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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1885)
STATHRIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. CIMIUtiriCI-lk Bemerrat lialMlnson BrwMlalbla Mtrerl. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION smrl oopr, per year, In advance ......... MM etrwlo c toy. uer veer el I mi of year M aing-l o ipy, ( months 1 W Slntfl copy, three nwuiina iirl nunhw W PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R.S.STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. X-TTT T lRArrPTr!lC IN ALL THR IN ALL THE VV t'onrta of Una 8tate. Will give . ... . . i .1 1 a- Offloe In Foster's new brlok. 49tf L. H. MONTANYH. TTORNEY AT LAW. ah it Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office u natal r, over John BrisrjrV store, 1st street. vnnssii J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. KRV. tTTlLL PRAtTU'K IN ALL TUB wVnl wnH T Stale. Special attention given to collection and robete matter. In Odd rellsw's Tempi. ils I. O. POWKLL W. R. HILTKU POWELL & BILYEU, vTTORNKYS AT LAW, And Snlir tors in t hanHM V 4LIAMT. ... ORRGOX. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. rOffice In Foster's Brick.-a vHnlfcf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of th Is State. All busine Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGIST. rtooka. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Iiargv Stock mnd Low Prices. OITT ZDHTJTC3- STORE, Syl ILBtXY, OKEf.O. FOSHAY & MASON, VBOLBLALS ASS KBTUtr Druggists and Booksellers, A (rents for John B. Alden's publication, which we sell at publisher's prices with posts gf added. ALBAMY, OKEGOH. A. PRU8HAW. DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. flESCIlPTIOXS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. REVERE HOUSE, forme. First and Ellswsrtk Alaaay. Orrgoa. Chaa- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Thla aw nolel ta flttod op In flrst class tt-f U. Tables applied with Us beat the market aflorda. spring in erery noon. A gooa (Munpie wen inr ra- Trsrsasfs. Coich tm aad the UmUh' FURNITURE. C hare the bee, stock of nmiture In the city aod will well Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try mo, A. B.WOOD IN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALRANY, OK. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 15th, 1885. For partleulara concerning the couraea of atudy and the price of tuition, applr to UEV. 4. C. WYCKOPF, rreatdeat. e Aloany Bath House. THB UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT folly inform the oitisani of Albany and ri laity that I havecaken charge of tbii Establiah meat, and, by keeping clean rooma and payin .rint attention to buainaa, expeota io soit al thoae who may faror us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on notnrag Firat-Class Hair Drasslne Saloons ...ti in entire aatiif action to al 99 OHIdien n1 La-iiea' Hair neatly en haapooed JOS WEBBER. Summons, In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Linn county. Jaapor Jennings, Plaintiff, vs. gallie T Jennings, D efendant. To Sallie T. Jcnniwjt the abort named De fendant. IV the name of tho State of Oregnn, yon are hereby required to appear and anewer the complaint Bled dtv upon you, If served within this County ; or, u err ed in any other County of this State, then within twenty days from the date of the service of thla Sum "rnona upon yon ; or in case of service hy publication then yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed vdth the Cerk of said Coott, atralnst yeu by the first day of the next re gular term of Sold Court following; the expire tl on of the time prescribed In the order for publica tion, to-wtt : Monday. Ojt. Mth, 186; and you will take notice that If ynu fall to so answer Bald com plaint for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the Oaurt for the relief prayed for In hi complaint, to w t : A decree of divorce on behalf of Plaintiff, die solving the bond of matrimony now existing- be tween Plaintiff and Defendant, and for such other, and further relief as may be Jutt and equitable, and fr costs and disbursements, W. O. PirBB. Attorney for Plaintiff. FaWlshed by order oi Hon K P Boise, Judge of said Oaart, male at Chambers at Dallta. Pdk county, Ore goa on the Mta day oi August, 1W6. VOL. XX I. umu-i "AS - -OOV3IH3 PM. Ml "I tA tuitg tit undn- s.eojij jg 'SJ0BJJX3 MlOABJ IBJOOdS St0DIJJ 'Jfl , . ao OJ Witt. V Oil fKIHYH H.ilH.l )h;hi.voi onihth aa 'N3A0 3HI dO 1S31 3H1 I I - ' ' V 1 "MII,M " " I -sixnusain uu etlAlN swi muvi mum ui -YIKOKKV K1Y1HO0 AOS S'AiHl o ..,TVT,m ,0 Cl",,' Vtpj nitnb -"i ii 1-' 1 r f 1 jiii. iiiiv i,i.. 1 .mi ....... . VXNOKKV AtXVAMOa ilWSl H3HAM HD01 1S21 ror bsJj bv Cutting, Mtrle.t Co, IVrtland, Or. SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and atrongeal Natural Fruit Flavor. TMa Imon. Oiaafa, Almond, Kna, etc, flavur ad delicately and naturally as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. CHICAGO. rr. Loi'l.S, For xli br Cuf.iujj Mr'.e .ad Co.,rrJud, Of lCUTd A POSITIVE CURE FOR EVERY FORM OF BLOOD ANO SKIN DISEASE FROM PIMPLES TO SCROFULA. DHFJOURIW, IU MOK.S, Humiliating- Eraptlon. I-.chiiiu and Ittirnlac Sain Torture. LoMheome I S.ree. and eterjr epexiae of Itching, Scaly, itiuplj. Inherited, Serofutoue, and Cnnta(iou IHaeasr of the Blood, Skin, and Scalp, with Loaa of Uair. from infancy to old ape. are puntircly cured by Ci n t it IV .r t . . 11,.. v.. . m 1 i.. n.. ,.. , the o'reat skii. urr. and'cinuiu sor, aa a...Ul. II LI. I a :M a M .u.UWHOU.UWUIKr,K.,u;, ECZE9IA ( I KED. 1 wan affli'-ted with Kckdi on the Scalp, Faca, ...I V ... L .. 1. ..I . i. I ....... ... . your ramcdlv, proiiun-ed on of the worat caaea I . I . i. n i .. 1 .1 . i a i a . . . I Ur vour Q nci a, ItaMKum. and fi. r flva dava' ua I my acalp and part of my face were entirely cured, and j I hope In another week to have my cr. i.r. k, ami J the other iiait of n y face curnl. IIK.KMAV SI.ADF., 130 E. 4th St., New York. ICABs AXDNOREs. I hare been afflicted einca laat March with a Skin diaaaae the doctors called fkzema. My face waa covered with acab and aorea, and the UchiiiK and naming- were almot nnbearable. Seeing your Cv TKTBA KiaRDiBsvi highly recommemlad, concluded to give them a trial, oaing the Ct Titraa and Ci Ti- tt . U.....v(.mi.1I. ....I M.u... .I..!!. ... four montha. I call myaelf cured, in gratitude for I which I make the puhitr vUtament. MRS, CLAKA A. i-'KKIiltKIK. Croad Unxik, Conn. CrntTBA ReMruim are aidd everywhere. Price : Ccrid BA. 60c. ;BrariLVBKT, $1 : SoAi', 2ic. I'reparwl by the Putteb Ibi ai Chemical Co., Boaton, mm Mead far "How ta t are skin Dlaeaaes." nilfl'LRS. Blackhead. Skin Blemltkea and 15a by IWI II union, UW- LXTtl I BA SOAf. "( BUK IW THi: BUS,' atltch In the aide, cramp, ahooting and nharp pain, rheumatic, ueu- raliric, and aciatic pain, and every ex- a ternai pain and a he oothed ami expell ed with wonderful ecltnty by tht new, original, elegant and rely antidote to pain ana mnamniatiou. the Bin and inllaininatton. the t 'Tici'BA ww ri.AMi.KK. warranveo ine iieneeiion "i i legant external remedie. and vastly superior to all n AHi.r.R. Warranted the perfection of other p Mailed free ner pavner. Ataniggtets, -ac. ; nve mr e., fl-TTBR OKI O A.NK ClIBMK Al. CO., llOS- I ton "TIMED AND At UIC MI SIXES. cryingfthrough countless nerves for rest and relief. ei tk ra i'lartxb to the tired, e vat watt-1 xi. ;i h. r, muicle. Io not den v vour- I I.ilru msi.iia it. h r-)iiMrn r.f lar.rl i the I self the comfort afforded by this new, .r.rwt its. I ii.fl-j mil , ,n A t , I rt u tr' t u ''. . 2 I gAOflve for i. Mailed free, i'ottrb Dufo akdChkmical Co., Boston. I DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. Goitre.) DEAXERS IN Farm Machinery WAGOHS, HACKS, BUBBIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES. STEEL GOODS, STONE AND MARBLE WORKS rXiHE undersigned WISHES TO plJfSdo work on short notice. All work Is war- Will work renairlnur aiid resetting a specialty. Cal an and examine my prices before purchas ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. Phopon west side or Ferry street oppo site post omco. G. W. HARRIS, Prop. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor, First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY OR F OR SALE CHEAP. Three well bred stallions, and thirty dralt ana -Middle horses, W . T. COCHRAH, Brownsville, Or. lift Qit 31 hr. m3fa ( Trout ear rejrular MIMMMjM ) Wasuinqton, August, 28th, 1886. MAlNinllf Mj l am naauAj ... I. , a - F0 uuw rum Uitno fraud. some tiocculatlnn. smno ' I trillv ir, iil nlil Uamili'lnin i.irlln. party H not brought to light. Tho hackneyed tuotaphor "hoaoy-coiubod with corruption" Is no tropical oxag- eratlon when applied to the Depart raenta aiuce 1800 under the control of tho Kepubllean party. Tho tfeta and true men placed over tho Dep in- menrs and Bureau by President Cleveland have, many of them, not been, in effleo rive months, anil they hare b en impetled by the Civil Ser n o Htumbling block which compels them to mnko their iBvaaitamtiana ww with the knowledge of, and through the very rascals who need to he Inves tigated. But, In spite of n!U obstacles nearl overy day haa ita sensation of a gang of official and clerical bindl's dragged from their fastness, and des poiled f their booty. Etrly this week it was tho Alabama Claims Commission in which Walker Bld'.no the son of the Republican candidate held a $3,500 place and helped tutoy others salaried fivoritesto do noth ing. The Court which was organised lo 1874 to hear proof of claims to be paid out of the $15,500,000 awarded by tho Geneva arbitration commls- siou, was continued by various acts of Congress. In December 1877 It was constituted of five Judges at an annual salary of $6,000 oat h, ar.d a tlcrk at $.'1,U00, and uri attorney ut $8,000, and a stenographer at $2,500. Provlsiou was made for rent of court rooms, priming, stationery, furniture, fuel ami other incidental necessary expenses ail to be paid out of tho funds before Judgements were paid. The court was reorganised by law in 1682 with the same officers aod sal- aries as before, except only three judges. When Controller Durham came to look into the accounts of tho ""t he found outside of the otHccrs named as authorized by Congress, it bad on the pay-rolls mi assistant T.itni. frr tho l' ut.iA. .ib- vre.a. to the assistant CjUnsi'l orncria a. SisUnt CXpertS, clerks 1I eXtHfrtS.mCS. r ' SOngers, WdtC JIDCn, tUC WhOSC Sul- eries amounted to $.'M,500 per y ear. W 1'k. ,M , j . vuijiiuiior nisu iuuuu iu tiiu (juar- terly returns that thtra had been paid to other assistant counsel over "jOuO for the quarter euding De ft 1 1K9J ml utw.itl 7 IimO CetDOer , ,..., a . n . , ,wr th( quarter endlog March tl, 18- 85, besides other illegal payment". Among these special counsel so em ployed are Walker Blaine, F, D. Hunt, Hamilton Fish, Jr., George F. Frelinghuysen and others. These payments were endorsed as correct by the preaidlng judge of the court. A "6 controller finilS no law UUlllOris. Iok these payments, and aftr n- hulliog with the Secretary of the Treasury lie has decided to stop ul I future payments of the claims. Since the preeeot Superintendent of the Pension Bureau building was appoint ud two months ago, discover ies have been made Uon which charges of theft, false contracts and embezzlement wiU be founded against his predecessor. Mr. Diekersom -ii., . . , UefkS, lfttx)rers an J Other employes A im rdlnnll Iko .,...,! ....v. ,UMJIIU- ent for the purpose of systematic stealing, which has been crrkd on for vears. The investigation Is not yet rluish- eu, but a preliminary report has iieeu mane by tbo Commissioner or o i xrciiBiuun, iroiu which it appears mat when Dlckerson was Custodian oi the Tension Bureau building the carpet that were lifted in the spring to make room for the summer matting did not come back to their former places when the summer was over. The fag ends only were produced justto show the necessity fb? ordering new carpets. Sever.? of tbe roan Involved in the charges have recently built cottages at Colonial Beach and elsewhere,and furnished them on most advantageous terms. Window and door cases and other mater'als used io building the cottages are said to have been stolon ready-made or in handy shape, from new Pension building, and car. net, chairs, desks and other useful greatly contributed to the elegance of the cottage Interiors, were obtained ftom the same source. Most of the work of erecting these cottages it is said, was done by carpenters and la borers employed by the Pension Bu reau and paid by the United States Government. People may cot have noticed this fact, nevertheless it is true that that class of republican organs which is sti'l engaged in fighting the battles cf the rebellion which in fact ended 20 vears I" um; u..,k C U.vuu..uw av i-vv VUUI.WWUO nf flltnre rjolitics. Hi fi h ts ALBANY, OREGON, N t Us I (ill III It i estimated that upwards of 1, ()00,0(H acres of public Uud haw been fenced in by cattlemen, ily a late order of President Cleveland tlieue fences must all be removed. A thrifty "Down Ktst" farmer, who keeps both hens and oowm, states that one hundred of the foninT well caret! for wilt yield greater net profit than four good oows. Instances of blood poisouiu; fWun thn offttct of food taken into the stomach are not supposed to Im wry common. A cse nf this kind, whidi resulteil fatally, occuried at Chmlustown slicrt time since. The cause was mi whole some meat eaten at a restaurant. The preont population of MaftBScKu sel.ts is estimated at 1,900,000. That of It mton closely approximates IJ90, 000. Frank Brooks, of (May vitle, N. Y., sold his rntiro cro, of hops, fourtef-n aorcs, to Pier Bros , Utics, stteo cents er pound. Upwards of 8000 jeople are con stantly omjdoyed st Kay West in manu faoturing cigars. The Mohawk Valley in New York formerly had almost a monopoly of the broom corn business, but the West has taken it away to such an extent that while from 7000 to 8000 acres used to bo devote! to this crop, this year there are probably no. over 000 acres in the valley. A number of canning factories have been built and put in successful opera tion in the South along the gulf coast, during the past !-w years. Five such establishments am now in - rati n between New Orleans and Mobile, esnnin' o)stn, shrimps, etc., and are doing a profitable business. Tbe celebrated cow Princess Second, from which forty -six pounds 1 OA cunce ot butter were msde in seven days last Spring, lately sUfisj iLllsmmation of the luni's. Sh was owned by Mrs. Samuel M. Sin iua!: i , f lUltitnure, Md , who evidently fallal to proGt by tbe fable of the woman's hen that laid the gulden esig. An clTcr of $l'."i,00i was refuse ! f.,r r.u.. - . S. c -e I s. me two years b-. The Cunard Line steamer iv.rutia, which arrived in New York on Aug. 22td, made the faatest weatrrn nip on record, her time of passage from Fast net Light to Fire Inland being sis days and two hours. There were rixjmrted from New York during tho week ending Aug. 22, 5294 packages of butter and 4r,55y packages of cheese, against G006 pack ages of butter and 54,510 packages of cheese timing the corresponding week lait season. The Krte Cnal delivered at the pari : Nw York during tho season of 1884, 37,501,421 bushels of grain, while the total nc ipts by all tho railroads were 28,049,02-) busbela, an excess in favor of the cansls of 9,452,404 bushels. Every farmer who keeps hogs should have constantly on hand a supply of charcoal, a small feed cf which should be given the porkers occasionally. A bushel of charcoal is often of more value to feed to hogs and pisthnn two bushels of corn. The rice crop of this season is said to be unusually large. There wero imjwrted into this coun try during 1885, $C,1 97,400 worth of eggs. Advices from Charlotte, N. C, Aug. 22nd, state that the lirst bale of cotton raised in that, section was tlTered on the market that day. It was clad strict middling, brought 10 oents, and was shipped immediately to Now York. This is six flays earlier than ever known before. ReporC says lhat Nevada has an ac tive volcano which belchei forth a col umn of rlamei and smoke several hun dred feet in height. Thn eruption is of recent occurrence. The news concern ing it wai brought by sheep-herders, who claim to have been driven from their grounds by the cinders and ashes. Present appearances indiedto an en ormous corn crop this season, which probably accounts for the downward tendency in prices at present prevailing. M. Dieulofait has been inquiring why there is so inuoh sulphur in stoue coal, and why there is so little office alkalino carbouates iu tho ashes. For that purpose he has analyzed the nur viving species of the families of tbe coal plant.B,panicularly the E'uisetaceoet and has found in them a greater than the usuai proportion of sulphuric acid. Henco ho deduces, as the answer to his question, that tho coal plants were more highly charged with sulphur than most existing plants, and that for that reason their alkaline constituents as sumed the forms of sulphates instead of carbonates. Th real question i, tioes Albany and Linn county want the railroad to cross at this place and establish repair shops here? Or have we no interest in the matter ? The question is, in everybody asleep? What re you going to do. gentlemen 1 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1885. A .OIi M ftlMKSft OI H OOK The tkmmki Chronicle of New York id Its issue of Saturday 11 the LleariiiK-Houee returns, which are ------ regarded as an unfailing barometer of tho rise or fall in tho volume of busi ness, as follows : A considerable gain at New York (over 142,000,000) and some improve msnt at most ot the other cities during th- week bring the aggregate clearings for the whole country up to $771,062,--91, a total exceeded only once since the third weak of January. In comparison with the corresponding six days of 1884, (he total exchanges looord an increase, of f 17,021,376, and the tiuth of t !.. Ijjfure in attested not by the oral ststemsntd of protni uent UiU'tfUatits, b it, by a gradual hard ening ol prioss for moat commodities, hy increased signs if life everywhere ap parent in the whvilHaale dry-goods dt trie', and by more uumurous applies- tiooi to banks Lr discount,.. The clerical forces of soma of the leading m wholesale houses are busily engaged far into the night (racking ami shipping goods to the West and South. Lis noticeable that the demand is rhielly ir,ui those seoiioiM where the teopg are largest, the 8outl enpociilly owing forward as a larfr buyer. The to. tnouu cotton ciop.t say nothing aj m - eils, l.iiis (air to lead to such a re vival iu th trade aod industrUs ol he South as will Urrt an importsu. infiu enco on matters here. On the other hand, a vast amount of Northern capi tal is likely to find its way iuto Hoitb- orn enterprise during the nex. twlvo montha, as many beiieve llut the S ,mli and Siiithwost at present offer a l't.r held lor own uc.iu th.i o thr ilia Wool tr Nirtbwes', where the iuflu enco of overtrading during tb hm several years ago is still felt to a gseater or lest extent. It is to be hoped that the present revival of businoas wi.l bo gtadual in order to check auy tendeocy towards sxcooaivo production, which al ways does much to shorten tbe et iod and detract from (ho sterility of the iruprovemeot. 1 1 .. The UuitOtl Hia'.ot Mint have )n undergo;; r careful tuvoaliattuu io cenlly. BeaaTWUry Manning seHitn de termined to get at tbe actual cooditi'in ol eve'v branch ol his department and to know through bia own uut6deotial agents prvcioely how the Mim'a hvi been managed, and how it.-y stotHi when Director Uurcbard was rem iv...l. L is in 1-rstood that the Utter has given notice that be will contest the legality f his removal. In such a case, the President will be called upon by tbe Senate to abow cause, or at least to fiirnish al! dite in the case. There are those ..!., venture the opinioo that Secretary Manning is not only posting himself as to the state ot tho Treasury, but is hunting down Burcbsrd'o record of oflicicl delinquencies. If these iu quiiies nave any relation to BurcharJ i h y will, it is declared at the Treasury, certainly develop enough to fully justify the action of tho President io his re moval. The Eugene City Register says : "Iowa contains the smallest per cent of persons unable to read of any stale in the Union, (ieorgia tho heaviest ikercentaoe of illiteracy. The one haa in tho psst cast the heaviest republics majority in proiwrtion to population, the other the most certsin and reliable democratic majority. "Coiupariona are odious." Hut our contemporary should not fur get that tho great body of ignorance ex istin;; in Georgia is to be found among the republican party of that state. Facts are soma times more than o liout. The VlihU, asks : "Why is Salem a dead alive, over grown, country-cross-roads village, sub sisting on food pumped into bar through tbe State House like a blind squW?" Why, friend Norton.blind squabs al ways have to be fed or (hey could not live. It is too true that Salem depends for her very existence on the State House funds, State Fair and Legisla ture. A suit has been brought to test tbe constitutionality of the civil service act, in tho United States District oourt for New York. Judge Wallace has grant ao order returnable on tin 25 Jj inst, requiring Dorman B. Eaton and other civil servioe commissioners to show cause before the court why defendants exercise nnconstitetioual power. Mr. Gathrighr, the new surveyor of customs at Louisville, whispered in a reporter's ear: 'I will raaXe no immed iate change on taking office, but you can say for me that as soon as consist ent with the good of the service I will have the places at my bestowal filled by democrats." Tho returns of the Nebraska census show tbe population has increased from 452,402 in 1880 to 740,000 at the pres ent time. The farms have increased from 63,387 to 100,000 (approximated.) The cost to tbe government of tbe Ne braska census was $34,754. s mtmctal. N in coin distributed to FIRST DISTRIBUTION NOV. nave an eaual chance in OUR Por the Pall and Winter All our purchases are made for , Much at BANKRUPT SALES, and we nrrmno t store in the Willamette VaUev for Stk2 cure some of tho hartrairTo r.fv. "" 5, 10 where thoro is not one tot one i the money elsewhere for. f ALBANY, ORBUON, Sept. 1st, 1885, rlTBata I hn Sherman's big brother William stopftad fighting twenty yrars ago. iSsih, Me., haa one liquor dealer for ?ery ttfi iohabitants,and is tbe strong eat republican city in the ktate. Kt-president Hayes la Mid to have contributed a setting of eggs to for ward the chances of Fcraker as Re publican candidate f r (iovernor of Ohio. It U estimated that the-corn crop of Indiana will reach about 160,000, 01X1 bushels an average of about forty buahela to the acre. GkrV. lloadly, a the democratic candidate, beat Judge, Foraker three years ago by 12,530 majority, and about 4,000 over all the candidates. Why won't he do this again 1 The prospect In Virginia grjws moro and mora favorable every day, and the complete rout of Mahone and his uiongrol followers is generally ex pected by a larger majority than that of tbe providential tdection last year. The two great quicksilver mines of the world are controlled by the Rothschilds. One of them l io Cal ifornia and the other in Spain. The discovery of a new mine ln Sen-la, near Belgrade, is likely to break up their monopoly. In his bloody-shirt speech, in Ohio, Senator Sherman rung the changes on the President's appointment of three Cabinet oftlcers from the South Yet It Is a fact that ho voted In the Senateto confirm the whole three. The Sherman of the Senate and the Sherman of the busting are different men. And now comes Geo. W. Chllds, editor of the Philadelphi.1 Ledger, a republicM. of the slraitest sect, and a long time personal friend of General Grant, and Informs the public under his own signature that Grant believed all the time that Tilden was elected In 1876. Alex, McClure of tho Pnila delphia Times says that Grant in a conversation with him just before starting on his tour around tne world, expressed his belief that there could be no doubt of Tib Ion's election. General Grant believed without any doubt that Tilden carried Louisiana, while Florida wa doubtful. But it Is too late to come forward with thi3 statement now. How much General Grant might have ulded to his rep utation by making his views known iu 1876 instead of allowing millions to believe that he heartily endorsed the movement In making Hiyes pres ident. Tbe republicans of low.i d ,dgtd the prohibition question hy declaring in their platform that the party had never made prohibitim a test among the mem bars of that party, and nomi nated a man for goyernor who wag op posed to the adoption of the constitu tional amendment and never has be lieved in the policy of prohibition. To the unsophisticated student of party action this will be looked upon as a back down. The name most frequently mentioned among the veterans at the State camp, in Maine, for the coming republican nomination for Governor is James G. Blaine. NO- H NEW DEPARTURE BY Allen & $100.00 cur customers overy 60 umnnrH x-"- vr wud auiiuut; purcnaseu NEW STOCK Cannot. Cimnioon'l SPOT Ojttm - ' as vuciou OtiXVA 1UOH. OvQY OUT and 25 Cent Counter, article hut uor wuuiu nave lo pay double N. H. ALLEN & Co., NOTICE. haying conoludod to cIosb out his business, now offers his entire stock of STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As this tl a geauina closing Bit, now u tls tm for housewim to replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. AL B.AI"V.IrliIZ ttj (Ma -. The Prohibition candidate for Gov ernor in Ohio hia challenged Gov. lloadly to debate the question of Pro hibition vs. License with him. If the discussion takaa place, e presume the merits of alcoholic beveragea as specifics for dyspepsia and malaria will be touch ed upon in a scientific way. Miss Annie Janauacbek, claiming to be own cousin to the great German ac tress, is managing to keep her head above water by teaching swimming at the Newport Xatatorium Tar Beaatjr r lontk. No matter h-w handsome or stalwart a young man miy be otberwiae, nothing etn make up fur a partially bald head. Shininc talents are attractive, but a shin ing poll Is not. The cause may be sick ness or anything else, yet Parker' Hair mlsam With stop the loss oi the hair and atart a new growth of glossy and soft hair so quickly as to surprise you restoring tho original color at tho aatno tune. JNot a dye, not oilv, delicately nurl'umed, On ly stantlaru 50c dressing, Thr Moat .iareeable As well as the most effective method of di..liing headaches, colds and fevers, or cleansing the system is by taking a few doeos of the p'lassant California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Fins. 50c and f L bottles for sale by Foshay & Mason, Lang don A Co. Parties already subscribers to the Demo crat, who wish to send the paper oil' to a friend or friends can do so for fz. Babbit metal at the Democrat office a b t a pound. Old papers 50c. a hundred. BITTERS Combining IBON with rtJBE YBGETABLK TONICS, quickly aad completely CLEANSES aad ENRICHES THE BLOOD. Qnickena the action of the Llrtr and Kidneys. Clears the complexion, Brakes the skia smooth. It does not Injure the teeth, esase headache, er produce con Btlaatioa ILL OTHER IRON MEDICINES DO. Fhj-akiana and Druggists everywhere roooxnnaend it. Da. If. 8. RCOOLCS, of Marion. Haas., says: "I recommend Brown's Iron Bitter as a valuable tonio for enriching, the blood, and removing all dyspeptic symptom. It does not hurt the teeth." Da R. M. DslzkiXs Reynolds. Ind.. Bays : "I have prescribed Brown's Iron Bitters In oases of an to ml and blood diseases, also when a tonio was needed. Bad it has proved thoroughly satisfactory." Ma. Wit BYBKS, 96 St. Mary St.. New Orleans. La,, eays: " Brown's Iron Bittern relieved me in a ease of blood poisoning, and I heartily commend it to those naedlag a purifier.' The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed red lines oa wrapper. Take no other. Made only by BROWN CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE, Mil. IiADXBS' Haws Book useful and attractive, con taining Hat of prises for recipes, information about coins, etc, given away by all dealers in medicine, or mailed to any address on receipt of So. stamp. SNKLL, HEITSHU fc WOODA.RD. Portland Or. .1 IROWN'S mm STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADYERTIHNB IEMI IN TEE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Npcelal business notices In Local Col umns 15 cents per line. Regular Local tmileew 10 eenls per lino. For legal and transient ad verttaeror ate I. 00 or square for the flrst assertion, and 0 eents pr square for eaeb subaoqueat 'nsertlon. Hate for other arlveitiaements ma o anown on application. I Co.. diys until further notice 1st, 1885 4-1. ... bwr m price or quality. Ln u eA ea?fF th puuuu( vomeana se- u . . First Street, Albany, Or. RedCrownlClls S0M, LANSING & CO., PR0P1TS. HEW PROCESS rXOCR SCFSRIOR FOR rAMTUaW AND BAKERS USX. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest tPrice in Cash for Wheat ALBANYiOR. D. M. JONES. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ALBA.NY, OREGON. Oflleo at residence on Third and Wash ington Streets, RATES OF CHARGES. (with 25 per cent extra at night) Visits in town, $1.50, VlHits in tbe country, $1 per mile for the first two miles , and 50 cents for each addi tional in He, not inclnding ferriage. Medicines furnished free while visit ing itients. Obstetrics, five dollars and mileage. C. X, WOLVRRTON. O. U, IRYX4B, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. pO"Ottoo up stairs in Fro man's Brisk ALBANY, OREGON. QUTLERY. Tin- best line of cutlery in tbe valley cap be found at our store. It embraces poekrt knives, table knives, forks and spoons, butcher knives, haunting knives, pariajj knives, shears and scissors of all kin at, and the best line of razors ever brooftbS into Albany. Come and see for your selves. Paraasa 3rswv. F OR SALE. One hundred and forty acres. Bin mile? above Lebanon. 40 seres iu tul tivation. 10 acres slashed and sows to grass Comfortable dwelling, g oi outhouses. Cheap. Tnquire at ihie oftiee. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT' Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE! HOUSE. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -and; Notary Public.