was oue to bo proud In 1S74 he was nominated by the Iimooretio party of this county, of which he was an en thusiastic member, as a member of the State Ijegislature, and duly elected, scrying his term faithfully to the people. At the time of his death he was a school director of tha Halsoy diat-iat, aud, it is geuerally claimed waa a most efficient one, always working for the best interests of eduoa'ion, iu which he alwayatook a liye interest . Mr. Porter leaves a will, (nee Mattie Hill,) and two children, as well as several brothers and sisters, and hosts of friends to mourn his untimely death. The Hidden H.iart The cast of char tr for (hit play, which will be pieented the first or second week in October, will aal'pasf no the bills ah ut as follows : I1" . O 1 Warren TJ Crenfrau Tom Atksn I Wool .. tlvroert i.raon Ulack Doualo. Coiaer . . Oul Le Jtoir Craven Le Neir, his n . Traverse Rouke . F P Norton ..c w wiism M J Leslie . R A Lttton a Headlong Hal ) Uentleinan Dick J diners Stealthy 8 eve ) Pomp Harry Reeordor Priest Capitols, lle'reas Marsh Recks Clara Day A If edges C W Wilaoa K Husaoll Q to Erase William, Brewn C ii Walker 0 J Walker Mia Blunts Davenport ..Miss Minnie Amleraen Bias Ma Wright MreCondirueut... Porta Knight Pit-a-pat Unknown Bias Ma tie Clarke Bias Mary Sylvester Mt.. Oar a Warner Ola islam-hard Followiug is the argument of the play, got ten up by an artist in the company : Among tha m .un aln way iWn In ! Virginns Victor La .Voir who dting' aeaweatbed alt his ir .; .ti it hi m int eoi, Ei.-s 10 providing in hit a ill that aS.ul-1 h dla without iseue ths iiretwrty eh..utl thacenU to his younger ana lie briel LeMoir. Kugsne soon after his tether'a death married a bsautlul girl, hut ahortiy afterward he waa crurlljr murjerel. Thre m uttta after BS death hia wnV gave birth to a child whh h with Iu nurse waa ahdii.'ted and taken to New Yerk. There the child livad to lieceme a girl uf ten vear, when the nu-ae returned to Virginia and told the etorv of her life to Maj t Ira Werflekl. Thai gvniiemao want te New Yrfca-hl Innn'l th.. voung heireas, by nam . in th? Iteguiee of a newsboy. Ha returned with bar to Mu.r.cone Hall. Hhs haJ grown frera her infancy to wutiantoed In the atreete of Kew Tnrk. Wild and uncetth of manners he had uuwae.1 ih sc ..pirtuni liea wbi. h nflne.1 tha mind and haod. but being noble in heart aha bad rapidly developed inte a lady reckleaa ia every day Ufa, happv when left free to let tow the untraiini.U-d instructions of her pure un. pure un sullied nature hut openly rebelling at any show of tyranny. Col. LeNoir hearing of the girta return, waa highly its! end rsiiei ted in svery vein nf ku Mu that he hail not silenced her thirteen years before, fur it waa 'much easier to pinch a habve noae than sit ewes a wsnn'S shrieks sad eriea" He st ooce en With KUck Ik.nald U. m..r,l.r the child for S10.U0O. hot In that the latter waa nra- v an tad through a diacovary made hy W.n the faith as. .ne.n,!uV'ef ' his scheme, he asked f.r a kiss-it was granted but it waa tha kiaa of death. 'And may Heaven have mother to be confined in the "hidden house'' where dwelt himself, Clara Day and Deraaa Knight. Has waa allowed the freedom of the boose In order that her m iter loos appearance Might uepiciona that tbe heuae waa hauni ref: of her reason over the death of I ed at will d'epiarine the "fli.l.Un Hand." Capitola viaited the hidden house and waa at first refused admittance by Dorcas, but she insisted upon shelter from the blinding storm. When Major Ira Warfield was 4& veare nf aa-a k fed in love and married a sweet, pore girl of is -mart-ted fear aarratlvL.. , .i.l it.. 4.ii....i vu brether offlosrs, she iived in a snug cabin In tiw j, - a- ev eeeea -snsj my SJS. ISMIV MJ I'JUIHl l LN,ir ulk.i.' V, his wife. Barah Bocka. in Z ger he struck the man to the ground and tore tbe I woman from au Mart, Away down en the sea coeat stands a littts cottage, in It dwells "? ?n?T.'rB chM Tr" sod Feeter l ef S years andsuddsnly returned with the eoed nawa I had discovered his uncle Ira Warfield wham jpoeea dead many vears, and that he had offered shone keneaUi bis reof. "Merciful Providence edssSS .S ifn I aaessss iL - si . a "m O.JUIUHU1 are my ways, in tne solitude of ray essjsasjer sit me pour out rny thanks te that benig nant pewer that watches over tbe ehorn lamb.- Ber bertsfterwardi made a visit to his uncle sad Iu an interview mentioned the name of Barah Rocks ; the Bsjor became enraged and told Herbert te return to his Footer mother and tell her that be would break hia promise to seel t her. Hoon after Col LeNoir upon hie dying bad made a full confession revealing many hidden truths. Barah Rocke is re turned te her husband. Herbert Rocke el aims Capi tola for his own and WoeJ and Plt-a-Pat assists in making others happy, th is giving a pleasing and un expected closing to a series of unhappy lives. wee. . Probably Cerilt', Last Wednesday forenoon a Polk county Constable arrived in this city with a warrant issued out of Justice Pierce's Court, at Eola, for the arrest of William Newbouse, of this city, on the charge of adultery. Mr New house was duly arrested and taken to Eola, where an examination was to be held before Justice Pierce. The particulars of the case neve uot, ueeu uivmgeu, tne complaint neing I a. L 1 fl 1 S . I edent as to interested parties. Tbe general opinion here ia, without knowing the circa m stances, that Mr Newhouse will bo held to await the action of the Grand Jury. V r fancy Work, Embroiclery rjitenellle In all shades at Monteith A Seiteatibech's. Farewell Beeeptleu. The students of Corvallls Agricultural colletre and tbe Decide irenerallv of that town turned out lant Saturday evening g-e a ar see aj and tendered Prof Emery a farewell re ception on the occasion of his leaving te take charge of the Klamath Indian Agency to which he has lately been ap pointed under a democratic administra- a e nrvt . . as t .1 a. s aa uon. iue reception was sam to oe or the most pleasant character though we were notable to get the particulars. Ladles Attention ! The Fall shades in the c?lobrated Can- temeri kid gloves bave been received by Monteith A Seltenbach. This glove 2 eads all others with the largest sale of any glove in the market, when yon select yocr size uu uuruuusiuif iue iii win ue punnet . mu mi i l i .l . HL i . i i . to luu iiu Alio weiiu;4 u liii iiio J can l be equalled. Try a pair. 1,10 a Sack. On account of the low price of wheat flonr wilt be sold at the Magnolia Mills fr t1 in. or Stl aft hanal end av wiuv svs wist, y urn uisi t vij teus II. .1 - 1 1 1 . L mm .11 mml m. mm i. t vent -bwiyc. ..ct, w y.i,0 oi tue City. . . Large stock ot new goods at JVlontenn & Seitenbach's. Phis .hmitiusat item aDoeara in an Iowa paper : "a.i'ne or our naiuoaisis are receiving . , i ". lots of groceries these days. Zoo zoo tobacoo at Mcllwain 8. The Tre Facts. On nearly every corner the cry ia heard that our farms are all oorared up with mortgagee, It has boon made to much that people have really begun to thluk that such a thing as a farm with out a mortgage on It la a ourloatty In Unn county. Ithaaapread all around aud every new comer throws It up In our face and tells how such things are not back Eaat, the fabricators The truth ia the farms of Linn county are net all covered up with mortgages, en the contrary only aama'l proportion are. In order to get figures on the sub Ject a Democrat man examined 1.10 oases on the aaataament roll, of farms In different parte of the county, taking them as they came along on the roll. Of the 130 farm only 40 were covered up and some of them not very badly Of the other 00 some owed a very little. but only a email sum compared with the assessed value of their land : hut most of them were out of debt, Figures speak volumes and much more cor root ly than atret corner gabble. When one man gets heavily Involved the big eyes of the publio alwaye eeeadoaen. It ia true that too many are covered up with debts ; hut there are many more who are not, aa the assessment roll ltowa. If a farmer ia in debt it can be relied on that it will he given to the ttHsesHnr. aa It Bleats considerable out of the amount of hia taxes, Our own citizens should he careful about giving our county and atate a bad reputation in such matters aa thia. f'arreat Bveale, Sullivan, the famous John Ii , played belt in Cleveland last Sunday and waa Immediately arrested for violating the Sabbath law. He did not play alone. The imputation of Curry county Is 100 teas aooordlng to the census than In 180, But a paper there claim i the on'isus was uot half taken. In Yamhill county there are three pro- olncts that have not had either a crime or criminal law ault for two years. Remark -able preoluote. The value of tasable property In Djug laa county Is U.tM t . i, and this U I2,93 lean than returned last year. The decrease In polls was 2tJ3, but whether (hero was any significance In that or not It is very hard to tell. 1 here Is a big oyer supply of melons iu dragon this year. S-juthern Oregon peo ple swelled out altogether too much In the matter. In the great 38 mile race Tuesday between the American yacht Puritan and the Kog liah yacht Uenesta, the former beat easily by 16 minute 47 seconds. This was the most talked of yacht race that ever took place. In some reelects it was a fight between Eng land and the Lhited States. At leasts strong national pride was observed (u it. IwtetSpriuga Multnomah county garden ner raised 12,100 pounds of etra wherries on two acres, fat which he received 700. " e Tbe Latechlni Hern ef Una. Oue day ie the front part nf the week a rue carriage was seen tc draw up in front of one of the leading stores of Albaoy, ahortiy a lady issued therefrom snd took her place in tbe carriage. Following, the clerks began to deposit armload after arm load of packages, until the vehicle seemed full tnleed. A polite bow, a good bye and they were gone. Later in the evening a hv.o horseman was riding through one of the best to do sections, not far remote from town, when he was startled by a terrible noise coming from a houee close at band. Utsmoanting and mak ing fast his horse to the fence, he hastily pro ceeded to the boose to find a man almost wild with laughter, said he, here are cloaks for the five girls and the moiber, dresses, shoes, stock ings, flannels, mnalins, corsets, velvets, and ah at prices I never sw before, the values strike me as great The purchases were made at Monteith A Seitenbach's, where the -Wgest and best stuck of goods in the valley can be found The LesMtlag Muared. Laat Saturday L. W. Deyce, Cheater Skeels and P. if, BoWffltO returned from Is litio!inr stwrwadli Inn tat tha i.innnUini ... . " , " , th tho blggeat record yet reported. It reads like this: deer: Bowman, 5, Skeels, 3. Total 18. They report the mountains full of hunters aa well of deer. and as well an uncommonly fine time, To Mr J J Walton the party particularly were Indebted for many courtesies. Until further reports Deyoe.Bo wman and Skeels are the champion deer hunters from thia city. Billed fcy Hall, Qu Thursday of last week Mr D M Pace. f Kings Prairie, in this ecnnty was attacked by an enraged bull, and gored in his thigh in a very severe manner, blood poisoning set in and he died on Sunday night. The bull was only two years old, his horns being about two inches long. Mr Pace was trying to lead the animal when it became enraged and at- tacked him in a furious manner. The deceas- d was a httchlv resnectsd citizen, whose death will be mourned by a large circle of relatives snd friends. Messrs Head, Roberts and Kenton and party, who returned from Quartz ville Wednesday were witnesses of the unfortunate accident. thsmplea ef Oregon. Dave Campbell and J II Rellly fought last HuncUy somewhere down tbe Colum bia for the Championship of Oregon, The rounds were somethinjr like this : "Camp- boll knocked Kel'lv down " There were fourUwm, a. i i Ceoitbjll did all the knock ing, not getting a bit himself. Keilly was well pounded up. What brutal honor there is ia being champion of Oregon Campbell now possesses. As far as we are concerned he can keep it. People wanting good value in boots and shoes will goto Monteith A Seitenbach's, No shoddy ; all standard goods, Where te ge In Sf In. Mr J H Daniel, of Scio, was ia Albany Wednesday. Mr Daniel has just bought out Champinan A Co. , of that city and will run a general merchandise store. Ho has laid in a comnlete and well selected stock of oroods I Mr i , , . , - . and proposes to give the people of that place bargains both as to price and quality of goods. The people of the Forks should call on him. Laree stock of u ; ao j U at M m&eith A Seltenbach s. . 1 ,,c ' "JS" uu" n"'xl w n'u. : c l tm ..:.) i- l. . i Qsggj UT DS I ' Zjo.zoo tobacco at Mcllwain's. joo utuee. Having purchased the Book aud Job Print I: f O .. l. I, .. -t. U... T ... IJ , l i mguuiuu m uuiu' "iui.,i wiu reeucoi.- f aUy solicit a share of the publio patronage S, G, DoRBjs, "Tbe Tables Turned Laat Friday morning Ddolel Nell waa arrested at ths Instance of George Mo Cullough, charged with having robbeJ McCul lough of eighty dollars on their way from Kugeno to this city. On Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock the oaae was. tried before George Humphrey, J, P at the Court House the trial bolng witnessed by a large number of Interested oltlaona, MuCullough for the prosecution testified that ha and Nell wero on their way to Al bany, having stopped on tholr way to ex amine some Umber 1 with variou a experiences had reached to within ntmut a quarter of a mile of the Callpoola bridge on the west side, be being on the right side or the carriage, when Nell atruok him on the right aide of tbe head, and then they had a rough and tumble fight, Nell knocking him out of the carriage and then Jumping and runulugfor the busbea. After obtaining his aensos ho felt in Ids pocket and discovered tbst ha bad lost ffto In twenties and two ten do'lar bills, Tbeae bills he aald Nell had mum while they were drinking at a Creek. The witness on being requeatod to abow tbe cut on Ida head took off a bandage and exhibited a white, shaven spot, with no lirulso, cut or gash, prHMentlngqulte ao aftod appearance. Aa there was no gash for the air to touch, what tho bandage was fir h ,t the large audience to wondering. Por tbe defence several witnesses, testifi ed to Nell 'a good character, for peaceable- neas, honesty and temjierance, and on hia own behalf be told a straight forward story, which Impressed moat who heard It as being nearest tbe correct version of the affilr. Ho atatod that McCullough seemed to want to drive very alow and In an nut of tbe way road. That thia aide of Harrlsburg about 8 o'clock Thursday evening McCullough aak him If be did not want something to ea', that there was an old bach living near there who would give thorn somclliiug ; that they got out of the carriage and humed for the place, and while doing so, McCullough Wing In tbe lead, with his gun In his hands, he having brought one with him, be heard the cllk of tbe gun, as If MeOu'Iougb waa putting a cartridge In It, that after that he kept cloaeir to blm and a better watch ; that not finding any old bach they got In the car rlage and came on. He denied Mcf'utl ougb'a testimony In reforence to hia show ing two ton dollar bills at a ereak. That when uear the place Mentioned by Mo- Cullough, all of a sudden that Individual struck blm oo bis bead with something hard, he thought a ellng shot, that thia dsveed him, and he Jumped from the wa gon and ran for the bushes, going to Mr. Georgo Cllnes home, Mr. ('. bringing him to the city. He showed a fresh gaah on the right side of bis bead, tbe aide next lo McCullough, as they were riding, and as well a bad fellon on ono &f hia fingers ef the right band, which would have pre vented bis using only his left hand. He taattfled showing how he obtained the thrcilwimtUrsfmndou bh parson, inn moat satisfactory manner, and ad well showed a cbsptrb for a teo. The Justice, without any hesitation, die. charged the prisoner, to the satisfaction of probably every one who heard the testi mony but the prosecuting wltneas. Immediately upon tbe discharge of Nell McCullough was arreatod for making an assault on the former with a dangerous weapon and plsced in the county Jail, Monday evening be waa examined before the same Justice, ft was pro von by two surgeons that tho woonds on NeU'e bead must have b-n made by some danger ona weapon, and that tbe bare spot or McCullough'a bead moat have been shaved off, aa it could not have been done with a first. On that point a wltneas tes tified tbst be eaw Mcf'uliough when be Just came in from tbe scene of the fracas, that he pretended to show blm where he had been hit on his bead, but he could see nothing, aud there was no bare spot at the time at all. The prisoner waa held to await tbe action of the grand Jury under 300 bonds, which it la doubled if ha ran furnish. on tbe firat trtal McCullough admitted to having killed a man In California and to having paid a fine before Judge Deady on a charge of noli ing liquor to Indiana. The case looks decidedly against him, and he seems, to have tbe sympathy of almost no one. Made a Masb. Last Saturday eveolng an Albany gen tleman was conveying the railroad officers of the O. P. to their homes In Corvallia r hen an incident happened not down In the program. The other side of tbe CalU poo la bridgo tbo road runs along a aterp embankment, about fifteen feet high. Just as the Albany team started on tins end of the narrow road a young lady and gentleman, of Albany and Corvallia re aped! vely, started on tbe west end. It waa dark, powerfully dark. Theeccu pants of tho two team- huniiy BW e0ftl other, Hence they met la the middle with a clash. The young man and lady, horse and carriage, were thrown off the embankment into the mud below. Strangely enough though no injury wae done to any one or anything but tbe bar neea and carriage, and they wore repaired tmmciently for tbo couple to continue on their Journey to Albany: Everybody took the matter good humoredly, tbe young man even telling tbe yoeng lady that abe could net say now that she had not made a madi. It was a close call to a serious affair, as anyone who has traveled along the road will testify. "faqaiaa" Salted. On last Monday afternoon, at three o'clock the steamship "Yaquiaa" sailed from Mew port for Han Francisco with a large load of wheat aud several passengers. It was an event of much significance to the people of the Valley. It told of cheaper transportation and a genuine competition. It spoke of $60 clear gain iu the pocket of every farmer having $1000 worth of wheat on it. It told of several dollars saved to every passenger, as well as quicker time in making the trip for Valley people. Ths 0 It A K Co. may look upon it as a small matter now ; but it is, we believe, tho little cloud that will rise fast into a big storm. The peopU of this Valley bave for many years submitted to the high rates of a despotic monopoly. The prospoots for iU being in a measure brokcu are flatter ing. The ''Yaquina" alone may not doit ; but a combination of steamships sad rail roads are bound to, and in ne long period of time. Will SBoot, Nearly every man in tbe city declares his purpose to shoot any buglar that at tempts to yisit his domicile in aa unlaw ful manner. We think it would be bast for Mr, B. to look a "leedlo oud ," Large stock of new goods at Monteith ft Seitenbach's. It is the fault of Portland papers that prize lighting is made so conspicuous ia that city, not much to their credit either. Large stock of new goods at Monteith A Seltenbach a. MO BE AND ABROAD, The leaves are falling. F M French, jewsler. J W Nestnith left $53,214 77. . io. .... tobaooo at Mcllwain's. The best harnuss at J J Ddbruiltes. Pure gromriot at Hoff ntn A Joseph's. Ths best millinery at Miss M I Foster's. Yos, aud we grind our o (?. It l. Ths best bravlstuiri at C i.ira l Meyer's. The sale o( quinme is unooiuuiouly I t N i turn's own remit ty.Oveg u Kidnay Tea. Hams have gone up Iwd cents a pound. Subscription ft DtB t -it it, $2 50 per year, Fresh sttmou lu Urge q ttntlsiet in th) market. J. P. Wallaue, I'hysioian and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. Get your eiar aud tobacdos at Hoffman A Joseph's. Largs stoV t w irtxlt at Mi ittith A Stiitenhach's Or. Fahrney's megnatio blood vitalise at Day on A llobsou'e,. The finest Hoe of window cornice m mid. ingw at Woodiu'g. A Hue line of tobtuco and oiutrs can its fuiinil at U A It's. t all oil Miss M f F.ntor for Hrat.nKsa fall aud winter millinery. All kiuds of ftuit fit otoaing oheen at Head ft llroaiicllV r Miss M 1 Fustnr Ins t sotaaelU .,-'. of new millinery on hand. All kinds of gold braids for dress trim mings at Miss Kudus Suhubort'a Splendid line of ladies fall and winter gar ments at Monti itli A Seiteabeeb's. William Klliott. of Phueville, had six horses stolen from him last weok. Mr Jasou Wheeler will take charge of ths Wsrm Spring Agency ou October 1st. Exsmine Woodin's Kx tension tables. They arc well go aud see theut for yourself. Ilxbaitts washing powders Just received at Courad Meyer's. I be best tu tbe market. The scenery to tha new ),tra H tute has bean examined and reported as fl rat-class. F M French, agent Singer Manufacturing Co. .opposite Odd Kedows iempte, Albany. Or. Oo next Sabbath all of the Albauy uu .lit ters aill preach no the subject of temperance. Itev H G Irvine will preach at the Oak Creek Church nsaaaabtath afternoon at 4 o'clock. Groceries are vary I tw, if y o dot's thi ik So call ou Head A uroeorll and get Utoir prioes. The A V Cherry foundry was sold at pub. lie sale last Monday to a Hal Us man for 1500. Dr. M. H. Ellis, phyaiuUn and eurgcon Altany, Oregon. f-e.Ha made lo city or OsHiotry, Tts College epeael lot 'iustday siui a (air attendance, several new students being reptrtcd. H 000 bushels of wheat have been aturd in the I amu Station warehottso. That is a big showing. A good and Urge aur:mnt of lumber at the yard of Eli Carter always ea hand. Give him a call. A Urge au I Weil Selected stock of new fall styles .r millinery uan now tie aeeu at Miss D i .i..- j. in ilia .xauusri a. itrge supply of lUlbilts eoeii lust receiv. ejat tV.nmd Meyer's, as every one knows t ia ia tbe best in uei, to Prnsbaw's new Drag Store for oure ilrua, patent medicines, etc Prescriptions lulij compouiitleti, Kev J W Craig will preach uet Sabbath at the ME Church Humh info, oitv at II o'clock a. B. and at Tax t as 3:3o r st. lbs annual me. ting f tie Idas Eibbon club will be held at tn W C T V Mall Fn day evening. Sept. 19 A at 7:10 uV ox p in Money to I. n.i M Klgtnjvm. at the ofioect A It tbsoa. Albaoy. will loeu nnney for a term of years on m,ptyel far n IBatsfla, G. W Maalon, l"l yicia i and Horgeoo, Albany, Oregon. Graduate of tbe Cinciauati t oIiege of rtivstcians and Sir' .... t i ,.i- aatl, tblO. Kew wall paper, floor rags, ctrieoa, nil cloth, and the prettiest wtnd .w Mm it yn ! er saw went .-ecetved this week by MonUuth A Seitenbacb 1W Vaughn gave a dance in Crawford's Isll last Saturday evenmg. Tbe attendsocs waa aet largo. Tbose present, though, report a pleasant time. A L Churchill and C A Curron srs doing some excellent fence and baru advertising; foe Albany merchants. Mr Churchill eliogs a very aitislia brush. Farmers are busy seeding, tbe late rains having plac l ths ground in good condition. .w is tbe time when they see tbe benefit of their summer fallow. Last Tuesday all kinds of sugar raised two ceuU a pound. Ona PortUnd firm is said to have made i, 000 by the nee Nads bave also advanced oooeate a keg. The Court Honse was crowded Ust Sab bath morning on the occasion of the preach ing of Hlshop Hargrove of the M K Church South. 1 fi" sermon was a good one. A sail boat in feet by 4 feet 9 incites has built by V ilii em Shields te run on the Wilbur ette. Mr Shields has also built say. end row boats for different parties Laurel Lodge K. of P. of this city at a late meeting elected O U Irvine aad J J Oubrnille as delegates to the meeting of the Grand Inle which takes place in .saiem, beinnnin on ( otober 8th. The Saatiem Academy at Lebanon opened Ust Monday tinder tbe charge of Prof OU brt. Prof (itlbert has made the school a auooessful one and lebanon people have rea son to be proud of it. In buying ooffee,buy roasted but unground. The ground is often adulterated. When Ion bay roosted coffee at Conrad Meyer's e will grind it for you free of charge. Go and try bis new supply. Mr Chris Houck handed as a peach last Saturday raised en his place, in this city, which was a monster, it being 1 1 inches in circumference, honest measurement, and weighing 11 ounces on well balanced scales. bast Tuesday a man named Lrabb was ar rested at Harrisburg for assaulting Huury Gore, under what circumstances we have not learned. Crabb is said to be the man wh o was nearly killed in this city on the 4th of July last Rev F M Culp, at the Conference of tho M E Church South was assigned to Dallas, Polk county. He has dons good work st Albany and Tangent, and it U with regret that we see him leave this city. Albany and Tangent have not yet been supplied. if you want your property advertised call on Clino, Monteith and Co., immediately. If yon want your property sold call on them . It costs you nothing to advertise with this firm aud very little to sell. Ladies, just delight yourself by calling at the store of Monteith A Scitenbaoh and look ing at the fall stock in general ; every line is full of new and attractive goods. In the lines of dress ?ood, fall garments, hosiery, etc., iu fact every department is full. A stylish gentleman caunot afford to pass without calling on Monteith A Seitenbaoh aud seeing their new goods, large stock of men's shoes direct from Boston, extra quality and new stvle. larare line of all wades of clothing, with an endless variety of new style neckware, also hosiery, hats, etc. The havoc made among stock in Soap Creek by hunters it is reported, is not all ac cidental. Last weak one farmer discovered some men late in the evening shooting one of his heifers They had shot the animal and were about to take it off when they were frightened off, Their identity was not com pletely established, else it would have been made "hot" for them. A week or two ago wo received a call from Mr Ed Broiles, a gentleman who woe sent to tio penitentiary from this city two years ago for a year for running or? with another man's horse, Ou account of good oonduct he was let out in eight months. It is now charged against him that he hired a horse and car riae at Corvallia on Monday of last week, and has not since put in appearance again. A warrant bos been circulated in this county for him. An Albany young man ordered a pair of pants of a travelling tailor from Portland, lu due time they came. They were au entire ly different color from what ordered. The y g man kicked, and then the Portland tailor wanted te know of him if he sxpseted to ii ml 20 pieces in the pockets. This ootn pletely subdued the young man ; bat he de clares it serves him right for not employing horns tailors, who can be relied upon to do as sney contract. It has been repndod t'nf. thn people of rtaiem are prepared tonffjr theG, V. It. R. f 150,000 to take the rot I tnr t jgh that o ity. It is said they are working site) atl to g it it to that city, ttst Saturday Mr T J M Hung brought to this office a box of pa Kites BBS Often SB' oellsd. Tnsy were seut hirn A E Ham mond, of Ashland, aud were liveiu number, all about ten ioohe-t in circ i ub-ruuer, and, it was stated, representing, about the run of ths tree. Our imagination can not picture anything finer than a trss of suoh oooruvtos rosy cheeked peaches. Oregon is fast eolips ing California a a peach country. M Orebtres, of Albany, is the ol Un person living in Unn oounty. Ho was bora at Albaoy October .list, 1H40 -New The attove shows how easy it is to get things mixed up even hy newspapers. The readme of the DstfomiAT will remsmbir that the item in ths Okmotrat from which the above was taken spoke of Mr Crabtrse as trie oldest person in ths oounty born in it Even the editor of a Portland nsper ought to kuow that there are people in the oounty over thirty-eight years old. A Kentucky man claims at last to have struck it on the Hy tug macln. i.-. In a trial exhibition at Padneon, he fl iw into tho air forty feet, sailed around two or three ajM droit taut and lighted where lis sUrted. The gouersl appearance of tho maciiiue is like an army tent, the sides roproseiitiua; the wings. The mechanism is a secret. T ie tn who are now laughed at for trying i i invent Hying machines will be tyees wh i wsji sucooshI. The Oregon stone has I- i duly inspected by li. e btate authorities, ail will bo seat to Waahnigton for its placu in ihe meusment. A few daye sgo Mr Wood h ..1 ai)lauii.i photograph taken of it. iioreafter motl Ore gouiaus will have te console themselves by looking at tho picture, as few Webfeet will probably oyer g M at the ortgi isl in Wash ington. Walking on atilts is the r e amoug the boys of Albmy. It leminda the men about tbo etilte they used to walk wu tutut worke wondnni. Some of them were enormous ia their heights. O ie traShta fB4tBM made tho remark, illustrative of seen things generally, that hs 'moo walke t on a psirof stilts so high that ths air around kil h tsd wae so thm it io .k hie breath away At ths time he t ld tho sVory he oi ! a . ,i . fsTgutlsa that he was still MvaBg. The followiug aocount h gtvtii of a fatal aocident at E tgens ou Thursday of last week "WhiU trot riding. Mrs S l Yotan, wife nf of the pr 'pnetors nf in.. Etgeue R-guUr ami Mrs Thompson, motber-m-Uw of J M Hod ton, the other proprisuu , were thrown frown await, one and p-asioly both of them receiving fetal injuries Tee bores took fright, partly at an engiiM ..nd partly from gottiug its tail over the tfe, -. I ran away. In turning a corner to tho wee part of town both ladios wero thrown from the cart, aad were hurled twenty-seven feet against a tree. The faces of both ladies were badly braised. Mia Voran receiving a gash on one temple. Mis. Thompson, being of stoat build, was thrown more heavily, reemvoi a fracture at the base of the skull. KSWp Immediately efter the accident, she bee bn uooooecious. lb .Sharpies atatrs that aaff recovery is aa tmpoeoiUbty. Mrs Yarsu ee neen partly corici.H,s. aod it i Uiiev i i,9r injuries art not fatal. The accident have Maddened tho entire town, both parties b. ing among Kd gene's mosj. estimable women.'' Mrs Thorn p sen died Ftl.iay. it nsstt. H.mi J i Hsly. of Osllst, w s ii Al .any Uat Mnedey Mr John GdiiUttt, of Sveet If . n , was ia tie . t . Tuesday. Eev White and fantly MtUst Taesday for Bellknap Spring. Albert Cole, otoe a c np .it r ou the liKkt aar, now of S-aytou, eras ia the city Wednesday. p M Wmlswortb. sMt .1 tha KleAei . .. , th citv Welneaiav. Mr W'a bead ie liable te drop off at any m .tmeut. K. P D IfoUman.of tbe CtortstUn Chnreh i .. h.l . l... w.i. w. svcWunsrle-.Se a ti'sasint SkaB (nun Kim .... Meuday. Mr James Thompson has ranted bis farm ,u ,ts oeaoty, and next week will leave ih his fannlv for Washington Terrttorv where they will Mr. Vterick and family of Pennsylvania are in the city. Toey talk of locating ia Ore gon. Mr V. is a cerreepondeat for two or three Pennsylvania papers. Mr Kberly, a rising youog Attorney from tlloomtngton, Illinois, is in tbe city, being the guest of a rotative, Mr H H Hewitt. He talks of locating in this State. Hon W R Bilyest, George Humphrey, D P Mason, J K Weatberfcrd aad Or OjJJ, of this otty, attended the funeral of T nomas L Porter, at Halsey, Ust Taeaday. Prof Davis, wife and ebild arrived from Pennsylvania Ust Monday, and now intend making Oregon tbeir home. Prof and Mrs Davis, resided here about a rear and a half ago bat went bank to thett old home, only te come te the oonelusisn that Oregon was a good place after all. Mr William Paul, living beyoad the San- tiam in the bottoms raised this year about 2000 bushels of flax Seed, for which he re ceived about f 1 .50 ner bushel. There ia a regular market for flax seed and it certainly pays better than wheat ; bat, then, all farm ers can not go into Hag raising. W C TweedalcGrand Master of tbe Grand Ledge Ol tbe lodepeadent Order of Odd el- lows of Oregon, left yesterday on aa official wit vu sno various suooniiuste lougoo in BB a. a- a eaa a t eastern Oregon, ne will do gone aoout tour weeks. ,To hope the brethren in that sec- ai m let .il a a a . a . a a. a e a a ar . . won win cieat gently wun tne urana aiaster, neaping in view mat principle ny wnioa wo naie eacn otner as nrotnera, oeoause no is both social and humane. seaaaeraaee aeaioaatas. i.v.n .I.. n . ruiiuwifiK 19 ins uruiram lor loinpsiautu " r is r i i .i-.. i r.. i i r . 1 1 t v"ureuuHU J svraairsui., a uv-uaiy evening, Siept. II : Singiag. Scripture reading. Judges 4.h aud 5th onapters. riayer. Song, "For God and Horns aud Native Land." Beading of "Sketch of Or Rush's Life,"by m at aaaai ae r av Mum flora Mason. Address by Or Irvine, Beading ef essay by J J Charlton. Address by Rev HP Webb. Singing, "Temperance War Song." Collection. Temperance doxology and benedict i -u. - o eebeel Tea. Notice is hereby riven that the school tax in School District No. 5, Linn county, Oregon, is now doe and payable, and that the same can be paid at my offlse, Ne. 39, First Street, Albany, Oregon. Tha same will be deemed delinquent unless paid withiu sixty days from ths date of this notice. All persons are requested to call and pay up soon, as the amounts are too small for me to call on any one personally . J. H. Ritrkh au r. District Clerk. Albany, September 15th, 1S85. Teacher's Examination. The regular publio quarterly examination of teachers will be held at the Court Honse in Albany commencing at one o'clock, n. m.. euTharsday, Sept. 24th and eadiug at 12 o'clock m., Saturday, Sept. 26th, 1855 D. V. 8. Rain, County School Superintendent. To Prtnevllle Subscribers, We have nlaeed accounts ot those who receive tbe Democrat at Prlne- ville in the hands of 8. M. W. Hind man. We hope our friends la and about Prineville will call upon that gentleman, and he will tell themjust how much they ewe and receipt to them upon payment of the amount. Large stock of Bew good at Monteith Seiteabaoh'a. BsUread Heeling. Pursuant to a call a meeting was bold at tbe Court Honse on last Saturday evening to consider the question of the O. P, Rail road being built through this city. Mr. 0, C Hogno, Comptroller of the lUDroad was prosent, and stated that the draft of a subscription paper, as published in the Dkmoohat of ita Issue of Sept. 4th was not a proj.oHiii.iii from the row!, ae Implied by the accompanying article lu this paper, It wan explalood by a gentleman present tbat the original ptpor was in Viae Presi dent Nasb's handwriting, an I hen e tbe Inference tint It was a uioposlikm. Ibe Item in this ptper resvl as follows i " I'bo ofibwrs of the o. P. R, K. have submitted tbe following to tue people of Unn coun ty as a subscription paper," etc. In order to get a definite underafandlng with the management of the railroad, on motion a ; muni too oonslstlitg of L Kitiin, C H Stewart aud John lb lug wore ap pointed to nmifer with the officers of the r a I in reforeiKH to the mailer. There is tho i.-at of feeling eais.lng be tween tbe oian mo il of tbe riM I and the people of this ity an 1 cmniy and little doubt exists ihet arrangement will us maoe hj wuicn tue roan win oome through Aleany. If iitainly U to tie hoped also that in ewt shops wiil be brought to this city, it la a fact that tbore Is ne other place on the propound lino of the road offering such a splendid water power for such car aborts. A long letter from Vi e PieniJent Nasb oftbed. r Pi 0 mtptroller tlogu?, was received at this ulnae Just before proas time, and will bo publwhtfd nest week. Tttegis: of It 1 1 tiat the road has ma lo no proiHssillon. ThB the fl t log of the route is a matter to b lft t Colonel Hogg snd hU oollaaguoe, which will not be longde Uyed. lbs pap r publUbe J in tbe OkboCrat was istitsidered as a proposd tlon irom the pe p of Albauy lotba toail, and not tb reverse. S snfrreare .f B B 4 uurr-S. Seafb. The !., uf the C uu a i i C nf ir-nce of the M K Ciiiiro!,, Seuh, 0-41 on Thursday afternoon of last srn.-k u, this city, and c tiuued till Mo. id ay evening. There were tweuty minister' present their names ap pearing bain. A Urg 1 am Hfjot of work was done, even th aaJistiBOS of wh'c'i wo are unable to ijive. awe queeu.'u of cbang- iug the name of the church to th. M E Chereh in America was voted en aud lost by a vote of H la 15. The tnomitei of this eon fereoee wore generally in favor of dropping the present nvn , but their preferences are in favor of th- name Rpiseouil Methodist Church, instead of the one proposed. Great harmony prevnlo l throughout the meetings of tne conference. Following are the new appointments : Orsge iMatefci K U Biebsoi. t. Albany, CorvaliB end Tanged Tube supplied Dsae r B Coin fcr,rnM!le and UabaSKM D C Bwfsrlaiiil Wegno tatv - J W Mireve Jackass) ville Kuaeburr ........ ............. ,.i R Huberts PABsses .JU.I .i by B W Kennedy if P Haines B B Sarafan To be supplied .To be supplied. aa. .4 Kaaory 8 R Beater an legate,. Csutlie Braltj... .............. ... Juixii e Oty belay ette aad TUIamook Ktaraetfa Mtaeioa B..hak and Cuast fork Washington District. Walla Walla Daytoe....... ,...,. ftOOglosby.P. K TSBornett J B Chamberlain i by Was Bartholomew . ..... ...supplied bjr WmUrsy J WWoodmf . - : ........ .J W Cesnptes) ......To be supplied m sas weoa I W Craig Hcppeer .....To b supplied 1'endteten To bs supplied Oread Rxtdeeud Hun.taonriUe. D W Yoakum I'ueder River BT Binder City Te beearplied C'loaBs! (teaks: C leaks I am openicg my Kali stock of cloaks and jersey jackets tins week, amounting to over two thousand dollars. These foods are much cheaper thau Ust year and the stylts better. These cloaks wtli be sold to cash or prompt paying customer! t, as obeap as any house in Oregon can sell them. Saatvai. K. Yorxo. Bew Cloaks. N. H. Allen A Co.. have foat received from New York one of tbe finest line of Fall and Winter cloaks ever brought to a it a a . k. . . Albany, all of the very latest atylea, which will be aold much cheaper than ever bed ore offered in this market.' Re member the plaoe at N. H, Allen A Co'a, Flaal freer. Parties makin? final nroofa of cUinia either through ths Itoseburg or Oregon City Land u races, can have the same publnhed in she I - w Ubbocbat by so notifying the Reg ister at either of those places. Friends ef this paper I - m. - r w . m . . r wilt confer a favor by considering this when they make out their final claims. New Bresa MaBlag BssablisBsaeat- I f a, . w ira i". u cttoao ana mre mary uuyeu nave I a . a I l . f openea a aressmsKina snop seoooa ooor west i , , . - , , I nf I hnmninn a harness shnn Snrt st nrsnsml I . . :r . . : . : . r. rmtr to do all kinds of tasbionable dreasmaktng. Bats I Oats 1 1 The highest market price paid lor oat by A. Cohen, albauy We have some choice era t eot coffee, whic we are selling way down, b)th roasted and green. Kcad A Browskll. Wheat 55c per bu. M ABB 1KB. KEENEY JUU N SON. -Oo Saturday , Sept i-ui, iooa, at tne nxenange xiotei, in tnis city, by ueorge Humphrey. Esq., Mr G W KEENEY aud MISS VTRA J JOHNSON both of the Forks of the Santiam. OHLINt DOUij IITEN. Ou Monday, Sept. 14th, lSSo at the residence ot the bride's parents, near Lebanon, Mr UK Ohmns and Miss Lillie E Doughtes both of Liua oounty. P0MER0Y BILYEU. On Sunday, Sept. f aa -A lake a ait i rf-s iv s I aro, leoo, to Aioany, ny wao numptirey, Mr Olsar E Pomeroy and Miss Lev Bilyec both of Scio. LANE POWELL. At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. A. S. Powell, Septem ber 15th, 18S5, by Rev. J. W. Harris, Mr. Charles E Lane and Miss Irene Powell both of Linn couuty. Ths estimable young couple immediately "started overlaud for Umpqua Valley, where Mr. lads nas a ranon, wmcn ne took up SOS S a n a a a some time since.- It is a long lane to it ; but a happy young couple on their honey moon will not be apt to pay much attention te the Hight of the mile boards. The Demo- obat extends hearty congratulations, and wibe thera a prosperous and successful H""-3 MILLS -SWEASENli EN. Oa Sept. 3rd, 1885, by Rev E O Michael, Thos S Mills and Evslin SwEAfiENGEH both of Linn county. Mr and Mrs Mills will goto Klamath, where he will haye the position of farmer, A The Bemocrat extends a hearty oongratulas Itiou.j A MAX ABOUT TOW. A railroad across the Cascades means wheat at 0 cents, if not more, a bushel less than it can be without it, because it would place Albany and Lion county fl a par with Portland. It would mean tfoodfl at Portland ami Ban Francisco Pneee. It would mean increased io mlgrntlon.and we believe a great growth for Albany if it came thantiiih this rlt v Tim importance of having It come to Albany Is being felt In raruest on our itreefa Everybody is a unit 01 the abject. o There is au Albany man who, when he gets up in the morning, puts his leg tito hie pitcher for his pant, combs his hair with his cellar, and tries to button Ills comb around hi neck. He is so absent minded that he generally forgets to pay lis bills and is more apt to hand out his jack knife than the genuine coin when be does come to the point. This Is au "honest Injun" item. O The Man about Town lias observed thai mer"hauts are the best Judges of the kb.fl of 'times" we are going to have, in (hU city they have laid In uncommonly good stocks and they ev. Pfiitiyn;e nroettects for sell I mi them. There is no sentimental proceed! fa when money Is risked ie this wav. It is simply busrness. Street talk U one tiling and selling roads another. Bat the amount done of the latter is what speaks loudest for the prospects of the community. 0 IB M KB OBI t, Wff KRSatt, The Supreme K ernal God ths Graad Architect of Heaven and earth who dooth all things well has in bis divine wis dens taken from our midst oar beloved Broth er Thomas I. Porter, in tbo noonday ef lifs and bis usefulness wb-tdiet ot the 13 h day of September, A. D. 183, A L &li5, ael 34 sears, ana Wmkrba, Ah our deceased brother was a true and good man, a well beloved brother of HsJsey Idg8 N'., 1, A FA A M., one who waa highly esteemed in public and private life. It is thought right aod proper that res olutions of respect be passed by thi Lodg ea a tribate to hu worth and memory. There fore be it tfe$oled. That as a Ixtdne we deeolv dav plotehis lost, for he was a bright and active member, whose counsoU could ovir be relied on, haviug a grtoti aod loving heart, whose sympathies were ever in unison with tbe pn tr snd opureseed, also rememlteriog the great Ma tonic laws, "Charity Piward all mankiud. " VV will miss him in oar counsels, miss him in our work, end miaa him as a kind and loving brother. Be it Rrsolvstl, That we deeply sympathize with the bereaved family, who has lost a kind husband, an indulgent father, one who was ever ready to contribute to their hsp- ptaafAB. ay tbev be enabled to say with faith, "The Lord gave aud tbe Ini hath taken away, blessed be tbe name of the Lord" and also remember the ch-e - ing promise that "God will be a husband te the widow and a father to the fatherless Be it Rrno'rd, To at tbU L tdne wear the usual badge of mourning for the apace of thirty days. That a copy ef these resolutions tie spread upon the aunt t of the Lodge as a testimony of respect to oar deceased brother and that a copy of the same be transmitted to tbe family, also that ti-ey be published ia the Albany papers. Done by order of tbe Lodge Attest Secretary. i C Cakpssu. 4T J Black. A S Bassbtt, Commiejee. an C i.ids and Setleas. I am now receiving my Fall stock of dry goods and notions, and will be better prepar ed to give good value for tho money than ever before. My stock of dress goods will be large aod will include all the novelties in imported plaids, tricots, etc, etc.. as well aa domestic dress goods. These domegtis dress goods look nearly as well as imported, and cost much less. Goods of all descriptions are d taper this falL I bave marked my old stock to correspond with tbe new goods in price, and I am determined to sell my goods as 1 tw as any bouse can sedi. either for cash or produce. I keep nothing bat stand ard goods, and will guarantee anything I sell. Parties who live at ao great a distance from Albany as not to trade regularly, 1 know will find it to their advantage to come to bead quarters for their fall stock, I have the stock of goods and will sell them. Samples of dress goods, flannel', etc., sent by mail, aad aa much care taken as though the parties were present to make selections. Samuel E. Yopko. Lsre stock of new goods at Monteith A Seitenbsch's. Tbe Graad Lxke K. of P. meets iu on the second Tuesday of October. Z x too tobacco at Mcllwain's. Ask your druggist for a package of 0. gon Kidney Tea. Zeo-aao Tobaero. Mcllwain has hit it this time solid ou to bacoo, la tact be has done a big thing in this line, until everybody goes to bin. for tobacco. He has just received a very Urge stock of the celebrated Zoo-z x tobaooo, and hence can seil it cheap ia any quantities, re tad or wholesale. This is a first-class to bacco sad will go off fast. Call for a sample at A B Mcllwain's. Bid Gloves by M. H. Alien at Co. Large new stock jus: received from New York and one of the best in the market. Call and examine the new line, 4 button at 75 cents a p tir ; tbey are a splendid glove for the money. hiimim . . S Hi ii a. We arc agents for Or Balls celebrated health oorset. Monteith A SawkxBAcH, Our assortment of boots and shoes is now complete, comprising nany new styles. Peo ple wishing anything in that line will do well to examine our stock before baying. Rkad A Brow n ei .u Splendid line of ladies fall and winter gar ments at Monteith A Seitenbach's. Look eut for several' weddiugs in Albany soon. At least Rumor says so. Oregon Kidney Tea cares all kiduey trou ble. Zoo-s oo tobacco at Mcllwain's. ... -ae Letter List- Follow ng is the list of letters remaining; iu the Poet Offiee, Altany, Linn county, Oregon, Sept. 19th, IBB. Persons calling tor these letters must give the date oa which thoy were advertised : Boy lea, M W Bryan, Mrs Annie Dauchey, C H Duncau, Wra Oay Bros & Co Gutcbens, MethuseUh Hall, J K Stosker, Max vvrenn, ,'oe wnttney, n a. J. M. IRVING, P. M. "When Bnby was took, we gave her CA8T0WA, When she -sras a Child, she cried for C ASTORIA, "When aha became Miaa, she clung to CASTOBIA, Whea sho had Children, she gave them CASTOaiA. The r srtland Business College, Portland, Ore gon, offt rs superior private and class instruction to tbe yc ung and middle-aged of both sexes who desire to obtain a practical education in tbe short, est time consistent with thorough work, and at the least expense. Day and evening sessions through out the year. Students admitted any time. Cata logue on application, a. P. AaaTOBONe, Prlscipab